New York State Digital Library - 21/Cortland NY...changes •« the man or woman...

* ' 'V" * ? T f, TIM Cortland Carriage < bowling rtv» wnt the Barbe r a cru»h 1rt»d*l*nt ou COOM I 7. ,' Cnrttnnd. N. T . Dec Actual weatlier from S o. w day to/4 p. m. today, cloudy with sou- th east wids column being for th* third the fourth for us: » . 1.321 10* 1A* 1A0 L t l * 1.1SA MlO 1.1 •» Harford 1.446 LOSA 600 «•• Homer 5.400 1,100 »M 2,750 WEATHER FORECAST day to 3 p. m. today, cloudy with Mai* th wind* BAROMETER READING t p m—Today the wind it) south to east. Barometer lil in«he* and s*l*w and falling rapidly. Tomor- row'* weather should be saver* storm of rain or »no w imminent. Clearing la 24 hoars. Lapeer Marathon Pr«bl* ,. Scott .... Solon ,... Taylor .. Truxton . Virgil .. Willet ... 100 1.S50 2,000 1.641 1,471 l.lll U „ 1.176 M* :,14T 600 3.000 1.600 1.7M 1.700 160 600 1,000 1.400 400 MO 1*4 408 soo see see 100 S5« 200 500 800 tZ^^BS^haaiei mm Oal V Partial re*******.**. ths Carrla«* players draw »wi ts and won them 147 points. Th* bowllag of Brown Mil alnf AT* featured the work evening. H* secured both, th* high Individual and high game Mora for th* match, a* well as pu king up four difficult spUt*. U»* was high man tor the barbers with a inark of 102 U\ his first gam* and i U for th* match. The scores: ' ^ * J ' ttoods Oo. 1. *?• * TWai Air*. Chriatraa* .184 Iff ISO 514 171141 Brown 152 201 182 642 ISO 2-1 Haynes 127 150 141 414 144 1 Carpenter . . l t l l«2 151 505 141 f-I Hall 147 162 145 444 141,.,. COMING EVERTS tonight Vaudeville and motion pictures. Coftiand theatre. Motioa pictures, Tamnle thaatr*. Motion pictures. Community thea- tr*. Homer Basketball. T. Id. e, A. gymnasium. 1:11 p. m.. Central High school vs. Sealer Cmployed Boys' Brotherhood. "Th* <Mrl la th* Limousine, Cort- land theatre. Motion pictures. Tempi* theatre. "•> Cortland County hospital board of managers, 1 p. m., hospital. Qrac* church guild meeting. 1 p. m.. Parish house. Cniveraallat church ottioal board meeting. 7 20 p. m.. church. '" Memorial Baptist church annua) meeting, 7:14) p. m church parlors. Twentieth Century club Book Re- view department lecture by Prof. Wil- liam K. Wick**. 1:15 p, m , club man. Westminster club, 7:30 p. m., Pres- byterlan church. Cortland City chapter. No. 501. O. IS. S., 7:45 p. m.. Masonic temple. W. B. A. of Maccabees, I p. m., rooms. ' T. W. C. A. millinery class, 7:15 p. 1*.. cooking cms*, 1:15 s. m , es- satiation building. Bowling. First Methodist vs. first Congregational. 8 p. m., Y M. C. A. alleys. Totals Adams .714 111 t i t 1.441 •turner* r* j 3 Total Ave.] 141 442 f«7 1-1 BREVITIES %They tell us thai the modern gown is Boca*** H is the sort knocking *•*««• knowledge of the tact Is terribly •****. ,~ T*t custom I* a wbndrons tranquil Iter. And in a little whtl* We find th* startling style Was left iii neither sorrier ner wiser. Our work we wouldn't quit To turn and notice it. If Fashion were to favor a reaction With skirts brought down so low That not a step Would shew The mechanism and the mode Of trac- tion. With ruffles around the feet To sweep th* dusty street. We'd sag the luck of taste was some- thing awful. And talk about the germs In scientific terms. We'd even vow that ruffles were Un- lawful— Then calmly go our way Tltl they had had their day —Philander Johnson In Washington Star LADIES' LITERARY CLUB rati fcntertainrii With Bttsa War- nock to Read Th* annual fall entertainment of the Ladies' Literary club occurred last evening at th* bom* of Mrs. u. H. Wlltaie, 65 Port Watson st Each member was privileged to invite a guast so that wh*n th* hoar tar as- sembling arrived th* spacious living room and the music room adjoining war* well filled with th* congenic.l company of friends. The special feature of the evening's entertainment was a reading by Miss Mildred Wamock of th* Conservatory of Music who presented William Vaughn Moody's play, "Th* Oreat Divide," which has been rendered famous by Margaret Anglin and Henry Miller In t h e parts respectively of Ruth Jordan and Ghent. The play la of a tragi* character and Miss War- nock IK 14 her hearers almost breath- less by her realistic delineations ot the, tense situations developed, and her Interpretations ot the two parts, so different each from the other. The ellir V'*"T thnt at Its "<-> t in silence for a 1 iing to be fit- ting to show I .iiiplause the appreel tlon of the wonderful work; set forth. But at length, th* applause came and then the. reader was quite as- sure* that h*r hearers had *njoyed Her rendition. She reeponded to the insistent demand for more with three little character sketches of Italian personalities of an altogether humor- ous character. The spell was broken and the company was then as ready to laugh as It had p r e v i o u s l y b%*n al- most moved to. tears. A second encore- . .1-41 1*1 ..til 115 161 611 177.1.1 Cosko 144 \Zf 131 403 134 Oilbertson . 1 4 0 141 157 447 149 Daine 151 161 150 462 l i l Totals 771 761 744 2.286 TWENTIETH CENTURY CLUB General Meeting Monday Night with Add ress by Prof. W Ickes Th* regular general meeting o f t h i Twentieth Century club will be held in the elub room* Monday evening, D*d. 6 at 8:15 o'clock. The program Will be in charge of the Book Review de- partment and promises to be very in- teresting Prof. W. W. Wlckes of Syracuse will speak on "Mirth in lit- erature and Life.'' and Miss Ruth Hubr bard will sing. A large attendance Is hoped for. ' The board meeting will be called'ajt 7 o'clock. History and Literature y , The History and Literature depart- ment will meet Thursday afternooivat 3.30. The following program will 1* given The Christ Child in Art Miss Parsons Christmas Legends Mrs. Perry The Gospel History in Italian Palnt|ng Miss A Music Mrs. Ms)ry Smf Drama Department The Drama department Friday afternoon at 3 : 4 5 w-1 lowing program The Church Theater a Abraham and tue L'nbelleve Mi RAILROAD fJFFKIALS IN Was demanded by tunpulttflnis ap- frida* has accotint of C01 nl MM ng* same being partial Insurance. « rapidly and only the part of the ilroton nd v«iunteets trom Typewriter Co. kept th** ^swat *!••»?*'• badly damaged by water the fi;ont p<rt of the Was saved from the (lames. practically all of the thirty-five forona employee, occupying rooms In the building lost their personal he- longings. * John Maddock. th* well known athletic director of the Corona.plant, was overcome by. smoke trying to save a watch Which he had left in his room. Mo*t or the tenants were out at sup* p«r when the fir* started. Lorin Grifling, manager of th* New TbrJt office «f the Corona company, who was in Grdton for the day, lost -<ime d r i l l s pergonal belongings In tbt fire. •Th*T building belonged to George Cummtngs of Groton and for several years it was a well known hotel in that vlrtalrl *BTe<!efitTy'n has been bpoMted by M. Hester of Groton as a rodtrAftg and boarding fcotek tumi amtm rtfet THE LOST HUNTERS No Further News JEteccivctl From th* Searching Party No additional news has been receiv- ed from the four men who remained in the Kbrth Woods to search for the bodies ot the Cortland county hunters. A card wan received yesterday from the party stating that-on Thursday the weather wa* cold and stormy, and that no furher progress in the work could be No mention wa* made of When the four men expected to come home. Rumors that some of the bodies have been found are un- true. There will be a meeting of Grac* ekareh Guild in th* Parish house Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. —There will be a meeting o t t h * board of managers of the Cortland County hospital at the hospital Mon- day afternoon at 3 o'clock. —Cortland City chapter. No. 601, O R 8.. will hold its regular' meattng Monday evening st 7:41 In *he ,Ma- sonic temple. There will b* an initia- tion of candidates. —The regular review of W. B A. •f Maccabees will be held Monday Ova*!