New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1910-08-10 [p...

With Local Police Ordered Not to Hinder Auto' 3 Mad Dash. She Hastened to Stricken Husband. Mrs. William J. Gaynor, wife of th<» , Mayor, was carried l>y automobllr ani j brat to her huslmnd'H sJAi frf>in her ; home in St. James. Long Island, at the grpatest speed it was possible to make. All speed laws were disregarded in thf wild rush that carried th* wife to h<-r stricken husband's heel in St. Mary's Hospital, in Hobohcn. When she en- tf-rcd thf room where the Mayor lay the wounded man was in a d* f p slfep, in- duced by opiates. Mrs. Gaynor was :>l- lowcd to look at her husband for a mo- ment, and was thsei led into an anf- room, where she talked \u25a0\u25a0rill— hj with Dr. John W. Parrish. the family physi- cian, and Dr. George K. Brewer. It was v son of fame* Controller Grout who first broke the news of the attempted assassination of the Mayor to 'Mrs. Gaynor. While the wife of the Mayor was still stunned by thf ."hock of the news Robert Adamson, the >layor« secretary, telephoned to her that Deputy Commissioner Bugher would meet her in his automobile at the approach to the Queensboro Bridge. Thence Mr. Bugher was ready to take Mrs. Gaynor to the Cunard Line pier at Weal iStt street, where the police boat Patrol would .bt.' j waiting to carry her toSohohsn. Mr. Adamson told Mrs. Gaynor to | drive at top speed from St. James, and said that Mr. Bugher had flashed word to every police officer on Long Island to | allow the automobile to go as fast as ! possible, without regard to speed laws. Mrs. Gaynor's two younger daughters. Ruth and Marion, clung to* their mother j and' U*-fCK*><l to he allowed to make t^ trip with her. but Mrs. Gaynor wotj^ take only her son. Norman, telllnar tl^ girls that they would rx> *>jnt for shoaS^ their father's condition prove to be C r% ical. As soon as the machine had •*«(• out into the Merrick Koad the chatiffe^ opened the throttle wide, and the rai> was on. The entire trip from St. J,iai^ to the Queensboro Bridge, fifty-thre^ miles, was maae at the rate of mo* than a mile a minute, and the automob^ was enveloped in a cloud of dust «a ft swept down the country road 3 lik» » tornado. When the throbblns car drew up at the bridge entrance Mrs. Gaynor. h»r face set find determined, "'• -\u25a0" sittin? be- side the chauffeur, and almost leaped tj the ground arid Jumped into % Bugher's car. Without th*- loss O Z\ moment the police automobile tore r '-'«r the bridge and down into Manhattan Mr. Bu?hfr eat on th- front eeat, hi» gold badge pinned to his breast, in ca34 of possible interference. The Patrol was ready, with steam up, and as Boon as Mr? Gaynor and h«*r son had gone aboard shot oat into the river and'made for the North German Lloid pier, where another police automo- bile was waiting to WhMi th»: party to the hospital. When she reached the hospital Mr* Gaynor had to be helped up the steps. The strain of the rid"-, with the uncer- tainty, had exhausted her by that tins, but she soon rallied. Mrs. Gay nor' s 'Rash to Hospital J. J. GALLAGHER'S SIGNED CONFESSION TO THE POLICE. '•I come over to Hoboken at 0:20 tlm morning. I went to the steamship pier, and I went on hoard the steamship Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse. I met a clergyman on hoard of the steamer and I asked him to point out Mayor Gaynor to me. "He diii so. and shortiy after I fired a shot at the Mayor. I do not knon- if I fired more than one shot or not. "Knowing that Mayor Gaynor w^s going to Europe this morning to enjoy himself after depriving me of my bread and butter, not porterhouse steak, I Tvas i-ritated lo the point of committing the act. "The revolver you show me is thr revolver that I done the shootios at tlic- Mayor with. 1 don't know bow many shots were in iho revolver wheu 1 used It. I have had (his revolver a long- time in my possession. I carried it when 1 was in the employ of the city.*' DX. WILLIAM J. ARI.IT/.. Who was one of the first physicians at the Mayor's bedside. "The Mayor was shot on the right *>& Continued on rhtr-' page. The first Uitag done was to relieve ftfo hemorrhages in Mr. Gaynor'a throa:, and ; after the patient was made easier •;-\u25a0» search for the bullet was besrun. "I think Ifeel it here." the Mayor said,' j rubbing the left side of his face. Bat the doctors in consultation decided that the only safe way was to wait for an X- ray examination. Dr. E. W. Caldwell, o! No. 4SO Park avenue, was called, and an appointment was made for him to £> to Hoboken at 4 o'clock and tain several X-ray photographs. First Bulletins Reassuring. At II o'clock the first official bullet!.i was issued. It said: Walter Bensel. sanitary superintendent of the Health Department, at the worij of hurrying the best surgeons in the city to the Mayor's side. Dr. William J. Arlttz. poliro su—eo-» of Hoboken' mmi visiting surgeon of St. Mary's Hospital, v/as th*> first to arrive, while after him came Dr. Parrlsb. Dr. Bensel suon had Dr. George E. Brew?- one of the surgeons who attended E. H. Harrima.". and Drm George D Bta«as| and Charles N. Dowd on the v.ay to Ho- . boken. A most comfortable and stylish Arrow COLLAR FOR SUMMER Be. each. 2 for 25c Arrow Caff*. 3o> fT^ett. P^twi-r it Co. Troy, N. Y. The Mayor was taken at once tr» the elevator on his arrival at the hospital and carried to St. John's room, on th<- fourth floor, which is close t<> the operat- ing room. Secretary Adamson tele- phoned at once for Dr. C. E. Parrish. of Brooklyn, the Gaynor family physician, while Commissioner I^ederl** put Dr. John Purroy BUtchei, the Acting Mayor, who had taken charge at City Hall yesterday morning, was only a lev minutes behind the Major at the hospi- tal, and Mrs. Vingut. the Mayor's daugh- ter, with her husband, followed Mr. Mltchel closely. Tho crowd remained ali day an«l in- quired of every one who came out of the big doors. "How 13 the Mayor? " Mo*oi- men stopped their cars as they passed the hospital and asked after Mr. Gay- nor's condition, while the passengers all eagerly inquired i'or news. The news had spread through the citj like wildfire an>i brought a crowd from all sections. Be- fore, the Mayor reached the institution a score of telephone messages had been received from New York asking for any nous there might be. Imy former client," said Jacktoff. "I ' read about the shooting, and wasn't sure lit was he. I talked with him a long time I about the affair, and he seemed very cx- i citable and on the verge of collapse. IHe asked me if Mayor Gaynor dead, and when I told him he was not he said ' he w s glad to hoar it. "He dwelt upon his grievance with the ! Mayor, and said that if he could only ! have got the Mayor to look into his case j he would have seen he didn't have a j fair hearing, and would have reinstated him. It was hard for me to get any connected statement from Gallagher, I about the whole matter, and I think he \u25a0 is laboring under some mental aberra- tion." The lawyer said be would see Gal- lagher again to-day. Robert J. Turnbull. a deputy assistant in District Attorney Whitman's office, called at the Hoboken Police Headquar- ters yesterday afternoon and offered the resources and aid of the New York prosecutor's office to acting Chief Bell. Mr. Turnbull said that Frank Moss, act- ing District Attorney, had asked him to see Chief Bell and deliver such a mes- sage. The Mayor's son Rufus. Secretary Adamson and Health Commissioner Led- erle rode in the ambulance with the Mayor to St. Mary's Hospital. The j Mayor smiled cheerfully on his compan- ions and assured them that he was all right. "But I keep choking." he said. "I can't breathe with this blood collecting in my throat." A Great Crowds Everywhere. A great crowd had gathered around the pier and all the Hoboken police re- serves were rushed to the scene or strung along the route to the hospital, and another crowd was waiting in front of the hospital when the ambulance ar- rived there. Police reserves were sta- tioned there, also, to hold the curious in check. Learn to swim by one trial Prlca 2.V. and 3.V. For Sal« Everywhere ATI AD MAXUFACTUTtIXG CO.. Hoboken.N.J. "He must have had pretty rough usage on the steamer,*" the physician i'om- minted. Lawyer Calls On Gallagher. Samuel P. Jack toff, v. lawyer, of No. 320 Broadway, who has represented Gal- lagher In sumo small legal matters in this city, called at the Hudson County Jail yesterday afternoon and spent two hours with the prisoner. He said last night he expected to look after Gal- luKhor'a legal interests in this instance "1 went over to see If Gallagher was Dr. Hasking. the ii.sstMant county physieiun. examined Gallagher at the jul and said he found him HufTering from a haflly bruii!