Newsletter - September...2015/08/16  · 64 Sept 2015 Bickford Quincy News The long awaited Walk to...

64 Sept 2015 Bickford Quincy News The long awaited Walk to End Alzheimers is finally here! The Quincy Walk will be held on Thurs, September 3 at Clat Adams Park. Registration begins at 5:00 pm, the ceremony is at 5:45 and the Walk begins at 6:00. It is a 2 mile walk and all proceeds will be donated to Alzheimers research. If you would like to join Bickford Quincy's team or would like more information, please contact our Team Leaders, Nicole or Bambi at 228-0800. If you would like to donate to this most worthy cause, please contact our Team Leaders or you can donate online at On Sept 10th there will be a special election to determine who fills a vacant seat in the senate for our district. We do our best to get all interested residents registered to vote, address changed, and application to vote absentee completed so that everyone can exercise their right to vote and we don't have to worry about weather or transportation preventing us from doing our civic duty. If you have any questions about this process, please see Nancy our LEC. Quincy Resident of the Month-Marie Keith Just about every month our Resident of the Month says, "I don't have anything interesting to tell" and just like with all the others, Marie has proven herself wrong. Marie was born in Loraine as the middle of 3 children. She attend- ed Loraine schools until her Senior year when she had to transfer, with 2 other students, to the high school in Mendon because Loraine schools did not offer a senior year to their students! However, this change in schools turned out to be very good because that young, strapping school bus driver became her husband of more than 60 years! Marie worked for attorney Mark Penick until she and Lefty had their first child and didn't return to work until both of their girls, LuAnn and Beth, were in school. Marie then worked part time for the Mendon village receiving resident's water bill payments as well as volunteering at the girl's school and at church. Marie's husband built their first home and when they found that a family of 4 didn't fit in a small home he built them another one as well as a new post office for the village. Marie has enjoyed crocheting & sewing and sewed many of her girl's clothes.

Transcript of Newsletter - September...2015/08/16  · 64 Sept 2015 Bickford Quincy News The long awaited Walk to...

Page 1: Newsletter - September...2015/08/16  · 64 Sept 2015 Bickford Quincy News The long awaited Walk to End Alzheimers is finally here! The Quincy Walk will be held on Thurs, September


Sept 2015 Bickford QuincyNews

The long awaited Walkto End Alzheimers isfinally here! TheQuincy Walk will beheld on Thurs,September 3 at ClatAdams Park. Registration begins at5:00 pm, theceremony is at 5:45and the Walk begins at6:00. It is a 2 milewalk and all proceedswill be donated toAlzheimers research. If you would like tojoin Bickford Quincy'steam or would likemore information,please contact ourTeam Leaders, Nicoleor Bambi at 228-0800. If you would like todonate to this mostworthy cause, pleasecontact our TeamLeaders or you

can donate online On Sept10th there will be aspecial election todetermine who fills avacant seat in thesenate for ourdistrict. We do ourbest to get allinterested residentsregistered tovote, addresschanged, andapplication to voteabsentee completedso that everyone canexercise their right tovote and we don'thave to worry aboutweather ortransportationpreventing us fromdoing our civic duty. Ifyou have anyquestions about thisprocess, please seeNancy our LEC.


Resident of the Month-MarieKeith

Just about every monthour Resident of theMonth says, "I don't haveanything interesting totell" and just like withall the others, Marie hasproven herself wrong.Marie was born inLoraine as the middle of3 children. She attend-ed Loraine schools untilher Senior year when shehad to transfer, with 2other students, to thehigh school in Mendonbecause Loraine schoolsdid not offer a senioryear to their students!However, this change inschools turned out to bevery good because thatyoung, strapping schoolbus driver became herhusband of more than 60years!

Marie worked forattorney Mark Penickuntil she and Lefty hadtheir first child anddidn't return to workuntil both of their girls,LuAnn and Beth, were inschool. Marie thenworked part time for theMendon village receivingresident's water billpayments as well asvolunteering at the girl'sschool and at church.Marie's husband builttheir first home andwhen they found that afamily of 4 didn't fit in asmall home he builtthem another one aswell as a new post officefor the village. Marie hasenjoyed crocheting &sewing and sewed manyof her girl's clothes.

