Newhouse arkansas 4-7-14(v2)

Healthcare Decisions and Methods that Matter: The Link to Patient Centered Outcomes Research Methodological Standards Robin Newhouse, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Translational Research Institute April 7, 2014


Robin Newhouse 4/7/14 PCORI Seminar series

Transcript of Newhouse arkansas 4-7-14(v2)

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Healthcare Decisions and Methods that Matter:

The Link to Patient Centered Outcomes Research

Methodological Standards

 Robin Newhouse, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Translational Research Institute April 7, 2014

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Key Points

PCOR methods matter…they

1. affect design, methods and outcomes.2. produces evidence for practice

that can be used to make decisions by patients, providers, caregivers and policy makers.

3. use outcomes that people care about.


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The Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute

Robin Newhouse is Chair of the Methodology Committee of the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI).The views expressed in this presentation are those of the authors and not necessarily those of PCORI.

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Research has not answered many questions patients face.People want to know which treatment is right for them.Patients need information they can understand and



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“The purpose of the Institute is to assist patients, clinicians, purchasers, and policy-makers in making informed health decisions by advancing the quality and relevance of evidence concerning the manner in which diseases, disorders, and other health conditions can effectively and appropriately be prevented, diagnosed, treated, monitored, and managed through research and evidence synthesis...and the dissemination of research findings with respect to the relative health outcomes, clinical effectiveness, and appropriateness of the medical treatments, services...”

PCORI Has a Broad and Complex Mandate

-- from Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act


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PCORI Is Accountable for Changing Practice

-- from Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

“(g) FINANCIAL AND GOVERNMENTAL OVERSIGHT. … (2) REVIEW AND ANNUAL REPORTS. … (iv) Not less frequently than every 5 years … the overall effectiveness of activities conducted under this section … such review shall include an analysis of the extent to which research findings are used by health care decision-makers, the effect of the dissemination of such findings on reducing practice variation and disparities in health care…”


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PCORI helps people make informed health care decisions, and improves health care delivery and outcomes, by producing and promoting high integrity, evidence-based information that comes from research guided by patients, caregivers and the broader health care community.


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Strategic Goals

Influence Research Funded by Others

Speed the Implementation and Use of Evidence

Increase Quantity, Quality and Timeliness of Research Information


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Engagement Goals

Promote Dissemination and Implementation

Engage the PCOR Community in Research

Build a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Community


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National Priorities for Research

Assessment of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options Improving Healthcare Systems

Communication & Dissemination Research Addressing Disparities

Accelerating PCOR and Methodological Research


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Patients Are Our “True North”

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Study Design/ Implementation


Topic Selection and

Research Prioritization

Merit Review


We engage stakeholders at every step

Key Features of PCORI Research

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Key Features of PCORI Research

Our work answers patient’s questions.

“Given my personal characteristics, conditions and preferences…

…what should I expect will

happen to me?”

…what are my options and what are the

potential benefits and

harms of those options?”

.. what can I do to improve the outcomes that

are most important to


 …how can clinicians and the

care delivery systems they work

in help me make the best decisions about my health and healthcare?”


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Key Features of PCORI Research

Study the benefits and harms of interventions and strategies delivered in real-world settings

Compare at least two alternative approaches

Research Should:

Special Topics of Interest:

Be based on health outcomes that are meaningful to the patient population

Be likely to improve current clinical practices

Conditions that heavily burden patients, families and/or the health care system.

Chronic or multiple chronic conditions

Rare and understudied conditions

Conditions for which outcomes vary across subpopulations


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Formulating Research Questions


Data Integrity and Rigorous Analyses

Preventing/Handling Missing Data

Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects

Key Features of PCORI Research

Research should adhere to PCORI’s Methodology Standards.

