New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-02-16 [p...

JÜIMIY in «si Sets of Indoor Games Lead Up to Baseball Season. COMMERCE SETS THE PACE Its Prog-ramme of February 22 Brings Hannes Kolehmainen Out for Record Run. May t'niep ttr>- ¡n atore for the athletea ot^the locni bi«pb achoola In the next fea» weeks -**everal s«ts of indoor «paran will hold the interest of the track abd fi«id «athkiee, the rMe shooting at Madl* ton SpaaM Garden will occupy the titn«* .f the tmbt o úiprnahooter« end the rapidly approachtnp baaehall e**aJon baa «ailed the enthu lasts Into action in th«* pjinuastbia. Comparatively feet of the coaches, however, nave laaned the call tWt basr-ball candidat«-« and track ath- letlce, swimmi'if; und ahootlns hold t«he « ntrr of the ¦tope, indoor baeeball for the elementary schools and a round P b- in basketball tournament foi evening high schools« are aiso aeheduled for «de» cisión. The High School of «'ominerre will hold its eighth annual indoor tra'-k and Bold games in the arm ry of the 8d Replment OB February 22. In addition to the éventa cloned te the students of the ecbool, there win he a sp»'iai «a«ven«mlb nip in which Hanne:; KOIebmalnen, the erorld'a cham« ;iion distance runner: Mike Ryan, QaetOfl strohino, Txi-iin Scott, J. .1. Qallapher, Tom Collins ami several other prominent runner« will stair. Two Other op«>n con¬ tests will be decided durin«.; the coming vetk. Kolehmainen wir. try to eatabllah <«. new world's record fo- the eeven miles, cud Judging from the way tli» little Plan it running he is more than likely to hang p new records between four to leven mile?. De Witt Clinton and Hamilton Insti¬ tute will hold their track meets on March 7. The gam»:s of De Witt Clinton will he held in the armory «of the 12th Reglnent at night, while Hamilton Institute will hold forth in the armor«-- of the 71st | nient In the afternoon. Of the two, the Hamilton games ¡m« attracting more at¬ tention, as the*, will bo open to all lie high and , preparatory .schools. Whll« Clinton's meet v.ill be cleaed to the mem« bcrs of the school with the egeeptiou Ol one or two open races Among the moat prominent achoola that have entered men In on«.- or too*-« cont«r-ata «re Pingrv, PawUnp, Tom.-. Hill. .Muhlcti- burgh Acad« my, Blair, M«rroerabun i*rgilnny. Lawnintjevfll«, Brown Prep« Barnard. «Pennlnpton «and a boat ol others, AVith few exceptions each of th« M achoola has entered a relay team in the h.ilf- ralte race that gtvei every promise "'¦ being a eizzlt-r from start to llnish. Charles Ifatthewa, on» «.f the beat all* aiound athlete? of ESraamua Hall High School, of Brooklyn, and captain of th«.- track team, is running tor preaMent oi the general organization of the school. Matthews is a «candidate on tm Red, White and Blue Independent part)', 'lie- election will be held on Yuesda> afier- noon. end Matthews is fonfldflfll tlvit hi-" party will make p IWeOp, Matthew« is one of the representative hoys of the h school and OJM of the most popular. As kl.. foot'jall player he had few equals. W and last reason was chosen as All Scholastic end on the football teama chosen by the critics alter the season. He ran on the relay teams of the school for three years, and duiing the fall of 1'jIO won his place on the 'cross-countr«, team. Matthews docs not conflue his «effort! to athletics alone. He is a member of the dramatic club and has «played parts In the various plays «given by the «joclety. On February ll h«- won the gold medal in the annual elocution « ontest He was chair¬ man of the committee of on« hundred for the l'joth aanlvmary «of Braamup and por¬ trayed the part oi Braemua in the papeant attending th» oeremonl« i \\e% i Thweatt, |r., manager at the baseball team of Barnard schools, has announced the baseball schedule of the school as follows: April 8.Columbia PraelMBaa at Barnard April «*.- .**« Paul, at St. Paul lOañaa April 11.Horace Maaa at Mora,.- Mann \pni |P.«Columbia Grammar, hi Barnard. -.lui i** Ha ..«-, Hall, m Hackley H-'H i, di rytemn). Anhi ]«>-öTifiiwool-lililí gcbeal, at Ba il,:.. \ 35-.Ethical Cuiiur«. at Ethical Cultura. \,.n. ;*u -Hainiltoii lii.stllut». ai Kamar,. Ma :.' olumLm Grammar, a: Columbia ,, -t i.iar. M«\- 3-- ffaatbeote Hail, at Haathcat« Jlau ,llarrl.«riii N. J.i Mb) 7--Mojr,: }',ea»ant Academy, at Bar,. tot-. f> '¦-.Ue'iiat» gehool, at Harnai.l. Mav 14 Kerk»!»: Ht Harnard. Muy IP. Hamilton Jn«titat«?. at Hamilton May 17- w York Military Aia.i«-in:, at .\>v. York Military A-aTin;- (Cornwall) May «.**. Hora" Mann, at Barnard. Mav iHr-Ktîii<«n «Cultiva, at Hthitai Culture Ma.- 28. Unglewoo-i HIkIi .-v-hoo!. at K^ri-.ard. Etatgen urlM hold its eighth .-inn«;a! «.ffHllbetrr track and field meet at New Hrjnswick on May .1. Ft. D. Unwell, manager of the Rntpen track team, as« peota a re-orJ entry for the games. Hilly Mesloh. the former Jllf-h Bchool ol ""orinurci sprinfit, has entered St, «.ns Preparatory School, and will take up n.cchanlcai enrdnee-rtng. He experts to enter Stevens Institute in the- fall. Caleomb T">ouk¡ífs. of Pie Witt Cunten, the 'croee-country runn« r. ha* devoted his time to sprinting for the last few months. and Is dolnK as -well over the Sheet «lache¬ as he did over the hills and through the dahs. Dpvy Ooekett, the Clinton hurdler, has been competlTiR in the various Indoor meet«*, this winter in the hurdle rac«s. and while he has won few race*, ho Is ahoarlng* a frreat burst of speed ov»*r «the sticks. ¦W'i'Pi Trenholm out of the school, Crockett is looked upon as the almost cer¬ tain a Inner of the outdoor championships this sprinc. Dr. Pratt and Your Face Should Be Friends! .Modern Days Demand It. call for information. Dr. Pratt, Face Specialists Cor. 25th St. & Broadway ASK AID FOR STRIKERS Clergymen Seek to Raise Funds for Garaient Workers. The Rey, Dr. Chorlos il. Parhhursl and .1 Rumbei of otbei prominent clergymen "f Manhattan and Brooklyn have salted in asking imam ini aid fur the striking garment worker». The « »peel follow«: "The white ¡-omis workers ere nOW in the sixth aeeli ««i Ihelr strike for a Bvlni wage and abolition of the «wee! shop. They ¡ne no! Insisting «m s cloeed shop, bul are boKBag OUI for B preferential shop, provided In s protocol form ol agreement, «huh in.s been seined by their sisters In the shirtwaist end Wssono inrfea They feel that they «in bs In« se. nie Without Ihr' sil|.p«»rt of this form ..:' agreement, which provides for stand« ardhdns and »equalising wages and eondt« tlona since society has failed to establish ¡» safesuard for these «oung -.'iris it bas been left ¡" tlie workers themselves to make effective pretest, which entails greal hardship for them, Their meagre re« aourc» s m" now exhaust<rd. rickets faint ".¦M malnutrition end arc carried to líos* pítala. Moth» watch thi Ir children grow non«bed while thej make a last des- i.erate stand for wbal they consider their i i "These brave girls .«.n>« women should .. b- Btarved Into submission, and ws therefore appeal u> spliitsd mm and women to volunteer to assess themselves «--, .1 wc.-k for the support of the strikers. [who slm to remove th» disgrace of the workshop from our city, and whose sue« ... « would be tor th. public welfaro. All 'whs desln »... beeotne **. s woek subsciib« ... .. ¡..HL .i- the strike continues .... «omn ¦¦ le wil h sny of the under- Th« ap ... aiguod I tin following clergymen: Henry E. Cobb, Prank «»liver B< lall il« Sewell Daighl Hlllia John Heynes Holmes, Robeii m Doi Id i. Howard Melllsh, Chartes H. Parkhurst, John P. r«1« n, Stepl n Wtei and Merle 81 rols v, 'rig i Mrs. Ja oby, of th« Worn« n ¦ Buttrage party ol the »th Aas« mblj Dtetrlct, has arranged for a meeting a! the Berl T,," foi next Friday morning, Ai riie speaker« srlll be Maud Younge- and Florence Zuckerman, a membei of the ¡ White <;... .i «v..! ken' Union. s mai sg< su ni ol son t of tin «Unea- have agreed to pennM the striking to <iy ¡n tir .i Um stn a it la .... « ..i.-.«! rabli -ni oui I " money « iii be m «.. In this manner. Four thousand dollar« wsa resltsed by 'the baza..'' held IhU «v..,-k at N... 173 Bast Rroadway. I! baa been de ide.i i.:.- tlnue r- another a*eek Do« I nattons tor the sale then have be« celved in ¡- ben and «q ntlt They \.'i from .. whole roasted o\ t.. k¡;¦.¦ .nu m di al Instrumenta WILSON SERVANTS BUSY They Pack Goods and Make Final Plans for Trip to Capital. llv ¦¦¦ ' Princeton. Feb. :". President-elect Wll« son this afternoon began pnparattons foi m.-. Journey to the Whtti House by rummaging through s lo! of <".:,i papen while tin- aervants Is Hm bousi t«;.-:«'.i th« .ns. ives ps king bl k -¦.-.. SC and other effects which thi President-elect and Mr.-. Wilson will tax« with th. m i.> Washington. Mr. Wilson. with als familv and some .relatives an i peraoaal fi tends, will teavs bfie on tin morning of March 3 in a. special car provided b svvareal hundred Princeton studenta Arriving in Wash¬ ington in tbe sfb rnooi >¦. aill ¿o at once to tin Bborehaa* Hotel end staj then until the Princeton alumal smokei in tii«- evening. He « II mak no formal spa "li «.i tif tnok i Pnsldent-eleci and Mi.