New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1858-11-18 [p 4].BatWtSe H»CHI»fl.No i Brv:« 1, aNi.....

ßnonuea Kotiert. Wnrtai Cvtnwntw at K»a*«' aTSTBaeiVB Cl 01 luku W«arnr.' »r. N . tr »l.d bb » '«Ol »t- PIlV« CA Ah Or-t oat« ».I! j and t'»** fWBtark CMI. (k. r.. u. I«'" M Tor Faaaat Cteal Ott »«xu. i^10 fr .HrrlWn« Pilot Olli! .T«. . lo {* Bti.'il'ui ..«. .;. C(Ni'imH<ir<iOi'f-«'i . '', 5 aloeeT CaaakBrto QieraoeN.,M> w »Air. kVa«»'. Um »kll.. S«' »od .4»'» '. ¦BBaBtaenBaaM. " Tb« Bneel Ci.tonet. »de Dn .. I *a> ka. pj Uni MM reaalaieii I ->:..< Cent. 5J* "' Hl», » Pr.i Ul.ou. '' fUKj (..»..¦. .r-P. '.. Mf» i JU*B*»»o4l»n ) tettat ..|*J » , r ¦. *.' at h. I», _ft u.ii (.I u, ( .f ..t 4St'f P n IH1'TABLB H'HoTI kmk\ DAi f"H .Vi Ci.«. ai 6 aW -i et Ii Imire «i*1 He u M.«-- ¦ t.» :.»» i in i >. t. Ii .v Tkr ¦eeBLleei )' p»» Plei Iwebj « im it. Mb »r. im ¦.<>... f . f. !>. a in (Im H(iwi.'> lMt*nO» Win.ihm. BCALtM, (ti a Pit li, » ¥i ii i i.i <' FamivN from the Vra- » ..« STaTI P.m. Si« i,i. |t*ti r*»ib, Vll 11 «. i T Rai f.i«, I'mtiii Ski: ¦'. V m. \ btatb I . ir BBlI'UM.UI Iskliiiii > »: i u BOIaTI oi.lj |a bm ..» tea f.!. i< . v Ine otrr 1 .rt» -.¦ H » .»»».1/ ii".';,« ..: f.. l. .. I. i ,. S. -. n . «(«»ut tii. iluoi of mu etote, ae well eete>< .»ueie CeattrirnTi et rneia 8tri bior.t >- Ifaa aaaaj >4 e i h ¦eata] !...«. J.e ,\ a I'H.»\k I'.. He« », N... CHBioe >:i«' inBjeaa linad».»y. fian ,(iii> roa Tali H< Lioava: JttM KdfT, I'V Iii ll.l.l» A Kirr, No. 177 Hroad« ay, o:.po«ito I! »vd H M4i4'iin' laran af Rica 8 t i . P i. «. t i n fi « o t> t. A ay) . r, '.tt.f Barer BAoaoe, wcll ham aan btabbabtbb». fiiliii Caatin, 8 «.ski 1 «., Bat i f»1, Pill ufr«. a. kr. Aar« um oi UBB,ia< aiai fl . l«'i!- Colaaftlti with Li».. «Kit »Alt BT, It .«.»« ta* l»l*< r af r»:.:i.r tAaeoAca tt »'m'» laa|tafol .»erj ot'p paanaal, attaaA, aal lAa aeioa law. fftOQtQOO vtortl o# Cakpctb! I > i uiiciae I Caaaale] i MraaBliaVilirt finrtTT. gl fff m t j*rd. H«\ ti Vrl».| , AI U aal t>i 8A Hr .p..... m-. ru '.»>. AU \\ laaraiaa, tOe. »,.4 W Awu k...-., N... ... Bow. .T. IVlUtAK'l l'ATUM MI amamm.k S\I I:, tiik 0aaaa Fiaa-Paooi rt«ii m imi M'oai.11, Ii area fmfnm /Aaatax »»t. (.. i! »* IBM K k « " Bo, i i| Hi. »ai»ht. Caaäi. >¦» Di .. -' Nei V ..rk. Ili > pATKKT CHAMPIU3I Ftai «mi Ii. k..i «> -raooi Bari t\ tIi IUi i Pah -,t Powe) r-Pbooi Loavk»,aftml ilia arnat- tat BteufHy i*Taa> SaaV 10 t:.. world, a ... BHaVaoard ana tar< lea 8afe«. f 1,. ararkataaaUp aal Balan, tut pla «-, Ac I ('¦ II r hki\<. '. C11., .: Baaalway, eoeaei ««fMartay-at.. _ Opt.. iav tb< Chj lia.L I'm oioMiM Pi .km .We luve laeard if ru« ev.ieil tl. t tBt* r! irniit.f H'llo aeBH «. mid «it>n<>r fisi heen p... Mi eu;«.»y, Bftha paaeaaaaal aeaetie Baa) BaaewlAerel art of I 'us. wiiotfarr tiur ..r u..t, »de. <uiii a.* i are 'It' . «l n'or » ntihle net Al l. Till. I 'l li>> WliKN. Beaaa tii» 1, i»-.; t.. ata «t- .'. Cat BBBeaVBaaj t-i tili» Hare t vav Mowm at pliaaea, *,t (i! ms'a NVe lur It. ¦¦m, .>iJ Hrnjawty. _MA Nteh la Hotel BrnajMu Baxi kk. Broe , I'-bk». Tut Ki am 1,, |faa OOM i t -. i HAVs, riV "«t, tc, r . tie 1 aaaaat ar.J m«' at »»ut wilaa B, r. H»i aiTwat 1 <:.... i- nu r of Ho h «:irf BrOOOBI «. A Nmim-fi BaTWtHfl MaCHIMKB. A FaUCTICAt r am 11. v Bl h 1 si. Macbixi refl + v > vi 1 -hi RlCltl- BatBaatea«CaaaUaa nud Taaaa arBJeoatla«iatoke ..d-J ir Til Ii! IV bmyb, Ca'l or e, m i.iin' tail t\ aifterai et I k »1 aTtoa. Ai.ii aea '.i.e mm.lj. bwI* f..f 1 01 rth \ v . > iI yt ..r aara Beate, Com1/ 01 fwaraj, KeetLTV H '. Sawuifi Ifacmai fo«n iw. Ho. 1.1 Broad« ir, .v T. (.f. a, BaavLi t 1 i. Co # Ne*-.i> ji fa. ti.rt la. » «fiOO..SiNt.t.k's KKW Family Smvinu Ma ch'm.Bee..a Bewna Macana rm family pir t> m> a low pri< «t, brnr.iu tlie impieu of tie- namea of the nio»t ii,r<«^*fni uianula. t r> m lu tfa« world, h»« laaaj b«eu wanted. It ran now N' Ltd. Pri« e, romplet* u«e, ouly Fit 'I I>Ol I A.BS. _I. M Siat.rR k Co., No. A** Hr- *.'...«v. New-V. -k. ÜRovi.R & Bakrr'b Cblbwaatco Family BatWtSe H»CHI»fl. No i Brv 1, a Ni .. Btvlb.Faica *'a " Gi'.Ttr k !:»». . ai tLe tieft." AaaM. Aarti.nIt .rlat. " To all of wBirh The Trib .ua laya Amen." | n. y. Ti itune. SlM.l.K'fA .Sl.WIMI || m'him.s..Tho RH ilt n - e letJon In the pttoa of tb. .>¦ lat:«i aaaaaa bbbn bn-uabt a m«h t f tuttom. rt. (iMNHiktaa peaveahaveBaaa p'.t down, the ¦aaABBea are nude b*Ht«r than ever. Maw the time to bay. i. M. a Co.. No. am Broadway, N. y. Will i i.Kit A Wll.BON'fl SliWIM. Maciiiicks.. " V*'r pr»i»r Ikt rn Rat BBflil} aaa," |N. V. Trlbuut«. Urw »t/l», pri,* a).'**. _On.-a. Ho. M Broadway, N. w-ToeA. (..1 ii. It. Si * A t'o. Tare TiiR» »t> Lot. k Si rt .1 Bsa 1KB bbUchixi >. 1»» Chi aei lai aaoBrar. C. \\ 'I BOM « !k C.,., Asenl«, No, I M p.r Mia i] BVfTI'MB Cl'KED by MABBH'B RADICAL t'L'be T*l »v lt»^rteo. e t" b'I th.' petal IfaJ . ;rt>'ou« it,,.t pLy»i laaa Bf Ikkane. Call and ex»ii im taeen boaara rcBaain| >¦! aBeta. AI».. Elaatk KrocBUca, BnovtMB Bnat., Sir- realana, Ae. Ma. I Veaaf at., Aatat Uoaaa. CaVTAOM us I.n.iir..A Baatenl right wr* ia« »»ie.i in last iet «11 apparataa taa nbiiainalitu paiaoaea ky va> ft." a* hyaio r«rl« .. .! pr p«rlu| tl- m i ... ' ..' .11.01 . <.f ti». 1.ron-. eiftBratereeia ti U pateal u ta*tatrodaetlaaat .ir vr up. r ta Bäk t, <:. |rat aata»taea*e1 ttp.r «ft«-r beim fi.imeo (»>eaaaplaaeta.min a mm and [ iraoko t hen t-.t. blaJMi 1 aaayt J arnk »rt We aaArtaaaae taal r... app ,r . I- aaw naaead I .-¦-!.. »... la a aaaaaBaa jafiiaaeiaeid 01 11 ..« patrut.aud taiaiebi rm tanaaBwtaaaaBaaay taawura.tkatÜMty WM I", proarcutel t..i .. j «o. aawinft nrnt la a aki a, vawej t, or aaiaf aitaer fc* Bk u 1 ti . B| ris.f.. .N. v. IS. W f \A 11 1 paaa m.i » AaaaAaeen M. hitikci-i «,. J .t 11. ft. Bmbi tai r. > ««ia nat< _N. I 1 jaaaa Bnüj at R No. 12, N Y. Ill m ^ Imiimion Taunt Lkathf.b..Buot and Si..» o aber», Ctrn»«e Tiü :. er«. Ti rk aaihaia. I ft MBraii.aaaallatbirnmi awraof PatibtIaKbi .. * aroL ad '..oil i tan.-op t » ¦:!.!... \Aarraat. 1 to »t trataapi adti Patent l- ther. and to woaree, lUyaawaU. k. K rettr.i Ma daftaten' Ajoai. He II Aaa-at BOTBB'a Si it an a S\l (>*..Thin BBBAjBaled K«i ea r»n ow !». bad it a.'l r, .> p' UM .pul (i.-. r-. '. lt» fla»ar la .»»Jlei.:, a; d it at) ..-.K oaaidVrable I ¦¦* afalaw aad mal iaaaai »Ii u." [Land Lancet, M Woi'r.y af taa d. ;:.«'. ii to i aBaJtanaBad taafaarl . I « Baaae.1 | Obw rear. a»V I." 0 y .r all 1 or re la ti BAT! ill i ni; > II tut 1»m _Wlös \ni» Toi PEI s U'»e.t «>.. » in the \ ild Iii:» e»l«.hrate<l ea'»1 Nakaiei I ia ¦t No. .Ci Kl A.ltA«.,. I e ve. p »'e (.mm aBf.-«.!? loi 'i « apalaaitloa of bUfaroowa H*ia Pva. taa heat eataat Bati .. iea'a WmaandT»u rrr» liuaiiiiaaiaaaa orarailetai >. ibia ia Ibe ooi> p.a. e u !»..« laoae bbh »aai.- atoaatif uaderattod aod loaaW. C'Akvr i in«..Fa11. Importation*..\a £g. eaaira Irota at Hintern Pau aa. BWaaABtt.dalU.»sa, new to i v per yard. BB»iaari Valarta. n*w aiyi.a.Ill to |Aj per yard, ¦ajBak laaBaan aad Biaaaada, aaw atjlaa... 7, to io, p..ryird. BnaBabaiid Daeaaotii I plya. new at/lea..., 7 to 9 p«r yard. Bbtlia.. atd Dutnrailc liiatraina, newa'.riea.. t. to a aae yard. w iu a iarta etoek of Üilcluiih and otber Ovuda, at equal./ Bawiataa. 6mith a Luinraaav, No i v H. »;<»»' utki Urmud .'. BaKkCB'B Mu: \mi oi- VEB.WIS 1'i>iko\i.i:. BBI v «niri'v H Tin '>' .'i ? -.'Rll>. Ri ii i n: r.xiutl H' .. at h .. h - lata, ITta*, Mothi, M ikei i BBjaU , Ma a...l Ina .. t"f «ale Irom ss Nata to ai. » t tl« pTOBA Ptor, .'.t.k. 'l aaaaaa, faartltal Caoaala*, Ho.BI2 Bi adway, oaea«o lloaai at tt.. .». .... BaaoeauB ». kvaHraA, i>...^»., N Aater Miaai. aaA H <17 BaaeAwaj. LTvH'a M mni i n I'ow hi it- Am» warranted to kid Baateiai fag tae atai-r ai Co keeaelm, Ai 'a. H-M <.. v,., t la ia a len.-lj aanroeily. IVonldj > km rtd of taeae area i* l.Mal ia eeey. the np»n-e i-ulan-g. gjeaae la Ban AV Hkhalaa aad llairafoatnn BoteU S..:.: b> any ' l>n«|<,it or Uroeer. H«rm(A P«i;k. Noa. U and I '- Pai« r\,w, aad 4«t Iii «.!» a Bl Y THB Hi-r I !i eaitaok'a Caaa Bttaaaca. Ohilmoi'i (iwt.o Mi. ti Pa aaacB, (hn-koa'a Oaa Coa>iMiau Kiaaat B, ¦fate J a j ty BBABMUI i Ii» r>u» k Co SM Broadway, it/Ml ol Wa,k. r-at. Hi >- 11.1 rEB'l HlTTI |a leal aeaeta Alid, /oan pin Led. y. ur i'om»-h aid Are yc iii-li'.. J t<.,'. ', .., ..... la'.f .», « d eaatty atfiftiad fay ataaidinf a.i «. I ^ Id late IIortiiITBB*aoalrbr«. trd Bitter». Tn. j re| a'< Iba atoaoark ami .er, and craata a r>wer afeadaraafa ai.ti t laatu .t> oi apiriti ptifa ../ . rprtainat, hr aaaai ». I* i ..§ a 1a » aapiaiidirtbar t-e..r.' 8 i i < .' i r. i laadl .<.» aUaai a A Tai«, Kol » ü . i ». KxMf TUB PNW Warm .Go.*! s4vh-»». but t (,:,..» it' K .. * > bNti al BMMltGtfTiiu't lm !(!»«. II i ft 'k ¦ it- n.« ...> »I ti % ».# * ?.. -«..».. n m vreii m l ir,«.'«" f »rr»ar»a-/-. h- ha . iwaarea***\ot 1 u a Oai M 'oi . v.d Hol.: ladiss «-'.' ..' »*d ihl!di">. fri-m abl'h yo« rrr.ak' r art.itioaa. atd.?.*"t ,,« r< .'. i».. hit astslibaBasaal I* ¦'" H- - , v Fat« aa libs aaa i.-... at*. I . t ta* plant be aahej I tilaaet. _ Ootri Wat* WKB, G<»i :> Win hi -. for Ladle* %.i.t Oentl.m SB, wa-ra:it't a-- -rata tOnek'r.p-rB, 'ar aale a'. per r. i,t b-. * retail *t«." ?~ SB D. C. Paicoti, Irrp-.-f. r, r> pi aar Bird U,. K . ;. N> .*«-> drcal»ny, aplMir*. Babby'* inn orai bo, -i \a* «. aad ( baa* . Ar ., ii ' i i>r?..h u H" tifj / < »ii i. ( Fr-aai .L-t Kaali j| 11»'*. laikja.try k. roraaleb «'; » «¦..«and Pirf.m--*, lfoixow*AY'f< Pill». I osjhtipatio».. i iii an al aa a ibb a ay aa alaw Tai laatdious aaa ..« u. brouastinaayioaarraBBi .i-'irate. Tr. aflNcted arfllaadaa i fte. ru.. reii^Hj tl* lb-re n.« iL*. No. t>: Mai^n '.aa*. .V V ra_^^^^^ *> 1 ill lv^DAY, KOTEMBEB 1-, 1IB8L T<> COMUF.SfOSDKXTa Ra not!, h car '.< lifcaa of AaonyaaocaCoaMaaaVatloaa. What- avar la founded f inaitwa ¦ «t ba a . .. by t.« bbb* aad afdrsea at* tba aifaar-.u . .aariy : »r publ!**!- Iba, b t a* t' .aravv Tor bia fsed la.'.b v.. hu I nidiitab* turatnrawjantadt'oiamialaitinai H ... a lei .. Ti Tbibtci Od aaa ; i all a*-. a a ... t to h W«' Oar.n If a. ( o. fi. W Jot.>. .a ..o a Afe-r- *i Bn'i' * ... N I r'. - Bel rt 'i .r. Taiai st.. a:.d v.lil aaaa sat friends k.ui ^ila;,. Pea Weekly aad W>*bly Edjttona,_ THE TRIBUNE MERCANTILE ADVERTISES. The third ii umber nl j iii; TftlMTNl Mi.hcw- l ILB Am bb1 im k will b«* issued on the 'i«»tb inat Tka first two awoken wen well received, ami we beliow tb»Tf> i* no othor WHrtlillTl ^. compare w ith it through trfcich to nach ro'ntry incrchantn. Wo aro continually WCtiTiBJ lett*r< from rner- rkanta who loceived tbe first two numbers b-king no to cwiUoua to rn»üif, ahowing tliat tke plipor is properij bp^ineiated and looked for. We invite luck mt rcbaiita beUere they can increase their buaitu'ea by advoil^ing to send i:i tkeir mJvortiso- raeatt. Tho totnl e.tpetiw will be-Jefia)eJ I) Merean- taleAdvertiaäaf, for wktekOtM 1-ollar per !in»- will be chargod. Tkodd who n quin* their advertiBe- iiit'tita to be iliajilayi-il Will mako apeeial baroains th»Tofor. A^rertiaeaaenta neeivedatTui Tkibuni Ofiee. If bj letUT. .H(itlri'«h HORAI > liKl.i LSI iV Co.. A'iti- i art, Neara .. IVA Nt». ! i Nasaa it I'roclamntlon. i;. leeti a. Kino, Oovbbaaa *i mi Bran or Raw>Teai Bantbir jaar af abundant barraat, af pa.ral hearta, eantaat* smbI sad traaqaUBty, »¦- a eaisb a at oar Intaadi oaatast a iy a lander tbank> a. it |.r»l»e o 11.o. \ ia'iiM ^raro A ii:o: at d Oi' »r t' üm se t,- .H i betu Bta lad tb- ti BBlfrdd bl Mfekpi w. a\e be< ii pendatedaaajav, and* aia wa raited poa to tt> ki-vw'*.!..