New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-07-02 [p 8]. · ¦váag the beeper»»f the tal-otn»,...

¦ '»váag the beeper »»f the tal-otn», WiUiam Trapttdn. w*d the two üi la, were avwtaj on tsajxtajaMaf Schulty. and Hboat ÉKKI Pf tbe »tok-n mcney wm fonsd tr. r eir BBtsBmmBJ. Some of it had been »p-nt ay tbem in the purent».»* of new dreriaea. The pre« .n- .rs were all u»Wen before Jusüct» lli-twimn raid rom miUed for trial. -m . Fo.t-RTU or ix.-Tue .loiut Commit»» on the e*Pt»,miou of tbe National Anniversary held another meeting on Saturday, i >o motion it wa» resolved that .!ack*»on».,uare (junction ol h'ighlh avenue aud tlud-.n .artet 1, ehould W added »a. thn lia» of pln.c« for pyro- «.tiiiiPi'dipplBy, Tne sum of I?.'! wa» also appropriated forth* amtat-oient of the pa.riotic l».»ys of Randalls l»luur*. A t*;rfu.ition io«»k place in rt-lereuce U the hiring of c«*triag«!-, foi »ahuh item no money «arm left. Ml. Van Ti ie won d not go about attending tire- woil» nul/as he iode, aud he proposed that the carri¬ age» tbouM all be hired of one man. o prevent »tray biÄ» iron» coming ia from balf-a »lo/.-u ditlereut partie*. Mr. Sahh thonght the cuiri-»ges wen- uotV-eded, aud was opposed to giving any M job" «.f tin«- kind t j one man. On roun up the nein» ab eady ap|.r.,pri»ted for, it wa» found thm the $7,IKK» wa« already ovirruo hy f3i. Mr. Brady suggested tbe cut iug off of th» lv ll-t ,og«-r»' tailla of gVl. Mr. Tiomy » «id that was one Of et.r old cn-toma, and he did not like to t-eo it dene awry with, to which Mr. Brady r*pli-*I that wa4 not the costoni of other eitie*; aud the motion wa- pat and lot. The iirmn were again overhauled, and the appropri¬ ation of «y»0«j for juiuting was moved to la-M-JiKvil, and ttas redu <ad to «M«'»l. The arnu gemeuts of the rebatía were left to a (.'«»mmittee of the New York Be^atta Cinh. who bave reported fulKiws: Kikut Rack This race will b- the o-ily sailboat rara, all otli .r« bttag rowing .ont*»««. tt|aa>Msa ''-»-t ufttm ssli working kotaii. tu br »ailed without tiiddei or onra to ba wa>. .¿"tl rn tii.r» «ith i-hdv*« T»o url/e..i.rtt b »t *:»l. second boat am Sat o.M, Rs» a..r.nv. tpoatt tl« setsal .-llnker-lciilt Buy l.tigtb. wi-hent i.-«trii tien», as a" tbey Batatas I. it t.. be axv.Dn.-o exclu»,v»!y by aiui.t'-ur oarsint n. ri «t pri/t», »ilver tron.,et »di! '. it:.pi».i. p, tu taacund prize, a till American rnaigu. 'IttiKli R.atB.KouioareH l».-at- of an» length or re- Btri'ti ,n» 'In b* rt.»»< il !,,-f.i.r me', »»itJk lour os-it. I'ri/i »i.ttbitt t«"' '. -e sa» b.*! *:.»; third boat Bit, »otKiB K at «..I lian p.oii »cud. for aU boatt of any lens«h . no r*ttiii tio!>. To !,.. -o^ed bv one rasa »»»th one pair uf arnlli Prise«: Fiittb- at tltl; «atttsaj At*; third AH KirtH R ai k rei for all »i,-u». n f. pt vstBat| r»-»tii. tioua. 'It. bt- ri.tvrd »» itb t»opaui of scull«. Piiy-a J'irai. *:!>. «tr. nd. + ifl third, 4-2" ludte. M.«»r« Stun! mi brewnsQ, «Tant Jclin ll-iü. Jame» 11. W»l»b w .,. H. K..llecl. A. 0. Barber. Sydney Dolui, and 1 ban.a» l.j nu *. Ca pa-nter«- l.«-pau. M Saturday, to put up the framen aud pi tfoiuis necessary at va«ioue plates of exhi'-i- tiou, and their la i »u f w ill lie continued to-d ty tata ta> monow. (»'entral-Stip iittend-nt K.-miedy ha* iwuodir!.- to be vaiii Capaaam of l'olice di ectnigthcmto have .vert nian nuder their comaiand on daty ou the Fourth, folie« in. n are instruct»d to act with forbearance, but promptly arid !.¦, idedly when uecensary t«> prevent a bleu» ti of the A reserve for .«¦ la to be ia readiue? « at taeh fHaifm House, to act asnirum^tanceg may rt^air«, either in their own or BOaJjhhoi ata; Wti tV Tbe diiKharKe af iaii»r*-roiiu l'.rcw«irkn, guch. a- dou'de- bead«-r» aud tatthm. tsiiiBg ftmiiaij III Iht corporation ordmaiiC« f». poli.-emeii are lm-tructi-l to prévint their nee. A foite will t«. detailed at nicht to ea:h lo.ality where tirewoik» are «'.xliii.itcd to keep o'tier. S,fi,ii! att«fi.tioii call«. «I to the Police Imef aph, and import¬ ant oteiineuees in the varions ward» will be immedi¬ ately known at baadq I trier». A large força of i»o- Lomen will alxo ] îeceile and ttXOtaaaagV the pro- a as en. Tnr C"i-i;t> -Tin iapttmt Ooeat, QeaaeaJ Tairai, has bet n tu« mit d to BBXt Ni'uid.y, when i vill le n'U.l. red- hut BB argument» will .>. heard. Tht Common l'lraa. General Term, ha:, adjourned t>> Auiiui-t 1 at H in. The Surrogate* Court lia» ad- »ourn»d for the vacation. All the raam »".hmitted to tbe Kur oga'e during the year have Uen decided. Tl« Cleu raae, although ¡irL'nod, has nut been finally »uh- miited Dj.on the jioiuts. This ca»e will proha'dy l>e de¬ cided before the vic:i''..:¡ « nd». The S'irroifiile will hold Court on July \!<i and JO ai.l .'I. Judi/e lntrahitin will render hi» décision to dny in the ««.i«tirano Xew-ii.iveu Kafleoad Omaiaaa Bah» This de« i i u wiil very fc'll| lllfl't. it involve» the que»tioii re^aidin^ t!. i:¦).!.ii« tu tiOCl i-ned by Kohert Frboyler. «a Tin BtWlBI Cm ». .On Saturday night a meetin/r of tbe Kmi.ite Club wa» held at Mr. Davyae't i»i Caibarite Bti«et, at which .lames Irviiu: p»«*ided. Ke»- luti »n» were adopted indor»i'gtbe a ti' >f the Baltimoie ConteLtion in nomii.ating D**ttß*A and Johnton. Tue l Inb al.»o resolved to meet at Madwon aqnarethi» eveiling, fmin a torchlight ¡>roc"f8ion, and m*ieb to Tammany Hail, to participate in the íatiti.u- tiou meiting. ? E.xpin » n Ai i in ti at Haaaaa..Urn friend» «.f Johu C. Heenan weie di»api»ointed on Saturday in iii« non arrival by the Adriaric. On Fridav uidit a ett-anicr had I..« n »ntcag-d to «airy a party down Bat Jtay, for tbe pnrpoi««' of giviiiK the Itenic'm Bt*» u warm reeepii"ii; hut the Adriatic wa- not re*K>rtod up t" I o clock, nt.d the C«>mmit«ee then mide a p »»tpone- mtktof th» h nr until next dny Saturday; at3o'clock. A emapaaji aim Bf wh«»m were tu-veral representatives of ajm prerf, colbced at I'ier No. I Nort'i Kiver at that hour, avautiiiL the arrival of the boat thru wa» to take tl.em down tt ». Hay. Before the boat arrived, tl e gstxhatli bi [' .--. 1 <,»t ¡irantine.aud a tr»aneral ru»h U«-It plfc«' to tht loot ol ('anal »irt-r-t, wberc tha ^ol Id hiivd. (.reut di»ip|x.inim-ut wa- expit-H-ed wh"i i' wa» BBM rtnin. d if r llenan ttmt not BB b ktBaV It ai»petrf« tha» he »» ram a l-tterto one ol tbe t'ominittf-e, ataiii<: that It* woild eail in the Vandeil.ilt, ha« m thi tauieevi'tiiiig wrote again, ex|>rtsring hi» «leaarmiaar tion to coa«'»fitli'T by th« A<1 ri t' Sev« ¡ «an board iufoinu-d hi» friend* thai u:.n v»o .11 as htttVeated iti I,is Brat hitter. Thk Kii'i'iu WaajJ DltMimAM Tue Sjii'a! C't.mmie^e <>u lb«'KoQr:!i \Vaid .¡i-mi'it-al'« met aiítiii on Su'iiii'ty to lear wla: th» officer» of Iht I/»eJ jH'xatd ha 1 to mj in « x .hmation of their conduct in the matter. >»'oi:> of tin ¦ aa* tar« d. Tue re<-nd of tht . Ix>. al I5i*.;d B H tt lave BBSB pKKlu'üd, but Mr. V liite "i« tf '-he newly-antointed tea her-) r»mted tbat «Ie t-a'her« t'e li: ed ,... tsttd i-eeam» booki«, . not b«. t ant hoi 1/. d to do tohjthe 1^»cal Board, .«.no havf: L;td n«. amatfaaf »ii»ce the ii'itic* reiiuiring «tb- m, but 11 »ut la» hook.- ure open for iri8|>citi"H at the »rbool». The Coiiimiit'-e adjonnHMl until Friday tie\t. As at the pr»>v' »inj meetiug, l>i«t. ici-Attorney Wanr- bu;y took tK part in tbe action of the Ota iiuiti» «-. Aad. Tucker and Ihr. Raajm only tiaaa present. i.tKti hi 'jv mi Jai »Mi Ban -)..On ßa'tuda» lb- ' S. et' .tia« Mama Xiut/ara aailad It ||«. m. 1-r afaaaa having on board the .lajiati- t-raf- Htjl.asrador. tnd ruite. The Niágara dr.I4f MtJ j-,,.. ». *. j'iif.-ed tl.e Lar. She wa-taken to »ea by Air. «Va Batmm, Hud» Hook pa^taV ta« bed t9tka btAE ¿lor .- U. i.'i.iinell No. I. . -a» ¦ mm.;. m i a. Th.- i, .'.un! ai<- dac'l by '.be ».ereosc-pc, and tin- won.l.rfu! rari -y «of the aWtjjet'tt» adaf^d to tic iui-trumiui «aahi t>t U.e motsi uietu..- ol entert 11 i imitad i foie the BxBBBBt. T.'it- e.x\>- 9MA o! th" ai.¡»ara'it- an. lia- nipidaV-ciaJxiuLuioii j'tur--, are <-au» w.n, BJJJJBM] '!l' iiiftriitii'111. iVoBi o, lied »v. '. ihj. tH afi'i tJgm ajsaaajti Ü To d -. *¦. '" *!1 v'1" tBajtw eoosj bom» imitttaj a|tajajBtt »ha «Sttm MbbjbbbbV i*«-ently-»j».'ne«l by Ol.-.-rB. OulltlufiB, «tl No. ISS lli».4.i'.vày, '"i ie. of TkciiIv-'i-! -\.<. I n Dl aveaiiauui.tavtapla«' ol maatt A«''- UrffcaattlslfiaBll are aridjuad sTsth Bat»* t;a.t", Md m ¡th am ular - (sjjjBlaj ni» rámmm W aaaaaaathm ggfttsf»BxmwkasTaa iw;.".ng.*J, .-4» well m a peal maiiv Iraji til.|» «-* «^U«tü...'i af ripdm h very'íoIJ, ami bai kmt« I mmaa *'"h '.»"'. ïue l;"*u ¦ of ail, wli.tVi iit. ï;..irstTC tow;:r.t stama m, at, ti'.iia/', tjmmmmi ti-fn-.-, fkmt ff.ri"», Lmt» «. «ifited wi I ftittre eat»«, fr« room* an? «fkaciou« e :ougb to vx>m- modVe Tin****} on» visi'in*., and all will riHeivt" I've "MM IMRMflM u't-nti >n. If ajy are d-t»;-on« of "Ml** .tflflaRf excellent in«truint'n!a«,. they will find a" thin Mum um un nprtoriunity :«> «si»"-! ihen at Iflflt* ¦«¦i-nr--. A »canon lieket, g x-d for ote month, may be obtained for fifty een»* and there can hfl no doubt tha». many will take advantage of thi* very reaaomible nflc\ The puce of a «ingle adnii»v»i«in tirkei twenty-live cent*. a T.Ativ Fiu.vKt.iN.-It wa* c>nfulcntly e.vpwterl that Lady Franklin wonld have lujen among tins *aMMB**aaj on ine Adiia'.ic, but BMR advis« ,v. -ivvd »he wan «.l>lr**td to defer her visit to the l'ni -il Sut»»« un'jl t'-e next trip of tba* i<t<?anier. She will fafl tbeguost of Mr. Ilenrv (.riunell. > The Tamnuny l>c*nocra«y nu et to-nij*bt txi ratify the nomination* of Dmiglaa and Johnuon. The fol¬ lowing 'peiiiten» are aunouiied: Thfl lion. .laine-i I Jardiner of Gt orgia, the Hon. John WoTrmjm of Ala- liaina, the Hon. Geo. W. Jonen of Teines<»e»», the Hon. E. C. Marshall of KflBtRChj, the lion Jamen Kava- nagh of Mum soia. tbe Hon. L. K. Parson.- of Ala- l.aniii. flltlfl I>ou«lii«i will prob-ibly fafl in town t-o- Diiiht, and will of conree la honored fay hin frienda with it MflJM**JBt > Tli re will be a mi-eting at tb'- Friends- *Mflth*t*f- bouse in Tweuti'-th Ktre»3t, ea»t of Third avenue, tnie v. l.iiig, at 8 o clock,-when a «aWRgHiflhfld MMRt from « Ihio Ifl expeeted to preach. CutflJflfl RatRTICRI OR Till I'l'inin m i Hi: Hoi v | vsr.n i«-t«,..Yesterday the cloiing «ereicei in '' Old St. (ïe/irge'« Chaicb, ' in lleekman rtroet, were cou- dinted hj tin- I.e.-' ir. the K- v. J. H. H )!i:iil Hrown, »18'nteil by tin- H"v. Ferri« Tripp and the Kev. J. 1 I'jchn. Aller the devotional t-ervic»««, the I'ei tor preach, -d a «hurt nermon on "the iini-h-mcc- n1.lencas of (iod« love ti ni., t'll nnm," from thfl text¡ " Kor I am jjsTsi idrd (I. it atjUJa** «WtB, Bir Uli nor trig-!». nor p.ill. i.'lliti'-.-, ii "<i' Btrwert, nor tn.iig- pWMBt, n<>r ibing« tu r-uiiit-, nor lii-bt not dep'li, nor any Mh»«r ^rrtfre, «hull i.e abl- rtit- !n ;,i tl.. Httfl of v. ni li iu ( )ni«l J.-».i« tur Loi d. At the c-nnrlution of the tvermon the Rector «titte«! that ihe action and noiives of thfl Yc-try in the courue they hud adopted had haflR much mi.ic-jiHtiu-'d, b:u. hfl would say in ih'ir behalf, t iat vvnat tflflf had done wai not wiihonl mti-h th «Rghl and flflRR d-Ii»iera»ion. Tee/ had act»d under the conviction thiit the interest« of re- lii/ioti in 'hat portion of the city dem indej the change proposed. lie « thr.t the work of tha', pa: is-ri w»vi puiely a mission work, which c inld not be e*-ily «un, the icwaid, however, would follow. In the puro.;ln«l Nhflfll there were M schtlir«, and in the Sanday- S«hooland parochial combined, TO ci.ildreii. Since 1851 the Chuich of the Holy Evangtliéti ha* receive! from Trinity Church the »nm of $11 77.'» to ai I in »a-raining Divine «nice in St. Gflfltga'a Chapel, while S'. Gtorge's has »taved her nearly $;."),(iOO. Tiini'y haviu,r refnmd Ifl incr.a-e her allowance to St. QflRa*t**J*l Chai ..), t'ne VflfltlJ RRTflI.cllfld tfl dOMthfl chur;li. and aiTordiiii' to the terms of the ¿Ved the baildiug and lots wilL by ihataet, reverttiSt li» irires Chanb, Stivvcsni.t Hqiiai-e. At the clone of thfl s-'jrvieen the holy communion was ad mi a »t«,' red to tne member« of the rliuich by tin- Hector. The congregation w.i* very iniall. a t Hi ci-i ii A i i -ti ii..Ortc-er* ll'-nnett and llor- l»<lt of tin- Fiftli Ward Poli."-Station, on Sv.ur.l4y sneotd.-d in avivB'iu}*, iu ".ViHiamsbnruh, t .vo of the bflrolar« who broke into the dwelling-house of S. M. MflflhM»flfl%», in the City of Ki.ioklyn, on Saturduy m..n.ii'-.' last, and recovering a portion of the fi-'i-n proprty. They also l'ouid a large i.uantity of jew¬ elry and a nnmbei afgflld wat«'heK in postie-tsion ol the liurglars, which they believe to lie the Midi of other BMgaalkl in the City of llMoltlyu. ToHNvpo is tin Bu..On Friday alUinoon at 1 ...I'i'k. the ftteamcr Pu*-ittic was od'the Wo idb alga dock on her nip to Newlln nFtvk'k, the pilot uaw tha wave« not faruliead of hitn lathed iu» 1 1 -,t-y by an an- proiK'binia' tornado. He imme-lia't-ly faflfldfld liiri bflflt lovvaid the "ale, und had hut fairly turned kßr, when the wind itinck the ¡.¡lot-liruaa, pcrfecily dernoUahÍDg i', twisting roJíi iuto all aliape«, aid bl. ring thfl |h*fll in tveiy direction. «MipÜ4(B*j4lM«M*RfRailRRRr- rowly . s-c;i]»-d In-itig blowii in'., r1 ..- mac inerv. ri\- trag thfl pflut-house, the o if was 1 o' i j ir d. Tun flORlM ut the tornad-i was W. S. W. to K. N. là. l. iCCTIOÜ tu latRTTRR Cvitunt».- Ki»-. Vott- îiu.ster Dix give», notic«-t!:at lu-reaft.-r RM c nt -mly Will he e -llecti -I faj the Mltll if On lefl-'lrt --1 illl kinJ-, as their -loi dtliV'-ry. Ticie ¡ee'y l-l'-r en ri ¡or« in thitt city. I nd--r fahflflM law , a Ithctrizillg tic (¦oll"cti..ll of tWO «MMfl, IRA MaTTaflH Were i'.l"ivcj to ictain one cent < 11 eacii letft r. The otlier ceir w.ím puid into the l'ont-lllfice, tad went, tfl create a fund to pay S3 coll.-ctoiH of letter»» from tin valions boxe-, t c -aLirv of on«' man, wlu-r« faflriMM it wuh to watch tin- coll. ctora and ran ¡«is, and ^{,001) a year bfl two ni id «ragBB* cii.ploycd in carrying miil matter from the General l'oal.< Iflic« to tbe ditferent «Uition*.inakiii.' «lout $18 WM) ay. ar ail imu the PflM QaRflfl. Then;- u uintle.r of the land, bíter pavii.,.' the expensen i-iin- nii-lilted. VRflflqRallj 'livi ¡ed BIBOOg thfl "0 .i.rrier-. Inder the new nyr<tem, tbe carrier« are tfl rcMim a!l the MtRMJ they Collect, aud il i- th. u (. fafl ejually fB> vi(kdan>i.ii;'th< m. a») PlRRSII '- s PlORT«.'