New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1862-08-29 …...Wehave atenea netlebeamong Ibe «uri i-t...

3fó*o32«k ïtofl«- *Í«riJ»ia FBIUAT. AUGUST SB, 186*-'. Among Hie Pine«. To Trim ».i » 'in* .To enable our sshscribers RaURa "A-'"«..-: .».».'»t . i w rato wa nSI ned S-Capta« o St fi . . ti tiy a*mam, RC»t»ea p ad- ¦*'. "" II t y es] a a II Cool a .*¦> .«.paid-S« '"'l! t-r-i'"«-«». lARa K .. I-' Bw B-et,Bw i«* .i....-/. sine* ra tiMcr cat ka M »i Awnvwni Caawmmhatiam. niiBi.ttr ».-.-« ...i u .. ,-i. on in-ill»" «atoaeSMied gj t ,t Mi,», i m ..--»: traniBM BRBinraith ior ME ¦¦¦»'¦ r '"" :' '' | Ranean nee" ... ..i*-. i. MM neiBwntnl Al: lett.-a W «WM RSSSl WRWWl lae lan ." >-.».) or«. MOWS OF THE DAY. Till*. AVAR. «.The*KdbeCnnnhataanergdka qui«'-»: w.ikof tefatel rag BBtotn, i' < rim-lit liowen raatertey aoti« lied (.¡«v. Margin thai me .'vet two NgfaBSBR of the McivpoUma Bngaoe wete ready Mt oititi*. The .«e«oi."id ti¦..Y ¦¦ .1 vv .» meed in two Ree.S The Cannanian i* i v, a nnaneadlhe ergenitatkn <d Maa more re^iiintu«. 'li. I an ly Aid Fund rabal by lliet'i titi..¦.».ni-i ti» >$3t).QU0, and 1* constantly auu ggsgüagi ihbwill eawt'lled bj the eratriha raid BYjjmg bom ii« Poiiee DeparRsssies ihe tete «SepteB.MTa . . iStiiie B|gl t a very li »ely gj o»; »till «.tullin): ghsaadte Ihe bMthen Itaatademeya Mr. Boato, the bliKti-ti irs y ventor of re tel iut ion billa, tolls Jeir, itu.l Le Btaat eel ran»«« men by gent «a' con » rip« i.oii, b n ie mn ."> the »tate» til.* v. ik Y getttag «Ut the san wi "'. »v .on .»i ptioaby theCrabd t i affair won: ! t- nott m lera ian an act of nil :y dea-}«.i it ii., ami F '.:.¦ o: ; vii to dsspolfasa. w ! cn it geSM hi« ox. LtaaL-CeanBaaa-r Ban " of Ibe Br »1 lyn Ne vy-Y.inl ¡«on in..i by Court-Mart al tar conetractive treaeou- Li» main afleaae beta .'. alleged, ordering tbewoYiiuu ..t «ne B.a*ry*"feld, while aa the way to tue m.i&ê nrattog ai CnRa B iare, le groan tin tbt) Ah« -U'ioUiei». I -iii» ia', bal, but I rilli tia «.''.'¦ BUT! 1. Lrabi Bin li«| iahet w* lha Ora. B. W. Jahn* i... » -, .v.»- u' . inn i. .: ila i ««i Ubi» hw Bean paroled 11 »i b t ar¬ med at Leaw-vi le. In the ragt Aenef, SSVten waa th» billed «R ¡KI v .iü..!"<i Baba IBhiBsd and Mnoanded. Mm ia had 1,800ana, iii. j ...luiv «ni .ni.-. Hvii Bwnated. if li. bel lei-ofo eaa ha belbved, Venn tea w (li rom ot Ni.rüi C«r. !:na- nil r.;«l t I r .'eil. Bnvbj ba m inputted to have said, ia an mau- aaral addtoaa, ft the peopb of Berth Carolina ¦Wl "rai..! by tbs G v. rum-nt tint.I lha ¡..¡st vtr- ¡ÍKc i'i Hu .i.ti-'in ia .luven lioni t..e «.jil. Does tin» tu!.;'; i-j.ii me i_-i.iv i rj ! .A dtapnich ii «au W'turhiagtou Matea ha: the itebe'e ¡.ave captured lue dca I '. »oyot «ien. Bl Mea. The weah aw >.o..c ny grarrilba while tin body wa-, «a tue way id BTaRw :'. a, attended only by ali ... a iry gawrie in» a. I ..» worthy ol the wict; ¦ a .' ! tiioruied it. .Btabawad nape:« eanpbte ihaf fbeie ar. *:., n ,Ue tie tvailor (Yveruiiit-iiij in the SSBCtal Depart* neill», and .t Ale« i'htn wa« iilw.iy» ngubrly ana vet;, pronipii] lutanaedof tie teteatbari i .<¦ Ccni.-dtante Qoverniuenle No sra -»vould «ver hare nt*p .»'!..I it hu. lot lum le Vila .on. \i: iniej-i;. ti r a Dickinaoa Iragtaenhisopis* i'ou, tiiat bwy«n .t««- «ioi MMBpl from d aft laanaw au Hail p.o» u*on. ihaj a ¦ n .' judicialoBeotB. aunt ave reqa ted » Inga nnawH ot knpadanw M Live »u .ve »ed lue iduu. -An andm a in ww i « rth1 m i «tell n BeRra bri NY1''- "t »v "'i -M. »''.il Fnm ral nade i aneeeh b laver oi li n :¦¦ paitan ratee b ol -n 1;: r ::.'.- Beleeli ion. ii« via» m-sr -tv. ni ly weil "i ici anti bj p audi <l. (i « aiuin '.le-eiiir- (Urabi lull detail« of a mai by tb»- BeheB agra Baaaaani «I n t law bj eight» .'i« «.t «un baraiy i uitun ann elan ly tera bra have «deae» wc pRta lhaiwdn dhacriy .o .io ,t-/er».iU tim ure' pn.'oo: lui-pa tier. .-Y.i. Ii- n«-o;c! nperta thal whsa hs paned iiiiou BtahnMtid on tea Hth, le as add ihn »hm» Weir »till «I'«»» I io a 'a.- MBit Bell« Usad. W tie" «¡«i ne Be . h II!.n le hw rawed ! 1,00 oui R 58,0 I r ! «- t «ee. ti., Vi;,- liiW Ui m draft then, ra toa ethel <3,W». v. i.i not be ]>u¿ vva'.-liL«.. .Lahti'ond papata an R pan en!.! a to iht wheaanbanl R G«-u. Mci Y nut. Tray a:e an alone ni their iuy-t leaden» <.1 E»\ K KA!» N E \VS. .Ano'her BSBSB WW bsBBRl Bad SbUBBB pssh ¦"- day in Bteuhlya ly a party < t a Rta gi attanea who narai ¦.: I t< i lha CoM] labal lYilroud. 'ino Bggro :. be scape, aad t: i arhita gsatbnea wt te .'. Urara, sohl follows, how pi ad ti.ty .»i bel -i toaár ahtasBaw exploit. Theil war-cr;. BpiM the :,reit NSRl vii:» '(¡ve ti.t ¡derb ssa g a sah I" it i te regretted ibu »be win,l baa ii"t the Ln.«»i o: ss_.ring the Baans <¦! lilli- noble lii'Tl. .Il-iii« ¡- bautaal noll.tar of prejudices The ¦* m i-'L- P. ¡iioiie.t c Umbra of Kb ( ount] ive baited ian haletait and ara going M tot ¡he ).-, lb of a_be sheaMsr le RnnMar.bsB the asadidstas b be lalee ban the Bate tt, aad I 'Al from the «o»-uin_ t bjrslin . Layáis Capóleos wae Bang teBidiRMadatew «» »..» fot < CsstedanU Ticwan Neb If les eonatorfrita werasus heiter epeefawM <i pristlag »I an ibe or,..:.: la, one lui. ht alrnoit kuy he ti« rat Y- ! i*. .Tl.«. 7:h Beginns, N". t.« t-A Quwd. ef t! fa «¡ty, m Bel Base B intern irom the war. at BBUUl |g a'deektste aanteg. ThsylsÉ BaBfaaoraahonl i ¡-. m. yt«; i day. A eanUR ... the city r.l |gg Vr»; fal I BM ( rd« a po; telba odBMXNe, BSJBSRR n^W| faal yeut-a Baiii Uhj j ¦. «int. BTATB ok -rmc m v m___._>,. The «maiktt wa.i dull, hut », until toa t-.ilI ol ¦BM BBW le luvab.. lifBii.e.« ti d lit« -»re fclSilett Tfcet.o... ni tam »ni Tre»e rj RSloRi.ei- ... enuirt.iii ¡..«lip ,e. Ra_»aeetgi nBB th« aangRn »f nt Ui Laiiiiu. a. na s f nW tatra H taR "fi- »i fur ¡ . ., j W hi coouoii». 1.1 i ,i|o-ia at.«.-. iv .1 .1 t;. xt ne** RRnReBaanhM Mi autewu a»Bb malj . tr»:et- aeii.n (,, .1 «a iii, j hu. t, ,n»l-idv«!,"-. ar d ile« of torse RSMSB, e ..a. d ut ii v gil s A«:.e <-- .i IBewdRBM art WM.Iiltlr oB oi. lim n.uioi» iii It«(.-t ii to M«ni»».v.i »e,,i Wtp'ii.e. ,,,,.. MaBaeaa ORiwn.wee^eaQ 1«|«AIIH Attbr ci W «har. w»» irthrr a vteik feevjitc li, >oral|B hit;« th« ui.ikri I ia», |,.j- r,«.; pppg », -¡te M. ,r tt kMMj, titi innB J »i» The MRnaa of t. B u I *»m. BeaRgR »uti).,«,7 >¦. fro,., cra n » | 01 ».».u, ai.M7.wt40, guana BARMtoa na ktaway .»arkat cooliBua. u lator torrb«rr. Ibe btigt BSWHl of Mswai ngiril bn naaanbRI io bar.»» «.,j rRn iamu t.tle». fort». Ra Una gR _..,let M ,tlldtr, ^ ,,. ttUa .f .a'arait. Tbe eor.n.t rat« ob f.toiUa collataraii ire ÎK, g ¦ |,romi,,Bib«.UM»«pp:riut un, *._,. MRene-l j et .tat F »eui. Iba iuhi u»u»tta byM «a.aa¡«i hu bren »e'ive There MB be, u » «rod kogtaaBBJ fof I «estol !*. for fh-Bn » i"i « tot;, ra atara of a> eeai. (»md tanban gaM »uni i_-»*ir .*- MtftJllH »hich ii better. .The demand («r ihipi.tut b ***»* limited. lu UM ti a demand hu been larf. «ml 'b' unket Ter} Li., .-'in r of ile lnuki are tararitoj to«**ir idle fn'idt in Ihr*«* No1«. The aal'-» hire been M im}. Iiidabu.di.rii fartihr»te« are it. ..!> at 9-«if-/í»9*; Tbe lot» «/».de« m" Wt-.terii mu Stat« Vi' »ir In bein .- n ,_. ei*' r the nu.ri fivorihlti print* ndvicei from i tirop.. md the u ark*« fa tinner, BfBSS hiBBdi «re »I »iiv and in better dtDisnil, il «i "f î.'i.tuO hb.i. C»"i»du_i ii in hatter rle.-i.utd ,'i.d fi'inrr. Southern ii mere active, aiid the low «ride» are t -.- lire I 'our firmer and ia reg ml «ale» of .''-i1 bhli ( oin Mail U «carre and firB). U billy li lu fair de- main! and (la tnariet ii f »mer. »Vhan( ii more «r-lire. »*.d tottel foi prime. ii ..: mi W'lieru. are le»» aei.«hi Ml ard he«»/ ; tie i»'-» ranch 22D,.'iKi buibeli. H«rlej ii icu.-e lad pr.n-i roi,,;«!. I silt y ln»lt ii . i.o irtrt-e and Bonah.»I. (lau :-» fanier aud In |0od t't-it *-<J. Rte -I» in lubt nippy, and ti b'n. i'ti:n la ¡ deinutd f. r ihn ttai'ir ami ihijiicr«, gad ii bel¬ ter. Pt-tlt «eil itiftpiied. and lit.ti lol Matt, but iii 11 > bl Prig e, the li ipiiry hit, Bari ii iteiij -p. J In Mt »e- ,i|ua.' He. llaiai-urd Hecor. are quiet l'ut Meati ire u B Lie, «ntl tiru Lrnl ii hrm. eoti wine. E ,«-er and « h ¦< le aie lim »iii 'n ttilr i, ip.e.t Wa give this morning lb«* particulars of an attack apea Mañanas Jnaetioa by Stuart's Babel cavalry, which rc-nltt ti ia Ibe rapture of u of l ullin priaeaen and the daatrae* 'non «*1 ¡i larga amount «>f prop'rty. This seeartad aa Taeoiaj »night; Ibata were but abate Iwa aasjpaaate ot our troop.*, at the Junction. Aller a brief skirnin-h tbey Bed, and tin* Hebe!» turned Ibaif Runs upon tbem, 1881 ospiurin2 nearly the arl d? 'party. Ia the mun. tig a -*!;ar|» Moflid in k ,'.at.« batweea ti«** Jaaettea and Ball Kun. winn our troop« »li-, ii goring Ihe rinn beth antee taft red eeaafalera« li, ¡n the«» tkiruiiabe« and battle«, but |e what eitent i> Bet known. Th** Hebe'.-* bald ths pontoon, where Uray <l*-.-«tr«»)...! a Bennet of trains luednd witk pn-vi-ion», mMi th*'car.«, lecotootivca, and other property. Tb8M ur*' the fuel« iu brief. What kappewod afterward ¡« lett to i-oiiji ¡atare. From Bring Leaid on I'liuriilay nerang, it WM Mnatieed that Gea. l'ope had attaaked the Cebe:» MBnwtaeia ka* youd -deaasaas, 'lhere «i:«l not .-.««tu tti be di,y probability thal lha Bate la IBtraded t(» I*'- ma.'i at Ino Jmettea, a:ul it b. I'.'V'-il thal tbep bril almost epeeddp ¡i« the** eaas*. coi. Miii'.Ki) io ii ittirr:. We have atenea net le be among Ibe «uri i -t eonmintatefa on <.*>i. Bbwjüui's jaat pub- ¡iikrd diapatt h le Mr. Chattet Praam Adam-. pr«'lerriiiü thal other»; »-!.«»nUl precede BS in de* reioftaa und praeteaaiag ¡te n al rigstficaace. Th«* raliag l'.ri!i»h bath a thal tha American Premier. to weera, wtaUe Ihoj «Jeoj the steed of stateenaasbiB, tataep geoenins»* accord that af otereraeM a wrt'-r of dttpatches.woold n ixe th*' «-ai!.«*»! opportanity aBonled bun bj t_c app .rt'ii'.ly IniUBghaBl program ol «nu' ni'ius te rat taootioglj to Lean Bepoleoa au>l falanr- ,»ion, «'There! jon bm kan y ur Cealeeerete wrottgéh arts gettlBf <*n '.do*-« bun injustice not likeiy lo |:a:n cirreucy BB tl.> c(»iriii» ut. That (i*iv. S. ha* been cn ladéateloBl lut.:."'! ary, M mit* Will «linv; but we du BOt belierg ka 111»* awi wnt.iii u dispatch rave under ti..- proseare of a ooaviottoo ti at dut) repaired it- This uew diipatt-b, tutu, bud u pur|to_».«»m« \erj obvious to all who look b*-inatli ti»«- mir- (ace, )*t one winch wo aboM to bav«. lint P'Oiiit.'d out ntt'l etiiphai-i/ed ebewbeN iii The Tiuiumy T'r If, Ki Tïmei tîjus eaaUoaalp, and v. ith Deedkn circuiiiiocuiiiin, iadieeles tBMperp. v » « il t 4th* Nsttaaal Qstaiasim sad Ile . Stttard asaras btsttosab. t ri i- ItattBa wat wah all totten «»ft hut « -|iii «thin <¦: tune, li ti-wnr I'll MSItaaS in d-ii :;..), tai Le .: awi tow,BTCB - I «. ti ¦. tadaeUial .a -»in t!.e .