Data Networks

Data Registries

Adaptive and Bayesian Trial Designs

Causal Inference

Studies of Diagnostic Tests

Systematic Reviews

Methodology Standards: 11 Broad Categories

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Patient Engagement vs. Patient-Centeredness

Patient engagement is about having patients as partners in research as opposed to merely subjects

Active engagement between scientists, patients, and stakeholders

Community, patient, and caregiver involvement already in existence or a well-thought out plan

Patient- Centeredness is a component of what PCOR is looking for in research applications

Does the project aim to answer questions or examine outcomes that matter to patients within the context of patient preferences?

Research questions and outcomes should reflect what is important to patients and caregivers


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Engage Patients and Stakeholders in the Research Process

Patients and Caregivers Patient Organizations Practice-Based Research Networks Medical Groups Health Plans Integrated Delivery Systems Disease Registries Centers for Medicaid and Medicare

Services State and Local Health Agencies


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Engagement Principles








Incorporates the Engagement Principles* and conceptual framework of patient engagement in research developed by PCORI’s scientific team (Source: Curtis, P, Slaughter-Mason, S, Thielke, A, Gordon, C, Pettinari, C, Ryan, K, Church, B, King, V(2012). PCORI Expert Interviews Project) 19

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Examples of Promising Practices from First 150 Awards

Patients participate in: Determining what needs to be researched

The creation of the intervention to be studied

Defining outcomes important to patients

Leading the project as Co-PI, consultant or advisory committee member

Determining methods and processes of research study

Recruiting and retaining participants

Collecting data and, co creating privacy and confidentiality policies

Creation of patient friendly informed consent forms

Evaluating the patient engagement throughout the life of the project

Disseminating research results to advocacy organizations and research participant community


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Methodology Committee of the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute. (2013). Hickam, D., Totten, T., Berg, A., Rader, K., Goodman, S., Newhouse, R. (Eds). Section II, Prioritizing Research Questions and Development of the Translation Table, pages 11-20.

PCORI Translation Table

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Our Growing Research Portfolio

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Funded Projects to Date

Total number of research projects awarded : 279

Total funds awarded: $464.2 million

Number of states where we are funding research: 38 states (plus the District of Columbia and Quebec, Canada)













































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Snapshot of Funded Projects

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Assessment of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Seeks to fund investigator-initiated research that: • Compares the effectiveness of

two or more options that are known to be effective but have not been adequately compared in previous studies.

• Among compared population groups, investigates factors that account for variation in treatment outcomes that may influence those outcomes in the context of comparing at least two treatment approaches.

Portfolio Snapshot

By primary health topic

• 65 Projects• $117 Million Awarded


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Selection of Peritoneal Dialysis or Hemodialysis for Kidney Failure: Gaining Meaningful Information for Patients and Caregivers

Francesca Tentori, MD, MS, Arbor Research Collaborative for Health


• Interviews over 130 patients with kidney disease to determine how to address personal preferences in choosing type of dialysis: hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

Potential Impact

• Over 100,000 patients start dialysis in the United States each year.

• This research could provide practical information regarding the consequences (outcomes) of each choice for patients with kidney disease and their families.


• Research is completed through qualitative methods.

Aims to identify factors that matter to most to patients with kidney disease and study how they are impacted by different types of dialysis, focusing on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Today, patients often choose a dialysis type without fully understanding how it will impact their lives

Assessment of Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment Options,awarded December 2012


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Improving Healthcare Systems

Seeks to fund investigator-initiated research on effects of system changes on : • Patients’ access to high quality,

support for self-care, and coordination across healthcare settings.

• Decision making based on patients’ values.

• Experiences that are important to patients and their caregivers, such as overall health, functional ability, quality of life, stress, and survival.

• The efficiency of healthcare delivery, as measured by the amount of ineffective, duplicative, or wasteful care provided to patients.

Portfolio Snapshot

By primary health topic

• 41 Projects• $76.5 Million Awarded


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Evaluating the Impact of Patient-Centered Oncology Care

Sarah Scholle, MPH, DPH National Committee for Quality Assurance


• A broad multi-stakeholder advisory group will help define the Patient-Centered Oncology Care model.