« ;.e r. .. .-r ai.d c .od . .. .r \o u..., Katli-r Um C<ordi IWrerofUb, 'hit ar* ban heaa aftamt Baraaoabaebri a; a » to reo,It* . me-e r- car* u babobl e v der; . va. ot Hi pr. ti-t. BCOj a. to euroy ti.e ad. i ar.j ». uii-; v. b freed a '". P " ¦ a' I -. and sajBs] .wa h*vo istsbBa'aed for ooraalai aad lor aar polarity. T 'lio' . nl, uVaiferr, 'i' .i in a awrdaa i Vltb lbs a k-r.wlet!i»d naafta, I barwby daatsnsli and appoint TaVBfDAY, THE KI^U'lKKNTU DAI Ot NUVLMHLR Bast, aa a day J patera! Tbeakaajviaj and r «:»e to Abnigbty Ood, ami fatrtta all to unite in ao atBB Bl k » - -<ai- l-.f 11. < puaerand ^u..d' BOSS, ai.d ol BH dejitLii. . e u II.a oie.ry 1 ;ln aran n. la wttaaa wbefeof, vo boaaaito sBVsed aay aaaa aad taa Prlt* Beal of the s»a»p. at tba Ctty of albany, lbs [la S.j ll'h day oi Oetobeti In las yBBI M c.r taWB BBa tl DSandelshtboadradssdfifty Lgbt. By the flovernor. ISbj rdl JOHN .V. KINO. Haaai L BBAMAB, tn :it« Serretsry. \\ give- mi anotker j>ar;e' tke oBeial rota of this city for Governor, CoofwaB, Aaaembiy, County OaVeeia, and the revi-ion of the I ou-titution. Tho iioTernoi's vote la given by election diatrieia. It ie worthy ofnote that tili-) rote i-i remarkably near tho fioiiiv- l olli'i ted hy Till; Titllll RK e\c!u*iwtl> on the night of obit ion. in lour hour* sffer tho oloaiag of tho polls, 'I hey eompan is fotlotvai Moraan, Parker, Bunawa. Tribune, Nov. 3.3,816 U.IIS r un OfhYlal."\,WS II,BW 6,991 DlaaWilitf. 1 o.» M Tkil is pretty eloBB wotk for 1T5 eloctiondia. Ificta, The Detroit AJttrtumr ofMoodaj haaofficial io- tunie ami reported majorities from nil IdUjkigAO but cigkt Coantiee, wkick eairaol inn tonally HiToct the Raolt. kfotca Winner, llepublican, hts '.',."e'-l Bibjoritj over Iiis f/pponeilt, 1'. S. BfBBtOf .stuttrt, who in not only peiaoBaöy able and popu¬ lar, but who inn w.tli the pieatige of Ratine oar.i- catry and faitkinlly coöpented with Judge Doughti HinJ the RepabUcan Bi Baton in their i lcrt* to re- atat tke iTatipodUon of the L*?coinpton CoabBtitation npon KanaaA The rotci to come in may redueo Got. Wiener'a ntajority to 9,000, bat tho awnce Renablican Bbajority ia the State must be fully 10,000. This, OOnaidt rittg that i '.i* r-iion day wai >;oiinr;red bj a furiou* tempcti of N ul and rain which kept thoii-yinda of roten from the poUa, vtj fin but on a Aill vote tlo* KepoJdaObuia of Michigan can do nneh better. Tho itcaBBakip C'auHila inrrod .it .I*.!:'"u yeater- day afternoon,witkKuropeaa aJ-.icr< to tkeOtk lost., three dajx later than OBITust. Ml. QladaflHMi h«h oone to the Ionian Iaasi a- Lord High i 'ooiajii- ahaaer EztiaBOtiaBU] to look after tbe Britlsk tectorate in tkoae paita. It wo rnrooied that Lord lh rby would retire in c.\m km of attacki of the goat and would !>.» «ueeeedtd by Lord John BubbbTI, inwhote Cabinet Lord Stadey and >ir Jasmm Gnknbn woald be proauoent bnonabera, A Refann Cool rem-e. on tbe r*th inal n^neatel Ifr. Bright to iatrodacc n Ketbrni '.;!¦ .it the aexl m»ei- ing of PariutBsenti which ho pnaritaed to do. gf*rfBatcen peif"n< had B*k*d Of the L r.-'iio'es poi- toned at Bindford, a i«l one hundred BBora wen acTerely.ill. The cleclloni in Bpain wen ft>f the Hoottpartfk\ocnble to ihe Miniatry. Uorapi.¦ titiom of t!:e pre-i at M;sdr:d in Imported. It is laid th.«t the I\>itngneaeGovei rnarat eonteaplBled au addreea to tbe Great Powers, ooanpl lining of tbe i ordnet of Pnnce in the Char'oa et GeoigOd all«;;-. Vdvioeafron Paraguay IndVcatB thit our Bxpddiaioa an to ha.o a warm reivptiou there. Cotton bad bVelinel. Brrwdatnl) «.n- i. Conaoii closed at.»?, to UB, We believe, without making any ep-vial bJatoti- eal reai arch, that the featiral "f TLsnkigi. i:i^ nm be proooiinceJ a '.: stitutioa of Now EaglBBji ori- . :\ in the linpb at and moat aattUTa] way eatah iisbed by thoBe groBt aaen who oren not tshatnod t«> «ek ffc'.ora of IhwLe Pro', idcico, and aot aahain.-d to BB thankful for them after they had been -.oiicLaafod. Little 'T.ough, i:ni«H>-l. h(»d the«e iturdy hut norel) tried Puritaris to bo thankful for, if wo men-i'ire their obligation by worldly star. aril.*, or eveu by standard* which modern Faith may cor- der more than worldly. It bbm for a .H'a^t> hai int, for a home r-de lod 'anadorned, for prirOcgei lh" raioB of orb h we an ir. no po.i- t.on t" ral n. '¦<.. that th" iritaa tha^L-d his God. Ha jukelee waa, badead, > :.«....«. re oaa HiBhonti ..I ,. ;i J ii « .-at.t J i.:.l i.i I:p3 *e it up to r * ring of oOTJ and p bj -. boojaBBf bid 'ttcMi had 10» B«cfj -,tt-'!j bii^bu-d. beewejss Paan- ise had set dote ;ta perfe.t werk ar.d left ¦ I . »bin o'.e m It cor;, wtk beat one t" bury it; be-».- p->r"o-.> 5-d btHBKft bad i«f nttefty orokt-n bil apir.t end utter' Bawtsa kiaBSBnlsBM i Jehj ah; hajetoa b-Vau nat beea twaki rird ii the waW.K ,'of tee rtfl I gLt by the reft ,f the -sr. afje, and had Ml *un the wife of Li» !."K.m ana] |j| ch:ld.-tn Hrz Intal hin. But it *»n» not, .f.- Batet NMOaaht r, only '. earth¬ ly fc or* and for the pffNki .ti'»n of the body tiiat lie p'-W:r!) wor-tiped. It w t* fcc the protection which the Omnipetenl had vouch- aaf.d to hi« ua* b«-¦.an-* upon th,,f<> n'?' ged ajarni Ilm ¦lannirisn; n tawn*. had not beeu wholly rut .ff, but retna:L-.d a ttstiiasny t«> t*e W.-rM o.' the pcejrei a;.J a.ijtilii-5 ¦>( A'.l Itated 1'ettival.- rriuit in time leastheirBa|taitoaViB| a.- ¦reS a* all stated Fasts, At the an-at erent grow -d.b ia the twilight af the .15-» its r..n«e- erat:- bt aat It M Ml! leeS I j.-r.\p?.b'e BlMBBBl of Ha oIobm tanee, and it knea>i into rigid font*- baa, orbearelean btmI eaitotlarj re* g*-ition. We mat. hnwetrr, Well bHbBTB that the hold which Thaidligirinf I>n;- DM takes cf the Kew-England heart, n.d, toxtngh New-England inflneoee, of the natkmalheart,oarea leaaethiag of :t- atreriuth to .1 j^r<. :.:«. rrco'lci-tion «>f the rv.ce* .f the Pu- rit*i:«, find, d Urii leOiDg and btrjiag Bad beastted if*, to b reference for the r.t-irr;tl R:-bt. Fp-m ore point we BeBj indeed be reweooablj certain. Thnt form of worahip will not to-day be arhollj forgotten, aj.d containswithin iteelf the guaranty nf iti "wu aincerity, which ia enclearlyexhibited in the home to 1 and tend nee« which can never grew n'.i. bl that Jeifi'uc wbi.-h -0 foot of it', thank God! oatfrow, for cid -c-nee, for the renewal of uU indm ices, foe the psritj of child¬ hood, for the enger ooarsge and the hvdoatfttblc eOBaejeMC of Joutb.for a fjiglflfi. if it only 0 glirMfoe, rtt the BllllriM of life ar .1 nt the pure jiltu^irei" cf that hi r arhach, slaa' efin never rtttuTJ. !:i th:* sr-'ni. irelteriBg city. foil it ii of iii.tinn w:.-k and n.:n, ful ai it n of I««\v Btrife and it KaUe roteipriie, full aa it ia of uei»ra- dation a-.d ibame, boM taaiii 1 bouI, pitNBpted bj W/e know Dot what halidWCd remitii'eenre^, will half reaolfc taj.' wboOy reaolre opoo b ptuer life npofl . irtbiei aiou opoti store italwart endeati The old nother who Uea io berbBtnhie crave, far, fir i»r. u ler *.. .t brow n New- Eaghnd bill.the old (atber - itera, ind yet «0 tender', tleepi&g ur-re after the a^raggle a'nl >;c- t-.ry, awa:t:r.g *ro- ttirorph. the little one who .-in,. WithBOCh weieonie, .-Hei departed finaid such w«. ag.the dear, .lead brother.the .i.v,r. lead tiater.'all .1 :""t iod :»w-j wjü inenb to th(,-e w'.ia jet iinuer to»dBJ Hew tho old h"-me DMBtolieiHÜ1 thic'<ei bofj tie Oal h.iitie pet net wiii reuppear Ij-w the oil boawl iro* raUotw will be recalled! The honjicaieBd, the rlmrt-h and the BriaOvl-hoQa.the meadow and nood.the sport*, the lorea, the Brerrieni of child- hcod witit itn greni joy/a and it" nreat.-r gnVf»: of UieSBil tviU not "ur. iv be Bnwiee or unma»:!y for aVHo t^ko -" nie little tbotaght t-^Jay. And in ¦.aeh recollection! and reflectknai will CCrtainlj bo found a aafc^tiard sgainut tboie de. gmdin/j ir.d llgertcee which thill hank'^iving Fee- t.ial ii loo often thought t-> ttttttioa. I^t u* hope to1. [fe4atrae a^petitei and untamed pna- -.or. - Blttlt IBiert th^'r fh»rt«red letBtMl and keep the r«ttirrai a, and bare "leeti and law da\«, " and io Be^'io^h ait With BWditationa lawful," let it not be when we hare invoked the ajn ble«-- lognad otaeifBteOOof Pntridene«. Tbl« 'I'bar.k^- givirf; Daj inay be w.irtbi/ nnd wtter/ kept. Let Ua hope tknt it will l»e .' Let bajpe that not alwatsiaintelDgeatArrteriea, w;ll le;«nre b* the aigi a! for 1 eenee May arec en {, -»how that we ein be featite witboal U in;' fool<! - T 1 Day La saetaaaf aa oae fl »nV rtn| t k*raj --. tea aball nt! a *. !sa m.,.i 1 m fkvaai . 7V Vinn *, A'l»s objeetl to our ai^tjeetiona that the Ffuple di-penee With N'nt^ Conventiona rveruiore, and indicate their choioe for Frwaideut and Viet i're-ido it "r. their reapective ballota fur Electors, Let us eonsider it* ravile: " Planaible a* Ii thia deviee. to give sowet to the i' : ly, it nil ilejietitM ip. u tin- fdeUtyot the Ktoc« tcrnl College! and their ohedienee to the Kepnbticaa Kntional ('..mniitte.-. Tu.. ' pr< injea to < lot he the - Coliegas with i -i-r. ti.imi \ power avee the \'.t*. For t lie .-.ike of iti". it enpneeee thnt thia diecratkaa wili be e»en-i»p.| with fttlehteto t petty and to the people. Bat it ia sot dtfaVcnu to agine n differeol <.rae of conduct on the part of the-.- bOible men. We .-an even g**Tr. ta the esaa athich ajMtt tons by the origicntoe nf the project. tlx Kepnbtioaa Kationnl Cotstattteo wottld fin ] ¦ome tcnae t- i-»-u id ::¦> partiaana ia the Kicetoral i oik gee to y< te .or Wsl II. 8ewnri f..r Pn aUenl aad Edward ll. htark'yfbc V'totvPrtatdest <hsi sward* ingthaeht ee to catidklatea is a Iwpadaea aainottty is t!.'-:. ews fvij.H I L-tcorreei Tat rfffai Qrat at t>> facl<: I. Our plan .!...¦ I rrt'? BfofO*>., atid in not calcti- Itted, to " girt) power to the rr.inority." It pro- tldea, f.Tl it the itroaajeat party ahaJJelaet the Preaddertt end \'ir^-Pr*ai**enti 3. That the PreeJ. dest a-i'l iTert lTraadmt so ekoaen lavül be the Cr-t cbnic- <>f the i.injen .-pimber of VOBeri throughout the LTntOri; attached to taid streng, et party, This is nfreJeel1 theiheorj of our present mode of elsetiont yet, are know thnt candidites ire often noewisBied (as in the case* t)f Folk id Picree), wbon the People nerei pesforrei nor thought of. t^e nomir.attd, the roter hsd BS cboifff ";>ur to nrsDow the ticket, or ote to let: [i party be defeated, "»'irj;!vi lOowi each nuin to ote hi* ÜM ehatCCi with,nil' rot ag nzaiast "»" .'es»*rt;nc L'* part;, while ensBrisg bj igainal th" election of cottaaditea who owe theU good fortitne ;.. 'I.. - i..- gl ie.'n.v. II. Cu.- plan ti not iol led) for the " R»«pub. liesn p«rr\ only, '.-.t for .>'.' partita, aad :.. an arell caleulat-' l for o^eoafor anjtHbttr. Thir Bbitscs 11 »lr;' « at am by no Btesna rjOTtlned t.