Newsletter SJP Passion - St John Plessington Catholic College€¦ · Newsletter Issue 26 Tel: 0151...

SJP Passion Before the Easter break a 100 strong cast and crew were hard at work preparing to stage their contemporary interpreta- tion of the Easter story. The „SJP Passion‟ was a promenade performance exploring the life of Jesus in the days before his death. Students and staff worked collaboratively to produce an outstanding performance delivered to over 300 peo- ple. From the moment Jesus arrived at SJP in his convertible Mercedes, pandemonium erupted. For two hours audience members were entertained with song after song, showcasing the amazing talents of our students at SJP as they drama- tised this infamous story. With all elements of the Performing Arts Department represented; from acting to singing and musicians to dancers, everyone was welcome. A huge congratulations to all of our pupils for their hard work, dedication and commitment throughout.

Transcript of Newsletter SJP Passion - St John Plessington Catholic College€¦ · Newsletter Issue 26 Tel: 0151...

Page 1: Newsletter SJP Passion - St John Plessington Catholic College€¦ · Newsletter Issue 26 Tel: 0151 645 5049 Fax: 0151 643 1516 Web: General Email:

Newsletter Issue 26

Tel: 0151 645 5049 Fax: 0151 643 1516 Web: General Email: [email protected]

Learning Programme 5/1 w/c 8th April 2013

SJP Passion

Before the Easter break a 100 strong cast and crew were hard at work preparing to stage their contemporary interpreta-

tion of the Easter story. The „SJP Passion‟ was a promenade performance exploring the life of Jesus in the days before

his death. Students and staff worked collaboratively to produce an outstanding performance delivered to over 300 peo-

ple. From the moment Jesus arrived at SJP in his convertible Mercedes, pandemonium erupted. For two hours audience

members were entertained with song after song, showcasing the amazing talents of our students at SJP as they drama-

tised this infamous story. With all elements of the Performing Arts Department represented; from acting to singing and

musicians to dancers, everyone was welcome. A huge congratulations to all of our pupils for their hard work, dedication

and commitment throughout.

Page 2: Newsletter SJP Passion - St John Plessington Catholic College€¦ · Newsletter Issue 26 Tel: 0151 645 5049 Fax: 0151 643 1516 Web: General Email:

Newsletter Issue 26 Learning Programme 5/1 w/c: 8th April 2013

Next PTA meeting: 7pm Tuesday 30th April 2013

in the College Staff Room. All are welcome.

Year 9 Bronze D of E Expedition: -12th and 13th April -19th and 20th April -26th and 27th April -3rd and 4th May Dance Revolution : 24th April Y9 Savio House Trip : 29th April - 1st May

Coming up

Industry Day SJP Passion Walk to School Week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Lunch Time ICT ICT ICT

Geography ICT ICT

After School

Applied Science

Triple Science SC9


(pupils to go to

their RE teacher)


RE Y11(set 2-6)


Science Core SC2&SC4

Business Studies

Spanish and French

RE Y10 BETA (pupils to go

to their RE teacher)



Key Stage 4 Homework Clubs

A big well done and thank you to Year 7 for their enthusiasm during Walk to School Week. A large number of Year 7 pupils

swapped wheels for walking and made the effort to brave the elements. The week really highlighted that walking to school when possible, can save a car trip which in turn helps the environment. Also, walking to school can help improve our fitness. All those who participated in Walk to School Week were entered into a prize draw where £50 of vouchers were up for grabs. Miss Skillen and Mr Rylance came into assembly to make the draw and the lucky winner was Niamh Evans in 7JB. Very well done Niamh-enjoy spending your vouchers!

