News Bulletin From Greg Hands MP #443

From: Greg Hands MP [email protected] Subject: News Bulletin from Greg Hands MP #443 Date: 20 August 2015 16:08 To: [email protected] In this edition: Greg Hands MP’s Diary Website of the Week: Stephen Greenhalgh for London Greg Hands visits Local Police Station and Goes on a Beat Greg Hands receives Update from Mayor of London on 424 Bus Route Greg Hands continues to seek Best Outcome for Local Residents over Thames Tideway Tunnel Conservative London Mayoral Selection Greg Hands congratulates Sixth Formers on their A Level Results Photo news: Hands inspects progress at new Bimingham New Street station Tory ideas can shape the next decade for all Britons Hands on Twitter: Go4Greenhalgh Photo news: Mega Monday Canvassing in Kensington Government starts Sale of its Investment in King's Cross Central Development Greg Hands welcomes Government Plans to protect Children online In the papers: Planes to Make Steeper Approaches into Heathrow 7 ways to contact Greg Hands Issue 443 - Thursday 20th August 2015 Since the last edition, Greg: Chaired a series of Spending Review round tables at the Treasury with public sector professionals, the voluntary sector and other stakeholders, including on infrastructure & construction, adult & children social services, the emergency services, international development and the digital economy. The roundtables were designed to help inform the background to this year’s Spending Review, being led by Greg in his capacity as Chief Secretary to the Treasury. Met members of the Carnwath Road Coalition to discuss the ongoing threat of the impact of the Super Sewer (Thames Tideway Tunnel) to Fulham. For more, see below. Joined teams from across the Kensington, Chelsea & Fulham Conservatives for survey canvassing of local people. For more, see photo below. Visited the site of the new HS2 terminus in Birmingham (Curzon Street) and had a preview of the soon-to-be-reopened Birmingham New Street Station. For more, see photos below. Visited the Border Force at Heathrow Airport to see their operations keeping the UK border secure from terrorism, illegal immigration, crime, customs breaches and human trafficking. Visited Wandsworth Council’s delivery unit for the Government’s Troubled Families programme. Visited the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, with local MP Bob Blakcman, to learn more about Prof. Tim Briggs’s work on “Getting It Right First Time”. Held a surgery at Fulham Library. Greg’s surgeries are generally held weekly, and generally on Friday afternoons at Fulham Library. To make an appointment, please email [email protected] or telephone 020 7219 5448. Website of the Week: The campaign website of Deputy Mayor Stephen Greenhalgh, who is in the final four to be the Conservative candidate for Mayor of London. Greg Hands visits Local Police Station and Goes on a Beat Greg Hands MP at Sloane Square tube station with RBKC Borough Commander Ellie O'Connor and Sgt Tim Otway before starting their beat patrol. Greg Hands visited one of his local Metropolitan Police teams and went on a beat with officers to learn more about the hard work that they do to keep his constituents safe. On Monday, 10 August, Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, attended the daily “pacesetter” meeting held by the Metropolitan Police’s Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea team at the invitation of Ch. Supt Ellie O’Connor. These daily meetings involve not only a review of the past 24 hours, but also a forward- facing plan for the deployment of assets, as well as a critical performance review. Observing the meeting, Greg Hands was impressed to see modern technology being used to provide predictive crime mapping in an effort to determine the best deployment of police assets. Issues covered during the meeting ranged from stolen mopeds to the personal safety of tourists, and planning for VJ Day celebrations and the Notting Hill Carnival. The police officers in attendance revealed the wide range of expertise and resources on offer in the Royal Borough, and included officers who specialise in counter-terrorism and gangs, for example. Before Greg had the chance to get out on a beat, however, Ch. Supt O’Connor raised a number of issues which may be of particular concern to some constituents of Chelsea and Fulham. First, Ch. Supt O’Connor reiterated the problems associated with keyless-entry vehicles, and specifically that owners of very expensive keyless-entry vehicles should protect them with a steering wheel or crook lock in order to foil the attempts of criminals who steal such vehicles using cheaply acquired tools. On a related note, Ch. Supt O’Connor raised the issue of so-called super cars, which have caused concern to a number of local residents on account of the volume of noise that they produce. Ch. Supt O’Connor referred to the potential for a new Public Space Protection Order which could serve to restrict the use of such noisy vehicles. Continuing on a similar vehicular theme, Ch. Supt O’Connor reminded Greg about the improved technology of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) devices, which can identify vehicles that may be uninsured or stolen, for example. Greg Hands receives Update from Mayor of London on 424 Bus Route Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, has received a written update on Transport for London’s (TfL) proposed curtailment of the 424 bus route. This route currently runs right the way from Craven Cottage in Fulham to Putney High Street, providing a vital service for residents in Sands End and Peterborough Road. The Mayor’s update came in response to the petition organised by Sands End ward Conservative councillors Rob Largan, Steve Hamilton, and Jane Law, who collected more than 2,000 signatures in less than a fortnight. The Mayor’s letter explains that Transport for London has not yet made any decisions about its proposals for the 424 bus route, and that the proposals would be subject to a full public consultation planned for the autumn. The Mayor encourages local residents to respond. Nevertheless, when the consultation officially starts, Greg Hands will do everything he can to maximise the response from Fulham in an effort to prevent TfL’s proposed curtailment of the 424 bus route. Greg Hands continues to seek Best Outcome for Local Residents over Thames Tideway Tunnel Greg Hands has held another meeting with local residents to discuss their ongoing concerns about the Thames Tideway Tunnel. On Thursday, 13 August, the Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, held a further meeting with local residents from the Carnwath Road Coalition to discuss their ongoing concerns about the proposed Thames Tideway Tunnel project. Greg has reiterated his clear stance on the Thames Tideway Tunnel: “For a long time now I have fought hard to prevent the Super Sewer from being dug at the Carnwath Road Riverside site in Fulham. I have proposed alternative sites, spoken at three open meetings, lobbied Government ministers, written submissions, and heard the concerns of hundreds of local residents. “However, in spite of my efforts, those of the previous Conservative council, and those of the local Conservative Sands End ward councillors, a decision has been made to continue with the project. I believe that I can now best serve my constituents by applying pressure on the developers and contractors to ensure that the concerns of local residents be heard, and that the interests of south Fulham should be protected.” Commenting after the meeting, Greg Hands said: “I am pleased to have had the chance to hold a further meeting with representatives of the Carnwath Road Coalition. The discussion was constructive and raised some important new concerns held by my constituents, who live in the immediate vicinity of the proposed construction site. “I am striving to get as much as possible from Thames Tideway Tunnel and Thames Water in terms of changes, assurances, and compensation for local residents, in an effort to mitigate the detrimental impact that the construction of this sewer may have on my constituents.” Greg Hands has written to Andy Mitchell, the Chief Executive Officer of Thames Tideway Tunnel Ltd, to request a general update on the progress of the project, and to clarify certain issues, and he looks forward to receiving Mr Mitchell’s response. Conservative London Mayoral Selection You decide - Londoners invited to help the party choose its candidate The Conservative Party is holding an online primary to select its candidate for the 2016 London Mayoral Election. Anyone in London who is on the electoral roll can register to vote to help the party choose who will stand for the Conservatives in the election next year. The current Mayor of London Boris Johnson was selected as the Conservative candidate in 2007 using a primary and the party is again giving all Londoners the opportunity to be involved in the process. Four candidates have been shortlisted to stand in the primary. Andrew Boff, Zac Goldsmith, Stephen Greenhalgh and Syed Kamall will campaign across the capital over the summer and will take part in official hustings in September. CLICK HERE to register without an access code. If you haven’t yet received an access code, you can still register to vote in the primary. There is a £1 fee to register. CLICK HERE to register with an access code. If you’ve already been sent an access code, you can quickly complete the registration process by following this route. There is a £1 fee to register – although this is waived for Conservative Party Members. If you are a member and have not received an access code click here . Greg Hands congratulates Sixth Formers on their A Level Results Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, has congratulated sixth formers at schools in his constituency as they received their A Level results on Thursday, 13 August. Indeed, Greg is pleased to see that both parts of his constituency have reason to celebrate. In the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Cllr Emma Will, the Cabinet Member for Education, said: “This is a fantastic set of results with some really wonderful individual achievements amongst them. They are testament to the dedication and professionalism of the teachers and the hard work of the students.” In particular, Chelsea Academy is celebrating its best set of results, achieving 53 per cent of its marks at grades A* to B, with the results for English, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, and languages being of note. Established in 2009, Chelsea Academy is funded by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and the Church of England, and specialises in science. Recognising his students’ achievements, Matt Williams, Principal of Chelsea Academy, said: “I am delighted with the outstanding success of our students’ A-level results. The work that the students and staff have put in over the past two years has paid off with the best set of A- level results we have seen at Chelsea Academy.” In Hammersmith and Fulham, Headteacher of Lady Margaret School, Sally Whyte, is said to be delighted that her Sixth Formers achieved a one hundred per cent pass-rate, with sixty-seven per cent of students achieving grades of A* to B. A good number can now look forward to going up to Oxford and Cambridge, as well as other prestigious universities. Established in 1917, the Church of England’s Lady Margaret School was awarded specialist schools status as a Mathematics & Computing College in September 2003, and then became an academy in September 2012. Reports also suggest that the results were strong at the London Oratory School, one of the country’s leading Catholic schools, which will no doubt please Headmaster David McFadden. Greg Hands looks forward to further success for Chelsea and Fulham on Thursday, 20 August, when the GCSE results are released. Photo news: Hands inspects progress at new Bimingham New Street station Greg Hands MP inspecting the new Birmingham New Street station this week. The state of the art refurbishment will be officially opened in September. Tory ideas can shape the next decade for all Britons This Government is delivering the prosperity and security that Britain needs David Cameron writes for the Daily Telegraph One hundred days ago I stood on the steps of Downing Street and told the British people that the first Conservative majority Government for 18 years would govern on behalf of everyone. One nation, one United Kingdom. It is that brand of modern, compassionate conservatism that has guided us since May 8 - and it will continue to guide this Government for the rest of this Parliament. Our central task is to finish turning around our economy. Through our Long Term Economic Plan we are getting the fundamentals right, generating growth, creating jobs, clearing the deficit and offering the British people the security they need to get on in their lives. I am determined that we will build on this foundation. Just as