« anyone psrty. ahlid WS are eoiifid.-rit tbit. tboucb but one ! party ibosJd sdspt it at Int, all oth^r partita ! would b- e.e.'trained by it^ prannhirity to bsDsw in their wake. Thai the CosnjrsssitnajJ Csaeas ays- ton WBI orstahrs* n; a^d tb-National Contention IjajteSB now ripe for dt In fact, the prostrsttaa of the Caseaa ayslnB and r.omijuy in } i-.'4 .t du-'to w bat y,m is SSBraaM identiu! with ' our plan. Thu.«. in N-w .Ter«ey, in N«»rthCaMh' a. a. d M betfera iB e.>U;e other Ntatea. aoti-Cauc«y* candiiLatet for F'-ct..ra vaere «upported by all Sfpoaed to Crawford, the ballotbeinj iudnn«ed aa Bra prop^. A luajotity of tbe ballots beic^ aajsVd v iti the name of Gen. Jark-n.n. the E!«.... t KB tH . ->ted for bhsj, th.-a^h they were *'ij»p«)rted a!*o by lha frteasll of John Quiney Adam*, and .rere sachtaeai :n part favorable to him. III. Tin Tkiiu R ba* net proposed to cloth- .' tlit Electoral College* w ith iLscretiouary power. On tie iia* proui'aed to have th.-ta ext -ea*ly :.J«d-« d to obe,. and enforce the five r4 ic of a majority nf thtlr rtipective parties. Tteil dii retior. will b-» no giantst than it now i*. IV. IV .- j-Ctioa ih.t', tL» aaaWtoa will rioiaVi tr» f'::..1 mm La] ... Bti Bf! th» if lection, siin- BtJ itiurl If gord fee anTtnur. it i* equal!) r-egenl a- igai *\ the pri v*nt rr*te*B. ehoarfl t. rote law Bachanan ttF"^.at^f**1 eBBt hV rTtAw» tit I».niß!artVwnrd, and to<n legi Ij Bad feaaxMj elect hi tu; but Ihej are id ¦ on Iflu I) to do ... tK.n*. rut their OWl thr«atJ. At i a- to I 'i r Katioojtl Comu..ttoe. it* boCbm in theotijBjjtBKOwould Ie iBjreh/exeeeAife--itooeJd ot'y I BBlO] itdBTB what every intollnpot p»r-on Blreidy !.-¦..«-.what trtTJ 0M who BnV dents: ivmple Addition <*. uld »j-üy ver¬ ify. A:i a:;- u.f t Of a National Committee to ¦l.rect the Electors to vote tor rBadidstci nrho wer" BOt the highi -t on ti." popular Tote, would BUher be ererub- re BtOBtcd, or would disorgan¬ ize th>» partj ... w-o' ged and proront the con-urn- Bantion of \u triamph. But tho id.-.-, that either the lo-c.1« n of a Batiocal Comntitteo or the Electors! CoO e>* would psdMiafl ttetwoleei to the world bra7>'D IWUsdlen s: J nJedge^teolwrs, prep^-*H| oi:.. We */iitf it t-< bo B0 M roaWOCtf th»-R pa Micaas; are tWvrath»' sat do to ho tew of the DesBocrata, Ifeither are ia lovo arith su- iride ai i u b eaaured execration. V. WeluBfM ce Edward //. Steadey. Edtraid Btanly, ¦otaaerly of North Can'.itiv a-.a- .»f Ca'i- fon.ia. ban BO other t in hia name than that with which ;t comBkfnees. .We had purposed to answer TUt Atlm's argu¬ ment-, but, having eorreeted it* misstBtoBBfnt* of (acts, h'eperceive nothing hrfl thai BeeoBBto seed refutation. Tho return n itch u bieh Rueai i o i rd tn Pr at and England for her militari defeat!! S. raa- topoL haa juit rosne otr. The Itard'OOBtested, long-cooti oned battles on tho Heraeleati« penin« min, though thej damped the rtatiftaal pride of Busala, and deprived her of a ibuiO aliee of terri¬ tory, still left her with a elear balance of profit at the iof the war. Thecooditioti of th* '.aiek " man" haa been tendered materially tvorae; the Chriatian population of Europs-an Turkey, both Greek and Slavonic, are more enget than ever to ilutkeoff the Turkiri,, and look upt.. Roiiia, more tkan ever, *> to tkeir aali proteotof. Bnt> aian agent*, no doubt, hare their handa in all tho i: Mrreetiona ued roftsptraesM now al Brack in Bosnia,Serria, hfoatenrgroand Candia, but the ntter proatraiioa and praaJjinoaB of Turkey, aa laid bare bj the war itself and m augmented b; the I idrligationi imposed upon that eotiu'r) by the j peace, can alooe mtfafartieril] explain thie general agitation nnMHif tho Chriatian rabjeeti of tut Sul¬ tan. Tbn*, for a momentary *a< rntoB of i narrow ¦trip of htnd.-forit mnat be ooviotni that she ft/re to recover that at the verj fir*t apportauity*>-> Ttnaaia bat aiiranced a good deal toward the realiz¬ ation of bor plana ivapecting rnrkoy. Ute increaa- irg dilapnlatioii of Turkoy atid the nnvieetornte of her ('hrtKt'aii nubjccti wcro the very objects sought after by Kti'-ia in beginning the war; and who ran aay tbt-t IfBSSM does u».t uow OXOfBjtni nuoh a protectorate more than ever1 Thus, ItUiUia ia the only plnOf. even bv tbia un- sncocMfnl war. Still, she owed a return mstfih. and the Lm rdaoaen to pla) it r>n a ground w here her gurreps »tandrt ttniivared.or. that of diplomaey. While Lnr!and and Trance undertook an evp.-n- rive coittst with China, Ru»eia remained neu¬ tral, a r.d t tdj stepped in at the conclnaien. The ro*u!t i< that Englusd and EntBOB have been making war upon China for the row benail of Ru*- ais. Tbe position of Rus»ia, in this OBBO, wan in¬ deed as favorable** it srajfl eonW bo. lltTt» wa* an¬ other of those tottering Asiatic Empire*, arhieh are, on* by <^< t filling a prey to thr BnterVfise uf the European race; so weak, so QOflaBBBi, that it had not ot en energy to pas* through the eriain of popular revolution, but transformed even an a< ute itirtirrrction into a chronic and apparently incura¬ ble complaint; an empire bo rotten that nowhere scarcely was it MpaMfl either of c mtiolling its owu pt«p'.c (r opposing reaistanceto töcBtgnag' gresBion. W hile the Britishaquahbledsjritk infe¬ rior Ckinaae oflkeiaki >. t Canton, and dis.-ii*m>d Bmoog tbesnselvOJ tlo- unportant point whether COBaBSiaaiooeT Vek really did, o; d..| not, act ac¬ cording {o the will of the Eanperor, the Rnonlnns took posaessiofl of the eotu trj north of the A moor, and of the sweater part of the eoaat of Bfantchooria south of that [M.inf; there they fortified them- Brdrea, satTeyed n iiue of railway, and laid out the p'ans of towns nr.d harbors. When Bt last lm- ulaiel rcaolred to carry the .... to Pi kin, and when EtBBCC joined her in the hope of picking up some- tbing to her adrantage, Hnmia, thongh at the verj moanenl de.-iioilin,; China of a oonntry as Ur^,f* a* Prance a:.d fjlennani p':t together, and of a river a>lnrceas the Daunbe, BBBTiBgrd to appear us the disinterested protector of hke weak Ckineae, at.J to sot almoal «< mediator at the eotadnaion of tke peace; snd wkea are come to rjampapo the dif- lereal Ireatiea, we must oonfeM that thefictof tor war baring been < orris J on foffthe beta b of Enghuul l;- Ptni ..>.. hnl >>t Rossit, becomea evi¬ dent to all. The adaantagea *>.« iretl to Um aUigereota; and .a wLieh Ri>*ta a- 11 the I'uited St.»tea paxticipntea, are r.f ipnn iy rirwmrrrial character. and, a- w !;:>.. e lb >w n od form rOCCS MOWB, fof the moat part illu.'ot i. L'aderpreaent rirranistsatiaa, tho Cbine-e trade, with bbeext?eption of ..pint,) and sorr.e I!a-t Indian eotton, msi oontii bb to eonsi -t prinetpalybi tho export of Chtnen la, haa and '.ill; that export trade depending on foreign do- maud rnt'.r«r than the t;(. .r or i- .* htciiitioi afford bj tLe, --..t. The Woi'lJ manag» i to gel haj and ttOhbetaTe tho troatv of Narkia. and after that treaty the erleet of aponiag the four poit* wa* tbe tanaJei of a portaoB of the trtnle of i anton to Bkangkae. Th<« .. -.b» r ports Lave BCBTCOly BB] trade at a!.', aad indcrd the only ii.r which La* at leatt-ouse import ice, Swatow, doe* uot belong to tbe five open port». A* to tbe cpenins of trade high up the V.: ,-tf.-*iaug. that has l»-»-a air ja.-t]Nitied till ÜW time whai his fafBiiBl Majtit) -h-iII ha.- rcconr-.l Li* full «wty over the JisturWd country in that nei^hborhtad . B period coinciaVnt with theGreeh CnlaajBo. Eat . there have pjjgsji oth> r doj'ta a* tt thj TBaBB of this new Couvr-ution. Thart *re BBBBB pe iplo who affirm that the trnusit intafl sWOtaBB of in article XX VIII of the .\üg!<>-(.'hineeo tr -ntyare im«gi::ary. Tbe*e Jutie* haro been «tippo«ed to exist solely iK-causr the Chinese wanted very littk* Kr.^!.»ii UK-rchatidise, v.J English go>ds scordxgJy, did not peoetrate inland at aH, wuilo a errta.u kuid of Russian cloth, tuitrd to the wanta of tlir C'h:nese, and brought by way of Kiahta or Thibet, a.-tutily found it* way to the BBBat It wss forgot'ea what such toll*, if in existence, WOadd aJbrt Hi- sian as well at Knglish gooda. So much is sure, that Mr. Wiagrore C oi», who was s.-at into the Inteciacoa BS^poae, was unable to traoa out th.-*.- pretended ..traniit duties,'1 aiel that when pub- Beh Inten ra\d m the iwjs)eet, ho eoawoaed hi* " humliafiag Ooavieliea that our ignorance of " Cbitia i4 . darktu-» tii*t uiaj Sof. lt." Oi the . th. t ha ol. Mr. T. W Henley,the I 'neei but uf t ba) Btithi Beard of Trade, an-wrr* tna letter that ha* i :i publ shed, hi the q>i< *t] «ti. "Whether there ovkeawee snob batenal dun-« ex« " [si "' ItPJ plaialj '"1 am BBabSB to f'irnish yoe with the information you -k. aa te tho evi¬ dence of Internal duties ta i htoi " l baa, beaeda the ||hff tin»"«'Ti '«¦ t I, on an Ihel Lord Elfin, id BtipeJettag for an indottm 'y. i vd BOtiaae font* patmer.t, and COnil 1 tho frotn Canton r.. if'capital more!) to make a treaty which aheabJ send tbe British fon-o* beck fieea th* oapttal te fight at Canton* Lbe darb ruspi ion bit broken ia upon John Bull'i mind, thai he himself will h * ¦ to pa) out uf Li- own pock, ts ti" iadoOattity itipajhtted for,sines ArtfcieXXVIIIwiDprovea strung inducement to the Chinese authorities to establish »ransi: dotfe* Of7| percent oa th-' British BWaVSActures to be, on deiran-l. rowmted Into B*2| per eent import duty. Te divert Jeba Ball froia lea hing to v deeply into hi* own treaty, Vif Lamttsa Tlmt$ found ii aeeeeaaiy to sleet gnat wrath at tbe American Embaasador, ind ncrcelj aVncaxnced him as the apetTer ef the asses, ahbeugh, ia feet, he had about a* BBBch bo do with thfl uaUttTe of the second Anijlo-Chiuoso war a< the aaaa iu tho moon. So the peace, ao far aa English commerce is c. a> ceriiid, teudtl in a new import duty, and ia a ! <4.-rif4 of stipulations which lie either withoel any practica] value, or cannot bt kept by the Chinese, and maj, at any moment, beootne the pretext* of anew war. England lit* aotobtainedaaryaccession of tt rrit"iy.die could not claim that, without lUowing Franee to do the sense, and aa Eaglish war remltu g in the establishment of French p.>«- irssisas an tbeChineaa Maat, vrould hive beta altogether unprofitable. As to BuaSU, the ct-e ia quite different Beanie fh.triiii' in all the nsible advantages, what, ret ti e;, be, aecared to England and France, Bucia hts aecnred the whole of the eenntry on the Amoor, which ske.had M quietly taken possi -s-oa of. No! latisfied with this, she hai ubtah.'d ti.e establiahment of a BnaioChinrtrtCommission to ffx thebonndnrtea, Now. we all know what weh a Commiasioa i* in tho baud* of l.'u-sia. W Lave seen them at work on the Asiatic flot tier- of Turkey, where ti.<'}' kept slicing away piece after piece from that ount rj, for more than twenty >. ira, until they were interrupted during the late war. ami the work ii H tioW to be dote over again. Then there is the art.i le regulating the poatd aervice between Kiakta and Pehin. Whatwaaformer!] aa irreg¬ ular and merely tob rated hue of Communication, will now be irguhwiy organixed, an I eatakUaked as ati^ht. Therei* t.