New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1912-08-05 [p 6]. · bfJt the law eertainlv nevef lntendcd tO ^rivp...

:\'rtoflm;k itribunr. M BDAT, AL'IUST C. WU_ llXtt $10 08 ..$6.00 ..MM Owned and publlabad dail* bj the ri Asa.ciatlon. a New v0rk corooratlon; 0 w. Reid. Pnandent, Ooi M HaaUta Beereiary. yaaaaa M. Barrett, Treaaitrar. Ad ireaa. 1 :,uu<»n«. N> 1M Waaaaa atraet, Mea xaia g BCRIPTION RATEt By MaU. *.*¦.¦ Pal'.. outeldi >f Oroater N'w YorK- . ;(> l>ally and I '¦. _0il .jt'oo . )>ally oui), onu mon'h. Dally only. ' . J; oo . tluaday only, ala moathi . . reraign aubacrt] B.__J£ °" DAlLt KSV SDAT. . One month... $l !.* «DAV UNLY: $<[ u BUI tr.onths.* 07 '.< . V ONLY: me meath.11.01 - vrr:s DAILT AND gUNDAT: ... .$ .W On« year. DAILT M.Y: eatb.f .80 on* >ear... DAY ONL.Y: . atl 1.1.aar... Batered at Um r.r-^i'..- at New Tark aa Atar - rraders arlH comVr a tavar by advwng - en they are unable to procure ¦ «»*" Trtbune fro- thelr newadealer. Aa(ir-«. Trlbune. Clrculation Department. THE SINGLE TERM. Some of tbe ominsellors who wnnt Goveroor WUaon to develandlze tho tarlff plank of tho Dotnocratlc natlonal platform are tkw nrgiug him to (lere- lnndiao the plank toroTlng a alngle rresldentinl team Mr. Bryan, who has recenOj Httn.-hod himself ¦ Hpcclai contributor to The New York Worl'V rebnkea that nawapaper ror trylng to nndermlno tho Ooremort lojalty to the one-term pledge giren by th*e Democratlc party at Baltimore. ile aaya in tbe last laaoo nt "Tho Caaav nioner": "The New Tnrk World" advlses Gov- arnor WUaon that he ehould not be governed by the one-term plank ln the Democratlc natlonal platform Ac* cordlng to 'The World that pUnklla very good for the future and men ma% be Vovcrned by II when lt becomea a STw" but "Thr, WorM" aaya Oo-ernor Wllaon ought to make lt clear that he does not conslder that lie is llmlted b> thls platform to one FTeHUlcnunl term. Since Mr. Bryan was dlroctly reepon* bible tor tho Indonement at Baltbnore of the "ingle torra Idea. bo uaiurally oritlcisea "Tho WnridV' guggeetloo as a temptation to solflsh gmbitloa and peraonn' bad falth. It I- truo that Gorernor WUaon mizht flnd aome en- oouraKetnein in the ezample of Preet- dent Cleveland, who fnrgot the atngle term dectrine promnlgated nol by bla party but by himself. In bll first let- tor of aceepttnen bo doclaml hims'lf agalnat the eecond term, moch aa the Democratlc platform now doea, but when tho time earna around for his re> nomlnatloo be dld not eren take the tronble to make an explanation of the '.iU!(,|lior-cu)eof-ooffoo" ?ort. Mnybe Governor Wllaon will foiiow "The World's" ndvlce and aay ir> his q.b of acceptance th»r the sin^io term Wea kg not his own, bot hir. Bryan'a v.t lt would be more politi< for blm to wall nntii after electlon be¬ fore puttlng n raintaaprntatlon on tbis declaratlon of the pJatform on whlcii he ls Bupposed to be atandlng: We favor a Plngio Preeldentlol term, a to thal < nd urge the adoptlon of Hmendmenl to the Conatltutlon . reeldent of the Unlted stat,s lnellglble for re-election, ai pledi lldate of thls conventlon t.. thla pr . Of oonrae, after eleetlon lt may oe poaalble to gpllt halrs otct the fore- -oIhk phraaeology and contend tlmt the prtndple ahonld apply only after lt bai Leconie tneorporated into ihe Conatlttt' tlon. But Mr. Rryan takea the more reasnnaMe poattlon that tbe party urc- ln« gnch o reform ls l*>und by lt even before lus enactmeiit Into l«w. lt would bo I gertoai impeaclirnent of Governor Wllaon's slncoritj lf he sbould aitetnpt to fdinke of! the moral obllgntlon not to Beek n re-olectlon lm- i»oaed up»n him by tbe Bnltlmore plat¬ form. IIo should nrail himself at once of tbe oppurtuulty to put tho Democratlc party and all ltb fnture Presldential nuinlnces on record as ln harmony with the aound publle douiand for the l'mitatlou of any Fresldent's eervtce to a »ingle, although posslbly a |«Bgt_4MM_, term._ A POINT Or CONSOIENCE. The Thlrd Term party fissernblei for lts ratifloatlon of Mr. Roooerelt'a tl- ready aelf-effectetl nomiuntlon faee<l wlth a dltllcult queation of morals. As ls well known, it has u tender con- HJenrr Its leadera, from Mr. |{,x>se- velt down, have not tho allghtest ezpec- tatlon of winnlng tl"- Preaddoncy. ThHr lmmedlato alm la, tf poesible, to l>eat Mr. Taft. If they eau aceomplbh that, some of them at least, like Mr. riinii, h.-i^o to got poaeeaalon of the Bepnbllcan party. Othctn, perhaps less pntctlcal lf nol leaa rmre, really look for the oontlnued t\istence of tbeir DOW party. But. whutt-ver thelr vlslon lor the distant future, they one and aW have ln immediate vlew not vietory but revenga They aro onder no lliu- ahont iM-iiiticai proepaeta Among iheniselvos they are entJrely fnmk. What troubles them is hoar far the boneaty which they pretdb raqnlrea then t<> nvoid pradktlom of gncceea which they know to ba ta)-o. The iagannoaji Mr. GtriaM has been aei'kim; roor ts UKatg tbe bravc bearta arbo do nol eapert vietory bur :ir<- prepared f,«r "long yeara of strun- <le" Mr. Hotebkb*, the Now York State OMMaeberd, thi:-ks it permlaalble te elalm tbe electlon for Mr. Rooee- v,-)r. Tbe Cbtoago foUoererg <>f tho rolmiol. itcordltii: to dispatcli'h, gre ghaiply dividfd. ajome orge tbe dnty of tmth teUtag. Otben s(ly tlmt if the imth were told tbe rank and Sle of tbe oppreaaed would refuee to re- -jK»iid io tbe <it!i. preferrlng snit- to aaMUMlpttlon arlthOwl tho peoapeei uf hUMdltte lotrag tnd labet Tho arrlval of the candidate b tberefore awaito«i, tb.u he nay dadda between i etaajtign of Mmple irath teiiiti^ <-r .»i eiahi/rato fuls4« pn b Vi'< thiiik tbera can ba bo <i >ui,t of the d.ciaton. ii win be :t matter <>i' tbe blgbaM moral obUgatloa with Mr. Boooerelt t>i clatm everytbbig for reboloftcal gftteC" just as bt ami .jn dnty bound to |,ut np fafca aonteal erbkti bt tfterwgrd confeaaed he nerer exfMCtfjd to bave taken lerlotigly. m a bettle for tho rule of tbe people no eaef conedencea are wanted. On the h* W of Armageddou the and Justlflei '. meitiis *_ SPECIAL COUNSEL NEEDED. Corporation Counael Watson Bhotild ii.,; be cooneel fot ihe comlng Blder manic Inveatlgatlon of pollce graftlng. The attltude of Mayor Gaynor uiak< liitn iin Improper pereon to ennduct Biich an Inqulry. The Mayor regnrd* this fovewttgatlon as if-siiie to blmaelf. He haa told » member of the Board of Aldermcn thal it would "atnltlfy" Itsclf by uudertaklng aiicb an Inqnlry as la now projerted, gnd be baa onl) grain- Minpiy acqnleeced In tiie beldlng of lone. Mr. vYateon ia Mayor Qaynor'a .-ii»|i>>inte.- and cloae peraonal aeaodate. The Mayor la Intereated ln barlng anj Inqnlry tbat may be held develop tbe !n' t iimt graftlng was eonflned to a alngle Indlvldnal In the pollce fbrce. Be haa reloctantly admltted thal bia I'olice (Sommiaatoner may have been decdved by one of hla rabordlnatea, Tbe poeaibUlty of more extenaive cor- raptlon ilmn tlils tbe Mayor will nol iultnit. More than tbat be gaaalla vln- dlctlvely every one wbo holda any "thor oplnton. Mr. Wataon aa counsel f>ir the alder manJc LnveetJgatora would represent tho view df the Mayor. Ills renl in- tereal would lle In tbe dlrection of dearlng tbe pollce of all chargea of Bygtetnatlc eorroptioa He woaM have no beart ln the w<"-k of getting gt the trtiiu as t" bad admlnietratlon of tho pollce under dlrection <>f his anperlor in ofBoe. A more Unproper legal ad- rlser tiie lionrd of Aldenaen conld not nave in tiie projmsed Inveatlgatlon. Mr. vTgtaoa orjght to see bow be is disquuHiied and refrain from gtteflipU to foree hlmself cn the cornmittee. If ba doea not the bonrd shonid dedlne his genIcgg gnd aecnre sneiial connae Thls anrely must he wlthin their power, f.'r not ^>ni> bave tbej blred apecial cotineel for Inveatifgtloiui ln tbe pust. bfJt the law eertainlv nevef lntendcd tO ^rivp them the nnthority to couduct In- \e<;tlc;ations of elty ConditlofiB and then nullify the granl by compdltng the in'.'ini to rely tiixiti connael for admin- letratlve dtj officlala io condoct the Inqnlry into ilieir condoct TERMS AT SUEZ. >-- ne that the Snes Canal Oonven- ti<»n, whlcb was made by nlne Eu- I ropean powera ;I1 t^onartantlnople ln October, 1888, is dlrectly dted ii* tbe Hay-Panncafote treaty and la frequent- ly referred to ln corrent discuaaioi tiie qnestion oi' tolli at Panama, it Is wortb whlle to reonii aome facta con- cernlng tbat Instrament H la to \>f> obeerved thal the Boea Oanal Conventlon inakea no dtred dec lanition concernlng eqnallty of tolla, Indeed, it doea not s-> much as men- tion tolis at all. lt doea aay lu Artlcle i tuit t tbe canal "ahall alwaya he free "and open to every ressel without dl»- "tlnctlon oi flag." Thut nmy be Inter preted to mean that tolla, lf any !«¦ charged, ahall be unlform and equu! to all. It micht glao, by gotne itlckler for llterallsm, be Interpreted to anean thal no tolla ahoold be charged. Agaln, ln Artlcle XII tbe Oonven ti'-n aaya that the algnatory "by appUcatlon of tbe prlndple of "eqnallty as regarda the fn-e nv» .>f the "canal, agree tbat none or them simii "endeavor to obtaln wlth reapect to 'the canal ti-r^it'.rla1 or commerclal gd- "vantagea or prlvflegea ha gny mteroa- "tl-uial arrangement which maj be con "I'ludeil." The obrlooj Impllcatlon la, no doobt, that tbere ahall be eqoallt) among tbe natlona ln tbe u»e of tbe canal. Thar is all. T<!1» are not rnentkaoed. The sj,e. ui.- mentlon of them ln tbe Hay-Paancefote treaty is, tberefore, ¦riijliiai with tbat Instroment and la not a dtatioo from tbe Bnei tion. <)n the cootiary, tbe adoptlon of tbe lattef ai « pieeedenl and example for tbe former haa to <i" eotlrely arith nentrallzatlon and not nt all wlth ir maj be sdJded tbat wblle tbe slgna tortea of BtJfg have ondoubtedly kept falthfaUy tho letter of the provlglona which we bave qUOted, tbey have, or aome <>t tbeaa bave, ¦¦ eertalnly evaded tiie prtaclpai of equallty <>f n*-" Kor. an we bave httberto abown, whlle Isrtween natlona there la aatutllty, between ahbjrplng eyatema tbere la marked uaequallty. Between nntinn> A ai.d ii. f'-r example, tbere may be no dtocrlmlnatlon and neltbei may have any advantage over tbe other. Hut l>y rebatlng from the national treaanrj a p;irt or all of the tolla paid by Ita commeree bi the eanai natlon A anaj glve iis ahlpplng a raei advantage over that Of mitlon B, which tnakos n.> aoch rebate. it d"f'K not appear tbat tbe Suez Cnnventloi) forbldi gocb rebatlng, in the f-.rm of avbaldlea, and It aeema certatn that the Hay-I^tnncefote treat] doe^ aOt .