New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1908-04-26 [p 3](DIE LUSTIGE WITWE). qveen OT VIEXXESE OPERETTAS. AT...

M \7 S E M E N T S . >t:\a'-york daily tribune, Sunday, april 26, 1908. Ii rifD-DC THE-*.TnE. Broadway tnd 40th St fc!Cr»"»- Ev?. i.:20. Mats. Wed. and Sat.. 2:13. 1 -\u000dcos Ached with Lauphln*." Herald. WIVi.H. CRANE ! » '£& jSZ* RATHER SS BOYS i SAVOY 34th 5 pr rrwav. Ev KB . 5.20. 1J /* ' *-' * Mattiit^s Thurs. and Sat. 2-15 W HENRY v.nilli A«.«.oc-iat«- f'lM.i. r«, THE SERVANT HOUSE |HNiCKtRBOCHER J,^ISS, sl AL. II A YUAN& CO.. Proprietors. £veni*ics S:ls. Matlnoe Saturday- only. 2:15. CROWIiEC WITH SUCCESS Go where the crowds jro. Follow The "Thrones. And you'll Fhout his prals«s And sing- his soncs. It ShCSJ The rroT,l!( r ',i' « ?! •\u25a0 -hror.irs. - •• his rraln-s L "' '•" Sh£ v i b9bvbScs»^^l Rj*- pw <-^. r^ pp H BS IB wi^g m^Str ANi* in- rB cS I HOTAL FAMILY In ""\u25a0\u25a0 " THE ' YliaEE PRIWCE" HI T n^nNl THEATRE. 44th St.. E of B»ay. | \u25a0 \u25a0 '-' *-'*-' v/a Ev g.oo. Mats. Wed. and Sat.. 2:13. j BRD MONTH An unequalled triumph. ' "iivee opportunities for Mr. Skinner to cover I himself with Rlory." Herald. OTIS SKINNER, Four-act plar after Balzac, by Paul M. Potter. i HONOR r °J X FAMILY fiJIDDIPIf ' th Ft n<ar T>roa<lway. ' UMiinlwlV Eves. 8:20. Mats. Wed. and Sat.. 2:15. "NODOUBTOFCITrprCS »» N. Y. I THEPLAY'S aVVt-LaO. TRIBUNE. CYRIL SCOTT In a new play by Cecil B. a:.''. Wm. C. -le Mllle. j THE ROYAL MOUNTED A Ptory of the Canadian Korthwest. LYCEUM P roadwa 5- anj 45th ...At 8:30. I *~ * 1 - r V/ 1 * atß ThurE and gat . 2:15. J DAMEL FROHMAN Manager Thursday Matinee Prices: 50c to Ji.ftO I 9tK MONTH "EAuoys GREATEST 1 - 7 " 1 X *V/i^M. IA DRAMATIC TRIUMPH. _ CHARLES FROHMAN Presents ii eb B IBlkl Henry Bernstein's itreet play. with KYR.LE BELLEW a>x» MARGARET ILLINGTON fNT>ER THi: MANAGEMENT I Tfc^lTT 1 D4"fcsTfe/\T IT A TVT II GREATEST ;F " THE ASSOCIATION OF I! METROPOLITAN II "^L EVER THEATF.K MANAGERS OF I! _ ~T7 __ _ * V *J* * i^-i^ II PRESENTED GREATER NEW YORK. tl OPERA HOUSE II in THIS CITT. NEXT FRIDAY AFTERNOON. MAY Ist, BKI.IWIM, AT ] O'CLOCK MHAKP MAMMOTH BENEFIT FIIIMEM'S MEMORIAL FUND FOLLOWING vmm WILL POSITIVELY APPEAR: slme. K»m«. Mane I>re**ler. AnnH Held. <ren. M. ( ohnn. Allre IJo.rd. Jo«eph!n«» fohan. Eddie, I"i.j Mrrry iiiow <«. Joseph Wehrr * Co.. \V. H. f rune * Co.. l^w Tield* & ( •... Oti» Skinner * Co.. Vernon Mile* * >o|»hie Brunt in Ki«* l»net from "A Ualt» l>r«>Hin." John A. >l«vln, Tlir 4 Moritin!.,. Msr \okes. Tha! Quartette. The M< Na«irhtimv Yorkr * AdMiiif. und innn.v oilier v«lun««TH. Herbert <ire»ham. M»tf Manager. MUSIC BY COMBINED ORCHESTRAS OF THREE THEATRES MTTABUS KECEPTION (H»MMITTEF.HRUIF.I) BY j 14 ri:«iMlM\l NK.W VOKK |SC|I,H IAPIF.S I AS<*I>TKI» BY TWKNTY FAMOI> ACTROSKS. I SEAT SALE OPEXSA^ E oFriT E^ T nT^ AHOVSE TO-MORROW 7 PAF.TESRE BOX! $25. fiKAXP TIER BOXES SKY STALL BOXES U2.M AND *10 00. j I OaiNIBI"? BOX FEATS J2.50. ORCHESTRA and ORCHESTRA CIRCLE *^ DRESS CIRCLE ! J- BAtiCOST C and >I..'.ft. FAMILY CIRCLE $1 GEXERAI ADMISSION $1. .1 zzik BROADWAY THEATRE bsS^SH&e BEST SEATS $1.5« AT THE WEDNESDAY MATIXEE ¥ /tC¥» 11/rri/t LAST 2 MATINEES. LAST TIME. JLA&I WlLlLliX SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 2. THE DELIGHT-FIX VIEVNESE OPEMTTA. A WALTZ DREAM ,KATS FOR ENTIRE E^GA^ol^l^" 1 ?&*%&££&&& NIGHT. MAT S, New York Theatres or Attraction* t'mler the I»irr<-tlon S;im S. & Shnbert. Inc. ' P W I^!TTTT7. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0tv.-.t.t f, ivinvmv "-" "'*\u25a0 *'•\u25a0» i 44th Sts. _ . - ri^WsV STARTING PLACEKOF' NO VALUES \u25a0 "ifS TriE xew VSDER MONDAY MGtiT POSITIVE AFPEAUAXtB The ' s^l S Tlao IMCaix ±lincloo B^^ ipalgk a %ji^ Tlic Laws of Mystery H Ar^ii EB Gravitation MTSTEKIOUSLT AND MARVELLOUSLY I'LAYI NO, A PIANO IN MIDAIK. SWAYING THROI'GH H»ACE AND REVOLVING WITH REMARKABLE BAPIDITT A* RKAI. NOVEI/rV—FLAYING A I'IANO iN MIDAIR. STUPENDOUS I .— -—-£ tf^__ < BEAUTIFUL SPECTACLE I CIHCU^ BALLETS MISS TRANEY NOVELTY PON^TcT. ' THE LEDG*ETTS. DARING BAREBACK RIDERS. WORMWOOD'S PERFORMING MONKEYS. TRIIMIH.U TRIO TOP-NOTCH TE3IBLERS. _»W»t^ o GRUNATHOS— OKABE THOCPB 8 9—HERA FAMILY— B Gprmanj-s I'ick of Italy" Best Greatest. .Tapanos^ Acrobat^. -,w- crO l?ApVc THE EAT MARCELINE. GEO. HOLUM) AM> SO MORE JOYOI S .K)E\S. BATTLE OF FOUR _ PORT ARTHUR SEASONS nA ir 1.000 PEOri.E— loo HOJiSES. 