New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1874-10-08 [p 10]. · a-fplt for the week thai far it 'Jim krui...

IM»»» «fare fa» the tot StaW '.»a»b». oat tke trraae» r"«* 'e' V* ntl,, J. V TlwwW« t»W lHJtwt »K»ep, 100 ra »v.iatjt». «l»V ». J R PMeeek »ld 103 Obi* 40 » »»»ratre at V ty roi 110 «V IM» Ib. «I 0V- ; 104 4o .ÜO Ih. al ; IM Ohie theep, 84 I». at V«V 27é 4«.. 04 ft. «I Hbj 373 do WS, ». al 5 V* *-l_l*_V«l M «f.; 15- da 8.3 ft. at A-at, «at! 100 4», 108 ft. al «MJ 40 «J» Hil- l baa. Kaka «aid DOO Keilaek» «keep. 00 ft iterate, tt i»V 4f ft; *a«167lle-iaek., 00 ft, »17«. .. _, __ JP. «. -tee « Maa »oki 44 Mut* »beer, 94 »»erare at 5 St- 4> ft 7. Jenter do »«atti at ti «c 27 ti» UM» ft, at Ociad 33 »tala leah«, 00 «i lb n 7 Sti¬ ll aa.» à RiHett .«Id 440 «tate lettbe, 00.(70 ft. at Kag«*» «/ft; 17 do f.M ft. at 7-.r an.) 43 State ebtep 95 ft, at 6c ft. MeOn-a. aeM 78 Mata laab» til ft «Tertf«, ti ne., mi .01 do., VI ft alOV ). lit*- aald 7M Mat« tamba. 71 ft aterí«*, ti M -je. f ft. aad 78 «V.OiVft.atStaa. jrlM*> « (V toM 42 St«** laab». 08 ft art-ire *H-V. *o.i 9'» «tt .»» al 7 V. J-4d « Borumba« **M .#,7 Obi« the*». M2 ft atrrate »t 5 Sk ft, 17M 4... 8.1«« lb. al ft tai. 3t7 iln. HP»*, ft. it Oïl hi »4 «*» 100 MS 1 M4 do »iftlb at tW. H ;.'.' His lataot. ft, ti 6V-, tad Tt «tv. f>9 ft. at 7r. ttwiit«. Amtata »ti- «IS e*n. or ft 03" bora. 3% cart it Fortieth. t». iad 12 ear« at Itraaa Citj Thedeatad wai liett aad trade doll it Hta*8V «P ft f«tdt>a»»4 bor», lad OrfC-V. tor live. Malet »Ure laclad» 1.14 e.._r_.«a triit fed In.titut bog« 178 IS «tn-ii-r, it Or 4/ ». aa« 29 beat» Stett kort, 310 ft it $6 0.0 0> 100 ft, both kau by r*. UreL Brrtita» O«» 7 -Catti«- Reeelplf to dir 1,105 held makin* the »-lal mmti tar the »reek rho« tar 8.432 bead, or V»< ran, arain»t 087 tara far tt*e aaae «law la«t week. Marke! llt-lt ; food feelinr aiataibn« at tlrtr.« »eaterdir'i pneea for toodla common-, i-rerior It-tt.l.» . ii«, »boat '. (VM) he«.: diimaed of; illet of 700 ladina alura, narrar ti"0** -.34 to 1.30j ft. at «M .17 S.*?*-:'. 50. (MM) Ulm.,n «teer», nar n_ frata 1.118 to 1 31.7 ft. at 05 .0*3 2ft Oin) Ohio »leer* »»aita, fro«* 1.143 to 1,372 ft, at 04 M7«a-«Vi 12Si: 4INI Texaa «tear*, rta-pif 'rou. M4H to 1.013 ft. at $ _Oi/f t M7 Si. 200 M..-1, («aa Heeet norie« from 805 xo 1.042 ft. at 03 «On if-1 25 KM) Mit aaart ttt*.| rtnrto» from 1 053 to l.lftSft. at 04 50«04 00. Miiaav »«iii l.aaHt-Ree. ipta to tia» 5 (Mill bead, mik di tb« latal a-fplt for the week thai far it 'Jim krui aruaet 14 (MM) bead for tbt «Maa« lise tatt week Market artie« for rood autek, »alea of Canada aViaft« »I 06 .Ja«Mi 87 Si. «tth» loll t(lli«| up to 07: Du 'a aaa.1 «V»«tera Mheep, 04 25-05 26: 4.SOO ('»nala Ltmhi, Marlu« «ram 73 to 1)0 ft it tt. .'.'..<*" 2,800 Waitera tad Caaadi t-berp it O-i Ml «-05. H<*..t-Kee»ii.ti ttvdaj. '.' MM» head wuk if (be total ««pplr for the «eeeh Ibu» far 10.100 head aia-i.*! -.'1.3(1'» head l.r the anne time liât «»eel Manet tea»e rood leeliat prttnliar, lorkrr». tfft ¡VOtlOti; «Wa»; «tar* *" bit atti :>. IHK 8TATK Or TRADE. Il'RUPl IN MARKRT-. -«Mix»«.Ort 7.12 30p ¦.Coaiolifor moaey. 92Si*02«,: for .«ft« att-aaat. 02**4. 1'ailrd Mt«ie* Kiee-Tweatr baa ta. 1807», 109'4. ¦bie Oe-Iwar aharei. 32; do. Preerrt-. 5.1; .New-York IVntral. 99. liitaari.m Oil 7.12:30 r>. a..C.than Ira: Middini« (pundi. KaMSal M ..(tin.« Orleiai. M VI aalet '.'0.000 Inlet ineladia« 4.0(M> fcr taeewlatioa tad nit.ii. tatton to arrie«. 1 Kid. cheaper hale» 00 the ban» of MKtdliar I'pliml». nulli 1.« belaw Unod Ordiaerr, ekipped t*ri«b«r iad NoTemlter. at 7,,l.i do. do., «hinped Noteaber aod Ile arab«-, al 7 Ki 1 fid tale« oa tbt banu of Middling Orleant. aothisg Via» Oootl Ordisirr »hipprd Ortaber ltd NoTtaber. at M Vi. inartr. Ort. 7. Prirultaa. 25Sil 'or Pine Halt Amencia. LeWDee. Oct. 7.2 p. ¦..Kne Rail«»» »barei 32 »4. itaarooi (let. 7.I p. a.. Brenlntufm are M lora. 36 Oper «¦«arter Beef 90 per Here« for New Mci«. Pork. 77 6 per cwt. Lo-Boa. OeL 7-2:30 |. »-It* Ha.nar »bare», 32-..I2'«. Pari« «wpatekea «j-aote fUrate. at OOJ-M« -..¦do«, im. 7- H 30 p. aa«-('on«ol«ftr anoer. 02«,<í92«4 for «kraernaat 9.'7«_93. Kne Railwaj aharea. 31\tt32. Pam dia- »atrbe« qaote Ki ¦. te« it OK '.'De. I.itaai-vni Ort. 7.3 30 p. a..Of the Cottoa «le» to-dii 1C.CO0 bile* arre Amerina. Low 00a. Oct. 7.I tl»p a.The amount >f balll«a «one 11 to the .«al of Ka«laod on halinor tt. tit.» £255.000. l.r.e Railwar ihirea. 01 Si«.l I »a I'ari» ditpitrbe» qu..te Heattt it OK 30c. «»ma»«»«.*! liri. 7..!.". M. K.te twent» bondi IMO'.'i. »7«»> l.i««_r....t 1«: l-l m p a..Colton niel na the bim of Mil «ha« t'pliidi h io c.» Lew Midtlliafi, ibipped Ottobtr aad «So- aemWt at 7 15 HU I »ki hl t ». t 7.5:30 p. m L»nl 64 4j> ewt. lat.MMiw. (let. 7.5 .(Op. a..K««»ed Pelro.eum. OSj-fl»»!. «li. -ttitiKit. 0.1 7-K.ttiiB» -SmrmOil. £)0!a£l05 (on. ( «¦ tNiu»¡.ii.¡r<<i. ii.... h .'iitifi.... DOMKSTIC klAHKI'IS Ai«a«i 1. Ort. 7 .Wheat in fair mqair.i. ai^ei 2 rirt So. 1 Wh.le .tiri ..-a* li *1 :>'.. Hie o,u.el in «Unit »I Corn da1) lad eaairr «tatt oil! met 2 ear» No. 2 Murd VV ratera at lille. Birle» qaiit tari aa-ien aalea 1 ear No. J b.i rowed Sut« al ti '."-» 1 cardo, do., it O' ->'-«. Malt »trad». «AuriaoRB. Ort. 7.Cotton timer. Low Middling!, 14S»r. Flour la «ial IMB..11] mil Urn. Howird irt »uti Writrra '.Tia fj-t 7(i: do. Paailr, «5 75-ftj 75: lily Milli. Maperttie. «4 2/icr 50 CO titra, it 7. Mt M do Rio Uritiil». tC 75. do. Kiani. #1, ..'.n*> .5. Wheal VVeatrra dall Soathern ariire indliin. Mo. 1 He«! aad Auber Willera. «1 .3. No. 2 do «1 20Si. No. 3 do. SI 1, «*1 i*»- Wh.le VVesleri. $1 20d$l .8; Krjtwted. «1 12« 1 13. Red Martuod fl 10«*. 30. Auber t). Î1 3'.'d>41 35 Whit» tío. f 1 13*0130, t.iutrn. White Sontbern. 01 03<f«l (lo .«How «f.. »1 ".''.ti VSl Wettern Mutti it 95r. Oatt «Mat. Moiiih'tn. 05atilir Weilern Mund. 01«(>3c White Weil- «n ^4«rl:'.c. Ure qaiet tt fla$l 05. Hi» anebaared. 1'ron.ioni aaatt and uairt Pork tis« ti»i,_. <l Bolt Meat« anebaared. Bacon. ft«««W11 '.i\'i 1(». C ear HI. »me« )4 «« 1 jr. S-tir rortd Hann. 14-1.'.S*- Lard aoainal. W.itrra Batter ,tim at 35-38e. tor ».botte. Petraleaalra at 6 V lol ( Wbitky «old at 01 DOS» «01 IO aeiree. Bl »»»t.. Del. iad Ri'l laporti for tbt ltat 24 boara. k-lMi. 12.250 bhU. ; Wbett. 144.100 boah., ('..ra. 34,7HM both. Oft». 20.OKI lu*b., Hallet, ft 500 huah. («Bal Sl.ipmtiit«-VV'bril 19 DOO both ora, '.'4.8iVn l.ntb., (»ali 20.4OO both. kiporU .Wheal. 19 DOO baali. t-.ra. 24.M«» butt.. t»»t» 29.400 I.tub ('.Bil Piaithu.inll; Wheel 9e. Con,. He, Oil» .'.'»r. Hoar quiet »ealtrB Mprlot $5 75_¦?(;, baker» $0 75«st7. Aml*r. OO^*«! 25. Wkit». K3 ..I»«$7 -0. Wbeit doii tad lower, tait.. l.ftOO both, «'«, No. 3 Minni it 01(13; 1 (¡00 bub. S«. 2 Milwioker Mi ' it «1 04 1.750 bath, vvhut Mirbiran tt 01 2ft. Cora » ¦li. t. HI», luit!.. Wa. 2 VVrtteru 1: MrlKr. (lau, a »hide lower; .alta I'.OlHi l.u.l. N.. 3 Wi fr ru it 57.. Ktr coron t'lt !)<>e. Btrlet ¦tlilteadj. (inadi .1 00.$1 75, Wntera. (k1 Mi-»1 00. Other artitlet »nrluit-id. t «HAt.0, Oct. 7 .Flour qniet and «Lthtnged. Wleit letite tod kltker No. 1 Ppno«. 9bc.; No. '.' do. 92V-. «*.- or Ortober. nit. NoTtaber. No. 3 do. HSc Rt/ried 82«M-.'V C,,i_ it-iflr. Mo. '.Muta!. 79 -.1.79V- etah or Oetober; 75'4C Noreabei, 72». ml <¦! »»lier »li the)etr, Hieb Murd. TO-fed-Obl R.jrcted. 78-je. Mew Kbeiled. flftufifie.. _ir. OOe. OiU itetdy No. 2 it 49 V '».b .1 Oetob-r. 4*«'4e Notembrr . Rejected. .l«'*lt'>Ste. Rre Held»; No. «I al M4« Si V Btrler opeaed Brm tot rloard doll. No. 2 Mi.nnf, . 1 i>t,«*: OM arcorditf to locatu.o.fl ft. Ortober, No. 3 Mnnn«. 01c. Poikdall and aroopio« at .21 50, cash. $17 7'.«*»-17 Mil aelltr ill tke «eir. Laut »l.a.lj at ¡l'y., raab; 11 S.-T. teller ill the «tar. Bulk Mrau noll ai.,1 «oin.Lil Wt nkv nominal at 01 03. Ft. .««U.To Búfalo l'.ill'ir Oa opea Hoard thia afternoon V\ brat «lt.»««l »iici 1 »! '»'."vflii-V- r»»b .ml Oetober. Cairn, "!»'¦«*¦., rath aadOftotirr. Old. 49V- «at*« *"d Ortobrr. R*r«ipi»-0.lM»0 bbla. Ftaar 30'.'000 bath. Wnrtt. 8!..000 hmh. fera. 55.000 buib. Data. 2.000 bath. Rre. 18.000 bath. Birler. Rh:pmenlt-4.(H)0 ? I*ia. Floor. 1M4JMKI' bsth. Wbeit, 101.(MM) bn«b. Cora, 42,000 «uah. Obi» 13.000 haah. Barler. CiacMMATi. Oel. 7. -Hoar dn'l and «nrbaB««:. Wheat doll and «.anal Cora qn r: aad ttrik at M3a85c. Oat» dull and declining al 63«r.T'. Hit quel and Bnchanreti. Barre» unthan/rrd Butter ateadr. Pork nominal. I aro ttridt. Summer lOtac Bnlk Mrita TIM Mbouloer», 7s408c. 1 t leir Rib Sidei. l.i'^a ¡4'\ Cleir in.« 4al4'4i. BieoB qoiet: Mhoaldere. M^fl'.ir Clear Uit. Midet. 15, I' Mule» 11 St VVbi'ki tall I, it 1 éari-M of Ir. wira »t 01 02 I iitiiiM' Oct. 7..'Wheat quiet and onr N... 1 R«-tl 01 1) No i to.. $1 05; No. ), $1. lora iteadj iad unrhinrrd; Oki llifn Mutai abrlleJ *-lr ilo. Low, Mir. do. Kin, on irirk TO« Oitiinarr. So 1 Sute Vi "a 2 du 51r.. White. 04r. Iel ..leu- qaiet anil anibante!. latlltliatW Oct. 7. Kloer omet ml onhinrtd it *.'lr>*fi 25 Wk'lt qo.rt in I Birbaaeed it 95c «*) IO OaH in the ear. Ne«, ¡Ah. (>;,). 7M-MOr.. li e'erator. Oatt, ;>0-.>!c.,in elevator. Kit XnH. Birle» $1 OftcOl 07. Ü01-MT, Oct. 7 Noteaiton of tht Botrd of Trade to-iUr. LniiM iii.O'-t. 7..K.our iml Wheat nm biufid. Coru iad .arhanre. at m3«m5c Oitt quiet tad i,ir .w.l it (..",« To.. Kit aru.rt and onrh»n»etl at *1. Pork aha nal Hacon doll and lover rLnaitlert. 9 V I tear Rib vdea. 10t.1 Heir Mi.lri. 10«__ lfinii «al aad derlia.n«; burn -uird. l8*.I Plain, i.ou 1.1I. Balk Meit» «al Kbaaider». SV.: Rit. s .If« M... no Clear Midet here. l_rd. li*««. Wbnk« eat.iT al ii 03. B««. lit lower; Tt« ft.a* Ktt.tiKki Hemp. 13cl.¡ ... Flat and Jute, irtording to «eight .4-14-ar. MiLWAi'KE« Ot. 7 r'loiir 'iniet in« n-cl anted. Vt-eti Crmino Meint No a.9-1'..... N.. 2 11 !'.:'.-.. uh 927n-.. Ortober. Oil* low, r. «ht dtaan.l. No. 2. 49«.i-. ton. Îuitt »Bd lowe,; No. 2 Murd It MO«.*. Rre nntettled; No. 1 It 7«MMt. Bir'e» îoiettlt- and lower, So. '.' Sprint-, «1 OOl.aOl l>'.>\ t-atb. C1 10'4«$1 11. October; No. 3 Stirtn«, tile Preiibtt-Wben t< 4 Sr- Ot«'Äo, *V. Rrreipu. 4.200 kbit, i'loor «1 iMMJbutu. VVbeit- bb bintot*.) 400 tt-la. Flour. 157.0«JO baib. Wheat «¦«ra«. Ort. 7..Fioar .'1. an Bonuil. Corn doll aid lower; St*,In, 91 "95c. On» uull an 1 rlrt'iniur it 64«, Lin) quiet bot Ora »I 15\ _. 16-_". Bl' on.Shnnldan »nd Cleir Rib Siilet | doll tod lowtr, Mhouliftr«, i»c (len Rib bide», 14'«t-. Cieir Siuet ataree and Ona tt l.vy. IMiaiatio Oct. 7..Flour ne hinted nie« . 000 bblt. Wbeit qolrt tal.« 1 200.lm»li. lim VV'l.... Miclitln it .1 30: No. 1 Milwiukie (lut held it 01 l8 No. I do.. 41 10. Corn «oiet it Oie, Btrler in good «tatnd tbd the mirket »dranred »ile» o 25.000 boab Prime »nada it fl III .. the ¡nae I'll 1, .her. Cora Meal, $39 for . lied- */.'l>< t..r l'nbo:K.k> ton. Mill 1. ed nnehiL^ed Mhorti 023; N..pitaOi. »20; MidJlinf. ¿.'¡2 f :. CaLal IreuLla.W beat, HtCl 4*ra C'»r Bir'er. 5\r lu Mt»Te«.I Btrln. 5c. to Alban» ; Lum ker 03 75 lo tor llutltou $H 50 to New York. Like Rereli'ta. * 000 boah. Bli ti 7M8.0OO fe«; Lomaer. Canil Sbipmtuti-39,200 beth Oat«)«*. 0,000 bath. Mt« 5M!» (MM) teet Lumber. I-UM hua. Uri. 7 .Vurrnln.n Birk.No. 1 lower .( 035. 4 *»tr Meetl .Neu VVrttni. IO V. Tnnoth.- irti»t ind Inn it l8 70 _«.. Fiaiaeed, *2 05. 1 ,oni do)', heit grauei held irinlv Muptririe 0-( 28'aiJ 75; Burn fl«»V5-, North-Weil Kimür Ei'tn. $5 754 07 Mtita, liMlittt«. and Oblo Cv 7"-.-*¦«i hich «mrlei $7 75. »> ;.ii Wbi-tl In im-.incrd fleirtrl. Red *1 2] «*1 2:i: Amber 01 23-01 27 Hhit«.*l 30. .1 .14 R.e held it $1 Olia.l Ox 4 ero «elk. ltllow tad Mned Wettern, OL Oitt offered free!» it 41S.«(!U. ...r Watta I .'.'..«»«le. for Viird. Pmrihioni iteidr; Mes« l'««k. «24-0.4 25: Beef llama. 22«2lir. r-moked Hilo». 14^./ 15 Sr- Mmt.k'U Sidr« 14 '««I..'4 sa,.ard M,.,i Mrra 1(1 »¡j. ltl'.v f.. kel Htiii«. ila 13 Si«-. P.. k ed Mide«. I3«4*14t«e.i Saltad aiH.u der», '.i««10<*. Ltrd cull it M'i.làc. Petroieati airad» it 1'.".«« 12V- for Keknel Crude held at 9>ftc. la IA1. 5<w ia hut. tv titi» q.:i«t at ti 07. Batter trm at 35<»3Mc. fi.rl'h.iict u, Pri.» Ne« l.irk »Ute «i.l Bradford i'ouatt «1.,,. 41t« 12. Weetara l-ria« .;.','/..-»« «lo 1'nr to (.<>ol. Jin _*>.. Choice Welter« Roll« :.Ji' .sr. ( beete Brm New-Votk Mut- KiLi' K> .l61 .0 Primt 1 1 ¦*. d 1.', V W'rtteiB Prime, 14.« lf.r ««».M»r«et kttei frrtb iu deiuind (ititr. New-Jertt/r, lud lltliwire. 2sr IVriuru i.ilt» 37- (iooil «0. 25« .0. MT Lo; it. Ort. 7.Flour dall aad ouchin«ed MoperflLe Winter »3 75-04 Kiln do ii«.I ... MoStM Km» ta, !V4 25«r>l 75, t'i bUHtH VV ¡.tit ilu.i in«: unititled No. 2 Ile) »V.m* 1 01 14-*««1 15; No. .Ino., «ft 02S.U+1 03. (oro trm tntt »tenh Me 2 Mned. Mile, io halt M. Vost» te MM« ta», m elititor. ti«-,» 2ii«l and a.rhacred No. Oat 52c. io Lui St. Loui» on trick. Bo- t «|U «t tad nuch.tged. Uti-»tra. t an lu fair 'ti ukiml, Re 2 at Bl«92e. P.r» dull «t 032 25*022 Mt Hu k Me.ta .lu.I i-i.l non, leal. Baetin tioiel an I ocrburr«] Lird lavett Bul. L. * Mttitaer IO*«- 0104. I ire bo«i ilui' and low. r Mocker». t.i«*.i ~r, .urfcen .1 .".ii./rfl 75. Rae** 0--06 7.. Bateker, >Í5 2..«+.'. 73 « lb ai ti 11.1 «eew-tee«. It- 6.000 Mila > lour l-l U(M» bo.t Ml, II. .'.(MM) but lou. lu Mid kath Oitt 9.1 »d bu-b. B.rlr>. '. M*0b«B-, Mje, M.UUU IL... ¦Btiiti-4 I««» utli W In ti 1 dun aa-k, I »re IiiLBIhi Ort. 7.Hour » WI eil Inn ind »tridt: No. 2 TTI nWiMil. $1 IT4 No. 3 di. «el 11. Na 1 WMt M fl 14. No. 2 d.. 01 «'s Kura do 01 '«Si Am'*: ." 01 07-ar No I ltr.1.01 11. -Nu 2 Red »1 00*a> Ma 1 Au.'.ri.h aeie.OI lOHp Ra. . io +1 '1. tom fttott 11^. »liri. M4r. «4a. Mt», No-ember. (¡7r do New, l'in-.lier. lh>. I., it Mi. l-3r. do. New. O. hl.i 71« VI I «on. KM. Oatt Brui and In fur « No 2*1 01***l Mirh.,«n. .2. Whir .,.',. l.,,.,,t,_ 34.00(1 both. Wbeit 0,000 batt Catt l' bash. Otu Mia Birt ti. 52 1««» buib VVb'ti 2 Odd buttOtu. Vtimim,, ». M. t. 11c 7.-M|,iriu Tuiiieat ne quiet mt arm »1 1. Ro»:a quin aa«i »te»d» it a. f.,r ^irimttl I iu'« Turneo- tilt rut», »1 ,1 nu I., lUtd. |r. OUfor Itlh.s tip »uJ »ii_i_. i»r WOOL MARKE!. BotToa.Ort T.-Tbt market he Waa! coutmur, a 1 .., ,.,,..,. *»' Ike nrmaud ti oult to arpt the want» of mauuf«. Iur»rs who lu «lit preaeat aarrrtalo »tatr ol the «.»k1» ailkri pur. luae ». aiodenttlt posible. Al the »nae tri.e lhere li no prrnare t«. aell .Irfirih.r Otic« er palled, and -olden ipueir to lure eonitdrrahlr coaCdenr« in the fatare ot the iturttt. M e utioii ta r. .f ,i|,,. aod Prorntlranie X ead XX at 6-./55e «r- narfr aolwoull l.r ti It good n.oditioo W lacouiin «ad M riman leeeee, JU17...V for «ood aad tb«ie« lot», aod We»trrn .«ecta. 45tf50r.; loabin«' ami Or aiae tele, tioai ire rr»l Ir .ought iftrr md roaiani.1 fall |» at kt.aej.'e. alto qaiiil». Failed Wool »rare* tud «ra, ia In at 40.55c h toajulitr. "UUMrl-, Ot 7. .Wool Ira; Ohio. Peoat-lrsnii. ti.H Writ V ui» lioul.l« lura aad » ,oir G',«,t>, Kura. 54«55r- M-.IU.. 0OVO7-M Coarit 50c. New-Tor« Mickit;iu. ladiaaa arid ?<*_*¦ Flae, 4««51i Mrdium 5.1-55.. C.«r^ 48«5tir .«-atna«, »«»bet. Odati.'ir. ( oniblnr. unwt.hel. 42e43r. ; Canal. Wtthiur B4»30e.; Km«, «uwtibed. (j.(_0.... (oirae «ad Median, aiwtahrd. .1- i40c.,- Tab ««.bed. 55. bOc: Colora.lo. wuhed. Mt» *5r. (olora a uuwaibed 24«2Mc. Kura aad Merino Polled, tit» II'-"«?* 1-"d *"^*- ,'¦"*,1. *u'*Tv 'ela« Kiu« and Mad um ¿Mu35c le»«»»», 33025« CiUferei«, Kia» tod Med.-m oVrUilt (»l.fort.1», loane 32o.l5r. COTTON MAOXETS. CiiA«. itit.t Oit 7 .Cottoa einer M.l.l, ne 1 l Si- Law Mid III'« 14 «r Oood Ordioarr. 1«, L,( ,,rr pl, ,;..., b,,M ,,. «an» roinwlae. 3.509 l.alrt; t.u-t 1 Mm» bain. .to. 1 21,059 bila* .Vbw UUtmoM. Oct. 7. tottoBlira co«) demiwa, Middnoii, 14'.,- 1^« M10.II1011. 14'te-i Oood Ordioirr, 13'4e- aal receipt!, 1 5i. .t e «rott. 2,433 Mit«: eiportt. to OreM Br.laiu, 3.073 latta »a. -.(ilk) t.i.. Meet 133,042 balee. «-ana 6m 7 -Colton lia; Middhnf, 14>4r. Low Mlddlitr J.- . ......1 Ho.,..,, l.t'tr t.l ,,.r>|.la 1 II .11 .._|.. omboru »... * m. MC1 baitr. »al««. l.iMMI bale» arnek 14 117.1 ba n. u-^ j.-vtya-a^wa ¿Ji «aii^^>-, ^jMj"'%j 14*. i ítoralOrll»..» IS*«.; r»t rt'etata. 4.763 bala»; »tom 4.773 bafea et port«. eo»»twi»«, a,a3;» bal»», MM», Ml« bal«», «m1, N «<»P h.!». *8»t. Uri», 0«i 7 -Como«. nolti. ««tbttftd; Middling, 14V .et receipt». 321 bale»; groar. 321 I,»!»., »tork. 5,397 bale». To mor¬ ra«* «ill he a holidiy V port liiiniiti. Oft 7-O.ttoB, Middling. 14V-i »*. relpta. 242 bale»; »Kipak» nt». 151 bal««, »lock. 4.408 balee. OaiTamro». Del. 7.. t ,,iu.n apiti and iiorhang«.! Middll»(, 14V, net receipt«, 1,013 bait»; ero., 1.013 bal««; tiporU eoulwi«e, 4 lal*, »ile» 4f.Sh»let: tli.e» 19.000 bale». Maumu, Oev 7..Cotton tra. good demand Klddllag llljJHV: ret» 1 OTU balea: «hir-menta. 275 bal«»: Hock. 14.810 bale«. Kvmroum, Ott 7,.Catto« 4r_ and «o.tiauge.1 Middling. 14V ¦et rMei0t«.2.526bal«a; «zporta, nnaitwiM, 601 bain; »ale». 150 !.»)*» Hork 7 541 bal.». Borrow. Ort 7..Cotton quiet; Middling, IO1«*.; grow receipt», 86 balee: a«)»«. 300 bale»-, Mac». 8.000 balta. KaiTiava». Ikel 7 -Colton quiet, Middling. 14 V'. gromiraipt«. 256 baie»; «iport» eo««lwi»e, ,5 bile», »..ti 250 turi, ii.iui.rri, 125 bid»» »toek. 2 010 bato«. ISBAMHBIfc Ort 7.Cotton quiet : Middling. lbV-l Tow Mid d'ing, 14V-1 Oood Urdiaiii. 14c; Bet». 323 lill«, grtxt, 77« bale». WiLwiiHTn«», Oct. 7.Cotton nnrbanged; Middling. 14 V- ; n«t ro- raHott 486 bale»; ni.ort«. MMW. 2S1 b»le» »toek. 1.342 balea, I...1 .»Tilia Dei. 7..» otini. .lull. Middling. 14 V- Aiai'Ti Oct. 7.(MM Bru. ; aetire demand holden Biking higher price«. Middling. I4'«c; net roceipt». 1 ll'.'M bale», »air». 942 bale». financial. TDDÍTa^ÑAÍTHPa^^ Mercbanta Manufacturen, aad oliera. Mining intoT«»»» nego- ti«ted. K.