\s for the practlcal Bnandal tlifTer ence between lettlnp reegehl go through without paying tolls and rebatlng tbe tolls to them iftet tbej have been paid, Ii may be left to tboae wbo teek to '!. termlne tbe difference imtween tweedle- dmn and tweedledee. THE GHENT CENTENARY. lt is not anppoaahle tbat th<- oppoal ii..n which was nutniiested lu tbe 8en> ate on Thumiay t<. tbe conii)ienii.rati..n .. the centi nary of tbe Peace "f Oneni wili prevall. Bui it may not he gmlna to potnt fiit brlefly its iilogl<-«i and on reaaonable cbaracter. Ti e opponenta aay tbat H bj of no more Importance to have an offlclal celebratlon <-f one bnndred years of peaea with Qreat Brltaln than to celi brate ¦ btnadred years of peace arith Oermany, Pranea or Rnaada. Thal La abanrd, beeatiae Aaaerlca araa aever al war wlth ettber Oermany or Rnssla and waa never formally and offldslly rt war witii Pfajjce, whlle it iraa twlce Pt war with Qreat BritatD tbnwgb for- mat df-iariition. Tbere la no nunlvet aary t>» be comsaecnorated arith one of tbogq otber poweri i- tbere bi with (iri-nt llrlt.-iin. Agaln, it j- ebjectod tbat tbe prn- poeed cdebration wonld be "an Invtdl ona dlstinction" wblcta arotiM prob- nidy grooae raaBBBtnaeni ggaj antggo- Bjfggg, Thal is io aay, s,,in»- natlon aitb wiii':h we bave alwaya been gj pei. would be angry lf we eouimemorated the mnklng of peaoo witb some other natlon wlth whlch we bad been al war.| The glmple statom.nt of ihat propoel-; tlon la rafftclent to expoae Ita rldteulona character. Flnally, we gre told that tbe popular sentlnienl ln favor of peace hetweeo Aim rlca and Greal Brttaln Ii uifftclent, and would aol be gtrengtbcned by tbe memorntion. i.ot ua gay, then, thal the popular Bentlmeni In favor of Inde nendence In tbis countrj la guSlclent and there la no uae, therefore, In cele- lirating tbe Fourth of July. On the -.1111.¦ prindple, kH n* dlaeonttoue all Biiniversnrj eommemorntlone. Would theae ohjectora approve thtl eourae? it not, why notl The fad i- thal tho other nttlons, whoae rcaentmenl and autagonhun we are told woold be arouaed bj thls eebv bratton, would be surprieed and dtaap- Dolnted If ue omltted it. and would r<* gard ug aa havlng been retnlaa ln our ,inty toward ¦ greal hlatorlc erent of world-wlde aignlflcance. , __-.___-_- NOT SO SURE ABOUT IT. it is Intereatlnr, to Bnd go many Demo eratlc newgptpera regrettlng the free trade tendendea of tbe Democratlc nt- Honal platform. Tbe Democratlc party b puraulng the falladona notlon thal Mti ora of cheap and comfortable Itrlug an be oahered In by remoring all tariff riniios on the neceaaarleji of life. N many Domocrata n*bo tak-- tbe ttmeto thlnk about H are beginnlng t,, reallze thal If tariff dutlea gre gwepl away productlon bere mual i»' cbecked bj the luflow "f more cbeaply produced forelgu fooda and commodltnsa, wagea musi fall and tl"- publlc'i iblMty to purcbaae mual be ptvporHonately di- mlnlabod. ..Tbe New Orleana Plcty_ne,H com- mentlng the other day on tho Demo- rratio tariff programme, made tbat poinl rery clear. II aald it v. in be truly (i Joyful time when, h turnlng Into thla country «n tin- li'mited fl orelgn produota ot gort made by E uropi an and I itlc j aupei labor, our own J" .pb ... |]| enabli .! to purcbaae all they n«»>,l al the lov al j.--it>lo prlcea. . Everybody will then be abU to buy pvery m- ¦! and other m aarlea al the loweal poaalble prlcee, and lf it were poaalble t.. aatiafy human be« Inga, all the Araerioan \»-v\-\<- ahonld be happy, wlth tha poaalble axcep Thi . would be ,-uir own farmprp. who would 1"' forced thelr producta ln corapetltlon v itii gn pauper laboi our workmen turned oui ot the tioaed and idle fai torlea No matter u l.i life mlgl't be, i .-ing no wae;4 a ould nol buy. The Democratlc economiata purpoaa to make thinga rbeap, bnl at tbe aan time they would empty the pocketg of would-he purchaajera Rou can tbe 'country be beneflted by tbe Inrroduc- tioii of lower forelgu prlcea lf lf mual al tbe aame llme accept lower forelgu wage Bcalea and atandarda of llvlng? lt will tax Gorernor Wllaon'i capaiitj at a ntndent of eeononilea and btol n t< anawer thal queatlon. «- THE GANGSTER'S PISTOL. Judge Mulqueen'a gending of two gunmen to jal! for aeven yeara and tbree more for Indetermlnate perioda I of whlch leren yeara la tbe maxuuuui latrttee tbe poaalbllitlea of the Bul llran la* when enforced Bnl nothlng !- c|,,-r than thal the BUllivan hia aa generallj applled haa lotallj falled to protect tho publle. Wlth o .!..!. even daj laal month, wlth ghootlng affraya ¦ regnlar fiuiu;' of the newa, and wlth armed d ganga h e-Iatence readj to kUl for bire it cannol aald tbat crbne haa been dlmlnlabed bj ihe atrlngent laa agalri ". ipoa irrjrlng. No guninan b i difl Itj in procttring bl automatlc plati '. - ete idj the hand- aa i rlfJe and tbnoat aa daadlj ;,.. ., abotgi u loaded wlth buckahot. Indeed there la ¦ guggeetlon lu the Roaenthal raae (hat the BnlHvan law bj reanon nf Ps aeverltj hai betH turned Inti a meant of stortlon bj tbe corrnpl elemenl In tbe l'.-il.v Dcpari ment Tbe Intormera agalnal Becker nUege 11;.11 tt.- tbreal whlch be uaed to compel thoin to procure murdei araa thal be would allp weapona Into thelr pocketa when aireetlng them and thua cauae them tn bo m nt i,< prlaon for long terma lf tbe ganga do nol pay trlbute, whal ie explanatlon ..f tbe immunlta whlch they enjo) l Wby la ii thal n paated efforta b] Judge Bwann faUed to Induce tbe police to grreat fu<i or three "i the gangaten noa wantod for Roaenthal'a murder? i»<> they poeaeaa tho prlvUege of carrying platola ln de- Banee «»f utw beeauae <.r gervlcea thej render t.> tbe eorrupl pollca, ilko the allaged aeralcea In tids murder eaee. .>r beeauae of the lecvleea they rander to tbe garablera and other protected purreyon of rlca and \<> ihoir polltlcal backerel Tbe aldermanlc Inqulren mlgbl profltahry take up tbe rdatfon* of tbe police auti tbe ganga, eapecitlU tho Unmunlty fr..m proaecutlon f«»r weapon carrying wbkh theae profee- gional muiderera enjoy. MONEY AND BUSINES8. The atock markei waa arouaed from Iti atate <.f Inactrvity duiing the week. On Thursday lt came forth wlth a vlgoroug advanne, and the aeaalon cloaed wlth a general galn in the broadeai markei for aeveral weeka. The remarkable polnt about ihln move* ment waa nol thal it had occurred bul thal it bad been delayed when all condltlona had been favorable, and al] i:.pi arentl] thal wai m ..- ai for some Induentlal Intereatg to be- gtn aggraailve buylng of good atocka Tha vv,fk Jual ended has been rathei unuaual iii newa of a character whlch erally coruddered i fartor instork market movenjenta" ihe report of tbe Btanley commlttee, the quartetiy ro- poii of Bteel earnlnga varloua raii- i ad reporta Ihe government'a cotton condltlon report and newa from all over thi' country of Induatrlal i rograaa it mual not ba reaaoaed, aa tha galieni Iteena of aoted bettement are eneh week conflnnedi and Um apirit of optlmlam la aaphaahwd bj Um trade reeorda of eonunerelal agenetea and other gourcea "i InftarmaUon, Uud there are not gputa where adverae con« dltlong prevaU. it lt howarer, thi overwelghi ot evldenca ln favor of pro» gn alvi buah it each week glvea n Lanre baleaci to the credit alde of Improveihent and gradually removes [the poeaibUlty of aeddental atoppage Of tho trcnd toward proaperlty now ln vldencc. In the bu-dness world searoc- ly a .shaclow- has erossed the path of improvement during tho w.-ek. Trudo .'Xp.'inslou has been wldeidng and tho Induatrlal ffctM haa Increaard its forcea Of production in an endeavor to keep in ajght of detaanda, which hava grown meaurarably. primariiy. the commodlty crop reporta have atrength- ened ooofldence, Tbe dangar pedod ;,, tbe Wcstern eereel productJon ln ao nearly over that cajnildonoe growa aa . ich favorable day paaaaa, The cot- l.,n crop. whlle not M encournglng. HCCOrdlng to government estlmnte. as -xpocted, is la g dcl'iiuible posb tloa H regards yuantitatlvc yldd, and tbe flnal condltlon avcragc will be ln- nuenoed by tho waather, which may I- more favorablo from BOW on. The steel and Iron triule, whlcb leada in Industrial Importance In tho Unlted Btatea, haa not only shown further dvancexaent m actJvtty and priccH, but the forecastfi of class publieatlons Allzlnjr in that brunch of tho tradea, and tho uonaeBgng of reports from the mlllB dlroct. ghow n future |devekffagMBt beyond any fonner re- i|iiirementH. and prloea are yet golng Ihtgher. Bueb of tha reporta -«f greaa nga "f i^lroada ;«s bave been made: puhlli for the ftrei three w< eka in July Hhow mi baorease of .''> l per cenl greater than for tii" aame perlod in 1911 ond nrefaajretlooe now baing made by tho ralbroada ladlcate a much u-ger volume of trafflc during the Ial" f.ill montha Of thls year. Ksti- matea i»y eloaa atudenta of equlpment requlreeaenta Indloate tbat a larger ug- grtgata of ordera for rallroad aquip* meni aill have been plaoed tbta year than in any yeau alnce 19U7. ln aome llnea of merehamdlalng tbere Is the mldaummer qutet. Drygooda ordwra, b comlng in during the u^."k, have not been actlve, tbottfb tl.ere Is- ".. ported to bo a str.mger tencioncy ln procaaa of formlng. la the boot and aboe Hnea Iraprovemeni la reported, notwithatandlng the incraaae in prleea made by mnnufaeturcrs. The leather market haa been deddedly atrong, par- tlcularly In aole leather. Money move- menta bave ahown tii- country'a bual* neaa improvement; the wgek haa brougbt newa from all parta of tbe country of an Increaelng demand tnr tunda which haa abeorbed IdU caafa and caueed a allght harden- j Ing Of ratea The |a al money aitua- tlon ¦uggeete a atiffentng <-f ratea, not >n .!<.'¦' unt <-r actlvi demand but rather ln preparatlon I'ure. in the fordgn fleld there is an avar« ] unt ntal coadltloaa i on reporta <«f <t"is and moaey. I Tbe barve l reporta In Auatrte aro not .i. citragiiig. iti it'is«ia aad Oermany] t»,. erop newa la .x'-iient and In I ible. Money, whlle s-une- v. Iiat iirin- r, la pll nt pill d for mm< iral pur- .,: i -, le from But tuatlng mot n. n ". l d ln the w< akly there aeei to be no outlook wh «! auggeei apprenea* -..,!, . ial dl iturbenoe. v . .:. pained to aee ln Jodga gwann .;¦.'. hoaa head la th ii rlme, u e>e raalii not a taard party *t an. ... fa< i. we -i.r. aaerel) tai.- party.. Mr. Rooaevelt aayi lt ia a n< - party, ii .' fr..m the < practlral man be maj -o-m Mr. FUni 11 lew. He lmsi graaped the laur» tha Ial H< rhtontal Blir Mor- encefor h knoa n lo t ime .... ¦¦)( i-i'i. ?