New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-10-15. · JojUiuIJ 11 »iUe».u.g her great and...

yoL. xvil.IS0* 5,141. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1857. PRICE TWO CENTS. NTW-Y0jUvj31BUNE rn, M«.vo«m daiL¥ rmh; nm .rr..,--.I ««« MOBBING ..D EVKSINO, 1* *»« e>n y rlcmrt,0 a* B0»*«"B OREEL El a Co, *¦* ""^"^n, »rro«i'( rHK citv ... _j 4,, t ttT Babe, ^rece «t It) wnt. per -*e_ M* T^inlwt*'ua **> ¦ka'»Doe- *«rsia -.»*¦¦-.. HEW-VOHK VVKKH1.Y THIBl'NB, '""g|Y TARGE PAPER KOR TUR tOl NTRV. ia^-J every S»rv»D»v MoRNi*«., at '.he low price «f f * _l*_»em 'i vt-Mi.«. Thre. Cop* . for *>V Kwe Cor.»»* for ¦ TTT^m fo- Bl2. «,d a pap. r i. ,. . o r..e Inn. the UWM for waL h .t i. paid. Adver-iwmer.t. In Tbe Vferily totaa* voMOME L>uf.L\H LiNE for *«o* I. THE IKMl-WKKKI Y TH1BI MB tasatOeMd IVBSBav and r-..0«V .¦.»'^ _,, M trjiw.. T-oC.pieaftrBS; Fiva G>pfoa for . " » fjr I«p.« i, "it (Vnt*. - III NKW.VOKK TRIBl'Wf./,. a*ra>rwL>c,,ne \*%m\* ~ - S'£t .h£ THE «:W.TOKR TKIBI>U won a;.ikorn.ia1i/>RcK<;OvN.(j and SI . - - * .),.. -tee.rtnre ea. h Mail St-ame- for A.piu- *# If*w --etmnm. Muri- < oP"". ¦>""- ßprriai Xcü.tß. tNlBIti Ward.-The R»... M M*BJtS)l« Meeting of the IXtm aBT> RKPi t>aN tSBOCIATION will be h»!d at B*«cJrev B oM.i.f. THIS (Th..i*day) EVENING, the lit* toetent et»! ..c)or«. Bt order. D. WS* Bj i-tary. JOHN KK.TSER, Pre.ident. ""Brwilily» UwVky Mauntuln Itepnbllcan <:iub.- MM1 mttt i " at Ibe old edq .eiter., c >n»er of Eultoa and OiHfe..U o, TMl'RSDAY EVENING, O t 15, »J 7t oVU^^ki. Speak.'. The Hon. HUB ACE UKKELEYend E D. CUL- »fER. Mute rej iHevafVl Bund. The public «enermly are in¬ vited fo al>orl_ ~Nitar«.--Tb« i ¦ o.uotte.. ea BaOroaii oi the Board of Al'oei-.oo will . .. t 1. r-RIIMY, <*'th iu.t., at 2o"elo I p m, .a Room No. I. Citj Hall Al. p.-reoiia havnu' bu.lue-t befjre aaid <>nii..i;t'e are Invited *o be t. ITUOMA^ JdcSl'EDJN. Alderman Ninetcen'li Ward, ('faairman. (.« o«tn;.in. ..J HBd Mnlwllcal Sorlrty.-A paper anil baread' lit* iThjrad.j) E\ ENJNO, a" tl o tio k Utat Bmal) Cbap>l »( t*e New-Yor* L*uiver..;y, Wa-hiimtou aquare, .y J J. HAVk.8, eaq., M. D., on A> r. »« tb» N rth Pola i«y Kane'. o*>* '' Meuibri. of the S i -'y and their Wleada_ "llonrdot tliaalann ProtrMlt Kpiaropal C harch . A asbi'c At,..ionary Mettiui will be h-ld lr» the Chnr<;b of a*c«naion, conwr of 5th »v. and 10th at, THI*i EVKNINO etljo'' «rk .Mi.ilonary aodreaaea will be lovje, by the Rt. B.. W. J K!"<S, U D, Blebonof the IH<M>*w of Calif >rnia; tbeB'r Dr. TYNO. BecU.r of St Oorte'a Church, N. Y. j the Ree. I>r STEVENS, Rertrrof St A.idiew'. Chareh, Phil aaVlphia and other. a abU* t.raj will be made la behalf of Do- aieatic and Pefl i|n Miaslona. *' Kereivin« Cammitlee for the Iferndon Tentl- naonl«1.>'.Stibeeripti' ii. +1. donatione not limited. Toe Booaaof the Committee fof ri -eiviiiK Snbecriptioni iiid Don»- ttuae for the Hemden Testimonial will remain open until fie »* mat r 10. Jira. Comuuuedet Hut.tene, No. 1(7 Waverley pia. e. If re. ('«anmandor BuHue, No. 90 Eaet t&tWl JUie Coiomvi Sal Iwvinj.ton. No. -8 Ea.t t9m St. Mia P.:r.-r Si.i !iir. N 1*9 Weat 23d »t. Btre. Barry, No V nntor-pUce. kfra Tatiiten Heov.!, No ^l7 Nth at alia. (Jibbe, No. 2t. Otaaaa at Ml. O'Oienienll, No 261 Oleeui «t. Mra. b -L No «I \Ve.i2'ebtt. Mrs. J Bel., jr., No M Wat* 22:-,t, M*a. U aren worth, No. 222 lOtb >'. Mi. Jan..» Brook., No JJ'J >th av. Mmi Die :, N W Kart 28th it. Mit. Lord No 34 Waat Wtb at. Mra C'ba'le. Km, ;'et. !. Mreeii Ml aad SI ava. Mra. Waiden Pei!, No. 10 \V« 21at .1. Mr. t, No. 12 2d tt. Mr* «a,.e, Mae-n, N. io2 lb ..v. Mr* t B Murray, No )27 ^tb av. Mr*. Ward, No. iai 5th *v. Mr*. Val.rir. Mo. bj F»»t Mth-St M<* D.niei ISiSn. No 2 Eaat lötb .u Ms* fdolpho Wo7f>, W 99W«itllth.t Mr* H. de B Routn, ajo. 33 Weat 1Mb it Mra Daniel hen.eea, No A3 Mb *v. Mi* Dr. ADthon »orner ofjavh*!. and 2<l a*. Mr* J. f> ... Si No. Oreat . Mr. U W. Hill*, Nu II Bre\. .r! p!*.. Mi*. i>r. Be dford No. f6 Mb av. Mr*. Warb. No CO CBnt m place. Tbe >eaiurer, Mrs. J. Bell, jr., No. 2*. W. et .'.'.l .t._ The C.r lie ml Suap«>iiHinn. Note* on t. e f .llowili» Ar.nk* ale lakoo et evans' exttni- .We CLOrHlNU U ARKHOI SK, No.. BJ and 68 Kulton-.t, .etwees Ooid and CUM *t* a. >llow«: ALL NEW-YORK CITY HANKS. pir. NJEW-yOKK sTATE. Cent* on the DolUr. Bauk of Orleiui. »U Beeljiroerty Hank. SO Ba.;kett. Hail, r Bank. 60 ffooipkln* Co.i.,t* Hank. W Tatea County Bank. SO Stil ot.'-r N'. w Yuik State Bank.. par. NEW.JEBSr v Ail tbe Bkiikri in Uli* State at. pu. PV.nn8ylv ANI A An the Bank* of tun State at.par. CONNKci li r. iv it. o »ho Dollar. Bairk of H.r'f .rd County. 9* Ex ibanie Bank, HartfoM. ¦ Baak of North A o. ri. a. 90 Beidiapoit City Bank. 90 Charter Oak Bank . 90 Her. »etile |j»nk H.rU'.r.l. 90 raw.aturk Bauk. 99 Windham County Bank. 90 Colebe.ter Bank. 70 All ottjer i >i,i,e< *.:. o* Bank..pir RHODK l.-I. AND. Cent.on tbe Dollar. Abode leiau.l ( ei.trnl. 73 .eel ot the Soj'h CoüDty. 80 Ropku.toi. Bank. Mi Ml other Rhode liland Bank,*. par. Mass.< tit setts. ill the Bark. In thi* State . ear. VERMONT. Cent* on the Dollar. tenth Koyaiton Bank. 73 Baiiby Bank. 50 Meek Rank. 59 M.W-HAMI'MIIRE. ( SSSSI .m tbe Dollar. Ware Bank. ... 5> All other New Hemp-hire Hank*. pir. MAINE Cent* on the D.ilLr Woford and M 1..1.11 River Hank*. 90 AB other Bank* in thi* State. par La Karat* llouat*. Ilronilway. Kami ie* about i.x'nt- lag for the »Vinter .Mouth* may *..¦ -ore elen.nt AfMitment*, with Board, ut very rea-ji.ubl« late*, by applying at the above fret «Im» bottl._ "l^cTarea on Venice. M- OSMOND TIKKANY at .Vrtngbeld, Man announce* to LjoatUM aud LsotOfS Auoria tenet that he will he prepared to d-liver hi..r*e of four Leo- tom (or «iniil\. kf pr. f.-ri. d) ea VaafoOts Ri*<s Msxnitii-enue a»S >k11.'' Theee Lectuiei were I'nvorably reteirod duiiu| the Mat Winter in »< reral of the Eartem citio*. Kan la rant Intelligence Offlre anil Labor Kv- ajfoaaae baa been remored from No. 2 Canal-at. to No. II Vwrti .1 (lata AuthoDT'*t.), a few doora weit of Broadway. Ma ieee eh.reed J AMES P. PAOAN. SuperUiteudeat, dmnscmcnte. J^OW OFBS at the CRYSTAL PALACE, TUE o it MAT PAIB 1>K TUB ,\Mi;UH AN lXSriTL'TF. rkU uoequaled and m.tru. tive of our Nationi.l Skil aad ImKiitiy t. BOW open deily, from 9 a ui. until 10 p in All tbe machinery i. woikinn day and evening DUDWORTH'S CORNET B\ND blnatt-rim bev«nin|, ar.d on TUESDAY and FRI- BJAY El ENl.NdS paifcrsss a ORAND CONCERT, by Pro ""T-h'aMPNF.Y S MOVING PANORAMA OK THE RIVER RHINE Will be mhibit.d larloi each 12 m au 1 61 p. ru. i>i afbnday. and Set irdaya, auü 12 m. and 4 p. m. on the other daji .fib. a. I HOE'S TYPE-REVOLVING PRINTINO MACHINE, m "L'fbti.iu' Pre..," will be in operation working the sdt Bona 11 Tbe RaW-Yorlw SUaM /eiUng, uu, Thura Iky aid Satu.ihiy afternoon*. THE STEAM CALLIOPE WTJi be aers rmed or. at 11 a ¦.. 3j p. in , aud daring the Inter- Bdstl. n hv the Band in the evening. Admiuicn to tbe whole, only it eeatS Htagea wL'l be hand StaOthe P. irlee, wlo h run within . fork or t*. o of tbe Pn'ece. Tbe bth »v. coi* run due.t.y to the Soot. BÜRT01T« NEW TIIKATER, BROADWAY. aUBB Cl SUM AN a. Biau. *!u FAZIO, Tbe eng«geL,«nt ol Uu* 'littinguiined artUt b rapidly draw. a)| to a cloee. Thepubli. i. now invited to Seize the only op- JojUiuIJ 11 » iU e».u.g her great and highly .ueoeaiUl exer- ttona ka aaaa aaWoUsi per«.nation a* the limited number mi erii.eimng night* preveui. the pie.ilillitv of ISPldluB L .v. , , THI RSDaY. Oct. 15. Mllra.n'. beautiful tiagedy of k A/IO. revolved »Ith tumultuuti. i,e,-lfc fc»n a, tbe mmmmUb.......Mi. Ciuhiimn i.Mr. C, tub*i A;d*t,.lu....Mn. AdiClifun Wan tbelareecf TEDtlV, THE TU .KR. I _Ba*.nida}- Mi.» C w:!l app.«r in * lavorlta sari I01DW1! THEATER.. Sole E A. M»r.ha:i. "a* Wataat n Ttwates i new A. »Jemy of Ma.; PhtUdolp!..*). .F B. Couway look ; to begin with tbe Overture at 7. B lAhK aXaae Manager. Daei, 0£_. ,t gi Fol ll w._j-. .y^OB DOMENICO RON/ANI. TUVH^lfiv Ä '"'If " ¦ .Mfal Bellet äValfot fewr^dh.** 5 .,ki7- w'» **> pri<t*uteJ tbe new aallet. tt wp<*. d b, *},.,, j p M R mumi ,. lllV UINO 01 ?**IOt, Itatp. rvei! M tbt - V; < kwgn, r. .-ervnc (. e cb. f , bigno, f.^, Ce- cheiti. rraleat. and ai/iaana nou 7. bytl Tiev, Ii, lul,,.; |..»o,:, i .n.ej. I ITI IEAIT NEVER WOM FAIR LADY TXT irr:-;:; :..r.1 « i Mi.NO» WiMKMvH KlS/tM ft N f 1, .*,d by a t.r.-.J B.i e*.'u» . i.ufo.l :i t. -,t o| thi. .lebiat-d Troupe. ..¦"Ulna I Previ^u. v> \l9 balo : Iii- l..n i,:, «.»med* < I FAINT HEART NEVER WON KA It LADY YFr 7_£_v;.Mt k i ssses*m . i ;.. p;, ( * Jji m njKE EXHIBITED in AMERICA. ANATOMICAL MUSEUM of Dr. Rer.iT«, 4_ '*«.' K. Hi \t> Broadway. a?!*,'fr*. '" t fi-"«b-d Ait Last -re. m aaatk m a waiiVoÜ ' ".. "r Jai:k*«a, -».»pt Krida,. ..MatojoMdircli^raaJ 2*0*1..« * VlUl.O" GARDEN..THlTtSDAY, Oot I"», Aa u57 .Tb* Bfw grand «od mm vatic Fairy 8p*cti:le enti tied, BOREAS, THE OREATEST TRIUMPH ON RECORD, Even ii, ettabllihmeaL THE RAVELS and AOLLA THIS EVENING. t'< Delude* with KATEV, THE YIV IANDIERE, BOREAS, With entirely tew and original gnrgeout aeenery, oivhlnery, meai -al < hanget, trinkt, coetuisea, 4c. I Tiarvten by the wond.ifol RAVELS and their Great DouMe Company. Special, Nor ICR..In OBBBBIMBOB of the pret-nt financial criela, and in ord< r to enable even the moat economical to wit- neat thia extraordinary «p>-< ta tie the Mauagemeut hat a* t-mii.ied to throw oten the wb-da rpleodtd tier of UPPER BOXES at the Maool price .f «y> at a. Kntnc -e oa Crot-by .treat Parquet, Dre.a Circle and H «. M rent*. Alteration of Time. Door. <>p> n at 61, to coinmeuoe at 7) o'clock. PURDY'" NATIONAL THEATER.. Dreaa Circle*. 20c ; Pit, lie.; Or i.eatra Chain, flOo., Frt- rate Boxe«, 2d elrole, <¦ i ezclualve. or 01 for each peraon, Door* open at fft certain «111 rlae at 7.THIS EVENING: J BION, THE WANDERER. Bion Bernard..Mn. H P. V f. -1 Jaok Wallace....Mr A '. n John Pinto.G. L Fox I Dore.Mlat Julia Dair THE MAOIC WELL. V i.i t Q >''¦- :. -Mr J. U A leu Uanlmed.Mil. Nlcln-U _IN AND OUT OF PLACE. I AURA KEENE'9 NEW THEATER, No. 624 m\J Broadway, between Houaton and Bleeeker tta. Miaa Laura Keene.Sole Leaeea and Dlreotreu THURSDAY EVENING. Oei IA 1457, Mitt LAl'RA KEENE in her admirab'e ni|vr*»nati»n of Mia. Sternhold, in T. in Taylor'. Cemedy of 8TILL WATERS RUN DEEP. John elildmar.Mr Whcatl-igri ( apt Hawkifey.Mr. Oeo. Jordan To conclude with a »creamii.g Fare, entitled THE QUIET FAMILY. Benj Ribhii.Burnett Barnalry Bibb«.Jeffertou Doora open at 6], to bbommmot at 7| o'clock uoimolj. Ba'couy Chaira. Diraa Circle and Parquet....MaawM, Or, heatra Chaira.75 cant*. Family Circle..2» centi Private Boxea.$4 and »>5 O O D ' ¦ I) I' I L D I N O S , N«a 561 and 56j Broadway, near Prince at. Prrprktor.HENRY WOOD. GRAND OPENING NIGHT. GEORGE CHRISTY k WOOD'S MINSTRELS Reipectfiilly announce to tbeir patront and the publia- in |ea> eral that the above elegant ttri'ture will be opened, under the management »i HENRY WOOD and GEORGE CHRISTY, THIS (I'll iiratUy) Et ENINO, Oct. Ii, mi ri, they WlTJ pleat nt an entire NEW PROGRAMME Brag*'r. s Bic ker Treaauier.L. M. Winatia AN OPENING ADDRESS Will be xpokeu l,y the Author. Mr S BLEMCBR. PART I Oread Introductory Overture.Troupe rpei * Chorua (Operatic).Company I m w ).J. Herman Lore at Kirat Sight (origiMil).Oe-i. Chriaty Flay 0? the Fret-.O. Gardner Be-iey i lav lnew, tint appearance)...C. H. Fox Kitty Circle.j. Wbitaker Nothing'to Wear (new).0«>. Chritty Finale (Operatic ).Company PART II. CONCERT A LA .11'I. LI EN, Atrt.nged upreatly for thia Company by L Meyer. Mad Fiat ¦. leant, the \ irgiimy Owlingalo..Mint Eugene Si*. Bottl -aeiti, Contra Baal.G W. II UtUBa Codi,itor Anahoot.Geo. Cbri'ty aWJoSal.C H Kox Ballad.J. Whitaker Dwarf Dan.e.Geo. Chriity Aaaaaieaa Solo, Bell chimei with t.uitati- r.a at fire J..;,. (Drat appearance In four yean;.C. Keene El Zowmar, a new Spa u iah Dance, roinpoaed ex* Breath! by Pro-eater Brooket, for.Matt Euren* Ft "... Violin (new).L Meyer To de >'». Inati -e.M. Lewi* TUE WARRIOR'S RETURN. The Veteran.E. Bowert Shock*.Geo. Cbriaty (|uii,ti >>enre of Old Vlrcinny.Maat, Gua Howard Cimic UuBitette.Don era, Km, Vaughn, Ma-t How ard a'id Oco Chriity ALABAMA KESTIVAL, By the Company. Boto, Beehm Flnt* (new).R IU.lim To conclude with an entire new pistM with BOW lOBBWfy, dn aaea, prnpertiee and app- iutne nta, rntitli d MARRIED AND BURIED! Character-' In future adverti» meaita. No ndvan< e In pric -t of ¦ Imital-in. Ticket! 