BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS^ £*axe" at the bottom. About half of them were left over, and yesterday morning Miss Mary Donelly started to paP er the walls with them. The saffron party was interrupted by Dr. Anna yon Sholly, leader of the district, who hadn't seen the posters before. There was a brief but animated conversation between the leader and Miss Donelly, and then the latter got a pair of scissors and sadly cut the "Vote for Saxe" from every poster in the place. Act 111 opened with the entrance of Mrs. Belmont in the afternoon. Mrs. Belmont looked ut the taillness SSSSSfS* one after the other. What was said is not known, but Tilis.-) Donelly made a second tour of the posters and tore every one down. Dr. yon Shelly said last night that the advice to vote for Saxe was '> little mis- take" on the part el Mrs. Belmont. "I suggested that it be taken off," she said. "Mr. Saxe has not told us he was a suffragist: he has merely said that if sent to the Legislature he would vote to get our bill out of committee. And Senator Agnew has not said he was an anti: he is simply withholding his opinion till he gets light. I think It would i>n very unwise to alienate Senator Angnew by working for Saxe." l.ate last night an asbeart carried away from Broadway and ::>ih street a heap of esters which, unlike little 80-Peep's sheep, hadn't on« of their tails behind •hem. And down at the offices of the Woman Suffrage party they are wondering what Mrs. Belmont will do next. BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. | Mrs. Belmont's Gorgeous Saf- fron Affairs Pulled Down. A new drama has been added to the at- tractions el Kroadway. "The Docking of di" Suffrage Poster; or. Why the Yellow- Bill Came Down." la its title, and the Btage is the headquarters of the ZTth As- sembly District section of th« Woman Suffrage party, under the Hotel Nor- man. The posters wen the gorgeous saffron affairs printed fur Mr*. O. If. P. lia'muni. and which she distributed herself to th« wayfarers around Broadway and 28th street, in front el the headquarters, night before last— the ones with "Down with Sen- ator Agnew" at the top and "Vote for Such Is the Object of Wadtergfvs Vocation Committee. TfejS trawM'y of unfolding: talents nlpp* ( j linI in the bu»l by adverse t-ircum*Ui win j be known no more among 1 the p'&duateg J; jV»adi-»igi. Utah School if the ne»- vocation , committee uucceedg in at:<-.»»nj»l a,j j that it wishes to. Under the chairmanship i of alias Henrietta Rodman the ct>ißxnlu«« j wilt endeavor to discover all these bud 3 an* , help them to bloom. "Many girls nh..n they leave school em?!* upon work for Aim h tb<?>- are no* fitted at all," sfald Uiaw Rodman yesterday, "For exam.. almost all thea«"girla bay« some musicaf or dramatic talent, and many of them leave school liopl^s to find a busU ness opening- for these talents. They thini? , the work will be easy +i>i Interesting— jw* different from the urear} , monotonous eas- ' ing of the teacher. Of course, most el them are doomed to disappointment. Now, it ij the duty of teachers to lintl out what Bucf» j girls really can do well and £%z. them t?-' terestsd in that other work. j "To l>elp*"s *m setting at these faeta top our girls we Lave distributed printed '•i*ts of (yuesrions tt> girls who are leaving schooi. We ask each one to t- ii what studies Eh, \u25a0was most interested In wh«-n she mas la the grammar echools, what games she llk*4 best when she was little and what b00«.9 she likes to read. We ask her parents to ' tell about her homo interests and to hsl^ \u25a0 us hi advising h«T." From the answers received the cornmltte* | hopee to discover hidden talents. A girl who loved to p!ay hospital with her