¦-¦ ¦ r.iue makaa andent go< Bookei I P/l dilngtoti wis lmite-1 to lunch ut tii" Whlte Houae, i>ut he not ba allowed I ba pvelt third term conventlon. e -, nor will klndly enter In hhi dlary a memorandum that, tbough aan, Mag at< Bar- i.,w |g g lo U frlend looklng for ra ppotntmenl e DM Georga vV, Parklna make aa much ,t . the Tennee.'oal and ir.>ti gbaorptlon aa he bi apendtnt to ahoa hla gratttudet Wd he loae ;is much the Harveater trual aulta iw he ,h apei "ing to get revenge? e it a.,!,,, p. ba a wondt r. arty, aoraetblng lik- it In the Boudan when the afad Mullah appeared, hut thls 1H tbe nrat ol it klnd lu th- ITnttcd :-l..t.- T' e N--W Y< ik VVorM. Are we tO nndi ratan-i that th. Bull Mooae in "btg game" of Afrleaa orlgln? if ao, the greal buntlng trlp takee on a ii.w signlficance. THE TALK OF THE DAY. A eurlooa aaaapatlon haa prung up in gevi i!1 doctora havi raceived a from n newlj fortaed agency, arhteh offera t«> find pattanta for them. Tiie faea are rather hlgh. They rary from rjotofJOO On reeetpt of tks fw thedoctoe ip aaanred a llat of twenty eonaamptlvea, twenty splleptlca twenty people Hiirrering from eancer, and ao forth. Ha is then al llberty to "iiii and offer hla rvicea The agency's clreulai deelarea thal the U ta «.f patlaata are eotnptled from abaolutely rertnin Boureaa and that the money arlll ,. returned if there ar.- ni"-e than thr--- nriafakea In ";ieh llat. Thla la rather a prtm provlso "i diiin't ehc waa left-handed '." "ial ahe aeama to do averythlag wlth u ui. i.' Haven'l you n"tlce,i tiie engage- :;, -nt rlngf' Detroi! iYee Pi . Th" R-'Ssti) coiiRrehS W8S In BSeOton on tne houi porefc. Tha wetaen, in raeklng and other ea«y "hnlrh. bad <1Hcu^»ed tiie Piffst arrlvala. tiie flJBBlHy "f tlu- la^t ni'.il Bad the <lre»aeH of tiie gb08Bri mi-m- artM n ona Of the yotir.ger aatea iisked: "WbO was tiie man whom Mi. Mlank took loui in hia automohii" yeatarday? Ba ni'ist I- i imebody, from the waj the oU man eatertalned him." Bagageaaa agaeel- i.i. Huttor for hla duuKliter, poMtiOBl i,n-l taaa wlth the .,.stral«bt ttp" were soiih ot the apinlnaia aalvaaeed, "Toa ar« ali wreatg/' >-ald a uotnan, lookliiR up fioin bei :«. i) laee work. "Ha Ih the bayar l" a department atore, and Mr. liiaiik aaaai theaa asjoda Talk about po* Uet grafl -theTe/a more af it in regular bii?tnes8 and nobody over aska any quea- tlotiB." And the dfscusslon was Ottt short by the appenrance or Mra. Plank, who Jolned the rlrcle. "If our enemy smlto Uf on one rheok. what ahOOld we dof ;>sked the Sunda> aohool teaoher. ,, "That depends on how b!g he ve. nr plkd Willk Wlea.Fhtledelphta Rocord. Tlie nsnertion of Dr. Qulvc, before the Banitary Instltut,? Congreeg in I/mdon, that no progr,»ss had been made in nev- Bral humlml >varn toward "advancinE the efloaoy of veeeelg for waahing the humaa brxty," and that miiltary _KM Came tlrst and radnx men Baooad among tb<no who batlu- daily, was apoken Of aa mlsleadlng by a maater plumber In a Krouj, when the auBdect waa nadar dis- eueslon. Th, hli a tbat bathn otna of the type ia vogne threa hundred yeara ago may ba popular la Kagtand I eaanet dlaputa," hc said, "becauao I have BOVer been there, but lf the learned doctor will coine bere we will show him, in the homea of the poor, arraaanmeatg for .waahing the luinian budy' whlch would have been luxnrious for klnga a century ogo. And as to there belng no great d.mar..! for bathrooms, any real eatate brekar can tell tho doctor thAt the quos- tlon. 'ttOW ntun> bau.roonia." Is among tho first asked by people ln thia eountry When thay coinetnpiaie buylng or tent- ing a home." Flrat Waafc-end Gueat-WoulJ you aak oeteae '¦> l< rid ua n moior? Bacond Week-end Guaet.«jood heavena, ri"! u aa ao.n tiniilt ot u»K:ng n«r for a of strtn« -l_fe. Among thn souvenlra of a trlp around the world lioutfht back by a woman ahoaa t<>'ir -ame to an end in Chicago a] f"W <lu; i uh'i Is an Ameriran B-g wi.leh the touriat purehaaad in indin. "I saw lt," kIk- aald, "ln a render'a etock and boughl it to Bhow that o'ir Bag is not. ame averywhera" The aouvanlr im Bllk and hand made. lt haa elght n and aeven whlte atrlpes and on tbe Mue geid are thlrteen atara and tbe Amerlcan I ahleld. "Tbe Btrangeat poit:t about the thlng Is thtH," the woman added, when she Hhowed the flasr, "the man from i bought tho tiag Uialetad that .t ys.ih corract in oompoattlon and that tb..; ipti*. on» whlch i rarrted In un enveiope ln my haridbag waa the flag aa lt uaed to be before the Clvtl War." g|UI(>ua.glngletot ls pretty well off, lan't hel , CrnlCtM fOt hnt he doe»n t Know lt. Blllteua.What <1<> y.'U mean? ¦. , M. - u-'.'n,,' to get marrleo.. pl iladelphla Record._ A 8T0RY OF WAFTIME LABORS "In M'moriam" to a Woman Who Served in Tho»c Troutlous Times. To the Edltor of Tha Trlbune. Btnoe ooting recently the nntK.'inre-1 menl la >our r.«;iilar oMtUary Hat Of th« paaalng >.f Mlaa Bll n CoUlaa, of Mewj Tork, t have been looktog d.illy through ti,r<"« N< w Y'irii (ournala for the appaar-: ance of at b-ast a few linee from aoma Ive or eloee frlend of en in mem* ory of a woman who dooervea remem-; branee for a wMely benefleent ilf». and not leaat for thal portJon of H which came apeclally under my obeervation, araa manlfi d thi ughout th* Clvtl u,,, her devotloa t.. the eare primarlly of the rjnlon forcee and mddentally to that of the Confederateg wh..m the fort-. une <>f *'ar had pln, *d aa pnsonera ln .inr hai Mlai Colllna belonged to that class of I haltard from Mrth, or, al leaat, were, untll reeant yeara, alwaya mu'-ii averaa to anythtog ibllclty, at all . venta oui thelr own Immedlate elrcla; and he was by tiHtiir,' ao ratlrlng and In her metV pjt ..i tbat ,* i>- well t.e thal few, of her lone>ttme cootemporaneoua uuld utate to wlthdraw n-r from tb, aaeluolon bIm a*...- r.j. ultltuda ls aver la n ' good a_anplea ii oaly pour ancouragor lag .rur.'a. tha llgbl amanatlng fr an a notabla weU-doer ahould not permanent* ly, ln Bcrtpturnl pl it waa eaa ..t my rarloua dutlee, as 11 a b tary, and ao aal lary, ..f the <i B ommlaaloo, durlng tha Ki.'.tt i tlarly from tha ommlaalon'i beadquartera ln WTeahlnav wlth tho leading women of the prlncipal sltlei <>f th.' North and Weat on wi.f.i. long-contlnuad davotlbn. al and efBdeni > Ihe commta lon relled f.-r ., and unfalllng aupply ..f the el« ,.!. deUcaclea, medlcinea and other appllanoi requtred i>> meet the of thi nlon'a defendera ln Md, ¦, Lgri. .I ail '. nl of wa ramlaalon whi n .< t. II mi a lial k" al prl4 llaga thnughl waa inlne ln havlng pondenee ln ;- half of my ¦ u] al with what he eorrectly atyled it. nf the women of the loj al al lea, he ns'iai termlnolog the rnlonlata In thoae daya Hia Colllna waa an "i Iheae women An«i t<> thN day, ever "Iuca the t tlon "f the CIvll War, ahe haa rarrted on, ln one ahapi or another, the pabttc el irl tlea onfortunutely needful, under and preaent ....i>n..nitc an.i aodal oondl ii.,iis, in :.n greal oaaamunltlea. The memory of the juat "makea foi rlghtaouaBH a. j. hi .<n IR, Btonlngton, Conn., July 24, i?rj. NORTH DAKOTA NBEDS MEN Commissiouer Gilbreath Sends Call for Toilern on Banner Crop. BdUor of The Ittbana sii. Korth Dakota has the larajael cropi in the Htate a blatorjr, Over alght milhon aerea havo been aaeded to wboat alone, with oiher eropa in proportlon. Compe-1 t.nt iieip ln oarlag i'..r thi* Immei >i. i,i is already aearca, and g.iod man eaa iiri.i work in North Dakota at ramunara* '\\»- wagag up to S_ p,-r dletu, wlth boarda from aow natll the anow Blaa Harvaat already baglanlng la the eouthern ti t of eoantlaa and wtil aoon' ,.^ general in over tii« Btate, the cropi lielng of uniform axeellanoe in avery part. W. C. GILBREATH, Statr Commlaatonar «.f Hfrleultura andl I ahar Bh marck, v D-, Auk. 1. ifll TITANIO A BRITISH SHIP Mr. AUen Correctg Statement That She Was Owned by an Ameiican Co. Te Ihe Bditor af Tha Trlbaaa sir: Under the eaptloa, "Dtvldtm the l{.,ii. ." u ."*¦ i b'tter in vmir |aa« oi Angnet I raejardtnf th<» Tttaale iiisa:-- ter, in whleh he Mjra: uNocwlthatandlng tbat the Btaaaaae eattad under the DriUah fiaw. ehe reaUj baleaged M aa Amarleaa eompan) namaty, tbe Internattonal Her" cantllc Ma Ine Cbmpaay, fonaad it: thla country, and oantratllng 8va disarent iteamahlp llnei ralUna unaar tha Ameri- ui gag. UM Britlah Auk and the BHslH.. tiag. The aald ,otniati> l> trianaKed by a bcard of Ana rleaa din > tor.-." Iu nply, 1 'ii'k b> atate that thla com- t»any Amarleaa oaly la aawat it ki "t.-iiiy" a Britlah oenoam, linano.'i ani r.ui'.il by Britlah iiallsta, who ar. m ..- reaanted by J. P. Mafgan. u was formad People and S NOTE8 FROM NEWPORT. (By Itlegraph to The Trihune. 1 Xewport, Aug. t..Socially the BUtnm'i colony waa a huay place to-day. iMrs. Ooraaaaaa Vandcrbllt gave h dlnner at Baauaaaa for twenty-slx guesta. Mn>. Frencn Vanderbllt, Mrs. Williani K. Van- derbilt, Jr, Mrs. Joseph H.irriman and Mrs. &tunley MoOoraeJeh were other dln¬ ner hosfeaaes. Mrs Reglnald Xor- man gagl Mrs. Fugenc .S. Reynal were luncheon entertatnera, and Mrs. Wllllntn .Storrs Wellfi gave B miudeal at Chetewodc Mrs. Vanderbllt han announcod a muslca! for Tuesday evenlng at The Breakers. (Jovernor and Mrs. Pothler, who are the Week end guesta af Mr. and Mrs. Marsden J. Perry, were guesta of honor at a dln¬ ner thl6 liTBBtlaT The orcheatra from the Caatno furnlahed mueic during dlnner and a Hlndoo magleian entertained the guesta later In tho evenlng. Keglatcred at the Caslno to-day were afaurfce Hoche, who has returned from abroad to vlsit his mother; H. S. Alex- and-r, of New York, a guest of Milton 8. Barger; A. Kalpaschnikoff, of the Ruaslan Bmbaaay: R. T^e Martm, V. s. n.; Eugene liale, Jr., John Cllnton Oray. Jr., and Lawrence llaughton, gajajsa of R. T Wllson Lawrenee Breeae, Mlss E. Harrl.s. of Eaat Brldgewiter, a gueat of Mra. W X. Hughea: Jullun L. Peabody, of Xew York, a guest at the La Farge cottage, and Iflaa Flora Doyle, of Washington. Who Is vislMng her Kiso r, Mrs. A. If. Moreland. .Mr. and Mra. Henry A. C. Taylor and H. R. Taylor atarted for Bar flarbor to- day on the Bteem yaeht Wanderer. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Kgerton L. Winthrop, Jr., have arrlved to spend a pnrt of the sea- Bon wlth Mr. Wlnthrop's father. Bldney J Smith has returned to Kew Tork. Francla Potter haa returned to Kawport for the aummer. Ootf Club refrietera to-day contalned the naunaa of Mrs. Bahnoat Tiffany and Mra famsa r. D Lanler, guaata af Mra. Cor- nellus Vanderbllt; Willlam Thaw. Mlas Herriet Thaw. Mtss E. K. Pargy. of Pltts- burgb: Wadawortn tafsrta, Buaanar Gerar-1 nnd Butler Ame of Boateaa, auesta of Mrs. Btanley McCormlek; Aithur Joimson. Oommodore C. Ledyard Blalr and liis, guesta '.'