<*d hip and decided abraHonn of trite face nnd head. "There were no signs of degeneracy | or insanity nbout Gallagher, in my j opinion." Gutheil said afterward. "He i appeared lik^ a normal man, except | that he seemed a little proud of the j notoriety he was getting." The prisoner was taken before Patrick J. Sullivan, warden at the county jail. 1 and Sullivan took his pedigree ull over again. After the usual bath given to ! new arrivals, he was assigned to cell No. 4. in the main corridor, which is next to "murderers' row." Gallagher \ preserved his self-composure. Warden' Sullivan said thut the prisoner reminded him, in his actions, of Andrew McGiath, : who shot and killed Walter Aniinon, a | wealthy manufacturer of Jersey City, in the Pennsylvania Railroad station about a year and a half ago. McGrath was ad- judged a paranoiac and was committed | to an asylum for .the criminal insane. Warden Sullivan paid that in the Mc- Grath caM the prisoner had a positive belief that his victim had impoverished! him in business. Some one gave Gallagher a cigar, which he lighted and smoked with apparent en- joyment. After he was placed in a cell he called for a pipe and sat smoking it contenteiil> until he was taken on his last journey of the day. to the Hudson County Jail on Jersey City Heights. De- tective Sergeant Gutheil and Sergeant Dennis Sullivan made the trip with him in the patrol wagon shortly after 2 o'clock. Gutheil said that on the way over Gallagher asked for another cigar and remonstrated with the detectives for takiner those which he had had away from him. One of the detectives brousht the prisoner a drink of water, and added that it was good stuff to stick to. "You can pay that Gallagher never drank anything stronger in his life," said the prisoner. "I have never been a "booze fighter.' " took Gallagher to the hospital to have Mayor Gaynor identify him. That plan was blocked by the Mayor's friends, however, and the patrol wagon went back to the police station. A great crowd awaited Gallagher's return to the station and the police had difficulty in getting their man through it to the door. Men in the crowd taunted and jeered him, but Gallagher didn't seem to mind it. He looked straight ahead and walked erect between his two attend- ants. The prisoner had not yet been meas- ured by the Bertillon system, and Ser- geant Gutheil escorted him to a rear room of the station for that purpose. He was partially stripped and told to stand on a platform while the measure- ments were being taken. "f am sorry for what you have done, 1 ' said Gutheil. "Iam sorry for you." 'T thank you very much for your sym- pathy." replied Gallagher. "Sorry But It Had To Be Done." Pome, one mentioned that Mayor Gay- nor's condition was very serious. "[ a msorry for that," said the pris- oner; "but It had to bo done. Hero is this man going to Europe and leaving me to starve without work." The Bertillon records show Gallagher to be 5 feet .%v 4 inches tall and weighing 152 pounds. He said he was fifty-eight year old. He has protruding blue eyes and large ears with unusually large lobes. There is a long scar on one side, which he said was the result of an operation for appendicitis fifteen years ago. F»uia the photographers' the police In a loud voicp, which sounded al- most boisterous, the prisoner answered, leaning over the rail: "James J. Gallagher." Then the Recorder said: "Gallagher, any statement which you now make will be used against you. It is the duty of this court to advise you that you are under no obligations to answer any questions put to you." There was a pause In which the pris- oner clutched at his hat rather nervous- ly, and then the Recorder resumed: "You are charged with an atrocious assault on and an attempt to kill Will- iam J. Gaynor on board the steamship Wilhelm der Grosse. Have you any- thing to say?" Gallagher hesitated for some time, but finally spoke up in a clear voice, which could be heard all over the room. "Ihardly know what to say just now," he said. "I guess I'll leave it all to you and take your advice and not say any- thing." Held Without Bail by Recorder. Then the Recorder formally committed the prisoner without bail, and the nec- essary mittimus was made out directing the Sheriff of Hudson County to hold Gallagher in the county jail to awsit the action of the grand Jury and the result ot the Mayor's wounds. Recorder MeGovern explained that the Hudson County Grand Jury had been held over during tiie summer and might be convened at any time in extraordi- nary session to take up Gallagher's cage. Or, he said, if the defendant chose to phad guilty to the .-hnrgo be would bo taken directly into the criminal .court and the plea recorded without a grand Jury inquest. Tn case of Mayor Gaynor's death the grand jury would probably convene immediately and return un in- dictment for murder. After the Recorder had held Gal- lagher he was hustled out in the patrol wagon to tho Magnus Photo Company, at No. 622 Washington street, the offi- cial photographers for the Hoboken Po- lice Department. A howling mob' followed the patrol wagon through tho streets. Ho v, as taken upstairs to the photograph gallery and "mugged" several times. Kcrgeunt Gutheil. who was with tho prisoner, said that Gallagher made no objection to having his picture taken, except that he insisted on turning th. injured side of his face away from tho camera. the receipt of your letter of the Ist inst. and to state that he can do nothing in the matter of which you write." The newspaper clippings indicate the trend of Gallagher's mind recently while he had been nursing his revenge and working himself up to the point of com- mitting his desperate act. One was headed. "Man Dies of Starva- tion in Riverside Park." It told the story of Otto Oleen, an ironworker, who was found starving in the park and died later when taken to the hospital. The other clipping was an editorial from a local evening newspaper concerning a letter advocating the policy of forcing the minor employes of the city to wear uniforms, in that way keeping them hon- est. The editorial suggested that it might be a good plan to provide uni- forms for some of the higher officials for the same purpose, rather than for the minor ones. Identifies His Revolver. At the police station Gallagher iden- tified the revolver with which he shot the Mayor and said he had had it for a long time and carried it when em- ployed as watchman by the city. The revolver was a .OH calibre, bar- relled, with rive chambers. Three shells had been exploded, a fourth showed the imprint on the trig-ger. but had missed fire, and the fifth was unexploded Gallagher was brought before Re- corder MeGovern for the second time shortly after noon and a formal charge of "atrocious assault with intent to kill" was lodged against him. He as- sumed a jauntier air on his second appearance in court and walked brisk- ly down the centre au«le to the rail between two of the Hoboken officers. He whs rather poorly dressed, in a dark suit of clothes of cheap material, and carried a Panama hat. He is par- tially bald and his hair is streaked with grey. He looked calmly at the Recorder while waiting for the ques- tions. "What is your name"?- asked the Re- corder. "Billy"' Kennel Stayed Away. Betvsasji McKittrick. of the I'm-, .Squad, went over to bid the Mayor v<!s. but Lieutenant "Billy" Kcnne!, vhy Is detailed by tho Police . Depart- ment as the Mayor's police aid, was not *n hand. Kennel was not invited to *ro. anil felt doubtful about the pro- priety of his g"ii;s. The Mayor had "I do not know whether 1 fired more than one shot or not. The revolver you show me is the one that I did the shoot- In^ wit};. 1 don't know how many shots were in the revolver when I used it. 1 had tho revolver in my possession a long time. 1 carried it when I was in the em- ploy of the city."' After he was taken to court the pris- .... refused to answer any questions. IN-cordcr McGovern had warned him that thing he might say would be used against him, and Gallagher said that he would not say anything more until ho. had had a chance to consult a Is « yer. Mayor Gaynor stayed at the Hotel Manhattan on Monday night, and went to the North German Lloyd pier early yesterday morning, where he boarded The Kai«e r Wilh* 1m «Jer with his em Rufus, who was to accompany *him to Europe. Rufus had decided only on Monday night to make the trip with his father, The two went •<> their state- loom. No. 1. on the starboard sid«\ for- v ;ir<j. and then out on to the forward promenade «i«. k 1.. wait for their friends who were to come 10 bid them good by. About 5:4.". o'clock Robert Adam- •win; 'ii* Mayor's secretary, «-aine aboard with Corporation Counsel Watson; and a few minute* baler they were joined by Health Commissioner r.