News and Views April 2011

16 This month One Heart, Two Beats: the rhythm of Life. Time to get


monthly magazine from the Diocese of Leicester

Transcript of News and Views April 2011

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This monthOne Heart, Two Beats: •the rhythm of Life.Time to get•

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Material should be sent to:The Editor, News and Views,St Martins House7 Peacock LaneLeicester, LE1 5PZ 0116 261 [email protected] All items for inclusion in the April edition must arrive before 4th April 2011. No charge will be made for Diary Dates for churches. Inclusion is dependent on space available. All Diary Dates submitted will appear (See back page for contact details). Commercial advertisers are invited to call for current rates. The inclusion of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute any endorsement of a product or service by either the editors or the Diocese of Leicester.

New Magazine New advertising opportunityIn June 2011, to coincide with the opening of St Martins House and the re-opening of Launde Abbey will be launching a new quarterly, A4 full colour magazine, distributed free to all churches.If you, your company or business would like to take advantage of the initial advertising rates please contact us for more details.

[email protected] [email protected]

3. One Heart Two BeatsBishop Tim on the rhythm of our lives and two very special events

4. Shaped by GodSt Martins House is opening its doors for a week of resourcing events for mission

5. Near NeighboursThe Diocese of Leicester has been chosen as on of the areas in the new govt scheme

6. Launde Abbey’s new team An interview with two young people living and working at Launde for the next year

8. Time to get ‘In Shape’There are only two issues of ‘News and Views’ left before the new quarterly magazine is launched

10. Services in Leicester CathedralA list of services and events taking place across Lent and Easter

11. An evening with Lord CareyThe former Archbishop of Canterbury is visiting Leicester to speak at the Cathedral

12. Say One For MeLent kicks of with a national prayer campaign launched by Bishop Tim in London

15. Comings and GoingsWho’s joining, who’s moving, who’s retiring...

In This Issue







More News and Diary Dates every week on Diomail. Sign up by emailing [email protected] or visit

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sought to ensure that this season is a time of special attentiveness to God. I hope that you may find your way to Launde Abbey to see what is available there to deepen your life of prayer.

But we know from the Gospels that our Lord’s time in the wilderness was a preparation for something else. For a period of passionate and committed engagement with the world which led him eventually to the Cross.

Withdrawal and engagement. Prayer and outreach. Two beats of the same heart. Launde Abbey and St Martins House. The rhythm of all our lives.

I hope that we shall make wise and careful preparations to participate as wholeheartedly as possible in the celebration of these two great gifts during the very special two weeks between the 30 May and the 10 June when both buildings will be opened and we shall give thanks to God for them. All our welcome to join us at Launde Abbey from 11am on 30th May and at St Martins House from 3.30pm on the 10th June.

I ask your prayers for all that is being prepared for this time of renewal for the whole Diocese.

Bishop Tim

As I am sure you will now be aware, we have been taking receipt as a Diocese of our two refurbished buildings during the last couple of months.

Launde Abbey has now been very substantially rebuilt and was opened by Prince Charles in January. Almost at precisely the same time, St Martins House adjoining the Cathedral has been handed over to the Diocese as a major outreach and conference centre. Both are gifts to the Diocese of which I think we can be profoundly grateful to God.

I have spoken of these two buildings as two beats of the same heart. Just as a heart which pumps blood around the body needs to expand and contract, so the body of the Church needs to both engage and withdraw. The rhythm of our Christian life is about engagement with the world for the sake of the Kingdom and about withdrawal from the world in order to become close to God.

This rhythm of the Christian life is clearly the pattern of Jesus’ life as we can see from the Gospels. And it needs to be the pattern of all our lives. Many of you who read this may feel that Launde Abbey and St Martins House have little connection with your own local parish and your own Christian discipleship. Nevertheless, what they represent is important for all of us wherever we are and whatever our circumstances. For all of us need to ensure that the heart is healthy. That the expansion and contraction which pumps the lifeblood around the body is working well. And that is the pattern of courageous engagement with the world as well as disciplined prayer.

During the season of Lent, the emphasis of the Church tends to be on the discipline of prayer. There are many resources and examples available to us of those who have

“As a Diocese we have been given two extraordinary gifts, Launde Abbey and St Martins House.

One is an historic and beautiful Retreat House, a place of prayer, learning and spirituality for us all to use, and the other

is a new Centre for mission and outreach.