*n Kriday flight l:i«t. while iii. amuiheisof liii^iue Conijany «fo M «von returning with their*BgtM fuue -i lilt-, tic _\ were alUickod by a Bflflthfll <>' loug'i^, »aid 0 bfl ru'-.'n'»- r-s of t\io*riva! eu- gRu ccinpaiii *, and Mflflffll ot'their member- \v> ¡- i'o.sly iiijand «ne having flOflM of bis rib* hrok.-n and cut of hi- BRgfln M badly fr.i'-fir»-.l t!.a; i-, U tlought auijiatai ion will be tec. .«hi v. On Saturday ¦...« :-ii!,L', afttrthfl lire in lli-ia-Kviy. tin- ii..! w.i 1.- wed b.-fjieen Engine I'ouipn-iiin Nor«,. II and Bf, Sit'N« s and < ¦.} -1 u ii il"- "flew ft« ¦.'>' Uij«-d..iiitl mm ml I i folr-loi :, ni but we fonld Rut I. aril il any ouií vta« s. ii..ii-ly Í!ijvii".vJ: faauhflU a 1,-, an! loui-ed la Wen- !v i«-iilte. m 'I'.. 11 Oi 1. Emh u ifl MoTiua. \\ haarfl*f aflgaflfll a m v ival ii.H.iio the lo 1 ':!'li ana of thi* vVard, BflMfl ol the inot-t Mhl iBRthd of hfl flhizi ui lave hi I aine.-t- ¡. ii lately foi thfl pvpM O»' *'- ruing a CaapaigB Cluh, and tbe r»col; bu- been hi»ghl*f ^u ifyin«. Too pi. litiiiii.ii it s arc aii arraaged loraCluh whir h in No- MUhar viib in.' only do v. in;..i: -i vi Bfl I 1: 0 r Na¬ ti-» nal tit »«-t, hot also wit-: Um Ward Crofli tin Shaai DeiniH in. y. a C-.i n opGearrri Sri iob*- I fat Jflly t. mol thii Court f'-niiii nc, - thi* MWniflg; t'.< Iiiiy.1 vi«i^epi-r-id- bag, Tl itillowitigrafla*aiaonth« Ar*on,8¡ !: ! j 1. :-n- .-, f. it K: gHBd larceny, '.'.'. hi! b.!\... robbflrr, ¦ f> loaii ¦¦¦- I .-.-ult am! battery, 8; mu:de:, I"; inh-.t. ale, 3; !. nd-inrr.ent, 3j faflfl- tavday. I IflMivtBg 'f-'!.ii fflOBa, I; l-i:.*amy, 1 J»er- jury, MBM//lenient, I. Toial, H, Bl % Oui vm. Kii.1.111.-- I. llgfloa II. Kelly, alad I" v.-ar« at If*, mm at "dr. JmMI K. Uj Keceivcr ol 1 '-. wit.« inn o\m on Sut.j 1-Ix-j 1-on fajf u Tbinl iTflnaa «ar, arnrtl t-oraarol WBMRth MRJflt, and ali'iixU iii-,..i.tlj klh-ii, T!ie m ci | -ni MMMtfll while Ihfl hoy win» ut pbty witli I c..ui|..-.iii -i . He «aw the «a. approachm)! und, ItflaRff up«ui thfl', RtfMflfMd |n -<i at, lit fi's li'-t .!i|.j,.-l and he ¡ell iliiectly in ÍM'iit oi thi ilah Tha Cmmm 1 .'"'>' vver- ici dla-pOflfld Ifl O -iiivii. but -,o.,-«*d in their \ ; that thfl I'iJ'.-ii-J C'U.paiii w le-1 RMRRRl and ',;.|.i; .. thflirMlfl. m 'Im ("i IXàRTIRI U\»' CoRMIafllOR. -, ¦, :i;ij,e ('..ji.i.oi -. t!': RaMafaj MMfld by the derliiii Moll Cl pr-Jpeity a «'il.'iittMtiu», M t Ht Mr. iSui'. '.. y 1 ..»i-. .u W .Il rtr.«-t oi, MaflR*t»T-f| the ilon. K W. l.ea\. ii-'i/. Alburn RB wa. bad M t" l*fl Rdini* abllilj* of t lie flrff il-.¡ c ol Dr. 'I l.o,n|,r..|i :n -npp'iit of hl« ctaiui te I dam:.»." -. niiai o no i», ilü.ü'l'l, b.i-.-l ti|x'i: the loll iw- iiif/ oilti «1 pr»'«,' ci Ihr -flirt ff fbe iltiiaU4»n¡ TUy I «dl» i to prove that, at und Infor" 'ho HtTM af the huni- ii g «if the horpital and other building-« and property at laraniine, on the 1st of Sppietnher, IX")"!, Dr. 1 'n mj'ton» wife had I «-. n i, nii- .1 ta bar bed 9*} -i.k- I,'».«, iind that »In- MB then Hi a í-ehlc Bad d di.-it I .'¦miitiin of In ahh; tint, o.» ing lo the bu»-ni ..*»;. l»r. That |»ii via« «d.liga-d to Ids wife fiol.i h « hou»» to a pltce ontai*'e of ihe t/uaran'ine in Insure. And that b the removal, »he »a» nic«*«*arily exposed to the night air, and to the «lungers coii8e(ju»*i t up »a t*-e « xciiement atn-ndnut npon the burning, whereby »be wa* immediately thereatter r*eri'.ii»ly and perma¬ nently injured m »tar coiifiuiitioii and gen»ral h«»aJih, the ri'uh ef which wn« tint sin* arm H n«-k a-» to - quire lor a long time medical and »Mut ai' nifam .. Tint, during all thi» »ickue-«. Dr. Thompson was dc- ].ri»«d of the » of hi* wife, and by her tienne««» w i -* »i.bjeded to iiinieroü» inconvenieno» to hiius-'lf and faiiuly. as well a* in the discharge of hi< amada» dutii'S. Mr. Jobngon continued the n»gnment on behalf of tb« «laimunt, and .Mr. Hradh-y followed on behali of the Supa-ivisors of Kicbmond CoiiLty. Tin; Com m *- »ion nrveivtd it« «hiirioii til! to-lay. Adjourned till thi» morning at II o'clock. B A «ARII. Ti the y.dil-.r t$ The V. V. Tribune. Mi;: In your paper ol the v.,a»th instant, I noticed th" irtCSt, i'i Itoittrti, Mil« f awBSB i. Dla| Com KsW'Tstfc, calling lili'iN-lf John J. «iiblii.n«. n.r tv.rgpry BBSB Mps«««. A T. St.»art «i I o. I BSaWtS tiler., no ntliei per.iiii nl that :n New Vnrk »» ¡ti th" .'»¦ BfJjttaa ti BB*/ neplie« :ind my «ell. In- mint BtWS Baaat«, n-<- ol tfje nan p iitnr through a.-.-idi-nt JOHN J «ilKIIO.Srt. Na 1i:i\\..t'I'». .'i,:i. th .tr.-.i. ;».«.,,, k. BJsjBlsaatll "/, S. J., Saturday, m, latin Duowmi...Coroner Cambie held an inqnea* <>u Hi .Jay Bftxa the I" .'> o! lai,»' II.»-, a native of Inland. 41 ye«r» . a.-e, who wa« fin ml trstraal in tin- foot of Tnir- tietn »ti-'t Etat Hiver. Her. ii-d at No. &M Kict »venue, Iinl led h.-en BklssBM »in,»- lr-t Monday. The J'iry rsaSwttti B »'-rdirt ol l»e«t)i by llrowmng.'' 1 hp tune ( oroner held an iuquttat upon th* body nf Andrew R |I.I»tllti a boy v.-tr. ol ik-e .,,,, .f Ml Ri-.haid D. La'liropot N,.. InnBaait a»e,,iie, wliu »».« drowned STBtlt tiRlliiii] ncsr 111* tiling-of « liiiieliaaillp, on »'riitay last Yt-r- ,ii, t. " AiiU'ii «I Daam " lit .»TU Km»m Hi BÏÏI fmiah Damm, an Iii«à girl, It »tans' ag", «li.-.i on litaré»*, lit Hallaviaa lliniaiitl. i»..i'i bnrns rc«-i»»-l on tb- tMk last., by tl.. sa» ,-|.,'.,' a «nil BxBSJ ttantst «,aii Mt '" i ¦ »Bgjnest Hb. n tin body. | Advi-iU-snit-nt) Mkh. Winxlow, An *ip«rlea'a»««l Nnrte »,,d Ketntl« I'lijai, Ian, bat a BWr*. Bt K:>.: run Cu.LiihK-. I'rr.->iiM. «hlrt gi"i»tly fiiulita'pi th« process of I»elding, by lolVaing the gumi and reducing all Ua 'tunn Balsa »i,l ».In) all pain, and »uis lo .-eg-,[tie Ui- .> iwrla U.'j.piid neon It moti.-r» it will givp rptt tu fS ..»elveiaaid relit tua lienlth to yoai ia-'ant*. rprfe.tly träfe in all c«***. Million» of bottlt-i »rp »old every year in tbe Uuitad Statst I ti au old and will tied remedy. PaiCI O.tLT tb CBfTT« A BlTTl.t. Non« gprarios unl««i the fa,- -almila of CilTll It PrttJBI N- v, -Vn.k. it on the outside wrapper. »Hold by Droigiiti taroagho'it the world. [Advertisement.] Mem.u's Mira« loi s Vkksiv llnaTR'.vaH Ii Ibe onlv aiire » xtirihinatoi of Rat« and MlgSk, flnrdrn In- s"t» Ant». ftoachp« o..! Watpr lîug». Friic ipal Ilepot, No. 611 llKkdwty. Bold t) ail dniggitti Advertí», m, nt. l'.Mtai m's Mi-ii \i M th.-citer «.f attraction to tl.e ta. ii «n»!« ta lt .,nger« BS<S» in |lie <-ity. a liil" o,ir on . i/.. ai" « d>-light. .! Witt th" mi: li-' Si le.veltl"« tu jjdi- | iliatri'.iit.-d llirniiih it« iiiiin'-ii«" b-'i- ..u-l tlie anay of tal- nt lor the rom,aie r-m tb" latflsm Bs sa TttBBS »hti vi-it tas .a» it i. äst lob« »v,,.,d-red at that»,. maay ibsntanal» fontinn l.» dtbeir» 11 t :. | Ad.eilaeniii.t ] PBaUXOUWI \mi iiii Tin ii h «»i ,Ii i.v.. l'n Ki.'viKii »»,11 '...¦tiii at li:« rSatatS, "d si.« CI t t rit.» Ri ni »trance: ,It« d -In- »». k Mi» ObSsbS», No. .i«B l'.ioad»»», a!w,t»» "jipii sin! rium lo .i-.toia. |AdvertuirMient IIoyt's Hiawatha Hair Kiskirativk the Bats) .'tticle ii, t!i- mark.t for gi»tng ttgraj arrea] bair a l.iuliks bltrk or blown. e ad». rt:«»-in> lit, in mutin r. olan.u. | \-l.erti»"i:"i,t | N'en «m» |i»hility. Baal Mtenl, Mental De- I... -sV'i.. ki,d Lota of M.-iMiy, rurpd by orÍKinal aod painle«» l.e itninil. unattended by ri.» »lie |,n« of lin.e, by the IsttBBV pnatili.tathit .p.i-iilt» M Uàbbott, Pby»lcaaamiSsrgsnn, Ai,11,01. t«, Ns Ul !lr ,'idway. Bf -' rjrt Nav-Tst», r- 'i ». m. tn 5 p. ui. ind Tii,-.^ay and »Pid c«, Iroi '. t 9, He,- the hui,dr. dl "f t .--.t i m nial« In lii« pef*«Blal book. FIRE8. i n r IB i tai Ki muí r. At '21 o'clock Sniurday inoriiinga lire wa» discoveri-d in th«- i-a-h and blind manufactory of .l.-nkiu- «V I'or- Itr, Ho. 173 ('»litre rtraat, b\ Sullivan, who in.« i «led, with the ¡i.-"iitaiic«'of twoorthre. ImBtta. in ixtii'ftui.-bing th.- Battant with a f«;w bu«»k«-t» .<( v bar« Tta datmayi intttinad will not aienra fajuV It i.':i iBBBtd tla' tl I tile oi <_r i:a». d iroui H lii_'l|t. d « i'-Tir ti «i that had en linn»» n nil., a baa tf i-iiwilu.-t. i ni I i i'i: «i i.. \ lir« BWUIiad in tin-Winter (¡arden on Friday »ui't. in etNttaqaaaca ef mmt aVaatM in tin- arardrtibe I a', mg tie« n li.»» n saBjhatl a un» burner and igniting. Tbe I.iiniii k nniicii;.! wm thrown mu, and uo farther «mm.lire t.'niii iht; destruction ol' a few . o-tuun-^ «n«- '. ... « 11. « IB Baal niiiTiiMii -iiiii m -1 m no n m » 111 »»i 11 \ »i->.. tan ma bill, i rn S.-i'nrda» ereBIBg m '< o.| mI; a tire ol a:-« i«b ntiil r n brohe eat in t1 ateam pja-nina and m v mill ef <;.... Team t andJaaoh ?aa J. Kit, Sa 396 R'ahtamrah " et, Bear Arm. a. aad ihsaíae eamaaai la the i'uildii;'r on the lejoiaiixfl lot, No ¡988, thafeambeka oc< ii|,i'd by Mr. Van !'¦ i; at aa aaate, Banhtj» an nan, Htahl«», ate., and the emr bj Th mm Hiirrough:-, atatr cam lnanfact'ir.-i. < Kvinir to th> hug" yauilitt/ of ilitlaa liiiible tmta .1 al "".t '.!:.¦ 'H'ii««- the BBtBtm »f.r-ad with i/i-tat r.'ij.i.lity. and in I little lime the mill and iejoining buildiig'« weraentin lr»p dettroycad. 'Hie tir« l'.l.-o c .inui'iiiic ited lOMtetal huge pilmof lamhm la bht n< ighboring var.l-, bat, thiouuh ti i aa« ertmii' <>t lln- lireaien, it .ih k »«-»-. i y exti"i;.,i-li.-.l. lu ii.iiliti'.n to tin thamam i.» Im und wamrtotht htmhar» farta»! lorn mat utTolrtd by therani. ¦ ol tie tii tint-il with tin ,r liiiiki-. 'Ihe Ion« of Mi. V.aii I'i It, on biiildiiiL'saud tttttAtot luin'n-r. will not lall »l.oit of fi::,<NHI. IiiMiied for «.l.fHhlnn hailflBBB. and $.',IK)0 mi nock, in lln- Ci'i/.en-' ami Wal!-.'.reel lus'ir- aam OeajaBatmaa Los» af 'li. luguoi, rM.u u. in¬ jured lor en\taJ0 Lu i-i»» (^uaipaniaa l««»«< oi Hr, Htirrotigh», *-.'..VH». inaaretl Itis »iipji iwd 'l'.it Ihe I re »cas tuned bythefii.- tion tf .i I'.uriia) near 'In pBm»ht> a|ij'.tia!u». .Mr. Rohert Bberwtx>d, who bad chaina ti we mamante had j«!»-* paid ai tb. baath», ¡<t»il w,..- ahem laaviatj the noil w h'n tie tiie war die oi'eri-jl. So njiid arm tht atitmaaaal ti.«- tire thai ha had aal nata tora», bai mat» in:» u taoanwAT. At 8 o'clock en temida* niglit a lir. brtma the !i»efi..r» bn. k biildina No. 19 Iii adtay. oeea« liieil «m ih« fu -t low by ( '. H ala <u. de ib in bata and li.itt. (.'¦ «,<!»: u tin a road and third \' »or- be bVank &. S'il, aj. Iiniliiitiii Hi ie. ale! Imirli, .:Ii ! lulot»! by Mr. lo ige, î r ia f nr.«. ll..- In- origi'iu'-i! u tbathild lloor, ai,,I tl me «¦»,' '..I«-1 r«j.:.!I\ to the upi'ti fioiit-, i'.«- n '¡tin iily oi !!i" iii.- iiei: o beyond i',e ii titioi of the fu«atea. .Mi« r a ratal Lmsi-1 of lo« c-r-ail! liib.l lia til« im li MW" d 'I III li.ll-l Ibbh not. bow« »« r, i. lore the three apattr itaiart a era ib truytd. Tb« fnll'.ii;.' f the nar and !,!¦!. walb di l.o :-hel the M .II'I .1 ie lom "li pi. 'li. Wntarfl by aratm »»id prahabiy aatoaal t' 110,000; be i? fnllj im orad, but in what tail i a i c n !u not leniii. I..- of Prank a Ikm'a, »W,0a>0; iiriir.,1 I.- -i' »I r. - .. | 3(in Inanred lulim Fr.iik.",i»ii in, i Bf» r ii. a!i r, ". i u[ ;. i.ig a pttrtiap oi tl, appei ili'.ir, »ii-i¡ ¡i. ii g«SaM lo.-... i.i, ,.,, boilaing, sti.i ihi. 'I be hi,,, h i ; bst'ert v..'. ¡a Eo. ¡i »»-vn. «1 i.» afarth» Rate j»., A <'"., metained nitMidernbtV aaamge hj water. ThaorigBaof the Im a ¡u m 'known. i nu is i itaari irai r, At B*| o « I'" k ti.. ».'nie aiaht, ;. f... 'irr. d on tin- wcniid lloor of tbe l.iiild'uig Liberty s'r.-t.iK- ,.| d-, ( I,'. Iiiix'.u'v. coniuii» i; un «chaut, :u,d T. M. Ii'n i c.»., amatari in raahee notion-, I .nt ;,ii'oiiu' wi.o-e itoch it orinioated haa not ya been .Inn!..!. I In.' of'litu-«V I'... WM ilamat.ed by fu. i i.d wat. I" tl.e atno'ilil Ol |l ."Ml; ¡In U!nl. lb 1- i,aid McMaitlfl alore in i n r, ...i api« «1 nie (hmt per« ti,,H of the Milne lb»or an the IBB r flo >rr. Hirt ]. BJ about S'.mnio. 'Ihe Ho « i. "i Itanoraand »» im ¦« in tin- I.., i:.t nt, ociii| 1 v .Mil tl -h iil.ii», WMthUB« Bgtd t«. tl» ¡luioiii.f of f «Oil l.y wuiei, insar.d. Tht building, uñad by J. I.«wi-, jr., traj liaimtg»«! to the aii.oQM o! *-r»(ill. >n » is rctai rraaar. At 1 o «lock jtiurd.y mon,ing. a lir. .the Btiajhl af tt hich i" iinki.«.»vii, o<< 'i'iTt ii m tl.» billiard aad bo al« n '.* nidoi' b.i:-i...¦' i. tmaama tmatoa. No, Iht \ i ni »tritt, ikfoie the IbilttO« oulil la ex!iugi:,-ln «I about «fZ()0 «luuigi- w «t done Tha In apaaaiad It bavt fommeii« « «I i'ehii.d tha bar. i 11 . i '. I ' i i. (li SiitnninV « ». nii ^., a »\ null i\ litan lo,,k lire at No. ¿hi 1> oiiatd ft|. .!, liolii a l:,lil| «'.ai il. -»!y lei! BBBI i!. 1 lama an »iii.'ht. 111 « r. « 11 i « » t 11. fin r»'«v evuinii' a lit BtjtMttfan in i'u I.m y n'oie f fátm. l'ai mit HO. -'I Inn! ¦'¦ n conn - »|inli«fol Nitiie goodrt in Ih« rl.ow wil,do»\ crnili^' 11. ««H.iu.i wiih the .'ni 'mi,er. Daatafa, *l'»l. i A: «ll». i he r«lii.iilii.g ..i Um riüna ai No. Lmrntdwaj, Buna tl « I. 11 ¦> «i« nía/ noon. i n il m i.i'ki i ¦. Ai.i.-.n !'..'.lo,k ta fialni Btjajht i ¡i" beoal in .i itiihle ««'lili. !'«l W.'l. \N 1. I'ii, !"Uli'¡« i'i'iv.r atn t, n-t l.,^t BVaana /..!?. Tai Jay romain d in the «table «a» ontumed, and R mJt****j horrae **a* ko »eveielv bnrned a'iont the head '.> MRM hi- d":it»i. Tie »Miibii-.g ma» da Mgl d to IM ex- t. nt of about $'.»."». The fu»- ori|a"»'t"''l ti -m npark* from ibetupolu of tin fooadflT] Hyi <. in' ' I '¦' m»J. .In »'urn. -.f tir*» vf - .u-i d IB ... I-., k on >*rtt- nifiht l-y the ban big of ¦ «ria-lo-fl fhele fa* Mfl tailor «hop ot Jaha .McConoroy, MTlflt at Court aud .loralenio« »tru-t-. , A few hour« pr.-.iouBiitire««'ovfre«l in the fancy «tore i f Mm. Amelia McCarty. POs l"l Myrtle avenoe, an-nj* dainat*e to thfl amount of $1*0. IB* nnred in the I'hcPix Coiiipany. _ BROOKLYN ITEMS m Tbc D¡mh aniiivercary of Prof. Met. <ilfe> ILtaflaflfl mhiary waa tvlabrated M VlmÊJ evouing, June af, by a very RUM aa-..mb',y, in Dr. Porter* Cnnrch. Tli« of t*M -.'i ad-ne'e- compoeiiion* were follow": " Tbe Star of Hope Mi-s I.i/'ie II. Wil- (ox¡ "Tbe Yule.if Heg», M¡« Malvina I), Wak.;- roan; "Change," Mir.» Miry S. Mefcalfe; " ItfliflOM C.-nt«," a\'m Kmilie C. (Minnie; " Foot¬ print P oi ibe Crtator," Hafli «RUflh J. Dlflflhfll 'Intel¬ lectual Power, Mi«ri Kinma Miller; witli the Valedictory Addrew..«. Lim of. Vot ! NTri im.--A RepuMi'in Club «MM organized on Saturday ttffm in the BflflIRM Ward, llroiiklyn, nnder the name of " The l.aitern Ilistn.i IJnct In Vi lnnteer«.'' Tne oflicera for th« erwninK ye ir aie: F. W. Webb, President; Fir«i Vi.e-Picwdmit, W. Su livan; Second VI-e-Preiideut, f«. Itflwifl) Thiid Vict-Prenilent, (J. W, BflCBMl K'cordin« Secretary, Mr. (I'Dooaline: Corteupondinf' S<-cieiary, I.» YViehe.jr. The next «xcekly RRRRMf wB he held on Fiid.