> be a monthly mail between tho tWO plaee-. aud the journey, about I,fa*' liiilea, is to be perfoitiiod in 10 dav-: while one- eVOK) three montha a earavaa i- t.. go over the tame route. Boor, it is evident that the Clüneee will either neglect thi- - rvlee, or be umblo to carry it out t and, the OOaamuaaiat mil is nuvr secured to Kussia as a right, the couaeajuence will bo that it will gradually fall into her hands. We have teen how the Buaaiani have oarrted theix linos of poatl throush the Kirghiz cteppe; and we Mannt doubt that ia a vorj tew rear* a tiaaiiar Hub will Le established across the deeert of Gobi, and than adieu to all dn-anir of Britiah nipitiraaoj taChiaai for then a army may march on l'ekin any day. It bi eaay to imagine what wffl be th.- effect of the utabliahawnt of poraaanent limbassie* at I'ekm. Look to <'oustantinoplo or Teheran. Where mi- Ruaabtn diplomacy meet* Bngliah and I'rereh, it if uniformly sucee^Mful. And that a Bnaaian I'mbamador. with tbe chance of having, » few yeara hence, an army strong enough for any purpose at Kiakta, a month's n.areh from Pehin, fid a liue of road prepared for its tn.irch al! the way.that anch a Bnaobao Embaaaador wiO be all powerful at l'ekin, who can doubt f The fact m that Bomia is bat ooaning to be the tir-t Aaiatk Power, and putting England into the thadevery rapidly on 'hat continent. The eoa- queat of ( mtra! Aaia and (he annexation «»f Maut- ehooria intT/eaae her doaainiona b] an extent ot' country aa large a. all Europe exclusive of the Bu tn empire and bring heralowa from aaowy Liberia t<> the temperate rone. Iu a short time, .he v alle] - of the Central Aaiatie riven and of Iba »\nioor will be peopled bj Russian coleutote. lie' strategio positions tkus sail ed ace as tasanwtant f<>r Xr'.a as tkoaa in Poland are for Europe. The jkj-- neseion ..i I'M.:; menace* India t thai of Maat- eboorui ataaaoei China, And » bin* end India, Vitt Iheii UtXffOO,OOOof iunaldtaaaa, an now tho j decisive ..dries of Asia. j A racabet of the last getmratioa, neiebrated in Lis day, aadcaDed Inoledoa, w hile listening to tho p. rformaneea of Braham, was aceaatoaned to wish that bi» old mu-ie ii.a-t. r eofiM eomo down from Heaven ta Exeter, and tak<' the saail eoech up to London "to hear that d.d Jew sing." Mr. Herbert Hehler of Georgia, who i- t.'..« kttoot champion of ihransoo, and who appears t .. have m iddled hiwsolf int.» aoB*ethaag uha sincerity by too BUIteh of Mr. Csihoon, in a pamphlet which be has put out, and for wtiioti he charges the incredibly small sum "f ti:; t cents, utters a sitmlsr With. Mr. Heilert Pitddet admit- that Gen. w lahiagtoa, in a w rtain docuxai nt Matty called "The Farewell Address,' rironglj loproi dodtho a^asobitioa of th.- Caion. iu the course of I bt- alsoaJaitioa, Mr. Psebler »appoaca Wash- tagten to ifoeegs] frojt Qeaven, with or with- I out the aid of a Berschute, bat ttm, we sup poae, in fuB regnaa?tnlalB, with what Mr. Fätllei etDa "important diapatchoa.'1 So changed a..- we, accorditu to Mr. F., tkat the Angel rV^aahing- .«.n w..uld in.*, al iir.-t know whore to alight. B Ilr. P. i.- oertaia Ui*t. after hovei ag over the !»l,.1 for a wkile, and taking sight- at as, wo euppoae, With a b-b seope. W ashtuuton »oubl .irop upon the | ahrre aide of the line, and ImmoiihntcljoaO a Dia- j aaienawettng, l*Shnnhl the expsarbxarwtewarba "made,''aaya Mr Fsahler, "that would be r..* . result.'* rnfortana'.ely, it i. not violeut!) prob- abta that tL<- exp»T.ment will ever bo made. Tl i* W'aaAaastttm anti apothejoaia is not aa aveat nrh*ah Will Ol cur this week or If we wait natal Wa.-h.nt,tou come« lawn t" help u», we shall wail sotr.r time. Wa*bi::gtoti himss-If m.^Lt inject to *':oh a uii«-i<>n, btl ter- aeatrial tahxat* not basing boon at all iu tbe diflomatie was. Iu the ah-eiice of tue ii!ii»trious «ho«t, Mr. 1 bidet undertakes the pa'iiotic duty ol etihgLteuiug thdaj great uatioo. He prove? to a d> mon-tra ion thtt 'he Southern tat. s are dsnjri-tr. aalon, baOadbaj and bs»ni..l . ...mpö-tel} under the th rani * ad loeaoftha North vassal., - rfs, s'at of th-- . omuit.T'ial Statea, MTkOffa shOstte". she" meauiu^ the North-- * levy tag tnlute af the Benthera Bgrwaritarist, t<> .clothe TiCostl) purple and f.-ed . n.j.tu..'i. rt- 'pasi the loiillv BanawdawtMtr«M Qajahl bWallhilll Mtheae r/UanMltgM^»v»»^ , ind-.IKe i., ¦ Utile wrvt, ,g ,t tljkj d^tre^ing aB*a>. t.l.'e hib) ,..,t |ft..|. .., yir. Kir.j^ ii.«*diM. I) gate aa pr...,. that .!,- >^tk«ni >,v* l,PM : MWpHll I B rpr:,:n.. If> ..¦ gCnl Mad the '-mpp . »4bjj H I H bl the BrneU TIbI benevolent and ayinpeth. tic reader ii tW »Biccd ia » m«.«' Bapanaeaetakle :.. IBM whe-!.. r t" ur I Bf |.. pajajj I»,,: M u. ^ I hie an m be m, u- . pj.r ^ ,..«>..... ICr. H. Fielder, w. w,;i ia biaj na ta esy. ia a first rate hater. He Ihre**« 1 lb) ¦MeaiB the preaWi with .ihtajL-^41. .I bat« the North." lay* Mr. II. IV.der. fe(V « "1 lare ti..- geath, - ... Mr n. jvy, tend, rl). not t-> »ay amorously. Ra?hnj triuj ~ claimed hii iroeaVaa from all p..,Mb!- Maanajnj prefi tere, 11 reea tk* ai v- .mmm\\ the proenaiit) a:.d proetrat.m ai the RaBat Bortot'ainh..'. UarCBblfMWhieh w ddka^ajW Archbishop Whv. ly. Me op.Qi, ^j^j with I burst frfai lit] .i | - fg, , JJJJ aeej m tail | to eoaeieV r, --it , u!/. Mr. Parlier, "aiti tt. abBc to real thi t:%|Z| and throw it the b..,.k d Bjri g jg^enj] | p.-^ "or t<' real it." Lfraeta it win h,. **rn t0,» njr Fh Idee/e pamphlet iiaVn treat %W mm* p*uir41eu hen '..fore inhered or hereafter to be inhered mte this readme w.rld. We raaaat Blii j<al]j bbij, Vinte Mr. 1':. Ider's lahglBJ anajVeniaajia*, mu will, howeror, do him the hBaafl to «**¦ hei« UraiinMl I nt.rtaimng, md bbBHBBW remarha- hlj prettj. For inttanee. wfc,.n m mmM\»mtfkt DOBBjkBKeja, wb... pee* feUvav are doing their beet, be forcibly, '"it elo-pieutU "Ttm voioe "ol our fri. ndj at the Seeth, / an Vit/ Beg rV'a .' [ungrateful d.-ubt ii at f.eble, bbbbbjjbjJ "witl Utal "f the enemy, at \\m\>\ Im vhe lono aod \h)\\>t i»f eaaBBJ iurtleMW»* np. u a BoKtery oak in tl. . Cr.-r.;., u'., ., ^ib» i huagry e.i^lr-, with abettee* baiki aai <!ii.tend. d oIj'a^ arere alre.t.l. aa the v i:.^ fw "the aisatiH.'' One turtle doTe with I tbuuaaat eaglea.a tl.»ii*aiid kangry ragjai i tio««io4 . a^Iea w ,tb «h« tied beak-, a tinen.ind eaglea wjtk ii:,>». elan.after her, would hue we admi^ out a email BBfJW. Aad aa, we i»u-»;e*f. weaU taa eaglre, avhea they cane t>> i diriaioa ef the tjval* We intradsce tbi« little p.t^'^..l_"' it "h.>« j|r. Fkrlder*! aaajiery af atyle, axbiea aaaaaaataaai reaieal irriaaiptieliBB nt whei oaa? haj iaryg)gj| to aaj and ¦ eeairateeaj ¦ greataVaL IiatatJ we piii (be DoagWiafal The wbeaV UhU <¦!'there, thui* Loaaparrd to oaa Baaaea^haa, littJa, aaaaaBp pi-, on We will do Mr. Fo lder the further . Httee a* any that be really doe* bbjbbj |*j , on»d< r Fluinaa Blarerj eHoBjcithfir bnaafilbl It m eudeut t*xak hf he were imt Fielder, bo would be a field-haad.a* be were not a ilare owaaw, ba weeId be a #iit». lie do« i n..t aeaea t<>think that tbere nan) uitte- rial diBereoce between the raptor., of owuiu,' aa4 the rapture of being OwWCai MireryM iaaat alike ta bin BBental and Ina rcaagaaai couatitunna. Me duly kaga u tbe Holy s.-ripturei. Me qaetta t Brand ba I anaan," aa if it bid never lieea %aote»] before. Waaawe aBart baagrapbatataWwaal of Noah. Mam, Sbem, .laphetii, Abrabara, Utfv, Jaeob, our old fiaud OBraBBBM and OBI oid frieai PiflfBlftBi One of hie pa^. a bri.tlet with Itibat ret»Mene<-. Qeavis., Lot.six., .to. et4 The dear old " doulos" ia again trotted out. The creatuie e.imfort of s,..ithern chatteb, i, duly BaJ admiringly dwelt upon. Hia ¦>'. i-.k-K hit eJotfiee, hi* pork and bit pone wh< n he in well, and bi* po¬ tion- and pill* when he ia Bieg* I ben hia oondiUea ia < oinptri .1 with that of white workmen at the North, who are, a* usual, describe.! ta ragged aaj ruin. .!, «» paupers or prUaaarB, at «tarriag or atenlint;. We faney that we have met w itk ajJB> thing like tbia lino of irgtUaWeaBtaffB before. Mr. Fielder tukea it up with au entbntiasm wbielileail ua to suppose that be Consider* it a uovelfy. If at, he is very muck iniataken. We think that we mav -a> in eou. lniioii, tkat at far ae Mr. Fi. Wer in cun orued, tbe I nion ia already din olv. d. I he ea<.» ajaaj »ttnda thru: Tbirty*twa Bavereign state* arraai Herbert Fielder, eej., of Georgia, Mr. Fielder h»d not, at the late-t dat. 1, firoe.. ded 40 far attoH-./e tkepak- lie Arsenal*, munition*. I'o*t Oilio«-., re euue (nü- ten, lc., but ne praaWBM (bat ba will do aualkia earlitei eonft aienoe.that b»- will .-leet hnu^etfte a.' aeeeaaarj oaacee, un.1 aofoataal a IteptrhUe wi»ieh wiil kaoek tbo ideal ot Plato t>. «pUnt^r*, and arTonJ to an admiring wwtM a reerrnl af the gtaaiai at irtl, Ath no, Aeayrii, Cartaaigl and Koine. We mark irith uuicb plmtarc the ragii tt ereaaettf boitera and bolting ei aiidi thraagawal our City. The Chattel Flection iiyet Baarty 'an«* w. . kl ort, and we evb-.n all who have a taate fur ning, d. who have friawda hi wheat aataB B taaai BBYJ be awnken.d, to embrace the opportemty. ua all boll !.it i* » wboleeome etereiee, aaJ can be indulged in at thh)elaettwa without dao4er of aHaagiwenhaa etaBBaaynewai *. f*tf e*ery otifn rotl .that 1* hhl nni» iatne .luty; but to .ote far a knari ar a fina, bWBIBji bi ii itytal the " regalar" rwadidattof tbit or that party» biaa duf) ..t ail. Wh aie inclined t * regard t a* a ra- . oiiiu;. n.lation thatB OaBaiUati il irre<i.lar.Uaal ia, not in,ning for ti e baaefit of any faftf. P biuv, rtepeeted '. Ih.w-citi/en«1 that if tv ctwi» lie* betwi i ia nit or naeathj nanBadaai of rear own party, or a worthy candidate of another, 1** will«. rre i.,.tb yaaa patty and our much-* teluriai City -uiipoitiii^ the Li tter man, though belong' ii.'^* to the wor»»< pnrty, Citizeu Uil not to role' lad avail vaaiaclf af aaj g<M"i eaaaaa to i>olt. W. M. P, writea toeaajaptnia that be iiaa keee gajBhUag OB the atrengtb of wh.t bj tuppoeed, froBi oar early return*, iroaM be t!.-- majority f**" llorgaa in tbt* Btäte,aad ha* io»t hi* Baoaay, W* aaaBat prate ad to be sorry f-.r him. He t*f* ue oueiit ta be more careful. N I an«wer that i' i* noue of our couc rn t<> betf gamblen win beta, whether thejf hi rfaaa part) or of the other, ww could not gaaaa that the reported iiutjoray of tor Morgan in St. Lawrence would turn out hat VQOO, aad n of eereral athert, Koreaa we under. tahi iway- to add up corr.Tth, at :l or " «"ekar« in the inoi rung, when bj haate to ^o to preae. h"< ridaarae nf rep«.rted majoritiea, which are perhaps in ha'f a dozen itemt by report* re/'ei**' while we *re tr)ing t>» make tbe addition. IW eai unly ji;e «i.«h report* a* r.'ueh >n and each BggTegatei aa we ha.e tiue* to make up, baring eat attetitiou called offev. :) live minuh-a to let how a freih report af. t*the . Lane* s do-ikW" Coegteea I)i*tli.-t. Tbo-- who ^amtks * ! i KetarM het. after will do wrii » hear that ii Bund, BanaaaLJ i os i the Repnhiieen ateaawat* Aaaewibtj aaaat Irusa law let DiaUid .1 üaaawaw C'. u.t;, ajataaadaf It.-,; Ii. Qt I I girtaby n .'.(.-- 1- tab t.

