Newspaper 2

By Pablo Blanco I’m going to talk about the women’s day. On this day people fight for the rights of women. At our school we celebrate this day with a project. We needed to search about some important women and put their names in a sheet. Some women like: Cleopatra, Michelle Obama or Teresa de Calcutta. The Women’s day is on the 8 th March. On this day, people go to demonstrations. I think that nowadays some men are always chauvinistic. by Pablo González Last month, I watched a film: “The Devil”, at home, on television. The characters are: Tokio Hotel, Paolo and the team: The Devil. The devils were winning until they reached the end. Paolo passed with Tokio Hotel and Tokio Hotel did one scissor kick and the team won. I liked the movie because they did acrobatics.

Transcript of Newspaper 2

By Pablo Blanco I’m going to talk about the women’s day. On this day people fight for the rights of women. At our school we celebrate this day with a project. We needed to search about some important women and put their names in a sheet. Some women like: Cleopatra, Michelle Obama or Teresa de Calcutta. The Women’s day is on the 8th March. On this day, people go to demonstrations. I think that nowadays some men are always chauvinistic.

by Pablo González

Last month, I watched a film: “The

Devil”, at home, on television. The

characters are: Tokio Hotel, Paolo

and the team: The Devil.

The devils were winning until they

reached the end. Paolo passed

with Tokio Hotel and Tokio Hotel

did one scissor kick and the team


I liked the movie because they did



My favourite video game is CastleVania. It’s

a game of killing and parkour. The main

character is Gabriel.

This is Gabriel: He has fangs and

wings and green and red

clothes. He has black hair

and he is medium size.

And here are his whip

and gloves. Up is a picture of his

sword. I like this game

because it’s amazing and it’s very

beautiful game and I’m

good in it.

JOEL’S JOKES By Joel Hernández

Joel goes for a walk with his grandmother. They find a bottle on the floor and he picks it up. His grandmother says: "Joel, don't pick up things from the floor". They go on. They find a banana peel and he picks it up. She says: " Joel, don't pick up things from the floor". Then, Joel's grandmother falls to the ground and asks for help. But then, Joel says: "You told me that I mustn't pick up things from the floor". This is such a green joke that a cow ate it.

The Football by Cristian

In football you don’t need to wear special equipment but you need to wear comfortable clothes, like a tracksuit. If you want to play football, read these rules: •Don’t touch the ball with your hand, except the goalkeeper. •Don’t throw the ball out of the camp. •Don’t hit the people. I started playing football when I was 3 years old and I’m good at defending, but I don’t like kicking the ball, I like defending.

By Pablo Gonzalez

T h e f o o t b a l l ma t ch o n S a t u rda y,

2 2 th Feb ru a ry 2 0 1 4

On 22nd February the El Otero team

played in Aguilar vs Aguilar A at half past

eleven. The goals scored Hugo (1) and

Mario (1), but the Aguilar A scored two

goals. The El Otero vs Aguilar A ended in

a tie.



Created by: El Otero Journalist Group LTD; Edited by: R.T. & A.D. All rights reserved

T h e f o o t b a l l ma t ch o n S a t u rda y, 1 s t

Ma rch 2 0 1 4

We played a match in Guardo at twenty o’clock

on Saturday, 1st March. The goals we scored

were: Joel (1) but the Cervera

“A” scored eight goals.

The El Otero team lost

at home. El Otero has

seven points. The

team is the 4th in

the classification.