-.a It, ... ' i- » Bil Bri ..' y ai l latea :.;.!.. ki. 1 ir (.OVtll. I Stat. *: )Iil»lid bj- I I. t a- ¦.. 1 r tia- | nrral »ii toe, sdagta s galley «brtaaad st sara Is ».»» la« uioa sad . . .-.'..¦: .- i.. .:¦ «i i««in.! r Msritegl v.Mb M . ¦. !¦- -i - Um fioui .--i»ti. v -1 --. » at. krait ta i«--» « t -1. a . / -e n ... ¿- f ¡ .1. , la at p i y la «P« «a u.-1 ie .:. la » -.. f .. ' f 7/1» gas _iur<- bluntly MBtol ti" MBN ob- rteat truth: " Tharno.t rnark»!« f r"»-t rf Mr Tam . '-" li 1 .. i- ti -ii.iii.i n pri ting MiT-rj Ha ii...- | ,. i » itoiBBleaasari UM ¦*¦..-. A ti iai ¦:! ¦" .; i-i e' Hit IsagsagBlasSeri b I t KmoongatUnwM ¦- ». in .'¦I »»ty.i lllfnral.ieii, »i.J IBS] ¡«'. ta-e I'.mt: li ti.' .a D «ir i pri,: ,i. .«' " The tirrill wi«eiy abstslns fr»ni cornmeal on Itbedispetch, «tul 7A- n,raid riar mm tbe girl ol it m tLr (ollowiu^'.in', v. . Bm [..-tit i- laieijiiy tappreaaad: I .. a .t.i .uin, , t, t,,. ¦bri u M Mi BattartPsrar titbm Al li m " i ». - i- y, | ¦.--**rj . r**1 Tttriaiiri t..".!»» rtategnd M Ms ¦".-!¦¦ is Mribsi «.v. .-live»:, sal toa MM d»i »an «¡lir«, we« «ia it fio-n ti.. »ituhiiige'iou ni '.via wir. 'ila. « iltti r-r I Stfl m .. y i.i oTMiuunar (ie 'i tl''jilur itieil, hut ml,nile «b1 n* t¡.i-1., nu; -I » a or! i,' is if fallj ii sataftdla « I .-. lWar,'BSM niiiy al ,.,' re M m «ti Battrai] SSW ..- -it letnd aainmerie bW.-eeit the Tuite 1 M»iet ¦adsUtarrigt BBtlsaa1 (to em boten Mlewi tastltaMj ih»t, »i tut» (i.rit n te.-n'.t t.'the'Veiu-iB a'.i ii of i I op i-i i 11 all »-n i .ait . a ,j SeatastB baet «« only »ie »«.'....u ». nía ibi a-ari .-.ton at the tie! tai cbbm ibeaM t" -, -n ii tie re»| t -t li I SB tal * 9f»ti it Oil I Hv" .'ii- t «rneil " .all wbiph tv ill nut «-uiiveal htm tho eirilized vst'il I, though it aay l.oui lhe r«ad*re ol Ihr, i/hniid, tbe ¡act that Coi. Seward, na the. ..tticiai axgoaaal t«* I'*»r*igti Ptraan af Preei*| dent Llaeate'l piliey, hu* b««*t! ini|H-ile*l f«» imtiiy these Var- thal aap ititerveutiea o:i tin ir -art <m behell of the Rebel! will turelj be eaaatarviill«¦.' bj a poclamatiea af ! random to the Blayas af iLo*'j Rebels] naj, ihai, er«*aj ¡n the abeeaae al «'¡cb iatervaattea, oaetiaali parauiaBoe .u their Kebelliea by the »-eathers fiuiior« uni) aaaatcaia the PiesJdaal te eripida them by emMrapating theil «lav---. Qov< Seward has asea regardai a.* tLut! «¡..¡über of th-c»bin* t who bai mrat earaeetty. eBectivelj re ¡*t.*l the policy ol' FiBsanniatiaa 'The fact that, while h<- «Idl «l*-juur» to its mi-, médiat.: j»ru( Beal adoaBeaj, be itaadilp oaataas. plate« it u pructn-ii!, Jasliflabb^ nuJ pntha* bl*« ra .r.-.i-i.., ne guwi eeaw te If Bareaa teterfcrai in aebslfof tbe Rebels, aad Igtey b*« for'-e'l te area ka the afrtsacs <n" lacb BMrtdHnf ii of Immense rignidessea. Go». **e»vard hera avowi tes sara perteet eaaaax-l reu. «in Ibagjsarral aaavisttea that to gre« «l.uui i.iiiaiinptin.u i. tin- »horttat mid Mia« way to eud Mat RakaHna. Ile aiiriiik« Irmn BteiaBsf il as yet, befievte| that are «an me-1 «.».<d wiihout; but, waaaeveaeaaviaeedthal ne cannot, be, but», n for Kiiinn.'ipulii.ii. ilia it uo ¡»eculuir **->iUivvu. Mouths aj_.o, alien t!.«1 peril of inter»iMitioD wm imminent, g b^h Naval officer of ¡Southern birth and breeding, but it Knion'st to the cor", wai ,a«ked, " What if Franco and Kiifcland take | the part of tht» liebelt '" " We »ball «tart g million men I rom the Potomac," wat hi» ready reply, "with two million uaiiíkett», glrteg BBB to every necro wo meet; and two months will «co the end of the Kebellion." .ilut han (iov. .Seward « digp::tcli none other than a moral value It ha«. It bus already a leempeBei a Mratogig movement.(which «>f eesgte not an advance).on the part of j the general dabbler in ether people*! inesce« temporarily gBthfBBai in th« Tuilerie». It BnterioBS that Laafa Napoleon ha« tor iin.i.ttR 11»«'**n plotting a concerted ieessaetrattea auain»t ua. He haü .«xtiau-teil hu arti of cajolery on Iin«»i.: arul her iinal IBgBSBM h u formal dec¬ laration, through this ofiicial ih tatarakwtg \ (itr.ettt, that litmia very anxious for peae«- in Anciicn, but dreire» to »re it ellicU-d through reconciliation and reunion, not tlirough the triumph of -Secoi-i-ion and troa-nn. He ha« 'donn his heel lo win Bastea! to hi« view», j yet tbu Qseaa it firmly, earaasBy our triend, whilo I'aluer-ton, though bt »curcely alieet« to emit eal hu hatred for Bl ¡c.ted hu anxiety for our «lovvnfa'.l, i* only <."!.- I: run J in hu1 cm vichen that our doutent ie «jiiarrel a reinarkui'ly nice bu«iut'í« t»» kssf out of. Tiiullv, Qa?, Seward'» dispatch. which b:n» of MBISe heen Known to the Crenel) Fiapinitr fur irrnts hoe salistol area turn thal Im will burn his lagan by atteasattes, to pull tbe Confederates' rbeatniita out ol The liri«, »iiiie»! he lir-l binds IBBR iv. ¡neibly ti» Bhabal Sluveiy. II;«» c1; «I ja-inn-jii und i>.ui,phlet. r. Ma de la Osanaatare.arse La» as aflea lena "JBlpired" te iiiuicnt«) the path win. b UR I s parai lae «rrauhrel to tread.ia hi« now jour¬ nal. Lo fVaaw, Baste the A awi if bo ¦aseetioi in a mopf etehssate and aslaaeSive article, riiunni'; Ihrnugl tiree Nee., wherein le *«¦> B ! uhitnrr n.aV to toa "al el-.--» vi- lal .aanlHn n » 11« ' ' ""¦ '"' »*t"i«»- -j " a ¦" "f I .'¦« Ufa ». !.. it aaa .-.!"¦» ..' . .... the pabl.r n -.a i- ia .¦' e<.i 'i iv lllipeiHBl tu diaaipate». /- ¦».»»..'.. »ri.reiii,, e m ¦¦¦¦< far ie, I-;,»' ele-i, ' »V- «aBf« .' Ike >,. t ee .e.e. «" "a ¦! I rent ht, i,dei ,n fir j ¡Al .¦-. ., li r-.y i. ,.». ... te,l,i: .¦! . .". Al ¦! levi lie" ile i, i.f.lie»! I»- D. ile, »li «| ;¦¦ t lb« .>¦ ». of ti'» Y,r,.,t le.»,' eel ll.Ii.j. I.. «I .Ir »» I .r «. r -,- i ...» Ir.' n I ¡I I All I" /-a» 'I i , .... 1 . l r. I,, ,.. I, - I, ¦ I OB. lb« »I 1 .,.-... - ... . kef eui terra. ¦-......-, .-.,,... i u ¦. .- - . | » .i «Uli ll.e a»' '». rrul to t-e a' ... el li e »- -, l ,»-. |. Ill» I, y II i.- . ! » e .. ,t.. a.e a avery pi .... . . . . «rootaatl ... trp t.» i.) i - ,,. li e bia« ¦ . urn.» .el i.tba ti ,.-»-. . «. . .< . . .. Bl *.. e t . ¦' uti v -. . . l| i a .i-i'i) bM >¦. 1 '«-lr t ti- .e u-i .1 u 1-, '. 'ii.e l.'l tnnr a. Bat * -. » . - . . o '.'. ... i; ',, ,r ¦ r-..-. a tye keru . r e»'ir,e . ... *. a r i. p. v . ,',-rii » !¦- el Nil Bal !. rul.'i.. Iel lh-.e .»¦»ei»« pan«i«. » I if n»a« » ¡«. -,, . « «« . . » «r i al p i .1 li. «« ti j' »vi ill « ., it o i.i . ' ,.r ... »an. .:. . | .. ( ihr » « 1- II 'I >.« e-.ttl f li'" Itr . t) . ii........ . .".:..» trama Maa label .. . . aad | »*. .'.«. '-¦ .. Of .»,-..,, .. , b»t'b»i» e- »»et« I | ¦ il a . >- a.,.1/11. aa i- weal li «....».. .. ¦! ...... r. rreMifa I .. »i ¦. u .-i - - . » . Sa »tie! Vv . !,.,.. ii,- . ¦ .«..,,.., ..i u.« paka I u 1- »»'I in.» '. ». - .Lee l,.r Í .. ie r, >'., Una ... ..... .. Ile «a»,ul.l. lier f. . - - »... re ».,!..«I li' I I li"r ; l»r: »| I Will te.,. le. ¡ 'I » -.. . ' . .........v.. |»|.«t li«« ..' Ilj »ellie, Ir a - . ¦.-<" . I. -..».« te »ub I It.r | e . I . i n la ...» .in. .. e »i ru ' . »» . V ... ... .. -r -. :. - .¦¦'¦:- e . ,. -. n .»..-.¦ . peW a .* . I ,. p a »d. .All th.« dear and ut in . slahtee The Bel Is hie '".. Í« t r«¦' ogo lira sod dei Vflitlon. ."»i.iii ii, theil ub »t ,l)t!i|ii.«., fo). low.-d I.«.ni« Napobna t»a Iii pri ..t,- latr.-at at Vnbj i«, peaw tt-ir «uit. I he aver] «>:..« i M r e«.-;« bi ,\ ,, ,-t« that thej an* not fcgbtiag loi ."-Iav-r., lal t"r Iiiui- ..¦..«I. ae.' ami I ru« l .¡iile. N'apaieoa ! leads Ihe easr) tari he rerj shr»»wdlj ..1«- a, ¡I I I.i i/ tu t Rterl t.< own thal i.*.«> ;.r.- Rghtiag for Blav-ry, in eau*! aflhrd Bight f.«r it, in« Biattol under » » i. I.I- r- tege. 'M> poad Bin,*1 »a«» lha pal t»- i i> m 1,man, through lu» Bwrcdilnd tpaheauwa, .I lefaeva you' Tea are bR i .«ti di* i..r .«-lavery, but r inli pcii-i.-ne, free true!.«, niid all »«it ol ti. eg. Bal I have aratehtal terene raee!»» aeraaioually.»and ti, bBuwi m hluaara who leaaal tee l'an-, baurg «'i. An*«.m da al aadai teal jour Aui-i.i'üi ol Deiiuicrai y wbub Billilli» ever; iiian» bsliassbb n«bt to lamp In« own nigger. Biaec slav, r- i- n.itt.itig t.» >ou tart a liici1 des! le n.', )oii w n bave t.. ahslRh ii lafoea 1 can take ,i »lep in y.uir b.-ualt. Such i». in ¦hrief, Lnafa Napateua's ort seal altitud«- lui*.ar.l tin- BehcÜBiB, und no think tjov. Beward't liapatel ban had rasae inili- '.:«'¦ m i isdarl ag .t. QBJIBa III M I H \>l» 1*111- I.I'M TO UK I1VHITIO AM WMitrMBB, W'«H I»> i «i nal» : 1 Aii'ii.M «.vu I.-..I« 11.11 Uanaa_»'i «»w'b ;. u ..«. .1., _.. ti, MB ) I Ol 11 Bo. hu i. II .. r - BaL* '¡.n H.,1,1.1 rae« - ."»1 iloi i| rmj'titeiemea\ a B.... .a' 1 a.e 1 - a 1 .1)1 Mi ri lb r 1 1 1. ,,., I«. 1 » ie «!..,: Ill» ri«,, . ...1. .1 i'i. II lUSltrr« I.l-rl,. el,,» . uelealre I lleA ., Ti, (..ur.-m ,11,: lb. I i.a ij.-v me. M fu.e.l « « . x1 rr «ti«l ». ,1. 1 t .,1 Ita ol! rai. m. et. .ia «eaettaa m d i ,. nu- Ml la lb« (tarerai ¦ 1 «ella r .1.1 BL. e,l lr| ,|-llii|« «uni ,rln,-. al«' eel. Be« Ililli li«. nie .a..j.»!'.1. ni ., u - m, e ratall '.' a bi al.ii« I :. vr.i ifal ii l.-jii -.I'ihi Orient TbalRtJ '-<n II« in aad Bril C.-n |-t.- -,» IO llelljer hel'l 111,li l'p»l.d «« ¡. billi .' I ,| arana. Me,I laBeatlawei .«a tia MM avaoiot thacp '.'IMl'l v » M H'«t eel ssy I,111 I .ll,i,,l« i.,.-J eli r ii,v.'jyi«! la «lau. i.,. ,.1 1 ai. :, t .,,., .ei I, a .. mi»! iv »n ii. ii ie ,.1 1, le f «tl'rli U I II* '"rr 1 Wet, Lui hi ni V ., ., , !,., rin it .1. H a !. nu » . II Hue «titi | ,.¦ . I .. ,, ,. Mea* aiay aardw. Hy . ni .. COOfl li, [Ot .u J Ai'iuliut aau lu-i- lum, . Ireii-ofi lag tlih« l-ftr.'i]«.¦! it*¡ w.-tk point ill it« «flraah. ItteiaptS toe«.«er it. 'lim a:, It, .Id!. Dan« A ( ¦>. ot the mortal terror wLerewi!') tie net of Osas. Hunter aad Phelps lia« ¡aSpilBd l'em act» li.oat t-ii.pfaal.c ion. 'i'i.a tine;»* to haagGeaOe Quater aad Pheha li» I--.> a».winn tb«*y »ball have been captured .¡A ¡m utter Bafaaea of the lang af war. Thaag fsaarah lmv»- n ¡«erfoct nyht, m geeerd ance with tbo-.-« laws, to oi^aivre and arm loyal liliick«. Hat Lee, nnd .John-ton, and «MagraBar, and ('oopor, ii».ii tim otlna traitors v, Uo dci-Jil«. «i kum i«u »tuiy ol the I United State*- to lend the.r iwordi to the !?.*. hellion, aro .«.ver/ one of them liable, I»; t.,o lawi of war, td IBB pH'-il.y which they un- ¦justifiably deaeeaSM W..'*""--' lliii.tor and Phelps. ! ney are traitor*» to CIllWBBBial find country-Hunter and F-le'V9 *T* I,,,t* .'