2*> centi, to al part a of the houaa. DOOfl owbb at ei. t BBBBaMMB »' 7} tri i ckl WALLACH'* THEATER..Proprictnr, Mr. Ff WALLACK, Le.ue,.Mr. W STUART. Ulis EVEN¬ ING: THE ROAD TO RUIN. Old Dornt......Mr Blake I Harry Dornton.Mr Davesp rt GoUlini h.Mr. Wa'cot -Mr Silky.Mr. I'i.lf pa Mr. Sulky.Mr Whiliui Sophia.Mitt Gauicn Jacob...Mr Noiton j Widow Warr< u ,Mra. Vernun THE DOUBLE BEDDED BOOM. Mr. P-pe.Mr. Holland The Widow.Mr.. Veiuou I? MPISB H ALL, No. '.'.Hi Jlroadwav.. Id On MONDAY, O.t. 12, And during the Week, at J- o'« k. and WEDNESDAT and SATURDAY AFTERNOONI, At 3 o'clock, Grand Oiiniual Serie» at PAINTINGS, illuatra- tire of DR. KANE'S ARCTIC VOYAGES, Produced from Private Drawing* mid Sketche«, i'urulahed hy Dr. Kane and OflW en, vividly portrayinn THE 81 BL1.ME VET AWFUL GRANDEUR OK THE POLAR REGIONS, With a di llption by Mr. WILLIAM MORTON, Who won for himaelf an enviable reputation through hi« de voted attachment to Dr Kane, at al- f ir being THE DIISOVERES OF THE OPEN POLAR SEA. Seveial ol the moit intereiting relict of tbit evef meinorahle Eipedllioii will he exhibited, among whioh ia the celebrated Do* ETAH, the only «urvivor of more than two hundred ua< d Urning their jjurueyinga. THE PEACOCK KLAG, cani> d foitht r north and further touth than imy other r!t'.' in the world Dr Kane'a Arctic Dreaaet. Ritle, Kayak Sledxe Knnutir ot the Faith, Pick nta to Mr. Morton, etc. Doora open at 7 o'clock, to roiomcnto at S. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 2, to OOmmeuce at 3. Aduilaaioii ib < entt. Children hail pri B> T~R N U M ' s MUSEUM. . The GRAND AUI ARIA, the WELSH NIGHTINGALE, the CARLO FAMILY..Till-i AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock, the WELSH NIjOHTIROALE "ft. r whli Ii the CARLO FAM¬ ILY in Iban wlielerfiil ex. r.'.,*. EVENING at 7J o'clock, the WELSH NIGHTINGALE, in Th.-Lady . Dream," and THE GOB LIN OF' T1IK WOOD; Or. Tin. F'airv F'olntai», wltlimw S'-erery, appn>|iriate Dreti-t, Dacoruttom. 4 ., pt f,un at by the CARLO F AMILY. Admittance, 25 ct-uta j chil¬ dren under teu, 13 l »Uta. CTRAN(JERS ihmilil not Ml to MB the p;reat O DÜSSELDORF GALLERY of PAINTI N(iS- i'i IW1 II Vg JltKEK SLA\ E, THE ADORATION, THE f AIRIES, are rach worth the price of admiaiiou. OfX-u day and eveuing. No. 548 Broadway._ POWERS'1 GREEK SLAVE, MARTYRDOM OF BUBS, DIAN \ AND HEB NYMPHS, are , few aneuig the l uudn d WouBaiful Workt of Art ou exhibition at the DÜSSELDORF and evcui-g.No 548 Broadway. \|l sic itt HALF PRICE, at WATERS-, No. lYl Wi Broadway, dining October, and PIANOS ind BfEtaO- DROMS at lower price, than , ver f., IbTB ort, red in thil m.irk- t rpilE QREAT DÜSSELDORF GALLERY. al Open .1»? and BTaadJM-FOWERI'fl GREEK SLAVE, and over one hundred traainifi, cut Faintinga. No. 51R Broadway. Aduiimion i> eta IV'ftrj Pnblicatione. Cl E 0 B (; E A LEAVITT, A notion, vr. I By GEO. A, LEW ITT v Co Trade Salcrjoma Hob 977 aau 37;i Broidaav, THURSDAY. Oot L& GREAT SALE of BOOKS RELATING »o AMI RICA-By GEO. A. LF.A\ITT k to THURSDAY, Oot, la% ing at 4 p. m. Thit eolleclion compriM't many very rare auu c irio t B -\«. among which may he paattaaM AMERICA PAINTED lo THE LIKE By Sir Taxitwavlt Gorge., 165a NEW-ENGLAND*! TEARS. 1611 TRACTS RELATIVE TO HAMILTON MAYHEW'I BEBJIONS hi BBARDS new-ENGLAND WARS MOULTRIE'S MEMOIRS. the spy l nm ask F.D. ENGLAND'S black TRIBUNAL. l«t> prillis wheat!.ei s {mf ms. wash ingtoniana. lahouton's voyages doddridge's indian wars. LICE's SOI THF'.rn CAMPAIGN, trait, RAKE OLD SERMONS. tracts, ORATM.V- . Th. utire library ou cxhibitioo and catalogue! readv lor di»- tributioa. 0,-foha-r 15. QREAT S A L E RARE, OLD aud CURIOUS 1 "'HS ON AMERICA. I. , -. Id by auetiou, with .lit reaervo. aBTW (ri,.»d.v, A F I ERNOON at I tVolo k, BJ OBOROB A. I.F".av 1 IT k Cat.. i'ra s«le AllBtlBWaafB, _^ ^_ 371 »ud Jt'J Broadway. 11 11 E INDIAN W X R johnstonw NEW MAP OF INDIA. Wi-b the B adt, Rail-vayi ant Military Station. BOaMoSiO the Imune ¦IK.uaiv movtuiei ta. Pile* rut* Jutt mit« ted by D. APPLETON a Co., _ n... Hii>i..|jul U.^dway. rriIK IOWA CITIZEN is the be>it paper in the R Wi.t, a* a m«dl .ru through which to advertia*. It a'.o rive*Bdf«ii-dacAonntof the pr-Mrre.t of Wettern Railroad* and Land Hpec^kationa. aid i* a eouree through which Capit-d- kttsean** ar*prnBOBkaatwtWSOBaBata Term* RS per j,mt. Ad- tbeta W. H. PaHSEH, D»*Mi'lne*, Iowa, I I 8 T OF FAILURES.':: THE INDKPKNDENT FOR OCTOBER 15 . Not* Re*dj i Hat * (lit of toe mereantile failure* for the week eLdintthi« day. THIRTY-THREE THOUSAND COPIES bare been printed and THIS WEEK via mean u :. ahai, H tuppllcd. Single copiei lix cents. OtricE No. 22 IBBBMIB ST F"r aale by all Newimrn. DEXTER a BROTHER ) , General Ag- Baa ROSS i. TOUSEY, S K Ö W R Fi Ä D v". I. 1837 AND I 17. A BRIEF POPULAR ACCOUNT oi all the FINANCIAL Panics aDd COMMERCIAL REVULSIONS in the UNITED STATES, frtm 16*) to 18,57. hv ludiax a particular a.ioaaar! af the GREAT REVULSIONS of 1&T7 AND 1M7. By Membcri ai the flew York Pr-a* Pti^e lOcen'e. D ... m . ipt iiea by ROs8 a TOUSEY at Publi.heri' tatee. J. C. HANEY. PuMiiher Copiei nent free of portale on recelp of pric--, in t'atvpt or ipecie. rVOTB'E TO NEW8 AGENTS.The wholes*^ la pitas of FRANK LESLIE S ILL1STRATI D NEWS. PAPER ir.aine unchanged at the für-of P i-j.i u Aget.t, unable to pr^cur-- ft at the, utual price, ran get their aupplie* at the pub.i> e'lon office. No Ji Frankfort at , at 4M p«r hundr. d. R> ady at 7 tfi look thi* momicg O WHOLESALE STATIONERS. BOOK- . ELLERS. AND THE TRADE GENF.RALLT. THE CHEAPEST ENVELOPE HOUSE tTIH UNITED STATES. We would retpectfiilly coll the attention of the trade to the avality, i: and exteitive ... rv l of our machine-made ENVELOPES. The nnrivaled facilities whkb we poiieas for man ifactorin| enable as to DEFT COMPETITION. Samplet forwarded free of expene*. Wn would alao call the attention of the trade to BRYAN k WfIeCOX'8 celebrated WRITING FLUID AND INK. fcr whkb we are the Sola Agentt. BUTLER 4 BRYAN, _Noa. 22 aud »4 NewYorB NEW MEDICAL BOOK for BOTH SEXES, on »peci.l, uervoua anl other diaeatet their .ymp- leasgL prevention and cure. A valuable work for tingle and umrried, the prematurely debilitated, and thote t tenop ,..... mairiuge Priced. Poa'age 8 thr... ut Stamp*. Addret* the Author, C. D. HAMMOND, M. D., No 61 BltMotker-.t,, New-York._ Dtutioncrp ano fawn (Boob*. rjASB BUYERS, ATTENTION' T>. M . KNIQHT m <! o . Have now laeeffed their entire itoek of Fa'l Imp cl tti njt, are now ready to *SwI their extentiv AseUTtaiettt of F A N O Y GOODS At the vtry low«»t price* TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS iu tmmj variety of Pattcrni and Style. PORTEMONNAIES. BAGS, RETICULE! aal PER¬ FUMERY of rverj lasmlatlua Alao, STAPLE (iOODS of dl kiuds-imh at SEWING CO'ITONS, NEEDLES, HOOEi anl EYES, PINS. WHALElloNE, THREADS f.r EMBROIDERY, fcc Selling at Greatly-Reduced Prlaas, Ut correspond with tbe tinici, by 1». M. KNIGHT k Co., _No. 91 Veaey it New York. LANK-BOOK«, STATIONERY, JOIV- PBINTING at No. döMAIDKN-LANE.-City and Country Trade etipplied .our Printing Oftioeaiid Bindery,uitJelo w.u. New Type, Steam-Power. Ac., enable m to e\e. iite wirk i* low price*. Older* aoliotted. FRANCIS a LOUTREL. Stationer* and Printer*, No. 44 Maiden lane. printing. BAKER A GODWIN.TRIBUNE BUILD¬ INGS..ExtedWe Steara Bonk and Job Printing Eibabliih- ¦tent.uuiurpetied by any In the Ui,i..u for the neat and pr mpt llccution of EVERT VARIETY of PRINTING, from tbi .mallcit Card or Label to tbe Large,t Bill or Book.«11 at tba Loweat Caah Pricea. Alao, Lithography, Engraving Elect*-* .yplt g. Eluding, and Blank Stationer*. BAKER fc GODWIN. Albane Bultdlnga ¦^NORAYING and PRINTING..WEDDING, jTj VISITING, ADDRESS and BUSINKSS CARDS, and every de.riiptiou of KNiiil AV IN J and 1'RlNTING, in tbe bent »ndrheap. it manner. Order* hy mail eoliated. Information and ,L in i it applied for with P ut Olli «e it amp*. _WM. N DL NN ELL, No. 1113 Broadway. JOHN A. GRAY, No. :nT> BROADWAY, and Noa 18 and 18 JACOB > r can COMPOSE, 8TEREO- f YPE, PRINT, RULE and BIND anything required, at tb* SHORTEST NOTICE, and in tbe »ery BEST STYLE. Hut facllitie* are the MOST EXTENSIVE In tbe city._ MERCHANTS and ALL OTHERS, ATTEN- TION: Bill Head*, Cirdi, CircuUir*, Che. ka, Noto*. a:. I every other k'nd of Printing, done in be-iutiful atyie at low priiea, at IIOLMAN'S Steam Job-Pruiting Eetabliatuneiit, for.,, r of Elm and While *t*., one block from Broad STATIONERS' Noa l~4 and 176 Pearl-at, New Turk. J A. H. HAdbROUCK. PRINTER. LITHOGRAPHER and STATIONER. All k'n'.a of PRINTING azi rataw in the beet atyie, with COPPBR FACED TY I'E. at the lowert ratea pRLNTING by STEAM.Ct.piwr-luced i'Yl'E. HALL, Clianccs for Easiness Ilten. AN orr< iRTUNITY thnt is *eldom OFFERED .For S '.I.E. ti.. STOCK sad VIXTUREf .n aw tt Ikm be.t MILLINERY si FANCY STORES far eeatral N-w-Y rkj .to< k «mall, new, ai i faaki nable. uaitsaisfi IfM e|a*»: raaawa for »t llitic fxT lit hlth For further iiit'orinetion addr--" O, tit'. n*Ja l'o-t OBtoe, M .utgotn. iy Co N. Y._ PROPOSALS will In* rt'tvived ut the CoBtaia* »»ry (It nerai'« OBkol in thi. i itv 0sswi of Elm an! Wklt*> .ta, fum thia ileto up to the 24th of Oi tobcr in*t fr& IITI for a STATE AliSF.NAL. llBI>»< on or b t»e«n the 2d and Mh-avs, and between Utb and IJdi'.a, wbicb (ball be »i Ii f. i: f:..ut .1 the avenue and lfm f. et deep Tit'e mu.t be m xi. ptioi able, and term* ca»h on delivery of th- d--d Pr MMlt t bs indorwl " Prop-nal* for Site tor Slate Ar mal'' BF BRITE. > r IIW'K 'U S.-KN j. höh art ward, y Ne» V :k. Oct. 14, I8.Ö. TO EDITORS and PUBLISHERS..Wantod, r t'l ICH \SE an INTEREST In an eatablUbed NEW S PAPF'.R tdit->ritl occupation being inuecttd therewith. A.I- ata** "Box l.r I raat Di «, Htm Y.-rk City." ._................_.._._________ 1XTANTED..Any frersiui with a stinK eapttal, v v wUhirg to engere in a salt, iv e»*nt and ptotitabie CAsIl BUSINESS will do well to rail on KNAPP, WALBRIDl'E k Co., No. 58 Cedar-«t- do {eOrjom it mi.Tj (Toncern. CAl TION.Ml mm CHARLES IL THOMP- SON, a mioor, having left hl« fath- r and refaaet to *ubmit t hi* control «rad\iie. a1, period are cautioned againtt harbor- inn or trusting him on mj . mm\ a* I .i ail piy no dehn 4 h i ..utra.tlif. N. B TUOMPSgN. MONEY ! MONEY !.MDUcbm of DoIInrs uq claimed Dividend» *nd Stock iu the Bank of England a'id Public Fund*. Advertised litt* of upward V l oO naui-> in ?eeu at the N. xt ct Kin and Ueialdry Omm, II HAYS. N 327 Brt adway, New-York. Letter* requiting amwer* innjt in- -e *> I. MR. SAMUEL TRI VET r, lite* öf Skjerwixid Hill, Nottiiigb*m, England. Ii rev»-*ted to return to Not- ttiigbam inxmediate^r, to receive property left him by a!* father, and to write home to aay he i* coming. Hi* pretence i* india- penaeble. J'OTICK.-Tl,f> ( REDITOIfS .f WILLE Rj A I Co. are satjaaata*! to m-et tbem ,t the Mercantile Library. Aitor place Broailwav. on sei nd day. MOSDAY the 19th idt., at 7j o'clock p m..New York, lOtli uei., Oct. 13, 1857. PIANO - lIKUAMgUK..A «enUeMiiai mVAmJ a Mt rhaiiicai P ano ,,f the mai.uuv tu « of Debain of fu ; would ike to me, t tt-ith mother gentleman poaae*»iiix a tin. lir initiument, with wliom he might make temporary or perrniu. l4 ex. hange, of p atei. Addict. THOMASSON, Box No. loS Tribune OUice. rpHE PRESCRIPTION f.-r makioc l»r. DESI"' J. LIEF. PRESF RV I NO LUNG SIRCP, for the ;n- sf O *uu.