** at 1 o'clock There will b* *l*etlen of officers. Initiation and % tureen supper Will be served. All members are asked to be pr*esnt. —Cltisons of Cortland and com-' munity who w»*h fo make any contri- bution to the ruropean Relies coun- cil as referred to by Utter In T h * Standard of Friday night m a y d o s o by calling at th* local T. M c A. plana* and the r«*d*r rh*n'f**»ed hep versatility by another humorous se •SRgSJ^ *rnoi»k*s pttyaiqu* is com mandlnfr, her personality fbaiWitSst, her; vole* deep and rich and under perfect cont r*l and her facial • *T - »r*s*ion follows with compelling force the character set, forth, with Instant changes •« the man or woman speaks in the play, she is on* «f the most successful and most pleasing readers ever hesrd In Cortland. As a preliminary to the reading Mrs. Oeorg* IT Smith M « Miss Sarah H. Htibhard niavert with fine affect the piano, duet. "Mlnaet" by Hkyrtn. and between two of the scenes Miss Hubbard gave a piano solo with the same title. "Minuet," but with a dif- ferent composer. Beeboeck At an- other Interval Miss Esther Wilts!.* put upon t»e Vlctrol* the dainty Tittle record. "Dnna" a* sunjr by Relnald- werrenrmth. which la alway* a fsv- orlte with those, who know it. Mr*. H. r>eW. DeOroat. aa preeident of the club, presided and frradousty welcomed the guest a and at the close of th* program voiced the pleasure Of the audienc* la alt the feature* of the program. Light refreshments were served and an hour was most *n*>yal>ty pakked In a social way Party of Inspectors at feel Station A party **f Lehigh Va wag in towti < %ste cars, KosI 160 an found to be very sati&facl The party iadfuded *\ g*r. vice prwicwit. C" sistant vica'prcsfflent, 5 Jf. general manager; (J. L. engineer*, G. I. Mnorc. malntenanc* of way. F. superintendent of motive M. Haipas.^perietea^Bt portation, sSfl J. H. superlnteSjent. Tjk* In Cortland by V.%« master. Montreal .... , New Orleans... New York Oklahoma. Phoenix. Aris. Pittsburgh-. Portland, Or* ! Quebec.. | Raleigh-.. I St. Louis ....... I Salt Lake. : I San Diego. | g. ate Maria -I Scran ton _...| Slvreveport | Ml Syracuse ...... 1 4*1 Tampa u—;.} - «»( Toledo. .w.l *4| Washington ...... I 401 Th* m 641 401 48! •H 421 42| 94! 50f 411 201 44| 631 *V 401 Ml 40) Si 48! 70j Ml fill Ml Ml Ml Ml 461 Ml Ml 44| 001 48! 711 Ml 601 jCloudy Cloudy iCIoudy . .Clear iClsar* - (Cloudy .a*iCi-**y jCloudy ICloudy OtlClaudy (Otoar ICloudy ICToudy ICleudy MlCleudy iCkwmy 10iCloudy x ICloudy ey officials iit two pri- 61* on a sp*ctk>n of Mri Blandih. Foster. «s- McQulre. land, chief giaeer of Hibbltte, power; 3. st trans- , division was met r. traln- .T LARO» NEWS STAND - Patronage at Lackawanna Statioa ». '\f 4,; WanuiilH It ' supartntendent Hanson of the Cnkob Now* compdny w a s In Cortland yes- terday. H*\said that the patronage of the news stand at the Lackawanna passenger 'Station warranted a largei stand in Cortland and he would at o*.ee order a new 12,000 stand, to re- place the present one. The new stand will conform to the style of the furni- ture In the waiting room. It will soon be here and will be installed at once. 1 1 < - I , • I m :••' slowly and is central this morning over lUiae* sad high atsssur* prevails ovsr th* Atlantic coast. Rain has fallen over th* mkldle and lower MhsUsippi and lower Ohio vsJ,ers asd th* sousbsn portions of Temperatures ate higher over eastern awl tower over the eatern Bo slop* and the Mississippi raUSy. -^ ., The western storm area Will probably eastward over th* lower lak* roglou rajn In this vicinity tonight ably turning to snow by Sunday nignt with falling liatibrtrtgl. mm a WEST HOUR THREE STRAIGHT —Th* members of th* Country La- flias* Uterary club hsv» ba*n InvHad t* he th* guests of the Twentieth Century club en Mendsy evening to Prof. William K. Wlckes of win Review department of the club that «Y*ailig. % i 1 »..• ., .ml". "haset 1 ava, Th* First rreehvterian churth bowling fhre showert their superiority •var th* Kemer-ev. M . K bowl*rs oa t h * t allays last night by winning all three games. Frad Ash worth was th* star of the match and h* secured both th* high individual seer* and high tc6f* far three games. in hi* third game. Ash worth rolled 222 and he had a grand tots) of 17t for th* match. Morrtaos*. had th* high score fbr th* Hom*r-*v*. five both In t«4tv*J- ual games and th* mateh. H* s*. «r*d IT! tn hi* third gasa* and 411 far th* mstrh. Th* scores: *' ' . •' Fresh vtertaa f 1 > t Tdtnl 101 lit 15« , , « | f lit If* GUESTS OF MRS. jfeNMS Young Mattled iji<Jle»'4t u Met on Thuisday The Young Married \Ladies' club was. pleasantly entertained on Thur** day at the home of Mrs OrVI*Dennis. A tureen dinner .was served to twenty. In the afternoon Mrs Theodore Phelps and MTS.'T.»IH McConnell, who were present, gave interesting talk*, which were much enjojpsd by all Four hew member* were reaetved* It was voted to hold a box social Mon af a place and time to be decided upon lata/. , ' Th* Christmas tree entertaln- •rlll be held at th* home of Ms*. Myron Goodsie. M Cayuga-gt.. ta Homer on Saturday,,Deo. 18 • ROWUNG. •* The Urmriiaawiiit to be Ooaspbetad Tonight ' An Individual bowling tournament is tn progress on th* alleys-or tl»e 1 ort- land Amueement pSrlgrs. The mitch started at 2 o'clock this afternoon and It'is expected that the final games will be completed ,this eventng. Tho re- sults of the games., will be announced on Mondadf Annual Election of Odscera of Uocne Inss^vsthMtst' AM» . West Ilomar. Dec. 4-Th* Horn* Improvement club met at ths home of Mrs. Harry Nelson on W«dn**day afternoon. Dec. 1. After the regular business, the ntV naal election of officer* toqk plac* which resulted aa follows: President Hbem Hast Nsdoant vie* president, Mrs. Aaron Breed*: secretary, Mm Frank Connoll; treasurer. Mrs. Nelson \t*t- came hack to ou* ce. H* egpreased vaaawv -~•* *Bjjssja>> mm F l«*|liit|M at a traveling agent. "But suppose t dent sell anything?" he asked aa h e started oat on his first trip. "That is our lookout," w* said; " it i s a s much a service to report that you can't sell and why as to sell." That appealed to him and h* often quoted it. But be did sell. He was one *f the two mo*t profitable agenu we ever had. and when big year w a s u p w a s reengaged at considerably inerosae- saUry for three year* more. B*for* this period wa' up D. C. Heath * Co., who had observed hi, work, •fmred him so much more that w* (olt compelled raluctantly to r*Uas- him. He made * *v«ry year fof th*m. ted to th* Arm. and became reeognlced as one of the strongest ag*nts in th* *t*U. H* believed in his books, h* was an indefatigable worker, he united with a shrewd in- sight mto human nature a candor that was engaging, he was liked and re- sp*cted by t*»ch*rs and by his fellow bookmen. Especially was hs rec- ognised as always ready, to perform any service for anybody, a thorough good fellow, alway* cheerful and cherry, and punctiliously courteous. He grew tee. In the early years his candor and directness were sometime* smiled at. and his competitors were Inclined to treat him at a joke. But results were measured it was that be had held his own and some ot theirs, andrwlthal he ac- . I wUh his success wad hi* lncreas- friendship wKW lead In g ed ucat lonal made him at home Mrs. Converse te«*U a :•. FREEVILLE Freeville, Dec. e.wMri gi ^ Fred Brown and daughter Katkk Hr; anA Mrs. Arthur Glbbs and' ville (Mbba *t ipringneld, kJn guests *t Hotel Bhavtr tht tt) w*eh>—=P*rcy Vint ot Battl, spent part of last week with rents, Mr. and Mrs. Satmiii Ufa. Charles Anger spent Ithaca.