«l Batato eicbaageai for bturinaaa. PeraoB» with capital aeek in» l.uimea» »Ju-nl ... approved opportuaitle». Reference». to illro» fc M. Sewing M»cblie Uo. Théodore Storge«. e*q Iron Merchant, 240 Pearl »t, fce. ÜKlüOS fc CARLKTflM. Finíiioial and llunnea» Brokera !»S BroadwaT. USINES» I^ËTOfËGOTÏATED.I*»!» etected. JOHN B. Ml'RRAT. 98 Broadwav._ G Ñ (i WYNNE & DAY, No. 16 Wall-et.. transact I a »ei,»r»l BANKIN« »nd COMMISSION BUSINBSS in «TUCKS, BUNDif llOIJ) ke. Dealer» NBW TORR STATB STOCKS. AS STOCKS BOUGHTAND SOLD ¦T 0K0R0R H. PRKNTIS8, Room 23. Wo. 30 Broail-ti. J OTU'E'is her7by~¿oTven that the LAKE _1 MAHOrAC IMPBOVEMKNT COMPANY will PULL an en- t.rrt» at »«»lie SBMM at lu Ofic«. No. 22!» Broadway in tb« City of New-York, on tba I' e«ntb da/ of October, in tba jaar One tbeuaaad eigbt knodrod »nd, at 12 o'tloek nooo, all it« RBAL »nd PKKaSONAL PKDPHRI'Y t tual.-l at Lake Mahopar, l;atn»m Cudi», Stat« of New-York, rompmlnr, rereral botel proptrtie* and ,'uru:Ure, «i.tiarri, and about term honored »ere» of lind. Por nar..rular» «nd termI of «al* inquire »t office of Companv, or of Menu Reed li Hort, Auctioneer», No. 220 Biuadwa», New-York Hy order of tb* Compatir JOHN li CHEKVJnR, Prciidrnt Atteit: WM. J. OSBORN, Secretary. Mew York, Sept. 21. 1874. VOTIfK.-The CITY NATIONAL BANK, « located at Chattanooga, m the State of T«nnr»»ee. doling np it» »laira. All not» holder» and otbrr crediton ot »aid Aaeoeiatio» are therefore herein notified to preaent tbe note» and other claim» » the A»»..» »Hot, for paraient. I». C. Mi MILI.IN, I ubirr _ Chattanooga, Tenn.', S«pt 10, 1874._ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUB A.V.M AL KLKCTION FOR DIRECTORS of tbe NEW JBR8KT BOVTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY will be belli at ii.« OBoe of lue Company AT IX)NO BRANCH ». J., ON WEDNESDAY, tb» MlbDAY OP OCTOBER. 1874. THE POLLS WILL OPKN AT 12 in. »ml CLOSB AT 2 p. m. Tl.e tranifrr book« of the CompiB« will be cloaed OB Ort. 3 *t 2 p. »V, at the om-r of OSUOR.S 4. Lo .¡4 llrued »;.. N Y.. aad reopened on Ott 16, 1874. O- P- MOitOSIfO. Serrataty. REPORT of the CONDITION of THE Na¬ tional PAHR BAMK of NEW-YORK, at New York, in tb« State of Nr« lui, at tbeclcae of buiincti on the 2d da; «f October, 1874: RPSOl'RCER. Ieoani »ad _¦-¦-.810,401.848 09 Oierdrafl». «.2S3 D5 V s. bond» to »eenre circulation. l.l.VI.IKH) «0 I'. 8. bond« on band. mi1. OO Hi« York Slate «tock». 183.000 00 One from other Nattoual bank». 808.091 lill One from State biak» and banker». 78,389 K9 Banking Louie. 0U1..M8 03 Other real catato. 148.401 Mi ! urrest eipenaea. 3X2 .-.! Taieapa.d.V.. 10f..l71 86 Premium» paid. 100 221 25 Check» and other cub item». 0,245 38 Kxcbangei for Clearing bo«»«. 1.474 071 06 Bill» uf oil er National bank«. 44.'MU 00 BulaofStato banka. 475 no Fractional earrencT (including nickel»). 27,135 21 Bpecie, vi»: Coln. 30S.923 37 Hold Trea»urj note». 'J'Jti.tMHJ 00 I.c*»l tender note«. 3,070,791 IK» V. H. remírete» of depotit for legal-tender noie«. 1.040.000 00 10 per cent for Redemption Fund.I. 78.100 00 Total..$21,105,817 85» LIABILITIES. Capital itoek paid i«. 82,000.000 00 Hurolue fund. 1.400 IMK) IK) Other undivided ptmttt . .11 !'i..'. 65 National bank circolationonutanding. "Ur>. .00 OO Slate bank circulation outiUnding. 7 "On Oil Dividend» unpaid. 8,888 00 1- i.!u«id»|...» I«. 6,001.128 72 Demand certiicate» of .:. ;. t. 11!'0N4 r<e Cirtiiedebecki. 331.310 89 Cathier'» rherk« ootaianding.,. 0.S4O o'.) Du» to other National bank». 7.P25.12(1 44 Do« to Stat« bank» »nd banker«.t. 1.975.956 34 T tal.*'J1 106.817 80 I, JAMBS L. WORTH OmMm ot the :i» Park B»nk of Mew- York, (io »oleum!» awrar lhat the abore »Uteueni true to the be»l of kn-.«ledge »nd belief. (S.imed ) J. L. WORTH, t aibier. Correct..Atte»t. WILLIAM T. BLODOKTT > WM. K. KITCHEN. ¿Directori. JACKSON S. SCHULTZ ) State of New York of New-York: Sworn lo and »ubicnbed before me tbla acTeath d»j i.l October, 1 - 4 Two» Ki i,:«. Notar» Public. OVPIC« THK On« litNDBBl> ANl> TW«NVI FIFTH »T. KAIIhoan. I No. 1 125 Tump 4VK Nkv-York, Sf,t. SU, 1871. J THE ANNUAL MEETING for (he ELEC- I TK1N of DIRECTORS f»r the esiuing rear will be brid at Ihn «¦ce on WRI'NBSDAY, October the 1-ttl. next. Poll» will open »t 2 and clone at 4 p. m. Tranifrr book« will be rioted from ti.:- date to Ort. Kuh inat. incluiré. Br omer of tie-Board. _CHAULES 8. ARTHrR, Secreto-.^ OrTKK oF THF CkSTBAI. PAUK. NoRVB 4VD F. t«T lilTE« 1 Kaii.boad Compast, Tenth-atr. Finí um« > a*d PirrT-roiMiH-rra. ) T^IIE Annual Meeting of tbe Stockholtlers of thi« Companr will be held »t the Office of the Companr ou Tikis- DAY. the 20th nar of October. 1874, at 12 o'clo-k. ni. The Tranifer liook» will be cloaed on and after r>»tunl»T Sept. 19, 1874. '-I 30 dai- pr.i.r lo ihe At.nual Meetinr. ^_ L.JT. GRIFFITHS. Secret»rr Iii PER CENT. GUARANTEED; PIR8T I 1 ' Mi.i:i»,\iiK LOANS on improve«! IOWA KAHMS, lie,, cn. ii au., full .uforiualion «ent nu »ppiiratlon. rSDKKWOOD li CLARK Mnar»tine. low». AISDREHS, MACKAY & Co., No. 14 Wall-»!., N. V. ANDREWS & Co., Paris, COMMERCIAL A.aD TrtAVELRRS' CREDITS. Ei< bange and Circolar Nutet on 08108 BANK OF LONDON and on PARIS CITY OF ROCHESTER WATER LOAN 7 PER CT, BONDS, l-OR SALE BY Robinson, Chase & Co., BANK LU*, No. llltf» *.I)--T. 7, 8, AM) 10 PER CENT«: CHOICE CITY AND COUNTY BONDS, RAILROAD P.ONDS, CITY KAILROAD STOCKS, INS! RANCE and OASLKiHT STOCK1«, . nd oller atrirtlr £rit-el»a» Stock» and Uond», parn«, 10 tn IS yet rent. 1'lie »a.'eit, uio»t n »tile aud prolltat.le lecuritie» in Hie nia.-ket AT A LARGE RKDICTION BELOW PAR, ALBERT ."NICOLAY & Co., Stock Broker» »nd Ancti.,1 ear». No. 4:iPn.e M,, Se», iork. X. B. Pr.uie Inrertment Se.-uriti»» onr »peciallr '-"J »ear». Sankina donara ano IBanKcrs. WOOD ti DAVIS, iií\ki:ks, 31 l*iii«--Hi.. .Kew-1'ork, TRA.NsACT A OKMBBAL BANKING BUSINESS AND Bl Y AND SFLI. <>S COMMISMdN flOVTRNMI¡Hi \Mi Ml'VIC 111! il.M.> liol. I». AM» ALL SKlTKIllhi« DEALT IN Al THE Sito lOKK STUCK EX< 1IANI.K ( . II. WOOD, - \ »II II. I>. 11111». Oiiuofniï Notices. Orri.« iu« Cbnthai. Railroad Cmfaxt or Nkw-Jbbibt, i 11!» LtBBRTT «T.. .V'bw-Y'ib«, Sei.t Ü8. 1S74. > 4 QUABTEBLY DIVIDEND of TWO /l$1) _\ A MALI* PER, CENT hit been detUted, paiikle »t M, .fee on au« »fter Tl'KSDAY, the ínii proi.-o!" Tiie Tteetht B ok» mil I.« cl.,»eJ from THl'RSDAT. the l»t to Tl.urm»v. Die '."Jl ol Qciolitr neit- SAM I EL KNOX, Treawrer. ATI antic AB> PartrK 1!«.: ,i. Ml ..., i TsriTHI» » Ofnr«, 3 »T.. In TOBK. Sent. 2H, 1S74 1 rrHh if'ifiilar quartcilv DIVIDEND of ONE J. AM» A gl'AUIE.I VEIt CENT in the »tuck of the PACIFIC hAlLKtMli (.f M.»«..uri) »,ll pal on tlie '.'Itb dar of O. to'.er to .tockbolden of leeor! on Dei. 1. Tl.e trrnifar Look« wi.l l»a cloaed h'.m l«i to fun proii-uo. 1 he coui.oi.« on Klrrt M..rtr»re Bond« of the "»rite Kiilrvad loi Mnan.un) I »rou. elet llr»i.cli. .lue Ort. 1, will be .id ii the ..« e of :l...«nr. CLINTON B. FISK, Tre»»urer. Siloings Banks. VEW-YOKK SAVIN«.s llANKr8t4V_^r¡7«or.' Mtli it - »-eretl al» per ee-.t. Moner depmle«! on or ».elora 9**-.l*> **lt_*imm l»is- tn oct. 1. A.trtt 88,1184118 84! H"/.plS' P*7 -77 -'" H1CHARD II. BELL, fretulent. I. to. Uki m »bum ,rr. Seereiarj. BOXD STREET IlïïSK"1m7 Boatf -iri-r-i »ml Bowi-rj. N. V. II HAKIVMBU Al- .lil. 11. l-l... ; M'lNKY DKPOS1TED ob or tialor» <><to'«-r io will draw litereat fruin ocwbrr lit. liAItKIMl.N HALL, Pre.iue»t JAS W. nOMINICK. i . _ ROHKkr B, WILLKTS j Vire-Pre«lde«t». C. I). Baiibt, Troaa._J.n«rB P. C»o»«B. lec'y. -Irving Savings Institution, N». M U'ARRfCN.KT.. MiV-lOKK. PIX PKIt CENT [STEKKST allowed on a.l un DEPOSITS MADE Nt)W OH AW 1..-TKIILST EltOM (»CTOLLH 1 Laat »io »ail . troa IU a.«, :».'M. . WAlaTKH W. ClONOJUtIN ru*,ii>k.iir. Jètmk^mthhp pt Hiett^. ¡.-»Hkl-I. ' Basin« -WnH-B INiON DIMErWlNttS BAUE, Rea 306 «at 308 CANAL HT Car. ef -aiekt Ope» dill» (rta 10 U 3, ind Meadar tTtllap 6 U 7. Lmiit Ofer Ten Mill.oM Dollars. ¦arpia«, attr Eiekl Haadrea T.««aead Tallara RIX PKR CkSt I »THR-NT AU.OWKi» Moatt drpotltatd oa or before Ort 10 will bear lattreet (roa October 1. O. 8. CHAPifl, Tree*. R. i. MAllHWi, Pre»'- T. B. Aaaor» frrre'ir» thances for ímuum Atti CAPITAL WANTEIX-t-Ad active member of * Utt manarm bankin, h*«t* ateta a partuer with rat.iial to rr- atw the bnataea- Addrea« J. -** W.. P. O Ma«. 1.8c-9. LX)R" SA1.E-Á SEWING-MACHINE and I TRIM al NO «TORI», leaf eetabliehed ia a Irai rate location with fall nock, lilarea, toola, 4c F*r pirtireliri addrea* M. II-, Boi 107. Htition A, N. Y ( .tr. ________. 1fiV)R SALE-THREE GREENHOUSES, 12 by -I 53 fret, balli the part Boaimar; ntrii» »torkeil with pítate, «Mc« »rimed aad rarma.« u alee pottia» ibed, ke. beat of leeatioa; boret ran r»rr» 16 nnnotri. tol.1 oa eeeoaal ef ill health it i peat tar riler fr«a eo«t. (Jail oa or addrew_O. L. HALL.rtprlB|f«tld, Mill. ¦TUIE advertiser baa a large tract of LAND on X Pert Rejal Harbor, well «oiied to the ealtitatioa ef fron» iad »«_- etihlri for ibipaMBt te Nartbrra nn.-kete. Oood tteaater ead railreatl fin ititi ead araeoa a little earlier this at < h ir luton. Coaanaieetlont ire m»lU-.l truro riprnrin-nl partir» »ub i »irw to th«- «*»tal.liahmeot f an eilenaitr linaine»» le thu lia«. Aodreu ALPHA, Bet 130, TnbnBeÖftre. «îoparintreiiip -fotuef. OPAltTNERsillP..The undersigned have thltdir form-1 a COFARTNERHHIP under the Ira ead natur of BATHS k litiHTWK K ind will eoBtita« lb« BANKIN«) tad STOCK (IMMISSION Bl. M IN KM« li 13 Broad it. J. H. HAT KM OeL 1, 1874. _8. B. BOHTW1C- flORSfl and CARRIAGE MARKET New-York, Wednftday, Oct. 7, !874. The local horse market wau very quiet tlirtiiiKlioiii tin- day, and iirt»ae_te_ no m'w or int«-r»*«tiiii, The tiireateoinK «apee, ot lût» weather aeemt to bave kept buyers away, an there waa aloioat no de for bortet of any kind. I Tbe tala held to-day at Barker «_ 8on'§ City Auction Mart and New-York Tattersall«, corner of Broadway ami Tlilrty-iilntli-rr«., waa fairly attended, and tbe bornea offered disponed of aa follow« i Dtteriptiin from Catalogue. Hindi. Vein. Price. Bit II»)iil,l»toinan»e|.|ir.|. 1 .'¦ 1 M f. I.', n0 Bit feldia« Wir Rifle. ICI 8 175 00 Piir ef rre» eeldiiee (Kentackr bred)............!r.. 15.- 7 800 00 Bar reldiBf Tippo, br Braditka' IlamblrtoBiaa. 16 B 400 00 Bir itallioa Bubiw. 15 7 11000 »..iBinire.. 10 IS 47 60 Tbere are no evidence« of improvement In our local carriage trade «ince tbe opening of tbe current week, and dealer« in tbe« grade« of work report trade dull. A large number of eecond-band vebiclea of all description« Is ditpoteO of weekly at tbe public auction mart« at very low price«. fiore.s, (Carriages, fiarnm, «vi. Ii* A. FITCH, 153 Ear». 24th-gt..Suprior «mee lad Road Horaer, iirirr ueerlioto. reaaouihle pnce* Ccqai Notices. l^5 Vi ,I.«U Plaintif, ifiin«! WAI. I K11 MIT. UKI I, UeltadaaL- iSuaaon» for Hellet.Com. art terred.) To the dtlradaal. Yoa are hereby ninimonrl and ret|aired to antwer (he coaplatat ia Ulla lion will be lied it the oSee of the Clerk ef the ( ountT ef Km»» ti the ..uni i Coan booie 1b tbe ( it» of Mr-klri a l,«1 aertet top» of roar BBiwer to tie aatd roaplaiat on tbe lobatrrlber. tt hu oCce No. 67 ".A'all-tt IB tbt Cut «f New York, wit-ia -0 dart after the tertiee of line laaaoai en roo, eirlanre of tbe dar of lorh aertlre and if job fail to an»wer the »aid complaint within the nae aforeiaid. the plain- tiff ib (hil irtion will ipplr to tbe Ctiart for the relief deaaadrd in the n.iopl.ii.t ill ». AHNOI.Ii Platol if» Ail..mrt 1,7 Wall .t. N Y. Lal. A. (lilli 1 MM, The capliiat is tbi» arnon wa» ilr.1 is the Kn.fl Coanlr I .irk . (»_.. t aa tbt 2d dir of Mepltaber. 1M74. TURO. AHROLP. Plaint ft Allom»» SUPREME COl'RT, COl'NTY of NEW- -3 YORK-FRANl IS EHRMANN Puntif. ef/t. ALKRI.Il ( Ol' BOIM. DeftB.liBt..To the Defrailant-Yon are hereby iam_innr.i tad rro,uir«-d to iBtwer tbe roapltmt in Ibu tenon, whirb will be Heil in thr ofjrc of the Clerk of the I m and Cunnii of New-York it tbe New Coart lloaae. New York ( lit and lo aerre a cop» of »our anawir to the tai mu.plaint au tbr mh.erii.ert al tbeir »für» No. li .'li Bro.i- way. ia (he Cilr of New-York, tt in (weat» din after Ike aer»iee of mun."«» ob to» ejelnti ' tie dar of «er. aemre, aad if roo fall to an»« m the aaid complaint «. itbia tbe time «for»-aid lae plaintif in Ihn aetioB will take jndraent aeaintt too for the «um of Mt bandrtd dollin, with mtereit therein, from the '.'.'.I dir of KepUmber. ote thou- land eight nid «trent» fonr lieiidfi the roil of Out trUon Ulled «...l .m. 11-71. HI.I MHNMIIKL k AM IIKK PlliutllT. Ailornet«. Th» roiiiplilnt berrin wii lied in the o-lre of thr Clerk of the Cltr «c.l efNe»-Y..rk on the HI di» of October. 1M74. BLI'MI.Nr.TI__ k AftCHRK. P'anilig'»«. JiwOwOriB Th. «¡¿ITREMErC'OrUT, City anifCounty of New- 1' York -RICHARD K. MOI'NT Tr»t»n,enUr- tinantiaa of (ort Moffit ind Mut Moffat, infant rhndrrB of William II. Moffal. dcu-*acd. P.aiBtiff aean.atllKI.KN C. RAt'KY. i-.litida*Ilt mil it Rtecatni of Wilina U. Racer, deeeaeetl. llefeodint.Summon foe relief.Ti. the Ilefendml: Yoo ire berebt inraar.nej and .... .-.,-. i....;...»_,.,. .. Iiliml m tbll »ellon, «hin, »ni le Aird In the ofire «I the Clerk of the Ot» ind CnMtj of New-York, it tbe Cotrtboate ia the tit» of New- York, tod to ttrtr « ropr ni root anterr t.. the «tad complaint oa the isb»rriber it hit. HW No. Ml Hma.t« ». ia the I lu of New-York, within tweatjrilara after the «enire hereof, eiriailte of theda» oíiurb »ertite and if too fail toaiiiwt-i '!t eomplunt within the titrie ifote- .lid. tbt PItiBtilf in thii irtiou wnl ipply to the*'Coart fer the rebel demanded le the eoapluot. llited Ab». 11. 1874 ft TlLl.OTf.ON, Plaielirt Altorner. The rnaplaint la thr iht.rr rnt'tirt ir ion wu tl«d le the ctbre of tie Clerk of tbe fit» ird Conctt of N«w Vo-k. »t the leort-hcute in tbe »lid eit», oa the tetei.tb der ..( Meptui h r 1M74. O i ii l.i'I .«ON I .. ni,« * Allon.«-. tilted September 23. 1874. TI li«i« filarOLe ano Slate ftlanLeii. TT^RËAT^lîlinrCKÏÏ PRicËsl^Tn « * Ti ¦ i. ¦'.. >- ..' M.rt .i »I ., «I ?. ,ü;¡ ,.) .i,,. Mirhlt- work Marble Tornn.g for fe nair. A. KLAÜKB, 1J4 Bit. I ,.|.'.,nlh-»t.. N Y. Ali KI] AT reduction in líricos of Marhle~ñnd Mirbiriird MiBtelt ill kind» ..f lim.i Tilín.. M'.nuiLtnU, Head- nonet. «!»i.» for I'ltitni.» ¦* ind I i>,,i,elmikert now ofTercd il M. KLARER 1. Co. » Mitta MirLlt Wort», Not. .17 to 2-9 Wett Kiftj r«i -I near Broadwtr. AN extensive «tock of MANTELS (Slate and -T\ Marble). nore! and unlitoe .letiffn» at redm-ed pr rre. W»»b Trart and Bille Work of t»err description. I'K.NRYHN l'A.!'. I'l.n.n »«, Fouithire. tim "ettoteentlit. N. 1. tÏTI.WAKT'- Slate MânTèls. and Wood I; Manttli. Ritbind tier»! detia-n» »t tit Ii.wkii r re» '.'.0 lad 'J'.".' \*t eai «»Lit »h.r. at between Mttenth aa.1 I'li-.t», ,,?.. «fnrnunre. MISFIT CARPETS.-liood ¦Mond-«|M-ld «-M. .curl ( ARFhTM a mtcialtr ill »,i,t, nrb put. rn. vert i hetp. 11'J Kuito i. »I i.eir Ninia »idt «--.trance PHELPS, D0REMU8 St, CORBETT. No» M4 «mi -0l¡ Car.a. -L Propoie to tell for net ciat. ob or (»tore JAN 1 1M71 THKIH IMMKN^K « UK K OK CABINET Pl'HSirCR- ANO I FI10L-T1.RY 0^;..- T. 0. SELL HW, OFFICfc AM» LIBRARY FFRNlTf RE No. lot KILTOV <T K i~ V*' BANK«! ANIl OfflCE« FITTFI. IT Ml CTUNDI K l'K«K« W'ËEKLY 01. MONTHLY PAYMENTS ff forPIRNIIl'RK CAMFETM iad LITilitV« «t B. M ((iWI'EK'MltVAITK A I'll \ No« 1.'... «a« 1 .S? I kubin, ti AN 1MMKNMK MIOIK« ANIl LO»*' Fltl(.|-M ßtcambf.uifl and Ilailroaûs. TOR RONDOUT and KINGSTON, landirifr at X I ouent'i, Cornwtll. Nriborfh. Mtrltor.nsh Mt'Ua Poutliktrp- ile Meit i'irk. tinpai tt»«mboat Jiaci W. Haldw.r, lea»». Hiiriiob-tt. I'.er N. _.. eterr Mo»J«t W*dne»d»T. »ad Frida» it 4 o r'.iek p. a. VOÜ RON I >0i;f~¿mi.KI N0 sf< L\~l7-nÏÏîti7? X it Chbbbj (ornwill, Newburth. Minhorooeh Millaa llutli'.ili INew Pilli) Ktopai-Tlit »ttiaboit 'IHiiMtS (oRM-'lL Ititi-» !')'/,n.TVaPI,,;,*'N' K."".' ttmOAX, TflOUtUT. ta-MT« I lit.Al it A r ». I^OR HABLEM,landing nf ELEVENTH-St.. A810KIA. UORTT-POI Rill .«'I. OSI I.CM.IIHIANI MNTH-KT, tad ONK-HIM.Hi:]. I V|, j tv r *, ,,,'l II s I connert with boil» for lllrh »ed K.Dt.l.r,ie». B. »u lr»t» Frrk ¦ m rtrr» hill boor iront OiOO _ a. ubuI 7 f. a. ila.» 12 .1» aal - p. N. B.-Mrt time Ukin where boita lind. MD_,ar ..,., ,,_.. ... hilfhonrlroaO.IOi. a. urtil7:l, p a. JULL RIVER LJN.L "- 10H ßo.TON VIA ItTtTpo^T ANO FA!.!. RIVER PAILT (BI'RliATa KXtF.PT.lii Al Ha F/oa rltl '."I North Hi»»t foot «f Mum»e»., THF. W'ORLD-R_îtO\\NHi NTiAMLRS BRISTOL ANO I RoVIOtNCK. Cipl A. (I. M MM i iN M I,ni. B u C|MMONI«. The aott direct rotte lo TianU« Mtddlettnro' Pi-a, uth. Ne*- Bediord. Martha'! Vlattird, NiutBrk»!, Cap* i\¿t tLf '.VJil l'F HALLS BANU» KNOACiElt FOR TUl; 8K4JM BohliKM _ LOVKI i link 0L0RÜB U (ON.NOR. OtJ-lTSSÄ-TfÄ ._._O- C S B. Coapaar- M1.R( HANTS' OPPOSITION LINK 107X17 IHOI -Far» .eat». Jerk » 1 Wi ti, bettl, -1 '.0 with rooa. J It MCHCYLKR fma (|»,f, 4;t, BT.r»M' ,l Ml NU4YM WF.I.N-M1.AYM. .ad KR1I.A1M, Ü ». _. t-_¿-SSST_H_. tmU br^rallroaaa._J^w nA.NruX. oweer TWEW-YOI.K CENTRAL AND liri »SO V .rtrVraaoVnC^-^'" "* 1"' "R *t*SwàZ oil bw-r. l-tM-StflA&E ."..m ¦¦"¦¦»¦ . ]":. n a li. .ar«. I i«:.««. * 'L >.«,,;, r»..i« r»ri U l-u.-a- teter, aa tie. tat Nu««'« roi - lui li i a,., N.rti:t rt aad v>,... :l ti.-.i 8i40 a io Hpcnal Albanr asl I rn. Hi rt ¦¦ 4:IA»a il, MoBlrtal kipreai. with . teni it «ir, fr(s NewTarkla Mt Aidant. 6iWp _., Iraree». DaHr. tritk »letpia» cart fur Wttcrtowa tal vaaaaaalfaa, KiOOp.«., Panie lipreta, »til» «Mi iletpiie-eart for Roc eiter. Balai«, aad N atna kail», a ... lor,v » , t,., _ *..,.; _. «.. -tlliaaá- 1 ; (Mi .. m, Bttritt. will. .»eil... r.:, fo» Tiu» *a<1 Alb*»», ft.; t»fcU,e or b*¡ l .... T... i.l. «. * II. RKKt mi 4-U'lk. I tOtUOH t*'»^ i Steamboats «ne lailrosos. ALBANY Md TROY DAY LINE.Steamer ARMENIA will let.» New York Meada?». IUH_H tod Pri d... from Veatrr-at. al H:30 a. a. aad Tw.alr fourth ti il H 46 i. ra. Retaining leave« Albaar Taeadara Tbaredar» aad Batarda., at S .11) . ». L»...