broken i dolls and to whom her baby sisters run for petting:? when they bump their noses will be found promising material for a trained nurs?, while the ehlld 'ho played school every Saturday and loved to do sums for her doll pupils will be advised to b*eeoe a teacher. After the girl has been awakened to ths possibilities th>n her the next step tcv the lee i hers Ii to help her secure training. Oft*n the girl who loves to sew has never heard of the dressmaking school in her neighborhood or the girl about to besfme a stenographer does not know which busi- ness schools are best. The teachers \u25a0srill come to the rescue with information, ad- dresses and letters of Introduction. Some*', times the assistance of the teachers la needed in another way. A girl's funds are low. Perhaps the father dies just as she Isw ! ready to begin her training. 'It is then the duty of her teachers," «a3 » Miss Rodman, "to help her get money somewhere— to borrow it or interest wealth? patrons in the case or secure a scholar* In some school. The influence of the teach- era in her school, of course, can accomplish more the girl can alone. "Some girls need positions, too, while they , ara still in school for afternoon or Satur- day work. We are sending letters to pri- vate schools asking for information about f positions as tutors and children's com- j panions Cor our girls. All the teacher* will i interest themselves in finding work for ! girls as houseworkers among their friends. Often the chance to wash dishes and sweep on Saturdays helps a girl get room and board while she is going through college er ! gives her money enough to struggle alorg : until she finishes her school course. Th- are 13) teachers here and if we work to- . gether we can do much." It has been, discovered that a large per- centage ot* the Wadleigh girls leav» school before they graduate, either from scarcity of money in the family purse or from lack of interest in academic studies*. "Su« h girls," says Miss Rodman, "must be made to realize that even without & complete education they have within them the eJements of success in some line of work. A girl may be denied the joy of becoming a teacher. If so. .-he mils" be persuaded to ro into business, for botli teaching and ofiice work require intellectual ; power. But a girl who has been prevented ' from studying art must be assisted int» jsome hand craft or applied art— work, be- icause, like the line arts, they call for hand work, and i:» such lines only the skilful fingers of th* 'handy' girl can succeed." CIVIC LECTURES FOR WOMEN- The National League for the Civic Edu- cation of "Women announces the follow ins I lectures for November: November 14, "His- tory of the United States Constitution," Rossiter Johnson: November 3. "Municipal Government oi New York." John Jerozn-; Rooney, and November o". -'Woman's i-egal Rlchw in New York State.*' Leslie J. Tonu>- I kins, professor of law in New York Uai- i rsity. ! All the lectures will be given at 3 oeloe* in the afternoon at the r.ew headquarters No. 25 Madison avenue, where- the annual i meeting will also be held on November 7. Mr-. Gilbert E. Jones v. ill resume her in- 1 formal Instruction classes in December. A SMART SCARF. | A new black velvet scarf that U lined ! with white satin ha* the lining turned out !at the cent.-o to simulato a little collar, j Th!s collar ij- embroidered with black and ! there are touches of white in the black ta-s- '. -^i- with which the en^a of the soarf arr [finished. To accompany it there, is a larp^ i black velvet mv« on which » couple of i little coiners are turned back to show white satin embroidered to black to match the 1collar on the scarf. SUFFRAGE POSTER FIASCO Currant Jelly, melted and added to ice water, is a refreshing drink often appre- ciated by feverish invalids. in this combining' of mat-..