| tion. Oaatya* Cold*. Bronchitia. A'thma. Nerv utaett mi OsasSSl DskilitJ ~*° be tent to ell Mr.-*- >f .-Large*. T .e uid ITnotSI'l obo-.t U> do good unload afflicted. Addr- <. B T BSV, M. D No. IM Riving'on S t l .rk, with return potttge. filacbinrrri, Srt 7-OODWORl H PLANERS at MATrEAWAH, y. and No. 12 Courtincdt *t- N-w York. BAMUEL B. aCHXNCE- Drp ©0000 $CO(),0(K) WORTH FALL AND WINTER CLOTHINO TO BE BOLD OUT AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. In view of t*e FINANCIAL PANIC, tad oft«« tact that 1*- may continue acme week* nger Muio ..» .. _t . ,:. im menee .'.'«'k at) band too late in toe, we have concluded TO CLOSE IT OUT AT ONCE. I: cot .:.!. af a *'.*."fe a.eortmec: of -very i*ecrip-;.-n if ELEGANT FALL AND WINTER GARMENTS, Mannfactured with area: tatte, either from good* f OUR OWN IMPORTATION OR 0&TTING UP. A!>o a toperb ttork of FURNISHING GOODS SHIRTS of MB own mar. it*-rire, ROBES, SHAWLS, glove?, Lc. Tbe MONEY of ALL SOLVENT BANKS .r. tru and the «unou-ding State« TAKEN AT PAR. Wi tare on band al.o a Urg- >t ^1 of VERY LOW PRICED COTHIN3 I<>r SOUTHERN AND WESTERN TRADE, which we wiil ,-Ioae out to deaiera A: a very HEAVY PERt ENTt II LESS than COST. D. DEVLIN fl CO., CiBTBBB Broadway and Warna -t N. Y. A ft. A. AR.VM'X. « B«oar»-ii- r St. N r at R ft) A CARD. In conaequence of the late h-avj f*;. rea ;r. toe OKNTLE- MEN'S FURNISHING 00 »IH Baa, «wl IB* g-ee* «jaitt ta made st the auction >a>a oftboee gocdt, we BBV* detenained to offer, for the next tixty day, PGR CAStl ONLY, BSf Jip rM and un.qualed ate- k kof tho.e O'vd* at .-a* pri than Ir original Boat, Our ttock b*a been *el* ted with great care, the r»a .:¦: I of our bout* demanding that only the riueat and beat Gc .. made ibould be offered for tale by ut. The redurt'on of prt-e U r-al, tbe Ooodl are aiijfr»aha-.<l M 9 and we now atlord an opportunity at-ldo..-. v/:th tj tb'.ain tbe rinett OVoda at >«« pricet than c-ihxa.-y .ata bring '.-J«r more faorable circr.rr.«t«.n e. We Oi t ea BAJOL 'S GENTLE MESS KID SLOVBB At ti rente. CARTWRIORT k WARNER'S MERINO UNDER kl ME NTS at «I 1"> for Wrapper, and Bl «0 ft r Drawert. dressing ROBES .Mtiuf *tfto Bit fit *.?. D t». MORNINti JACKETS for #3; cat +7 50:.. «VI HALF HOSE, beat Bri-iah make, c ttu.g *: V? to BS for to til 50 a doaea ENGLISH SILK MACINTOSHES, it ug $IS M Imp-rt, fnt BIO. SUPERFINE THREAD-LINED GLOVES, from V .-.nt* ELEGANT NEW BTTLB VELVET Til.-;. tt .ii i< at *: 25. now for Bl FRENCH FANCY S'HRTS BBBt t: M to .-^foil, for Si loM lint of flES. CJt A VATS. STOCKS. bbi CbbbbHc RAHDRERf SIEFS, I. -o. rtd HANDEERCHISFS, RIDING 0LO\ ES, O aun TLl'.TS. f i: :ne,l GAUNTLETS, a..U a large aaa MBMBt la whi h L-.diea .in ri id CR WATS IUITABLB FJR B0Y8, F< r ii fill* eacll. 0»<e P«;c£, a\o »og Con cm v. It'll ARDSON' IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, Be. Tbe public will pleaie b-»r in mind that tna GENUINE HOODS art alwaya aealed with 'he full HiaMBM f tbe Crrr, v'*.t RICH ardson. SONS It 0wd£N. J. BULLOCKE k J. B LOCKE agents, No 36 church ST., nf OA barclay. Spool cotton for 0 SEWING MACHINES AND nAND SEWING. . _, ORRJÖ * MACNAUQIIT'H [ SUTERIOR IMPltCVED SCOTCH SIX-CORD «0 YARDS V arrant.,! Six C«;d to No fin. incluaive. Twenty number! above other Thread .old aa Six Cord Fall aatort aenta, No. I lo Na UP, or toiid fiuile uuaiber a,e. t tb'a auperlo." arli .* I'jow preferred fur Stwmg Ma hine*). regoUily ia BtocB a-i IN MM by AL5X lN.)r!rt KNOX. No. J Fine*;, Haw-1 rk, G- neral Ageut ( r Orr. it Matuaugot, i. ..». Invoirea of tlie above, on bai daome atnad wh.te »pco.., t .»t leceived per .t-amara New York, Edinburgh and Giaagow. great reduction.. The following go nla will be offered f ,r tbia week at tf.-ee price., via: Bla.k lace VAILS, SoBB SIM ft V. formerly acid frcm Bl * to #6. B.a.-k THREAD VAILS, fool .fUe.. ( r «5. Application POINT SET.-, from fb Vj Bi2, formerly ft to BIB. * Point aqi ille sets, in to *». f.rmc-!, $x m »70._miller k grant, No. 701 Brv>d*«y. HEAP 5 0 ODS FROM AUCTION. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT BONNET RIBBONS, BLACK VELVET RIBBONS DRESS TRIMMINGS, kA, kc, ft*, AT VERY LOW PRICES, ii orrixED it EASTMAN, BIOSLOW i. DAYTON. _NO IT MURRAT-ST sear Broadway, N. T. A ( A R D . - aM. AUCTION PRItES FOR ( ASH At the reqi e»t of a large n .'jiber of dealer., 11 enable »hern to aele t for them*.'.vea pr.iaely the a-ti ie< they, we mmt no- coLtinne our Auction «... at preaeLt, but cl«.,e cur »tu, k of DRY GOODS AND ( \RPETS pr> mp-lv at Private Bala f ,r CASH. nobody will objelT to olr prices. S. B. CHITTENDPN k Co _N Vi Park-1 la DR V Q O 0D S CHEAP f r CASH.. CHAS HEARD ii Co., No. do i onto Sinn, will offer at retail, at) MONDAY. Oat 5, ¦.VOJMIO worth of new Fall t.vo Wivtsh DRY GO<lDS, P'jrchaaoii at th» re . FORCED AUCTION SALES, For Cub, at a di.w^nt of n> irjr Fun Pi » I »Wf on tbe rut of importation The fell iw'.r.g will give bot a fa Bl idea of tie inducement* oflered ' BB*BywaaBasSf«MtMl I c .tabhahment: J'« piece, el. fm;t FALL SILKS t.-. 3 I 8. 6 ö, up to tb« ri' he.t gocda in pv rted 1 0 pie, . ¦ L .pii/i » .per French MERINO. *t 7V. jmipiecawicePARAMATrA. ar 1% HB pie. DUCAL PLA'DS, »Sc. M 4* *t!2r- lWi piece* fine all wool DELAINES, plain ooifWa, a: »<u BM piece, printed DELaINES, M !»'- KB pie.-. , Merrim»;k and CoaBMO PRINTS. It I B I pie, e, Emli.h PRINTS, at -i, boo pi.-, m Eogii.h bla. k and white PRINTS, at .' Together with 5o aaae* and ba>, of brown and bleached SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS. RED and WHITE FLANNELS. CANTON FLANNELS, BLANKETS, he, all cf which we Will a»;: at tb» low»»- p- «lible price, FOR CAS rl _CHAS. HEARD k Co., Nu 301 Grand-it. VMHR« I1DER]Ks LOWER THAN EVER. U RIBBONS ;,t. Li -iuglvCh-ar ..... LE BOUTILLIEB BROTHE1S, No. 3o> (Old No 6«) Cut! «t. and No. |7 Howard-rt. /JEN in9, " V* N«.3l» BROADWAY, Gpp.t:t.-8-. Pv.:-*. VillOLl. sTecK ro be S'.LO BELOW COST BlfJOtOO LADIES' FUSS, 25 per cent beo.w »p- In* rn -«- Sftf.BM SOFT HBti, u. At «reducti. n of Bl to Bl lo oa every 11«. ? le.Oe« BOYS' HATS and CAPS. Under ej»t of materiala _ . »5,000 CHILDREN'S FANCY UATJ, at an tmeoepee redu-tion .- Salet to commence THIS DAY, and to continue . | OtTOBER. -. IftitU h-greatett opportunity for 'adie* *cl timet have yet ( ffered J. N. OENIN. f B BOUTILLIEB BBOTHIBI -Li Bftat ÜM greatt-t iBdicemeBU .._a TO ALL PERSONS' WANTING DRESS GOODS, Ha\irg REDUCED THEIR ENTIRE STOCK. wtth art any Cort. SILKS of aii kirdt merinof.S. FLtlD MEBlSOBS. DE LAINES, ribbons, EMBRO OERIES. 1.1:. _Sx 305 ,olC No. 60) Can,: tt. and N » 4. H.waid-tt REMOVAL. ~~~~ B73,000 STOCK OF CARPETS. CLEARING OUT SALE, AT REDUC ED PRICES FOR CASH. The tnbacriber intending M move in January to rtore, now building (No 27« Canal and No H B.MJM Broadway ai d Elm .t), bow *fTert Bit anure tt*ck of CAR¬ PETS. IIBMrtta« ,f \v;veta Tapettry, J ply and Iaraln Car- Be*^ Oil Clotha, R ig. Mat*. Tab.e «n/ Piano Cover*, Bo.ll, Droggett. fcc, ,t great.y reduced »ricat^ WJRWfMl» vlted to aa eapyninaLca. f*EO E L "V*". H.f- *+* f-d SM FXaJUeST C 0500,000. . P R Y GOODS AT RETAIL FOR CASH. IMPORTANT It LA D113 a-.d FIM: L! ES in NE W- TO RK and VICINITY. In ce***4u«n;e of tb« :p*rvle.*d derangemer.t of conj¬ ee. and rinan.e ttr'nge-'at the whole conutiy, EDWARD LAMBERT & Co., IVMlMAttf «'*-.«. *>D Joining or IILK an:» FANCY GOODS, Is Chamber, »f., Ht*« «'frraiined on bTerteg ON WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14, AT RETAIL ro» SIXTY DAYS ONLY. Urge and a age .*. -*nt tHo-'k of SILK AND FANC Y DRY COODS. In tie Latsi Stonr, 6:te-l up for the purpote. No. 334 BROAD .VAY, Corner cf Wortb-st, FOR CASH ONLY, ONE DEVIATION, Embrving. 10,000 piece* Plain exd Fan'y SILKS. './<' SILK ROBES a V acta. J,m SILK ROBES. Broebe and B'ocade Byrad-ae SILKS, Dark and Light Coli>d P.»in TAFFETAS, Mourning, Flounced SILKS. MOIRE ANTIQUES, i.e. 1.500 Jacfj .aidSaiiii LONG SHAWLS. Egtin-'y new. b>0 Cbenille-Boid red STELLA SH AWLA Rich and new. HO Ch.u «H tH [ S H (h -o. r.. 1,000 Breche Bordered STELLAS. 500 Plaib-Bordered STE L LAS. Naw and elegtut. ion Brvbe LONG SHAW' S. 3,» Brock* SQUARE SH AWLS. P aid WOOL SHAW LS off every description. 200 Rih Paiit pattern VELVET CLOAKS. 20« Rieb Paria pattern CLOTH CLOAKS. A large aaa irtment of CbenliW SCARFS, jo«t arrived. Plainaad Prm'ed Ml SL'N DELAINES. Piain and Prinred C ASH Meues and MER1NOES. Single an,! d uble wid.h All-Wool PLAIDS. Frtuch and liiah SILK P )p'.:s-i SATIN delaines and merinoes. Om' s»?i. strip i * Wool DELAINES, AnieLne, Poplin and d-laice Bayadere ROBES A Ql'iLLE. Cr Odier Frei >h PIC NTS Trim ROBES A QUILLF. It :i Plaid VALENCIA, Be. MafTof".et» printed ROUES DE CHAMBRES. I.OOOdoieuFreuchLnwn Eiobr .i V -1 HANDKERCHIEFS. 1/00 dc/en French Lawn HemMit. bed H ANDKERCIIIEKS. 1 000 dozen Fren-h Lawr. CorOd border HANDKERCHIEFS. AO'.O dojen Plain lad Fad J Lanoi.Caiiibrlo HANDKER¬ CHIEFS. jen p'-ce* Ri harden'. Fwly and Medium LINEN. CURTAIN DRAPERIES of all kind*. Crinoline er.d crinollr.. SKIRTS in every variety. Chauti'Jy ard Ere' el '.. »ATE VAILS. A larre MMftamt of Swl»* and Jac net COLLARS, SLEEVES and SETS. .MULL and CA.MBRD Btabtt i-red BANDS. Alio a tplendid Lr.c of Frcn. h EMBROIDERIES. a am ice »-¦ ifuatul f T .lie, Moaa.Ifae ai.d TarVane ROBES A VOLANFES 'or Evening dr***»i. ac. 1... fca, 1c All of wbieb wir. b- aoiJ at and below TH . COST Of importation. Pur :ba»er» wUI ll dkere tb< richest AND most k i.e(I ANT styles if goods rwtr broagnt into rbli »uufry, and will hatetbi* i»r-.ep rtun.'y t ».. .ir'ng STYLES that are eutireli ,-.,. troiwd by in iMwMehca net be Mead in any Retail ll..,, in the Unit -1 Stab ,. Tlta Baet ROBES A QUILLZ an j.*tiaud-d, end-heouly t*y>i fi the kind in the .u-crv \AM9tmm hajous kid gloves. The be»t make th.t no« com«« t > thi* country, for SE\ ENTY-EIVE t EMS A PAIR. The tfore will open *l 9 a. in. and clc»e at "> p m. OCTOB E ): l A, i - 5 :. JOHN M VW IEI I Co. IMPORTERS OF MEN s FURNISHING GOODS. Ni n vTAiaa* it., New ffer kf wholesale dealer, 'he entire balance of their Fall Bteek. !OE*i«ting of II siery, olovea, S upeuder«. Tie«, Cr« vat*, 8.-art Shaw.«, I«... a? aatATLV nun n> Plicut rog .SPECIAL NOTICE.- >j BAJOU OlrOVES. B'ljera of t'm article ibo id be w«L a*i>irt-d they are gi-ttlnf the genuine GLOV E, «t.jnp d wi-.'j llie »ignature " BAJOU,'' who h -ach pair eoutaine, tu pentact fbeeoeoleee agale.k aaaae) lot* offered at r* J i'-eJ price,. The OMafM Wh «ball OFFER ON WFÜNESUAY are Ml on.; geLiiine, but are of E.\<!LI I1VJ IB IDES, .neb at will lotfcl (mzi\ in any lUaB honae in the city. EDtVjYEO LAMHHRT k. Co., No. Nf Broadway. CT ELLA SHAWLS. D BEOCHX SHAWLS, PLAID rttlAWLS. LE BO'JTILLIER BROS., N A.A .0..1 N-. 6») Caua" ,t arid No. t7 Howard .t. (i\ ill inert), «£"c. M IL LIN ER Y..OPENING, GREAT OPEN- INO.MILLINJ ET.THISIMY Southern »ud Bfaft- Mi'lme-, knd the pnkUc will p,ea*e call. L. BINNS, No. 401 H nUiu tt. Ciotliing. ARCHIBALD YOUNG A HOAGLAN will SELL their large WHOLESALE STOCK ofCLOTHINO .t RETAIL, for Ca»h. All kind, of money taken, No. 311 Broadway, over the Mercantile Agency. AT NET COST for CASH..Wc niiitiinie to lefl oor newly made St..-k mt MEN and BOYS' WINTEI CLOTHING at net -oat Per* in. wantii« ig.wd article of City Made Clotting wil. find there no de'eption by ealllag at No. Ill Faiton-at._HEW IT V CARLSON. E- X TE N S I V E STOCK of ( LOT HI NO it WHOLESALE and RETAIL .TAYLOR, DICKSON. GRAVES a Co Nie. 23 and 23 Dey at, will af*Wth irenhre Mot k ...CLOTHING, a* above, fir wbi-h the bill* of the Bank* of thi* State tvll! be tak-n in paTDicut Th -y will aJ#o recei .e tbia ttat. '. mrney in paym-ft of ftotaa and accoun*.. ft*w CONGRESS GAITERS, Fail St)let, wCFeO" " now ready lla tl ON D" .ble eoled Water-proof Sew-d BOOTS a: ti W, *t JONES'S, No. 10 Ann at., near the kl CfeQCl. .faro anb Kobcs. ? >kw.