2011 is a very special year to celebrate God’s goodness as the opportunities that these buildings present unfold

I hope you will be part of the events being organised to thank God for His goodness and to realise how these gifts are a

resource for you”

The Rt Revd Tim Stevens, Bishop of Leicester

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As part of the opening programme of new mission centre, St Martin’s House in Leicester, we are organising a series of resourcing for mission times, each of which also includes a tour of the new facilities, refreshments and a short time of worship at the Cathedral.

The visits are free, but places are limited so booking is essential. Bookings to Beth Marvin tel: 0116 261 5348 or email: [email protected]

Thursday 2nd June, a missional music special for Ascension Day for church choirs and singers, 3:15-6pm (including refreshments and 5:30pm Evensong)

Friday 3rd June, a children’s special, with a time of ‘Godly Play’ for over 5’s and a crèche for under 5’s, plus a tour of the building for adults. 10:30am to 12:45pm (including a lunch box at midday). When booking please include children’s names and ages, plus any dietary requirements.

Sunday 5th June, a group Bible study on mission with Bishop Christopher 2-4:30pm (including refreshments and 4pm Evensong) – please note this is a correction to an incorrect time published originally

Monday 6th June, New to the PCC? A special evening with Archdeacon of Loughborough, David Newman and Director of Finance, John Orridge, to both the missional and legal responsibilities and opportunities of bring a member of a Church Council (PCC or DCC). 7:15-9:30pm (including refreshments and 9:15pm Service of Compline).

Tuesday 7th June,‘The Hospitable Church’. We are delighted to welcome a former director of Customer Service for John Lewis, welcome course contributor and Director of Hospitality for Birmingham Cathedral, Mark Hope Irwin to help us consider what it means to be a hospitable church. From 7:15-9:30pm (including refreshments and 9:15pm Service of Compline).

Wednesday 8th June, ever wondered about joining the year long Journey into Faith course or the ‘Discovery’ active learner course? This evening is a unique opportunity to take part in a one off sample taster session with the Head of the School for Ministry, Stuart Burns. From 7:15-9:30pm (including refreshments and 9:15pm Service of Compline).

for more information on Shaped by God visit Barry can be contacted at Barry.Hill@leccofe .org or 0116 248 7411

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The Government has announced a £5 million grant to help bring people who are near neighbours together. Those living in communities that are diverse are encouraged to get to know each other better, build relationships and collaborate together on initiatives that will improve their local community.

To deliver the Near Neighbours programme, the Church Urban Fund and the Church of England are setting up a new charity providing national oversight, called Near Neighbours, who will administer the scheme.

Locally, the programme will make use of the parish network of the Diocese of Leicester, and administer the programme through the St Philip’s Centre (other parts of the programme will focus on centres in Bradford, Birmingham and London).

Near Neighbours has two key objectives:1. Social interaction – to develop positive relationships in multi-faith areas2. Social action – to encourage people of different faiths, or no faith, to come together to act for the improvement of their local neighbourhood

The programme will see grants from £250-£5,000 being made available to groups from the Christian faith and other faiths, and those from no faith, who meet the programmes objectives in bringing people together to build relationships and strengthen local communities. The first grants will be released towards the end of 2011.

In announcing the programme in a press release today, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles, said “religious organisations play an enormous pastoral role in our neighbourhoods and have excellent networks within our communities – no more so than the Church of England… Near Neighbours will build on this and bring folks from different backgrounds together for the good of the community that surrounds them – be it a sports event or working together to improve a local park.’

In welcoming the news that Leicester will be a focus for this new work, the Bishop of Leicester, the Right Reverend Tim Stevens, said “I am very glad that Leicester has been chosen to be

part of the Near Neighbours project. We have a long track record of working together as faith communities to strengthen our community. With partners right across the city and county, we will now be able to continue this work, and ensure we all work together for the common good ”.

The project has support from the Inter faith Network for the UK, the Christian Muslim Forum, the Council for Christians and Jews and the Hindu Christian Forum. Dr Musharraf Hussain of the Christian Muslim Forum said, ‘We are hugely grateful to the Department of Communities and Local Government for supporting this work’, and Ramesh Pattni, of the Hindu Christian Forum echoed this message with support of his own, ‘The Near Neighbours project has a real resonance with the Hindu ethos of the Universal family… We are confident of the positive outcome of greater understanding and local change with the implementation of this project.’