!' eorick Potts Moora, H. M. Aiex- aader pnd T. x. MeCartaf, of New York. Oommodore Bialr snd hla gviesfH left here for New Tork on th» Dlona thls evenlng 90UTHAMPTON 80CIETY. | By Telegrseli te The TrlB Bouthampton. Long I«dard, Aug. 4 . The annual Invltatlon toum.-tment of th* Bhlnnecock Hilla Oolf nub arffl l<e the maln dlvepdon tnr Soi.thampton Boettty during tl.e preaent week a niimi>*»r of the niembers of the summer colony here have etnered ln the "eompetltlon, as well an mo*t of the lrading golfera of the country. Mrs Oortr* Bafton French'a Lrother, Mr. Oordon, ls beltig entertained by Alvln W. Krech ov»r the week end. R. H. tioadley, who cnme down Frlday, re-1 turned thta afternoon. Rufua L. Patter- | BOn, apenl the week end here, to be one Of tiie ludjces of the hOfM ahow yester- day. Mra Alvln W. Krech gave g Jarge laat evenlng at tha kfeadow Cl ih His rmlnence i^ Olbhona, of Balttmore, who uaually apenda hla vaca-l tlons in Boutbampton with the Bev Francla P, 0*Hara, la expected to arrlvi here al >Ut the rnlddle of the week Ife win coma on from Brooklya, atoppin* at of the purlshea on Jyong Island "i, ;he routo, MNs Marlon Oaynor, Uaughi r of Mayor Oaynor, waa one of the rtdera in tbe iiunt-r elaaa at the Buffotk Hunt Club'a horae ShOW yesterday. Mlaa iJay- nor Ik Btajring at the Irvtng for a few .nd her Jumplng yes.t- rday on Aylward'a Carter won much tevor. Lida i. ilettnaan, Mi»» Adete .s. Colgata, Mlaa Beatrlee Clafon, tha Mkeaaa winifred. Margaxet and BUaabeth Chta- koJm, Mlaa Jutta N Botsstae, Mlaa Kthei Harrlmaa, Mlaa Markd »enkiin. Mlaa Madeiine H. Cook, Mfcaj Betty Ulisa. Mlsa Heien Ivea, Mfcai Sarnh it. MenJee Mlaa Mlidred Poor, Mrs b Ogdee Chlaolra, .Mr.- Adrlan II. I^arkln, Mrs. Kilzaheth H. OrinneM and Mr«. Howard W. Beehe *-r.- among tha other women ezhlbttora and r!d. rt t lateat aubeerfMng memher« te tha aaadoW «*l!il> are Mr« A. H. rpchrtn. \irs. Qeorge Barton Fvai ih, Efenrj Oodfrey, u/llllam Roaa Procter, C. X. ! N'orton vYhltman, mi-.< Kata Bchermer- ..rn m \ -" .!.>. f - Mra Easl Johnaon, Mlse s i{. Raa and A. O tiir-j don Xoirle. .n :><?. when ttock boomet ploft- ] cii'm tiiat w-.» had beeotne a n credltor natlon and were gradually ae. qulrtng the carrh Clemeat A. Orl eom in tmetieaa, was the tirst preatdeai of ii. eomeeny, bui be aoon g;ive arey to j, B. Ismay, the Rnglaah siiin awner, arho as h-id the ofaea ever atuee, and all the i,iisiii.-ss meetings bave been held ln ;.on- don. The <»niv ebanga of ewneiahlp rama when the Bngtfcth eaidtatteta aoaght up .he Araertaan Lma, whloh la new in tho comblnatten. Thera were doubfleaa many pernons who lelleved at the tlme that Mr. Margau rep- reeeatad American lntereat-s, hut tii re tvere othera who felt wrtaln that saeh was not t ti . case. ln June. :w-.'l. "The Naotleal Oaaatta oonduded a aununary gbOUt the comt.lnut.M. wlth ihe followrag gtaUBaaat! Thoai aeealng to bulld tm \meri--an Hhlpplr;* ln the forelgn trad- snrel" lw. 1 enough to carry wlt,.out havlng Mr. Moimt and his Britiah ahipplng. h.a Hriti-h Bgreementa and his Brltlsh Int^r- -ists saddled upcn tlielr backn and maoe io anl-ar »s a 1-ing the American Blup- Bing proMem. Hlalegiamo e op'taMona are not dlscussed here for any piirp.-ao of eritlclsm. but merely to make dear the [ ract ha hl« ahlpplna m»rger la almo«t. not ei.tlreiy. i Mri'ih «teroriae: rO doubi orofltabls to lt« ownera but nnj- ggj but helpful to Amsrlcen ahipplng | ii;, refta. Thlf Btotetnent from one of the tnost ln- Kuenttal autharltlaa on shinping Intereata! u ,j.».-r been c mtradlcta W. H. ALLBM. Brooklyn, Aurc. X MS. e AN INADVERTENCE CORRECTED. To the Rdltor of Tiie Trlt-une. t-ir: In B iBBBgraghKl liispatch from waahington appearlng m year issne of July M under the title of "WhrU ls BeOf Anyhewr refereaee la made to ma aa u,e president of the Natamal Caaaumara11 Laague. 1 have not that honor. If you Will kindly correct thta Matement 1 aliall aeteeea it a uvor. The president of tho leagaa Mr. John Qraham Breeka af CambrMaa, Maaa AUCB i.akky. ChaJranaa Food Cotnaatttoe, National con- aumerh' Laagua MeUln Vlllaxe, U,ke: Winnlpeauukce, * x. ii.. Aag. I, H*>_ FIR3T REAL SETTLER8 WALLOONS TO tiie Kditor of Thi' Trlbtme. flir: All h«mor to HM "KreiKh IluRue- iiots" in the Baitttoga pageant <>f Augnaf H ptjt Wera there ur.y 11ttn'i. it-«r MtOava in {feW Notherlaml or the Mlddl- Btatea before the ravooatJon of the Balet of Ifantaef When will Xcw Yofkers knead lt into ocial Incidents The Meadow Club la well fllled f^ Auguat. Mrs. W, Bloodgood knd part* will remaln untll Auguat 28, Mr ud Mrs. C. H. Keep untll Septerber 3, M^ and Mlaa Motley unti) next tfattirday Ifra tValden PHi untll antuma and Mr! Cllnton an.i party untll Auguat _, IN THE BERKSHIREg. [By Telofrraph to The Trlbuna.J Lenoz, Aug. f.Mr. and Mra. Ceorgt Baty BhUu gtva « Juncheon at itne Needlea this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam D. Sloane enter- tained at duUMT to-iilght. Mr. ami .Mrs. EnaTene geethaek, of Xew York, have arrived at the Hotel Aspia- waii, to pass the ramaladar af the s^aaon. Mr. and Mrs. Montfomery Btalr. tha lOaaaa Blair and MonUomery Blalr. Jr., Of P7aahlngton, on the way to Narrasan- aett I'b-r. arrived to-day in PlttafleM. Mra. WllUam E. Sllverthorne U enter- talnlng hor moth>T, Mrs. F. T Mattooka. and her aunt, Mrs. Harold Clemena, of New York. Anson Pheipa Stokes, Jr., la exi>ected at his country plate. on Lake Mahk.-.aao, shortly from Europe. Mra. Stokes and thrtr ehlldren will remaln ln Kurope agZ Bepteinber. Oeorga r. Hajrt is a gueat of Mr. and Mrv Samuei Frothlngham. E>r. and Mrs. Henry P. Jaquea have Mr. nnd Mrs. Prank M. Warc and Robert Wara as their gu»sts at Heme Farm. Mrs. Harvcy Spencer and Mlsa* Spencer. of New York, are visltinK Mra ¦dward Spencer at Shlpton Court. MtM TiOUl^e Munroe and Mlas Dorothy ICeNulty, of New York, are guests of Mlsa Adele Kneeland at Falrlawn. A woman'a golf tournament will 0pea to-morrow at tho Wyentenuck llnka, ln Grtat Barrington, for a cup offered by Koy Curtls, oi New York. J Sanford Barnes, of New York, ii vlsltir.K hia mother, Mra. John t Barne* at Coldbrook. Mr. and Mra. Frederlck 8. DelaitMd and famlly, who have been at Nantucket, wtu return to Uttle Farm on Tuesday. M'.s.i Anna Blake Shaw g&ve a dlnnw nt the Homeatead laat night for Mr. and Mrs. Crant Walker. Mis. T. B. M. Terhune ls ente'-talnlag her mother, Mra. Wlluam O. Wllaon, of New York. The Hon. and Mra. Wl'.llam Ber^aford, of London, have arrived at the Curua Hotel. .Mr. Beresford Is a brother of bord Dectee, Th*y have been In Provl- denca an.i are on the way to the Whlta Mountaina over tha Ideal Motor Tour. Mr. and Mrs Detld I.ydlg have re. turned te Thlstledown from the'- yacht- ing trlp with F. A. Schermei horn. Mr. and Mrs. P«rr, who are gueata Of Mr. and Mrs. Roaa W. 'Vhlstler at Hillslde. will slart In a few daya for ( ar.ada by automoblle. i'hlllp Curtla, of New York, !a a gueat Of Mr. and Mrs. Harrla Fahr.eatock at Baatover. Joeepfa VV. Bunlon haa been a gueat of bis mother at 1'nderledae. Mrs. W 'Jay^r Dominlck. Mlaa A Dotn- inick and F H. Slmmons. of New York, are at the Hotel Aspinwal! an Btertlng haa Jolned Mra gter- lin*. who ia at the Hotel Aaptnwall for tii< aaa. n. Mr. and Mra WlUtam Rloh, Wllllam L Ri.h, Jr. Wllllam J Hoeford, Mr. and Mrs. Henry g_ Bntler, H. F. Payae and MurieJ p. Payne, Of N>»w Tork, are at th« Maplewood, Plttstieid. New ferkera arrlvtng at the Curtia Hotel Include Mr and Mrs. B. E. Wrlgat, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. OaCarh it, 11. li Brown, '"nptaln A. B Aaderaoa Mr and Mrs Q. WUaon and Alexander P.ltohie. Rlehard WellitiK an.i Mlaa Katberlaa ilr.-.-n \V>'!iinK. of Now York. who are motoriim' ln the Berkshlres, are at the Ctirtis Hotel. At ;h. Hotel Aspinwal! are Mr ai.d Mrs. Harry Halfo. HlM Helen davnor, Mi's Orace O'Brfea, T. \v. Baiiv. Mr. and Mre. H. Lincoln St_dl.*r. Mr ggj Mra Jacob Halated, J. & Haleted, Jo«" II Bubler aiVJ Hounea V. DennU, of w York: Mr. and Mr.s C. I* Qlrernaud, of ! Baroa M. He Moraaky, of nt. Petci ibura \f Heatea Hall on Saturday in the daala of the mlaed donalag for th#« Heatea Hau tannla cup ur. QoMehero ar.d Mis^ Blanchatta Jullea beat c. 8. LEngei and Mlaa Kdlth Burtta <.4, 7.5, «{_i. Mr andl Mrs Alraon W. Barnea. Mhi Margaral Barnea Mra. B^-ntl'v U Btevenaun, Mr and Mr^. F. C, Plnkham. Of Brooklyn. and Mr and Mrs. F. W. Oaea, "f Motint Vernon, are at Heaton Hall. th-ir conactouaneaa that the firat tn;a, aettlera, homamakera, mtsu with won n and ehlldren, in tha four Middle 8ta. -s were not Dutch or from Franee. but W.i loona, or PYench speakin* BoaHharn Neth ertaadara, who. uj i;*7 f.nd i_ter, were rJrlvan from their homos by the Spanlurds for consclonce sake? When win New York Clty men rear amld th<- toreat of atatuea of foreluners a repraaantatlon of the tru« founder of Amaiioa'a graataat my.Jeaee do Foreat. anoeauw of Um thouaande of Americaga of that name. who, in Leyden, Hollana. ev^ri befon tha PUgrlm Fathera, enroUed amUrranta for Amartea, and in the go.-. sb1!' Now Natharland arrived to plant his fatnlliea ln Now V.,rk fn tsj;i0 WILLEAM ELLIOT ORIFFIS [thaca, n. y., aug. i, iw_ PARK CONCERTS POPULAR Attendance in the Last Mont!i About Hundred Thousand. According te pottea estlmates, er. ly one hundred thousand p,-raotia have attended thr eonoaetg <m the Mail |g Central Park In tlie laat tnot th. The Sutuiay eeacerta baaa an nveraga attaai* ance of ten thoagend <>r mor.- inJ th" tive ni^fht ooaeerta aearaga a>n>ut «u tkeuaaad or oltrht tbouaand. Oa Batardaya th->re are tWO ronctrt*. one ln IhC gftemeoa and on,' ln theeven- uiK l*a mnslc lovpra earry the'.r luneheon wlth them and remaln ln the park after tbe afternoon concert to fff aaata for tha evarrtna;. Park ComaUaaMaar Bteeer aald yester¬ day thia is tha graataat year in the Mecory of th clty for park musb There will be BBfea concerts a w«Hk ga the Mail untll Aujfi'st 31. The programmes now belng Issued by the Park Dapartmeat are fdit"<i by tho Park CO-Unteatoner and itr* aometltnes dUtribOtad ln UM fatm of twelve-pago fOlda In the last one rommlaatoner Htover toll about some of the work beln* done by his department. and Arthur Kar- .voll. supervlsor of muslc, explaina the mnatcal numbers on the different l?:o- grnaamoa CARDINAL'S BEQUEST TO POPE. ROOM, Aug. 4 .Tto> local newapaperrt ^ay that UM Pope will receive a legacy of t,'H'0,000 marks (1238,000) from tbe .stai" >f Cardtaal Anthony Huberl Placbar, jf ("oiogno.