«r BROADWAY .WILLIAM MOSER raw rjfj'f fets, durtac tne ¦ stk I oekator, the oheape»t and richett »»o-'k of line F' %8mtoffefad In thi, city, and mam at red In Um atwent la. Ai: ^f wbioh will be »oid be../ tUntrrjce, Jftrjflrn, &t. WATCHES bdU JEWELRY at BARGAINS.. Y T The ,ube riber, In bu*inea« ia Weil-t. for the paat 19 y. ar, hi .-: raw* v. i tnrte invjl of Gold *ui Silver WATCHES ind JEWELRT, »hieb mn.t be aoid before the IC*h of December, and he '.% *ew i' mm a* u tel lea* than the Ignalpi ¦ GEO C. ALLEN, bnp rterot' Watche* ani Jewelry, Wool, .a e and Retail, Nc 1*. W. .. Mfnva*. :.ear BrMulway. füöt anb fonnb. ' OST.A CERTIFICATE for Thirty Shani -A NVw-Yotk tad N -w Hav-u Railroad Seek, No 3 809, ul" of Alfred M. Tvdwell, the 'ramfer of whi b ha* been npped» rttavnlaid miaeatetoHOPKINIfg S> H Muchan**' Ex. bauge, will kaI anMj reward.¦<.'. 0l'ND-0n the id \uit, a SUM of MONEY. T I at an ha-.-e it by pr' mg property and piyi' i ai pmil on applying to JAMES FRANCIS, No Xi BllItliaM. F lilisccliiincons. DR. GOURAIDs IT.VLIAN MEDICATED SOAP I' '.nlverially acAr. .wledged to be, par exc«)Uene% the only article extant for the complete removal of all nah di» nguremen'* of the «bin a* appear in the ahap* of piuiplaa. tan, frecklea, lunburn and morpbew. Dr. G * Poodrei Subrllea are eqially temarkable f.r the icrpr. c proaertle* they pttaatt in in.tantaxeonaly removing lapertioon* hair, without inj0*7 to the ,kin. c«n be aeen teated. Hi* Vegetable Liquid Rouga for Imparting to the cheek and lip a bnl'iaat, permanent, aaat Bttural tirge, U lui generia; Jao, Lily White, Hair Resto¬ rative, Hair Dye, Oiiectal Cream. 4 A rent*. Callrnder, Philadelphia: Bäte«, Boston; Green, Worcester: Cartoon, Lowell; P ,t, Ro- bester; Mr*. Maya, Brooklvn, and at Dr. T. FELIX GOURAI D'S Old E,tab> iilied Def<.:, Rt ',7 i r i' Ira) MOW lr> m Broadway. GfBEAT DEDUCTION in FAMILY TEAS ¦ GROCERIES PUOVR, MOLASSES, FAMILYFLÜLR, RICE, *.. -G.*d Brown s.garaj to 8 cts. a pound; Lifbt C w f»e b>.««.- ¦> to 10 ta hT...-'Y.>'.uabys«n. Hywai and O Teat, fa eta rii itlt li ¦¦¦iMIiiTi tall. b> J o. ro* ymm k Co., No*. 2oCi and fjta«aa it _. DO G88S BYE RREA3 WHEN WHEAT BREAD CAN . fc HAD -The greatUftHBS ae-erue and tcnie, r.« u a .re c.4 J ^ 4a4 cur. i Dy.pep.-», tndof ,,.«n b.4. Wbeat'eVkUky. i».-a^ai*d %^^^£5^t Na M rr^:<%. Ml ALADY d-wrr-« a Situaln.n in % \V»*tow0r'ri family. t4tawrtalHBTRCCT4 fllLDHKI. || iiwli NadIBB tnoiiilk again ¦ . I ^ W .( !«>' .ave irrem, enlary ao oSjevt. Adereae tC L>, kW Me. Aiel Peat CraVa. ATOUVG LiJy. .. Mtft* of Paria, «iah*« Ut obtain u. FNOAGFMENT in . a- Bool orBwaOy. A«4/.«« Mm E C, Wo. 134 Tut Od«. «loud city rWerriMM. ALADY w «h-« to obtain i>niplovme*it aa a copyist ap, y 11 a M il N ¦¦ S >h ay_ ARKsrKCTAHl.K Oirl want* . «.tu.trot, Nt RSK ut SEAMSTRPSA MM Ml af I Beep from IU birth; baa Uv.d I, .,,. .;4r.. .ve year* Oo4 ..4> r- f, rem.. I an he e~» ». No. tt Wee* lfiu-JL tW two daye. ARESPECTABLE T.»tin_ <;Trl wau't a atoatroa) at Nl 18E. CUAMBKBvilD ,.r *: r H Caa ba teen »t her pioent employed No. \ i ».,a, js< h ARB8PBCT1 ULI Girt wants . »Ml to Jt CHAMRERUORK and TAKE care of children oi HOUSEWORK » «nali prtva'e family, -Uj rttar- pr.-.t from her but piece. Cut lie teen lot' tro dayi H\| ^ IM »t.. between "th and t"th avt A~8 LADY " MAII» o7sKAM<TR^T<S^aMVi7 PleM Making end HaltDreaeiogi w\V :*kt .Mm .«f .' tt d ,r il\ .' '. '. r ttke Ii»-. i the litten reo« et° . kiteli baa lued eeverel vetr* In b>:k oaaadtieai aichleetl-a to 1'... the city, aa a ttrady borne it her cie-f ohr" «. TV* b- <a rtfeteice glTeo. Caa be teen for lt< d»»e, at N > II llth tt. SITUATION WANTED.-By a rentable. yourg Wernau, at LAUNDRESS, t'an be »eea at »«i preteut p aoe. No. lap 2d at., (V<r two dajt. The b. it < I, rrten ace gjvtn_ SITUATION WANTED.By 1 rr-p^itar^PKr*- tttaiit yvuug Women, to do OENER tt. HOUSEWORK for a wall laiully. Cah tor I* o day. at Nu Tip. Wtiatajiun e»., li.t flocr, back roeni. WO RESPECTABLE young tre.-ruan OH. a ih tituatioBt Wether, in a private family, oua a* CwOK, VA VSIIFR tnd IHONFR. the other a. CH AMMERM AIR bs« SEAMBTRK8B bat li\id three yrart 'n b.-r !a*t pia- *. Call »t No. iS4, J3d at, between Trh and ttk eve._ IVANTED. Bv a rvap»vtabet? Woman, who in " iintiliallaftiiai it iKaatlia n *"IT tfl'BfT lu> m in at No. If.' We.t IrJih Mi w AM KD.A Mtimimi bv a r.'-xvtti'lt) y«>M0al W,n .i. t.< do the COOK 1 NO*. WAt'lINO and IRON INO «f a »ent!eoiai> . fan.ily Haa the atül -\ '. .¦..m -n .'. at to bararter aud capahiUty, and ha. no aMaiaaMa to Uta «oautry. Call at No. ltd Eaat .Nib tt \\*ANTED.Hv a rouua Qirl, .t aituation aa M Nl RKK and PLAIN SEAMrVTRe.-W. »r to 4> CHAM BUtVt UKK an W.MTIN«» A h one .u .|« «>i oS|e-t tVi*a waft. Appiy a' No if U.s at. wVMa rei,teu,e(ivea. IVANTED. A »ftution M LAIMEÜ' MXtl). r T !,v a re.prvtable I'n.teatant \ W>»nau; atw U M ilrout to Travel. Ple.ea call at No I 'O Wett JTlh et. awd na> qmr. for Mrt. WALES. WANTED.A aituation, bv a nmpevMbla 0*>r- f T man Oirl, to aa CM AMBER\VOKK aud to aaalet la tha t\ ASHING and IRONING, aud i. aiUtnt to do CHkMBER- WORK in a »mall private family. Apply at No. 14« Eatt M.h- .t between l»t and Jd-ave. WANTpD. A lUTiiianefit «ituatiun BB DKE"j>- D MAKER and Hr.AMSTR K.SS or LADY'S M AID. Caa iliett hair and ni.broider perfectly, ind'ittaud* her bn.ioc, ¦Bi hat the b-.t ol ally reference. Cui| of a Idreaa a Bole, I .., önw. at No. Af>: 7'h av , betwe n ;.'d aud J <ta ANTED.A eituiition a* t 1IAMHKUMAID and to do PINE WASHING, or at LAUNDRKnv, .-a tie 11 tt of city ret', reuea. tall at No. »¦ Eatt I'ah at. bear the cd at. Can be teen for two day.. U'ANTED.By a respectable i'ulor«» Man. t tltiiatlon at WAITER in a piivtv | « a,| at N> KM WeM l«th tt., r<ar, 2d ft «or. \\ ANTED-Hy nu Encliah Wi.low, a ait .tti.-rt TT at HOUBEKKEPER to * aaM at boardiu i aoute, .* TAKE CHARGE rf . Wldower*t EaaMlyi at wni'd «w aa parae Tka W.tol ity reference tivcp. App y at N>». I«' SdVav IV'ANTED.A lituatiou by Iwa re.a .tablei vT ymiui W. man. .. i >¦¦ 1K o,.'er.'a"d. Co >kina in all i t irai che.; the other a. NURSE and U> d PL tIN SEtV- IN'G r I H AM P fr'R WORK. Bett of ei'r , jpg CtB U N, in. Ka«t llth at , betw, en lit and . I at. Can be «>n ti.r two dayt 'AN'1EI>.A ailuntion by afl EajHah Protr»- «tut Girl aa CHAMBERMAID and W \ I TER..» «. M KSK. an. 1 do flam Sewing Inn take aatrat * Habt of a io, ib'« Mge. and <au bring It up by hand If »¦>|ulrad. VVilltug to travel. Can be teen antil etuaged at No. i 8tb at. IV ANTED.A aitiiation u WET Nl Tt«E, by a T* itaaatdaMayiHiiif married Woenu, with a freth bveitt ol n il*. Hat letelj lo.t her own bahr. Call at No. IGoereket., Y\rANTED.A ntaatioa by a yoiini{ Woiiitn, aa TT SEAMSTRESS nnd DREISMAKRK. in « pttraU faani'y. One who tkorcagcly nnderataad. her builntta G,khI :tv reference jiveu. Call at No. Jit Ut av., near ITth »t for two daaBj_ U'AMI D A oHntttprwr aa IIOI MKHKKPKK, i r by an Ameiican Woman; bat bad eivea tta/i' <\f rierce, aud would do the t'amlly't S-wlug Beat of city rater, euoe. Call at No. 2*110th at, over the ana ttora, for lav* dayo No Otjecttoa to go to tlie country. WANTED-A aituiitiim, l»y a yoimt» Woman, tti T T ifl 01 Nt HA I, IIOI SEWOHk ma >iu .11 pritata fam¬ ily ia a good 1'ialn Cook aad a good VVatb, r Bad ti mer. G .»I ttj ii taitace an he gi\-u. Cah for t> I Jay«.t No. lit Wo a- t( j »t , 3 do< it beh w Amlty-tt flout batvuient. iV'ANTEli.Hy a \niing PfOtrMtBBv Qiri, a aitu TT atitu a. CHAMBERMAID, or NUMB for chlldraav. Call at No. X ( llntou-plac., ¦ kg |a tue v.iy be.t uf reference WRlBt g.\e». hy th te with » bom »h« It new linug. WANTED^.Bytw»i^»BBee?abai für!«, «ituttian« oneatNl BaK; la aaad to taking aataal a '...»',,... pwo aioatka old j U b neM Plaia 8<wer. Lat the be^, r^»,,,, itei dntn n of city and country, fbeotaer to KITCHEN UGllK Of tin koaaeworkW a .mall Aiuiiy; uoieretao It bak'i g Caa he teen for two, If not «agag.d, at No. 30 W< n .Ml »t., netriith av. WANTED.A aituation, by a reaiiey-tablei ytHjntt Wimm, a. an erperlenced, gool CnuK, wool/ unit ' A\ ittmU t a .1 wi-li I'm b. .t '; .r. front In r laM place. Call at No. It't Ä'.h tt, near .'d ,, ta>:oud Boor, faoitt room. . VV.\NiTED.A fituatmn by a ri'.tne«'Ubit) Oirl tu TT d t HA.MBERW ORK and PLAIN SEWING Woulo? eaal.t in taking BBfB oi cbildrrn or would do h-eiae work iti a ? rr.tll gniteel family. The very be.t of d'y reference given. Call at No. 247 Bah at, earner of Mreav w A TANTED. By a I'ruteat irit yimtiK Wodmo, * r tltuatloti at SEAMSTRESS audCH tMBERMAIJ.aa.l w< old aaaitt in the Care r,f Children; hia oo obja -t >a to go . thort di.tanee in the countiy. Call for two day. at Ni 81 Pop¬ lar mi Br< okUn. The beat of city n fereuc » given. Y01 NO Mau of n-gpr-i-tability, aije A 8ALKS- MAN in a U-hloiiablo C'iothii.g Store, w'abea to Uaua*. UATIOS ia a i-wp etoWt latikKt la taie tapaalty. a SITUATION in a reap catablithment. A'dr-.t J. K-. Tribune Offi AGOOD npB>h i.t SERVANTS ain now it Nu. Ui'b av.. and No j.Vi H w. ry, near 4th t'., wanting em- ployaMat Many are we); rec rmnendod aa 1 will Be 4 i th ii.' derate wage. Ml the city or country. C. MASON. AN Italian OfB^MBBBB vyihiM vvi'li to meiet with f- Trail-t " TEACHER af ITALf t H and LtTIN i LABBII B lie .p-nk. Engllth at ft'ietitly at hit own satirn toagBB. No objection to be employed io hotel, or meroatitue Bot let ii. tny fitbt work. Good recoiumenda'doaa. Addrata A A i f M. Counell, etq , No. 125 fl.eei.w h tv. ASITI ATI* >.V wrmtevl by a re«pei-.i%ble3 ywunif Man a. OACHMAN, who underetand. ht. b »alBtM w- ind baa tha katt oi rrta nee, and It a good Ba-il-r. Apply m Hv. tl Greeawick tt. at the American InduttiUl Aaa«e;la'Jo... ABMART, ai-tivo yiiiing Mim «vante<i ia a 8b»t»- Broker'BsaVakB a t at CLERK -on« wlllin« to taaV« ¦.required, aalary 0t>> per month. Apply . : j-ö Bowery, eftety* m. I/AM1EIE8 in want af HXLP ihonU apply at the oW.-e of the AMERICAN AND PXWBttltl EM PLOTMEHT SOCIETY, Nu«. Uand It BlUa Hooaa, Aato» place, m. re there arc at present from W) to 10glxit of all de- BCBUaHeaa. with Brst-elaat referen-ea. MRS. YORKSTON. Super!i ndent JAT10HAL SCHOOL AOENCV, No. >ir.i _\ Broadway, by RICE k ANDREWS..Teachett BBB et Udl in: jioo d, partment of laBtraetlBa. lafot* . ' ii,i:mm for Tea< Lt i«. In tt,.. i th. r Ste'et. llbettll t rtfafaflaMe HELP ONE ANOTHER IpaahjIMtf [tttt to Pan Ml -." king echooli l< r their Children._ K NO CHANGE fi.r*G00D SEEVANT8-AI thn HEW DOMESTIC INSTITUTE aad HOME. H». IJl llth t i einer af hth-av , whieb It now open to ike p.ioiM; with an abuudanc. of ctrll. capable help at molarate waft The pr- pr.etcrt have de. ide-l f> make it a free Int'lt jte to all em- ;, > rt. Mipef.:.!, uded by a reape«:table Amo.-l-au Lady. Call and are._ RECEH ERs, ASSIGNEES aa. Bto«rajrjJhH -. , rgag. - - . f a ^.peteat PK'" »-SSI0NA Is ACCOUNTANT M adyaal Book, and AconoU PPJJ^ <r in c*iae M HlMiatlaa, Of to eaannua and rrael a Ich have beeoje cnfa.ed or been atf-^J* . tel. by addrctii g the advertraer. B ,x Nc J,«", New Tor» To . f e»._ i SERVANTS in afaay capacity want aiDiatkooa at our oBW -The belt < free f t Jaaj ^ ,7hrN.w-Yark Jia-plorment ()«.-, No. «M Broad, PervanttittkeMw lota *-*"^ALf02, H.p^rUtawdWot. "ay_-. 11AK1 NOTICE..A very reapfrtabte eolrvn-tf M.^rwb'oU.e.B,r*4eat Wdter, wtAe. a SITUATION ;, . er ,,te ftn.i v ot taehelor ball Inquire at No. |»B Mi 2 eny i for PERRY R WICKB, at Maa.ty'a. THe r, ,,l, e c"y r fer-nre ad. be fi\tu_ IX) SCHOO!.- or PRIVATE FAMILIE?..4 Germaa Orgaal.t, nomarrled, thoroughly capable of TeacV Ii« Pin fcrte. Organ, Counterpoint and iinglng doelfea in e.-.-ei in rr.' iat. !y Into a School i.r Pamdy or get Lo-lgmi a.-l B'aid fr.rr-ir-'ln.truotfou Adlrt.i K I. , Metera. JldLti k Co fM .hlera, No. 138 Rr adway WANTED.A Pertrio aciiuaintril with th* T T PERIODK AL BUSINESS to e:t aa AOENriaHaw y rk end vi< ij.ity lor two popular Magajatae p*k:iaBBd in Botton Tub manof.nergy thlaofJ-rt a rare oP»**"***" '." »rgaie In a perman« nt boalneat for paTtkubvi ad Irin bauie- dintely W. GUILD h Co , lottoa.