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1858-11-18 [p 4].BatWtSe H»CHI»fl.No i Brv:« 1, aNi.....

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1858-11-18 [p 4].BatWtSe H»CHI»fl.No i Brv:« 1, aNi.. Btvlb.Faica *'a " Gi'.Ttr k !:»».. ai tLe tieft." AaaM. Aarti.nIt.rlat. "Toall of wBirhTheTrib.ualayaAmen."

ßnonuea Kotiert.Wnrtai Cvtnwntw

at K»a*«'aTSTBaeiVB Cl 01 luku W«arnr.' »r.

N . tr »l.d bb » '«Ol »t-

PIlV« CA Ah Or-t oat« ».I! j and t'»**fWBtark CMI. (k. r.. u. I«'" MTor Faaaat Cteal Ott »«xu. i^10 fr.HrrlWn« Pilot Olli! .T«. . lo {* Bti.'il'ui ..«. .;.C(Ni'imH<ir<iOi'f-«'i . '', 5aloeeT CaaakBrto QieraoeN.,M> w

»Air. kVa«»'. Um »kll.. S«' »od .4»'» '.

¦BBaBtaenBaaM. "

Tb« Bneel Ci.tonet. »de Dn .. I *a> ka. pjUniMM reaalaieii I ->:..< Cent. 5J* "'

Hl», » Pr.i Ul.ou.''

fUKj (..»..¦. .r-P. '.. Mf» iJU*B*»»o4l»n ) tettat ..|*J »

,r ¦. *.'

at h. I»,

_ft u.ii (.I u, ( .f ..t

4St'f P n IH1'TABLB H'HoTI kmk\ DAi f"H.Vi Ci.«.

ai 6 aW -i et Ii .¦ Imire «i*1 He u

M.«-- ¦ t.» :.»» i in i >. t. .»Ii .v

Tkr ¦eeBLleei )' p»» Plei Iwebj «

im it. Mb »r. im ¦.<>... f . f. !>. a in (Im

H(iwi.'> lMt*nO» u» Win.ihm. BCALtM,(ti a Pit

li, » ¥i ii i .¦ i.i <' FamivN from the Vra-» ..« STaTI P.m. Si« i,i. |t*ti r*»ib, Vll 11«. i T Rai f.i«, I'mtiii Ski: K« ¦'. V m. \ .« btatb I . ir

BBlI'UM.UI Iskliiiii > »: i u BOIaTIoi.lj |a bm ..» tea f.!. i< . v Ine otrr 1 .rt» -.¦ H »

.»»».1/ ii".';,« ..: 1« f.. l. .. I. i ,. S. -. n .

«(«»ut tii. iluoi of mu etote, ae well eete>< .»ueie

CeattrirnTi et rneia 8tri bior.t >-

Ifaa aaaaj >4 e i h ¦eata] !...«.J.e ,\ a I'H.»\k I'.. He« »,

N... CHBioe>:i«' inBjeaa linad».»y.

fian ,(iii> roa Tali H< Lioava:

JttM KdfT, I'V Iii ll.l.l» A Kirr,No. 177 Hroad« ay, o:.po«ito I! »vd H

M4i4'iin' laran afRica 8 i ¦ t i . P i. «. t i n fi « o t> t.

A ay) . r, '.tt.fBarer BAoaoe, wcll ham aan btabbabtbb».

fiiliii Caatin,8 «.ski 1 «., Bat i f»1, Pill ufr«. a. kr.

Aar« um oi UBB,ia< aiai fl . l«'i!- Colaaftlti with

Li».. «Kit »Alt BT,It .«.»« ta* l»l*< r af r»:.:i.r tAaeoAca tt »'m'» laa|tafol

.»erj ot'p paanaal, i« attaaA, aal lAa aeioa law.

fftOQtQOO vtortl o# Cakpctb!I > i uiiciae I

Caaaale] i MraaBliaVilirt finrtTT. gl fff m t j*rd.H«\ ti Vrl».| , AI U aal t>i 8A

Hr .p..... T« m-. ru '.»>. AU \\ laaraiaa, tOe. »,.4 WAwu k...-., N... ... Bow. .T.

IVlUtAK'l l'ATUM MI amamm.k S\I I:,tiik

0aaaa Fiaa-Paooi rt«ii m imi M'oai.11,Ii area fmfnm /Aaatax »»t.

(.. i! »* IBM K k « "

Bo, i i| Hi. »ai»ht.Caaäi. >¦» Di .. -' Nei V ..rk.

Ili > pATKKT CHAMPIU3IFtai «mi Ii. k..i «> -raooi Bari

t\ tIi IUi i Pah -,t Powe) r-Pbooi Loavk»,aftml ilia arnat-tat BteufHy i*Taa> SaaV 10 t:.. world, a ... BHaVaoard ana tar<lea 8afe«. f 1,. ararkataaaUp aal Balan, tut pla «-, Ac

I ('¦ II r hki\<. '. C11.,.: Baaalway, eoeaei ««fMartay-at..

_Opt.. iav tb< Chj lia.L

I'm oioMiM Pi .km .We luve laeard if ru«ev.ieil tl. t tBt* r! irniit.f H'llo aeBH «. mid «it>n<>r fisi heen Mi eu;«.»y, Bftha paaeaaaaal aeaetieBaa) BaaewlAerel art of I 'us. wiiotfarr tiur ..r u..t, »de. <uiiia.* i are 'It'. «l n'or » ntihle net

Al l. Till. I 'l li>> WliKN.Beaaa tii» 1, i»-.; t.. ata «t- .'.

Cat BBBeaVBaaj t-i tili»Hare t vav Mowm

at pliaaea,*,t (i! ms'a NVe lur It. ¦¦m,

.>iJ Hrnjawty._MA Nteh la Hotel

BrnajMu Baxi kk.Broe , I'-bk».

Tut Ki am 1,, |faaOOM i t -. i HAVs, riV "«t, tc,

r . tie 1 aaaaat ar.J m«' at »»ut wilaaB, r. H»i aiTwat 1 <:....

i- nu r of Ho h «:irf BrOOOBI «.

A Nmim-fi BaTWtHfl MaCHIMKB.A FaUCTICAt r am 11. v Bl h 1 si. Macbixi refl + v

> vi 1 -hi RlCltl-BatBaatea«CaaaUaa nud Taaaa arBJeoatla«iatoke ..d-J ir

Til Ii! IV bmyb,Ca'l a« or e, m i.iin' tail

t\ aifterai et I k »1 aTtoa.Ai.ii aea '.i.e mm.lj. bwI* f..f

1 01 rth \ v . >

iI yt ..r aara Beate,Com1/ 01

fwaraj,KeetLTV H '. Sawuifi Ifacmai fo«n iw.

Ho. 1.1 Broad« ir, .v T.(.f. a, BaavLi t 1 i. Co #

Ne*-.i> M» ji fa. ti.rt la. »

«fiOO..SiNt.t.k's KKW Family Smvinu Mach'm.Bee..a Bewna Macana rm family pirt> m> a low pri< «t, brnr.iu tlie impieu of tie- namea of thenio»t ii,r<«^*fni uianula. t r> m lu tfa« world, h»« laaaj b«eu

wanted. It ran now N' Ltd. Pri« e, romplet* u«e, oulyFit 'I I>Ol I A.BS.

_I. M Siat.rR k Co., No. A** Hr- *.'...«v. New-V. -k.

ÜRovi.R & Bakrr'b Cblbwaatco FamilyBatWtSe H»CHI»fl. No i Brv :« 1,

a Ni .. Btvlb.Faica *'a" Gi'.Ttr k !:»». . ai tLe tieft." AaaM. Aarti.nIt .rlat." To all of wBirh The Trib .ua laya Amen." | n. y. Ti itune.

SlM.l.K'fA .Sl.WIMI || m'him.s..Tho RH ilt n -

e letJon In the pttoa of tb. .>¦ lat:«i aaaaaa m« bbbn h»

bn-uabt a m«h t f tuttom. rt. (iMNHiktaa peaveahaveBaaa p'.tdown, the ¦aaABBea are nude b*Ht«r than ever. Maw I» thetime to bay. i. M. a Co.. No. am Broadway, N. y.

Will i i.Kit A Wll.BON'fl SliWIM. Maciiiicks.." V*'r pr»i»r Ikt rn Rat BBflil} aaa," |N. V. Trlbuut«.Urw »t/l», pri,* a).'**.

_On.-a. Ho.M Broadway, N. w-ToeA.

(..1 ii. It. Si * A t'o.Tare TiiR» »t>

Lot. k Si rt .1

Bsa 1KB bbUchixi >.

1»» Chi aei lai aaoBrar.C. \\ 'I BOM « !k C.,., Asenl«, No, I M p.r Mia i]

BVfTI'MB Cl'KED by MABBH'B RADICAL t'L'beT*l »v lt»^rteo. e t" b'I th.' petal IfaJ . ;rt>'ou« it,,.t pLy»i laaaBf Ikkane. Call and ex»ii im taeen boaara rcBaain| >¦!

aBeta. AI».. Elaatk KrocBUca, BnovtMB Bnat., Sir-realana, Ae. Ma. I Veaaf at., Aatat Uoaaa.

CaVTAOM us I.n.iir..A Baatenl right wr* ia«»»ie.i in last iet «11 apparataa taa nbiiainalitu paiaoaea ky va>ft." a* hyaio r«rl« .. .! pr p«rlu| tl- m i ... ' ..' .11.01 .

<.f ti». 1.ron-. eiftBratereeia ti U pateal u ta* vr up. r ta Bäk t, <:. |rat aata»taea*e1 ttp.r «ft«-r beimfi.imeo (»>eaaaplaaeta.min a mm and [ iraoko t hent-.t. blaJMi 1 aaayt J arnk »rt i«

We aaArtaaaae taal r... app ,r . I- aaw naaead I .-¦-!..»... la a aaaaaBaa jafiiaaeiaeid 01 11 ..« patrut.aud taiaiebirm tanaaBwtaaaaBaaay taawura.tkatÜMty WM I", proarcutelt..i .. j «o. aawinft nrnt la a aki a, vawej t, or aaiaf aitaer fc*Bk u 1 ti . B| ris.f.. .N. v. IS. W f

\A 11 1 paaa m.i » AaaaAaeenM. hitikci-i «,. J.t11. ft. Bmbi tai r. > ««ia nat<

_N. I 1 jaaaa Bnüj at R No. 12, N Y.

Ill m ^ Imiimion Taunt Lkathf.b..Buotand Si..» o aber», Ctrn»«e Tiü :. er«. Ti rk aaihaia. I ftMBraii.aaaallatbirnmi awraof PatibtIaKbi .. * aroL ad'..oil i tan.-op t » ¦:!.!... \Aarraat. 1 to »t

trataapi adti Patent l- ther. and to woaree, lUyaawaU.k. K rettr.i Ma daftaten' Ajoai. He II Aaa-at

BOTBB'a Si it an a S\l (>*..Thin BBBAjBaledK«i ea r»n ow !». bad it a.'l r, .> p' UM .pul (i.-. r-.

'. lt» fla»ar la .»»Jlei.:, a; d it at) ..-.K oaaidVrable I ¦¦*

afalaw aad mal iaaaai »Ii u." [Land Lancet,M Woi'r.y af taa d. ;:.«'. ii to i '¦ aBaJtanaBad taafaarl . I

« Baaae.1 | Obw rear.a»V I." 0 y .r all 1 or re la ti

BAT! ill i ni; > II tut 1»m _Wlös \ni» Toi PEI sU'»e.t «>.. » in the \ ild Iii:» e»l«.hrate<l ea'»1 Nakaiei I ia

¦ t No. .Ci Kl A.ltA«.,. I e ve. p »'e (.mm aBf.-«.!? loi 'i «

apalaaitloa of bUfaroowa H*ia Pva. taa heat eataat Bati ..

iea'a WmaandT»u rrr» liuaiiiiaaiaaaa orarailetai >.

ibia ia Ibe ooi> p.a. e u !»..« laoae bbh »aai.- atoaatif uaderattodaod loaaW.

C'Akvr i in«..Fa11. Importation*..\a £g.eaaira Irota at Hintern Pau aa.

BWaaABtt.dalU.»sa, new to iv per yard.BB»iaari Valarta. n*w aiyi.a.Ill to |Aj per yard,¦ajBak laaBaan aad Biaaaada, aaw atjlaa... 7, to io, p..ryird.BnaBabaiid Daeaaotii I plya. new at/lea..., 7 to 9 p«r yard.Bbtlia.. atd Dutnrailc liiatraina, newa'.riea.. t. to a aae yard.w iu a iarta etoek of Üilcluiih and otber Ovuda, at equal./Bawiataa. 6mith a Luinraaav,

No i v H. »;<»»' utki Urmud .'.

BaKkCB'B Mu: \mi oi- VEB.WIS 1'i>iko\i.i:.BBI v «niri'v H Tin '>' .'i ? -.'Rll>.

Ri ii i n: r.xiutlH' .. at h .. h - lata, ITta*, Mothi, M ikei i

BBjaU , Ma a...l Ina ..

t"f «ale Irom ss Nata to ai. » t tl« pTOBA Ptor, .'.t.k. 'l

aaaaaa, faartltal Caoaala*, Ho.BI2 Bi adway, oaea«o lloaaiat tt.. .». a».... BaaoeauB ». kvaHraA, i>...^»., NB» Aater Miaai. aaAH <17 BaaeAwaj.

LTvH'a M mni i n I'ow hi it-Am» warranted to kid Baateiai fag tae atai-r ai Co keeaelm,Ai 'a. H-M <.. v,., t la ia a len.-lj aanroeily. IVonldj >

km rtd of taeae area i* l.Mal ia eeey. the np»n-e i-ulan-g.gjeaaela Ban AV Hkhalaa aad llairafoatnn BoteU S..:.: b> any '

l>n«|<,it or Uroeer. H«rm(A P«i;k.Noa. U and I '- Pai« r\,w, aad 4«t Iii «.!» a

Bl Y THB Hi-r I !ieaitaok'a Caaa Bttaaaca.Ohilmoi'i (iwt.o Mi. ti Pa aaacB,(hn-koa'a Oaa Coa>iMiau Kiaaat B,

¦fate a« J a j ty BBABMUI i Ii» r>u» k CoN« SM Broadway, it/Ml ol Wa,k. r-at.

Hi >- 11.1 rEB'l HlTTI|a leal aeaeta Alid, /oan pin Led. y. ur i'om»-h aid

Are yc iii-li'.. J t<.,'. ', .., ..... la'.f .», « d eaatty atfiftiad fayataaidinf t» a.i «. I ^ Id late IIortiiITBB*aoalrbr«.trd Bitter». Tn. j re| a'< Iba atoaoark ami .er, and craata a

r>wer afeadaraafa ai.ti t laatu .t> oi apiriti ptifa ../ . rprtainat,hr aaaai ». I* i ..§ a1a »

aapiaiidirtbar t-e..r.' 8 i i < .' i r. i laadl .<.»

aUaai a A Tai«, Kol » ü . i ».

KxMf TUB PNW Warm .Go.*! s4vh-»». butt (,:,..» it' K .. * > bNti al BMMltGtfTiiu'tlm !(!»«. II i ft 'k ¦ it- n.« ...> »I ti % ».# * ?.. -«..».. n m

vreii m l ir,«.'«" f »rr»ar»a-/-. h- ha. iwaarea***\ot1 u a Oai i» M 'oi . v.d Hol.: ladiss «-'.' ..' »*dihl!di">. fri-m abl'h yo« rrr.ak' r art.itioaa. atd.?.*"t,,« r< .'. i».. hit astslibaBasaal I* ¦'" H- -

, v Fat« aa libs aaa i.-... at*. I .t ta* plant be aahej

I tilaaet._

Ootri Wat* WKB, G<»i :> Win hi -.

for Ladle* %.i.t Oentl.m SB, wa-ra:it't a-- -rata tOnek'r.p-rB,'ar aale a'. J» per r. i,t b-. * retail *t«." ?~ SBD. C. Paicoti, Irrp-.-f. r, r> piaar Bird b»

U,. K . ;. N> .*«-> drcal»ny, aplMir*.