^.-rir and Water Commissioner Thompson. Commissioner TUdwardf" ;.n<! Deputy Police Commis- sioner n<*yn<»ta>. in charge of t!,. Bor- <>tig\i of Brooklyn, wore the next arrival^, mid more ii; officials and friends of the Mayor from Brooklyn continued to ar- rive us Ill" time for the sailing of the \u25bahip drew near. On the way to the police station he said to Commissioner Edwards: "You're 'Big Bill.' ain't you. You came near los- ing your job to-day, too." Tn the office of Robert H. Bell. Acting Police Chief of Hoboken. Gallagher signed a statement giving his name as James J. Gallagher, of No. 440 Third svenue, this city. He Bald that he was fifty-eigrht years old. and came to this < \u25a0try from Ireland .-.nd got employ- ment as a watchman in the Dock De- partment. Tells Why He Fired at Mayor. \u25a0 vine that the Mayor was Ruins; ' morning, after depriv'nc: \u25a0H of :n> hr< ad and butter— not porter- steak—l was irritated to the point \u25a0mill lng this act." the statement While the Mayor was being attended by the surgeons on the ship, Gallagher \u25a0was hurried off to the Ilobokon Police Court, where he was arraigned before Recorder McGovein on a charge of atrocious assault with intent to kill, and was held without bail and sent to the Hudson County Jail on Jersey City Heights to await the result of the Mayor's injuries. He occupies the same cell that Porter Charltan had when ho ••\u25a0« fin put in Warden Sullivan's chaise. "Biz Bill" Edwards, the Street Clean- ing Commissioner, was almost another victim. He was the man who knocked Gallagher down after the shooting and M.ruggl«*d with the would-be assassin on the dock. Etl wards caught the second \u25a0bullet in his left arm, but got only a tlicrht flesh wound. A third shot that v. as fired went through the rail and did ri<» harm. The man who shot the Mayor- was James J. Gallagher, a discharged em- j.ioyc of the Dock Department. who had boen worrying the Mayor and other city officials for months about the charges asraiiiM. him. Steee hi.s final discharge front the city's service, on July v.». he baa written several letters to the Mayor :*nd had called several times at the city Hall. His last call was made last Fri- day, and Ihi ill ho was told by Robert Adamfon. the Mayor's secretary, that further calls would be useless. Had Never Seen His Victim. Gallagher had never seen the Mayor before yesterday, and had to have his victim pointed out to him by a stranger en the boat, a priest who was going abroad, who afterward lost the ship in his anxiety to be of some service to the roan with whose injury be felt that he 2:ad had something to do. Gallagher knew Adamson. by reason of his calls at the City Hall, and after he had shot the Mayor his pistol was turned on the secretary. Adamson, however, was too quick and knocked Gallagher's hand up before he could PiOOt. The hospital was- crowded all day with anxious callers, while in the afternoon hundreds of telegrams poured in from nil over the country, expressing sorrow and sympathy and asking for w<Jrd of the wounded man's condition. One of the first came fr< m President Taft. and this was soon folloved by one from ex- President Roosevelt. It was not until after the Mayor had rallied so strongly late in the afternoon and asked for food that the anxious ones began to fro away loss anxious and more hopeful of the outcome! I Am Feeling Fine. "I am feeling fine." he said. "Ithink I would like something to eat. My throat is clear now. and I can breathe easily." He was so cheerful and so willing to talk that the doctors* had to keep his friends out of the room. Only the mem- bers of his family and one or two of the most intimate members of his cabinet were allowed to stay, and they had to promise not to talk. One son, Rufus. was with him on ship- board, intending to make the trip to Europe with his father, and Mrs. Edith Gaynor Yingut and her husband. H. K. Vingut. who were married this summer- practically eloping, in fact— hurried over to Hoboken from New York, while Mrs. Gaynor and another 800, Norman, made a record run from the (Jay nor country home. at St. James. Long Island, by au- tomobile. Many of the city officials had cone over to the pier to bid their chief pood by, and most of the others hurried over to Hoboken when they heard of the shooting. Ri;t the Ma><~-r lay <<n his bed and as- sured hi? friends th:U he -would soon be «i; right. to find the missile, and it had been de- cided to use the X-ray to place It. All through the hospital there was anxiety and fear for the news of the next mm;- ; ute, fear of blood poisoning from the old j and dirty bullet, fears -for. the result of the operation that must be performed. Tears for the course that the bullet had taken. 1": "The blood chokes me," the Mayor murmured. "Can't <on do something to relieve me?" Little <-ould be done for him on .the s-hip except to bathe and bind up the vvound. but after a superficial examina- tion the ship's doctors, said that tlie wound was not necessarily serious. An undertaker's ambulance was sent for, and at 10:10 o'clock, half an hour after be had been shot, Mayor Gaynor was on the way to st. Mary's Hospital, in Hoboken. As ho was carried out of his stateroom In recognized Corporation Grieff. the watchman at the gate, came up and Identified Gallagher as the man who had asked for Mayor Gaynor, and August Degner, a special officer on the pier, appeared with a pair of handcuffs. "Is there a doctor her..'."" came a ebout from Secretary A damson, at the door of the saloon, and the ship's officers dashed off for the Burgeons, while Dr. Smith; of Brooklyn, who had come to see the Mayor off, left the scene of the fight to hurry to his friend's side. Mayor Choked by Blood. Tho Mayor was lying on the couch in his stateroom, directing, as well us he could for the blood that choked him, the attempts to relieve him. The blood still Sowed freely from his wound, and his collar whs taken off and hi? waistcoat unbuttoned. Dr. Smith had Just begun to bathe the wound when the ship's surgeons, Drs. Meyer and Static!) entered the cabin. Bloomer sat on Gallaghers head, while Corporation Counsel Watson and H. C. IfcMiUen. a newspaper man, wrested his gun away from him. Captain Polack, commander of the vessel, and two or three of the ship's officers had come running down from the bridge at the sound of the shots, and shouldered their way through the crowd. McMillan had captured the revolver, and stood leaning against the rail with the smoking wea- pon in his hand. The excited officers were going to4 arrest him at first, but the stain of the case was explained to them and then they demanded that Gal- lagher should be turned over to them as their prisoner. "Can I help you. Bill?" "Yea." Edwards said, "sit on his head. Tli-- br-ggar is trying to bite me and he la ?is stout as a moose." Meanwhile Edwards and Gallagher were still struggling or. the de. k, while th< horrified passengers rushed in all directions and thf women added their screams i<» the confusion. The second shot from Gallagher's pistol bad ploughed its way through the fleshy part of Edwards'* k-ft airm, and a third shot went wild through the rail. Ralph Bloomer cam^ rushing over. a -k«-d: "Isn't it a pity? Won't some one go with me to my stateroom? 