Newsletter week 1 Term 2 2017 week 1 Term 2... · NEWSLETTER 2017 WEEK 1 TERM 2 ... Easter...

NEWSLETTER 2017 WEEK 1 TERM 2 Dear Parents and Carers, I hope this fortnight’s newsletter finds you well and I wish you a happy Easter season. Easter Celebration Yesterday morning we gathered together as a community with Fr Tony to celebrate the wonderful joy and hope that we experience in connection with Jesus’ resurrection and to welcome everyone back to term 2 at Galilee. Welcome This term we welcome two new staff members to our community. James Cummings has been appointed to replace Maria Taylor for the remainder of 2017. James will be teaching from Monday to Wednesday in the Year 2 room alongside Shanna Campbell in Stage 1. We also welcome Kathleen Wyatt who is replacing Melissa Treloar in Year 3/4 for the remainder of 2017. Both James and Kathleen come to us with previous experiences working in Catholic schools in Adelaide and a wonderful energy to be a part of our beautiful community of learners. We look forward to working with James and Corner Quinliven & How Roads Aldinga SA 5173 p 85579000 1 DIARY DATES MAY 5 Knockout Soccer 8 Naplan Week 9 Homeroom Mass Stg 2 9.15am 11 Confirmation Liturgy 7pm 12 Catholic Education Week 13 Parish Family Mass 5.30pm 16 GCCC 5.45pm 19 Galilee Gathers EY & STG 1 19 School Disco 6pm - 9pm 21 Regional Youth Mass 5.30pm St Luke’s Church Noarlunga 23 Homeroom Mass Yr 1 9.15AM 25 SCHOOL PHOTOS 26 Galilee Gathers Stg 2 & 3 26 National Sorry Day 29 Principal’s Tours 9.30am & 6pm JUNE 5 World Environment Day 6 Homeroom Mass LeCornu/ Forbes & Guilfoyle 7 Sheoak Forest planting 9 PUPIL FREE DAY 10 Parish Family Mass 5.30pm 12 PUBLIC HOLIDAY Queen’s Birthday 20 Homeroom Mass 9.15am Yr 2 27 10th Anniversary Celebration Mass and Art Installation 30 Galilee Gathers EY & Stg 1 JULY 3 Student Reports Home 4 Homeroom Mass Yr 6/7 7 Galilee Gathers Stg2 and Stg3 7 Last Day Term 2 24 First Day Term 3

Transcript of Newsletter week 1 Term 2 2017 week 1 Term 2... · NEWSLETTER 2017 WEEK 1 TERM 2 ... Easter...


Dear Parents and Carers, I hope this fortnight’s newsletter finds you well and I wish you a happy Easter season.

Easter Celebration

Yesterday morning we gathered together as a community with Fr Tony to celebrate the wonderful joy and hope that we experience in connection with Jesus’ resurrection and to welcome everyone back to term 2 at Galilee.


This term we welcome two new staff members to our community. James Cummings has been appointed to replace Maria Taylor for the remainder of 2017. James will be teaching from Monday to Wednesday in the Year 2 room alongside Shanna Campbell in Stage 1. We also welcome Kathleen Wyatt who is replacing Melissa Treloar in Year 3/4 for the remainder of 2017. Both James and Kathleen come to us with previous experiences working in Catholic schools in Adelaide and a wonderful energy to be a part of our beautiful community of learners. We look forward to working with James and

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5 Knockout Soccer 8 Naplan Week 9 Homeroom Mass Stg 2 9.15am 11 Confirmation Liturgy 7pm 12 Catholic Education Week 13 Parish Family Mass 5.30pm 16 GCCC 5.45pm 19 Galilee Gathers EY & STG 1 19 School Disco 6pm - 9pm 21 Regional Youth Mass 5.30pm St Luke’s Church Noarlunga 23 Homeroom Mass Yr 1 9.15AM 25 SCHOOL PHOTOS 26 Galilee Gathers Stg 2 & 3 26 National Sorry Day 29 Principal’s Tours 9.30am & 6pm


5 World Environment Day 6 Homeroom Mass LeCornu/ Forbes & Guilfoyle 7 Sheoak Forest planting 9 PUPIL FREE DAY 10 Parish Family Mass 5.30pm 12 PUBLIC HOLIDAY Queen’s Birthday 20 Homeroom Mass 9.15am Yr 2 27 10th Anniversary Celebration Mass and Art Installation 30 Galilee Gathers EY & Stg 1


3 Student Reports Home 4 Homeroom Mass Yr 6/7 7 Galilee Gathers Stg2 and Stg3 7 Last Day Term 2 24 First Day Term 3

NEWSLETTER 2017 WEEK 1 TERM 2 Kathleen to continue the great work that Mel and Maria started with our learning communities in term 1 this year.

Catholic Education Week

On Friday 12th May we begin Catholic Education Week which will culminate in our school disco on Friday 19th May and a regional Youth mass on Sunday 21st May at 5.30pm at St Luke’s Catholic Church Noarlunga. The youth mass at St. Luke’s will be a great opportunity to meet other families from across our region who have children connected with other Catholic schools in the southern area. Following the Youth mass there will be a yummy sausage sizzle to enjoy with families from our other Catholic communities in our region. Catholic Education Week occurs across all Catholic Schools in the Adelaide Archdiocese and celebrates the significant contribution that Catholic Education has made across our state and in each of the communities in which schools are situated. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with you to support your children growing and learning in relationship with this wonderful community.


As I write this piece for the newsletter, the federal government have announced proposed changes to the education funding for schools across Australia. We will work through these proposed changes from a Catholic system perspective and as an individual school community as the details are communicated. We have an excellent finance committee at Galilee who exercise responsible financial leadership for our school community that focuses on resourcing a high quality education for all our children.