- Wilson »sill follow precedent on Inauguration day. in addition t" thi guests Imitad by the In¬ auguration committee Mr?. Wilson will invite some relativen end personal friendi to tak. pai t in thi inch« on In tbe Whiti House. Thi President-elect returne« home about ii o'clock tins afternoon in fin» spirits bul .¡.ni..i nlmssli t<> ail callera on the way here he a.sked numerous Questions regard« ling th«- Mextess situation, bul «matured no comment When he reached ins home .i- found the tetter from the suffragists asnina.' foi s ten-minute Interview at Washington. He made no connnem bu! indicate that il was his int« nttOS t" SSOd s reply. Asked if he bad heard that ins brotl er "joe" had dropped out ..f th» rtei ten etary of the United Btatei Benet» hi nplled that be had not an'l fUl thf ITOOl e said i"- weed"! th» tesai Ml Interested in the candidacy of hi* brother. MISS BATESS HUSBAND OUSTED.' graph 1 Denver, Feb. i">.--»»» oi g< reel, husband of Blanche Batee, ti.«- at tress, eras re¬ moved as Police « ommlssloner to-<ii.v. Creel was suspended ncently by th« Mayor fot opposing the soli "i U»tuoi Itvl the segregated rice district. THE WEATHER REPORT. o er .tl e itrwat iaK>- toai and mass ss ¦ni.«." Sunday In the rth Atlantic IMMsl BeeoN und ilsseeast. itr-ahlagtea, l-'cb. 15.- Tlio iSMSlbSIH« tVat ira« O'.er the Upper Mississippi Valley Irina« nl¡,-Iit ha» . to ths Isaesa lai.c ragtaa un.) Sartas th» Lis » lniii!:, luu: hou's ai|K...| lo ul -nm\a ln Nortiietn tttw t'iia'ati'j. the restes raf the On ,! labss, Mlaassets sag Wlseonsla. Il ha« beas followed by DsaaMaaaaly .oi.ínr weath m «i« 11| i . I .¦«... .in-t px.reni»* upp'r Mi-slssippl Valb.. Calm are airo report«*»! from the FtOfMa peninsula and the norili I«. ili< elates. Ten f.» tature» aie «l>ove ihr normal ow-i al! parts of tbe .omitr- e^.ept "' Omit gtatt» an-l ai'.nj the north hor.l«*r from lili > «ota te Main. The «tana tbat m m rfKK.i) «ni in«,v.- rapid!; settled weathi r and kVal res lake resten and <». nal.», ahita anoilv-r nlstui-ban. ' <i\. r Alberta will Mo«.-'» and .an-, »now flurrl«** Hunday In the «sti-«. upfwr Ml«al.lapl Val¬ ant! Sunday nlnht or Mondai In »lie upper iak»i region wtih the«« ex< ptHMS the wsataer ««ill be generally fair ci.n«.ay and Monda;' tbraugbout ti.»; ouiitr«. «'oiisld' ta', y lower temperature »111 rrevail Suiidav m the southern portion of the lake re- gtes ta» üble »tolle) jh'I in« north Atlantic Matea, i«hii.. warmer weather win inmsgnad »i.e Miss..mi and upt^r Mtoaiaalppl valley» Sun- ".. «ad the lake rrfton Mondara THnpaibm ingea elaewber« «nil be unimportant. Th« «riada alo«« lha New Bagland .-oast >mM be brtek, variable, becoming aortbwest; ddl. \.!a.iti ....M. modeeaf« -.vest ami northwest; «oath Atlantic, Baal ana \v»»« «iulr roam. Hübt verlabte; on bake Mielil- t'.,!.. mod' rat«-, visrlable l'«iree«»t for Mpeelal lamalitle». Per WSSt« ws Psaasylvsata, etaoey and much colder t'.-iiay. preoasteg bj »tio» flurrlea In northern I".mon; Mondaj- fair, mod« rate northwettt win,)s. Pst Western New Tori» »now and mu'h colder to-day; Monday »now flurrlea. brisk i.t'rtli windK. p*or Northern New Kn«Und. »now. fol- lo'M.I l.v eioarlriH and colder to-day Mm« «!.«y fair, brisk east to north wind«,. ror South, rn ,\ew England, cloudy and cold, r, probably preceded b) rain or "snow, to-day- Monday fair, brl«,k sliiftinr wind«, 1.,'omlnK northwcht. For Maul» rn New York cloudy and colder, preeed-si by r.iln in «outlieni and rain or »<now In noriliern portion, to-daj Monday wiö,K bri,,k W,!,t a"d n'wthw,'8t For Kast'-rn t«. ,.n«\ P. .n.i.-i nn«i N»w Jeraev ¦ loiidv and old« r to-day; Monday prohabiy lili", brisk W'st anil aorthwesl «« mil* 'or Deb,w*re. Maryland and pi.«trice of Loluiiiblü, tloudy to-day, Colü'r at night Manda? fair. m»'l«r.i" »arlable «trde be 'iinir.i; norttrweat. Humldit*. ti .**.. .*a 1 p. m_«3 I P ,Tl-*B » « otaJtiratloni *' tx«l**l s«*.tes weather bureaus tak'n ;«t I P Bt jrestor- da*/ follow CH* Temperanire. Westher, i_ Cloudy. anile City ._'._ *>* I'leady. . M M"r; nnffulo . M Cloud/. hi» mío .- '<. íoudy. \. ,' Orleans . .'.« »er. si i«»>_ib . «.; lo''_.v- Wnahlngton . '" Cle_tfjr, la»r»l Official Record. Th" 'eUOWtnfl BMeial record from tl-.e WeatBer Bureau shows the hangea In the temperature tot the last twenty- four hour«. In i-onipans'm with the correspond- ins «.laf ol last \ear: i-i., itia in-'- .". a. m._4 |4 . P rn.J». g | »; a. m .. _."> JT! J> p. »n.... *>« a. m..11 Silil p. ra..«JB '.*'. IS ra..".." «2 1^ i». m.."* 4 p. m..",; 4P. Highest mperatur«- restarts?. 4f> de-jrers: lo««.est. _7; averaee. 38; average for BerrO- [.aondllts «la»" last «ear. ;'.!; a%orap« lor eWTB* I «ponding rial- last Ihlrtl -three year». 3«'. I_o-al foMéast: CUtuty an«l cooler to-«1a>. preceded hv rain; probably fair Monda;, brisk ;T\r"t triads, becoming serthw.est, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATVH** A IM ANN«". Sumi**. 0:.'.4: sunset. .->:*B: moon set-« "..2P: moen'a ase. i»_>. ÜIGH WATCH. AM ¡'-M. San.j» H«**.: . 3:07 ;':-"J» Oovernor'a Mand . 3:-« Hell '¡ate . s:l» v.:»« WIRELESS REPORTS. I* PtaVeaee, reporte. as .'38 mllea eaat of Band». Host at i" a at jreeterdsj. «. <\i>*<*od to «io.»ii thi« famnoen. . The Campéala, repealed too intie» <-a»t of San>1» Hook at 10:.'h» a K yesterdaj. it» ex ported to doek lato this «.»enlng or Monday foresaw». Tn« Haiti»-. reported as CT3 miles root et Band) nook ii i mi yesWrday. is sapacted dock tblp forenoon. VI.. Kaiserin Augtste Victoria, reported a-« :«..: mllea «ai»t of Bead- Heofc at no.m ye.ter- «;_ \-. ted 10 iio»k this forenoon. 'I'lu- Nlettw Amsterdam, r*porte. as nn*» mile. i.i-i of dandy Hook at IMJ a m yesterpsr, f\|.. to.I to dOck Molina»' aftern-iun. ri-.c Patricia, r*epocted a* :t;.o n.iie* east of Band) Hook at nom yeSterdS). la experte. 1 to .jock late this evenlag ~r Meadas forenoon. « aledonla, repprtcd ai 7««'» mile« east sandj Hon.. ». peon resferda la ess« led to dock Monday alietnoon. » Oeene Washlagton. report*.i aa 7.o milt* east of SBDdy Hoe* rit 7 m yesterday, i«. \-a t'd lo dock Mondai afternoon INCOMING STEAMERS. TO-L.AY. Vtaeel Port. «Una*. Ket, i.""abre .7. j:u.Mara.««ito. * e_ .',-lie«! D "Campania.Liverpool, Peb N.CuitBf .Haiti«.-.Uvenool, Pet .. ..While Btar .K A >1 mu*_llaiiit. .r_. K«b b. Am .l_a Prov» nee. ..Havre, Feb v PrBna. .Cal« Ionia., Ulasgo»». l-'eb .* Anchor ¦Prtna Wllltm IV Haytl Peb H H u I Ueorgi.I..»em »ol. Jan .'«. v - * .. > i..Ut poo'.. Pat l....Wh Mm Patríala.Itamba-g, P*b L. iiai.»b-.\m Zj...d\¡.Rotterdam, Pel ...Hall Am Mfch'san.Antwerp, POP 3.1'l»«*nli Araentlna ..Algten«, Ian SL.Auatro Au«e« «to. Hull Peb l .wiiaon Bristol '¡i» rtwan ... Pel l »¡riitol MontcotiMr BavoMMh. '..«¦-> II ..Sa»an.iai MONDAT, PKBRUART It, .Finland.\m*».<-rp. pat v i... star .N A:n»:«idain K<«: t".-«.ai.. !>'.. h He':-':» .Mtnnotonka.l_aadoa, Pet I At Trsn« '»J Waeiilr.ston Bremen, Pet .*.. S «- tJo-. i>! n a II d.. Ronnuda, r<-¦ IS Quebec « ,;t.ii.lia; H. PBt 13 Hai..-An *C__lim.Bbb litan, P«th l- N T A P it "Vigilancia ¡Caaesu. Peb 14 «'».' Kursk I.«t,«'. PSI 1....... lt.--.-n ¦ ..Nrn >>rle_r.s. pet 13 Ba FSB k-i-ay. PCBBÜART It. .' sited Btatea hrlatlaaotad i'«'- * I 'Pastorea Bowaa del Toro Pet I .'' P .«¦ . ,«, lUo .:. .tan'Ir.. Ian SI t. /. II .( z.i Ha»»iia, Peb IS «Ward .Voltatrt .Barba-loo, Pah 13 I. «I l»n'.' pi i:rr.,.. .Porte Barrloe. Peb i«>. «¦ r,-, Bavannab... s^-annah. Wb ll Ba * nv*r .Oalvaatoa. Pet t.' H«".««i» all OUTGOING STEAMERS lO-DAT. Mall \'tt*. \e*te\ Vet. Lint c;o»t». aal^a. Q M'-fsret, Afgentlna, AltPtt9Ba*B MONDAT, ri.HFtt'.MtT IT Dochra, Meaiotridaa, n..rb'¡ B_Ma_n «s-rfani P la, 'opoahase*i. I a- "" TtSBDA i, PtBBRtTART II K \\'m II. Bremer. N «. I. «.:-.. 1" .¦' v .-._:. Mad«ttra, Wl BtlOam 13-00»n «/rutava li.-.i.. la, R M s p v»n> a in 10-00 . nj MM-.ifu. »It.l.ud«. Trl:.!iUd.lO:i». a i"i V.'<W«T« .-j.. a ¦;¦¦-«. ... i.» ni ;. n i.i. ..*... U-. .. i ...'... i-OBptB .... ,«. aplei Not |«t) n.nfuei W ud '- 00 Ba« uin... U'n -.a . .'..-¦ 13 ltd B of M t-K«..n. Ba .«- 00 PI *-,a .. i isa« ..'¦.' WRDNBSDAT, PEBRVART 10 ¦«.nia, Lltei p.«.i un. i «vi a idle i, Bern wa Qua 1-tOam 10*00 a m /niia. Va Oua-ra, t'.ed D BtMam i.««0in Bar.ta Marts, Jamaica, L'PBtMsm 13:00fl \rgentlna, Trteate, Auat. OB n '/... Ian I. Ant«, r... Red Star 1" o B I Patrl .a. Hamburi tl A ¦' Proteua Ñon '»: asna I P "-' 00m colorado, oal» eaton Mall. i ;00 p m «m.iv ..-, J son iII». 'j' "" : '¦« .Ma,: !o«ee at |*JB at l*»-r TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. nasa Deatii atian .«¡. -t«-. nei N.T. P M H«iw Bll .)«;.».:, C te*. .....J Phlllppinea i»la >,n I r_n ll si Vlppeii Maru.T" la. I Japan, l'etea. (.'hlna 'via Seattle«- Orteric . P*i fi -" ¦a Torra, ..hlna. I»hiii[«p.i.c»- (la S«atll-i- BSdO Mari .Keb M «*:.***» Hawaii i». la «mi Kran« Is..,. Biern.Pat 2«» "Jo Hawaii, Juran. »urea. rr.ina. I'liliiriine.« '"'a Ban PYsaclaceV. Tanya Mam . Pet «'1 8 Vi laj.aii Cores, t «ÜBS '»la Ta>oma« «--_. t le Maru .Pet Bt. B:tO llarati. .lapan PhiUpptaea .' ¡a Han Praavlaco) -V s traaaporl Pet 3k läM Tahiti, MarQtiease, « ook Manda New /.ealnd. Australia <. la San Pranelaco) Tahiti .Teh M, «¡ : Man nil. .-'rtii.oa:. Ihlai.