-*—Mr* Bmma Miss Lena Youngs. Mr*. *dhard*ii and children, and Mrs. Elrog 1 w*re in Groton Tuesday 1 ——Thomas Crawford sf was in town Tuesday- Baager was in Ithaca Wetn Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ai«xas«er" children are moving to McL Clay Dayton was In Drj'den day.. At a recent m*ttlgf'. Pythitn Sisters * contribute sent to tho Uterary Digest < PbeA fd««>—Mrs. Edward] tertained the nMmbert of thel Sisters to a supper after the meeting Tuesday night •nee (See of Btodgett Mills friends In town WsdneMty. Hlver Changes Paducah, Ky.. Doc . changing Hs course, the Ohio 1 «U»ato.nins.,fS»rt Massac, on Ml nols side, and the old fort, seconds' est In the state, will be washed 1 unless an IS-toot retainer plannsd, can check the ufide _ Alt th*s* y**r* be has made our ot- Aes his Syracus* headquarters, and his visits hav* beed much of the. time daily. I t Is a grief to think that they hav* so suddenly ceased, and that his bit. sturdy body lies unburied on the bottom of an Adirondack lake, None of our rsaAst* esn remember a mean action he ever did; many of them can « * « SIMMONS—HOLLAND Motet Wedding at Grace Churr-h Kec> tory rYidav Iflght Fay G, Simmons of Cortlajudvilf- and Mies' Clara Holland of Hom, * Were united in marriage last night at th* rectory of the Grace Episcopal church. The ceremony was perform- ed by the Rev. A. H ~ieaty, rector of. the church Th* couple w*r* attend- ed by Caroline T. B«ll and Roger Ben. TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS ob- Iillian Russell (lire. Alexander p. Moore.) long a favorite of 4he Ameri- can stdge. horn at Clinton, town, II years ago today. . Thodtaa Walker Page, chairman of the U. a tariff commission, born at Cobham, v a . . f t year, ago today. Or J. W. K*rr. pr«ssd*nt of the association of Military Burgeon* of the tretted Stetes, ' bel4 let Grand Bhpida Ohio. 41 year. & today Me; pram reporter, ., -s«h>--'-s' '•• ../' K * 4 N 1 .^, Two new mamberst Jgrs. Wrlaop' Blair and Mrs. RussMi Blair, ielnod t h e Club, r * ''j;-. ' Oimerni Hews , . Mrs, Aaron, Breed*, when return- ing home' Wednesday afternoon, bad the misfortune to -have »a horse stumble nearly In front of her home •and hr*ak it* less.——Mr*. - Jena Stafford was taken suddenly ill on -Monday morning. A doctor <w*s called and Dr. Kelly waa- called* In council. Sha was at once, taken to th* Cort- land hovptal where she underwent an operation and ha* neen^ In a critical condition, since.—— Henry Fltte and Harold Nelson attended th* Beys' cod- ferenee at Ithaca last woegt ft i ills Ralph Butler spent ThVfrsday with her sistev. Mrs. Sabra Wistsallt tn ^mpronlns.——The school tea 1 for District HO. 4 I* now in the- hands Of th* collector.- Jerry Sweeney, ana for the next thirty days Will be received at 1 per cer.fc ' ( 1 mill m •WSMSWJNWW • 1 > • . . ; • soul rest in ORDER OF MOOSE ffeti* th* beat kidney •*• eyeeM. .tt* recsrreiwe a t S t y trnesMe, 'Walsh A Alien—Adverttoe- ?rwe f TS^?a^BS wtn be feeid st the **stS|'^'~* M Ksmee at I o'eteen s*eday whii. s ptmttar siaerlws wtfl %e held on Sunday *vanrng st tin is Mlee MerfWret Hmrktey <|ef|, on the An Initiation Hunday AftWnooti at t:SO o'clock Th* Loyal Osder of Moose, "So. LSI2. will hold an InitiaUon in their rooms on Sunday afternoon at 2:20 O'clock. A class ef twenty-five or thirty candidate* will be Initiated and a large attendance ot the members is desired. TO COWER FIRST DEGREE John L. Lewis f nrtgii to go to Syracuse Doc 13 John T, Levis ledge. No. 5*7. I. O. O. F , will cowtsr the Srst degree for Antericus lodge at tyraoase *n the evening of Dec. 13. A Special drill will be held Monday evening and all member* of the degree team- and alt who e*n*et tO g o t o Syracuse on thst occasion are requested to be present at the drllL , , . . COTHMUS > POLICE CORRAL SHEEP *^^H^m sHRV AWsle^Mf kWl l WO dved Wtrtrti fjnd Som* 1 wo north end of tore during moimlng shd Ks*rfy^»%^^^S r w*r* released from the ClnclOfiaiui, ©•!», r—Again the strese of our local milk station is re- lieved by the Reid Ice Cream Co.. paying the farmers the League price ot $1.11 pet 100 pounds of 1 percedt milk—Th* local Heme Bureau meeting will be hetd Monday. Dee, A it the home nf Mrs. B. * . Baldwin st 2 p. m Officers far the y*ar win elected-. Mrs. MeConnefl will be present. Mite A. M. *athbun was a busmen, calior' m Cortland. Thur*- day.-—Mrs, Sophia Lorrldg* and Mr* Florence Smith were in Cort- land for th* dsy. rrlday.—-Mfg. C B. Meldfim went As ~ —i-Mllford Spencer Claie made a land. Thursday. let. wee a business natus. Friday.- Q •a* bees hdlplng fee th* family of hay *d to her work In Our SslAsjs Of Mrs. <>rus R. eecarfSA Dec. 1. nersi *ervic*s Monday at gee boas* Kortit Wejh-da,sAMK a i t i . H. ro«*u efneiatteg MrisimNbrth M a y his Syraeuse. Dee. 4.—Robert Morris, a New Tdrk stock promoter, waa no vietM herw yesterday on the third count df an indictment charging him with obtaining, under falso pretenses, f7.«00 worth Of Liberty bonds from Miss Jennie Nikon, an aged woman. Sentence Witt b* pronounced Tuesday. Fight Oraabsrti San Francisco, Cat.. D*e. Peterson is in the h« he stilt insists a whole 1 cranberries *r* tfter hl*M halted his attack on the fee. He'd had on* drink of ***: . ... On* Hundred P«r Cent Washington. Deo. 4.—Every Sttached tn the American force* tfl Germany bas contributed to th* R«d WtStB 'st AARfX)—To Mr. and Mrs. Chdrl** ShrdO et Cortlandt N.'T.. Nov: if. *' *0ie. a - dantrhtar, Bsnirtts c. Weight, 1% annndsv tsnsasndssnsnsnsnnssnnannnnnhssnss^ r to CoA'- el*etlOn Of Clrsre Edward Alley wn* wnnAen, s.nd It. F Waetl, F. H Oeddsrd St. Lower** were selected a* ,JT;|ir** tret three being ' re- 44eete4l SOL tAJUrlTS HOtftUP RARK BUJOfiWT i H l S Riodgett Mill*, Dee. 4, Johanna of Syracuse hag In* at Fraak » tWugSffnKS 1:00 train ret Btnghamton to spend money end a guantlt IB Vasdt antl Mua*!*, I n d , C e o 4^m sAAsUld hsndihi yesterday held u p t h e Itt4«n- viil* State hank, imprtesaad the eaah- lar and several ematayc** In the **uif and e*o»|wid with fhr#« '*a*^» of of Uberty R*v. A. H . t JA • • * » » . ' snaAayeossd? Asmtee teshftfe nt A Miseieejr-' •cbeet ^4*14 41 se'* enjoy the 1 '.If •• 1 smsisii*.!' . • -% r SIMMONS— HOLLAND—At th* Ora*4 Egtasosni ohursh raetery la c*rt- reotor of th* chdrob. F s y O. Sim- mon* of OorUandvtll*, N. T.. and Ml** Clara A. Hollaed ef H. T. »* ' i v* •"e«S»f' .*»'. WtWflAUbJ Ctectnaatw*. H Y. Dec 1. lite. Mrs. Cyrus R. Warner. ~ nd*y st l p m. trr* Aids Defective «, I'ex,. Doc. 4.—Mti) offered h e ' fat) clildren j S a , 1? _ . „a, gh« , ***p l>« ^m ,, *! at the homo, without »sy. •MnsHis^no4rrinang»Sr»« Binghamton. Dec * ~2 , Cr«y, a leading financier sf i HOW T*rk died her* Ust Ml a short iHtteee with typhoid fs*e*7 ate em* 64 yearn j at - BnndttB steal Deli San Francisco, Csl. Bandits entered a doll plant and * s r * catisflsd to j o t « with three kewpis dona "WC STANDARD WANT ABA Faims! Farms! ««lsy because the Hit I th* on. yen wUl wdet •«.] ri'Vcrea. stoek. cropa '•«>» •'"% Saema^ow^tosj...^ stsek *re*a, tseie id acres, otooh. crop* toon 1 It sere*, steeh. eteps. teets, ••fJ|| A sawshv eAoel. erep* teelt •"* l •0 *sre*i steeh, ereps. t*ol« •^^epe, tesjs ... crops, tool* .... steSi ««w^** itnAlt-orea*, t * * " ^ ' _ '.lent. cfpe. ifottj: Farms **ly. spring d At s s s t W w ^ J S j f r t M ! •••.•»» ., morning at fi BsdlrtShinA pnrtor* Intermsat tn eeatetery at DTyden- WANTED MtSS "T^j* , e W AtjUBSJ fire day m*«*e banting etaee* la #fh^ts*l*Si*r. eatlmates i*f t*l kill of nfOoa* this year in Nfe* prevtne* Is about a.ltA. 4v Carrier -"BOVA A t Cortland ••ywwiwe—*•— Good Pa; Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of New York State Digital Library - 21/Cortland NY...changes •« the man or woman...