Page 3: Newsletter SJP Passion - St John Plessington Catholic College€¦ · Newsletter Issue 26 Tel: 0151 645 5049 Fax: 0151 643 1516 Web: General Email:

Newsletter Issue 26 Learning Programme 5/1 w/c: 8th April 2013

Year 7 - 93.3% Year 8 - 94.1% Year 9 - 92.6%

Year 10 - 91.2% Year 11 - 92.5%

Attendance - 18/03/13 - 22/03/13

Plant Sale Literacy Corner












Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11

64 entered. Two survived. One conquered The epic finale of 8VPs Fifa13 tournament took place this week with the final being played be-tween Jay Bilson 7OR and Cameron McGregor 8MT. The game was a roller coaster and the at-mosphere in Geography 2 was electric. However it was two dubious penalties that turned the game, Jay 'Fergie' Bilson called the referee a disgrace as Cameron McGregor turned the game around in the second half to finally win 6-3 and take the coveted prize of SJP Fifa13 Champion along with the £10 prize money. Congratulations Cameron! With thanks to the students of 8VP for the inspira-

tion and the organisation, especially Joe O'Shea

(Advertising), Kyle Banford (Administration) and

Thami Kukendren (Logistics). Street Children in

Africa are £40 better off and it wouldn't have hap-

pened without you. Well done!


Page 4: Newsletter SJP Passion - St John Plessington Catholic College€¦ · Newsletter Issue 26 Tel: 0151 645 5049 Fax: 0151 643 1516 Web: General Email:

Newsletter Issue 26 Learning Programme 5/1 w/c: 8th April 2013

Tel: 0151 645 5049 Fax: 0151 643 1516 Web: General Email: [email protected]

Language Corner

Weekly Theme - ‘Making Choices’

Maths Corner

Spanish Challenge! Me gustan mucho los deportes. Normalmente prac-tico deportes todos los días. Los lunes practico la natación y el martes juego al fútbol. Los miércoles practico el ciclismo, y también juego al baloncesto los jueves. El viernes juego al fútbol, el fútbol es mi deporte favorito. Generalmente juego a los bolos los sábados pero este sábado voy a practicar equi-tación con mis primos porque es el cumpleaños de mi prima Laura. Your challenge: How is Pablo going to celebrate his cousin‟s birthday? The first 5 people who bring the correct answer in Spanish to Señora Smart in MFL 5 will receive a house point. Last week‟s winners were: Lauren Abbott 8MT Elizabeth Hockenhull 7BH

John 20: 19-31

When it was evening on the first day of the week, Jesus‟ followers were together. The doors were locked, because they were afraid of the elders. Then Jesus came and stood right in the middle of them and said, “Peace be with you.” After He said this, He showed them his hands and his side. His followers were thrilled when they saw the Lord. Then Jesus said again, “Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, I now send you.” After he said this, he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven. If you don‟t forgive them, they are not forgiven.” Thomas, who was one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. The other followers kept telling Thomas, “We saw the Lord.” But Thomas said, “I will not believe it until I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were and put my hand into his side.” A week later the followers were in the house again and Thomas was with them. The doors were locked, but Jesus came in and stood right in the middle of them. He said, “Peace be with you.” Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand here in my side. Stop being an unbeliever and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you see me. Those who believe

without seeing me will be truly blessed.” Jesus did many other miracles in the presence of his followers that are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Then, by believing, you may have life through his name. If we are asked to believe something that seems impos-

sible then doubt seems very reasonable. Thomas knew that Jesus was dead, very dead. He had seen him cruci-

fied on the cross. So it was very natural for him to say “Unless I have proof, I will not believe”.

When he too sees Jesus, risen with them again he is convinced. For two thousand years the Christian com-

munity has based its faith on witnesses like Thomas, he

was shown the truth. He touched the wounds of the ris-en Jesus. His doubting was very important for us and

enables us to be witnesses for the risen Jesus in our world today.

Heavenly Father God of mercy We do not look for Jesus among the dead, for he

is alive. Increase our faith that we may believe, with out

looking for evidence first. Help us to trust in you totally.


Multiple answers: one possibility is


Solution for last week

SW and the 7 D

Page 5: Newsletter SJP Passion - St John Plessington Catholic College€¦ · Newsletter Issue 26 Tel: 0151 645 5049 Fax: 0151 643 1516 Web: General Email: