News Bulletinbehalf of IMCA. Recent news released by IMCA represents the biggest shake up in the 17...

Dear Member Welcome to this News Bulletin from the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS). This bulletin is available in PDF format from the IIMS website. It aims to keep members and non members up to date with information on a monthly basis. Members are encouraged to share and forward this newsletter to colleagues, who they think might like to join the Institute. For more information about the Institute visit: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MARINE SURVEYING News Bulletin JULY 2016 The Pretty Muddy event is an organised race over 5km (3 miles) with all proceeds going to Cancer Research. As part of the course, the IIMS girls will have to tackle a range of different obstacles as well as enduring a lot of mud too! The team name that that the IIMS has chosen is ‘The Muddy Rudders’, taking inspiration from their work in the maritime world. The aim of the event quite simply is to raise money to support the work of the world renowned Cancer Research charity. The IIMS girls may start the race looking clean and pretty, but it remains to be seen what they look like at the end of their ordeal. Photographs after the event will be available and will be shared with members in the August news bulletin! The team would really welcome and appreciate your support no matter how little you feel you can donate. Making donations in any currency is easy. Just click through to the Muddy Rudders Just Giving Page to make your donation online – it is simple and totally secure – see: And finally, a huge thank you to those members who have already chosen to donate. We appreciate your support so much. Please support the IIMS Muddy Rudders from HQ as they get muddy on 9 July for charity

Transcript of News Bulletinbehalf of IMCA. Recent news released by IMCA represents the biggest shake up in the 17...

Page 1: News Bulletinbehalf of IMCA. Recent news released by IMCA represents the biggest shake up in the 17 year history of the scheme. IMCA has provided the IMCA M 149 – Common Marine Inspection

Dear Member

Welcome to this News Bulletin from the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS). This bulletin is available in PDF format from the IIMS website. It aims to keep members and non members up to date with information on a monthly basis. Members are encouraged to share and forward this newsletter to colleagues, who they think might like to join the Institute. For more information about the Institute visit:

I n t e r n a t I o n a l I n s t I t u t e o f M a r I n e s u r v e y I n g

News Bulletin JULY2016

The Pretty Muddy event is an organised race over 5km (3 miles) with all proceeds going to Cancer Research. As part of the course, the IIMS girls will have to tackle a range of different obstacles as well as enduring a lot of mud too! The team name that that the IIMS has chosen is ‘The Muddy Rudders’, taking inspiration from their work in the maritime world.

The aim of the event quite simply is to raise money to support the work of the world renowned Cancer Research charity.

The IIMS girls may start the race looking clean and pretty, but it remains to be seen what they look like at the end of their ordeal.

Photographs after the event will be available and will be shared with members in the August news bulletin!

The team would really welcome and appreciate your support no matter how little you feel you can donate. Making donations in any currency is easy. Just click through to the Muddy Rudders Just Giving Page to make your donation online – it is simple and totally secure – see:

And finally, a huge thank you to those members who have already chosen to donate.

We appreciate your support so much.

Please support the IIMS Muddy Rudders from HQ as they get muddy on 9 July for charity

Page 2: News Bulletinbehalf of IMCA. Recent news released by IMCA represents the biggest shake up in the 17 year history of the scheme. IMCA has provided the IMCA M 149 – Common Marine Inspection

Reserve your place at the IIMS 25th Anniversary Conference up until 25 AugustJust two months to go until we ‘roll out the red carpet’ for IIMS members and other distinguished guests at the Institute’s 25th Anniversary Conference taking place on 31 August and 1 September in London.

At the time of writing, it looks as if seven past Presidents will be at the dinner, including our founder, Capt Bill MacDonald. We are indeed honoured. Come and join them, learn and celebrate.

So which presentations will you enjoy most? The topics covered over the two days include:

• Breachingofsmallcraftwarrantiesand the implications

• Dredgingtechnology• Thermalimaging• Socialmediaandsurveyors• Marinealloys,theircorrosion

behaviour and how to avoid it• IIMSnewsupdateandinnovations• Whyenhancingsurveyorstandards

matters• Crisismanagement• Maritimeprofessionalsversus


• Marinesurveyors:thenextgeneration and how an apprenticeship scheme might work

• Thenextgenerationofwindpowered craft

• Futurechallengesforinsurers• Howdronetechnologycanbeused

to great effect• Heavyliftcargo• Brokenpromisesofsafety

management systems• Unmannedcommercialvessels

There are several price options. Day one (Technical Workshops, Awards luncheon and exhibition)ispricedat£110+VAT.TheGalaDinneron31Augustis£95+VAT;andthefullday’sconferencingon1Septemberis£130+VAT.Mixandmatch.Ortakethewholepackagewhichincludeseverythingforjust£315+VAT.