Page 1: New York State Digital Library - 21/Cortland NY...changes •« the man or woman speaks in the play, she is on* «f the most successful and most pleasing readers

* ' ' V " * ?Tf,

TIM Cort land Carriage < bowling rtv» w n t the Barbe r a cru»h 1 rt» d*l*nt ou




, ' • Cnrttnnd. N. T . Dec Actual weatl ier from S o. w

day to /4 p. m. today, cloudy wi th sou-th east wids

c o l u m n be ing for

t h * t h i r d the fourth for

us: » .

1.321 1 0 * 1 A * 1A0 L t l * 1.1SA M l O 1.1 •»

H a r f o r d 1.446 LOSA 600 « • • H o m e r 5.400 1,100 » M 2,750

WEATHER FORECAST day to 3 p. m. today, cloudy with Mai* th wind*

BAROMETER READING t p m — T o d a y the wind it) s o u t h

to east. Barometer l i l in«he* and s*l*w a n d fa l l ing rapidly. T o m o r ­row'* weather should be saver* storm o f rain or » n o w imminent . Clearing

la 24 hoars .

Lapeer M a r a t h o n P r « b l * , . S c o t t . . . . S o l o n , . . . T a y l o r . . T r u x t o n . Virgil . . Wi l l e t . . .


1.S50 2,000 1.641 1,471 l . l l l U „ 1.176 M * :,14T 600 3.000 1.600 1.7M 1.700

160 600 1,000 1.400

400 MO 1*4

408 soo see see

100 S5« 200 500 800

tZ^^BS^haaiei mm Oal V Partial

re*******.**. t h s Carrla«* players draw »wi

ts a n d won t h e m 147 points .

T h * b o w l l a g of Brown M i l a l n f A T * featured the work evening. H* secured both, t h * h igh Individual a n d h igh g a m e Mora f o r th* match , a* wel l as pu king up four difficult spUt*. U » * w a s h igh man tor the barbers wi th a inark of 102 U\ h i s first g a m * and i U for t h * match. •

T h e scores : ' ^ * J ' ttoods Oo.

1 . *?• * TWai Air*. Chriatraa* .184 I f f ISO 514 1 7 1 1 4 1 Brown 152 201 182 642 ISO 2-1 Haynes 127 150 141 414 144 1 Carpenter . . l t l l « 2 151 505 141 f - I Hall 147 162 145 444 1 4 1 , . , .

COMING EVERTS t o n i g h t

Vaudevil le a n d mot ion pictures. Coftiand theatre .

Motioa pictures , Tamnle thaatr*. Motion pictures . Community t h e a -

tr*. Homer Basketbal l . T . Id. e , A. g y m n a s i u m .