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-10-15. · JojUiuIJ 11 »iUe».u.g her great and...

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-10-15. · JojUiuIJ 11 »iUe».u.g her great and highly.ueoeaiUl exer- ttona ka aaaa aaWoUsiper«.nation a* the limited number mi erii.eimngL

yoL. xvil.IS0* 5,141. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1857. PRICE TWO CENTS.

NTW-Y0jUvj31BUNErn, M«.vo«m daiL¥ rmh; nm

.rr..,--.I ««« MOBBING ..D EVKSINO,1* *»« e>n y rlcmrt,0

a* B0»*«"B OREEL El a Co,*¦* ""^"^n, »rro«i'( rHK citv

... _j 4,, t ttT Babe, ^rece «t It) wnt. per -*e_ M*

T^inlwt*'ua **> ¦ka'»Doe- *«rsia -.»*¦¦-..

HEW-VOHK VVKKH1.Y THIBl'NB,'""g|Y TARGE PAPER KOR TUR tOl NTRV.ia^-J every S»rv»D»v MoRNi*«., at '.he low price «f f *

_l*_»em 'i vt-Mi.«. Thre. Cop* . for *>V Kwe Cor.»»* for

¦TTT^m fo- Bl2. «,d a pap. r i. ,. . o r..e

Inn. the UWM for waL h .t i. paid. Adver-iwmer.t. In Tbe

Vferily totaa* voMOME L>uf.L\H LiNE for *«o* I.


tasatOeMd IVBSBav and r-..0«V .¦.»'^ _,,

Mtrjiw.. T-oC.pieaftrBS; Fiva G>pfoa for ." »

fjr I«p.« i, "it (Vnt*.-

III NKW.VOKK TRIBl'Wf./,.a*ra>rwL>c,,ne \*%m\* ~ - S'£t .h£

THE «:W.TOKR TKIBI>Uwon a;.ikorn.ia1i/>RcK<;OvN.(j and

SI. - -*

.),.. -tee.rtnre ea. h Mail St-ame- for A.piu-*# If*w --etmnm. Muri- < oP"". ¦>""-

ßprriai Xcü.tß.

tNlBIti Ward.-The R»... M M*BJtS)l« Meeting of the IXtmaBT> RKPi t>aN tSBOCIATION will be h»!d at

B*«cJrev B oM.i.f. THIS (Th..i*day) EVENING, the lit*toetent et»! ..c)or«. Bt order.

D. WS* Bj i-tary. JOHN KK.TSER, Pre.ident.

""Brwilily» UwVky Mauntuln Itepnbllcan <:iub.-MM1 mttt i " at Ibe old h« edq .eiter., c >n»er of Eultoa and

OiHfe..U o, TMl'RSDAY EVENING, O t 15, »J 7t oVU^^ki.Speak.'. The Hon. HUBACE UKKELEYend E D. CUL-»fER. Mute rej iHevafVl Bund. The public «enermly are in¬

vited fo al>orl_~Nitar«.--Tb« i ¦ o.uotte.. ea BaOroaii oi the Board of

Al'oei-.oo will . .. t 1. r-RIIMY, <*'th iu.t., at 2o"elo I p m,.a Room No. I. Citj Hall Al. p.-reoiia havnu' bu.lue-t befjreaaid <>nii..i;t'e are Invited *o be t.

ITUOMA^ JdcSl'EDJN. Alderman Ninetcen'li Ward,('faairman.

(.« o«tn;.in. ..J HBd Mnlwllcal Sorlrty.-A paperanil baread' lit* iThjrad.j) E\ ENJNO, a" tl o tio k UtatBmal) Cbap>l »( t*e New-Yor* L*uiver..;y, Wa-hiimtou aquare,.y J J. HAVk.8, eaq., M. D., on A> r. .» »« tb» N rth Polai«y Kane'. o*>*

'' Meuibri. of the S i -'y and their

Wleada_"llonrdot tliaalann ProtrMlt Kpiaropal C harch. A asbi'c At,..ionary Mettiui will be h-ld lr» the Chnr<;b of

a*c«naion, conwr of 5th »v. and 10th at, THI*i EVKNINOetljo'' «rk .Mi.ilonary aodreaaea will be lovje, by the Rt.B.. W. J K!"<S, U D, Blebonof the IH<M>*w of Calif >rnia;tbeB'r Dr. TYNO. BecU.r of St Oorte'a Church, N. Y. jthe Ree. I>r STEVENS, Rertrrof St A.idiew'. Chareh, PhilaaVlphia and other. a abU* t.raj will be made la behalf of Do-aieatic and Pefl i|n Miaslona.

*' Kereivin« Cammitlee for the Iferndon Tentl-naonl«1.>'.Stibeeripti' ii. +1. donatione not limited. ToeBooaaof the Committee fof ri -eiviiiK Snbecriptioni iiid Don»-ttuae for the Hemden Testimonial will remain open untilfie »* mat r 10.

Jira. Comuuuedet Hut.tene, No. 1(7 Waverley pia. e.

If re. ('«anmandor BuHue, No. 90 Eaet t&tWlJUie Coiomvi Sal Iwvinj.ton. No. -8 Ea.t t9m St.Mia P.:r.-r Si.i !iir. N 1*9 Weat 23d »t.Btre. Barry, No V nntor-pUce.kfra Tatiiten Heov.!, No ^l7 Nth atalia. (Jibbe, No. 2t. Otaaaa atMl. O'Oienienll, No 261 Oleeui «t.

Mra. b -L No «I \Ve.i2'ebtt.Mrs. J Bel., jr., No M Wat* 22:-,t,M*a. U aren worth, No. 222 lOtb >'.Mi. Jan..» Brook., No JJ'J >th av.Mmi Die :, N W Kart 28th it.Mit. Lord No 34 Waat Wtb at.Mra C'ba'le. Km, ;'et. !. Mreeii Ml

aad SI ava.Mra. Waiden Pei!, No. 10 \V« 21at .1.Mr. t, No. 12 2d tt.Mr* «a,.e, Mae-n, N. io2 lb ..v.

Mr* t B Murray, No )27 ^tb av.Mr*. Ward, No. iai 5th *v.Mr*. Val.rir. Mo. bj F»»t Mth-StM<* D.niei ISiSn. No 2 Eaat lötb .uMs* fdolpho Wo7f>, W 99W«itllth.tMr* H. de B Routn, ajo. 33 Weat 1Mb itMra Daniel hen.eea, No A3 Mb *v.

Mi* Dr. ADthon »orner ofjavh*!. and 2<l a*.Mr* J. f> ... Si No. Oreat .

Mr. U W. Hill*, Nu II Bre\. .r! p!*..Mi*. i>r. Be dford No. f6 Mb av.

Mr*. Warb. No CO CBnt m place.Tbe >eaiurer, Mrs. J. Bell, jr., No. 2*. W. et .'.'.l .t._

The C.r lieml Suap«>iiHinn.Note* on t. e f .llowili» Ar.nk* ale lakoo et evans' exttni-

.We CLOrHlNU U ARKHOI SK, No.. BJ and 68 Kulton-.t,

.etwees Ooid and CUM *t* a. >llow«:ALL NEW-YORK CITY HANKS. pir.

NJEW-yOKK sTATE. Cent* on the DolUr.Bauk of Orleiui. »U

Beeljiroerty Hank. SOBa.;kett. Hail, r Bank. 60ffooipkln* Co.i.,t* Hank. WTatea County Bank. SOStil ot.'-r N'. w Yuik State Bank.. par.

NEW.JEBSr vAil tbe Bkiikri in Uli* State at. pu.

PV.nn8ylv ANI AAn the Bank* of tun State at.par.

CONNKci li r. iv it. o »ho Dollar.Bairk of H.r'f .rd County. 9*Ex ibanie Bank, HartfoM. ¦Baak of North A o. ri. a. 90Beidiapoit City Bank. 90Charter Oak Bank . 90Her. »etile |j»nk H.rU'.r.l. 90raw.aturk Bauk. 99Windham County Bank. 90Colebe.ter Bank. 70All ottjer i >i,i,e< *.:. o* Bank..pirRHODK l.-I.AND. Cent.on tbe Dollar.

Abode leiau.l ( ei.trnl. 73.eel ot the Soj'h CoüDty. 80

Ropku.toi. Bank. Mi

Ml other Rhode liland Bank,*. par.Mass.< tit setts.

ill the Bark. In thi* State . ear.

VERMONT. Cent* on the Dollar.tenth Koyaiton Bank. 73

Baiiby Bank. 50Meek Rank. 59

M.W-HAMI'MIIRE. ( SSSSI .m tbe Dollar.Ware Bank. ... 5>All other New Hemp-hire Hank*. pir.

MAINE Cent* on the D.ilLrWoford and M 1..1.11 River Hank*. 90AB other Bank* in thi* State. par

La Karat* llouat*. Ilronilway. Kami ie* about i.x'nt-

lag for the »Vinter .Mouth* may *..¦ -ore elen.nt AfMitment*,with Board, ut very rea-ji.ubl« late*, by applying at the abovefret «Im» bottl._"l^cTarea on Venice. M- OSMOND TIKKANY at.Vrtngbeld, Man announce* to LjoatUM aud LsotOfS Auoriatenet that he will he prepared to d-liver hi..r*e of four Leo-tom (or «iniil\. kf pr. f.-ri. d) ea VaafoOts Ri*<s Msxnitii-enuea»S >k11.'' Theee Lectuiei were I'nvorably reteirod duiiu| theMat Winter in »< reral of the Eartem citio*.

Kan la rant Intelligence Offlre anil Labor Kv-

ajfoaaae baa been remored from No. 2 Canal-at. to No. IIVwrti .1 (lata AuthoDT'*t.), a few doora weit of Broadway.Ma ieee eh.reed J AMES P. PAOAN. SuperUiteudeat,



1>K TUB ,\Mi;UH AN lXSriTL'TF.rkU uoequaled and m.tru. tive of our Nationi.l Skil

aad ImKiitiy t. BOW open deily, from 9 a ui. until 10 p inAll tbe machinery i. woikinn day and evening

DUDWORTH'S CORNET B\NDblnatt-rim bev«nin|, ar.d on TUESDAY and FRI-BJAY El ENl.NdS paifcrsss a ORAND CONCERT, by Pro


Will be mhibit.d larloi each 12 m au 1 61 p. ru. i>i

afbnday. and Set irdaya, auü 12 m. and 4 p. m. on the other daji.fib. a. IHOE'S TYPE-REVOLVING PRINTINO MACHINE,

m "L'fbti.iu' Pre..," will be in operation working the sdtBona 11 Tbe RaW-Yorlw SUaM /eiUng, uu, ThuraIky aid Satu.ihiy afternoon*.

THE STEAM CALLIOPEWTJi be aers rmed or. at 11 a ¦.. 3j p. in , aud daring the Inter-Bdstl. n hv the Band in the evening.Admiuicn to tbe whole, only it eeatSHtagea wL'l be hand StaOthe P. irlee, wlo h run within .

fork or t*. o of tbe Pn'ece. Tbe bth »v. coi* run due.t.y to theSoot.


Tbe eng«geL,«nt ol Uu* 'littinguiined artUt b rapidly draw.a)| to a cloee. Thepubli. i. now invited to Seize the only op-JojUiuIJ 11 » iU e».u.g her great and highly .ueoeaiUl exer-ttona ka aaaa aaWoUsi per«.nation a* the limited number mierii.eimng night* preveui. the pie.ilillitv of ISPldluBL .v. , ,

THI RSDaY. Oct. 15.Mllra.n'. beautiful tiagedy of k A/IO.revolved »Ith tumultuuti. i,e,-lfcfc»n a, tbe mmmmUb.......Mi. Ciuhiimn

i.Mr. C, tub*i A;d*t,.lu....Mn. AdiClifunWan tbelareecf TEDtlV, THE TU .KR. I

_Ba*.nida}- Mi.» C w:!l app.«r in * lavorlta sari

I01DW1! E A. M»r.ha:i.

"a* Wataat n Ttwates i new A. »Jemy of Ma.;PhtUdolp!..*). .F B. Couway

look ; to begin with tbe Overture at 7.


aXaae Manager.Daei, 0£_. ,t giFol ll

w._j-. .y^OB DOMENICO RON/ANI.TUVH^lfiv Ä '"'If " ¦ .Mfal Bellet

äValfot fewr^dh.** 5 .,ki7- w'» **> pri<t*uteJ tbe newaallet. tt wp<*. d b, *},.,, j pM R mumi ,.

lllV UINO 01 ?**IOt,Itatp. rvei! M tbt - V; <

kwgn, r. .-ervnc (. e cb. f , bigno, f.^, Ce- rraleat.and

ai/iaana nou

7.bytlTiev, Ii, lul,,.; |..»o,:, i .n.ej. I


Mi.NO» WiMKMvH KlS/tMft N f 1, .*,d by a t.r.-.J B.i e*.'u» . i.ufo.l:i t. -,t o| thi. .lebiat-d Troupe. ..¦"Ulna I

Previ^u. v> \l9 balo : Iii- l..n i,:, «.»med* < IFAINT HEART NEVER WON KA It LADY YFr

7_£_v;.Mt k issses*m . i ;.. p;, (



4_'*«.' K. Hi \t> Broadway.

a?!*,'fr*. '" t fi-"«b-d Ait Last -re. m aaatk m a

waiiVoÜ ' ".. "r Jai:k*«a, -».»pt Krida,.

..MatojoMdircli^raaJ 2*0*1..«*

VlUl.O" GARDEN..THlTtSDAY, Oot I"»,Aa u57 .Tb* Bfw grand «od mm vatic Fairy 8p*cti:le entitied, BOREAS,



t'< Delude* withKATEV, THE YIV IANDIERE,

BOREAS,With entirely tew and original gnrgeout aeenery, oivhlnery,meai -al < hanget, trinkt, coetuisea, 4c.

ITiarvten by the wond.ifol RAVELS and their GreatDouMe Company.Special, Nor ICR..In OBBBBIMBOB of the pret-nt financial

criela, and in ord< r to enable even the moat economical to wit-neat thia extraordinary «p>-< ta tie the Mauagemeut hat a*t-mii.ied to throw oten the wb-da rpleodtd tier of UPPERBOXES at the Maool price .f «y> at a. Kntnc -e oa Crot-by.treat Parquet, Dre.a Circle and H «. M rent*.

Alteration of Time. Door. <>p> n at 61, to coinmeuoe at 7)o'clock.

PURDY'" NATIONAL THEATER..Dreaa Circle*. 20c ; Pit, lie.; Or i.eatra Chain, flOo., Frt-

rate Boxe«, 2d elrole, <¦ i ezclualve. or 01 for each peraon,Door* open at fft certain «111 rlae at 7.THIS EVENING: J

BION, THE WANDERER.Bion Bernard..Mn. H P. V f. -1 Jaok Wallace....Mr A '. n

John Pinto.G. L Fox I Dore.Mlat Julia DairTHE MAOIC WELL.

V i.i t Q >''¦- :. -Mr J. U A leu Uanlmed.Mil. Nlcln-U_IN AND OUT OF PLACE.