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1912-08-05 [p 6]. · bfJt the law eertainlv nevef lntendcd tO ^rivp...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1912-08-05 [p 6]. · bfJt the law eertainlv nevef lntendcd tO ^rivp them the nnthority to couduct In-\e

:\'rtoflm;k itribunr.M BDAT, AL'IUST C. WU_


$10 08



Owned and publlabad dail* bj the ri

Asa.ciatlon. a New v0rk corooratlon; 0

w. Reid. Pnandent, Ooi M HaaUta Beereiary.yaaaaa M. Barrett, Treaaitrar. Ad ireaa. 1

:,uu<»n«. N> 1M Waaaaa atraet, Mea xaia

g BCRIPTION RATEt By MaU. *.*¦.¦Pal'.. outeldi >f Oroater N'w YorK- . ;(>

l>ally and I '¦. _0il.jt'oo.

)>ally oui), onu mon'h.Dally only. '. J; oo.

tluaday only, ala moathi ..

reraign aubacrt] B.__J£ °"

DAlLt KSV SDAT. .One month... $l !.*

«DAV UNLY: $<[ uBUI tr.onths.* 07 '.< .

V ONLY:me meath.11.01 -

vrr:sDAILT AND gUNDAT:... .$ .W On« year.

DAILT M.Y:eatb.f .80 on* >ear...

DAY ONL.Y:. atl 1.1.aar...

Batered at Um r.r-^i'..- at New Tark aa


- rraders arlH comVr a tavar by advwng- en they are unable to procure ¦ «»*"Trtbune fro- thelr newadealer. Aa(ir-«.

Trlbune. Clrculation Department.


Some of tbe ominsellors who wnnt

Goveroor WUaon to develandlze tho

tarlff plank of tho Dotnocratlc natlonalplatform are tkw nrgiug him to (lere-

lnndiao the plank toroTlng a alnglerresldentinl team Mr. Bryan, who

has recenOj Httn.-hod himself a« ¦

Hpcclai contributor to The New York

Worl'V rebnkea that nawapaper ror

trylng to nndermlno tho Ooremortlojalty to the one-term pledge giren byth*e Democratlc party at Baltimore.ile aaya in tbe last laaoo nt "Tho Caaavnioner":"The New Tnrk World" advlses Gov-

arnor WUaon that he ehould not be

governed by the one-term plank ln the

Democratlc natlonal platform Ac*

cordlng to 'The World that pUnkllavery good for the future and men ma%

be Vovcrned by II when lt becomea a

STw" but "Thr, WorM" aaya Oo-ernorWllaon ought to make lt clear that he

does not conslder that lie is llmlted b>thls platform to one FTeHUlcnunl term.

Since Mr. Bryan was dlroctly reepon*bible tor tho Indonement at Baltbnoreof the "ingle torra Idea. bo uaiurallyoritlcisea "Tho WnridV' guggeetloo as

a temptation to solflsh gmbitloa and

peraonn' bad falth. It I- truo thatGorernor WUaon mizht flnd aome en-

oouraKetnein in the ezample of Preet-dent Cleveland, who fnrgot the atngleterm dectrine promnlgated nol by bla

party but by himself. In bll first let-tor of aceepttnen bo doclaml hims'lfagalnat the eecond term, moch aa the

Democratlc platform now doea, but

when tho time earna around for his re>

nomlnatloo be dld not eren take thetronble to make an explanation of the'.iU!(,|lior-cu)eof-ooffoo" ?ort.

Mnybe Governor Wllaon will foiiow"The World's" ndvlce and aay ir> his

q.b of acceptance th»r the sin^ioterm Wea kg not his own, bot hir.Bryan'a v.t lt would be more politi<for blm to wall nntii after electlon be¬fore puttlng n raintaaprntatlon on tbis

declaratlon of the pJatform on whlciihe ls Bupposed to be atandlng:We favor a Plngio Preeldentlol term,

a to thal < nd urge the adoptlon ofHmendmenl to the Conatltutlon

. reeldent of the Unltedstat,s lnellglble for re-election, aipledi lldate of thls conventlont.. thla pr .

Of oonrae, after eleetlon lt may oe

poaalble to gpllt halrs otct the fore--oIhk phraaeology and contend tlmt the

prtndple ahonld apply only after lt baiLeconie tneorporated into ihe Conatlttt'tlon. But Mr. Rryan takea the more

reasnnaMe poattlon that tbe party urc-

ln« gnch o reform ls l*>und by lt even

before lus enactmeiit Into l«w. ltwould bo I gertoai impeaclirnent ofGovernor Wllaon's slncoritj lf hesbould aitetnpt to fdinke of! the moralobllgntlon not to Beek n re-olectlon lm-i»oaed up»n him by tbe Bnltlmore plat¬form. IIo should nrail himself atonce of tbe oppurtuulty to put thoDemocratlc party and all ltb fnturePresldential nuinlnces on record as lnharmony with the aound publle douiandfor the l'mitatlou of any Fresldent'seervtce to a »ingle, although posslbly a

|«Bgt_4MM_, term._A POINT Or CONSOIENCE.The Thlrd Term party fissernblei for

lts ratifloatlon of Mr. Roooerelt'a tl-ready aelf-effectetl nomiuntlon faee<lwlth a dltllcult queation of morals. Asls well known, it has u tender con-

HJenrr Its leadera, from Mr. |{,x>se-velt down, have not tho allghtest ezpec-tatlon of winnlng tl"- Preaddoncy.ThHr lmmedlato alm la, tf poesible, to

l>eat Mr. Taft. If they eau aceomplbhthat, some of them at least, like Mr.riinii, h.-i^o to got poaeeaalon of theBepnbllcan party. Othctn, perhaps lesspntctlcal lf nol leaa rmre, really lookfor the oontlnued t\istence of tbeirDOW party. But. whutt-ver thelr vlslonlor the distant future, they one and aWhave ln immediate vlew not vietorybut revenga They aro onder no lliu-

ahont iM-iiiticai proepaeta Amongiheniselvos they are entJrely fnmk.What troubles them is hoar far theboneaty which they pretdb raqnlreathen t<> nvoid pradktlom of gncceeawhich they know to ba ta)-o.The iagannoaji Mr. GtriaM has been

aei'kim; roor ts UKatg tbe bravcbearta arbo do nol eapert vietory bur:ir<- prepared f,«r "long yeara of strun-<le" Mr. Hotebkb*, the Now YorkState OMMaeberd, thi:-ks it permlaalblete elalm tbe electlon for Mr. Rooee-v,-)r. Tbe Cbtoago foUoererg <>f thorolmiol. itcordltii: to dispatcli'h, greghaiply dividfd. ajome orge tbe dntyof tmth teUtag. Otben s(ly tlmt ifthe imth were told tbe rank and Sleof tbe oppreaaed would refuee to re--jK»iid io tbe <it!i. preferrlng snit-to aaMUMlpttlon arlthOwl tho peoapeeiuf hUMdltte lotrag tnd labet Thoarrlval of the candidate b tbereforeawaito«i, tb.u he nay dadda between ietaajtign of Mmple irath teiiiti^ <-r .»ieiahi/rato fuls4« pn b

Vi'< thiiik tbera can ba bo <i >ui,t ofthe d.ciaton. ii win be :t matter <>i'tbe blgbaM moral obUgatloa with Mr.Boooerelt t>i clatm everytbbig for

reboloftcal gftteC" just as bt ami.jn dnty bound to |,ut np fafca aontealerbkti bt tfterwgrd confeaaed he nerer

exfMCtfjd to bave taken lerlotigly. m a

bettle for tho rule of tbe people no eaefconedencea are wanted. On the h* Wof Armageddou the and Justlflei '.


Corporation Counael Watson Bhotildii.,; be cooneel fot ihe comlng Bldermanic Inveatlgatlon of pollce graftlng.The attltude of Mayor Gaynor uiak<liitn iin Improper pereon to ennductBiich an Inqulry. The Mayor regnrd*this fovewttgatlon as if-siiie to blmaelf.He haa told » member of the Board ofAldermcn thal it would "atnltlfy" Itsclfby uudertaklng aiicb an Inqnlry as lanow projerted, gnd be baa onl) grain-Minpiy acqnleeced In tiie beldlng of

lone. Mr. vYateon ia Mayor Qaynor'a.-ii»|i>>inte.- and cloae peraonal aeaodate.The Mayor la Intereated ln barlng anjInqnlry tbat may be held develop tbe!n' t iimt graftlng was eonflned to a

alngle Indlvldnal In the pollce fbrce.Be haa reloctantly admltted thal biaI'olice (Sommiaatoner may have beendecdved by one of hla rabordlnatea,Tbe poeaibUlty of more extenaive cor-raptlon ilmn tlils tbe Mayor will noliultnit. More than tbat be gaaalla vln-dlctlvely every one wbo holda any "thoroplnton.

Mr. Wataon aa counsel f>ir the aldermanJc LnveetJgatora would representtho view df the Mayor. Ills renl in-tereal would lle In tbe dlrection ofdearlng tbe pollce of all chargea ofBygtetnatlc eorroptioa He woaM haveno beart ln the w<"-k of getting gt thetrtiiu as t" bad admlnietratlon of thopollce under dlrection <>f his anperlorin ofBoe. A more Unproper legal ad-rlser tiie lionrd of Aldenaen conld notnave in tiie projmsed Inveatlgatlon.Mr. vTgtaoa orjght to see bow be isdisquuHiied and refrain from gtteflipUto foree hlmself cn the cornmittee. Ifba doea not the bonrd shonid dedlnehis genIcgg gnd aecnre sneiial connaeThls anrely must he wlthin their power,f.'r not ^>ni> bave tbej blred apecialcotineel for Inveatifgtloiui ln tbe pust.bfJt the law eertainlv nevef lntendcd tO^rivp them the nnthority to couduct In-\e<;tlc;ations of elty ConditlofiB and thennullify the granl by compdltng thein'.'ini to rely tiixiti connael for admin-letratlve dtj officlala io condoct theInqnlry into ilieir condoct

TERMS AT SUEZ.>-- ne that the Snes Canal Oonven-

ti<»n, whlcb was made by nlne Eu-I ropean powera ;I1 t^onartantlnople lnOctober, 1888, is dlrectly dted ii* tbeHay-Panncafote treaty and la frequent-ly referred to ln corrent discuaaioitiie qnestion oi' tolli at Panama, it Iswortb whlle to reonii aome facta con-

cernlng tbat InstramentH la to \>f> obeerved thal the Boea

Oanal Conventlon inakea no dtred declanition concernlng eqnallty of tolla,Indeed, it doea not s-> much as men-

tion tolis at all. lt doea aay lu Artlclei tuit t tbe canal "ahall alwaya he free"and open to every ressel without dl»-"tlnctlon oi flag." Thut nmy be Interpreted to mean that tolla, lf any !«¦

charged, ahall be unlform and equu!to all. It micht glao, by gotne itlcklerfor llterallsm, be Interpreted to aneanthal no tolla ahoold be charged.

Agaln, ln Artlcle XII tbe Oonventi'-n aaya that the algnatory"by appUcatlon of tbe prlndple of"eqnallty as regarda the fn-e nv» .>f the"canal, agree tbat none or them simii"endeavor to obtaln wlth reapect to'the canal ti-r^it'.rla1 or commerclal gd-"vantagea or prlvflegea ha gny mteroa-"tl-uial arrangement which maj be con"I'ludeil." The obrlooj Impllcatlon la,no doobt, that tbere ahall be eqoallt)among tbe natlona ln tbe u»e of tbecanal.Thar is all. T<!1» are not rnentkaoed.

The sj,e. ui.- mentlon of them ln tbeHay-Paancefote treaty is, tberefore,¦riijliiai with tbat Instroment and lanot a dtatioo from tbe Bneition. <)n the cootiary, tbe adoptlon oftbe lattef ai « pieeedenl and examplefor tbe former haa to <i" eotlrely arithnentrallzatlon and not nt all wlthir maj be sdJded tbat wblle tbe slgnatortea of BtJfg have ondoubtedly keptfalthfaUy tho letter of the provlglonawhich we bave qUOted, tbey have, or

aome <>t tbeaa bave, ¦¦ eertalnly evadedtiie prtaclpai of equallty <>f n*-"

Kor. an we bave httberto abown,whlle Isrtween natlona there la aatutllty,between ahbjrplng eyatema tbere lamarked uaequallty. Between nntinn>A ai.d ii. f'-r example, tbere may be nodtocrlmlnatlon and neltbei may haveany advantage over tbe other. Hut l>yrebatlng from the national treaanrj a

p;irt or all of the tolla paid by Itacommeree bi the eanai natlon A anajglve iis ahlpplng a raei advantage overthat Of mitlon B, which tnakos n.> aochrebate. it d"f'K not appear tbat tbeSuez Cnnventloi) forbldi gocb rebatlng,in the f-.rm of avbaldlea, and It aeemacertatn that the Hay-I^tnncefote treat]doe^ aOt

.\s for the practlcal Bnandal tlifTerence between lettlnp reegehl go throughwithout paying tolls and rebatlng tbetolls to them iftet tbej have been paid,Ii may be left to tboae wbo teek to '!.termlne tbe difference imtween tweedle-dmn and tweedledee.


lt is not anppoaahle tbat th<- oppoalii..n which was nutniiested lu tbe 8en>ate on Thumiay t<. tbe conii)ienii.rati..n.. the centi nary of tbe Peace "f Oneniwili prevall. Bui it may not he gmlnato potnt fiit brlefly its iilogl<-«i and onreaaonable cbaracter.