Conservative ideas have won the debate on how to manage the economy, so I believe Conservative ideas can now shape the future in meeting the challenges facing our whole society too. On the challenge of delivering an economy that supports working people, it is Conservatives who believe that a free enterprise economy is an ally not an enemy in generating wealth and extending opportunity. By cutting taxes, reforming welfare and increasing minimum wages we are showing we are the real party of working people. On tackling poverty, it is Conservative ideas that can make the biggest difference - attacking the causes of poverty, not just the symptoms, by tackling generational unemployment, strengthening families and ensuring that work always pays. On delivering security in a dangerous world, we will confront the extremist threat in all its forms and build a stronger, prouder sense of British identity. As Conservatives we will also meet our commitments on defence spending and international aid. This is not some naïve neo- conservative internationalism but a hard-headed realism that recognises our prosperity and security are inextricably linked to how we meet the threats of terrorism, poverty and climate change. Our success also depends on being an outward-facing trading nation and so I will continue leading trade delegations oversees to win new business for Britain. Taken together all these beliefs add up to a genuine One Nation vision for our country through which I believe Conservative ideas can lead the way for a decade. Yet during the election there were some who suggested we would only be firmly on the side of working people or demonstrate true compassion with the Liberal Democrats holding our hands. These first hundred days have shown this is simply not true. Indeed without the restrictions of coalition we have shown that by being bolder and more radical we can be more progressive and compassionate. We are delivering strong, centre-ground, pragmatic and progressive government exemplified by our new National Living Wage and our commitment to a real terms increase of at least £8 billion a year by 2020 to support the NHS’s own Five Year Plan. We are moving from a low wage, high tax, high welfare society to a higher wage, lower tax, lower welfare society. By 2020, the new National Living Wage will represent a pay rise of around £100 a week for the lowest paid. While our continued commitment to cutting taxes means we have already raised again the amount you can earn before paying any income tax at all. And the legislation we are bringing forward will mean no increases in income tax, VAT or national insurance in the lifetime of this parliament. We are supporting working parents with the challenges of childcare, so they can take on that extra shift or go back to work after a break. So the Queen’s Speech honoured our promise to double free childcare to 30 hours a week for three and four year olds. We are also seeing through vital reforms in our public services, including the creation of a truly 7-day NHS. At a time when Labour is giving up on public service reform and appealing to its left-wing base, I believe it is a moment for a Conservative government to be bolder still. There is no better example than academy schools. We want everyone to have a chance to succeed and education is the best way of ensuring that. This means schools with strong standards and discipline. It also means giving great headteachers the freedom to run their own schools with the ability to set their own curriculum and pay their staff properly. Academy schools were created to do exactly that. This is something Labour used to understand and we have proudly expanded them, including the creation of entirely new academies as free schools. I profoundly believe this is the right direction for our country because I want teachers not bureaucrats deciding how best to educate our children. We have already seen how academy freedoms have been fundamental in turning around failing schools – like Manchester Enterprise Academy, where results have almost doubled during its time as an academy. That is why in the first 100 days we have brought forward legislation to transform all failing schools into academies and for the first time taken the power to convert coasting schools into academies too. But we have also seen how these freedoms can help all schools, with more than 3,000 good and outstanding schools already making the decision to become academies themselves. So when Labour leadership contenders say they want to phase out academies, I say the opposite. I want every school in the country to have the opportunity to become an academy and to benefit from the freedoms this brings. So we will make it a priority to recruit more academy sponsors and support more great headteachers in coming together in academy chains. In doing so, we can extend educational excellence and opportunity to every school and every child in our country. 100 days in, we are showing it is a Conservative majority government which has the ideas to build the One Nation vision and to deliver real social mobility in our country. We will not waste a second in getting on with the job and delivering the prosperity and security on which our future depends. Hands on Twitter: Go4Greenhalgh Photo news: Mega Monday Canvassing in Kensington Greg Hands MP with local Kensington, Chelsea & Fulham Conservative canvassers this week on a "Mega Monday" action day. Government starts Sale of its Investment in King’s Cross Central Development Sale begins of Government’s stake in 67 acre development site around King’s Cross to help cut deficit and build strong economy. The Government announced the start of the sale process of its investment in the iconic King’s Cross Central redevelopment on 17 August 2015. The decision to sell the Government’s investment in King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership (KCCLP), which is developing land around King’s Cross Station, was announced by the Chancellor in June. The sale of the Government’s investment in the 67 acre site, which is being redeveloped with offices and residential and leisure properties, will be a multi-million pound deal with all proceeds returning to the Treasury. Launching the sale, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport, Robert Goodwill MP, said: “By selling the government’s shares in King’s Cross Central we are selling an asset we no longer need to keep and realising its value for the taxpayer. The sale will help reduce the deficit and