1 ' Helped to His Stateroom. Jacob Katz, president <>f the East Side Business Men's Association, and B. F. Marsh, secretary of the Congestion Committee, Jumped to thf Mayor's side and supported him while he walked slowly across the deck and through the saloon to his stateroom on th<' other ride of the ship. The Ifayor looked dazedly about him and clasped his hands in front of him. Still there was no movement from the group, and Gallagher* turned his pistol on Secretary Adamson. Adamson knocked the gun tip and the men in front of the Mayor recovered their wits. Edwards jumped in front of the Mayor and smashed Gallagher in the face with all his strength. Gallagher •real down against the rail with Ed- v ards on top of him. A half dozen or more jumped on Gallagher and kicked and pounded him, while Mayor Gay- r.or. slowly putting bis hand to the wound, said: Btfort' the Ftartled officials could move there was a click of the falling trigger. En an instant there was another click, and this time a flash and the report of a shot. As he was saying these words the lit- tle group of officials was conscious of a man stepping quickly behind the Mayor from the left and passing to Mr. Gay- nor's right sid< . The man raised his right hand and a pistol flashed within a foot of the Mayor's ear. "I don't know." Mr. Lederle replied to the Mayor. "It has shifted since this ad- ministration began." As he said that Mr. Gaynor playfully poked Mr. Lederle in the ribs. Gallagher had found the promenade deck and was just asking a priest, who was one of the passengers, to point out Mayor Gaynor. often been urged by his friends to have Kennel with him wherever he went, but Mr. Gaynor had always laughed at the idea that he needed protection, and re- fused to have Kennel g:o about with him. Kennel had often seen Gallagher on his calls at the City Hall and knew the man SMB. He was always on the look- out for suspicious persons about the City Hall, and the Mayor's friends are now regretting that they did not have Kennel go with the' Mayor, even if it had been against Mr. Gaynor's wishes. At 9:15 O'clock; while the Mayor was busiest with his friends, a heavy set man with white hair and stooped shoul- ders appeared at the pier gate and asked Hermann Grieff, the guard there. "Has Mayor Gaynor gone aboard?" "Yes." Grieff replied, "he has been aboard since S:3O o'clock." The man went through the gate and disappeared up the gangplank of the ship, •where he mingled with the pas- sengers. Tiie Mayor was then chatting with President Montt of Chili, with whom he was photographed. President Montt. after a few minutes' talk, went to his stateroom, while Mr. Gaynor turned once more to his official family. Kufus had left his father, who was standing on the port side forward, near the wave shield, and gone to the other side of the vessel. The Mayor stood in the centre of a little group, with Corporation Counsel AVatson on his right and "Big Bill" Ed- wards on his left. Mr. AdaTnson was next to Mr. Watson ami Health Com- missioner Lederle stood next to him. while Water Commissioner Thompson was between Mr. Lederle and Edwards. Forty-five or fifty passengers were near at hand, and Rolph Bloomer, the former Yale tackle, was saying farewell to some friends a few feet away. Mayor Talking to Lederle. The Mayor was talking to Commis- sioner Lederle about a recent case in the Health Department. An employe of the department had assaulted a newspaper man, but on the hearing of the charges, v hen :t developed that the man had a father and mother to support, the charges were withdrawn and Commis- sioner Lederle dismissed the complaint. "1 think you did the right thing.' the Mayor said, when Mr. Lederle finished his story. 'Which side is your heart on. Lederle T" Cash, 1618; a case of cigar?, pretty good ones, according to some of the po- licemen who sampled them afterward; a diamond horseshoe pin, \u25a0 silver watch and chain, two Dock Department badges, Nos. 261 and 112: two small knives, rim? and keys, Knights of Columbus pin; wal- let and papers, a tobacco box, eyeglasses, \u25a0 comb and > \u25a0;tH' 1 and veral pencils. in the wallet were several letters and some newspaper clippings. One of the tetters was a mimeograph copy boosting the candidacy of George Gordon Battle, who mm running at the time for the oflic* of Di-strict Attorney. it was dated October -5. 1009, and was signed by Herman Heinz. Another letter we* from Robert AdaniHon, Mayor Gaynur's sec- retary, in reply to a letter from Galla- gher asking tin- Mayor to reinstate him in his place in the Dock Department. 11 was dated August -I. I'- 11 "- Jt read: '•The Mayor desires me to acknowledge At that point Recorder MeGovern sug- gested that Gallagher be remanded and ]. eked up temporarily until the condi- tion of Mayor Gaynor was ascertained, which would materially influence the formal charge to be made against him. Prisoner by No Means Penniless. The prisoner was taken to the office of Robert H. Bell, the acting police chief, and searched. The contents of his pockets showed that he was by no means penniless and In need of bread and but- ter because he had lost his city employ- ment. Here Is the list: "Tliis is the ni;m who shot Mayor Gaynor," Commissioner Edwards told the Recorder, "and 1 saw him do it." Gallagher BtOOd leaning over the rail, cool and collected, except for a venomous glance now and then at the big Com- missioner. He answered the Recorder's questions with a note of defiance in bis roice. He said he had no occupation, but had been .1 watchman of the Dock L>. partment, •\u25a0getting the magnificent \u25a0alary of $2 a night, and was flred." "Who fired you?" broke in Commis- sioner Edwards, angrily, "the Mayor?" "No," replied Gallagher slowly, "the Mayor didn't fire me. It was Commis- sioner Tomkins." Word that the prisoner was coming had gone befor-- and a crowd of several hundred men and boys collected about the police station and nearly mobbed Gallagher as he was taken from the automobile and through the hall Into the courtroom. The prisoner had the old-fashioned "nippers" on his wrists, which Commis- sioner Edwards got from Degner, the special officer, and put on the subdued man on the steamer. One side of Gal- lagher's face and his nose were badly cut and bruised as a rpsult of his pum- meling after the shooting, and he had lr,=t bis tie In the scuffle. He appeared to b»> tii-' coolest man in the little court- room, and even smiled while the Record- er went through the perfunctory exami- nation. Hie diversion effected by the call for a doctor for the Mayor had let Edwards make sure of his prisoner, and Gallagher was soon being crowded through the mob of passengers, with Edwards behind him, twisting the handcuffs, and two special officers close on the trail. Galla- gher wa. J taken to Commissioner Ed- wards's automobile, which was waiting at the end of the pier, and in it rushed to the Hoboken police station Edwards Holds On To Prisoner. Commissioner Edwards never let go of Gallagher until he landed him in the Hoboken police station, under the City Hail, and literally dragged him before Recorder Mfc Govern, who holds court across the hall. Otto Schmottnshi, a watchman on the pier, a special police- man and a newspaper man were also in the car. Counsel Watson standing beside the door, and, smiling feebly, said: "Hello, Watson. .I'm all right." Thirty seconds after the shot rang out the pier gates had been shut and the gangplank of the ship drawo^n. It was not until the officers were sure of the capture of Gallagher that the gangplank was again run out, and then it. was only kept out until the stay-at-homes could get ashore, and run out twice again, once to let Gallagher off with his captors, and again to let the Mayor be taken to the waiting ambulance. Five minutes after the Mayor was ashore the lines were cast off and the big ship was under way, fifteen minutes late on her sailing sched- ule. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBI \E, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1010. m WAITING FOR NEWS OUTSIDE ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL, HOBOKEX. XtMexeAoSo\ New Jersey Central EXCURSIONS 1 HARD COAL- NO SMOKE- COMFORT I £M Lake Hopatcon^ Vl KVKRV FRIDAY 11 \u25a0 %M> EVERY S UN DAT. \u25a0 T.- W. 25d St. Fridays 9:- AM, jflßk Sundays 8 : - ( > .%. >r ; l v . -\u25a0•-» St. Fridays 8:30 A. M. ::icay» \u25a0' " A. M. 2 Double Tracks Stone Ballast Automatic Block Signals Electric Lights and Fans \u25a0 Obliging Service Safe and Fast Clean and Com- fortable The Black Diamond Express All Parlor Car Train It Is ImiwmlMo to nmilUll th.. unusual satisfaction or travel on this train. AsMe from the modem couTehlcoca which materially lessen (he «ptcted .ll^-omfort "of travel .yon have tuo \u0084rlra. T of an All l-arl,. r Car "ni?n vrhS relieves you.'ol tte anno.vanre of Ufa wmiiV- 'ami -SnJ anS n- tf ,1 m it ! lt>um; VMV M 2* Ulv ' >r - * Perpetual entmalwoent. ov \u25a0 th >t> * lfl ' 1 " on your hands when imvri in* ovtr the mouotouous level of a cpnttauously flat country. T°R«ThI« "'T, 1 " 0 " 1 Traills ilt Convenient Hour lo Rochester Buffalo and Niagara Mi «* through .crvke iuw,,om ° UtO ' Detroit - and the NNest. _^^ -«l M»rkrt Mivrl. Newark. N J Avc - b " h>Ui °- ieliMti IK^alley —. Bailroad

