NEWSLETTER - Clover · 2015-08-28 · won’t want to miss,...

910.256.2819 AUGUST 2015 DEAR LITTLE CHAPEL FAMILY, To Our Guests, We welcome you to the Little Chapel on the Boardwalk Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). You may have questions; we have answers! During the year, LCOB offers opportunities for new and prospective members and inquirers to learn more about the church. We invite you to check out our website and look over our church’s Facebook page (http:/ On-The-Boardwalk-Presbyterian-Church-USA/114008951962871). To find out more, please see Pastor Pat or contact the church office, (910) 256-2819. Little Chapel on the Boardwalk Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 2 W. Fayetteville St. Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 NEWSLETTER I was standing in line at Harris Teeter not long ago and I overheard two women talking about a certain diet that they both were thinking about trying, but I could tell by the conversation that both were skeptical about whether or not it could work. As they were talking about all the things you could eat, and the portions you could eat, it was easy to see they were convincing themselves that there was no way this was going to work for them. Just about the time I figured they had talked one another out of the diet, another woman who apparently had also been listening in an- other line, leaned over to them, and told them she had lost thirty pounds using that very diet they were talking about. She was proof that the diet did work! Her announcement to the women ended the discussion. The reality of one person’s experience negated all the reasoning from the two ladies as to why the diet wouldn’t work. You can always argue about things you think should be reasonable in a certain way, but living proof is the argu- ment for which there is no reply. I believe the greatest task of the church today is to quit arguing its case verbally and demonstrate what the church is about with changed lives. You can present sociological and psychological data that can reasonably convince us that human nature doesn’t radically change, but one person who has found new life, is an unanswerable argument for the fact that God in Christ does change lives. You can argue with philosophies, but a changed life is as evident as lost weight. Read Paul’s journey in the Book of Acts. At different places people would begin debating with him and he would reply, “One day I was going to Damascus…” And the difference between Saul and Paul before and after that trip to Damascus was proof of what God could do. His per- sonal experience was his strongest argument. Are our lives arguments for what the church is called to do? Blessings, Pat

Transcript of NEWSLETTER - Clover · 2015-08-28 · won’t want to miss,...

Page 1: NEWSLETTER - Clover · 2015-08-28 · won’t want to miss, including some of our young talent from LCOB. August 2 Daniel Paparozzi, baritone August

9 1 0 . 2 5 6 . 2 8 1 9 ♥A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 ♥ www . l i t t l e c h a p e l . o r g

D E A R L I T T L E C H A P E L F A M I L Y ,

T o O u r G u e s t s ,

We welcome you to the Little Chapel on the Boardwalk Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). You may have questions; we have answers! During the year, LCOB offers opportunities for new and prospective members and inquirers to learn more about the church. We invite you to check out our website and look over our church’s Facebook page (http:/ To find out more, please see Pastor Pat or contact the church office, (910) 256-2819.

Little Chapel on the Boardwalk Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 2 W. Fayetteville St. ♥ Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480


I was standing in line at Harris Teeter not long ago and I overheard two women talking about a certain diet that they both were thinking about trying, but I could tell by the conversation that both were skeptical about whether or not it could work. As they were talking about all the things you could eat, and the portions you could eat, it was easy to see they were convincing themselves that there was no way this was going to work for them. Just about the time I figured they had talked one another out of the diet, another woman who apparently had also been listening in an-other line, leaned over to them, and told them she had lost thirty pounds using that very diet they were talking about. She was proof that the diet did work! Her announcement to the women ended the discussion. The reality of one person’s experience negated all the reasoning from the two ladies as to why the diet wouldn’t work. You can always argue about things you think should be reasonable in a certain way, but living proof is the argu-ment for which there is no reply. I believe the greatest task of the church today is to quit arguing its case verbally and demonstrate what the church is about with changed lives. You can present sociological and psychological data that can reasonably convince us that human nature doesn’t radically change, but one person who has found new life, is an unanswerable argument for the fact that God in Christ does change lives. You can argue with philosophies, but a changed life is as evident as lost weight. Read Paul’s journey in the Book of Acts. At different places people would begin debating with him and he would reply, “One day I was going to Damascus…” And the difference between Saul and Paul before and after that trip to Damascus was proof of what God could do. His per-sonal experience was his strongest argument.