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SeptemberS M T W T F S

Special Happenings at Bickford of Quincy 09/03 Walk to End Alzheimers 09/07 Labor Day Pearl's Passion Day09/10 Special Election09/11 Patriot Day09/13 Grandparent's Day (Pearl's Passion) 09/16 Arlys Rabe's birthday09/16 50's themed Pearl's Passion Day09/23 First Day of Autumn09/26 Evelyn Matticks' birthday September 13-19 has been declaredNational Assisted Living Week by theNational Center for Assisted Living. Thetheme is Nourishing Life, Mind, Body andSpirit which the website explains is "tocelebrate the numerous ways assistedliving enriches the lives for each individualresiding in these communities." Each dayat Bickford our Bickford Family Members(staff) strive to nourish our resident's liveswhether it is by providing interestingactivities, quality care, hugs, joking andteasing, holding religious services, orproviding good, healthy food. Our activityprogram strives to provide a variety ofactivities, some old favorites, some new,but all that help pass the time in anenjoyable manner and encouragesocilization. We are always looking for newideas and new ways to nourish the needsof "our" people. Suggestions are alwayswelcome!

10:00 Exercise10:30 MindStretchers11:00 Play Me AnOctive game2:00 Washer Game

10:00 Exercise10:30 Devotions1:30-3:30 Nail Care &Glasses Cleaning

10:00 Exercise10:30 MindStretchers11:00 Name ThatTune2:00 Chef Bickford

10:00 Exercise10:30 Devotions1:30-3:30 Nail Careand Glasses Cleaning

10:00 Exercise10:30 Holy Rosary2:00 ResidentCouncil3:15 Table Gameswith Gary

10:00 Exercise10:30 MindStretchers11:00 Crazy 8's2:00 Bingo5:00 Walk to EndAlzheimers

Volunteers arealways needed toconduct activities orhelp with driving orpushing wheelchairs.See Nancy if you canhelp!

10:30 Catholic TVMass 2:00 Worship

Labor Day Have a safe andHappy Holiday!

10:00 Exercise10:30 MindStretchers11:00 Bunco2:00 Wii bowling3:15 Ted & DorisDede perform

10:00 Exercise10:30 Devotions1:30-3:30 Nail Care &Glasses Cleaning6:30 QuincyCommunity TheaterOuting

Election Day!10:00 Exercise10:30 MindStretchers11:00 Card Bingo2:00 Table Gameswith Gary

10:00 Exercise10:30 Patriot DayObservanceNoon Moment ofSilence to rememberthose lost on 9/112:00 Flag Bingo

2:00 Jim Evansperforms

Grandparent's Day 10:00 Catholic TVMass 2:00 Worship

9:15 Crafts10:00 Exercise10:30 Trivia11:00 Dominoes2:00 George Knight3:15 Catholic CommService

10:00 Exercise10:30 Nail Care &Glasses Cleaning2:00 Bingo3:15 Memories &Munchies

50's Day10:00 Exercise10:30 Devotions2:00 Mass w/ Fr Tom2:45 Blast from thePast 50's Dayobservance

10:00 Exercise10:30 Holy Rosary11:00 MindStretchers2:00 Table Gameswith Gary

10:00 Exercise10:30 MindStretchers11:00 Sing Along withNancy (instead ofMitch)2:00 Bingo

Do you have a hobbyor collection thatyou would like toshare? Call Nancy toschedule a date toenrich our resident'shappiness!

10:00 Catholic TVMass 2:00 Worship

9:15 Crafts10:00 Exercise10:30 MindStretchers11:00 Active Games2:00 Bingo

10:00 Exercise10:30 Trivia11:00 Wii bowling2:00 Welcome Fallcelebration3:30 Ted & DorisDede perform

10:00 Exercise10:30 Devotions1:30-3:30 Nail Care &Glasses Cleaning

10:00 Exercise10:30 Birthday Party2:00 Table Gameswith Gary3:00 Popcorn

10:00 Exercise10:30 Trivia11:00 Guess theScent/Spice2:00 VolunteerVoices perform3:30 Bingo

Our residents lovevisitors. See Nancyfor ideas of things todo or talk aboutwhen you visit!

10:00 Catholic TVMass 2:00 Worship

9:15 Crafts10:00 Exercise10:30 Sue Kellerperforms2:00 Bingo

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