1:11 p. m.. Central High schoo l vs. Sea l er C m p l o y e d Boys ' Brotherhood.

" T h * <Mrl la t h * Limousine, Cort­land theatre .

Motion pictures . T e m p i * theatre . "•> Cortland C o u n t y hospital board of

managers , 1 p. m., hospital . Qrac* c h u r c h guild meet ing. 1

p. m.. Parish house. Cniveraallat church ot t ioal board

meet ing . 7 20 p. m. . church. '" Memorial B a p t i s t church annua)

meet ing, 7:14) p. m church parlors . Twent ie th Century club Book R e ­

view d e p a r t m e n t lecture by Prof. Wil ­l iam K. Wick**. 1:15 p, m , c lub

m a n . Wes tmins ter club, 7:30 p. m., Pres -

byterlan c h u r c h . Cortland City chapter. No. 501 . O.

IS. S., 7:45 p. m.. Masonic t emple . W . B. A. of Maccabees, I p. m.,

rooms. ' T. W. C. A. mil l inery c lass , 7:15 p. 1*.. c o o k i n g cms*, 1:15 s . m , e s -sa t ia t ion bui ld ing .

Bowl ing . F i r s t Methodist vs. f i r s t Congregat ional . 8 p. m., Y M. C. A. alleys.



.714 111 t i t 1.441 •turner* r* j

3 Total A v e . ] 141 442 f«7 1-1


%They tell us tha i the modern g o w n is

Boca*** H i s the sort

knock ing *•*««• k n o w l e d g e of the tact Is terribly •****. ,~ T*t custom I* a wbndrons tranquil Iter. And in a l i t t l e wht l* We find t h * s tar t l ing style Was left i i i ne i ther sorrier ner wiser. Our work w e wouldn't quit To turn and notice it.

If Fashion were to favor a reaction With sk ir t s brought down so low That not a s t e p Would shew The mechanism and the mode Of trac­

tion. With ruffles around the feet To s w e e p th* dus ty street. We'd sag t h e luck of taste w a s some­

th ing awful . And talk about the germs In scientific terms. We'd even vow that ruffles were Un­

lawful— Then calmly g o our way Tltl they had had their day —Philander Johnson In Washington



r a t i fcntertainrii With Bttsa War-nock t o R e a d

T h * annual fall e n t e r t a i n m e n t of t h e Ladies ' Literary c lub occurred last even ing at t h * b o m * of Mrs. u . H. Wlltaie, 65 P o r t Watson st Each m e m b e r was privileged to invi te a guas t so that w h * n t h * h o a r tar as ­s e m b l i n g arrived th* s p a c i o u s l iving r o o m and the mus ic r o o m adjo in ing w a r * wel l filled wi th t h * congenic.l c o m p a n y of friends.

T h e special feature of t h e even ing ' s enter ta inment w a s a read ing b y Miss Mildred W a m o c k of t h * Conservatory of M u s i c who presented Wi l l iam V a u g h n Moody's play, " T h * Oreat Divide ," which has been rendered f a m o u s by Margaret Ang l in and Henry Miller In the par t s respectively of R u t h Jordan and Ghent . T h e play la of a tragi* character a n d Miss War-nock IK 14 her hearers a l m o s t breath­l e s s by her realistic d e l i n e a t i o n s ot the , t e n s e s i tuations deve loped , and her Interpretations o t t h e t w o parts, so different each from t h e other. The ell ir V'*"T thnt at Its " < - > t in si lence for a 1 i ing to be fit­ting to show I . i i iplause the appreel t l on of the wonderful work; s e t forth. But a t length, th* applause c a m e and t h e n the. reader w a s qui te as­s u r e * t h a t h*r hearers had *njoyed Her rendit ion. She reeponded to the i n s i s t e n t demand for m o r e wi th three l i tt le character ske tches of Italian personal i t i es of an a l toge ther humor­ous character. The spel l w a s broken and t h e company w a s then a s ready to laugh a s It had previous ly b%*n al­m o s t moved to. tears . A s e c o n d encore-

. .1-41 1*1

. . t i l 115 161 611 177 .1 .1 Cosko 144 \Zf 131 403 134 Oilbertson . 1 4 0 141 157 447 149 Daine 151 161 150 462 l i l

Totals 771 761 744 2.286


General M e e t i n g M o n d a y Night wi th Add r e s s b y Prof. W Ickes

T h * regular general mee t ing of t h i Twent i e th C e n t u r y c lub wil l be held in the e lub room* M o n d a y even ing , D*d. 6 a t 8:15 o'clock. The program Will be in charge of the Book R e v i e w de­partment and promises to be v e r y in­teresting Prof. W. W. W l c k e s of Syracuse wil l speak on " M i r t h in l i t ­erature and Life.'' and M i s s R u t h Hubr bard will sing. A large a t t endance Is hoped for. '

The board meet ing will be called'ajt 7 o'clock.

His tory a n d Literature y , The Hi s tory and Literature depart­

ment will m e e t Thursday af ternooivat 3.30. The fol lowing program wi l l 1* given The Christ Child in Art

Mis s P a r s o n s Chris tmas Legends Mrs. Perry The Gospel His tory in I ta l ian Pa lnt |ng

Mis s A Music Mrs. Ms)ry S m f

D r a m a Department The D r a m a department

Friday afternoon at 3:45 w-1 lowing program The Church Theater a Abraham and tue L'nbelleve

M i


Was demanded by tunpulttflnis ap-

f r i d a * h a s accotint of

C01 nl

MM ng*

same being par t ia l Insurance. «

rapidly and only t h e part of the i lroton

nd v« iuntee t s trom Typewri ter Co. kept th**

^ s w a t *!••»?*'• badly d a m a g e d by water

the fi;ont p<rt of the Was s a v e d f r o m the (lames.

practically all of the thirty-five f o r o n a e m p l o y e e , occupy ing rooms In the bui lding l o s t the ir personal he-longings . *

J o h n Maddock. t h * well known athlet ic d irector of the Corona.plant , w a s o v e r c o m e by. s m o k e trying to save a watch Which h e h a d left in his room. Mo*t o r the t e n a n t s were out at sup* p«r when t h e fir* started.

Lorin Grifling, m a n a g e r of th* New TbrJt office « f t h e Corona company, w h o was i n Grdton for the day, lost -<ime d r i l l s pergonal belongings In t b t fire.

•Th*T bui lding b e l o n g e d to George C u m m t n g s o f Groton a n d for several years it w a s a w e l l k n o w n hotel in that vlrtalrl *BTe<!efitTy'n has been bpoMted by M. Hester of Groton as a rodtrAftg and boarding fcotek

tumi amtm rtfet


No Further N e w s JEteccivctl From th*

S e a r c h i n g Par ty No addit ional n e w s has been receiv­

ed from the four men w h o remained in the Kbrth W o o d s to search for the bodies ot t h e Cort land county hunters.

A card wan rece ived yesterday from the party s ta t ing that-on Thursday the weather w a * cold and stormy, and t h a t no furher progress in the work could be No mention wa* made of When the four men expected to c o m e h o m e . R u m o r s that some of the b o d i e s h a v e been found are un­true.

There wi l l be a meet ing of Grac* ekareh Gui ld in t h * Parish house Monday af ternoon at 2 o'clock.