|,d, »t YONKKM. TAKKY TOWN, »ad STACK (br fr-rr- boet). H ES1 POLST, CORNWALL, «ad SEWBUROU, POUOll KIKPSIK. KHINKBKI _. IA SKILL, aad HUDSON. Tr.p ticket« Weat Poial. Corawill »Bd Newburgh. r«tar»'n| tb« fol- wwiag dar, |1._ BRIDGEPORT, and all point« on Housatonio .w-l Saarateek Rallroada. Par« 81. Siei.mer IRlOOKPURT laave» Calnan ne »lip at 11:30 a. a. aad Bridgeport at 11 p. a._ CENTRAL RAILROAD OF~ÑÉW-JERSÉY, ALL! .STOW" LINS TO TUB WKkT -Pi»aea|t»r tod Knight Station la New-York fool *t l.:r,»rtr tL I onneet« »t fcna»rrllle «rub Sontti Braaeh R. R al Htaptau J.nrtion with D«)., L«ek aad W»»L H. R. ii TkiIliptl.r.r« with Lebigh «ad S«M|«eh«Bi» Din«..,» alao with Lrhlfb Vallar Railroad. Direct line la Barrnburr Pitlabargh »ad lb« H»»t. aim to teatral Peaaarlraaia aad New York Biala. 8.1,'MMKK ARRANOBMKNT. roaaenrio«; Jane ! 5. 1ST« -1,'are N»w »or« followit 6:16«.a .Nb»i Tait« for Kaatoa, Bethlehem, Balk, AlUaUva, Maur h haul. 1 «»«« qua. Willetbarre. Srraaua, kr. rJ.tK) a. BL.Wa» Tra!« far Some.-Til!« aad Flemington. 7:1*0 a. a»..War Traia for Kitto» B«lvtdere. Manch Chunk, Wilket- barre. Pilatus. Mtlituoj iii». ML («rael, Hiiletai. Tunkhataoek. T»wtmia Warerlj, *e. CeaaecU al Jaaetiea with Dal., Lack, aad Weat, a a 9 n0 i m.-Mobiijk» Hir««'i daür (eieept Suadaji). for Faltón, Allewtowa, Hirri.i.ur». tad the We»«. Con neeta at Korne m le far Plenttagte» at Eittoo for Manch Chunk Taauqaa. Towaad«. to .lie«. barre (Winto», fee. wllb .hrourh ran lo Dsarillc, VViili»_iport, te. 10:30 ». m to ty Train for Saraervtllc Vi 40 p in.- Kir»«»» f(r Pleminglon. Kaate«, Batb, Aliento««. Maaeb »honk. Mahinor City. Huíate», Wilke»««.«. Seraatoa, Read Inf. Columbi». Laarattar, Knhrata, PoU.rille. Harnthur» A.-. 2:30 p. a-Wir Tram far Katta«, f alaaaaaaa. »nd Bel.i.lere. 3i30 p. in W»j Tina for Piálala., Ob Saturdapi onl, to Somer¬ ville. ¦ 4 00 p a..WajTnle for RttUn, Alleatow«, «ad Ma*.b Cbaak. CeBBcrt» «i Junetion with Del Lack, and Weat K. R. 4 III p a -Way Traia for Saaerville aad Pl»a ugtoa. b B «v .We» Traia for somer».ile. 6:15 n- m. W », Traia far PlaialeM. ,'. IU p m .Kti«i«.i Kifrbu, dall». far Bailor,, Belvidere. Alice tew«. Maarb Cbaak, Wilke*barr«, Tewaad», Retdi«»:, Hamburg, Pitubartk. chicare aie. f. «n.! i p. ¦..Wir Train» for 8««»rT.!le. 7¡30 «. bl -( EmikraBtl-Eor Seaton. 9:10p. a..War Trai» for Seatrvlll«. 1 VIS) ». a. -Por Plain»««. Par Eliianeth »I M5, 6, 6:15. 6:40. 7, 730, 8. 8:45. 9, 8.40. 10:30. 11:15. a. bj Vim.: 12:40. 1, 1:10 2. 2 IO. 3, 3:30. 3:46 4. 4ll5, 4:30. 4:45. 6. 5:15. 5:30. 6:45 6, 6:10. 6:30, 7, 7:30, h li. Vii 111 30. 11:1 j, Vi p. in. R R. 8ICKBR, Pup', «ad Bif. H. P. Baldwiw, fleneral Paweairtr Agent._ E" RIK RAILWAY. Kiama taSUMMM »tTr«ln» Uklir afe«t Sept. 21. 1S74- proa lliaial.rr« it. Depot (Par Tweatr-tbird-at tee »ote below.) 8 «- a -I inc.nmti and Chic»» . Dar Eipret». Dtawitf -roo« Coach»« la Buffalo and Sleeping Coaeha» to deatioatioa. 10:46«. a..Eiprraa Mail for Búlalo tat Ni»g»r» Pill». Sleepinf l o«rk to Burla.o. 7 p-a.fDailr). Pacile Ktr.r»«» ta th» Weat Sleeping Caarkea laroB|b ta Bafaln, Nianar» Pall», Ciaeiinatl, St. Loo)». Detroit »nd l ¡i.cairn witboat «hinge. Train» leave tor Port Jern». 7:30, 18:30. 9. '9:16 «ad 10:45 a. a.. 4:30 (6 .10 and '!«.«. Mi'tdletcwa 7:30. »8 30, «0:1.1. aad 10:46 I. a.. 3:46, 4:30, li..30 and «7 n a. Tb* 7:3D, 10:45 a. a »ni 4:30 p. m. traill eaaaect with New-lark aad Oawero Midland Railroad. Kondont and lingiton. Ham and 3:30 p. a. Ooabeo. 'ti, 7:30 I»:.'lu, », >U:li. »»., 10:45 a. m. 3:30, .1:45, 4:30. tü.30 and *7 ». a. Warwick. .30 10:45 a. a., aad 4:30 p. a. Newburgh. 18:30. 9. aad 10:46 ». a., 3:30 aad 4:30 p. a. Suffern. -f> 6:45. 7:30. ts .iii *!l:15. aad 10:45 a. a.. 1.45, 3:45 6. H Iti'lii .7t»'l -II.lop. a. RidrewoaO Hohokaa. Allendale, aad Barnteit 16. 6i4S. 7:30. le.IO 'VAb, 10:46 a ra 1:45. 3:46. 6. 6 16:30. 7. aad "11:30 ''MM *b. 6:45,7. 7:30, "8:30, t9. 10. *9:15. 10:45. 11:30 ». a.. 12 »««n «1 45. 3.3:16. 3:45.4:30.4:46. 5, 6:1... li, i.: li, ti, ii. 6:46. *7. Bli. 10:30. and 11 .lo p. a. Newark. *6. 7 8:30, lil. 10:46. «ad 11:30 a. a. ; 3:15,4:45, 6:15. aaJ IK io n. m and li Satordar night« oulr. I 6:15. II md 10:45 a. m. 1:30 3:16, 415. 6:45, 7 li »»It? 4'. i. ra »nd li Saturda» night« onlr. RatberfaM Park »nd Paaaair. C:45. 730,18:30. *9:l.r>. 10, 12 naen: '1:45. 3. 3:45. 6:15, 6. (6:30. 6:45, 8.15. 10:30, and .11:30 p. a. H: l»l..e aad Ila. i.nwl, 4:46. 8:15. and l8 li a. ra 1. 3,4, 6 »mi 6 p. a., »nd Vi Satordar night» «air. K-alewooo »al Rparkhill. 5:15 ".) aad 1045 a. a.: 1:30. 3:15 4:15 4:45. 5:45. 7 15, and t7:45 p. a., and 12 s»lord.» »igbti onlr. Pierntnat »ad Brack, .'. li tr.d *9 a. m. 1:30,3:15, 4:45,6:46, 7:15, 17:45 p. a., and IS Saturttr night» onlr. Werner, 4.46. Alb. 18:45. *9. aad 10:45a. re 1, 4, 4:45, 6. 6 p. m »nd 12 Salardar a ghi onlr. Hotb-.Tiaia» leaving- Cnam be ra at on eren or hair boor» leave 23d it. 4fWa ainnta» earlier Um above time, traína leariar Lam¬ ben »t. on qnarter horni letre i l'i «t. tkirtr amate» earlier. A boat I»»»»« 2.M «t. all 1:3(1 p a., ronnectin» with train leaving I bamber» H. »t ubi boar. The 12 alda »ki, 4:46 »nd 5(16 a. a. train* »tart froj Chimben it onlr Ticieta for i t««tr» ann tar anartaeat» la Drawing.Raoa and Sleep- iBg ( ai. I,»» can be obtained, and order» far the cheeking jo I tranafer of Btrrtre an be let »t the Companr'» oCee». 'J41. 629 aad 957 in .-;.»> : 2 Cenrtit. Breoklrn aad at the Campaaf» Depale. Ki.r»» tri.n» Irom the Weit arrive ia New-York »I 7 40 a. a-, 2:40 Bad 7:66 p. a. *D»ilr. isundaT« enl». JNlX N. ABBOlT l.fBera^Pa«a*nger Agent N'EW-HAVKN, HARTFORD, &c- Faiï", (1 ali. Straaer» le»v» Prck-«lip lor New-Rirea »I 3 and 11 p. a.. Dailr (Sondara eirepted). ronnrctlng wltb the uilroad. ^^0TICE tiTthf. pubuc. I Tb' propretor» of the following Hotel Ticket Office» reepectfullr aotifr tau ir patron» that their office» remain open aa heretofore Rai¬ mad and S'.eaaihip Ticket! fur :.i.e.! without ulta charge. Reliable mfonuai.oti cheerfullT givea Watruer car ar. i.ramudatio. acenred. PléTIi AVi-Hl'K HOTEL. UILSBT liol «E METROPO.frAM BOTIL S! Hit KULAI HOTEL earles hotel. grand central hotel NI'W YOHR Hi»TEL, AMOR lOOlB. riUÇtfl HOTEL. MERCHANT'S HOTEL. iwrarsri hotel. cosmopolitan hotel ST. denis hotel. NOTICE TO THE FUBLIC.-O- and after MONDAY. Jalr 13. 1874. the fe' «nil be the ONLY AU¬ THORIZED OFPK K8 ta New-Yark CuT and Tic.nitr for tbe «al« el Piral aid Saeoad ( .»¦ Trketaarer the following lioe»: M-A i.'.iK CENTRAL AND IllI.SON RIVER H R. 413 Br«-adw»T Grand I eatral Depot. k.rt-.etl, it Depot. Harlem De pot, »»al at Weateati t Eipret OCee». No. 7 Park-plare. Tenlh-tt and Broakw»», «ud Th.rir-aeeoad «t.. Broad«»«;, N. Ï., aad .1.1.1 VV»ab¬ lación »t llrooklTB. ERIE RAILWAY. 241 Broadway Ml Brnadwai. 881 Broadwav lOOrevnwirh it.. De M4 faat CLa-bera-it Depot foo« wei.t. th.r.' l)«p«,t Jrr»«j City, 2 Court »I l.iooL '. »id 34 II orieco«!. Hoboken. PENNSYLVANIA BAILROAD, No 1 A»toi Honae 888 Bro.war. D44 Broadwav. S B«t»erT-|.|«ce. Depot mt D»«bro«»«»-«t.. Depot fool Cort.aodt-at." Depot Jir»er Cut. 4 l'un». BrtMiklm. and lit, Hndion «I Hoboken. BALTIMORE AND (lilli) RAILROAD. 316 Broadwa« No. 1 Aatur Hoo»e. 5^6 Broadn»«. 044 Broadwa», Depot loot al I«r»bre«ar.-at.. Dep it foot of Con.adl-'at Depot Jeraer Citi. 4 Ci.i.r' >i Hr.Hik'TB.iBd 1 Hi Iluuaou »t Hoboken. I II. KENDRICK, dru I Pata. A.-: N. Y. C. and H. R. H. JOHN N. AriBOTT. Oral Paw Art Bri» B»ilwaj. I». M BOYD Ir. Gen'l Paaa. Ar I Penn. R K. _I- M. t OLE, Gea Ticket Ag t B. and O. R. R. \F.W-YORK, .NEW-HAVKN AND HART AM l-l.RD R. R.-NIW-YORK AND NEW HAVEN DIVISION. Ailinn Arranrrmenl ronaenring hept. 14 1874. Paaienge- Station it Niw-Yrrk Oraad Central Depot entrance «n Portrtecond-it. _^ VBA1V« LBIV« HBW-V.iB«. Train» for NiwII.t», leave »I 7il0 (Aecn.). 8 05 (Eil, 9 05 Arm 10(11» m. (Ki.). 1200 -r. (Acer..) 1:00(1-1. 3:00 (Kg.). 8:80 (Act ¦ ,, 4:3» and 6:16 (Local Ex.), BTOiti.), »ndOilOlKi.) P »¦ l-or So«th Norw»lk. 7:10 8:0*> 9:05«. a.. 12:00m. 100(Kx.), 2.20. 3.15. 438. ».II, 6:40 8:16, 8:10. 9:10 p. m. Par St.iulord, 7 10 Sill., 9 05 10:10 a. a. 12:00 m.. 1:80. 2:20 and 3: la Uti.), 3:65 ,8:8. 4:45 6:16. 5140 6:3.*.. 7:2(1 8:10. 9:10«nd 11:15 p.m. Button hipre»» ria 8priB(r8eld »t 8:03 and 10a.m.. 3 aad 8:10. p. m., »u Shore Lineal 1 «..!'.. JO p m Tbe 8:06 a ¦-. 1:00. and 8: ni »uo 9:11) r. _., »topping al Stamford, Xorw«1». and 8:03 and Kiwi i. a tal UOO. 3:00 Silo mi U-.lOc. _, »I Br,.»report The 8 05 . ¦ and 1 p. m roinret with train« on Shore Line Dirlaioa tor I'rei '. :.. » «ad the ( onneitirat \ »li»» at Savl.rook. The S 0.1 in. »ni 3 p. ¦ conneel with Shore Liae Di.ialon for »Norwich and New Haren ¦ Bil Nonkamptoa li R at New-Haven, and lheS:05 a. m. and 1 p.m. Bi¬ rre»» fir Newport. bt08, 10 a. m »nd 13 noon train» connect with Coui.cci.iui R,T-r R. R al Spr ngli»! I and I p. m. for Montrai. Tba 8 06 . re. ¡.in: 3 p. :u Conneeu W'lh Naueituck R R. and the S li j a. rr ,. f a with Hanaatonic R. H. it Bridgeport. he 8:06 «. a. aad 3.15 and 4:38 p. a with Danburr and Norwalk al South Norw»lk ant ib» 8:05 » :, (in. 4 ;¡H ,r ! 6:40 p. m. with New-lanaan R. ft.' »t f-liiulor.i. Sanen» i:..«'on Mail Tr»m» ti 7.00 p. te. vitFpnngieM, »t 9:10 p. a via Proiideare. Draw L, n. u. ran on Da» Eiprei». »i.d Sleeping Car» on Night Ki .,». 'I rt .... lickru can bl purcUied »! Ticket OBce of Compter »t (¡r»nd Cen¬ tral Pep-. »ni olnrei of N. Y. Tr«n»fer Co. 944 Bro»dw»». »nd .A indior Home. NY and No. 1 t «...».,, Bruokijn. «bo «111 tito cheek kaggig» frvm renlence to dcitinati«». HAIILLM RIVKR BRANCH. ion,m«MUgSptenb-i M 1x74. Tra 1 » .«ve Billia kim Station al 7, 8. and 8:18 a. m. 1:00, 4:lMi 4-40 6 II »nd 6 45 p.m. I orne» . «.'h )...»ta ef Mi rr.tania Steamboat Ce. leaimg Fnjton Mt let «..pfur Har en. RiTer Ninth >a»-li-ra. >. r mr in« r lafuf«! on of paitiruiar« »er )-.¡»*er» »t Lote!» »nd depot«. JOUIT MOl'I'i Snpt. S Y. Pit »mp. NewTork. Il F. N N ? Y I. V A X I A R À'ÏLRO AD.-THE A CREAT TRI NI LINE AND '.SITED STATES MAIL kOl'Th. Tra.ii« .«»«. Ntwlork, from fool of D«»bro«ae» ami Cortlandt «U Umm Ktp e»» t.r H»rr.»i.arg. Pltl»l,nr»b, th» Wert and South, with Pull l'ai«" lan an«. «u, V.'M a. m . 5 and 8.30 c. ru. bundar 5 aud 8 30 r a. ..-., W11, »«.liori »ti I.oek H»irn. li!» Phil». «. Erie R. B, D.v.. con »eriiL« PblUdllHB«), 818O ». iii tai Wit ian.»port. Lock Haren torr.«ni Erie 8 .10 r. m., con cub» at I Jn» for Titu» ville. Petro¬ leum 1 eetie. »:.d tu- t) K., .. Fur Ba t rjor«. W ».I, orton, «nri the Senth. 'T.lmlted Wa.hington El- pre.»' ol I'm man Par .or Can dailr. en« ;.| Sun.ur. at 9 3d a. m. ar¬ rive We.lingioD al 4:lo p. a. Repulir it 8:40 a. m. 3 and I p. m. ^unri»' fl P. a. l-i|.r»«!útpb »riciphti. 8 40 0 30 t. m. : ,_|g 3 4.4:10 5.7. 8 ,n 9 d. m., »u« l8 b'.gbl Bund«? J, 7 b 30. tod 0 p. m. tmi- gtant aad t««ot«l c.»i» Ia, nv Aceow.iiNial.«.i. fer Trent..a »t . 88 » re. »m 3 r- m. Fir N»«ark »l«. » .10. 7:. o. 7 40. 8 9 io lia.. 12a, 1 I 2:30 1:10. â140.4¡10 4 :.o. I t 20 1, -luTOtSU 7 7:10 8 10 10 11:30 t.». tnd 12 Light. Sundi» 5.'0. 7 tml 8:10 p. a' Par tiitlarth h. 6:10 7t-.'l». 7:40 ». H. Il) t. a., ig m. 1 I 0 340 I !.. «¡IO I/O .:'j.. :,.4(| 11 1:. U, Ü.-M' 7' ', :..i. 8 1C. Il), 11.30 p. m., and 12 L.ihu Sutdtr 5:20. V. tnd 8.10 ; m. ho: hat»!» S .10. 7 'O, p 10 t. m.. 12 a. 1 I _88 310 3.40. .:i0 4:30. jlSO 0«Ja .Mu | ii: 10.6:30 7, 8:10.'IO a. . «ni 12 Bi/hL Sui,!»» 5 2-lan-t 7 p.». v >i.i Wooll.ri.ige P,ru Auib«r. «til Sotiih Aahor, 6 and lu i iii 1:511 «n: « a. for New-Braniwic» ,.20 »n 8 ». a.. 12 a.. 2.3.10, 4:30 ii'.'O (.lil and 7 p. m-, aud 12 illili ». u. a. For lt.: MillitcLc. 12 n -on. 3.10 »ne 4:30 p. a. Pur Lambert» .le «ti Fluuinglou .11. ». a. and 4 p. m. I r FI " ilhiCK «t.l B»l».dere. 9:30 a m.. 2 aud 4 p. bl Pit Bondilla»«, fcui'.ii.trt.-n aao Camden. 7,2') aul 10 a. m.. 12 .10. 2. I 4:10, »»d 7 P. ra. Pot Frenóle" 7.*»» ¦ 2 »rd 4:10 p. ¦. li.« Farainrdale and .-ou u. 7:80 ... B. «ud 2 p m. ><r M1 .l.'«ti-in. Pcaber'on »nd ( ia.1»»».» Prrin Aralor. 2:30 p. a. Pul H gh-«towB »ud Peiul.eitor.. u '8' ». «i- I it t> trr vi »1 follewi:.Fiia l'Util urgl r M) »ad '. "ti ». m., «ad 9.!6i..B d«!« S TO ». m d«iif. eiccpt M..u4»». From Walbing- l'a BLd liait, a'»» 1. -.-m», in. 4.1'.. f. 15 »b1 10:27 P. a. Sutm«T t):'J« ». a. tndl0i27 p. a- Prom PbiiKielnliit. b.Ul. eV20, 6:50 101 j, U.M ..a. 215. iib MV"."' .'Jl-Jy*? .>¦« emtmj, 5:H» omi, fi.00 il :,i k a T, .'.u «ad iorrTt.. ra. Ti« «et <i»ee» H8 ti,d 944 Bn«.!«aT No. 1 Aator lion»», ind foot of l'H 1 >.,. at. ( onlaoli-i«. N.a,.ra .s.. 4 ..... >t liaakliai t. -N.« ill I III aud IH ll..'.-e'. B.Ililli I.M op.. e No S B«:terr-plare. II. M BtlYD, jr., Utb. Paoauver Ageal. I .< . v. lu- mm, l.eneral Manarer. PHILADELPHIA, via LONG BRANCH aud ihr NEW IBRBK1 SOrTHIM KAILKuAD Fare from Nrwlork I«» i'Inla l».| ma .0 It +.' 25. 1 o_n,«ii.n« IHTItMMl Nepi II) ls'74. Lette Ne« York from Pier 8 k . Fui II* lui-- !' 45 ». a .1er Philad.lpb a, Long Branch Tom« Km-r. Vineitad, ant Hr-tret. n. 1:40 p. a.Pur PLilautlphia, Long BrtnrL, Tuai Brrr. Wtretown. tnd 1 ur leeton. 4 no 1 ii..-1'.r Lot« B.-aa.b. Toint Kirir, kr. On SATl'BDAYS foi Warcivwn. fcc. W. « ^NKDRN rieneral Mtrager. CT0N1XUT0X LINE Eu NEWPORT asd tíj 800108. The new and »learner KHODB l-l.AND Tie»!»,.. Thonalai.. and .¦»lurl««« and the cleg-tut ataaaaWV N.lUKAlilN 8KT1 M«»adar«. Viedaeadaii. a:.d Endai» from Pier .1.1 North Biter, Iaad J.. »I at 5 p 11. »rri'lug lu II. -ion »head of all other line». T.rkcta f-r m1» al all iriten al rai'r. ad n!Bre,, and Hate ro.ima termed al th. o»r. - al Wea. uti Eure.. I a. ti. al 31!» limadwar h. A DEVIAI I cg\.tA«.i:t I. to VII KIN- I,en 1. P»»». Agent _|. * HABi 01 «, Preiudent UriCRFOBD RAILROAB ROUTE TO NEW- PIIHT h I. I airing Iba 1.1 Mail I'«««eut»>- "" th . Lae tal» 8 05 a a. and 1 p. ra. eiprei» traiB» tra.11.1,.«.,, ion1 t»« |-«.t «rrtiB» »I 4 Maali 2«) p m Alio ou ttmtttXI ¦. ¦' ' ". i|.»i»i|.i... aiiiiii.(,i Newparl al 0 T4UOPOJ-Í AhKHJ. kule-.,kTIMlrkL REAL K8TATB. m- Hbw-Tokk. We-Beada>7. Oat. T, It. A. At th«B Exchange Salesroom. to-d»y Jame« M. Mille, sold tb« propertr known m tbe ManUattan Market; E. A. Lawrence t% Co., dwellinf-booeea oo rifty-oljrlith, Heventy-fourth. Ka«t Twelfth, and Eatt Kunrtli st«.; Rlobard V. Barnett told two bom.« on Proapect-plaee. near Forty-tbird-et.; A. J. Bleecker, Son A White »old tenement-bonaea and lot on Cberrp-at.; William Kennell/ beld an executer'a tale of lola on Seventh-are. and butine«* property on New-Bowery and ( 'hcttnut «t. Tbe dlnianalon« and prioee realized «111 be found below. _ AUCTION BAUE'. NEW-YORK REAL ESTATE. Jamil M Miller. Prealiei kiewa at Maabattaa Mirket, hoaodrd bt _¦_¦<.__ Rtrerjll »re, .lib ead .!&»_.; 7- lett la ill; K. IL 1*hob.|.6.,2.»0 Hy V»1*-. 4 ilt'trU. .'I alor» brlrkhnoM »I><1 lol, .Hi ire, W I, 100.11 tt . of 125th.»t, 1'J »iiuo.f7,760 hy JtVAord V. Harnell. 3-ttory browa-ttoa» hoate iad lot a t of Proepeet-pl,17.1 ti» ^^ ef 434-tt. 18.7-58.__'i_S 3 itorr brown lion« hoa«e adjomia« abort, lera« «in.9»,Uni By A. J fílttrJttr. .toa é Co. a 4-tterr brleh datlliaf bone«« ««d lot w « ef Cbtrrr-it. 323 ft a of Booietell li, lol.!7.7.tt8; rL B. «oewdeB.$11,900 Hy Wanam _V»»el/y. .2 toU. 25.75. w i of 7tbere, 50 ft ¦ tt l.ilit-tt....... .....»«,150 4-ttorr brick Hore ind let. No 26 N«wBowery, 33 ltl.3i 27.10i24.1i51.3._VV;'"i*ie 3*.wr» brie« howat tad lot No 20 Cbeetautit, e «, 23.3 f11 of M«di«oB-it, .5.1-6» lti~.n35.__44.10. 6,(JOO By K. A. Lavrenet * Co. 4 »tor j b t koaee and lot, 11 .ttlh-it. 240 ft e of Sth-ate, 20« 100 J K Srakh....»33,100 4 «orr b . hoate aod lot, . w eor 74tbit aad MadiaoB are, lot lHiHO..¦ 30,000 4 «torr tenement homet «ad lot known ti No« 547 aad 549 K, a«, 60 ft w of Alt., lot .'16(91.0.;. 11,500 4 .tory briek hoate. with lette of lot, .No -3H B 4th tt. at aa «OBOil real of $200, tuet, tad wiler .«te». 6,000 OFFICIAL TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE. NBW-TORK CITT. BroiiwiT. c I. »bent 100.11 ft « of lOOtb it. ras« n 50(63 to 10tb-if«, I . 50iw64¡ Relph lowaeead to ThoiBi» M IVtrr». f8,lrOO Cllotoa-tt, w «, 7ft4 ft a of Cberry-at. '27 6(83.1 ¡ Mary, wife of OeTd Martern to Joba Henrjr Lribminn. 11.000 Hawthorne it. a e cor ef Venailyei-tre, lOOilOO. foreeloee-, A Moncil. ref, tal» Hehlweek. 2,_O0 Hawthorae-irt, e «, 17. ft a of Verailyea-are, rene « 50 I a 16h 3. Kinftbndjre-road, t w 50, i . 170.8, fereeloa* A Monell. ref. lo 1 flohl»e«k.»__'_¦.'___« a200 Pltt-tt, No 577, wt, 168.8 ftoef Deianrrr-it. 18.7_6.-l Priai Qiody to Herman Btek.aa.. 10,000 lOth-it o e cor Wartrley-pU-ce, l-t7j.ll I Wa»erler-p.laee, t a 72.11 It n of lOth-tt. 22(75 Miry A, wife of J W Og- d>B, toC lllieileB..*. 45,000 .Hlb-it. a i, 284 ft e ef 9th-|-e, 36.0(98 9, Uolomoo Qitton lo Oeorite Ktmaerer.. ¦- 50 000 37thit, a i, 80 ft w of I.eiiafton-i-t, 20i80; 8 Blrtaiky te S Zeiaer. ** .00° 39th it, a i. 275 ft e of '¿dite, 26(98.91 Geo B Schneider to Abraham Mícheltuther..... 22,000 4»-thit, 11, 350 ft a ef llth-ate, 20x100.6; 1 H 8o_4h to Miry H Anteil.¦.¦ 22 000 51«lit. « i. 67 ft e of Lerngtan-ite, 33(75.5; Aa_att_t ¥ Holly to JohaO Cirr.___.____.£..,______._*_ -1 °°° 53d-tt,B 1,119 ti e of ,0th ire, 22(100.5; D Wbilea to Klettor t rrieea, widow. 40 000 65i_»t, ni, 325 ft wef 8th-»»e, 25(100.5; Jobs .ardlee te JabaMiaelair. 15,000 75th-at. . l, 200 ft w of Are A, 16.8(102.2; Q Ktlrn-erer to 8 Oiytoa.*. 9\MWm 7-th-tt, ti. 200 ft w of At« A. 16.8(102.2; Solomon Otto« toQ-HIW Hiwkei. 6,500 88tiiit, 11. 