Babby'* inn orai bo, -i

I« \a* *¦ «. aad ( baa* . Ar ., ii ' i i>r?..h uH" tifj / < »ii i. (

Fr-aai .L-t Kaali j| 11»'*.

laikja.try k. roraaleb «'; » «¦..«and Pirf.m--*,

lfoixow*AY'f< Pill». I osjhtipatio».. i iiian al aa a ibb a ay aa alaw Tai laatdious aaa ..« u.

brouastinaayioaarraBBi .i-'irate. Tr. aflNcted arfllaadaai fte. ru.. reii^Hj tl* lb-re n.« iL*. No. t>: Mai^n '.aa*..V V ra_^^^^^


1 ill lv^DAY, KOTEMBEB 1-, 1IB8L

T<> COMUF.SfOSDKXTaRa not!, h car '.< lifcaa of AaonyaaocaCoaMaaaVatloaa. What-

avar la founded f inaitwa ¦ «t ba a . .. by t.«

bbb* aad afdrsea at* tba aifaar-.u . .aariy : »r publ!**!-Iba, b t a* t' .aravv Tor bia fsed la.'.b

v.. hu I nidiitab* turatnrawjantadt'oiamialaitinaiH ... a lei .« .. Ti Tbibtci Od aaa ; i all a*-. a

a ... t to h W«' Oar.n If a. ( o.

fi. W Jot.>. .a ..o a Afe-r- *i Bn'i' * ... N I r'. - Belrt 'i .r. Taiai st.. a:.d v.lil aaaa sat friends k.ui ^ila;,.Pea Weekly aad W>*bly Edjttona,_THE TRIBUNE MERCANTILE ADVERTISES.The third iiumber nl j iii; TftlMTNl Mi.hcw-

l ILB Am bb1 im k will b«* issued on the 'i«»tb inatTka first two awoken wen well received, ami we

beliow tb»Tf> i* no othor WHrtlillTl ^. compare w ithit through trfcich to nach ro'ntry incrchantn.Wo aro continually WCtiTiBJ lett*r< from rner-

rkanta who loceived tbe first two numbers b-kingno to cwiUoua to rnȟif, ahowing tliat tke plipor is

properij bp^ineiated and looked for. We inviteluck mt rcbaiita a« beUere they can increase theirbuaitu'ea by advoil^ing to send i:i tkeir mJvortiso-raeatt.Tho totnl e.tpetiw will be-Jefia)eJ I) Merean-

taleAdvertiaäaf, for wktekOtM 1-ollar per !in»- willbe chargod. Tkodd who n quin* their advertiBe-iiit'tita to be iliajilayi-il Will mako apeeial baroainsth»Tofor.A^rertiaeaaenta neeivedatTui Tkibuni Ofiee.

If bj letUT. .H(itlri'«h HORAI > liKl.i LSI iV Co..A'iti- i art, Neara .. IVA Nt». ! i Nasaa it

I'roclamntlon.i;. leeti a. Kino, Oovbbaaa *i mi Bran or Raw>TeaiBantbir jaar af abundant barraat, af pa.ral hearta, eantaat*

smbI sad traaqaUBty, »¦- a eaisb a at oar Intaadi oaatast a iya lander tbank> a. it |.r»l»e o 11.o. \ ia'iiM ^raro A ii:o:

at d Oi' »r t' üm se t,- .H i betu Bta lad tb- ti BBlfrdd bl Mfekpiw. a\e be< ii pendatedaaajav, and* aia wa raited

poa to tt> ki-vw'*.!..« ;.e r. .. .-r ai.d c .od . .» .. .r \o u...,

Katli-r Um C<ordi IWrerofUb, 'hit ar* ban heaa aftamtBaraaoabaebri a; a » to reo,It* . me-e r- car* u babobl

e v der; . va. V» ot Hi pr. ti-t. BCOj a. to euroy ti.e ad.i ar.j ». uii-; v. b freed a '". P " ¦ a' I -. and

sajBs] .wa h*vo istsbBa'aed for ooraalai aad lor aar polarity.T 'lio' . nl, uVaiferr, 'i' .i in a awrdaa i Vltb lbs a k-r.wlet!i»dnaafta, I barwby daatsnsli and appoint TaVBfDAY, THEKI^U'lKKNTU DAI Ot NUVLMHLR Bast, aa a day Jpatera! Tbeakaajviaj and r «:»e to Abnigbty Ood, ami fatrttaall to unite in ao atBBBl k » - -<ai- l-.f 11. < puaerand ^u..d'BOSS, ai.d ol BH dejitLii. . e u II.a oie.ry 1 ;ln aran n.

la wttaaa wbefeof, vo boaaaito sBVsed aay aaaa aad taaPrlt* Beal of the s»a»p. at tba Ctty of albany, lbs

[la S.j ll'h day oi Oetobeti In las yBBI M c.r taWB BBatl DSandelshtboadradssdfifty Lgbt.

By the flovernor.ISbj rdl JOHN .V. KINO.

Haaai L BBAMAB, tn :it« Serretsry.

\\ give- mi anotker j>ar;e' tke oBeial rota of thiscity for Governor, CoofwaB, Aaaembiy, CountyOaVeeia, and the revi-ion of the I ou-titution. ThoiioTernoi's vote la given by election diatrieia. Itie worthy of note that tili-) rote i-i remarkably near

tho fioiiiv- l olli'i ted hy Till; Titllll RK e\c!u*iwtl>on the night of obit ion. in lour hour* sffer thooloaiag of tho polls, 'I hey eompan is fotlotvai

Moraan, Parker, Bunawa.Tribune, Nov. 3.3,816 U.IIS r unOfhYlal."\,WS II,BW 6,991

DlaaWilitf. 1o.»MTkil is pretty eloBB wotk for 1T5 eloctiondia.


The Detroit AJttrtumr ofMoodaj haaofficial io-

tunie ami reported majorities from nil IdUjkigAObut cigkt Coantiee, wkick eairaol inn tonally HiToctthe Raolt. kfotca Winner, llepublican, hts'.',."e'-l Bibjoritj over Iiis f/pponeilt, 1'. S. BfBBtOf.stuttrt, who in not only peiaoBaöy able and popu¬lar, but who inn w.tli the pieatige of Ratine oar.i-

catry and faitkinlly coöpented with Judge DoughtiHinJ the RepabUcan Bi Baton in their i lcrt* to re-

atat tke iTatipodUon of the L*?coinpton CoabBtitationnpon KanaaA The rotci to come in may redueoGot. Wiener'a ntajority to 9,000, bat tho awnce

Renablican Bbajority ia the State must be fully10,000. This, OOnaidt rittg that i '.i* r-iion day wai

>;oiinr;red bj a furiou* tempcti of N ul and rainwhich kept thoii-yinda of roten from the poUa,vtj fin but on a Aill vote tlo* KepoJdaObuia ofMichigan can do nneh better.

Tho itcaBBakip C'auHila inrrod .it .I*.!:'"u yeater-day afternoon,witkKuropeaa aJ-.icr< to tkeOtklost., three dajx later than OBITust. Ml. QladaflHMih«h oone to the Ionian Iaasi a- Lord High i 'ooiajii-ahaaer EztiaBOtiaBU] to look after tbe Britlsktectorate in tkoae paita. It wo rnrooied thatLord lh rby would retire in c.\m km of attackiof the goat and would !>.» «ueeeedtd by Lord JohnBubbbTI, inwhote Cabinet Lord Stadey and >irJasmm Gnknbn woald be proauoent bnonabera, ARefann Cool rem-e. on tbe r*th inal n^neatel Ifr.Bright to iatrodacc n Ketbrni '.;!¦ .it the aexl m»ei-

ing of PariutBsenti which ho pnaritaed to*rfBatcen peif"n< had B*k*d Of the L r.-'iio'es poi-toned at Bindford, a i«l one hundred BBora wen

acTerely.ill. The cleclloni in Bpain wen ft>f theHoottpartfk\ocnble to ihe Miniatry. Uorapi.¦titiom of t!:e pre-i at M;sdr:d in Imported. It is

laid th.«t the I\>itngneaeGovei rnarat eonteaplBledau addreea to tbe Great Powers, ooanpl lining of tbei ordnet of Pnnce in the Char'oa et GeoigOdall«;;-. Vdvioeafron Paraguay IndVcatB thit our

Bxpddiaioa an to ha.o a warm reivptiou there.Cotton bad bVelinel. Brrwdatnl) «.n- i.

Conaoii closed at.»?, to UB,

We believe, without making any ep-vial bJatoti-eal reai arch, that the featiral "f TLsnkigi. i:i^ nmbe proooiinceJ a '.: stitutioa of Now EaglBBji ori-. :\ in the linpb at and moat aattUTa] way eatahiisbed by thoBe groBt aaen who oren not tshatnodt«> «ek ffc'.ora of IhwLe Pro', idcico, and aotaahain.-d to BB thankful for them after they hadbeen -.oiicLaafod. Little 'T.ough, i:ni«H>-l. h(»d the«eiturdy hut norel) tried Puritaris to bo thankful for,if wo men-i'ire their obligation by worldly star.aril.*, or eveu by standard* which modern Faithmay cor- der more than worldly. It bbm for a

.H'a^t> hai int, for a home r-de lod 'anadorned,for prirOcgei lh" raioB of orb h we an ir. no po.i-t.on t" ral n. '¦<.. that th" iritaa tha^L-d his God.Ha jukelee waa, badead, > :.«....«. re oaa HiBhonti

..I ,. ;i J ii « .-at.t J i.:.l i.i I:p3 *e it up to r

* ring of oOTJ and p bj -. boojaBBf bid

'ttcMi had 10» B«cfj -,tt-'!j bii^bu-d. beewejss Paan-ise had set dote ;ta perfe.t werk ar.d left ¦ I .

»bin o'.e m It cor;, wtk beat one t" bury it; be-».- p->r"o-.> 5-d btHBKft bad i«f ntteftyorokt-n bil apir.t end utter' Bawtsa kiaBSBnlsBMi Jehj ah; hajetoa b-Vau nat beea twaki rird iithe waW.K ,'of tee rtfl I gLt by the reft ,f the -sr.

afje, and had Ml *un the wife of Li» !."K.m

ana] |j| ch:ld.-tn Hrz Intal hin. But it

*»n» not, .f.- Batet NMOaaht r, only '. earth¬

ly fc or* and for the pffNki .ti'»n of the

body tiiat lie p'-W:r!) wor-tiped. It w t* fccthe protection which the Omnipetenl had vouch-aaf.d to hi« ua* b«-¦.an-* upon th,,f<> n'?'ged ajarni Ilm ¦lannirisn; n tawn*. had not beeu

wholly rut .ff, but retna:L-.d a ttstiiasny t«> t*e

W.-rM o.' the pcejrei a;.J a.ijtilii-5 ¦>( A'.lItated 1'ettival.- rriuit in time leastheirBa|taitoaViB|a.- ¦reS a* all stated Fasts, At the an-at erent

grow -d.b ia the twilight af the .15-» its r..n«e-

erat:- bt e« aat It M Ml! leeS I j.-r.\p?.b'e BlMBBBlof Ha oIobm tanee, and it knea>i into rigid font*-baa, orbearelean btmI eaitotlarj re* g*-ition. Wemat. hnwetrr, Well bHbBTB that the hold which

Thaidligirinf I>n;- DM takes cf the Kew-Englandheart, n.d, toxtngh New-England inflneoee, of the

natkmalheart,oarea leaaethiag of :t- atreriuth to

.1 j^r<. :.:«. rrco'lci-tion «>f the rv.ce* .f the Pu-rit*i:«, find, d Urii leOiDg and btrjiag Bad beasttedif*, to b reference for the r.t-irr;tl R:-bt. Fp-more point we BeBj indeed be reweooablj certain.Thnt form of worahip will not to-day be arholljforgotten, aj.d containswithin iteelf the guarantynf iti "wu aincerity, which ia enclearlyexhibitedin the home to 1 and tend nee« which can never

grew n'.i. bl that Jeifi'uc wbi.-h -0 foot ofit', thank God! oatfrow, for cid -c-nee, for therenewal of uU indm ices, foe the psritj of child¬hood, for the enger ooarsge and the hvdoatfttblceOBaejeMC of Joutb.for a fjiglflfi. if it b» only 0

glirMfoe, rtt the BllllriM of life ar .1 nt the purejiltu^irei" cf that hi r arhach, slaa' efin never

rtttuTJ. !:i th:* sr-'ni. irelteriBg city. foil it iiof iii.tinn w:.-k and n.:n, ful ai it n of I««\vBtrife and it KaUe roteipriie, full aa it ia of uei»ra-

dation a-.d ibame, boM taaiii 1 bouI, pitNBpted bjW/e know Dot what halidWCd remitii'eenre^, willhalf reaolfc taj.' wü wboOy reaolre opoo b ptuerlife npofl . irtbiei aiou opoti store italwartendeati The old nother who Uea io berbBtnhiecrave, far, fir i»r. u ler *.. .t brow n New-

Eaghnd bill.the old (atber - itera, ind yet «0

tender', tleepi&g ur-re after the a^raggle a'nl >;c-

t-.ry, awa:t:r.g *ro- ttirorph.the little one who.-in,. WithBOCh weieonie, .-Hei departed finaid suchw«. ag.the dear, .lead brother.the .i.v,r. leadtiater.'all .1 :""t iod :»w-j wjü inenb to

th(,-e w'.ia jet iinuer to»dBJ Hew tho oldh"-me DMBtolieiHÜ1 thic'<ei bofj tie Oal h.iitiepet net wiii reuppear Ij-w the oil boawl iro*raUotw will be recalled! The honjicaieBd, therlmrt-h and the BriaOvl-hoQa.the meadow andnood.the sport*, the lorea, the Brerrieni of child-hcod witit itn greni joy/a and it" nreat.-r gnVf»: ofUieSBil tviU not "ur. iv be Bnwiee or unma»:!y foraVHo t^ko -" nie little tbotaght t-^Jay.And in ¦.aeh recollection! and reflectknai will

CCrtainlj bo found a aafc^tiard sgainut tboie de.gmdin/j ir.d llgertcee which thill hank'^iving Fee-t.ial ii loo often thought t-> ttttttioa. I^t u*

hope to1. [fe4atrae a^petitei and untamed pna--.or. - Blttlt IBiert th^'r fh»rt«red letBtMl and keepthe r«ttirrai a, and bare "leeti and law da\«," and io Be^'io^h ait With BWditationa lawful," letit not be when we hare invoked the ajn ble«--lognad otaeifBteOOof Pntridene«. Tbl« 'I'bar.k^-givirf; Daj inay be w.irtbi/ nnd wtter/ kept. LetUa hope tknt it will l»e .' Let bajpe that not

alwatsiaintelDgeatArrteriea, w;ll le;«nre b* theaigi a! for 1 eenee May arec en {, -»how thatwe ein be featite witboal U in;' fool<!


T 1 Day La saetaaaf aa oae fl »nV rtn| t

k*raj --. tea aball nt! a *. !sa m.,.i 1 m fkvaai .