*;-, however, ail elaboration that would be "'.it of keep- ing with the character of tli'a gowns, is carefully avoided. It is long Kinee the woman who is con- scious of the deficiencies of the tailored costume has been so well provided with means of escape from it as now. After- noun and evening gowns have for some time been built on such simple Macs and with EQ little superfluous material that so far as form was concerned they were Ideal garments fur informal wear. All that re- mained to be done was to make them of suitable material, such as serge or cash- mere, in order to produce the fascinating frocks now shown which may be worn in the house or go out under a top coat Of cloth or fur with equal success. Another respect In which these frocks copy more formal ones is in the introduction of a lightweight fabric about the neck and shoulders, where a heavy one would l>e un- comfortably warm. There is, to be sure, the three-piece cos- tume, in which one Is satisfactorily clothed without a coat, but these arc generally found only among the dressier models. Even if the utility tailored suit were in three-piece style there would still be the danger in using it for a house frock that there would be a noticeable. lack of fresh- ness In the skirt when it went out in com- pany with the coat. NEW MACMILLAN NOVELS j Cloth, $U5 net ; by mail $1.48 Love's Young Dream By S. R. Crockett Author of The Raiders," "Men of the Moss Hags," etc. Cloth, $1.50 The Little King By Charles Major Author of "When Knighthood was in 3; Flower," A Gentle Knight of Old Brandenburg," etc. Illustrated, Cloth, $1 50 An even more charming, leisurely and" witty chronicle than was his "Over Bemerton">. ' Mr. Inglcside By E. V. Lucas Burning Daylight By Jack London Author or "The Call oi the Wild." "It will be more read and talked about than any other book of the year," the critics ?ay. Illustrated. Cloth, $1.50 Miss Clara E. Laughlin's ••Just Folks" Octave Tkariei is enthusiastic in praise of the book "so human, so sane, so absorbing and so beautiful." Cloth, $1.50 Princess Flower Hat By Mabel Osgood Wright Being a Comedy from the Perplexity book ci Barbara the Commuter's Wife ChtK $1.50 COMPLE^II »N IJEAUTIFIER.—Face powder will pot help a dark face and neck. It rubs off too easily and does no permanent good, It is better to use something that will whiten and beautify the skin, and take away that dark, coarse, look. A lotion made us follows will prove very satisfactory: CJet from your druggist four ounces of epurmax, dis- solve Itin l-j pint of hot -water and add two teaspoonfula of glycerine. Gently rub a little of this lotion on the face, neck and anus and it will wonderfully improve your appearance. ii gives a beautiful complexion and makes sallow or oily skin look fresh and youthful. Spur max lotion Is inexpensive and Is splendid for getting rid of pimples, tan, freckles, cold sores and a shiny skin. GOOD BLOOD m i:i "i n*i-: a safa and reliable blood tonic is made by dis- solving '• teacupful sugar and one ounce kardene In Is pint of alcohol, then add- ing enough hot water to make a full quart of tonic. Take a tablespoonful be- fore each meal and before retiring. Uh'B inexpensive tonic purifies the blood, tones up the system, restores appetite and aids digestion. It Is tine for clear- ing up a sallow complexion, removing liver blotches, pimples and other skin eruptions. QUICK-DRYING SHAMPOO. Never use. soda for washing the head. It bleaches the hair and makes it brittle. Any substancts containing alkali is also bad for the hair, for it deadens U and makes it become streaky. Many soaps contain alkali. The