Are our lives arguments for what the church is called to do? Blessings,


Page 2: NEWSLETTER - Clover · 2015-08-28 · won’t want to miss, including some of our young talent from LCOB. August 2 Daniel Paparozzi, baritone August

Page #2 Little Chapel on the Boardwalk Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)


Recently I heard an interview that both tickled me and fascinated me. When asked if he believed in God, co-median George Carlin replied, “I prefer not to believe in God because, that way, there are no songs to learn!” For whatever reason, this got me to think about the av-erage person and their impression of hymn singing in church. Why does a congregation sing hymns and what is the purpose of hymns, psalms and praise songs? How does a person who is not musically gifted partici-pate in hymn singing? Now, in no way will I be able to explain it all in a short article (a friend of mine did their DMA thesis on the subject), but my goal is to offer a brief insight to en-hance our worship experience. Even if you are not a singer or understand music theory, you can hear the message of hymns. Humans worship the things they value, thus hymns are songs of worship that go back thousands of years. The first hymn ever discovered is a Greek “Hymn to the Sun,” dating back to before the time of Christ. This hymn sings the praise of the rising sun and “prays” for the blessing of the sun upon a new day. So, we have an obvious hymn of praise. Next, we can look at the Old Testament psalms of Da-vid. Most of us are familiar with the various themes of the psalms – praise, guidance, meditation, sustenance, etc. These psalms were accompanied with the string lyre or sung acapella (without accompaniment). The Jewish tradition also includes songs, not necessarily for the congregation, but songs for a Cantor to sing at Sab-bath service and High Holy Days. Based on this Jewish tradition, we see the early Catholic Mass with its chants sung by a schola (small choir) and Cantor. It was not until the Reformation that congregational singing came into play. In post-reformation Christianity, hymns expanded to include hymns of instruction to teach the ideals of the faith. Hymn writers also focused on the praise of God and the elevation of the Christian spirit. Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century hymns tend to favor more of the emotional side of being a believer. So the next time we gather to sing a hymn, stop and dig into the text to hear the hymn’s message. This is aside from enjoying the beautiful melodies and harmonies of the hymn as a musical composition. Ask yourself “Is this a hymn meant to teach, praise, elevate our spirit or tug at our human emotion?”

GOSPEL HYMN SUNDAY ~ AUGUST 23 How about a good “old-time” gospel hymn-sing? That is what is being planned for Sunday August 23 at the 10:30AM worship service. Jane Davis will be on the pi-ano and David on the organ for the hymns. Jane will also provide a special piano solo for that morning. Come and praise God through a tradition that we don’t get to highlight very often.


AUGUST 30 If you are unfamiliar with this special service, be pre-pared to experience God’s love and care for you in a different way. The service of healing and wholeness includes prayer, songs, meditation time and the scriptur-al laying on of hands for those who wish to receive a personal blessing. Prepare your heart for the service by self-examination and reflection. Those with physical or emotional concerns are encouraged to attend – perhaps you know of a neighbor or friend to invite.


During the month of August, our music ensembles will be taking a break, resting up for the fall. Special music has been scheduled for the 10:30AM Worship that you won’t want to miss, including some of our young talent from LCOB. August 2 Daniel Paparozzi, baritone

August 9 Zoe Laakmann and Kate Schild, violin and piano

August 16 Larry Honeycutt and Tom Solley, tenor and piano

August 23 Jane Davis, Piano

August 30 Arwyn Smith, soprano

CHANCEL CHOIR will resume weekly rehearsals

Thursday, September 3 7:30PM

in the Choir Room.

HANDBELL CHOIR will resume weekly rehearsals

Tuesday, September 8 6:30PM

in the Sanctuary.

Music Ministries

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August 2015 Newsletter Page #3

Ecumenical Youth Event Location: Little Chapel on the Boardwalk

Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2015 Time: 5:00PM - 8:00PM

PYC is partnering with Wrightsville UMC to host another Ecumenical Youth Day! Our guest speaker is Marti Rowland and we will hear her story as a CIA operative in KGB Russia during the Cold

War. This will be a powerful evening of learning to maintain your faith through life's twists and turns.


Our youth are Nashville bound for a week of

mission work. We are ready for God to

interrupt our lives!