7V Vinn *, A'l»s objeetl to our ai^tjeetiona thatthe Ffuple di-penee With N'nt^ Conventionarveruiore, and indicate their choioe for Frwaideutand Viet i're-ido it "r. their reapective ballota furElectors, Let us eonsider it* ravile:

" Planaible a* Ii thia deviee. to give sowet to thei' : ly, it nil ilejietitM ip. u tin- fdeUtyot the Ktoc«tcrnl College! and their ohedienee to the KepnbticaaKntional ('..mniitte.-. Tu.. ' pr< injea to< lot he the - Coliegas with i -i-r. ti.imi \ power aveethe \'.t*. For t lie .-.ike of iti". it enpneeeethnt thia diecratkaa wili be e»en-i»p.| with fttlehtetot petty and to the people. Bat it ia sot dtfaVcnu to

agine n differeol <.rae of conduct on the part ofthe-.- bOible men. We .-an even g**Tr. ta the esaaathich ajMtt tonsby the origicntoe nf the project.

tlx Kepnbtioaa Kationnl Cotstattteo wottld fin ]¦ome tcnae t- i-»-u id ::¦> partiaana ia the Kicetorali oik gee to y< te .or Wsl II. 8ewnri f..r Pn aUenl aadEdward ll. htark'yfbc V'totvPrtatdest <hsi sward*ingthaeht ee to catidklatea is a Iwpadaea aainottty ist!.'-:. ews fvij.HIL-tcorreei Tat rfffai Qrat at t>> facl<:I. Our plan .!...¦ I rrt'? BfofO*>., atid in not calcti-

Itted, to " girt) power to the rr.inority." It pro-tldea, f.Tl it the itroaajeat party ahaJJelaet thePreaddertt end \'ir^-Pr*ai**enti 3. That the PreeJ.dest a-i'l iTert lTraadmt so ekoaen lavül bethe Cr-t cbnic- <>f the i.injen .-pimber of VOBeri

throughout the LTntOri; attached to taid streng, et

party, This is nfreJeel1 theiheorj of our presentmode of elsetiont yet, are know thnt candiditesire often noewisBied (as in the case* t)f Folk id

Picree), wbon the People nerei pesforrei nor

thought of. t^e nomir.attd, the roter hsd BS

cboifff ";>ur to nrsDow the ticket, or ote to let: [iparty be defeated, "»'irj;!vi lOowi each nuin toote hi* ÜM ehatCCi with,nil' rot ag nzaiast "»"

.'es»*rt;nc L'* part;, while ensBrisg bj igainal th"election of cottaaditea who owe theU good fortitne;.. 'I.. - i..- gl ie.'n.v.

II. Cu.- plan ti not iol led) for the " R»«pub.liesn p«rr\ only, '.-.t for .>'.' partita, aad :.. an arellcaleulat-' l for o^eoafor anjtHbttr. Thir Bbitscs 11»lr;' « at am by no Btesna rjOTtlned t.« anyonepsrty. ahlid WS are eoiifid.-rit tbit. tboucb but one

! party ibosJd sdspt it at Int, all oth^r partita !would b- e.e.'trained by it^ prannhirity to bsDsw intheir wake. Thai the CosnjrsssitnajJ Csaeas ays-ton WBI orstahrs* n; a^d tb-National ContentionIjajteSB i« now ripe for dt In fact, theprostrsttaa of the Caseaa ayslnB and r.omijuy in }i-.'4 .t du-'to w bat y,m is SSBraaM identiu! with '

our plan. Thu.«. in N-w .Ter«ey, in N«»rthCaMh' a.

a. d M betfera iB e.>U;e other Ntatea. aoti-Cauc«y*candiiLatet for F'-ct..ra vaere «upported by allSfpoaed to Crawford, the ballotbeinj iudnn«edaa Bra prop^. A luajotity of tbe ballots beic^aajsVd v iti the name of Gen. Jark-n.n. the E!«....

t KB tH . ->ted for bhsj, th.-a^h they were *'ij»p«)rteda!*o by lha frteasll of John Quiney Adam*, and.rere sachtaeai :n part favorable to him.

III. Tin Tkiiu R ba* net proposed to cloth-.' tlit Electoral College* w ith iLscretiouary power.On tie iia* proui'aed to have th.-taext -ea*ly :.J«d-« d to obe,. and enforce the fiver4 ic of a majority nf thtlr rtipective parties.Tteil dii retior. will b-» no giantst than it now i*.IV. IV .- j-Ctioa ih.t', tL» aaaWtoa will rioiaVi

tr» f'::..1 mm La] ... Bti Bf! th» if lection, i« siin-

BtJ itiurl If gord fee anTtnur. it i* equal!)r-egenl a- igai *\ the pri v*nt rr*te*B.ehoarfl t. rote law Bachanan ttF"^.at^f**1eBBt hV rTtAw» tit I».niß!artVwnrd, and to<n

legi Ij Bad feaaxMj elect hi tu; but Ihej are id

¦ on Iflu I) to do ... tK.n*. t» rut their OWl thr«atJ.

At i a- to I 'i r Katioojtl Comu..ttoe. it* boCbm in

theotijBjjtBKOwould Ie iBjreh/exeeeAife--itooeJdot'y I BBlO] itdBTB what every intollnpotp»r-on Blreidy !.-¦..«-.what trtTJ 0M who BnV

dents: 1» ivmple Addition <*. uld »j-üy ver¬

ify. A:i a:;- u.f t Of a National Committee to

¦l.rect the Electors to vote tor rBadidstci nrhower" BOt the highi -t on ti." popular Tote, wouldBUher be ererub- re BtOBtcd, or would disorgan¬ize th>» partj ... w-o' ged and proront the con-urn-

Bantion of \u triamph. But tho id.-.-, that eitherthe lo-c.1« n of a Batiocal Comntitteo or theElectors! CoO e>* would psdMiafl ttetwoleei to the

world a« bra7>'D IWUsdlen s: J nJedge^teolwrs,i» prep^-*H| oi:.. We */iitf it t-< bo B0 M roaWOCtfth»-R paMicaas; are tWvrath»' sat do to ho tewof the DesBocrata, Ifeither are ia lovo arith su-

iride ai i u b eaaured execration.V. WeluBfM ce Edward //. Steadey. Edtraid

Btanly, ¦otaaerly of North Can'.itiv a-.a- .»f Ca'i-fon.ia. ban BO other t in hia name than that withwhich ;t comBkfnees.

.We had purposed toanswer TUt Atlm's argu¬ment-, but, having eorreeted it* misstBtoBBfnt* of(acts, h'eperceive nothing hrfl thai BeeoBBto seedrefutation.

Tho return n itch u bieh Rueai i o i rd tn Pr at

and England for her militari defeat!! S. raa-

topoL haa juit rosne otr. The Itard'OOBtested,long-cootioned battles on tho Heraeleati« penin«min, though thej damped the rtatiftaal pride ofBusala, and deprived her of a ibuiO aliee of terri¬tory, still left her with a elear balance of profit atthe iof the war. Thecooditioti of th* '.aiek" man" haa been tendered materially tvorae; theChriatian population of Europs-an Turkey, bothGreek and Slavonic, are more enget than ever toilutkeoff the Turkiri,, and look upt.. Roiiia,more tkan ever, *> to tkeir aali proteotof. Bnt>aian agent*, nodoubt, hare their handa in all thoi: Mrreetiona ued roftsptraesM now al Brack in

Bosnia,Serria, hfoatenrgroand Candia, but thentter proatraiioa and praaJjinoaB of Turkey, aa laidbare bj the war itself and m augmented b; the

I idrligationi imposed upon that eotiu'r) by thej peace, can alooe mtfafartieril] explain thie generalagitation nnMHif tho Chriatian rabjeeti of tut Sul¬tan. Tbn*, for a momentary *a< rntoB of i narrow

¦trip of htnd.-forit mnat be ooviotni that she i«ft/re to recover that at the verj fir*t apportauity*>->Ttnaaia bat aiiranced a good deal toward the realiz¬ation of bor plana ivapecting rnrkoy. Ute increaa-irg dilapnlatioii of Turkoy atid the nnvieetornte ofher ('hrtKt'aii nubjccti wcro the very objects soughtafter by Kti'-ia in beginning the war; and whoran aay tbt-t IfBSSM does u».t uow OXOfBjtni nuoh a

protectorate more than ever1Thus, ItUiUia ia the only plnOf. even bv tbia un-

sncocMfnl war. Still, she owed a return mstfih.and the Lm rdaoaen to pla) it r>n a ground w here hergurreps »tandrt ttniivared.or. that of diplomaey.While Lnr!and and Trance undertook an evp.-n-rive coittst with China, Ru»eia remained neu¬

tral, a r.d t tdj stepped in at the conclnaien. Thero*u!t i< that Englusd and EntBOB have beenmaking war upon China for the row benail of Ru*-ais. Tbe position of Rus»ia, in this OBBO, wan in¬deed as favorable** it srajfl eonW bo. lltTt» wa* an¬

other of those tottering Asiatic Empire*, arhiehare, on* by <^< t filling a prey to thr BnterVfise ufthe European race; so weak, so QOflaBBBi, that ithad not ot en energy to pas* through the eriain ofpopular revolution, but transformed even an a< uteitirtirrrction into a chronic and apparently incura¬

ble complaint; an empire bo rotten that nowherescarcely was it MpaMfl either of c mtiolling itsowu pt«p'.c (r opposing reaistanceto töcBtgnag'gresBion. W hile the Britishaquahbledsjritk infe¬rior Ckinaae oflkeiaki >. t Canton, and dis.-ii*m>dBmoog tbesnselvOJ tlo- unportant point whetherCOBaBSiaaiooeT Vek really did, o; d..| not, act ac¬

cording {o the will of the Eanperor, the Rnonlnnstook posaessiofl of the eotu trj north of the A moor,and of the sweater part of the eoaat of Bfantchooriasouth of that [M.inf; there they fortified them-Brdrea, satTeyed n iiue of railway, and laid out the

p'ans of towns nr.d harbors. When Bt last lm-ulaiel rcaolred tocarry the .... to Pi kin, and whenEtBBCC joined her in the hope of picking up some-

tbing to her adrantage, Hnmia, thongh at the verjmoanenl de.-iioilin,; China of a oonntry as Ur^,f* a*

Prance a:.d fjlennani p':t together, and of a rivera>lnrceas the Daunbe, BBBTiBgrd to appear us

the disinterested protector of hke weak Ckineae,at.J to sot almoal «< mediator at the eotadnaion oftke peace; snd wkea are come to rjampapo the dif-lereal Ireatiea, we must oonfeM that thefictoftor war baring been < orris J on foffthe beta b .£of Enghuul l;- Ptni ..>.. hnl >>t Rossit, becomea evi¬dent to all.The adaantagea *>.« iretl to Um aUigereota; and

.a wLieh Ri>*ta a- w« 11 a» the I'uited St.»teapaxticipntea, are r.f ipnn iy rirwmrrrial character.and, a- w !;:>.. e lb >w n od form rOCCS MOWB, fof themoat part illu.'ot i. L'aderpreaent rirranistsatiaa,tho Cbine-e trade, with bbeext?eption of ..pint,) andsorr.e I!a-t Indian eotton, msi oontii bb to eonsi -t

prinetpalybi tho export of Chtnen la, haa and'.ill; that export trade depending on foreign do-maud rnt'.r«r than the t;(. .r or i- .* htciiitioiafford bj tLe, --..t. The Woi'lJmanag» i to gel haj and ttOhbetaTe tho troatv ofNarkia. and after that treaty the erleet of aponiagthe four poit* wa* tbe tanaJei of a portaoB of thetrtnle of i anton to Bkangkae. Th<« .. -.b» r portsLave BCBTCOly BB] trade at a!.', aad indcrd the onlyii.r which La* at leatt-ouse import ice, Swatow,doe* uot belong to tbe five open port». A* to tbecpenins of trade high up the V.: ,-tf.-*iaug. thathas l»-»-a air ja.-t]Nitied till ÜW time whai his

fafBiiBl Majtit) -h-iII ha.- rcconr-.l Li* full «wtyover the JisturWd country in that nei^hborhtad.B period coinciaVnt with theGreeh CnlaajBo. Eat .

there have pjjgsji oth> r doj'ta a* tt thj TBaBB ofthis new Couvr-ution. Thart *re BBBBB pe iplo whoaffirm that the trnusit intafl sWOtaBB of inarticle XX VIII of the .\üg!<>-(.'hineeo tr -ntyareim«gi::ary. Tbe*e Jutie* haro been «tippo«ed to

exist solely iK-causr the Chinese wanted verylittk* Kr.^!.»ii UK-rchatidise, v.J English go>dsscordxgJy, did not peoetrate inland at aH,wuilo a errta.u kuid of Russian cloth,tuitrd to the wanta of tlir C'h:nese, andbrought by way of Kiahta or Thibet, a.-tutilyfound it* way to the BBBat It wss forgot'eawhat such toll*, if in existence, WOadd aJbrt Hi-sian as well at Knglish gooda. So much is sure,that Mr. Wiagrore C oi», who was s.-at into theInteciacoa BS^poae, was unable to traoa out th.-*.-

pretended ..traniit duties,'1 aiel that when pub-Beh Inten ra\d m the iwjs)eet, ho eoawoaed hi*

" humliafiag Ooavieliea that our ignorance of" Cbitia i4 . darktu-» tii*t uiaj Sof. lt." Oi the. th. t ha ol. Mr. T. W Henley,the I 'neei but uf t ba)Btithi Beard of Trade, an-wrr* tna letter thatha* I» i :i publ shed, hi the q>i< *t] «ti. "Whether

there 1» ovkeawee snob batenal dun-« ex«" [si "' ItPJ plaialj '"1 am BBabSB to f'irnishyoe with the information you -k. aa te thoevi¬dence of Internal duties ta i htoi " l baa, beaeda

the ||hff tin»"«'Ti '«¦ t I, on an Ihel LordElfin, id BtipeJettag for an indottm 'y. i vd BOtiaaefont* patmer.t, and COnil 1 tho frotn Canton

r.. if'capital more!) to make a treaty which aheabJsend tbe British fon-o* beck fieea th* oapttal te

fight at Canton* Lbe darb ruspi ion bit broken ia

upon John Bull'i mind, thai he himself will h * ¦

to pa) out uf Li- own pock, ts ti" iadoOattityitipajhtted for,sines ArtfcieXXVIIIwiDproveastrung inducement to the Chinese authorities to

establish »ransi: dotfe* Of7| percent oa th-' BritishBWaVSActures to be, on deiran-l. rowmted Into B*2|per eent import duty. Te divert Jeba Ball froialea hing to v deeply into hi* own treaty, Vif LamttsaTlmt$ found ii aeeeeaaiy to sleet gnat wrath at

tbe American Embaasador, ind ncrcelj aVncaxncedhim as the apetTer ef the asses, ahbeugh, ia feet,he had about a* BBBch bo do with thfl uaUttTe of the

second Anijlo-Chiuoso war a< the aaaa iu tho moon.