safest shampoo is ordinary canthrox, which can bo pur- chased In any drug store Simply dis- solve a tea»poonful or canthroa 111 \u25a0 teaoupful of hot water, pou? on the head ii little at a time and proceed as you would with any other shampoo. It lathers, abundantly, cleans*' the » ca thoroughly, stops all Irritation a"d dries quickly. The shampoo makes the hair soft, bright, fluffy and easy to de up. TO REMOVE HAIRS —Ladies an- noyed with the humiliating growth of hair on the face mi forearm* vi " nQ d the following treatment more satisfac- tory, l*"*» painful and lens expensive than the electric needle, Just pet ' " MI your druggist an ounce of delatone «lt costs a dollar, but it Is worth It) and mix a little of it with enough water to make a paste. Cover the surface •» tne skiM from which you wish to remove the hair with this past.- ail , i,., it remain for \u25a0> few minutes; then wipe off and wash with warm water. Even 1' tlu ' hairs should some back they will l»'l »' light and thin, and v second or third applica- tion will keep them away forever. KGIE AIDS 10 BEAUTY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Mg 3T I V Am \v«i have oiw«y« \u0084,3^ R s pMteity or Btoh Psni Mourning ,, r Our .rtiu^.t ihl« \u« Uia\. h«,i mo*' t VvM.Ar*" « \u25a0 -'" cut J*t. sisnui .»n,i «^a.ln«. Earrinjs, HaVnlni Plants. Neck- pltCM Prorohe, and «ip pln» JAMMES, r*- tuovtd to 4i& sth 8W« u:li :b a> - This book with a purpose Is certainly v/fcil calculated to achieve what it sets cut to <Jo by the interest of its contents. Mr. Da.vey beeins «*• initio. with the sup- posed foundation of the historic place by Juhus 'Caesar, which Is, of course, as ?he l'ttle Prince m "Richard III"ob- feerved, raerely a tradition, 'successively reported from age to age." The hittory r>? the Tcwer as <t forties a royal resi- iifcncb end d prison, us [If Big aril He y., ..;!•! reconstruct from oM onn- ji*-mr»<!rarv drawings i>n«l plarw the l^Mf^n'H Gallery, Grt&t Hall," etc., and turn them inta mupeuin galleries, taking the Jius*e Carnavaiet In Paris for his model; he would, turn the armory out +\u25a0* the White Tower, turn out tho ders and petty ofii^ialK who now I'" domiciled in other parts of th« ancient jja!ac<i-fortrf^e, and turn it from a di?- eLppolntins "?how" for "Americans and provincial cousins" into a place of pil- \u25a0jrimae for the race, none of whose in- 1 cresting buildings and roomy DS>ll be closed to it, as most of them arc to-day. As a matter of fact, the most interest- 7r!£ly historical parts of the Tower of Jx>ndon remain Inaccessible- to the vis- itor, among them the little house on Tower Green in which Lady Jane Grey passed the last days of her life; the I/!*-utenant's house, whose thr*-thoJd was probably crossed by every historic pris- oner ever brought to the Tower; the B!oody Tower, where tt- princes died: tho Middle Tower, th.- torture chamber and the vaults and cells under the White ' ffrUE TOWER OP LONDON. Hy Eliehard Davey. With Co rt< iliustrations. fevow \>p. x, 3CL B. P. Dutton At Co. : Of tho many <x>oks alx>ut the Tower of 3..-);<3"n th^-r* appears to be no aad. Mr. 3>avey. the latest siK-cialist to r.dd to the Ji(<-ratur« on i kw subject, apiiarently felt, <.r[ th. completion of his book, that an \|-':i!ia.Ti<.ii was due to the public, and even pave it a slightly apologetic turn vhile pe'miing it. As s matu-r of fa*'t, lie '}\u25a0?* a c'a«s« 1<» pWad, that <><" th.- oosn- j-Jof<» \u25a0• \u25a0 .:-ati'.n of tho Tower to its or- J^itial rendition a- nearly us that In •y«?£fiW«i at this Id. day, and of its ulti- !> conversion lnt<i a niuseum of th» aclics of \a''.i and vanishing London, r «fter the ntaniieJ 1 of th«* Castello Sfor- \t<+cQ at >iilf*n. whit •• fills th< same po [•\u25a0•tion in \i,i.,; r. history that \\.