«lH, Nett ?.ea land. Australia (via San l-'ran ¡so. ».'entura .Met »J. 6:^i lia« an. nil Islands New gestand, Australia <\ia VI« torln Zea- » :ar,riu . M'h 14. «.:'«0 .lap"»n fv,r»»a, »"hlna. I'Mllpplnes (via Victoria»- Bmpreea «>f tar»i'' «Met. 14 tit) SHIPPING NEWS Port of New York, Saturday, Febru¬ ary 15, 1913. ¦I'Kivf.n. Bteataer t"ranlum iitr«. Retterda n Decaía - 'j* and :ii'ifa.\. .». 9, Webrasitsj IB to i1«. Cranium -ss o. Ltd with nuij'- Arri'.'.i th« V-kr »' 1 .u. Simmer Jafferaaa. Kewport Nen'i and Norfolk, to the j <i Dominion i»s Co. with pas« i.K«»'* snd Otts* Pstsiad In Quarantine at «10 i> m. , Bteatnri »«'.-kai i Gar i Bremen Pakt u 1, to «V'ri-h« *- « o. -«lili I ir. r»hln iinrl |,«__ ¦tecraea patoèngora and mns- for Ne«»- fork, and 4, eatla sad .'>.'¦ -le.-rag- psaa«sa« » ;ni(J loris- In «raidit for Baltimore. Ar:! eil .t thi H.i- 4:.',0 p m. .Sieur.ier Hello, nier». Rolterclam .taiiusr 2.'« i" David T Warden, in baliart Anchorad m Qua rantin« a< _.r,o p m. st. am«-r «'oioii. « ris'ohai Pebrsary n. . the Panama itnilroad Lias, T.t»h !>h pa ».»nger«. mulls .«-s musc. Arrived at tho Ha ;it .",.:: ;, tn. Hteamer Ban «Horgjo »Jiilk Messina Jar. unry _7. Palrrn.a ¿H anil Nspl«s JO. to Point) Bri's Ine, «iih l«i eabtn an«! 777 nr.ia-i paaseagera ano totee, Arn«<«i at the Bar at h 30 p m. |«fth, Bteamer Mann.. >Ia«a. Baltimore. :o the N'ew York und Baltlin«nr« Tranaportailon CO, With n.«Jse. ran» «1 In (¦iiarantln. .,t t::."'<> a m. Steaniep Blrma (Buss). I.ihau Januarv ".'1 ar ri I.O'i'sl.iir«.. C B, TebPusr» 13. »o Benham A BO íeen, With .'¦.". .at.ln bh«1 1,034 sie.r.iic paaa«**aaera »nd ;n«is'. Arrived jt th«- Bar at l»»:."««i u m. San.l» Hook. N J. Tel. i;,. 0:30 p m.Wind HOUth; ni'^eratr breeze; i «a» r 11 -. cloudy; hazy off abort ; smooth «cs Steamer l/i l*rov«rn«»e. from Havre. \t\ chore«! in Quarantine at 11 :U p in. | SAIU'D. Str.aniits iBri. Tara via .Norfolk Arradlan iBr», Bermuda. Berlin «ltn, Naples; ftratos, Sail Juan; B. V. l.uekenba.h .-Jan Juan; Momna. New Orleans; F'hlia«l»lplira Sentliamplon; Carrillo iBri. KtngStoa: l*V conta »l!ri, Naples. El »Jalvesion sin tlaao ««liban). Tampt<-o; Mlddlehain 'i'aail. (Br), Manila; Arapahoe. t"*harl««s»on and __C k snmlle; Havana. Ha\ana comal. Tampa Manuel i'al\-*> (.«¦pan». Havana; Bio Oran«!*' Brunswick; Alllsjira. Olatobai; charlton Hal »Br». Valparaiso; City of Atla/i'a. Havannah Mlnnewaska (Bn. London; Trafalaar (Marl l'hlladelphla. Concho. Oalvrnton; Prinz P.ltai Frlodrlch Uleri, Klnfaton; Prlnr«a (Br>, Montevideo; Hamilton. Norfolk and Mew« port News. Magdalena (Br». Kingston; Ko t-mla »Datii, Demerara; Klo Ora iBri. Mel- bourn* STEAMER8 AT FOREIGN PORT8. ARB1VED. Alfters, peg 13.Marianne »Aukii. New Tark for Venire and Trieste. Antwerp, reb 14. L* caupina (Dutch), New York laaMal 'P»lai. Ne* V*rk via Dover, narha-lr». Te* 14 Moltk« cien. New Tent via Havana, .-';in Juan, ale ion mitee). Mull. Tek 14 Galileo iHr» Near Tort. Pr'iT« Head. r< IJV.Çteaklent Um-oln, Near York for Plymoath. C*kerboorg and Harabunt ireparted bj irlreleea «« ¡» «crapii 310 mllea ¦oethweat a* ":<'.'; a mi. Nvnwuth, Feb 15. .V.'.o a m Oeeard 'Br. N«-a Vork for Che«tf»trg and «Bouthanipfon land pito <*»i¡, -1' Ha-.rr-. I >t> 15, 4 p m Im. TouraiM '1'ri. Sew Vork .-..Tithanuii'*n Krb IS O"**"**»«*« (BO, .v*"* 'ork «. ',h ptymouth an-i CbertKHiro, l»l Vln«*#nt, i' V, Feb IB i'lan Mu,t>rM.- 'I.ri. Sem York for '';i|'- Town. AlfOa Pay, «*!'' MooteTl«teo, Tab Vienna iBrt. Hew .oik vu, St l.ii-la. Fort ,i, Fraaee, FCb t.". Moltk. ""-r. Ser York -in Havana, «m Joan, He '.>.« ,ta .. UvtwpneL Fafc 18 Celtic (Br), S«n Terlt rte ii ¡, noto* n. sut.l'.n ":ii»nn,.. Feb m Italia lBr>, Nee Tort Rotterdam, Fab 15, 7 .. m Noordam (Dutchl. Neu York la Boulogne; 2 p "> gocetdrk (Dutch), Ken fort ,n"i Mearporl V. \, -, Barbado« Frt lb Phr Knuaaaa (See) (from Bantna), Ne« fork liu- i\:i. Feb '1 Inca (Br), Ne» fork. s«-iih l*eb 11 I. V Btoddard, w Tora Herd-.,"«. Feb It, i«' n m Virginie (Fr), ' Se*« Vorti Antwerp. Feb 15. it' n rn.¦Vadertand (Belch New York rta Dover. M.i'-ri,. Frt 1" Columbia (Br) (tram Olai ,-yv« p. V*W V-t) Havre, Feb IP 2 p m Fran« (Fr), Tori Bermuda Feb 15 16:45 m Bermtidlan Br). \'w Tort PAPSCD. Dunpeneaa t""*'1 15 Bt«a .¦¦ f- >, Kew Vork f' r Aatarerp. t'nM Frt Miii-ionni," i (Br), Ken i o«], for Rambura. Cape Wrath, Frt IS -Oaeai ti («Dan), New York- for '' nhapen. RESORTS. NEU .IfRSKY. ATLAXTtC tlTY. ¡THE WILTSHIRE IT1*.*.* ivK2 \i»". capacitj SM private bate«, manias l«*.at«*r in f.ioin-.. .-:..' itnr moalc. Special. $".« BO up v.'rkiv. up dally. Opea all ''¦. m«ii. tliMikl»«_s a mr._i:i.r..°_ Ga& -of>en tfttou^Wit tit« tjoav ! GALEN HALL H, n i a KD SANATORIUM MI.VMII CITY. JBRMKV \i; nirhi \,,a- lot ., ,,« »¦ or .«.,, etono, brich ind atovl bulldlao Rooma on ¦. -. ¡«ti hol ., lea water H prh ata batba ronli ind arail« Batbi .,i m al menti th train« att : h leketf and \t HOTEL MORTON HUl.lMi W I ... M. Mi Ht M M. AIIAMII < ir\. N. .1. toi a table Hultea «arlth in nat.- ta«.!¦ H d ami furnlabod, ¦.¦ t aanltarj arreagemeau PI« atar ta all fio-ir». . '. ir wlnt« .. !.. -..'') \tr * «. M » INI H .¦¦.¦. l_Proprlet THE EASTBOURNE [F* .. -. '-.n i. Pia« Mod« i r i I II. j. II. I Umtwmmé, fl2arlboronab- Slenbeim ATLANTIC CITT, N. J. Joal'h Wlilt« A Pona company HOTEL BOSCOBEL i ., elevatoi a tab) .«. . « tfo, boa « ... ! » un ¦*. PHILLIPS HOUSE, Maat aad >'. P. PHI U IPi I.\K1 W«>«>l> N. J. v «MOOBltK ROTEL jn,vr»j Net.,: foi i il alike «ipiJ»Ur»»J i SPANOl NBERG, IAhltHlllli N .1. ... Plnea and . il.,,.. .1 \M \l( \ nTmTlTCHFlELD Port Antonio, Jamaica « * I«->-t perfectly -appointed irop ¡cal h«ite| ¡p tin* world. Hol and cold e utcr in ca« h i ootn vate bathi. on hc-stra. lee» irictty; laundry ^ai vg : r.,pli. ib'.' and poal offices « ik'lit hundred ¡cet piazzas; .,'1 «i u t door amusements. I Ipeti until \[inl 30 F.R.üRABOWCO.,PorMntnnio..lamaica o* UNITE jFRU.T Ci i7Bat'r» I' ice. I Y "BUY BY PARCEL POST" .X t'rie Inf»-:na«;«n B:r«ai la niil"i.'iAil by Tta Naw-Yerlc Trlh'in» for (ha bon»m of adrertlaer» whT» Infnrinatlon regarPlag th-» Par,-*! T'.ip« ii available at »I tin.,«a In- qu'rl. a «*...¦ ¡'a h* « «Id .-»««il to THt. NF.W-YOitK TKIBt'NB P-%nrF.I.rOHTiNFOItM»»TION BfREAP. Room Z'itl. Tribun« Building. Sew Tork Ctiy. \V 11|. Mfall! lappll OUI I] i>;,t,ue» dlroei 'r,.n, n,.- f. \,\ PARCEL POST Absolutely Fresh Eggs AT «o « KKTH A HOPS N. vs r ...ii..« ¦ f v lOdltloa ii uaton era ALICEDELL FARM, _Soiishiirj Mill». Oraaae io.. >. >. HAVE YOU TRIED MY 43 Blend Coffee? it i.s tho beat (..-«iffee «offered in tble] city. Try it. Callaaan'i llPfMlne maile,! «m rernirst. Tel IMI < '««rtliiiidt. J. L CALLANAN. 41 & 43 Veaey St. «EfiflS '""' kt Toteol r«*-««] laid ¦*«¦*¦« Produced undi-r (he moot aanltarj ' ondltlona Prl« ¦< ^ on applli at Ion Ml.M hill UN R-UU nmi. N»w Briinawbk. N. ¿L It. jj D.No. «. STHNi-i.JHAI'MI-Jlt.-- Nin. ,,,,-. ssli l,i u- ~e to.T. aaeal, kneeboard. ropyholder, pointer «.ntrtnii. tatnilatliii!. ..iinlliu- r-ni-, p- n 11 hoicirr an(| aharpaatr, :*> »enta, pp, i , rae, M Ann «**,, Hew v«.rk. AUBMTg ReeMeat, faat «xilina aeeetalty; «.Nery telephone tmer tuyn; pi). ». Ba- jW, j^, c»nt proiu, «parUealara; aamvie kuckiit ( o in Mil ave., N. T " PAR«-KL POPT Ai;n.\«'\ OIVKÑ j-iitt «ilu welghlnir »ealr«. pur, li;,.«r » H|,H mm reo.lnl. K«.-»ryl,»lv ualng In-m AM t-'HU \ V S«'AI.E_«*Q.. I*M4 Hroadmay. S-w V.:k E fifi S deiiv.r.-d r-aaalarl« by p.,r.--i ,.,«1 fc",*a**' Htrl.ilv n.-w-lulil. é&e a ,|oz. 11 Ttoik Htdir<- l'o'iitr> Karm, surr.-m. n. \' bBND PIPKP FOR RKPAIR 1.tier «CÖm- Paap, iniikera and r^pulr.-r« pip,m and ? rnoki-ra' art le I en. *IH Waaaau »I Now Vork BKND eentu for pound boi ,,f ¦\in.-ri . tiett ane«>rt«*d rhO'-uUtea. fork .lipped .. THRO I I; MATBR, Ijm S 1 «ave., ,n} »¦*»¦*«-. | ROOg DRUVRRRD RRÔt f.ARI.Y'nY PAR- «.I Poa«. obaolutely ireiili. 4f. B «.,,. ,.^.. *»ltli or,)»r ORO. E. RA«K. Quakari'.wri.' N .1 DA Y-OLD BOÖD- Ó.NR «l.S'T poaTal 1rd win hrinB mr drealar. FRAKK HTDE.I TIME TABLES. TIME TABLES. Jamaica Cruise You will find the change and rest you need in the bracing five-day trip to Jamaica. There is no lovlicr spot for a winter holiday than this fascinating island in the Caribbean. There is no more delightful way to go than on one of our big, airy, comfortable steamers, specially built for tropical travel. There is no better time to go than now. Sailings Wednesdays one Saturdays from New Y»rk Every room ' 'outside, ' ' many with private kotha To Jamaica and bark, $85.50 and up, including mrali . and berth it sea. Write for beautifully illustrated booklet. UNITED FRUIT COMPANY 17 Buttery Placa *TKAM»HI« HBVICg Til. 1701 Sector Or any Stcamahip or Tourist Agency NEW YORK CM) The New "OLYMPIC" FITTED WITH DOUBLE SIDES AND ADDITIONAL Watertight Bulkheads EXTENDING FROM THE BOTTOM to the TOP OF THE VESSEL Will Sail from NEW YORK AMERICAN April 12«May 3 £*& Thereafter '''".«IW WHITE STAR ''"'A"' V V..ri.vmoulli.-I Sssfa.Sg- SsetlSSSSStSS m, Y.*'t,iii<>nlh.< herboura;.Southampton :M'''' '' '"".. '".....'n.' M..r.:: S M;ij-^ti.. I'.'h S "." Ullc. .Mar.h S ¦..,A > ,: - sai I' .. u«i :. *N«wY<«>rkMarl.S :10am 'Pbiladelphla.Uarch 10 '.¦ *'." Ll" Jteaawr fran PI -:.«.» N R. »American Una Suamei from Pter «S. N. K, ATLANTIC TRANSPORT **«.««. \<.rk.I.nntlim lliri-ct. I'i«-r .-,8. N. K. i'«',"t '.'. . Nam Mian« baba Ma:, h i '¦1 .