Revd Canon Dr John Hall, Director of the St Philip’s Centre, said, ‘After several months of careful planning and conversations behind the scenes, it is excellent news that from today we can go public and begin further strengthening the bridges already in place between different faiths and neighbours in Leicester. To be able to have funds to facilitate this will mean a great deal to local people who want to strengthen the association and relationships locally, and of course give practical expression to this through social action. This will enable the Good Samaritan story to live time and time again!’

For more information:contact John Hall at St Philip’s Centre on 0116 273 3459 or email [email protected]

For more on Near Neighbours visit:

Near Neighbour £5million scheme

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As the newly refurbished diocesan retreat house, Launde Abbey, reopens, two new people have joined the community, Emily Walker as Musician in Residence (right) and Rosie Illingworth as Intern.

Over a cup of tea and some of Launde Abbey’s excellent cake we had a chat with Rosie and Emily to find out the who, why and what of their roles and how they might be a resource for parishes: However did you end up at Launde? Emily: After some initial conversation with Tim Blewett, [the Warden] last summer around leading music retreats and singing days, I received an email inviting me to come and live here as part of the team and chapel community. This took me by surprise, as I had only visited once before last July, and I spent a number of weeks working out if it would work for me and for Launde. It felt like the right time for the offer to come though, and so I made the decision to move here. There was a bit of stepping into the unknown, and a huge life-change, alongside the excitement of creating a musical life in a place that had been so significant in my journey. Rosie: I’ve been coming to Launde for 5 years, ever since I was 13, on the working holidays that they run in April and August. Last Easter I was beginning to think about taking a gap

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year, and Tim offered me the placement here, so I jumped at the chance! What did you do before this? Emily: I lived in London for 6 and a half years, training and then practising as a music therapist, alongside teaching piano in a school, directing church and community choirs, working in an office as a property management administrator, and leading music in churches in various kinds of alternative worship, and singing workshops. I arrived in London straight from spending about two years on Iona, working for the Iona Community, as the Abbey musician. Rosie: I was at school, studying for my A-levels, Biology, RS, English and Latin in case you’re interested... a bit of a mixture! What are your main roles at Launde? Emily: My main job title is ‘Resident Musician’ - I am here primarily to encourage and to create a musical life to form within this place, whilst still maintaining the spirit and character of worship which many people find so unique and beautiful. This involves weaving music into worship in the chapel, and being available for groups who visit Launde and who would like to do some singing in their sessions, or experience a ‘wee’ or ‘big’ sing! I will also be leading music retreats - residential over four days – and singing days, which are aimed more towards those who live close enough to come for a day. Alongside this, I work in the house, either in housekeeping, pantry, in the office, or even in the car-park in the rain!

It felt like the right time for the offer to come though, and so I made the decision to move here.“

This is to earn my keep, and I really enjoy being part of the team at Launde. Rosie: Anything that needs doing! I’m generally an extra pair of hands, so you might find me in the pantry, cleaning, on reception, or in the garden. I’m also fairly busy in the chapel, keeping it ready for services, and sometimes taking them. If parishes are interested in you leading a workshop, quiet day or services for them, Emily, is this possible and how does it work? Emily: This is indeed possible - I love singing with different groups of people in different places. I can lead themed singing workshops/days, and can enable Iona Community/Taizé Community/alternative, etc. style worship. My availability is, of course, dependent on what is happening at Launde. I am very happy to be contacted at [email protected] and fees are negotiable. And Rosie, after your year as intern, what do you think might be next? Rosie: I’m off to Exeter to study Theology. After that, I’ll just have to wait and see... maybe whisper it! ordination?

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We are pleased to announce the launch of a brand new magazine for the Diocese of Leicester which will combine the best of monthly News and Views and seasonal Shaped by God News, in an A4 quarterly, full colour publication.

The new magazine will be provided free to all churches in the diocese through advertising partnerships. The first edition of the new magazine will be available in late May 2011.

How will it be different from what we’ve had before? Firstly, the size is bigger. There will be more space than in News and Views for good quality, interesting articles which will aim to be a useful resource for churches and their community. There’ll be more news stories about life in and around the diocese and in the national church, and how you can be involved. Above all it’s a celebration of our life together, being shaped by God for healthy, thriving churches which serve the people around them.

