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greymail attempt, the defense has called 15current and former government officials totestify - including Condi Rice, DouglasFeith, Stephen Hadley, Elliott Abrams and Richard Armitage."

Huffington Post, Martin Garbus

MERIP Middle East Research and Information Project

Miraserve, Movement for Islamic ReformSaudi reform movement

 National Jewish Democratic Council

 News from Russia Pravda, Israel, search

Oznik  free Vanunu, Refusenik watch.The New Israel Fund , 

Peace Now (Israel)

Scoop House Judiciary vs. Bush, MukaseyOver Contempt

Washington Note "On paper, Mukasey wasa good choice. But in his performance, hedecided to lick and polish the boots of Bushadministration torture-meister, Cheneychief-of-staff David Addington. When thathappened, Mukasey went to the dark sideand abandoned the excellent efforts putforward by other Bush administration anti-torture advocates like Legal Adviser to theSecretary of State John Bellinger, former State Department Policy Planning Deputy

Director Matthew Waxman, DeputySecretary of Defense Gordon England, and former Counselor to Secretary of State RicePhilip Zelikow."

 Tear Down This War.or did Ronald Reagan say Tear Down theWall.

Israel was sensitive Iraq Iransecrets ...see Secrets  below.Mukasey politically speakinghas to shut the trial down. seeGraymail  below.

Defense attorneys say all this just normal channel of US infoto Israel. see US of Israel NFU

Sen. Feinstein and Sen. Schumer important in Mukasey (orthodoxJew) AG ascendance.Wikipedia. Will he stop the caseand protect AIPAC? He has pledged to recuse himself fromthe cases involving Giuliani and Kerik ... but what about AIPAC?

FAS Rosen Weissman case files.

This is the most important trialin the last 50 years and is beingcompletely suppressed bymainstream media all over theworld ... confirming the power of the Israeli leadership. Its acomplex case. The Israeli-controlled US media thoughwon't have a problem spinning itaway from the dumbed-down,distracted readers of America.

 and seeMukasey / Israel

Waxman letter  to Mukasey onFitzgerald's Plame evidenceDec. 2007 after McClellanrevelations.

 American Judicature Society Independentnon-profit org supported by national

membership of judges, lawyers...Blog, JewishWeek 

First Amendment Center  free press, freespeech,

Freedom Forum of First AmendmentCenter

Institute of Research, Middle East Policy

Jurist "If the White House is unable tosuccessfully challenge the subpoenas it could  be forced to drop the case against theAIPAC officials..."

Michigan Daily Bush Kerik homeland security chief.

conversation was based on classified information he was not legally entitled todiscuss with them. ..." file

 New York Times, Mukasey sworn in asAttorney General and file

more belowMukasey conflict of Interest New York Times, remember Judith Miller ,

Iraq War propagandist and  NYTimes

search: Rosen Weissman Kerik Giuliani

see Giuliani / Kerik / Mukasey research pages

Institute of Research "While compelled testimony from the authors of the most disastrous foreign policy in the nation's history may seem to be a

welcome ray of light, it is unlikely to ever happen. The defense may be counting on this as a "graymail" strategy to get the case thrown out, therebyavoiding the embarrassment of current and former officials. Judge Ellis gave AIPAC reason hope it may work. It is likely that the subpoenaed witnesswill not appear on grounds of "executive privilege". If Ellis reads the news, he knows that this has already occurred when Bush administration officialsrefused to appear before Congress to discuss the firing of US attorneys. If this happens again, the case against AIPAC will be over ... "

Huffington Post "Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein's endorsement of Michael Mukasey is stunning. ... There are more reasons to reject MichaelMukasey's nomination than his evasive answers on waterboarding and unconstitutional expansive views of federal power. Years ago, Michael Mukaseydefended the indefensible when his friend, Rudolph Giuliani, then a prosecutor, began subpoenaing defense lawyers before grand juries. ... It was one of the more substantial overreaches of the Giuliani years. And it is of particular relevance in today's criminal cases that bear the terrorism label -- a brand of cases where the government's failure rate today is very high. It can be aimed at the country's best defense lawyers and those lawyers that defend detainee, rendition and terrorism cases."