We learned about the healing power of prayer. How standing in the gap between excess and pov-erty, broken and whole, sick and well is where we find Jesus. It is where we can do His work best. We prayed for

EVERYTHING! And it was hot.

We sorted at least 10,000 medical supply items bound for hospitals in Nigeria. This is made possible through Project C.U.R.E., an organization that collects old and excess medical supplies/devices and redistributes them to coun-ties who desperately need them.

The Youth did service with the Nashville Food Project. They maintain community gardens and grow fresh pro-duce for local food banks and soup kitchens. We dug up potatoes, shoveled manure, and tilled the earth. We learned to appreciate how hard it is to grow the food our body needs and be grateful for those who tend God's soil and grow God's food for us to eat AND share.

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Page #4 Little Chapel on the Boardwalk Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL During our week of Vacation Bible school we were truly blessed with the opportunity to share the word of God with so many children. I want to start by saying thank you to all our Little Chapel family and friends for sharing their time and God given talents with our children at our VBS program, Hometown Nazareth this year! Without

our volunteers Vacation Bible School would not be pos-sible. This year we had 46 adult and youth volun-teers who made Hometown Nazareth come alive for our children. Your support and love has been an inspiration to me and has filled me with joy. Remember, Jesus knows your name as the Bible verse says in Isaiah 43:1, “I have called you by name you are mine”. This has been a wonderful opportunity to share our love of Jesus with his little children. Jesus said “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (Matthew 19:14). This year we had 65 children attend Vacation Bible School. The big hearts of our volunteers and par-ents have made it possible for more children to come to know Jesus and his great love for them. The first Bible verse the children learned was Luke 1:37, “Nothing is impossible with God.” All of your support help, sharing of your time, talents, and donations have been a won-derful demonstration of making this Bible Verse come alive. I think the children enjoyed every aspect of VBS this year. The food, crafts, Bible stories and skits, games, music and God sightings were all ways the children en-joyed learning about the love of our Lord and savior Jesus. I pray that our VBS program helped you realize how important it is to be involved in our children’s pro-grams. You have touched the lives of many children and

you are making the world a better place for future genera-tions. Your care, concern and love for our children are won-derful demonstrations of what the Bible tells us about love. I pray that you will continue to support and volunteer to help our children’s ministry pro-grams at Little Chapel on the

Boardwalk. Please remember to fill out your VBS evaluation sheet and place it in my mailbox as we continue to grow and improve our children’s programs. Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is pa-tient, love is kind, love does not envy, love does not boast, Love is not

proud. Love does not dishonor others, love is not self- seeking, love is not easily angered, love keeps no record of wrong, love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. Love always protects, love always trusts, love always hopes, love always preserves, love never fails. In addition to reaching out to children in our communi-ty to share the love of Jesus with our children, our VBS program Hometown Nazareth reached out to children in Malawi, Africa. In Mala-wi many children cannot afford to go to school. It is so sad that there are so many children in our world who cannot get an education. For only $75.00 a child in Malawi, Afri-ca can go to school for a whole year. This year at VBS we raised $525.00 to help children in Malawi. The mon-ey we raised at VBS this year will send 7 children in Ma-lawi to school for a whole year. We will also be able to help the children get school supplies and uniforms with the money we raised. Our Vacation Bible School stu-dents loved helping others and sharing the love of Jesus with children who live far away in Africa. Next year at VBS we will share the letters and pictures we receive from the children we helped in Malawi this year . Our new preschool beginning this year will continue to raise money for the children in Malawi, Africa.

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August 2015 Newsletter Page #5

PRESCHOOL NEWS We are very excited about our new preschool opening on August 24. The hours will be 8:30AM to 12:30PM Monday through Friday.