500 DAZZLING DANCCRV STIRRIX; I'ICTITKE OF WAR. GUmBDN GOLIIKN (iKOIPS. kvenWg HHftY 4-0. A. R. VFTFRANS WITNESS THE BIG RATTLE I VBEft I 4 -d «t-«>pt Wr« of B'nay TO-MORROW KICHT LinlO I Ev CS . s:"!-, Mat's. Wod. udStl at 2:15. BE(,!XMN(i AKINAT THIS THEATRE. _Sam S. & Lee Shuhert .Inr.> Prwont ii \N pALEsays; Eupene Walter has most a*- II M A Ll^^^W r * l ia 1 Buredly conflnrr-.l "iir Impression that lie was a BE 111 " 'f ft I 5N tsl "flna." "The Wolf i.'- direct. t-rs.-. capitally wrtt- II BJB | I I S3 ten nm-'->- and fref> from ci>nv.-ntional flapdoodle. EB I \u25a0\u25a0"* IjfSß t3 It is a t-Tlfi;.ini i'i'-rc of Brua'hvay melodramatic ill EmAiM R 1 \u25a0i Will T mi TW^ir'^ir'^. J. "fl THE I'KK.-F says: A virile and powerful drama EUGENE "WALTER'S GREAT DRAMA. that stirs the passloris deep. . » Cast Inclndea: Ida Conquest. Wm. Courfnay. Waller Halo. Pheridan Block. Thomas FinUlay. i EVENING JOURNAL Fays: It is a wonderful Genritc Prot>ert. I melodrama wonderfully a'f.l n A LV m Q At uroadway and "T^ Eveninßa at EiEht-nfteon. #% I ~ ' %fc. Thirtieth Street. 3 Two Matinees Weekly. s# #^ ki \u25a0 WV Watch tb« LIGHTS. I We.snes.lay and Saturday. 2:11 \u0084^^_- tumm." "*J "Ttls *V pond as n Spring tonic." Chas. I'arnton. Xv World. E^ m^ IB> J i^iT ™""w Th" Best. rtic^o=t. Brightest an! Most Brilliant r>f all the *II M a BiJ^»a»> Jgg Fltchian Fancies of "- ir -" " Foibles. 1 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 «" «N 0 Grouch can wlth«t*nd Oirls-^WTII rj,-er tired Business CLYPE FITCH'S GREAT COMEDY. men " Alan Dale. J>*4 A f% \u25a0 A! Broadway and SOth Street. S I'OSITIVELY! { The Qu'en Bee, CASINO ,„. T^r^^t, 2,. I HERE f-;^v^v MAIER I of -- aI \f #•! tss7 Il« V \u25a0.',•- \u25a0 -ud Bai 2IS \u25a0 POSmVtXTJ I Niifyi»l^rKyil.l^ll!ll2oi . FIELDS' D"S»» B'way and 35th. Kvgs. 8:1.V i Distinctly and Decisively ERA LP squ e^'g"^^^i ,^,.H^"" cam " HACKETT H ! Saturday **-r»V/*l.*-» *J. go,, ,> Mee and Manager I •» -\u25a0!\u25a0'' ; ucu , tvs SAM S & LEE PIirBERT (Inc.) Present Thomas' I JOHN MASON 1 WITCHING HOUR %&• MAJESTIC Dno A A^ VAV j ""f::s"!"v: E " T I x^^Xii™^ *™ i¥lrl.tJJLjk3» & J.V/ B9TH STREET., I ProVnetors! ! SATCRDAT. 2:15. I A rompany of 70 »n<i » Mrint of hig novelltr-. uilh AHEI.AIDE. the favorite T);m<-er Dl l/\ll THEiTRK. BIOADWATASD MTH STREET. £PRIL2B S 'J. blJUli BEGIXXINO TIKMIAV EVENING. . KrlllLCUi fcELLING |pi'XEY I P&PA Le BOWNARD CEIN WAI.ZERTRAVM). TO-MGHT BROADWAY THEATRE TO- VICTOR HERBERT orchestra MUSIC BY OSCAK STRAC9 Soloist To-Mifht— CLIFFORD WILEY, Baritone. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT IS O'CLOCK. TICKETS \u0084»c TO »1 M- LIBERTY -- r THEATRE LllUljll Jl * Evb at S 20. Mats. Wed &Sat --" SIXTH MONTH _ MABEL TALIAFERRO POLLY ?J^ ; ,(CIRCUS NEW AMSTERDAM " "»•» ?.>"«rK. r^"" "\u25a0 iisfaff HMOI tnllMin KLAW 4 ERI.ANGER Managers H rv w SAVAGE offer* THE MUSICAL iIARVEL OF THE ACIB THE MERRY WIDOW (DIE LUSTIGE WITWE). qveen OT VIEXXESE OPERETTAS. AT THE GARDEN FOR TWO WEEKS MORE 6EE sssr WW&* fip-ifiss 1 ;a^^. *"\u25a0\u25a0"'\u25a0' "-" c " r - ss%s asear asas^soa DAVID BELASCOS ATTRACTIONS IN NEW YORK. D V I D BELASCO'S STUYVESANT THtATKF. WEST 44TH ST.. NEAR BROADWAY. EveniTips H:ls. Mat. Saturdays. 2:18. LAST WEEK! DAVID 8E1..V-CO pretcnU WARFIELD £5 ["\u25a0 MUSIC E| THE MUSIC »™ MASTER L By CHARLES KLEIN. LAST TIME Saturday , I A GRAND v h [ARMY MAN VMONDAY. MAY 4V , THE WARRENS OF ViRCINIA Wi- V Charlotte Walker & Ke»nan. BELASCO T ?^« E»es. at IIS Mats. Thcrs. & Sat. at 2. \u25a0nii DAVID BEI.ASCO presents 7th THE .^ TH WARRENS WEEK AT THIS *-'* 1 VIRGINIA "^T rHB ji Np.v American riay by Wrr. FTI'YVE- c de Mllle. Notable oiurt. lnclud- PAXT lnp Charlotti. Walkor. Frank THEATRE. Keenan. COLONIAL B sEß* j CO.NCtRTS TO-DAY, 2:15: TO-MGHT. 8:15 j I Iw\ST WEEK'S HIT. AIX'KTAK Bll.L I WEEK be- Tfi IIODRnW MATINEK OIN-KINO lU-WUnnUn DAILY.tSc. || POPULARITY CONTEST WEEK. EVERY iim. ENTITI.KI» TO \ van TO ' ! LETT THE M «••.•! ROn l.\i: WOMAN VAl- ] IJEVII.I.K »IM,M!<l| THE BKAKON. S WHO WAS YOLR FAVORITE? MARIE DRESSLER j :XJ> AND LAST WEEK OK TUC. SIC'ESS. I IMRO FOX CHRIS RICHARDS wr ¥ w * c wrvro AM' lIKH WEST ELLA SNYDLtI. i-.unti-ai'kts M<h«i> j ir-A ciii I ITU I WILIJ* * •sisrKk.