So the peace, ao far aa English commerce is c. a>

ceriiid, teudtl in a new import duty, and ia a

! <4.-rif4 of stipulations which lie either withoel any

practica] value, or cannot bt kept by the Chinese,and maj, at any moment, beootne the pretext* of

anew war. England lit* aotobtainedaaryaccessionof tt rrit"iy.die could not claim that, without

lUowing Franee to do the sense, and aa Eaglishwar remltu g in the establishment of French p.>«-irssisas an tbeChineaa Maat, vrould hive betaaltogether unprofitable. As to BuaSU, the ct-e

ia quite different Beanie fh.triiii' in all the

nsible advantages, what, ret ti e;, be, aecaredto England and France, Bucia hts aecnred the

whole of the eenntry on the Amoor, which ske.hadM quietly taken possi -s-oa of. No! latisfied withthis, she hai ubtah.'d ti.e establiahment of a

BnaioChinrtrtCommission to ffx thebonndnrtea,Now. we all know what weh a Commiasioa i* in

tho baud* of l.'u-sia. W .¦ Lave seen them at workon the Asiatic flot tier- of Turkey, where ti.<'}'kept slicing away piece after piece from thatount rj, formore than twenty >. ira, until they were

interrupted during the late war. ami the work ii H

tioW to be dote over again. Then there is theart.i le regulating the poatd aervice betweenKiakta and Pehin. Whatwaaformer!] aa irreg¬ular and merely tob rated hue of Communication,will now be irguhwiy organixed, an I eatakUaked as

ati^ht. Therei* t.> be a monthly mail betweentho tWO plaee-. aud the journey, about I,fa*' liiilea,is to be perfoitiiod in 10 dav-: while one- eVOK)three montha a earavaa i- t.. go over the tameroute. Boor, it is evident that the Clüneee willeither neglect thi- - rvlee, or be umblo to carry itout t and, a» the OOaamuaaiat mil is nuvr secured toKussia as a right, the couaeajuence will bo that itwill gradually fall into her hands. We haveteen how the Buaaiani have oarrted theix linos of

poatl throush the Kirghiz cteppe; and we Manntdoubt that ia a vorj tew rear* a tiaaiiar Hub willLe established across the deeert of Gobi, and thanadieu to all dn-anir of Britiah nipitiraaoj taChiaaifor then a army may march on l'ekin anyday.

It bi eaay to imagine what wffl be th.- effect ofthe utabliahawnt of poraaanent limbassie* at

I'ekm. Look to <'oustantinoplo or Teheran.Wheremi- Ruaabtn diplomacy meet* Bngliah andI'rereh, it if uniformly sucee^Mful. And that a

Bnaaian I'mbamador. with tbe chance of having, »

few yeara hence, an army strong enough for anypurpose at Kiakta, a month's n.areh from Pehin,fid a liue of road prepared for its tn.irch al! the

way.that anch a Bnaobao Embaaaador wiO be all

powerful at l'ekin, who can doubt fThe fact m that Bomia is bat ooaning to be the

tir-t Aaiatk Power, and putting England into thethadevery rapidly on 'hat continent. The eoa-

queat of ( mtra! Aaia and (he annexation «»f Maut-ehooria intT/eaae her doaainiona b] an extent ot'

country aa large a. all Europe exclusive of theBu tn empire and bring heralowa from aaowyLiberia t<> the temperate rone. Iu a short time,.he v alle] - of the Central Aaiatie riven and of Iba»\nioor will be peopled bj Russian coleutote. lie'

strategio positions tkus sail ed ace as tasanwtant f<>rXr'.a as tkoaa in Poland are for Europe. The jkj--neseion ..i I'M.:; menace* India t thai of Maat-eboorui ataaaoei China, And » bin* end India,Vitt Iheii UtXffOO,OOOof iunaldtaaaa, an now tho jdecisive ..dries of Asia. jA racabet of the last getmratioa, neiebrated in

Lis day, aadcaDed Inoledoa, w hile listening to thop. rformaneea of Braham, was aceaatoaned to wishthat bi» old mu-ie ii.a-t. r eofiM eomo down fromHeaven ta Exeter, and tak<' the saail eoech up toLondon "to hear that d.d Jew sing." Mr.Herbert Hehler of Georgia, who i- t.'..« kttootchampion of ihransoo, and who appears t .. havem iddled hiwsolf int.» aoB*ethaag uha sincerity bytoo BUIteh of Mr. Csihoon, in a pamphletwhich be has put out, and for wtiioti he charges theincredibly small sum "f ti:; t cents, utters a sitmlsrWith. Mr. Heilert Pitddet admit- that Gen.w lahiagtoa, in a w rtain docuxai nt Matty called"The Farewell Address,' rironglj loproi dodthoa^asobitioa of th.- Caion. iu the course of Ibt- alsoaJaitioa, Mr. Psebler »appoaca Wash-tagten to ifoeegs] frojt Qeaven, with or with- Iout the aid of a Berschute, bat ttm, we suppoae, in fuB regnaa?tnlalB, with what Mr. FätlleietDa "important diapatchoa.'1 So changed a..-

we, accorditu to Mr. F., tkat the Angel rV^aahing-.«.n w..uld in.*, al iir.-t know whore to alight. BIlr. P. i.- oertaia Ui*t. after hovei ag over the !»l,.1for a wkile, and taking sight- at as, wo euppoae,With a b-b seope. W ashtuuton »oubl .irop upon the |ahrre aide of the line, and ImmoiihntcljoaO a Dia- jaaienawettng, l*Shnnhl the expsarbxarwtewarba"made,''aaya Mr Fsahler, "that would be r..*. result.'* rnfortana'.ely, it i. not violeut!) prob-abta that tL<- exp»T.ment will ever bo made. Tl i*W'aaAaastttm anti apothejoaia is not aa aveat nrh*ahWill Ol cur this week or If we wait natalWa.-h.nt,tou come« lawn t" help u», we

shall wail sotr.r time. Wa*bi::gtoti himss-Ifm.^Lt inject to *':oh a uii«-i<>n, btl ter-aeatrial tahxat* not basing boon at all iu

tbe diflomatie was. Iu the ah-eiice of tueii!ii»trious «ho«t, Mr. 1 bidet undertakes thepa'iiotic duty ol etihgLteuiug thdaj great uatioo.He prove? to a d> mon-tra ion thtt 'he Southerntat. s are dsnjri-tr. aalon, baOadbaj and bs»ni..l.

...mpö-tel} under the th rani * ad loeaoftha Northvassal., - rfs, s'at e« of th-- . omuit.T'ial Statea,

MTkOffa shOstte". she" meauiu^ the North--* levy tag tnlute af the Benthera Bgrwaritarist, t<>

.clothe TiCostl) purple and f.-ed . n.j.tu..'i. rt-

'pasi the loiillv BanawdawtMtr«M Qajahl bWallhilll

Mtheae r/UanMltgM^»v»»^ ,

ind-.IKe i., ¦ Utile wrvt, ,g ,t tljkj d^tre^ing aB*a>.t.l.'e hib) ,..,t |ft..|. .., yir. Kir.j^ii.«*diM. I) gate aa pr...,. that .!,- >^tk«ni>,v* l,PM : MWpHll I B rpr:,:n.. If>..¦ gCnl Mad the '-mpp . »4bjj H I H bl the BrneUTIbI benevolent and ayinpeth. tic reader ii tW»Biccd ia » m«.«' Bapanaeaetakle :..

IBM whe-!.. r t" ur I Bf |.. pajajj I»,,: M u. ^I hie an m be m, u- . pj.r ^


ICr. H. Fielder, w. w,;i ia biaj na taesy. ia a first rate hater. He Ihre**« 1 .» lb)¦MeaiB the preaWi with .ihtajL-^41..I bat« the North." lay* Mr. II. IV.der. fe(V« "1 lare ti..- geath, - ... Mr n. jvy,tend, rl). not t-> »ay amorously. Ra?hnj triuj ~claimed hii iroeaVaa from all p..,Mb!- Maanajnjprefi tere, 11 reea tk* ai v- .mmm\\the proenaiit) a:.d proetrat.m ai the RaBatBortot'ainh..'. UarCBblfMWhieh w ddka^ Archbishop Whv. ly. Me op.Qi, ^j^jwith I burst frfai lit] .i | - fg, , JJJJaeej m tail | to eoaeieV r, --it , u!/.Mr. Parlier, "aiti tt. abBc toreal thi t:%|Z|and throw it the b..,.k d Bjri g jg^enj] | p.-^"or t<' real it." Lfraeta it win h,. **rn t0,» njrFh Idee/e pamphlet iiaVn treat %W mm* p*uir41euhen '..fore inhered or hereafter to be inhered mtethis readme w.rld. We raaaat Blii j<al]j bbij,Vinte Mr. 1':. Ider's lahglBJ anajVeniaajia*, muwill, howeror, do him the hBaafl to «**¦ hei«UraiinMl I nt.rtaimng, md bbBHBBW remarha-hlj prettj. For inttanee. wfc,.n m mmM\»mtfktDOBBjkBKeja, wb... pee* feUvav are doing theirbeet, be forcibly, '"it elo-pieutU "Ttm voioe"ol our fri. ndj at the Seeth, / an Vit/ Beg rV'a.' [ungrateful d.-ubt ii at f.eble, bbbbbjjbjJ"witl Utal "f the enemy, at \\m\>\ Im vhelono aod \h)\\>t i»f eaaBBJ iurtleMW»*np. u a BoKtery oak in tl. . Cr.-r.;., u'., ., ^ib»

i huagry e.i^lr-, with abettee* baiki aai<!ii.tend. d oIj'a^ arere alre.t.l. aa the v i:.^ fw

"the aisatiH.'' One turtle doTe with I tbuuaaateaglea.a tl.»ii*aiid kangry ragjai i tio««io4. a^Iea w ,tb «h« tied beak-, a tinen.ind eaglea wjtkii:,>». elan.after her, would hue we admi^out a email BBfJW. Aad aa, we i»u-»;e*f. weaU taaeaglre, avhea they cane t>> i diriaioa ef the tjval*We intradsce tbi« little p.t^'^..l_"' it "h.>« j|r.Fkrlder*! aaajiery af atyle, axbiea aaaaaaataaaireaieal irriaaiptieliBB nt whei oaa? haj iaryg)gj|to aaj and ¦ eeairateeaj ¦ greataVaL IiatatJwe piii (be DoagWiafal The wbeaV UhU <¦!'there,thui* Loaaparrd to oaa Baaaea^haa, littJa, aaaaaBppi-, on

We will do Mr. Fo lder the further.Httee a*

any that be really doe* bbjbbj |*j , on»d< r FluinaaBlarerj eHoBjcithfir bnaafilbl It m eudeut t*xak hfhe were imt Fielder, bo would be a field-haad.a*be were not a ilare owaaw, ba weeId be a #iit».lie do« i n..t aeaea t<>think that tbere nan) uitte-rial diBereoce between the raptor., of owuiu,' aa4the rapture of being OwWCai MireryM iaaatalike ta bin BBental and Ina rcaagaaai couatitunna.Me duly kaga u tbe Holy s.-ripturei. Me qaetta

t Brand ba I anaan," aa if it bid never lieea%aote»] before. Waaawe aBart baagrapbatataWwaalof Noah. Mam, Sbem, .laphetii, Abrabara, Utfv,Jaeob, our old fiaud OBraBBBM and OBI oid frieaiPiflfBlftBi One of hie pa^. a bri.tlet with Itibatret»Mene<-. Qeavis., Lot.six., .to. et4 Thedear old " doulos" ia again trotted out. Thecreatuie e.imfort of s,..ithern chatteb, i, duly BaJadmiringly dwelt upon. Hia ¦>'. i-.k-K hit eJotfiee,hi* pork and bit pone wh< n he in well, and bi* po¬tion- and pill* when he ia Bieg* I ben hia oondiUeaia < oinptri .1 with that of white workmen at the

North, who are, a* usual, describe.! ta ragged aajruin. .!, «» paupers or prUaaarB, at «tarriag or

atenlint;. We faney that we have met w itk ajJB>thing like tbia lino of irgtUaWeaBtaffB before. Mr.Fielder tukea it up with au entbntiasm wbielileailua to suppose that be Consider* it a uovelfy. If at,

he is very muck iniataken.We think that we mav -a> in eou. lniioii, tkat at

far ae Mr. Fi. Wer in cun orued, tbe I nion ia

already din olv. d. I he ea<.» ajaaj »ttnda thru:

Tbirty*twa Bavereign state* arraai HerbertFielder, eej., ofGeorgia, Mr. Fielder h»d not, atthe late-t dat. 1, firoe.. ded 40 far attoH-./e tkepak-lie Arsenal*, munition*. I'o*t Oilio«-., re euue (nü-ten, lc., but ne praaWBM (bat ba will do aualkiaearlitei eonft aienoe.that b»- will .-leet hnu^etftea.' aeeeaaarj oaacee, un.1 aofoataal a IteptrhUe wi»iehwiil kaoek tbo ideal ot Plato t>. «pUnt^r*, and arTonJto an admiring wwtM a reerrnl af the gtaaiai at

irtl, Ath no, Aeayrii, Cartaaigl and Koine.

We mark irith uuicb plmtarc the ragii ttereaaettf boitera and bolting ei aiidi thraagawalour City. The Chattel Flection iiyet Baarty 'an«*

w. . kl ort, and we evb-.n all who have a taate fur

ning, d. who have friawda hi wheat aataBB taaaiBBYJ be awnken.d, to embrace the ua all boll !.it i* » wboleeome etereiee, aaJcan be indulged in at thh)elaettwa without dao4erof aHaagiwenhaa etaBBaaynewai *. f*tf e*ery otifn

rotl .that 1* hhl nni» iatne .luty; but to .ote fara knari ar a fina, bWBIBji bi ii itytal the" regalar" rwadidattof tbit or that party» biaaduf) ..t ail. Wh aie inclined t * regard t a* a ra-

. oiiiu;. n.lation thatB OaBaiUati il irre<i.lar.Uaalia, not in,ning for ti e baaefit of any faftf. Pbiuv, rtepeeted '. Ih.w-citi/en«1 that if tv ctwi»lie* betwi i ia nitor naeathj nanBadaai of rearown party, or a worthy candidate of another, 1**

will«. rre i.,.tb yaaa patty and our much-* teluriaiCity -uiipoitiii^ the Li tter man, though belong'ii.'^* to the wor»»< pnrty, Citizeu Uil not to role'

lad avail vaaiaclf af aaj g<M"i eaaaaa to i>olt.

W. M. P, writea toeaajaptnia that be iiaa keee

gajBhUag OB the atrengtb of wh.t bj tuppoeed,froBi oar early return*, iroaM be t!.-- majority f**"

llorgaa in tbt* Btäte,aad ha* io»t hi* Baoaay, W*aaaBat pratead to be sorry f-.r him. He t*f*ue oueiit ta be more careful. N I an«wer that i'

i* noue of our couc rn t<> betf gamblen win beta,whether thejf hi rfaaa part) or of the other, ww

could not gaaaa that the reported iiutjoray oftor Morgan in St. Lawrence would turn out hat

VQOO, aad n ofeereral athert, Koreaa we under.tahi iway- to add up corr.Tth, at :l or

" «"ekar«in the inoi rung, when bj haate to ^o to preae. h"<ridaarae nf rep«.rted majoritiea, which are

perhaps in ha'f a dozen itemt by report* re/'ei**'while we *re tr)ing t>» make tbe addition. IWeai unly ji;e «i.«h report* a* r.'ueh >n and each

BggTegatei aa we ha.e tiue* to make up, baring eat

attetitiou called offev. :) live minuh-a to let

how a freih report af. t*the . Lane* s do-ikW"Coegteea I)i*tli.-t. Tbo-- who ^amtks *

! i KetarM het. after will do wrii » hear thatii Bund,BanaaaLJ i os i the Repnhiieen ateaawat*

Aaaewibtj aaaat Irusa law let DiaUid .1 üaaawawC'. u.t;, ajataaadaf It.-,; Ii. Qt I I

girtaby n .'.(.-- 1- tab t.