You can reserve your place right up until middayGMTon25August,butifyoucanbookearly it will help us prepare things better, such as conference packs, in timely fashion.

To reserve your place at Conference email usat:[email protected],calluson+44(0)2392385223,orusethelinkbelowtoaccesstheonline reservation form. We’ll do the rest and invoice you.

Follow this link for full details: 25th-anniversary-conference-2016

Page 3: News Bulletinbehalf of IMCA. Recent news released by IMCA represents the biggest shake up in the 17 year history of the scheme. IMCA has provided the IMCA M 149 – Common Marine Inspection

Check your IIMS web site listing for accuracyWhen was the last time you checked your listing on the IIMS web site for accuracy? A number of surveyors have recently told head office that they get a good flow of enquiries via the site. But if your details are incorrect, or you have recently changed your telephone number, or email address –haveyoumadetheIIMSHQaware?And do you have a web site that we do not know about? Many listings lack a link to a web site. If we do not know of yours, tell us. And are the consultancy services you offer and your qualifications correct too?

Please check. It only takes a moment. and search for your name using the surveyor search. If you have any amendments to make, please email Sam Legg at [email protected] and we will do the rest for you.

IMCA announces major changes to its Common Marine Inspection Document (CMID) schemeIIMS subsidiary, Marine Surveying Academy Ltd, manages and runs the CMID accreditation scheme for inspectors on behalf of IMCA. Recent news released by IMCA represents the biggest shake up in the 17 year history of the scheme.

IMCAhasprovidedtheIMCAM149–CommonMarineInspection Document – for 17 years and it has seen a number of interactive changes over this period and hasalsoseentheintroductionofIMCAM189–Marineinspection for small workboats (common marine inspection document for small workboats). Since 2009,whentheelectronicCMID(eCMID)databasewasintroduced, there have been calls from the industry to increase the integrity of the common marine inspection document (CMID) system.

So, IMCA has announced it will only recognise formal reports conducted using the eCMID database. This means that paper reports not uploaded into the database will no longer be considered by IMCA to be ‘authorised’ CMIDs. Secondly,onlyvalidatedAVIswillbeabletousetheeCMIDdatabase and thereby conduct these authorised IMCA CMID and MISW inspections. This move to enabling only accredited CMID inspectors to use the eCMID database will becomeeffectivefrom1January2018.

Marine Surveying Academy has already noticed increased interest in the scheme (currently standing at 200accreditedAVIsafteritsfirstyearofoperation).Asaconsequence, it has recruited additional and assessors and trainersasthingsareexpectedtobecomeevenbusierin2017asthedeadlineforaccreditationlooms.

The full story can be read here:

Garden Party held at IIMS head officeAs part of the Institute’s 25th anniversary celebrations, the IIMS head office team held a low key garden party on 21 June forover40invitedguests,includingfriends of the organisation, local providers and suppliers. A hog roast was arranged and the sun shone - something ofararitythissummerintheUK!Theevent was a hit with all who attended it.

Page 4: News Bulletinbehalf of IMCA. Recent news released by IMCA represents the biggest shake up in the 17 year history of the scheme. IMCA has provided the IMCA M 149 – Common Marine Inspection

IIMS Nigeria Branch is formedGreatnewstobeabletoannouncetheformationof an IIMS Branch in Nigeria, the seventh Institute branch. The inauguration meeting to formalise the Branch, the seventh international such venture undertaken by the Institute, took place on31May2016.

As a result, the following officers were elected:

Chairman: Engr. Emeraku IjiomaSecretary:Capt.PeterOnwordiTreasurer: Mr Peter Enerichekor

Full story and photos see:

Committee members:MrBensonAja-UkpabiCapt.AOlopoenaMrRaphOpara

Engr.NdudiKusiOnyibeCapt. Tajudeen AlaoCapt.OladipupoAOlubowale

Seawork and Small Craft Surveyors Forum reportTheInternationalInstituteofMarineSurveyinghadastrongpresenceattheSeaworkExhibition,heldatMayflowerParkinSouthamptonforthefirsttime.Theshowattractedover7,000visitorsandcontinues to be one of the foremost commercial workboat shows and the largest such event in Europe.

ItwasanopportunitytomeetmanymembersfromtheUKandfurtherafieldastheypoppedbythestand,whichwasmanagedbyJohnKilhamswithassistancefromothermembersoftheIIMSheadoffice team.