500 fl . ef 4th-i.e. 25(100; Marr.wlfe of J Crow, io f VV Robb. 10.000 Illili, tt. »i, 125ft w of 2d «»e, 25(111.8; J to An- aie, wife of T. Oilfney. 3,600 140th»t,«t. 3511.0ft t of AletiBdtr-B-e, _6_100. Morrl«- anti; Mary K (leilhir. to Hiaarl K Perrr. 8,000 Pir.t-ire. No 259. a w eor of 15ib-«t, -8.3(80; C Miller, Jr, te Rlunbetb, wife ef V Miora .Nomlnil Bth-ire. a t, 20 ft e of 3_Hb-it, 23.5x200; Ororee W. Pell lo Riehir. M. Pell, one-half pert. 45,000 5th-irt, aeeorof 07lh-tt, 75 9tl00; '»Tib «t a .. 100 feet e ef öth-ate, 76x100.9; J. P. McCoy, W7. K.'MiJor, »ad T. Windell, exeeator» of C. O. Maali, to Riehard Arnold ead Jiae.M. CoBttable. 83,500 ira-»« RBCUMDXD. Graad-it. No 27M, 10 »ein, per reír. $2.7110 let-iT». No _7!>, al»o. ) . , ,.,-I I 712 »eera, per year 2.000 Ka.t l.'ith-it No 353. , a » " Je"*- ! I yeen, per year. 2,500 Citr» Real Ojótate for Sale. AS-NULLHOÜ^^^ threc-Btory brick, ind »toop btiement. .heap ($8,000); (erau tin; 1 l.'lth-il., bet. 'id ind ,..uu, aide; in fne eoBditlOB; i-trry im- ír.ireinent and .-onti-ilriirr, inrlodinK (U txlarei. Apply at 107 Heary it.. URB. LAVVLOB'8._ pOUR-STORY high-stoop brown-Rtouo E HOL8K, No. 6_'.' Lexinarton-are.. between Piftr-third and Fifty- feur.h »t«.. w.-tt aidr. .ii.liii.'.O feet ia fine order thn.orhoot, walli tartrfullr n. mm wiler rani to top of hoate fourth (oor ditided ind til,,-li.-.; li te third, will be mid low for riih ; mortfage (10,000. fur- nilara toll with booae if desired. Apply oa the premiara. ßrooklnn Heal (Estate for Sale. FOR SALE.On the Hights, near Wall-st. and Mouth Krrrirt. a rerr detirahle three »tory, bi_--»toop, bêtement ind inh-eellir DRU K HOl'HK. with improtrmrnte. jott pat m com¬ plete order; imaeditte po«art«ioB-, price tl3.lH«J. A.itlreee or apt Ir to _1. I. Will IK. 2_ Jihii-»Mop-»Uirt). New-York. TSm SALE ON VERY EASY TERMS. a No. 102 Plne»pple-rrl..Frame »tore tod hoaie tot, '.'. i>" Not. 49, 51 tad 53 Naiaaa »t.-Kramedwrllinn; lot. 44xi(K). Noa '.' ami ¡HW .Vithiorl'.n it.-Kri.n« dwellinz lol, 46(70. Noa. 171» »od HIT Willowtt.3-ttor» tad hiteuient brick honiea No. 43 Willo«_fhbt-»_-3 »lort brick hooae lot, J.iltjt». Ko. M7 lllrktit.-.l Hurt brick l,..a«r. lol. -_'.-.itiH». No. 158 Keauea-it..3-itorr brick hoate: lot. '-jtlOO. VV. P. COOK, 235 »V_ehin_i-i. «t.. Brooklra. Neuj-Jcrocn {leal (Estate tor Sale. A N-.W-JEK8EY PABM f* ft BABOaUM.. «Cm. HMl urea, h.uae, bent, eow-abt.l. two peach orchard«, tppie or¬ chard, icd other fruin; only U nno-i from etty. Price, f.5.000. _ RL'LA.ND It WHITING 5 Bt-ckminK. BEAUTIFUL " HOME" on hiifhest ground in Elialti.-h near main depot, Sr>5.IMJ0 below coat; eleeant home, aeren acre», arar Puinfiell. «rett ba ra: ..n. J At, Is, 189 Broidwty. rOR SALE-HOUSE iad LOT, nt WettfleM, I on«. R. R. N. J. one hour iron Ntw-York honie contain! 7«. diiiiil ..»a.t. r; »prinfr water ia kitrben; lot 61 (170 feet; price, if:;..'.tin tena» eair. Addre»» w kmTmiki.1i. Trihane (.Ore. FURNISHED HOUSE to BENT for the I Winter.Tbree >tory brick, biiemeot tnd -ui>-.-. iir with ill mod¬ ern Improvement!, netr Piro&li-ive. oa (fröre »t., Jener City. Apply it I'll kh_hth-i_, Jertey City. Rent, $85 per month. 1Î-OR SÄLE-50,00<r~a._re8 of LAND in Southern New-Jertey »rill he »old in one body or in tract« of 6,l>00 irret ind unwirtf. Theae it» pt.I li_da, and ira opened uu bt narifation in.i railioadi. Tke» cootil n fooa «ate« powtr», Bt.I wood, mu cedai lamber Ad ne«» E. M HU,111'. Klwood, N. J. LMR.ST-CLASS HOUSE,,"' free "of ""coi,., with X t'oirhhoone, Stable, iad 50 Additional Loti, in the beat pirt of KLIZAllblU, N. J.-Will he »old for lett than the »ilae of the lett nioner to remain until paid by tale and reléate of lote, learing tua raintioii with lot llMli.OO i-lrar. Addraea OWNbR, Box 826, P. 0., .N.w-ïork, or (RANK - (il-ASbY, Eliiibet^_ FOR SALE-A tirMt-cfass COUNTRY RESI- X llK.NCK. with in,pi.- tr.iun.l». , and ro ,i,:__ brook; ibuudanre of frait, complete with oatbnilrlio.a; pleaatatlr átuited. near ewtion, on Centril Riilroid of New-Jerier, one hoar from NrW'lork; t, ric. eiir; will Uke »mall hoate in New-York or lirooklm ia utrt payiueii. Apply la-,0. K08TKK, Architect. HI Broailwiy._ ORANGE, N.J..Great variety property for tait «li to r.-t. O.ce hoart froa 1 to 3 a. a. I. M. i.Khiii '«Si.,.,, cor. Libertr-it. «Xonntrji {leal éstate for Sale AFIRST-ULASS TRUCK AND OYsrUR _KARM for MALE, lil.». H (iAKIltXHR, Wettorer, M4. I¡X)R BALE.At Riveruiiie, Conn., 2-story HOl'SK 11 tooma, new barn, Ure acre» LAND, teen mlunlei lo d. p.iL Price $0.500, or would KXi'HAM. K for Hnokliu property. _Rt I.ANI» k WH.TIN(i..> llrrtman-lt p>R SALE.New COTTAGE, 4 acrciirä. JL Horiirt 83 ti)'le» fruin Omeo, on Foti Wayne Riilrottl: pnce. $575; íllMI down, bi tii.-r $M monthly ; ilao. new I'Ol'TAO-, 5 icrea, groit lot; |rtre. $6.5l tlOOilow., balmce $H moinhlr. J. ii. EARLE, Room 3, 153 Honroe-al., Cbiiifo. 111. «Auction Sales of {.eui (fetnte. T J- BLEECKER, S(»N ft WHITE, Am- GRRAT AUCTION IAU OP 1,500 lilTLIll.Mi AMI WAT-R LOTS, AND FIVE IIOl-KS, on THCKSI'AY. Ort 1.., »t 1 p m., ou the premliea «,f C.e.irre Bow¬ man, es.) tt S rtliW,»t .Nuten I.lind, luat wctt of Miriner'» Harbor ateamboat n ntl ti aj, mil oppotue El iihelh, N. J. Uaptud pirt.cultn »t 35 fine »t. _ u. li. Kith-..«. m1 Dealt, ii H-rt'Ttlni. GRANDEST OPPOOTUNITY OF THE SKA- VJf MIN-To .r.ure thr Coolceit of b.lLlUMi .«I I'KS, in tit al- trii-tne aid l.r i.tb'ul VilliK» of »SOUTH OH A \<.I W. J. 0. H. PÏERSON, will »eil .nlrr ot thr own»r. I»r. HIIMiT KEN- NI'.R. it »union, mi THl'KM»AY. OCT. H. 1874. at 12 m. on preuileet. .Mi) BULLUM. LOTH AM» PiiOTS, froi.liai on Bnrlr (ra.Iel itreeti. iu the uii.ltl of «tMlf Impr.iriineula; arar depot. A larfe cn, rue reai- drucr, nilu.l.d in »air. Trrma farorable. 8i<ri«l trail, fl. ni foot Bar¬ clay and Chriatot'ber iti. al 10:55 a. ni. diyofaile, n..i,i.u.» it Newark, Roaerilla ia.1 Uranfr. Muaie.LaacUeon oa iirirtl of trim. Free pi.tei. laip», lie , of the Auclluaeer._ Adnu« It .Mi iii. Aacti.Bttr. ¦yRUSTEE'» SALE._ 16 VALUABLE LOTS ON ELEVENTH AMI RtVERSIHK-AVE-«. AMI ON HCNIIREll ANIISKCKNIIST.. (»PP(tHITK RIVÍRMkllK PAUL AI'KI'.s II Ml LLMt k SON »ill KELL it «action, oo THURSDAY, October 8, it 12 o'clock, «t the Elch»n»*e 8»le»roon». No. Ill Broad war br older of it.«* truitera under the will of William P. Kurnlaa, defeeeed, the tu¬ leen lolariiupriaiiig the «outhrrly hilf of tbt- bloc« bouuded br klettath lint Kitrriideavn., Our hiiidrrd ind trend, aad Our hundred lui thud »treett. .Mai » it the offlre of the tartionerrt. Strtnty per real may remua OB boud lud in..rt»i_r hoi'UIA R. C M'RNIrtH. )Trnitee« ander the will MtKt.ARKl' I. /IMMr.KMAH ef tli8():)) JACOB U. VRRkllLYK. ) Wa. P. Karata«, deed. .fUE LdTS on < <ni'-li uiiili'i'i!-¡mil-««'ci.nil-»t. JL nul Rui it. li »ii.l Elerralh-irra., heretofore adrertiae.1 for tilt To monow, ire h. irt-r t\ 11 lilli... vi .N «ni the lair ibiedoued. Mil'lllA R. C. t'HSIMI. )Traatet- aadar tha M Alni AUE I' li /l M MERMAN « li of W. P. Pur- I.ti HI I- VEK.Mll.IE, Bl««, dtcCMttl. Oct 7, 11-74. (ÜMU;».) fionoca ana -Farms CD antro. WANTED.4 or 5 R(W\i¥i^^virtolio^w, " for 1 CLEHGYMAN ina KA k1 li,Y cotujaUa« o( pereoai. who »iah to linon- lo ii. t rill ; real proaptlr paid, hal ant be low. Par...n. La. Ita anrh roora» to rent ria addie«. J N But 47, Tnbnne I,, -.-a OSce Va IN etl 31_d it Itall-l u_rt____i. H»li_. orr ferrtd Cito Çroamn to Cet A" PLEASANT PLOÔlînoii^rVE LJOHT «OOM». la «a« .el.,. ..ti. wa.h h.. ... wal.>-»laaat. iwnai g1« »eter, Ac in aodern brow» Maa« high «ntbtM; dumb waiter, walaat »Ulr», marble kail, ke. ¡ redaeed rea«. W7 We»l 36.«I. PHY.SÏCIAN will LET his OfílClTÍ pirlor loor »nd »ile. ».on. n eel» fernlebed. te a parse«» », |,,u l«t, «od . lerr« room on »t«o«d laor, wltbaat beard. lamed tia fat» .aaaioa. C»M at I7H L'iingu.a »r». Beat loeetlea ia the rl»y. Í" i^NflRE"ör'LOWER PORTION of a first da* J foar-etorv BOOBS, nicely Nmlfbed. »T«ry lanrovaaeat Una« moder.te to a retpoaeitile faaili. Applr to OWSKK, 3Q7 »,n b'ig-tt. F~ ÜRXÍSHEI) HOUSE TO LET orar Fifth* Areaoe Hotel, ia good order: »pleodid loeerlea for boarder«. « », air «I STBATTON'3 H0U8B Fl'BNISHUNJ WABIHOOH8, vt rStb -ave._ _ -TO""LEASE.2» West Fortr-flfth-it., nea* X Kiftb-»»»., fear-nary, higb »toop IfOl'Sf. 371 Bwd«»v._ TO LET.A handsomely and completely fnr- aiabed four «tor» brown «lone HOl'SR to a r»«»o»a) r nie) f»milr Applr fro« 10 la 12 a. ¦. al IO Wa«« Tblrtyloartk «t_ IV) LET.The 2d floor, conHisting of 6 rooina with modern improveaent«. to be »ara »I ear da«, la tee Uae« No. 120 Beat e)3d-M.. between 4lb and Lcilatiea-t»et IXf LET.ÚNIOÑ--SQÜARlTPROFE RT Y. - The Irat-clai» building. 33 Ra»t Sei entreat».»t. baa been pat a complete order, »nd will be LIT cheep to »good tenant 1er be*»»«*'i-ae, tbe Lain..» It uN»urpe»»e.l. Apply la T. E- LTOK Ail-, i, C'oB»tilile 4i Co., Broadway and Nineteenths .J7 UNIOX-SQ UÂRËi on Broadway.-A .8 I aagoiSeent STORK. 20x00, ar waaia FLOOB, 34n80, reel var» low. Apply Dr. DEF.l "~~~~*~~**~M"~"M^^^^^M^"^M~~~~a Brooklnn fJropertn Co Cet. P~^UaOirFLOOR of No. 103 Pineaopl7_t\¡ frorft room »aitable for aa «Bee or »hop. being bet lw« ... .a Fnlioa-it. W. ¥. COOK. 235 W.»blagton at Bn» -. rVt) LET-SKCON'IJT FLOOR, furnwhed or X nnfarnithed. with all ntodern Imoroveaeaw. la private h«-..»» « »mall mu.'.' of »duli a rent. |20 per month, Ma aia«le» froa leriwa. No. I.V.! K.itle.!g»-it. Brooklyn. Comttrn propntn to Cet. A"~F1ÊLEGÂNT FlIRXISIlEiTcOTTAiiE to I.RT. tt Madiao«, S. J.. Norria and haeei Railroad »Ubi« »ni bora« ¡«eluded cheap; «:lu»tio» lae ; health perfect Ia«juire 1 Cal- lege-place, Rona I._ F^ÏTRËNT^Deairable HOTEL in W5E- lagton.D C. on Nijrth «|iitel-et-. witbia «aa m«ar» ef Ike .., tot, known tke Wilka Hot-I. containing 40 ream«, iboroavhr? reaa- vatad «II aodern eonvemeace»; location irtt-claee. Apply lo k, U. WAR.N'BR. Wathinftu». D C._ STAMFORD, CONN., Box 99»..To writ fur- O ni »bed. at low panic price, a beentilul bow boa««. _ ÂTTARGË-FINE-:RESIDENCES. l8 looms n*0 each, in Orang« Count», on railroad, near depot, furn.»I.»- «T .. ia 875 per mouth. Aleo COTTAOK. 14 room«. faraUoad renl (40 month. COT f AOL roo»«: 120 par mooth. Aim FAi "lil ...» good wtter power, .iOiflO, I »tori«« reot 83 per day. Inqair» J. », PRUDRN k SON'S, -»ii «la ii', N. Y, or JOHN ORB, »ihiim-«, Orange Coaaty, N. Y. (Dttan »teamrra Í^ÍoX-TlÍÑe. " i S! II. ST «.iI'S MAIL .SIKAw-IIIP«. TO PLYMOUTH CHtRBoURO. AM» II «. Mil I'R" Tbtalegaat ClTde-bi..]t »leamaii'oa wi.l Mil from "illili «, '«eat» HERDER. Ctnt. Fix-tier, Oelober 20. 8CH1LLK8. tnt Thom««. November 3. from Eagle Line Pier, fool of Plret ¦!., Hoboken. RATKS OF PAS3AÜE TO PLYMOUTH. L0VD08. CHERBOURG A.VD HAMB1 RO: Cabin, lirat »»loon 81*20. gold; «croud ulo.n, 100. gold, »»rig«, 8*¿4. enrrene». Preptid tteeragc ticket» from Hamburg 824 lorretiy. For Ireigbt apple to UM II, EDYK k Co.. 27 Sooth »TU.k11 K. For einige apply to KNAlTil, NACHOD. li KUH NU General Aaeat», X13 Broadway. yon liverpool; (VIA QUEENSTOWN), CARRYING TI1K V S. MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AND URP.AT WESTER*» STEAM COMPANY will ditpdeh one of their Sr»- ela.«. flaJl pawer, iron »crew t'eaaet pa FROM PIER So. 48. N. H-, EVE« Tl'KSDAY, »¦ folio« it WISCONSIN, C«pt. Fbbbmi-.Oelaber 13, al 3:00 p aa. UINSEPOTA, Capt. J'i-Bt.October 30, at 1:00 p a. WToMlNO. tapi. Bbooob.October 27, at mitty. Oh NEVADA. Capt. «'Bira.November 3, it 1 ». i. a. Ctbi« ptMBfe, IdO, gold. Stcenge pi.ige (OIBce. No. 20 Broadway), at low rat««. For freight or cabin pmage. »pplr to WILLIAMS k «'loi. B«. 63 W«I!«L_ G BEAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINE. NEWÏORK To BRISTOL (Eng)-DIRICr. T»king goal» »ud paiae.níer» for London. Ciraif, Nawpart, '. .< - .>.¦*! »nd all pertain llnatol Cb»»net. The »tetmer» of Ibu Llur will till from Pier let Eut Rire« .. lo >e«ti ARRAUO.V Snuond».WEDNESDAY. O'tacer 7 GREAT IT88T888 Windham.TUESDAY. (Mabel a7 tORNWALL. Stamper.TLE8DAÏ. »oveal*r 10 Cabin Paeeage. 870 current» IntennedlaU, |4 j euníBc»« 830 correncr. Partie» wiahing to .end for tbeir fnenda eaa .Ile» pro p»¡d Cert.4:tte«a Drtlltloril »nd upward». For freight »i H.M applr ta K. E. MOROAH'M SONS. So. 70 Woutb-»t.. Hew Yu». INMAN LÏNE.-SOL'THERLÏ COURSE. Boral Mail Steamer» arc appointed to »»II ti follow»: FOR QUEENSTOWN AM» LIVkRPOOl, CITY OK RICHMOND.SATURDAY. Oct 10 « 8 ra. CITY OF PABI<.SATI RDAk. Oet. 17 at !8eVaV CITY OF MONTREAL.SATl RIM I. Oet 21 at I p,a_ CITY Or BKLSSKLS.»All RIMY. Oet. 31 at lu a. a. CIT» O!- CHESl'KK.SATIKDAI. Nor. 7. al 2 tv a. CABIN PASKAUK. f -" »od «>:¦'» rolo. STKRBAOE.To and from Bil p...nt». ni reduced rate«. Cabin »ni »ieneral Oih.e. No. 1.". BroeUwar S-.eertge Olli, c», 33 Broalway. and 45. Worth Rirer. JOHN li. DAM. crf.,1. N NORTH GERMAN LLOYD STEAMSHIP COMPANY. »OB SOUTHAMPTOF AND BRBMII. The SreamiLiii HhÜMANN, Caut. lj Meyer, «ii» Mil or SATTaV DAt. Oft li», a; 2. o. in., iron Uren»» foo« Third it houm, to «e ;«l'owe.l bteeaauiD DLL'I'M ULAND Cot. W. Ladewig», OB WEI -I-I Al D.t. i 1. KAT»B OF PARSAOIt TO LONDOB. HAVRk. AkD BNIMgX Fir»tc»hin. .8100 yoki, »'¦¦ -ii.-l eabia. Mi g.-ei Steerage. 24 -¦.;.<«. Far freight ar peauge, apply to OKLBKltII k Ca.. Ag.uia. _^_______8 Bow'.»» tine. JATIONAl. LINE. _ From Pieu 4 I end 47, North Rive. TO OUKoNMOWN AND LI VKRT-mia- TDK QUEEN.Oct. Ill at 3 p. m. ENOLAND.Ort.'J« - t DLNMAKK....Oit. 17. «t lia. m. |sPAIN.Oct. 31. al Ita. a, KOK LONDON Ililli-., i. CANADA.FRIDAY. Oct. P, It 2 p.m. Canis t.waa-e. 87V HO. camac Iteence »t great.» mmtt Íriee. Return Ticket» ,-it Uealucrd Katea. Prepaid Steerage u. iti» !ie« irerpool al the lowett rate». Apply al.te* Compeer « oin Ne SI Bro««way._F. W. J. HURST Mtatm, Vow-York, Hav;in;t It Mexican Mail S S. Line. Stejmei» leaTe Pier it. V.ith River, aa follow», FOB H.\V.\NA: dil OP 5SW YORE. Thnr»d»v 0-t S CITY OK BBXICO. Saturla», On IO ( IIY OF Mi.1.:i-1.Tl.umlay. Oct. IS CITY OK HAVANA.ThorailaT. Oil. 22 FOR VKHA CBÜI AND 8BW ORLEANS calling at Havan». I'ro/reto, Cawneachy. Toapin »nd Tamp n CITY OF MEXICO.Saturday, <>.t .1» CUOA.Saturday, ML 31 For freight or appii to _ _f. ALBl 4BPBK It IQBI. We. 33 Br-a,:«»« VEW YORK TO CARIMFr. 11 THE SOUTH WALKS ATLANTIC sTKAMSHIF COMPANY! NEW. FIRSTCLASS l-l IL TOWERED t LYDEBUILT .-IkiM SHIPS will lui ina PrnpaiiTtau Btilroad Wharf, Jerta« Cn. at folle»»: UKMRROKE.«ATURDAY, OCTOBBR .'4 (.LAJ1OR0AN.SATURDAY. OCTOBER II r»rrnr-g goon» «i.(i paaaru-rr» «t throurti rate» Ira« all pana »f Cited Sut« « «ud lo porte 10 the Urutol Chiunel »ud lil -'«. point» in Knglann. Tbe«e »te»m»h:ti». bn,!t eiprrnly for the trade, are mPttSt »'Ikal Iba latear lmproTcin.i.t. -r r coiuiort ant con-emeneeot CAIii.N AND ST-UUUI PASSRNOERS. Birt! ('»(.'.¡i *..', »ml r»" cumacy.»eaoaU Cal.» *.'¦' car renii.Suetage. S>.!0 urnncy.Tr»itid Steertcc («rtfaia rruiii I »ni. I $3.tcirrenev.Draf-.-for Jil »ndoowtrd. For further parti« ti.«i-. »t.p.y in Cardia, at the Coaipaay'i 0#*8 ".» lDock Chimben, ti.d in New-York to ARClilUALD BAXTER It Co ,Ai»tu. _No. l7Bro«dwta. ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRA.SCfc. THE OBBBRAL TRANSAT LANTIC COMPANI S MAI! SIEAMSHIFkIBBTWBBB JkhW tOtt AND UTU C«1LI>B AT UBb.-T. Tbe iplenld Tell»» on (bit ftvorlte reiUfor the Coot «em ite-if more lou'herly than mr olb. r|. will »eil Ton. ''iel No. 60 Non» ü iel, tallow»! SAI8T LAUHKNT BetaloBi.HaTURDAT. Ocvu^r 17 VII I I DK TARIS. Daurr.SATl RDAt. Oc'.olei !<1 PEREIKE. Sunuont.SA TI 181*81 N..«emur 14. FRANC'*- Trud-il.-. BATUKUAT, N..»»at.i .-. PRICE 01 PAS8AO8 IN ».'») n. .uiiat wImi Tir.tC«!,'". >'C..nü.Í7. fbiM.83*. Kicumon ticketi »t re lu <M r«t-t. Aaenctn trtTelen. pr t«k:nr tbi.« line, »vol« hot« traaatt BMW raiiaai aa.i tu» MM.«Ml «I croaair» tbe Cnaa««!. betid« te« Hiaa trouble, ead etpeaae GEO. MACKENÍIK. Agent Na. 55 Hr.*J*wv__ f DACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. TO CALI CORNI A .IAPAnTnO CHINA. VIA PAN*WA Rite» ol' («»»»re. p.etodicg all necea«»He» for tbe trip: Ne« Vori to Baa Braa«.»a, 850.8100, «c81I0. HUÍ. Sa-. F...iiei»i-o t., Yo.ol, .ui». Í150, r.'.d. san tmrnrntst »o mmt] kong, ».'»*>, mm Sleirnera letT» Pier 48 I .ni. Riler. New York. »1 folio«» AC.U'UH O. Com. A. 0 lirur. Oct. 10. it Iii ia. HEN UK CHAI NCEY. Cipt. Wn,. Rilkburn 4M, 17, ti If kX (Kr, igM «mt W»y Paa«eu»-er» ouly.) ol.ON. Capt. J. M. Dow. Oct ii. it Cm. Am! ererr all. male I.-.tiirdar thereaiter, eotnacliag witk ali utaaert tor Central Amcric« an I South Pac he port«. Ettr« »te»mer« for »nil w«y pa»«engert will d natabe«! »a laterveulig S»t«r!»T», te uei-ewity .«y renu.r«. Steamer, le»»» 8»n Frtmiico for J»p»o »nd Cbll»»I follow»I VA-iO DE SAMA...Oct.Ur 17 1 OI.OHADO.October 31 JAPAN.NoTiiabei 14 For freight or niuir, or further information, apply at tke Conipety'» Ofic«, on «b»rl fool C.u.l »t, New York. .1 J St LLAY, B«p«ri»kpd»«4 BCTCa HATCH, Mmiilng Director._ U~E1) «STAR LINE.--Appointed to curry ÜT Balglau ia I In,ted Slate» mall«, lb» tulloaliig Steamer» are appoiute.1 to tail FOR ANTWERP. Fn.a Phil»'»!pbl«. I From New lort a. NF.DKRLAND.Oct. 17 SWIT2KRLAND.O*} M VADERLAND.Nov. lOJlOI.INA.Otk m FROM ANTWEUP. For Ph.l»delphu. I For New Tori. - VtDERLkND.Oct. 17 'COLINA. Jj* 3 NKDhllLANl».Nov IO SWIIZERLAND.Od » PRICES OF PASSAOB IN CL'BBBMOI. ^ Firateabi» .$001 Seood St-ei».-» «nd I«leracdi»t« ticlato, »«J lro»_ «li patata, «I Un mm» "p-aenter MMM-BMa- for «II cl»»»e» aniurpa«««- AapW »««^ »nee proTi.le.1. E». r. tte.aer carne» » »argeoa ead ««awarde- Through Ticket» »al through Biüiaf Lading latutd bataeti ««I St***" Vor u'ttttt* ratea _ freight, ead other laforaatio«. «ppl» _ _, * r * OKI» Vi. . AILTO!", Atx., k2 Br*eo¦»*., N«w tem JOHN MCDONALD. Panaeager Agaat, H H, ne. 1 Pier« N»w TjW PETER WH'.i.ll A miss (.eaerat A. » .107 A'»!»Bk»t I"¦¦..O'.pñmj ». M.-.M..U4 BBUU. U_v<«l -»--r-na ^«rg, 1441-4*