Secondly, we hope it won’t be just left at the

back of church but will be handed out to people as they enter or leave

as a conversation starter. Copies that are delivered to the community or parish can still be posted through doors or better still, it’s a reason to knock the door and have a conversation.

Thirdly, the magazine will add to the ever increasing mix of ways to deliver information currently available via the internet, by providing the same information to everyone, regardless of access to a computer and the problems of broadband speed. It will complement the on-going development of Diomail which is the weekly diocesan news and event email which can be received free. To receive this e-mail [email protected] with your name, address and email address. It will also integrate with the new diocesan website. We know from our research that many people really appreciate a printed magazine to read, but unless we are able to supply it to everyone there will always be some people who never know what’s going on!

shapeinIt’s time to get

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Enough copies will be sent to give out to everyone who attends the church automatically four times a year. Additional copies will be available free of charge to those churches who would like to make it more widely available.

The stories and news you will read in the new magazine will be grounded in the diocesan vision, ‘Shaped by God’. Within this there are 9 different themes and therefore a lot of the pages will focus on these with ideas and resources related to each of what we know as ‘the nine marks of mission.

There will also be national and international church news, details of parish and diocesan events and letters from readers. You’ll be able to find out about people coming and going, youth and children’s work, interfaith activity, parish funding and where parish share goes, plus social and community action.

Hearing from YOU is the most important part as we talk about ‘how’ something happened as much as ‘what’ so we can all have a go!Contributions

A new editorial group combining both mission and communications staff with lay and ordained people from the wider diocese is currently starting work, but in the meantime if you have any questions or comments

please contact:Director of Communications, Liz Hudson-Oliff [email protected] or Mission Enabler,Barry Hill [email protected]

both on 0116 261 5200

The Nine Marks of Mission

lives and communities transformedworship in a way that renews and inspiresself-giving service to the communitybeing rooted in prayerconfident and sensitive evangelismlifelong Christian nurturethe welcome of newcomersbecoming child friendlycelebration of people and places

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Good Friday 22 April10.00-12.00 Christ in the Centre starting from St Peter’s Square, High Cross12.00-15.00 At the Cross Prayers, hymns, homilies and silence in three one hour sections. Preacher: Revd Clare Herbert, Lecturer in Inclusive Theology, St Martin-in-the-Fields19.30-20.30 Prayers with Songs from Taizé

Easter Saturday 23 April10.30 Children and adults are invited to come and help build an Easter Garden

Easter Sunday 24 April06.00 Easter Vigil with Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. We light the Easter fire and celebrate the resurrection followed by breakfast. President & Preacher: The Bishop10.30 Festal Easter EucharistPresident & Preacher: The BishopFollowed by an Easter Egg hunt for the children16.00 Festal Choral Evensong Preacher: The Dean

Leicester Cathedral, Peacock Lane, LE1 5PX T: 0116 261 5200 [email protected]

Sunday 3 April Lent 4: Mothering Sunday10.30 Cathedral Eucharist Preacher: Msgr Andrew Faley, Assistant General Secretary of the Roman Catholic Bishops’ Conference16.00 Choral Evensong

Sunday 10 April Passion Sunday10.30 Cathedral Eucharist Preacher: Revd Julie Ann Heath, Workplace Chaplain for the City Centre16.00 Choral Evensong

Holy WeekSunday 17 April Palm Sunday10.30 Cathedral Eucharist with the Passion according to St Matthew sung by the Cathedral Choir16.00 Choral Evensong with the installation of Revd Johannes Arens as Canon Precentor

Monday of Holy Week 18 April08.30 Eucharist (said)13.00 Reflective Organ Recital with Poems and Prayers (free) Mr Simon Headley, Assistant Director of Music 19.30 Eucharist with Homily Preacher: Canon David Monteith

Tuesday of Holy Week 19 April12.30 Eucharist (said)19.30 Eucharist with Homily Preacher: Canon Barry Naylor

Wednesday of Holy Week 20 April12.30 Eucharist (said)19.30 Eucharist with Homily Preacher: Canon Johannes Arens