The IIMS is a key member of the Small Craft Surveyors Forum and was heavily involved in organising thisyear’sseminar,whichtookplaceonboardtheOceanScenethatwasmooreduptothepontoonwithintheshowattractinganaudienceofover60people.Thisseminardisseminatedalotofveryuseful information to small boat surveyors and the relevance was reflected in the large attendance.

Read the Seawork report in full:

And the Small Craft Surveyors Forum report in full:

The newly elected Chairman (centre) flanked by the Secretary and Treasurer

Page 5: News Bulletinbehalf of IMCA. Recent news released by IMCA represents the biggest shake up in the 17 year history of the scheme. IMCA has provided the IMCA M 149 – Common Marine Inspection

IIMS Membership Travel Service schemeNoradTravelGroupisrunningtheMembershipTravel Service scheme for IIMS members. The schemeoffersarangeofexclusivebenefitsforIIMS members only.

The Norad team of Marine Specialists are based intheirLiss(UK)EuropeanHeadquarters. TheyoperatealongsidetheirGlobalpartnersinGreece,ThePhilippines,India,UK,Ukraine,South Africa and Australia. Norad Travel Management holds marine fare contracts with all major airlines.

Why not make contact for a quotation for your travelrequirements?Norad’sUKofficecantakeyour telephone calls on +44 (0) 1730 894700 from08.30-18.00(GMT)MondaytoFriday,orany time by email on: [email protected] or see the website: membership-benefits/


IIMS India 25th Anniversary Conference: special hotel rates announcedAnyone planning to attend the India Branch ConferenceonTuesday5Octoberbeingheldas part of the 25th Anniversary celebrations should be aware of some very special rates that have been made available for IIMS delegates. Thesplendid,5starLalitHotelinMumbaiisofferingadailyroomrateofINR6,500+19.50%taxforadeluxesingleordoubleoccupancyroom, inclusive of breakfast and two-way airport transfer. If you want to take advantage of this great offer, please email Milind Tambe (IIMS India Regional Director) to let him know at [email protected].

The Conference costs are all inclusive (conferencecocktailsandtaxes).



Full details of the speaker programme will be announced soon and Milind and his colleagues at the IIMS India Branch look forward to welcomingyoutotheeventinOctober.

Silver Jubilee Awards for Excellence in Marine Surveying now closedNominationsfortheAwardsclosedyesterday(30June).


So what happens next?Thejudgingpanelissettomeeton12JulyattheIIMSHeadOfficeinPortchester.Following their deliberations on that day, a list of three finalists will be chosen in each of the nine categories. Those surveyors who have been shortlisted as a finalist will be notified by email. A press release announcing the names of the three finalists in each category will be sent to a wide selection of boat and shipping media for immediate publication!

The judging panel will select a winner in each category to be announced at the Awards Ceremony. A further press release will be sent out immediately after the Awards winners have been unveiled on 31 August to the boat and shipping media. An article will be published promptly with details of the winners on the IIMS web site and a full report with comments will follow in the Institute’s September magazine.


Silver Jubilee Aw


Page 6: News Bulletinbehalf of IMCA. Recent news released by IMCA represents the biggest shake up in the 17 year history of the scheme. IMCA has provided the IMCA M 149 – Common Marine Inspection

Contact the IIMS Head Office team

As always, the IIMS head office team are here to help you on any matters

relating to your membership or education needs. Please contact the

appropriate person as follows:

[email protected]: forallmembershipenquiries(JanCox)

[email protected]: contact for all Certifying Authority work (Tania Bernice)

[email protected]: foreducationcoursecontentandtraininginformation(ElleHardham)

[email protected]: for education and training information and support (Elly Bryant)

[email protected]: foranyaccountingmatters(VickyLawrence)

[email protected]: for general information and enquiries (Sam Legg)

[email protected]: forenquiriesaboutMarineSurveyingAcademyaffairs(HilaryExcell)

It is important that we keep our database and records up to date. If your contact details - address, email and telephone number - should change, please be sure to inform us immediately by email: [email protected] or call +44 (0) 23 9238 5223 (answer phone out of office hours).

IIMS Handy Guides...What a Marine surveyor needs to Know about

Click for more information about IIMS HANDy GuIDES >>Also AVAILABE as e-BOOKS

• Making information available on specialist marine surveying topics at a cost affordable by the majority

• Guides are produced in a compact and handy size

• An expanding series with titles added regularly...

The celebratory ‘Silver Jubilee’ tie


£15.00Selling fast – the new IIMS celebratory ‘Silver Jubilee’ tieThe new IIMS tie is now available. Thepriceisjust£15+20%VATplusp&p.Contact IIMS head office to place your order now.