Transcript of New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1910-08-10 [p...

Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1910-08-10 [p 2] · WithLocal Police Ordered Not to Hinder Auto'3 Mad Dash. She

With Local Police Ordered Not to Hinder Auto'3Mad Dash. She Hastened to Stricken Husband.

Mrs. William J. Gaynor, wife of th<» ,Mayor, was carried l>y automobllr ani j

brat to her huslmnd'H sJAi frf>in her ;

home in St. James. Long Island, at the

grpatest speed it was possible to make.

All speed laws were disregarded in thf

wild rush that carried th* wife to h<-r

stricken husband's heel in St. Mary's

Hospital, in Hobohcn. When she en-

tf-rcd thf room where the Mayor lay the

wounded man was in a d*fp slfep, in-

duced by opiates. Mrs. Gaynor was :>l-

lowcd to look at her husband for a mo-

ment, and was thsei led into an anf-

room, where she talked \u25a0\u25a0rill—hj with

Dr. John W. Parrish. the family physi-

cian, and Dr. George K. Brewer.

It was v son of fame* Controller

Grout who first broke the news of theattempted assassination of the Mayor to

'Mrs. Gaynor. While the wife of theMayor was still stunned by thf ."hock of

the news Robert Adamson, the >layor«

secretary, telephoned to her that Deputy

Commissioner Bugher would meet her in

his automobile at the approach to the

Queensboro Bridge. Thence Mr. Bugher

was ready to take Mrs. Gaynor to the

Cunard Line pier at Weal iStt street,

where the police boat Patrol would .bt.' jwaiting to carry her toSohohsn.

Mr. Adamson told Mrs. Gaynor to |drive at top speed from St. James, and

said that Mr. Bugher had flashed word

to every police officer on Long Island to |allow the automobile to go as fast as !possible, without regard to speed laws.

Mrs. Gaynor's two younger daughters.

Ruth and Marion, clung to* their mother j

and' U*-fCK*><l to he allowed to make t^trip with her. but Mrs. Gaynor wotj^take only her son. Norman, telllnar tl^girls that they would rx> *>jntfor shoaS^their father's condition prove to be Cr%ical.

As soon as the machine had •*«(•

out into the Merrick Koad the chatiffe^opened the throttle wide, and the rai>was on. The entire trip from St. J,iai^to the Queensboro Bridge, fifty-thre^miles, was maae at the rate of mo*than a mile a minute, and the automob^was enveloped in a cloud of dust «a ftswept down the country road 3lik» »tornado.

When the throbblns car drew up atthe bridge entrance Mrs. Gaynor. h»rface set find determined, "'• -\u25a0" sittin? be-side the chauffeur, and almost leaped tj

the ground arid Jumped into %Bugher's car. Without th*- loss OZ\moment the police automobile tore r'-'«r

the bridge and down into ManhattanMr. Bu?hfr eat on th- front eeat, hi»gold badge pinned to his breast, in ca34

of possible interference.The Patrol was ready, with steam up,

and as Boon as Mr? Gaynor and h«*r sonhad gone aboard shot oat into the riverand'made for the North German pier, where another police automo-bile was waiting to WhMi th»: party tothe hospital.

When she reached the hospital Mr*Gaynor had to be helped up the steps.

The strain of the rid"-, with the uncer-tainty, had exhausted her by that tins,but she soon rallied.

Mrs.Gay nor's 'Rash toHospital


'•I come over to Hoboken at 0:20 tlm morning. Iwent to the steamship

pier, and Iwent on hoard the steamship Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse. Imet

a clergyman on hoard of the steamer and Iasked him to point out Mayor

Gaynor to me."He diii so. and shortiy after Ifired a shot at the Mayor. Ido not

knon- if Ifired more than one shot or not.

"Knowing that Mayor Gaynor w^s going to Europe this morning to enjoy

himself after depriving me of my bread and butter, not porterhouse steak,

ITvas i-ritated lo the point of committing the act.

"The revolver you show me is thr revolver that I done the shootiosat tlic- Mayor with. 1 don't know bow many shots were in iho revolver

wheu 1 used It. Ihave had (his revolver a long- time in my possession. I

carried it when 1 was in the employ of the city.*'

DX. WILLIAM J. ARI.IT/..Who was one of the first physicians at

the Mayor's bedside.

"The Mayor was shot on the right *>&

Continued on rhtr-' page.

The first Uitag done was to relieve ftfohemorrhages in Mr. Gaynor'a throa:, and;after the patient was made easier •;-\u25a0»

search for the bullet was besrun."Ithink Ifeel ithere." the Mayor said,'

jrubbing the left side of his face. Batthe doctors in consultation decided thatthe only safe way was to wait for an X-ray examination. Dr.E. W. Caldwell, o!No. 4SO Park avenue, was called, and anappointment was made for him to £>to Hoboken at 4 o'clock and tain severalX-ray photographs.

First Bulletins Reassuring.

At IIo'clock the first official bullet!.iwas issued. Itsaid:

Walter Bensel. sanitary superintendent

of the Health Department, at the worij

of hurrying the best surgeons in the city

to the Mayor's side.Dr. William J. Arlttz. poliro su—eo-»

of Hoboken' mmi visiting surgeon of St.Mary's Hospital, v/as th*> first to arrive,while after him came Dr. Parrlsb. Dr.Bensel suon had Dr. George E. Brew?-one of the surgeons who attended E. H.Harrima.". and Drm George D Bta«as|and Charles N. Dowd on the v.ay to Ho-. boken.

Amost comfortableand stylish


FOR SUMMERBe. each. 2for25c Arrow Caff*.3o>

fT^ett. P^twi-r itCo. Troy,N.Y.

The Mayor was taken at once tr» theelevator on his arrival at the hospital

and carried to St. John's room, on th<-fourth floor, which is close t<> the operat-ing room. Secretary Adamson tele-phoned at once for Dr. C. E. Parrish. ofBrooklyn, the Gaynor family physician,

while Commissioner I^ederl** put Dr.

John Purroy BUtchei, the ActingMayor, who had taken charge at CityHall yesterday morning, was only a levminutes behind the Major at the hospi-tal, and Mrs. Vingut. the Mayor's daugh-

ter, with her husband, followed Mr.Mltchel closely.

Tho crowd remained ali day an«l in-quired of every one who came out of thebig doors. "How 13 the Mayor?


men stopped their cars as they passedthe hospital and asked after Mr. Gay-

nor's condition, while the passengers alleagerly inquired i'or news. The news hadspread through the citj like wildfire an>ibrought a crowd from all sections. Be-fore, the Mayor reached the institution

a score of telephone messages had beenreceived from New York asking for anynous there might be.

Imy former client," said Jacktoff. "I'read about the shooting, and wasn't sure

lit was he. Italked with him a long time

Iabout the affair, and he seemed very cx-

icitable and on the verge of collapse.

IHe asked me ifMayor Gaynor dead,

and when Itold him he was not he said'he w s glad to hoar it.

"He dwelt upon his grievance with the!Mayor, and said that if he could only

!have got the Mayor to look into his casejhe would have seen he didn't have a

jfair hearing, and would have reinstatedhim. It was hard for me to get any

connected statement from Gallagher,

Iabout the whole matter, and Ithink he\u25a0 is laboring under some mental aberra-tion."

The lawyer said be would see Gal-lagher again to-day.

Robert J. Turnbull. a deputy assistantin District Attorney Whitman's office,

called at the Hoboken Police Headquar-

ters yesterday afternoon and offered the

resources and aid of the New Yorkprosecutor's office to acting Chief Bell.Mr. Turnbull said that Frank Moss, act-

ing District Attorney, had asked him to

see Chief Bell and deliver such a mes-sage.