Antiwar  "The indictment outlines a series of meetings between Rosen and at least two unidentified U.S. government officials – since identified as David Satterfield and Kenneth Pollack – in which the man who built AIPAC into a lobbying powerhouse turned his organization into a transmission belt thatroutinely moved classified information from Washington to Tel Aviv. ... The defenders of Rosen and Weissman argue that this is a First Amendmentcase, but there is no First Amendment right to engage in espionage – or else why aren't the Rosenbergs considered martyrs to the principle of "freespeech"? This isn't just about passing information to Israel. Franklin is an associate of neoconservative guru Michael Ledeen and fellow Pentagon

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analyst Harold Rhode, with whom he traveled to Rome in 2001 to attend an unauthorized meeting with Iranian "dissidents" and the scamster Manucher Ghorbanifar, of Iran-Contra fame (which Ledeen also played a key role in, as Israel's go-between). "

Go to NFU 'War on Terrorism' pages


Giuliani / Mukasey / Feinstein / 

Kerik - Conflicts of Interest

/11 Investigation Pages Menu

Sibel Edmonds

9/11 Investigation

Able Danger, Kurt Weldon

Flight 77, Pentagon 9/11

Moussaoui Trial

Judge Reggie Walton Watch

Sibel Edmonds

'War on Terrorism' Judge Reggie Walton Suspicio

to Edmond's Trial

 Giuliani / Mukasey / Feinstein / Kerik Conflicts of Interest top


Americans Against World Empire Inc.

 Jews, Christiansand Muslims for Peace Miami Herald

Andy Warhol Museum Iraq prisoner abuse,also Rodney King police beating,

 photographs of black lynchings and a film of JFK assassination.

BigInsiders corporate governance, insider trading, political influence, DOD contracts,1997-2003, $311,498,442,

Bretton Woods Project critical voices onWB/IMF

 First Amendment Center  free press, freespeech,

Right Wing Watch from People for theAmerican Way

Israeli Peace Camp, Wikipedia

movements that strive for peace, with Arabneighbors, Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese,co-existence with Arab citizens, Peace Now,founded 1977


The shadow of Israel over Washington

 see WMR  for detailsof these connections

Sen. Diane Feinstein, billionaire husband is Richard Blum, a military contractor after six years on Senatemilitary constructioncommittee, she finallyresigned ... conflict of interest.

Connect the dots  betweenGiuliani companies, Giuliani'sclose personal friendship withMukasey, Blum's casinoconstruction projects withdeveloper Sheldon Adelsonand Mark Advent ... alongwith Giuliani Safety and Security Company LLC,

Connect the dots  betweenFeinstein's husband's (Blum /Perini) construction companiesand Schumer's wife (IrisWeinshall) who is the NewYork TransportationCommissioner and themonorail between JFK airportand the PennsylvaniaStation...get it? all friends of Michael Mukasey.

see Conflicts of Interestresearch on Mukasey / Kerik (indictment) / Marc Mukasey


and Conflict of interest:Palfrey connections toMukasey (stepson Marc is

Adelson, Sheldon casino and resort developer

Apollo Management,

Attorney General, Mukasey

Carlton Hotel Properties, see Feinstein

Carlyle Group

Cintra, Spain, toll road projects, searchGiuliani connections

Fairmont Raffles Holding International, Blumon Board of Directors,

Feinstein, Sen. Diane Republican inDemocrat's clothing. Schumer, Senator ....

 New York Transportation Commissioner isIris Weinshall, the wife of Charles Schumer.see AIRTRAIN, Blum (contractor), Feinstein(Senator) ... etc...get it? Thanks WMR.

Giuliani Security and Safety Company LLC,division of Giuliani partners, search Bernard Kerik.

Giuliani presidential campaign, Mukasey asadvisor.

Harrah's Enterprise

Las Vegas Sands, owner: Sheldon Adelson,see Cotai Strip casino complex, Macau,Adelson backs Guiliani

Macquarie Group, Australia, toll road  projects, search Giuliani connections

McConnell, Mitch, Senator  ConservativeSenator 


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Break for NewsDailyKOS Reggie WaltonJustice Policy Institutededicated to ending society’sreliance on incarceration

 Narco News Edmonds requestfor Walton recusal on groundsof total secrecy of his financialstatements.Right Wing Watch from People for the American Way

ScoopSourceWatch  SibelEdmonds Story

US DOJ Dept of Justice

Washington Post Libbyindictment, Walton infoWikipedia, Walton

 but to dismiss the case "due not only to the nature of theinformation, but also because the imminent threat of terrorism will not be eliminated any time in theforeseeable future, but is an endeavor that will consumeour nation's attention indefinitely."