Potential Impact

• Could change practice by addressing current gaps in cancer care and providing patients and clinicians with important information about what kind of care is possible.


• Research is completed through qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Tests and evaluates using the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model of care for treating oncology patients. The goal is to examine whether the model improves patient experiences and quality of care, reduces events such as ED visits and hospital stays, and whether its adoption varies across practices.

Improving Healthcare Systems,awarded May 2013


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Communication and Dissemination Research

Portfolio Snapshot

• 25 Projects• $43.2 Million Awarded

Seeks to fund investigator-initiated research in:

• Clinician engagement with CER.

• Translating research, decision support interventions, and risk communication.

• For this funding announcement, studies of decision support aids are not encouraged.

• Distribution of CER to patients, caregivers, and providers.

By population; some projects address multiple populations.


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Patient-Identified Personal Strengths (PIPS) vs. Deficit-Focused Models of Care

Kurt Stange, MD, PhD, Case Western Reserve University


• Engages patients, caregivers, and primary care clinicians in identifying mechanisms by which leveraging focusing on patient-identified strengths might affect processes and patient-centered outcomes of care.

Potential Impact

• Could change practice by demonstrating a method for motivating positive change and engaging patients in ways that the usual deficit-based model of chronic care cannot.


• Uses a mixed methods approach.

Compares a model of chronic care focused on patient-identified personal strengths vs. deficit-focused models of care to leverage strengths that can help patients to live a fulfilling life with multiple chronic illnesses. Aims to build simulation models for how focusing on patient-identified strengths can change outcomes.

Communication and Dissemination, awarded December 2012


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Addressing Disparities

Portfolio Snapshot

• 31 Projects• $53 Million Awarded

By primary health topic

Seeks to fund investigator-initiated research that: • Compares interventions to reduce

or eliminate disparities in patient-centered outcomes.

• Identifies/compares promising practices that address contextual factors and their impact on outcomes.

• Compares health care options across different patient populations.

• Compares and identifies best practices within various patient populations for information sharing about outcomes and research.


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Long-Term Outcomes of Community Engagement to Address Depression Outcomes Disparities

Kenneth Brooks Wells, MD, MPH University of California, Los Angeles


• Community agencies collaborate to tailor depression toolkits to needs and strengths of community.

Potential Impact

• Could change practice by providing information about how depressed patients prioritize outcomes and make decisions. Also, could impact practice by showing how clinicians respond to patients’ preferences.


• Research is completed both a mixed methods approach and a randomized controlled trial.

Project looks at whether a community engagement intervention or technical assistance model will improve clients’ mental health and physical functioning and reduced risk factors for homelessness. It will also identify patient preferences and priorities and assess community capacity to respond to these priorities.

Addressing Disparities Research Project,awarded December 2012


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Portfolio Snapshot

• 30 Projects• $28.1 Million Awarded

Seeks to fund investigator-initiated research that:

Improving Methods for Conducting Patient-Centered Outcomes Research

• Addresses gaps in methodological research relevant to conducting patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR). Results of these projects will inform future iterations of PCORI’s Methodology Report.

• Focuses on Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System (PROMIS)- related research.


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The National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network (PCORnet)

System-based networks, such as hospital systems

Patient-Powered Research Networks

Coordinating Center Provides technical and logistical assistance under the direction of the Steering Committee and PCORI Staff.


• 11 Networks• $76.8 Million Awarded

• 18 Networks• $16.8 Million Awarded

Patients with a single condition form a research network

Clinical Data Research Networks

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Pragmatic Clinical Studies and Large Simple Trials

Opportunity Snapshot

Number of Anticipated Awards: Six to Nine

Funds Available: $90 Million

Maximum Project Duration: 5 Years

Maximum Direct Costs Per Project: $10 Million

Seeks to fund investigator-initiated research that compares two or more alternatives for:• Addressing prevention, diagnosis,

treatment, or management of a disease or symptom

• Improving health care system–level approaches to managing care; or

• Eliminating health or healthcare disparities. 