*'* them beware how tbey iow b*wp. for no one km«.vi who uni) wear the prod "'l*. í ALBANY Oll-M -BB. Hy the grace of our preat nt *' I.cpii.M.pafi «lnd " l.'ninn" State Officer*, wo htive a ttujf remarkable .Suite Caper ut Alban). Il u known at The /.'ren »/»,-,- Journal ; and every time its vatotaa Editai deliver** ktaaealf, there ¡4 a gea* eral chuckle of approval Imtii the v.hil** Sham IleamcMtic, RebcUiyinpstliifJaf l're-t lr«iin Maine to Minnesota 77»c riBeaf ArgtU ap¬ prove« ko rej-ularl) and ho hfiutily that it i* difficult te realize that the only " tie that lund*»" th**ie congenial »oui« their n,utiiHl de- votioa to the management of the Central i i a road. Tim« ara lad ¡u The Argea «>f Tai dap the tolluwiuf" "firtt rate notice ' ol the preced¬ ing Utterance of The Journal i A Baaaensa rasa mBwBTQrisvaa ltaa««aiw e-lu .r f I; . J ia el in I»-' e «rp. .'. «. im en.i h'';i i ,.,» Li. ..i» n «i i,»r*v five y itu ii lu I' I n0 (»'* pre .> '.i arar, and njidi» (basasen »t«e Ahiiiiuiui iaaaiaga A n. BJ ol lui ij und BJ i. u Man ile« 'i'l.i« Btrillt. I«"- t I //I- J,u tout i- lllin-lv. Maa WS«! '«* ia.» latin. 1 »L Bel rill »» mu.! ¦' uni h ..Jj ne' i|. .ely SB IBS ('. n-tl- (.,tpui .!,,(:..' (ha Ten mai ( a Lir'i 1 - (vti.e' . » I u. ni we uiii.t lan elf n lo the Lui.I lila»! iel el «I! «V .'.lu .«Jil .-.,'. VV t «ia; til I WS BBW tato ttStO gtlSHSB II r... | »i.,, nd wear« gratBfad (-- .a« . i spat ¦«! tb« iii'lu-. sa a ni rita jrmnot mm* ib» gtsnlte nal*, ato -sidiy a-illei a ni flin lilli 'he llfM On I lie p.tfn of li e I MSMIBB ani 18a I nt-iii »» WS l-l» I -i A lo -lei.') e. ti »el- BM Bil v-iii. mi >'.i d .nib u.. . .1 »ti'iial» lu lepiitild the ti-, n -it >il> I.... Alni il»i. ilni| und ..: ; t tiifir. rittetj M set di MfaL" .The cita ion Ben lhe Journal's leader Wul.-ii teBoBfg eadJartiltei tbi*» pansgpris m follows: In nil rni« I *i Of -'I BBSf rttaBStoSSl p-'il .:ii*n aba » -p «at el ia» «ttity igniuirittt aeaB ta sMibi tad le tJiviiVe le i ia ia I . I ..» -. Ile luir-iu e.t. ot lum'- lag for««rd theil Has I Baa. Tbaeai -, I.. Letten sad ia -i me... i. i.t.jr d'« . .i«: . iii- r--i « . Te'r fal v. ..u li «« -n ii r »ii -,.t«d, .n it »te ti- BSg«» «to ».'¦ - .., !l «i. a ti.» i'- If - IY i. e .! l! Ill ttli-i. / le ..¦. ) ia» ein. »i led, »lil lie ...i.i ra tarit« M.'tvii.i'« lit''-i« »Li. ii. ti.« Csstast «1 ni tn i, i.t Nee ",ll U l«tlou. " lu lu Hil ii « U ill. IM ' '!..» tr-l tfta »'H' ilnail » ti,, . y ... ,'.i » »va . er i.e. ., u... III... i 1.1 tiimu« a»d I. A a n ti. Bera ! - la ti I 'ait 'b , lot Ut» .«al .-Il Va liai ill-l 111 ¦. r,tt. IS I r -»r.» tto* ' " I - '..'.(".* tti fl'ri.d, til l8« '*.*.'.!. Ita »» bl u .- \ -,-... ir « :. . 'i.... n: u '- eva« «nui t. at li. Ii »«. ii II lad IBU ¦.' .»a ,, li¬ ai.ii i..... BM .. ni oi«.. ne tarni ». alert lieg um li..-. V.i li. ia eil. if. »1,1. Ile II., ti UM .ipili I. ti »' li ii Ii ¦¦ 1 . . ...» a .1 i.i. i- .i i.l. »¦' it Biblia« « »', t v ..» t...»»ri.,l. I a I a. lit.I J Uti .«.- Il »n. p**'. ¦t. :.¦ .I li !.. «.. .- » .... ... ..¦.:> IM I- . ¡StMS uni -' 'I ItleS périma el lbs Jttrmmt'i srtidc whick efB Äffet ilo.:« nut »I- »-i-i worth] el qatitatms m.i, a foiiiuiei uutioii «I Mr. Tberiew Weeda BBCalJM and ultu i-t SBCteSÍre f.light, tagscitj and |>_tr «»ti-m. in knvittg, «Ivnii- the \\ inter ot l-lá'-l, Blgcd th»' K.-publirun« to .apport the -i».t-aii) .1 " < «ritteadee Cempremmr «Min by -iaverj «n« te se Mtabbeaed, kj pM> eaactaaari <.! Coegrrm, ia all primal and tetera IViutnru-« *«t Ike United Btales, snath ..i lbs pandltl ni 36 Sf, Is «-ihi-r werds, lbs Ifeesklnase, kavtaaj ju»t aehteeed Ibeir lint Bétonnai triaMpb, wen arged t*> aauVe eeeeee» a niit te .""-laver) tal..cb ha*l beru Successful!J i.- led und (i< lestral tl.rntn'h ull the prei «u ii» )iara of I »rino« rat ft*, i-cm-nc) and Nalinüiil :..tessa i-nt at lae tarni rt Isa Ma»* Cower Il.lll iin,i eau.Hi Weald have ttauip« d tl.e lie p .blicaii a»ieiiden.*) lroui the t'.art the mort unprincipled gt.d (¦ that any free peepB bud ever koM dunlin ii to cl.dure, it Weald not Hit-rely have CTariwd pp.'!» alia', r aaa va- tilín ». tea m I urti Bad latfdle» LBt.oti: it weald have « n-it«««l a iracral aad 'profesad "li-truit of nil pslitical ptettntsM and pledgra wbatever, *i rarprieing tL_t the . leras <d '/Ac jitiit..ii wa* danrawsd te bit own amnctete ainl pniatedl] cnndeaiead bj iii-iii ly ev.-iy BTgaa "f l.epul'li.-ati IQBlteiral 1..en i..-. >iw «.tti» tt-it resetraiasd te deeiere flat, aktlc r. mi) t0 de hi ntim «t foi CoOClll« atina a.. I peece, ka amid art eeamnl to the \\ «'id iniieiiiien rarreader. / .io..,:.,.i ena ma ince that the Btererp* Ipbabl B| -..<.> is tua! Wuii'ii u it« maiiie I; a' ».»I li'-t Stat«' I (l|l'!l!-tll. W .. bllllVI« t">" I..I1 lo I..- j»i at u e cot v. Bern of ear escksugra Mere rinpiiiitii'ally condena that paiicj than lb« YeteriBi I., a, which ia tia. aecrr-ditcd nrgna sf lbs I aieniitt ot Teaaassss. Timt . -Bl mil do.*« hot iii i-.vnrt -a words .'iii lor an l.ui.ui''¡ ..tioii po.- j, but .:« «.cry iggaa in.* pitee ila teeta al faute maej other. Be m Dato» wire; ro in Mi mun; an te u great exte t in M ..i ». ..iiid. We i.uvt« lew ii Bateante m euch B ti,- **»tut-*i thiin have hern counted BBCb| In', what there ure an* MBit* all liium-ipa- li ililli«. 'lull*, ¡tie Cemetidgt liittili-rmcr. i-i,)' ol Ibe lui "i-st ai.d be»t local pagers in iii the l.iv.-t...1.!!¦ . Count» of Dorcbasler, igaaii m it« la*-t Issaa: Ufa toss sevra d<.iin* ibri tha aw wbhh tt« liebelt' tv»,- basas« .. i »».« iii |-.,ii t.. to «. r ge.ii Bl tri} VV r i.i lt.ll.eU Le» |S p ¦. »« ". r tun» lim it »^ ..I.V. ititi le ala «MaJ 1 v.» .!< lunn .I .au pt,.,;., ,,,., It I tin y li lhe | »It »f tl.e Li Lela, » wat ni to il n lo 'Ita Mssb m. n ff .. a-v i. It 'i.i... .na.: rtorsbs »b« »a ne M wl.p ft .lu» ii . a.r ni .o .¦.!¦ m TStf« 1rs Stitt Bit« ... ti.» .-*« u ,i lo r tirrd.i a ii ... («I- k m-i I n, u1, a ,.t. .le Uhmni le,I. '., <ifi ..' I;. t. ,-,...r,.t ,.(,¦, yirtr.r.ll.r, at, I.i ... . « I « li » ..»f a !| ttaB«- .ei,tli,|'l..t.f lbs Mi i. Tbt ... ubi f th, Sat. t ;,.» i.rarl I., ,1, »|,)!|..| , -I..,.' ,,l ,,|,,; ti.-» tyr«i| i.| ,| 'u »i y ul t Agi 11 a nan d liai I. r . », i Bara Baa I blia I..» mi. m', (.u. ¡.-i lu urtai base It rated ratee Msaeasad Ullaali*. I Inr .Mm I.»»» I ... ,i ,i t bold, I bloat eiptrn tarir être eytok . v bmmi _tgfti a.e I,a.,eva'I 8lstat| M ii. te I ». n a al al- I: ..n..i, l, a ai.i. ti r rabia ka ¦> I" ut m I, ... ra Bil t i. v,, !.. ti» He a .iilil »| our» ..» pi,. ,. J in lu. i.,,,.., .u,| i"ii'y latani ailgl bebe If fa «., i».i.ih tai aiofiai ¦ di. elir . 1 in J ini .,1 «i te h a id dir ne-« a li I till | t. ft . .'«I r ... r. ia «ti n baa bri ii ii. It... ' -, . ¦« C " ii HI I'J II» .1. I. li I .li t. i. I .. i-n. ii parr el ma -.,.,. m -, | i'la »lie I' i.i.i iiii»i ni., .md » . i: . ,|,rll «»li lill. I.;, tot« I.'«I |rlllii',,l If.- v, ,. J .a-Hi. ,. 1.1 »IIB l'i- I « I' p i lb Ul . La mit u re | ». eil » »i> t .:» t-.-iii » mia lion, ». rp, ur... Mstat eitbel I«, ,i.» ,......,... garti ; > i e. at l»r li li Hi . .. ti li Ul . mr »,,, y. >" » itara I -«> mp '*' » ''.'.« Bl taSei a. 1 .-. arisra ) r . Ii i Bl i li «. L « in . " .. to) 'i.i rligtoiiw! L* Isa lira to aal..¦ r ,i lue e tan ni Beiili-i Bl -| »rilj .nu i, .; n. -i i-nt ., ». !-. .,. ii. it ia al« ra ui [la V. ,. .. » .i li 'i' -t uli« m lib T I. "111 li e ia ,i, »«I Illili.!. Vu ti -.1 Tkihe li li .iii! IS, 'i.-X i i ih- i,'re-en It .r », ¦ttslrtalfb .'iiit.iii« l" ,li «.' . r Ja- V..i h lien til. a ». !.«. » ela Ha. ... », -n Be lo i li t»..«. i'.r Ul el I.'..Hy lot Itali d n.-i «u, ¦. toa bait m lia ni» i. my in ila « ratlewc.n (i.ii'ii vnir.i L«- toe la «u« «i, ». nail ». i.. « We inij-'it «piu'e MiLitar iitti-i:t'ii-i*tt fruin mu... athet earaeetlj loyal JnirBah ia Iba Blore .*-tuti*í. Tii.v ¡m- li,i |ba frral ima« <>i lbs Soiit'icrii ITateaiStl tbef area foe politics!« tobo ui.tlake the a ..« they Iiv«' ii.whs BIB reai»t ti-» the poll, of I iinain-ipai ion. T'. Jniritul ailllionl-ln» its rcudir« to .* bowan af aaaawB wbteh teach that the n/i* 7rf ni the War n to dc-lroy Mavery." Tkit Bateassal tbaraagtaly dtahsaest, anl ibuatall not have found place .u n BteCmSSeMj Repabll« juiiinftl. it ih ii K'"*1'1 BBsrsgrassatatias ti iho-r who««: paaitiaa it aBaaapte te »»tate. Ibu otijn.1 ul the Wat ou luo part of talia Unionittí to overthrow the Rebellion and preserve the intognty of our country. ÖiVuvcry and tbe Slave Power are fighting to den'.*' the Union: we who r«»«i»t thom aro on tbi» I dateBBba. Wa ask, in the name of the law, thal no Union,it »'«nil henc.-inrth he regarded by the autboritieR of tim Union at the «lave of a traitor. We cito the law (».ned by Pre«:- dent Lincoln) which authoru.»i ut to make thu demand. Tin» use of an Uxecutive is to «ee tbat the liw« are BSBsId and obeyed. Alelan* I dei Hamilton (Wko., pp. MB; 606) say«: j t* The gean to waha tara R ne gawet al pteaaeactaa en- tb"r*i» i i*c y the all of 'It-, i.atl li «< ti. uti pa -. M «i «- l o,. r i* 'H' li it h». LirUiliriioii," or i- ii ¦» lie .'. line I tn I,« Ra yai*at of piawttaagralaabiadbtgapeaaBpaiBOM toi tiiiin»«»«' »i'i« h i »antaa baaiuiladi tie.«».'' lu . i'b utit » I the- ( a.Hil U'li h . I'a.i-i J <t.'r» ir- cj - « (i, M " I'1' «'an-tiui'l'ai 11»« lav« < / IA» I' I Sin ,t m'ii'c t pern***** tnerte/,* Ml iriMtri, Se., 'ititi he the tv- I'.ii*. » (V lund" 1 li« power to ante li»»» 11 "Ml a mar ii meat Be»**«-*«** ."."'' talk»* it -y '*-.. km eel» ¦a. ! r. ¡»ami '.*»'«.. i" VAt ktitamjmiitil tim, arila»«« tee ,.ti,,.l M ha it» p»W»"W »t lie», nbi .. r,,!,-» I.i lib| u, a lil , pi«, na ami tun » u.-*-r v»uii:«i tue ii, ».,.» li st .- «li UN " a law of iBa iaii«i 'hi »weBW n aaaai r«i by .¡omoe'ei.t lutl.oii.y i. BtadRg BM »-i*« *." .'"** '"".".«''¦ deptifmrttl .t i/,»ne,,r«i ibt_, oi. e»e» RJtvRaal Rae Up. Bato Ha« -i Caw «.» it. IvMr. ". ""¦ t tana Btamben oi a- .r.t-.y «Taaadal a c ..,««¦ t. '».*» ob.,Kvlo. to ..!.«i.t.. IbetalBB .«.«. .! ¦ l'!i'-i.i.iv!.:.'« '.«. t-EV itelfec'i U UmvactMbar-tan tteybfnaa« i.WI .¦»" IlJ '"". *. tbean let 1'a.tnuinii eachwaaa tin. .*'ion '"«.-'¦. i'«ft. lo reaior! le tret era. T.'lr. lol ll.eir iiotilic» *."" .."..*',"",:',l *"rb rol-ar.t, ,, .a t.. m Ml -f li.. « »B_ ia '"" »* .'« *u"" -T ttirf um Miad m i'-i* ii tu ii-.t'i'-le o,-i«i..«le'""«c"'r M th«« P.»g1» tii-u.-. ¡ ii la ir.n. i|,lot')p.«""'»f«,'J Ra Oat Priiii.i,t." l'or tin' Co!ifn»catii)n-I-inaiicipation Act, nearly arerj Bepahitaea voted, and the Prisiu«-'"*! aiKcrd it. We now demand that it be reoog- tnzi-d nnd proclaimed M -iiiphatically that our (jciierétlii Bud CateaaB ia tbe field eau no longer' venture to di««b-*y it, pleading that they huve BB knowledge of it« existence. Tuere it no room for cavil aa la it« requirement«; and we a-k only that the lino n*tt ttands, with- «aiit note or comment, be pr.u Y.uu-'I aud en- teraed, reragaiaed and eheyada » he Preefal nt, ¦nye tb<- Ibdnrsl Caastftsttaa (Art. ., -Jil). | " .tfutUtu'.e rwe tititt tilt l.'ir. I'tfiu'lijitliye/ri ttttd.' I'll al, m be tor.'.but bar what the 'i'i«.'!