— T h e r e wil l be a meeting o t th* board of m a n a g e r s of the Cort land County hospi ta l at the hospital Mon­day af ternoon at 3 o'clock.

—Cortland City chapter. No. 601 , O R 8.. will hold its r e g u l a r ' meat tng Monday evening st 7:41 In *he ,Ma-sonic temple . There wil l b * an init ia­tion of candidates .

— T h e regular review of W. B A. • f Maccabees will be held Monday Ova*!** at 1 o'clock There wil l b* *l*etlen of officers. Initiation and % tureen supper Will be served. All members are asked to be pr*esnt.

—Clt isons of Cortland and c o m - ' munity w h o w»*h fo make any contr i ­bution to t h e ruropean Rel ies c o u n ­cil as referred to by Utter In T h * Standard of Friday night m a y do s o by cal l ing a t t h * local T. M c A.

p lana* a n d t h e r«*d*r rh*n'f**»ed hep versat i l i ty by another h u m o r o u s se

•SRgSJ *rnoi»k*s pttyaiqu* is com

mandlnfr, her personal i ty fbaiWitSst, her; v o l e * deep and r ich a n d under perfect cont r*l and h e r facial • *T -»r*s*ion follows wi th c o m p e l l i n g force the character set, forth, wi th Instant c h a n g e s •« the man or w o m a n speaks in t h e play, s h e is o n * «f the most success fu l and m o s t p l e a s i n g readers ever hesrd In Cortland.

As a preliminary to the reading Mrs. Oeorg* IT Smith M « Miss Sarah H. Htibhard niavert wi th f ine affect the piano, duet. "Mlnaet" by Hkyrtn. and between t w o of t h e s c e n e s Miss Hubbard gave a p iano so lo w i t h the s a m e title. "Minuet," but wi th a dif­ferent composer. Beeboeck At an­other Interval Miss E s t h e r Wilts!.* put upon t»e Vlc tro l* t h e da inty Tittle record. "Dnna" a* sunjr by Relnald-werrenrmth. wh ich la a l w a y * a f sv -orl te with those, w h o k n o w it.

Mr*. H. r>eW. DeOroat . aa preeident of t h e club, presided and frradousty w e l c o m e d the guest a and at the close of t h * program voiced the pleasure Of the audienc* la alt the feature* of the program. •

L ight refreshments were served and an h o u r was m o s t *n*>yal>ty pakked In a social way

Party o f Inspectors a t feel Station

A party **f Lehigh Va wag in towti < %ste cars , KosI 160 an

found to be very sati&facl The party iadfuded *\

g*r. vice p r w i c w i t . C " sistant vica'prcsfflent, 5Jf. general manager; (J. L. engineer*, G. I. Mnorc. m a l n t e n a n c * of way. F. super intendent of mot ive M. H a i p a s . ^ p e r i e t e a ^ B t portat ion, sSfl J. H . super ln teSjent . Tjk* In Cortland by V.%« master.

Montreal...., New Orleans.. . New York Oklahoma. Phoenix. Aris. Pittsburgh-. Portland, Or* ! Quebec.. | R a l e i g h - . . I St. Louis....... I Salt Lake. : I San Diego. | g. ate Maria -I Scran ton _...| Slvreveport | Ml Syracuse...... 1 4*1 Tampa u—;.} - «»( Toledo. .w.l *4| Washington... . . . I 401


m 641 401 48!

• H 421 42| 94! 50f 411 201 44| 631 *V 401 M l 40)

Si 48! 70j Ml fill Ml Ml Ml Ml 461 Ml Ml 44| 001 48! 711 Ml 601

jCloudy Cloudy

iCIoudy . .Clear

iClsar* -(Cloudy

.a*iCi-**y jCloudy ICloudy

OtlClaudy (Otoar ICloudy ICToudy ICleudy


iCkwmy 10iCloudyx


ey officials iit t w o pri-6 1 * on a sp*ctk>n of

M r i

Blandih . Foster . « s -

McQulre. land, chief

g i a e e r of Hibbltte,

power; 3. s t trans-, division

was met r. traln-


Patronage a t L a c k a w a n n a Statioa ». '\f 4,; W a n u i i l H I t

' supartntendent H a n s o n of the Cnkob Now* compdny w a s In Cortland yes ­terday. H * \ s a i d t h a t the patronage of the news s tand at the Lackawanna passenger 'Station warranted a largei stand in Cort land and he would at o*.ee order a n e w 12,000 stand, to re­place the present one. T h e new stand will conform to t h e s t y l e of the furni­ture In t h e w a i t i n g room. It will soon be here and wi l l be instal led at once.

1 1 < - I , • I m


slowly and is central this morning over lUiae* sad high atsssur* prevails ovsr th* Atlantic coast. Rain has fallen over th* mkldle and lower MhsUsippi and lower Ohio vsJ,ers asd th* sousbsn portions of Temperatures ate higher over eastern awl tower over the eatern Bo slop* and the Mississippi raUSy. -^ . ,

The western storm area Will probably eastward over th* lower lak* roglou rajn In this vicinity tonight ably turning to snow by Sunday nignt with falling liatibrtrtgl.





— T h * m e m b e r s of th* Country La-flias* U t e r a r y c lub h s v » ba*n InvHad t* he t h * gues t s of the Twent ie th Century c lub en Mendsy even ing t o

Prof. Wil l iam K. W l c k e s of

win R e v i e w department of the c lub

t h a t «Y*ailig. % i 1 »..• . , .ml".

"haset1 ava, T h * First rreehvter ian c h u r t h

bowl ing fhre showert the ir superiority • v a r t h * K e m e r - e v . M . K bowl*rs o a t h * t al lays last n i g h t by winning all three games .

Frad Ash worth w a s th* s tar of the m a t c h and h* secured both t h * high individual s eer* and h igh t c 6 f * far three games. in hi* th ird game. Ash worth rolled 222 and he had a grand tots) of 1 7 t for t h * m a t c h .

M o r r t a o s * . had t h * h i g h score fbr t h * Hom*r-*v*. five both In t«4tv*J-ual games and t h * m a t e h . H * s*. « r * d I T ! tn hi* th ird gasa* a n d 411 far t h * mstrh .

T h * scores: *' ' . •' Fresh vtertaa f

1 > t Tdtnl 101 l i t 15« , , « | f

l i t I f *


Young M a t t l e d iji<Jle»'4t u M e t on T h u i s d a y

T h e Y o u n g Married \ L a d i e s ' c lub was. p l easant ly enterta ined on Thur** d a y a t the h o m e of Mrs O r V I * D e n n i s . A tureen d i n n e r .was served to t w e n t y . In the af ternoon M r s T h e o d o r e P h e l p s and MTS. 'T .»IH McConne l l , w h o were present , g a v e interest ing talk*, which were m u c h enjojpsd b y a l l F o u r h e w m e m b e r * were reaetved*

I t w a s v o t e d to hold a box social M o n af a place and t i m e to be dec ided u p o n lata / . , '

T h * C h r i s t m a s tree enter ta ln-•rlll be he ld a t th* h o m e of Ms*. M y r o n Goods ie . M Cayuga-gt . . ta H o m e r on S a t u r d a y , , D e o . 18 •

R O W U N G . •*

The Urmriiaawiiit t o be Ooaspbetad

T o n i g h t ' An Individual b o w l i n g tournament i s

tn progress on t h * al leys-or tl»e 1 ort-land A m u e e m e n t pSrlgrs. The m i t c h started at 2 o'c lock th i s afternoon and It'is expected t h a t t h e final games will be completed , t h i s eventng. Tho re­sults of the games., will be announced on Mondadf

A n n u a l Elect ion of Odscera o f Uocne Inss^vsthMtst' AM»

. W e s t I lomar. Dec. 4 - T h * Horn* I m p r o v e m e n t c lub m e t a t t h s h o m e of Mrs. Harry Ne l son o n W«dn**day a f t ernoon . Dec . 1.