-iy iveriii).' next, in the nchool-hoUHe on Putmini «freei, near limiter. Republican.» fr-'tn thfl Sev.-uth, Nin'b. Kleventh and Nineteenth Ward« are respect¬ fully invited to a'tcad. 0 ¦ - Till Sim.'v Tl' vine Lau..J tint ice fVlahan de¬ livered a decision on Satnnlay hint, in the ense of thfl People Biiaiiift l'.dwai'd SpargenbarR and eome thirty RthOB, vvho were brotuht before him on a RMRfl of taWflglltrflBflg the Sabbath. He considered BMt the pro.-ecntion fail.-d to -u-lain their cam-, aud he th.-re- f. re ordered that the complaints be diuiiii.-i-.-d and the dit iiilant« iliscl-.umi d. m Tin: At < nu "«T vT mi bCAvDRRTT OR MCfltC -ThflM pe.T-ou» who injured by the falling of tin- roof of tbe Academy of Munie on l-'riday «ahflOMM are all ini| roving. MfltflM. Morri- and Siiapnon, win» Wei supposed t.. bave be. n fatally hurt, it ir« now thoaghl will evui'iially recover. Mr Wjmau is ali»o improv¬ ing. The injuries MatfRaRfld by the oAflll are flf a ciiinpunitiv. ly llagM chai-acter. The amount of dain- fl**** to the . ljf Ml g h e.iiniii.i! Bl «MM than *ô.h0fl. 'li«'work will be promptly pMMfléfld with uotvvi'h- standiiiL'thi- misfortune. The Hi ir. S.-veral BflflMRI wen- RN*Rt*R**Bl faj the heat M !'i i.hty and Sa'aniay, bu». none, as far M ii.stvitaii.i d. vu it- fat ally alle. ted. Wiimv MoiMiin. Thfl total iniuilier "f tlcaihs in thi* ci.y la-f iv.-.-l» wa- IB, af vvl.icli "I were Btialt* and lil cliildn-n. Of thfl 'aunen, II death.» «eiv of c in- vulrioiiH, a of sourie! fevi-r, S of hooping-cough. Un¬ der one j tar of ut-o, II. Tin Lily' I-Til VIIK. .Purst1» fil. NI K'. I II F. (til. O Ji iiv..The GfM**iJury *flj tin- «bRRJI C-U'ity (.'ourt at » 'vcr and 'IV-rtii'iier hrutight in faM indic'meut« on Satunlay.the majority againtt anlioenafld li.pior deal- ci«. Th. y also made the loll-,win,',' prewentuiont: The JunirM of tin- People upon their Oflth* present the RtRflril -al. ol spirituous li'iuorri aideinorali/.ing, aud the fruitful sonrce of crime. UfljRM «hop* MBBMMI when- men ;ue MMBflflfli faj DOiflOROM and adiiltera- ted Hanois, from w hi-h come a.aalt«, and violence, nud the lii-itiirbaiice of lie p-rRCfl of iirhli-irlniodfi; and tl.ey particularly prêtent tho-c uoi«/and riotooit plflflM it hi« h arc kept op«n IflM M Saiu.-.lay tdghtflRnd ly on Sin doy ii.-irtiiiiir, and ii:.''-tl.- Mrifll enfoi-«. Tient of ihe law aijü all unlicensed sales of ipiriMMM li-iii'.n; tha» thflpRhBfl good ¡i .¡niiv- that onlyi<a,"i; an .lebt.nn.l fafl pflfTRhflad to sell spi i'Uoiis lii(u- in ci tit..unity with law. -iinl tha» i'l RMRtaRgUflflRflMtfl :.ll (ei- n- thfl iett» r an-l spiiit at thfl li* sh-mld he »tiinly niiiplled with. deeming in our jfldgflMRt and from our expeitence, ibat agreutpo.-»i«»n of crime in all its phase,, and of tveiy nature, faM faflflfl and Bii|«'r- imlni i d b> tha use of intoxicating lirjuorn. I. it (. liiBl Hi ¦,-I »- '.i " W REED,,.an. l'i -ii: t' 0fl*K4|t.i Ko ru- Sisiin..Ai- Oth'-r si-i « t ih* dis»ing;ii-h«:d HflRgRrfaui patfiflt ha« just «li. «1 la<-.\ile aflMflg fla,thoflgh Rat without thon en-..'. nerón I i- t*flahi** whkfa tho exile« lor libt.-rtj » »»al«.' arc wont to ¡in-l in free land«. KlaV Bine Kmilie Tulavaky Ko-enth wa« yesterday afternoon I.-u« d in'in tl" « hape! af the RaMBd DlitRriRI S t:. ty 11 Iii-okhti. Th. i Bar, Saiuu.-I l.onfellojv, thfl lui«- | :i-i«.i. had sailed on BfltMRaaJ for liuope. Día, I arlflj, 0 |**od| and BflttoWfl, however, were present, hi -I IM h OHII pint in thfl IRRRmI -ervicerj. Thflfl* arete atttnii-d fay a large eoogregaJion, made aa in go -t ; u' by Hungarian.-, an-l c--ii.-ii«'.d at -i rofoa- lary on the Ofgflfl by a llno^arian gflMiaafl .n, flrfflfl* tiotis from Ki npinre read y l'r. Ilellow«, a prayer by iJr. « l-ijf»»-.)«J. miii h hiftily BMaTOPliaafl and inipi'.-esiv. a.:d-»H- Ir. ni Or. Karl-_\ flf the Kirrt I'uitauai! Chfllflfa in Hn oklyti. The rev trend I loctor alliid.'d with ninch filling »-. th» n unv ir It* in flsBflof thfl »h*flflflfl*d la«lv, an 1 wit'i i| I..I li I;» W J to the i»'Tlie»V lud hortpit kill An li.-Kii li.-i-'c v»h..-«e inini-tr-itioim had nm-I hi -pillow in drJnra* flad dflath. Uflriagtboa r the II! nil s 1. si. d In linar ,.| lio- pulpit, in the Imiltl- tmii-e niahiij/aiiy coflin, whieb waa «lloara «i h haflull tul tloVVITs. Oll thfl '.M'i t Bf II- d.-'lH-eil, Jl a .ni- n. e whl h. r owi dyin ;¦.-..-u KjWMabni lel aay» win bv her vil le i last '. -kn-.« a..» '- frOBI ihe u ii bain m ¡-h a bkh her farotbar had fa-taa booiid in an \iir4*rî:.n p ROD, Al in.- -.s. ib. »-ii ¡eg, tha coHi'i au bontfl ou». | r.-., Ii -l i.y th agi-li rg] man, ai d ¦ I ..i ihe Hnunriaa IH nd» of In« d.i cd, C il avjbotn at U eir tiead, an-l i.-il..,v. d by her l'-nr **0RR, fafl« only snrvivii..,' te-i.!-. ml faer "Uflcflfl. The reatan» wetfl 111 n to QivflRflro «I aad [ottfrad ifl IB* 1'utiuin iroaod there, Coi. t**hotb aaihiog m ad.lie-« i.i Han- :;:ll'.ll lit rtl« :-l:\c, ;irt .l iI|o to ! le -«. VI llo II d-T- B.I i' M RM >-1-¦¦ |=:» nt to Ita II I .. wh-i fa oi.l\. V«;, du [|.g rile. flOaSfl flRI rh from her I llui-n.iiy vi..- tRrowa by her t l.iUlr-.;. ou th.- « « Hin ..i i be dad¦¦-.!- .1, dual b. in«/ thiin r ici- i"-l to aMt iv . orreBModiog «rRb l-.-r m-n expr. <aed de o- .hiringbei taMiBacaR, TM earth had roi ebed .I -i- .-; rii e* o( Hangar], a nt i- tin- iii..-nii-.i -a v.I- ¦bei la* day*were*| ¡nt. Jt a it n i i:i. .-Til I'V -, IIOUK-Oa M. !,.l.ty, Jbb* l1 LvM. R,v. Ilr. Mr». r»»ili i T lltrtpiniil riit J Hi ., Ill I'D. .'--K O Rd r!-v .1.1,- -i", IBM Mo M 1. ('¦ .,- y. . « I. -I I ,,. 1 V< <., ngr I II I . u .. '. ,:, Hrookltn. i. 1 -. .- .1 . rjOODTl VH- I'l.-.i.'- !.. .1» ir.«ltl,»t Kii'li-»-.. -i .. H -I '! i,m i'.ii 1,1 n! ti, da ,-aa-.i i..-o,t .r.-,i tu »re»» f' -i nt K. í.iii.-r... t. will t»k»- i'l- .. i . si.u.lltil.a OtiJtlyear. jr., New-llavan, l'uni.., ou tli.-ÜJ .li..y ,1. i... 1 l.f l.v BtttVaV ». ai It* ¦! laa* U t H i t^w ll-'rt .- -I i, -. .. ,[ mu ni Ja in .,-. K III. lut»» ral »-ill tas.»» I.»-.- i! »¦ itatal raea oftaa Ra. H liria*- «ta«r, ti,:«i»i- -'»», hi«., aat M 4 .., I k. Ta« li ... u". o- i. Ü illy c.ti-i t., .l.i.i ttkl.o-rlf'i'K' nt, «'11.*.' I. »i lo S '. r-v .- -'¦.'' . ,/ . ¦.« t. tad tía BUitar, tl I -i '. »f» ri -i"l til <-r M. loi | H,-.;,y P', ." ¦: i. », .. r «m T riKl»v .t || Ihe ' a- , I . -, 1 11. I ¦¦-.,.! I , (i. u I m - t |,- n, Hi) . ,; laa.ling. S'l'Mi; o., ..¦i,!»,..!, J. t I l*mHj lii«al«a. I tooÈéns^jmmat ih- t sid i.i.m-a Bun lit - ..tli.«.! ll fill. Iv ,ir- r»» |s rt'lllv in- Bflsli t ..' I -1 14 Yl.s-I. h. r I»«', i*», VEBttTl .- IKI I.KN-di. M.i u v I, I'hul-. hla lav« N IS8 Rroail v i' N. J O.I T..--«i V, Hfi |. ,- For titutu.oi.c! Mamares and Dr.iths see Id Pare. Hi « l|>l- til I'l .MIO. r. Tot.iiiv.iH onmorn i . - ¦ I, «1 '. n r, I V, |,c«: mi. '- -"' blüh Dl-, tfl I. r.pksp. i ni. i .'.' p*»- «'- « "'".¦' i WM i a.Ij -- lái»- funaliBi .Mtrreaarara af Oren» Hw^nere. UKPAHT. Ail..H.w.yor»_Ll^rpool.inly « N-w Ynrk.New Vork.tttmnt...Joy J y 1 r.,.,ry.HostoB. Llverp-sl.Jolv 11 Ï. ft,'.Nw Yo.-k.H«vr».JulT \i Teuteùa .... .Ns-Vork.M-mhing..Jnly « rtaaBwT......Npw-Yort.Livsrnool.Jolt M TO ÄRaiVB. CanadUn.Liverpool..9^%^!.¡"n" \* Teiitonla.»^nthalDtHon.... Ne w.York.Jrmp.16 |>a»"than,ptou....?'»w-Tora.¦¦ j j "t...........Liverpool..S*t»-.ork.July« Passenicrra (talletl tn tleamihif City of ft a,hingtm, far l.t*trir*l Or. !d .lour«. J. I,n t-niith. ( baile» Calielr JsxV4M Kau,iiton, O. Plreal, Irwtn Smn-". »»Ich. kenned», T IU .*',.* It Hestfai, Mi-« Mary«'. 4'sdlet, MI»»H"«h. Mlagy.ilntli, Mi« M.'Mainia Mist »unan. jUt» ("¡ F.. »ritt. AU'.-'Ih»» lite« Kev lir Tlioirpinn » Ife and Child K J ? »th, wile tnd tervtnt. Mr. T. DpSBjS, MliS AllcS Deane, J. Itailton, S. <.'. I'ainey. And ei H'mlley, ALL < *.''.'*- »bark, Jamat .Mannv and li.dy. Jarata Mo.,1» -nd ul... A. l.deir « ha« Ttylor. V.dw Rough H P. «¦«.tt» AM. Brnbe. A II HutraMsT, SA., If W-tldrm». J. <- ft tn. JsttB II. VemláfvJ Kavi-hhle.«. M. Mo'-n.s.J M .-'i"".»' Ad» « «' Ie Ai'geli». < NooLtil. wite,thrppr!iilrtr.naii.j.nir«.-, Itev B. J ...Vliov,.S John."-. Ü \*.i-...r«t VV lir. ',, HrW.TtMBB, \\,n Kent. U ¥ ft. 0*****. Henry Wa»a*VJ.Pi «ana, *. Simiri. E. tt, Rrv John Pnrve« »nd ltd«' Mr« M .r.d-n aud a.u \V. H Tbwaite« ««id lady, Mr» M Ne.'ni't and da ijln er, A I ,.,er.e, KotertMir.d.-., M.".l-;:v:-l.H. I»ttu", ft. Pi »sal 'in! wit".I. Iboa vt«.rah«m and wife. ». .- hr.cder K /.oiik ,r I' R «e » K Held, Mit l.u<- Htm, Mit. I.i. . 'te. Km,,. Tor- rHn.'i'tiid »If". Mr» LtwaM»,«wJa» V*la»», Man ">"»» )>;<; .'«« «¡r«yand ata. J P. B.-mnmnt and lav)*, E. W T.i 1*1 Lisa A H fjd» I I. A-, A. Levy «ml da,¿liter V.u. I I" Bi »If« < ooper. Job H CsJJsa, R. M Polt. r. V«.,,,. Lan »ou, H. forti- Hush Symington, «ieo Sti-.n 8. B. Brook*. Rev. Mi. Mc.Nultj-audll--iiiitli.ite.ra'-'". Total Mi. Spec!.' *>»«,. In iteumthip llliii'iii.far Srutkamptan and Untre.i A.Te- «lpr»i.ddai.»|.l»r, Mtitin .¡nd wife A. Rol». Al >nza «.ob-l ol Hav.iia; J. Plai.ant. L'-o'i Perra »ft A Moiimt, Mr. | Mi« M it. 1>» 11 Mita Loa Mariaann Kraut II. M Ho.ihpr.Moa.-« »luv R. Braun, Cl,.i». flnmti.Tt r ('.I!"'. Mr Msertt Mr. Kvila-d. A Mob**, Mr». Hill ml d lugbtvr, Mr« »tl.r, ¡der, iht» W Mine! i'i «V. Str.-n Mr Tttntr.X «,i.i, John H...I..V. < h*i. jmtjsrina, Pisa. "1- M-.rtin. I.. Baa ,h. y.l' Alls.d K.Psaton.Mr Da Metmak» r and lady, Mr. hot Is Ml ft n aiir'.z, R. Kthermiller. « II Huat and srlis,A.Da» Bask«, wlsssBslssai ¥. Ha/l-wi od. Aira Lisait Hysa ¦¦¦ tnjj in- I.It'll Tht run», IJ Mc«'tili#. A II» o er. I.oui» P.. ..t Ulli', Ann liiriin, Mr« frnii h. Mari., litinloni'i. Arnile Prisés (»roüiii- Rep«.., ("i. r Autre Ha««. I», qua « Rum»l, «iiiirei.l»'- -Mttiie.ieur. Mr». Enm-iiid. Philip t-iefle. Mrs, r*th. Iitn.t, «'. Roaiiiti. f. <.. K.H'-lli < Petirell, ,\. P.-tronl. C. P.'ro- ni L P.-traii. «'¦ rum Ymirrl. Ml« E Olatta, Jstts M-i-'. t'lnry Miih tl S'hille Marls Krai k, l.tort'" fltrnar, Hrhmldr.'K Msa«e«, t Id. Ir-I Mr» A «ole. \ | Hpinrbr, Amhrnis (-tip, John (ll., tt Kjg, :,e l'en, t Onorgj Psvb T. N, Kug Dairy. C. M-iidai. Tm Ball If, Win Maiim in er. Alta Mn.-be. O i'itala«, M fUi.on Ar !.. in, Miel.r, Alir.d J. ,u. [ptattss Wss»nbssr, Boruch Jul.-a Ilipt.chp, Armind CluitS»«. «¡u«tt»e Smdoy, H. nr> Ihona» l'on Juan billso T T laStVvTS, V. rani. Jo«pt Dultna, Mi.hapl (lro»«m-n. John < .Weber It Kr..»»i: La lun, A. JtuBiiip.ui. Tote!. 147 8p-.i". *¦'''>' t*. I*tttamtkipH*mmt*i*,foe Southampt-n, Hatte,*** mm. fcioa-Mr t-.nd Mr«. Holt», two .bilJrentii! BBISS -li" U'. i«- Iub. Bsissasti Mr«. John «i. Koki'i. Mba H'lgar. Mi«. I-. hnnkp. |r., ai d d«. uliter. Ksa YOft BaV|m«ll ! \ i'.!. HM li «'inrin'nati J«roti Sir in.«. Hifi'iD; Hi». I. Kn.-d Süd tW» thll- dr.n Sitv-niiali Mr and Mrs. Ï Hamm, r. Hti.ton M sjyaiir. i. I.rg (»lifri.ia; Mist l.elin, .V. w-Ymk I. II. M.m«.oi. linn- hurt; Vf. B.-liweyer, MsjUngat; H. rf,-!i'.. id-r. S.U.'. BlrtmiB»; Mr mid Mis. All|BBl Wetter. NYw York A. B. Mhrr». Humbnrti AT Vorwerk. M. Wiilitm». Neav-Votk (,:l Vt'agner, Porto Bico; rr B oint, M. Ilatming-r. T N. Lnasas, Mr. IVikmami. Kew-Ytttti 'i. Schwerer, Matan- wi«; Cürl 8eli/. Piiilid-lui ia: i'r Faalbaber, < lurinnati; Ml BcamMin, N Vork: Mi«« r«rani»c U...-kner, d>; Mia « harlolt* Fli ueii'teiri. Meal n: Mi'« Then,lore Kr .ii.e'.tt'Ui. d .: I.oui» Jarettky, California. S. Jobn«on. «to, Mi-« l>. Etat, N \ M ?. tr**.*rtk tad Uuta il.i'iiin do The-. Bt h'.id', lo; Mr m d An», l.oid» .\f.n'/»l Isa I'rin.-i-.o Mr and Mr« I tn -lr, «iiuium, andrliiUl, do; Wilhelm Kt'i'i- N Vork CtrlBtih- iii,.-. U hi tin.'; An- »t Keicb. Si» nnali Mirk L;»-n"r, N « uolina; Peter Biillnifier and lady. N i oik : B. »on tUihn. do; Muter Neun ami, do. « tat Llohint», I'.altimore; John pplnvuldt l!ro, klan. K'ied' f-'tOi'kiii.'rh. N Vork: Fran* BcBT'lsaW, do; lleiiir '.Mi-'idt'ilo, do; Alexander 111,"-«, d.i. John l/i, < -li .ni,». Il.-iiiii.-li itinl.iier, Mui.tgomeiy. Aia; F.-ii-'.^r-li'id.i:, N «irlitoa: '/»rhari-i« S»en«oii Bwsdsa; M Sptlmf-r. tit i- Bstlj H. Bflllllisller. N Orle.iin-iiid other, in tt.-er.p l'i-'tul, UT. Önt-cie. aittrtOt. I'm»« m»« » « Arrived In ttffim.'ip Adriatic, from //,/r.r arol .. ".«,; n.!\!i«# <o:-»tork W. Il vYi'friiidlad', D. H Wirihim and la!y O. Ü. I lowland and Ian,fly. llio» Patter'oii ai d lady. II. M. i-'.-lr. f lelinaid Udy, \V. B I Lawreii^" and liiuelv, ti M. J udliidy. MtSB H. Psrtstr. J. Kerim-dj Sri »theend iê'ni'.c, W H Su ith a .1'»mily, 11. B. Iliaper and lan.;lv, i:. » I». I ,1 Lstli g, B Á Í1- !!r..,ube!» Mr O. ». Jonei. Mr» t. 1 are.., Mr». A M Coz/ i.t, Mr» K 'lv, ¥. KpDj J Pa« \'. il Drapa* Mn-l/slry, H. R M«»nsn J II. U odt. Mr» I-.... r, 0. rnllatr, J B Bisara índ Iti nly, 1!. BhsrwedJ and lady. Mr. Cliiiri'blll Bud lad», Mi»» Kur :v» v A H ¥ ¦-:.-. Sam,.. Norrlt-C O.Tttl PrÄ AM ll* Mr Soléate < ..t»t. ( liev.r. C. J. Llvermot» ai.d ludy. Mln »¦.»..r?h H. V BooiBetn a;id a. ii. « T. « ti. Seyton W. II Oimmnek. W. K Mil .on, J < U;(li', < Marin at:d Miiy. Mi McK i-»". H 0. Oaklty.R .-linimon Mr« Pestwek. Mf«s (laretchl E fJsXas. .hi }. 'lowinpiid, <..-iy-l -i .nd »., .- Mi«« Mltehell. I'.. «'. 'I ..v.« .end, C Ci'liuih". \. Aleyer« and fan ily, E. C. Cowdtn, Mr. «Iverhv. «' Ilrnrv. A. K Jo-, ph. J. J. R, .era L. Il ¡h i Mr Hi«,' li. -., I »»...¦«. I». R BtAoford, K. Rhode«, 1*. Cm.m,:.. Mr D:,;.... ini tan, IV. B. Mit Jriiili. J. V. Ma! lark, U'-v I. A. II. "Cn Miia. Mi'l-, II « Phv,.- .Mr. Hi.»i chl, l ...,,. W «Jr.¿,n».l' /¦¦:'.aim. II i. Mi. r .«I .r od t Wo .ant, Mr. Hawick. Oe... B RniHth J HollUtn-, J. H I J. J. Bta .. u i.- IJ. Li p| i' »- I tiavlst, K < V\ il-".i A. Carli-r I. I. «'«mal... k. Jr.¡ Hr Perd v.-s Harker, Tibor < » VTstn», A. \\ Kpt. h im. J. Man- b»i Richard« l>. P. Bnntb and ,'milv, U. ». Bridge. E il. Tel.hro.ik, alr« I', ,c> k IV. S I: In, I B. Bs k J H F !'.|<e, I. « -k,\\ II. l'lilüip«. II. K.lev, Mr. P.iewtoii, H B* r-. II. rr» KlOtl ToUl «' ir. i inj Pesas; Durektotir. jrctn Salt t'.iy. Al.. 11 n.iphie« a, Mr. KmbalL /n heir* F.agl*, triym Curaeoa.Mr» «C A. Rav.-n« and ton, Mr» C. C. Bak.-r, Mist B ». Tayl .r. In 1,'tg I /. UfromTri ' -Win. AndersM BJtd !,iJv Thou»«» Pl.-ii-p. rk lahiti.ti m 8*t r.J Mnl.-i. O. It. Miller. In I ark H. I. Plat,, // ;,i.mwi-I!. A. I', k. In,ihr. Prrrh.,. t mm Hi rm -.17 Mr«. M.l'all. taWI, tnd »WS danghlpii; Mi».M Hirrpil Mist Lackn» re, J. «)»«wbi.I. Mbu M » Ki.f Mitt ri A » at, K. WBUne«, ». Béas« n. « i[)t \ ts»y. In lork üaxetli um Vaymt t, I'. I...