New York Physical Therapy


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New York Sports & Joints 110 Duane Street New York, New York 10007 (347) 695-0036 At New York Sports and Joints, we make an attempt to supply the most effective orthopaedic care in a professional and personal fashion. From a health point of view, the areas of orthopedic surgery and sports medicine are concerned with the care and treatment of bone, jointand musculoskeletal system injuries. At New York Sports and Joints, we specialize in both areas. As the premier New York orthopedics and New York sports medicine facility, we are committed to providing every patient with all the care and personalized attention they need for a broad array of conditions and injuries.

Transcript of New York Physical Therapy

Page 1: New York Physical Therapy

About Advancements In The Field Of New York Orthopedics

The functioning of the musculoskeletal system in the body is rightly associated with the field

of orthopedics in medical science. In today’s date, there are lots of doctors and medical

professionals that specialize in New York Orthopedics, and they are responsible for treating

wide varieties of problems associated with the joints, bones, nerves and muscles. They also

focus on how the tendons, ligaments, joints, bones and muscles work. Consequently, they

specialize on fixing problems that occur in those areas in order to ensure that you live

comfortably and enjoy a better quality of life like before.

Focusing On Non-Surgical Treatments

It is true that many doctors associated with this field work in orthopedic medicines and

surgery, but not all are surgeons. Some of them exclusively focus on treating different

conditions through non-surgical means. They even work in prevention. The New York

Orthopedics is mainly associated with focusing on the parts of the body that can work. The

non-surgical means involve prevention of the injury by asking the patients to move

carefully. For instance, if your job is to lift heavy items, you will be taught by the

professional to lift items safely and carefully without causing any injury. And if the injury or

pain is less, you might even be asked to change your job profile or take adequate


Dealing With Orthopedic Trauma

Orthopedic trauma is very common in today’s date, and a majority of cases in this field is

associated with trauma. Some of these even require surgery, especially when the non-

surgical treatments and therapies do not work. A surgeon in the field of New York

Orthopedics is required to fix the injuries mainly associated with sports or accidents.

Repetitive injuries are often the reasons of trauma, which can lead to carpal tunnel

syndrome or joint inflammation. Accordingly, they might require some form of physical


Supplemented With Medicines

After the surgery, some conditions will require medical supplements in order to give relief to

the pain and inflammation. On the other hand, some other orthopedic techniques might

include traction used as a support for back problems. It is crucial to note that the surgical

techniques performed today are extremely advanced, and they can make you feel the

condition like normal after the surgery. Therefore, you need not bother anything about the


Requiring Corrective Intervention

Apart from injuries, you might experience some problems that are inherited from your

family. These kinds of cases, like arthritis or joint problems are quite common in New York

Orthopedics. In such cases, you will mainly require corrective intervention like braces or

physical therapies. There are several orthopedic tools used for the processes, and they are

mainly used to enhance the mobility of the patient. Therefore, when you consult with a

renowned and reputed specialist, you can expect to get the best form of treatment for your

condition, as a whole.

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Common Procedures Performed By Orthopedic Surgeon In NYC

Injuries to the bones, muscles and joints are common, and they might occur due to several

reasons. In addition to that, overuse of these parts of the body can often result in strain and

pain. Medical science has advanced tremendously and so the field of NY Orthopedics. The

joints, bones and muscles are mainly associated with this area of medicine. In case of any

problem, a specialized doctor in this area should be consulted. Regardless the nature of the

problems or injuries you experience, the doctor will first diagnose and assess the condition.

Requires Eventual Treatment

It is important to note that some conditions require special and eventual treatment. These

conditions are mainly osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease and arthritis. The field of NY

Orthopedics studies these conditions and determines the right treatment required for the

conditions. There is no denying that this branch of medicine is one of the most sought after

medical field. Increasing numbers of people suffer from joint and bone problems. In order to

live a better quality of life, they consult with these professionals to get the required

treatment and surgeries.

Offering Different Treatments

Based on the condition of the musculoskeletal system of a patient, these professionals can

offer wide varieties of treatments. It can involve both surgical and non-surgical means. In

most cases, the doctors usually try out a non-surgical method like medicines and exercises.

Whether you are suffering from sport injury or orthopedic trauma, these professionals can

offer you advanced medicines and alternative support therapies to improve your condition.

However, if the condition does not get better, they will recommend you going for a surgery

in order to heal your condition.

Different Kinds Of Surgery

In this branch of medicine, different types of surgeries might be performed by the

specialized professionals. You will have to consult an Orthopedic Surgeon in NYC in order to

find the right surgery associated with your condition. The surgeon can perform hand

surgery, shoulder elbow, knee, and joint and spine surgery. In addition to that, he can even

smoothly conduct total joint reconstruction or arthoplasty. Therefore, you can be assured

that the surgery can offer you great relief from the musculoskeletal problems from which

you are suffering.