by doing so deliver lasting economic security for working people. “The government’s sale of its 36.5% interest in KCCLP is a significant opportunity for private capital to gain exposure to one of Europe’s most important city centre regeneration projects.” Chief Secretary to the Treasury and Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, said: “Cutting the deficit and building a strong economy are priorities for this government. Key to this is getting out of the business of owning assets that should be in the private sector. “Selling our stake in the land around King’s Cross is an important milestone which will raise money to pay down the public debt while also encouraging private sector investment in an important London site.” The Government’s principal objective is to maximise value for money for the UK taxpayer by executing a competitive sale process. Lazard has been appointed as financial adviser to conduct the sale process, supported by Savills as real estate advisers. The 67-acre King’s Cross estate is being developed into 8 million square feet of mixed-use space, consisting of offices, apartments, retail space, educational establishments, and leisure areas across 50 new and refurbished buildings, and with 26 acres of public realm, including 10 new parks and squares, 20 new streets, and 3 new bridges across the Regent’s Canal. Its occupiers include Google, BNP Paribas Real Estate, the Aga Khan Development Network, and University of the Arts London. The site is adjacent to King’s Cross Station, which services 6 London Underground lines, and St Pancras Station, from where Eurostar services connect to Paris and Brussels. Prospective investors should contact Lazard by 7 September 2015. Greg Hands welcomes Government Plans to protect Children online Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, has welcomed the news that Baroness Shields, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Internet Safety and Security, is announcing plans to protect children from viewing age-inappropriate music videos online. While films in the cinema and DVDs are age-rated in an effort to inform viewers and to assist parents in making informed choices, children have easy access to age-inappropriate music videos online that often have no rating. That is why in October 2014 a Government-backed pilot to introduce age ratings for online music videos was launched by the BBFC and BPI in conjunction with Vevo, YouTube, and major UK music labels. Building on this pilot, the Government has now agreed with the UK music industry that measures trialled will now be made permanent for videos produced in the UK by artists who are represented by major labels. In addition to working with major UK music labels, the Government is also working with independent UK music labels to introduce age ratings on their content in a six-month pilot phase. In response to the proposals, Greg Hands said, “Keeping children safe as they experience and enjoy all the benefits the internet has to offer is a key priority for this Government’s One Nation approach to helping families across Britain, and this is of particular importance to me as the father of two young children.” The Government will continue to work with industry to develop ways to help parents better protect their children online from inappropriate music videos with explicit adult or violent content. In the papers: Planes to Make Steeper Approaches into Heathrow from Trial aims to reduce noise from aircraft landing at airport Planes landing at Heathrow will be making a steeper approach from next month in an attempt to reduce the noise disruption for residents. The international standard approach for most airports in the world is set at 3 degrees, except for obstacle clearance (e.g. buildings, mountains etc.). Heathrow believes a steeper angle is possible and will lead to quieter approaches to the airport. They say has been the experience at Frankfurt airport where steeper approach angles have been introduced. To test whether the implementation of steeper approaches of up to 3.5 degrees at the airport is possible, starting on 14 September 2015, Heathrow will be trialling a slightly steeper approach angle of 3.2 degrees. Mobile noise monitors have been specially deployed for the duration of the trial. A report will be issued following the trial summarising the findings. The trial has been approved by the Civil Aviation Authority and is planned to run until 16 March 2016. While the trial is optional, a large number of airlines that have the necessary standard of navigational equipment for this approach are expected to take part. Heathrow claim that measures like steeper approaches and new aircraft technology will mean fewer people will be affected by aircraft noise even if the airport expands. They point to the report by the Airports Commission which stated that at least 200,000 fewer people are expected to be within Heathrow’s noise footprint by the time an additional runway opens. Matt Gorman, Heathrow Director of Sustainability and Environment said: “Steeper approaches are just one step in the right direction, and along with other quieter operating procedures and incentives to bring quieter aircraft into operation, will ensure fewer people are affected by noise, even with an expanded airport.” This trial is one of 10 steps Heathrow says it is taking through its Blueprint for Noise Reduction to explore ways to improve the noise climate around Heathrow. If adopted, it claims it will be the only airport in the UK to introduce steeper approaches as a means to reduce noise on the ground. Residents around the airport wishing to learn more about the trial can contact Heathrow’s Community Relations Team at 0800 344 844 or email [email protected] . 7 ways to contact Greg Hands: By Phone: 020 7219 5448 By email: [email protected] By post: Greg Hands House of Commons London SW1A 0AA In person: Click here for details of how to book an appointment at Greg Hands’s weekly surgery More news from Greg Hands MP, coming soonPlease forward this email on to anyone you think may be interested. If you have had this email forwarded to you and would like to be added to the mailing list, please send an email to: [email protected] with “JOIN” in the subject heading. To unsubscribe from this list, please return an e-mail to [email protected] with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject heading. Published & Promoted by Jonathan Fraser-Howells on behalf of Greg Hands, both of 44 Southern Row, London, W10 5AN