«.-..»eTr. "t. Ed wsi.lK.jipU.h. .-.iii.'l p. !«.,|... Lo l»a MaiitTBal, J snM<ua», Mi-, i.. I Cio'.in, lese Dalia i, Fslix Nadal, aWvatVir Nadal.Tr. N.., i. h. I»«**. Mi. nft.. | ll.-II. A. B. BitxBsaa rsBajtJ - t ." !.. A. Karte tt. I'.Jyai.d lild till |e|| B It. g .I...I,. talar. W.BtUgcJni» U*i*ntat.C. \V. «Católa Ige, J.F. '. - ; .,..» A*t*mé*¡ Irse» il-,¦¦na-Mit I. - '. Mr». C. mi. i".'.. 8 P B»i um ,,. U. i.uim, W. \\. H-I..1. r- c ii. T. «-oiklin. ¥. ll I.i truj M a n m .i . PeU. .Mb, A. tie Bill*., ii tf, I. MA RIÑE JO URNA/, PUHl' «JK M.V. VUUK.J .,. I I laiirad. BtatBleai l'a- -i. N- n'oit i. eiuck',.; Marian rotter « htnW--'. m Baolbrd, T aton I t'c. Purker» bi.rg, FoarlL U ¡in..«;: ¦ II. at Cromwsll a Co '.iii,-. ,. Cltfa-I -«'or:, >;k. -, II. »'.<'-."¦,¦.." 1 «' .Ia' '. i i". H B. « romwel! V Co. Pat.ip o, \;.|| Pottlt 11 B.< raatwarll li rt'-'pa-lart.,-. Bt!-h'-n. Boes . tyn I (t. Ihrep; (ler- u.u-.t, iu»u«. nl tlatra.W. WMUskk.ii Jons Jay, U-i». !-'?'. i- I St I I I g v \. w Hr!. ,,,,« tV T Irs». Bark -J. !'. B .».'. iltM Turk, I- nd, J. K. W..j: k ¥. e ttt, HtrdlBf,,::or. M «lili t Al H .loh,'. 1\ .rn'.l' London, Bttasr bims.¡ Uenry. Wiltot, Aniw. n u h ¡i. i Bu sei fio Id »I ra ill«««, It \\ 'l rund« Irt I h"- I'm.;..- \- ... Barra »Ma Cnati >. II I. BsBtaCrsi kdudsloa Itro» «¡i o.l-¡-»,i i«,-.m»-..n. Moblit i-nr . « .. .'. i ., I rolil »I? I Bu;. T. .'i m ... H...A.V. Bsruitutt, Bi Ith, Jone» I « o . ¥.. », !' ... C «I. r S ..i-; .1 a. Hern in. l'ii -M ' A' P R. IV Huik.-. C S I' 1! ,i I'i M iH ind in ts » « .. II li-k il.n-, i. - s n iih .'. gins; R. ll s, II .h , ' r K ¦. !,r. -t bo* 1 BCSW < s d n u Hew, i.., .. n ,... ,.- |, j.' in »., fa I.- - - <¦' .. .'!. Bot ,ld. I'lilln:- B I, !¦. Mill ||, to:i J, «-,.; H. -i.. .t :. ... .; ; , now. » 't fi r. F- bai u.... .. :; Bas a, IL "> lt. M ¥'. P, rasa, HsBtttaa Bsatta* R. P. Bsek It Co. Vsmon. Towpr .St. J,.|,i>. '. B »..- .,. .,. , ,Bri Snaw.Maraa- "I' t, 1». K llewplf, Lana 111 Bal» r Pal. i. ie!. \ .v r«o. in. ,. Fadrlat lt< B, Ah - ke; Alt» lllr I. I. U. Pu t.«. >, i BK»I>. Ml U.:.-. e, M ,«.. Ball! .-. Uerrill à Abh.t. !'...n in.'. N. w. i!.l'i.,l .:. .,, .... ,| Hand H U Tull TewMrnd PMl»dslphl« J llaudi .- Mill», Uayton, Brookha- »ili, lua-ler John N. I., '.ill Rbod« l-i ..d i. . i»,. , :p-, BtsBB V. boll Pi:il,J"lpi,;.. .itllBti Itsmstl ip An. u t.. k. Il .1 ij .i..i '. tl.. N< dl U 9 p ! p « t N tant) Bteaixablpta, lb» hid lie.-J i i .. .»,.. I l-y. Mn,i I»,-. Í.ISL-». '-. ,.), !¦-, , «,pril »F h. U. «vinal« ibsriiiir. BMpZmfrt. Bsanport). KM " , , , .1.-1 ..-.jilo ti, i..i>t.r '.', t ln*4 :«t. .A 19 d 7', |d »u, »¦ Hpri lawtj from H iln i. riel I data out BVdpl ' V. r..\ l' 'r1"""1! f.l It. nOltSB. bac o, i toi; p, .i. »bip h r».,» Mjm .-. l'n-idtiphia Jim. BJ| i.l..,idt"|i K,,"r i"1' '"'" '»i; i" ..... zv.l ,|». i. ... .ti ..h"^ resVi .,,. S r ,.|.',!, rsntina«ad all th.-i.,.-. d.«i. ItoK H I ii, -, her leak i -....¦.¦ rhour; biear i,nay «' Ulk tr-tu I.-. e I a.k AnifUda, Ben,,«, I) m. .i ,,M. in, .i.^, ton» o kc to M Tatlor k C< ' «'i-!'. l!i.'i,«r!. Car. ..., i 11 ., ,1 ,,. UXastvr. Iadpn n,e! l-it wlodt With I.e. i v tbi.iiü r mu n ins r»). .t -in. -,,.,. ',,, ':.ii.g»:r... » ti una»' m i- di .. .' ;. ..-,... ..! |,,v '. », | ... 1 " - I tu» dt'-Va II a n v a rack i i t ., b*i id tha ran rti'l.l I «i lints iiploAa« .. Isti« .»flying '». i »Ill " tdlj I e *S -.¦ o t.. M r, ,, ,| ,. ,,. |, ., .,i i.e.. ... ,d»ttk n tal « UPI I palled , ,. , » m Bar "a» ':»!"") I li.i u M ltil.1«.- M Vcrfmni), Ma'figat Jnr.e 12. anlaaart-j lii'l' ,M, fc< . /.-, * loms »., .-a*, m* Are**», I evti«, trr,.', HÍvVrrt for BotUm ams^ir»*^'» ft» ^'7 ! g ne. ¡maj « l-tk. mA wa. I .II*' d to «Uv« B»«B ll*l of 10«- ''Ta.k.I. B J,h..«..n(of H»tr.po.t) HtRt^ttftMliwIl ..¡¡.r,,,! -u T h Caq-Th. Kt^.i'ii-.-d betvf Wï"i!krt.e'r"l)eijiill,CHo«*a», »«»annah "' «.»y''. c0**on. .*>*-.>. "aíi'k Hoir.0, r Y.U». OaWtB, W. T A.. day*, palmtll, h* , ,., Wo.."?ôro-,rî.!d I lo- T«*fl »-- 1st 17*0 gl « 0 «pot. srbr Sea VA Ich baace fat KW/t Ion« » U». -,. U tari. .0 10 sbip G «'- Uunctri. Baillai"»«. Keering eMtwa-fl. Hm 27! lat. ¿7 B, I >o- : t U s»« »l-'P *'¡t, sf-oi.g «MM mê. rtaiktn3/at>ll» (tyB«a-H»-*«B). »^"- *..*;«",, ^T^ liiti., »oias-t-t t«. H. Tro*..-»'.-.' a S».. «f 1*..H«VVT- .»** l.i.t la' H, «m H .«I .** bil| R * >'*her t*»'»''! * ;*¦¦ M, Itt. r.. m. -Tl, tpoke brig Albert Adtu.i, from Wl.i.ilnftoa, «VrMhla^win iof Portia-"!). T Ittlajobi. H . >r.» dav», iu,ar «id,.,.iy,m«,!tr. ¿I-t ln-rt , 't» HaUa-r»«, »hipped a tct, wöfch ttl).d«h«iai,ln, ... » e«k*I.C»Twlr, (UUS'j, (hot. *Otm *^?ko\oW&'P tnolossm to Ynle*. Po«tar*.'lr| k » o. Kipe-Vo- I * ¦>*»T*7 CT- r ¦ l,| B on the «d an-" ¿3d of June. Baik H-rn»»i. Lowrjr, N.v» «ir|«.,i» d«v«, .niton, kC., 10 VVrn N.ltánt So" ril^r1.-n.^ahi»v7t*MÜi»-r Hria MkDiitio (I)nl»b) trVbro»-«**». i uraco« lane II ^¦»""v i,- To DotaleI Ce. H.rk KtgW, K»a., f,,, Raw York, «.-il'-* tito d»vt previ..»*- î-'tli ¡».si lat- i»'*» »«¡.i Til", «poke «hip .Ma-gar» t. Hon. Portlan». M N'W Oikan. » «Uy. o fl. Hilt Ktperiinent Kogeri, ll.ui.-dio« 14 day», «ugar and BB» 'TVAM.V Bo.tor, to-*. |,n-l.v., -tttaajji ,. H 1. V ktaat It o 21»»'in.» M 2" ¿ta 19 OL ..«.»e «a'ii. .\e* Borde* <-. IU« ' <-yú*x»*d b-aty k. »trailer, »pli» »ail«. Re. ,, M Prit Cii'.ifi. go« ¡Bfl ), Borg, C»rds» nat 16 dtyt. MRMafl to Mr. i'fiTg Sniih iMrrsfof Kllsworth». Lord, Matunia« l*i day« tu» lar to l. It J P»t.-r« |rl| iHii.etUavi» (.r Boston), 3»».,le«,Pen«.u-ol«2I day*, Hun- Bi%<Hlvtat*VB fof New-Bexlford), Wbitll-ld, MotkUe J-.t.r 13, rottou, à«., to VV H. liar .rd. Brig Sultan Sutton, l,.-.,rg. to« n, 14 C, 8 day«, naval »tor»-« K> ! B Lililí«. Brig L}m, (¡ray, (»lal« 1') d-y». loi. l>-r to ui--*>r Brtgt VV. Hin 1', Nn.'-itat» l-ii." S, «otar to B»-'l, Hoa » {.,. JBBSM l»r IT. Ion. P»--d Or g *.. Vliliikin. «teari'| June ¿3 lit m\ loa ». »»« "er.otxl . btM.jl«.« i oi-i \i. K. ; «prung- for. :n»«t. tto-1 .ott, »nd «tot- pajrt of d»-*- Bria l. V\ Uri-ko (of ColuiriM-., M* ), l»ri"k<'. rarrfcn«» Jana Iii,.»u«f.r. *r., t.. til/r.noo k |rl»yb^w. .... ... Brig llllia.-i Tl.ompioB für,), lli-pHll, Hli:«i»or<,, N. »., »0 .liv«, »t< n>- t-. VV K hull rwvrth. fi, a Sun Sh. plvrd, li. "ag-i* IS «t yt, tngar to Ja« K. Waidti.'. Bagsatt-aeaflonostjorooa«.. arnaSliaparo (o. U, Ovirton, Buk ., IX-i ¡Lst. truitt 'lh... l.Unartiu. J"ie «- l«t BR ¡"n. "-1 11, ,,..., hr I. «V. M Bar, BBBeafor Ra wa»n. I flap «**«¦ ,,.'' Ni-w Il.vrn). Ulis. Klo ir- ni- M»y hi.l»i wool i.«.. to L B. '.»g-r 8«IM is oi.ipariy will» l»ik K.gatt«, .Vluiltn, lor Periitnihu.o. aiid Br. hiig i.laao»-»*, loi Moiit<-v'.aeo '-""h laat. lat ttm\ 1-n la, *P"»e Br. brlg IrofB Porto Ki. olor Nu î-'k 10d»y«t»ut. s, i,r. M Mtaaaa, BiBar-aar, aii.da lUogy», KBBXM uaitio. »Chr. Hrn.iv P»)t«.u (of Botton), (to».-!1,»toi,. J«n., M » '."' -i Ilainp'.oii Ko«d» 4 day», logwood and MBB* t-' H'ûry ,i Da '.inl'-VrJ. li t.r. K. N'(k.-""i:. Pulford, l hail^atoa 12 tlayt, ru'.ton, fcc, to DolliKir, P. tterfcl'o. Id i Mar;.:t » "ii.illi loi" N.-ar Haven), l.n.o, Abaooa* »Uyt, ,t to Joa. Kn»'»'- Srlir. P»-er!ra» (I'.r), D<»»*, h-layt, in bulltrt to M :. Brbr Ki, l.-mtr-««, LyTich, VV iii.,¡..-ton, N. C, 8 day», . k«»1 »t..ri»»toM.-< r.-idy. M««* »'o. 1 tan.Is, loiuiell, Jafkton-.ill« 12 oay«, piae for Rrw- lltii-u. S lir I.ycl» Ann, VV.'.v.r Jtv-ksonville 10 dav«. |>',i»« It im Axt. [-- . lanrttacrd h»a»_y ».-Htli^r lo«t i.-»3k-!oaA fii-hr VV m. Bason lylt-r, baliimore ó oay«. Icbr. M irirarit F.-ndiatuii. Bflaareill "c»j». B, r. V ak ti», M»-ans Kllsworh " dajt iSrhr R 11 t'ol.n. Col.on. r»I»l»bd»y». Sct.r Pavilion, ( bin» C.Ui- 5 d»j«. fiehr. I'-irl.- lia*, Kininm Ro< kland 4 J.y«. ItM Jtnes Iii-wrenr-f, Allen Boston .. day«. Or*ton, Bute», Bout« D for Al»»ai»y Srbr. Marin Loui««, Comu Ing-, Kail River i days. S Ir. Motitor, besa*»- VVai»-iiaiii i day«. li hr. S.-a BaBft-f. in-lano. P*n«a olu 11 <l»y«. pii.e to 6.kt»>-r. .¦»rtir. M l.ird, J./h. (OB, ' iigiiii» -' dav« wood. BaBMB-B laR ii,('ro-,k.-r, Pbiindi-lphi» »od tap.» May, rod»«. and pa«« to K I'.-rklns. finunici AnÜnni-it.-, Jonei, PhiiaJ. Iphia, Mitte, to J- » S. Brk-a. ... t. fit-rain«-! Alitln, Robinton, Philadelphia, mit. i> I.oper a Klikt'Atri k. . . a /-.j i fit.aiti. r I'.-rgiiin, Williani«, Providence, mdt». to I. «Jd-.L MtOTMl liaun, I'.-ny. .Nrw Be Hord. BA1LBB- BtaMMaifCltl "' B»****B*Bj»*a f«flUver*M«l| U. S. »irai irl ral« Maguí». Japan, »»»-aiii-hip« lilinoi«, So-ithvi-pton tttioHa-.i»--, Hati.nioiii» Ha-ihing; AUbtn.a »lavs'ieah; Mfanon, I htrltalnn l'«ikei»b'jrg. VV'ili.u,gtoii, N <.'.; Vorkt-^wu, «or- fnlk Be. Po-'hi ., Kirtinior.'. Pt»tarr-co, Portlaiid. H-, Jt'i.f I. St HaBMfl ll'inl-ville, fitandard. BMflBBflB, rud»»». and p«as la 11 I., l r nut. Il k Co., »t5:30 p. m.,o1 Ciih- L«,ok- In imag Iho». fi»-, n n. t»liip lieomiaii» |«>I' New-Urlt-kii'l. f-elt»r, NewOrlaaas 13 dty« Jni.e lü. I»t. 30, l^n 7». «a« »i >p Ij.ii' a»l>-r. fir Liv.'ra-.ol. Junt)2!l lat M la* It, «isnae-d baik K.-»t:»'t«, bound fi- SliipKn.ily A. bal (ol Po.-IUnJ], I wyt.r Li»»-ri>oîi M »y ». B da», la N. »m;tl ai .-'ont. 2'rth iii.t. urt fit* I«Und. in a b,»-'ivy K)U»1I Iota N. VV., loit «n entir.- MjB* »t'tailt. .-»Lip Ai iAii,iriai)j,Martlnoi'! k, Antw-rp IUlay«,!!*»!«*. to M K fi.-hrniilf. I.aik Kaïie. Il 1er, l'ur»-oa June 11, »a't. hulea, *».. to S. W. Littiklalo J.l.i-.'l 1st. M), ¡.m T.', pa»aej a ii--ad bodv J nie I lit. ?~ lu. n. "I, pa»vd a ni.ttlli :if.-b,>at al.oat »i f*.-*. long, (t.iit.d Math; l>io i"-.-n »t< v.. J it.- ¿ti, pi. k.'d ip » »igi b trd «i li "Saratoga" on it. Iia.l b.-.-n l.i.ta »hort lata i'. th.- *ater. hstk J t.,Ii M*r, ill, Pa-k. H.iviiii» Jun.- it, »ozar, k,-., lie i- i. r i. Paalii .>rti!^ii in CSkBipao) t*iiii hark l'ti ai»«», :,.r Rai» i .oiuli. Jun. M lit ¦%«fl, lata, TTiR, .raoiir .hip .laut I).<a*ar, o; Pcrtiii,', tl' foi l.iverj.,,.,1 Hnk V i -oat. i, H.II. Sun. .'.' ilay- IMir to m ufsr Jire 20, i,m ( ii[>. L"'.».-.¦'*,, pained tw.. iii»»ts ol aa-hoon-r. fbe V. Lat balk! »w N. K. ueaiher. tarfc W. A. PI i> i.i i- U .! ¦'. .-nun, 14 days, »o^ar. k -, to Btvk Alma (Br., of Tr--,id»d, Port S*a -, N k r- M,-a.a Had h'-a»; S. K. gales oiu.i ot me paa- IV ." hak Tal. t, e Ki'-tport), I)n»i». M|M Jn'i-' IT, «-i(;ar to nit-Ier l'.tikMitry II. Uam-y. I.nther, V\ arn-a il day», in bai'.aat lo i.,a:trr bita Vci, g ll.r.lie.ter (ot'^t. .lohn'». N. Y ). Fit.r -tri -k Sait f'.\ T !.. Ilflatt, ».lt lo VV.-ll,, K t, i I ,. Ktp.-rinued li.hty N. K weitl t»r. llth ult., la.. » II. ¡,,n T4 W, w«. g|rttek y ibinlag ,'ii. Ii »l.iv.-r. J th.- m ibatar-pu -.taiid uit'u ii».t, «., 1 .-ii.i« d blig 1 / A (cf Kn»tp.rti. WtBttBBa. Ml lai il O i>» I iUe in, .tiway l'asudo | I"!. r, t. »-' n R, P - ¦ . r, »la, u. ti r d irtl .' tl. ¡, Briii < .'Vv. ' Ho-tom Mattle**, Nu. vit-« .lin,.-le, irjg.r 'U;«-;iii «.'ii ^»r. laBatfl, M 22'.'0. !on. Ti'ao' »loi«! t) . t i.iso.ler l'Un -'". la». 21 241, ion. ,j ,i t»V bai» R. Il K .»it. Rceritra > J ;.»'.'! l.;.3j;.'i, ;..,, ;~ 1> ¦I *' ¦'¦¦¦tl. '.- bay l'jrt r. îrid'a, !cr N.'trl latft brig Ifl .- I l't»t;r»rt), Laec.y.r. uo<-, P. U., l»Jda»«, «i<«r to Brrtt Boni Cu I1 s .- I, < .. | i: lay«, -g | t -k-»r ic LlthtWunj K,|i--T-i .-.- l ii.-.»y »».- .Mi.-r. B.-.-n L2 Uy« X of batieia«, with at y M. E. tm ». I- It. l.S.l.y,. rnila -teat« VV h fl. « :-''ti. Ci .' .' . lal .-'. I.i. ,.'..i, »p,,,. i.HTk I-..--1J I I-y, IrwDi B. ton for I lalvraton tain« i iv, «*»¦/ a hail, «t-.'-ing S 1. sboaluga v.hl».e flag Willi .- ill-U. r'r 1. it, »Baj !.^t»--A <: Merrill (of Baakt»ut). Berry. Mat-aa/-i-. I lugar t., i, I "V -4 1. Co. . ' biig Hi-i.-,i. I. (Itr., orLK.rp-s,: N. ».). Baitli..., 1'aiarJ", P. R., B J.» m L a», »to J. V. UBBjtfVa« 4i I'd n; .-( tin, .\ (of Ktt»t MecliiHM. Joha.r.n, M-flBaaaa*J lay» s, au, kc li Siuii.-m, i M»yii,-»». J,m. W. i,, ¡dt. m ,un λ it P. AU-iand, .. frtja- Vat IBBBt f-T H«B t irk i 'iii . i>ai.."r>. T»»,l..y. Marai-iibo Jane «, f «M » ... J,lit, i*. oüKíaa-.l. *.-Tl SfOSM SOÜJ * its, 'k. w -1 b i..»».r ya.d |...»t abo.-«- -rat« !uJ;un'» otmofam 'j.'ijL.^i.Aiiioltl AtUii-on, V .,-rheeU-r, N. B., 10 lay-, *to,»a flckr. h. N. itntkii.-. ti-itiiii,CBarlc-too 10 J.».,.- t-m R. . !.. M< ¦'» -t .V t '' -- r ' , (Br ), S'irr.p. Kl -jtlier- » d«v«, pi-.eapnlea W 1 ato. J ... J'. .,.- .i ,:, .i,..k,- búk \:.,u . - rtttra V.Va. ftekr. Mi -1,.«a, Liackbi, Harai Jota»M « i»r ;,- 4'- I'i.d on boai.l JiiWi, Urn. Ua.-: ,t,-i. o' Ithoif.. Iitaal im M I* of N. »» p rt ,. V 1. j. |7 m, Vi to I -' \ Small. W -.. .. BM Ut«M I , to luaata-r. II» ii' ,t »ti.,d. ati-1 . Ix« tu.« «a Hole hi | I..v.!,.d. It Kl«., lu .lay*. I" k*T I. illeeatti M '.". orí. .". J ,\ Irtt :i. -,... |,. n, ,t o - ¦' 5 ! in i»;.iik tor London. .¦>,h-, i.:.».-»,*4«.p«r,V .rti-n«tdayt, tool .- - tkmà «'.thtebr. 9 «job, i. f, tiranía, ir day ..'ni m a «i itr .. "flait .> raw and lamfed ibaniat (lieat Eg« Harb -lr..--bi>v Pon. -11, Wiiii.ii .t ,, N C, 6 tlayt n«.- ti »tor»« to B Pi t* fc, r MIT |..¡. .., ... Wilo.tngio, , N. C., : i y«, .uval kl. -. - ;. M r. idy M.-tt ía.4.0 3 1 *.¦ 'k- - l.layt. y-ilow plv.etoP. k i i au ' .. S,,»br.vk 10 honra, b, t t, -'h lof NVtfllj,,,), M¡|!,.r Mat,.,,,. '. ' keily. Junen n tl.I -t-aaS» « /.i!,.; u hll<,H w«a»y»ft .,"¦' " ;'" ''¦IB«.. 1-1.» ,.l.|. at, ,!....., Donglita M'''r'.o:,^.i,!ut::'' '"c,t" Aaj:-ou Ka-'>-' ***** S t'I "* Vr'"" V,'rti'-,r: '-b."'port. ' .- LUI:.-.». Il,,: .l.ipbia,. l for .Va llav.n, ' " I.H. VI!»,.-, .- Bivio,,. »a», a. Hchr li ipira l.o».-il. Ubaa, fat r.o-t..u. t;''r * ï u ' '"' 9 " u -' Ja»-, i. -,,i.-: .-,hr M » .1 w. n, Vi.,.,,1, .,.aj tlpA, lialMi.o!.-. V '. .' ""'t '"eut ll,|l... . ,!.,.. v,0>4 lohn Mattlo-... K;»., t,,,, N. ,| t\\? °* \l¿7" " ,V:u! "u- N>' N'** ll.tllortl, aiilae. *n,f pa-a. to Joa. ei^po.» ,,"i t, 'A':U]-' '¦'¦n'1' "'. !»';'Ua'"1 * »p- kv. avia*. «îwwA !ï"""y V" ,,! ,'- " d'- i.'l-steiM.-'J. i .¦.'.-..- »-.= ¦'! ¦.:,/''.»-."* ¦...'-->¦»¦.¦« attaaaaaa .«ha V,IN' " *». «I BlHMl.B | | --t N VV, and By TrlrgrapR. MVV.'i'K'l .i a Vir . i l.r.i.1 H- l'o» f " " '. .'¦.'.«. ro Phllatlelphi" B.' b - a N , ";'°"» Pks-.-ti, .re ; r I lOVlil- HAVAMKAH J ,..?. -p | '»M, .1. T.****** ''kl. > - ' , .1,1,',\%,,*i It, 1, .ui.«r " o »b,. Bal « I- "'f'in.VVe.,1 -t to,,, \\ . -i . in- i-i. .- Ar. -K,; Jv»B ira-4|kB«**a« V -» kt't'.eîK* M1 «a»cd la a-ta i»«-»! ;..o».ii ,.»,epi tba fit lion, whltl ,. i . «tup h .1 hilg a. ¦BgMahRaat ' " f k. ail X i » | ÜBM N. » \ji\ «i» 1 J»ya t.

