Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 12 Aug-Oct 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 12 Aug-Oct 2011


    FF Fire Detection andFire Prediction

    CA Carbon Assesment

    CM CarbonManagement

    PM Integrated PeatManagement

    Volume 2, Issue 12

    August-October, 2011


    Workshop Recommendation 2

    GCF-2011 Annual Meeting 2

    Workshops Photos 3

    Firefighting system in UNPAR 4

    New Student in HOKUDAI 4

    Aerial and ground survey 5

    Commemorating a collegaue 5

    The Next Events 6

    About BSN, Indonesia 6

    New Book & Proceeding 7

    Newsletter advisory team: Prof. Mitsuru Osaki, Dr. Hidenori Takahashi, Prof. Toshihisa Honma, Prof. Takashi Hirano, Dr. Bambang Setiadi and Dr. Suwido H. LNewsletter editorial staffs: Dr. Hendrik Segah (Coordinator), Mr. Kazuyo Hirose, Dr. Satomi Shiodera, Dr. Anthony Chittenden, Ms. Eriko Momoda, and Ms. HiroNewsletter editorial contact: [email protected]

    Palangka Raya (INDONESIA), 22-24 September 2011

    Sponsored by JST and JICA; Organized by UNPAR and Hokkaido University

    A total more than 150participants from 10countries (Indonesia,Japan, China, Malaysia,Netherland, Australia,Germany, Finland,Denmark and USA)attended the 3rdInternational Workshop"Wild Fire and CarbonManagement in Peat-

    Forest in Indonesia" inPalangka Rayarepresenting variousresearch institutes,universities, privatecompanies, bilateralprojects, national andlocal government levelswith 42 oral presentationsand 38 posters have beenshared during the

    workshop (22-24September 2011).

    Three awards were givento the best posters duringthe specific posterpresentation period andselected by all ofparticipants:

    The 1st Best PosterStudy of the fireeffects on behavior oforganic matters inpeat soil byWakimoto Takatoshi,et al. (Univ. ofToyama, JAPAN)

    The 2nd Best Poster:Physico-chemicalpollution assessmentof rivers; acomparative study

    between developed anddeveloping countries byTajuddin Sikder, et al.(Hokkaido Univ., JAPAN)

    The 3rd Best Poster:Characteristics of theregional groundwatermovement and itsmodeling in the Block-CNorth area by IshiiYoshiyuki, et al.(Hokkaido Univ., JAPAN)

    Workshop`s summary andrecommendations can bedownloaded from thefollowing link:

    Fig. 1. All participants and speakers at the opening ceremony (Aquarius Boutique Hotel, Palangka Raya)

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Wild F ire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia page 2

    Palangka Raya (INDONESIA), 20-22 September 2011

    Organized by Central Kalimantan Province Government

    to integrate ReducingEmissions from Deforestationand Forest Degradation (REDD)and other forest carbonactivities into emerginggreenhouse gas (GHG)compliance regimes in theUnited States and elsewhere.

    JST-JICA ProjectWild Fire andCarbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesiaparticipated on this occasion

    The GCF-2011 Annual Meetingwas held on last September 20-22, 2011 in Palangka Raya(Central Kalimantan,Indonesia).

    The Governors Climate andForests Task Force (GCF) is asub-national collaborationbetween 15 states andprovinces from the UnitedStates, Brazil, Indonesia,

    Nigeria, and Mexico that seeks

    during the poster exhibitionsession (Photos on Page 3)and the presentation at thestakeholder side eventdelivered by Prof. MitsuruOsaki was entitled:

    Comprehensive MRV Systemfrom the Long TermObservation.


    Palangka Raya (INDONESIA), 22-24 September 2011

    2. As initial step towardsempowerment and bettercoordination amongresearchers in Kalimantanproposed an universitynetwork (tentatively)known as the TransKalimantan UniversitiesNetwork(Trans Kal-UN)consisting of 5 Indonesianstate universities inKalimantan (University ofPalangka Raya/UNPAR,University of

    Mulawarman/UNMUL,University of LambungMangkuran/UNLAM,University of TanjungPura/UNTAN andUniversity of Borneo/UB)with: (1) Proposed vision:

    a quality and accountableresearch of Kalimantanregional universities insupport of theimplementation ofstrategies to promoteglobal climate and

    sustainable developmentfor future generation. (2)Proposed mission: Tostrengthen and empowerthe regional scientists toget more actively involvedby improving our regionalcooperation and

    1. Related to CentralKalimantan Province asthe REDD-plus PilotProject in Indonesia, thereare some notes andrecommendations: (1)Necessary to developstrong coordination &synchronization withKOMDA REDD-plusKalteng, local/indigineouscommunities, NGO`s,private sectors and govt-led demo activities on

    REDD-plus, (2) Necessaryto avoid overlappingclaims in terms of areas,outputs, activities &targets, (3) Essential togive mandate for sub-national institution (if any)to coordinate wholeinitiatives in the subnational & leadingcommunication role withthe National, (4)Necessary to acknowledge& accommodate local

    knowledge & wisdomsinto REDD-plus initiatives,(5) Engage local &traditional communities as

    rights holders, insteadof just stakeholders ofthe REDD-plus.

    collaboration. To intensifycommunication,coordination in researchactivities. To share thedata across the network.