¦' Mai U Mil ;. I ., ., Mai 1 .. RED STAR Her ft, V. It. Ill A. M V ... lessisa, Paris «hi Doter.Antwerp ¦''<¦'¦.:. «I K. !.. IS \.«.l.r,... « Mar.h 5 ". ." "..¦ -«'¦ Lapi is«! .Marcb I .Omita i». ... calla «t Ph a it CRUISES P aSSKNtiER HI I'M! f MINI New York.<|ueen*town.Liverpool Bltl .1«'. ¦.'>. noon Baltic. Mar. L*> .Mar. «¡. noon aHgaatlo.., ..Mai -~ Boston.Mediterranean 3' ¦., y ti oeue __.v; .' i RIVIErÂ.ÎtAL Y.EGYPT \ «. Madeira ».'.¡jra.tar. Algiers. Monaco. "Adriatic" l>l>. noon. e-Jrl« " Mar. I. Lasgjesl Mediterranean «¿learner». PANAMA CANAL, WEST INDUS, KIT. MEGANTIC VV: <t' LAUREHTIC SÄ"Ä ,.....§ MHOADWW. NEW lOKK LONDON-PARIS-BREMEN Kaiser Wilhelm II FEBRUARY 18th George Washington llir l.irei«! I.erman «stenmer All«.:il FEBRUARY 22nd NORTH GERMAN LLOYD THE MEDITERRANEAN MADEIRA GIBRALTAR, ALGIERS, (the ne* fashion center of Europe) GENOA sod STAPLES Prinzcss Irene MARCH 1st OELSICRS lc CO., Oeaeral Aft-euta. 5 BROADWAY NEW TORN or Local Agenta RAYMOND-WHITCOMB TOURS EUROPE Italy and Rlvtora. Mai 9, i. <,. n. ;. .i he Pyrenees, Peb II it mobil« T.Mir. Apr. |j ALGERIA Shnr' Tour. I' h 11 \jong 'i«-m. M ». 13, CALIFORNIA '.;¦ I' ;:.!>; «I Porwt .,,:.! QrMg ,anyor., WOb. IS, .'.'. Mar. 11. Apr. S sag l.,«. FLORIDA l'-l» 14 90, M With «.uta, J»n. U. PANAMA & FLORIDA l'eh .1. * ssfsSsrïï".****** ui""""^. ^ '"' f" ,-1' « "f Tour« which murrst yol SOUTH AMERICA i. Bag -, i nit \v«. RAYMOND & WHITCOMR CO. Uew S ork. " Mad Kq «570 CUNARD MOST PM'i'iiHioi «s itot rr. l»li:i « I MA nSHOt'ARO ¡LONDON PARIS BERLIN VIENNA I IsliK'iard and l.lieriioul ""lie fuslest «learners In the world MAlRliTANIA LUSITANA Mar. ... I «.. M A up. IB, I v M. M.i ¦ V M knot, 1 A M. QUEENSTûWN FliHGUAdJ IV-RP001. r.imiiiiiiiii. r. h il» !.. ... 4 arn.anhi. Mai l.lflam T! un ..nhi.M ;".l".ii ( utiipiiiilu.M n I't.luni i arsaaatS Mai ..¦!>. i»>.. m Psasfia, \i" It, i«':«»»i MEDITERRANEAN-ADRIATIC SERVICE , lias at Madeira, Gibraltar, On.a. Naples, Trieste, PI«. Baillas« B«*e, S<<- Itinerary. PANNONIA, I'h -'7 fARPATHlA, Mar 33 IVI*RM A, \|.i .. BAXONIA, »prtl <,«'> WINTER CRUISES.RIVIERA.ITALY.EGYPT (AltOMA. Mar. IÄ. I!..iiii.I the World trU>». $'!.*« Spi'.'lal through n. t.. Egypt In.lla. hit.a. Japan. Manila, I Australia, ¦"*'...* /.riUiiii. south Africa and south Atorarles. IstSt'saaidaa*' tour« in liurop«, «tc h' .. 1 f 11 hookli-t i'unird Tour«. \C«'»il« lor 1','iilnsiilur * «Irlenlitl S. N. I «i. in I nlie,1 Slides »ml lunada. Itiuerary or Summer t'nilse», Norwny. eti-. ISIS, «lui« I IK. \ii«. S. Nept. 5. nn« renilv. Plasa, finit West 14th Street. N. R. Ofltc««, 21 Stale Street. N Y opposite. Flattery. ADVRRT18MMENT8 AND SUBSCRIPTIONS mr Th«. Trll.ui... recslvad at their uptown ottl.e. No. I.'HM Hmvlwtty. bedWSM ."Mill and .17th Bta., »intll I «iYto<l< g, in. A.1v.«rlls,«- iil, nls rcrelvi'd at th.« follow lnK Van. h ottl.e« at regular rilteh until .1 «'clock p. in., via : Ml Ith ave., a e ,,r. *gkt .t.; IM «III, .i«.,. or. 1'lh i»t l(M |-,.t Util i-t. 'J37 Webt »2,| »* batee« 7th mid hit) ave* 2gg West IStb St.; luOB .",! a««.; 1708 1st »v«, usât b8ti, at.. 107 ¡Can lütti at. t Bermuda **. n. "IIHOH MAN." «"ti" Bbtp nací hv l-residciil M,, t t.llMin.) BaUa eierr Wednes¬ day, \. M Twla aersw. 10,311 lona «us placemen! Kutmarlne sIkh.«:«. wlrelesa; or- çhaatra. lterord trip :tll hour«. .'0 minute«. 1 imtrit. neneat und only Meunier landing liasiengers at the «lo. k In Bermuda »lllioul tiunsfer. S. N. ..OROT.W A." 1»>.0»53 tons «Ils« laeem.-nt. «IIS every Tuesday. tour.- |rx Hotels, si.or« Rxcurslona, l_owoet Ratea Tickets la* t- n h.m.. >atla «ith B M s. i-. Ce, WEST INDIES Kot* ñ. S. "»¡ulano" and «ith.r Reamen f»rt- nlghtl) f««r si. Thomsa Bl <'roi.x. s- Itltts, .attgWB, Oandaloupe, D.Into*. Martial .u«\ Bl i.uci.i. Barhadees, «r,.i Demorara, Kor full ti.formation apply lo \ g, ot ri liBKliM.i- a co.. Aséala Qiirbe« B. n. Co.. Md.. '!» Hroiiduu,. New York; THOB, cook A so\. m i»iui smb Hroaatntur, tti and 583 "tk ave.. N. V.. or any Ticket Agent. BERMUDA BY THE ARCADIAN Largest and Finest Steamthip in the Service. OROTAVA DtsplseeflBaatf taanago. 10,00; regia*! S.MM Nest »ailing of «li-otava Wet. \: K |». ¦IIIDKII.m: It O I' N THI HATKH AMI INCM HlVK Ttll KM Tickets inter« liantteublf with «_u.-i. .- .S.i'.i. The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. SAN'l'i'.o.SiiN .V BON, <¡"n AK'h BR Btate Sl., S. V Thus i'ook a Sun, _4."> A «MM» Broadwai and SB44 .">¦"¦1 Fifth Avo.; Ka.iiion.l A W'hli-omh. Plfth Ava., N T., OK ANY BTBAMBHIP TICKKT AOBNT PAiVAMA BWlBnas Wedn-sd .va and Bat* a rurtfUirtfu ,,r,| ,<. AttratUlva erutsvs v v«'si Btcamera Write f«>r booklet. IMII.I) l-'Kl'IT CO, 17 Battery Macs. New York. _TIME TABLES. /Ne** Sailings to v"" LONDON-PARIS-HAMBURO \ S. S. KAISERHAUS. VICTQIIU (25,000 TONS» February 20, 9 A. M HAMBURG^AMERICAK lartc.riSS.CoJ % «nth**»* OVER 400 SHIPS TUNS Atlantic Service LONDON-PARIS- hAMBUKG Rar»"n Aug. Vl«\. i-*»h 10.ÏX. J*. .I'ulrii la K»h ¦».», lu \ M l'rea. t.iani .Ft* Zi. 12 aooa *Pr*t«nria. .¿I uak a.«.« \ to. »Haaaaarp «Hract jd aaMa uni-. S. S. IMPERATOR TU WORM» h I.AKi.r.sT >HIP V,1-,,^^.' h'.r "'*' ,nr> '.">'». KAM« Pt Rf, Mn> ZA, arriving f,. re .Tun«-4 Rook« now op.-n for «..».on a'artlna ¡JA ..1.n A M T" IBPRRA« TOR «ill «con I In -., -. r ,- .r >^K.;:'^;'^',r.:!i!.;;.::^,:,^ MEDITERRANEAN Madeira, Gibraltar, Algier», Naplea and Genoa. Next Sailings S. S. HAMBURG (££.) February 22, 10 A.M. S.S.CINC1NN ATI (;.;-) March 11. 10 A. M. * «i. Ilimhurc .Aprtta '.> \ M S. H. Moltke il .' Tu,». ... April I». I M a ig .a a Harnhnrg Ma !0. <j a. r] .*iiinl»a i-tl! at Aigi'T«* «anj Miii-ira. CRUISES NOW IS THK TIME to book for The Panama Canal and West Indies I i 11 ¦ <~*ar,,i! it» i «*«-apáa*pta)| LAST niRi-.K í RTtPBg March II. by g, t, \ tori» Tjdao 28 DAYS .... $175 g* March "Î9. »,. 8. S. Molt«*,. April 10. b. ft S. \lctorla r.ul«o KTSÄ l6Days-$l45;r Write for tobtet « ¦ .-- .*».,*¦. J . HAMBURG-AMERICAN I »k USB AW >^^4|.4.1 RRUWiM U. V. f M v^^ i '...- ii¦ r Am*. COOK'S TOURS All Expenses Included BERMUDA Three Balltapa aroekl*« to tba <*harraiai [aland Reaort by<:« ' Br-naaa'iaa "Arcadian" and "Oruta»»." In.-lu.i«., m:, ti ..- .ait -at» prlci CALIFORNIA Tour* it t. * .. .¦.' 17 . ¡(j Mar ;i !j Includina < ««»»t Resort«, «.rand Caayn. a«', tlurat lrain» and hotel». j.';o up. FLORIDA-HAVANA .ou» to th- «farnoua Ka»f «aa«,! -«Hani «.«¦.'. Havana loav« f¦'- II _i> _..-,. In.'lii-h i- fare». glSfkflS up. PANAMA CANAL Headquarter.- for booktaaa '¦. r ¦ tbe Paaaaia Cao il, Sp< era-baa uiinn» Man ta III kM» and Tour.« u> al t.r Riaorti THOS. COOK & SON :ir. Rroadway (oppoeite .*-. Haiti Ml Plítb Aveaue >r. 2vtb |U MIS Ki'rh Av« nue icor i«tt!i It» 1299 Bi«oada !.. in« Mtta P SEW TORR. OLD DOMINION LINE DAILY SBRVICP tor 014 Tolnt Comfort, Sorfo '<. Porx*mow\ Pli.n«r«s I'omt and Newport **.«*«*». Va,. era- tie ting for Peteraburc, R I, '¦'..ntuBp* D C. and the eatlrt ** II .>' Wttt, r>,i«{ht .iiid Paoaenger .un«n tail «fue Pier 'J.'.. R R toot at s rth Rooro o«.. aval V4M i. ¿av 3 !' M _ u- ¡, WOOnROtV .-a'"» Maaa«n»_ RED "D" LINE E ¿%!SE Tor i-an Juan. P. R la G r«. Fto. «*a»bat> «-'ira-ao ,\ Mira albo .mete CARACAS ..Tab ..'.. i«lll l..\ I I 1 ill« Mar Tot Ma*/apaea P R i<* uuajrra. OBMH Mars albo. Zri.tA (. 1!' MAR* 'AtBO., ku s-upert'-r A, m:; ,'i.i'¦'. » '¦¦ PinaflX**«. RI.ISS. DALLE n S. co t Cencra! Managet *- «^aJ R"'1 Fall River Line T0B0STDNÍ3EÜ I'm n. V I... It. I ..m o .*!.. a \ork, daih '00. PRO\ IDKNCE i. I VM-JLT» Orcli- j'-.. oi liu.b. NK**i I.OMION iN»n»i. Ii> I INK via >.». Ixindon t !">r «,' N ': Hooataa sv. v ek dayi onl> .¦« I' 'I rmtm i: j: ft K .".'.' 6i .'¦,.'< to stra MAINE and CHKKTKR '' i'HaPDj NEW HAVEN LINE -¦* | * ft Catherin« 81 » » ». - «tJ ". .*. Str NEW M ÍMP8HIRE l'i.-k't«. etc., ai i;i Broad' Tiae«»' rouriai Ottem P "v The Nrw Incluid»hlo to. .SrîMÎB?, Providence Direct SI.SO atoMttet.*** OataMa Materaaaaa Si.oo« ...^ Bt»»l St.,,,, «-hl-M ileargla :T* Unit", in. Iii.l.i.« buada». j ,0u''k¿M. Prum I'tei i*.i i: i; '. -' «"« R«««».^« «'»> Ti. k. t «ut,, '.".il i- ¦-J '.-.:,», i ptown rick« : Ofl i- ». ¦"", -*1 Ceatral Mndaoa Mao »>ieaio»ra t ¦¦^*1!Mg Pokeep.M«. Kli'iilt.n lui ï t ft r oVtV*^. \\t\y.n\i>y;to\.si> \m> *- o^ntt^S, :, r l' Trl. .- i.'.l ' pi mi, .¦. \.'. i.;«.i .. « ^Zamt STth ata until . - remita r.,-., : .t *** «. i. k',1 h' raU-a .,. *. .* . dt. %a> ..1« -il, av.-. r-. .¦.,..- * 'fit t. ear ISth t KM al ' .' " .¿ aie «. ;. i».,ii ,'. i. « l-JSth at; 1MB U av« II stitii at.. t:,7 i: >». "..' EXCURSIONS ,u Washington's BirH* Tripa, Including Iitketa «1 H#g Mlanll. um - -i,-« tw th attM ,-, ,«0 1H »« \\a»lili«gton '- ** ' OU I'.iini ( umfort un.I H M«liii>ai"U. I da in., ,. :. Travi i Ti- \\ i'ii.»it I lot eii to.'itot* , \\ iih ** i;-»«..'* « THOS. COOK & »O/i« ji.-. it,,,,i im,*, -.'..i Kir v «.r J'v-^ ;; Elf il«, .w«-.. '*:..¦«.. itr.....i...... n«**«*T ,rrer«jd 'PtalSt ^¦k «**» xa ^ ADVERTIPRMRNT8 A NI» lor Th« Tribun« revolved a OAoa, No. IPN Breadway. be»«aaai " Pith »!... uetll ".luk i menta .dvad ,t t' foll.iwli> ' ^_. at repulir r«i,-s iintt: » .. }'. an)tPjW ...«i«, mi, «v.-.. » -j .' i* SlaWaT «or. ^t,i ». I'M Ml«',. . -'"-is^Wpl »f |,ctrt«*«i, 7lh an.l Ktl, "..*" ^T, afH 10th m I««' -I'l h\".. ITU» m a»***"^! SWh at.. Id7 Eait 125lh at. M