The Mayor's son Rufus. Secretary

Adamson and Health Commissioner Led-erle rode in the ambulance with theMayor to St. Mary's Hospital. The jMayor smiled cheerfully on his compan-

ions and assured them that he was allright.

"But I keep choking." he said. "I

can't breathe with this blood collectingin my throat."

A Great Crowds Everywhere.

A great crowd had gathered aroundthe pier and all the Hoboken police re-serves were rushed to the scene orstrung along the route to the hospital,

and another crowd was waiting in frontof the hospital when the ambulance ar-

rived there. Police reserves were sta-

tioned there, also, to hold the curious incheck.

Learn to swim by one trialPrlca 2.V. and 3.V. For Sal« Everywhere


"He must have had pretty rough usage

on the steamer,*" the physician i'om-


Lawyer Calls On Gallagher.

Samuel P. Jack toff, v. lawyer, of No.320 Broadway, who has represented Gal-lagher In sumo small legal matters inthis city, called at the Hudson County

Jail yesterday afternoon and spent twohours with the prisoner. He said lastnight he expected to look after Gal-luKhor'a legal interests in this instance

"1 went over to see If Gallagher was

Dr. Hasking. the ii.sstMant countyphysieiun. examined Gallagher at the jul

and said he found him HufTering from ahaflly bruii!<*d hip and decided abraHonnof trite face nnd head.

"There were no signs of degeneracy |or insanity nbout Gallagher, in my jopinion." Gutheil said afterward. "Heiappeared lik^ a normal man, except |that he seemed a little proud of the jnotoriety he was getting."

The prisoner was taken before PatrickJ. Sullivan, warden at the county jail.1and Sullivan took his pedigree ull overagain. After the usual bath given to!new arrivals, he was assigned to cellNo. 4. in the main corridor, which isnext to "murderers' row." Gallagher \preserved his self-composure. Warden'Sullivan said thut the prisoner remindedhim, in his actions, of Andrew McGiath, :

who shot and killed Walter Aniinon, a |wealthy manufacturer of Jersey City, in

the Pennsylvania Railroad station about

a year and a half ago. McGrath was ad-judged a paranoiac and was committed |

to an asylum for .the criminal insane.Warden Sullivan paid that in the Mc-

Grath caM the prisoner had a positive

belief that his victim had impoverished!him in business.

Some one gave Gallagher a cigar, whichhe lighted and smoked with apparent en-joyment. After he was placed in a cellhe called for a pipe and sat smoking it

contenteiil> until he was taken on hislast journey of the day. to the HudsonCounty Jail on Jersey City Heights. De-

tective Sergeant Gutheil and Sergeant

Dennis Sullivan made the trip with himin the patrol wagon shortly after 2o'clock. Gutheil said that on the way

over Gallagher asked for another cigar

and remonstrated with the detectivesfor takiner those which he had had away

from him.

One of the detectives brousht theprisoner a drink of water, and addedthat it was good stuff to stick to.

"You can pay that Gallagher neverdrank anything stronger in his life," saidthe prisoner. "I have never been a

"booze fighter.'"

took Gallagher to the hospital to haveMayor Gaynor identify him. That plan

was blocked by the Mayor's friends,

however, and the patrol wagon went

back to the police station. A great

crowd awaited Gallagher's return to thestation and the police had difficulty ingetting their man through it to the door.Men in the crowd taunted and jeered

him, but Gallagher didn't seem to mindit. He looked straight ahead andwalked erect between his two attend-ants.

The prisoner had not yet been meas-

ured by the Bertillon system, and Ser-geant Gutheil escorted him to a rearroom of the station for that purpose.

He was partially stripped and told to

stand on a platform while the measure-ments were being taken.

"f am sorry for what you have done, 1'

said Gutheil. "Iam sorry for you."

'T thank you very much for your sym-

pathy." replied Gallagher.


But It Had To Be Done."Pome, one mentioned that Mayor Gay-

nor's condition was very serious."[ a msorry for that," said the pris-

oner; "but Ithad to bo done. Hero isthis man going to Europe and leaving

me to starve without work."

The Bertillon records show Gallagherto be 5 feet .%v4 inches tall and weighing

152 pounds. He said he was fifty-eight

year old. He has protruding blue eyesand large ears with unusually large

lobes. There is a long scar on one side,

which he said was the result of an

operation for appendicitis fifteen years


F»uia the photographers' the police

In a loud voicp, which sounded al-most boisterous, the prisoner answered,leaning over the rail:

"James J. Gallagher."

Then the Recorder said:"Gallagher, any statement which you

now make will be used against you. Itis the duty of this court to advise youthat you are under no obligations toanswer any questions put to you."

There was a pause In which the pris-oner clutched at his hat rather nervous-ly,and then the Recorder resumed:

"You are charged with an atrociousassault on and an attempt to kill Will-iam J. Gaynor on board the steamshipWilhelm der Grosse. Have you any-thing to say?"

Gallagher hesitated for some time, butfinally spoke up in a clear voice, whichcould be heard all over the room."Ihardly know what to say just now,"

he said. "Iguess I'llleave itall to youand take your advice and not say any-thing."

Held Without Bail by Recorder.Then the Recorder formally committed

the prisoner without bail, and the nec-essary mittimus was made out directingthe Sheriff of Hudson County to holdGallagher in the county jail to awsit theaction of the grand Jury and the resultot the Mayor's wounds.

Recorder MeGovern explained that theHudson County Grand Jury had beenheld over during tiie summer and mightbe convened at any time in extraordi-nary session to take up Gallagher's cage.Or, he said, if the defendant chose tophad guilty to the .-hnrgo be would botaken directly into the criminal .courtand the plea recorded without a grand

Jury inquest. Tn case of Mayor Gaynor's

death the grand jury would probablyconvene immediately and return un in-dictment for murder.

After the Recorder had held Gal-lagher he was hustled out in the patrolwagon to tho Magnus Photo Company,at No. 622 Washington street, the offi-cial photographers for the Hoboken Po-lice Department. A howling mob' followedthe patrol wagon through tho streets. Hov,as taken upstairs to the photographgallery and "mugged" several times.Kcrgeunt Gutheil. who was with thoprisoner, said that Gallagher made noobjection to having his picture taken,except that he insisted on turning th.injured side of his face away from thocamera.

the receipt of your letter of the Ist inst.and to state that he can do nothing inthe matter of which you write."

The newspaper clippings indicate thetrend of Gallagher's mind recently whilehe had been nursing his revenge andworking himself up to the point of com-mitting his desperate act.

One was headed. "Man Dies of Starva-tion in Riverside Park." It told thestory of Otto Oleen, an ironworker, whowas found starving in the park anddied later when taken to the hospital.The other clipping was an editorial froma local evening newspaper concerning aletter advocating the policy of forcing

the minor employes of the city to wearuniforms, in that way keeping them hon-est. The editorial suggested that itmight be a good plan to provide uni-forms for some of the higher officials forthe same purpose, rather than for theminor ones.

Identifies His Revolver.At the police station Gallagher iden-

tified the revolver with which he shotthe Mayor and said he had had it fora long time and carried it when em-ployed as watchman by the city. Therevolver was a .OH calibre, bar-relled, with rive chambers. Three shellshad been exploded, a fourth showed theimprint on the trig-ger. but had missedfire, and the fifth was unexploded

Gallagher was brought before Re-corder MeGovern for the second timeshortly after noon and a formal chargeof "atrocious assault with intent tokill" was lodged against him. He as-sumed a jauntier air on his secondappearance in court and walked brisk-ly down the centre au«le to the railbetween two of the Hoboken officers.He whs rather poorly dressed, in adark suit of clothes of cheap material,and carried a Panama hat. He is par-tially bald and his hair is streakedwith grey. He looked calmly at theRecorder while waiting for the ques-tions.

"What is your name"?- asked the Re-corder.