News Bulletin From Greg Hands MP #443

Transcript of News Bulletin From Greg Hands MP #443

  • From: Greg Hands MP [email protected]: News Bulletin from Greg Hands MP #443

    Date: 20 August 2015 16:08To: [email protected]


    In this edition:

    Greg Hands MPs Diary Website of the Week:Stephen Greenhalgh forLondon Greg Hands visits LocalPolice Station and Goes ona Beat Greg Hands receivesUpdate from Mayor ofLondon on 424 Bus Route Greg Hands continues toseek Best Outcome forLocal Residents overThames Tideway Tunnel Conservative LondonMayoral Selection Greg Hands congratulatesSixth Formers on their ALevel Results Photo news:Hands inspects progress atnew Bimingham New Streetstation Tory ideas can shape thenext decade for all Britons Hands on Twitter:Go4Greenhalgh Photo news:Mega Monday Canvassingin Kensington Government starts Sale ofits Investment in King'sCross Central Development Greg Hands welcomesGovernment Plans toprotect Children online In the papers:Planes to Make SteeperApproaches into Heathrow7 ways to contact Greg Hands

    Issue 443 - Thursday 20th August 2015

    Since the last edition, Greg:

    Chaired a series of Spending Review round tables at theTreasury with public sector professionals, the voluntary sectorand other stakeholders, including on infrastructure &construction, adult & children social services, the emergencyservices, international development and the digital economy.The roundtables were designed to help inform the backgroundto this years Spending Review, being led by Greg in hiscapacity as Chief Secretary to the Treasury.Met members of the Carnwath Road Coalition to discuss theongoing threat of the impact of the Super Sewer (ThamesTideway Tunnel) to Fulham. For more, see below.Joined teams from across the Kensington, Chelsea & FulhamConservatives for survey canvassing of local people. Formore, see photo below.Visited the site of the new HS2 terminus in Birmingham(Curzon Street) and had a preview of the soon-to-be-reopenedBirmingham New Street Station. For more, see photos below.Visited the Border Force at Heathrow Airport to see theiroperations keeping the UK border secure from terrorism, illegalimmigration, crime, customs breaches and human trafficking.Visited Wandsworth Councils delivery unit for theGovernments Troubled Families programme.Visited the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, withlocal MP Bob Blakcman, to learn more about Prof. Tim Briggsswork on Getting It Right First Time.Held a surgery at Fulham Library. Gregs surgeries aregenerally held weekly, and generally on Friday afternoons atFulham Library. To make an appointment, please [email protected] or telephone 020 7219 5448.

    Website of the The campaign website of Deputy Mayor Stephen Greenhalgh,who is in the final four to be the Conservative candidate forMayor of London.

    Greg Hands visits Local Police Station andGoes on a Beat

    Greg Hands MP at Sloane Square tube station with RBKCBorough Commander Ellie O'Connor and Sgt Tim Otway before

    starting their beat patrol. Greg Hands visited one of his local Metropolitan Police teams andwent on a beat with officers to learn more about the hard work thatthey do to keep his constituents safe. On Monday, 10 August, Member of Parliament for Chelsea andFulham, Greg Hands, attended the daily pacesetter meeting held bythe Metropolitan Polices Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelseateam at the invitation of Ch. Supt Ellie OConnor. These daily meetingsinvolve not only a review of the past 24 hours, but also a forward-facing plan for the deployment of assets, as well as a criticalperformance review. Observing the meeting, Greg Hands wasimpressed to see modern technology being used to provide predictivecrime mapping in an effort to determine the best deployment of policeassets. Issues covered during the meeting ranged from stolen mopeds to thepersonal safety of tourists, and planning for VJ Day celebrations andthe Notting Hill Carnival. The police officers in attendance revealed thewide range of expertise and resources on offer in the Royal Borough,and included officers who specialise in counter-terrorism and gangs,for example. Before Greg had the chance to get out on a beat, however, Ch. SuptOConnor raised a number of issues which may be of particularconcern to some constituents of Chelsea and Fulham. First, Ch. SuptOConnor reiterated the problems associated with keyless-entryvehicles, and specifically that owners of very expensive keyless-entryvehicles should protect them with a steering wheel or crook lock inorder to foil the attempts of criminals who steal such vehicles usingcheaply acquired tools. On a related note, Ch. Supt OConnor raised the issue of so-calledsuper cars, which have caused concern to a number of local residentson account of the volume of noise that they produce. Ch. SuptOConnor referred to the potential for a new Public Space ProtectionOrder which could serve to restrict the use of such noisy vehicles.Continuing on a similar vehicular theme, Ch. Supt OConnor remindedGreg about the improved technology of Automatic Number PlateRecognition (ANPR) devices, which can identify vehicles that may beuninsured or stolen, for example.

    Greg Hands receives Update from Mayor ofLondon on 424 Bus Route

    Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, hasreceived a written update on Transport for Londons (TfL) proposedcurtailment of the 424 bus route. This route currently runs right theway from Craven Cottage in Fulham to Putney High Street, providinga vital service for residents in Sands End and Peterborough Road. The Mayors update came in response to the petition organised bySands End ward Conservative councillors Rob Largan, SteveHamilton, and Jane Law, who collected more than 2,000 signatures inless than a fortnight. The Mayors letter explains that Transport forLondon has not yet made any decisions about its proposals for the424 bus route, and that the proposals would be subject to a full publicconsultation planned for the autumn. The Mayor encourages localresidents to respond. Nevertheless, when the consultation officially starts, Greg Hands willdo everything he can to maximise the response from Fulham in aneffort to prevent TfLs proposed curtailment of the 424 bus route.