Maundy Thursday 21 April11.00 Chrism Eucharist with the Renewal of Ordination Vows, the Celebration of Ministries and Blessing of the Holy OilsPresident & Preacher: The Bishop19.30 The Eucharist of the Last Supper with Washing of the Feet concluding with a silent vigil at the altar of repose until 10.00pm for those who are able to stay.Preacher: Revd Clare Herbert, Lecturer in Inclusive Theology, St Martin-in-the-Fields

Other EventsCollegium Regale at Leicester CathedralTuesday 5th April7.30pm. Kings College Choir is perhaps the most famous choral foundation of its kind and we are thrilled to welcome the close harmony Choral Scholars Collegium Regale as part of their Easter tour. Tickets: £15 fully sighted £10 partially sighted. available from: Claire Recordon, 0116 261 5368 [email protected] or The Guildhall 0116 253 2569.

Tuesday 12 April Encountering the Enneagram 19.30 St Martin’s House An evening with Revd Dr Tony Edmunds, Warden of Readers, Leicester Diocese, exploring this model of personality indicator which helps us to understand ourselves better and to find appropriate models for our spirituality.

Book via Julia Unna: [email protected] or 0116 261 5362

Services over Easter at Leicester Cathedral

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The Leicestershire Far and Near Club

Cathedral Lecture 2011

Lord Carey of Clifton

The Role of Holy Books in Secular Societies: reflections on the King James Bible (1611-2011)

Monday 9 May 6.30pm

All Welcome. No admission charge.

Enquiries to Julia Unna t: 0116 261 5362 e: [email protected]

Parking is on nearby city streets or at the NCP Car Park at St Nicholas Circle. Leicester Cathedral, Peacock Lane, Leicester LE1 5DE

Dr George Carey was invited in 1991to take up the post of 103rd Archbishop of Canterbury and served 70 million Anglicans around the world until his retirement in 2002. In 2002 George Carey was made a life peer as ‘Lord Carey of Clifton’. He is Presentation Fellow of King’s College London, Fellow of Christ’s University College, Canterbury and Fellow of the Library of Congress. Currently he is Chancellor of the University of Gloucestershire and President of the London School of Theology. In retirement, he is on the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum Co-Chair of the Council of 100, which is seeking to bridge the gulf between the West and Islamic worlds.

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People take to the streets to launch largest ever national prayer initiative

On Ash Wednesday, Bishops, clergy and church members took to the streets to promote, a web-based service that allows people across the country to share their hopes and concerns anonymously in the form of a prayer during Lent.

Prayers were collected from passers-by on specially designed prayers cards for use at church services later in the day. They also handed out ‘business cards’ containing the web address sayoneforme.orgBishop Tim, saying prayers at the House of Lords on the Ash Wednesday, was joined outside Parliament by other Peers talking to passers by about prayer.

Prayers posted online will be prayed by several religious communities and local church prayer groups, as well as being placed on the altar during services at a number of churches and cathedrals. If you would like some cards, either postcards for writing on or business cards to hand out please [email protected], Director of Communications for the Diocese.


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Page 13: News and Views April 2011


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Page 14: News and Views April 2011


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The Bishop announces . . .

Revd Jonnie ParkinNew Appointment: Associate Priest in the benefices of Branston with Nocton and Potterhanworth and Metheringham with Blankney and Dunston and part time U2Charist Animateur for the Mission Initiatives Project in the Diocese of LincolnPrevious Appointment: Team Vicar and Youth and Children’s Missioner in the Benefice of Market Harborough and the Transfiguration – Little Bowden with Lubenham and Great Bowden

Revd Stephen (Steve) BaileyNew Appointment: Team Vicar, St Peter and St Paul in the Oadby BeneficePrevious Appointment: Curate at Walton-on-Thames in the Guildford Diocese Welcome: Wednesday 29th June at St Paul’s, Oadby at 7.30pm by Bishop Christopher

Revd Julia Hargreaves New Appointment: Team Vicar (Associate Rector) in the Benefice of the Bosworth and Sheepy Group and Assistant Curate in the Benefice of Nailstone and Carlton with ShackerstonePrevious Appointment: Curate NSM in the Benefice of the Upper Soar

Revd Audrey AtkinsonNew Appointment: Deputy Warden of Launde Abbey, with Permission to OfficiatePrevious Appointment: Assistant Curate of Beadnell with North Sunderland in the Diocese of NewcastleWelcome: Sunday 20 March 2011 at 3.30pm at Launde Abbey

Revd Canon Alan RaceNew Appointment Rector of St Margaret’s, Lee in the Diocese of Southwark.Previous Appointment Priest-in-Charge in the Benefice of St Philip, LeicesterAlan will be leaving St Philip’s towards the end of May.

