News From Surburbia - May Edition

Voting for the RAG and Volunteering elections 2013 opens this Wednesday. RAG stands for raising and giving and is the fundraising arm of the Students’ Union. They organise loads of cool events throughout the year, including: leggit, skydives, overseas volunteering and expeditions. The memebrs of the new committee will help organise some awesome events next year and raise lots of money for charity. The volunteering committee exists to help plan, organise and run events for SUBU Volunteering. We want committee members to be ambassadors for volunteering and come up with bright new ideas on how we can encourage more students to get involved. Find out more about the people running for the elected roles and vote for who you think would make a positive impact on the RAG and Volunterring committees by visiting: KEY DATES: Voting Opens: Wednesday 29th May 2013, 10am Voting Closes: Friday 31st May, 3pm MAIN STAGE: RUDIMENTAL ENTER STAGE: HIGH CONTRAST MILK STAGE: ELIZA & THE BEAR WWW.SUBU.ORG.UK FULL LINE UP MAY 09 YOUR MONTHLY UPDATE FROM THE STUDENTS’ UNION AT BOURNEMOUTH UNIVERSITY WWW.SUBU.ORG.UK f SUBU BOURNEMOUTH 01202 965765 SUMMER BALL 2013 PREVIEW DOUBLE HEADLINERS LINED UP FOR SUMMER BALL RAG AND VOLUNTEERING ELECTIONS ANNUAL REVIEW Summer Ball is just weeks away and we’re incredibly proud to announce our new Main Stage double headline line up: Alt- rock band Everything Everything and then a DJ set from the massive Rudimental ! Hot off the trails of their breakthrough debut album, Home , which debuted at #1 in the UK album charts, Rudimental have provided us with some of the biggest dance tracks of the last 12 months. The quartet have built a strong u’ground following working with the likes of Alex Clare and Emeli Sande, before exploding into the mainstream. The show had originally planned to be live but is now a DJ+MC performance and onstage a bit later. Expect to hear the huge summer anthems Feel The Love , Not Giving In, Waiting All Night and Spoons, which features Syron, who we’ve also got heading down to play the Enter stage. Capably in support of Rudimental are the band Everything Everything. Their crafty and ambitious second album Arc’ was greeted with nationwide critical acclaim and the four-piece’s figurehead track, Cough Cough , filled our radio airwaves towards the tail end of 2012, which Doron Davidson-Vidavski of Londonist called a “manic and wonderful track”. The band will offer a more traditional festival feel to this year’s event, which will ensure there is something to please everybody. With two of the hottest acts on the UK music scene set to light up Chapel Gate on June 8th, Bournemouth Summer Ball’s place among the very best in the country is well and truly secured .. .. now just to get your costume sorted. Chart-topping hits RUDIMENTAL Swiss Lips The Postman (Ibiza Rocks 2013) The masterminds of UK Drum ‘n’ Bass. HIGH CONTRAST Syron Whitey J Fresh & Davi C Audio Sleaze Skydro & Felon From the Dirty Bird Records stable. JUSTIN MARTIN Ste-V-Something Shark Bait Jack Light L.E.G VJ’s Red Bull Stage: Hosted by GET SATISFIED Gareth J Sutcliffe Zee & Eli MJ Kenna Jack Priest Indie Rock ‘n’ Roll. Eliza and the Bear The Struts Milk DJ Team You’re all invited to come and celebrate with us at The SUBU Annual Review on Tuesday 4th July! The SUBU Annual Reivew is an event that the Students Union at Bournemouth University hold every year to demonstrate some of the great things we have achieved and how we have followed our vision and values to help you reach you potential. We now have over 100 clubs and societies, over 700 fantastic student reps, a new student lounge at Lansdowne Campus and lots more! So if you want to find out more about SUBU, what we do and celebrate the year 2013/14 please come along!The event will take place on Tuesday 4th June at 4.30pm in Kimmeridge House, Bournemouth University and we would love to see you all there! Please RSVP to Louise Bryant: @ [email protected] BU are holding a Festival of Learning from 3-14 June 2013. With over 100 events to choose from, It’s a great way to learn and meet new people, whilst BU staff share their expertise. FESTIVAL OF LEARNING RUDIMENTAL EVERYTHING EVERYTHING


News from SUBUrbia is SUBU's monthly news update. Keep an eye out around university for the news letter.