"Billy"' Kennel Stayed Away.Betvsasji McKittrick. of the I'm-,

.Squad, went over to bid the Mayor<!s. but Lieutenant "Billy" Kcnne!,vhy Is detailed by tho Police . Depart-ment as the Mayor's police aid, was not*n hand. Kennel was not invited to

*ro. anil felt doubtful about the pro-priety of his g"ii;s. The Mayor had

"I do not know whether 1 fired morethan one shot or not. The revolver you

show me is the one that Idid the shoot-In^ wit};. 1 don't know how many shotswere in the revolver when Iused it. 1had tho revolver in my possession a longtime. 1 carried it when Iwas in the em-ploy of the city."'

After he was taken to court the pris-.... refused to answer any questions.

IN-cordcr McGovern had warned himthat thing he might say would beused against him, and Gallagher saidthat he would not say anything moreuntil ho. had had a chance to consult aIs « yer. •

Mayor Gaynor stayed at the HotelManhattan on Monday night, and wentto the North German Lloyd pier earlyyesterday morning, where he boardedThe Kai«er Wilh*1m «Jer with hisem Rufus, who was to accompany *himto Europe. Rufus had decided only onMonday night to make the trip with hisfather, The two went •<> their state-loom. No. 1. on the starboard sid«\ for-v ;ir<j. and then out on to the forwardpromenade «i«. k 1.. wait for their friendswho were to come 10 bid them good by.

About 5:4.". o'clock Robert Adam-•win; 'ii* Mayor's secretary, «-aine aboardwith Corporation Counsel Watson; and afew minute* baler they were joined byHealth Commissioner r.^.-rir and WaterCommissioner Thompson. CommissionerTUdwardf" ;.n<! Deputy Police Commis-sioner n<*yn<»ta>. in charge of t!,. Bor-<>tig\iof Brooklyn, wore the next arrival^,

mid more • ii;officials and friends of theMayor from Brooklyn continued to ar-rive us Ill" time for the sailing of the\u25bahip drew near.

On the way to the police station hesaid to Commissioner Edwards: "You're'Big Bill.' ain't you. You came near los-ing your job to-day, too."

Tn the office of Robert H. Bell. Acting

Police Chief of Hoboken. Gallaghersigned a statement giving his name asJames J. Gallagher, of No. 440 Thirdsvenue, this city. He Bald that he wasfifty-eigrht years old. and came to this< \u25a0try from Ireland .-.nd got employ-ment as a watchman in the Dock De-partment.

Tells Why He Fired at Mayor.\u25a0 vine that the Mayor was Ruins;

' morning, after depriv'nc:\u25a0H of :n> hr< ad and butter— not porter-

steak—l was irritated to the point

\u25a0mill lng this act." the statement

While the Mayor was being attendedby the surgeons on the ship, Gallagher\u25a0was hurried off to the Ilobokon PoliceCourt, where he was arraigned before

Recorder McGovein on a charge ofatrocious assault with intent to kill,andwas held without bail and sent to theHudson County Jail on Jersey City

Heights to await the result of theMayor's injuries. He occupies the samecell that Porter Charltan had when ho••\u25a0« fin put in Warden Sullivan'schaise.

"Biz Bill" Edwards, the Street Clean-ing Commissioner, was almost anothervictim. He was the man who knockedGallagher down after the shooting andM.ruggl«*d with the would-be assassin onthe dock. Etlwards caught the second\u25a0bullet in his left arm, but got only atlicrht flesh wound. A third shot fired went through the rail and didri<» harm.

The man who shot the Mayor- wasJames J. Gallagher, a discharged em-j.ioyc of the Dock Department. who hadboen worrying the Mayor and other cityofficials for months about the charges

asraiiiM. him. Steee hi.s final dischargefront the city's service, on July v.». he

baa written several letters to the Mayor

:*nd had called several times at the cityHall. His last call was made last Fri-day, and Ihiillho was told by RobertAdamfon. the Mayor's secretary, thatfurther calls would be useless.

Had Never Seen His Victim.Gallagher had never seen the Mayor

before yesterday, and had to have hisvictim pointed out to him by a stranger

en the boat, a priest who was goingabroad, who afterward lost the ship in

his anxiety to be of some service to theroan with whose injury be felt that he2:ad had something to do.

Gallagher knew Adamson. by reasonof his calls at the City Hall, and afterhe had shot the Mayor his pistol wasturned on the secretary. Adamson,however, was too quick and knockedGallagher's hand up before he couldPiOOt.

The hospital was- crowded all day withanxious callers, while in the afternoonhundreds of telegrams poured in from

nil over the country, expressing sorrowand sympathy and asking for w<Jrd ofthe wounded man's condition. One of

the first came fr< m President Taft. andthis was soon folloved by one from ex-President Roosevelt. It was not untilafter the Mayor had rallied so strongly

late in the afternoon and asked for foodthat the anxious ones began to fro away

loss anxious and more hopeful of theoutcome!

IAm Feeling Fine.

"Iam feeling fine." he said. "Ithink

Iwould like something to eat. My

throat is clear now. and Ican breathe

easily."He was so cheerful and so willing to

talk that the doctors* had to keep his

friends out of the room. Only the mem-

bers of his family and one or two of the

most intimate members of his cabinet

were allowed to stay, and they had to

promise not to talk.One son, Rufus. was with him on ship-

board, intending to make the trip to

Europe with his father, and Mrs. Edith

Gaynor Yingut and her husband. H. K.

Vingut. who were married this summer-practically eloping, in fact—hurried over

to Hoboken from New York, while Mrs.Gaynor and another 800, Norman, made

a record run from the (Jay nor country

home. at St. James. Long Island, by au-

tomobile. Many of the city officials hadcone over to the pier to bid their chiefpoodby, and most of the others hurriedover to Hoboken when they heard of theshooting.

Ri;t the Ma><~-r lay <<n his bed and as-

sured hi? friends th:U he -would soon be

«i; right.

to find the missile, and it had been de-cided to use the X-ray to place It. All

through the hospital there was anxiety

and fear for the news of the next mm;-;ute, fear of blood poisoning from the old

jand dirty bullet, fears -for. the result of

the operation that must be performed.

Tears for the course that the bullet had

taken. 1":

"The blood chokes me," the Mayormurmured. "Can't <on do something torelieve me?"

Little <-ould be done for him on .thes-hip except to bathe and bind up thevvound. but after a superficial examina-tion the ship's doctors, said that tliewound was not necessarily serious.

An undertaker's ambulance was sentfor, and at 10:10 o'clock, half an hourafter be had been shot, Mayor Gaynorwas on the way to st. Mary's Hospital,in Hoboken. As ho was carried out ofhis stateroom In recognized Corporation

Grieff. the watchman at the gate, cameup and Identified Gallagher as the manwho had asked for Mayor Gaynor, andAugust Degner, a special officer on thepier, appeared with a pair of handcuffs.

"Is there a doctor her..'."" came aebout from Secretary Adamson, at thedoor of the saloon, and the ship's officersdashed off for the Burgeons, while Dr.Smith; of Brooklyn, who had come tosee the Mayor off, left the scene of thefight to hurry to his friend's side.

Mayor Choked by Blood.

Tho Mayor was lying on the couch inhis stateroom, directing, as well us hecould for the blood that choked him, theattempts to relieve him. The blood stillSowed freely from his wound, and hiscollar whs taken off and hi? waistcoatunbuttoned. Dr. Smith had Just begunto bathe the wound when the ship'ssurgeons, Drs. Meyer and Static!) enteredthe cabin.

Bloomer sat on Gallaghers head, whileCorporation Counsel Watson and H. C.

IfcMiUen. a newspaper man, wrestedhis gun away from him. Captain Polack,commander of the vessel, and two orthree of the ship's officers had comerunning down from the bridge at thesound of the shots, and shouldered theirway through the crowd. McMillan hadcaptured the revolver, and stood leaningagainst the rail with the smoking wea-pon in his hand. The excited officerswere going to4 arrest him at first, butthe stain of the case was explained tothem and then they demanded that Gal-lagher should be turned over to them astheir prisoner.

"Can Ihelp you. Bill?""Yea." Edwards said, "sit on his head.

Tli-- br-ggar is trying to bite me and hela ?is stout as a moose."