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-02-16 [p...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-02-16 [p 16] · cud Judging from the way tli» little Plan it running he

JÜIMIY in «siSets of Indoor Games Lead Up

to Baseball Season.


Its Prog-ramme of February 22Brings Hannes Kolehmainen

Out for Record Run.

May t'niep ttr>- ¡n atore for the athleteaot^the locni bi«pb achoola In the next fea»weeks -**everal s«ts of indoor «paranwill hold the interest of the track abdfi«id «athkiee, the rMe shooting at Madl*ton SpaaM Garden will occupy the titn«*.f the tmbt o úiprnahooter« end therapidly approachtnp baaehall e**aJon baa«ailed the enthu lasts Into action in th«*

pjinuastbia. Comparatively feet of thecoaches, however, nave laaned the calltWt basr-ball candidat«-« and track ath-

letlce, swimmi'if; und ahootlns hold t«he« ntrr of the ¦tope, indoor baeeball forthe elementary schools and a round P b-in basketball tournament foi eveninghigh schools« are aiso aeheduled for «de»cisión.The High School of «'ominerre will hold

its eighth annual indoor tra'-k and Boldgames in the arm ry of the 8d ReplmentOB February 22. In addition to the éventacloned te the students of the ecbool, therewin he a sp»'iai «a«ven«mlb nip in whichHanne:; KOIebmalnen, the erorld'a cham«;iion distance runner: Mike Ryan, QaetOflstrohino, Txi-iin Scott, J. .1. Qallapher,Tom Collins ami several other prominentrunner« will stair. Two Other op«>n con¬

tests will be decided durin«.; the comingvetk. Kolehmainen wir. try to eatabllah<«. new world's record fo- the eeven miles,cud Judging from the way tli» little Planit running he is more than likely to hangp new records between four to leven

mile?.De Witt Clinton and Hamilton Insti¬

tute will hold their track meets on March7. The gam»:s of De Witt Clinton will he

held in the armory «of the 12th Reglnentat night, while Hamilton Institute will

hold forth in the armor«-- of the 71st R« |nient In the afternoon. Of the two, theHamilton games ¡m« attracting more at¬

tention, as the*, will bo open to all lie

high and , preparatory .schools. Whll«Clinton's meet v.ill be cleaed to the mem«

bcrs of the school with the egeeptiou Olone or two open races

Among the moat prominent achoola thathave entered men In on«.- or too*-« cont«r-ata«re Pingrv, PawUnp, Tom.-. Hill. .Muhlcti-burgh Acad« my, Blair, M«rroerabuni*rgilnny. Lawnintjevfll«, Brown Prep«Barnard. «Pennlnpton «and a boat ol others,AVith few exceptions each of th« M achoolahas entered a relay team in the h.ilf-

ralte race that gtvei every promise "'¦

being a eizzlt-r from start to llnish.

Charles Ifatthewa, on» «.f the beat all*aiound athlete? of ESraamua Hall HighSchool, of Brooklyn, and captain of th«.-

track team, is running tor preaMent oithe general organization of the school.Matthews is a «candidate on tm Red,White and Blue Independent part)', 'lie-

election will be held on Yuesda> afier-noon. end Matthews is fonfldflfll tlvit hi-"

party will make p IWeOp, Matthew« is

one of the representative hoys of the

h school and OJM of the most popular. As

kl.. foot'jall player he had few equals.Wand last reason was chosen as All

Scholastic end on the football teamachosen by the critics alter the season. He

ran on the relay teams of the school for

three years, and duiing the fall of 1'jIOwon his place on the 'cross-countr«, team.

Matthews docs not conflue his «effort!to athletics alone. He is a member of thedramatic club and has «played parts In thevarious plays «given by the «joclety. On

February ll h«- won the gold medal in the

annual elocution « ontest He was chair¬

man of the committee of on« hundred forthe l'joth aanlvmary «of Braamup and por¬trayed the part oi Braemua in the papeantattending th» oeremonl« i

\\e% i Thweatt, |r., manager at thebaseball team of Barnard schools, has

announced the baseball schedule of theschool as follows:

April 8.Columbia PraelMBaa at BarnardApril «*.- .**« Paul, at St. Paul lOañaaApril 11.Horace Maaa at Mora,.- Mann

\pni |P.«Columbia Grammar, hi Barnard.-.lui i** Ha ..«-, Hall, m Hackley H-'H

i, di rytemn).Anhi ]«>-öTifiiwool-lililí gcbeal, at Ba


\ 35-.Ethical Cuiiur«. at Ethical Cultura.\,.n. ;*u -Hainiltoii lii.stllut». ai Kamar,.Ma :.' -« olumLm Grammar, a: Columbia

,, -t i.iar.M«\- 3-- ffaatbeote Hail, at Haathcat« Jlau

,llarrl.«riii N. J.iMb) 7--Mojr,: }',ea»ant Academy, at Bar,.tot-. f> '¦-.Ue'iiat» gehool, at Harnai.l.Mav 14 Kerk»!»: Ht Harnard.Muy IP.Hamilton Jn«titat«?. at HamiltonMay 17- N« w York Military Aia.i«-in:, at

.\>v. York Military A-aTin;- (Cornwall)May «.**. Hora" Mann, at Barnard.Mav iHr-Ktîii<«n «Cultiva, at Hthitai CultureMa.- 28. Unglewoo-i HIkIi .-v-hoo!. at K^ri-.ard.

Etatgen urlM hold its eighth .-inn«;a!«.ffHllbetrr track and field meet at NewHrjnswick on May .1. Ft. D. Unwell,

manager of the Rntpen track team, as«

peota a re-orJ entry for the games.

Hilly Mesloh. the former Jllf-h Bchoolol ""orinurci sprinfit, has entered St,«.ns Preparatory School, and will take upn.cchanlcai enrdnee-rtng. He experts toenter Stevens Institute in the- fall.

Caleomb T">ouk¡ífs. of Pie Witt Cunten,the 'croee-country runn« r. ha* devoted histime to sprinting for the last few months.

and Is dolnK as -well over the Sheet «lache¬

as he did over the hills and through thedahs.

Dpvy Ooekett, the Clinton hurdler, has

been competlTiR in the various Indoormeet«*, this winter in the hurdle rac«s.

and while he has won few race*, ho Is

ahoarlng* a frreat burst of speed ov»*r «thesticks. ¦W'i'Pi Trenholm out of the school,Crockett is looked upon as the almost cer¬

tain a Inner of the outdoor championshipsthis sprinc.

Dr. Pratt and Your FaceShould Be Friends!.Modern Days Demand It.

call for information.

Dr. Pratt, Face SpecialistsCor. 25th St. & Broadway


Clergymen Seek to Raise Fundsfor Garaient Workers.

The Rey, Dr. Chorlos il. Parhhursl and.1 Rumbei of otbei prominent clergymen"f Manhattan and Brooklyn have saltedin asking imam ini aid fur the striking

garment worker». The « »peel follow«:

"The white ¡-omis workers ere nOW in

the sixth aeeli ««i Ihelr strike for a Bvlniwage and abolition of the «wee! shop.They ¡ne no! Insisting «m s cloeed shop,bul are boKBag OUI for B preferentialshop, provided In s protocol form olagreement, «huh in.s been seined bytheir sisters In the shirtwaist end Wssonoinrfea They feel that they «in bs In«se. nie Without Ihr' sil|.p«»rt of this form..:' agreement, which provides for stand«ardhdns and »equalising wages and eondt«tlona

since society has failed to establish ¡»

safesuard for these «oung -.'iris it basbeen left ¡" tlie workers themselves tomake effective pretest, which entails grealhardship for them, Their meagre re«

aourc» s m" now exhaust<rd. rickets faint

".¦M malnutrition end arc carried to líos*pítala. Moth» r» watch thi Ir children grownon«bed while thej make a last des-

i.erate stand for wbal they consider theiri i

"These brave girls .«.n>« women should.. b- Btarved Into submission, and ws

therefore appeal u> spliitsd mm and

women to volunteer to assess themselves«--, .1 wc.-k for the support of the strikers.

[who slm to remove th» disgrace of the

workshop from our city, and whose sue«

... « would be tor th. public welfaro. All

'whs desln »... beeotne **. s woek subsciib«... .. ¡..HL .i- the strike continues

.... «omn ¦¦ le wil h sny of the under-

Th« ap ... aiguod I tin followingclergymen: Henry E. Cobb, Prank «»liver

B< lall il« I« Sewell DaighlHlllia John Heynes Holmes, Robeii m

Doi Id i. Howard Melllsh, Chartes H.Parkhurst, John P. r«1« n, Stepl n Wteiand Merle 81 rols v, 'rig iMrs. Ja oby, of th« Worn« n ¦ Buttrage

party ol the »th Aas« mblj Dtetrlct, has

arranged for a meeting a! the BerlT,," foi next Friday morning, Airiie speaker« srlll be Maud Younge- andFlorence Zuckerman, a membei of the

¡ White <;... .i «v..! ken' Union.s mai sg< su ni ol son t of tin «Unea-have agreed to pennM the strikingto <iy ¡n tir .i Um stn a it

la h» .... « ..i.-.«! rabli -ni oui I " money« iii be m «.. In this manner.Four thousand dollar« wsa resltsed by

'the baza..'' held IhU «v..,-k at N... 173 Bast

Rroadway. I! baa been de ide.i i.:.-

tlnue r- .¦ another a*eek Do«

I nattons tor the sale then have be«

celved in ¡- ben and «q ntlt

They \.'i from .. whole roasted o\ t..

k¡;¦.¦ .nu m di al Instrumenta


They Pack Goods and MakeFinal Plans for Trip to Capital.

llv ¦¦¦'

Princeton. Feb. :". President-elect Wll«son this afternoon began pnparattonsfoi m.-. Journey to the Whtti House byrummaging through s lo! of <".:,i papenwhile tin- aervants Is Hm bousi t«;.-:«'.i

th« .ns. ives ps king bl k -¦.-.. SC and

other effects which thi President-electand Mr.-. Wilson will tax« with th. m i.>

Washington.Mr. Wilson. with als familv and some

.relatives an i peraoaal fi tends, will teavsbfie on tin morning of March 3 in a.

special car provided b svvareal hundredPrinceton studenta Arriving in Wash¬ington in tbe sfb rnooi >¦. aill ¿o at once

to tin Bborehaa* Hotel end staj thenuntil the Princeton alumal smokei in

tii«- evening. He « II mak no formalspa "li «.i tif tnok i

Pnsldent-eleci and Mi.- Wilson »sillfollow precedent on Inauguration day. in

addition t" thi guests Imitad by the In¬

auguration committee Mr?. Wilson will

invite some relativen end personal friendito tak. pai t in thi inch« on In tbe WhitiHouse.Thi President-elect returne« home about

ii o'clock tins afternoon in fin» spirits bul.¡.ni..i nlmssli t<> ail callera on the wayhere he a.sked numerous Questions regard«

ling th«- Mextess situation, bul «maturedno comment When he reached ins home.i- found the tetter from the suffragistsasnina.' foi s ten-minute Interview at

Washington. He made no connnem bu!indicate that il was his int« nttOS t" SSOds reply.Asked if he bad heard that ins brotl er

"joe" had dropped out ..f th» rtei tenetary of the United Btatei Benet» hi

nplled that be had not an'l fUl thf ITOOl e

said i"- weed"! th» tesai Ml Interested in

the candidacy of hi* brother.