I AURA KEENE'9 NEW THEATER, No. 624m\J Broadway, between Houaton and Bleeeker tta.Miaa LauraKeene.Sole Leaeea and Dlreotreu

THURSDAY EVENING. Oei IA 1457,Mitt LAl'RA KEENE in her admirab'e ni|vr*»nati»n of

Mia. Sternhold, in T. in Taylor'. Cemedy of8TILL WATERS RUN DEEP.

Johnelildmar.Mr Whcatl-igri( apt Hawkifey.Mr. Oeo. JordanTo conclude with a »creamii.g Fare, entitled

THE QUIET FAMILY.Benj Ribhii.Burnett Barnalry Bibb«.Jeffertou

Doora open at 6], to bbommmot at 7| o'clock uoimolj.Ba'couy Chaira. Diraa Circle and Parquet....MaawM,Or, heatra Chaira.75 cant*.

Family Circle..2» centi Private Boxea.$4 and »>5

O O D ' ¦ I) I' I L D I N O S ,

N«a 561 and 56j Broadway, near Prince at.


GEORGE CHRISTY k WOOD'S MINSTRELSReipectfiilly announce to tbeir patront and the publia- in |ea>eral that the above elegant ttri'ture will be opened, under themanagement »i


THIS (I'll iiratUy) Et ENINO, Oct. Ii,mi ri, they WlTJ pleat nt an entire

NEW PROGRAMMEBrag*'r. s Bic kerTreaauier.L. M. Winatia

AN OPENING ADDRESSWill be xpokeu l,y the Author.


Oread Introductory Overture.Trouperpei * Chorua (Operatic).Company

I m w ).J. HermanLore at Kirat Sight (origiMil).Oe-i. ChriatyFlay 0? the Fret-.O. GardnerBe-iey i lav lnew, tint appearance)...C. H. FoxKittyCircle.j. WbitakerNothing'to Wear (new).0«>. ChrittyFinale (Operatic ).CompanyPART II.

CONCERT A LA .11'I. LI EN,Atrt.nged upreatly for thia Company by L Meyer.

Mad Fiat ¦. leant, the \ irgiimy Owlingalo..Mint EugeneSi*. Bottl -aeiti, Contra Baal.G W. II UtUBaCodi,itorAnahoot.Geo. Cbri'tyaWJoSal.C H Kox

Ballad.J. WhitakerDwarfDan.e.Geo. ChriityAaaaaieaa Solo, Bell chimei with t.uitati- r.a at

fire J..;,. (Drat appearance In fouryean;.C. KeeneEl Zowmar, a new Spa u iah Dance, roinpoaed ex*

Breath! by Pro-eater Brooket, for.Matt Euren*Ft "... Violin (new).L MeyerTo de >'». Inati -e.M. Lewi*

TUE WARRIOR'S RETURN.The Veteran.E. Bowert

Shock*.Geo. Cbriaty(|uii,ti >>enre of OldVlrcinny.Maat, Gua HowardCimic UuBitette.Don era, Km, Vaughn,

Ma-t How ard a'id Oco ChriityALABAMA KESTIVAL,

By the Company.Boto, Beehm Flnt* (new).R IU.limTo conclude with an entire new pistM with BOW lOBBWfy,

dn aaea, prnpertiee and app- iutne nta, rntitli dMARRIED AND BURIED!

Character-' In future adverti» meaita.No ndvan< e In pric -t of ¦ Imital-in. Ticket! 2*> centi, to al

parta of the houaa. DOOfl owbb at ei. t BBBBaMMB »' 7} tri i ckl


THE ROAD TO RUIN.Old Dornt......Mr Blake I Harry Dornton.Mr Davesp rtGoUlinih.Mr. Wa'cot -Mr Silky.Mr. I'i.lf paMr. Sulky.Mr Whiliui Sophia.Mitt GauicnJacob...Mr Noiton j Widow Warr< u ,Mra. Vernun

THE DOUBLE BEDDED BOOM.Mr. P-pe.Mr. Holland The Widow.Mr.. Veiuou

I? MPISB H ALL, No. '.'.Hi Jlroadwav..Id On MONDAY, O.t. 12,

And during the Week, at J- o'« h« k. andWEDNESDAT and SATURDAY AFTERNOONI,

At 3 o'clock, Grand Oiiniual Serie» at PAINTINGS, illuatra-tire of

DR. KANE'S ARCTIC VOYAGES,Produced from Private Drawing* mid Sketche«, i'urulahed hyDr. Kane and OflW en, vividly portrayinnTHE 81 BL1.ME VET AWFUL GRANDEUR OK THE

POLAR REGIONS,With a di .« llption by

Mr. WILLIAM MORTON,Who won for himaelf an enviable reputation through hi« devoted attachment to Dr Kane, at al- f ir being

THE DIISOVERES OF THE OPEN POLAR SEA.Seveial ol the moit intereiting relict of tbit evef meinorahle

Eipedllioii will he exhibited, among whioh ia the celebratedDo* ETAH, the only «urvivor of more than two hundred ua< dUrning their jjurueyinga. THE PEACOCK KLAG, cani> dfoitht r north and further touth than imy other r!t'.' in the worldDr Kane'a Arctic Dreaaet. Ritle, Kayak Sledxe Knnutir ot theFaith, Pick nta to Mr. Morton, etc.Doora open at 7 o'clock, to roiomcnto at S.WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 2, to

OOmmeuce at 3.Aduilaaioii ib < entt. Children hail pri B>

T~R N U M ' s MUSEUM. .

The GRAND AUI ARIA, the WELSH NIGHTINGALE,the CARLO FAMILY..Till-i AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock,the WELSH NIjOHTIROALE "ft. r whli Ii the CARLO FAM¬ILY in Iban wlielerfiil ex. r.'.,*. EVENING at 7J o'clock,the WELSH NIGHTINGALE, in Th.-Lady . Dream," andTHE GOB LIN OF' T1IK WOOD; Or. Tin. F'airv F'olntai»,wltlimw S'-erery, appn>|iriate Dreti-t, Dacoruttom. 4 ., ptf,un at by the CARLO F AMILY. Admittance, 25 ct-uta j chil¬dren under teu, 13 l »Uta.


rach worth the price of admiaiiou. OfX-u day and eveuing.No. 548 Broadway._POWERS'1 GREEK SLAVE, MARTYRDOM

OF BUBS, DIAN \ AND HEB NYMPHS, are , fewaneuig the l uudn d WouBaiful Workt of Art ou exhibition atthe DÜSSELDORF and evcui-g.No 548Broadway.

\|l sic itt HALF PRICE, at WATERS-, No.lYl Wi Broadway, dining October, and PIANOS ind BfEtaO-DROMS at lower price, than , ver f., IbTB ort, red in thil m.irk- t

rpilE QREAT DÜSSELDORF Open .1»? and BTaadJM-FOWERI'fl GREEK SLAVE,and over one hundred traainifi, cut Faintinga. No. 51R Broadway.Aduiimion i> eta

IV'ftrj Pnblicatione.Cl E 0 B (; E A LEAVITT, A notion,vr.I By GEO. A, LEW ITT v Co

Trade Salcrjoma Hob 977 aau 37;i Broidaav,THURSDAY. Oot L&

GREAT SALE of BOOKS RELATING »o AMI RICA-ByGEO. A. LF.A\ITT k to THURSDAY, Oot, la%ing at 4 p. m.Thit eolleclion compriM't many very rare auu c irio t B -\«.

among which may he paattaaMAMERICA PAINTED lo THE LIKE By Sir Taxitwavlt

Gorge., 165aNEW-ENGLAND*! TEARS. 1611TRACTS RELATIVE TO HAMILTONMAYHEW'I BEBJIONShi BBARDS new-ENGLAND WARSMOULTRIE'S MEMOIRS.the spy l nm ask F.D.ENGLAND'S black TRIBUNAL. l«t>prillis wheat!.ei s {mf ms.wash ingtoniana.lahouton's voyagesdoddridge's indian wars.LICE's SOI THF'.rn CAMPAIGN, trait,RAKE OLD SERMONS. tracts, ORATM.V- .

Th. utire library ou cxhibitioo and catalogue! readv lor di»-tributioa.

0,-foha-r 15.



I. , -. Id by auetiou, with .lit reaervo.aBTW (ri,.»d.v, A F I ERNOON at I tVolo k,

BJOBOROB A. I.F".av 1 IT k Cat..i'ra s«le AllBtlBWaafB,

_^ ^_371 »ud Jt'J Broadway.

11 11 E INDIAN W X Rjohnstonw

NEW MAP OF INDIA.Wi-b the B adt, Rail-vayi ant Military Station. BOaMoSiO theImune ¦IK.uaiv movtuiei ta. Pile* V« rut*Jutt mit« ted by D. APPLETON a Co.,

_n... Hii>i..|jul U.^dway.

rriIK IOWA CITIZEN is the be>it paper in theR Wi.t, a* a m«dl .ru through which to advertia*. It a'.orive*Bdf«ii-dacAonntof the pr-Mrre.t of Wettern Railroad*and Land Hpec^kationa. aid i* a eouree through which Capit-d-kttsean** ar*prnBOBkaatwtWSOBaBata Term* RS per j,mt. Ad-tbeta W. H. PaHSEH, D»*Mi'lne*, Iowa,



. Not* Re*dj i

Hat * (lit of toe mereantile failure* for the week eLdintthi« day.THIRTY-THREE THOUSAND COPIES

bare been printed and THIS WEEK via mean u :. ahai, H

tuppllcd. Single copiei lix cents.

OtricE No. 22 IBBBMIB ST

F"r aale by all Newimrn.

DEXTER a BROTHER ), General Ag- Baa


K Ö W R Fi Ä D v".I. 1837 AND I 17.


aDd COMMERCIAL REVULSIONS in the UNITEDSTATES, frtm 16*) to 18,57. hv ludiax a particular a.ioaaar! afthe GREAT REVULSIONS of

1&T7 AND 1M7.By Membcri ai the flew York Pr-a*

Pti^e lOcen'e. D ... m . ipt iiea by ROs8 a TOUSEY atPubli.heri' tatee.

J. C. HANEY. PuMiiherCopiei nent free of portale on recelp of pric--, in t'atvpt

or ipecie.rVOTB'E TO NEW8 AGENTS.The wholes*^la pitas of FRANK LESLIE S ILL1STRATI D NEWS.PAPER r« ir.aine unchanged at the für-of P i-j.i u Aget.t,unable to pr^cur-- ft at the, utual price, ran get their aupplie* at

the pub.i> e'lon office. No Ji Frankfort at , at 4M p«r hundr. d.

R> ady at 7 tfi look thi* momicg


tTIH UNITED STATES.We would retpectfiilly coll the attention of the trade to the

avality, i: and exteitive ... rv l of our machine-madeENVELOPES.

The nnrivaled facilities whkb we poiieas for man ifactorin|enable as to

DEFT COMPETITION.Samplet forwarded free of expene*.Wn would alao call the attention of the trade toBRYAN k WfIeCOX'8 celebrated

WRITING FLUID AND INK.fcr whkb we are the Sola Agentt.

BUTLER 4 BRYAN,_Noa. 22 aud »4 NewYorB

NEW MEDICAL BOOK for BOTH SEXES,on »peci.l, uervoua anl other diaeatet their .ymp-

leasgL prevention and cure. A valuable work for tingle andumrried, the prematurely debilitated, and thote t tenop ,.....

mairiuge Priced. Poa'age 8 thr... ut Stamp*. Addret*the Author, C. D. HAMMOND, M. D., No 61 BltMotker-.t,,New-York._

Dtutioncrp ano fawn (Boob*.


T>. M . KNIQHT m <! o .

Have now laeeffed their entire itoek of Fa'l Imp cl tti njt, a.idare now ready to *SwI their extentiv AseUTtaiettt of

F A N O Y GOODSAt the vtry low«»t price*TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS iu tmmj variety of Pattcrni


FUMERY of rverj lasmlatluaAlao, STAPLE (iOODS of dl kiuds-imh at SEWING

CO'ITONS, NEEDLES, HOOEi anl EYES, PINS.WHALElloNE, THREADS f.r EMBROIDERY, fccSelling at Greatly-Reduced Prlaas, Ut correspond with tbe

tinici, by 1». M. KNIGHT k Co.,

_No. 91 Veaey it New York.


Trade etipplied .our Printing Oftioeaiid Bindery,uitJelo w.u.

New Type, Steam-Power. Ac., enable m to e\e. iite wirk i*low price*. Older* aoliotted. FRANCIS a LOUTREL.

Stationer* and Printer*, No. 44 Maiden lane.


INGS..ExtedWe Steara Bonk and Job Printing Eibabliih-¦tent.uuiurpetied by any In the Ui,i..u for the neat and pr mptllccution of EVERT VARIETY of PRINTING, from tbi.mallcit Card or Label to tbe Large,t Bill or Book.«11 at tbaLoweat Caah Pricea. Alao, Lithography, Engraving Elect*-*.yplt g. Eluding, and Blank Stationer*.

BAKER fc GODWIN. Albane Bultdlnga

¦^NORAYING and PRINTING..WEDDING,jTj VISITING, ADDRESS and BUSINKSS CARDS, andevery de.riiptiou of KNiiil AV IN J and 1'RlNTING, in tbe bent»ndrheap. it manner. Order* hy mail eoliated. Information and,L in i it applied for with P ut Olli «e it amp*.

_WM. N DL NN ELL, No. 1113 Broadway.

JOHN A. GRAY, No. :nT> BROADWAY, andNoa 18 and 18 JACOB > r can COMPOSE, 8TEREO-

fYPE, PRINT, RULE and BIND anything required, at tb*

SHORTEST NOTICE, and in tbe »ery BEST STYLE. Hutfacllitie* are the MOST EXTENSIVE In tbe city._MERCHANTS and ALL OTHERS, ATTEN-

TION: Bill Head*, Cirdi, CircuUir*, Che. ka, Noto*. a:. I

every other k'nd of Printing, done in be-iutiful atyie at low

priiea, at IIOLMAN'S Steam Job-Pruiting Eetabliatuneiit,for.,, r of Elm and While *t*., one block from Broad

STATIONERS'Noa l~4 and 176 Pearl-at, New Turk.

J A. H. HAdbROUCK.PRINTER. LITHOGRAPHER and STATIONER. All k'n'.aof PRINTING azi rataw in the beet atyie, with COPPBRFACED TY I'E. at the lowert ratea

pRLNTING by STEAM.Ct.piwr-luced i'Yl'E.HALL,

Clianccs for Easiness Ilten.

AN orr< iRTUNITY thnt is *eldom OFFERED.For S '.I.E. ti.. STOCK sad VIXTUREf .n aw tt Ikm

be.t MILLINERY si FANCY STORES far eeatral N-w-Y< k «mall, new, ai i faaki nable. uaitsaisfi IfM e|a*»: raaawafor »t llitic fxT lit hlth For further iiit'orinetion addr--" B»O, tit'. n*Ja l'o-t OBtoe, M .utgotn. iy Co N. Y._PROPOSALS will In* rt'tvived ut the CoBtaia*

»»ry (It nerai'« OBkol in thi. i itv 0sswi of Elm an! Wklt*>.ta, fum thia ileto up to the 24th of Oi tobcr in*t fr& IITIfor a STATE AliSF.NAL. llBI>»< on or b t»e«n the 2dand Mh-avs, and between Utb and IJdi'.a, wbicb (ball be»i Ii f. i: f:..ut .1 the avenue and lfm f. et deep Tit'e mu.t bem xi. ptioi able, and term* ca»h on delivery of th- d--dPr MMlt t bs indorwl " Prop-nal* for Site tor Slate Ar

mal'' BF BRITE. >r IIW'K !¦ 'U S.-KNj. höh art ward, y

Ne» V :k. Oct. 14, I8.Ö.

TO EDITORS and PUBLISHERS..Wantod,r t'l ICH \SE an INTEREST In an eatablUbed NEW S

PAPF'.R tdit->ritl occupation being inuecttd therewith. A.I-ata** "Box l.r I raat Di «, Htm Y.-rk City."._................_.._._________

1XTANTED..Any frersiui with a stinK eapttal,v v wUhirg to engere in a salt, iv e»*nt and ptotitabie CAsIlBUSINESS will do well to rail on

KNAPP, WALBRIDl'E k Co., No. 58 Cedar-«t-

do {eOrjom it mi.Tj (Toncern.

CAl TION.Ml mm CHARLES IL THOMP-SON, a mioor, having left hl« fath- r and refaaet to *ubmit

t hi* control «rad\iie. a1, period are cautioned againtt harbor-inn or trusting him on mj . .¦ mm\ a* I .i ail piy no dehn 4 h i

..utra.tlif. N. B TUOMPSgN.