    Greg Hands continues to seek BestOutcome for Local Residents over ThamesTideway Tunnel

    Greg Hands has held anothermeeting with local residents todiscuss their ongoing concernsabout the Thames TidewayTunnel. On Thursday, 13 August, theMember of Parliament forChelsea and Fulham, GregHands, held a further meeting with local residents from the CarnwathRoad Coalition to discuss their ongoing concerns about the proposedThames Tideway Tunnel project. Greg has reiterated his clear stance on the Thames Tideway Tunnel:For a long time now I have fought hard to prevent the Super Sewerfrom being dug at the Carnwath Road Riverside site in Fulham. I haveproposed alternative sites, spoken at three open meetings, lobbiedGovernment ministers, written submissions, and heard the concernsof hundreds of local residents. However, in spite of my efforts, those of the previous Conservativecouncil, and those of the local Conservative Sands End wardcouncillors, a decision has been made to continue with the project. Ibelieve that I can now best serve my constituents by applyingpressure on the developers and contractors to ensure that theconcerns of local residents be heard, and that the interests of southFulham should be protected. Commenting after the meeting, Greg Hands said: I am pleased tohave had the chance to hold a further meeting with representatives ofthe Carnwath Road Coalition. The discussion was constructive andraised some important new concerns held by my constituents, wholive in the immediate vicinity of the proposed construction site. I am striving to get as much as possible from Thames TidewayTunnel and Thames Water in terms of changes, assurances, andcompensation for local residents, in an effort to mitigate thedetrimental impact that the construction of this sewer may have on myconstituents. Greg Hands has written to Andy Mitchell, the Chief Executive Officerof Thames Tideway Tunnel Ltd, to request a general update on theprogress of the project, and to clarify certain issues, and he looksforward to receiving Mr Mitchells response.

    Conservative London Mayoral Selection

    You decide - Londoners invited to help theparty choose its candidate The Conservative Party is holding an online primary to select itscandidate for the 2016 London Mayoral Election. Anyone in Londonwho is on the electoral roll can register to vote to help the partychoose who will stand for the Conservatives in the election nextyear. The current Mayor of London Boris Johnson was selected as theConservative candidate in 2007 using a primary and the party is againgiving all Londoners the opportunity to be involved in the process. Four candidates have been shortlisted to stand in the primary.Andrew Boff, Zac Goldsmith, Stephen Greenhalgh and SyedKamall will campaign across the capital over the summer and will takepart in official hustings in September. CLICK HERE to register without an access code. If you havent yetreceived an access code, you can still register to vote in the primary.There is a 1 fee to register. CLICK HERE to register with an access code. If youve alreadybeen sent an access code, you can quickly complete the registrationprocess by following this route. There is a 1 fee to register althoughthis is waived for Conservative Party Members. If you are a memberand have not received an access code click here.

    Greg Hands congratulates Sixth Formerson their A Level Results Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, hascongratulated sixth formers at schools in his constituency as theyreceived their A Level results on Thursday, 13 August. Indeed, Greg ispleased to see that both parts of his constituency have reason tocelebrate. In the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Cllr Emma Will, theCabinet Member for Education, said: This is a fantastic set of resultswith some really wonderful individual achievements amongst them.They are testament to the dedication and professionalism of theteachers and the hard work of the students. In particular, Chelsea Academy is celebrating its best set of results,achieving 53 per cent of its marks at grades A* to B, with the resultsfor English, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, and languages beingof note. Established in 2009, Chelsea Academy is funded by the RoyalBorough of Kensington and Chelsea and the Church of England, andspecialises in science. Recognising his students achievements, Matt Williams, Principal ofChelsea Academy, said: I am delighted with the outstanding successof our students A-level results. The work that the students and staffhave put in over the past two years has paid off with the best set of A-level results we have seen at Chelsea Academy. In Hammersmith and Fulham, Headteacher of Lady Margaret School,Sally Whyte, is said to be delighted that her Sixth Formers achieved aone hundred per cent pass-rate, with sixty-seven per cent of studentsachieving grades of A* to B. A good number can now look forward togoing up to Oxford and Cambridge, as well as other prestigiousuniversities. Established in 1917, the Church of Englands LadyMargaret School was awarded specialist schools status as aMathematics & Computing College in September 2003, and thenbecame an academy in September 2012. Reports also suggest that the results were strong at the LondonOratory School, one of the countrys leading Catholic schools, whichwill no doubt please Headmaster David McFadden. Greg Hands looks forward to further success for Chelsea and Fulhamon Thursday, 20 August, when the GCSE results are released.

    Photo news:Hands inspects progress at newBimingham New Street station

    Greg Hands MP inspecting the new Birmingham New Streetstation this week. The state of the art refurbishment will be

    officially opened in September.