The Bishop announces the death of Fr John Piper in hospital at the age of 101, on Tuesday 22 February.John was a former Rector of Rearsby before and had been a regular member of the Syston congregation since retirement.

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Page 16: News and Views April 2011

Diary Dates

This newsletter was printedby AVS Print Services,University of Leicesterusing vegetable based inks on FSC certified stock

‘News and Views’ is © Diocese of Leicester 2011 printed by AVS Print Services University of Leicester .

Soup and Sweets Lunch for Christian AidSaturday 2nd April12-1:30pm at Newbold Verdon Methodist Church, Newbold Verdon, LE9 9NN. Fantastic lunch of homemade soups, fresh bread and delicious sweets. All proceeds to Christian Aid. Price expected to be around £3.50 per person.

Spring Song with Viva la MusicaSaturday 2nd April7pm at St Paul’s Church Woodhouse EavesA varied programme of Acapella Music by local mixed voice choir. Admission £5, email [email protected] for further details

Coffee Morning, St Margarets, LeicesterSaturday 2nd April10am - 12noon. Various stalls and raffle, refreshments. Admission free.

Reflections @ LunchtimeThursday 7th AprilOrgan Jeremy Kimber, Speaker Rev Michael Broadley. 1.15pm-1.45pm. A short service for Lent focusing on seasonal, reflective music. Emmanuel Church, LE11 3NW.

Leicester Bach Choir, St Matthew PassionSaturday 9th AprilConducted by Richard Laing at St James the Greater, London Road at 7pm. Soloists including Martyn Hill, with the Queen’s Park Sinfonia and Southwell Minster Girls’ Choir. Tickets: £16/£14, and concessions. From Jackie White 0116 283 2107 or online at More information: .

Artists WeekendSaturday 9th and Sunday 10th AprilThe Birstall and District Art Society at St. Leonards Church, Main Street, Swithland. 10am-4pm. Coffee/tea and cakes will be available, the Church will benefit from any purchases of art work. Evensong on Sunday at 4pm. More info Jayne Cranage at [email protected]

Reflections@LunchtimeWednesday 13th April Organ Jeremy Kimber, Speaker Rev Michael Broadley. 1.15pm-1.45pm. A short service for Lent focusing on seasonal, reflective music. Emmanuel Church, LE11 3NW.

Lunchtime Concert St. Margaret’s ChurchThursday 14th AprilSt. Margaret’s Church, Leicester. 1pm-1.30pm approx. Nick Haslam and Peter Houtman - Jazz Saxophone and Keyboard. Admission free.

Sung Mattins, St Bartholemew’s, Kirby MuxloeSaturday 16th April11.00am. Officiant The Revd Tom Ringland. A Prayer Book Society event Refreshments follow the service. Parking available near the church

Minimum TheatreSunday 17th AprilMinimum Theatre’s new production at Silverdale Community Centre, Silverdale Drive,Thurmaston.Start time is 4pm. Seated by 3.45pm. Taken from the stories of Mary and Martha in the gospels, but with a modern treatment. Post-performance discussion with Richard Adams and the cast.

Stainers CrucifixionSunday 17th AprilSt Peter’s Church, Church Langton at 6.30pm.The Phoenix Choir and the choir of Holy Trinity Church Rothwell. Soloists are Tenor David Kent and Bass Trevor Hazlewood. Organist Norman Austin and conductor Graham Lightburn admission free of charge with a retiring collection.

Cossington Voices in BirstallTuesday 19th AprilThe much-loved cantata Olivet to Calvary by J.H.Maunder, with organ and soloists. 7.30pm at St. James the Greater. Tickets £5 on the door.

Reflections @ LunchtimeThursday 21st AprilOrgan Jeremy Kimber, Speaker Rev Michael Broadley. 1.15pm-1.45pm. A short service for Lent focusing on seasonal, reflective music. Emmanuel Church, LE11 3NW.

Easter Flowers All Saint’s Dunton BassettSunday 24th and Monday 25th AprilCall in and enjoy our Easter Flowers between 2pm and 5pm. Refreshments served.