Transcript of News From Surburbia - May Edition

Page 1: News From Surburbia  - May Edition

Voting for the RAG and Volunteer ing elect ions 2013 opens this Wednesday. RAG stands for rais ing and giving and is the fundrais ing arm of the Students’ Union. They organise loads of cool events throughout the year, including: leggit , skydives, overseas volunteer ing and expedit ions. The memebrs of the new committee wi l l help organise some awesome events next year and raise lots of money for char ity. The volunteer ing committee exists to help plan, organise and run events for SUBU Volunteer ing. We want committee members to be ambassadors for volunteer ing and come up with br ight new ideas on how we can encourage more students to get involved.

Find out more about the people running for the elected roles and vote for

who you think would make a posit ive impact on the RAG and Volunter r ing committees by vis i t ing: ions.

K E Y D A T E S :Voting Opens: Wednesday 29th May 2013, 10amVoting Closes: Fr iday 31st May, 3pm


w w w . S U B U . O R G . U K


JAN 2013

F R O M T H E S T U D E N T S ’ U N I O N A T B O U R N E M O U T H U N I V E R S I T Y W W W . S U B U . O R G . U K f S U B U B O U R N E M O U T H ☎ 0 1 2 0 2 9 6 5 7 6 5

May 09

Y O U R M O N T H L Y U P D A T E F R O M T H E S T U D E N T S ’ U N I O N A T B O U R N E M O U T H U N I V E R S I T Y w w w . S U B U . O R G . U K f S U B U B O U R N E M O U T H ☎ 0 1 2 0 2 9 6 5 7 6 5

S U M M E R B A L L 2 0 1 3 P R E V I E w


R A G A N D V O L U N T E E R I N G E L E C T I O N SA N N U A L R E V I E w

Summer Bal l i s just weeks away and we’re incredibly proud to announce our new Main Stage double headl ine l ine up: Alt- rock band Everything Everything and then a DJ set f rom the mass ive Rudimental !

Hot off the trai l s of their breakthrough debut album, Home , which debuted at #1 in the UK album charts, Rudimental have provided us with some of the biggest dance tracks of the last 12 months. The quartet have bui l t a st rong u’ground fol lowing working with the l ikes of Alex Clare and Emel i Sande, before exploding into the mainstream. The show had or iginal ly planned to be l ive but is now a DJ+MC per formance and onstage a bit later. Expect to hear the huge summer anthems Feel The Love , Not Giving In, Wait ing Al l Night and Spoons, which features Syron, who we’ve also got heading down

to play the Enter stage. Capably in support of Rudimental are the band Everything Everything. Their crafty and ambit ious second album ‘Arc’ was greeted with nat ionwide cr i t ical acclaim and the four-piece’s f igurehead track, Cough Cough , f i l led our radio airwaves towards the tai l end of 2012, which Doron Davidson-Vidavski of Londonist cal led a “manic and wonder ful t rack”. The band wi l l offer a more tradit ional fest ival feel to this year’s event, which wi l l ensure there is something to please everybody.

With two of the hottest acts on the UK music scene set to l ight up Chapel Gate on June 8th, Bournemouth Summer Bal l ’s place among the very best in the country is wel l and truly secured.. . .now just to get your costume sorted.

Chart-topping hitsRUDIMENTALSwiss L ips The Postman ( Ibiza Rocks 2013)

The masterminds of UK Drum ‘n’ Bass.HIGH CONTRASTSyronWhiteyJ Fresh & Davi CAudio S leazeSkydro & Felon

From the Dirty B i rd Records stable.JUSTIN MARTINSte-V-SomethingShark BaitJack L ightL.E.G VJ’s

Red Bul l Stage: Hosted by GET SATISFIEDGareth J Sutcl i f feZee & El iMJ KennaJack Pr iest