After the regular bus iness , the ntV n a a l e lect ion of officer* toqk p l a c * w h i c h resulted aa f o l l o w s : P r e s i d e n t Hbem H a s t Nsdoant v i e * pres ident , Mrs. A a r o n Breed*: secretary, M m F r a n k Connol l ; treasurer. Mrs. Ne l son \t*t-

c a m e hack t o o u * ce. H * egpreased

v a a a w v -~•* *Bjjssja>> • mm •

F l « * | l i i t | M a t a trave l ing agent . " B u t suppose t d e n t se l l a n y t h i n g ? " he a s k e d aa h e s tar ted o a t o n h i s first trip. " T h a t is o u r l o o k o u t , " w* sa id ; " it i s a s m u c h a serv ice t o report t h a t y o u can ' t se l l and w h y a s t o se l l ." T h a t appea led t o h i m and h* o f t e n quoted it.

B u t b e d i d sel l . H e w a s o n e *f t h e t w o m o * t profitable a g e n u w e e v e r had . and w h e n big year w a s u p w a s reengaged a t cons iderably i n e r o s a e -s a U r y for three year* more . B*for* th i s period w a ' u p D . C. H e a t h * C o . , w h o had o b s e r v e d h i , work, • fmred h i m so m u c h m o r e t h a t w* (olt c o m p e l l e d r a l u c t a n t l y t o r*Uas- h im. H e m a d e

* *v«ry y e a r fof t h * m . t ed t o th* Arm. and b e c a m e

reeognlced a s o n e of the s t r o n g e s t ag*nts in t h * * t * U . H * believed in his books , h* w a s an indefat igable worker , h e un i t ed w i t h a shrewd in­s i g h t m t o h u m a n nature a candor t h a t w a s engag ing , he was l iked and re-sp*cted b y t*»ch*rs and b y h i s fe l low b o o k m e n . Espec ia l ly w a s h s rec­o g n i s e d a s a l w a y s ready, t o perform a n y service for anybody , a thorough good fe l low, a lway* cheerful and cherry, a n d punct i l ious ly courteous .

H e g r e w t e e . I n t h e ear ly y e a r s h i s candor a n d directness were s o m e t i m e * smi led a t . and his compet i tors were Inclined t o t r e a t h im a t a j o k e . B u t

resu l t s were measured it w a s t h a t b e had held h i s o w n a n d

s o m e o t theirs, andrwlthal he ac -. I w U h h i s success wad h i * lncreas-fr iendship wKW lead In g ed ucat lonal

made h im at h o m e

Mrs. Converse te«*U a

:•. FREEVILLE Freevil le, Dec. e.wMri gi ^

Fred Brown and daughter Katkk H r ; anA Mrs. Arthur Glbbs and' v i l l e (Mbba *t ipringneld, k J n gues t s * t Hotel Bhavtr tht tt) w * e h > — = P * r c y Vint ot Bat t l , s p e n t part of last week with rents, Mr. and Mrs. Satmiii U f a . Charles Anger spent I thaca . -*—Mr* Bmma Miss Lena Youngs. Mr*. *dhard*ii a n d children, and Mrs. Elrog 1 w*re in Groton Tuesday 1 — — T h o m a s Crawford sf w a s in town Tuesday-Baager was in Ithaca Wetn Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ai«xas«er" chi ldren are moving to McL Clay Dayton w a s In Drj'den day.. At a recent m*ttlgf'. P y t h i t n Sisters * contribute s e n t to tho Uterary Digest < PbeA f d « « > — M r s . Edward] tertained the nMmbert of thel Sisters to a supper after the m e e t i n g Tuesday night • n e e (See of Btodgett Mills friends In town WsdneMty.

Hlver Changes Paducah, Ky.. Doc .

chang ing Hs course, the Ohio 1 «U»ato.nins.,fS»rt Massac, on M l no l s side, and the old fort, seconds' e s t In the state, will be washed 1 unless an IS-toot retainer plannsd, can check the ufide

_ Al t t h * s * y**r* be has m a d e our o t -Aes h i s S y r a c u s * headquarters , and his v i s i t s h a v * b e e d much of the. t i m e dai ly . I t Is a grief to t h i n k t h a t t h e y h a v * s o s u d d e n l y ceased, and t h a t h i s b i t . s t u r d y b o d y l ies unburied on the b o t t o m o f an Adirondack l a k e , N o n e o f o u r r s a A s t * e s n r e m e m b e r a m e a n act ion he e v e r did; m a n y of t h e m can

« * « •


Motet Wedding a t Grace Churr-h Kec> tory rYidav Iflght

F a y G, S i m m o n s of Cortlajudvilf-and Mies' Clara Ho l land of Hom, * Were uni ted in m a r r i a g e last n ight at th* rectory of t h e Grace Episcopal church. T h e c e r e m o n y w a s perform­ed by the Rev. A. H ~ieaty, rector of. the church T h * c o u p l e w*r* a t tend­ed by Carol ine T. B«l l and Roger Ben .


o b -

I i l l i an Russel l ( l i r e . Alexander p . Moore.) long a favori te of 4he A m e r i ­can s tdge . h o r n a t Clinton, t o w n , I I years a g o today . .

Thodtaa W a l k e r P a g e , cha irman of the U. a tariff commiss ion , born at Cobham, v a . . f t y e a r , ago today.

Or J. W. K*rr. pr«ssd*nt of the assoc ia t ion of Military B u r g e o n * of the tretted Stetes, ' bel4 let Grand Bhpida Ohio. 41 year. & today

Me; pram reporter, ., -s«h>--'-s' • • '•• ../' K * 4 N 1 . ^ , —

T w o n e w mamberst Jgrs. Wrlaop' Bla ir and Mrs. RussMi Blair , i e lnod t h e Club, r * ' ' j ; - . '

Oimerni H e w s , . Mrs, Aaron, Breed*, w h e n re turn­ing h o m e ' W e d n e s d a y af ternoon, b a d t h e misfortune t o - h a v e »a horse s t u m b l e nearly In front of her h o m e •and hr*ak it* l e s s . — — M r * . - J e n a Stafford w a s t a k e n sudden ly i l l on -Monday morning. A doctor <w*s ca l led a n d Dr. Kel ly waa- called* In counc i l . Sha w a s at o n c e , t a k e n t o t h * Cort-land hovptal where s h e u n d e r w e n t an operat ion and h a * neen^ In a crit ical cond i t ion , s i n c e . — — H e n r y Fl t te and Haro ld N e l s o n a t tended t h * B e y s ' c o d -f e r e n e e a t I thaca l a s t woegt ft i i l l s R a l p h But ler s p e n t ThVfrsday w i t h her sistev. Mrs. S a b r a W i s t s a l l t tn ^ m p r o n l n s . — — T h e s c h o o l tea 1 for Distr ict HO. 4 I* now in the- h a n d s Of t h * collector.- Jerry Sweeney , a n a for the n e x t thirty d a y s Will be received at 1 per cer.fc ' (

1 mill m •WSMSWJNWW • 1 > • . . ; •

soul rest in


ffeti* th* beat kidney •* • eyeeM. .tt* recsrreiwe a t Sty

trnesMe, 'Walsh A A l i e n — A d v e r t t o e -

? r w e f T S ^ ? a ^ B S wtn be feeid st the * * s t S | ' ^ ' ~ *

M Ksmee at I o'eteen s*eday whii. s ptmttar siaerlws

wtfl %e held on Sunday *vanrng st tin i s

Mlee MerfWret Hmrktey <|ef|, on the

An Initiation Hunday AftWnooti at

t:SO o ' c lock Th* Loyal O s d e r of Moose, "So.