    Tory ideas can shape the next decade forall Britons

    This Government is delivering the prosperityand security that Britain needs David Cameron writes for the Daily Telegraph

    One hundred days ago I stood on the steps of Downing Street andtold the British people that the first Conservative majority Governmentfor 18 years would govern on behalf of everyone. One nation, oneUnited Kingdom. It is that brand of modern, compassionateconservatism that has guided us since May 8 - and it will continue toguide this Government for the rest of this Parliament. Our central task is to finish turning around our economy. Through ourLong Term Economic Plan we are getting the fundamentals right,generating growth, creating jobs, clearing the deficit and offering theBritish people the security they need to get on in their lives. I amdetermined that we will build on this foundation. Just as Conservativeideas have won the debate on how to manage the economy, so Ibelieve Conservative ideas can now shape the future in meeting thechallenges facing our whole society too. On the challenge of delivering an economy that supports workingpeople, it is Conservatives who believe that a free enterprise economyis an ally not an enemy in generating wealth and extendingopportunity. By cutting taxes, reforming welfare and increasingminimum wages we are showing we are the real party of workingpeople. On tackling poverty, it is Conservative ideas that can make the biggestdifference - attacking the causes of poverty, not just the symptoms, bytackling generational unemployment, strengthening families andensuring that work always pays. On delivering security in a dangerous world, we will confront theextremist threat in all its forms and build a stronger, prouder sense ofBritish identity. As Conservatives we will also meet our commitments on defencespending and international aid. This is not some nave neo-conservative internationalism but a hard-headed realism thatrecognises our prosperity and security are inextricably linked to howwe meet the threats of terrorism, poverty and climate change. Our success also depends on being an outward-facing trading nationand so I will continue leading trade delegations oversees to win newbusiness for Britain. Taken together all these beliefs add up to a genuine One Nation visionfor our country through which I believe Conservative ideas can leadthe way for a decade. Yet during the election there were some who suggested we would onlybe firmly on the side of working people or demonstrate truecompassion with the Liberal Democrats holding our hands. These firsthundred days have shown this is simply not true. Indeed without therestrictions of coalition we have shown that by being bolder and moreradical we can be more progressive and compassionate. We are delivering strong, centre-ground, pragmatic and progressivegovernment exemplified by our new National Living Wage and ourcommitment to a real terms increase of at least 8 billion a year by2020 to support the NHSs own Five Year Plan. We are moving from alow wage, high tax, high welfare society to a higher wage, lower tax,lower welfare society. By 2020, the new National Living Wage willrepresent a pay rise of around 100 a week for the lowest paid. Whileour continued commitment to cutting taxes means we have alreadyraised again the amount you can earn before paying any income taxat all. And the legislation we are bringing forward will mean noincreases in income tax, VAT or national insurance in the lifetime ofthis parliament. We are supporting working parents with the challenges of childcare,so they can take on that extra shift or go back to work after a break.So the Queens Speech honoured our promise to double freechildcare to 30 hours a week for three and four year olds. We are also seeing through vital reforms in our public services,including the creation of a truly 7-day NHS. At a time when Labour isgiving up on public service reform and appealing to its left-wing base, Ibelieve it is a moment for a Conservative government to be bolder still. There is no better example than academy schools. We want everyoneto have a chance to succeed and education is the best way ofensuring that. This means schools with strong standards anddiscipline. It also means giving great headteachers the freedom to runtheir own schools with the ability to set their own curriculum and paytheir staff properly. Academy schools were created to do exactly that.This is something Labour used to understand and we have proudlyexpanded them, including the creation of entirely new academies asfree schools. I profoundly believe this is the right direction for our country because Iwant teachers not bureaucrats deciding how best to educate ourchildren. We have already seen how academy freedoms have beenfundamental in turning around failing schools like ManchesterEnterprise Academy, where results have almost doubled during itstime as an academy. That is why in the first 100 days we have brought forward legislation totransform all failing schools into academies and for the first time takenthe power to convert coasting schools into academies too. But wehave also seen how these freedoms can help all schools, with morethan 3,000 good and outstanding schools already making the decisionto become academies themselves. So when Labour leadership contenders say they want to phase outacademies, I say the opposite. I want every school in the country tohave the opportunity to become an academy and to benefit from thefreedoms this brings. So we will make it a priority to recruit moreacademy sponsors and support more great headteachers in comingtogether in academy chains. In doing so, we can extend educationalexcellence and opportunity to every school and every child in ourcountry. 100 days in, we are showing it is a Conservative majority governmentwhich has the ideas to build the One Nation vision and to deliver realsocial mobility in our country. We will not waste a second in getting onwith the job and delivering the prosperity and security on which ourfuture depends.

    Hands on Twitter:Go4Greenhalgh

    Photo news:Mega Monday Canvassing in Kensington

    Greg Hands MP with local Kensington, Chelsea & FulhamConservative canvassers this week on a "Mega Monday" action


    Government starts Sale of its Investmentin Kings Cross Central Development Sale begins of Governments stake in 67 acre development sitearound Kings Cross to help cut deficit and build strong economy.