- IDA rILLLR. n\s«.%\ \VII,I.\HII Ttno. tT|E VITA«iKArH. _ I Extra K»Htur.-. the Mualral Conndy i-tars. iT* Wsr *\u25a0 V 7 A. T». "I Kd»K BILLY VAN'vir- JL**JL4 A-/ Ik * £~>x L * * cb. ALHAMBRA "^p" i CONCERTS TO-DAY/ 2:15; TO-NIGHT. 8: IS j LAST \IIIK" I.l, Al.l. HTABBai. | c lU-WUrtnJlf POPULARITY CONTEST WEEK. j evebv «ink rM 111 TO \ votk to SB-! LETT Tllr. v<>«i I'Ori i\i: «oihn U- i DKlll.l.K >I>r.ER l»l THE >F.A*ON. ;: who was your favoritej i. T<ii' rtWk in V. V the Fiinn'ji Prttna Donna.! Mile ZELIE de LUSSAN. I " IRENE | J^Vh't* I HAIIKY FRANKLIN m.\tiuu> * GILFOIL .1 H.-rt Urrrnj AMII.KY. *_ _ l MR.' & MKS. JIMMIF BARRY .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-••-\u25a0 HI RBI \u25a0 I l»l !• 1} N V " V., El GENE JEPSON & CO.! .;<•\u25a0• A!- \u25a0- ••TIIK MAYOR A THE MANinKE "I X E T H.,,& PRO v I U w xeu v»i;ks u:Ai)i.vr. v.m ni:vn.i.i: and stock thkatkk-. STH A\E.»^ l i^^^^^ j 58TH,ST/^g p Ji^iaSfcig"g I JESBE L. LASKYS OREATBBT SCCCES j , I THE SEASON'S COMEDT HIT! '•THE LOVE WALTZ" the four mortons A Viennen- •\u25a0:\u25a0•:•••.• '•• I". V.T.r-" ' I BAM, <T.An.\. KITTY. lA '.. __ \u25a0 llfMI & vim.l. kkm.v'a kosB: ""'.V,/, ,V Al i.^',,."S^«^^ THIMI MF.I K> MAPDEX t FITZI'A TKHK.«lh«. MiXTKI rK. _I.M\_ II.U»KIA-_^_'JlsE_: r-^iVQc.V —iwiLLIAM f I GENE LENOX |3arnum ABailey*. '***"*•] ET L H E E V L EY MIL J L E w!R E DiCO. k HARRY SUTTCN! THENOVELLOSj ~ , I()i> \ftrriuwin * B*« *~ »lc I .ii .--rrt- Tlii- [ Vtlrrm nn^ Kvr. HARLEM Tth^'iKthli 1 ! ="\u25a0"':' n&"'^. 1 2 5 TH ST. pt r A^.[yu^^^m. T " THE OfHETGTRL" sySney s-DREWs -DREW j .SEUGMArf A co. I j_ By At'Gt'RTl'B THOMAB I fi M|lslpul v, ls , rs Three Mrrrs. «atermrlon Triint. Rpc«-iuion Wed. Vaudeville between Art« XMAS ON KATIE v Drastic Amauum every « Thur«*r Bi«t»l XMAS T ISLAND 1 BARRY To-day < uiillnuous Noon MM rait I. M. 1 "^. „,,,,(. I '"" AUrr a i l.\>- ROUGH RIDERS j^SSm** | VT\l A M«i Th« Real Red Man of the llllil/illiJ plulr.s in war-patnt. rTiIVRfiVC Brought Direct from Ranch V* WVI OVJ I O n<) prairie Ranges. AP A R^ Swarthy Bedouin Athlete* and n.m\*iL.D& I>T-sert-Born Acrobau. rrti j\ IU"DC MilitaryMen In Warlike V/ MJ 1 1-* sT\ Scenes and Incidents. rnQQAPK^ Reekleai Rl<i«rs« from Far- CVJoSACIVd O.T Russian Steppes. MFVIfANS R *" a ' Rough-Rtdcrs from rlL«AlWnlli9 tnt Land of JContexuma- q/^/>|JT 1 C The. Sturdy We»»»mer* Who JwV-rV/ 1 >3 F:a2-.! the rioneers TralL WILD WEST GIRLS SSSSg" PLAINSMEN SSTVi 52P 1 I AMTITD^ Graref ul Cavalrymen in Lr f%. l-#I\ «J >l(8cu:t Tournament Tilts.. A DTII I rDV Drlil*and Exhibits ot Atx 1 JLJLrl_*E_«r\ I Old-time Tactics. A \£\J t\ KJ 3 Meilcan Cowboy. I AD AMrCIP 'The Little Brwn Men" JAPAINLaL froßl the Far East. VI *DITCMC-|U '* d hy th ' »*J«»r«-Wondw rIAKhaiML»I -Crack. Shot." Johnnie Baker. niinA I IIT Typical Mfm!»r» of Mexl- t\VnAL(ll^i9 cob Mounted Pollco. 7f\ll i/re Perfection In Rapid r>rllls £,UVA*Lrf«J ln ,lManual of Arms. f+ %\r A I DV "I'n-le Sam's" Horn-men t\ V /\l_.rv I The Pride of th« Army. nDAfnnVS Representing -The Kln^s LJKAI-PVjvJiM O Own Defenders." BOX OFFICE OI'EN FHUIX if A. M. TO 9 P. M. Artmlssioo to ev«r>th:sx 2^c and s©c. 126th and 27th <;ib entVanrt-n on>v> Reserved Seats. T.V. 11.00 ar.U $>. a>-cordinj to location Otadison At. entrances onl\) PiiraU Boxes. s.-ats. $2.00 and $2.50 Children half pric<" Afternoons only. Buy at the Box Offlc» only. No seats can rederved by telephone, but mail orders accompanied by curr«?nc> will rece:v« prompt attention. Skillful Feats Horsemanship or Darin* Native ** VJKaILmAlianir lUu«tr»Uons of Wild. SAVAGERY PrtmiUve. Atiori»lna! °**- *V-»**"* * The Worlds Experts in Displays R IDING of Fancy and Keal Rough *^ »*-»»*'** DlScult Feats br StlllfuU ATHLETES Brawny. Brown-skinned *** ll»va> * «-w» Indian.* and Whltemen In I>es- RATTLES perate and Thrlllins Mimic *-»#«.**»**-» v* Broncho*. Mustangs »r.d Hl n- HORSES lyEducated Western Range ii\/i»«w Spl«ndid ExhlblUons of lassoing Expert Roplas and «-»«-»**•-» -w -.* v ThriUlns Scenes of most WARFARE Savage Frontier " *m*^*- *m «" Wild-West Girls ar.d Covboys FROLICS in Characteristic Holiday \u25a0 *"*v*»»»w White SoMi«r« Rerull" Red- ATTACKS mrn'i Fearful Forays and **\u25a0 * *^-«.