Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Activities Issue 248, Dated April 30, 2015– American English edition Activities Newsademic .com The informative easy to read introduction to world news Advanced version


Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Transcript of Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Page 1: Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced


Issue 248, Dated April 30, 2015™ – American English edition Activities

Newsademic.comThe informative easy to read introduction to world news

Advanced version

Page 2: Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Issue 248™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Earthquake in Himalayas (Page 1)

Instructions: Read the article ‘Earthquake in Himalayas’. Answer questions 1-16.

1. How many major earthquakes have hit the Himalayan region since 1905?

2. What is the second largest city in Nepal?

3. What are tectonic plates?

4. What magnitude was the earthquake and what followed it?

5. Why can fossils of seashells be found high up in the Himalayas?

6. How many people does the United Nations (U.N.) say have been affected by the earthquake?

7. What made the shaking worse in Kathmandu valley?

8. What is a seismologist?

Page 3: Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Issue 248™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Earthquake in Himalayas (Page 1) continued

9. What happened on Mount Everest?

10. Where is Mount Everest and why is it only climbed in April and May?

11. What happened in 1934?

12. Where was the Indian plate 85 million years ago?

13. What is Nepal’s main religion?

14. Why are “shallow” earthquakes more destructive?

15. What effect might the earthquake have on Nepal’s economy?

16. What was fortunate about the timing of the earthquake?

Page 4: Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Issue 248™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Finland’s new prime minister (Page 14)

Instructions: Read the article ‘Finland’s new prime minister’. Check either true or false for the following statements.


1. In Finland to have a majority a party needs to have at least 100 seats.

2. Today, 19 European countries use the euro.

3. Mr. Sipilä only became a member of parliament four years ago.

4. The National Coalition came second.

5. Timo Soini took over as Finland’s prime minister last year.

6. In Finland, elections for the country’s parliament take place every six years.

7. The Finns Party dislikes the euro.

8. The prime minister is Finland head of state.

9. Finland’s Eduskunta has 200 members.

10. Finland joined the European Union (EU) in 1995.

Page 5: Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Issue 248™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

1. Q.

A. Bandung.

2. Q.

A. Sukarno.

3. Q.

A. The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

4. Q.

A. “The West” and “the East”.

5. Q.

A. Joko Widodo.

6. Q.

A. Dutch East Indies.

7. Q.

A. Indonesia, Burma, Pakistan, Ceylon, and India.

8. Q.

A. 1991.

Asian-African Conference (Page 18)

Instructions: Read the article ‘Asian-African Conference’. The answers to the questions are given for 1-8. Write the questions.

Page 6: Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Issue 248™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

China-Pakistan corridor (Page 6)

Instructions: Read the article ‘China-Pakistan corridor’. Draw a line to connect the correct links. The first is done for you.

Saudi Arabia Pakistan

Xinjiang Oil

Gwadar President

State visit China

Karakoram Highway Prime minister

Xi Jinping Kashgar

Islamabad CPEC

Nawaz Sharif Gun salute

Page 7: Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Issue 248™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________



Hermione sets sail (Page 3)

Instructions: Read the article ‘Hermione sets sail’ and fill in the spider diagram below with the details.

Page 8: Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Issue 248™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Gallipoli centenary (Page 7)

Instructions: Read the article ‘Gallipoli centenary’. Answer questions 1-8.

1. Which soldiers fought at Gallipoli?

2. In what way did the Western Front become a stalemate?

3. Where does the word Anzac come from?

4. Who are Tony Abbott and John Key?

5. What was the Gallipoli campaign plan?

6. Why is Gallipoli such an important part of the history of Australia and New Zealand?

7. What did Mustafa Kemal Bey do at Gallipoli and what did he become?

8. What happened at the Cenotaph in London?

Page 9: Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Issue 248™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

World Map (Page 13)

Instructions: Solve these anagrams. Each answer is a country that appears on the World Map. Each anagram has one extra letter. Together the extra letters form another anagram. The answer is a mystery country. One is already done for you.

Mystery country = A









Page 10: Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Issue 248™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Odd one out =

Bones Holy Shroud European Union (EU)

Hubble Cuttlefish July

Gallipoli Saudi Arabia Nawaz Sharif

Lafayette Turin Cathedral Osedax

Chimpanzees Wrangel Island Oil

Caesar Triton Cephalopod

Saint George Woolley mammoth Pakistan

Indonesia JWST Dragon

Anzac Hermione Bandung

Issue 248 Elimination

Instructions: Read issue 248. Now eliminate from the list 13 pairs of words or phrases that go together. You will have one word or phrase left over. That is the answer. One pair is already done for you.

Page 11: Newsademic Issue 248 a Activities Advanced

Issue 248™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Issue 248 multiple choice quiz

Instructions: Read issue 248 and circle the correct answers for questions 1-10.

1. Which of the following is not a primate? a. Marmoset b. Koala c. Bush babies d. Apes e. Lemurs

2. Who was Rome’s first emperor? a. Vespasian b. Caesar Augustus c. Pompey d. Julius Caesar e. Caligula

3. Of which country will Juha Sipilä be prime minister?

a. Denmark b. Greenland c. Norway d. Finland e. Sweden

4. Who was the leader of the Titans? a. Athena b. Mercury c. Apollo d. Zeus e. Cronos

5. From which country has Pakistan agreed to buy eight submarines?

a. China b. U.S. c. France d. Russia e. Britain

6. What is the name of the English flag? a. Union Jack b. Stars and stripes c. Hammer and Sickle d. Cross of Saint George e. Tricolour

7. What do seismologists study? a. Tornadoes b. Earthquakes c. Caves d. Comets e. Reptiles

8. Which two countries or organizations are discussing TTIP?

a. France and Algeria b. The U.N. and China c. Australia and New Zealand d. Germany and France e. The U.S. and the EU

9. When was the American Revolutionary War?

a. 1637 – 1642 b. 1775 – 1783 c. 1799 – 1815 d. 1861 – 1865 e. 1898 – 1902

10. In which African country have Bouvier’s red colobus been found?

a. Democratic Republic of Congo b. Uganda c. Central African Republic d. Niger e. The Gambia