Transcript of New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1874-10-08 [p 10]. · a-fplt for the week thai far it 'Jim krui...

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1874-10-08 [p 10]. · a-fplt for the week thai far it 'Jim krui aruaet 14 (MM) bead for tbt «Maa« lise tatt week Market artie« for rood autek, »aleaofCanada

IM»»» «fare fa» the tot StaW '.»a»b». oat tke trraae» r"«* 'e' V*ntl,,J. V TlwwW« t»W lHJtwt »K»ep, 100 ra »v.iatjt». «l»V f» ».

J R PMeeek »ld 103 Obi* 40 » »»»ratre at V ty roi 110«V IM» Ib. «I 0V- ; 104 4o .ÜO Ih. al 6« ; IM Ohie theep, 84 I». at

V«V 27é 4«.. 04 ft. «I Hbj 373 do WS, ». al 5V* *-l_l*_V«lM «f.; 15- da 8.3 ft. at A-at, «at! 100 4», 108 ft. al «MJ 40 «J»

Hil-l baa. Kaka «aid DOO Keilaek» «keep. 00 ft iterate, tt i»V 4f ft;

*a«167lle-iaek., 00 ft, »17«. .. _, __

JP. «. -tee « Maa »oki 44 Mut* »beer, 94 R» »»erare at 5 St- 4> ft7. Jenter do »«atti at ti «c 27 ti» UM» ft, at Ociad 33 »talaleah«, 00 «i lb n 7 Sti¬

ll aa.» à RiHett .«Id 440 «tate lettbe, 00.(70 ft. at Kag«*» «/ft;17 do f.M ft. at 7-.r an.) 43 State ebtep 95 ft, at 6c

ft. MeOn-a. aeM 78 Mata laab» til ft «Tertf«, ti ne., mi .01 do.,VI ft alOV

). lit*- aald 7M Mat« tamba. 71 ft aterí«*, ti M -je. f ft. aad 78«V.OiVft.atStaa.jrlM*> « (V toM 42 St«** laab». 08 ft art-ire *H-V. *o.i 9'»

«tt .»» al 7V.J-4d « Borumba« **M .#,7 Obi« the*». M2 ft atrrate »t 5 Sk *»

ft, 17M 4... 8.1«« lb. al ft tai. 3t7 iln. HP»*, ft. it Oïl hi »4 «*» 100MS 1 M4 do »iftlb at tW. i» H ;.'.' His lataot. 0« ft, ti 6V-, tadTt «tv. f>9 ft. at 7r.ttwiit«. Amtata »ti- «IS e*n. or ft 03" bora.3% cart it Fortieth.

t». iad 12 ear« at Itraaa Citj Thedeatad wai liett aad trade doll it

Hta*8V «P ft f«tdt>a»»4 bor», lad OrfC-V. tor live. Malet »Urelaclad» 1.14 e.._r_.«a triit fed In.titut bog« 178 IS «tn-ii-r, it Or 4/». aa« 29 beat» Stett kort, 310 ft it $6 0.0 0> 100 ft, bothkau by r*. UreL

Brrtita» O«» 7 -Catti«- Reeelplf to dir 1,105 held makin* the»-lal mmti tar the »reek rho« tar 8.432 bead, or V»< ran, arain»t087 tara far tt*e aaae «law la«t week. Marke! llt-lt ; food feelinraiataibn« at tlrtr.« »eaterdir'i pneea for toodla common-, i-rerior

It-tt.l.» . ii«, »boat '. (VM) he«.: diimaed of; illet of 700 ladinaalura, narrar ti"0** -.34 to 1.30j ft. at «M .17 S.*?*-:'. 50. (MM) Ulm.,n

«teer», nar n_ frata 1.118 to 1 31.7 ft. at 05 .0*3 2ft Oin) Ohio »leer*

»»aita, fro«* 1.143 to 1,372 ft, at 04 M7«a-«Vi 12Si: 4INI Texaa«tear*, rta-pif 'rou. M4H to 1.013 ft. at $ _Oi/f t M7 Si. 200 M..-1,

(«aa Heeet norie« from 805 xo 1.042 ft. at 03 «On if-1 25 KM) Mitaaart ttt*.| rtnrto» from 1 053 to l.lftSft. at 04 50«04 00.Miiaav »«iii l.aaHt-Ree. ipta to tia» 5 (Mill bead, mik di tb« latal

a-fplt for the week thai far it 'Jim krui aruaet 14 (MM) bead for tbt«Maa« lise tatt week Market artie« for rood autek, »alea of CanadaaViaft« »I 06 .Ja«Mi 87 Si. «tth» loll t(lli«| up to 07: Du 'a

aaa.1 «V»«tera Mheep, 04 25-05 26: 4.SOO ('»nala Ltmhi, Marlu««ram 73 to 1)0 ft it tt. .'.'..<*" 2,800 Waitera tad Caaadi t-berp it

O-i Ml «-05.H<*..t-Kee»ii.ti ttvdaj. '.' MM» head wuk if (be total ««pplr for the

«eeeh Ibu» far 10.100 head aia-i.*! -.'1.3(1'» head l.r the anne time liât«»eel Manet tea»e rood leeliat prttnliar, lorkrr». tfft ¡VOtlOti;«Wa»; «tar* *" bit atti :>.


-«Mix»«.Ort 7.12 30p ¦.Coaiolifor moaey. 92Si*02«,: for

.«ft« att-aaat. 02**4. 1'ailrd Mt«ie* Kiee-Tweatr baa ta. 1807», 109'4.¦bie Oe-Iwar aharei. 32; do. Preerrt-. 5.1; .New-York IVntral. 99.

liitaari.m Oil 7.12:30 r>. a..C.than I« Ira: Middini« (pundi.KaMSal M ..(tin.« Orleiai. M VI aalet '.'0.000 Inlet ineladia« 4.0(M>fcr taeewlatioa tad nit.ii. tatton to arrie«. 1 Kid. cheaper hale» 00

the ban» of MKtdliar I'pliml». nulli 1.« belaw Unod Ordiaerr, ekippedt*ri«b«r iad NoTemlter. at 7,,l.i do. do., «hinped Noteaber aod Ile

arab«-, al 7 Ki 1 fid tale« oa tbt banu of Middling Orleant. aothisgVia» Oootl Ordisirr »hipprd Ortaber ltd NoTtaber. at M Vi.inartr. Ort. 7. Prirultaa. 25Sil 'or Pine Halt Amencia.LeWDee. Oct. 7.2 p. ¦..Kne Rail«»» »barei 32 »4.itaarooi (let. 7.I p. a.. Brenlntufm areM lora. 36 Oper

«¦«arter Beef 90 per Here« for New Mci«. Pork. 77 6 per cwt.Lo-Boa. OeL 7-2:30 |. »-It* Ha.nar »bare», 32-..I2'«. Pari«

«wpatekea «j-aote fUrate. at OOJ-M«-..¦do«, im. 7- H 30 p. aa«-('on«ol«ftr anoer. 02«,<í92«4 for

«kraernaat 9.'7«_93. Kne Railwaj aharea. 31\tt32. Pam dia-

»atrbe« qaote Ki ¦. te« it OK '.'De.I.itaai-vni Ort. 7.3 30 p. a..Of the Cottoa «le» to-dii 1C.CO0

bile* arre Amerina.Low 00a. Oct. 7.I tl»p a.The amount >f balll«a «one 11 to the

.«al of Ka«laod on halinor tt. tit.» t» £255.000. l.r.e Railwar ihirea.01 Si«.l I »a I'ari» ditpitrbe» qu..te Heattt it OK 30c.

«»ma»«»«.*! liri. 7..!.". M. K.te twent» bondi IMO'.'i. »7«»>l.i««_r....t 1«: l-l m p a..Colton niel na the bim of Mil

«ha« t'pliidi h io c.» Lew Midtlliafi, ibipped Ottobtr aad «So-aemWt at 7 15 HU

I .« »ki hl t ». t 7.5:30 p. m L»nl 64 4j> (let. 7.5 .(Op. a..K««»ed Pelro.eum. OSj-fl»»!. #» «li.-ttitiKit. 0.1 7-K.ttiiB» -SmrmOil. £)0!a£l05 f» (on. ( «¦

tNiu»¡.ii.¡r<<i. ii.... h .'iitifi....

DOMKSTIC klAHKI'ISAi«a«i 1. Ort. 7 .Wheat in fair mqair.i. ai^ei 2 rirt So. 1 Wh.le

.tiri ..-a* li *1 :>'.. Hie o,u.el in «Unit »I U« Corn da1) lad eaairr

«tatt oil! met 2 ear» No. 2 Murd VV ratera at lil le. Birle» qaiit tari

aa-ien aalea 1 ear No. J b.i rowed Sut« al ti '."-» 1 cardo, do., it

O' ->'-«. Malt »trad».«AuriaoRB. Ort. 7.Cotton timer. Low Middling!, 14S»r. Flour

la «ial IMB..11] mil Urn. Howird irt »uti Writrra '.Tia

fj-t 7(i: do. Paailr, «5 75-ftj 75: lily Milli. Maperttie. «4 2/icr

0« 50 CO titra, it 7. Mt M do Rio Uritiil». tC 75. do. Kiani.#1, ..'.n*> .5. Wheal VVeatrra dall Soathern ariire indliin. Mo.1 He«! aad Auber Willera. «1 .3. No. 2 do «1 20Si. No. 3 do.

SI 1, «*1 i*»- Wh.le VVesleri. $1 20d$l .8; Krjtwted. «1 12«1 13. Red Martuod fl 10«*. 30. Auber t). Î1 3'.'d>41 35

Whit» tío. f 1 13*0130, t.iutrn. White Sontbern. 01 03<f«l (lo.«How «f.. »1 ".''.ti VSl Wettern Mutti it 95r. Oatt«Mat. Moiiih'tn. 05atilir Weilern Mund. 01«(>3c White Weil-«n ^4«rl:'.c. Ure qaiet tt fla$l 05. Hi» anebaared. 1'ron.ioniaaatt and uairt Pork tis« ti»i,_. <l Bolt Meat« anebaared. Bacon.ft«««W11 '.i\'i 1(». C ear HI. »me« )4 «« 1 jr. S-tir rortd Hann.14-1.'.S*- Lard aoainal. W.itrra Batter ,tim at 35-38e. tor».botte. Petraleaalra at 6V lol ( Wbitky «old at 01 DOS»«01 IO aeiree.

Bl »»»t.. Del. iad Ri'l laporti for tbt ltat 24 boara.k-lMi. 12.250 bhU. ; Wbett. 144.100 boah., ('..ra. 34,7HM both.Oft». 20.OKI lu*b., Hallet, ft 500 huah. («Bal Sl.ipmtiit«-VV'bril19 DOO both ora, '.'4.8iVn l.ntb., (»ali 20.4OO both. kiporU.Wheal. 19 DOO baali. t-.ra. 24.M«» butt.. t»»t» 29.400 I.tub('.Bil Piaithu.inll; Wheel 9e. Con,. He, Oil» .'.'»r. Hoar quiet»ealtrB Mprlot $5 75_¦?(;, baker» $0 75«st7. Aml*r. OO^*«! 25.Wkit». K3 ..I»«$7 -0. Wbeit doii tad lower, tait.. l.ftOO both,«'«, No. 3 Minni it 01(13; 1 (¡00 bub. S«. 2 MilwiokerMi ' it «1 04 1.750 bath, vvhut Mirbiran tt 01 2ft. Cora »¦li. t. HI», luit!.. Wa. 2 VVrtteru 1: MrlKr. (lau, a »hide lower;.alta I'.OlHi l.u.l. N.. 3 Wi fr ru it 57.. Ktr coron t'lt !)<>e. Btrlet¦tlilteadj. (inadi .1 00.$1 75, Wntera. (k1 Mi-»1 00. Otherartitlet »nrluit-id.

t «HAt.0, Oct. 7 .Flour qniet and «Lthtnged. Wleit letite todkltker No. 1 Ppno«. 9bc.; No. '.' do. 92V-. «*.- or Ortober.nit. NoTtaber. No. 3 do. HSc Rt/ried 82«M-.'V C,,i_ it-iflr.Mo. '.Muta!. 79 -.1.79V- etah or Oetober; 75'4C Noreabei, 72».ml <¦! »»lier »li the)etr, Hieb Murd. TO-fed-Obl R.jrcted. 78-je.Mew Kbeiled. flftufifie.. _ir. OOe. OiU itetdy No. 2 it 49V '».b.1 Oetob-r. 4*«'4e Notembrr . Rejected. .l«'*lt'>Ste. Rre Held»; No.«I al M4« Si V Btrler opeaed Brm tot rloard doll. No. 2 Mi.nnf,. 1 i>t,«*: OM arcorditf to locatu.o.fl ft. Ortober, No. 3 Mnnn«.01c. Poikdall and aroopio« at .21 50, cash. $17 7'.«*»-17 Milaelltr ill tke «eir. Laut »l.a.lj at ¡l'y., raab; 11 S.-T. teller ill the«tar. Bulk Mrau noll ai.,1 «oin.Lil Wt nkv nominal at 01 03.Ft. .««U.To Búfalo l'.ill'ir Oa opea Hoard thia afternoon V\ brat

«lt.»««l »iici 1 »! '»'."vflii-V- r»»b .ml Oetober. Cairn, "!»'¦«*¦., rath

aadOftotirr. Old. 49V- «at*« *"d Ortobrr. R*r«ipi»-0.lM»0 bbla.Ftaar 30'.'000 bath. Wnrtt. 8!..000 hmh. fera. 55.000 buib.Data. 2.000 bath. Rre. 18.000 bath. Birler. Rh:pmenlt-4.(H)0? I*ia. Floor. 1M4JMKI' bsth. Wbeit, 101.(MM) bn«b. Cora, 42,000«uah. Obi» 13.000 haah. Barler.CiacMMATi. Oel. 7. -Hoar dn'l and «nrbaB««:. Wheat doll and

«.anal Cora qn r: aad ttrik at M3a85c. Oat» dull and decliningal 63«r.T'. Hit quel and Bnchanreti. Barre» unthan/rrd Butterateadr. Pork nominal. I aro ttridt. Summer lOtac Bnlk Mrita

TIM Mbouloer», 7s408c. 1 t leir Rib Sidei. l.i'^a ¡4'\ Cleir in.«

4al4'4i. BieoB qoiet: Mhoaldere. M^fl'.ir Clear Uit. Midet. 15,I' Mule» 11 St VVbi'ki tall I, it 1 éari-M of Ir. wira »t 01 02

I iitiiiM' Oct. 7..'Wheat quiet and onr N... 1 R«-tl01 1) No i to.. $1 05; No. ), $1. lora iteadj iad unrhinrrd;Oki llifn Mutai abrlleJ *-lr ilo. Low, Mir. do. Kin, on

irirk TO« Oitiinarr. So 1 Sute Vi "a 2 du 51r.. White.04r. Iel ..leu- qaiet anil anibante!.latlltliatW Oct. 7.Kloer omet ml onhinrtd it *.'lr>*fi 25

Wk'lt qo.rt in I Birbaaeed it 95c «*) IO OaH in the ear. Ne«,¡Ah. (>;,). 7M-MOr.. li e'erator. Oatt, ;>0-.>!c.,in elevator. Kit

XnH. Birle» $1 OftcOl 07.Ü01-MT, Oct. 7 Noteaiton of tht Botrd of Trade to-iUr.LniiM iii.O'-t. 7..K.our iml Wheat nm biufid. Coru iad

.arhanre. at m3«m5c Oitt quiet tad i,ir .w.l it (..",« To.. Kitaru.rt and onrh»n»etl at *1. Pork aha nal Hacon doll and loverrLnaitlert. 9V I tear Rib vdea. 10t.1 Heir Mi.lri. 10«__ lfinii«al aad derlia.n«; burn -uird. l8*.I Plain, i.ou 1.1I. Balk Meit»«al Kbaaider». SV.: Rit. s .If« M... no Clear Midet here.l_rd. li*««. Wbnk« eat.iT al ii 03. B««. lit lower; Tt« ft.a*Ktt.tiKki Hemp. 13cl.¡ ... Flat and Jute, irtording to «eight.4-14-ar.MiLWAi'KE« Ot. 7 r'loiir 'iniet in« n-cl anted. Vt-eti Crmino

Meint No a.9-1'..... N.. 2 11 !'.:'.-.. uh 927n-.. Oil* low, r. «ht dtaan.l. No. 2. 49«.i-. ton.

Îuitt »Bd lowe,; No. 2 Murd It MO«.*. Rre nntettled; No. 1 It7«MMt. Bir'e» îoiettlt- and lower, So. '.' Sprint-, «1 OOl.aOl l>'.>\

t-atb. C1 10'4«$1 11. October; No. 3 Stirtn«, tile Preiibtt-Wbent< 4 Sr- t« Ot«'Äo, *V. Rrreipu.4.200 kbit, i'loor«1 iMMJbutu. VVbeit- bb bintot*.) 400 tt-la. Flour. 157.0«JO baib.Wheat«¦«ra«. Ort. 7..Fioar .'1. an Bonuil. Corn doll aid lower; St*,In, 91 "95c. On» uull an 1 rlrt'iniur it 64«, Lin) quiet botOra »I 15\ _. 16-_". Bl' on.Shnnldan »nd Cleir Rib Siilet | doll todlowtr, Mhouliftr«, i»c (len Rib bide», 14'«t-. Cieir Siuet ataree andOna tt l.vy.

IMiaiatio Oct. 7..Flour ne hinted nie« . 000 bblt. Wbeit qolrttal.« 1 200.lm»li. lim VV'l.... Miclitln it .1 30: No. 1 Milwiukie(lut held it 01 l8 No. I do.. 41 10. Corn «oiet it Oie, Btrler in

good «tatnd tbd the mirket »dranred »ile» o 25.000 boab Prime»nada it fl III .. the ¡nae I'll 1, .her. Cora Meal, $39 for. lied- */.'l>< t..r l'nbo:K.k> ton. Mill 1. ed nnehiL^ed Mhorti 023;N..pitaOi. »20; MidJlinf. ¿.'¡2 f :. CaLal IreuLla.W beat, HtCl4*ra C'»r Bir'er. 5\r lu Mt»Te«.I Btrln. 5c. to Alban» ; Lumker 03 75 lo tor llutltou $H 50 to New York. Like Rereli'ta.* 000 boah. Bli ti 7M8.0OO fe«; Lomaer. Canil Sbipmtuti-39,200beth Oat«)«*. 0,000 bath. Mt« 5M!» (MM) teet Lumber.I-UM hua. Uri. 7 .Vurrnln.n Birk.No. 1 lower .( 035.

4 *»tr Meetl.Neu VVrttni. IO V. Tnnoth.- irti»t ind Inn it l8 70_«.. Fiaiaeed, *2 05. 1 ,oni do)', heit grauei held irinlv Muptririe0-( 28'aiJ 75; Burn fl«»V5-, North-Weil Kimür Ei'tn. $5 75407 Mtita, liMlittt«. and Oblo Cv $¡ 7"-.-*¦«i hich «mrlei $7 75.»> ;.ii Wbi-tl In im-.incrd fleirtrl. Red *1 2] «*1 2:i: Amber01 23-01 27 Hhit«.*l 30. .1 .14 R.e held it $1 Olia.l Ox4 ero «elk. ltllow tad Mned Wettern, OL Oitt offered free!» it41S.«(!U. ...r Watta I .'.'..«»«le. for Viird. Pmrihioni iteidr; Mes«l'««k. «24-0.4 25: Beef llama. 22«2lir. r-moked Hilo». 14^./15 Sr- Mmt.k'U Sidr« 14 '««I..'4 sa,.ard M,.,i Mrra 1(1 »¡j. ltl'.vf.. kel Htiii«. ila 13 Si«-. P.. k ed Mide«. I3«4*14t«e.i SaltadaiH.u der», '.i««10<*. Ltrd cull it M'i.làc. Petroieatiairad» it 1'.".«« 12V- for Keknel Crude held at 9> IA1. 5<w ia hut. tv titi» q.:i«t at ti 07. Batter trmat 35<»3Mc. fi.rl'h.iict u, Pri.» Ne« l.irk »Ute «i.l Bradford i'ouatt«1.,,. 41t« 12. Weetara l-ria« .;.','/..-»« «lo 1'nr to (.<>ol. Jin_*>.. Choice Welter« Roll« :.Ji' .sr. ( beete Brm New-Votk Mut-KiLi' K> .l61 .0 Primt 1 1 ¦*.d 1.',V W'rtteiB Prime, 14.«lf.r ««».M»r«et kttei frrtb iu deiuind (ititr. New-Jertt/r, ludlltliwire. 2sr IVriuru i.ilt» 37- (iooil «0. 25« .0.MT Lo; it. Ort. 7.Flour dall aad ouchin«ed MoperflLe Winter

»3 75-04 Kiln do ii«.I ... MoStM Km» ta, !V4 25«r>l 75, t'i bUHtH VV ¡.tit ilu.i in«: unititled No. 2 Ile) »V.m* 1

01 14-*««1 15; No. .Ino., «ft 02S.U+1 03. (oro trm tntt »tenhMe 2 Mned. Mile, io halt M. Vost» teMM« ta», m elititor. ti«-,»

2ii«l and a.rhacred No. Oat 52c. io Lui St. Loui» on trick. Bo-t «|U «t tad nuch.tged. Uti-»tra. t an lu fair 'ti ukiml, Re 2 at

Bl«92e. P.r» dull «t 032 25*022 Mt Hu k Me.ta .lu.I i-i.l non,

leal. Baetin tioiel an I ocrburr«] Lird lavett Bul. L. *

Mttitaer IO*«- 0104. I ire bo«i ilui' and low. r

Mocker». t.i«*.i ~r, .urfcen .1 .".ii./rfl 75. Rae** 0--06 7..Bateker, >Í5 2..«+.'. 73 « lb ai ti 11.1 «eew-tee«. It-

6.000 Mila > lour l-l U(M» bo.t Ml, II. .'.(MM) but lou. lu Midkath Oitt 9.1 »d bu-b. B.rlr>. '. M*0b«B-, Mje, M.UUU IL... M»¦Btiiti-4 I««» utli W In ti 1 dun aa-k, I »re

IiiLBIhi Ort. 7.Hour » WI eil Inn ind »tridt: No. 2TTI nWiMil. $1 IT4 No. 3 di. «el 11. Na 1 WMt Mfl 14. No. 2 d.. 01 «'s Kura do 01 '«Si Am'*: ."01 07-ar No I ltr.1.01 11. -Nu 2 Red »1 00*a> Ma 1 Au.'.ri.haeie.OI lOHp Ra. . io +1 '1. tom fttott 11^. »liri. M4r.«4a. Mt», No-ember. (¡7r do New, l'in-.lier. lh>. I., it Mi.l-3r. do. New. O. hl.i 71« VI I «on. KM. Oatt Brui and In fur« No 2*1 01***l Mirh.,«n. .2. Whir .,.',. l.,,.,,t,_34.00(1 both. Wbeit 0,000 batt Catt l' bash. Otu MiaBirt ti.52 1««» buib VVb'ti 2 Odd buttOtu.Vtimim,, ». M. t. 11c 7.-M|,iriu Tuiiieat ne quiet mt arm

»1 1. Ro»:a quin aa«i »te»d» it a. f.,r ^irimttl I iu'« Turneo-tilt rut», »1 ,1 nu I., lUtd. |r. OUfor Itlh.s tip »uJ »ii_i_. i»r

WOOL MARKE!.BotToa.Ort T.-Tbt market heWaa! coutmur, a 1 .., ,.,,..,.

*»' Ike nrmaud ti oult to arpt the want» of mauuf«. Iur»rs who lu«lit preaeat aarrrtalo »tatr ol the «.»k1» ailkri pur. luae ». aiodenttlta« posible. Al the »nae tri.e lhere li no prrnare t«. aell .Irfirih.rOtic« er palled, and -olden ipueir to lure eonitdrrahlr coaCdenr« in

the fatare ot the iturttt. M e utioii ta r. .f ,i|,,. aod Prorntlranie Xead XX at 6-./55e r« «r- narfr aolwoull l.rti It good n.oditioo W lacouiin «ad M riman leeeee, JU17...V for«ood aad tb«ie« lot», aod We»trrn .«ecta. 45tf50r.; loabin«' amiOr aiae tele, tioai ire rr»l Ir .ought iftrr md roaiani.1 fall |» atkt.aej.'e. alto qaiiil». Failed Wool »rare* tud «ra, ia In at40.55c h toajulitr."UUMrl-, Ot 7. .Wool Ira; Ohio. Peoat-lrsnii. ti.H Writ

V r« ui» lioul.l« lura aad » ,oir G',«,t>, Kura. 54«55r-M-.IU.. 0OVO7-M Coarit 50c. New-Tor« Mickit;iu. ladiaaa arid?<*_*¦ Flae, 4««51i Mrdium 5.1-55.. C.«r^ 48«5tir.«-atna«, »«»bet. Odati.'ir. ( oniblnr. unwt.hel. 42e43r. ; Canal.Wtthiur B4»30e.; Km«, «uwtibed. (j.(_0.... (oirae «ad Median,aiwtahrd. .1- i40c.,- Tab ««.bed. 55. bOc: Colora.lo. wuhed. Mt»*5r. (olora a uuwaibed 24«2Mc. Kura aad Merino Polled, tit»II'-"«?* 1-"d *"^*- ,'¦"*,1. *u'*Tv 'ela« Kiu« and Mad um

¿Mu35c le»«»»», 33025« CiUferei«, Kia» tod Med.-moVrUilt (»l.fort.1», loane 32o.l5r.