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-07-02 [p 8]. · ¦váag the beeper»»f the tal-otn»,...

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-07-02 [p 8]. · ¦váag the beeper»»f the tal-otn», WiUiamTrapttdn. w*d the two üi la, were avwtaj on tsajxtajaMaf Schulty. and Hboat

¦ '»váag the beeper »»f the tal-otn», WiUiam Trapttdn.w*d the two üi la, were avwtaj on tsajxtajaMafSchulty. and Hboat ÉKKI Pf tbe »tok-n mcney wmfonsd tr. r eir BBtsBmmBJ. Some of it had been »p-ntay tbem in the purent».»* of new dreriaea. The pre« were all u»Wen before Jusüct» lli-twimn raid rommiUed for trial.

-m .

Fo.t-RTU or J» ix.-Tue .loiut Commit»» on thee*Pt»,miou of tbe National Anniversary held anothermeeting on Saturday, i >o motion it wa» resolved that.!ack*»on».,uare (junction ol h'ighlh avenue aud tlud-.n.artet 1, ehould W added »a. thn lia» of pln.c« for pyro-«.tiiiiPi'dipplBy, Tne sum of I?.'! wa» also appropriatedforth* amtat-oient of the pa.riotic l».»ys of Randallsl»luur*. A t*;rfu.ition io«»k place in rt-lereuce U thehiring of c«*triag«!-, foi »ahuh item no money «arm left.Ml. Van Ti ie won d not go about attending t» tire-woil» nul/as he iode, aud he proposed that the carri¬age» tbouM all be hired of one man. o prevent »traybiÄ» iron» coming ia from balf-a »lo/.-u ditlereut partie*.Mr. Sahh thonght the cuiri-»ges wen- uotV-eded, audwas opposed to giving any M job" «.f tin«- kind t j one

man. On roun up the nein» ab eady ap|.r.,pri»tedfor, it wa» found thm the $7,IKK» wa« already ovirruo

hy f3i. Mr. Brady suggested tbe cut iug off of th»lv ll-t ,og«-r»' tailla of gVl. Mr. Tiomy » «id that was one

Of et.r old cn-toma, and he did not like to t-eo it deneawry with, to which Mr. Brady r*pli-*I that i» wa4

not the costoni of other eitie*; aud the motion wa- patand lot.The iirmn were again overhauled, and the appropri¬

ation of «y»0«j for juiuting was moved to la-M-JiKvil,and ttas redu <ad to «M«'»l. The arnu gemeuts of therebatía were left to a (.'«»mmittee of the New YorkBe^atta Cinh. who bave reported a» fulKiws:

Kikut Rack This race will b- the o-ily sailboat rara, all otli.r« bttag rowing .ont*»««. tt|aa>Msa ''-»-t ufttm ssli workingkotaii. tu br »ailed without tiiddei or onra to ba wa>. .¿"tl rn

tii.r» «ith i-hdv*« T»o url/e..i.rtt b »t *:»l. secondboat am

Sat o.M, Rs» a..r.nv. tpoatt tl« setsal .-llnker-lciiltBuy l.tigtb. wi-hent i.-«trii tien», as a" ,« tbey Batatas I. it t.. beaxv.Dn.-o exclu»,v»!y by aiui.t'-ur oarsint n. ri «t pri/t», »ilvertron.,et »di! '. it:.pi».i. p, tu taacund prize, a till Americanrnaigu.

'IttiKli R.atB.KouioareH l».-at- of an» length or re-

Btri'ti ,n» 'In b* rt.»»< il !,,-f.i.r me', »»itJk lour os-it. I'ri/i»i.ttbitt t«"' '. -e sa» b.*! *:.»; third boat Bit,»otKiB K at «..I lian p.oii »cud. for aU boatt of any lens«h.

no r*ttiii tio!>. To !,.. -o^ed bv one rasa »»»th one pair ufarnlli Prise«: Fiittb- at tltl; «atttsaj At*; third AHKirtH R ai k .» rei for all »i,-u». n f. pt vstBat|

r»-»tii. tioua. 'It. bt- ri.tvrd »» itb t»opaui of scull«. Piiy-aJ'irai. *:!>. «tr. nd. + ifl third, 4-2"

ludte. M.«»r« Stun! mi brewnsQ, «Tant Jclin ll-iü. Jame»11. W»l»b w .,. H. K..llecl. A. 0. Barber. Sydney Dolui, and1 ban.a» l.j nu *.

Ca pa-nter«- l.«-pau. M Saturday, to put up the framenaud pi tfoiuis necessary at va«ioue plates of exhi'-i-tiou, and their la i »u f w ill lie continued to-d ty tata ta>


(»'entral-Stip iittend-nt K.-miedy ha* iwuodir!.-to be vaiii u» Capaaam of l'olice di ectnigthcmto have.vert nian nuder their comaiand on daty ou the Fourth,folie« in. n are instruct»d to act with forbearance, but

promptly arid !.¦, idedly when uecensary t«> prevent a

bleu» ti of the A reserve for .«¦ la to be ia

readiue? « at taeh fHaifm House, to act asnirum^tanceg

may rt^air«, either in their own or BOaJjhhoi ata; Wti tVTbe diiKharKe af iaii»r*-roiiu l'.rcw«irkn, guch. a- dou'de-bead«-r» aud tatthm. tsiiiBg ftmiiaij III Iht corporationordmaiiC« f». poli.-emeii are lm-tructi-l to prévint theirnee. A foite will t«. detailed at nicht to ea:h lo.alitywhere tirewoik» are «'.xliii.itcd to keep o'tier. S,fi,ii!att«fi.tioii i» call«. «I to the Police Imef aph, and import¬ant oteiineuees in the varions ward» will be immedi¬ately known at baadq I trier». A large força of i»o-Lomen will alxo ] îeceile and ttXOtaaaagV the pro-a as en.

Tnr C"i-i;t> -Tin iapttmt Ooeat, QeaaeaJ Tairai,has betn tu« mitd to BBXt Ni'uid.y, when ivill le n'U.l. red- hut BB argument» will .>. heard.Tht Common l'lraa. General Term, ha:, adjourned t>>

Auiiui-t 1 at H in. The Surrogate* Court lia» ad-»ourn»d for the vacation. All the raam »".hmitted to

tbe Kur oga'e during the year have Uen decided. Tl«Cleu raae, although ¡irL'nod, has nut been finally »uh-miited Dj.on the jioiuts. This ca»e will proha'dy l>e de¬cided before the vic:i''..:¡ « nd». The S'irroifiile willhold Court on July \!<i and JO ai.l .'I.

Judi/e lntrahitin will render hi» décision to dny in the««.i«tirano Xew-ii.iveu Kafleoad Omaiaaa Bah» Thisde« i i u wiil 1« very fc'll| lllfl't. a» it involve» the

que»tioii re^aidin^ t!. i:¦).!.ii« tu tiOCl i-ned by Kohert


Tin BtWlBI Cm »..On Saturday night a meetin/rof tbe Kmi.ite Club wa» held at Mr. Davyae't i»i

Caibarite Bti«et, at which .lames Irviiu: p»«*ided.Ke»- luti »n» were adopted indor»i'gtbe a ti' >f theBaltimoie ConteLtion in nomii.ating D**ttß*A andJohnton. Tue l Inb al.»o resolved to meet at Madwon

aqnarethi» eveiling, fmin a torchlight ¡>roc"f8ion, andm*ieb to Tammany Hail, to participate in the íatiti.u-

tiou meiting.?

E.xpin » n Ai i in ti at Haaaaa..Urn friend» «.f

Johu C. Heenan weie di»api»ointed on Saturday in iii«

non arrival by the Adriaric. On Fridav uidit a

ett-anicr had I..« n »ntcag-d to «airy a party down Bat

Jtay, for tbe pnrpoi««' of giviiiK the Itenic'm Bt*» u

warm reeepii"ii; hut the Adriatic wa- not re*K>rtod upt" I o clock, nt.d the C«>mmit«ee then mide a p »»tpone-mtktof th» h nr until next dny Saturday; at3o'clock.A emapaaji aim Bf wh«»m were tu-veral representativesof ajm prerf, colbced at I'ier No. I Nort'i Kiver at

that hour, avautiiiL the arrival of the boat thru wa» to

take tl.em down tt ». Hay. Before the boat arrived,tl e gstxhatli bi [' .--. 1 <,»t ¡irantine.aud a tr»aneral ru»hU«-It plfc«' to tht loot ol ('anal »irt-r-t, wberc tha ^ol Id

hiivd. (.reut di»ip|x.inim-ut wa- expit-H-ed wh"i i'wa» BBM rtnin. d if r llenan ttmt not BB b ktBaV It

ai»petrf« tha» he »» ram a l-tterto one ol tbe t'ominittf-e,ataiii<: that It* woild eail in the Vandeil.ilt, ha« m thitauieevi'tiiiig wrote again, ex|>rtsring hi» «leaarmiaartion to coa«'»fitli'T by th« A<1 ri t' i« Sev« ¡

«an board iufoinu-d hi» friend* thai H« u:.n v»o .11as htttVeated iti I,is Brat hitter.

Thk Kii'i'iu WaajJ DltMimAM Tue Sjii'a!C't.mmie^e <>u lb«'KoQr:!i \Vaid .¡i-mi'it-al'« met aiítiiion Su'iiii'ty to lear wla: th» officer» of Iht I/»eJjH'xatd ha 1 to mj in « x .hmation of their conduct in the

matter. >»'oi:> of tin ¦ aa* tar« d. Tue re<-nd of tht. Ix>. al I5i*.;d B H tt lave BBSB pKKlu'üd, but Mr.

V liite "i« tf '-he newly-antointed tea her-) r»mtedtbat «Ie t-a'her« t'e li: ed ,... tsttd i-eeam» booki«,

. not b«. t anthoi 1/. d to do tohjthe 1^»cal Board,

.«.no havf: L;td n«. amatfaaf »ii»ce the ii'itic* reiiuiring«tb- m, but 11 »ut la» hook.- ure open for iri8|>citi"H at the»rbool». The Coiiimiit'-e adjonnHMl until Friday tie\t.

As at the pr»>v' »inj meetiug, l>i«t. ici-Attorney Wanr-

bu;y took tK part in tbe action of the Ota iiuiti» «-.

Aad. Tucker and Ihr. Raajm only tiaaa present.

I» i.tKti hi 'jv mi Jai »Mi Ban -)..On

ßa'tuda» lb- ' S. et' .tia« Mama Xiut/ara aailadIt ||«. m. 1-r afaaaa having on board the .lajiati-t-raf- Htjl.asrador. tnd ruite. The Niágara dr.I4f MtJj-,,.. ». *. j'iif.-ed tl.e Lar. She wa-taken

to »ea by Air. «Va Batmm, Hud» Hook pa^taVta« bed t9tka btAE ¿lor .- U. i.'i.iinell No. I.

. -a» ¦

mm.;. m« m i a. Th.- i, .'.un! ai<-dac'l by '.be ».ereosc-pc, and tin- won.l.rfu! rari -y

«of the aWtjjet'tt» adaf^d to tic iui-trumiui «aahit>t U.e motsi uietu..- ol entert 11 iimitad i

foie the BxBBBBt. T.'it- e.x\>- 9MA o! th" ai.¡»ara'it- an. lia-

nipidaV-ciaJxiuLuioii oí j'tur--, are <-au»

w.n, BJJJJBM] '!l' iiiftriitii'111. "»

iVoBi o, lied »v. '. ihj. tH afi'i

tJgm ajsaaajti Ü To d -. *¦. '" *!1 v'1"

tBajtw eoosj bom» oí imitttaj a|tajajBtt »ha «SttmMbbjbbbbV i*«-ently-»j».'ne«l by Ol.-.-rB. OulltlufiB, «tl

No. ISS lli».4.i'.vày, '"i ie. of TkciiIv-'i-! -\.<. I n Dl

aveaiiauui.tavtapla«' ol maatt A«''- UrffcaattlslfiaBllare aridjuad sTsth Bat»* t;a.t", Md m ¡th am i« ular i» -

(sjjjBlaj ni» rámmm W aaaaaaathmggfttsf»BxmwkasTaa iw;.".ng.*J, .-4» well mapealmaiiv Iraji til.|» «-* «^U«tü...'i af ripdm h

very'íoIJ, ami bai kmt« I mmaa *'"h '.»"'. ïue l;"*u ¦

of ail, wli.tVi iit. ï;..irstTC tow;:r.t stama m, at, ti'.iia/',

tjmmmmi ti-fn-.-, fkmt ff.ri"», Lmt» «. «ifited wi I

ftittre eat»«, fr« room* an? «fkaciou« e :ougb to vx>m-modVe Tin****} on» visi'in*., and all will riHeivt" I've

"MM IMRMflM u't-nti >n. If ajy are d-t»;-on« of "Ml**.tflflaRf excellent in«truint'n!a«,. they will find a" thinMum um un nprtoriunity :«> «si»"-! ihen at Iflflt* ¦«¦i-nr--.A »canon lieket, g x-d for ote month, may be obtainedfor fifty een»* and there can hfl no doubt tha». manywill take advantage of thi* very reaaomible nflc\ The

puce ofa «ingle adnii»v»i«in tirkei i« twenty-live cent*.a

T.Ativ Fiu.vKt.iN.-It wa* c>nfulcntly e.vpwterl that

Lady Franklin wonld have lujen among tins *aMMB**aajon ine Adiia'.ic, but BMR advis« ,v. -ivvd »he wan

«.l>lr**td to defer her visit to the l'ni -il Sut»»« un'jl t'-e

next trip of tba* i<t<?anier. She will fafl tbeguost of Mr.Ilenrv (.riunell.


The Tamnuny l>c*nocra«y nu et to-nij*bt txi ratifythe nomination* of Dmiglaa and Johnuon. The fol¬lowing 'peiiiten» are aunouiied: Thfl lion. .laine-iI Jardiner of Gt orgia, the Hon. John WoTrmjm of Ala-liaina, the Hon. Geo. W. Jonen of Teines<»e»», the Hon.E. C. Marshall of KflBtRChj, the lion Jamen Kava-nagh of Mum soia. tbe Hon. L. K. Parson.- of Ala-l.aniii. S» flltlfl I>ou«lii«i will prob-ibly fafl in town t-o-

Diiiht, and will of conree la honored fay hin friendawith it MflJM**JBt

>Tli re will be a mi-eting at tb'- Friends- *Mflth*t*f-

bouse in Tweuti'-th Ktre»3t, ea»t of Third avenue, tniev. l.iiig, at 8 o clock,-when a «aWRgHiflhfld MMRt

from « Ihio Ifl expeeted to preach.

CutflJflfl RatRTICRI OR Till I'l'inin m i Hi: Hoi v

| vsr.n i«-t«,..Yesterday the cloiing «ereicei in '' OldSt. (ïe/irge'« Chaicb, ' in lleekman rtroet, were cou-

dinted hj tin- I.e.-' ir. the K- v. J. H. H )!i:iil Hrown,»18'nteil by tin- H"v. Ferri« Tripp and the Kev. J.1 I'jchn. Aller the devotional t-ervic»««, theI'ei tor preach,-d a «hurt nermon on "the iini-h-mcc-n1.lencas of (iod« love ti ni., t'll nnm," from thfl text ¡

" Kor I am jjsTsi idrd (I. it atjUJa** «WtB, Bir Uli nor trig-!».nor p.ill. i.'lliti'-.-, ii "<i' Btrwert, nor tn.iig- pWMBt, n<>r ibing« tur-uiiit-, nor lii-bt not dep'li, nor any Mh»«r ^rrtfre, «hull i.e abl-

rtit- u» !n ;,i tl.. Httfl of v. ni li ;¦ iu ( )ni«l J.-».i« tur

Loi d.At the c-nnrlution of the tvermon the Rector «titte«!

that ihe action and noiives of thfl Yc-try in the courue

they hud adopted had haflR much mi.ic-jiHtiu-'d, b:u. hflwould say in ih'ir behalf, t iat vvnat tflflf had done wai

not wiihonl mti-h th «Rghl and flflRR d-Ii»iera»ion. Tee/had act»d under the conviction thiit the interest« of re-

lii/ioti in 'hat portion of the city dem indej the changeproposed. lie « thr.t the work of tha', pa: is-ri w»vi

puiely a mission work, which c inld not be e*-ily «un,the icwaid, however, would follow. In the puro.;ln«lNhflfll there were M schtlir«, and in the Sanday-S«hooland parochial combined, TO ci.ildreii. Since 1851the Chuich of the Holy Evangtliéti ha* receive! from

Trinity Church the »nm of $11 77.'» to ai I in »a-rainingDivine «nice in St. Gflfltga'a Chapel, while S'.

Gtorge's has »taved her nearly $;."),(iOO. Tiini'y haviu,rrefnmd Ifl incr.a-e her allowance to St. QflRa*t**J*lChai ..), t'ne VflfltlJ RRTflI.cllfld tfl dOMthfl chur;li.and aiTordiiii' to the terms of the ¿Ved the baildiug andlots wilL by ihataet, reverttiSt li» irires Chanb,Stivvcsni.t Hqiiai-e. At the clone of thfl s-'jrvieen the

holy communion was admia »t«,'red to tne member« ofthe rliuich by tin- Hector. The congregation w.i* veryiniall.

a t

Hi ci-i ii A i i -ti ii..Ortc-er* ll'-nnett and llor-l»<lt of tin- Fiftli Ward Poli."-Station, on Sv.ur.l4ysneotd.-d in avivB'iu}*, iu ".ViHiamsbnruh, t .vo of thebflrolar« who broke into the dwelling-house of S. M.

MflflhM»flfl%», in the City of Ki.ioklyn, on Saturduym..n.ii'-.' last, and recovering a portion of the fi-'i-n

proprty. They also l'ouid a large i.uantity of jew¬elry and a nnmbei afgflld wat«'heK in postie-tsion ol theliurglars, which they believe to lie the Midi of other

BMgaalkl in the City of llMoltlyu.a»

ToHNvpo is tin Bu..On Friday alUinoon at 1...I'i'k. a« the ftteamcr Pu*-ittic was od'the Wo idb algadock on her nip to Newlln nFtvk'k, the pilot uaw thawave« not faruliead of hitn lathed iu» 1 1 -,t-y by an an-

proiK'binia' tornado. He imme-lia't-ly faflfldfld liiri bflfltlovvaid the "ale, und had hut fairly turned kßr, whenthe wind itinck the ¡.¡lot-liruaa, pcrfecily dernoUahÍDgi', twisting roJíi iuto all aliape«, aid bl. ring thfl |h*fllin tveiy direction. «MipÜ4(B*j4lM«M*RfRailRRRr-rowly . s-c;i]»-d In-itig blowii in'., r1 ..- mac inerv. ri\-

trag thfl pflut-house, the o if was 1 o' i j ir d. TunflORlM ut the tornad-i was W. S. W. to K. N. là.

l. iCCTIOÜ tu latRTTRR Cvitunt».- Ki»-. Vott-îiu.ster Dix give», notic«-t!:at lu-reaft.-r RM c nt -mlyWill he e -llecti -I faj the Mltll if On lefl-'lrt --1 illl kinJ-,as their -loi dtliV'-ry. Ticie ¡ee'y l-l'-ren ri ¡or« in thitt city. I nd--r fahflflM law , a Ithctrizillgtic (¦oll"cti..ll of tWO «MMfl, IRA MaTTaflH Were i'.l"ivcjto ictain one cent < 11 eacii letft r. The otlier ceir w.ím

puid into the l'ont-lllfice, tad went, tfl create a fund to

pay S3 coll.-ctoiH of letter»» from tin valions boxe-, t c

-aLirv of on«' man, wlu-r« faflriMM it wuh to watch tin-coll. ctora and ran ¡«is, and ^{,001) a year bfl two ni id

«ragBB* cii.ploycd in carrying miil matter from the

General l'oal.< Iflic« to tbe ditferent «Uition*.inakiii.'«lout $18 WM) ay. ar ail imu the PflM QaRflfl. Then;-u uintle.r of the land, bíter pavii.,.' the expensen i-iin-

nii-lilted. VRflflqRallj 'livi ¡ed BIBOOg thfl "0 .i.rrier-.Inder the new nyr<tem, tbe carrier« are tfl rcMim a!lthe MtRMJ they Collect, aud il i- th. u (. fafl ejually fB>vi(kdan>i.ii;'th< m.


PlRRSII '- s PlORT«.'*n Kriday flight l:i«t. while iii.

amuiheisof liii^iue Conijany «fo M «von returningwith their*BgtM fuue -i lilt-, tic _\ were alUickod by a

Bflflthfll <>' loug'i^, »aid 0 bfl ru'-.'n'»- r-s of t\io*riva! eu-

gRu ccinpaiii *, and Mflflffll ot'their member- \v> ¡-

i'o.sly iiijand «ne having flOflM of bis rib* hrok.-nand cut of hi- BRgfln M badly fr.i'-fir»-.l t!.a; i-, Utlought auijiatai ion will be tec. .«hi v. On Saturday¦...« :-ii!,L', afttrthfl lire in lli-ia-Kviy. tin- ii..! w.i 1.-

wed b.-fjieen Engine I'ouipn-iiin Nor«,. II and Bf,Sit'N« s and < ¦.} -1 u ii il"- "flew ft« ¦.'>' Uij«-d..iiitl mm ml

I i folr-loi :, ni but we fonld Rut I. aril il any ouií vta«

s. ii..ii-ly Í!ijvii".vJ: faauhflU a 1,-, an! loui-ed la i« Wen-

!v i«-iilte.m

'I'.. 11 Oi 1. Emh u ifl MoTiua. \\ haarfl*f aflgaflflla m v ival ii.H.iio the lo 1 ':!'li ana of thi* vVard, BflMflol the inot-t Mhl iBRthd of hfl flhizi ui lave hi I aine.-t-

¡. ii lately foi thfl pvpM O»' *'- ruing a CaapaigBCluh, and tbe r»col; bu- been hi»ghl*f ^u ifyin«. Too

pi. litiiiii.ii it s arc aii arraaged loraCluh whir h in No-MUhar viib in.' only do v. in;..i: -i vi Bfl I 1: 0 r Na¬ti-»nal tit »«-t, hot also wit-: Um Ward Crofli tin ShaaiDeiniH in. y. a

C-.i n opGearrri Sri iob*- I fat Jflly t. mol thiiCourt f'-niiii nc, - thi* MWniflg; t'.< Iiiiy.1 vi«i^epi-r-id-bag, Tl itillowitigrafla*aiaonth« Ar*on,8¡!: ! j 1. :-n- .-, f. it K: gHBd larceny, '.'.'.

hi! b.!\... robbflrr, ¦ f> loaii ¦¦¦- I .-.-ult am! battery,8; mu:de:, I"; inh-.t. ale, 3; !. nd-inrr.ent, 3j faflfl-tavday. I IflMivtBg 'f-'!.ii fflOBa, I; l-i:.*amy, 1 J»er-jury, MBM//lenient, I. Toial, H,

Bl % Oui vm. Kii.1.111.-- I.llgfloa II. Kelly, aladI" v.-ar« at If*, mm at "dr. JmMI K. Uj Keceivcr ol

1 '-. wit.« inn o\m on Sut.j 1-Ix-j 1-on fajf u Tbinl

iTflnaa «ar, arnrtl t-oraarol WBMRth MRJflt, andali'iixU iii-,..i.tlj klh-ii, T!ie m ci | -ni MMMtfll whileIhfl hoy win» ut pbty witli I c..ui|..-.iii -i . He «aw the«a. approachm)! und, ItflaRff up«ui thfl', RtfMflfMd|n -<i at, lit fi's li'-t .!i|.j,.-l and he ¡ell iliiectly inÍM'iit oi thi ilah Tha Cmmm 1 .'"'>' vver- ici

dla-pOflfld Ifl O -iiivii. but -,o.,-«*d in their\ ; that thfl I'iJ'.-ii-J C'U.paiii w le-1 RMRRRl and

',;.|.i; .. thflirMlfl.m

'Im ("i IXàRTIRI U\»' CoRMIafllOR.-, ¦, :i;ij,e ('..ji.i.oi -. t!': RaMafaj MMfldby the derliiii Moll Cl pr-Jpeity a «'il.'iittMtiu», M t Ht

Mr. iSui'. '.. y 1 ..»i-. .u W .Il rtr.«-t oi, MaflR*t»T-f| theilon. K W. l.ea\. ii-'i/.Alburn RB wa. badM t" l*fl Rdini* abllilj* of t lie flrff

il-.¡ c ol Dr. 'I l.o,n|,r..|i :n -npp'iit of hl« ctaiui te Idam:.»." -. niiai o no i», ilü.ü'l'l, b.i-.-l ti|x'i: the loll iw-

iiif/ oilti «1 pr»'«,' ci Ihr -flirt ff fbe iltiiaU4»n¡ TUy I

«dl» i to prove that, at und Infor" 'ho HtTM af the huni-ii g «if the horpital and other building-« and property at

t« laraniine, on the 1st of Sppietnher, IX")"!, Dr.1 'n mj'ton» wife had I «-. n i, nii- .1 ta bar bed 9*} -i.k-I,'».«, iind that »In- MB then Hi a í-ehlc Bad d di.-it I.'¦miitiin of In ahh; tint, o.» ing lo the bu»-ni ..*»;. l»r.That |»ii via« «d.liga-d to Ids wife fiol.i h «

hou»» to a pltce ontai*'e of ihe t/uaran'ine in Insure.And that b the removal, »he »a» nic«*«*arily exposedto the night air, and to the «lungers coii8e(ju»*i t up »a

t*-e « xciiement atn-ndnut npon the burning, whereby»be wa* immediately thereatter r*eri'.ii»ly and perma¬nently injured m »tar coiifiuiitioii and gen»ral h«»aJih,the ri'uh ef which wn« tint sin* arm H n«-k a-» to r« -

quire lor a long time medical and »Mut ai' nifam ..