LSI2 . will hold a n InitiaUon in their rooms on Sunday af ternoon at 2:20 O'clock.

A c lass ef twenty-f ive or thirty candidate* wi l l b e Initiated and a large a t t endance o t the members i s desired.


John L. L e w i s f nrtgii t o g o to S y r a c u s e D o c 13

John T, L e v i s l edge . No. 5 * 7 . I . O. O. F , will cowtsr t h e Srst degree for Antericus lodge a t t y r a o a s e * n t h e even ing o f Dec . 13 . A Special drill will be held M o n d a y evening and all member* of the degree team- and alt who e*n*et tO g o t o Syracuse on t h s t occasion are r e q u e s t e d to be present at the drllL , , . „ .



*^^H^m sHRV AWsle^Mf kWl l WO

dved Wtrtrti fjnd Som* 1 wo

north end of tore during moimlng s h d

Ks*rfy^»%^^^S r w * r * released from the

ClnclOfiaiui, ©•!», r — A g a i n the s trese of our local milk s tat ion i s re­l ieved by the Reid I c e Cream Co.. p a y i n g the f a r m e r s the L e a g u e price o t $1.11 p e t 100 p o u n d s of 1 percedt m i l k — T h * local H e m e Bureau meeting will be hetd Monday. Dee, A i t the home nf Mrs. B. * . Ba ldwin st 2 p. m Officers far t h e y*ar win b« elected-. Mrs. MeConnefl wi l l b e present . Mite A. M. * a t h b u n w a s a b u s m e n , calior' m Cortland. Thur*-d a y . - — M r s , Sophia Lorrldg* and Mr* Florence Smith w e r e in Cort­land for t h * dsy . r r l d a y . — - M f g . C B . Meldf im w e n t As ~ — i - M l l f o r d Spencer Claie made a land. Thursday. let. wee a business natus . Fr iday . - Q • a * b e e s hdlplng f e e t h * fami ly of hay *d t o her work In

Our S s l A s j s Of Mrs. <>rus R. eecarfSA Dec. 1. nersi *ervic*s Monday at gee boas* Kortit Wejh-da,sAMK a i t i . H. ro«*u efneiatteg MrisimNbrth

M ay his

Syraeuse . D e e . 4 .—Robert Morris, a New Tdrk s tock promoter, waa n o v i e t M herw yesterday o n t h e t h i r d count d f an indic tment c h a r g i n g h i m with obta in ing , under fa lso pre tenses , f7 .«00 w o r t h Of Liberty b o n d s from Miss J e n n i e Nikon, a n aged w o m a n . Sentence Witt b * pronounced Tuesday .

Fight Oraabsrti San Francisco, Cat.. D*e.

Pe ter son i s in the h« h e stilt insists a whole 1 cranberries *r* tfter hl*M halted his attack on the f e e . He'd had on* drink of


. ... O n * Hundred P « r Cent W a s h i n g t o n . Deo. 4 .—Every

St tached t n t h e American force* tfl G e r m a n y b a s contributed to t h * R«d



AARfX)—To Mr. and Mrs. Chdrl** ShrdO e t Cortlandt N . ' T . . Nov: i f .

*' *0ie. a - dantrhtar, Bsnirtts c. Weight, 1% annndsv


r to CoA'-

el*etlOn Of Clrsre Edward Alley wn* wnnAen, s.nd It. F

Waetl, F. H Oeddsrd St. L o w e r * * w e r e se lected a*

,JT;|ir** tret three being ' re-44eete4l


BUJOfiWT i H l S Riodgett Mill*, D e e . 4 ,

J o h a n n a of Syracuse h a g In* at F r a a k

» tWugSffnKS

1:00 train r e t B t n g h a m t o n to spend money e n d a guant l t

IB Vasdt antl

Mua*!*, I n d , C e o 4 ^ m sAAsUld hsndihi yes terday held up t h e It t4«n-viil* S ta te hank , imprtesaad t h e eaah-lar a n d s e v e r a l ematayc** In the **uif and e*o»|wid w i t h fhr#« '*a*^» of

of Uberty

R*v. A . H. t JA • • * » » . ' s n a A a y e o s s d ? Asmtee teshftfe nt A Miseieejr-' •cbeet ^ 4 * 1 4 41

s e ' * enjoy the 1 • f «

• ' . I f •• 1 smsisii*.!' . • -% r

S I M M O N S — H O L L A N D — A t th* Ora*4 Egtasosni ohursh raetery la c*rt-

reotor of t h * chdrob. F s y O. S i m ­m o n * of OorUandvtll*, N. T. . and Ml** Clara A. H o l l a e d ef H. T. »* ' i

v* •"e«S»f' .*»'.

W t W f l A U b J Ctectnaatw*. H Y . D e c 1. l i t e . Mrs. Cyrus R. Warner .

~ nd*y s t l p m.

trr* Aids Defective « , I'ex,. Doc. 4.—Mti)

offered h e ' fat)

clildren jSa , 1? _ . „a, gh« ,***p l>«^m•,,*! at the homo, without »sy.

•MnsHis^no4rr inang»Sr»« Binghamton. Dec * ~ 2 , •

C r « y , a leading financier sf i HOW T*rk d i e d her* Ust Ml a short iHtteee with typhoid fs*e*7 ate em* 64 yearn

j at - • —

BnndttB steal D e l i San Francisco, Cs l .

Bandi t s entered a doll plant and * s r * catisflsd to j o t « with three kewpis dona "WC


Faims! Farms! ««lsy because the Hit I

th* o n . yen wUl wdet • « . ]

ri'Vcrea. stoek. cropa '•«>» • '"% S a e m a ^ o w ^ t o s j . . . ^

s t s e k *re*a, tseie id acres, otooh. crop* toon 1 I t sere*, steeh. eteps. teets, • • fJ | | A sawshv eAoel. e rep* teelt • " * l

•0 *sre*i steeh, ereps. t*ol« • ^ ^ e p e , tesjs . . .

crops, tool* . . . . s t e S i « « w ^ * *

itnAlt-orea*, t * * " ^ ' _ '.lent. c f p e . i f o t t j :

Farms **ly. spring d

At ssstWw^JSjfrtM! •••.•»»

., morning at fi BsdlrtShinA pnrtor*

Intermsat tn eeatetery at DTyden-



" T ^ j * , e W AtjUBSJ

fire day m*«*e b a n t i n g e t a e e * l a

# f h ^ t s * l * S i * r . ea t lmates i * f t*l kill of nfOoa* t h i s year in Nfe* prevtne* Is about a . l tA .


Carrier -"BOVA

A t Cortland • • y w w i w e — * • —

Good Pa;

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