« are now Ragtag vs ir ul'"" bun. vTe Read lor .. lim I 'oiuii, the (YnitUiit on, and it.« Bateieeanal of tb** Law-«." "The './/"'." »ay« ¡lie Jtiuni'il. "if the War he v. isa-iv (aat,duet'(I. Wiil be Slavery« de*trtic. tn.n." Nia daai,be of it. That just tv hat RB want. Hut »nell I''ii-t of tea war net« Union «obi.»T.«« t-» shootiag and rapturing layd n. .a i- fairly ia Kew-Orteaaa) ia order te burl Iii Bl bat k into blaterj Beb Is, fa m>' m-««. It not war at all. It is fitllj IBBd na--.«.nil ula-. The lau ot the lead dow n<>t rnengaisr.wo Uriah it asan dui reaesstee.a loyal Aun r eui the «¡ave of a tr.ti'or. ifit .lui, ii »un-iy doM no teugefa We a-k ant) thal the war i»« prnraestod "n earaatoa* -.«um« principtae, wain a tingla ayststhe <:ru«h- ¡:¡e¡ uut of the BahaitloB, ¡ind in BSeonlance with Cíe Yu» ol lac h.m1. Ami tin« .-» what lite .lum nul'l Bl " the fBBB..ÍRB Pud lolly ol' Abo.;fi.»it."' lill II 4>l» It At IM. The brutal retaliatory ardet ol' the Jeff. l)avi« QaiersBRBl ia renard to (¡en. Piteh'l .«e«m« .¡mai, pu Itehod in our i««iin ..i" pesasrriey,'W u«. <>l a dfadegaa Rhteh place at WgMiBglM about two years uko between I 'ii vi« b"id l'iti-h. I i'ch win» tuen U-aJted Mate« ijencU.r troiii liulutua. He tva« an nu-' raieatiag aati ITiraghi Dssraerst, not sa hnms pre ibly from principie M account ol' ,*i b . standing pecaaasl teni batanea bin ead I »!.». esrisanl Kamtw fenn Illinois, l'avi« ami Pia n wale- raahsi baden n the erar wagad I ii|m.ii Deugtas al tbe pe<rted sf Ihe Leeeespasal c.ietroveiiy. Tbe lutter wa« area more hitter, ,n hu a-«« mit« upon the auli-Le. uiupton!- tit ti Uiiiu un- lorim-r. S -a Yvd veurs «ir more ymg, Darli and Pitch waru Dieo'bareef tl.e tsina »tununut Coin, tn.tie.« .,; the s.-uate. one lay, at the dara .»I a Mutee < f the C'umn'ttee. g dbeuwiofl lappeDrd ¡" ar:-.' b.lw.eti I nein tt> tie- th. Bus h would probably Bums ¡u iii,. .vant ni I.n,'.'in'« .i.-.-tn.ii. Um« d.»etered thal UM Collón States tao'ild vvitiulraw fron th>* I I,lill, a---.ile,,.h all I lul|-]M«.lde!. t CKlVWB* im i.t, sml, ¡I Bead t.-, take up a iii« m ¡t. ,|,. t !-c I itch "doubted _R ¡¡«''t, hilf ;t«.»«irt-i, thaj sriogaut Mntnippiaa thai-, if tha death at- '.iipleil anything et -R »ort, the .North would meet torc«* with ton-«*. The diecueeten waxed warawf aad Said Du« ». '. Uo yu'i Bteaa t-» ray, t¡ if «wa of Bat Cettoa Btatw »el up a (.¡.«i. uni.flit of our own, you ol' tli«- Norih will 999m .¡own ami try to tubJBgate t.. Paierai authority'' "l do"' reepeaded Pitrh, w;ib aaiphaab. " What1'' replied Devta, ri>.ug from his seat, w|g )««¡i ».v. that y. u would tefadg i ir soil ami endeavor by Wee t.. tamp,! geferaiga Btatai te niara to the ui'.n.thal you ol the Nu. ¡li would ii) t.. con.j*:, r ii» n -*l nn-un," rep!.ed Fitch, hatea und ipraliag »lowly and brady, "that if the stau« (ii in) barer MnaiaRppi attempt to set up nu independent (¡<>w-minent, vve of the Efnrth-Weat, who hold the saaiaei of ii .1 river, wi'i tarada your tanilery a ith teresa tu,!;«*iint te conquer had tahdae you, Slate by Slate, cniint) by county, till )oil BBBS-I to aulln.r.ty 1" A l.tiie »re* tbftii two year« have |'.-fi. »'. stace ibu dialogue irainpirod 1 itch eo_uae al« a brigade sf Untan troop« m ArhsseeSa Bal meentli rieeulsd Bahai tor nsrdar. These» upna l>*vu il.r>«cte lb hdjet at-Oenaral to i-Hue au order j.roe-luiming 1'itch and ina emit- maud OB-BRBj who, H cupluieil, are not tu he treated artaaaers al war. rio» order TKai'i penna > al 1Y1 .-ii, direeting test, ii he b.« iBSSa, he .«Lall hu coiililn.l -1.1 a I.Ion and deaB wirb aneardtegly« Ws nie «<t the «»pinion f.. i .1 the tump« ol (¡ruin«iii N. Pitch meet in equal terra thara ef Jeflereea DsrR, thsyl will ^.«..- the tatter anpta eaaae te nassaaher th.- . noonah r. - Mr. .f«eîiii Y.ii. i.tuif, tarteher, Ka. ! Pattea ¡'«.'lili.», BrnahlyB, tefonag n ted tin* Mpply* ta| of Prrah M.-at ami lag t*» rassde .»i tha BltiC.adtaf ." .[ii.latram from time to lime m thta port, not Btode the «object n eOUM*ti Lou a. d ciiiilruc«", but accord. .1 la u favored him as a ¡natter of »pccuil gnce^ ¡uni 011 v.eli tenu» Ihey BM ht to exact. Mr. V. Basans 11« Unit ho and other« would supply tin» want at a lower price, but aro not allowed to do so. As one ol' the publisher, of Iht EBsafaw l'oit is .Viv) Agent nt tliit p»»tt, we call the at tent mu ol' thu Lditor« of the laid to! ¡the faoU alleged, cot doubting that tbey win see that this huitnew ia adjutted oa Ibe basts *»f their well-known anti-Monopoly, at&.Jc-h. bery principle«. VKIIM1M Itj DRID Tfc**re aro two aatnpafiga puhli,bed in Loa« dou th»'* ñamen of wlncb should be held ia ¡wann re«-_*einbrsnce by the AmencaD people. (»tily thu-*«5 who have tv .ni-e-ed or experienced the tyrauDie« of iirituh public op n on Cla ¡airly understand tbe um .on*-» of a inumrift ,y that I'outitr). Popular -cnfimeot, no matter what it« object may be, or upon whut preta. dice« it may nat, need« only tu be définit«-!» shaped to bet;.k«.ü an an article of faith which it deeaeed BO/ to qaeattea aud temer.ty u> opp« ne. Tiier« it probably It.-« reaped ia j__j. gland for independent thought ami action Ibas m Bag other natron in the world. Nowhere e.'ae will Ioks of iuflueuce and reputation se m roly follow sntagouiaui to the inntiucta of the multitude. Tuo chgngiug cupnee« of other commut.itiei, if they be lent powerful to pro» 'J'n*.'< national reei'lti», are ali** lera luipatiegt of argument, and moro easily guided to gpod Sads by a competent mt« lligefice. lint Cut-l-ud represents the reul ol public opinion. Tuero is no practi**al toi« ration of departure from prescribed idoas through Hit the ulai.«]. 1 :*th is, undoubtedly, as a high aurL* nty baa receui'f told us, "freedom of comment upoa public ei **¦*.-"." but it in a frefdoni so tram» niele«! by rec's'-iz'-d retlnc-ions at to make ii a barren piivilege. No mau but will think twice before avooing hit conviction«, if he feel a»»urrd that tbrir ut.***r*»iice SMB bring bim ¡Lti. pilbil* odmm. E.vpen'fiice ha« taught rn-ctt of the liberal men of England that gdterra dm» 00J8M8B of the principle« uj"-u which the rovt- mutiity rest-« it.- I ii iii only draw« í.rtü irntg» tioti or contempt I..un every «¡uirtt-r. Tile r* hummtt, locii'l *»r political, mutt work under tbe ban ot pubiirj dialavor. If he be firm le the keaeatp and ju«tice of bil p irpone, ne miy .»'iii.'-titiies defy there har«! condition«, and work With courage Badinât all ob- uvien, pos«. bl;, t.» a triumphant ead. /,. Leseen OsBg tutea aad Toe Loudon fter ott lip« .i poeiiion sbailar t*» that which ..i- h a«- md: at« d. Ht' ksheVB that then- n». t.reits, like thoa«, of ever) otl.rr l.ugliali in-w«- pnper, weald Bag age bav«- tad Item t«> aban¬ don the granad ti.ey n«-«ii-.«'d m asgard to tbi« coiin'rv, and t«> «bur«* th" databan kOBan of our defigmattea. Wo baan that th« ir mead- hrt ¡i.'ii i'h;p, iviiicb has never yielded with ti.e docressiag *gmpsttap ol' other»», baa mm«. abat injured their sagaie at Lome. Ii ««1. (iuin a public journal, who-«-. pnspentv dsaaada upon tl.e tavor ol t_r p.ipili.«,.',-, ia hold enough to coutet-t toe sentiiuei.ti* of an entire asttea. upon any faasBaa sf sfteaipte. Fib era at leaat, if not acj 8-888888 in the general judgment; would ratler bo tv*» pee ted. Ia Cngland, eap. cully, where, we ti ive ahewo, teeta Batten bud« to ununual BMrtUaetteoa and .-iubarra«'*ueuM. it ia imp»»-.« nie to ratiuute too hiah.y the deiermiiiatiiiii and tue deptk of convictioa vvmch it prove« Te l»e tliu« faith¬ ful anioi'L the tgiflie«« ii i. ea»y teak» It is aoineth'iig heroic lor a leading y urnal, ihe -».'mill ni importance m tie Bad, to set ítralí with BaBiaehtel zeal aga:n»t the pnajadiCM of ti«» limât kaflseatad *-l««» et tue peasto, »,,«i r,»j, al 8888 it« poner nud it« pro-p»«r.ty. It is hardly ir»« adiu table to «»*e a paper which, irom its or,gm, ha« i dhted bv deenttea to tabaaal principie«, taking a new burden ii|»«»ii it-irll at", th.« tiiiic. .«tul one.' iimre nSBfiastlB| toe at-'tiab assaarvaBem ot it« eeteaqperariN. To t_«*«e two Jealn ii -, A-Berieeee .**. eeteam and gratitude! From the raise! Hwj taara been with ii.», cahill) Wtrigatag our dllltel and our uti J«; er.lillltg Word« ol just UflCtilirugeineUt wara saeta were aaaaadi lettiaa nu grneadlaaj ke|.r fear betiai laen tu aedee rgiistetitna Bl ili.-ii.iiv ; l,,ei-tl!i_' nui .' cor- vv l huit b.fti't. eaaa, -»-¦.kia^ ra iojumes mrtiTwg fcr nu mi-, kelpteg with the rtraagtta of tuer oonfidi 'n ¦«. anl tm t; ttaedisg with m basai to I. md, t'lio'igh all v.i n-iaiidi-e, in hmieaty, sjaearB} sad truth. We iball Bal mm lorget tin; MfTicM j,- o*'.-'.*.'ni tiley Liu* ever bone* "«. (I VKHU «.lill« .S une ef «air cuteinpor-ine», who SIS «tilt io tl:<- wa- ..' dom* military criticifiii, Bio laib* ing 'Ut v ..* oKel) ubout IbeM d:»)s. VVeadvire Iuin to keep cool. BcaltUan iin ¡i i »'.-: i w vend iLiilfers. It ia *ky to ha.o BMP Qeaeralsi te bara our asUten know it icüím la araba Iba gratter uori«**. Ora tiiii.i, ia very «ertrvu.-if thing-» art to !¦«) on as IbOf have dour, tho order exclunug r "[Mirtirs from the camp« of the arni-« nil ibgotutelj !i.«.*i'H»ary «.ne. Ii Wili 88881 A* to kate - ash periaraaaasas lull« reported. On the rou'itirv, the (¡overniiieiit mint forbid t_*9 nuwipapori t*i g.vo sar/ aaaaaal arbataast uti what ih traiiipiring in Virginia, or.«till l»et**r.. MpgrSM Hiern altogether. Stirb «traiegt *1«>*6 n'l bear t.-pnrfiiiK, «ave in Ha rou¿>«l d.ctioi of ufli.'lJ bulb til.«. ¡he Im'itiina LmuAmat, alf.r fasB-g our dec- l.ii.fnui sf Feb., IBU, thut we would BBSpslt the swel «iaMesasan theory oi tahbawveraanMBj c von though it «Intuid coat na the I .¡¡on. tay«: .¡tee!. > now BSValtl that (lie Southam \ » are iltruat- i i .i r Vu: -t uri do.i sat i r ai .: ,. i aiil ;. fas » u «.i "I i. wtrd ne el co.uir .. ..'. ru c '.nein al: '.ne eta yal, «Mart ». .*l» i"«»»«' " We stk /'/(. Urn!,u,I, aba 111 l/;«'f Ar^us, RtrttltttTr I iiimi, lliijjitlo Coiiyut, lit- trott t'ne frist, Um rtiluti oh I'nirn, CMamyfA Turn.-, ami all the rent of tue tribe, t' tabs pattocttlnr aetice that we prououuc« the abo«o u(tt-rl) and wik.-dlj false, nml that Vhe888C repeat*« it alter thin notice will be a willi'''' '¦*'*r' \\. Ü i art "auuiit that tbo Stutl»«rii p* «»p'«* ara alteaatad imm Iba UaiaM." Oa tate siterarjTg wa iii-iat that a iraal majun!) if tinta uro tin-* la} devoted to the UsfaM. W8 pr*.te«ti it-, liast BaantlBg aabj traitor« "peop!-)** und ebbniag bgal Untentrte ss mere rinMeB if traitera, PaBeanad aud violence may bava lillBBtel n iii.ijt.rity «>!' the Whites of the South »rom tin* ihg of tb-.r lather»*; bit there is «hil a clear Union m«ij«»rity lu 8888} iSUtc. l»eiiy it tor j«»ureelf i' )«--> w'"¡ aWl ¡«I*** in«, (abeteed that fBI fBaBBBB ktjtvt» ««<» JOH»