COTTON MAOXETS.CiiA«. itit.t Oit 7 .Cottoa einer M.l.l, ne 1 l Si- Law Mid

III'« 14 «r Oood Ordioarr. 1«, L,( ,,rr pl, ,;..., b,,M ,,.

«an» roinwlae. 3.509 l.alrt; t.u-t 1 Mm» bain. .to. 1 21,059 bila*.Vbw UUtmoM. Oct. 7. tottoBlira co«) demiwa, Middnoii, 14'.,-

1^« M10.II1011. 14'te-i Oood Ordioirr, 13'4e- aal receipt!, 1 5i..t e «rott. 2,433 Mit«: eiportt. to OreM Br.laiu, 3.073 latta»a. -.(ilk) t.i.. Meet 133,042 balee.«-ana 6m 7 -Colton lia; Middhnf, 14>4r. Low Mlddlitr

J.- . ......1 Ho.,..,, l.t'tr t.l ,,.r>|.la 1 II .11 .._|.. omboru»... * m. MC1 baitr. »al««. l.iMMI bale» arnek 14 117.1 ba n.

u-^ j.-vtya-a^wa ¿Ji«aii^^>-, ^jMj"'%j

14*. i ítoralOrll»..» IS*«.; r»t rt'etata. 4.763 bala»; »tom 4.773bafea et port«. eo»»twi»«, a,a3;» bal»», MM», Ml« bal«», «m1,N «<»P h.!».*8»t. Uri», 0«i 7 -Como«. nolti. ««tbttftd; Middling, receipt». 321 bale»; groar. 321 I,»!»., »tork. 5,397 bale». To mor¬

ra«* «ill he a holidiy H« V portliiiniiti. Oft 7-O.ttoB, Middling. 14V-i »*. a»

relpta. 242 bale»; »Kipak» nt». 151 bal««, »lock. 4.408 balee.OaiTamro». Del. 7.. t ,,iu.n apiti and iiorhang«.! Middll»(, 14V,

net receipt«, 1,013 bait»; ero., 1.013 bal««; tiporU eoulwi«e, 4lal*, »ile» 4f.Sh»let: tli.e» 19.000 bale».Maumu, Oev 7..Cotton tra. good demand Klddllag llljJHV:

ret» 1 OTU balea: «hir-menta. 275 bal«»: Hock. 14.810 bale«.Kvmroum, Ott 7,.Catto« 4r_ and «o.tiauge.1 Middling. 14V

¦et rMei0t«.2.526bal«a; «zporta, nnaitwiM, 601 bain; »ale». 150!.»)*» Hork 7 541 bal.».

Borrow. Ort 7..Cotton quiet; Middling, IO1«*.; grow receipt», 86balee: a«)»«. 300 bale»-, Mac». 8.000 balta.KaiTiava». Ikel 7 -Colton quiet, Middling. 14V'. gromiraipt«.

256 baie»; «iport» eo««lwi»e, ,5 bile», »..ti 250 turi, ii.iui.rri,

125 bid»» »toek. 2 010 bato«.ISBAMHBIfc Ort 7.Cotton quiet : Middling. lbV-l Tow Mid

d'ing, 14V-1 Oood Urdiaiii. 14c; Bet». 323 lill«, grtxt,77« bale».WiLwiiHTn«», Oct. 7.Cotton nnrbanged; Middling. 14V- ; n«t ro-

raHott 486 bale»; ni.ort«. MMW. 2S1 b»le» »toek. 1.342 balea,I...1 .»Tilia Dei. 7..» otini. .lull. Middling. 14 V-Aiai'Ti Oct. 7.(MM Bru. ; aetire demand holden Biking higher

price«. Middling. I4'«c; net roceipt». 1 ll'.'M bale», »air». 942 bale».


Mercbanta Manufacturen, aad oliera. Mining intoT«»»» nego-ti«ted. K.«l Batato eicbaageai for bturinaaa. PeraoB» with capital aeek

in» l.uimea» »Ju-nl ... approved opportuaitle». Reference». to illro» fc

M. Sewing M»cblie Uo. Théodore Storge«. e*q Iron Merchant,240 Pearl »t, fce. ÜKlüOS fc CARLKTflM.

Finíiioial and llunnea» Brokera !»S BroadwaT.

USINES» I^ËTOfËGOTÏATED.I*»!»etected. JOHN B. Ml'RRAT. 98 Broadwav._1»

(i WYNNE & DAY, No. 16 Wall-et.. transactI a »ei,»r»l BANKIN« »nd COMMISSION BUSINBSS in «TUCKS,



0K0R0R H. PRKNTIS8, Room 23. Wo. 30 Broail-ti.

JOTU'E'is her7by~¿oTven that the LAKE_1 MAHOrAC IMPBOVEMKNT COMPANY will PULL a« an en-

t.rrt» at »«»lie SBMM at lu Ofic«. No. 22!» Broadway in tb« City ofNew-York, on tba I' e«ntb da/ of October, in tba jaar One tbeuaaadeigbt knodrod »nd, at 12 o'tloek nooo, all it« RBAL »ndPKKaSONAL PKDPHRI'Y t tual.-l at Lake Mahopar, l;atn»m Cudi»,Stat« of New-York, rompmlnr, rereral botel proptrtie* and ,'uru:Ure,«i.tiarri, and about term honored »ere» of lind.Por nar..rular» «nd termI of «al* inquire »t office of Companv, or of

Menu Reed li Hort, Auctioneer», No. 220 Biuadwa», New-YorkHy order of tb* CompatirJOHN li CHEKVJnR, Prciidrnt

Atteit: WM. J. OSBORN, Secretary.Mew York, Sept. 21. 1874.

VOTIfK.-The CITY NATIONAL BANK,« located at Chattanooga, m the State of T«nnr»»ee. I» doling np it»

»laira. All not» holder» and otbrr crediton ot »aid Aaeoeiatio» are

therefore herein notified to preaent tbe note» and other claim» »Kaii.itthe A»»..» »Hot, for paraient. I». C. Mi MILI.IN, I ubirr _Chattanooga, Tenn.', S«pt 10, 1874._NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN


NEW JBR8KT BOVTHERN RAILROAD COMPANYwill be belli at ii.« OBoe of lue Company


THE POLLS WILL OPKN AT 12 in. »ml CLOSB AT 2 p. m.

Tl.e tranifrr book« of the CompiB« will be cloaed OB Ort. 3 *t 2 p. »V,at the om-r of OSUOR.S 4. Lo .¡4 llrued »;.. N Y.. aad reopened on

Ott 16,1874. O- P- MOitOSIfO.Serrataty.

REPORT of the CONDITION of THE Na¬tional PAHR BAMK of NEW-YORK, at New York, in tb«

State of Nr« lui, at tbeclcae of buiincti on the 2d da; «f October,1874: RPSOl'RCER.

Ieoani »ad_¦-¦-.810,401.848 09Oierdrafl». «.2S3 D5V s. bond» to »eenre circulation. l.l.VI.IKH) «0I'. 8. bond« on band. mi1. OOHi« York Slate «tock». 183.000 00One from other Nattoual bank». 808.091 lillOne from State biak» and banker». 78,389 K9Banking Louie. 0U1..M8 03Other real catato. 148.401 Mi! urrest eipenaea. 3X2 .-.!

Taieapa.d.V.. 10f..l71 86Premium» paid. 100 221 25Check» and other cub item». 0,245 38Kxcbangei for Clearing bo«»«. 1.474 071 06Bill» uf oil er National bank«. 44.'MU 00BulaofStato banka. 475 no

Fractional earrencT (including nickel»). 27,135 21Bpecie, vi»: Coln. 30S.923 37

Hold Trea»urj note». 'J'Jti.tMHJ 00I.c*»l tendernote«. 3,070,791 IK»V. H. remírete» of depotit for legal-tender

noie«. 1.040.000 0010 per cent for Redemption Fund.I. 78.100 00

Total..$21,105,817 85»LIABILITIES.

Capital itoek paidi«. 82,000.000 00Huroluefund. 1.400 IMK) IK)Other undivided ptmttt . .11 !'i..'. 65National bank circolationonutanding. "Ur>. .00 OOSlate bank circulation outiUnding. 7 "On Oil

Dividend» unpaid. 8,888 001- i.!u«id»|...» I«. 6,001.128 72Demand certiicate» of .:. ;. t. 11!'0N4 r<eCirtiiedebecki. 331.310 89Cathier'» rherk« ootaianding.,.0.S4O o'.)Du» to other National bank». 7.P25.12(1 44Do« to Stat« bank» »nd banker«.t. 1.975.956 34

T tal.*'J1 106.817 80I, JAMBS L. WORTH OmMm ot the :i» Park B»nk of Mew-

York, (io »oleum!» awrar lhat the abore »Uteueni :» true to the be»l ofi« kn-.«ledge »nd belief.

(S.imed) J. L. WORTH, t aibier.Correct..Atte»t.


State of New York of New-York: Sworn lo and »ubicnbedbefore me tbla acTeath d»j i.l October, 1 - 4

Two» Ki i,:«. Notar» Public.


No. 1 125 Tump 4VK Nkv-York, Sf,t. SU, 1871. JTHE ANNUAL MEETING for (he ELEC-I TK1N of DIRECTORS f»r the esiuing rear will be brid at Ihn

«¦ce on WRI'NBSDAY, October the 1-ttl. next. Poll» will open »t 2and clone at 4 p. m. Tranifrr book« will be rioted from ti.:- date toOrt. Kuh inat. incluiré. Br omer of tie-Board.

_CHAULES 8. ARTHrR, Secreto-.^OrTKK oF THF CkSTBAI. PAUK. NoRVB 4VD F. t«T lilTE« 1

Kaii.boad Compast, Tenth-atr. Finí um« >a*d PirrT-roiMiH-rra. )

T^IIE Annual Meeting of tbe Stockholtlers ofthi« Companr will be held »t the Office of the Companr ou Tikis-

DAY. the 20th nar of October. 1874, at 12 o'clo-k. ni.

The Tranifer liook» will be cloaed on and after r>»tunl»T Sept. 19,1874. '-I 30 dai- pr.i.r lo ihe At.nual Meetinr.

^_L.JT. GRIFFITHS. Secret»rr

Iii PER CENT. GUARANTEED; PIR8TI 1 ' Mi.i:i»,\iiK LOANS on improve«! IOWA KAHMS, lie,,

cn. ii au., full .uforiualion «ent nu »ppiiratlon.rSDKKWOOD li CLARK Mnar»tine. low».

AISDREHS, MACKAY & Co.,No. 14 Wall-»!., N. V.


Ei< bange and Circolar Nutet on 08108 BANK OF LONDON and on




Robinson, Chase & Co.,BANK LU*, No. 1» llltf» *.I)--T.



. nd oller atrirtlr £rit-el»a» Stock» and Uond», parn«, 10 tn IS yetrent. 1'lie »a.'eit, uio»t n »tile aud prolltat.le lecuritie» in Hie nia.-ket


Stock Broker» »nd Ancti.,1 ear».No. 4:iPn.e M,, Se», iork.

X. B. Pr.uie Inrertment Se.-uriti»» onr »peciallr '-"J »ear».

Sankina donara ano IBanKcrs.

WOOD ti DAVIS,iií\ki:ks,



( . II. WOOD, - \ »II II. I>. 11111».

Oiiuofniï Notices.Orri.« o» iu« Cbnthai. Railroad Cmfaxt or Nkw-Jbbibt, i

11!» LtBBRTT «T.. .V'bw-Y'ib«, Sei.t Ü8. 1S74. >

4 QUABTEBLY DIVIDEND of TWO /l$1)_\ A MALI* PER, CENT hit been detUted, paiikle »t M, .fee onau« »fter Tl'KSDAY, the ínii proi.-o!"

Tiie Tteetht B ok» mil I.« cl.,»eJ from THl'RSDAT. the l»t toTl.urm»v. Die '."Jl ol Qciolitr neit- SAM I EL KNOX, Treawrer.

ATI antic AB> PartrK 1!«.: ,i. Ml ..., i

TsriTHI» » Ofnr«, 3 »T.. In TOBK. Sent. 2H, 1S74 1rrHh if'ifiilar quartcilv DIVIDEND of ONEJ. AM» A gl'AUIE.I VEIt CENT in the »tuck of the PACIFIChAlLKtMli (.f M.»«..uri) »,ll I« pal on tlie '.'Itb dar of O. to'.er to.tockbolden of leeor! on Dei. 1. Tl.e trrnifar Look« wi.l l»a cloaedh'.m l«i to fun proii-uo. 1 he coui.oi.« on Klrrt M..rtr»re Bond« of the"»rite Kiilrvad loi Mnan.un) I »rou. elet llr»i.cli. .lue Ort. 1, will be

.id ii the ..« e of :l...«nr. CLINTON B. FISK, Tre»»urer.

Siloings Banks.VEW-YOKK SAVIN«.s llANKr8t4V_^r¡7«or.'

Mtli it - »-eretl al» per ee-.t. Moner depmle«! on or ».elora9**-.l*> **lt_*imm l»is- tn oct. 1. A.trtt 88,1184118 84!H"/.plS' P*7 -77 -'" H1CHARD II. BELL, fretulent.I. to. Ukim »bum ,rr. Seereiarj.

BOXD STREET IlïïSK"1m7Boatf -iri-r-i »ml Bowi-rj. N. V.

II HAKIVMBU Al- .lil. 11. l-l... ;M'lNKY DKPOS1TED ob or tialor» <><to'«-r io will draw litereat

fruin ocwbrr lit. liAItKIMl.N HALL, Pre.iue»tJAS W. nOMINICK. i . _

ROHKkr B, WILLKTS j Vire-Pre«lde«t».C. I). Baiibt, Troaa._J.n«rB P. C»o»«B. lec'y.

-Irving Savings Institution,N». M U'ARRfCN.KT.. MiV-lOKK.

PIX PKIt CENT [STEKKST allowed on a.l unDEPOSITS MADE Nt)W OHAW 1..-TKIILST EltOM (»CTOLLH 1Laat »io »ail . troa IU a.«, :».'M. .

WAlaTKH W. ClONOJUtIN ru*,ii>k.iir.

Jètmk^mthhp pt Hiett^. ¡.-»Hkl-I. '

Basin« -WnH-B

INiON DIMErWlNttS BAUE,Rea 306 «at 308 CANAL HT Car. ef -aiekt

Ope» dill» (rta 10 U 3, ind Meadar tTtllap 6 U 7.

Lmiit Ofer Ten Mill.oM Dollars.¦arpia«, attr Eiekl Haadrea T.««aead TallaraRIX PKR CkSt I »THR-NT AU.OWKi»

Moatt drpotltatd oa or before Ort 10 will bear lattreet (roa October 1.O. 8. CHAPifl, Tree*. R. i. MAllHWi, Pre»'-

T. B. Aaaor» frrre'ir»

thances for ímuum Atti

CAPITAL WANTEIX-t-Ad active member of* Utt manarm bankin, h*«t* ateta a partuer with rat.iial to rr-

atw the bnataea- Addrea« J. -** W.. P. O Ma«. 1.8c-9.

LX)R" SA1.E-Á SEWING-MACHINE andI TRIM alNO «TORI», leaf eetabliehed ia a Irai rate locationwith fall nock, lilarea, toola, 4c F*r pirtireliri addrea* M. II-, Boi107. Htition A, N. Y ( .tr. ________.

1fiV)R SALE-THREE GREENHOUSES, 12 by-I 53 fret, balli the part Boaimar; ntrii» »torkeil with pítate, «Mc«»rimed aad rarma.« u alee pottia» ibed, ke. beat of leeatioa; boret ran

r»rr» 16 nnnotri. tol.1 oa eeeoaal ef ill health it i peat tar riler fr«aeo«t. (Jail oa oraddrew_O. L. HALL.rtprlB|f«tld, Mill.

¦TUIE advertiser baa a large tract of LAND onX Pert Rejal Harbor, well «oiied to the ealtitatioa ef fron» iad »«_-

etihlri for ibipaMBt te Nartbrra nn.-kete. Oood tteaater ead railreatlfin ititi ead araeoa a little earlier this at < h irluton. Coaanaieetlontire m»lU-.l truro riprnrin-nl partir» »ub i »irw to th«- «*»tal.liahmeot f an

eilenaitr linaine»» le thu lia«. Aodreu ALPHA, Bet 130, TnbnBeÖftre.

«îoparintreiiip -fotuef.

OPAltTNERsillP..The undersigned havethltdir form-1 a COFARTNERHHIP under the Ira ead natur of

BATHS k litiHTWK K ind will eoBtita« lb« BANKIN«) tad STOCK(IMMISSION Bl. M IN KM« li 13 Broad it. J. H. HAT KMOeL 1,1874. _8. B. BOHTW1C-

flORSfl and CARRIAGEMARKETNew-York, Wednftday, Oct. 7, !874.

The local horse market wau very quiettlirtiiiKlioiii tin- day, and iirt»ae_te_ no m'w or int«-r»*«tiiii, The tiireateoinK «apee, ot lût» weather aeemt

to bave kept buyers away, an there waa aloioat no de for bortet of any kind. ITbe tala held to-day at Barker «_ 8on'§ City Auction

Mart and New-York Tattersall«, corner of Broadway ami

Tlilrty-iilntli-rr«., waa fairly attended, and tbe bornea

offered disponed of aa follow« i

Dtteriptiin from Catalogue. Hindi. Vein. Price.Bit II»)iil,l»toinan»e|.|ir.|. 1 .'¦ 1 Mf. I.', n0

Bit feldia« Wir Rifle. ICI 8175 00Piir ef rre» eeldiiee (Kentackrbred)............!r.. 15.- 7800 00Bar reldiBf Tippo, br Braditka'IlamblrtoBiaa. 16 B400 00

Bir itallioa b» Bubiw. 15 711000»..iBinire.. 10 IS4760

Tbere are no evidence« of improvement In our localcarriage trade «ince tbe opening of tbe current week,and dealer« in tbe« grade« of work report tradea« dull. A large number of eecond-band vebiclea of all

description« Is ditpoteO of weekly at tbe public auctionmart« at very low price«.

fiore.s, (Carriages, fiarnm, «vi.

Ii* A. FITCH, 153 Ear». 24th-gt..Suprior_» «mee lad Road Horaer, iirirr ueerlioto. reaaouihle pnce*

Ccqai Notices.

l^5 Vi ,I.«U Plaintif, ifiin«! WAI. I K11 MIT. UKI I, UeltadaaL-iSuaaon» for Hellet.Com. art terred.) To the dtlradaal. Yoa are

hereby ninimonrl and ret|aired to antwer (he coaplatat ia Ulla a« lion will be lied it the oSee of the Clerk ef the ( ountT ef Km»» ti

the ..uni i Coan booie 1b tbe ( it» of Mr-klri a l,«1 I« aertet top» ofroar BBiwer to tie aatd roaplaiat on tbe lobatrrlber. tt hu oCce No. 67".A'all-tt IB tbt Cut «f New York, wit-ia -0 dart after the tertiee ofline laaaoai en roo, eirlanre of tbe dar of lorh aertlre and if jobfail to an»wer the »aid complaint within the nae aforeiaid. the plain-tiff ib (hil irtion will ipplr to tbe Ctiart for the relief deaaadrd in then.iopl.ii.t ill K« ». AHNOI.Ii Platol if» Ail..mrt 1,7 Wall .t. N Y.

Lal. A. (lilli 1 MM,The capliiat is tbi» arnon wa» ilr.1 is the Kn.fl Coanlr I .irk .

(»_.. t aa tbt 2d dir of Mepltaber. 1M74.TURO. AHROLP. Plaint ft Allom»»


Ol' BOIM. DeftB.liBt..To the Defrailant-Yon are hereby iam_innr.itad rro,uir«-d to iBtwer tbe roapltmt in Ibu tenon, whirb will be Heilin thr ofjrc of the Clerk of the I m and Cunnii of New-York it tbeNew Coart lloaae. New York ( lit and lo aerre a cop» of »our anawir

to the tai mu.plaint au tbr mh.erii.ert al tbeir »für» No. li .'li Bro.i-way. ia (he Cilr of New-York, tt .» in (weat» din after Ike aer»iee mun."«» ob to» ejelnti ' tie dar of «er. aemre, aad if roo fallto an»« m the aaid complaint «. itbia tbe time «for»-aid lae plaintif inIhn aetioB will take jndraent aeaintt too for the «um of Mt bandrtddollin, with mtereit therein, from the '.'.'.I dir of KepUmber. ote thou-

land eight nid «trent» fonr lieiidfi the roil of Out trUon

Ulled «...l .m. 11-71. HI.I MHNMIIKL k AM IIKK PlliutllT.Ailornet«.Th» roiiiplilnt berrin wii lied in the o-lre of thr Clerk of the Cltr

«c.l efNe»-Y..rk on the HI di» of October. 1M74.BLI'MI.Nr.TI__ k AftCHRK. P'anilig'»«. JiwOwOriB Th.

«¡¿ITREMErC'OrUT, City anifCounty of New-1' York -RICHARD K. MOI'NT Tr»t»n,enUr- tinantiaa of (ortMoffit ind Mut Moffat, infant rhndrrB of William II. Moffal. dcu-*acd.P.aiBtiff aean.atllKI.KN C. RAt'KY. i-.litida*Ilt mil it Rtecatni ofWilina U. Racer, deeeaeetl. llefeodint.Summon foe relief.Ti. theIlefendml: Yoo ire berebt inraar.nej and '«.... .-.,-. i....;...»_,.,. ..

Iiliml m tbll »ellon, «hin, »ni le Aird In the ofire «I the Clerk of theOt» ind CnMtj of New-York, it tbe Cotrtboate ia the tit» of New-York, tod to ttrtr « ropr ni root anterr t.. the «tad complaint oa theisb»rriber it hit. HW No. Ml Hma.t« ». ia the I lu of New-York,within tweatjrilara after the «enire hereof, eiriailte of theda» oíiurb»ertite and if too fail toaiiiwt-i '!t eomplunt within the titrie ifote-.lid. tbt PItiBtilf in thii irtiou wnl ipply to the*'Coart fer the rebeldemanded le the eoapluot.

llited Ab». 11. 1874 ft TlLl.OTf.ON, Plaielirt Altorner.The rnaplaint la thr iht.rr rnt'tirt ir ion wu tl«d le the ctbre of

tie Clerk of tbe fit» ird Conctt of N«w Vo-k. »t the leort-hcute in

tbe »lid eit», oa the tetei.tb der ..( Meptui h r 1M74.O i ii l.i'I .«ON I .. ni,« * Allon.«-.

tilted September 23. 1874. TI li«i«

filarOLe ano Slate ftlanLeii.

TT^RËAT^lîlinrCKÏÏ PRicËsl^Tn« * Ti ¦ i. ¦'.. >- ..' M.rt .i »I ., «I .¦ ?. ,ü;¡ ,.) .i,,.

Mirhlt- work Marble Tornn.g for fe nair. A. KLAÜKB, 1J4 Bit.I ,.|.'.,nlh -»t.. N Y.

Ali KI]AT reduction in líricos of Marhle~ñndMirbiriird MiBtelt ill kind» ..f lim.i Tilín.. M'.nuiLtnU, Head-

nonet. «!»i.» for I'ltitni.» ¦* ind I i>,,i,elmikert now ofTercd il M.KLARER 1. Co. » Mitta MirLlt Wort», Not. .17 to 2-9 Wett Kiftjr«i -I near Broadwtr.

AN extensive «tock of MANTELS (Slate and-T\ Marble). nore! and unlitoe .letiffn» at redm-ed pr rre. W»»bTrart and Bille Work of t»err description. I'K.NRYHN'A.!'. I'l.n.n »«, Fouithire. tim "ettoteentlit. N. 1.

tÏTI.WAKT'- Slate MânTèls. and WoodI; Manttli. Ritbind tier»! detia-n» »t tit Ii.wkii r re» '.'.0 lad 'J'.".'\*t eai «»Lit »h.r. at between Mttenth aa.1 I'li-.t», ,,?..


MISFIT CARPETS.-liood ¦Mond-«|M-ld «-M..curl ( ARFhTM a mtcialtr ill »,i,t, nrb put. rn. vert

i hetp. 11'J Kuito i. »I i.eir Ninia »idt «--.trance

PHELPS, D0REMU8 St, CORBETT.No» M4 «mi -0l¡ Car.a. -L

Propoie to tell for net ciat. ob or (»tore JAN 1 1M71THKIH IMMKN^K « UK K OK



No. lot KILTOV <TK i~ V*'


W'ËEKLY 01. MONTHLY PAYMENTSff forPIRNIIl'RK CAMFETM iad LITilitV« «tB. M ((iWI'EK'MltVAITK A I'll \ No« 1.'... «a« 1 .S? I kubin, ti


ßtcambf.uifl and Ilailroaûs.TOR RONDOUT and KINGSTON, landirifr atX I ouent'i, Cornwtll. Nriborfh. Mtrltor.nsh Mt'Ua Poutliktrp-ile Meit i'irk. tinpai tt»«mboat Jiaci W. Haldw.r, lea»». Hiiriiob-tt.I'.er N. _.. eterr Mo»J«t W*dne»d»T. »ad Frida» it 4 o r'.iek p. a.

VOÜ RON I >0i;f~¿mi.KI N0 sf< L\~l7-nÏÏîti7?X it Chbbbj (ornwill, Newburth. Minhorooeh Millaa llutli'.iliINew Pilli) Ktopai-Tlit »ttiaboit 'IHiiMtS (oRM-'lL Ititi-»

!')'/,n.TVaPI,,;,*'N' K."".' ttmOAX, TflOUtUT. ta-MT«I lit.Al it A r ».


MNTH-KT, tad ONK-HIM.Hi:]. I V|, j tv r *, ,,,'l II s I with boil» for lllrh »ed K.Dt.l.r,ie». B. »u lr»t» Frrk ¦ m rtrr»hill boor iront OiOO _ a. ubuI 7 f. a. ila.» 12 .1» aal- p. '«

N. B.-Mrt time Ukin where boita lind. MD_,ar ..,., ,,_.. ...hilfhonrlroaO.IOi. a. urtil7:l, p a.



F/oa rltl '."I North Hi»»t foot «f Mum»e».,THF. W'ORLD-R_îtO\\NHi NTiAMLRS


The aott direct rotte lo TianU« Mtddlettnro' Pi-a, uth. Ne*-Bediord. Martha'! Vlattird, NiutBrk»!, Cap* i\¿t tLf '.VJil l'F


._._O- C S B. Coapaar-

M1.R( HANTS' OPPOSITION LINK IHOI -Far» M» .eat». Jerk » 1 Wi ti, bettl, -1 '.0

with rooa. J It MCHCYLKR fma (|»,f, 4;t, BT.r»M' ,l Ml NU4YMWF.I.N-M1.AYM. .ad KR1I.A1M, Ü ». _. t-_¿-SSST_H_. tmUbr^rallroaaa._J^w nA.NruX. oweer

TWEW-YOI.K CENTRAL AND liri »SOV.rtrVraaoVnC^-^'" "* 1"' "R *t*SwàZ oil

bw-r. l-tM-StflA&E ."..m ¦¦"¦¦»¦ .]":. n a li. .ar«. I i«:.««. * 'L >.«,,;, r»..i« r»ri U l-u.-a-

teter, aa tie. tat Nu««'« roi -lui li i a,., N.rti:t rt aad v>,... :l ti.-.i8i40 a io Hpcnal Albanr asl I rn. Hi rt ¦¦

4:IA»a il, MoBlrtal kipreai. with . teni it «ir, fr(s NewTarklaMt Aidant.6iWp _., Iraree». DaHr. tritk »letpia» cart fur Wttcrtowa tal

vaaaaaalfaa,KiOOp.«., Panie lipreta, »til» «Mi iletpiie-eart for Roc eiter.