We are accepting students who are 3 ½ in our 4 year old class. We will be hosting an Open House on Saturday August 15 from 11:00AM-2:00PM. We will have a pup-pet show at 11:AM. This will be a chance to meet your teachers, see the preschool room, make a craft and have a snack. Registration papers will be available at our open house. Please help tell others about our new pre-school. Our preschool program will include daily Bible stories, small and large motor skill practice, math activities, phonics activities, creative movement, music, puppet shows, nutritious snacks and crafts. Each Wednesday we will have Chapel time from 11:15AM-11:45AM with Pastor Pat bringing the message to the children. On Thursdays Judy Gibson and Susan Long will present a puppet show to the children at 11:30AM. On Tuesdays Sharon Minor has volunteered to help in our preschool classroom. We are so thankful to all our preschool vol-unteers and our caring preschool Board of Directors who has worked very hard to get our preschool started this year. As most of you know our preschool was writ-ten up in the Lumina News. The article was wonderful! If you didn’t get a chance to read it stop by the round table in the narthex. The article is in a frame for you to read. We still need volunteers for our preschool class-room. You can sign up to volunteer in our classroom once a week for a month and see how you like working with the children. Remember your main job will be to assist the teacher and reach out to the children in Chris-tian love. Our preschool students will be learning the importance of helping others in their community and around the world as they learn how much Jesus loves them and wants them to help others.

PRESBYTERIAN KIDS CLUB NEWS Our PKC group will continue to meet this year once a month on Sundays after church. Please check your church bulletin for scheduled events. We are planning a fishing trip, beach day and a trip to Popular Grove Plan-tation during the late summer and early fall. We will also be planning to continue having Parent’s Night out in the fall. Please check your bulletin and Education Board for future plans. Please contact Maritsa Hartlove with any ideas for trips or questions.

Rally Day will be held on Sunday Sept. 13th. We will fea-ture a special church service and Sunday school celebra-tion at the park. We will meet in the park from 4:00pm to 800 pm . We will have food, games, puppets and a special visit from Granny Niece’s Ice Cream truck, come and join the fun and fellowship as we celebrate Little Chapel on the Boardwalk Sunday school. Our Cherub choir will be singing during our Rally Day church service and will continue to sing on the second Sunday of each month throughout the school year. Our cherub choir will continue to practice every Sunday at 9:15 in the choir room. We would like to thank Jean Shield for all her dedication to this group.


Our Children’s Sunday school has been going strong all summer long. The chil-dren are enjoying using our new pre-school room for our Kids for Christ program. While the attendance has been light during the summer due to family vacations, the strength and spirit of our group has been strong. We have had several visi-tors over the summer and have been able to provide them with wonderful Bible lessons, crafts and music this summer. We have even had Taylor Betts volunteer-ing during our Kids for Christ time to teach the children how to tell time. On Sunday, August 24 we will resume our Children’s Church program for the school year. Have a wonderful rest of the summer and God Bless you all! Thank you for your continued support of all our Children’s programs at Little Chapel on the Boardwalk.


Start your Saturday off right! Join the Men of the Little Chapel at

The Boathouse Restaurant 9:00AM

Join us this month: August 1, August15 and August 29.

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Page #6 Little Chapel on the Boardwalk Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)


PAX Laboratory Update July 2015

Mutombo Jehovin has been very sick. His parents took him to the PAX, an outpatient clinic in the city of Kananga. A blood test was ordered at the PAX lab which shows he has typhoid and malaria. Now that they have a diagnosis, the medical staff at the PAX can prescribe the appropri-ate treatment. Mutombo Jehovin is one of the thousands of children who are getting better care at the PAX as a result of the renovation of the lab. The lab is cleaner, has better patient and work flow, better lighting, new equipment, and consultants have come in and trained

the staff on how to use the equipment. The PAX is an outpa-tient clinic managed by the Christian Medical Institute of the Kasai, otherwise known as IMCK. The renovation of the lab is having more impact than we anticipat-ed. After the renova-

tions, utilization rates jumped from 12,000 patients to 21,000 per year. This has also helped the Good Shep-pard Hospital financially as IMCK has been able to reduce subsidy to the hospital by one half due to the increased income from the PAX outpatient clinic. When we talk to pa-tients and staff, they say the lab renovations have increased people’s confidence in the qual-ity of care they receive at the PAX. It is the

only lab in the city with a high level of diagnostic ser-vices. Thank you to the members of the Little Chapel for your financial gift to the PAX lab which has helped fund the drying racks and the lab chairs. Initially we were going to have the lab chairs fabricated locally, but have decided against local production and are ordering them instead from overseas. It will take longer to re-ceive them but the quality will be better. Your gifts are helping many children like Mutombo Jehovin receive the medical care they desperately need.