<- To\\<ir ?r-f London- do*s in that of th« British capital." A Plea for Its Restoration to Its Original Condition. THE TOWER SOCIALISM AND SUCCESS. Some Uninvited Messages. By W. J. (ihent. 12ruo, pp. 2M. (The John Lano Company.) THREE MODERN SEERS. James Hlnton- Nletsche-Edward Car^nter. By Mrs. Havo- lock Ellis. 12mo, dp- -^7. (Mitchell Ken- nerley.) Studies of their lndi\iduallti«B and moral, iut«:ll«>otual and spiritual characteristics. TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY. SERVICE AND SPORT IN TUB SUDAN. A Kecord uf Administration In A.- Anglo- iSgypttaa .Sudan. With aonM intervals of bpoit and travel. P.y D. (\ 13. Ft. Comyn. F. R. G. B. (late of the Black Watch). Il- lustrated. •%.>. pp. zxilt, 881. (The John Lane < !onipa>ay.) A record of narsosal experiences during four years of service in the Egyptian army, tvilh descriptions of the country and its F-ui.u, the native tril'«» and their custom*, etc. A TRIP TO THE LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SVX. A Narrative »i" Pereohu] Experiences. By Martha Buckingham Wood. Illustrated. ]2mo, ppi SO". (Bi^ndu'a.) Descriptive at Norway and th« Norwegians, nil their customs, mythology, sport and t!i.-uii<-^, with a chapter on the tiorj. au.i vegetation of tha cijuntry; PAGES FROM THE BOOK OF PARIS. By j tlau&e «' Washburn." EtcUings and draw- lugs i.\ Uetttrv ii. Hornhy. Jim... pp. viil, 2m (The Houghtcn MiifllnConipanr.) Narrating in word anil drawing th«» »'l- i*«atures of two youiiff Americans in Pu»i». and ..'.:n£ the architecture. ideaU ..n.i traditions of that city. it.-" sidewalk eaf4s and Its Bohemian life. The volume I6s«s %vitu mi account of an ir.ttrvkw «lth M. A ratal Ftaa*«. ROMANTIC DATS IN OLD BOSTON. The Story of the City an.l oi Hi People During Iho Niuete*nUi Century. By Mary Caroline Crawford, With numerous illustrations. Bvo, pp. six, 411. (Beaton: icicle, Brown & Co.) Till: SPANIARD AT HOME. By Mary F. Nixon Roulet, llhistpated with photographs and octginal drawings. >\.>. pp. xl, 821. (Chicago: A. c. Hectare # •".>., Portraying the Spaniard of to day as i.- 1 really is. his home life, customs, amuse- m«nts and Institutions. OUR NORTHERN DOMAIN. Alaska. Pictur- esque, Historic and Commercial. Fully il- lustrated. 4to, pp. 2*7, (Button: Dana, Kstcs & Co.) Th--- history of Alaska, from Its discovery to the present time, Its people ami scenery, With a description of the Improvements la stituted there year by year. IX THE FOOTSTEPS OF HKINTR. By Henry .T; .iims Forman. With Illustrations by Wai" t.r King Stone. 12mo, pp. _."\u25a0'..' (The lloujrhtQn Mirtlin Company.) THK GREAT WHITE NORTH. The Story of Polai- Exploration, from the Earliest Times t.. xi:,' Discovery of the Pole. By Helen 8. Wris'nt. Illustrated. i"iv.>. pp. sviil, !»\u25a0••. (Th« MacMlllan Company. > Tho material for this book has been gath- ered from many aouroan In many casts the roinpller Ifcta th« explorers themselves tell the history of their de( di Till) HIGH ROADS OF THE ALPS. A Motor in* Guide to Oni Hundred Mountain l'a:-sf». By narks L. Frfteston, V. H. O. > With 106 itineraries, 103 photographic illustrations an-! 11 iiih|.m and diagrams, fivo, pp. xv, 888, (Imported by Charles Bcribner'j Sons. i TELLS HOW SARAH DOES IT Woman's Club Hears How French Actres3 Uses Her Lungs. Dr. ' 'i^'.!l!l'<;V t.MUiIMW. of Los A.ll»?felrS. ho Is here with a play on kite "white slave- question in his grip that lie hopes to ele- \st>j Broad way with If the managers don't prov* too hard-hearted, gave a talk yester- day beforo thn Woman's Health Protective Association, at the Academy of Medicine, No. IV West 43d street, that will prove very useful to '\u25a0\u25a0< nieinbers If ever they quit reforming thin«?e and go 011 the stagf. "I kniiw,'' said Dr. I.anitow confiden- tially, "a lovely actress whose clothes null have .