MONEY ! MONEY !.MDUcbm of DoIInrs uqclaimed Dividend» *nd Stock iu the Bank of England a'id

Public Fund*. Advertised litt* of upward V l oO naui-> in

?eeu at the N. xt ct Kin and Ueialdry Omm, II HAYS. N327 Brt adway, New-York. Letter* requiting amwer* innjt in-

-e *> I.

MR. SAMUEL TRIVET r, lite* öf SkjerwixidHill, Nottiiigb*m, England. Ii rev»-*ted to return to Not-

ttiigbam inxmediate^r, to receive property left him by a!* father,and to write home to aay he i* coming. Hi* pretence i* india-penaeble.

J'OTICK.-Tl,f> ( REDITOIfS .f WILLE Rj AI Co. are satjaaata*! to m-et tbem ,t the Mercantile Library.

Aitor place Broailwav. on sei nd day. MOSDAY the 19thidt., at 7j o'clock p m..New York, lOtli uei., Oct. 13, 1857.

PIANO - lIKUAMgUK..A «enUeMiiai mVAmJa Mt rhaiiicai P ano ,,f the mai.uuv tu « of Debain of fu ;

would ike to me, t tt-ith mother gentleman poaae*»iiix a tin. lirinitiument, with wliom he might make temporary or perrniu. l4ex. hange, of p atei. Addict. THOMASSON, Box No. loSTribune OUice.

rpHE PRESCRIPTION f.-r makioc l»r. DESI"'J. LIEF. PRESF RV I NO LUNG SIRCP, for the ;n- sfO *uu.| tion. Oaatya* Cold*. Bronchitia. A'thma. Nerv utaett

mi OsasSSl DskilitJ ~*° be tent to ell Mr.-*- >f .-Large*. T .e

uid ITnotSI'l obo-.t 1» U> do good unload afflicted. Addr- <.

B T BSV, M. D No. IM Riving'on S t l .rk, with return


filacbinrrri, Srt

7-OODWORl H PLANERS at MATrEAWAH,y. and No. 12 Courtincdt *t- N-w York.


Drp ©0000

$CO(),0(K) WORTH


In view of t*e FINANCIAL PANIC, tad oft«« tact that 1*-may continue acme week* nger Muio ..» .. _t . ,:. immenee .'.'«'k at) band too late in toe, we have concludedTO CLOSE IT OUT AT ONCE.I: cot .:.!. af a *'.*."fe a.eortmec: of -very i*ecrip-;.-n if

ELEGANT FALL AND WINTER GARMENTS,Mannfactured with area: tatte, either from good* f

OUR OWN IMPORTATION OR 0&TTING UP.A!>o a toperb ttork of

FURNISHING GOODSSHIRTS of MB own mar. it*-rire,


glove?, Lc.

Tbe MONEY of ALL SOLVENT BANKS .r. tru and the

«unou-ding State«TAKEN AT PAR.

Wi tare on band al.o a Urg- >t ^1 ofVERY LOW PRICED COTHIN3 I<>r

SOUTHERN AND WESTERN TRADE,which we wiil ,-Ioae out to deaiera


CiBTBBB Broadway and Warna -t N. Y.

A ft. A. AR.VM'X.«B«oar»-ii- r St. N r at R ft)

A CARD.In conaequence of the late h-avj f*;. rea ;r. toe OKNTLE-

MEN'S FURNISHING 00 »IH Baa, «wl IB* g-ee* «jaitt ta

made st the auction >a>a oftboee gocdt, we BBV* detenained to

offer, for the next tixty day, PGR CAStl ONLY, BSf Jip rMand un.qualed ate- k kof tho.e O'vd* at .-a* pri *» than Iroriginal Boat,Our ttock b*a been *el* ted with great care, the r»a .:¦: I

of our bout* demanding that only the riueat and beat Gc ..

made ibould be offered for tale by ut.

The redurt'on of prt-e U r-al, tbe Ooodl are aiijfr»aha-.<l M 9

and we now atlord an opportunity at-ldo..-. v/:th tj tb'.aintbe rinett OVoda at >«« pricet than c-ihxa.-y .ata bring '.-J«r

more faorable circr.rr.«t«.n e.



MENTS at «I 1"> for Wrapper, and Bl «0 ft r Drawert.dressing ROBES .Mtiuf *tfto Bit fit *.?. D t».MORNINti JACKETS for #3; cat +7 50:.. «VIHALF HOSE, beat Bri-iah make, c ttu.g *: V? to BS

for to til 50 a doaeaENGLISH SILK MACINTOSHES, it ug $IS M Imp-rt,


ELEGANT NEW BTTLB VELVET Til.-;. tt .ii i< at *: for Bl

FRENCH FANCY S'HRTS BBBt t: M to .-^foil, for SiloM lint offlES.




f i: :ne,l GAUNTLETS,a..U a large aaa MBMBt la whi h L-.diea .in ri id

CR WATS IUITABLB FJR B0Y8,F< r ii fill* eacll.

0»<e P«;c£, a\o »og Con cm v.


Tbe public will pleaie b-»r in mind that tnaGENUINE HOODS

art alwaya aealed with 'he full HiaMBM f tbe Crrr, v'*.tRICH ardson. SONS It 0wd£N.

J. BULLOCKE k J. B LOCKEagents, No 36 church ST., nf OA barclay.



V arrant.,! Six C«;d to No fin. incluaive. Twenty number!above other Thread .old aa Six Cord Fall aatort aenta, No. Ilo Na UP, or toiid fiuile uuaiber a,e. t tb'a auperlo." arli .*

I'jow preferred fur Stwmg Ma hine*). regoUily ia BtocB a-iIN MMby AL5X lN.)r!rt KNOX.

No. J Fine*;, Haw-1 rk,G- neral Ageut ( r Orr. it Matuaugot, i. ..».

Invoirea of tlie above, on bai daome atnad wh.te »pco.., t .»t

leceived per .t-amara New York, Edinburgh and Giaagow.

great reduction..The following go nla will be offered f ,r tbia week at tf.-ee

price., via:Bla.k lace VAILS, SoBB SIM ft V. formerly acid frcm

Bl * to #6.B.a.-k THREAD VAILS, fool .fUe.. ( r «5.

Application POINT SET.-, from fb 5» Vj Bi2, formerly ftto BIB. *

Point aqi ille sets, in to *». f.rmc-!, $x m»70._miller k grant, No. 701 Brv>d*«y.





ii orrixED it


_NO IT MURRAT-ST sear Broadway, N. T.

A ( A R D .-


At the reqi e»t of a large n .'jiber of dealer., 11 enable »hernto aele t for them*.'.vea pr.iaely the a-ti ie< they,we mmt no- coLtinne our Auction «... at preaeLt, but cl«.,ecur »tu, k of

DRY GOODS AND ( \RPETSpr> mp-lv at Private Bala f ,r CASH.

nobody will objelT to olr prices.S. B. CHITTENDPN k Co

_N Vi Park-1 la


No. do i onto Sinn,will offer at retail, at)

MONDAY. Oat 5,¦.VOJMIO worth of new

Fall t.vo WivtshDRY GO<lDS,

P'jrchaaoii at th» re .

FORCED AUCTION SALES,For Cub, at a di.w^nt of n> irjrFun Pi » I »Wfon tbe rut of importation The fell iw'.r.g will give bot a fa Blidea of tie inducement* oflered ' BB*BywaaBasSf«MtMlI c .tabhahment:

J'« piece, el. fm;t FALL SILKS t.-. 3 I 8. 6 ö, up to tb«ri' he.t gocda in pv rted1 0 pie, . ¦ L .pii/i » .per French MERINO. *t 7V.jmipiecawicePARAMATrA. ar 1%HB pie. DUCAL PLA'DS, »Sc. M 4* *t!2r-lWi piece* fine all wool DELAINES, plain ooifWa, a: »<uBM piece, printed DELaINES, M !»'-KB pie.-. , Merrim»;k and CoaBMO PRINTS. It IB I pie, e, Emli.h PRINTS, at -i,

boo pi.-, m Eogii.h bla. k and white PRINTS, at .'

Together with 5o aaae* and ba>, of brown and bleachedSHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS.


BLANKETS, he,all cf which we Will a»;: at tb» low»»- p- «lible price,


_CHAS. HEARD k Co., Nu 301 Grand-it.

VMHR« I1DER]Ks LOWER THAN EVER.U RIBBONS ;,t. Li -iuglvCh-ar .....

LE BOUTILLIEB BROTHE1S,No. 3o> (Old No 6«) Cut! «t. and No. |7 Howard-rt.

/JEN in9,"

V* N«.3l» BROADWAY,Gpp.t:t.-8-. Pv.:-*.

VillOLl. sTecK ro be S'.LOBELOW COST

BlfJOtOO LADIES' FUSS,25 per cent beo.w »p- In* rn -«-

Sftf.BM SOFT HBti, u.At «reducti. n of Bl to Bl lo oa every 11«.

? le.Oe« BOYS' HATS and CAPS.Under ej»t of materiala _ .

»5,000 CHILDREN'S FANCY UATJ,at an tmeoepee redu-tion . -

Salet to commence THIS DAY, and to continue . |OtTOBER. - .

IftitU h-greatett opportunity for 'adie* *cltimet have yet ( ffered J. N. OENIN.

f B BOUTILLIEB BBOTHIBI-Li Bftat ÜM greatt-t iBdicemeBU .._a


wtth art any Cort.SILKS of aii kirdt merinof.S. FLtlD MEBlSOBS.

DE LAINES, ribbons, EMBRO OERIES. 1.1:.

_Sx 305 ,olC No. 60) Can,: tt. and N » 4. H.waid-tt



AT REDUC ED PRICES FOR CASH.The tnbacriber intending M move in January to rtore,

now building (No 27« Canal and No H B.MJMBroadway ai d Elm .t), bow *fTert Bit anure tt*ck of CAR¬

PETS. IIBMrtta« ,f \v;veta Tapettry, J ply and Iaraln Car-Be*^ Oil Clotha, R ig. Mat*. Tab.e «n/ Piano Cover*, Bo.ll,Droggett. fcc, ,t great.y reduced »ricat^ WJRWfMl»vlted to aa eapyninaLca. f*EO E L "V*".

H.f- *+* f-d SM FXaJUeST



IMPORTANTIt LAD113 a-.d FIM: L! ES in NEW- TORK and VICINITY.In ce***4u«n;e of tb« :p*rvle.*d derangemer.t of conj¬

ee. and rinan.e ttr'nge-'at the whole conutiy,EDWARD LAMBERT & Co.,

IVMlMAttf «'*-.«. *>D Joining orIILK an:» FANCY GOODS,

Is Chamber, »f.,Ht*« «'frraiined on bTerteg


ro»SIXTY DAYS ONLY. Urge and a age .*. -*nt tHo-'k ofSILK AND FANC Y DRY COODS.

In tie Latsi Stonr, 6:te-l up for the purpote.No. 334 BROAD .VAY,

Corner cf Wortb-st,FOR CASH ONLY,


10,000 piece* Plain exd Fan'y SILKS.'./<' SILK ROBES a V acta.J,m SILK ROBES.

Broebe and B'ocade Byrad-ae SILKS,Dark and Light Coli>d P.»in TAFFETAS,Mourning, Flounced SILKS. MOIRE ANTIQUES, i.e.

1.500 Jacfj .aidSaiiii LONG SHAWLS. Egtin-'y new.

b>0 Cbenille-Boid red STELLA SH AWLA Rich and new.

HO Ch.u «H tH [ S H (h -o. r..

1,000 Breche Bordered STELLAS.500 Plaib-Bordered STE L LAS. Naw and elegtut.ion Brvbe LONG SHAW' S.3,» Brock* SQUARE SH AWLS.

P aid WOOL SHAW LS off every description.200 Rih Paiit pattern VELVET CLOAKS.20« Rieb Paria pattern CLOTH CLOAKS.A large aaa irtment of CbenliW SCARFS, jo«t arrived.

Plainaad Prm'ed Ml SL'N DELAINES.Piain and Prinred C ASH Meues and MER1NOES.

Single an,! d uble wid.h All-Wool PLAIDS.Frtuch and liiah SILK P )p'.:s-i

SATIN delaines and merinoes.Om' s»?i. strip i * Wool DELAINES, AnieLne, Poplin and d-laice Bayadere ROBES AQl'iLLE.

Cr .« Odier Frei >h PIC NTSTrim ROBES A QUILLF.

It :i Plaid VALENCIA, Be.MafTof".et» printed ROUES DE CHAMBRES.

I.OOOdoieuFreuchLnwn Eiobr .i V -1 HANDKERCHIEFS.1/00 dc/en French Lawn HemMit. bed H ANDKERCIIIEKS.1 000 dozen Fren-h Lawr. CorOd border HANDKERCHIEFS.AO'.O dojen Plain lad Fad J Lanoi.Caiiibrlo HANDKER¬

CHIEFS.jen p'-ce* Ri harden'. Fwly and Medium LINEN.

CURTAIN DRAPERIES of all kind* Crinoline er.d crinollr.. SKIRTS in every variety.

Chauti'Jy ard Ere' el '.. »ATE VAILS.A larre MMftamt of

Swl»* and Jac net COLLARS, SLEEVES and SETS..MULL and CA.MBRD Btabtt i-red BANDS.

Alio a tplendid Lr.c of Frcn. h EMBROIDERIES.a am ice »-¦ ifuatul f

T .lie, Moaa.Ifae ai.d TarVane ROBESA VOLANFES 'or Evening dr***»i.

ac. 1... fca, 1cAll of wbieb wir. b- aoiJ at and

below TH . COST Of importation.Pur :ba»er» wUI ll dkere tb<

richest AND most k i.e(I ANT stylesif goods rwtr broagnt into rbli »uufry, and will hatetbi*i»r-.ep rtun.'y t ».. .ir'ng STYLES that are eutireli ,-.,.

troiwd by in iMwMehca net be Mead in any Retail ll..,,in the Unit -1 Stab ,.

Tlta Baet ROBES A QUILLZ an j.*tiaud-d, end-heoulyt*y>i fi the kind in the .u-crv

\AM9tmm hajous kid gloves.The be»t make th.t no« com«« t > thi* country, for

SE\ ENTY-EIVE t EMS A PAIR.The tfore will open *l 9 a. in. and clc»e at "> p m.

OCTOB E ): l A, i - 5 :.JOHN M VW IEI I Co.


New ffer kf wholesale dealer, 'he entire balance of their FallBteek. !OE*i«ting of II siery, olovea, S upeuder«. Tie«, Cr«vat*, 8.-art Shaw.«, I«... a? aatATLV nun n> Plicut rog


B'ljera of t'm article ibo id be w«L a*i>irt-d they are gi-ttlnfthe genuine GLOV E, «t.jnp d wi-.'j llie »ignature " BAJOU,''who h -ach pair eoutaine, tu pentact fbeeoeoleee agale.k aaaae)lot* offered at r* J i'-eJ price,. The OMafM Wh «ball

OFFER ON WFÜNESUAYare Ml on.; geLiiine, but are of

E.\<!LI I1VJ IB IDES,.neb at will lotfcl (mzi\ in any lUaB honae in the city.

EDtVjYEO LAMHHRT k. Co.,No. Nf Broadway.



N A.A .0..1 N-. 6») Caua" ,t arid No. t7 Howard .t.

(i\ ill inert), «£"c.


Mi'lme-, knd the pnkUc will p,ea*e call.L. BINNS, No. 401 H nUiu tt.


SELL their large WHOLESALE STOCK ofCLOTHINO.t RETAIL, for Ca»h. All kind, of money taken, No. 311Broadway, over the Mercantile Agency.

AT NET COST for CASH..Wc niiitiinie to lefloor newly made St..-k mt MEN and BOYS' WINTEI

CLOTHING at net -oat Per* in. wantii« ig.wd article of CityMade Clotting wil. find there i» no de'eption by ealllag at No.Ill Faiton-at._HEW IT V CARLSON.


GRAVES a Co Nie. 23 and 23 Dey at, will af*Wth irenhreMot k ...CLOTHING, a* above, fir wbi-h the bill* of the Bank*of thi* State tvll! be tak-n in paTDicut Th -y will aJ#o recei .e

tbia ttat. '. mrney in paym-ft of ftotaa and accoun*..

ft*w CONGRESS GAITERS, Fail St)let,wCFeO" "

now ready lla tl ON D" .ble eoled Water-proofSew-d BOOTS a: ti W, *t JONES'S, No. 10 Ann at., near thekl CfeQCl.

.faro anb Kobcs.? >kw.«r BROADWAY .WILLIAM MOSER rawrjfj'f fets, durtac tne ¦ stk I oekator, the oheape»t andrichett »»o-'k of line F' %8mtoffefad In thi, city, and mamat red In Um atwent la. Ai: ^f wbioh will be »oid be../

tUntrrjce, Jftrjflrn, &t.