Denver, Feb. i">.--»»» oi g< reel, husbandof Blanche Batee, ti.«- attress, eras re¬

moved as Police « ommlssloner to-<ii.v.Creel was suspended ncently by th«Mayor fot opposing the soli "i U»tuoi Itvlthe segregated rice district.


o er .tl e itrwat iaK>-toai and mass ss¦ni.«." Sunday In the

rth Atlantic

IMMsl BeeoN und ilsseeast. itr-ahlagtea,l-'cb. 15.- Tlio iSMSlbSIH« tVat ira« O'.er the

Upper Mississippi Valley Irina« nl¡,-Iit ha»

. to ths Isaesa lai.c ragtaa un.) Sartas th»

Lis » lniii!:, luu: hou's ai|K...| lo ul -nm\a ln

Nortiietn tttw t'iia'ati'j. the restes raf the

On ,! labss, Mlaassets sag Wlseonsla. Il ha«beas followed by DsaaMaaaaly .oi.ínr weathm «i« 11| i . I .¦«... .in-t px.reni»* upp'rMi-slssippl Valb.. Calm are airo report«*»!from the FtOfMa peninsula and the noriliI«. ili< elates. Ten f.» tature» aie «l>ove ihr

normal ow-i al! parts of tbe .omitr- e^.ept"' Omit gtatt» an-l ai'.nj the north hor.l«*rfrom lili > «ota te Main.The «tana tbat i« mm

rfKK.i) «ni in«,v.- rapid!;settled weathi r and kVal

res lake resten and <».nal.», ahita anoilv-r nlstui-ban. ' <i\. r Albertawill Mo«.-'» and .an-, »now flurrl«**Hunday In the «sti-«. upfwr Ml«al.lapl Val¬

ant! Sunday nlnht or Mondai In »lie upperiak»i region wtih the«« ex< ptHMS the wsataer««ill be generally fair ci.n«.ay and Monda;'tbraugbout ti.»; ouiitr«.

«'oiisld' ta', y lower temperature »111 rrevailSuiidav m the southern portion of the lake re-gtes ta» üble »tolle) jh'I in« north AtlanticMatea, i«hii.. warmer weather win inmsgnad»i.e Miss..mi and upt^r Mtoaiaalppl valley» Sun-".. «ad the lake rrfton Mondara THnpaibm

ingea elaewber« «nil be unimportant.Th« «riada alo«« lha New Bagland .-oast

>mM be brtek, variable, becoming aortbwest;ddl. \.!a.iti ....M. modeeaf« -.vest ami

northwest; «oath Atlantic, Baal ana \v»»««iulr roam. Hübt verlabte; on bake Mielil-t'.,!.. mod' rat«-, visrlable

l'«iree«»t for Mpeelal lamalitle». Per WSSt«ws Psaasylvsata, etaoey and much coldert'.-iiay. preoasteg bj »tio» flurrlea In northernI".mon; Mondaj- fair, mod« rate northwetttwin,)s.Pst Western New Tori» »now and mu'h

colder to-day; Monday »now flurrlea. briski.t'rtli windK.

p*or Northern New Kn«Und. »now. fol-lo'M.I l.v eioarlriH and colder to-day Mm««!.«y fair, brisk east to north wind«,.

ror South, rn ,\ew England, cloudy andcold, r, probably preceded b) rain or "snow,to-day- Monday fair, brl«,k sliiftinr wind«,1.,'omlnK northwcht.

For Maul» rn New York cloudy and colder,preeed-si by r.iln in «outlieni and rain or»<now In noriliern portion, to-daj Mondaywiö,K bri,,k W,!,t a"d n'wthw,'8t

For Kast'-rn t«. ,.n«\ P. .n.i.-i nn«i N»w Jeraev¦ loiidv and old« r to-day; Monday prohabiylili", brisk W'st anil aorthwesl «« mil*'or Deb,w*re. Maryland and pi.«trice of

Loluiiiblü, tloudy to-day, Colü'r at night

Manda? fair. m»'l«r.i" »arlable «trde be

'iinir.i; norttrweat.

Humldit*.ti .**.. .*a 1 p. m_«3 I P ,Tl-*B

» « otaJtiratloni *' tx«l**l s«*.tes

weather bureaus tak'n ;«t I P Bt jrestor-da*/ follow

CH* Temperanire. Westher,i_ Cloudy.

.» anile City ._'._ *>* I'leady.. M M"r;

nnffulo . M Cloud/.hi» mío .-

'<. íoudy.\. ,' Orleans . .'.« » i«»>_ib .

«.; lo''_.v-Wnahlngton .

'" Cle_tfjr,

la»r»l Official Record. Th" 'eUOWtnfl BMeialrecord from tl-.e WeatBer Bureau shows the

hangea In the temperature tot the last twenty-four hour«. In i-onipans'm with the correspond-ins «.laf ol last \ear:

i-i., itia in-'- W£.". a. m._4 |4 . P rn.J». g

| »; a. m .. _."> JT! J> p. »n.... *>«

!« a. m..11 Silil p. ra..«JB '.*'.

IS ra..".." «2 1^ i». m.."*4 p. m..",; 4P.Highest t« mperatur«- restarts?. 4f> de-jrers:

lo««.est. _7; averaee. 38; average for BerrO-[.aondllts «la»" last «ear. ;'.!; a%orap« lor eWTB*I «ponding rial- last Ihlrtl -three year». 3«'.

I_o-al foMéast: CUtuty an«l cooler to-«1a>.preceded hv rain; probably fair Monda;, brisk

;T\r"t triads, becoming serthw.est,


Sumi**. 0:.'.4: sunset. .->:*B: moon set-« "..2P:moen'a ase. i»_>.


San.j» H«**.: . 3:07;':-"J»Oovernor'a Mand . 3:-«Hell '¡ate . s:l» v.:»«

WIRELESS REPORTS.I* PtaVeaee, reporte. as .'38 mllea eaat of

Band». Host at i" a at jreeterdsj. «. <\i>*<*odto «io.»ii thi« famnoen. .

The Campéala, repealed a» too intie» <-a»t

of San>1» Hook at 10:.'h» a K yesterdaj. it» ex

ported to doek lato this «.»enlng or Mondayforesaw».Tn« Haiti»-. reported as CT3 miles root et

Band) nook ii i mi yesWrday. is sapacteddock tblp forenoon.

VI.. Kaiserin Augtste Victoria, reported a-«

:«..: mllea «ai»t of Bead- Heofc at no.m ye.ter-«;_ .» \-. ted 10 iio»k this forenoon.

'I'lu- Nlettw Amsterdam, r*porte. as nn*» mile.i.i-i of dandy Hook at IMJ a m yesterpsr, i»

f\|.. to.I to dOck Molina»' aftern-iun.ri-.c Patricia, r*epocted a* :t;.o n.iie* east of

Band) Hook at nom yeSterdS). la experte. 1 to

.jock late this evenlag ~r Meadas forenoon.« aledonla, repprtcd ai 7««'» mile« east

sandj Hon.. ». peon resferda la ess« ledto dock Monday alietnoon.

» Oeene Washlagton. report*.i aa 7.omilt* east of SBDdy Hoe* rit 7 i» m yesterday,i«. \-a t'd lo dock Mondai afternoon


Vtaeel Port.«*. Ket, i.""abre.7. j:u.Mara.««ito. *

e_ .',-lie«! D"Campania.Liverpool, Peb N.CuitBf.Haiti«.-.Uvenool, Pet .. ..While Btar.K A >1 mu*_llaiiit. .r_. K«b b. ..llan.trAm.l_a Prov» nee. ..Havre, Feb v PrBna..Cal« Ionia., Ulasgo»». l-'eb .* Anchor¦Prtna Wllltm IV Haytl Peb H H u IUeorgi.I..»em »ol. Jan .'«. v - *

.. >i..Ut poo'.. Pat l....Wh MmPatríala.Itamba-g, P*b L. iiai.»b-.\mZj...d\¡.Rotterdam, Pel ...Hall AmMfch'san.Antwerp, POP 3.1'l»«*nliAraentlna ..Algten«, Ian SL.Auatro Au«e«

«to. Hull Peb l .wiiaonBristol '¡i» rtwan ... Pel l »¡riitol

MontcotiMr BavoMMh. '..«¦-> II ..Sa»an.iai

MONDAT, PKBRUART It,.Finland.\m*».<-rp. pat v i... star

.N A:n»:«idain K<«: t".-«.ai.. !>'.. h He':-':»

.Mtnnotonka.l_aadoa, Pet I At Trsn«'»J Waeiilr.ston Bremen, Pet .*.. S «- tJo-.i>! n a II d.. Ronnuda, r<-¦ IS Quebec

« ,;t.ii.lia; H. PBt 13 Hai..-An*C__lim.Bbb litan, P«th l- N T A P it

"Vigilancia ¡Caaesu. Peb 14 «'».'Kursk I.«t,«'. PSI 1....... lt.--.-n

¦ ..Nrn >>rle_r.s. pet 13 Ba FSBk-i-ay. PCBBÜART It.

.' sited Btatea hrlatlaaotad i'«'- * I'Pastorea Bowaa del Toro Pet I .'' P.«¦ . ,«, lUo .:. .tan'Ir.. Ian SI t. /. II

.( z.i Ha»»iia, Peb IS «Ward.Voltatrt .Barba-loo, Pah 13 I. «I l»n'.'pi i:rr.,.. .Porte Barrloe. Peb i«>.«¦ r,-, Bavannab... s^-annah. Wb ll Ba *

nv*r .Oalvaatoa. Pet t.' H«".««i»



Mall \'tt*.\e*te\ Vet. Lint c;o»t». aal^a.

Q M'-fsret, Afgentlna, AltPtt9Ba*BMONDAT, ri.HFtt'.MtT IT

Dochra, Meaiotridaa, n..rb'¡ B_Ma_n «s-rfaniP la, 'opoahase*i. I a- ""

TtSBDA i, PtBBRtTART IIK \\'m II. Bremer. N «. I. «.:-.. 1" .¦'

v .-._:. Mad«ttra, Wl BtlOam 13-00»n«/rutava li.-.i.. la, R M s p v»n> a in 10-00 . njMM-.ifu. »It.l.ud«. Trl:.!iUd.lO:i». a i"i V.'<W«T«.-j.. a ¦;¦¦-«. ... i.» ni ;. n

i.i. ..*... U-. .. i ...'... i-OBptB.... ,«. aplei

Not |«t) n.nfuei W ud '- 00Ba« uin... U'n -.a . .'..-¦ 13 ltd B

of M t-K«..n. Ba .«- 00 PI*-,a .. i isa« ..'¦.'

WRDNBSDAT, PEBRVART 10¦«.nia, Lltei p.«.i un. i «vi a

B» idle i, Bern wa Qua 1-tOam 10*00 a m/niia. Va Oua-ra, t'.ed D BtMam i.««0inBar.ta Marts, Jamaica, L'PBtMsm 13:00fl\rgentlna, Trteate, Auat. OB n

'/... Ian I. Ant«, r... Red Star 1" o B IPatrl .a. Hamburi tl A ¦'

Proteua Ñon '»: asna I P "-' 00mcolorado, oal» eaton Mall. i ;00 p m«m.iv ..-, J son iII». i» 'j' "" : '¦«

.Ma,: !o«ee at |*JB ;¦ at l*»-r .«


Deatii atian .«¡. -t«-. nei N.T. P MH«iw Bll .)«;.».:, C te*. .....J

Phlllppinea i»la >,n I r_n ll siVlppeii Maru.T" la. I J»

Japan, l'etea. (.'hlna 'via Seattle«-Orteric . P*i J« fi -"

¦a Torra, ..hlna. I»hiii[«p.i.c»-(la S«atll-i- BSdO Mari .Keb M «*:.***»

Hawaii i». la «mi Kran« Is..,.Biern.Pat 2«» "Jo

Hawaii, Juran. »urea. rr.ina.I'liliiriine.« '"'a Ban PYsaclaceV.Tanya Mam . Pet «'1 8 Vi

laj.aii Cores, t «ÜBS '»la Ta>oma««--_. t le Maru .Pet Bt. B:tO

llarati. .lapan PhiUpptaea .' ¡a HanPraavlaco) -V s traaaporl Pet 3k läM

Tahiti, MarQtiease, « ook MandaNew /.ealnd. Australia <. la SanPranelaco) Tahiti .Teh M, «¡ :

Man nil. .-'rtii.oa:. Ihlai.«lH, Nett ?.ealand. Australia (via San l-'ran¡so. ».'entura .Met »J. 6:^i

lia« an. nil Islands New gestand,Australia <\ia VI« torln Zea-

»:ar,riu . M'h 14. «.:'«0.lap"»n fv,r»»a, »"hlna. I'Mllpplnes

(via Victoria»- Bmpreea «>f tar»i'' «Met. 14 tit)


Port of New York, Saturday, Febru¬ary 15, 1913.

¦I'Kivf.n.Bteataer t"ranlum iitr«. Retterda n Decaía

h» - 'j* and :ii'ifa.\. .». 9, Webrasitsj IB toi1«. Cranium -ss o. Ltd with nuij'- Arri'.'.i

th« V-kr »' 1 j« .u.

Simmer Jafferaaa. Kewport Nen'i andNorfolk, to the j <i Dominion i»s Co. withpas« i.K«»'* snd Otts* Pstsiad In Quarantineat «10 i> m.,

Bteatnri »«'.-kai iGar i Bremen Pakt u1, to «V'ri-h« *- « o. -«lili I ir. r»hln iinrl |,«__¦tecraea patoèngora and mns- for Ne«»- fork,and 4, eatla sad .'>.'¦ -le.-rag- psaa«sa« »

;ni(J loris- In «raidit for Baltimore. Ar:! eil.t thi H.i- *» 4:.',0 p m.