\u25a0<•.*\u25a0 an Immense 6um. I ;;aw her In a touching scene in which, after parting forevc-r from the man she loved, sha left the stag.-, saying: 'Aiy boy! my bo] Sho lierself was so moved that she v>e\>t, but the audience laughed jaerlnsrl) "Why? pecausa she spoke from the up- per or emotional part of her lungs. Has] the 'my boy' beeq emitted from the lower section or" ;!•\u25a0 lungs, which is opnnected with tha intellectual part of the brain, that audience would have bees bathed in tears." Dr. London .ii.i the only way to succeed on thf! '\u25a0!;-\u25a0>\u25a0 was to cut out, metaphorically ei'eakins. the top half of tba lungK, which was too intimately connected with the top or emotional part of tli« brain to have any place In art. 'Tor art is science. i asked Bernhardt." said Dr. casually, as If talking to the Divine Sarah was o.uke an everyday 1 affair, #1 I asKed Bernhardt how she could die nix nights a week as Camilla and yet remain so Intense, so incomparable. " 'it la, 1 she told me, 'that ! do net feel the part Every tone, every gesture, is dictated by science. If I felt the part I could not play Jt.' Bernhardt." sa<a tha speaker earnestly "would never nik« the mistake* pf speak- ing with the top or emotional part of her lungs." SOCIOLOGY. SOCIAL. JUSTICE. A Message to Suffering Hu- manity. By Percy Vivian Jojles. Svo. pp. 310. (Cochrane Publishing Company,). An attempt to elucidate the principles or laws which determine the economic relations of the members of society to each other. A-dAINST THE CURRENT. (simple Chapters from a Complex Life. By Edward A. Stein-- er. 12mo, pp. 230. ' (The Fleming H. Hevell Company.) Beglaning with his earliest recollections of Hi.: amid the Carpathians, Professor St?lner writes about conditions which eend Inunl- grants to our abona, and records certain influences which shaped his life. The last chapter Is devoted to conclusions regarding ra.c« prejudice, the brotherhood of man and Christianity. RELIGIOUS. A MANUAL OF BPIBITI VI. KOKTII-ICATIOK. Tjuliij? a •lioi.-«* of Meditative and My»tia Pt»«-ir.s Made ui'l Annotated l>y I»uls<> collier Wllcox. l'Jmo, pp. xx. (Harper I Bros.) A collection or poems tracing the progress of religious feeling from ili« .•nrlic.-'t \criaa of Enctlab poetry down to th« present. STUDIES IN CHINESE RELIGION. JJ.- I- H. Parker, M. A. Fourteen Illustrations, > V1 '. pp. xi, 308. (E. I". Dutton & Co.) Containing tho original studies from ' Il ' r; 'i a summary was made and published una*' th« title of "China .ui'i Ketlglon*' In •'•"•'• With a few alterations uii'i aJilltioiifa. THU aiUSAT U>NGINO. A Bool; for Vain P«2" pl«. By Alan D. Mickle. ISmq. pp. -•'*• i London: The Walter £? Publishing torn- ; d- Chaptern on Prayer, ttHiglou and Soeial- is:n. Faith an.i Belief, KvilThings and Bvll Men, etc. REPRINTS. A PAIR OF i;i,i I BTBB. By ThoniMß Hardy, Fruntiaplece. limn, pp. v, 438. (Harper & Bi-ot \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 vi . in the thin pap^r edition of m- works of the novelist, with » map of the Wessex of tho novels. Till: TRAGEDY OF RICHARD THE THIRD. Tiy -William t?hakesp<iar«<. Edlt«d, with notes. Introduction, gloseary. Ust ••\u25a0 variorum readings anj delected criticism. By Cha»- lotte Porter. i»>ir ... pp. .wxiv, m>i). iThomas V. Crow ell ft Co.> V.c liave also received "Richard laa B#- «n4" and •'Kiri'T John " In th>s same edition, which reproduces the First Folio text of 1623. giving Shakespeare 1" the original spelling and punctuation. VANITAS. Polite Stories. Including ths Hitherto Unpublished Story Entitled "A -Frivolous Conversion." By Vernon T.e^. 