Indie Rock ‘n’ Rol l .E l iza and the BearThe StrutsMi lk DJ Team

You’re al l invited to come and celebrate with us at The SUBU Annual Review on Tuesday 4th July! The SUBU Annual Reivew is an event that the Students Union at Bournemouth Univers i ty hold every year to demonstrate some of the great things we have achieved and how we have fol lowed our v is ion and values to help you reach you potent ial . We now have over 100 clubs and societ ies, over 700 fantast ic student reps, a new student lounge at Lansdowne Campus and lots more! So i f you want to f ind out more about SUBU, what we do and celebrate the year 2013/14 please come along!The event wi l l take place on Tuesday 4th June at 4.30pm in Kimmeridge House, Bournemouth Univers i ty and we would love to see you al l there! Please RSVP to Louise Bryant:

@ [email protected]

BU are holding a Fest ival of Learning from 3-14 June 2013. With over 100 events to choose from, I t’s a great way to learn and meet new people, whi lst BU staff share their expert ise. micros




Page 2: News From Surburbia  - May Edition

L O V E F O R L A N S D O w N EHey guys, I am very happy to announce that B130 is now open – so please feel f ree to use this new student lounge whenever Bournemouth House is open! :D

For you lovely HSC lot that are going out on placement this term please remember that SUBU and the Uni i s open throughout the whole summer. I f you need to get in contact with anyone do not hesitate – here are some contact detai ls that might be helpful… sUbU advice01202 [email protected] sUbU reception01202 [email protected] askbU01202 969696 And my contact detai ls are below…

Have an amazing last term and a lovely summer! :D

Love, Sophie. x

News from SUBUrbia is printed on 100 % recycled paper. We wouldn’t have it any other way!

Every penny of profit that is made in our commercial outlets (The Loft, Dylan’s, The Old Fire Station, Student Shops) goes back into SU activities.


M E E T T H E S U M M E R B A L L 2 0 1 3 M E D I A T E A M


D I D Y O U K N O w . . .There is a cloak room avai lable at the Summer Bal l s i te, which doubles as lost property. So as wel l as looking after coats and bags ful l of jumpers for the crowds on their happy, but t i red and often chi l ly journey home, we also reunite many people who have lost phones, f r iends and other party essent ials dur ing the mayhem! Just a reminder that i f you want to br ing something warm along to the bal l and leave i t with us - for just £1 a go - you can (blankets and comfy shoes are popular too)!

Grad Ball is set for Friday 8th November at O2 Academy in Boscombe, Bournemouth. Tickets are on sale now from @


F R E S H E R S F A I RB O O K Y O U R S T A L L N O w !

S U M M E R L O V I N ’S E N D U S Y O U R P H O T O S !With the Summer Hol idays fast approaching, we want to see your summer snaps. So, i f you f ind a great fest ival , coast l ine, or f ind anything else that has you feel ing summery, post i t to ‘SUBU Bournemouth’ on Facebook wal l or tweet us @SUBUBournemouth.

We personal ly love this shot of Bournemouth Beach and Pier!

Your shots can be as arty and interest ing as you want them to be. I f you take some good shots of Bournemouth, you could even enter them in to the Qual i ty Assurance Agency for Higher Education’s photography competit ion!

The competit ion is open to al l students studying in the UK. With the chance to win up to £500, entrants should submit their best photographs, demonstrat ing ‘The Student Exper ience’. Clos ing date for entr ies i s 16 August so grab those cameras! Check out the competit ion here: http://altur l .com/uhg4e

El iza and the Bear wi l l be br inging their own vers ion of folk-pop to the Summer Bal l th is year, when they headl ine the Mi lk Stage. Just to clar i fy, there is no member cal led El iza in this band. A 5-piece from London, the band comprises James Kel legher, Cal l ie Noakes, Mart in Dukelow, Chr is Brand, Paul Kevin Jackson.

E l iza and the Bear is the name of a long piece of per formance poetry by Eleanor Rees. I t ’s blurb says: “Rees’s use of fai ry stor ies and night v is ions radical ly re- imagines the female exper ience through the psychic col l i s ions of the body and our desi res.” E l iza & The Bear descr ibe themselves as alt- rock/indie, but there is a def inite folk element. Mult i layered ar rangements, pounding choruses and the al l -popular harmony make

for great summer music. With a sound that’s not diss imi lar to the l ikes of The Lumineers or Mumford and Sons – minus the banjo and upping the piano, their upl i f t ing melodies, harmonious vocals and heartfelt lyr ics are per fect Summer Bal l mater ial .