*^«»w* Th« Famous Cowboy Band Will MUSIC Dispense Popular and Classic * .awwm'^p* asrtrstrrV manoeuvres OAf0 A f asnar- equestrians BjMnaaMßMvai al n>w acrobats and Oid Wor.d Nativ. HVRUOHI J Dlffleult. Trap. Targret and SHOOTING Expert Horseback J " V ' VI *l^** Crafty sl«thods of Wild FIGHTING Indian Warfar- ar.d £IUIIHIIU laradea. Reviews. Pageants and f\ OT ff C Fancy Artillery UKlLrl^a Horces and Soldi-rs In Furl- fU» DrrC ous. Fearless Cavalry V»O>*.l\Ut»3 Hundreds of Men an.l VI ADrHFC Horses tn Grand Military * M.+±K\^*H >J AMERICAiN MAY OPERA CO. 4TH in REPERTOIRE rOri'LAB n«i(i>. r.o. 75r. $1.00. TICKETS NOW ON >-Ai.i- r^x JOE WEBER'S \.W/X MCSIC H\I.I. B"w«3 Jinn st VVjI/\ Evenlnw 8:15 XS<*IVSX.X S <*IVSX. Mats. Wed. nn.l Sat.. 2:15. V<^>^V LAST 3 WEEKS -\u25a0\u25a0 1 VV^ \ MOI'IXG TO "\u25a0ml ' >CZ&V "'"^\u25a0" in AW \ M%^ I'lh1 ' lh TOWN "V'l'VO I OK THE **V^X 4 9Kk'V SUMMER Jo= Weber . 7 *; N^/gX . Peter F. Dailey ' o V/'-Nj^/'N. Bessie Clayton "^>JV JttVSw *"* Albert Hart \ ', 'Osf^^V Nina Collins and < ** ;> V&7^V Ross & Fenton >T>^^ The Handsomest Chorus in the WorlcLx mt asjs>4%P| Broadway and 4".th St. m yTliy Evenings. 8:30. 112% 111 \u25a0\u25a0 Matloees «-,ir.f».lay * I^VI VII Saturday. -30. 3d GREAT \iONTH THE BEST PUT OF THE DECADE __ ISUCCESS-Herald. ahitatJ 'V\h«X'v«r »ee9 It wUI not AHM " eccape its grip." Louis r* Foe. World. WAGENHALS A KEMFER Ofter PAID3h:FULL By EUGEXE WALTER. TRIUMPH-?^^^ —^Ft^tvv i "It c<>r« d an lmmensa «uc- Viat* ce!S - oa ot th senaaOsai •it ll T n successes of 'h« s-aaon." «l jji Acton Darles. E»e. Sun. .' * tJ " "AbsorbinK drama, able arul *n-erti:Binj ; effectlv*-" A. L. Klautwr. N T Times. Sembrich, Paderewski, Adamowski CARNECIE HALL Saturday Aftarnoon, May 2, 1908 'art of programme KS f Tria-i-' ",f .he Le«.l Aid Ma|, beneficiary of the Concert. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. E f* AlLMOftl J \.i '**.. BUGJSKI TOMPKIM _' gr * Ir\ Ing PI A LIMITED ENC;AfiEXIEST. roV«TIVEL\ TIIK LAST TIMKS IN THIS CITT. Cbarle* IMlllnchaiu Prcaents FRITZI SCHEFF IN THE COMIC OPERA SUCCESS. M'lle MODISTE. By Henry Bloasom an<J Victor Kcrbart PRICES, 25c TO $1J». MATINEE BAT. AT 2:li- EVENINGS 8:15. * l0 *I)«nt ror««<---'6unJa^Nl>lit» !\u25a0 Bohemia " HHMM£RSTtIN 4::<1 St B'way. 7th Avt. AmlnCildl£lll W Victoria Theatre 2 r^^c°f sl . DAILY MATS'.' 2s'&'soc TO-DAY 25c II TO-NIGHT Ss^« 50c II BS% 50c TORKE .r. r ADAMS. GEORGIA CAIN'E. BETiT LES- I.IK g. CO.: FRANK FOGARTY. EL.LA KNTDER. l.l Mi. Krt F Rotmr.l. Sydney Deane & Co.. Chas. Haven i. Jack sidn*y. Graol & Leonard. ,-:/,,\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0: TOMORROW MATINEE <fc M'K( IAL -\u2666 BRIARCLIFF AUTO RACE I Exact lifelike ref reduction In movinj pift- I. I•\u25a0 uri>s taken on the srfiie by the Vltaicraph. I Dl llirV'O LINCOLN *Q. B'war. 6«tb St. r»» % i». DLAHCi « M»t» Mon,. Tu-» . Thur» «aa 5-* 2:I3l WEEK UEGIXNINO TO-MORROW MAT.. EDNA MAYSPOONER 3roaJ»»^ Only Woman Star> Prtfcntinf for First Time on Ar.v Sta.** THE BOVERHOR; THE BOSS A VlrH« Story of Poi!r:c-»: Life MAMfIAV CRA TH Performance on BroaJw*y \u25a0OPJUMI 3wll the longest Broadway run ever NI6HT attained by any woman at»r UKTWEK - >.:... CAMTII.B GARDEN "Rffijvr- TO HiCHT ' r r ui,h ?aiu irharM T.snc. May Tully & <•».. '! li'ui r.urt -nd H.rlry Stanford. Btu OOf Quar- ! 1 tette and Leo CarrHlo. . -.--.---.-^^^-..^n V^ALLACK'S Mats. 7 "Wed. & Sat.. -':15. STIC MONTH. THE ROAR THAT WONT SUBSIDE. MEBRV MISKAI. 70. iiitakliiK all of th^- atre's big; crowd rec- ord*.—Press. AI.KE LWI\K (American Far*»rll>. WM. COURT- IK!<,II k. CO.: McXACTOHTON BROS.. Ben W>lt>h. O'Brien f; lla.vf-1. John t: llazzitrd. Hill & Whltaker. Martin Hros., Avolo & Otbelo. Admission 25c! sundavs OPEIM TO-DAY !! ot>ro:3o0 t> ro:3o° PCP CI M k \u25a0\u25a0Hi Vi OKI II IRAQ IN WAX Eden EViusee SPECIAL CrKOUPS aud riQwRES This Afternoon and Evening i v; BlitTE HUNOAKIAN BAWD This Afternoon CINEMATOGRAPH This Eve. at at s and 2^50. IlINt (VIA I UOnArH band 9:30. PASTDR S l4th PAILT MATINEES. 1 NY I VII ** Continuous Pfrforraincea. BOWSES. lU>-KL£ * fO-.__-,._- HA>SO> * NELSON. THt lEDJUM. Th* Raz*rr«. . , a4ut . *™ Potter & Harrla, Burkr * r Ftna - Th« Randolph*. The ****>??£ Booth A Craln. i^ vu * h . f^ Bro "" VU»«rai>h Travel \iews. And aa an Extra Attraction. TRAXK BCBH. : TJie Turf. •UEENS CO. JOCKEY CUB AQIEDTCT. L. I. » RACING MOIDAY AND TUESDAY : fUM Table in M.