Judge Reggie Walton, US District Court, District of ColumbiaUS DOJ Dept of Justice

/11 Investigation Pages Menu

Sibel Edmonds

9/11 Investigation

Able Danger, Kurt Weldon

Flight 77, Pentagon 9/11

Moussaoui Trial

Judge Reggie Walton Watch

Sibel Edmonds

'War on Terrorism' Judge Reggie Walton

otes  Narcosphere, Narco News

dge accused of excessive secrecy in FBI whistleblower's case By Bill Conroy, Posted on Wed Mar 22nd, 2006 at 07:46:03 PM EST FBI

histleblower Sibel Edmonds is taking the judge in her federal court case to task for his seemingly over-the-top pursuit of secrecy at the expense of nsparency and justice. In a motion filed today with the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., Edmonds claims federal Judge Reggie Walton hasmonstrated a penchant for unwarranted secrecy, which has proven prejudicial to her litigation. As a result, she claims that Walton should not be allowed tontinue as the judge for her case.

y the way, Walton is also the judge assigned to hear the criminal case of "Scooter" Libby, the former White House official accused of compromising CIAdercover operate Valerie Plame Wilson. From a press release issued today by Edmonds:

dmonds motion for recusal is based on Judge Walton’s pursuit of secrecy in his required yearly financial disclosure by redacting his entire disclosuretement, his deference to secrecy in his rulings on Edmonds’ previous claims where he was the presiding judge, and the unusual operations of the case

signment system concerning Edmonds’ cases. Narco News was the first media outlet to expose the fact that Walton’s financial disclosure statement wasmpletely redacted in an article published on Dec. 17, 2005, on the Narcosphere.

om that story: The disclosure statement filed by Walton, which was obtained through the dogged efforts of a conservative watchdog group called Judicial

atch, is curious in what it does not reveal. Remember, this judge is arguably handling two of the most sensitive and potentially far-reaching challenges to thee press and the public’s right to know of our times. … So Judge Walton seems to be in a critical role in serving as the point man in the federal judicialstem for two explosive cases — the Edmonds civil case and Libby’s criminal case — both of which have vast implications for the White House and for theuntry in general.

shouldn’t we know who’s buttering Walton’s bread in terms of financial backing? Why have ethics rules mandating such disclosures, if the information ist disclosed in cases, such as these, where the stakes are so high? Well, it seems, at least according to the only document that Judicial Watch could shakeose in its public-records quest, that Walton doesn’t think so. His financial disclosure statement, the one released for public inspection through Judicialatch, is completely redacted, every line of it.

dmonds was fired from her job as an FBI translator after blowing the whistle on alleged espionage being carried out by a fellow FBI employee. She wasevented from pursuing a whistleblower retaliation lawsuit filed in 2002 (based on alleged violations of her civil rights) because of the state-secrets privilegeaim lodged by the U.S. government, a claim upheld by Judge Walton. That claim essentially shut down her ability to present evidence in the case under the

mokescreen that it would jeopardize national security.

e U.S. Supreme court last year rejected Edmonds appeal in the case. She now has a separate case pending in federal court in Washington, D.C. Ironically,

both cases, Judge Walton was randomly assigned to hear her complaints at the District Court level. Walton also has been assigned randomly to hear theamegate case involving Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s former chief of staff.

llowing is the full press release issued by Edmonds today, which includes links to her recent court pleadings:

r Immediate Release- March 22, 2006 Contact for Commentary: Professor William Weaver, [email protected] , (915.525.0483(M); 505.216.9853(H))

deral Judge in Libby Trial Deliberately Hides Financial Background 

ssible Violation of Federal Law Charged by FBI Whistleblower 

day, Sibel Edmonds, Former FBI Language Specialist and a whistleblower, filed a motion in D.C. Federal Court asking for recusal of Judge Reggie Waltonom her pending case filed under the Federal Tort Claim Act. Walton is also currently hearing the perjury case involving I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the former ief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, who is suspected of leaking the name of former CIA undercover operative Valerie Plame Wilson to the media.