Blessings, Inge Sthreshley

Last summer, Little Chapel donated the proceeds of one of our parking lot donation

days to the completion of the PAX lab. We have made an important contribution to

the health of hundreds of Congolese, under the direction of the Sthreshleys!

2ND LOAF 2nd Loaf continues every Saturday morning from 8:30AM-11:30AM through August 30. If you would like to help pro-vide food, you may bring any unopened, perishable or non-perishable items on Saturday mornings or drop off uno-pened, non-perishable items anytime the church is open. A blue bucket, labeled “2nd Loaf”, is on the Tileston bench for your convenience. Also, we joyfully accept cash dona-tions that we use to buy specific items requested by the di-rector of the soup kitchen. For the month of June, a big thank you to: Freddye Ledford, Brenda Parker, Joyce Zim-merman, Barbara Williams, Mary & Pat Roche, and Gary Kohunsky. The Pathfinders, volunteered to take the month of July, both for collection of food and drivers. Thank you to the Pathfinders bible study group. We are still in need of a driver August 24 to deliver to Good Shepherd. The sign-up sheet is in the narthex. THANK YOU for supporting this vital ministry and helping to feed our hungry neighbors in Wilmington.

Mutombo visiting PAX 

PAX Lab Techs 

Drying Racks 

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August 2015 Newsletter Page #7


Dear Little Chapel, A huge thank you to those who thought of me during my surgery with prayers, cards, telephone calls, food and to those who continue to call and check on me.

A BIG hug, Dianne Matthews

Ladies and Gentlemen of LCOB: To the best of the best who always come through when there is a need to serve! With smiles on your faces and cheerful attitudes you never say NO you always say YES!

Many, many thanks! Carole Coble

Dear Little Chapel on the Boardwalk, I wish to thank the Scholarship Committee and everyone at Little Chapel for blessing me with this scholarship. With two more semesters left until graduation, this money will defi-nitely help me reach my final goal of becoming a Radiology Technologist. My Church family has always been here for me and my family and I just want everyone to know how grateful I am. With the generosity shown to me, you all are truly the Little Chapel with a Big Heart!

God Bless and Thanks, Heather Thompson

Friends of Little Chapel, Thank you for all the visits, cards, food and prayers. You are really a “family” with a big heart.

Peggy Gentry

Dear Community at LCOB, Thanks to all of you who are such an important part of the Tileston Outreach. All those toiletries are so appreciative of your caring. Enjoy the rest of the summer. We are closed during August and will re-open September 14.

Blessings, peace and prayers. Sister Mary Isaac

Get your knitting needles out and your crochet hooks ready! The Prayer Shawl Knitters & Crocheters will re-sume our mission and fellowship on Wednesday, Sep-tember 16, 2015. We invite you to join us as we create shawls and lap robes for those in need; hats, scarves, and mittens for the Crossnore kids; and baptismal blankets for wee ones. Don't worry if you don't have experience! Talent and instruction abound in the group, and we're always ready to train new knitters.

We meet the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 9:30—11:30 in the parlor. Please make plans to joins us in fellowship, laughter, prayer, and creativity as we share our talents to warm others.


A new project for Little Chapel is to have two special offer-ings a year helping feed 1 out of 4 hungry children in New Hanover County through Nourish North Carolina, a non-profit organization. This organization reports that 13,000. children in this county alone live under the poverty line. The 49 schools in the county feed (to those in need) breakfast and lunch five days a week, but weekends, holidays and summer many children have no regular meals daily. On Au-gust 23, a special offering will be taken to donate to Nourish North Carolina. Please give to this worthwhile project to help have one less hungry child. The cost to feed one child per year is $650 through the Nourish N C Backpack pro-gram. Breakdown cost: $650. Feeds one child per year $10.00 x 52 weekend meals $25.00 holiday meals $15.00 spring break meals $90.00 summer meals The Presbyterian Women will oversee this project through committee and report to session and the congregation the tax-deductible donations given to Nourish NC. Please make your check to LCOB with a designation to NNC. For more info go online to

Rick Pindell Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Allen; Mrs. Bonnie Cooper; Mr. George Edward Jones; Mr. & Mrs. Charles North; Mr. Jack Pindell; Mr. & Mrs. Doug Vass; Mr. & Mrs. Grey Wilson and family.