>nd*j '• PWBI. >. . 1 T CABNIGIB HAIL. ~ THIS AFTERNOON »T 3 fiOFMANN KREISLER ENSEMBLE PROGRAM AMD SOLI. \u0084„, ._._.,., HENKY WOUFSOUN Ma " Wmt " t Tio^t* en M l* « 80. Ote. Gmko>HIH!£HELD f* CDU I|| IHI A 1 X*- lnll.K pi. i. it ft t 4 U tff 111 AH i'rriiirmuncrs Mon. Kv'p, .20. Organized by Miutume (iforflne Nrucndorff. th* holllcklns Farce. "Madame Bonl va r d." Tues and Wed. Kv's«. " Ma(l »m f Bonlvir ." Thursday Evening. (' Io» in r of the senoil lb»en'» Drama. "Ctip«iiitet" i Ciho»u > ASTOR <AI J.KBV. II MOV KV^ .M^ «J « -»0. Waldorf A.torU. !• ) I AN" HL> I! Al. !\u25a0, MISS ISABEL HAUSER -\u25a0 - large group *st twenty works by the de- ceased veteran. Mr Callou-, owes its attractive- Smes to a different cause homogeneous treat- aient. One drawing helps out another, and there a tranquil sens* of unity. The earliest are separated from the latest by a gap of over Half century, during which the painter's powers were acquiring flexibility and breadth and his aease of f-,rm and color baaamias more delicate. He was a close observer and a- painstaking painter, and his landscapes and drawings of •bbeye acd famous buildings had a fine quality \u25a0which did not deteriorate decade after decade. The Moselle, Rotterdam. Malvern and Scarbor- ongh drawings made during the afa have the characteristic style of the Richmond and Old Gainsborough Hall of the MHb, the Venetian pal- aces and churches of the Mra, aaji the English oaUages numbered .among the painter* most recent works. He wa* not a daring experiment- er, but was content with working on the same lates wilh a tranquil mind, and while his art eUauSUy improved there were BO sharp transi- tions of rm-thcti. He kn< the traditions af English water ealar painting. These Callow Oivingt ar* the rnout con*i«lent and restful grou> in the gallery, and the spectator returns to \u25a0"-: u:th a f--r,se of relief after being con- lueed aai wtaried ty the mannerisms of other, palnttn-. Tiitre is the umc tendency among the water color pair.ters as among the oil painters of the iraati to revive the Victorian story picture and to produce interesting works for popular exhibition. Mr Frank Cadogan Cowper. who forced his way into the Academy aa an asso- ciate last cummer by making one of the mediae- val windows in Fairford Church the background for i *-himslcai anecdote in paint, has perse- v«r. !n following Mr. Abbey's earlier work. *fcea the American painter has ceased to be •a 111-jstrator in oil and b-eome a decorative painter, with ambitious *cbemes of color and design for the ornamentation of public buildings. Tie younger artist has two drawings, one a taadful illustration cf one of William Morris's Rarunv! pinging from the tower; and T-- other The Morning of the Nativity.- with Madonna and Child and cheep behind them. The romance is better than the religious piece, wfclch is roediJfeva) In form rather than In spirit. Mr Arthur Hopkins illustrates the period of t..< Elizabethan seadogs with a drawing " f Sir Francis Drake on feU chip. the Bonaventure. •Ifbting the San PMlpai a Spanish tr«a*ure «bsp. .- is a. theatrical use <.f old stage prop- enies v.ith modern faces and action. Mr. Henry Henahall defies, the convention that w*-er colors shall be small drawings, in his. larie upright "News from Afar." and his work doe* not convince one that the story requires so much surface, •-.- it a eimple cotULgm seen*. A tittle girl is reading a letter to the family, h*r mother, with a baby in her arms. «tandirig in th« doorway, her grandmother in a chair U««*iUig with hand curved around the ear. an •*\u25a0 «naa «nokin* a pipe and a tow headed boy There is. for «=-_xamp!e. a vivacious medley cf styles In the first screen. One of Mrs. AUing- h»n:= cottages.' with a surfeit cf flowers and verdure under the red root and a child on th- threshold wJth finger in mouth, is in a conspic- «ous place; and around it are set a study of marky blues in an old Venetian fortress, by Mr. ilatthew Hale; a Venetian arrangement of acarlft. orange and lemon, by Mi.