    The Government announcedthe start of the sale process ofits investment in the iconicKings Cross Centralredevelopment on 17 August2015. The decision to sell theGovernments investment in

    Kings Cross Central Limited Partnership (KCCLP), which isdeveloping land around Kings Cross Station, was announced by theChancellor in June. The sale of the Governments investment in the 67 acre site, which isbeing redeveloped with offices and residential and leisure properties,will be a multi-million pound deal with all proceeds returning to theTreasury. Launching the sale, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State forTransport, Robert Goodwill MP, said: By selling the governmentsshares in Kings Cross Central we are selling an asset we no longerneed to keep and realising its value for the taxpayer. The sale will helpreduce the deficit and by doing so deliver lasting economic security forworking people. The governments sale of its 36.5% interest in KCCLP is a significantopportunity for private capital to gain exposure to one of Europesmost important city centre regeneration projects. Chief Secretary to the Treasury and Member of Parliament forChelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, said: Cutting the deficit andbuilding a strong economy are priorities for this government. Key tothis is getting out of the business of owning assets that should be inthe private sector. Selling our stake in the land around Kings Cross is an importantmilestone which will raise money to pay down the public debt whilealso encouraging private sector investment in an important Londonsite. The Governments principal objective is to maximise value for moneyfor the UK taxpayer by executing a competitive sale process. Lazardhas been appointed as financial adviser to conduct the sale process,supported by Savills as real estate advisers. The 67-acre Kings Cross estate is being developed into 8 millionsquare feet of mixed-use space, consisting of offices, apartments,retail space, educational establishments, and leisure areas across 50new and refurbished buildings, and with 26 acres of public realm,including 10 new parks and squares, 20 new streets, and 3 newbridges across the Regents Canal. Its occupiers include Google, BNPParibas Real Estate, the Aga Khan Development Network, andUniversity of the Arts London. The site is adjacent to Kings Cross Station, which services 6 LondonUnderground lines, and St Pancras Station, from where Eurostarservices connect to Paris and Brussels. Prospective investors should contact Lazard by 7 September 2015.

    Greg Hands welcomes Government Plansto protect Children online

    Member of Parliament forChelsea and Fulham, GregHands, has welcomed the newsthat Baroness Shields, theParliamentary Under Secretaryof State for Internet Safety andSecurity, is announcing plans to

    protect children from viewing age-inappropriate music videos online. While films in the cinema and DVDs are age-rated in an effort toinform viewers and to assist parents in making informed choices,children have easy access to age-inappropriate music videos onlinethat often have no rating. That is why in October 2014 a Government-backed pilot to introduceage ratings for online music videos was launched by the BBFC andBPI in conjunction with Vevo, YouTube, and major UK music labels.Building on this pilot, the Government has now agreed with the UKmusic industry that measures trialled will now be made permanent forvideos produced in the UK by artists who are represented by majorlabels. In addition to working with major UK music labels, theGovernment is also working with independent UK music labels tointroduce age ratings on their content in a six-month pilot phase. In response to the proposals, Greg Hands said, Keeping children safeas they experience and enjoy all the benefits the internet has to offeris a key priority for this Governments One Nation approach to helpingfamilies across Britain, and this is of particular importance to me asthe father of two young children. The Government will continue to work with industry to develop ways tohelp parents better protect their children online from inappropriatemusic videos with explicit adult or violent content.

    In the papers:Planes to Make Steeper Approaches intoHeathrow from Trial aims to reduce noise from aircraft landing at airport Planes landing at Heathrow will be making a steeper approach fromnext month in an attempt to reduce the noise disruption for residents. The international standard approach for most airports in the world isset at 3 degrees, except for obstacle clearance (e.g. buildings,mountains etc.). Heathrow believes a steeper angle is possible and will lead to quieterapproaches to the airport. They say has been the experience atFrankfurt airport where steeper approach angles have beenintroduced. To test whether the implementation of steeper approaches of up to 3.5degrees at the airport is possible, starting on 14 September 2015,Heathrow will be trialling a slightly steeper approach angle of 3.2degrees. Mobile noise monitors have been specially deployed for the durationof the trial. A report will be issued following the trial summarising thefindings. The trial has been approved by the Civil Aviation Authority and isplanned to run until 16 March 2016. While the trial is optional, a largenumber of airlines that have the necessary standard of navigationalequipment for this approach are expected to take part. Heathrow claim that measures like steeper approaches and newaircraft technology will mean fewer people will be affected by aircraftnoise even if the airport expands. They point to the report by theAirports Commission which stated that at least 200,000 fewer peopleare expected to be within Heathrows noise footprint by the time anadditional runway opens. Matt Gorman, Heathrow Director of Sustainability and Environmentsaid: Steeper approaches are just one step in the right direction, andalong with other quieter operating procedures and incentives to bringquieter aircraft into operation, will ensure fewer people are affected bynoise, even with an expanded airport. This trial is one of 10 steps Heathrow says it is taking through itsBlueprint for Noise Reduction to explore ways to improve the noiseclimate around Heathrow. If adopted, it claims it will be the only airportin the UK to introduce steeper approaches as a means to reducenoise on the ground. Residents around the airport wishing to learn more about the trial cancontact Heathrows Community Relations Team at 0800 344 844 oremail [email protected].

    7 ways to contact Greg Hands:

    By Phone: 020 7219 5448By email: [email protected] post: Greg Hands

    House of CommonsLondon SW1A 0AA

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    Published & Promoted by Jonathan Fraser-Howells on behalf of Greg Hands, both of 44 Southern Row, London, W10 5AN