Balai«, aad N atna kail», a ... lor,v » , t,., _ *..,.; _. «..-tlliaaá-

1 ; (Mi .. m, Bttritt. will. .»eil... r.:, fo» Tiu» *a<1 Alb*»»,ft.; t»fcU,e or b*¡ l .... T... i.l. «.

* II. RKKt mi4-U'lk. I tOtUOH t*'»^ i

Steamboats «ne lailrosos.

ALBANY Md TROY DAY LINE.SteamerARMENIA will let.» New York Meada?». IUH_H tod Pri

d... from Veatrr-at. al H:30 a. a. aad Tw.alr fourth ti il H 46 i. ra.

Retaining leave« Albaar Taeadara Tbaredar» aad Batarda., at S .11). ». L»...|,d, »t YONKKM. TAKKYTOWN, »ad STACK (br fr-rr-

boet). H ES1 POLST, CORNWALL, «ad SEWBUROU, POUOllKIKPSIK. KHINKBKI _. IA SKILL, aad HUDSON.Tr.p ticket« I« Weat Poial. Corawill »Bd Newburgh. r«tar»'n| tb« fol-

wwiag dar, |1._BRIDGEPORT, and all point« on Housatonio

.w-l Saarateek Rallroada. Par« 81. Siei.mer IRlOOKPURTlaave» Calnan ne »lip at 11:30 a. a. aad Bridgeport at 11 p. a._


Station la New-York fool *t l.:r,»rtr tL I onneet« »t fcna»rrllle «rubSontti Braaeh R. R al Htaptau J.nrtion with D«)., L«ek aad W»»LH. R. ii TkiIliptl.r.r« with Lebigh «ad S«M|«eh«Bi» Din«..,» alao withLrhlfb Vallar Railroad. Direct line la Barrnburr Pitlabargh »ad lb«H»»t. aim to teatral Peaaarlraaia aad New York Biala.

8.1,'MMKK ARRANOBMKNT.roaaenrio«; Jane ! 5. 1ST« -1,'are N»w »or« .« followit6:16«.a .Nb»i Tait« for Kaatoa, Bethlehem, Balk, AlUaUva,

Maur h haul. 1 «»«« qua. Willetbarre. Srraaua, kr.rJ.tK) a. BL.Wa» Tra!« far Some.-Til!« aad Flemington.7:1*0 a. a»..War Traia for Kitto» B«lvtdere. Manch Chunk, Wilket-

barre. Pilatus. Mtlituoj iii». ML («rael, Hiiletai. Tunkhataoek.T»wtmia Warerlj, *e. CeaaecU al Jaaetiea with Dal., Lack, aadWeat, a a9 n0 i m.-Mobiijk» Hir««'i daür (eieept Suadaji). for Faltón,

Allewtowa, Hirri.i.ur». tad the We»«. Con neeta at Kornem le farPlenttagte» at Eittoo for Manch Chunk Taauqaa. Towaad«. to .lie«.

barre (Winto», fee. wllb .hrourh ran lo Dsarillc, VViili»_iport, te.10:30 ». m to ty Train for SaraervtllcVi 40 p in.- Kir»«»» f(r Pleminglon. Kaate«, Batb, Aliento««.

Maaeb »honk. Mahinor City. Huíate», Wilke»««.«. Seraatoa, ReadInf. Columbi». Laarattar, Knhrata, PoU.rille. Harnthur» A.-.2:30 p. a-Wir Tram far Katta«, falaaaaaaa. »nd Bel.i.lere.3i30 p. in W»j Tina for Piálala., Ob Saturdapi onl, to Somer¬

ville.¦ 4 00 p a..WajTnle for RttUn, Alleatow«, «ad Ma*.b Cbaak.CeBBcrt» «i Junetion with Del Lack, and Weat K. R.

4 III p a -Way Traia for Saaerville aad Pl»a ugtoa.b B «v.We» Traia for somer».ile.6:15 n- m. W », Traia far PlaialeM.,'. IU p m .Kti«i«.i Kifrbu, dall». far Bailor,, Belvidere. Alice

tew«. Maarb Cbaak, Wilke*barr«, Tewaad», Retdi«»:, Hamburg,Pitubartk. chicare aie.

f. «n.! i p. ¦..Wir Train» for 8««»rT.!le.7¡30 «. bl -( EmikraBtl-Eor Seaton.9:10p. a..War Trai» for Seatrvlll«.1 VIS) ». a. -Por Plain»««.Par Eliianeth »I M5, 6, 6:15. 6:40. 7, 730, 8. 8:45. 9, 8.40.

10:30. 11:15. a. bj Vim.: 12:40. 1, 1:10 2. 2 IO. 3, 3:30. 3:464. 4ll5, 4:30. 4:45. 6. 5:15. 5:30. 6:45 6, 6:10. 6:30, 7, 7:30,h li. Vii 111 30. 11:1 j, Vi p. in.

R R. 8ICKBR, Pup', «ad Bif.H. P. Baldwiw, fleneral Paweairtr Agent._E" RIK RAILWAY.

Kiama taSUMMM »tTr«ln» Uklir afe«t Sept. 21. 1S74-proa lliaial.rr« it. Depot (Par Tweatr-tbird-at tee »ote below.)8 «- a -I inc.nmti and Chic»» . Dar Eipret». Dtawitf-roo« Coach»«

la Buffalo and Sleeping Coaeha» to deatioatioa.10:46«. a..Eiprraa Mail for Búlalo tat Ni»g»r» Pill». Sleepinf

l o«rk to Burla.o.7 p-a.fDailr). Pacile Ktr.r»«» ta th» Weat Sleeping Caarkea

laroB|b ta Bafaln, Nianar» Pall», Ciaeiinatl, St. Loo)». Detroit »ndl ¡i.cairn witboat «hinge.

Train» leave torPort Jern». 7:30, 18:30. 9. '9:16 «ad 10:45 a. a.. 4:30

(6 .10 and '!«.«.Mi'tdletcwa 7:30. »8 30, «0:1.1. aad 10:46 I. a.. 3:46, 4:30,

li..30 and «7 n a. Tb* 7:3D, 10:45 a. a »ni 4:30 p. m. trailleaaaect with New-lark aad Oawero Midland Railroad.Kondont and lingiton. Ham and 3:30 p. a.

Ooabeo. 'ti, 7:30 I»:.'lu, », >U:li. »»., 10:45 a. m. 3:30, .1:45,4:30. tü.30 and *7 ». a.Warwick. .30 10:45 a. a., aad 4:30 p. a.Newburgh. 18:30. 9. aad 10:46 ». a., 3:30 aad 4:30 p. a.

Suffern. -f> 6:45. 7:30. ts .iii *!l:15. aad 10:45 a. a.. 1.45,3:45 6. H Iti'lii .7t»'l -II.lop. a.RidrewoaO Hohokaa. Allendale, aad Barnteit 16. 6i4S. 7:30.

le.IO 'VAb, 10:46 a ra 1:45. 3:46. 6. 6 16:30. 7. aad "11:30

''MM *b. 6:45,7. 7:30, "8:30, t9. 10. *9:15. 10:45. 11:30». a.. 12 »««n «1 45. 3.3:16. 3:45.4:30.4:46. 5, 6:1... li, i.: li,ti, ii. 6:46. *7. Bli. 10:30. and 11 .lo p. a.

Newark. *6. 7 8:30, lil. 10:46. «ad 11:30 a. a. ; 3:15,4:45,6:15. aaJ IK io n. m and li Satordar night« oulr.

I 6:15. II md 10:45 a. m. 1:30 3:16, 415. 6:45,7 li »»It? 4'. i. ra »nd li Saturda» night« onlr.RatberfaM Park »nd Paaaair. C:45. 730,18:30. *9:l.r>. 10, 12

naen: '1:45. 3. 3:45. 6:15, 6. (6:30. 6:45, 8.15. 10:30, and.11:30 p. a.

H: l»l..e aad Ila. i.nwl, 4:46. 8:15. and l8 li a. ra 1. 3,4,6 »mi 6 p. a., »nd Vi Satordar night» «air.

K-alewooo »al Rparkhill. 5:15 ".) aad 1045 a. a.: 1:30. 3:154:15 4:45. 5:45. 7 15, and t7:45 p. a., and 12 s»lord.» »igbti onlr.

Pierntnat »ad Brack, .'. li tr.d *9 a. m. 1:30,3:15, 4:45,6:46,7:15, 17:45 p. a., and IS Saturttr night» onlr. Werner, 4.46. Alb. 18:45. *9. aad 10:45a. re 1, 4, 4:45,6. 6 p. m »nd 12 Salardar a ghi onlr.Hotb-.Tiaia» leaving- Cnambe ra at on eren or hair boor» leave

23d it. 4fWa ainnta» earlier Um above time, traína leariar Lam¬

ben »t. on qnarter horni letre i l'i «t. tkirtr amate» earlier. A boatI»»»»« 2.M «t. all 1:3(1 p a., ronnectin» with train leaving I bamber»H. »t ubi boar. The 12 alda »ki, 4:46 »nd 5(16 a. a. train*

»tart froj Chimben it onlrTicieta for i t««tr» ann tar anartaeat» la Drawing.Raoa and Sleep-

iBg ( ai. I,»» can be obtained, and order» far the cheeking jo I tranafer ofBtrrtre an be let »t the Companr'» oCee». 'J41. 629 aad 957in .-;.»> : 2 Cenrtit. Breoklrn aad at the Campaaf» Depale.Ki.r»» tri.n» Irom the Weit arrive ia New-York »I 7 40 a. a-, 2:40

Bad 7:66 p. a.*D»ilr. isundaT« enl».

JNlX N. ABBOlT l.fBera^Pa«a*nger Agent

N'EW-HAVKN, HARTFORD, &c- Faiï",(1 ali. Straaer» le»v» Prck-«lip lor New-Rirea »I 3 and 11

p. a.. Dailr (Sondara eirepted). ronnrctlng wltb the uilroad.

^^0TICE tiTthf. pubuc.I Tb' propretor» of the following Hotel Ticket Office» reepectfullr

aotifr tau ir patron» that their office» remain open aa heretofore Rai¬mad and S'.eaaihip Ticket! fur :.i.e.! without ulta charge. Reliablemfonuai.oti cheerfullT givea Watruer car ar. i.ramudatio. acenred.

PléTIi AVi-Hl'K HOTEL. UILSBT liol «EMETROPO.frAM BOTIL S! Hit KULAI HOTELearles hotel. grand central hotelNI'W YOHR Hi»TEL, AMOR lOOlB.riUÇtfl HOTEL. MERCHANT'S HOTEL.iwrarsri hotel. cosmopolitan hotel

ST. denis hotel.

NOTICE TO THE FUBLIC.-O- and afterMONDAY. Jalr 13. 1874. the fe' «nil be the ONLY AU¬

THORIZED OFPK K8 ta New-Yark CuT and Tic.nitr for tbe «al« elPiral aid Saeoad ( .»¦ Trketaarer the following lioe»:

M-A i.'.iK CENTRAL AND IllI.SON RIVER H R.413 Br«-adw»T Grand I eatral Depot. k.rt-.etl, it Depot. Harlem Depot, »»al at Weateati t Eipret OCee». No. 7 Park-plare. Tenlh-tt andBroakw»», «ud Th.rir-aeeoad «t.. Broad«»«;, N. Ï., aad .1.1.1 VV»ab¬lación »t llrooklTB. ERIE RAILWAY.241 Broadway Ml Brnadwai. 881 Broadwav lOOrevnwirh it.. DeM4 faat CLa-bera-it Depot foo« wei.t. th.r.' l)«p«,t Jrr»«j City,2 Court »I l.iooL '. »id 34 II orieco«!. Hoboken.

PENNSYLVANIA BAILROAD,No 1 A»toi Honae 888 Bro.war. D44 Broadwav. S B«t»erT-|.|«ce.Depot mt D»«bro«»«»-«t.. Depot fool Cort.aodt-at." Depot Jir»er Cut.4 l'un». BrtMiklm. and lit, Hndion «I Hoboken.

BALTIMORE AND (lilli) RAILROAD.316 Broadwa« No. 1 Aatur Hoo»e. 5^6 Broadn»«. 044 Broadwa»,Depot loot al I«r»bre«ar.-at.. Dep it foot of Con.adl-'at Depot JeraerCiti. 4 Ci.i.r' >i Hr.Hik'TB.iBd 1 Hi Iluuaou »t Hoboken.

I II. KENDRICK, dru I Pata. A.-: N. Y. C. and H. R. H.JOHN N. AriBOTT. Oral Paw Art Bri» B»ilwaj.I». M BOYD Ir. Gen'l Paaa. Ar I Penn. R K.

_I- M. t OLE, Gea Ticket Ag t B. and O. R. R.

\F.W-YORK, .NEW-HAVKN AND HARTAM l-l.RD R. R.-NIW-YORK AND NEW HAVEN DIVISION.Ailinn Arranrrmenl ronaenring hept. 14 1874. Paaienge- Stationit Niw-Yrrk Oraad Central Depot entrance «n Portrtecond-it._^

VBA1V« LBIV« HBW-V.iB«.Train» for NiwII.t», leave »I 7il0 (Aecn.). 8 05 (Eil, 9 05Arm 10(11» m. (Ki.). 1200 -r. (Acer..) 1:00(1-1. 3:00 (Kg.).8:80 (Act ¦ ,, 4:3» and 6:16 (Local Ex.), BTOiti.), »ndOilOlKi.)P »¦

l-or So«th Norw»lk. 7:10 8:0*> 9:05«. a.. 12:00m. 100(Kx.),2.20. 3.15. 438. ».II, 6:40 8:16, 8:10. 9:10 p. m. Par St.iulord,7 10 Sill., 9 05 10:10 a. a. 12:00 m.. 1:80. 2:20 and 3: la Uti.),3:65 ,8:8. 4:45 6:16. 5140 6:3.*.. 7:2(1 8:10. 9:10«nd 11:15 p.m.

Button hipre»» ria 8priB(r8eld »t 8:03 and 10a.m.. 3 aad 8:10.p. m., »u Shore Lineal 1 «..!'.. JO p m Tbe 8:06 a ¦-. 1:00. and8: ni »uo 9:11) r. _., »topping al Stamford, Xorw«1». and 8:03 andKiwi i. a tal UOO. 3:00 Silo mi U-.lOc. _, »I Br,.»report The8 05 . ¦ and 1 p. m roinret with train« on Shore Line Dirlaioa torI'rei '. :.. » «ad the ( onneitirat \ »li»» at Savl.rook. The S 0.1 in. »ni3 p. ¦ conneel with Shore Liae Di.ialon for »Norwich and New Haren¦ Bil Nonkamptoa li R at New-Haven, and lheS:05 a. m. and 1 p.m. Bi¬rre»» fir Newport. bt08, 10 a. m »nd 13 noon train» connect withCoui.cci.iui R,T-r R. R al Spr ngli»! I and I p. m. for Montrai. Tba8 06 . re. ¡.in: 3 p. :u Conneeu W'lh Naueituck R R. and the S lij

a. rr ,. f a with Hanaatonic R. H. it Bridgeport. he 8:06 «. a.aad 3.15 and 4:38 p. a with Danburr and Norwalk al South Norw»lkant ib» 8:05 » :, (in. 4 ;¡H ,r ! 6:40 p. m. with New-lanaan R. ft.'»t f-liiulor.i.Sanen» i:..«'on Mail Tr»m» ti 7.00 p. te. vitFpnngieM, »t 9:10 p.

a via Proiideare.Draw L, n. u. ran on Da» Eiprei». »i.d Sleeping Car» on Night Ki.,». 'I rt ....

lickru can bl purcUied »! Ticket OBce of Compter »t (¡r»nd Cen¬tral Pep-. »ni olnrei of N. Y. Tr«n»fer Co. 944 Bro»dw»». »nd.A indior Home. N Y and No. 1 t «...».,, Bruokijn. «bo «111 titocheek kaggig» frvm renlence to dcitinati«».

HAIILLM RIVKR BRANCH.ion,m«MUgSptenb-i M 1x74.

Tra 1 » .«ve Billia kim Station al 7, 8. and 8:18 a. m. 1:00,4:lMi 4-40 6 II »nd 6 45 p.m.

I orne» . «.'h )...»ta ef Mi rr.tania Steamboat Ce. leaimg FnjtonMt let «..pfur Har en. RiTer Ninth >a»-li-ra.

>. r mr in« r lafuf«! on of paitiruiar« »er )-.¡»*er» »t Lote!» »nd depot«.JOUIT MOl'I'i Snpt. S Y. Pit »mp. NewTork.

Il F. N N ? Y I. V A X I A R À'ÏLRO AD.-THEA CREAT TRI NI LINE AND '.SITED STATES MAIL kOl'Th.Tra.ii« .«»«. Ntwlork, from fool of D«»bro«ae» ami Cortlandt «U a»UmmKtp e»» t.r H»rr.»i.arg. Pltl»l,nr»b, th» Wert and South, with Pull l'ai«" lan an«. «u, V.'M a. m . 5 and 8.30 c. ru. bundar 5 aud8 30 r a.

..-., W11, »«.liori »ti I.oek H»irn. li!» Phil». «. Erie R. B, D.v.. con

»eriiL« a» PblUdllHB«), 818O ». iii tai Wit ian.»port. Lock Harentorr.«ni Erie 8 .10 r. m., con cub» at I Jn» for Titu» ville. Petro¬leum 1 eetie. »:.d tu- t) K., ..

Fur Ba t rjor«. W ».I, orton, «nri the Senth. 'T.lmlted Wa.hington El-pre.»' ol I'm man Par .or Can dailr. en« ;.| Sun.ur. at 9 3d a. m. ar¬

rive 1» We.lingioD al 4:lo p. a. Repulir it 8:40 a. m. 3 and I p. m.

^unri»' fl P. a.l-i|.r»«!útpb »riciphti. 8 40 0 30 t. m. : ,_|g 3 4.4:10 5.7.

8 ,n 9 d. m., »u« l8 b'.gbl Bund«? J, 7 b 30. tod 0 p. m. tmi-gtant aad t««ot«l c.»i» Ia, nv

Aceow.iiNial.«.i. fer Trent..a »t . 88 » re. »m 3 r- m.Fir N»«ark »l«. » .10. 7:. o. 7 40. 8 9 io lia.. 12a, 1 I

2:30 1:10. â140.4¡10 4 :.o. I t 20 1, -luTOtSU 7 7:108 10 10 11:30 t.». tnd 12 Light. Sundi» 5.'0. 7 tml 8:10 p. a'Par tiitlarth h. 6:10 7t-.'l». 7:40 ». H. Il) t. a., ig m. 1 I

0 340 I !.. «¡IO I/O .:'j.. :,.4(| 11 1:. U, Ü.-M' 7'', :..i. 8 1C. Il), 11.30 p. m., and 12 L.ihu Sutdtr 5:20. V. tnd8.10 ; m.ho: hat»!» fî S .10. 7 'O, p 10 t. m.. 12 a. 1 I _88 310

3.40. .:i0 4:30. jlSO 0«Ja .Mu | ii: 10.6:30 7, 8:10.'IO a.. «ni 12 Bi/hL Sui,!»» 5 2-lan-t 7 p.».


>i.i Wooll.ri.ige P,ru Auib«r. «til Sotiih Aahor, 6 and lu a«i iii 1:511 «n: « 1« a.for New-Braniwic» ,.20 »n 8 ». a.. 12 a.. 2.3.10, 4:30 ii'.'O

(.lil and 7 p. m-, aud 12 illili I« ». u. a.

For lt.: MillitcLc. 12 n -on. 3.10 »ne 4:30 p. a.

Pur Lambert» .le «ti Fluuinglou !» .11. ». a. and 4 p. m.

I r FI " ilhiCK «t.l B»l».dere. 9:30 a m.. 2 aud 4 p. bl

Pit Bondilla»«, fcui'.ii.trt.-n aao Camden. 7,2') aul !» 10 a. m..

12 .10. 2. I 4:10, »»d 7 P. ra.

Pot Frenóle" 7.*»» ¦ 2 »rd 4:10 p. ¦.

li.« Farainrdale and .-ou u. 7:80 ... B. «ud 2 p m.

><r M1 .l.'«ti-in. Pcaber'on »nd ( ia.1»»».» Prrin Aralor. 2:30 p. a.

Pul H gh-«towB »ud Peiul.eitor.. u '8' ». «i-

I it t> trr vi »1 follewi:.Fiia l'Util urgl r M) »ad '. "ti ». m., «ad9.!6i..B d«!« S TO ». m d«iif. eiccpt M..u4»». From Walbing-l'a BLd liait, a'»» 1. -.-m», in. 4.1'.. f. 15 »b1 10:27 P. a. Sutm«T t):'J«». a. tndl0i27 p. a- Prom PbiiKielnliit. b.Ul. eV20, 6:50 101 j,U.M ..a. 215. iib MV"."' .'Jl-Jy*? .>¦« emtmj,5:H» omi, fi.00 il :,i k a T, .'.u «ad iorrTt.. ra.

Ti« «et <i»ee» H8 ti,d 944 Bn«.!«aT No. 1 Aator lion»», ind foot ofl'H 1 >.,. at. ( onlaoli-i«. N.a,.ra .s.. 4 ..... >t liaakliait. -N.« ill I III aud IH ll..'.-e'. B.Ililli I.Mop.. e No S B«:terr-plare. II. M BtlYD, jr., Utb. Paoauver Ageal.

I .< . v. lu- mm, l.eneral Manarer.


Fare from Nrwlork I«» i'Inla l».| ma .0 It +.' 25.1 o_n,«ii.n« IHTItMMl Nepi II) ls'74. Lette Ne« York fromPier 8 I» k . Fui II*lui--

!' 45 ». a .1er Philad.lpb a, Long Branch Tom« Km-r. Vineitad,ant Hr-tret. n.

1:40 p. a.Pur PLilautlphia, Long BrtnrL, Tuai Brrr. Wtretown.tnd 1 ur leeton.

4 no 1 ii..-1'.r Lot« B.-aa.b. Toint Kirir, kr. On SATl'BDAYSfoi Warcivwn. fcc.

W. « ^NKDRN rieneral Mtrager.

CT0N1XUT0X LINE Eu NEWPORT asdtíj 800108.

The new and »learner KHODB l-l.AND Tie»!»,..Thonalai.. and .¦»lurl««« and the cleg-tut ataaaaWV N.lUKAlilN8KT1 M«»adar«. Viedaeadaii. a:.d Endai» from Pier .1.1 North Biter,Iaad J.. »I at 5 p 11. »rri'lug lu II. -ion »head of all other line».T.rkcta f-r m1» al all iriten al rai'r. ad n!Bre,, and Hate ro.ima termedal th. o»r. - al Wea. uti Eure.. I a. ti. al 31!» limadwarh. A DEVIAI I cg\.tA«.i:t I. to VII KIN- I,en 1. P»»». Agent

_|. * HABi 01 «, Preiudent


I'«««eut»>- "" th . Lae tal» 8 05 a a. and 1 p. ra. eiprei» traiB»tra.11.1,.«.,, ion1 t»« |-«.t «rrtiB» »I 4 Maali 2«) p m Alio ou

ttmtttXI ¦. ¦'' ". i|.»i»i|.i... aiiiiii.(,i Newparl al 0

T4UOPOJ-Í V» AhKHJ. kule-.,kTIMlrkL


Hbw-Tokk. We-Beada>7. Oat. T, It. A.

At th«B Exchange Salesroom. to-d»y Jame«M. Mille, sold tb« propertr known m tbe ManUattan

Market; E. A. Lawrence t% Co., dwellinf-booeea oo

rifty-oljrlith, Heventy-fourth. Ka«t Twelfth, and Eatt

Kunrtli st«.; Rlobard V. Barnett told two bom.« on

Proapect-plaee. near Forty-tbird-et.; A. J. Bleecker, Son

A White »old tenement-bonaea and lot on Cberrp-at.;William Kennell/ beld an executer'a tale of lola on

Seventh-are. and butine«* property on New-Bowery and( 'hcttnut «t. Tbe dlnianalon« and prioee realized «111 be

found below._


Prealiei kiewa at Maabattaa Mirket, hoaodrd bt _¦_¦<.__Rtrerjll »re, .lib ead .!&»_.; 7- lett la ill; K. IL 1*hob.|.6.,2.»0

Hy V»1*-. 4 ilt'trU..'I alor» brlrkhnoM »I><1 lol, .Hi ire, W I, 100.11 tt . of125th.»t, 1'J »iiuo.f7,760

hy JtVAord V. Harnell.3-ttory browa-ttoa» hoate iad lot a t of Proepeet-pl,17.1 ti»


ef 434-tt. 18.7-58.__'i_S3 itorr brown lion« hoa«e adjomia« abort, lera« «in.9»,Uni

By A. J fílttrJttr. .toa é Co.a 4-tterr brleh datlliaf bone«« ««d lot w « ef Cbtrrr-it. 323

ft a of Booietell li, lol.!7.7.tt8; rL B. «oewdeB.$11,900Hy Wanam _V»»el/y.

.2 toU. 25.75. w i of 7tbere, 50 ft ¦ tt l.ilit-tt....... .....»«,1504-ttorr brick Hore ind let. No 26 N«wBowery, 33 ltl.3i27.10i24.1i51.3._VV;'"i*ie

3*.wr» brie« howat tad lot No 20 Cbeetautit, e «, 23.3 f11 of

M«di«oB-it, .5.1-6» lti~.n35.__44.10. 6,(JOOBy K. A. Lavrenet * Co.