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1862-08-29 …...Wehave atenea netlebeamong Ibe «uri i-t...

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1862-08-29 …...Wehave atenea netlebeamong Ibe «uri i-t eonmintatefa on i. Bbwjüui's jaat pub-¡iikrd diapatt h le Mr. Chattet Praam

3fó*o32«kïtofl«- *Í«riJ»iaFBIUAT. AUGUST SB, 186*-'.

Among Hie Pine«.To Trim ».i » 'in* .To enable our sshscribers

RaURa "A-'"«..-: .».».'»t . i w rato wa nSInedS-Capta« o St fi '¦ . . ti tiy a*mam,RC»t»ea -« p ad- ¦*'. "" II t y es] a a

II Cool a .*¦> .«.paid-S« '"'l! t-r-i'"«-«».lARa K .. I-' Bw B-et,Bw i«*

.i....-/. sine* rah» tiMcr cat ka M »i Awnvwni Caawmmhatiam.

niiBi.ttr ».-.-« ...i u .. ,-i.on in-ill»" «atoaeSMiedgj t ,t Mi,», i m ..--»: traniBM BRBinraith ior

ME ¦¦¦»'¦ r '"" :' ''

|Ranean nee" ... ..i*-. i. MM neiBwntnlAl: lett.-a W «WM RSSSl 0» WRWWl 1«

lae lan m»." >-.».) or«.


Till*. AVAR.

«.The*KdbeCnnnhataanergdka qui«'-»: w.ikoftefatel rag BBtotn, i' < rim-lit liowen raatertey aoti«lied (.¡«v. Margin thai me .'vet two NgfaBSBR of theMcivpoUma Bngaoe wete ready Mt oititi*. The.«e«oi."id ti¦..Y ¦¦ .1 vv .» meed in two Ree.S TheCannanian i* i v, a nnaneadlhe ergenitatkn <dMaa more re^iiintu«. 'li. I an ly Aid Fund rabalby lliet'i titi..¦.».ni-i ti» >$3t).QU0, and 1* constantly auu

ggsgüagi ihbwill eawt'lled bj the eratriha raidBYjjmg bom ii« Poiiee DeparRsssies ihe tete«SepteB.MTa .

. iStiiie B|gl t i» a very li »ely gj o»; »till «.tullin):ghsaadte Ihe bMthen Itaatademeya Mr. Boato,the bliKti-ti irs y i« ventor of re tel iut ion billa, tollsJeir, itu.l Le Btaat eel ran»«« men by gent «a' con » rip«i.oii, b n ie mn ."> the »tate» til.* v. ik Y getttag «Ut

the san wi *» "'. »v .on .»i ptioaby theCrabd t i

affair won: ! t- nott m lera ian an act of nil :ydea-}«.i it ii., ami F '.:.¦ i« o: ; vii to dsspolfasa.w ! cnit geSM hi« ox.

LtaaL-CeanBaaa-r Ban " of Ibe Br »1 lyn Nevy-Y.inl ¡«on in..i by Court-Mart al tar conetractivetreaeou- Li» main afleaae beta .'. a» alleged, orderingtbewoYiiuu ..t «ne B.a*ry*"feld, while aa the wayto tue m.i&ê nrattog ai CnRa B iare, le groan tintbt) Ah« -U'ioUiei». I -iii»

ia', bal, but I rilli tia «.''.'¦ BUT! 1.

Lrabi Bin li«| iahet w* lha Ora. B. W. Jahn*i... » -, .v.»- u' . inn i. .:

ila i ««i Ubi» hw Bean paroled 11 »i b t ar¬

med at Leaw-vi le. In the ragt Aenef,SSVten waa th» billed «R ¡KI v .iü..!"<i BabaIBhiBsd and Mnoanded. Mm ia had 1,800ana,iii. j ...luiv «ni .ni.-. Hvii Bwnated.

if li. bel lei-ofo eaa ha belbved, Venn tean« w (li rom ot Ni.rüi C«r. !:na- nil r.;«l t I r

.'eil. Bnvbj ba m inputted to have said, ia an mau-

aaral addtoaa, ft the peopb of Berth Carolina¦Wl "rai..! by tbsG v. rum-nt tint.I lha ¡..¡st vtr-

¡ÍKc i'i Hu .i.ti-'in ia .luven lioni t..e «.jil. Doestin» tu!.;'; i-j.ii me i_-i.iv i rj !

.A dtapnich ii «au W'turhiagtou Matea ha: theitebe'e ¡.ave captured lue dca I '. »oyot «ien. Bl Mea.The weah aw >.o..c ny grarrilba while tin bodywa-, «a tue way id BTaRw :'. a, attended only byali ... a iry gawrie in» a. I ..» worthy ol thewict; ¦ a .' ! tiioruied it.

.Btabawad nape:« eanpbte ihaf fbeie ar. *:., I« n,Ue tie tvailor (Yveruiiit-iiij in the SSBCtal Depart*neill», and .t Ale« i'htn wa« iilw.iy» ngubrlyana vet;, pronipii] lutanaedof tie teteatbari i .<¦

Ccni.-dtante Qoverniuenle No sra -»vould «ver harent*p .»'!..I it hu. lot lum le Vila .on.

\i: iniej-i;. ti r a Dickinaoa Iragtaenhisopis*i'ou, tiiat bwy«n .t««- «ioi MMBpl from d aft laanawau Hail p.o» u*on. ihaj a ¦ n .' judicialoBeotB. I«aunt ave reqa ted » Inga nnawH ot knpadanw MLive »u .ve »ed lue iduu.

-An andm a in ww i « rth1 m i «tell n BeRrabri NY1''- "t »v "'i -M. »''.il Fnm ral nade i

aneeehb laver oi li n :¦¦ paitan ratee bol -n 1;: r ::.'.- Beleeliion. ii« via» m-sr -tv. ni lyweil "i ici anti bj p audi <l.

(i « aiuin '.le-eiiir- (Urabi lull detail« of a maiby tb»- BeheB agra Baaaaani «I n t law bjeight» .'i« «.t «un baraiy i uitun ann elan ly tera

bra have «deae» wc pRta lhaiwdn dhacriy.o .io ,t-/er».iU tim ure' pn.'oo: lui-pa tier.

.-Y.i. Ii- n«-o;c! nperta thal whsa hs panediiiiou BtahnMtid on tea Hth, le as add ihn»hm» Weir »till «I'«»» I io a 'a.- MBit Bell«Usad. W tie" «¡«i ne Be . h .¦

II!.n le hw rawed ! 1,00 oui R b«58,0 I r ! «- t «ee. ti., Vi;,- liiW Ui

m draft then, ra toa ethel <3,W». v. i.i not be ]>u¿vva'.-liL«..

.Lahti'ond papata an R pan en!.! a to ihtwheaanbanl R G«-u. MciY nut. Tray a:e analone ni their iuy-t leaden»

<.1 E»\ K KA!» N E \VS..Ano'her BSBSB WW bsBBRl Bad SbUBBB pssh ¦"-

day in Bteuhlya ly a party < t a Rta gi attanea whonarai ¦.: I t< i lha CoM] labal lYilroud. 'ino

Bggro :. be scape, aad t: i arhita gsatbneawt te .'. Urara, sohl follows, how pi adti.ty .»i bel -i toaár ahtasBaw exploit. Theilwar-cr;. BpiM the :,reit NSRl vii:» '(¡ve ti.t

¡derb ssa g a sah I" it i« i te regretted ibu»be win,l baa ii"t the Ln.«»i o: ss_.ring the Baans<¦! lilli- noble lii'Tl.

.Il-iii« ¡- bautaal noll.tar of prejudices The¦* m i-'L- P. ¡iioiie.t c Umbra of Kb ( ount] ive

baited ian haletait and ara going M tot ¡he ).-, lb ofa_be sheaMsr le RnnMar.bsB the asadidstas b belalee ban the Bate tt, aad I 'Al from the «o»-uin_ t

bjrslin .

Layáis Capóleos wae Bang teBidiRMadatew«» »..» fot < CsstedanU TicwanNeb If les eonatorfrita werasus heiter epeefawM<i pristlag »I an ibe or,..:.: la, one lui. ht alrnoit kuyhe ti« rat Y- ! i*.

.Tl.«. 7:h Beginns, N". t.« t-A Quwd. ef t! fa «¡ty, m Bel Base B intern irom the war. at BBUUl |ga'deektste aanteg. ThsylsÉ BaBfaaoraahonl i¡-. m. yt«; i day.

A eanUR ... the city r.l |gg Vr»; fal I BM ( rd« a

po; telba odBMXNe, BSJBSRR n^W| faal yeut-a BaiiiUhj j ¦. «int.

BTATB ok -rmc m v m___._>,.The «maiktt wa.i dull, hut », until toa t-.ilI ol

¦BM BBW le luvab.. lifBii.e.« ti d lit« -»re ,»

fclSilett Tfcet.o... ni tam »ni Tre»e rj RSloRi.ei- ...

enuirt.iii ¡..«lip ,e. Ra_»aeetgi nBB th« aangRn »f ntUi Laiiiiu. a. na s f nW tatra H taR "fi- »i fur ¡ .

., jW hi coouoii». 1.1 i ,i|o-ia at.«.-. iv .1 .1 t;. xt

ne** RRnReBaanhM Mi autewu a»Bb malj . tr»:et-aeii.n (,, .1 «a iii, j hu. t, ,n»l-idv«!,"-. ar d ile« of torseRSMSB, e ..a. d ut ii v gil s A«:.e <-- .i IBewdRBMart WM.Iiltlr oB oi. lim n.uioi» iii It«(.-t ii to M«ni»».v.i »e,,iWtp'ii.e. ,,,,.. MaBaeaa ORiwn.wee^eaQ1«|«AIIH Attbr ciW «har. w»» irthrr a vteik feevjitc li,>oral|B hit;« th« ui.ikri i« I ia», |,.j- r,«.; pppg », -¡te M. ,r

tt kMMj, titi innB J »i» The MRnaa of t. B u I*»m. BeaRgR »uti).,«,7 >¦. fro,., cra n » | 01».».u, ai.M7.wt40, guana BARMtoa na ktaway.»arkat cooliBua. u lator torrb«rr. Ibe btigt BSWHl ofMswai ngiril bn naaanbRI io bar.»» «.,j rRn iamut.tle». fort». Ra Una gR _..,let M ,tlldtr, ^ ,,. ttUa .f.a'arait. Tbe eor.n.t rat« ob f.toiUa collataraii ire ÎK, g¦ |,romi,,Bib«.UM»«pp:riut un, *._,. MRene-l

j et .tat F »eui. Iba iuhi u»u»tta byM u« «a.aa¡«i

hu bren »e'ive There MB be, u » «rod kogtaaBBJ fof

I «estol !*. for fh-Bn » i"i « tot;, ra atara of a> eeai.

(»md tanban gaM »uni i_-»*ir .*- MtftJllH »hich ii better.

.The demand («r ihipi.tut b ***»* limited. lu UMti a demand hu been larf. «ml 'b' unket Ter}

Li., .-'in r of ile lnuki are tararitoj to«**ir idle

fn'idt in Ihr*«* No1«. The aal'-» hire been M

im}. Iiidabu.di.rii fartihr»te« are it. ..!> at 9-«if-/í»9*;Tbe lot» «/».de« m" Wt-.terii mu Stat« Vi' »ir In bein .- n

,_. ei*' r the nu.ri fivorihlti print* ndvicei from i the u ark*« fa tinner, BfBSS hiBBdi «re »I »iiv and in betterdtDisnil, il «i "f î.'i.tuO hb.i. C»"i»du_i ii in hatter rle.-i.utd,'i.d fi'inrr. Southern ii mere active, aiid the low «ride» are

t -.- lire I 'our i» firmer and ia reg ml «ale» of .''-i1

bhli ( oin Mail U «carre and firB). U billy li lu fair de-main! and (la tnariet ii f »mer. »Vhan( ii more «r-lire. »*.dtottel foi prime. ii ..: mi W'lieru. are le»» aei.«hiMl ard he«»/ ; tie i»'-» ranch 22D,.'iKi buibeli.H«rlej ii icu.-e lad pr.n-i roi,,;«!. I silt y ln»lt ii. i.o irtrt-e and Bonah.»I. (lau :-» fanier aud In |0odt't-it *-<J. Rte -I» in lubt nippy, and ti b'n. i'ti:n i« la¡ deinutd f. r ihn ttai'ir ami ihijiicr«, gad ii bel¬ter. Pt-tlt I« «eil itiftpiied. and i» lit.ti lol Matt, but iii 11 >

bl Prig e, the li ipiiry i« hit, Bari ii iteiij -p. J In Mt »e-

,i|ua.' He. llaiai-urd Hecor. are quiet l'ut Meati ire u

B Lie, «ntl tiru Lrnl ii hrm. eoti wine. E ,«-er and « h ¦< le

aie lim »iii 'n ttilr i, ip.e.t

Wa give this morning lb«* particulars of an

attack apea Mañanas Jnaetioa by Stuart'sBabel cavalry, which rc-nltt ti ia Ibe rapture ofu of l ullin priaeaen and the daatrae*'non «*1 ¡i larga amount «>f prop'rty. Thisseeartad aa Taeoiaj »night; Ibata were but

abate Iwa aasjpaaate ot our troop.*, at theJunction. Aller a brief skirnin-h tbey Bed,and tin* Hebe!» turned Ibaif Runs upontbem, 1881 ospiurin2 nearly the arl d?

'party. Ia the mun. tig a -*!;ar|» Moflidin k ,'.at.« batweea ti«** Jaaettea and BallKun. winn our troop« »li-, ii

goring Ihe rinn beth antee taft red eeaafalera«li, ¡n the«» tkiruiiabe« and battle«, but |ewhat eitent i> Bet known. Th** Hebe'.-* baldths pontoon, where Uray <l*-.-«tr«»)...! a Bennetof trains luednd witk pn-vi-ion», mMi th*'car.«,lecotootivca, and other property. Tb8M ur*'

the fuel« iu brief. What kappewod afterward¡« lett to i-oiiji ¡atare. From Bring Leaid on

I'liuriilay nerang, it WM Mnatieed that Gea.l'ope had attaaked the Cebe:» MBnwtaeia ka*youd -deaasaas, 'lhere «i:«l not .-.««tu tti be

di,y probability thal lha Bate la IBtraded t(» I*'-

ma.'i at Ino Jmettea, a:ul it i» b. I'.'V'-il thaltbep bril almost a« epeeddp ¡i« the** eaas*.

coi. Miii'.Ki) io ii ittirr:.We have atenea net le be among Ibe «uri i -t

eonmintatefa on <.*>i. Bbwjüui's jaat pub-¡iikrd diapatt h le Mr. Chattet Praam«'lerriiiü thal other»; »-!.«»nUl precede BS in de*reioftaa und praeteaaiag ¡te n al rigstficaace.Th«* raliag l'.ri!i»h bath a thal tha AmericanPremier. to weera, wtaUe Ihoj «Jeoj the steedof stateenaasbiB, tataep geoenins»* accord that

af otereraeM a» a wrt'-r of dttpatches.wooldn ixe th*' «-ai!.«*»! opportanity aBonled bun bj t_c

app .rt'ii'.ly IniUBghaBl program ol «nu' ni'ius terat taootioglj to Lean Bepoleoa au>l falanr-

,»ion, «'There! jon bm kan y ur Cealeeeretewrottgéh arts gettlBf <*n '.do*-« bun injusticenot likeiy lo |:a:n cirreucy BB tl.> c(»iriii» ut.

That (i*iv. S. ha* been cn ladéateloBl lut.:."'!

ary, M mit* Will «linv; but we du BOt beliergka 111»* awi wnt.iii u dispatch rave under ti..-

proseare of a ooaviottoo ti at dut) repaired it-

This uew diipatt-b, tutu, bud u pur|to_».«»m«\erj obvious to all who look b*-inatli ti»«- mir-

(ace, )*t one winch wo aboM to bav«. lint

P'Oiiit.'d out ntt'l etiiphai-i/ed ebewbeN iii

The Tiuiumy

T'r If, Ki Tïmei tîjus eaaUoaalp, and v. ithDeedkn circuiiiiocuiiiin, iadieeles tBMperp.v » « il t 4th* Nsttaaal

Qstaiasim sad Ile 8« . Stttard asaras btsttosab.;¦ t ri -¦ i- ItattBa wat wah all totten«»ft hut « -|iii «thin <¦: tune, li ti-wnr I'll MSItaaS in

d-ii :;..), tai Le .: awi tow,BTCB - I «. ti ¦. tadaeUial.a -»in t!.e .-.a It, ... ' i- »

Bil Bri ..' y ai l latea :.;.!.. ki. 1 ir

(.OVtll. I Stat. *: )Iil»lid bj- I I. t a- ¦.. 1 r tia- | nrral »ii

toe, sdagta s galley «brtaaad st sara Is ».»» la« uioa sad.