Carrying Joint Replacements

If the need arises, the surgeon can even conduct joint replacements. This is one of the most

common types of surgeries performed by the Orthopedic Surgeon in NYC. Some of the

common joint replacement procedures include hip replacement, knee replacement and

shoulder replacements. These are performed when their joint hurts with slight movement.

The pain is consistent and it might even interfere with your sleep. When the pain becomes

difficult to bear and medications do not prove to be helpful any more, the surgeon might

recommend you going for the replacement surgery to give you some relief.

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Things To Consider While Hiring A Specialist For Orthopedic Surgery In New York

A lot of people are scared of surgery, but they are forced to visit the Orthopedic Surgery

specialists in New York when their primary care doctor refers them. All these people try to

avoid seeing an orthopedist and ignore the pain and discomfort that they are experiencing

in their joints. Even though most patients approach an orthopedist with joint pain, there are

many other pain and inflammation issues that can be treated by these people. So if you are

experiencing pain or inflammation in your arms, wrists, back, hip or the spine then you

need to get an appointment with these specialists.

Asking For Referrals

If you are familiar with any healthcare professionals or have friends as well as family who

have suffered from similar injuries, then you need to ask for referrals. In the case of a

wrong diagnosis, the minor joint problems can escalate, and you may even need

replacement surgeries. This is why it is always preferable to ask for referrals. This way you

will know that the physician has a reputation for treating injuries that are similar to yours.

But if you do not want to waste your time and money by visiting the general physician just

for a referral, then you can search for an Orthopedic Surgery in New York by yourself.

Searching The Internet

Even though it may sound complex, it is really easy to find the right person for your

treatment. The most reliable and convenient place to look for such specialists is on the

various rating and reviewing platforms. On these online platforms, you will find plenty of

patients who talk about their experiences with the severalorthopedists. This way you will

know what to expect from these physicians without visiting their offices. You will also get an

insight into the types of injuries treated by the physician and his experience in this field. So

before you select an Orthopedic Surgery expert in New York you need to visit these

platforms and research properly.

Consulting The Doctors

Some of these healthcare specialists offer free consultation to all patients. So if you are not

sure about the clinic or the orthopedist, then you need to opt for these free consultations.

During this visit, you should make sure that the doctor has the appropriate credentials for

treating your conditions. An ideal Orthopedic Surgery specialist in New York will have a

board certification.

Now The Credentials

If you are wondering about the importance of such certifications, then you should know that

these certifications prove that your physician has the essential skills, experience and

training that is required for providing an effective orthopedic care. As you will be visiting a

surgeon and not just a physician, it is highly likely that you will need surgery. So in that

case if you choose someone with a great reputation, license and impressive degrees then

your surgery will be done smoothly, and soon you will get back mobility in all your joints.

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Things To Do When You Need Orthopedic Surgery In NYC

Most people are scared to visit the Orthopedic Surgery specialist in NYC because they fear

that they will need surgery. It is common for patients to try to avoid surgery, but there are

certain injuries that will get worse if you leave them untreated for a long time. This is why it

is very important to visit the specialist as soon as you feel discomfort and pain in your

joints. Due to their fear most patients fail to utilize the few minutes that they get with the

specialist during the first visit. You need to explain all the problems to your physician if you

want to get the best results.

Choosing The Doctor

The most important part of any treatment process is choosing the right doctor. If you are

not referred to any particular orthopedic, then you will have to do your research and find

the one who is an expert on the types of problem that you are suffering from. Due to the

advancements in medical science, these days Orthopedics has become highly sub-

specialized. So there is no point in visiting the general surgeons for something that should

have been handled by an Orthopedic Surgery specialist in NYC. You will find various

specialists in the clinics for trauma, joint replacement, hand surgery, sports medicine, spine,

and pediatrics.

Visiting Your Family Doctor

It is obvious that not everyone is familiar with these medical terms so in case you are not

sure which specialist you should visit, you need to see your primary care physician. Your

physician will be able to refer you to the right person. But there are many patients who

have already been to other orthopedists and are still suffering from pain. So if you are

consulting an orthopedist for the second or third time, then you need to provide the

Orthopedic Surgery specialist in NYC with all your previous orthopedic records so that he

can understand the treatment procedure that was followed by your previous doctors.

Searching The Internet

Another thing that you need to do before calling the office of the orthopedist is, search the

internet for information. These days information is readily available on the internet about

almost anything. So you need to utilize it to check all the reviewing websites and make sure

that the surgeon has a good reputation. Not only this, you should also ensure that the

person has the required credentials andlicense. You can get a lot of other essential

information about the Orthopedic Surgery in NYC specialist through the internet.

The State Websites

Once you have selected the orthopedist, you need to look for malpractice claims as well as

disciplinary actions against him. There are various state websites that will provide you with

all these records so that you can make an informed decision. You will find information

regarding the surgeon’s training hospital, medical school and the various certifications on

these state websites.