«s Clara Mon- talba; a pair of Mr. Arthur Rackham's hard and lantaFti bits of web' work; a. "greengrocer's color scheme" by Mr. Walter Crane, with the coasnonest vegetables and fruits made pictorial through jrlints of brightness; and Mr. Lloyd's cartfally calculated evening glows and Mr. Wll- mot Pil*bury's peasSjye and tender harvest ecesefe. Mat one af these drawings has excep- tional ir.d:vicuc.::ty or rises above the artist's *vera?e attainment: but freehness and bizarre ebarm are imparted to every one by the Bharp- 2s»s£ af contrasted *-ffects. London, April11. Tha* are no Hwinil at the pummer show r . the Koyal Society of Paint-rs in Water Onl- _ The presence of - three works by titled artists is a tt>- . =r-- compensation for the sbs«2C*> •\u25a0f the gifted American's brilliant im- jz-ovlsaticss in B. \u25a0 r. -ui:- which lends itself to tpOEtsr>.< ---uf impressions. One of these is a portrait by the Princess Louise, and the others *re trawingß of the Temple of Luxor and Sctloss Priedenberg by the Earl of Carlisle, each being an honorary member of the society. Tfa» majority of the contributors repeat them- selves with incorrigible persistence. Perhaps the best effects are produced by striking enn- trasts cf style when painters with accentuated rauneris:r.F are brought together in a single fJUtxraon to Stnr.ff Telling Pictures —Mr. Abbey's Dome Decoration. LONDON ART ••what your husband do'^n't know about race- Sorles* *aid the friend of the family, "isn't worth k 1? Y *'^" answered youns Mrs. Torkin*: •'•n<J what rhfirlev does know about them i*"'« worth know- u^, efu»er."-WMhta«t<m Star. The painting* will be shipped to Pennsylvania after the close of this exhibition for the benefit of art student*, and when they are in position under the dome will receive such alterations and final touches as they may require. Mr. Abbey will probably go to America by the end of the summer, and will see the Capitol for the firvt time. The decoration of the building has barely been begun, since there are large decora- tive works to be designed by him for th« two chambers. * *'• *• Mr Abbeys eight decorative pictures for the dome of the Capitol at Harrisburg have been exhibited this week in the East Gallery of the University of London, In South Kensington. They have been eeen to better advantage than the Grail panels, which were shown in the Guildhall Gallery a few years a*o. The gallery is long and high, and the big lunettes and cir- cular pictures for the pendentives were.not clut- tered together »o as to lose individuality of design and color. Mr Abbey has made a few changes in them since I saw them in hi* Gloucestershire studio and described them for Tribune readers. There ar« scores of landscapes. Sir Ernest Waterlow leading v.-ith a "Donsetshire Heath" as tru'- in observation as Mr. Thomas Hardy's descriptive, passages in Tl) " Return of th Na- tive." Mr. Xapier Henry's sea dramas are as vivid as '-v-r. and Mr. Robert W. Allan's im- HH—Jlllll—l is well scited to his Japanese suh- jects. Mr. Macbeth. Mr. Tuke. Mr. Clausen. Mr. Lionel Srr.ythe and other Academy painters help tn vary the usual displays of Goodwins. Mar- shalls and Th'-rne-WaJtes; but the chief feature is the reversion to the story telling picture, and that can hardly be considered a hopeful or pro- gressive sisn. eince it subordinates method and observation to subject, dl6hon<*rs traditions of Hound paintinp and sets an abnormal value upon work done with the object of making: the exhibition interesting to people who know little about art. It is on a level wilh the manufacture of large religious canvases for exhibition in provincial twns and the colonies for the saite of the gate rnaney. admlrJnp the chlrf performer. With white aprons, purple, blue an.] drmb fro. and potted plants massed ith Rrfcnory, there is a pretty effect of color, and it is tho old-fashioned Ftory picture which •»\u25a0 considered (touching and in- ter^stinp in tb* early ixriod. Mr Char!<-s Gregory has a smilar aaeotote in paint. "A Soft hmerfl," with two women rally- ing a rirtnc irl on a letter %*'lth which she is toying. Mr. Dollman gives a conventional ver- sion of St Anthony's '.*>mi'tat:'..n;_ Mr. W'equelln has a finer study of the. nude in "FVtunUß in the Wood." and Mr. Robert Anrrinjr Bell, has two picturesque. V<nftian anecdotes— "Cupid Dls- artn<d" and "The Piultn.-." Eves, at 8:20. Mats. Wed. and Sat. at 2:20. ___ v . UA \u25a0PUFITIir BROADWAY AND 45TH ST. HEW YORK THEATRE _?±?£2£ s^- L.AST 4 WEBKS F. ZIEGFELD, JR.'S GREATEST SUCCESS I THE BIC 4 FOLLOW THE CROWD! i