. .-.'..¦: .- i.. .:¦ «i i««in.! r Msritegl v.Mb M . ¦.

!¦- -i - Um fioui .--i»ti.v -1 --. » at. krait ta i«--» « t -1.

a. / -e n ... ¿- f ¡ .1. ,

la at p .» i y la «P« «a u.-1 ie .:. la» -.. f ..

' f

7/1» gas _iur<- bluntly MBtol ti" MBN ob-rteat truth:" Tharno.t r« rnark»!« f r"»-t rf Mr Tam . '-" li 1 ..

i- ti -ii.iii.i n pri ting MiT-rj Ha ii...- | ,.

i » itoiBBleaasari UM ¦*¦..-. A ti iai ¦:!

¦" .; i-i e'Hit

IsagsagBlasSeri b I t KmoongatUnwM ¦- ». in.'¦I »»ty.i lllfnral.ieii, »i.J IBS] ¡«'. ta-e I'.mt:

li ti.' .a D «ir i pri,: ,i. .«' "

The tirrill wi«eiy abstslns fr»ni cornmeal on

Itbedispetch, «tul 7A- n,raid riar mm tbegirl ol it m tLr (ollowiu^'.in', v. .

Bm [..-tit i- laieijiiy tappreaaad:I .. a .t.i .uin, , t, t,,.

¦bri u M i« Mi BattartPsrar titbm Alli m " i ». - i- y, | ¦.--**rj . r**1 Tttriaiirit..".!»» rtategnd M Ms ¦".-!¦¦ is Mribsi «.v..-live»:, sal toaMM d»i »an «¡lir«, we« «ia it fio-n ti..

»ituhiiige'iou ni '.via wir. 'ila. « iltti r-r I i» Stfl m .. yi.i oTMiuunar oí (ie 'i tl''jilur itieil, hut ml,nile

«b1 n* t¡.i-1., nu; -I » a or! i,' is if fallj ii sataftdla «

I .-. lWar,'BSM niiiy al ,.,' re M m «ti Battrai] SSW..- -it letnd aainmerie bW.-eeit the Tuite 1 M»iet

¦adsUtarrigt BBtlsaa1 (to em boten Mlewi tastltaMjih»t, »i tut» (i.rit n te.-n'.t t.'the'Veiu-iB a'.i ii of i I opi-i i 11 all »-n i .ait . a ,j SeatastB baet «« only »ie»«.'....u ». nía ibi a-ari .-.ton at the tie! :« tai cbbm ibeaMt" -, -n ii tie re»| t -t li I SB tal * 9f»ti it Oil I Hv" .'ii-

t «rneil "

.all wbiph tv ill nut «-uiiveal htm tho eirilizedvst'il I, though it aay l.oui lhe r«ad*re ol Ihr,i/hniid, tbe ¡act that Coi. Seward, na the...tticiai axgoaaal t«* I'*»r*igti Ptraan af Preei*|dent Llaeate'l piliey, hu* b««*t! ini|H-ile*l f«»

imtiiy these Var- thal aap ititerveutiea o:i

tin ir -art <m behell of the Rebel! will tureljbe eaaatarviill«¦.' bj a poclamatiea af ! randomto the Blayas af iLo*'j Rebels] naj, ihai, er«*aj¡n the abeeaae al «'¡cb iatervaattea, oaetiaaliparauiaBoe .u their Kebelliea by the »-eathersfiuiior« uni) aaaatcaia the PiesJdaal te eripidathem by emMrapating theil «lav---.Qov< Seward has asea regardai a.* tLut!

«¡..¡über of th-c»bin* t who bai mrat earaeetty.eBectivelj re ¡*t.*l the policy ol' FiBsanniatiaa'The fact that, while h<- «Idl «l*-juur» to its mi-,médiat.: j»ru( Beal adoaBeaj, be itaadilp oaataas.plate« it a« u pructn-ii!, Jasliflabb^ nuJ pntha*bl*« ra .r.-.i-i.., ne guwi eeaw te IfBareaa teterfcrai in aebslfof tbe Rebels, aad

Igtey b*« for'-e'l te area ka the afrtsacs <n" lacbBMrtdHnf ii of Immense rignidessea. Go».**e»vard hera avowi tes sara perteet eaaaax-lreu. «in Ibagjsarral aaavisttea that to gre««l.uui i.iiiaiinptin.u i. tin- »horttat mid Mia«way to eud Mat RakaHna. Ile aiiriiik« IrmnBteiaBsf il as yet, befievte| that are «an me-1«.».<d wiihout; but, waaaeveaeaaviaeedthal ne

cannot, be, but», n for Kiiinn.'ipulii.ii.ilia it uo ¡»eculuir **->iUivvu. Mouths aj_.o,

alien t!.«1 peril of inter»iMitioD wm imminent,g b^h Naval officer of ¡Southern birth and

breeding, but it Knion'st to the cor", wai

,a«ked, " What if Franco and Kiifcland take| the part of tht» liebelt '" " We »ball «tart g

million men I rom the Potomac," wat hi» readyreply, "with two million uaiiíkett», glrteg BBB

to every necro wo meet; and two months will«co the end of the Kebellion.".ilut han (iov. .Seward « digp::tcli none other

than a moral value It ha«. It bus alreadyaleempeBei a Mratogig movement.(which «>f

eesgte i« not an advance).on the part of

j the general dabbler in ether people*! inesce«

temporarily gBthfBBai in th« Tuilerie». It i«BnterioBS that Laafa Napoleon ha« tor iin.i.ttR

11»«'**n plotting a concerted ieessaetrattea auain»tua. He haü .«xtiau-teil hu arti of cajolery on

Iin«»i.: arul her iinal IBgBSBM h u formal dec¬laration, through this ofiicial ih tatarakwtg

\ (itr.ettt, that litmia i» very anxious for peae«-in Anciicn, but dreire» to »re it ellicU-dthrough reconciliation and reunion, not tliroughthe triumph of -Secoi-i-ion and troa-nn. He ha«

'donn his heel lo win Bastea! to hi« view»,

j yet tbu Qseaa it firmly, earaasBy our

triend, whilo I'aluer-ton, though bt

»curcely alieet« to emit eal hu hatred for Bl¡c.ted hu anxiety for our «lovvnfa'.l, i* only <."!.-

I: run J in hu1 cm vichen that our doutent ie

«jiiarrel i« a reinarkui'ly nice bu«iut'í« t»» kssfout of. Tiiullv, Qa?, Seward'» dispatch.which b:n» of MBISe heen Known to the Crenel)

Fiapinitr fur irrnts hoe salistol area turn thalIm will burn his lagan by atteasattes, to pulltbe Confederates' rbeatniita out ol The liri«,»iiiie»! he lir-l binds IBBR iv. ¡neibly ti» BhabalSluveiy. II;«» c1; «I ja-inn-jii und i>.ui,phlet. r.

Ma de la Osanaatare.arse La» as aflea lena"JBlpired" te iiiuicnt«) the path win. b UR I s

parai lae «rrauhrel to tread.ia hi« now jour¬nal. Lo fVaaw, Baste the Aawi ifbo ¦aseetioiin a mopf etehssate and aslaaeSive article,riiunni'; Ihrnugl tiree Nee., wherein le *«¦>

B ! uhitnrr n.aV to toa "al el-.--» vi- lal U»

.aanlHn n » 11« ' l» ' ""¦ '"' »*t"i«»- -j " a ¦" "f I .'¦«

i» Ufa ». !.. it aaa .-.!"¦» ..' . ....

the pabl.r n -.a i- ia .¦'e<.i'i

iv lllipeiHBl tu diaaipate». /- ¦».»»..'.. »ri.reiii,, e m ¦¦¦¦<

far ie, I-;,»' ele-i, ' »V- «aBf« .' Ike >,. t ee .e.e. «" "a ¦!

I rent ht, i,dei ,n fir j ¡Al .¦-. ., li r-.y i. ,.».

... te,l,i: .¦! . .". Al ¦! levi lie"

ile i, i.f.lie»! I»- D. ile, »li «| ;¦¦ t lb« .>¦ ». of ti'»Y,r,.,t le.»,' eel ll.Ii.j. .» I.. «I .Ir »» I .r «.

r -,- i ...» Ir.' n I ¡I "» I All I" /-a» 'I i

, .... 1 . l r. I,, ,.. I, -

I, ¦ '¦ I I« OB. lb« »I


... . kef eui terra. ¦-......-,

.-.,,... i u ¦. .-

- . | » .i «Uli ll.e a»' '». rrul to t-e a'... el li e »- -, l ,»-. |. Ill» I, y

II i.- . ! » e ..

,t.. a.e a avery pi.... . . . .

«rootaatl ... trp t.» i.) i -

,,. li e bia« ¦.

urn.» .el i.tba ti,.-»-.. «. . .<

. . .» .. Bl *.. e t . '¦ ¦' uti v -. .

. l| i a .i-i'i) bM >¦. 1 '«-lr t ti-

.e u-i .1 u 1-, '. 'ii.e l.'l tnnr a. Bat *-.

».- . . o '.'. ... i;

',, ,r ¦ r-..-. a tye keru .

*» r e»'ir,e . ... *. a r i. p. v

. ,',-rii » !¦- el Nil Bal !. '» rul.'i.. Iel lh-.e

.»¦»ei»« pan«i«. » I if n»a« » a« ¡«. -,, . « «« . . »

«r i al .¦ p i .1li. ««

ti j' »vi ill « ., it o i.i .' ,.r ... »an. .:.

. |..( ihr » «

1- II'I >.« e-.ttl f li'" Itr . t). ii........ . .".:..» trama Maa label

.. . . aad | »*. .'.«.'-¦ .. Of :¦ .»,-..,, .. ,

b»t'b»i» e- »»et« i» I | ¦ il a . >-

a.,.1/11. aa i- weal li «....»..

..¦! ...... r.

rreMifa I .. »i ¦. u I« .-i - - . » .

Sa »tie! Vv . !,.,.. ii,- . ¦ .«..,,..,

..i u.« paka I u 1- »»'I in.» '. ». -

.Lee l,.r Í .. ie r, .» >'., Una... .....

.. Ile «a»,ul.l. lier f.

.- - »... re

».,!..«I li' I 1» I li"r ; l»r: »| I Will b«te.,.le. ¡ 'I » -.. . ' .

.........v..|»|.«t li«« ..' Ilj »ellie, I r


. ¦.-<"

..» I.

-..».« te »ub I It.r | e .

I . i n la ...» .in. .. e »i ru ' . »» .

V ... ...

.. -r -. :. - .¦¦'¦:- e . ,.

-. n .»..-.¦ . peW a .* . I,. p a »d.

.All th.« i« dear and ut in . slahtee TheBel Is hie '".. Í« t r«¦' ogo lira sod deiVflitlon. ."»i.iii ii, theil ub »t ,l)t!i|ii.«., fo).low.-d I.«.ni« Napobna t»a Iii pri ..t,- latr.-at at

Vnbj i«, peaw tt-ir «uit. I he aver] «>:..« i

M r e«.-;« bi ,\ ,, ,-t« that

thej an* not fcgbtiag loi ."-Iav-r., lal t"r

Iiiui- ..¦..«I. ae.' ami I ru« l .¡iile. N'apaieoa! leads Ihe easr) tari he rerj shr»»wdlj

..1«- a, ¡I I I.i i/ tu t Rterl t.< own thal

i.*.«> ;.r.- Rghtiag for Blav-ry, in eau*! aflhrdBight f.«r it, in« Biattol under » » i. I.I- r-

tege. 'M> poad Bin,*1 »a«» lha pal t»-

i i> m 1,man, through lu» Bwrcdilnd tpaheauwa,.I lefaeva you' Tea are bR i .«ti di* i..r

.«-lavery, but I» r inli pcii-i.-ne, free true!.«, niid

all »«it ol ti. eg. Bal I have terene raee!»» aeraaioually.»andti, .« bBuwi m hluaara who leaaal tee l'an-,baurg «'i. An*«.m da al aadai teal jourAui-i.i'üi ol Deiiuicrai y wbub Billilli»

ever; iiian» bsliassbb n«bt to lamp In« own

nigger. Biaec slav, r- i- n.itt.itig t.» >ou tart a

liici1 des! le n.', )oii w n bave t.. ahslRh iilafoea 1 can take ,i »lep in y.uir b.-ualt.Such i». in ¦hrief, Lnafa Napateua's ortsealaltitud«- lui*.ar.l tin- BehcÜBiB, und no thinktjov. Beward't liapatel ban had rasae inili-'.:«'¦ m i isdarlag .t.


W'«H I»> i «i nal» : 1

Aii'ii.M «.vu I.-..I« 11.11 Uanaa_»'i «»w'b ;.u ..«. .1., _.. ti, MB )

I Ol 11 Bo. hu i. II .. r - BaL*'¡.n H.,1,1.1 rae« - ."»1 iloi i| .¦ rmj'titeiemea\

a B.... .a' 1 a.e 1 - a 1 .1)1 Mirilb r 1 1 1. ,,.,

I«. 1 » ie«!..,: Ill» ri«,, . ...1. .1i'i. II lUSltrr« I.l-rl,. el,,» . uelealre I

lleA ., Ti, (..ur.-m ,11,: lb. I i.a ij.-v me. M i» fu.e.l« «

.x1 rr «ti«l ». ,1. 1 t .,1 Ita ol! rai.

m. et. .ia «eaettaa m d i ,. nu- Ml la lb« (tarerai ¦ 1

«ella r .1.1 BL. e,l lr| ,|-llii|« «uni ,rln,-. al«' eel. Be« Ililli li«.nie .a..j.»!'.1. ni ., u - m, e u¡ ratall '.' a bi al.ii«I :. vr.i ifal ii l.-jii -.I'ihiOrient TbalRtJ '-<n II« in aad Bril C.-n |-t.- -,»

IO llelljer hel'l 111,li l'p»l.d «« ¡. billi .' I ,|arana. Me,I laBeatlawei .«a tia MM avaoiot thacp'.'IMl'l v » M H'«t eel ssy I,111 I .ll,i,,l« i.,.-J

eli r ii,v.'jyi«! la «lau. i.,. ,.1 1 ai. :, t .,,.,

.ei I, a .. mi»! iv »n ii. ii ie ,.1 1,

le f «tl'rli U I II* '"rr 1 Wet, Lui hi ni V ., ., ,

!,., rin it .1. H a !. nu » . II Hue «titi | ,.¦ . I .. ,, ,.

Mea* aiay aardw. Hy . ni .. COOfl li,[Ot .u J Ai'iuliut aau lu-i- lum,

. Ireii-ofi lag tlih« l-ftr.'i]«.¦! it*¡ w.-tk pointill it« «flraah. ItteiaptS toe«.«er it. 'lim a:,nv.ilIt, .Id!. Dan« A ( ¦>. ot the mortal terror

wLerewi!') tie net of Osas. Hunter aad Phelpslia« ¡aSpilBd l'em i« act» li.oat ion.

'i'i.a tine;»* to haagGeaOe Quater aad Phehali» I--.> a».winn tb«*y »ball have been captured.¡A ¡m utter Bafaaea of the lang af war.