HONORARIUMS Dr. & Mrs. James Hundley

Mr. & Mrs. Johnnie Baker

Dr. & Mrs. Joe Miller Mr. & Mrs. Johnnie Baker

emorials (given June 24-July 22)


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Page #8 Little Chapel on the Boardwalk Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Presbyterian Women

    Good news always makes us feel so happy! Lisa Jordan has decided to step into Maggie North's shoes and help us coordinate those wonderful meals we send out on wheels! Please join me in thanking Lisa for her decision to serve and Maggie for her years of dedicated service! 'Tis the dog days of summer as I write this and the tem-perature and humidity tell the tale! We are so lucky to be surrounded by so many bodies of water that can cool us on the hottest August day. I recall how, even as a child, oh so many years ago, water was always a cool, fun, and even a calming place to be whether it was a lawn sprin-kler, a pool, a lake, a stream, a river or an ocean. In the midst of these summery days, your PW Council is gearing up for the start of our year in Circles when all the amazing, wise, caring and busy women of Little Chapel come together at our Fall Gathering on Septem-ber 14 to share a wonderful dish and the stories of sum-mer. Then in October we begin our study, "Come to the Wa-ters", to explore the many ways the power of water have figured in our journey of faith. Did you know that there are over 800 references to wa-ter in the Bible? So this year we will wander through the Bible, much as Moses and the Hebrews wandered through the desert looking for the promised land. We will hear, from Genesis, Matthew, Exodus, Psalms, John, Joshua, Amos, Isaiah, Acts and Revelation, the stories that have taken us from chaos to life. A few of these passages tell tales of desperation and hopelessness yet all end with the joy we, as Christians, find in Crea-tion, Baptism, Faith, Mercy, Forgiveness, Compassion and Hope. I can't wait to drink from this cup!

Dru Hoge

The Fall Gathering The Fall Gathering The Fall Gathering of the of the of the

Presbyterian Women of Coastal Carolina Presbyterian Women of Coastal Carolina Presbyterian Women of Coastal Carolina will be held will be held will be held

Saturday, August 15, 2015Saturday, August 15, 2015Saturday, August 15, 2015 at at at

Galatia Presbyterian Church Galatia Presbyterian Church Galatia Presbyterian Church in Fayettevillein Fayettevillein Fayetteville

This is an opportunity for all the PW leaders at Little Chapel to garner new information about their roles. There will be workshops for Moderators, Historians,

Secretaries, Treasurers, Circle Moderators and Bible study leaders. Additional workshops will look at Cele-bration Giving, Older Adults Outreach, Global Ex-change and Racial Ethnic Dialog. Registration, exhibits, fellowship and food will begin at 9:00AM the Plenary Session at 10:00AM will feature Karen Rubish, a partici-pant in Global Exchange to the Caribbean, and two se-ries of workshops will be held at 11:00AM and 12:00AM. Please contact Dru Hoge at 256-6965 or [email protected] if you are interested in attending and for directions to Galatia Presbyterian Church.



Our Thursday Morning Bible Study for the fall begins on Thursday, September 10 and lasts for eight weeks. We will be using Kay Arthur's Devotional study on the Names of God entitled Lord, I Want to Know You. This study will enable us to know God more fully by studying His names--Creator, Healer, Protector, Provid-er, and many others--helping us to gain power to stand strong when faced with confusion and pain in life. Kay's study is based on Scripture, both Old and New Testa-ments, and homework will center on Scripture. The for-mat each week will be a bit different, utilizing group dis-cussion based on homework, in-depth message/lesson based on the Scripture, and video session by Kay Ar-thur. Our sessions begin at 9:00AM and end by 11:00AM. The homework is easy and shorter than in the past, but important because it will enhance your understanding of the lesson and discussion. In addition, each lesson is stand-alone and not dependent on other lessons, so it is not a problem to miss a session or two if necessary. And Kay's videos are always inspiring and insightful!! Coffee is provided and frequently there are other goodies as well. And ...good news...Janet O'Neil has agreed to be a leadership coordinator with Jean! Our prayer is that our walk with God will be transformed and strengthened through this study. Additionally, we spend time in prayer as we share concerns, which brings us into closer fellowship with each other and with God. Please join us! For men as well as ladies!!

For questions, contact Jean Schild, 509-2861.