Ti e opponenta aay tbat H bj of nomore Importance to have an offlclalcelebratlon <-f one bnndred years ofpeaea with Qreat Brltaln than to celibrate ¦ btnadred years of peace arithOermany, Pranea or Rnaada. Thal Laabanrd, beeatiae Aaaerlca araa aever alwar wlth ettber Oermany or Rnsslaand waa never formally and offldsllyrt war witii Pfajjce, whlle it iraa twlcePt war with Qreat BritatD tbnwgb for-mat df-iariition. Tbere la no nunlvetaary t>» be comsaecnorated arith one oftbogq otber poweri i- tbere bi with(iri-nt llrlt.-iin.

Agaln, it j- ebjectod tbat tbe prn-poeed cdebration wonld be "an Invtdlona dlstinction" wblcta arotiM prob-nidy grooae raaBBBtnaeni ggaj antggo-Bjfggg, Thal is io aay, s,,in»- natlon aitbwiii':h we bave alwaya been gj pei.

would be angry lf we eouimemoratedthe mnklng of peaoo witb some othernatlon wlth whlch we bad been al war.|The glmple statom.nt of ihat propoel-;tlon la rafftclent to expoae Ita rldteulonacharacter.

Flnally, we gre told that tbe popularsentlnienl ln favor of peace hetweeoAim rlca and Greal Brttaln Ii uifftclent,and would aol be gtrengtbcned by tbe

memorntion. i.ot ua gay, then, thalthe popular Bentlmeni In favor of Indenendence In tbis countrj la guSlclentand there la no uae, therefore, In cele-lirating tbe Fourth of July. On the-.1111.¦ prindple, kH n* dlaeonttoue allBiiniversnrj eommemorntlone. Wouldtheae ohjectora approve thtl eourae?it not, why notlThe fad i- thal tho other nttlons,

whoae rcaentmenl and autagonhun we

are told woold be arouaed bj thls eebvbratton, would be surprieed and dtaap-Dolnted If ue omltted it. and would r<*

gard ug aa havlng been retnlaa ln our

,inty toward ¦ greal hlatorlc erent ofworld-wlde aignlflcance., __-.___-_-


it is Intereatlnr, to Bnd go many Demoeratlc newgptpera regrettlng the freetrade tendendea of tbe Democratlc nt-

Honal platform. Tbe Democratlc partyb puraulng the falladona notlon thalMti ora of cheap and comfortable Itrlugan be oahered In by remoring all tariff

riniios on the neceaaarleji of life. N

many Domocrata n*bo tak-- tbe ttmetothlnk about H are beginnlng t,, reallzethal If tariff dutlea gre gwepl awayproductlon bere mual i»' cbecked bjthe luflow "f more cbeaply producedforelgu fooda and commodltnsa, wageamusi fall and tl"- publlc'i iblMty to

purcbaae mual be ptvporHonately di-

mlnlabod...Tbe New Orleana Plcty_ne,H com-

mentlng the other day on tho Demo-rratio tariff programme, made tbatpoinl rery clear. II aald

it v. in be truly (i Joyful time when,h turnlng Into thla country «n tin-

li'mited fl orelgn produota otgort made by E uropi an and

I itlc j aupei labor, our own J" .pb... |]| h« enabli .! to purcbaae all theyn«»>,l al the lov al j.--it>lo prlcea. .

Everybody will then be abU to buypvery m- ¦! and other m

aarlea al the loweal poaalble prlcee, andlf it were poaalble t.. aatiafy human be«Inga, all the Araerioan \»-v\-\<- ahonld be

happy, wlth tha poaalble axcepThi . would be

,-uir own farmprp. who would 1"' forcedthelr producta ln corapetltlon

v itii gn pauper laboiour workmen turned oui ot the tioaedand idle fai torlea No matter

u l.i life mlgl'tbe, i .-ing no wae;4 aould nol buy.The Democratlc economiata purpoaa

to make thinga rbeap, bnl at tbe aantime they would empty the pocketg ofwould-he purchaajera Rou can tbe

'country be beneflted by tbe Inrroduc-tioii of lower forelgu prlcea lf lf mualal tbe aame llme accept lower forelguwage Bcalea and atandarda of llvlng?lt will tax Gorernor Wllaon'i capaiitjat a ntndent of eeononilea and btol nt< anawer thal queatlon.«-


Judge Mulqueen'a gending of twogunmen to jal! for aeven yeara andtbree more for Indetermlnate perioda

I of whlch leren yeara la tbe maxuuuuilatrttee tbe poaalbllitlea of the Bul

llran la* when enforced Bnl nothlng!- c|,,-r than thal the BUllivan hiaaa generallj applled haa lotallj falledto protect tho publle. Wlth o

.!..!. even daj laal month, wlthghootlng affraya ¦ regnlar fiuiu;' ofthe newa, and wlth armed d

ganga h e-Iatence readj to kUl forbire it cannol .¦ aald tbat crbne haabeen dlmlnlabed bj ihe atrlngent laaagalri ". ipoa irrjrlng. No guninanb i difl Itj in procttring blautomatlc plati '. - ete idj thehand- aa i rlfJe and tbnoat aa daadlj;,.. ., abotgi u loaded wlth buckahot.

Indeed there la ¦ guggeetlon lu theRoaenthal raae (hat the BnlHvan lawbj reanon nf Ps aeverltj hai betHturned Inti a meant of stortlon bj tbecorrnpl elemenl In tbe l'.-il.v Dcpariment Tbe Intormera agalnal BeckernUege 11;.11 tt.- tbreal whlch be uaedto compel thoin to procure murdei araathal be would allp weapona Into thelrpocketa when aireetlng them and thuacauae them tn bo m nt i,< prlaon for longterma

lf tbe ganga do nol pay trlbute, whalie explanatlon ..f tbe immunlta

whlch they enjo) l Wby la ii thal n

paated efforta b] Judge Bwann faUedto Induce tbe police to grreat fu<i or

three "i the gangaten noa wantod forRoaenthal'a murder? i»<> they poeaeaatho prlvUege of carrying platola ln de-Banee «»f utw beeauae <.r gervlcea thejrender t.> tbe eorrupl pollca, ilko theallaged aeralcea In tids murder eaee..>r beeauae of the lecvleea they randerto tbe garablera and other protectedpurreyon of rlca and \<> ihoir polltlcalbackerel Tbe aldermanlc Inqulrenmlgbl profltahry take up tbe rdatfon*of tbe police auti tbe ganga, eapecitlUtho Unmunlty fr..m proaecutlon f«»rweapon carrying wbkh theae profee-gional muiderera enjoy.

MONEY AND BUSINES8.The atock markei waa arouaed from

Iti atate <.f Inactrvity duiing the week.On Thursday lt came forth wlth a

vlgoroug advanne, and the aeaaloncloaed wlth a general galn in thebroadeai markei for aeveral weeka.The remarkable polnt about ihln move*ment waa nol thal it had occurredbul thal it bad been delayed whenall condltlona had been favorable, andal] i:.pi arentl] thal wai m ..- aifor some Induentlal Intereatg to be-gtn aggraailve buylng of good atockaTha vv,fk Jual ended has been ratheiunuaual iii newa of a character whlch

erally coruddered i fartor instorkmarket movenjenta" ihe report of tbeBtanley commlttee, the quartetiy ro-

poii of Bteel earnlnga varloua raii-i ad reporta Ihe government'a cottoncondltlon report and newa from allover thi' country of Induatrlal i rograaa

it mual not ba reaaoaed, aa thagalieni Iteena of aoted bettement areeneh week conflnnedi and Um apirit ofoptlmlam la aaphaahwd bj Um tradereeorda of eonunerelal agenetea andother gourcea "i InftarmaUon, Uudthere are not gputa where adverae con«dltlong prevaU. it lt howarer, thioverwelghi ot evldenca ln favor of pro»gn alvi buah it each week glvea

n Lanre baleaci to the credit alde of

Improveihent and gradually removes

[the poeaibUlty of aeddental atoppageOf tho trcnd toward proaperlty now ln

vldencc. In the bu-dness world searoc-

ly a .shaclow- has erossed the path of

improvement during tho w.-ek. Trudo.'Xp.'inslou has been wldeidng and tho

Induatrlal ffctM haa Increaard its

forcea Of production in an endeavor to

keep in ajght of detaanda, which hava

grown meaurarably. primariiy. the

commodlty crop reporta have atrength-ened ooofldence, Tbe dangar pedod;,, tbe Wcstern eereel productJon ln

ao nearly over that cajnildonoe growaaa . ich favorable day paaaaa, The cot-

l.,n crop. whlle not M encournglng.HCCOrdlng to government estlmnte. as

-xpocted, is la g dcl'iiuible posbtloa H regards yuantitatlvc yldd, andtbe flnal condltlon avcragc will be ln-

nuenoed by tho waather, which mayI- more favorablo from BOW on.

The steel and Iron triule, whlcb leadain Industrial Importance In tho UnltedBtatea, haa not only shown furtherdvancexaent m actJvtty and priccH,

but the forecastfi of class publieatlonsAllzlnjr in that brunch of tho

tradea, and tho uonaeBgng of reportsfrom the mlllB dlroct. ghow n future

|devekffagMBt beyond any fonner re-

i|iiirementH. and prloea are yet golngIhtgher. Bueb of tha reporta -«f greaa

nga "f i^lroada ;«s bave beenmade: puhlli for the ftrei three w< ekain July Hhow mi baorease of .''> l per

cenl greater than for tii" aame perlodin 1911 ond nrefaajretlooe now baingmade by tho ralbroada ladlcate a muchu-ger volume of trafflc during the

Ial" f.ill montha Of thls year. Ksti-matea i»y eloaa atudenta of equlpmentrequlreeaenta Indloate tbat a larger ug-

grtgata of ordera for rallroad aquip*meni aill have been plaoed tbta yearthan in any yeau alnce 19U7. ln aome

llnea of merehamdlalng tbere Is themldaummer qutet. Drygooda ordwra,

b comlng in during the u^."k, havenot been actlve, tbottfb tl.ere Is- "..

ported to bo a str.mger tencioncy ln

procaaa of formlng. la the boot andaboe Hnea Iraprovemeni la reported,notwithatandlng the incraaae in prleeamade by mnnufaeturcrs. The leathermarket haa been deddedly atrong, par-tlcularly In aole leather. Money move-menta bave ahown tii- country'a bual*neaa improvement; the wgek haa

brougbt newa from all parta of tbecountry of an Increaelng demand tnr tunda which haa abeorbedIdU caafa and caueed a allght harden- jIng Of ratea The |a al money aitua-tlon ¦uggeete a atiffentng <-f ratea, not

>n .!<.'¦' unt <-r actlvi demandbut rather ln preparatlon

I' the fordgn fleld there is an avar« ]

unt ntal coadltloaai on reporta <«f <t"is and moaey. I

Tbe barve l reporta In Auatrte aro not.i. citragiiig. iti it'is«ia aad Oermany]

t»,. erop newa la .x'-iient and In Iible. Money, whlle s-une-

v. Iiat iirin- r, la pll nt pill dfor mm< iral pur-

.,: i -, le from But tuatlngmot n. n ". l d ln the w< akly

there aeei to be no

outlook wh «! auggeei apprenea*-..,!, . ial dl iturbenoe.

v. .:. pained to aee ln Jodga gwann

.;¦.'. hoaa head lath ii rlme,

u e>e raalii not a taard party *t an.... fa< i. we -i.r. aaerel) tai.-


Mr. Rooaevelt aayi lt ia a n< - party,ii .' fr..m the <

practlral man be maj -o-m

Mr. FUni 11 lew.

He lmsi graaped the laur»tha Ial H< rhtontal Blir Mor-

encefor h knoa n lo t ime.... ¦¦)( i-i'i.

?¦-¦ ¦

r.iue makaa andent go<Bookei I P/l dilngtoti wis lmite-1 to

lunch ut tii" Whlte Houae, i>ut henot ba allowed I ba

pvelt third term conventlon.e

-, nor will klndly enter Inhhi dlary a memorandum that, tbough

aan, Mag at< Bar-i.,w |g g lo U frlend looklng for ra


DM Georga vV, Parklna make aa much,t . the Tennee.'oal and ir.>ti

gbaorptlon aa he bi apendtnt to ahoahla gratttudet Wd he loae ;is much

the Harveater trual aulta iw he

,h apei "ing to get revenge?e

it a.,!,,, p. ba a wondt r. arty,aoraetblng lik- it In the Boudan

when the afad Mullah appeared, hut thls1H tbe nrat ol it klnd lu th- ITnttcd:-l..t.- T' e N--W Y< ik VVorM.

Are we tO nndi ratan-i that th. BullMooae in "btg game" of Afrleaa orlgln?if ao, the greal buntlng trlp takee on a

ii.w signlficance.


A eurlooa aaaapatlon haa prung up in

gevi i!1 doctora havi raceived a

from n newlj fortaed agency,arhteh offera t«> find pattanta for them.

