



Transcript of NewsletterMarch2013

The Annual General Meeting of the Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and Industries was held at the Italian Club in Bedfordview, Johannesburg, on 26th March 2013. The meeting was opened by Mr Andrea Moz, President of the Italian Chamber of Trade and Industries, who welcomed and thanked Mr Paolo Bonissione and Mr Dario Armini who were present on behalf of the Ambassador of Italy and Honorary Chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce H.E. Vincenzo Shioppa, Mr Sergio La Verghetta from the Italian Trade Comission in Johannesburg, all the Members and the Board of Directors. Mr Andrea Moz announced and discussed about the Chamber’s projects and developments during the year 2012. The results achieved in 2012 were positive and proved also by the Financial Statements as at 31st December 2012, and approved during the meeting. Many future projects are in the process for 2013 that will ensure positive results going forward. Mr Moz at the end of the meeting announced also, the end of his mandate as President of the Italian - South African Chamber of Commerce, after three years of service. After the AGM, the first Excom 2013/2014 was held, and during this meeting Mr Antonio Cimato from Efficient Engineering, was elected as the new President of the Italian - South African Chamber of Commerce. The Annual General Meeting closed with the appointment of a new Board of Directors for the year 2013/2014:

Mr Antonio Cimato – Efficient Engineering – President Mr Alberto Riccardi – Boake Incorporated Mr Roberto Marcer – Simarca Chartered Accountants Mr Maurizio Mariano – Hip Alliance Mr Costantino Buccimazza – Bpb Construction


26th MARCH 2013

Mr Sergio Galli – Italtile Mr Andrea Moz – ZF Auto Industrial Mr Alberto Bollo – BBM law Mr Stefano Vigoriti – Msc Cruises

Martedi’ 26 Marzo 2013 si è tenuta, presso l’Italian Club in Bedfordview, Johannesburg, l’assemblea annuale dei soci della Camera di Commercio Italo-Sudafricana. Ad aprire la sessione dei lavori è stato il Presidente della Camera di Commercio Andrea Moz che ha ringraziato tutti i soci partecipanti, il consiglio direttivo, Paolo Bonissone e Dario Armini in rappresentanza dell’ Ambasciatore Italiano in Sud Africa Vincenzo Shioppa e Sergio La Verghetta dell’ufficio Ice di Johannesburg. Andrea Moz ha illustrato i progetti svolti nel 2012 e presentato il bilancio al 31 Dicembre 2012, successivamente approvato dalla stessa assemblea. Positivi i risultati raggiunti nel 2012 e numerosi i progetti da realizzare per l’anno 2013, in crescita anche il numero di servizi offerti e il numero delle imprese italiane che si affidano alla Camera di Commercio Italo-Sudafricana per instaurare relazioni commerciali. Andrea Moz ha inoltre comunicato il termine della sua mandato come presidente, ha salutato e ringraziato ancora una volta tutti gli intervenuti, le associazioni italiane Assocamerestero e Unioncamere per il prezioso contributo e supporto in tutte le iniziative realizzate. “ Una bella esperienza - ha commentato lo stesso Andrea Moz - negli ultimi tre anni ho visto crescere notevolmente la gamma e la qualita’ dei servizi offerti che hanno portato ad incrementare le relazioni commerciali tra Italia e Sud Africa, i dati emersi dai documenti contabili al 31 Dicembre 2012 ne sono tangibile conferma”. Momento dei saluti e ringraziamenti anche per Dario Armini primo segretario dell’ Ambasciata Italiana in Sud Africa e per Sergio La Verghetta direttore dell’ufficio Ice di Johannesburg, a breve entrambi saluteranno il Sud Africa per intraprendere nuove esperienze in altre sedi. Al termine dell’assemblea si e’ tenuto il primo consiglio direttivo del 2013, nel corso del quale è stato nominato il nuovo presidente della Camera, Antonio Cimato e il nuovo consiglio di amministrazione per l’anno 2013/2014:

Mr Antonio Cimato – Efficient Engineering – Presidente Mr Alberto Riccardi – Boake Incorporated Mr Roberto Marcer – Simarca Chartered Accountants Mr Maurizio Mariano – HIP Alliance Mr Costantino Buccimazza – Bpb Construction


26 MARZO 2013

Mr Sergio Galli – Italtile Mr Andrea Moz – ZF Auto Industrial Mr Alberto Bollo – BBM law Mr Stefano Vigoriti – Msc Cruises

1982 – 1985: Dr Paolo Tosi - Olivetti Africa 1985 – 1986: Dr Luciano Alberti - Agip Lubricants 1986 – 1989: Silverio Boccetti - Telsaf – Telettra 1989 – 2000: Andrea Bollo - Wanda Bollo Estates

2000 – 2004: Aldo Castellari - Italmarketing 2004 – 2008: Gianni Ravazzotti – ItaltileLtd CeramicIndustries 2008 – 2010: Nicolina Di Santolo - Hi– Tek Ceramics (Pty) Ltd 2010 – 2013: Andrea Moz - Auto Industrial Group 2013 - Antonio Cimato - Efficient Engineering


Congratulation to Mr Antonio Cimato appointed as the new President

The NEF Enterprise Development (ED) Fund to support Multinationals with BB-BEE. While the NEF has registered significant achievements in its mandate, it believes that the urgent quest for an inclusive, growing and employment-generating economy requires that enterprise development (ED), a key element of the Codes of Good Practice identified in the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act of 2003, receives more focused and systematic attention, in order to highlight its importance. The NEF has subsequently identified an opportunity to partner with and provide a mechanism to the private sector, for delivery of sustainable BB-BEE solutions to black enterprises at an accelerated pace. The opportunity entails private sector enterprises making their ED contributions to the NEF’s Enterprise Development (ED) Fund, and the NEF utilising these contributions to co-finance its investments in ED beneficiaries, in order to facilitate their development, and financial and operational independence. The two-way partnership ensures that beneficiaries selected by Multinationals will have higher rate of success and that the investments assist in the development and growth of sustainable black-empowered small and medium enterprises. Through the Fund, private sector contributors (referred to as ‘measured entities’ in the BB-BEE Act) will receive credits in compliance with Code 600 while still retaining focus on their core business. They will also be able to develop sector value chains through ED, while the beneficiaries have access to an additional source of funding.

For further information please contact Rob Cannavo [email protected] / Fatima Ebrahim

[email protected] – (011-3058000)

The NEF Enterprise Development (ED) Fund to support Multinationals with BB-BEE


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World Economic Forum on Africa Cape Town 8 -10 May

Nampo Harvest Day 14 -17 May HuntEx 2013

18 -21 April

Business Breakfast Cape Town 9 May

Let’s keep in touch!

For further information please contact Italian Chamber of Trade and Industries at [email protected] Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di contattare la Camera di Commercio Italo-Sudafricana: [email protected]

A Thanks to our Patron Members!