dmonds motion for recusal is based on Judge Walton’s pursuit of secrecy in his required yearly financial disclosure by redacting his entire disclosure

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tement, his deference to secrecy in his rulings on Edmonds’ previous claims where he was the presiding judge, and the unusual operations of the casesignment system concerning Edmonds’ cases. For the recusal motion filed by Edmonds Click Here

e redaction of Judge Reggie Walton’s entire Financial Disclosure Statement appears to be in violation of the Ethics in Government Act. The Ethics inovernment Act requires that Federal Judges file a yearly financial disclosure statement with the U.S. Judicial Conference as a check on conflicts of interest. Asclosure may be redacted only to the extent necessary to protect the individual who filed the report and for as long as the danger to such individual exists.e Financial Disclosure Statement filed by Judge Reggie Walton in 2003 redacts all information except for the date of the filing and Walton’s name. This is

ghly unusual. According to a recent GAO Report, less than one percent of judges on average request complete redaction of their financial disclosure eachar. For Judge Reggie Walton’s 2003 Financial Disclosure, Click Here. For the request letter sent to the U.S. Judicial Conference on March 6, 2006, askingr the release of Judge Walton’s unredacted financial disclosure statement Click Here.

July 2004, Judge Reggie Walton disposed of Edmonds’ First Amendment case on the basis of the government’s assertion of State Secrets Privilege. On theme day as the decision, Judge Walton quashed a subpoena for Edmonds’ deposition by attorneys representing over 1,000 family members who lost love ones

ring the terrorist attacks on 9/11. In limiting the deposition in the case, Burnett et al. v. Al Baraka Investment & Development Corp., Judge Waltonevented the 9/11 attorneys from asking a majority of the proposed questions related to the attacks. These included even the most mundane questions, such as:

When & where were you born? • Where did you go to school? • What languages do you speak? • What did you focus your studies on in school? • In whatpacity have you been employed by the United States Government?

e convoluted route the Edmonds’ case has taken to Judge Reggie Walton’s courtroom appears suspicious and creates the perception that the system has beenanipulated. Edmonds’ First Amendment case, filed in July 2002, was assigned to Judge James Robertson who recently resigned from the FISA Court inotest of warrantless NSA eavesdropping. In February 2003, Edmonds’ case was removed from Judge Robertson and reassigned to Judge Walton with noplanation provided. Edmonds filed a motion to request the case to be transferred from Judge Walton, and be assigned to Judge Ellen Huvelle who had beenesiding over Edmonds’ related FOIA case since July 2002. The court granted Edmonds’ request and transferred her case to Judge Huvelle. However, twoys later, Edmonds’ case was removed from Judge Huvelle and reassigned to Judge Walton with no further information or reason provided. On July 6, 2004,dge Walton granted the government’s motion to dismiss based on the assertion of the State Secrets Privilege.

March 2005, Edmonds filed in D.C. Federal Court a separate claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act, and the case was randomly assigned to Judge Jamesobertson. However, five days later, Edmonds’ claim was removed from Judge Robertson and reassigned to Judge Reggie Walton. This set of facts reveals

parent violations of local rules governing the assignment of cases.

bel Edmonds worked as a language specialist for the FBI’s Washington Field Office. During her work with the bureau, she discovered and reported seriousts of security breaches, cover-ups, and intentional blocking of intelligence that had national security implications. After she reported these acts to FBIanagement, she was retaliated against by the FBI and ultimately fired in March 2002. Since that time, court proceedings on her issues have been blocked bye assertion of “State Secret Privilege” and the Congress of the United States has been gagged and prevented from any discussion of her case throughroactive re-classification by the Department of Justice.

January 2005, the Justice Department's Inspector General vindicated Edmonds’ claims when it declared that many of her charges "were supported by other tnesses and documents, and that her allegations were, in fact, the most significant factor in the FBI's decision to terminate her services."

dge Reggie Walton was nominated to his position as a United States District Court of Columbia Judge in October 2001 by President George W. Bush. Herved as President George H. W. Bush’s Associate Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy in the Executive Office of the President and asesident Bush’s Senior White House advisor for Crime.

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erence: lawsuit categories

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ass Action Investigations and Cases

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e Legal Information Institute