Transcript of New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1908-04-26 [p 3](DIE LUSTIGE WITWE). qveen OT VIEXXESE OPERETTAS. AT...

  • M \7 S E M E N T S .>t:\a'-york daily tribune, Sunday, april 26, 1908.Ii rifD-DC THE-*.TnE. Broadway tnd 40th St

    fc!Cr»"»- Ev?. i.:20. Mats. Wed. and Sat.. 2:13.1 -\u000dcos Ached with Lauphln*."


    WIVi.H.CRANE!» '£& jSZ*RATHER SS BOYSiSAVOY 34th 5 pr rrwav. EvKB. 5.20.1J /*'*-' * Mattiit^sThurs. and Sat. 2-15W

    HENRY v.nilliA«.«.oc-iat«- f'lM.i.r«,


    AL.IIAYUAN& CO.. Proprietors.£veni*ics S:ls. Matlnoe Saturday- only. 2:15.

    CROWIiEC WITH SUCCESSGo where the crowds jro.

    Follow The "Thrones.And you'll Fhout his prals«s

    And sing- his soncs.ItShCSJ The rroT,l!(r ',i' « ?! •\u25a0 -hror.irs.- • • his rraln-s

    L "' • '•"

    Sh£ v i b9bvbScs»^^l

    Rj*- pw J i^iT™""w Th" Best. rtic^o=t. Brightest an! Most Brilliant r>f all the*IIM a BiJ^»a»> Jgg Fltchian Fancies of "-ir-"" Foibles.1 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 «"«N0 Grouch can wlth«t*nd Oirls-^WTII rj,-er tired BusinessCLYPE FITCH'S GREAT COMEDY. men

    "Alan Dale.

    J>*4 A f% \u25a0 A! Broadway and SOth Street. S I'OSITIVELY! { The Qu'enBee,

    CASINO ,„.T^r^^t,2,. IHERE f-;^v^vMAIERI of--


    \f#•! tss7 Il«V \u25a0.',•- \u25a0 -ud Bai 2IS \u25a0 POSmVtXTJ

    I Niifyi»l^rKyil.l^ll!ll2oi.• FIELDS' D"S»» B'way and 35th. Kvgs. 8:1.V iDistinctly and DecisivelyERALP squ e^'g"^^^i,^,.H^""cam


    HACKETT H ! Saturday**-r»V/*l.*-»*J. go,, ,>Mee and Manager I •» -\u25a0!\u25a0'' ;ucu,tvsSAM S & LEE PIirBERT (Inc.) Present Thomas'



    T Ix^^Xii™ *̂™i¥lrl.tJJLjk3» & J.V/ B9TH STREET.,I ProVnetors! ! SATCRDAT. 2:15.

    I A rompany of 70 »nx L * * cb.


    LAST \IIIK" I.l,Al.l. HTABBai. |c lU-WUrtnJlf

    POPULARITY CONTEST WEEK. jevebv «ink rM111 TO \ votk to SB-!

    LETTTllr. v«i I'Orii\i:«oihn U- iDKlll.l.K >I>r.ER l»l THE >F.A*ON.

    ;: who was your favoritej i.T MAPDEX t FITZI'ATKHK.«lh«. MiXTKI

    rK. _I.M\_ II.U»KIA-_^_'JlsE_:

    r-^iVQc.V —iwiLLIAM f IGENE LENOX |3arnum ABailey*.'***"*•]ETLHEEVLEY MIL

    JLEw!REDiCO. k HARRY SUTTCN! THENOVELLOSj— ~,I()i> \ftrriuwin

    * B*« *~ »lc I.ii.--rrt- Tlii-[Vtlrrmnn^ Kvr.

    HARLEM Tth^'iKthli1!="\u25a0"':' n&"'^. 125 TH ST. ptrA^.[yu^^^m.


    THE OfHETGTRL" sySney s-DREWs -DREW j.SEUGMArf A co. Ij_ By At'Gt'RTl'B THOMAB I fi M|lslpul v,ls,rs Three Mrrrs. «atermrlon Triint.Rpc«-iuion Wed. Vaudeville between Art« XMAS ON KATIEv Drastic Amauum every «Thur«*r Bi«t»l XMAST ISLAND 1 BARRY

    To-day < uiillnuous Noon MM raitI. M. 1—

    "^. „,,,,(. I'""

    AUrr ail.\>-

    ROUGH RIDERS j^SSm**|VT\lA M«i Th« Real Red Man of thellllil/illiJ plulr.s in war-patnt.

    rTiIVRfiVC Brought Direct from RanchV*WVIOVJIO nT-sert-Born Acrobau.rrtij\IU"DC MilitaryMen In WarlikeV/ MJ11-* sT\ Scenes and Incidents.

    rnQQAPK^ Reekleai Rll(8cu:t Tournament Tilts..A DTIIIrDV Drlil*and Exhibits otAtx1 JLJLrl_*E_«r\ I Old-time Tactics.

    A \£\J t\ KJ 3 Meilcan Cowboy.IADAMrCIP 'The Little Brwn Men"JAPAINLaL froßl the Far East.VI*DITCMC-|U

    '*d hy th'»*J«»r«-WondwrIAKhaiML»I -Crack. Shot." Johnnie Baker.niinAIIIT Typical Mfm!»r» of Mexl-t\VnAL(ll^i9 cob Mounted Pollco.7f\ll i/re Perfection In Rapid r>rllls£,UVA*Lrf«J ln,lManual of Arms.f+ %\r AIDV "I'n-le Sam's" Horn-ment\V /\l_.rvI The Pride of th« Army.nDAfnnVS Representing -The Kln^sLJKAI-PVjvJiMO Own Defenders."