    3. To construct integratedmanagement of peatlandin SE Asia, should workwith local communitiesand use local knowledge.For making integratedmanagement plans, it isimportant to perform

    sustainable agricultureusing incentive drivenapproaches.

    4. Rehabilitation,reforestation/restorationand sustainable forestmanagement are veryimportant in order tocombine the purposes ofbiodiversity conservationand carbonsequestration. Therefore,it is essential that

    community engagements,sustainable managementand improvedmanagement areincluded in variouscarbon projects as REDD-plus.
  • 8/3/2019 Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 12 Aug-Oct 2011


    Wild F ire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia






    Photo captions:

    (6) The Governor of Central Kalimantan Province (Mr. A. Teras Narang) delivers his opening remarks.(7) The Governor of East Kalimantan Province (Dr. H. Awang Faroek Ishak) in front of JST-JICA Project posters.(8) Presentation at GCF-2011 stakeholders side event delivered by Prof. Mitsuru Osaki (Hokkaido University).(9) Poster exhibition session during the GCF-2011 Annual Meeting in Palangka Raya (20-22 September 2011).


    Photo captions:

    (2) The Secretary of Central Kalimantan Province (Dr. Siun Jarias) gives the opening remarks on Sept. 22nd, 2011.(3) Dr. Muhammad Evri (BPPT) as the workshop moderator during the presentation of Dr. Arief Darmawan (UKP4).(4) Prof. Noriyuki Kobayashi (Nihon University, Japan) gives his comments and questions during the Q&A session.(5) Mr. Seiji Tanabe (Fuji Imvac Inc.) and the UAV during the workshop field trip on Sept. 23rd, 2011.







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    JJ SS TT --- JJ II CCAA III nnn ttt eee rrr nnnaaa ttt iii ooo nnnaaa lll WWW ooo rrr kkksss hhhooo ppp

    222 222 --- 222 444 SSSeee ppp ttt ... 222 000 111 111
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    Wild F ire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia Page 4

    By Dr. Adi Jaya (UNPAR) and Dr. Hidenori Takahashi (Hokkaido University)

    The compact firefightingsystems for peat fires are fittedout at University of PalangkaRaya. The system, whichconsists of a three wheelmotorbike, 700 liter water tank,a water pump, many fire hosesand nozzles, are supported byJST-JICA Project.

    The system was tested onAugust 25th, 2011 and used foractual fire fighting of peat firenear houses the next day.

    We are delighted to introduce

    Mr. Rony Teguh as a new

    student (Ph.D Program) at the

    Laboratory of Co-Creation,

    Graduate School of Information

    Science and Technology,

    Hokkaido University (Sapporo,

    JAPAN) from October 2011

    under supervisor Prof. Toshihisa

    Honma and supported by MEXT

    Scholarship, Japanese


    Mr. Rony Teguh also a lecturer at

    the University of Palangka Raya

    (UNPAR) and the member of the

    JST-JICA Project "Wild Fire and

    Carbon Management in Peat-

    Forest in Indonesia" (FF Group).

    Welcome Pak Rony!

    Fig. 10. Three wheel motorbike and water tank

    Fig. 11. Water pump Fig. 12. Pumping up water from water canal

    Fig. 13. Water squirt test Fig. 14. Fighting peat fire near houses

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    Wild F ire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia Page 5



    Dead trees

    Photo captions:

    (15)Survey points in MRP Block C.(16)The aircraft PK-MBC for aerial survey.(17)Forest loss near Block-C Ex-MRP canal.






    By Nina Yulianti and Dr. Hiroshi Hayasaka (Hokkaido University)

    Commemorating a colleague:We received the sad news that

    on October 11th, 2011 our

    colleague and friend Dr.

    Herwint Simbolonhas passed

    away. He died unexpectedly onhis 55th birthday. He was born

    in Ramunia, Deli Serdang,

    North Sumatera on October

    11th, 1956.

    He took his PhD and graduated

    from Kagoshima University in


    He worked for the Research

    Center of Biology LIPI and as a

    key-person in many research

    projects between Indonesia

    and Japan, including JST-JICA

    Wild Fire and Carbon

    Management in Peat-Forest in


    Our community is shocked,

    voiceless and very sad. He will

    be missed by all of us, by his

    colleagues and all young

    scientists. We have lost one of

    our experts on Peat-swamp

    Forest Ecology.