WATCHES bdU JEWELRY at BARGAINS..Y T The ,ube riber, In bu*inea« ia Weil-t. for the paat 19

y. ar, hi .-: raw* v. i tnrte invjl e» of Gold *ui SilverWATCHES ind JEWELRT, »hieb mn.t be aoid before the

IC*h of December, and he '.% *ew i' mm a* u tel lea* than the

Ignalpi ¦ GEO C. ALLEN,bnp rterot' Watche* ani Jewelry,

Wool, .a e and Retail,Nc 1*. W. .. Mfnva*. :.ear BrMulway.

füöt anb fonnb.' OST.A CERTIFICATE for Thirty Shani-A NVw-Yotk tad N -w Hav-u Railroad Seek, No 3 809,ul" of Alfred M. Tvdwell, the 'ramfer of whi b ha* been

npped» rttavnlaid miaeatetoHOPKINIfgS> H Muchan**' Ex. bauge, will kaI anMj reward.¦<.'.

0l'ND-0n the id \uit, a SUM of MONEY.T I at an ha-.-e it by pr' mg property and piyi' i ai

pmil on applying to JAMES FRANCIS, No Xi BllItliaM.Flilisccliiincons.

DR. GOURAIDs IT.VLIAN MEDICATEDSOAP I' '.nlverially acAr. .wledged to be, par exc«)Uene%

the only article extant for the complete removal of all nah di»nguremen'* of the «bin a* appear in the ahap* of piuiplaa. tan,frecklea, lunburn and morpbew. Dr. G * Poodrei Subrlleaare eqially temarkable f.r the icrpr. c proaertle* they pttaattin in.tantaxeonaly removing lapertioon* hair, without inj0*7to the ,kin. c«n be aeen teated. Hi* Vegetable Liquid Rougafor Imparting to the cheek and lip a bnl'iaat, permanent, aaatBttural tirge, U lui generia; Jao, Lily White, Hair Resto¬rative, Hair Dye, Oiiectal Cream. 4

Arent*.Callrnder, Philadelphia: Bäte«, Boston; Green,Worcester: Cartoon, Lowell; P ,t, Ro- bester; Mr*. Maya,Brooklvn, and at Dr. T. FELIX GOURAI D'S Old E,tab>iilied Def<.:, Rt ',7 V« i r i' Ira) MOW lr> m Broadway.


RICE, *.. -G.*d Brown s.garaj to 8 cts. a pound; Lifbt C w

f»e b>.««.- ¦> to 10 ta hT...-'Y.>'.uabys«n. Hywai and O

Teat, fa eta rii itlt li ¦¦¦iMIiiTi tall. b> J o. ro* ymm

k Co., No*. 2oCi and i« fjta«aa it _.


ae-erue and tcnie, r.« u a .rec.4 J^ 4a4

cur. i Dy.pep.-», tndof ,,.«n b.4.Wbeat'eVkUky.i».-a^ai*d%^^^£5^t Na M rr^:<%.


ALADY d-wrr-« a Situaln.n in % \V»*tow0r'rifamily. t4tawrtalHBTRCCT4 fllLDHKI. || iiwli

NadIBB tnoiiilk again ¦ . I ^ W .( !«>'.ave irrem, enlary ao oSjevt. Adereae tC L>, kW Me. AielPeat CraVa.

ATOUVG LiJy. .. Mtft* of Paria, «iah*« Utobtain u. FNOAGFMENT in . a- Bool orBwaOy. A«4/.««

Mm E C, Wo. 134 Tut Od«. «loud city rWerriMM.

ALADY w «h-« to obtain i>niplovme*it aa acopyist ap, y 11 a M il N ¦¦ S >hay_

ARKsrKCTAHl.K Oirl want* . «.tu.trot, *«Nt RSK ut SEAMSTRPSA MM Ml af I Beep

from IU birth; baa Uv.d I, .,,. .;4r.. .ve year* Oo 4 ..4>r- f, rem.. I an he e~» ». No. tt Wee* lfiu-JL tW two daye.

ARESPECTABLE T.»tin_ <;Trl wau't a atoatroa)at Nl 18E. CUAMBKBvilD ,.r *: r H Caa ba

teen »t her pioent employed No. \ i ».,a, js< h

ARB8PBCT1 ULI Girt wants .»Ml to JtCHAMRERUORK and TAKE care of children

oi HOUSEWORK I» » «nali prtva'e family, -Uj rttar-pr.-.t from her but piece. Cut lie teen lot' tro dayi H\| ^IM »t.. between "th and t"th avt

A~8 LADY " MAII» o7sKAM<TR^T<S^ PleM Making end HaltDreaeiogi w\V :*kt .Mm .«f

.' tt d ,r il\ .' '. '. r ttke Ii»-. i the litten reo« et° .

kiteli baa lued eeverel vetr* In b>:k oaaadtieai aichleetl-ato 1'... the city, aa a ttrady borne it her cie-f ohr" «. TV* b- <artfeteice glTeo. Caa be teen for lt< d»»e, at N > II llth tt.

SITUATION WANTED.-By a rentable.yourg Wernau, at LAUNDRESS, t'an be »eea at »«i

preteut p aoe. No. lap 2d at., (V<r two dajt. The b. it < I,rrten ace gjvtn_

SITUATION WANTED.By 1 rr-p^itar^PKr*-tttaiit yvuug Women, to do OENER tt. HOUSEWORK

for a wall laiully. Cah tor I* o day. at Nu Tip. Wtiatajiun e».,li.t flocr, back roeni.

WO RESPECTABLE young tre.-ruan OH.a ih tituatioBt Wether, in a private family, oua a* CwOK,

VA VSIIFR tnd IHONFR. the other a. CH AMMERM AIR bs«SEAMBTRK8B bat li\id three yrart 'n b.-r !a*t pia- *. Call»t No. iS4, J3d at, between Trh and ttk eve._IVANTED.Bv a rvap»vtabet? Woman, who in" iintiliallaftiiai i t iKaatlia n *"IT tfl'BfT lu>m in at No. If.' We.t IrJih Mi

wAM KD.A Mtimimi bv a r.'-xvtti'lt) y«>M0alW,n .i. t.< do the COOK 1 NO*. WAt'lINO and IRON

INO «f a »ent!eoiai> . fan.ily Haa the atül -\ '. .¦..m -n .'. at

to bararter aud capahiUty, and ha. no aMaiaaMa to Uta «oautry.Call at No. ltd Eaat .Nib tt

\\*ANTED.Hv a rouua Qirl, .t aituation aaM Nl RKK and PLAIN SEAMrVTRe.-W. »r to 4> CHAMBUtVt UKK an W.MTIN«» A h one .u .|« «>i oS|e-t tVi*awaft. Appiy a' No if U.s at. wVMa rei,teu,e(ivea.IVANTED.A »ftution M LAIMEÜ' MXtl).r T !,v a re.prvtable I'n.teatant \ o« W>»nau; atw U M

ilrout to Travel. Ple.ea call at No I 'O Wett JTlh et. awd na>

qmr. for Mrt. WALES.

WANTED.A aituation, bv a nmpevMbla 0*>r-f T man Oirl, to aa CM AMBER\VOKK aud to aaalet la tha

t\ ASHING and IRONING, aud i. aiUtnt to do CHkMBER-WORK in a »mall private family. Apply at No. 14« Eatt M.h-.t between l»t and Jd-ave.

WANTpD.A lUTiiianefit «ituatiun BB DKE"j>-D MAKER and Hr.AMSTR K.SS or LADY'S M AID. Caa

iliett hair and ni.broider perfectly, ind'ittaud* her bn.ioc,¦Bi hat the b-.t ol ally reference. Cui| of a Idreaa a Bole, I ..,

önw. at No. Af>: 7'h av , betwe n ;.'d aud J <ta

ANTED.A eituiition a* t 1IAMHKUMAIDand to do PINE WASHING, or at LAUNDRKnv, .-a

tie 11 tt of city ret', reuea. tall at No. »¦ Eatt I'ah at. bear thecd at. Can be teen for two day..

U'ANTED.By a respectable i'ulor«» Man. ttltiiatlon at WAITER in a piivtv | « a,|

at N> KM WeM l«th tt., r<ar, 2d ft «or.

\\ ANTED-Hy nu Encliah Wi.low, a ait .tti.-rtTT at HOUBEKKEPER to * aaM at boardiu i aoute, .*TAKE CHARGE rf . Wldower*t EaaMlyi at wni'd «w aa

parae Tka W.tol ity reference tivcp. App y at N>». I«' SdVav

IV'ANTED.A lituatiou by Iwa re.a .tableivT ymiui W. man. .. i >¦¦ 1K o,.'er.'a"d. Co >kina in

all i t irai che.; the other a. NURSE and U> d PL tIN SEtV-IN'G r I H AM P fr'RWORK. Bett of ei'r , jpg CtB UN, in. Ka«t llth at , betw, en lit and . I at. Can be «>n ti.rtwo dayt

'AN'1EI>.A ailuntion by afl EajHah Protr»-«tut Girl aa CHAMBERMAID and W \ I TER..» «.

M KSK. an. 1 do flam Sewing Inn take aatrat "¦ * Habt of aio, ib'« Mge. and <au bring It up by hand If »¦>|ulrad. VVilltugto travel. Can be teen antil etuaged at No. i 8tb at.

IV ANTED.A aitiiation u WET Nl Tt«E, by aT* itaaatdaMayiHiiif married Woenu, with a freth bveitt

ol n il*. Hat letelj lo.t her own bahr. Call at No. IGoereket.,

Y\rANTED.A ntaatioa by a yoiini{ Woiiitn, aaTT SEAMSTRESS nnd DREISMAKRK. in « pttraU

faani'y. One who tkorcagcly nnderataad. her builntta G,khI:tv reference jiveu. Call at No. Jit Ut av., near ITth »t fortwo daaBj_U'AMI D A oHntttprwr aa IIOI MKHKKPKK,i r by an Ameiican Woman; bat bad eivea tta/i' <\f

rierce, aud would do the t'amlly't S-wlug Beat of city rater,euoe. Call at No. 2*110th at, over the ana ttora, for lav* dayoNo Otjecttoa to go to tlie country.

WANTED-A aituiitiim, l»y a yoimt» Woman, ttiT T ifl 01 Nt HA I, IIOI SEWOHk ma >iu .11 pritata fam¬

ily ia a good 1'ialn Cook aad a good VVatb, r Bad ti mer. G .»I

ttj ii taitace an he gi\-u. Cah for t> I Jay«.t No. lit Wo a-

t( j »t , 3 do< it beh w Amlty-tt flout batvuient.

iV'ANTEli.Hy a \niing PfOtrMtBBv Qiri, a aituTT atitu a. CHAMBERMAID, or NUMB for chlldraav.

Call at No. X ( llntou-plac., ¦ kg |a tue v.iy be.t uf referenceWRlBt g.\e». hy th te with » bom »h« It new linug.

WANTED^.Bytw»i^»BBee?abai für!«, «ituttian«oneatNl BaK; la aaad to taking aataal a '...»',,...

pwo aioatka old j U b neM Plaia 8<wer. Lat the be^, r^»,,,,itei dntn n of city and country, fbeotaer to KITCHENUGllK Of tin koaaeworkW a .mall Aiuiiy; uoieretao Itbak'i g Caa he teen for two, If not «agag.d, at No. 30W< n .Ml »t., netriith av.

WANTED.A aituation, by a reaiiey-tablei ytHjnttWimm, a. an erperlenced, gool CnuK, wool/ unit

' A\ ittmU t a .1 wi-li I'm b. .t '; .r. frontIn r laM place. Call at No. It't Ä'.h tt, near .'d ,, ta>:oud Boor,faoitt room. .

VV.\NiTED.A fituatmn by a ri'.tne«'Ubit) Oirl tuTT d t HA.MBERW ORK and PLAIN SEWING Woulo?

eaal.t in taking BBfB oi cbildrrn or would do h-eiae work iti a? rr.tll gniteel family. The very be.t of d'y reference given.Call at No. 247 Bah at, earner of Mreav



TANTED. By a I'ruteat irit yimtiK Wodmo, *r tltuatloti at SEAMSTRESS audCH tMBERMAIJ.aa.l

w< old aaaitt in the Care r,f Children; hia oo obja -t >a to go .

thort di.tanee in the countiy. Call for two day. at Ni 81 Pop¬lar mi Br< okUn. The beat of city n fereuc » given.

Y01 NO Mau of n-gpr-i-tability, aijeA 8ALKS-MAN in a U-hloiiablo C'iothii.g Store, w'abea to Uaua*.

UATIOS ia a i-wp etoWtlatikKt la taie tapaalty. a SITUATION in a reapcatablithment. A'dr-.t J. K-. Tribune Offi

AGOOD npB>h i.t SERVANTS ain now it Nu.Ui'b av.. and No j.Vi H w. ry, near 4th t'., wanting em-

ployaMat Many are we); rec rmnendod aa 1 will Be 4i th ii.' derate wage. Ml the city or country. C. MASON.

AN Italian OfB^MBBBB vyihiM vvi'li to meiet withf- Trail-t " TEACHER af ITALf t H and LtTIN

i LABBII B lie .p-nk. Engllth at ft'ietitly at hit own satirntoagBB. No objection to be employed io hotel, or meroatitue

Bot let ii. tny fitbt work. Good recoiumenda'doaa. AddrataA A i f M. Counell, etq , No. 125 fl.eei.w h tv.

ASITI ATI* >.V wrmtevl by a re«pei-.i%ble3 ywunifMan a. OACHMAN, who underetand. ht. b »alBtM w-

ind baa tha katt oi rrta nee, and It a good Ba-il-r. Apply mHv. tl Greeawick tt. at the American InduttiUl Aaa«e;la'Jo...

ABMART, ai-tivo yiiiing Mim «vante<i ia a 8b»t»-Broker'BsaVakB a t at CLERK -on« wlllin« to taaV«

¦.required, aalary 0t>> per month. Apply. : j-ö Bowery, eftety* m.

I/AM1EIE8 in want af HXLP ihonU apply atthe oW.-e of the AMERICAN AND PXWBttltl EM

PLOTMEHT SOCIETY, Nu«. Uand It BlUa Hooaa, Aato»place, m. re there arc at present from W) to 10glxit of all de-BCBUaHeaa. with Brst-elaat referen-ea.

MRS. YORKSTON. Super!i ndent

JAT10HAL SCHOOL AOENCV, No. >ir.i_\ Broadway, by RICE k ANDREWS..Teachett BBBet Udl in: jioo d, partment of laBtraetlBa. lafot* .

' ii,i:mm for Tea< Lt i«. In tt,.. i th. r Ste'et. llbettll t

rtfafaflaMe HELP ONE ANOTHER IpaahjIMtf[tttt to Pan Ml -." king echooli l< r their Children._



llth t i einer af hth-av , whieb It now open to ike p.ioiM; withan abuudanc. of ctrll. capable help at molarate waft The

pr- pr.etcrt have de. ide-l f> make it a free Int'lt jte to all em-

;, > rt. Mipef.:.!, uded by a reape«:table Amo.-l-au Lady. Call

and are._

RECEH ERs, ASSIGNEES aa. Bto«rajrjJhH-. , rgag. - - . f a ^.peteat PK'" »-SSI0NA Is

ACCOUNTANT M adyaal Book, and AconoUPPJJ^<r in c*iae M HlMiatlaa, Of to eaannua and rrael

a Ich have beeoje cnfa.ed or been atf-^J*. tel. by addrctii g the advertraer. B ,x Nc J,«", New Tor»

To . f e»._ i

SERVANTS in afaay capacity want aiDiatkooa atour oBW -The belt < free f t Jaaj

^ ,7hrN.w-Yark Jia-plorment ()«.-, No. «M Broad,PervanttittkeMw lota *-*"^ALf02, H.p^rUtawdWot."ay_-.

11AK1 NOTICE..A very reapfrtabte eolrvn-tfM.^rwb'oU.e.B,r*4eat Wdter, wtAe. a SITUATION

;, . er ,,te ftn.i v ot taehelor ball Inquire at No. |»BMi 2 eny i for PERRY R WICKB, at Maa.ty'a. THer, ,,l, e c"y r fer-nre ad. be fi\tu_IX) SCHOO!.- or PRIVATE FAMILIE?..4

Germaa Orgaal.t, nomarrled, thoroughly capable of TeacVIi« Pin fcrte. Organ, Counterpoint and iinglng doelfea in

e.-.-ei in rr.' iat. !y Into a School i.r Pamdy or get Lo-lgmi a.-lB'aid fr.rr-ir-'ln.truotfou Adlrt.i K I. , Metera. JldLtik Co fM .hlera, No. 138 Rr adwayWANTED.A Pertrio aciiuaintril with th*T T PERIODK AL BUSINESS to e:t aa AOENriaHawy rk end vi< ij.ity lor two popular Magajatae p*k:iaBBd in

Botton Tub manof.nergy thlaofJ-rt a rare oP»**"***" '."

»rgaie In a perman« nt boalneat for paTtkubvi ad Irin bauie-

dintely W. GUILD h Co , lottoa.