Tint, during all thi» »ickue-«. Dr. Thompson was dc-].ri»«d of the » of hi* wife, and by her tienne««»w i -* »i.bjeded to iiinieroü» inconvenieno» to hiius-'lfand faiiuly. as well a* in the discharge of hi< amada»dutii'S.Mr. Jobngon continued the n»gnment on behalf of

tb« «laimunt, and .Mr. Hradh-y followed on behali ofthe Supa-ivisors of Kicbmond CoiiLty. Tin; Comm *-

»ion nrveivtd it« «hiirioii til! to-lay. Adjourned tillthi» morning at II o'clock.


Ti the y.dil-.r t$ The V. V. Tribune.Mi;: In your paper ol the v.,a»th instant, I noticed

th" irtCSt, i'i Itoittrti, Mil« f awBSB i. Dla| Com KsW'Tstfc,calling lili'iN-lf John J. «iiblii.n«. n.r tv.rgpry BBSB Mps«««. A T.St.»art «i I o. A« I BSaWtS tiler., i« no ntliei per.iiii nl that

:n New Vnrk »» ¡ti th" .'»¦ BfJjttaa ti BB*/ neplie« :ind my«ell. In- mint BtWS Baaat«, n-<- ol tfje nan p iitnr through a.-.-idi-nt

JOHN J «ilKIIO.Srt.Na 1i:i\\..t'I'». .'i,:i. th .tr.-.i. ;».«.,,, k.

BJsjBlsaatll "/, S. J., Saturday, m, latin

Duowmi...Coroner Cambie held an inqnea* <>u

Hi .Jay Bftxa the I" .'> o! lai,»' II.»-, a native of Inland. 41ye«r» . a.-e, who wa« fin ml trstraal in tin- foot of Tnir-tietn »ti-'t Etat Hiver. Her. ii-d at No. &M Kict»venue, Iinl led h.-en BklssBM »in,»- lr-t Monday. The J'iryrsaSwttti B »'-rdirt ol l»e«t)i by llrowmng.''

1 hp tune ( oroner held an iuquttat upon th* body nf AndrewR |I.I»tllti a boy !¦ v.-tr. ol ik-e .,,,, .f Ml Ri-.haid D.La'liropot N,.. InnBaait a»e,,iie, wliu »».« drowned STBtlttiRlliiii] ncsr 111* tiling-of « liiiieliaaillp, on »'riitay last Yt-r-,ii, t. " AiiU'ii «I Daam "

lit .»TU Km»m Hi BÏÏI fmiah Damm, an Iii«à girl,It»tans' ag", «li.-.i on litaré»*, lit Hallaviaa lliniaiitl. i»..i'i

bnrns rc«-i»»-l on tb- tMk last., by tl.. sa» ,-|.,'.,' a «nilBxBSJ ttantst «,aii Mt '" i ¦ »Bgjnest Hb. n tin body.

| Advi-iU-snit-nt)Mkh. Winxlow,

An *ip«rlea'a»««l Nnrte »,,d Ketntl« I'lijai, Ian, bat a BWr*. BtK:>.: run Cu.LiihK-. I'rr.->iiM. «hlrt gi"i»tly fiiulita'pi th«process of I»elding, by lolVaing the gumi and reducing all Ua'tunn Balsa »i,l ».In) all pain, and 1» »uis lo .-eg-,[tie Ui- .> iwrlaU.'j.piid neon It moti.-r» it will givp rptt tu fS ..»elveiaaid relittua lienlth to yoai ia-'ant*. rprfe.tly träfe in all c«***.

Million» of bottlt-i »rp »old every year in tbe Uuitad StatstI ti au old and will tied remedy.

PaiCI O.tLT tb CBfTT« A BlTTl.t.Non« gprarios unl««i the fa,- -almila of CilTll It PrttJBI

N- v, -Vn.k. it on the outside wrapper.»Hold by Droigiiti taroagho'it the world.

[Advertisement.]Mem.u's Mira« loi s

Vkksiv llnaTR'.vaHIi Ibe onlv aiire » xtirihinatoi of Rat« and MlgSk, flnrdrn In-

s"t» Ant». ftoachp« o..! Watpr lîug». Friic ipal Ilepot, No. 611llKkdwty. Bold t) ail dniggitti

Advertí»,m, nt.l'.Mtai m's Mi-ii \i M th.-citer «.f attraction

to tl.e ta. ii «n»!« ta lt .,nger« BS<S» in |lie <-ity. a liil" o,ir on . K»i/.. n« ai" « d>-light. .! Witt th" mi: li-' Si le.veltl"« tu jjdi-

| iliatri'.iit.-d llirniiih it« iiiiin'-ii«" b-'i- ..u-l tlie anay oftal- nt lor the |» rom,aie r-m tb" latflsm Bs sa TttBBS »htivi-it tas .a» it i. äst lob« »v,,.,d-red at that»,.maay ibsntanal» fontinn l.» r« dtbeir» 11 t :.

| Ad.eilaeniii.t ]PBaUXOUWI \mi iiii Tin ii h «»i ,Ii i.v..

l'n Ki.'viKii »»,11 '...¦tiii at li:« rSatatS, "d si.« CI t t

rit.» n« Ri ni »trance: , It« r» d .» -In- »». k Mi» ObSsbS», No. .i«Bl'.ioad»»», a!w,t»» "jipii sin! rium lo .i-.toia.

|AdvertuirMientIIoyt's Hiawatha Hair Kiskirativk i» the

Bats) .'tticle ii, t!i- mark.t for gi»tng ttgraj arrea] bair a l.iuliksbltrk or blown. S« e ad». rt:«»-in> lit, in mutin r. olan.u.

| \-l.erti»"i:"i,t |N'en «m» |i»hility. Baal Mtenl, Mental De-

I... -sV'i.. ki,d Lota of M.-iMiy, rurpd by orÍKinal aod painle«»l.e itninil. unattended by ri.» o« »lie |,n« of lin.e, by the IsttBBVpnatili.tathit .p.i-iilt» M Uàbbott, Pby»lcaaamiSsrgsnn,Ai,11,01. t«, Ns Ul !lr ,'idway. Bf -' rjrt Nav-Tst», r- 'i

». m. tn 5 p. ui. ind Tii,-.^ay and »Pid c«, Iroi '. t 9,He,- the hui,dr. dl "f t .--.t i m nial« In lii« pef*«Blal book.

FIRE8.i n r IB i tai Ki muí r.

At '21 o'clock Sniurday inoriiinga lire wa» discoveri-din th«- i-a-h and blind manufactory of .l.-nkiu- «V I'or-Itr, Ho. 173 ('»litre rtraat, b\ Sullivan, whoin.« i «led, with the ¡i.-"iitaiic«'of twoorthre. ixtii'ftui.-bing th.- Battant with a f«;w bu«»k«-t» .<(v bar« Tta datmayi intttinad will not aienra fajuV It

i.':i iBBBtd tla' tl I tile oi <_r i:a». d iroui H lii_'l|t. d « i'-Tirti «i that had I» en linn»» n nil., a baa tf i-iiwilu.-t.

i ni i» I i i'i: «i i..

\ lir« BWUIiad in tin-Winter (¡arden on Fridayi¦ »ui't. in etNttaqaaaca ef mmt aVaatM in tin- arardrtibeI a', mg tie« n li.»» n saBjhatl a un» burner and igniting.Tbe I.iiniii k nniicii;.! wm thrown mu, and uo farther«mm.lire t.'niii iht; destruction ol' a few . o-tuun-^ «n«-

'. ...

« 11. « IB Baal niiiTiiMii -iiiii m -1 m no n m» 111 »»i 11 \ »i->.. tan ma bill,

i rn S.-i'nrda» ereBIBg m '< o.| mI; a tire ol a:-« i«b ntiilr n brohe eat in t1 ateam pja-nina and m v mill ef

<;.... Team t andJaaoh ?aa J. Kit, Sa 396 R'ahtamrah" et, Bear Arm. a. aad ihsaíae eamaaai la the

i'uildii;'r on the lejoiaiixfl lot, No ¡988, thafeambekaoc< ii|,i'd by Mr. Van !'¦ i; at aa aaate, Banhtj» annan,Htahl«», ate., and the emr bj Th mm Hiirrough:-, atatrcam lnanfact'ir.-i. < Kvinir to th> hug" yauilitt/ ofilitlaa liiiible tmta .1 al "".t '.!:.¦ 'H'ii««- the BBtBtm

»f.r-ad with i/i-tat r.'ij.i.lity. and in I little lime the milland iejoining buildiig'« weraentin lr»p dettroycad.

'Hie tir« l'.l.-o c .inui'iiiic ited lOMtetal huge pilmoflamhm la bht n< ighboring var.l-, bat, thiouuh ti i aa«ertmii' <>t lln- lireaien, it \» .ih k »«-»-. i y exti"i;., ii.iiliti'.n to tin thamam i.» Im und wamrtoththtmhar» farta»! lorn mat utTolrtd by therani. ¦ol tie tii tint-il with tin ,r liiiiki-. 'Ihe Ion« of Mi.V.aii I'i It, on biiildiiiL'saud tttttAtot luin'n-r. will not lall»l.oit of fi::,<NHI. IiiMiied for «.l.fHhlnn hailflBBB. and$.',IK)0 mi nock, in lln- Ci'i/.en-' ami Wal!-.'.reel lus'ir-aam OeajaBatmaa Los» af 'li. luguoi, rM.u u. in¬

jured lor en\taJ0 Lu i-i»» (^uaipaniaa l««»«< oi Hr,Htirrotigh», *-.'..VH». inaaretl

Itis »iipji iwd 'l'.it Ihe I re »cas tuned bythefii.-tion tf .i I'.uriia) near 'In pBm»ht> a|ij'.tia!u». .Mr.Rohert Bberwtx>d, who bad chaina ti we mamantehad j«!»-* paid ai tb. baath», ¡<t»il w,..- ahem laaviatj thenoil w h'n tie tiie war die oi'eri-jl. So njiid arm thtatitmaaaal ti.«- tire thai ha had aal nata tora», baimat»

in:» u taoanwAT.At 8 o'clock en temida* niglit a lir. brtma

the !i»efi..r» bn. k biildina No. 19 Iii adtay. oeea«liieil «m ih« fu -t low by ( '. H ala <u. de ib in bata andli.itt. i« (.'¦ «,<!»: u tin a road and third \' »or- be bVank&. S'il, aj. Iiniliiitiii Hi ie. ale! Imirli, .:Ii ! lulot»!by Mr. lo ige, î r ia f nr.«. ll..- In- origi'iu'-i! u

tbathild lloor, ai,,I tl me «¦»,' '..I«-1 r«j.:.!I\ to theupi'ti fioiit-, i'.«- n '¡tin I» iily oi !!i" iii.- iiei: o beyondi',e ii titioi of the fu«atea. .Mi« r a ratal Lmsi-1 of lo«c-r-ail! liib.l lia til« im li MW" d 'I III li.ll-l

Ibbh not. bow« »« r, i. lore the three apattr itaiarta era ib truytd. Tb« fnll'.ii;.' f the nar and !,!¦!. walbdi l.o :-hel the M .II'I .1 ie lom "li pi. 'li.Wntarfl by aratm »»id prahabiy aatoaal t'

110,000; be i? fnllj im orad, but in what m¡ tail i a ic n !u not leniii. I..- of Prank a Ikm'a, »W,0a>0;iiriir.,1 I.- -i' »I r. - .. | 3(in Inanred lulimFr.iik.",i»ii in, i Bf» r ii. a!i r, ". i u[ ;. i.ig a pttrtiap oi tl,

appei ili'.ir, »ii-i¡ ¡i. ii g«SaM lo.-... i.i, ,.,, boilaing,sti.i ihi. 'I be hi,,, h i ; bst'ert v..'. ¡a Eo. ¡i »»-vn. «1i.» afarth» Rate j»., A <'"., metained nitMidernbtVaaamge hj water. ThaorigBaof the Im a ¡u

m 'known.i nu is i itaari irai r,

At B*| o « I'" k ti.. ».'nie aiaht, ;. f... 'irr. d on tin-wcniid lloor of tbe l.iiild'uig Liberty s'r.-t.iK-

,.| d-, ( I,'. Iiiix'.u'v. coniuii» i; un «chaut,:u,d T. M. Ii'n i c.»., amatari in raahee notion-,I .nt ;,ii'oiiu' wi.o-e itoch it orinioated haa not ya been.Inn!..!. I In.' of'litu-«V I'... WM ilamat.ed byfu. i i.d wat. I" tl.e atno'ilil Ol |l ."Ml; ¡In U!nl. lb 1-

i,aid McMaitlfl alore in i n r, ...i api« «1 nie (hmt per«ti,,H of the Milne lb»or an the IBB r flo >rr. Hirt ]. BJi» about S'.mnio. 'Ihe Ho« i. "i Itanoraand »» im ¦« in tin-I.., i:.t nt, ociii| 1 v .Mil tl -h iil.ii», WMthUB«Bgtd t«. tl» ¡luioiii.f of f «Oil l.y wuiei, insar.d. Thtbuilding, uñad by J. I.«wi-, jr., traj liaimtg»«! to theaii.oQM o! *-r»(ill.

>n » is rctai rraaar.At 1 o «lock jtiurd.y mon,ing. a lir. .the Btiajhl af

tt hich i" iinki.«.»vii, o<< 'i'iTt ii m tl.» billiard aad bo al«n '.* nidoi' b.i:-i...¦' i. tmaama tmatoa. No, Iht\ i ni »tritt, ikfoie the IbilttO« oulil la ex!iugi:,-ln «Iabout «fZ()0 «luuigi- w «t done Tha In apaaaiad Itbavt fommeii« « «I i'ehii.d tha bar.

i 11 . i '. I ' i i.

(li SiitnninV « ». nii ^., a »\ null i\ litan lo,,k lire at

No. ¿hi 1> oiiatd ft|. .!, liolii a l:,lil| «'.ai il. -»!y lei! BBBIi!. 1 lamaan »iii.'ht.

111 « r. « 11 i « » t .» 11.

fin r»'«v evuinii' a lit BtjtMttfan in i'u I.m yn'oie f fátm. l'ai mit HO. -'I Inn! ¦'¦ n conn -

»|inli«fol Nitiie goodrt in Ih« rl.ow wil,do»\ crnili^' 11.

««H.iu.i wiih the .'ni 'mi,er. Daatafa, *l'»l.i A: «ll».

i he r«lii.iilii.g ..i Um riüna ai No. v» Lmrntdwaj,Buna tl « I. 11 ¦> «i« nía/

noon.i n il m i.i'ki i ¦.

Ai.i.-.n !'..'.lo,k ta fialni Btjajht i ¡i" beoal in .i

itiihle ««'lili. !'«l W.'l. \N 1. I'ii, !"Uli'¡«

i'i'iv.r atn t, n-t l.,^t BVaana /..!?. Tai Jay

romain d in the «table «a» ontumed, and R mJt****jhorrae **a* ko »eveielv bnrned a'iont the head t« '.>

MRM hi- d":it»i. Tie »Miibii-.g ma» da Mgl d to IM ex-

t. nt of about $'.»."». The fu»- ori|a"»'t"''l ti -m npark*from ibetupolu of tin fooadflT] Hyi <. in' ' I '¦' m»J.

.In »'urn. -.f tir*» vf - .u-i d IB ... I-., k on >*rtt- nifiht l-y the ban big of ¦ «ria-lo-fl fhele fa* Mfl

tailor «hop ot Jaha .McConoroy, MTlflt at Court aud

.loralenio« »tru-t-. ,

A few hour« pr.-.iouBiitire««'ovfre«l in the

fancy «tore i f Mm. Amelia McCarty. POs l"l Myrtleavenoe, an-nj* dainat*e to thfl amount of $1*0. IB*nnred in the I'hcPix Coiiipany.



Tbc D¡mh aniiivercary of Prof. Met. <ilfe> ILtaflaflflS» mhiary waa tvlabrated M VlmÊJ evouing, June af,by a very RUM aa-..mb',y, in Dr. Porter* Cnnrch.Tli« of t*M -.'i ad-ne'e- compoeiiion* were a»

follow": " Tbe Star of Hope Mi-s I.i/'ie II. Wil-

(ox¡ "Tbe Yule.if Heg», M¡« Malvina I), Wak.;-

roan; "Change," Mir.» Miry S. Mefcalfe; " ItfliflOMC.-nt«," a\'m Kmilie C. (Minnie; " Foot¬

print P oi ibe Crtator," Hafli «RUflh J. Dlflflhfll 'Intel¬

lectual Power, Mi«ri Kinma Miller; witli the

Valedictory Addrew..«.

Lim of. Vot ! NTri im.--A RepuMi'in Club «MM

organized on Saturday ttffm in the BflflIRM Ward,llroiiklyn, nnder the name of " The l.aitern Ilistn.i

IJnct In Vi lnnteer«.'' Tne oflicera for th« erwninK ye ir

aie: F. W. Webb, President; Fir«i Vi.e-Picwdmit,W. Su livan; Second VI-e-Preiideut, f«. Itflwifl) Thiid

Vict-Prenilent, (J. W, BflCBMl K'cordin« Secretary,Mr. (I'Dooaline: Corteupondinf' S<-cieiary, I.» B»YViehe.jr. The next «xcekly RRRRMfwB he held on

Fiid.-iy iveriii).' next, in the nchool-hoUHe on Putmini

«freei, near limiter. Republican.» fr-'tn thfl Sev.-uth,Nin'b. Kleventh and Nineteenth Ward« are respect¬fully invited to a'tcad.

0 ¦ -

Till Sim.'v Tl' vine Lau..J tint ice fVlahan de¬

livered a decision on Satnnlay hint, in the ense of thfl

People Biiaiiift l'.dwai'd SpargenbarR and eome thirtyRthOB, vvho were brotuht before him on a RMRfl of

taWflglltrflBflg the Sabbath. He considered BMt the

pro.-ecntion fail.-d to -u-lain their cam-, aud he th.-re-f. re ordered that the complaints be diuiiii.-i-.-d and the

dit iiilant« iliscl-.umi d.m

Tin: At < nu "«T vT mi bCAvDRRTT OR MCfltC -ThflMpe.T-ou» who injured by the falling of tin- roof of

tbe Academy of Munie on l-'riday «ahflOMM are all

ini| roving. MfltflM. Morri- and Siiapnon, win» Wei

supposed t.. bave be. n fatally hurt, it ir« now thoaghlwill evui'iially recover. Mr Wjmau is ali»o improv¬ing. The injuries MatfRaRfld by the oAflll are flf a

ciiinpunitiv. ly llagM chai-acter. The amount of dain-fl**** to the . ljf Mlgh e.iiniii.i! Bl «MM than *ô.h0fl.'li«'work will be promptly pMMfléfld with uotvvi'h-standiiiL'thi- misfortune.

The Hi ir. S.-veral BflflMRI wen- RN*Rt*R**Bl fajthe heat M !'i i.hty and Sa'aniay, bu». none, as far Mii.stvitaii.i d. vu it- fat ally alle. ted.

Wiimv MoiMiin. Thfl total iniuilier "f tlcaihsin thi* ci.y la-f iv.-.-l» wa- IB, af vvl.icli "I were Btialt*and lil cliildn-n. Of thfl 'aunen, II death.» «eiv of c in-

vulrioiiH, a of sourie! fevi-r, S of hooping-cough. Un¬der one j tar of ut-o, II.

Tin Lily' I-Til VIIK. .Purst1» fil. NI K'. I II F. (til. OJi iiv..The GfM**iJury *flj tin- «bRRJI C-U'ity (.'ourtat » 'vcr and 'IV-rtii'iier hrutight in faM indic'meut« on

Satunlay.the majority againtt anlioenafld li.pior deal-ci«. Th. y also made the loll-,win,',' prewentuiont:The JunirM of tin- People upon their Oflth* present theRtRflril -al. ol spirituous li'iuorri aideinorali/.ing, audthe fruitful sonrce of crime. UfljRM «hop* MBBMMIwhen- men ;ue MMBflflfli faj DOiflOROM and adiiltera-ted Hanois, from w hi-h come a.aalt«, and violence,nud the lii-itiirbaiice of lie p-rRCfl of n» iirhli-irlniodfi; andtl.ey particularly prêtent tho-c uoi«/and riotooit plflflMit hi« h arc kept op«n IflM M Saiu.-.lay tdghtflRnd c» lyon Sin doy ii.-irtiiiiir, and ii:.''-tl.- Mrifll enfoi-«. Tient ofihe law aijü all unlicensed sales of ipiriMMMli-iii'.n; tha» thflpRhBfl good ¡i .¡niiv- that onlyi<a,"i; an

.lebt.nn.l fafl pflfTRhflad to sell spi i'Uoiis lii(u- r« inci tit..unity with law. -iinl tha» i'l RMRtaRgUflflRflMtfl:.ll (ei- n- thfl iett» r an-l spiiit at thfl li* sh-mld he»tiinly niiiplled with.deeming in ourjfldgflMRt andfrom our expeitence, ibat agreutpo.-»i«»n of crime in allits phase,, and of tveiy nature, faM faflflfl and i» Bii|«'r-imlni i d b> tha use of intoxicating lirjuorn.