.Sieur.ier Hello, nier». Rolterclam .taiiusr2.'« i" David T Warden, in baliart Anchoradm Quarantin« a< _.r,o p m.

st. am«-r «'oioii. « ris'ohai Pebrsary n. .

the Panama itnilroad s« Lias, T.t»h !>h pa».»nger«. mulls .«-s musc. Arrived at thoHa ;it .",.:: ;, tn.Hteamer Ban «Horgjo »Jiilk Messina Jar.

unry _7. Palrrn.a ¿H anil Nspl«s JO. to Point)Bri's Ine, «iih l«i eabtn an«! 777 nr.ia-ipaaseagera ano totee, Arn«<«i at the Barat h 30 p m. |«fth,

Bteamer Mann.. >Ia«a. Baltimore. :o theN'ew York und Baltlin«nr« TranaportailonCO, With n.«Jse. ran» «1 In (¦iiarantln. .,tt::."'<> a m.

Steaniep Blrma (Buss). I.ihau Januarv ".'1ar ri I.O'i'sl.iir«.. C B, TebPusr» 13. »o BenhamA BO íeen, With .'¦.". .at.ln bh«1 1,034 sie.r.iicpaaa«**aaera »nd ;n«is'. Arrived jt th«- Barat l»»:."««i u m.

San.l» Hook. N J. Tel. i;,. 0:30 p m.WindHOUth; ni'^eratr breeze; i «a» r 11 -. cloudy; hazy offabort ; smooth «csSteamer l/i l*rov«rn«»e. from Havre. \t\

chore«! in Quarantine at 11:U p in. |SAIU'D.

Str.aniits iBri. Tara via .NorfolkArradlan iBr», Bermuda. Berlin «ltn, Naples;ftratos, Sail Juan; B. V. l.uekenba.h .-JanJuan; Momna. New Orleans; F'hlia«l»lpliraSentliamplon; Carrillo iBri. KtngStoa: l*Vconta »l!ri, Naples. El »Jalvesion sintlaao ««liban). Tampt<-o; Mlddlehain 'i'aail.(Br), Manila; Arapahoe. t"*harl««s»on and __C ksnmlle; Havana. Ha\ana comal. TampaManuel i'al\-*> (.«¦pan». Havana; Bio Oran«!*'Brunswick; Alllsjira. Olatobai; charlton Hal»Br». Valparaiso; City of Atla/i'a. HavannahMlnnewaska (Bn. London; Trafalaar (Marll'hlladelphla. Concho. Oalvrnton; Prinz P.ltaiFrlodrlch Uleri, Klnfaton; Prlnr«a(Br>, Montevideo; Hamilton. Norfolk and Mew«port News. Magdalena (Br». Kingston; Kot-mla »Datii, Demerara; Klo Ora iBri. Mel-bourn*


Alfters, peg 13.Marianne »Aukii. New Tarkfor Venire and Trieste.

Antwerp, reb 14. L* caupina (Dutch), New

York laaMal 'P»lai. Ne* V*rk via Dover,narha-lr». Te* 14 Moltk« cien. New Tent via

Havana, .-';in Juan, ale ion mitee).Mull. Tek 14 Galileo iHr» Near Tort.Pr'iT« Head. r< l« IJV.Çteaklent Um-oln, NearYork for Plymoath. C*kerboorg and Harabuntireparted bj irlreleea «« ¡» «crapii 310 mllea¦oethweat a* ":<'.'; a mi.

Nvnwuth, Feb 15. .V.'.o a m Oeeard 'Br.N«-a Vork for Che«tf»trg and «Bouthanipfonland pito <*»i¡, -1'

Ha-.rr-. I >t> 15, 4 p m Im. TouraiM '1'ri. SewVork

.-..Tithanuii'*n Krb IS O"**"**»«*« (BO, .v*"* 'ork«. ',h ptymouth an-i CbertKHiro,

l»l Vln«*#nt, i' V, Feb IB i'lan Mu,t>rM.- 'I.ri.

Sem York for '';i|'- Town. AlfOa Pay, «*!''

MooteTl«teo, Tab i« Vienna iBrt. Hew .oikvu, St l.ii-la.

Fort ,i, Fraaee, FCb t.". Moltk. ""-r. SerYork -in Havana, «m Joan, He '.>.« ,ta ..

UvtwpneL Fafc 18 Celtic (Br), S«n Terlt rteii ¡, noto* n.

sut.l'.n":ii»nn,.. Feb m Italia lBr>, Nee TortRotterdam, Fab 15, 7 .. m Noordam

(Dutchl. Neu York .¦ la Boulogne; 2 p ">

gocetdrk (Dutch), Ken fort ,n"i MearporlV. \, -,

Barbado« Frt lb Phr Knuaaaa (See) (fromBantna), Ne« fork

liu- i\:i. Feb '1 Inca (Br), Ne» fork.s«-iih l*eb 11 I. V Btoddard, N« w ToraHerd-.,"«. Feb It, i«' n m Virginie (Fr),'

Se*« VortiAntwerp. Feb 15. it' n rn.¦Vadertand

(Belch New York rta Dover.M.i'-ri,. Frt 1" Columbia (Br) (tram Olai

,-yv« p. V*W V-t)Havre, Feb IP 2 p m Fran« (Fr),

ToriBermuda Feb 15 16:45 ;« m Bermtidlan

Br). \'w TortPAPSCD.

Dunpeneaa t""*'1 15 Bt«a .¦¦ f- >, KewVork f' r Aatarerp.

t'nM Frt 1» Miii-ionni," i (Br), Keni o«], for Rambura.

Cape Wrath, Frt IS -Oaeai ti («Dan), NewYork- for '' p« nhapen.



¡THE WILTSHIRE IT1*.*.* ivK2\i»". capacitj SM private bate«, manias

l«*.at«*r in f.ioin-.. .-:..' itnr moalc. Special.$".« BO up v.'rkiv. up dally. Opea all''¦. m«ii. tliMikl»«_s a mr._i:i.r..°_

Ga& -of>en tfttou^Wit tit« tjoav


MI.VMII CITY. M« JBRMKV\i; nirhi \,,a- lot ., ,,« »¦ or .«.,,

etono, brich ind atovl bulldlao Rooma on¦. -. ¡«ti hol ., lea water H prh ata

batba ronli ind arail« Batbi .,i m almenti th train« att :

h leketf and \t


AIIAMII < ir\. N. .1.toi a table Hultea «arlth

in nat.- ta«.!¦ H d ami furnlabod, P« ¦.¦ t

aanltarj arreagemeau PI« atar ta all fio-ir».. '. ir wlnt« .. !.. -..'')

\tr * «. M » INI H .¦¦.¦. l_Proprlet

THE EASTBOURNE[F* .. -. '-.n i. Pia« Mod« i

ri I II. j. II. I Umtwmmé,

fl2arlboronab-SlenbeimATLANTIC CITT, N. J.

Joal'h Wlilt« A Pona company

HOTEL BOSCOBELi ., elevatoi a tab) .«. .

« r» tfo, boa«... ! » un ¦*.


I.\K1 W«>«>l> N. J.

v «MOOBltK ROTELjn,vr»j Net.,: foi i il alike

«ipiJ»Ur»»J i SPANOl NBERG,

IAhltHlllli N .1.... Plnea and . il.,,..

.1 \M \l( \

nTmTlTCHFlELDPort Antonio, Jamaica

«* I«->-t perfectly -appointed irop¡cal h«ite| ¡p tin* world. Holand cold e utcr in ca« h i ootn

vate bathi. on hc-stra. lee»irictty; laundry ^ai vg: r.,pli. ib'.' and poal offices« ik'lit hundred ¡cet "í piazzas;.,'1 «i u t door amusements.I Ipeti until \[inl 30

F.R.üRABOWCO.,PorMntnnio..lamaicao* UNITE jFRU.T Ci i7Bat'r» I' ice. I Y


.X t'rie Inf»-:na«;«n B:r«ai la niil"i.'iAilby Tta Naw-Yerlc Trlh'in» for (ha bon»m ofadrertlaer» whT» Infnrinatlon regarPlag th-»Par,-*! T'.ip« ii available at »I tin.,«a In-qu'rl. a «*...¦ ¡'a h* « «Id .-»««il to

THt. NF.W-YOitK TKIBt'NBP-%nrF.I.rOHTiNFOItM»»TION BfREAP.Room Z'itl. Tribun« Building. Sew Tork Ctiy.

\V 11|. Mfall! lappll OUI I] i>;,t,ue»dlroei 'r,.n, n,.- f. \,\

PARCEL POSTAbsolutely Fresh Eggs

AT «o « KKTH A HOPS N.vs r ...ii..« ¦ f v lOdltloa ii uaton era

ALICEDELL FARM,_Soiishiirj Mill». Oraaae io.. >. >.


43 Blend Coffee?it i.s tho beat (..-«iffee «offered in tble]

city. Try it. Callaaan'i llPfMlnemaile,! «m rernirst. Tel IMI < '««rtliiiidt.J. L CALLANAN. 41 & 43 Veaey St.

«EfiflS '""' kt Toteol r«*-««] laid¦*«¦*¦« Produced undi-r (he moot aanltarj' ondltlona Prl« ¦< ^ on applli atIon

Ml.M hill UN R-UU nmi.N»w Briinawbk. N. ¿L It. jj D.No. «.

STHNi-i.JHAI'MI-Jlt.-- Nin. ,,,,-. ssli l,i u- ~eto.T. aaeal, kneeboard. ropyholder, pointer

«.ntrtnii. tatnilatliii!. ..iinlliu- r-ni-, p- n 11hoicirr an(| aharpaatr, :*> »enta, pp, i ,

rae, M Ann «**,, Hew v«.rk.

AUBMTg ReeMeat, faat «xilina aeeetalty;«.Nery telephone tmer tuyn; pi). ». Ba- jW, j^,

c»nt proiu, «parUealara; aamvie kuckiit ( oin Mil ave., N. T


PAR«-KL POPT Ai;n.\«'\ OIVKÑ j-iitt «iluwelghlnir »ealr«. pur, li;,.«r » H|,H mm

reo.lnl. K«.-»ryl,»lv ualng In-m AM t-'HU \ VS«'AI.E_«*Q.. I*M4 Hroadmay. S-w V.:k

E fifi S deiiv.r.-d r-aaalarl« by p.,r.--i ,.,«1fc",*a**' Htrl.ilv n.-w-lulil. é&e a ,|oz. 11Ttoik Htdir<- l'o'iitr> Karm, surr.-m. n. \'

bBND PIPKP FOR RKPAIR 1.tier «CÖm-Paap, iniikera and r^pulr.-r« pip,m and

? rnoki-ra' art le I en. *IH Waaaau »I Now VorkBKND HÔ eentu for pound boi ,,f ¦\in.-ri i»

.tiett ane«>rt«*d rhO'-uUtea. fork .lipped .. THRO I

I; MATBR, Ijm S 1 «ave., ,n}»¦*»¦*«-. |

ROOg DRUVRRRD RRÔt f.ARI.Y'nY PAR-«.I Poa«. obaolutely ireiili. 4f. B «.,,. ,.^..

*»ltli or,)»r ORO. E. RA«K. Quakari'.wri.' N .1

DAY-OLD BOÖD- Ó.NR «l.S'T poaTal 1rdwin hrinB mr drealar. FRAKK HTDE.I


Jamaica CruiseYou will find the change and rest you need in the bracing

five-day trip to Jamaica. There is no lovlicr spot for a winter

holiday than this fascinating island in the Caribbean.There is no more delightful way to go than on one of our

big, airy, comfortable steamers, specially built for tropicaltravel. There is no better time to go than now.

Sailings Wednesdays one Saturdays from New Y»rkEvery room

' 'outside, ' ' many with private kotha

To Jamaica and bark, $85.50 and up, including mrali . and berth it

sea. Write for beautifully illustrated booklet.


*TKAM»HI« HBVICgTil. 1701 Sector

Or any Stcamahip or Tourist AgencyNEW YORK




Watertight BulkheadsEXTENDING FROM THE



April 12«May 3 £*&Thereafter'''".«IW WHITE STAR ''"'A"'

V V..ri.vmoulli.-I Sssfa.Sg- SsetlSSSSStSS m, Y.*'t,iii<>nlh.< herboura;.Southampton:M'''' '' '"".. '".....'n.' M..r.:: S M;ij-^ti.. I'.'h S "." Ullc. .Mar.h S

¦..,A > ,: - sai I' .. u«i :. :¦ *N«wY<«>rkMarl.S:10am 'Pbiladelphla.Uarch 10'.¦ *'." Ll" Jteaawr fran PI -:.«.» N R. »American Una Suamei from Pter «S. N. K,

ATLANTIC TRANSPORT**«.««. \<.rk.I.nntlim lliri-ct. I'i«-r .-,8. N. K. i'«',"t'.'. . Nam Mian« baba Ma:, h i

'¦1 .¦' Mai U Mil ;. I ., ., Mai 1 ..