Meanwhile Edwards and Gallagherwere still struggling or. the de. k, while

th< horrified passengers rushed in alldirections and thf women added theirscreams i<» the confusion. The secondshot from Gallagher's pistol badploughed its way through the fleshy

part of Edwards'* k-ft airm, and a thirdshot went wild through the rail.

Ralph Bloomer cam^ rushing over.a -k«-d:

"Isn't it a pity? Won't some one gowith me to my stateroom? 1


Helped to His Stateroom.

Jacob Katz, president <>f the EastSide Business Men's Association, and B.F. Marsh, secretary of the Congestion

Committee, Jumped to thf Mayor's sideand supported him while he walkedslowly across the deck and through thesaloon to his stateroom on th<' otherride of the ship.

The Ifayor looked dazedly about himand clasped his hands in front of him.Still there was no movement from thegroup, and Gallagher* turned his pistolon Secretary Adamson. Adamsonknocked the gun tip and the men in frontof the Mayor recovered their wits.

Edwards jumped in front of theMayor and smashed Gallagher in the

face with all his strength. Gallagher

•real down against the rail with Ed-v ards on top of him. A half dozen ormore jumped on Gallagher and kickedand pounded him, while Mayor Gay-r.or. slowly putting bis hand to thewound, said:

Btfort' the Ftartled officials could move

there was a click of the falling trigger.

En an instant there was another click,

and this time a flash and the report of

a shot.

As he was saying these words the lit-tle group of officials was conscious of aman stepping quickly behind the Mayor

from the left and passing to Mr. Gay-

nor's right sid< . The man raised hisright hand and a pistol flashed within afoot of the Mayor's ear.

"Idon't know." Mr. Lederle replied to

the Mayor. "Ithas shifted since this ad-ministration began."

As he said that Mr. Gaynor playfully

poked Mr. Lederle in the ribs.Gallagher had found the promenade

deck and was just asking a priest, whowas one of the passengers, to point out

Mayor Gaynor.

often been urged by his friends to haveKennel with him wherever he went, but

Mr. Gaynor had always laughed at theidea that he needed protection, and re-fused to have Kennel g:o about with him.

Kennel had often seen Gallagher onhis calls at the City Hall and knew theman SMB. He was always on the look-out for suspicious persons about theCity Hall, and the Mayor's friends arenow regretting that they did not haveKennel go with the' Mayor, even if it

had been against Mr. Gaynor's wishes.At 9:15 O'clock; while the Mayor was

busiest with his friends, a heavy setman with white hair and stooped shoul-ders appeared at the pier gate and asked

Hermann Grieff, the guard there. "HasMayor Gaynor gone aboard?"

"Yes." Grieff replied, "he has been

aboard since S:3O o'clock."The man went through the gate and

disappeared up the gangplank of theship, •where he mingled with the pas-sengers. Tiie Mayor was then chattingwith President Montt of Chili, withwhom he was photographed. PresidentMontt. after a few minutes' talk, wentto his stateroom, while Mr. Gaynor

turned once more to his official family.

Kufus had left his father, who wasstanding on the port side forward, nearthe wave shield, and gone to the otherside of the vessel.

The Mayor stood in the centre of alittle group, with Corporation CounselAVatson on his right and "Big Bill" Ed-wards on his left. Mr. AdaTnson was

next to Mr. Watson ami Health Com-missioner Lederle stood next to him.while Water Commissioner Thompson

was between Mr. Lederle and Edwards.Forty-five or fifty passengers were nearat hand, and Rolph Bloomer, the formerYale tackle, was saying farewell to somefriends a few feet away.

Mayor Talking to Lederle.

The Mayor was talking to Commis-sioner Lederle about a recent case in theHealth Department. An employe of thedepartment had assaulted a newspaperman, but on the hearing of the charges,

v hen :t developed that the man had a

father and mother to support, thecharges were withdrawn and Commis-sioner Lederle dismissed the complaint.

"1 think you did the right thing.' theMayor said, when Mr. Lederle finishedhis story. 'Which side is your heart on.Lederle T"

Cash, 1618; a case of cigar?, pretty

good ones, according to some of the po-

licemen who sampled them afterward;

a diamond horseshoe pin, \u25a0 silver watch

and chain, two Dock Department badges,

Nos. 261 and 112: two small knives, rim?and keys, Knights of Columbus pin; wal-

let and papers, a tobacco box, eyeglasses,

\u25a0 comb and > \u25a0;tH'1 and

—veral pencils.

in the wallet were several letters and

some newspaper clippings. One of the

tetters was a mimeograph copy boosting

the candidacy of George Gordon Battle,

who mm running at the time for theoflic* of Di-strict Attorney. it was dated

October -5. 1009, and was signed by

Herman Heinz. Another letter we* fromRobert AdaniHon, Mayor Gaynur's sec-retary, in reply to a letter from Galla-gher asking tin- Mayor to reinstate himin his place in the Dock Department.

11 was dated August -I. I'-11"- Jt read:'•The Mayor desires me to acknowledge

At that point Recorder MeGovern sug-

gested that Gallagher be remanded and]. eked up temporarily until the condi-

tion of Mayor Gaynor was ascertained,

which would materially influence the

formal charge to be made against him.

Prisoner by No Means Penniless.

The prisoner was taken to the officeof Robert H. Bell, the acting policechief, and searched. The contents of hispockets showed that he was by no means

penniless and In need of bread and but-ter because he had lost his city employ-

ment. Here Is the list:

"Tliis is the ni;m who shot Mayor

Gaynor," Commissioner Edwards told

the Recorder, "and 1 saw him do it."Gallagher BtOOd leaning over the rail,

cool and collected, except for a venomous

glance now and then at the big Com-

missioner. He answered the Recorder'squestions with a note of defiance in bis

roice. He said he had no occupation,

but had been .1 watchman of the DockL>.partment, •\u25a0getting the magnificent

\u25a0alary of $2 a night, and was flred."

"Who fired you?" broke in Commis-

sioner Edwards, angrily, "the Mayor?""No," replied Gallagher slowly, "the

Mayor didn't fire me. It was Commis-

sioner Tomkins."

Word that the prisoner was coming

had gone befor-- and a crowd of several

hundred men and boys collected aboutthe police station and nearly mobbedGallagher as he was taken from theautomobile and through the hall Into the


The prisoner had the old-fashioned"nippers" on his wrists, which Commis-

sioner Edwards got from Degner, the

special officer, and put on the subdued

man on the steamer. One side of Gal-lagher's face and his nose were badly

cut and bruised as a rpsult of his pum-meling after the shooting, and he hadlr,=t bis tie In the scuffle. He appeared

to b»> tii-' coolest man in the little court-room, and even smiled while the Record-er went through the perfunctory exami-


Hie diversion effected by the call for

a doctor for the Mayor had let Edwardsmake sure of his prisoner, and Gallagher

was soon being crowded through the

mob of passengers, with Edwards behindhim, twisting the handcuffs, and two

special officers close on the trail. Galla-gher wa.J taken to Commissioner Ed-

wards's automobile, which was waiting

at the end of the pier, and in it rushed

to the Hoboken police station

Edwards Holds On To Prisoner.

Commissioner Edwards never let go

of Gallagher until he landed him in the

Hoboken police station, under the City

Hail, and literally dragged him before

Recorder MfcGovern, who holds court

across the hall. Otto Schmottnshi, a

watchman on the pier, a special police-

man and a newspaper man were also inthe car.

Counsel Watson standing beside thedoor, and, smiling feebly, said:

"Hello, Watson. .I'm all right."

Thirty seconds after the shot rang outthe pier gates had been shut and thegangplank of the ship drawo^n. It was

not until the officers were sure of the

capture of Gallagher that the gangplank

was again run out, and then it.was only

kept out until the stay-at-homes could

get ashore, and run out twice again, onceto let Gallagher off with his captors, andagain to let the Mayor be taken to thewaiting ambulance. Five minutes after

the Mayor was ashore the lines werecast off and the big ship was under way,

fifteen minutes late on her sailing sched-





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