The band have just been on tour with Athlete and they have a fest ival f i l led summer ahead of them. Playing gigs such as Evolut ion Fest ival and The Great Escape, SUBU have been lucky enough to squeeze them on to the Summer Bal l l ine up as wel l .

You can check out their latest tunes on Soundcloud:

Fol low @el izaandthebear and @subusummerbal l for more!

Have a question you want to ask about Lansdowne Campus?

Contact SUBU’s VP Lansdowne, Sophie Chaytor-Grubb on:

@ suvplansdowne@

01202 962375

Did you know that even Summer Bal ls can be ‘green’?

Here’s how SUBU do i t…..

Waste: Fest ivals generate lots of waste – we make sure we minimise this as much as poss ible.

We actively separate waste into recyclables and non-recyclables and then send al l plast ic, cardboard and glass waste for recycl ing.

Each year we only send ONE SKIP of non-recyclable waste to landf i l l – not bad consider ing that’s f rom 6,500 students party ing al l n ight.

Transpor t : To reduce the carbon footpr int of the Bal l we provide free coach transport to and from the s i te for students.

This means we’re helping to cut down on the number of taxis dr iv ing there and back and therefore reducing carbon emiss ions.

Got any ideas to help us be even greener next year? Emai l them to Sarah at:

@ shar r ison@bournemouth.

Cardif f -born producer L incoln Bar rett – better known to bass-lovers as High Contrast – wi l l be headl in ing the Enter Stage at Summer Bal l th is year.

The seasoned pro has been making music s ince 2000 and is now on his 6th studio album.

Bar rett grew up more interested in f i lm soundtracks than chart music, and st i l l c i tes Wendy Car los’ ‘A Clockwork Orange’ soundtrack album and the Vangel is soundtrack for ‘B lade Runner’ as def ining musical inf luences. Bar rett f i rst became a fan of drum and bass aged 17 and short ly after began to make his own music.

Fast forward 13 years and the DJ has per formed at fest ivals l ike ‘Coachel la’ and worked on some real ly impress ive events and played a key role in select ing and producing the music for the Athlete’s Parade at the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony.

Now we’ve bagged him for the Summer Bal l . I t ’s going to be mind blowing!

SUBU are now taking bookings for the 2013 Fresher’s fai r which is on the 28th September on the Talbot Campus. The fai r i s a great opportunity for clubs and societ ies to meet 4000 f resher’s and s ign up new members.

P lease send al l c lubs and societ ies enquires to [email protected] or for more information on the fai r please contact Paul Phipps on [email protected]

Nerve is taking i t’s biggest and best ever team to the Summer Bal l th is year. The biggest student party of the year always provides the very best memories and Nerve’s Photographers, Video Teams and Reviewers wi l l be cover ing everything, so you can look back on al l the best bits .Working on the night wi l l be our Chief Interviwer Rupert Clarke and team, who wi l l be backstage with the bands. Meanwhi le our v ideo teams, Kel ly Gr i f f i ths and Gemma Kingshott and Andrew Greenwood and Car los Fesser wi l l be at the front of every per formance shooting exclus ive mater ial . We have photographers

onsite too, look out for Joe Kent, who wi l l be taking pictures of the most excit ing costumes and you can also check out Nerve’s photo booth, so Kevin Gu can take a picture that wi l l go straight on Facebook after the event for you to tag yourself . In the tents, cover ing every band throughout the night wi l l be Scott Morgan and Douglas Benge. F inal ly, Nerve Mag’s Entertainment Editor Josh I redale is br inging a s ix st rong review team with him to cover every tent and more. Be sure to check out the special News f rom Suburbia on the Mondayafter the Summerbal l for these plus the best of the nights photos.

Don’t misso u t o n o u r

Summer Ba l l Review Special

Edition of SUBUrbiafor the best pictures

& stories from the night.

O U T 1 0 T H J U N ER E A D O N L I N E A T

S U B U . O R G . U K