Thaag fsaarah lmv»- n ¡«erfoct nyht, m geeerdance with tbo-.-« laws, to oi^aivre and arm

loyal liliick«. Hat Lee, nnd .John-ton,and «MagraBar, and ('oopor, ii».ii tim otlnatraitors v, Uo dci-Jil«. «i kum i«u »tuiy ol the I

United State*- to lend the.r iwordi to the !?.*.

hellion, aro .«.ver/ one of them liable, I»; t.,o

lawi of war, td IBB pH'-il.y which they un-

¦justifiably deaeeaSM W..'*""--' lliii.tor and Phelps.! ney are traitor*» to CIllWBBBial find

country-Hunter and F-le'V9 *T* I,,,t* .'*'*

them beware how tbey iow b*wp. for no one

km«.vi who uni) wear the prod "'l*. í

ALBANY Oll-M -BB.Hy the grace of our preat nt *' I.cpii.M.pafi

«lnd " l.'ninn" State Officer*, wo htive a ttujfremarkable .Suite Caper ut Alban). Il u knownat The /.'ren »/»,-,- Journal ; and every time its

vatotaa Editai deliver** ktaaealf, there ¡4 a gea*eral chuckle of approval Imtii the v.hil** ShamIleamcMtic, RebcUiyinpstliifJaf l're-t lr«iin

Maine to Minnesota 77»c riBeaf ArgtU ap¬prove« ko rej-ularl) and ho hfiutily that it i*

difficult te realize that the only " tie thatlund*»" th**ie congenial »oui« i« their n,utiiHl de-votioa to the management of the Central i iaroad. Tim« ara lad ¡u The Argea «>f Tai dapthe tolluwiuf" "firtt rate notice ' ol the preced¬ing Utterance of The Journal i

A Baaaensa rasa mBwBTQrisvaa ltaa««aiwe-lu .r f I; . J ia el in I»-' e «rp. .'. «. im en.i h'';i i ,.,» Li. ..i» n «i i,»r*v five y itu ii lu I' I n0 (»'*

pre .> '.i arar, and njidi» (basasen »t«e Ahiiiiuiui iaaaiaga An. BJ ol lui ij und BJ i. u Man ile« 'i'l.i« Btrillt. I«"-

t I //I- J,u tout i- lllin-lv. Maa WS«! '«* ia.» latin. 1»L Bel rill »» mu.! ¦' uni h ..Jj ne' i|. .ely SB IBS ('. n-tl-(.,tpui .!,,(:..' (ha Ten mai ( a Lir'i 1 - (vti.e' . » Iu. ni we uiii.t lan elf n lo the Lui.I lila»! iel el «I! «V .'.lu .«Jil

.-.,'. VV t «ia; til I WS BBW tato ttStO gtlSHSBII r... | »i.,, nd wear« gratBfad (-- .a« . i spat ¦«! tb« iii' a ni rita jrmnot mm* ib» gtsnlte n¡ nal*, ato -sidiy

a-illei a ni flin lilli 'he llfM On I lie p.tfn of li e I

MSMIBB ani 18a I nt-iii »» WS l-l» I -i A lo -lei.') e. ti »el-

BM Bil v-iii. mi >'.i d .nib u.. . .1 »ti'iial» lu lepiitild theti-, n -it >il> I.... Alni il»i. ilni| und ..: ; t

tiifir. rittetj Msetdi MfaL".The cita ion Ben lhe Journal's leader

Wul.-ii teBoBfg eadJartiltei tbi*» pansgpris i« m

follows:In nil rni« I *i Of -'I I« BBSf rttaBStoSSl p-'il.:ii*n

aba » -p «at el ia» «ttity igniuirittt aeaB ta sMibi tad le

tJiviiVe le |» i ia ia I . I ..» -. Ile luir-iu e.t. ot lum'-

lag for««rd theil Has I Baa. Tbaeai -, I.. Letten sad ia-ime... i. i.t.jr d'« . .i«: . t« iii- r--i « . Te'r

fal v. ..u li «« -n ii r »ii -,.t«d, .n it »te ti- BSg«» «to ».'¦- .., !l «i. a ti.» i'- If - IY i. e .! l! Ill ttli-i.

/ le ..¦. ) ia» ein. »i led, »lil lie...i.i ra tarit« M.'tvii.i'« lit''-i« »Li. ii. ti.« Csstast«1 ni tn i, i.t Nee ",ll U l«tlou.

" lu lu Hil ii « U ill. IM ' '!..» tr-l tfta »'H' ilnail »ti,, . y ... ,'.i » »va . er i.e. ., u... III... i 1.1 tiimu« a»d I. Aa n ti. Bera ! - v» la ti I 'ait 'b , lot Ut».«al .-Il Va liai ill-l 111 ¦. r,tt. IS

I r -»r.» tto* '" I - '..'.(".*

l» tti fl'ri.d, til l8« '*.*.'.!. Ita »» blu .- \ -,-... ir « :. . 'i.... n: u '- eva« «nui

t. at li. Ii »«. ii II lad IBU U« ¦.' .»a ,, li¬

ai.ii i..... BM .. ni oi«.. ne tarni ». alert lieg um

li..-. V.i li. ia eil. if. »1,1. Ile

II.,ti UM .ipili I. ti »' li ii Ii ¦¦ 1 .

....» a .1 i.i. i- .i i.l. »¦'

it Biblia« « »', t v ..»

t...»»ri.,l. I a I a. lit.I J Uti .«.- Il »n. p**'.¦t. :.¦ .I li !.. «.. .- » ....

... ..¦.:> IM I- . ¡StMS uni -' 'I -» ItleS périma el lbs Jttrmmt'i srtidc whickefB Äffet ilo.:« nut »I- »-i-i worth] el qatitatmst» m.i, a foiiiuiei uutioii «I Mr. TberiewWeeda BBCalJM and ultu i-t SBCteSÍre f.light,tagscitj and |>_tr «»ti-m. in knvittg, «Ivnii- the

\\ inter ot l-lá'-l, Blgcd th»' K.-publirun« to

.apport the -i».t-aii) .1 " < «ritteadee Cempremmr«Min by -iaverj «n« te se Mtabbeaed, kj> eaactaaari <.! Coegrrm, ia all primal and

tetera IViutnru-« *«t Ike United Btales, snath..i lbs pandltl ni 36 Sf, Is «-ihi-r werds, lbsIfeesklnase, kavtaaj ju»t aehteeed Ibeir lint

Bétonnai triaMpb, wen arged t*> aauVe eeeeee»

a niit te .""-laver) tal..cb ha*l beru Successful!Ji.- led und (i< lestral tl.rntn'h ull the prei «u ii»

)iara of I »rino« rat ft*, i-cm-nc) and Nalinüiil:..tessa i-nt at lae tarni rt Isa Ma»* CowerIl.lll iin,i eau.Hi Weald have ttauip« d tl.e lie

p .blicaii a»ieiiden.*) lroui the t'.art a« themort unprincipled gt.d (¦ that any free

peepB bud ever koM dunlin ii to cl.dure, itWeald not Hit-rely have CTariwd pp.'!»alia', r aaa va- tilín ». a» tea m I urti Bad latfdle»LBt.oti: it weald have « n-it«««l a iracral aad

'profesad "li-truit of nil pslitical ptettntsM andpledgra wbatever, I« *i rarprieing tL_t the

. leras <d '/Ac jitiit..ii wa* danrawsd tebit own amnctete ainl pniatedl] cnndeaiead bjiii-iii ly ev.-iy BTgaa "f l.epul'li.-ati IQBlteiral1..en i..-. >iw «.tti» tt-it resetraiasd te deeiereflat, aktlc r. mi) t0 de hi ntim «t foi CoOClll«atina a.. I peece, ka amid art eeamnl to the\\ «'id iniieiiiien rarreader.

/ .io..,:.,.i ena maince that the Btererp*Ipbabl B| p« -..<.> is tua! Wuii'ii u it« maiiie I;

a' ».»I li'-t Stat«' I (l|l'!l!-tll. W .. bllllVI« t">" I..I1

lo I..- j»i at u e cot v. Bern of ear escksugraMere rinpiiiitii'ally condena that paiicj thanlb« YeteriBi I., a, which ia tia. aecrr-ditcdnrgna sf lbs I aieniitt ot Teaaassss. Timt. -Bl mil do.*« hot iii i-.vnrt -a words .'iii lor

an l.ui.ui''¡ ..tioii po.- j, but .:« «.cry iggaa in.*

pitee ila teeta al faute maej other. Be m Dato»wire; ro in Mi mun; an te u great exte t in

M ..i ». ..iiid. We i.uvt« lew ii Bateante m euch

B ti,- s« **»tut-*i thiin have hern counted BBCb|In', what there ure an* MBit* all liium-ipa-li ililli«. 'lull*, ¡tie Cemetidgt liittili-rmcr.i-i,)' ol Ibe lui "i-st ai.d be»t local pagers in iii the l.iv.-t...1.!!¦ . Count» ofDorcbasler, igaaii m it« la*-t Issaa:

Ufa toss sevra d<.iin* ibri tha aw wbhh tt« liebelt'tv»,- basas« .. i »».« iii |-.,ii t.. to «. r ge.iiBl tri} VV r i.i lt.ll.eU Le» |S p ¦. »« ". r tun» lim it »^..I.V. ititi le ala«MaJ 1 v.» .!< lunn .I .au pt,.,;., ,,,.,It I tin y li lhe | »It »f tl.e Li Lela, » wat ni to il n lo 'ItaMssb m. n ff .. a-v i. It 'i.i... .na.: rtorsbs »b«»a ne M wl.p ft .lu» ii . a.r ni .o .¦.!¦ m TStf« 1rs Stitt Bit«... ti.» .-*« u ,i lo r tirrd.i a ii ... («I- k m-i I n, u1, a ,.t.

.le Uhmni le,I. '., <ifi ..' I;. t. ,-,...r,.t ,.(,¦,

yirtr.r.ll.r, at, I.i ... . « I « li » ..»f a !| ttaB«-.ei,tli,|'l..t.f lbs Mi i. Tbt ... ubi f th, Sat. t

;,.» i.rarl I., ,1, »|,)!|..| , -I..,.' ,,l ,,|,,; ti.-» -» tyr«i| ,» i.| ,|'u »i y ul t Agi 11 a nan d liai I. r . », i Bara Baa I bliaI..» mi. m', (.u. ¡.-i lu urtai base It rated ratee MsaeasadUllaali*. I Inr .Mm I.»»» I ... ,i ,i t bold, I bloateiptrn tarir être eytok . v bmmi _tgfti ttt-icitailoB.lta.e I,a.,eva'I 8lstat| M ii. te I ». n a al al- I: ..n..i, l,

a h» ai.i. ti r rabia ka ¦> I" ut m I, ... ra Bil t i.

v,, !.. ti» He a .iilil »| our» ..» pi,. ,. J in lu. i.,,,.., .u,|i"ii'y latani ailgl bebe If fa «., i».i.ih tai aiofiai¦ di. elir . 1 in J ini .,1 «i te h a id dir ne-« a li I till |

t. ft

. .'«I r ... r. ia «ti n baa bri ii ii. It... '-, .

¦« C " ii HI I'J II» .1. I. li I .li.» t. i. I .. i-n. ii parr el ma -.,.,. m -, |i'la »lie I' i.i.i iiii»i ni., .md » . i: . ,|,rll

«»li lill. I.;, tot« I.'«I |rlllii',,l If.- v, ,. J .a-Hi. ,.1.1 »IIB l'i- I « I' p i lb Ul I« .

La mit u re | ». eil » »i> t .:» t-.-iii » mia lion, ». rp,

ur... Mstat eitbel I«, ,i.» ,......,... garti ; > i e. at l»rli li Hi . .. ti li Ul . mr »,,, y.

>" » itara I -«> mp '*' » ''.'.« Bl taSei a. 1 .-. arisra) r . Ii i Bl i li «. L « in .


.. to) 'i.i rligtoiiw! L* Isa lira to aal..¦ r ,ilue e tan ni Beiili-i Bl -| »rilj .nu i, .; n. -i i-nt .,

». !-. .,. ii. it ia al« ra ui [la V. .¦ ,. ..

» .i li 'i' -t uli« m lib T I. "111 li e ia ,i,

»«I I» Illili.!. Vu ti -.1 Tkiheli li .iii! IS, 'i.-X i i ih- i,'re-en It .r »,

¦ttslrtalfb .'iiit.iii« l" ,li «.' . r Ja- V..i h lien til. a ».

!.«. » ela Ha. ... », -n Be lo i li t»..«. i'.rUl el I.'..Hy lot Itali d n.-i «u, ¦. toa bait m lia ni»i. my in ila « ratlewc.n (i.ii'ii vnir.i

L«- toe la «u« «i, ». nail ». i.. «

We inij-'it «piu'e MiLitar iitti-i:t'ii-i*tt fruinmu... athet earaeetlj loyal JnirBah ia IbaBlore .*-tuti*í. Tii.v ¡m- li,i |ba frral ima« <>i

lbs Soiit'icrii ITateaiStl tbef area foe politics!« tobo ui.tlake the a ..« they Iiv«' ii.whsBIB reai»t ti-» the poll, of I iinain-ipai ion.

T'. Jniritul ailllionl-ln» its rcudir« to.* bowan af aaaawB wbteh teach that the n/i*

7rf ni the War n to dc-lroy Mavery." TkitBateassal i« tbaraagtaly dtahsaest, anl ibuatallnot have found place .u n BteCmSSeMj Repabll« juiiinftl. it ih ii K'"*1'1 BBsrsgrassatatiasti iho-r who««: paaitiaa it aBaaapte te »»tate.Ibu otijn.1 ul the Wat ou luo part of talia

Unionittí i« to overthrow the Rebellion and

preserve the intognty of our country. ÖiVuvcryand tbe Slave Power are fighting to den'.*'the Union: we who r«»«i»t thom aro on tbi»

I dateBBba. Wa ask, in the name of the law,thal no Union,it »'«nil henc.-inrth he regardedby the autboritieR of tim Union at the «lave ofa traitor. We cito the law (».ned by Pre«:-dent Lincoln) which authoru.»i ut to make thudemand. Tin» use of an Uxecutive is to «ee

tbat the liw« are BSBsId and obeyed. Alelan*I dei Hamilton (Wko., pp. MB; 606) say«:j t*Thegean towahataraRne gawet al pteaaeactaa en-tb"r*i» i i*c y the all of 'It-, i.atl li «< ti. uti pa -. M «i «- l

o,. r i* 'H' li it h». LirUiliriioii," or i- ii ¦» lie .'. line I tn I,«

Ra yai*at of piawttaagralaabiadbtgapeaaBpaiBOM toitiiiin»«»«' »i'i« h i »antaa baaiuiladi tie.«».''

lu . i'b utit » I the- ( a.Hil U'li h . I'a.i-i J <t.'r» ir-c j - « (i, M " I'1' «'an-tiui'l'ai a« 11»« lav« < / IA» I' I Sin ,t

m'ii'c t pern***** tnerte/,* Ml iriMtri, Se., 'ititi he the tv- I'.ii*. » (V lund" 1 li« power to ante li»»» 11 "Mla marii meat Be»**«-*«** ."."'' talk»* it -y '*-.. km eel»¦a. ! r. ¡»ami '.*»'«.. i" VAt ktitamjmiitil tim, arila»««tee ,.ti,,.l M ha it» p»W»"W »t lie», nbi .. r,,!,-» I.i lib| u, a

lil , pi«, na ami tun » u.-*-r v»uii:«i tue ii, ».,.» li st .- «li UN" a law of iBa iaii«i 'hi »weBW n aaaai r«i by .¡omoe'ei.t

lutl.oii.y i. BtadRg BM »-i*« *." .'"** '"".".«''¦ deptifmrttl.t i/,»ne,,r«i ibt_, oi. e»e» RJtvRaal Rae Up. BatoHa« -i Caw «.» e« it. IvMr. ". ""¦ t tana Btamben oi

I« a- .r.t-.y «Taaadal a c ..,««¦ t. '».*» ob.,Kvlo. to ..!.«i.t..