    Our thoughts go to his family,

    relatives in Indonesia,

    colleagues and friends

    dispersed around the world.

    Educational Forest (HEF) of

    UNPAR in Central Kalimantan,

    Indonesia. Both areas

    experienced dangerous fires in

    dry months of 2009. The total

    number of hotspots (fire)

    reached 534 and 192

    occurrences, respectively.

    To understand the role of 2009

    fire near Palangka Raya, the

    CM1-2 group members (JST-

    JICA Project) conducted aerial

    and ground surveys in 2010

    (March and September) and

    2011 (4 times).

    Our study focused over Ex-MRP

    Block C North and Hampangen

    This activities were supported

    by the JST-JICA Project on

    Science and Technology

    Research Partnership for

    Sustainable DevelopmentWild

    Fire and Carbon Management

    in Peat-Forest in Indonesia
  • 8/3/2019 Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 12 Aug-Oct 2011


    National Standardization Agency of Indonesia(BSN)

    Gedung Manggala Wanabakti, Blok IV lantai 3-4. Jl. Gatot Subroto.

    Senayan - Jakarta 10270 - INDONESIA

    See us at:

    Editor Notes:

    This newsletter is a monthly

    publication of The JST-JICAProject Wild Fire and Carbon

    Management in Peat-Forest in

    Indonesia. Ideas expressed

    here are those of the authors

    and do not necessarily

    represent of the official views

    of JST-JICA.

    We invite research reports

    from each group in order for

    the next newsletter.

    The 14th International Peat Congress, in Stockholm, Sweden on 3-8 June 2012,organized by International Peat Society (IPS). Deadline for abstract submission isOctober 31st, 2011. Please visit the website:

    International Conference "New Perspectives of Tropical Forest Rehabilitations: forBetter Forest Function and Management hosted by Forestry Faculty of Gadjah Mada

    University, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 17-20 October 2011.

    Wild F ire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia Page 6

    National Standardization

    Body(BSN) was established

    with reference to Presidential

    Decree No. 13 of 1997,

    which was later amended by

    Presidential Decree No. 166

    of 2000 regarding Position,Duties, Function, Authorities,

    Organization Chart as well as

    Working Conditions of Non-

    departmental Government

    Institutions. In 2001, BSN

    become a non-departmental

    government institution with

    the prime responsibility to

    develop and conduct

    standardization activities in

    Indonesia by Presidential

    Decree No. 103 Year 2001.

    This agency was established

    to replace the function of

    the National Standardization

    Council DSN. In performing

    its tasks, the National

    Standardization Agency

    refers to Government

    Regulation No. 102 of 2000

    regarding National


    2010 - 2014 Vision:

    Being a trusted institution in

    developing Indonesian

    National Standards to

    improve the competitiveness

    of the national economy in

    accordance with thedevelopment of science and



    In line with the above vision,the mission of BSN is to givereal contributions toeconomic development by:

    Developing IndonesianNational Standards (SNI)

    Develop a system ofstandards and conformity

    assessment of interestand to submit their votesin the development of SNI

    Improve public perceptionand participation ofstakeholders in the fieldof standardization andconformity assessment

    Develop policies andlegislation forstandardization andconformity assessment

    BSN Functions

    Assessment and preparatioof national policy in the fieof national standardization

    Coordination of functionalactivities in executing the

    tasks of BSN; Facilitaties and guidance in

    government activities relatto national standardization

    Organization of collaboratiactivities in the field ofstandardization withinnational and internationalscope;

    Guidance and generaladministration services inthe field of general planninadministration, organizatioand implementation, huma

    resources, finance, filing,legal procedures, encodingsupplies and households;


    (15 Jan. 2011)
  • 8/3/2019 Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 12 Aug-Oct 2011


    Wild F ire and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indonesia page 7

    [Book]Designing Our Future:Perspectives on BioproductionEcosystems and HumanitySustainabil ity Science Series

    Editor:Mitsuru Osaki,Ademola Braimoh and

    Ken'ich Nakagami

    Product DetailsPaperback: 425 pages

    Publisher: United Nations University Press

    (February 2011)

    Language: English

    ISBN-10: 9280811835

    ISBN-13: 978-9280811834


    Proceedings of 2nd

    International Workshop onWild Fire and CarbonManagement in Peat-Forestin IndonesiaPalangka Raya, 28-29 Sept. 2010

    Editor:Hidenori Takahashi, et al.

    Product DetailsPaperback: 215 pages

    Publisher: Hokkaido University (April 2011)

    Language: English

    [Available on CENSUS homepage]