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August 2015 Newsletter Page #9

Matthew House Update

In a recent email from WARM (Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry) they remarked that “the WARM family is having a fantastic summer”. Adult and youth mission groups have been repairing floors, building wheelchair ramps, painting and making other much-needed home repairs all summer for elder-ly, disabled and low-income individuals and families. Of the churches they listed that are doing mission work in our area, almost half have chosen to stay at the Matthew House. What wonderful news! Just like the Crossnore kids, these groups love staying at the Matthew House. Time and again groups have told us how much they appreciate being able to stay in such comfortable surroundings while ministering to our neighbors. Each time a mission group stays with us, we try to visit their worksite to take pictures of the wonderful work they are doing. Recently, a very energetic youth group and their leaders from Ahoskie Methodist Church helped make repairs to the home of a delightful man whose mother and grandparents had grown up in this same house. As he sat in his yard, gratefully watching the mission team work, he shared a part of his faith journey and told us heart-warming stories about growing up with his nine siblings in the Leland area.

What a blessing! Ann Martz, Mission Committee

We are happy to welcome four new members into our church fellowship next Sunday, July 26. The session approved participation in the Presbytery's workshop initiative entitled "Good to Great" in which

church sessions will become acquainted with resources that can help congregations create the rhythms neces-sary for sustaining long-term, faithful vitality as a church community.

The session looks forward to the new LCOB Preschool, coordinated by Maritsa Hartlove, and supports this new initiative for the church.

Our Rally Day celebration will be held on Sunday, September 13, 2015, with emphasis on Christian Educa-tion/Sunday School at worship and a cookout for the congregation at Wrightsville Beach Park, 4:00 - 8:00 PM. Games and fellowship will be enjoyed by all! And we pray for good weather!!

Mission Committee reported that the Crossnore children loved their time at the Matthew House and beach and especially the hospitality and love extended by the church.

A mission trip for October is in the planning stages. Details to follow! The Thursday Morning Bible Study resumes on Thursday, September 10, with a study for eight weeks of Kay

Arthur's study on the Names of God, entitled Lord, I Want to Know You. A signup sheet is in narthex.

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Page #10 Little Chapel on the Boardwalk Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

OFFICERS OF THE MONTH Iris Davis and Jean Schild

CARD MINISTRY Nancy Rosselot

PRAYER AND SHARE LEADERS August 4 Silvey Robinson August 11 Sybel Booth August 18 Shirley Clawson August 25 Peggy Gentry

WORSHIP LITURGIST August 2 Iris Davis August 9 Bryan McIntyre August 16 Estelle Baker August 23 Sue Laakmann August 30 Gary Kohunsky USHER CAPTAINS Rita & Jim Bolick

AUGUST VISITATION TEAM August 4-7 Pat Vass August 11-14 Jim & Rita Bolick August 18-21 Betsy Akerheim August 25-28 OPEN August 31-Sept. 4 Carol Russell

August 1 Matthew James# August 2 Larry Honeycutt August 5 Jim Mahony August 9 Elaine Senten August 10 Nancy Herring Jim Skiba August 11 Janet Paterson# Helen Swartz August 12 Ellen Dudley August 13 Rick Miller August 14 Harriss Northrop Donald Carter August 15 Pete Paterson August 17 Joyce Bradley Hunter Jordan Lamon Spainhour August 18 Donald Gray Susan Long August 19 Bagley Reynolds August 20 Robin Austin August 21 Carole Coble Barbara Heath August 22 Mike Griffin# August 23 Dan Hammond Sherry Lovette Pam Morine August 24 Bill Merlack August 25 Shirley Griffin August 26 Josh Fairchild August 27 Rosemary Almy George Johnson Lydia Laboccetta Martha Terault August 28 Hunt Allen Dickson Bridger August 28 Clayton Horton* August 30 Ben Barnes Rita Bolick Zachary Noe Mickey Trost August 31 Emma Hodges*

*=Baptized non-confirmed members #=Nonmember friends of LCOB

PERSONNEL & PLANNING If you are a member of LCOB and interested in serv-ing our church, we want to help. The Personnel and Planning Committee would benefit greatly if we had one or two more members to help in providing addi-tional perspectives, ideas, and visions for our Church and staff. The Personnel and Planning Committee pro-vides general personnel administrative support and su-pervision for our staff as well as being the long range planning group of the Church. This committee is also responsible for hiring non-ordained staff. Please con-tact Brett Blizzard, moderator, ([email protected] or 367-1632) or Gary Kohunsky, co-moderator, ([email protected] or 352-7579). H