IbetalBB .«.«. .! ¦ l'!i'-i.i.iv!.:.'« '.«. t-EV itelfec'i U

UmvactMbar-tan tteybfnaa« i.WI .¦»" IlJ '"". *. tbeanlet 1'a.tnuinii eachwaaa tin. .*'ion '"«.-'¦. i'«ft. lo

reaior! le tret era. T.'lr. lol ll.eir iiotilic» *."" .."..*',"",:',l *"rb

rol-ar.t, ,, .a t.. m Ml -f li.. « »B_ ia '"" »* .'« *u"" -Tttirf um Miad m i'-i* ii tu ii-.t'i'-le o,-i«i..«le'""«c"'r Mth«« P.»g1» tii-u.-. ¡ ii la ir.n. i|,lot')p.«""'»f«,'J Ra Oat


l'or tin' Co!ifn»catii)n-I-inaiicipation Act, nearlyarerj Bepahitaea voted, and the Prisiu«-'"*!aiKcrd it. We now demand that it be reoog-tnzi-d nnd proclaimed M -iiiphatically that our

(jciierétlii Bud CateaaB ia tbe field eau no longer'venture to di««b-*y it, pleading that they huve

BB knowledge of it« existence. Tuereit no room for cavil aa la it« requirement«;and we a-k only that the lino n*tt ttands, with-«aiit note or comment, be pr.u Y.uu-'I aud en-

teraed, reragaiaed and eheyada » he Preefal nt,

¦nye tb<- Ibdnrsl Caastftsttaa (Art. ., -Jil). |" .tfutUtu'.e rwe tititt tilt l.'ir. I'tfiu'lijitliye/ri ttttd.'

I'll al, m be i« tor.'.but i« bar what the

'i'i«.'!« are now Ragtag vs ir ul'"" bun. vTeRead lor .. lim I 'oiuii, the (YnitUiit on, andit.« Bateieeanal of tb** Law-«.""The './/"'." »ay« ¡lie Jtiuni'il. "if the War

he v. isa-iv (aat,duet'(I. Wiil be Slavery« de*trtic.

tn.n." Nia daai,be of it. That i« just tv hat RB

want. Hut »nell I''ii-t of tea war a« net«

Union «obi.»T.«« t-» shootiag and rapturing laydn. .a i- fairly ia Kew-Orteaaa) ia order teburl Iii Bl bat k into blaterj U» Beb Is, fa m>'

m-««. It i« not war at all. It is fitllj IBBdna--.«.nil ula-. The lau ot the lead dow n<>t

rnengaisr.wo Uriah it asan dui reaesstee.aloyal Aun r eui a« the «¡ave of a tr.ti'or. .lui, ii »un-iy doM no teugefa We a-k

ant) thal the war i»« prnraestod "n earaatoa*-.«um« principtae, wain a tingla ayststhe <:ru«h-

¡:¡e¡ uut of the BahaitloB, ¡ind in BSeonlancewith Cíe Yu» ol lac h.m1. Ami tin« .-» what

lite .lum nul'l Bl " the fBBB..ÍRB Pud

lolly ol' Abo.;fi.»it."'

lill II 4>l» ItAt IM.

The brutal retaliatory ardet ol' the Jeff.l)avi« QaiersBRBl ia renard to (¡en. Piteh'l.«e«m« .¡mai, pu Itehod in our i««iin ..i" pesasrriey,'W u«. <>l a dfadegaa Rhteh place at

WgMiBglM about two years uko between

I 'ii vi« b"id l'iti-h. I i'ch win» tuen U-aJtedMate« ijencU.r troiii liulutua. He tva« an nu-'

raieatiag aati ITiraghi Dssraerst, not sa hnms

pre !¦ ibly from principie a« M account ol' ,*i

b . standing pecaaasl teni batanea bin ead I»!.». esrisanl Kamtw fenn Illinois, l'avi« ami

Pia n wale- raahsi n« baden n the erar wagad Iii|m.ii Deugtas al tbe pe<rted sf Ihe Leeeespasalc.ietroveiiy. Tbe lutter wa« area more hitter,,n hu a-«« mit« upon the auli-Le. uiupton!-tit ti Uiiiu un- lorim-r.

S -a .¦ Yvd veurs «ir more ymg, Darli andPitch waru Dieo'bareef tl.e tsina »tununut Coin,tn.tie.« .,; the s.-uate. one lay, at the dara.»I a Mutee < f the C'umn'ttee. g dbeuwiofllappeDrd ¡" ar:-.' b.lw.eti I nein a« tt> th. Bus h would probably Bums ¡u iii,.

.vant ni I.n,'.'in'« .i.-.-tn.ii. Um« d.»eteredthal UM Collón States tao'ild vvitiulraw fronth>* I I,lill, a---.ile,,.h all I lul|-]M«.lde!. t CKlVWB*im i.t, sml, ¡I Bead t.-, take up a iii« m ¡t. ,|,.t !-c I itch "doubted _R ¡¡«''t, hilf ;t«.»«irt-i, thaj

sriogaut Mntnippiaa thai-, if tha death at-

'.iipleil anything et -R »ort, the .North wouldmeet torc«* with ton-«*. The diecueeten waxedwarawf aad Said Du« ». '. Uo yu'iBteaa t-» ray, t¡ if «wa of Bat Cettoa Btatw»el up a (.¡.«i. uni.flit of our own, you ol' tli«-Norih will 999m .¡own ami try to tubJBgate u«

t.. Paierai authority'' "l do"' reepeadedPitrh, w;ib aaiphaab. " What1'' replied Devta,ri>.ug from his seat, w|g )««¡i ».v. that y. u

would tefadg i ir soil ami endeavor by Weet.. tamp,! geferaiga Btatai te niara to theui'.n.thal you ol the Nu. ¡li would ii) t..

con.j*:, r ii» n -*l nn-un," rep!.ed Fitch, hateaund ipraliag »lowly and brady, "that if thestau« (ii in) barer MnaiaRppi attempt to setup nu independent (¡<>w-minent, vve of the

Efnrth-Weat, who hold the saaiaei of ii .1

river, wi'i tarada your tanilery a ith teresatu,!;«*iint te conquer had tahdae you, Slate bySlate, cniint) by county, till )oil BBBS-I to aulln.r.ty 1"A l.tiie m« »re* tbftii two year« have |'.-fi. »'.

stace ibu dialogue irainpirod 1 itch eo_uae al«a brigade sf Untan troop« m ArhsseeSa Balmeentli rieeulsd ;« Bahai tor nsrdar. These»upna l>*vu il.r>«cte lb hdjet at-Oenaral toi-Hue au order j.roe-luiming 1'itch and ina emit-

maud OB-BRBj who, H cupluieil, are not tu

he treated a« artaaaers al war. rio» order 1«

TKai'i penna > al 1Y1 .-ii, direeting test, ii heb.« iBSSa, he .«Lall hu coiililn.l -1.1 a I.Ion and

deaB wirb aneardtegly« Ws nie «<t the «»pinionf.. i .1 the tump« ol (¡ruin«iii N. Pitch meetin equal terra thara ef Jeflereea DsrR, thsylwill ^.«..- the tatter anpta eaaae te nassaaherth.- . noonah r.


Mr. .f«eîiii Y.ii. i.tuif, tarteher, Ka. ! Pattea¡'«.'lili.», BrnahlyB, tefonag n ted tin* Mpply*ta| of Prrah M.-at ami lag t*» rassde .»i thaBltiC.adtaf ." .[ii.latram from time to lime m

thta port, 1« not Btode the «object n eOUM*tiLou a. d ciiiilruc«", but i» accord. .1 la u favoredhim as a ¡natter of »pccuil gnce^ ¡uni 011 v.eli

tenu» a« Ihey BM ht to exact. Mr. V. Basans11« Unit ho and other« would supply tin» want

at a lower price, but aro not allowed to doso. As one ol' the publisher, of Iht EBsafawl'oit is .Viv) Agent nt tliit p»»tt, we call theat tent mu ol' thu Lditor« of the laid to!

¡the faoU alleged, cot doubting that tbey winsee that this huitnew ia adjutted oa Ibe basts*»f their well-known anti-Monopoly, at&.Jc-h.bery principle«.

VKIIM1M Itj DRIDTfc**re aro two aatnpafiga puhli,bed in Loa«

dou th»'* ñamen of wlncb should be held ia¡wann re«-_*einbrsnce by the AmencaD people.(»tily thu-*«5 who have tv .ni-e-ed or experiencedthe tyrauDie« of iirituh public op n on Cla¡airly understand tbe um .on*-» of a inumrift ,ythat I'outitr). Popular -cnfimeot, no matterwhat it« object may be, or upon whut preta.dice« it may nat, need« only tu be définit«-!»shaped to bet;.k«.ü an an article of faith whichit i« deeaeed BO/ to qaeattea aud temer.ty u>opp« ne. Tiier« it probably It.-« reaped ia j__j.gland for independent thought ami action Ibasm Bag other natron in the world. Nowheree.'ae will Ioks of iuflueuce and reputation se

m roly follow sntagouiaui to the inntiucta of themultitude. Tuo chgngiug cupnee« of othercommut.itiei, if they be lent powerful to pro»'J'n*.'< national reei'lti», are ali** lera luipatiegtof argument, and moro easily guided to gpodSads by a competent mt« lligefice. lint Cut-l-udrepresents the reul ol public opinion.Tuero is no practi**al toi« ration of departurefrom prescribed idoas through Hit the ulai.«].1 :*th is, undoubtedly, as a high aurL* nty baa

receui'f told us, "freedom of comment upoa

public ei **¦*.-"." but it in a frefdoni so tram»

niele«! by rec's'-iz'-d retlnc-ions at to make ii

a barren piivilege. No mau but will thinktwice before avooing hit conviction«, if he feela»»urrd that tbrir ut.***r*»iice SMB bring bim¡Lti. pilbil* odmm. E.vpen'fiice ha« taught rn-cttof the liberal men of England that gdterra dm»00J8M8B of the principle« uj"-u which the rovt-

mutiity rest-« it.- I ii iii only draw« í.rtü irntg»tioti or contempt I..un every «¡uirtt-r. Tiler* hummtt, locii'l *»r political, mutt work undertbe ban ot pubiirj dialavor. If he be firm le

the keaeatp and ju«tice of bil p irpone, ne miy.»'iii.'-titiies defy there har«! condition«, andwork With courage Badinât all ob- uvien, pos«.bl;, t.» a triumphant ead.

/,. Leseen OsBg tutea aad Toe Loudonfter ott lip« .i poeiiion sbailar t*» that which..i- h a«- md: at« d. Ht' ksheVB that then- n».

t.reits, like thoa«, of ever) otl.rr l.ugliali in-w«-

pnper, weald Bag age bav«- tad Item t«> aban¬

don the granad ti.ey n«-«ii-.«'d m asgard to tbi«

coiin'rv, and t«> «bur«* th" databan kOBan ofour defigmattea. Wo baan that th« ir mead-hrt ¡i.'ii i'h;p, iviiicb has never yielded withti.e docressiag *gmpsttap ol' other»», baa mm«.

abat injured their sagaie at Lome. Ii t« ««1.(iuin a public journal, who-«-. pnspentvdsaaada upon tl.e tavor ol t_r p.ipili.«,.',-, ia holdenough to coutet-t toe sentiiuei.ti* of an entire

asttea. upon any faasBaa sf sfteaipte. Fiberaat leaat, if not acj 8-888888 in the generaljudgment; would ratler bo tv*» pee ted. IaCngland, eap. cully, where, n« we ti ive ahewo,teeta Batten bud« to ununual BMrtUaetteoa and.-iubarra«'*ueuM. it ia imp»»-.« nie to ratiuutetoo hiah.y the deiermiiiatiiiii and tue deptk ofconvictioa vvmch it prove« Te l»e tliu« faith¬ful anioi'L the tgiflie«« ii i. ea»y teak» It isaoineth'iig heroic lor a leading y urnal, ihe-».'mill ni importance m tie Bad, to set ítralíwith BaBiaehtel zeal aga:n»t the pnajadiCM ofti«» limât kaflseatad *-l««» et tue peasto, »,,«i r,»j,

al 8888 it« poner nud it« pro-p»«r.ty. It is hardlyir»« adiu table to «»*e a paper which, irom its

or,gm, ha« i dhted bv deenttea to tabaaalprincipie«, taking a new burden ii|»«»ii it-irll at",th.« tiiiic. .«tul one.' iimre nSBfiastlB| toe at-'tiabassaarvaBem ot it« eeteaqperariN. To t_«*«e

two Jealn ii -, A-Berieeee .**. eeteam andgratitude! From the raise! Hwj taara beenwith ii.», cahill) Wtrigatag our dllltel and our

uti J«; er.lillltg Word« ol just UflCtilirugeineUtwara saeta were aaaaadi lettiaa nu grneadlaajke|.r fear betiai laen tu aedee rgiistetitnaBl ili.-ii.iiv ; l,,ei-tl!i_' nui .' cor- vv l huit b.fti't.eaaa, -»-¦.kia^ ra iojumes mrtiTwg fcrnu mi-, kelpteg u« with the rtraagtta of tueroonfidi 'n ¦«. anl tm t; ttaedisg with m basaito I. md, t'lio'igh all v.i n-iaiidi-e, in hmieaty,sjaearB} sad truth. We iball Bal mm lorgettin; MfTicM j,- o*'.-'.*.'ni tiley Liu* ever

bone* "«.

(I VKHU «.lill«

.S une ef «air cuteinpor-ine», who SIS «tilt iotl:<- wa- ..' dom* military criticifiii, Bio laib*

ing 'Ut v ..* oKel) ubout IbeM d:»)s. VVeadvireIuin to keep cool. BcaltUan iin ¡i i »'.-: i w

vend iLiilfers. It ia *ky to ha.o BMPQeaeralsi te bara our asUten know it icüím

la araba Iba gratter uori«**.

Ora tiiii.i, ia very «ertrvu.-if thing-» art to

!¦«) on as IbOf have dour, tho order exclunugr "[Mirtirs from the camp« of the arni-« i» nil

ibgotutelj !i.«.*i'H»ary «.ne. Ii Wili 88881 A* to

kate - ash periaraaaasas lull« reported. On therou'itirv, the (¡overniiieiit mint forbid t_*9

nuwipapori t*i g.vo sar/ aaaaaal arbataast uti

what ih traiiipiring in Virginia, or.«till l»et**r..

MpgrSM Hiern altogether. Stirb «traiegt *1«>*6 n'lbear t.-pnrfiiiK, «ave in Ha rou¿>«l d.ctioi ofufli.'lJ bulb til.«.

¡he Im'itiina LmuAmat, alf.r fasB-g our dec-l.ii.fnui sf Feb., IBU, thut we would BBSpsltthe swel «iaMesasan theory oi tahbawveraanMBjc von though it «Intuid coat na the I .¡¡on. tay«:

.¡tee!. > now BSValtl that (lie Southam \ » are iltruat-i i .i r Vu: -t uri do.i sat i r ai .: ,. i aiil ;. fas

» u «.i "I i. wtrd ne I« el co.uir .. ..'. ru c '.nein al: '.ne eta

yal, «Mart ». .*l» i"«»»«'"

We stk /'/(. Urn!,u,I, a« aba 111 l/;«'fAr^us, RtrttltttTr I iiimi, lliijjitlo Coiiyut, lit-

trott t'ne frist, Um rtiluti oh I'nirn, CMamyfATurn.-, ami all the rent of tue tribe, t' tabs

pattocttlnr aetice that we prououuc« the abo«o

u(tt-rl) and wik.-dlj false, nml that Vhe888Crepeat*« it alter thin notice will be a willi'''' '¦*'*r'

\\. Ü i art "auuiit that tbo Stutl»«rii p* «»p'«* ara

alteaatad imm Iba UaiaM." Oa tate siterarjTgwa iii-iat that a iraal majun!) if tinta uro

tin-* la} devoted to the UsfaM. W8 pr*.te«tiit-, liast BaantlBg aabj traitor« o» "peop!-)** und

ebbniag bgal Untentrte ss mere rinMeB iftraitera, PaBeanad aud violence may bava

lillBBtel n iii.ijt.rity «>!' the Whites of the

South »rom tin* ihg of tb-.r lather»*; bit there

is «hil a clear Union m«ij«»rity lu 8888} iSUtc.

l»eiiy it tor j«»ureelf i' )«--> w'"¡ aWl ¡«I***in«, (abeteed that fBI fBaBBBB ktjtvt» ««<»