RED STAR Her ft, V. It.Ill A. M

V ... lessisa, Paris «hi Doter.Antwerp¦''<¦'¦.:. «I K. !.. IS \.«.l.r,... « Mar.h 5". ." "..¦ -«'¦ Lapi is«! .Marcb I

.Omita i». ... calla «t Ph a it


New York.<|ueen*town.LiverpoolBltl .1«'. ¦.'>. noon Baltic. Mar. L*>

.Mar. «¡. noon aHgaatlo.., ..Mai -~

Boston.Mediterranean Ports.lta.lv3' ¦., y ti oeue __.v; .' i

RIVIErÂ.ÎtALY.EGYPT\ «. Madeira ».'.¡jra.tar. Algiers. Monaco.

"Adriatic" l>l>. 1» noon. "« e-Jrl« " Mar. I.

Lasgjesl Mediterranean «¿learner».





George Washingtonllir l.irei«! I.erman «stenmer All«.:il



fashion center of Europe) GENOA sod STAPLESPrinzcss Irene


or Local Agenta


Italy and Rlvtora. Mai 9,i. <,. n. ;. .i he Pyrenees, Peb II

it mobil« T.Mir. Apr. |jALGERIA

Shnr' Tour. I' h 11

\jong 'i«-m. M ». 13,

CALIFORNIA'.;¦ I' ;:.!>; «I Porwt .,,:.! QrMg ,anyor.,WOb. IS, .'.'. Mar. 11. Apr. S sag l.,«.

FLORIDAl'-l» 14 90, M

With «.uta, J»n. U.


* ssfsSsrïï".****** ui""""^.^ '"' f" ,-1' « "f Tour« which murrst yol


-, i nit \v«. RAYMOND & WHITCOMR CO. Uew S ork." Mad Kq «570

CUNARDMOST PM'i'iiHioi «s itot rr.


I IsliK'iard and l.lieriioul""lie fuslest «learners In the world

MAlRliTANIA LUSITANAMar. ... I «.. M A up. IB, I v M.M.i ¦ V M knot, 1 A M.

QUEENSTûWN FliHGUAdJ IV-RP001.r.imiiiiiiiii. r. h il» !.. ... 4 arn.anhi. Mai l.lflamT! un ..nhi.M ;".l".ii ( utiipiiiilu.M n I't.lunii arsaaatS Mai ..¦!>. i»>.. m Psasfia, \i" It, i«':«»»i

MEDITERRANEAN-ADRIATIC SERVICE, lias at Madeira, Gibraltar, On.a. Naples,

Trieste, PI«. Baillas« B«*e, S<<- Itinerary.PANNONIA, I'h -'7 fARPATHlA, Mar 33IVI*RMA, \|.i .. BAXONIA, »prtl <,«'>


I!..iiii.I the World trU>». $'!.*« Spi'.'lal throughn. t.. Egypt In.lla. hit.a. Japan. Manila, I

Australia, ¦"*'...* /.riUiiii. south Africa andsouth Atorarles. IstSt'saaidaa*' tour« in liurop«,«tc h' .. 1 f 11 hookli-t i'unird Tour«.

\C«'»il« lor 1','iilnsiilur * «Irlenlitl S. N.I «i. in I nlie,1 Slides »ml lunada.

Itiuerary or Summer t'nilse», Norwny. eti-.ISIS, «lui« I IK. \ii«. S. Nept. 5. nn« renilv.

Plasa, finit West 14th Street. N. R. Ofltc««,21 Stale Street. N Y opposite. Flattery.

ADVRRT18MMENT8 AND SUBSCRIPTIONSmr Th«. Trll.ui... recslvad at their uptown

ottl.e. No. I.'HM Hmvlwtty. bedWSM ."Mill and.17th Bta., »intll I «iYto<l< g, in. A.1v.«rlls,«-iil, nls rcrelvi'd at th.« follow lnK Van. h ottl.e«at regular rilteh until .1 «'clock p. in., via :Ml Ith ave., a e ,,r. *gkt .t.; IM «III, .i«.,.or. 1'lh i»t l(M |-,.t Util i-t. 'J37 Webt »2,|

»* batee« 7th mid hit) ave* 2gg WestIStb St.; luOB .",! a««.; 1708 1st »v«, usâtb8ti, at.. 107 ¡Can lütti at.

tBermuda**. n. "IIHOH MAN." «"ti" Bbtp nací hvl-residciil M,, t t.llMin.) BaUa eierr Wednes¬day, l» \. M Twla aersw. 10,311 lona «usplacemen! Kutmarlne sIkh.«:«. wlrelesa; or-çhaatra. lterord trip :tll hour«. .'0 minute«.1 imtrit. neneat und only Meunier landingliasiengers at the «lo. k In Bermuda »lllioultiunsfer.S. N. ..OROT.W A." 1»>.0»53 tons «Ils« laeem.-nt.«IIS every Tuesday. tour.- |rx Hotels,si.or« Rxcurslona, l_owoet Ratea Tickets la*t- n h.m.. >atla «ith B M s. i-. Ce,

WEST INDIESKot* ñ. S. "»¡ulano" and «ith.r Reamen f»rt-nlghtl) f««r si. Thomsa Bl <'roi.x. s- Itltts,.attgWB, Oandaloupe, D.Into*. Martial .u«\Bl i.uci.i. Barhadees, «r,.i Demorara,Kor full ti.formation apply lo \ g,ot ri liBKliM.i- a co.. Aséala Qiirbe« B. n.Co.. Md.. '!» Hroiiduu,. New York; THOB,cook A so\. m i»iui smb Hroaatntur, ttiand 583 "tk ave.. N. V.. or any Ticket Agent.


ARCADIANLargest and Finest Steamthip

in the Service.

OROTAVADtsplseeflBaatf taanago. 10,00; regia*! S.MMNest »ailing of «li-otava Wet. \: K |».


Tickets inter« liantteublf with «_u.-i. .- .S.i'.i.The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.

SAN'l'i'.o.SiiN .V BON, <¡"n AK'h BRBtate Sl., S. V Thus i'ook a Sun, _4.">A «MM» Broadwai and SB44 .">¦"¦1 Fifth Avo.;Ka.iiion.l A W'hli-omh. Plfth Ava., N T.,OK ANY BTBAMBHIP TICKKT AOBNT

PAiVAMA BWlBnas Wedn-sd .va and Bat*a rurtfUirtfu ,,r,| ,<. AttratUlva erutsvsv v«'si Btcamera Write f«>r booklet.

IMII.I) l-'Kl'IT CO,17 Battery Macs. New York.


/Ne** Sailings to v""LONDON-PARIS-HAMBURO \


February 20, 9 A. M




Rar»"n Aug. Vl«\. i-*»h 10.ÏX. J*..I'ulrii la K»h ¦».», lu \ Ml'rea. t.iani .Ft* Zi. 12 aooa*Pr*t«nria. .¿I uak a.«.« \ to.»Haaaaarp «Hract jd aaMa uni-.


V,1-,,^^.' h'.r "'*' ,nr> '.">'». KAM«Pt Rf, Mn> ZA, arriving f,. re .Tun«-4Rook« now op.-n for «..».on a'artlna¡JA ..1.n A M T" IBPRRA«TOR «ill «con I In -., -. r ,- .r>^K.;:'^;'^',r.:!i!.;;.::^,:,^MEDITERRANEANMadeira, Gibraltar, Algier»,

Naplea and Genoa.Next Sailings

S. S. HAMBURG (££.)February 22, 10 A.M.S.S.CINC1NNATI (;.;-)March 11. 10 A. M.

* «i. Ilimhurc .Aprtta '.> \ MS. H. Moltke il .' Tu,». ...

April I». I M a ig.a a Harnhnrg Ma !0. <j a. r].*iiinl»a i-tl! at Aigi'T«* «anj Miii-ira.

CRUISESNOW IS THK TIME to book forThe Panama Canaland West Indies

I i 11 ¦ <~*ar,,i! it» i «*«-apáa*pta)|LAST niRi-.K í RTtPBg

March II. by g, t, \ i« tori» Tjdao28 DAYS .... $175 g*

March "Î9. »,. 8. S. Molt«*,.April 10. b. ft S. \lctorla r.ul«o

KTSÄ l6Days-$l45;rWrite for tobtet « ¦ .-- .*».,*¦. J

. HAMBURG-AMERICAN I»k USB AW>^^4|.4.1 RRUWiM U. V. f Mv^^ i '...- ii¦ r Am*.

COOK'S TOURSAll Expenses Included

BERMUDAThree Balltapa aroekl*« to tba <*harraiai

[aland Reaort by<:« ' Br-naaa'iaa"Arcadian" and "Oruta»»."

In.-lu.i«., m:, ti ..- .ait -at» prlciCALIFORNIA

Tour* it t. * .. .¦.' 17 . ¡(j Mar ;i!j Includina < ««»»t Resort«, «.rand Caayn.a«', tlurat lrain» and hotel». j.';o up.

FLORIDA-HAVANA.ou» to th- «farnoua Ka»f «aa«,! -«Hani

«.«¦.'. Havana loav« f¦'- II _i> _..-,.In.'lii-h i- fare». glSfkflS up.

PANAMA CANALHeadquarter.- for booktaaa '¦. r ¦

tbe Paaaaia Cao il, Sp< era-baa uiinn»Man ta

III kM» and Tour.« u> al t.r Riaorti

THOS. COOK & SON:ir. Rroadway (oppoeite .*-. HaitiMl Plítb Aveaue >r. 2vtb |UMIS Ki'rh Av« nue icor i«tt!i It»1299 Bi«oada !.. in« Mtta P



tor 014 Tolnt Comfort, Sorfo '<. Porx*mow\Pli.n«r«s I'omt and Newport **.«*«*». Va,. era-tie ting for Peteraburc, R I, '¦'..ntuBp*D C. and the eatlrt ** II .>' Wttt,

r>,i«{ht .iiid Paoaenger .un«n tail «fuePier 'J.'.. R R toot at s rth Rooro o«.. avalV4M i. ¿av a« 3 !' M


u- ¡, WOOnROtV .-a'"» Maaa«n»_

RED "D" LINE E ¿%!SETor i-an Juan. P. R la G .» r«. Fto. «*a»bat>

«-'ira-ao ,\ Mira albo .meteCARACAS ..Tab ..'.. i«lll l..\ I I 1 ill« MarTot Ma*/apaea P R i<* uuajrra. OBMH

Mars albo.Zri.tA P« (. 1!' MAR* 'AtBO., ku

s-upert'-r A, m:; ,'i.i'¦'. » '¦¦ PinaflX**«.RI.ISS. DALLE n S. co


Cencra! Managet *- «^aJ R"'1

Fall River Line

T0B0STDNÍ3EÜI'm n. V I... It. I ..m o .*!.. a

\ork, daih a« '00.PRO\ IDKNCE i. I VM-JLT»

Orcli- j'-.. oi liu.b.

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rouriai Ottem P "vThe Nrw Incluid»hlo to.

.SrîMÎB?,Providence Direct SI.SO atoMttet.***OataMa Materaaaaa Si.oo« ...^

Bt»»l St.,,,, «-hl-M ileargla :T*Unit", in. Iii.l.i.« buada». j ,0u''k¿M.

Prum I'tei i*.i i: i; '. -' «"« R«««».^««'»> Ti. k. t «ut,, '.".il i- ¦-J '.-.:,»,i ptown rick« : Ofl i- ». ¦"", -*1

Ceatral Mndaoa Mao »>ieaio»ra t ¦¦^*1!MgPokeep.M«. Kli'iilt.n lui ï t ft r oVtV*^.

\\t\y.n\i>y;to\.si> \m> *- o^ntt^S,:, r l' >¦ Trl. .- i.'.l ' 1Í pi

mi, .¦. \.'. i.;«.i .. «.« ^Zamt

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l-JSth at; 1MB U av« IIstitii at.. t:,7 i: >». "..'



Washington's BirH*Tripa, Including Iitketa «1 H#gMlanll. um - -i,-« tw th attM

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\\a»lili«gton '- ** '

OU I'.iini ( umfortun.I H M«liii>ai"U. I dain., ,. :. Travi i Ti-

\\ i'ii.»it I loteii

to.'itot*, \\ iih **i;-»«..'* «

THOS. COOK & »O/i«ji.-. it,,,,i im,*, -.'..i Kir v «.r J'v-^

;; Elf il«, .w«-.. '*:..¦«.. itr.....i...... n«**«*T

,rrer«jd'PtalSt^¦k «**»


ADVERTIPRMRNT8 A NI»lor Th« Tribun« revolveda

OAoa, No. IPN Breadway. be»«aaai "Pith »!... uetll t« ".luk i "ímenta .dvad ,t t' foll.iwli> '


at repulir r«i,-s iintt: » .. }'. an)tPjW...«i«, mi, «v.-.. » -j .' i* SlaWaT«or. ^t,i ». I'M Ml«',. . -'"-is^Wpl»f |,ctrt«*«i, 7lh an.l Ktl, "..*" ^T, afH10th m I««' -I'l h\".. ITU» m a»***"^!SWh at.. Id7 Eait 125lh at. M