Page 11: NEWSLETTER - Clover · 2015-08-28 · won’t want to miss, including some of our young talent from LCOB. August 2 Daniel Paparozzi, baritone August


Salvation Army Food of the Month:

Fruit Juice

No Choir for August

Officers of the Month:

Iris Davis and Jean Schild

1 9:00 Men’s Pray-er Breakfast ~ Boathouse


2 8:00 Beach Service ~ Baptism 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship ~ Communion & Youth Mission Expe-rience 10:45 Kids for Christ 11:45 Personnel & Planning ~ rm. 102

3 7:00 Preschool Committee ~ room 102

4 9:30-4:30 NHRMC Rm. 201 9:30 Prayer and Share ~ rm. 102 5:00-8:00 Ecumenical Youth Event

5 9:30-4:30 NHRMC Rm. 201 9:30 PW Council ~ library


7 5:30 Field’s Recital



9 8:00 Beach Service 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship ~ Cherub Choir 10:45 Kids for Christ 11:45 Property ~ fel-lowship hall 11:45 Christian Ed. Committee~ rm. 102

10 9:30 Worship Committee

11 9:30 Prayer and Share ~ rm. 102

12 13 9:00-1:00 CPR Training ~ fellowship hall

14 15 9:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast

~ Boathouse PRESCHOOL Open House 11AM-2PM


16 8:00 Beach Service 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 10:45 Kids for Christ 11:45 Session

17 Deadline for Newsletter

18 9:30 Prayer and Share ~ rm. 102


20 21 22 Meals on Wheels

Circle #1


23 8:00 Beach Service 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship—Gospel Hymns and Special offering for Nourish NC 10:45 Children’s Church


Preschool starts!

New Hanover

County Schools start

25 8:30 Preschool 9:30 Prayer and Share ~ rm. 102

26 8:30 Preschool 11:15 Preschool Chapel

27 8:30 Preschool

28 8:30 Preschool 10:30 Fire Truck ~ Preschool

29 9:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast ~ The Boathouse


30 8:00 Beach Service 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship ~ Service of Whole-ness & Healing 10:45 Children’s Church 5:30 PYC Kick-off

4-8 Christ Community Church parking

31 8:30 Preschool

Crosslink Community Church Matthew House * August 5-8

WOW Ministry * Matthew House* August 21-23

Dan on vacation August 10-14

Joan Denney out of the Office

Page 12: NEWSLETTER - Clover · 2015-08-28 · won’t want to miss, including some of our young talent from LCOB. August 2 Daniel Paparozzi, baritone August

Page #12 Little Chapel on the Boardwalk Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

♥ The Litt le Chapel with the BIG Hear t ♥

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 2 W. Fayetteville Street • Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480

(910) 256-2819 ▪ (910) 256-9624 [fax] [email protected] •


STAFF Rev. Pat Rabun

Minister [email protected]

David Lee Heinzman Director of

Music Ministry [email protected]

Emily Donovan Youth Director

[email protected]

Maritsa Hartlove Director of

Children’s Ministry [email protected]

Martha J. Parker Office Administrator

[email protected]

Joan Denney Bookkeeper

[email protected]

Daniel B. Holt Custodian

[email protected]

Presbyterian Counseling Center CENTERPOINT

Parents generally become alarmed if they discover their teenager is us-ing drugs and will intervene in some way. Unfortunately, parents of-ten do not have the same reaction if they learn their teen is drinking. Drinking among teens is considered to be not that serious. In fact, society tends to expect teens to experiment with alcohol. The reality is teenage drinking can be quite serious. Major injuries and death caused by adolescent drinking are far too numerous. Every year there are reports of students killed in drunk driving accidents and dy-ing from binge drinking episodes. Parents, please talk often with your teens about the risks and dangers of alcohol use. Call the Center 910-452-7370 or visit and watch the video now included on the site!

Ann C. Thacker, Counselor

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be

honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that

you have lived and lived well. —Ralph Waldo Emerson