I. it (. liiBl Hi ¦,-I »- '.i " W REED,,.an.

l'i -ii: t' 0fl*K4|t.i Ko ru- Sisiin..Ai-Oth'-r si-i « t ih* dis»ing;ii-h«:d HflRgRrfaui patfiflt ha«

just «li. «1 la<-.\ile aflMflg fla,thoflgh Rat without thonen-..'. nerón I i- t*flahi** whkfa tho exile«lor libt.-rtj » »»al«.' arc wont to ¡in-l in free land«. KlaVBine Kmilie Tulavaky Ko-enth wa« yesterday afternoonI.-u« d in'in tl" « hape! af the RaMBd DlitRriRI S

t:. ty 11 Iii-okhti. Th. i Bar, Saiuu.-I l.onfellojv, thfllui«- | :i-i«.i. had sailed on BfltMRaaJ for liuope. Día,I arlflj, 0 |**od| and BflttoWfl, however, were present,hi -I IM h OHII pint in thfl IRRRmI -ervicerj. Thflfl*arete atttnii-d fay a large eoogregaJion, made aa in

go -t ; u' by Hungarian.-, an-l c--ii.-ii«'.d at -i rofoa-lary on the Ofgflfl by a llno^arian gflMiaafl .n, flrfflfl*tiotis from Ki npinre read y l'r. Ilellow«, a prayer byiJr. « l-ijf»»-.)«J. miii h hiftily BMaTOPliaafl and inipi'.-esiv.a.:d-»H- Ir. ni Or. Karl-_\ flf the Kirrt I'uitauai! Chfllflfain Hn oklyti.The rev trend I loctor alliid.'d with ninch filling »-.

th» n unv ir It* in flsBflof thfl »h*flflflfl*d la«lv, an 1 wit'ii| I..I li I;» W J to the i»'Tlie»V lud hortpit killAn li.-Kii li.-i-'c v»h..-«e inini-tr-itioim had nm-Ihi -pillow in drJnra* flad dflath. Uflriagtboa rthe II! nil s 1. si. d In linar ,.| lio- pulpit, in the Imiltl-tmii-e niahiij/aiiy coflin, whieb waa «lloara «i h haflulltul tloVVITs. Oll thfl '.M'i t Bf II- d.-'lH-eil, Jl a .ni-n. e whl h. r owi dyin ;¦.-..-u KjWMabni lel I»aay» win bv her vil le i last '. -kn-.« a..» '- frOBIihe u ii bain m ¡-h a bkh her farotbar had fa-taa booiidin an \iir4*rî:.n p ROD,Al in.- -.s. o¡ ib. »-ii ¡eg, tha coHi'i au bontfl

ou». | r.-., Ii -l i.y th agi-li rg] man, ai d ¦ I..i ihe Hnunriaa IH nd» of In« d.i cd, C il avjbotnat U eir tiead, an-l i.-il..,v. d by her l'-nr **0RR, fafl« onlysnrvivii..,' te-i.!-. ml faer "Uflcflfl. The reatan» wetfl111 n to QivflRflro «I aad [ottfrad ifl IB* 1'utiuiniroaod there, Coi. t**hotb aaihiog m ad.lie-« i.i Han-:;:ll'.ll lit rtl« :-l:\c, ;irt .l iI|o to ! le -«. VI llo II d-T-B.I i' M RM >-1-¦¦ |=:» nt to Ita II I .. fa oi.l\. V«;, du [|.g rile. flOaSfl flRI rh from her

I llui-n.iiy vi..- tRrowa by her t l.iUlr-.;. ou th.-« « Hin ..i ibe dad ¦¦-.!- .1, dual b. in«/ thiin r ici- i"-l to aMt

iv . orreBModiog «rRb l-.-r m-n expr. <aed de o-

.hiringbei taMiBacaR, TM earth had roi ebed.I -i- .-; rii e* o( Hangar], a nt i- tin-

iii..-nii-.i -a v.I- ¦bei la* day*were*| ¡nt.

Jta itn i i:i..-Til I'V -, IIOUK-Oa M. !,.l.ty, Jbb* l1 LvM. R,v. Ilr.Mr». r»»ili i T lltrtpiniil I» riit J Hi .,

Ill I'D..'--K O Rd r!-v .1.1,- -i", IBM Mo M 1. ('¦ .,-

y. . « I. -I I ,,. 1 V< <., ngr I III . u .. '. ,:, Hrookltn. i.

1 -. .- .1 .

rjOODTl VH- I'l.-.i.'- !.. .1» ir.«ltl,»t Kii'li-»-.. -i .. H -I

'! i,m i'.ii 1,1 n! ti, da ,-aa-.i i..-o,t .r.-,i tu i» »re»»f' -i nt K. í.iii.-r... t. will t»k»- i'l- .. i

. si.u.lltil.a OtiJtlyear. jr., New-llavan, l'uni..,ou tli.-ÜJ .li..y ,1. a» i... 1

l.f l.v BtttVaV ». ai It* ¦! laa* U t H i t^w

ll-'rt .- -I i, -. .. ,[ mu ni Jain .,-. K

III. lut»» ral »-ill tas.»» I.»-.- i! »¦ itatal raea oftaaRa. H liria*- «ta«r, ti,:«i»i- -'»», hi«., aat M 4 .., I k. Ta«

li ... u". o- i. Ü illy c.ti-i t.,.l.i.i ttkl.o-rlf'i'K' nt,

«'11.*.' I. »i lo S '.r-v

.- -'¦.'' . ,/ . ¦.« t. tad tía BUitar, tl I-i '. »f»

ri -i"l til <-r M. loi | H,-.;,y P','¦ ." ¦: i.

», .. r «m T riKl»v .t || Ihe '

a- , I . -, 1 11. I ¦¦-.,.!I ,

(i. u I m - t |,- n, Hi) . ,; laa.ling.S'l'Mi; o., ..¦i,!»,..!, J. t I l*mHj lii«al«a. I tooÈéns^jmmat

ih- t sid i.i.m-a Bun lit -

..tli.«.! ll fill. Iv ,ir- r»» |s rt'lllv in-Bflsli t ..' I -1 14 Yl.s-I.h. r I»«', i*», VEBttTl t» .-

IKI I.KN-di. M.i u v I, I'hul-.

hla lav« N IS8 Rroail v i'

N. J O.I T..--«i V, Hfi |. ,-

For titutu.oi.c! Mamares and Dr.iths see Id Pare.

Hi « l|>l- til I'l .MIO. r.

Tot.iiiv.iH onmorn i . - ¦ I, «1 '. n r, IV, |,c«: mi. '- -"' blüh Dl-, tfl I.

r.pksp. i ni. i .'.' p*»- «'- « "'".¦' i WM ia.Ij -- lái»- funaliBi

.Mtrreaarara af Oren» Hw^nere.1Ü UKPAHT.

Ail..H.w.yor»_Ll^rpool.inly «

N-w Ynrk.New Vork.tttmnt...Joy y 1r.,.,ry.HostoB. Llverp-sl.Jolv 11Ï. ft,'.Nw Yo.-k.H«vr».JulT \iTeuteùa .... .Ns-Vork.M-mhing..Jnly «

rtaaBwT......Npw-Yort.Livsrnool.Jolt M

TO ÄRaiVB.CanadUn.Liverpool..9^%^!.¡"n" \*Teiitonla.»^nthalDtHon.... New.York.Jrmp.16

|>a»"than,ptou....?'»w-Tora.¦¦ j j"t...........Liverpool..S*t»-.ork.July«Passenicrra (talletl

tn tleamihif City of ft a,hingtm, far l.t*trir*l Or. !d .lour«.J. I,n t-niith. ( baile» Calielr JsxV4M Kau,iiton, O. Plreal, IrwtnSmn-". »»Ich. kenned», T IU .*',.* It Hestfai, Mi-« Mary«'.4'sdlet, MI»»H"«h. Mlagy.ilntli, Mi« M.'Mainia Mist »unan.

jUt» ("¡ F.. »ritt. AU'.-'Ih»» lite« Kev lir Tlioirpinn » Ife and

Child K J ? »th, wile tnd tervtnt. Mr. T. DpSBjS, MliS AllcS

Deane, J. Itailton, S. <.'. I'ainey. And ei H'mlley, ALL < *.''.'*-

»bark, Jamat .Mannv and li.dy. Jarata Mo.,1» -nd ul... A.

l.deir « ha« Ttylor. V.dw Rough H P. «¦«.tt» AM. Brnbe. A

II HutraMsT, SA., If W-tldrm». J. <- ft tn. JsttB II.

VemláfvJ Kavi-hhle.«. M. Mo'-n.s.J M .-'i"".»' Ad» «

«' Ie Ai'geli». < NooLtil. wite,thrppr!iilrtr.naii.j.nir«.-, Itev B.

J ...Vliov,.S John."-. Ü \*.i-...r«t VV lir. ',, HrW.TtMBB,\\,n Kent. U ¥ ft. 0*****. Henry Wa»a*VJ.Pi «ana, *.Simiri. E. P« tt, Rrv John Pnrve« »nd ltd«' Mr« M .r.d-n aud

a.u \V. H Tbwaite« ««id lady, Mr» M Ne.'ni't and da ijlner,A I ,.,er.e, KotertMir.d.-., M.".l-;:v:-l.H. I»ttu", ft. Pi

»sal 'in! wit".I. Iboa vt«.rah«m and wife. ». .- hr.cder K /.oiik

,r I' R «e » K Held, Mit l.u<- Htm, Mit. I.i. . 'te. Km,,. Tor-rHn.'i'tiid »If". Mr» LtwaM»,«wJa» V*la»», Man ">"»» )>;<; .'««

«¡r«yand ata. J P. B.-mnmnt and lav)*, E. W T.i 1*1 Lisa A

H fjd» I I. A-, A. Levy «ml da,¿liter V.u. I I" Bi»If« < ooper. Job H CsJJsa, R. M Polt. r. V«.,,,. Lan

»ou, H. forti- Hush Symington, «ieo Sti-.n 8. B. Brook*. Rev.Mi. Mc.Nultj-audll--iiiitli.ite.ra'-'". Total Mi. Spec!.' *>»«,.

In iteumthip llliii'iii.far Srutkamptan and Untre.i A.Te-«lpr»i.ddai.»|.l»r, Mtitin .¡nd wife A. Rol». Al >nza

«.ob-l ol Hav.iia; J. Plai.ant. L'-o'i Perra »ft A Moiimt,Mr. | Mi« M it. 1>» 11 Mita Loa Mariaann Kraut II.M Ho.ihpr.Moa.-« »luv R. Braun, Cl,.i». flnmti.Tt r ('.I!"'.Mr Msertt Mr. Kvila-d. A Mob**, Mr». Hill ml d lugbtvr,Mr« »tl.r, ¡der, iht» W Mine! i'i «V. Str.-n Mr Tttntr.X«,i.i, John H...I..V. < h*i. jmtjsrina, Pisa. "1- M-.rtin. I.. Baa,h. y.l' Alls.d K.Psaton.Mr Da Metmak» r and lady, Mr. hot

Is Ml ft n aiir'.z, R. Kthermiller. « II Huat and srlis,A.Da»Bask«, wlsssBslssai ¥. Ha/l-wi od. Aira Lisait Hysa ¦¦¦ tnjj in-I.It'll Tht run», IJ Mc«'tili#. A II» o er. I.oui» P.. ..t

Ulli', Ann liiriin, Mr« frnii h. Mari., litinloni'i. ArnilePrisés (»roüiii- Rep«.., ("i. r Autre Ha««. I», qua « Rum»l,«iiiirei.l»'- -Mttiie.ieur. Mr». Enm-iiid. Philip t-iefle. Mrs, r*th.Iitn.t, «'. Roaiiiti. f. <.. K.H'-lli < Petirell, ,\. P.-tronl. C. P.'ro-

ni L P.-traii. «'¦ rum Ymirrl. Ml« E Olatta, Jstts M-i-'.

t'lnry Miih tl S'hille Marls Krai k, l.tort'" fltrnar, Hrhmldr.'K Msa«e«, t Id. Ir-I Mr» A «ole. \ |Hpinrbr, Amhrnis (-tip, John (ll., tt Kjg, :,e l'en, t OnorgjPsvb T. N, Kug Dairy. C. M-iidai. Tm Ball If,Win Maiim b» in er. Alta Mn.-be. O i'itala«, M fUi.on Ar !..

in, Miel.r, Alir.d J. ,u. [ptattss Wss»nbssr, Boruch Ilipt.chp, Armind CluitS»«. «¡u«tt»e Smdoy, H. nr>Ihona» l'on Juan billso T T I» laStVvTS, V. M» rani. Jo«pt

Dultna, Mi.hapl (lro»«m-n. John < .Weber It Kr..»»i:La lun, A. JtuBiiip.ui. Tote!. 147 8p-.i". *¦'''>' t*.I*tttamtkipH*mmt*i*,foe Southampt-n, Hatte,*** mm.

fcioa-Mr t-.nd Mr«. Holt», two .bilJrentii! BBISS -li" U'. i«-

Iub. Bsissasti Mr«. John «i. Koki'i. Mba H'lgar. Mi«. I-.hnnkp. |r., ai d d«. uliter. Ksa YOft BaV|m«ll ! \ i'.!. HM li !»

«'inrin'nati J«roti Sir in.«. Hifi'iD; Hi». I. Kn.-d Süd tW» thll-dr.n Sitv-niiali Mr and Mrs. Ï Hamm, r. Hti.ton M sjyaiir. i.

I.rg (»lifri.ia; Mist l.elin, .V. w-Ymk I. II. M.m«.oi. linn-hurt; Vf. B.-liweyer, MsjUngat; H. rf,-!i'.. id-r. S.U.'.BlrtmiB»; Mr mid Mis. All|BBl Wetter. NYw York A. B.Mhrr». Humbnrti A T Vorwerk. M. Wiilitm». Neav-Votk(,:l Vt'agner, Porto Bico; rr B oint, M. Ilatming-r. T N.Lnasas, Mr. IVikmami. Kew-Ytttti 'i. Schwerer, Matan-wi«; Cürl 8eli/. Piiilid-lui ia: i'r Faalbaber, < lurinnati;Ml BcamMin, N Vork: Mi«« r«rani»c U...-kner, d>; Mia« harlolt* Fli ueii'teiri. Meal n: Mi'« Then,lore Kr .ii.e'.tt'Ui. d .:

I.oui» Jarettky, California. S. Jobn«on. «to, Mi-« l>. Etat, N \M ?. tr**.*rtk tad Uuta il.i'iiin do The-. Bt h'.id', lo; Mrm d An», l.oid» .\f.n'/»l Isa I'rin.-i-.o Mr and Mr« I tn-lr, «iiuium, andrliiUl, do; Wilhelm Kt'i'i- N Vork CtrlBtih-iii,.-. U hi tin.'; An- »t Keicb. Si» nnali Mirk L;»-n"r, N« uolina; Peter Biillnifier and lady. N i oik : B. »on tUihn. do;Muter Neun ami, do. « tat Llohint», I'.altimore; John pplnvuldtl!ro, klan. K'ied' f-'tOi'kiii.'rh. N Vork: Fran* BcBT'lsaW, do;lleiiir '.Mi-'idt'ilo, do; Alexander 111,"-«, d.i. John l/i,< -li .ni,». Il.-iiiii.-li itinl.iier, Mui.tgomeiy. Aia; F.-ii-'.^r-li'id.i:,N «irlitoa: '/»rhari-i« S»en«oii Bwsdsa; M Sptlmf-r. tit i-

Bstlj H. Bflllllisller. N Orle.iin-iiid other, in tt.-er.p l'i-'tul,UT. Önt-cie. aittrtOt.

I'm»« m»« » « ArrivedIn ttffim.'ip Adriatic, from //,/r.r arol .. ".«,; n.!\!i«#

<o:-»tork W. Il vYi'friiidlad', D. H Wirihim and la!y O.Ü. I lowland and Ian,fly. llio» Patter'oii ai d lady. II. M. i-'.-lr. flelinaid Udy, \V. B I Lawreii^" and liiuelv, ti M. Judliidy. MtSB H. Psrtstr. J. Kerim-dj Sri »theend iê'ni'.c, WH Su ith a .1'»mily, 11. B. Iliaper and lan.;lv, i:. » I».I ,1 Lstli g, B Á Í1- !!r..,ube!» Mr O. ». Jonei. Mr» t.1 are.., Mr». A M Coz/ i.t, Mr» K 'lv, ¥. KpDj J Pa«\'. il Drapa* Mn-l/slry, H. R M«»nsn J II. U odt. Mr»I-.... r, 0. rnllatr, J B Bisara índ Iti nly, 1!. BhsrwedJ and lady.Mr. Cliiiri'blll Bud lad», Mi»» Kur :v» v A H ¥ ¦-:.-. Sam,..Norrlt-C O.Tttl PrÄ AM ll* Mr Soléate < ..t»t. ( liev.r.C. J. Llvermot» ai.d ludy. Mln M« »¦.»..r?h H. V BooiBetn a;ida. ii. « T. « ti. Seyton W. II Oimmnek. W. K Mil.on, J < U;(li', < Marin at:d Miiy. Mi McK i-»". H 0.Oaklty.R .-linimon Mr« Pestwek. Mf«s (laretchl E I» fJsXas..hi }. 'lowinpiid, <..-iy-l -i .nd »., .- Mi«« Mltehell. I'.. «'.'I ..v.« .end, C Ci'liuih". \. Aleyer« and fan ily, E. C. Cowdtn,Mr. «Iverhv. «' Ilrnrv. A. K Jo-, ph. J. J. R, .era L. Il ¡h i

Mr Hi«,' li. -., I »»...¦«. I». R BtAoford, K. Rhode«,1*. Cm.m,:.. Mr D:,;.... ini tan, IV. B. Mit Jriiili. J. V. Ma!

lark, U'-v I. A. II. "Cn Miia. Mi'l-, II « Phv,.- .Mr. Hi.»i chl,l ...,,. W «Jr.¿,n».l' /¦¦:'.aim. II P» <¦ i. Mi. r .«I .r od t Wo

.ant, Mr. Hawick. Oe... B RniHth J HollUtn-, J. H IJ. J. Bta .. u i.- IJ. Li p| i' »-

I tiavlst, K < V\ il-".i A. Carli-r I. I. «'«mal... k. Jr.¡Hr Perd v.-s Harker, Tibor < » VTstn», A. \\ Kpt. h im. J. Man-

b»i Richard« l>. P. Bnntb and ,'milv, U. ». Bridge. Eil. Tel.hro.ik, alr« I', ,c> k IV. S I: In, I B. Bs kJ H F !'.|<e, I. « -k,\\ II. l'lilüip«. II. K.lev, Mr.P.iewtoii, H B* r-. II. rr» KlOtl ToUl «'

ir. i inj Pesas; Durektotir. jrctn Salt t'.iy. Al.. 11 n.iphie« a,Mr. KmbalL

/n heir* F.agl*, triym Curaeoa.Mr» «C A. Rav.-n« and ton,Mr» C. C. Bak.-r, Mist B ». Tayl .r.

In 1,'tg I /. UfromTri ' -Win. AndersM BJtd!,iJv Thou»«» Pl.-ii-p.

rk lahiti.ti m 8*t r.J Mnl.-i. O. It. Miller.In I ark H. I. Plat,, // ;,i.mwi-I!. A. I', k.In,ihr. Prrrh.,. tmm Hi rm -.17 Mr«. M.l'all. taWI, tnd »WS

danghlpii; Mi».M Hirrpil Mist Lackn» re, J. «)»«wbi.I. MbuM » Ki.f Mitt ri A » at, K. WBUne«, ».Béas« n. « i[)t \ ts»y.In lork üaxetli um Vaymt t, I'. I...«.-..»eTr. "t. Edwsi.lK.jipU.h. .-.iii.'l p. !«.,|... Lo l»a MaiitTBal, J snM<ua»,Mi-, i.. I Cio'.in, lese Dalia i, Fslix Nadal, aWvatVir Nadal.Tr.N.., i.

h. I»«**. Mi. nft.. | ll.-II. A. B.BitxBsaa

rsBajtJ - t ." !.. A. Karte tt. I'.Jyai.dlild I» till |e|| B It. g .I...I,.talar. .« W.BtUgcJni» U*i*ntat.C. \V. «Católa Ige, J.F.

'. -

; .,..» A*t*mé*¡ Irse» il-,¦¦na-Mit I. - '. Mr».C. mi. i".'.. 8 P B»ium ,,. U. i.uim, W. \\. H-I..1. r-

c ii. T. «-oiklin. ¥. llI.i truj M a n m .i .PeU.

.Mb, A. tie Bill*., ii tf, I.


I laiirad.BtatBleai l'a- -i. N- n'oit i. eiuck',.;

Marian rotter « htnW--'. m Baolbrd, T aton I t'c. Purker»bi.rg, FoarlL U ¡in..«;: ¦ II. at Cromwsll a Co '.iii,-. ,.

Cltfa-I -«'or:, >;k. '« -, II. »'.<'-."¦,¦.." 1 «' .Ia''. i i". H B. « romwel! V Co. Pat.ip o, \;.|| Pottlt 11B.< raatwarll lirt'-'pa-lart.,-. Bt!-h'-n. Boes . tyn I (t. Ihrep; (ler-

u.u-.t, iu»u«. nl tlatra.W. WMUskk.ii Jons Jay, U-i».!-'?'. i- I

St I I I g v \. w Hr!. ,,,,« tV T Irs».Bark -J. !'. B .».'. iltM Turk, I- nd, J. K. W..j: k

¥. e ttt, HtrdlBf,,::or. M «lili t Al H .loh,'. 1\.rn'.l' London, Bttasr bims.¡ Uenry. Wiltot, Aniw. n u'¦ h ¡i. i Bu sei fio Id »I ra ill«««, It \\ 'l rund« IrtI h"- I'm.;..- \- ... Barra »Ma Cnati >. II I.BsBtaCrsi kdudsloa Itro» «¡i o.l-¡-»,i i«,-.m»-..n. Mobliti-nr . « .. .'. i ., I rolil »I?IBu;. T. .'i m ... H...A.V. Bsruitutt, Bi Ith, Jone» I

« o . ¥.. '» », !' ... C «I. r S ..i-; .1 a. Hernin. l'ii-M ' A' P R. IV Huik.-. C S I' 1! ,i

I'i M iH ind in ts » « .. II li-k il.n-, i. - sn iih .'. gins; R. ll s, II.h ,

' r K ¦. !,r. -t bo* 1BCSW< s d n u Hew, i.., .. n ,... ,.- |, j.'in »., fa I.- - -

<¦' .. .'!. Bot ,ld. I'lilln:- B I, !¦. Mill ||, to:i J, «-,.;H. -i.. .t :. ....; ; , now.» 't w« fi r. F- bai u.... .. :; Bas a, IL "> lt. M¥'. P, rasa, HsBtttaa Bsatta* R. P. Bsek It Co. Vsmon. Towpr.St. J,.|,i>. '. B »..- .,. .,. , ,Bri Snaw.Maraa-"I' t, 1». K llewplf, Lana 111 Bal» r Pal. i. ie!. \ .vr«o. in. ,. Fadrlat lt< B, Ah -ke; Alt»lllr I. I. U. Pu t.«. >, iBK»I>.Ml U.:.-. e, M ,«.. Ball! .-. Uerrill àAbh.t. !'...n in.'. N. w. i!.l'i.,l .:. .,, .... ,| Hand H U TullTewMrnd PMl»dslphl« J llaudi .- Mill», Uayton, Brookha-»ili, lua-ler John N. I., '.ill

Rbod« l-i ..d i. . i»,. , :p-,BtsBB V. boll Pi:il,J"lpi,;..