Our school Facebook page is continuing to grow and play an important role in communicating across our community. If you haven’t had the opportunity to visit this space yet, I invite you to do so and ‘like’ the page so that you to can be updated about recent and upcoming events at Galilee.

Have a wonderful week.

Kind regards,

Anthony Garton Co-Principal

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SAPSASA ATHLETICS CARNIVAL 25 Students represented Galilee at the SAPSASA Onkaparinga South District Athletics Day. A fun and competitive day was had by all students involved. Every student tried their best and some students had several events and gave their best in each. A special mention goes out to Ethan W. He was coming in well in his 200 metre sprint when he was accidentally tripped, he got back up to finish his heat. It took a lot of courage and he competed with true spirit. Galilee came away winning the Division 2 (small school) shield, which was presented to us at Galilee Gathers. Oscar R and Brady McD came first in some events and they will go on to compete on the Onkaparinga Team at the State Athletics Carnival in September. We wish them all the best.

TENNIS NEWS Last week 5 students from Stage 3 competed in their second round of knockout championships against Encounter Lutheran School. The games were close and the competition was fierce. Galilee was narrowly defeated. Thank you to Oscar R, Matthew K, Callum H, Rhys M and Brady McD for representing Galilee. Thank you also to their parents for supporting them and transporting them to attend their matches.

SWIMMING Congratulations to Isabel H, Jack W and Molly W for being selected to compete in the State Carnival. All swam like champions and Molly won her Backstroke race, making her the SAPSASA Metro Champion for girls, 12 year old Backstroke.


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Photo envelopes are being sent home with your child on Thursday 4th May. Family envelopes available at the front desk.


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You are invited to our next


SATURDAY, 13th May

5:30PM at Mary of Galilee Church

The Galilee OP SHOP ladies are hosting a


6th June from 10:30am

in the Parish Community Room. Proceeds to the CANCER

COUNCIL. Please come along and join us for a ‘cuppa and a

chat’, and to support this worthy cause.

6th June 10.30am


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Congratulations to our students in their extracurricular pursuits! Send us your pictures and information if you would like us to share your news.

Holly (Mr Westover’s Homegroup) competed at the Autumn Cup Figure Skating Competition on

Sunday 23rd April 2017.  She performed an artistic program as Belle from Beauty and The

Beast in the Free Skate 1 Division.  Holly received 1st place, which is an outstanding

achievement. Well done Holly!


Paying School fees via payment arrangement

Thank you to the families that are currently on school direct debit fee arrangements. The following is a reminder of your and our responsibilities with regards to fee payment via direct debit arrangement.

Family Responsibilities • To ensure the funds are available in the account/card being debited on the nominated deduction

day. • To maintain current credit card details with the school when details change e.g. expiry date, new card

etc. • To ensure that payments which are not honoured are brought up to date. • To double check that direct debits are happening on your nominated day from your nominated

account. • To return the payment option form that is sent home in term 4. This needs to be signed every year as

the fee amount changes each year.

Galilee Catholic School Responsibilities • To send out payment option forms in term 4 of each year. • To activate the direct debit in a timely manner. • To advise families via text message or email the date their payments will start, the amount and

frequency as per the returned payment option form. • To advise families when their direct debits are not honoured. • To only make changes to direct debit agreements upon receipt of written notice or consent.

Direct debits can be set up on any nominated day of the week. If you would like to change the day that your payment is deducted please email [email protected]. Please feel free to contact me anytime regarding your fee payments either by email, phone or in person.

Thank you, Kylie Taylor Finance Officer.


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Attendance Matters

If your child is going to be absent, late, or leaving early please notify the office by SMS on 04 07761162before 9am. Please provide the following details:

• Child’s name • Reason for absence/early

departure/late arrival • child’s home room teacher

Galilee Directory

School [email protected] p 85579000

Fr. Tony Telford-Sharp p 83821717 m)0418882470

Sr Margaret Ann Connelly p 0488287552

Centacare p 82156311

Galilee OSHC p 85579043 Director m 0411382054

Galilee OpShop Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9am - 3pm p 0451830929

Galilee Playgroup Monday 9am - 10.30am Melanie Wilson p 85579000

PFCG: [email protected]

Contributions to be submitted by 3pm Tuesdays to [email protected] Inclusions at the Principal’s discretion and some items may need to be amended depending on space.


Another season begins! We have lots of enthusiastic children ready to start. All soccer parents and carers need to attend a meet & greet on Friday 5th May at 3:10pm under stage 1 Verandah. Notes will be sent home today (Thurs 4/5). The first few weeks of soccer are always a bit tricky as fixtures are sorted out weekly. As soon as they are available we pass them on to coaches. We appreciate your patience and understanding. You can find information on the NDJSA website

When is the next fee instalment due?

For those families paying fees in instalments the 2nd Fee instalment is due on 30th June and the 3rd fee instalment due on 29th September. If you have any queries please contact Kylie on [email protected]


The school disco will be held in term 2 on Friday 19th May at 6pm on wards. Please see our FB event for further details and the flyer included in this newsletter.

Instrumental Program - WE NOW HAVE DRUM LESSONS!!

We have a very vibrant and growing Instrumental music program here at Galilee which includes tuition in Guitar, Ukulele, Violin and keyboard and now drum lessons. Sam Millar will be starting drum lessons in a few weeks time. Stay tuned for information flyers. Below is the list of current Instrumental Teachers and contact emails for inquiries. Or you can ask at the Front Office for one of their information fliers.

Sam Millar - Drums email: [email protected] Elizabeth Maddock- Keyboard/Piano email: [email protected] Sherilee Williams – Violin/Ukulele email: [email protected] Tamara Wellman – Guitar email: [email protected]