    BOX OFFICE OI'EN FHUIX if A. M. TO 9 P. M. Artmlssioo to ev«r>th:sx 2^c and s©c. 126th and 27thv> Reserved Seats. T.V. 11.00 ar.U $>. a>-cordinj to location Otadison At. entrancesonl\) PiiraU Boxes. s.-ats. $2.00 and $2.50 Children half pric*.l\Ut»3Hundreds of Men an.l VIADrHFCHorses tn Grand Military



    MAY OPERA CO.4TH in REPERTOIRErOri'LAB n«i(i>. r.o. 75r.


    TICKETS NOW ON >-Ai.i-

    r^xJOE WEBER'S\.W/X MCSIC H\I.I. B"w«3 Jinn stVVjI/\ Evenlnw 8:15XSCZ&V "'"^\u25a0"in • AW \ M%^ I'lh1 'lhTOWN "V'l'VO IOK THE**V^X49Kk'V SUMMERJo= Weber . 7 *;N^/gX .

    Peter F. Dailey'oV/'-Nj^/'N. (»

    Bessie Clayton "^>JV JttVSw *"*Albert Hart \ ', 'Osf^^VNina Collins and <

    ** ;>V&7^VRoss & Fenton >T>^^

    The Handsomest Chorus in the WorlcLx

    mt asjs>4%P| Broadway and 4".th St.m yTliy Evenings. 8:30.112% 111 \u25a0\u25a0 Matloees «-,ir.f».lay *I^VIVII Saturday. -30.


    __ ISUCCESS-Herald.ahitatJ 'V\h«X'v«r »ee9 It wUI notAHM" eccape its grip."—Louis r*

    Foe. World.WAGENHALS A KEMFER Ofter



    —i "It

    •cr«d an lmmensa «uc-Viat* ce!S - oa ot th senaaOsai•it llTn successes of 'h« s-aaon."

    —«l jji Acton Darles. E»e. Sun. .'*tJ" "AbsorbinK drama, able arul


    A. L.Klautwr. N T Times.

    Sembrich, Paderewski, AdamowskiCARNECIE HALLSaturday Aftarnoon, May 2, 1908• 'art of programme

    KS fTria-i-' ",f .he Le«.l Aid Ma|,beneficiary of the Concert.


    *Ir\Ing PI


    Cbarle* IMlllnchaiu Prcaents



    M'lle MODISTE.By Henry Bloasom ans taken on the srfiie by the Vltaicraph. I

    Dl llirV'O LINCOLN *Q. B'war. 6«tb St. r»» % i».DLAHCi « M»t» Mon,. Tu-».Thur» «aa 5-* 2:I3lWEEK UEGIXNINO TO-MORROW MAT..

    EDNA MAYSPOONER• 3roaJ»»^ • Only Woman Star>Prtfcntinf for First Time on Ar.v Sta.**

    THE BOVERHOR; THE BOSSA VlrH« Story of Poi!r:c-»: Life

    MAMfIAV CRA TH Performance on BroaJw*y—

    \u25a0OPJUMI 3wll the longest Broadway run everNI6HT attained by any woman at»r

    UKTWEK- >.:...CAMTII.B

    GARDEN "Rffijvr- TO HiCHT

    'rr ui,h?aiu irharM T.snc. May Tully & ro:3o0t>ro:3o°PCPCIMk

    \u25a0\u25a0Hi ViOKI II IRAQ IN WAX

    Eden EViuseeSPECIAL CrKOUPS aud riQwRES

    This Afternoon and Evening iv; BlitTE HUNOAKIAN BAWDThis Afternoon CINEMATOGRAPH This Eve. atat s and 2^50. IlINt(VIAIUOnArH band 9:30.

    PASTDR S l4th PAILT MATINEES.1NYIVII** Continuous Pfrforraincea.BOWSES. lU>-KL£


    HA>SO> *NELSON. THt lEDJUM.Th* Raz*rr«. . g» ,a4ut.*™Potter & Harrla, Burkr


    -Th« Randolph*. The ****>??£Booth A Craln. i^vu*h.f^Bro""VU»«rai>h Travel \iews.

    And aa an Extra Attraction.TRAXK BCBH.

    : TJie Turf.•UEENS CO. JOCKEY CUB•

    AQIEDTCT. L. I.» RACING MOIDAY AND TUESDAY: fUM Table in M.>nd*j'• PWBI. >. .




    ENSEMBLE PROGRAM AMD SOLI.\u0084„, ._._.,., HENKY WOUFSOUNMa"Wmt"t Tio^t* en Ml*« 80. Ote.

    Gmko>HIH!£HELDf*CDUI|| IHIA 1 X*- lnll.K pi. ft t 4U tff111 AH i'rriiirmuncrs Mon. Kv'p, .20.Organized by Miutume (iforflne* holllcklns Farce. "Madame Bonl va r d."Tues and Wed. Kv's«.

    " Ma(l»m f Bonlvir ."Thursday Evening. (' Io» inr of the senoillb»en'» Drama. "Ctip«iiitet"

    iCiho»u >

    ASTOR - . =r-- compensation for thesbs«2C*> •\u25a0f the gifted American's brilliant im-jz-ovlsaticss in B. \u25a0 r.-ui:- which lends itself to

    tpOEtsr>.< ---uf impressions. One of these is aportrait by the Princess Louise, and the others*re trawingß of the Temple of Luxor andSctloss Priedenberg by the Earl of Carlisle,

    each being an honorary member of the society.

    Tfa» majority of the contributors repeat them-

    selves with incorrigible persistence.•Perhaps

    the best effects are produced by striking enn-trasts cf style when painters with accentuatedrauneris:r.F are brought together in a single

    fJUtxraon to Stnr.ff Telling Pictures—Mr. Abbey's Dome Decoration.


    ••what your husband do'^n't know about race-Sorles* *aid the friend of the family, "isn't worthk1?Y

    *'^"answered youns Mrs. Torkin*: •'•nmi'tat:'..n;_ Mr. W'equelln

    has a finer study of the. nude in "FVtunUß in theWood." and Mr. Robert Anrrinjr Bell,has two

    picturesque. V