.itllBtiItsmstl ip An. u t.. k. Il

.1 ij .i..i '. I« tl.. N< dl U 9 p !«! p « t Ntant) Bteaixablpta, lb» hid lie.-J i i .. .»,..

I l-y.Mn,i I»,-. Í.ISL-». '-. ,.), !¦-, , «,pril

»F h. U. «vinal« ibsriiiir.

BMpZmfrt. Bsanport). KM ", , ,

.1.-1 ..-.jilo ti, i..i>t.r '.', t ln*4 :«t. .A 19 d 7', |d »u, »¦

Hpri lawtj from H iln i. riel I data outBVdpl ' V. r..\ l' 'r1"""1! f.l It. nOltSB. I»

bac o, i toi; p, .i.»bip h r».,» Mjm .-. l'n-idtiphia Jim. BJ| i.l..,idt"|i

K,,"r i"1' '"'" '»i; i" .....

zv.l ,|». i. ... .ti ..h"^ resVi .,,. S r ,.|.',!, rsntina«ad allth.-i.,.-. d.«i. ItoK H I ii, -,

her t« leak i -....¦.¦ rhour; biear i,nay «'Ulk tr-tu I.-. e

I a.k AnifUda, Ben,,«, I) m. .i ,,M. in, .i.^, ton» o kc toM Tatlor k C<

' «'i-!'. l!i.'i,«r!. Car. ..., i 11., ,1 ,,.UXastvr. Iadpn n,e! l-it wlodt With I.e. i v tbi.iiü ri« mu n ins r»). .t -in. -,,.,. ',,,

':.ii.g»:r... » ti una»'m i- di .. .' ;. ..-,... ..! |,,v


», |...

1 "- I tu» dt'-VaII a n v a rack i i t

., b*i id tha ranrti'l.l I

«i lints iiploAa«..

Isti« .»flying'». i

»Ill " tdlj I e *S -.¦ o t.. ?¦ M r, ,, ,|,. ,,. |, .,

.,i i.e.. ... ,d»ttk n tal « UPII palled , ,. , » m Bar "a»

':»!"") I

li.i u M ltil.1«.- M Vcrfmni), Ma'figat Jnr.e 12. anlaaart-jlii'l' ,M, fc< . /.-, *

loms ». oê, .-a*, m* Are**»,I evti«, trr,.', HÍvVrrt for BotUm ams^ir»*^'» ft» ^'7! g ne. ¡maj « l-tk. mA wa. I .II*' d to «Uv« B»«B ll*l of 10«-

''Ta.k.I. B J,h..«..n(of H»tr.po.t) HtRt^ttftMliwIl..¡¡.r,,,! -u T h Caq-Th. Kt^.i'ii-.-d betvf

Wï"i!krt.e'r"l)eijiill,CHo«*a», »«»annah "' «.»y''. c0**on. .*>*-.>.

"aíi'k Hoir.0, r Y.U». OaWtB, W. T A.. 4» day*, palmtll, h* ,

,., Wo.."?ôro-,rî.!d I lo- T«*fl »-- 1st 17*0 gl « 0 «pot.

srbr Sea VA Ich baace fat *» KW/t Ion« » U». -,. U tari. .0

10 m» sbip G «'- Uunctri. oí Baillai"»«. Keering eMtwa-fl. Hm

27! lat. ¿7 B, I >o- : t U s»« »l-'P *'¡t, sf-oi.g «MM mê.

rtaiktn3/at>ll» (tyB«a-H»-*«B). »^"- *..*;«",, ^T^liiti., »oias-t-t t«. H. Tro*..-»'.-.' a S».. «f 1*..H«VVT- .»**l.i.t la' H, «m H .«I .** bil| R * >'*her t*»'»''! * ;*¦¦M, Itt. r.. I» m. -Tl, tpoke brig Albert Adtu.i, from Wl.i.ilnftoa,

«VrMhla^win iof Portia-"!). T Ittlajobi. H . >r.» 1« dav»,iu,ar «id,.,.iy,m«,!tr. ¿I-t ln-rt , 't» HaUa-r»«, »hipped a

tct, wöfch ttl).d«h«iai,ln, ... »

e«k*I.C»Twlr, (UUS'j, (hot. *Otm *^?ko\oW&'Ptnolossm to Ynle*. Po«tar*.'lr| k » o. Kipe-Vo- I * ¦>*»T*7 CT- r ¦

l,| B on the «d an-" ¿3d of June.Baik H-rn»»i. Lowrjr, N.v» «ir|«.,i» 1« d«v«, .niton, kC., 10

VVrn N.ltánt So" ril^r1.-n.^ahi»v7t*MÜi»-rHria MkDiitio (I)nl»b) trVbro»-«**». i uraco« lane II ^¦»""v

i,- To DotaleI Ce. H.rk KtgW, K»a., f,,, Raw York, «.-il'-*

tito d»vt previ..»*- î-'tli ¡».si lat- i»'*» »«¡.i Til", «poke «hip.Ma-gar» t. Hon. Portlan». M N'W Oikan. » «Uy. o fl.

Hilt Ktperiinent Kogeri, ll.ui.-dio« 14 day», «ugar and BB»

'TVAM.V Bo.tor, to-*. |,n-l.v., -tttaajji,. H 1. V ktaat It o 21»»'in.» M 2" ¿ta 19 OL ..«.»e «a'ii. .\e* Borde* <-. IU« ' <-yú*x»*d b-atyk. »trailer, »pli» »ail«. Re. , , M

Prit Cii'.ifi. go« ¡Bfl ), Borg, C»rds»nat 16 dtyt. MRMafl to Mr.

i'fiTg Sniih iMrrsfof Kllsworth». Lord, Matunia« l*i day« tu»

lar to l. It J P»t.-r«|rl| iHii.etUavi» (.r Boston), 3»».,le«,Pen«.u-ol«2I day*, Hun-

Bi%<Hlvtat*VB fof New-Bexlford), Wbitll-ld, MotkUe J-.t.r 13,rottou, à«., to VV H. liar .rd.

Brig Sultan Sutton, l,.-.,rg. to« n, 14 C, 8 day«, naval »tor»-« K>

! B Lililí«.Brig L}m, (¡ray, (»lal« 1') d-y». loi. l>-r to ui--*>rBrtgt VV. Hin 1', Nn.'-itat» l-ii." S, «otar to B»-'l, Hoa

» {.,. JBBSM l»r IT. Ion. W» P»--d Or g *.. Vliliikin. «teari'| June ¿3 lit m\ loa ». »»« "er.otxl . btM.jl«.«i oi-i \i. K. ; «prung- for. :n»«t. tto-1 .ott, »nd «tot- pajrt of d»-*-

Bria l. V\ Uri-ko (of ColuiriM-., M* ), l»ri"k<'. rarrfcn«» JanaIii,.»u«f.r. *r., t.. til/r.noo k |rl»yb^w..... ...

Brig llllia.-i Tl.ompioB für,), lli-pHll, Hli:«i»or<,, N. »., »0

.liv«, »t< n>- t-. VV K hull, a Sun Sh. plvrd, li. "ag-i* IS «t yt, tngar to Ja« K.

Waidti.'. Bagsatt-aeaflonostjorooa« arnaSliaparo (o. U, Ovirton, Buk ., IX-i

¡Lst. truitt 'lh... l.Unartiu. J"ie «- l«t BR ¡"n. "-1 11,,,..., hr I. «V. M Bar, BBBeafor Ra wa»n. I flap «**«¦ ,,.'' Ni-w Il.vrn). Ulis. Klo ir- ni- M»y

I» hi.l»i wool i.«.. to L B. '.»g-r 8«IM is oi.ipariy will»

l»ik K.gatt«, .Vluiltn, lor Periitnihu.o. aiid Br. hiig i.laao»-»*,loi Moiit<-v'.aeo '-""h laat. lat ttm\ 1-n la, *P"»e Br. brlg

IrofB Porto Ki. olor Nu î-'k 10d»y«t»ut.s, i,r. M Mtaaaa, BiBar-aar, <¦ aii.da lUogy», KBBXM

uaitio.»Chr. Hrn.iv P»)t«.u (of Botton), (to».-!1,»toi,. J«n.,

M » '."' -i Ilainp'.oii Ko«d» 4 day», logwood and MBB* t-' H'ûry,i Da '.inl'-VrJ.

li t.r. K. N'(k.-""i:. Pulford, l hail^atoa 12 tlayt, ru'.ton, fcc,to DolliKir, P. tterfcl'o.Id i Mar;.:t » "ii.illi loi" N.-ar Haven), l.n.o, Abaooa* »Uyt,,t to Joa. Kn»'»'-

Srlir. P»-er!ra» (I'.r), D<»»*, h-layt, in bulltrt to M :.

Brbr Ki, l.-mtr-««, LyTich, VV iii.,¡..-ton, N. C, 8 day», .k«»1»t..ri»»toM.-< r.-idy. M««* »'o. 1 tan.Is, loiuiell, Jafkton-.ill« 12 oay«, piae for Rrw-lltii-u.S lir I.ycl» Ann, VV.'.v.r Jtv-ksonville 10 dav«. |>',i»« It im Axt.[-- . lanrttacrd h»a»_y ».-Htli^r lo«t i.-»3k-!oaAfii-hr VV m. Bason lylt-r, baliimore ó oay«.Icbr. M irirarit F.-ndiatuii. Bflaareill "c»j».B, r. V ak ti», M»-ans Kllsworh " dajtiSrhr R 11 t'ol.n. Col.on. r»I»l»bd»y».Sct.r Pavilion, ( bin» C.Ui- 5 d»j«.fiehr. I'-irl.- lia*, Kininm Ro< kland 4 J.y«.ItM Jtnes Iii-wrenr-f, Allen Boston .. day« Or*ton, Bute», Bout« D for Al»»ai»ySrbr. Marin Loui««, Comu Ing-, Kail River i days.S Ir. Motitor, besa*»- VVai»-iiaiii i day«.li hr. S.-a BaBft-f. in-lano. P*n«a olu 11 <l»y«. pii.e to 6.kt»>-r.

.¦»rtir. M l.ird, J./h. (OB, ' iigiiii» -' dav« wood.BaBMB-B laR ii,('ro-,k.-r, Pbiindi-lphi» »od tap.» May, rod»«.

and pa«« to K I'.-rklns.finunici AnÜnni-it.-, Jonei, PhiiaJ. Iphia, Mitte, to J- » S.

Brk-a. ... t.

fit-rain«-! Alitln, Robinton, Philadelphia, mit. i> I.oper a

Klikt'Atri k. . . a /-.ji

fit.aiti. r I'.-rgiiin, Williani«, Providence, mdt». to I. «Jd-.L

MtOTMl liaun, I'.-ny. .Nrw Be Hord.BA1LBB- BtaMMaifCltl "' B»****B*Bj»*a f«flUver*M«l| U. S.

»irai irl ral« Maguí». Japan, »»»-aiii-hip« lilinoi«, So-ithvi-ptontttioHa-.i»--, Hati.nioiii» Ha-ihing; AUbtn.a »lavs'ieah; Mfanon,I htrltalnn l'«ikei»b'jrg. VV'ili.u,gtoii, N <.'.; Vorkt-^wu, «or-

fnlk Be. Po-'hi ., Kirtinior.'. Pt»tarr-co, Portlaiid.

H-, Jt'i.f I.St HaBMfl ll'inl-ville, fitandard. BMflBBflB, rud»»». and p«as

la 11 I., l r nut. Il k Co., »t5:30 p. m.,o1 Ciih- L«,ok-In imag Iho». fi»-, n n.

t»liip lieomiaii» |«>I' New-Urlt-kii'l. f-elt»r, NewOrlaaas 13

dty« Jni.e lü. I»t. 30, l^n 7». «a« »i >p Ij.ii' a»l>-r. fir Liv.'ra-.ol.Junt)2!l lat M la* It, «isnae-d baik K.-»t:»'t«, bound fi-

SliipKn.ily A. bal (ol Po.-IUnJ], I wyt.r Li»»-ri>oîi M »y ».B da», la N. »m;tl ai .-'ont. 2'rth iii.t. urt fit* I«Und. in a b,»-'ivyK)U»1I Iota N. VV., loit «n entir.- MjB* »t'tailt.

.-»Lip Ai iAii,iriai)j,Martlnoi'! k, Antw-rp IUlay«,!!*»!«*.toM K fi.-hrniilf.

I.aik Kaïie. Il 1er, l'ur»-oa June 11, »a't. hulea, *».. to S. W.Littiklalo J.l.i-.'l 1st. M), ¡.m T.', pa»aej a ii--ad bodv J nie

I lit. ?~ lu. I« n. "I, pa»vd a ni.ttlli :if.-b,>at al.oat »i f*.-*. long,(t.iit.d Math; l>io i"-.-n »t< v.. J it.- ¿ti, pi. k.'d ip » »igi b trd«i li "Saratoga" on it. Iia.l b.-.-n l.i.ta »hort lata i'. th.- *ater.

hstk J t.,Ii M*r, ill, Pa-k. H.iviiii» Jun.- it, »ozar, k,-., t» lie i-

i. r i. Paalii .>rti!^ii in CSkBipao) t*iiii hark l'ti ai»«», :,.r Rai»i .oiuli. Jun. M lit ¦%«fl, lata, TTiR, .raoiir .hip .laut I).<a*ar,o; Pcrtiii,', tl' foi l.iverj.,,.,1Hnk V i -oat. i, H.II. Sun. .'.' ilay- IMir to m ufsr Jire

20, i,m ( ii[>. L"'.».-.¦'*,, pained tw.. iii»»ts ol aa-hoon-r. fbe V.Lat balk! »w N. K. ueaiher.tarfc W. A. PI i> i.i i- U .! ¦'. .-nun, 14 days, »o^ar. k -, to

Btvk Alma (Br., of Tr--,id»d, Port S*a -, N k r- M,-a.aHad h'-a»; S. K. gales oiu.i ot me paa-

IV."hak Tal. t, e Ki'-tport), I)n»i». M|M Jn'i-' IT, «-i(;ar to

nit-Ierl'.tikMitry II. Uam-y. I.nther, V\ arn-a il day», in bai'.aat lo

i.,a:trrbita Vci, g ll.r.lie.ter (ot'^t. .lohn'». N. Y ). Fit.r -tri -k Sait

f'.\ T !.. Ilflatt, ».lt lo VV.-ll,, K t, i I ,. Ktp.-rinuedli.hty N. K weitl t»r. llth ult., la.. » II. ¡,,n T4 W, w«. g|rtteky ibinlag t» ,'ii. Ii »l.iv.-r. J th.- m ibatar-pu -.taiid uit'u ii».t, «., 1.-ii.i« dblig 1 / A (cf Kn»tp.rti. WtBttBBa. Ml lai il O i>» I iUe in,

.tiway l'asudo | I"!. r, t. »-' n R, P- ¦ . r, »la, u. ti r d irtl .' tl. ¡,

Briii < .'Vv. ' Ho-tom Mattle**, Nu. vit-« .lin,.-le, irjg.rI« 'U;«-;iii «.'ii ^»r. laBatfl, M 22'.'0. !on. Ti'ao'

»loi«! t) . t i.iso.ler l'Un -'". la». 21 241, ion. ,j ,i t»Vbai» R. Il K .»it. Rceritra > J ;.»'.'! l.;.3j;.'i, ;..,, ;~ 1>

¦I*' !¦ ¦'¦¦¦tl. '.- bay l'jrt r. îrid'a, !cr N.'trl

latftbrig Ifl .- I l't»t;r»rt), Laec.y.r. uo<-, P. U., l»Jda»«, «i<«r to

Brrtt Boni CuI1 s .- I, < .. | i: lay«, -g | t -k-»r ic

LlthtWunj K,|i--T-i .-.- l ii.-.»y »».- .Mi.-r. B.-.-n L2 Uy« X ofbatieia«, with at .» y M. E. tm ».

I- It. l.S.l.y,. rnila -teat« VV h fl.« :-''ti. Ci .' .' . lal .-'. I.i. ,.'..i, »p,,,. i.HTk I-..--1JI I-y, IrwDi B. ton for I lalvraton tain« i iv, «*»¦/ a hail, «t-.'-ingS 1. sboaluga v.hl».e flag Willi .- ill-U. r'r 1. it, »Baj !.^t»--A

<: Merrill (of Baakt»ut). Berry. Mat-aa/-i-. Ilugar t., i, I "V -4 1. Co.

. '

biig Hi-i.-,i. I. (Itr., orLK.rp-s,: N. ».). Baitli..., 1'aiarJ",P. R., B J.» m L a», »to J. V. UBBjtfVa« 4i I'd

n; .-( tin, .\ (of Ktt»t MecliiHM. Joha.r.n, M-flBaaaa*J lay»s, au, kc li Siuii.-m, i M»yii,-»». J,m. W. i,, ¡dt. m ,un λ

it P. AU-iand, .. frtja- Vat IBBBt f-T H«B t irki 'iii . i>ai.."r>. T»»,l..y. Marai-iibo Jane «, f «M x«

» ... J,lit, i*. oüKíaa-.l. *.-Tl SfOSMSOÜJ *its, 'k. w -1 b i..»».r ya.d |...»t abo.-«- -rat« !uJ;un'»

otmofam'j.'ijL.^i.Aiiioltl AtUii-on, V .,-rheeU-r, N. B., 10 lay-, *to,»a

flckr. h. N. itntkii.-. ti-itiiii,CBarlc-too 10 J.».,.- t-m R. .

!.. M< ¦'» '¦ -t .V t''

-- r ' , "» (Br ), S'irr.p. Kl -jtlier- » d«v«, pi-.eapnlea W1ato. J ... J'. .,.- .i ,:, .i,..k,-búk\ :.,u . -

rtttra V.Va.ftekr. Mi -1,.«a, Liackbi, Harai Jota»M « i»r ;,-

4'- I'i.d on boai.l JiiWi, Urn. Ua.-: ,t,-i. o'Ithoif.. Iitaal im M

I* of N. »» p rt ,. V 1. I» j. |7 m,.¦ Vi to I -' \ Small.

W -.. ..

BM Ut«M I , to luaata-r. II» ii' ,t »ti.,d. ati-1 . Ix« tu.« «a Hole

hi | I..v.!,.d. It Kl«., lu .lay*. I" k*T I« I.illeeatti M

'.". orí. .". J ,\ Irtt :i. -,... |,. n, ,t o -

¦' 5 ! in i»;.iik tor London..¦>,h-, i.:.».-»,*4«.p«r,V .rti-n«tdayt, tool .- - tkmà

«'.thtebr. 9 «job, i. f, tiranía,ir day ..'ni m a «i itr .. j»

"flait .> raw and lamfed ibaniat (lieat Eg« Harb-lr..--bi>v Pon. -11, Wiiii.ii .t ,, N C, 6 tlayt n«.- ti »tor»«

to B Pi t*

fc, r MIT |..¡. .., ... Wilo.tngio, , N. C., : i y«, .uvalkl. -. - ;. M r. idy M.-tt ía.4.0


1 *.¦ 'k- - l.layt. y-ilow plv.etoP. ki i au


.. S,,»br.vk 10 honra, i» b, t t,-'h lof NVtfllj,,,), M¡|!,.r Mat,.,,,.

'. ' keily. Junen n tl.I -t-aaS»« /.i!,.;u '¦ hll<,H w«a»y»ft.,"¦' " ;'"''¦IB«.. 1-1.» ,.l.|. at, ,!....., DonglitaM'''r'.o:,^.i,!ut::'' '"c,t" Aaj:-ou Ka-'>-' *****S t'I "* Vr'"" V,'rti'-,r: '-b."'port.

' .- LUI:.-.». Il,,: .l.ipbia,. l for .Va llav.n,' " I.H. VI!»,.-, .- Bivio,,.

»a», a.

Hchr li ipira l.o».-il. Ubaa, fat r.o-t..u.t;''r *

ï u' '"' 9 " u -' Ja»-, i. -,,i.-:

.-,hr M » .1 w. n, Vi.,.,,1, .,.ajtlpA, lialMi.o!.-.

V '. .' ""'t '"eut I« ll,|l... . ,!.,.. v,0>4lohn Mattlo-... K;»., t,,,, N. ,| t\\? °*

\l¿7" " ,V:u! "u- N>' N'** ll.tllortl, aiilae. *n,f pa-a. to Joa.

ei^po.» ,,"i t, 'A':U]-' '¦'¦n'1' "'. !»';'Ua'"1 * »p- kv. avia*.

«îwwA !ï"""y V" ,,! ,'- " d'- i.'l-steiM.-'J.i .¦.'.-..- »-.= ¦'! ¦.:,/''.»-."* ¦...'-->¦»¦.¦« attaaaaaa .«haV,IN' " *». «I BlHMl.B | | --t N VV, and

By TrlrgrapR.MVV.'i'K'l .i a Vir . i r» l.r.i.1 H- l'o»

f" " '. .'¦.'.«. ro Phllatlelphi" B.'

b - a N

, ";'°"» Pks-.-ti, .re ; rI lOVlil-HAVAMKAH J ,..?. -p |'»M, .1. T.****** ''kl. > - '

, .1,1,',\%,,*i J« It, 1, .ui.«r " o »b,. Bal«I- "'f'in.VVe.,1 -t to,,, \\ . -i .

in- i-i. .- Ar.-K,; Jv»B ira-4|kB«**a« V -» kt't'.eîK*

M1 «a»cd la a-ta i»«-»!;..o».ii ,.»,epi tba fit lion, whltl ,. i .

«tup h .1 hilg a.

¦BgMahRaat'" f k. ail X i » | ÜBM

N. » \ji\ «i» 1 J»ya t.