Tiie faea are rather hlgh. They rary from

rjotofJOO On reeetpt of tks fw thedoctoeip aaanred a llat of twenty eonaamptlvea,twenty splleptlca twenty people Hiirreringfrom eancer, and ao forth. Ha is then alllberty to "iiii and offer hla rvicea The

agency's clreulai deelarea thal the U ta«.f patlaata are eotnptled from abaolutelyrertnin Boureaa and that the money arlll

,. returned if there ar.- ni"-e than thr---

nriafakea In ";ieh llat. Thla la rather a

prtm provlso"i diiin't ehc waa left-handed

'.""ial ahe aeama to do averythlag wlth

u ui. i.'Haven'l you n"tlce,i tiie engage-

:;, -nt rlngf' Detroi! iYee Pi .

Th" R-'Ssti) coiiRrehS W8S In BSeOton on

tne houi porefc. Tha wetaen, in raeklngand other ea«y "hnlrh. bad <1Hcu^»ed tiiePiffst arrlvala. tiie flJBBlHy "f tlu- la^tni'.il Bad the <lre»aeH of tiie gb08Bri mi-m-

artM n ona Of the yotir.ger aatea iisked:"WbO was tiie man whom Mi. Mlank took

loui in hia automohii" yeatarday? Bani'ist I- i imebody, from the waj the oUman eatertalned him." Bagageaaa agaeel-i.i. Huttor for hla duuKliter, poMtiOBli,n-l taaa wlth the .,.stral«bt ttp" were

soiih ot the apinlnaia aalvaaeed, "Toa ar«

ali wreatg/' >-ald a uotnan, lookliiR upfioin bei i¦ :«. i) laee work. "Ha Ih the

bayar l" a department atore, and Mr.liiaiik aaaai theaa asjoda Talk about po*Uet grafl -theTe/a more af it in regular

bii?tnes8 and nobody over aska any quea-tlotiB." And the dfscusslon was Ottt short

by the appenrance or Mra. Plank, who

Jolned the rlrcle.

"If our enemy smlto Uf on one rheok.what ahOOld we dof ;>sked the Sunda>aohool teaoher. ,,

"That depends on how b!g he ve. nr

plkd Willk Wlea.Fhtledelphta Rocord.

Tlie nsnertion of Dr. Qulvc, before theBanitary Instltut,? Congreeg in I/mdon,that no progr,»ss had been made in nev-

Bral humlml >varn toward "advancinEthe efloaoy of veeeelg for waahing thehumaa brxty," and that miiltary _KMCame tlrst and radnx men Baooad among

tb<no who batlu- daily, was apoken Of aa

mlsleadlng by a maater plumber In a

Krouj, when the auBdect waa nadar dis-eueslon. Th, hli a tbat bathn otna ofthe type ia vogne threa hundred yearaago may ba popular la Kagtand I eaanetdlaputa," hc said, "becauao I have BOVerbeen there, but lf the learned doctor willcoine bere we will show him, in thehomea of the poor, arraaanmeatg for.waahing the luinian budy' whlch wouldhave been luxnrious for klnga a centuryogo. And as to there belng no greatd.mar..! for bathrooms, any real eatatebrekar can tell tho doctor thAt the quos-tlon. 'ttOW ntun> bau.roonia." Is amongtho first asked by people ln thia eountryWhen thay coinetnpiaie buylng or tent-

ing a home."

Flrat Waafc-end Gueat-WoulJ you aakoeteae '¦> l< rid ua n moior?

Bacond Week-end Guaet.«jood heavena,ri"! u aa ao.n tiniilt ot u»K:ng n«r for a

of strtn« -l_fe.

Among thn souvenlra of a trlp aroundthe world lioutfht back by a womanahoaa t<>'ir -ame to an end in Chicago a]f"W <lu; i uh'i Is an Ameriran B-g wi.lehthe touriat purehaaad in indin. "I saw

lt," kIk- aald, "ln a render'a etock andboughl it to Bhow that o'ir Bag is not.

ame averywhera" The aouvanlr im

Bllk and hand made. lt haa elght n

and aeven whlte atrlpes and on tbe Muegeid are thlrteen atara and tbe Amerlcan Iahleld. "Tbe Btrangeat poit:t about thethlng Is thtH," the woman added, whenshe Hhowed the flasr, "the man from

i bought tho tiag Uialetad that .t

ys.ih corract in oompoattlon and that tb..;ipti*. on» whlch i rarrted In un enveiopeln my haridbag waa the flag aa lt uaedto be before the Clvtl War."

g|UI(>ua.glngletot ls pretty well off,lan't hel ,CrnlCtM fOt hnt he doe»n t Know lt.Blllteua.What <1<> y.'U mean?

¦. , M. - u-'.'n,,' to get iladelphla Record._A 8T0RY OF WAFTIME LABORS

"In M'moriam" to a Woman WhoServed in Tho»c Troutlous Times.

To the Edltor of Tha Trlbune.Btnoe ooting recently the nntK.'inre-1

menl la >our r.«;iilar oMtUary Hat Of th«

paaalng >.f Mlaa Bll n CoUlaa, of MewjTork, t have been looktog d.illy throughti,r<"« N< w Y'irii (ournala for the appaar-:ance of at b-ast a few linee from aoma

Ive or eloee frlend of en in mem*

ory of a woman who dooervea remem-;branee for a wMely benefleent ilf». andnot leaat for thal portJon of H whichcame apeclally under my obeervation,

araa manlfi d thi ughout th* Clvtlu,,, her devotloa t.. the eare primarllyof the rjnlon forcee and mddentally to

that of the Confederateg wh..m the fort-.une <>f *'ar had pln, *d aa pnsonera ln.inr hai

Mlai Colllna belonged to that class of Ihaltard from Mrth,

or, al leaat, were, untll reeant yeara,alwaya mu'-ii averaa to anythtogibllclty, at all . venta oui

thelr own Immedlate elrcla; and he was

by tiHtiir,' ao ratlrlng and In her metVpjt ..i tbat ,* i>- well t.e thal few,of her lone>ttme cootemporaneoua

uuld utate to wlthdraw n-r

from tb, aaeluolon bIm a*...- r.j.ultltuda ls aver la n '

good a_anplea ii oaly pour ancouragorlag .rur.'a. tha llgbl amanatlng fr an anotabla weU-doer ahould not permanent*ly, ln Bcrtpturnl pl

it waa eaa ..t my rarloua dutlee, as

11 a b tary, and ao aallary, ..f the <i B

ommlaaloo, durlng tha Ki.'.tti tlarly from tha

ommlaalon'i beadquartera ln wlth tho .¦ leading women of theprlncipal sltlei <>f th.' North and Weat onwi.f.i. long-contlnuad davotlbn. *¦ al andefBdeni > Ihe commta lon relled f.-r .,

and unfalllng aupply ..f the el«,.!. deUcaclea, medlcinea and otherappllanoi requtred i>> meet the

of thi nlon'a defendera ln Md,¦, Lgri. .I ail

'. nl of wa ramlaalon whi n b«.< t. II mi a lial k" al prl4 llagathnughl waa inlne ln havlng

pondenee ln ;- half of my ¦ u]al with what he eorrectly atyled

it. nf the women of the loj al al lea,he ns'iai termlnolog the

rnlonlata In thoae daya Hia Colllna waaan "i Iheae womenAn«i t<> thN day, ever "Iuca the t

tlon "f the CIvll War, ahe haa rarrted on,ln one ahapi or another, the pabttc el irltlea onfortunutely needful, underand preaent ....i>n..nitc an.i aodal oondlii.,iis, in :.n greal oaaamunltlea.The memory of the juat "makea foi

rlghtaouaBH a. j. hi .<n IR,Btonlngton, Conn., July 24, i?rj.


Commissiouer Gilbreath Sends Callfor Toilern on Banner Crop.

BdUor of The Ittbanasii. Korth Dakota has the larajael cropi

in the Htate a blatorjr, Over alght milhonaerea havo been aaeded to wboat alone,with oiher eropa in proportlon. Compe-1t.nt iieip ln oarlag i'..r thi* Immei>i. i,i is already aearca, and g.iod man eaaiiri.i work in North Dakota at ramunara*'\\»- wagag up to S_ i» p,-r dletu, wlthboarda from aow natll the anow BlaaHarvaat i» already baglanlng la theeouthern ti t of eoantlaa and wtil aoon',.^ general in over tii« Btate, the cropilielng of uniform axeellanoe in avery part.

W. C. GILBREATH,Statr Commlaatonar «.f Hfrleultura andl

I aharBh marck, v D-, Auk. 1. ifll


Mr. AUen Correctg Statement ThatShe Was Owned by an Ameiican Co.

Te Ihe Bditor af Tha Trlbaaasir: Under the eaptloa, "Dtvldtm the

l{.,ii. ." u ."*¦ i b'tter in vmir |aa«oi Angnet I raejardtnf th<» Tttaale iiisa:--

ter, in whleh he Mjra: uNocwlthatandlngtbat the Btaaaaae eattad under the DriUahfiaw. ehe reaUj baleaged M aa Amarleaaeompan) namaty, tbe Internattonal Her"cantllc Ma Ine Cbmpaay, fonaad it: thlacountry, and oantratllng 8va disarentiteamahlp llnei ralUna unaar tha Ameri-ui gag. UM Britlah Auk and the BHslH..

tiag. The aald ,otniati> l> trianaKed by a

bcard of Ana rleaa din > tor.-."Iu nply, 1 'ii'k b> atate that thla com-

t»any i» Amarleaa oaly la aawat it ki"t.-iiiy" a Britlah oenoam, linano.'i anir.ui'.il by Britlah iiallsta, who ar. m ..-

reaanted by J. P. Mafgan. u was formad

People and SNOTE8 FROM NEWPORT.(By Itlegraph to The Trihune. 1

Xewport, Aug. t..Socially the BUtnm'i

colony waa a huay place to-day. iMrs.Ooraaaaaa Vandcrbllt gave h dlnner atBaauaaaa for twenty-slx guesta. Mn>.Frencn Vanderbllt, Mrs. Williani K. Van-derbilt, Jr, Mrs. Joseph H.irriman andMrs. &tunley MoOoraeJeh were other dln¬ner hosfeaaes. Mrs Reglnald Xor-man gagl Mrs. Fugenc .S. Reynal were

luncheon entertatnera, and Mrs. Wllllntn.Storrs Wellfi gave B miudeal at ChetewodcMrs. Vanderbllt han announcod a muslca!for Tuesday evenlng at The Breakers.

(Jovernor and Mrs. Pothler, who are theWeek end guesta af Mr. and Mrs. MarsdenJ. Perry, were guesta of honor at a dln¬ner thl6 liTBBtlaT The orcheatra from theCaatno furnlahed mueic during dlnner anda Hlndoo magleian entertained the guestalater In tho evenlng.

Keglatcred at the Caslno to-day were

afaurfce Hoche, who has returned fromabroad to vlsit his mother; H. S. Alex-and-r, of New York, a guest of Milton 8.Barger; A. Kalpaschnikoff, of the RuaslanBmbaaay: R. T^e Martm, V. s. n.;Eugene liale, Jr., John Cllnton Oray. Jr.,and Lawrence llaughton, gajajsa of R. TWllson Lawrenee Breeae, Mlss E. Harrl.s.of Eaat Brldgewiter, a gueat of Mra. WX. Hughea: Jullun L. Peabody, of XewYork, a guest at the La Farge cottage,and Iflaa Flora Doyle, of Washington.Who Is vislMng her Kiso r, Mrs. A. If.Moreland.

.Mr. and Mra. Henry A. C. Taylor andH. R. Taylor atarted for Bar flarbor to-day on the Bteem yaeht Wanderer.

Mr. ar.d Mrs. Kgerton L. Winthrop, Jr.,have arrlved to spend a pnrt of the sea-

Bon wlth Mr. Wlnthrop's father.Bldney J Smith has returned to Kew

Tork.Francla Potter haa returned to Kawport

for the aummer.Ootf Club refrietera to-day contalned the

naunaa of Mrs. Bahnoat Tiffany and Mrafamsa r. D Lanler, guaata af Mra. Cor-nellus Vanderbllt; Willlam Thaw. MlasHerriet Thaw. Mtss E. K. Pargy. of Pltts-burgb: Wadawortn tafsrta, Buaanar Gerar-1nnd Butler Ame of Boateaa, auesta ofMrs. Btanley McCormlek; Aithur Joimson.Oommodore C. Ledyard Blalr and liis,guesta '.'!' eorick Potts Moora, H. M. Aiex-aader pnd T. x. MeCartaf, of New York.Oommodore Bialr snd hla gviesfH left herefor New Tork on th» Dlona thls evenlng

90UTHAMPTON 80CIETY.| By Telegrseli te The TrlB

Bouthampton. Long I«dard, Aug. 4 .