4 »tor j b t koaee and lot, 11 .ttlh-it. 240 ft e of Sth-ate, 20«100 6¡ J KSrakh....»33,100

4 «orr b . hoate aod lot, . w eor 74tbit aad MadiaoB are, lotlHiHO..¦ 30,000

4 «torr tenement homet «ad lot known ti No« 547 aad 549K, a«, 60 ft w of Alt., lot .'16(91.0.;. 11,500

4 .tory briek hoate. with lette of lot, .No -3H B 4th tt. at aa

«OBOil real of $200, tuet, tad wiler .«te». 6,000


BroiiwiT. c I. »bent 100.11 ft « of lOOtb it. ras« n 50(63 to

10tb-if«, I . 50iw64¡ Relph lowaeead to ThoiBi» MIVtrr». f8,lrOO

Cllotoa-tt, w «, 7ft4 ft a of Cberry-at. '27 6(83.1 ¡ Mary, wifeof OeTd Martern to Joba Henrjr Lribminn. 11.000

Hawthorne it. a e cor ef Venailyei-tre, lOOilOO. foreeloee-,A Moncil. ref, tal» Hehlweek. 2,_O0

Hawthorae-irt, e «, 17. ft a of Verailyea-are, rene « 50 I a

16h 3. Kinftbndjre-road, t w 50, i . 170.8, fereeloa* AMonell. ref. lo 1 flohl»e«k.»__'_¦.'___« a200

Pltt-tt, No 577, wt, 168.8 ftoef Deianrrr-it. 18.7_6.-lPriai Qiody to Herman Btek.aa.. 10,000

lOth-it o e cor Wartrley-pU-ce, l-t7j.ll I Wa»erler-p.laee,t a 72.11 It n of lOth-tt. 22(75 Miry A, wife of J W Og-d>B, toC lllieileB..*. 45,000

.Hlb-it. a i, 284 ft e ef 9th-|-e, 36.0(98 9, Uolomoo Qittonlo Oeorite Ktmaerer.. ¦- 50 000

37thit, a i, 80 ft w of I.eiiafton-i-t, 20i80; 8 Blrtaiky te

S Zeiaer. ** .00°39th it, a i. 275 ft e of '¿dite, 26(98.91 Geo B Schneider

to Abraham Mícheltuther..... 22,0004»-thit, 11, 350 ft a ef llth-ate, 20x100.6; 1 H 8o_4h to

Miry H Anteil.¦.¦ 22 00051«lit. « i. 67 ft e of Lerngtan-ite, 33(75.5; Aa_att_t ¥

Holly to JohaO Cirr.___.____.£..,______._*_ -1 °°°53d-tt,B 1,119 ti e of ,0th ire, 22(100.5; D Wbilea to

Klettor t rrieea, widow. 40 00065i_»t, ni, 325 ft wef 8th-»»e, 25(100.5; Jobs .ardlee te

JabaMiaelair. 15,00075th-at. . l, 200 ft w of Are A, 16.8(102.2; Q Ktlrn-erer to

8 Oiytoa.*. 9\MWm7-th-tt, ti. 200 ft w of At« A. 16.8(102.2; Solomon Otto«toQ-HIW Hiwkei. 6,500

88tiiit, 11. 500 fl . ef 4th-i.e. 25(100; Marr.wlfe of J Crow,io f VV Robb. 10.000

Illili, tt. »i, 125ft w of 2d «»e, 25(111.8; J to An-

aie, wife of T. Oilfney. 3,600140th»t,«t. 3511.0ft t of AletiBdtr-B-e, _6_100. Morrl«-

anti; Mary K (leilhir. to Hiaarl K Perrr. 8,000Pir.t-ire. No 259. a w eor of 15ib-«t, -8.3(80; C Miller, Jr, te

Rlunbetb, wife ef V Miora .NomlnilBth-ire. a t, 20 ft e of 3_Hb-it, 23.5x200; Ororee W. Pell

lo Riehir. M. Pell, one-half pert. 45,0005th-irt, aeeorof 07lh-tt, 75 9tl00; '»Tib «t a .. 100 feet e

ef öth-ate, 76x100.9; J. P. McCoy, W7. K.'MiJor, »ad T.Windell, exeeator» of C. O. Maali, to Riehard Arnold eadJiae.M. CoBttable. 83,500

ira-»« RBCUMDXD.Graad-it. No 27M, 10 »ein, per reír. $2.7110let-iT». No _7!>, al»o. ) . , ,.,-I I 712 »eera, per year 2.000Ka.t l.'ith-it No 353. ,

a » " Je"*- ! I yeen, per year. 2,500

Citr» Real Ojótate for Sale.

AS-NULLHOÜ^^^ threc-Btorybrick, ind »toop btiement. .heap ($8,000); (erau tin;

1 l.'lth-il., bet. 'id ind ,..uu, aide; in fne eoBditlOB; i-trry im-

ír.ireinent and .-onti-ilriirr, inrlodinK (U txlarei. Apply at 107Heary it.. URB. LAVVLOB'8._pOUR-STORY high-stoop brown-RtouoE HOL8K, No. 6_'.' Lexinarton-are.. between Piftr-third and Fifty-feur.h »t«.. w.-tt aidr. .ii.liii.'.O feet ia fine order thn.orhoot, wallitartrfullr n. mm wiler rani to top of hoate fourth (oor ditided indtil,,-li.-.; li te third, will be mid low for riih ; mortfage (10,000. fur-nilara toll with booae if desired. Apply oa the premiara.

ßrooklnn Heal (Estate for Sale.

FOR SALE.On the Hights, near Wall-st. andMouth Krrrirt. a rerr detirahle three »tory, bi_--»toop, bêtement

ind inh-eellir DRU K HOl'HK. with improtrmrnte. jott pat m com¬

plete order; imaeditte po«art«ioB-, price tl3.lH«J. A.itlreee or apt Ir to

_1. I. Will IK. 2_ Jihii-»Mop-»Uirt). New-York.

TSm SALE ON VERY EASY TERMS.a No. 102 Plne»pple-rrl..Frame »tore tod hoaie tot, '.'. i>"Not. 49, 51 tad 53 Naiaaa »t.-Kramedwrllinn; lot. 44xi(K).Noa '.' ami ¡HW .Vithiorl'.n it.-Kri.n« dwellinz lol, 46(70.Noa. 171» »od HIT Willowtt.3-ttor» tad hiteuient brick honieaNo. 43 Willo«_fhbt-»_-3 »lort brick hooae lot, J.iltjt».Ko. M7 lllrktit.-.l Hurt brick l,..a«r. lol. -_'.-.itiH».No. 158 Keauea-it..3-itorr brick hoate: lot. '-jtlOO.

VV. P. COOK, 235 »V_ehin_i-i. «t.. Brooklra.

Neuj-Jcrocn {leal (Estate tor Sale.

A N-.W-JEK8EY PABM f* ft BABOaUM..«Cm. HMl urea, h.uae, bent, eow-abt.l. two peach orchard«, tppie or¬

chard, icd other fruin; only U nno-i from etty. Price, f.5.000._

RL'LA.ND It WHITING 5 Bt-ckminK.

BEAUTIFUL " HOME" on hiifhest groundin Elialti.-h near main depot, Sr>5.IMJ0 below coat; eleeant home,

aeren acre», arar Puinfiell. «rett ba ra: ..n. J At, Is, 189 Broidwty.

rOR SALE-HOUSE iad LOT, nt WettfleM,I on«. R. R. N. J. one hour iron Ntw-York honie contain!«. diiiiil ..»a.t. r; »prinfr water ia kitrben; lot 61 (170 feet; price,if:;..'.tin tena» eair. Addre»» w kmTmiki.1i. Trihane (.Ore.

FURNISHED HOUSE to BENT for theI Winter.Tbree >tory brick, biiemeot tnd -ui>-.-. iir with ill mod¬ern Improvement!, netr Piro&li-ive. oa (fröre »t., Jener City. Applyit I'll kh_hth-i_, Jertey City. Rent, $85 per month.

1Î-OR SÄLE-50,00<r~a._re8 of LAND inSouthern New-Jertey »rill he »old in one body or in tract« of

6,l>00 irret ind unwirtf. Theae it» pt.I li_da, and ira opened uu btnarifation in.i railioadi. Tke» cootil n fooa «ate« powtr», Bt.I wood,mu cedai lamber Ad ne«» E. M HU,111'. Klwood, N. J.

LMR.ST-CLASS HOUSE,,"' free "of ""coi,., withX t'oirhhoone, Stable, iad 50 Additional Loti, in the beat pirt ofKLIZAllblU, N. J.-Will he »old for lett than the »ilae of the lettnioner to remain until paid by tale and reléate of lote, learing tuaraintioii with lot llMli.OO i-lrar. Addraea OWNbR, Box 826, P. 0.,.N.w-ïork, or (RANK - (il-ASbY, Eliiibet^_FOR SALE-A tirMt-cfass COUNTRY RESI-X llK.NCK. with in,pi.- tr.iun.l». , and ro ,i,:__ brook; ibuudanreof frait, complete with oatbnilrlio.a; pleaatatlr átuited. near ewtion,on Centril Riilroid of New-Jerier, one hoar from NrW'lork; t, ric.

eiir; will Uke »mall hoate in New-York or lirooklm ia utrt payiueii.Apply la-,0. K08TKK, Architect. HI Broailwiy._ORANGE, N.J..Great variety property for

tait «li to r.-t. O.ce hoart froa 1 to 3 a. a.I. M. i.Khiii '«Si.,.,, cor. Libertr-it.

«Xonntrji {leal éstate for Sale


I¡X)R BALE.At Riveruiiie, Conn., 2-storyHOl'SK 11 tooma, new barn, Ure acre» LAND, teen mlunlei lo

d. p.iL Price $0.500, or would KXi'HAM. K for Hnokliu property._Rt I.ANI» k WH.TIN(i..> llrrtman-lt

p>R SALE.New COTTAGE, 4 acrciirä.JL Horiirt 83 ti)'le» fruin Omeo, on Foti Wayne Riilrottl: pnce.$575; íllMI down, bi tii.-r $M monthly ; ilao. new I'Ol'TAO-, 5icrea, groit lot; |rtre. $6.5l tlOOilow., balmce $H moinhlr.

J. ii. EARLE, Room 3, 153 Honroe-al., Cbiiifo. 111.

«Auction Sales of {.eui (fetnte.T J- BLEECKER, S(»N ft WHITE, Am-


AND FIVE IIOl-KS,on THCKSI'AY. Ort 1.., »t 1 p m., ou the premliea «,f C.e.irre Bow¬man, es.) tt S rtliW,»t .Nuten I.lind, luat wctt of Miriner'» Harborateamboat n ntl ti aj, mil oppotue El iihelh, N. J. Uaptud pirt.cultn»t 35 fine »t.


u. li. Kith-..«. m1 Dealt, ii H-rt'Ttlni.

GRANDEST OPPOOTUNITY OF THE SKA-VJf MIN-To .r.ure thr Coolceit of b.lLlUMi .«I I'KS, in tit al-trii-tne aid l.r i.tb'ul VilliK» of

»SOUTH OH A \<.I W. J.0. H. PÏERSON, will »eil h» .nlrr ot thr own»r. I»r. HIIMiT KEN-

NI'.R. it »union, mi THl'KM»AY. OCT. H. 1874. at 12 m. on preuileet..Mi) BULLUM. LOTH AM» PiiOTS, froi.liai on Bnrlr (ra.Iel itreeti.iu the uii.ltl of «tMlf Impr.iriineula; arar depot. A larfe cn, rue reai-drucr, nilu.l.d in »air. Trrma farorable. 8i<ri«l trail, fl. ni foot Bar¬clay and Chriatot'ber iti. al 10:55 a. ni. diyofaile, n..i,i.u.» it Newark,Roaerilla ia.1 Uranfr. Muaie.LaacUeon oa iirirtl of trim. Freepi.tei. laip», lie , of the Auclluaeer._

Adnu« It .Mi iii. Aacti.Bttr.




THURSDAY, October 8,it 12 o'clock, «t the Elch»n»*e 8»le»roon». No. Ill Broadwar br olderof it.«* truitera under the will of William P. Kurnlaa, defeeeed, the tu¬leen lolariiupriaiiig the «outhrrly hilf of tbt- bloc« bouuded br klettathlint Kitrriideavn., Our hiiidrrd ind trend, aad Our hundred luithud »treett.

.Mai » it the offlre of the tartionerrt. Strtnty per real may remua

OB boud lud in..rt»i_rhoi'UIA R. C M'RNIrtH. )Trnitee« ander the willMtKt.ARKl' I. /IMMr.KMAH ef

tli8():)) JACOB U. VRRkllLYK. ) Wa. P. Karata«, deed.

.fUE LdTS on < <ni'-li uiiili'i'i!-¡mil-««'ci.nil-»t.JL nul Rui it. li »ii.l Elerralh-irra., heretofore adrertiae.1 for tiltTo monow, ire h. irt-r t\ 11 lilli... vi .N «ni the lair ibiedoued.

Mil'lllA R. C. t'HSIMI. )Traatet- aadar thaM Alni AUE I' li /l M MERMAN « li of W. P. Pur-I.ti HI I- VEK.Mll.IE, Bl««, dtcCMttl.

Oct 7, 11-74. (ÜMU;».)

fionoca ana -Farms CD antro.

WANTED.4 or 5 R(W\i¥i^^virtolio^w," for 1 CLEHGYMAN ina KA k1 li,Y cotujaUa« o( pereoai.who »iah to linon- lo ii. t rill ; real proaptlr paid, hal ant be low.Par...n. La. Ita anrh roora» to rent ria addie«. J N But 47, TnbnneI,, -.-a OSce 6« Va IN etl 31_d it Itall-l u_rt____i. H»li_. orr


Cito Çroamn to Cet

A" PLEASANT PLOÔlînoii^rVE LJOHT«OOM». la «a« .el.,. ..ti. wa.h h.. ... wal.>-»laaat. iwnai

g1« »eter, Ac in aodern brow» Maa« high «ntbtM; dumb waiter,walaat »Ulr», marble kail, ke. ¡ redaeed rea«. W7 We»l 36.«I.

PHY.SÏCIAN will LET his OfílClTÍpirlor loor »nd »ile. ».on. n eel» fernlebed. te a parse«» », |,,u

l«t, «od . lerr« room on »t«o«d laor, wltbaat beard. lamed tia fat».aaaioa. C»M at I7H L'iingu.a »r». Beat loeetlea ia the rl»y.

Í"i^NflRE"ör'LOWER PORTION of a first da*J foar-etorv BOOBS, nicely Nmlfbed. »T«ry lanrovaaeat Una«

moder.te to a retpoaeitile faaili. Applr to OWSKK, 3Q7 »,n b'ig-tt.

F~ÜRXÍSHEI) HOUSE TO LET orar Fifth*Areaoe Hotel, ia good order: »pleodid loeerlea for boarder«. « »,

air «I STBATTON'3 H0U8B Fl'BNISHUNJ WABIHOOH8, vtrStb-ave._ _-TO""LEASE.2» West Fortr-flfth-it., nea*X Kiftb-»»»., fear-nary, higb »toop IfOl'Sf. 371 Bwd«»v._TO LET.A handsomely and completely fnr-

aiabed four «tor» brown «lone HOl'SR to a r»«»o»a) I» r nie)f»milr Applr fro« 10 la 12 a. ¦. al IO Wa«« Tblrtyloartk «t_

IV) LET.The 2d floor, conHisting of 6 rooinawith modern improveaent«. to be »ara »I ear da«, la tee Uae«

No. 120 Beat e)3d-M.. between 4lb and Lcilatiea-t»et

IXf LET.ÚNIOÑ--SQÜARlTPROFERTY.-The Irat-clai» building. 33 Ra»t Sei entreat».»t. baa been pat a

complete order, »nd will be LIT cheep to »good tenant 1er be*»»«*'i-ae, tbe Lain..» It uN»urpe»»e.l. Apply la T. E- LTOK Ail-, i,C'oB»tilile 4i Co., Broadway and Nineteenths

.J7 UNIOX-SQUÂRËi on Broadway.-A

.8 I aagoiSeent STORK. 20x00, ar waaia FLOOB, 34n80, reelvar» low. Apply I« Dr. DEF.l"~~~~*~~**~M"~"M^^^^^M^"^M~~~~a

Brooklnn fJropertn Co Cet.

P~^UaOirFLOOR of No. 103 Pineaopl7_t\¡frorft room I» »aitable for aa «Bee or »hop. being bet lw« ... .a Fnlioa-it. W. ¥. COOK. 235 W.»blagton at Bn» -.

rVt) LET-SKCON'IJT FLOOR, furnwhed orX nnfarnithed. with all ntodern Imoroveaeaw. la private h«-..»» I« «

»mall mu.'.' of »duli a rent. |20 per month, Ma aia«le» froa leriwa.No. I.V.! K.itle.!g»-it. Brooklyn.

Comttrn propntn to Cet.

A"~F1ÊLEGÂNT FlIRXISIlEiTcOTTAiiE toI.RT. tt Madiao«, S. J.. Norria and haeei Railroad »Ubi« »ni

bora« ¡«eluded cheap; «:lu»tio» lae ; health perfect Ia«juire 1 Cal-lege-place, Rona I._F^ÏTRËNT^Deairable HOTEL in W5E-

lagton.D C. on Nijrth «|iitel-et-. witbia «aa m«ar» ef Ike ..,

tot, known a« tke Wilka Hot-I. containing 40 ream«, iboroavhr? reaa-

vatad «II aodern eonvemeace»; location irtt-claee. Apply lo k, U.WAR.N'BR. Wathinftu». D C._STAMFORD, CONN., Box 99»..To writ fur-O ni »bed. at low panic price, a beentilul bow boa««.


ÂTTARGË-FINE-:RESIDENCES. l8 loomsn*0 each, in Orang« Count», on railroad, near depot, furn.»I.»- «T .. ia

875 per mouth. Aleo COTTAOK. 14 room«. faraUoad renl (40 .»

month. COT fAOL !» roo»«: 120 par mooth. Aim FAi "lil ...»

good wtter power, .iOiflO, I »tori«« reot 83 per day. Inqair» J. »,PRUDRN k SON'S, -»ii «la ii', N. Y, or JOHN ORB, »ihiim-«,

Orange Coaaty, N. Y.

(Dttan »teamrra



Tbtalegaat ClTde-bi..]t »leamaii'oa wi.l Mil from "illili «, '«eat»HERDER. Ctnt. Fix-tier, Oelober 20.8CH1LLK8. tnt Thom««. November 3.

from Eagle Line Pier, fool of Plret ¦!., Hoboken.RATKS OF PAS3AÜE TO

PLYMOUTH. L0VD08. CHERBOURG A.VD HAMB1 RO:Cabin, lirat »»loon 81*20. gold; «croud ulo.n, 100. gold, »»rig«,

8*¿4. enrrene». Preptid tteeragc ticket» from Hamburg 824 lorretiy.For Ireigbt apple to UM II, EDYK k Co.. 27 Sooth »TU.k11 K.For einige apply to KNAlTil, NACHOD. li KUHNU

General Aaeat», X13 Broadway.

yon liverpool;(VIA QUEENSTOWN),


will ditpdeh one of their Sr»- ela.«. flaJl pawer, iron »crew t'eaaet paFROM PIER So. 48. N. H-, EVE« Tl'KSDAY,

»¦ folio« itWISCONSIN, C«pt. Fbbbmi-.Oelaber 13, al 3:00 p aa.

UINSEPOTA, Capt. J'i-Bt.October 30, at 1:00 p a.

WToMlNO. tapi. Bbooob.October 27, at mitty. Oh

NEVADA. Capt. «'Bira.November 3, it 1 ». i. a.

Ctbi« ptMBfe, IdO, gold.Stcenge pi.ige (OIBce. No. 20 Broadway), at low rat««.

For freight or cabin pmage. »pplr toWILLIAMS k «'loi. B«. 63 W«I!«L_


T»king goal» »ud paiae.níer» for London. Ciraif, Nawpart, '. .< - .>.¦*!

»nd all pertain llnatol Cb»»net.The »tetmer» of Ibu Llur will till from Pier let Eut Rire« .. lo >e«ti

ARRAUO.V Snuond».WEDNESDAY. O'tacer 7GREAT IT88T888 Windham.TUESDAY. (Mabel a7tORNWALL. Stamper.TLE8DAÏ. »oveal*r 10

Cabin Paeeage. 870 current» IntennedlaU, |4 j euníBc»«

830 correncr. Partie» wiahing to .end for tbeir fnenda eaa .Ile» pro

p»¡d Cert.4:tte«a Drtlltloril »nd upward». For freight »i H.Mapplr ta K. E. MOROAH'M SONS. So. 70 Woutb-»t.. Hew Yu».

INMAN LÏNE.-SOL'THERLÏ COURSE.Boral Mail Steamer» arc appointed to »»II ti follow»:


CIT» O!- CHESl'KK.SATIKDAI. Nor. 7. al 2 tv a.CABIN PASKAUK. f -" »od «>:¦'» rolo.STKRBAOE.To and from Bil p...nt». ni reduced rate«.Cabin »ni »ieneral Oih.e. No. 1.". BroeUwarS-.eertge Olli, c», 33 Broalway. and 45. Worth Rirer.

JOHN li. DAM. crf.,1.



»OB SOUTHAMPTOF AND BRBMII.The SreamiLiii HhÜMANN, Caut. lj Meyer, «ii» Mil or SATTaV

DAt. Oft li», a; 2. o. in., iron Uren»» foo« Third it houm,to «e ;«l'owe.l n»bteeaauiD DLL'I'M ULAND Cot. W. Ladewig», OB WEI -I-I AlD.t. i 1.KAT»B OF PARSAOIt TO LONDOB. HAVRk. AkD BNIMgX

Fir»tc»hin. .8100 yoki,»'¦¦ -ii.-l eabia. Mi g.-eiSteerage. 24 -¦.;.<«.

Far freight ar peauge, apply to OKLBKltII k Ca.. Ag.uia._^_______8 Bow'.»» tine.


From Pieu 4 I end 47, North Rive.TO OUKoNMOWN AND LI VKRT-mia-

TDK QUEEN.Oct. Ill at 3 p. m. ENOLAND.Ort.'J« - t

DLNMAKK....Oit. 17. «t lia. m. |sPAIN.Oct. 31. al Ita. a,KOK LONDON Ililli-., i.

CANADA.FRIDAY. Oct. P, It 2 p.m.Canis t.waa-e. 87V .« HO. camac Iteence »t great.» mmtt

Íriee. Return Ticket» ,-it Uealucrd Katea. Prepaid Steerage u. iti» !ie«irerpool al the lowett rate». Apply al.te* Compeer « oin Ne SIBro««way._F. W. J. HURST Mtatm,

Vow-York, Hav;in;t It Mexican Mail S S. Line.X« Stejmei» leaTe Pier it. V.ith River, aa follow»,

FOB H.\V.\NA:dil OP 5SW YORE. Thnr»d»v 0-t SCITY OK BBXICO. Saturla», On IO( IIY OF Mi.1.:i-1.Tl.umlay. Oct. ISCITY OK HAVANA.ThorailaT. Oil. 22

FOR VKHA CBÜI AND 8BW ORLEANScalling at Havan». I'ro/reto, Cawneachy. Toapin »nd Tamp n

CITY OF MEXICO.Saturday, <>.t .1»CUOA.Saturday, ML 31

For freight or appii to

_ _f. ALBl 4BPBK It IQBI. We. 33 Br-a,:«»«



r»rrnr-g goon» «i.(i paaaru-rr» «t throurti rate» Ira« all pana »f .»Cited Sut« « «ud lo porte 10 the Urutol Chiunel »ud lil -'«.

point» in Knglann.Tbe«e »te»m»h:ti». bn,!t eiprrnly for the trade, are mPttSt »'Ikal

Iba latear lmproTcin.i.t. -r r coiuiort ant con-emeneeotCAIii.N AND ST-UUUI PASSRNOERS.

Birt! ('»(.'.¡i *..', »ml r»" cumacy.»eaoaU Cal.» *.'¦' car

renii.Suetage. S>.!0 urnncy.Tr»itid Steertcc («rtfaiarruiii I »ni. I $3.tcirrenev.Draf-.-for Jil »ndoowtrd.

For further parti« ti.«i-. »t.p.y in Cardia, at the Coaipaay'i 0#*8 ".»lDock Chimben, ti.d in New-York to

ARClilUALD BAXTER It Co ,Ai»tu._No. l7Bro«dwta.


SIEAMSHIFkIBBTWBBB JkhW tOtt AND UTU C«1LI>BAT UBb.-T.Tbe iplenld Tell»» on (bit ftvorlte reiUfor the Coot «em ite-if

more lou'herly than mr olb. r|. will »eil Ton. ''iel No. 60 Non» ü iel,t» tallow»!

SAI8T LAUHKNT BetaloBi.HaTURDAT. Ocvu^r 17VII I I DK TARIS. Daurr.SATl RDAt. Oc'.olei !<1PEREIKE. Sunuont.SA TI 181*81 N..«emur 14.FRANC'*- Trud-il.-. BATUKUAT, N..»»at.i .-.

PRICE 01 PAS8AO8 IN ».'») n. .uiiat wImiTir.tC«!,'". >'C..nü.Í7. fbiM.83*.Kicumon ticketi »t re lu <M r«t-t.Aaenctn trtTelen. pr t«k:nr tbi.« line, »vol« hot« traaatt b» BMW

raiiaai aa.i tu» MM.«Ml «I croaair» tbe Cnaa««!. betid« te« Hiaatrouble, ead etpeaae

GEO. MACKENÍIK. Agent Na. 55 Hr.*J*wv__ f


Rite» ol' («»»»re. p.etodicg all necea«»He» for tbe trip:Ne« Vori to Baa Braa«.»a, 850.8100, «c81I0. HUÍ.Sa-. F...iiei»i-o t., Yo.ol, .ui». Í150, r.'.d.san tmrnrntst »o mmt] kong, ».'»*>, mm

Sleirnera letT» Pier 48 I .ni. Riler. New York. »1 folio«»AC.U'UH O. Com. A. 0 lirur. Oct. 10. it Iii ia.

HEN UK CHAI NCEY. Cipt. Wn,. Rilkburn 4M, 17, ti If kX(Kr, igM «mt W»y Paa«eu»-er» ouly.)

ol.ON. Capt. J. M. Dow. Oct ii. it Cm.Am! ererr all. male I.-.tiirdar thereaiter, eotnacliag witk ali utaaert

tor Central Amcric« an I South Pac he port«.

Ettr« »te»mer« for »nil w«y pa»«engert will b« d natabe«! »a

laterveulig S»t«r!»T», te uei-ewity .«y renu.r«.

Steamer, le»»» 8»n Frtmiico for J»p»o »nd Cbll»»I follow»IVA-iO DE SAMA...Oct.Ur 171 OI.OHADO.October 31

JAPAN.NoTiiabei 14

For freight or niuir, or further information, apply at tke Conipety'»Ofic«, on «b»rl fool C.u.l »t, New York.

.1 J St LLAY,B«p«ri»kpd»«4

BCTCa HATCH, Mmiilng Director._

U~E1) «STAR LINE.--Appointed to curry ÜTBalglau ia I In,ted Slate» mall«,

lb» tulloaliig Steamer» are appoiute.1 to tailFOR ANTWERP.

Fn.a Phil»'»!pbl«. I From New lort a.


FROM ANTWEUP.For Ph.l»delphu. I For New Tori. -


PRICES OF PASSAOB IN CL'BBBMOI. ^Firateabi» .$001 Seood

St-ei».-» «nd I«leracdi»t« ticlato, I« »«J lro»_ «li patata, «I Un mm»

"p-aenter MMM-BMa- for «II cl»»»e» aniurpa«««- AapW »««^»nee I» proTi.le.1. E». r. tte.aer carne» » »argeoa ead ««awarde-

Through Ticket» »al through Biüiaf Lading latutd bataeti ««I St***"

Vor u'ttttt* ratea _ freight, ead other laforaatio«. «ppl» t« _ _,* r * OKI» Vi. . AILTO!", Atx., k2 Br*eo¦»*., N«w tem

JOHN MCDONALD. Panaeager Agaat,H H, ne. 1 Pier« N»w TjW

PETER WH'.i.ll A miss (.eaerat A. »

.107 A'»!»Bk»t I"¦¦..O'.pñmj». M.-.M..U4 BBUU. U_v<«l -»--r-na ^«rg, 1441-4*