• Research topics of particular interest identified by stakeholders, or questions included in IOM’s Top 100 Topics for CER or AHRQ’s Future Research Needs.


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Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Awards

Smaller awards, up to $250,000 total, to provide “wrap-around” support and enhance impact of PCORI’s scientific research.

Objectives Engage new groups who have not previously been involved with PCORI Develop new mechanisms for disseminating research findings Promote research done differently by supporting the engagement and partnering

Three Types of Awards Knowledge: Support knowledge of PCORI’s work, and inform about our program


Training and Development: Training and development of “non-usual suspects” and non-traditional researchers

Dissemination and Implementation: Disseminate the results of our research to promote implementation into practice


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Application and Review Process

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How to Submit an Application

Visit Dates

Funding Announcements

Application Guidelines and Templates

Guidance on the PCORI Methodology Standards

Sample Engagement Plans

Frequently Asked Questions


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PCORI’s Merit Review Process


1. Impact of the condition on the health of individuals and populations

2. Potential for the study to improve healthcare and outcomes

3. Technical merit

4. Patient-centeredness

5. Patient and stakeholder engagement

Applications are reviewed against five criteria:

Applications are reviewed by a committee of two scientists, one patient, and one other stakeholder

PCORI’s Board of Governors makes funding decisions based on merit review and staff recommendations


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Have a Question?

General Inquiries

[email protected] | (202) 827-7200

Research/Programmatic Questions

[email protected] | (202) 627-1884

Administrative/Financial/Technical Questions

[email protected]


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Connect with PCORI

Bryan Luce, PhD, MBAChief Science [email protected]

Regina L. Yan, MAChief Operating [email protected]

Joe V. Selby, MD, MPHExecutive [email protected]


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Find Us Online


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Straus, S.E., Tetroe, J. & Grahm, I.D. (2009). Knowledge to action: What it is and what it isn’t. In Knowledge Translation in Health Care: Moving from Evidence to Practice. Hoboken, N.J.:Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 3-9.

Johantgen, M., Newhouse, R. P. (2013). Participating in a Multi-Hospital Study to Promote Adoption of Heart Failure Guidelines: Lessons Learned for Nurse Leaders. Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(12), 660-666.


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2 hospitals HF patients (N=40, 20 each hospital) Nurses who care for HF patients on study units

This study is funded by AHRQ as a subproject (Newhouse, PI) in PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating the effectiveNess of TreatmentS (PATIENTS) Program. ( PATIENTS PI, Mullins, 1R24 HS22135-01)

IHO - Rural


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Expanding PCOR through Advancements in Implementation & Dissemination Science

• Develop infrastructure for dissemination and implementation of research products and findings to patients, patient advocates, clinicians, and healthcare systems

• Build sustainable digital infrastructure for data mining, data set integration, and virtual collaborations for training and research

• Provide mentorship for faculty research development

• Offer tools and methods for implementation and dissemination

PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating the effectiveNess of TreatmentS (PATIENTS) Program. AHRQ (PI, Mullins).

(1R24 HS22135-01)

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PCOR is a Win for Everyone


Informed decision making

Meaningful research

Not a “one-size-fits-all”




Topics and research questions

Translate/disseminate results

Comparators and outcomes

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Implementation Science: Best Practices


• Mixed methods• Engagement of target audience and stakeholders• Conceptual models and implementation frameworks (RE-AIM)

• Tailoring interventions to context• Fidelity• Measurement (context and outcomes)• Evidence-based interventions

Required to build the science:1) Core set of implementation concepts and metrics2) Standards for implementation methods3) Reporting standards for implementation studiesNewhouse, R.P., Bobay, K, Dykes, P.C., Stevens, K.R., Titler, M. (2013). Methodology Issues in Implementation Science. Medical Care, 51,S32-S40. doi: 101097/MLR.0b013e31827feeca

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Committed to advance research to improve health care…………

Robin Newhouse, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, [email protected]