The annual Invltatlon toum.-tment of th*Bhlnnecock Hilla Oolf nub arffl l<e themaln dlvepdon tnr Soi.thampton Boetttyduring tl.e preaent week a niimi>*»r ofthe niembers of the summer colony herehave etnered ln the "eompetltlon, as wellan mo*t of the lrading golfera of thecountry.Mrs Oortr* Bafton French'a Lrother,

Mr. Oordon, ls beltig entertained by AlvlnW. Krech ov»r the week end. R. H.tioadley, who cnme down Frlday, re-1turned thta afternoon. Rufua L. Patter- |BOn, apenl the week end here, to be one

Of tiie ludjces of the hOfM ahow yester-day. Mra Alvln W. Krech gave g Jarge

laat evenlng at tha kfeadow Cl ihHis rmlnence i^ Olbhona, of

Balttmore, who uaually apenda hla vaca-ltlons in Boutbampton with the BevFrancla P, 0*Hara, la expected to arrlvihere al >Ut the rnlddle of the week Ifewin coma on from Brooklya, atoppin* at of the purlshea on Jyong Island"i, ;he routo,MNs Marlon Oaynor, Uaughi r of

Mayor Oaynor, waa one of the rtdera intbe iiunt-r elaaa at the Buffotk HuntClub'a horae ShOW yesterday. Mlaa iJay-nor Ik Btajring at the Irvtng for a few

.nd her Jumplng yes.t- rday onAylward'a Carter won much tevor.

Lida i. ilettnaan, Mi»» Adete .s.

Colgata, Mlaa Beatrlee Clafon, tha Mkeaaawinifred. Margaxet and BUaabeth Chta-koJm, Mlaa Jutta N Botsstae, Mlaa KtheiHarrlmaa, Mlaa Markd »enkiin. MlaaMadeiine H. Cook, Mfcaj Betty Ulisa. MlsaHeien Ivea, Mfcai Sarnh it. MenJee MlaaMlidred Poor, Mrs b Ogdee Chlaolra,.Mr.- Adrlan II. I^arkln, Mrs. KilzahethH. OrinneM and Mr«. Howard W. Beehe*-r.- among tha other women ezhlbttoraand r!d. rtt lateat aubeerfMng memher« te thaaaadoW «*l!il> are Mr« A. H. rpchrtn.\irs. Qeorge Barton Fvai ih, EfenrjOodfrey, u/llllam Roaa Procter, C. X. !N'orton vYhltman, mi-.< Kata Bchermer-..rn m \ -" .!.>. f - Mra Easl

Johnaon, Mlse s i{. Raa and A. O tiir-jdon Xoirle.

.n :><?. when ttock boomet ploft- ]cii'm tiiat w-.» had beeotne a n

credltor natlon and were gradually ae.

qulrtng the carrh Clemeat A. Orl eomin tmetieaa, was the tirst preatdeai of

ii. eomeeny, bui be aoon g;ive arey toj, B. Ismay, the Rnglaah siiin awner, arhoas h-id the ofaea ever atuee, and all the

i,iisiii.-ss meetings bave been held ln ;.on-

don. The <»niv ebanga of ewneiahlp rama

when the Bngtfcth eaidtatteta aoaght up.he Araertaan Lma, whloh la new in tho

comblnatten.Thera were doubfleaa many pernons who

lelleved at the tlme that Mr. Margau rep-

reeeatad American lntereat-s, hut tii re

tvere othera who felt wrtaln that saehwas not t ti . case. ln June. :w-.'l. "TheNaotleal Oaaatta oonduded a aununary

gbOUt the comt.lnut.M. wlth ihe

followrag gtaUBaaat!Thoai aeealng to bulld tm \meri--an

Hhlpplr;* ln the forelgn trad- snrel" lw.1 enough to carry wlt,.out havlng Mr.Moimt and his Britiah ahipplng. h.aHriti-h Bgreementa and his Brltlsh Int^r--ists saddled upcn tlielr backn and maoeio anl-ar »s a 1-ing the American Blup-Bing proMem. Hlalegiamo e op'taMonaare not dlscussed here for any piirp.-ao of

eritlclsm. but merely to make dear the [ract ha hl« ahlpplna m»rger la almo«t.

not ei.tlreiy. i Mri'ih «teroriae: rOdoubi orofltabls to lt« ownera but nnj-

ggj but helpful to Amsrlcen ahipplng |ii;, refta.Thlf Btotetnent from one of the tnost ln-

Kuenttal autharltlaa on shinping Intereata!u ,j.».-r been c mtradlcta

W. H. ALLBM.Brooklyn, Aurc. X MS.


AN INADVERTENCE CORRECTED.To the Rdltor of Tiie Trlt-une.t-ir: In B iBBBgraghKl liispatch from

waahington appearlng m year issne of

July M under the title of "WhrU ls BeOfAnyhewr refereaee la made to ma aa

u,e president of the Natamal Caaaumara11Laague. 1 have not that honor. If youWill kindly correct thta Matement 1 aliall

aeteeea it a uvor. The president of tholeagaa i« Mr. John Qraham Breeka afCambrMaa, Maaa AUCB i.akky.ChaJranaa Food Cotnaatttoe, National con-

aumerh' LaaguaMeUln Vlllaxe, U,ke: Winnlpeauukce,*


TO tiie Kditor of Thi' All h«mor to HM "KreiKh IluRue-

iiots" in the Baitttoga pageant <>f AugnafH ptjt Wera there ur.y 11ttn'i. it-«r MtOavain {feW Notherlaml or the Mlddl- Btateabefore the ravooatJon of the Balet of

IfantaefWhen will Xcw Yofkers knead lt into

ocial IncidentsThe Meadow Club la well fllled f^

Auguat. Mrs. W, Bloodgood knd part*will remaln untll Auguat 28, Mr udMrs. C. H. Keep untll Septerber 3, M^and Mlaa Motley unti) next tfattirdayIfra tValden PHi untll antuma and Mr!Cllnton an.i party untll Auguat _,

IN THE BERKSHIREg.[By Telofrraph to The Trlbuna.J

Lenoz, Aug. f.Mr. and Mra. CeorgtBaty BhUu gtva « Juncheon at itneNeedlea this afternoon.Mr. and Mrs. Willlam D. Sloane enter-

tained at duUMT to-iilght.Mr. ami .Mrs. EnaTene geethaek, of Xew

York, have arrived at the Hotel Aspia-waii, to pass the ramaladar af the s^aaon.Mr. and Mrs. Montfomery Btalr. tha

lOaaaa Blair and MonUomery Blalr. Jr.,Of P7aahlngton, on the way to Narrasan-aett I'b-r. arrived to-day in PlttafleM.Mra. WllUam E. Sllverthorne U enter-

talnlng hor moth>T, Mrs. F. T Mattooka.and her aunt, Mrs. Harold Clemena, ofNew York.Anson Pheipa Stokes, Jr., la exi>ected

at his country plate. on Lake Mahk.-.aao,shortly from Europe. Mra. Stokes andthrtr ehlldren will remaln ln Kurope agZBepteinber.Oeorga r. Hajrt is a gueat of Mr. and

Mrv Samuei Frothlngham.E>r. and Mrs. Henry P. Jaquea have Mr.

nnd Mrs. Prank M. Warc and RobertWara as their gu»sts at Heme Farm.Mrs. Harvcy Spencer and Mlsa*

Spencer. of New York, are visltinK Mra¦dward Spencer at Shlpton Court.MtM TiOUl^e Munroe and Mlas Dorothy

ICeNulty, of New York, are guests ofMlsa Adele Kneeland at Falrlawn.A woman'a golf tournament will 0pea

to-morrow at tho Wyentenuck llnka, lnGrtat Barrington, for a cup offered byKoy Curtls, oi New York.J Sanford Barnes, of New York, ii

vlsltir.K hia mother, Mra. John t Barne*at Coldbrook.Mr. and Mra. Frederlck 8. DelaitMd and

famlly, who have been at Nantucket, wtureturn to Uttle Farm on Tuesday.

M'.s.i Anna Blake Shaw g&ve a dlnnwnt the Homeatead laat night for Mr. andMrs. Crant Walker.Mis. T. B. M. Terhune ls ente'-talnlag

her mother, Mra. Wlluam O. Wllaon, ofNew York.The Hon. and Mra. Wl'.llam Ber^aford,

of London, have arrived at the CuruaHotel. .Mr. Beresford Is a brother ofbord Dectee, Th*y have been In Provl-denca an.i are on the way to the WhltaMountaina over tha Ideal Motor Tour.Mr. and Mrs Detld I.ydlg have re.

turned te Thlstledown from the'- yacht-ing trlp with F. A. Schermei horn.Mr. and Mrs. P«rr, who are gueata

Of Mr. and Mrs. Roaa W. 'Vhlstler atHillslde. will slart In a few daya for( ar.ada by automoblle.i'hlllp Curtla, of New York, !a a gueat

Of Mr. and Mrs. Harrla Fahr.eatock atBaatover.Joeepfa VV. Bunlon haa been a gueat of

bis mother at 1'nderledae.Mrs. W 'Jay^r Dominlck. Mlaa A Dotn-

inick and F H. Slmmons. of New York,are at the Hotel Aspinwal!

an Btertlng haa Jolned Mra gter-lin*. who ia at the Hotel Aaptnwall fortii< aaa. n.

Mr. and Mra WlUtam Rloh, Wllllam LRi.h, Jr. Wllllam J Hoeford, Mr. andMrs. Henry g_ Bntler, H. F. Payae andMurieJ p. Payne, Of N>»w Tork, are at th«Maplewood, Plttstieid.New ferkera arrlvtng at the Curtia

Hotel Include Mr and Mrs. B. E. Wrlgat,Mr. and Mrs. F. C. OaCarh it, 11. liBrown, '"nptaln A. B Aaderaoa Mr andMrs Q. WUaon and Alexander P.ltohie.Rlehard WellitiK an.i Mlaa Katberlaa

ilr.-.-n \V>'!iinK. of Now York. who aremotoriim' ln the Berkshlres, are at theCtirtis Hotel.At ;h. Hotel Aspinwal! are Mr ai.d

Mrs. Harry Halfo. HlM Helen davnor,Mi's Orace O'Brfea, T. \v. Baiiv. Mr.and Mre. H. Lincoln St_dl.*r. Mr ggjMra Jacob Halated, J. & Haleted, Jo«"II Bubler aiVJ Hounea V. DennU, of wYork: Mr. and Mr.s C. I* Qlrernaud, of

! Baroa M. He Moraaky, of nt.Petci ibura

\f Heatea Hall on Saturday in thedaala of the mlaed donalag for th#« HeateaHau tannla cup ur. QoMehero ar.d Mis^Blanchatta Jullea beat c. 8. LEngei andMlaa Kdlth Burtta <.4, 7.5, «{_i.Mr andl Mrs Alraon W. Barnea. Mhi

Margaral Barnea Mra. B^-ntl'v UBtevenaun, Mr and Mr^. F. C, Plnkham.Of Brooklyn. and Mr and Mrs. F. W.Oaea, "f Motint Vernon, are at HeatonHall.

th-ir conactouaneaa that the firat tn;a,aettlera, homamakera, mtsu with won nand ehlldren, in tha four Middle 8ta. -swere not Dutch or from Franee. but W.iloona, or PYench speakin* BoaHharn Nethertaadara, who. uj i;*7 f.nd i_ter, wererJrlvan from their homos by the Spanlurdsfor consclonce sake?When win New York Clty men rear

amld th<- toreat of atatuea of forelunersa repraaantatlon of the tru« founder ofAmaiioa'a graataat my.Jeaee do Foreat.anoeauw of Um thouaande of Americagaof that name. who, in Leyden, Hollana.ev^ri befon tha PUgrlm Fathera, enroUedamUrranta for Amartea, and in the go.-.sb1!' Now Natharland arrived to planthis fatnlliea ln Now V.,rk fn tsj;i0

WILLEAM ELLIOT ORIFFIS[thaca, n. y., aug. i, iw_


Attendance in the Last Mont!i AboutHundred Thousand.

According te pottea estlmates, one hundred thousand p,-raotia haveattended thr eonoaetg <m the Mail |gCentral Park In tlie laat tnot th. TheSutuiay eeacerta baaa an nveraga attaai*ance of ten thoagend <>r mor.- inJ th"tive ni^fht ooaeerta aearaga a>n>ut «utkeuaaad or oltrht tbouaand.Oa Batardaya th->re are tWO ronctrt*.

one ln IhC gftemeoa and on,' ln theeven-uiK l*a mnslc lovpra earry the'.rluneheon wlth them and remaln ln the

park after tbe afternoon concert to fffaaata for tha evarrtna;.Park ComaUaaMaar Bteeer aald yester¬

day thia is tha graataat year in the Mecoryof th clty for park musb There will beBBfea concerts a w«Hk ga the Mail untllAujfi'st 31.The programmes now belng Issued by

the Park Dapartmeat are fdit"<i by tho

Park CO-Unteatoner and itr* aometltnesdUtribOtad ln UM fatm of twelve-pagofOlda In the last one rommlaatonerHtover toll about some of the work beln*

done by his department. and Arthur Kar-

.voll. supervlsor of muslc, explaina the

mnatcal numbers on the different l?:o-



ROOM, Aug. 4 .Tto> local newapaperrt

^ay that UM Pope will receive a legacyof t,'H'0,000 marks (1238,000) from tbe

.stai" >f Cardtaal Anthony HuberlPlacbar, jf ("oiogno.