12: no, pp. lx, 262. (The John Lane Comiany.) TIIEPOSTHI T MOUt» TAFKRS OF THIS PICK- WICK CLUB. By Charles Dickens. With forty-three illustrations by Phiz. in two volumes. Rvo, pp. xxvl, 42-1; vlll, 477. (Charges Scrlbner's hods. > "The Centenary Edition of tlia Works of Cbarlas Dickens." VTB3NICE AND ITS start. By X. Oker. Illus- trated by Nelly Erichsen, W. K. llinchliK and O. F. M. Ward. 4to, pp. 3.7. 332. E. P. Dutton £. Co.) The etorj of th« foundation of Venice and •ths history or the city. Profusely Illustrated THE TARIFF HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. By F. W. Tausalg, I L. B , Ph. D. Fifth edition. Revised, with additional material, including a consideration of the Aldrlch-Payre Act of 1900. 12mo. pp. xi, 422. id. P. Putnam's Sons.) THE SILENCE OP AMOR. WHEP.3 THE FOREST MURMURS. By "Fiona Maclead ' William Sharp). 12p.i0. pp. v!. 414. (Duf- fisld & Co.) In the edition «?lltea by Mrs. Sharp. SOME EXPERIENCES OF AN IRISH R. If. B Z. OE. Somarvllle and Martin Ross. i.ii Illustrations by E. OE. Bemervi!le. New edition. 12mo, pp. vJii, 309. (Long- mans. Green & Co i FURTHER EXPERIENCES OF AN IRISH R. M. By E. OE. Somervllle and Martin Ross. With illustrations by E. OE. SomervUle. P.eissus. I2mo, pp. vill, 314. (Lonsmans, Green & Co.) VOICES FROM ERIN. And Other Poems. By Denis A. McCarthy. New edition, revised find enlarged. I2mo, pp. ii. 132. (Boston; I Little. Brown & Co. PSYCHOLOGICAL. i-:i..;.;i;.-n*>x. Ny K.lwaro tJ. W»rman. &• M & lUnio, m>. x. '•\u25a0«. (Qiio&go: a. C. Mv« luij- « cV.) A consiUeratlon of Ut« law of 11 -"' 1 "'- Us U.alltiß art ami Its effect upon vuriouH phases of life. Betas Vol. V In the "I'sycnic SclaßCfl aeries." "Spiritism/ "(. > l:iir\ ••:\u25a0 _ am*" and "Hindu Phi'osophy." forming V'ol». VI. VIT an.l VII I or the Mime ••"•\u25a0 nivl by the earns author, liave also n rcr- cciv&3. and wife, and the other is a one- act f* 1 * on race tuk-iUp. Mrs. T. P. O'Connor on London Society. London, October 25. Women are the best writers of light memoirs and social reminiscences. This l-, shown by the success, cf Lady Doro- thy MevUTs two volumes. Lady Ran- dolph Churchill's recollections, and by Lady SI . Heller's interesting record of her own life aud acquaintances. Men sometimes lack the lightness of touch and vivacity of style requisite for enter- taining good-natured, but easily bored audiences. Mrs. Craig!©, !f .]\u25a0.- had lived, would have written a perfect vol- ume of literary and social reminiscences of London, for, while she Mas a thought- ful censor, a cubtle satirist and a keen observer, she was also master of a de- lightful comedy etyle. Probably there will not be a better substitute for that unwritten work than her friend, Mrs. T. P. O'Connor, has presented to Lon- don society. Mre. O'Connor writes in a delightfully feminine way, indifferent In logical order and consistency and bubbling over with vivacity and natural bonhomie. With all the digressions, casual reflections and spontaneous outbursts of candor, iier iglory, Its tragedies and mysteries are j traced step by step, the author pointing out, in further justification of the book, !that he has bean ahle to bring forward i important new facts, such as the date of I the demolition of the Wardrobe Tower. iand thai he has retold at greater length i and with more circumstantial detail the attempted robbery of the Crown jewels, the niurcie:- or suicide of the Earl of Kf=sex, Lord Kithadate's escape, and the last days, trial and death of Anne I ffojeyn. And, pi course, us an enthu- siastic specialist, he is able to correct many minor historical errors, such as the statement that th.. wedding proces- sion of Prince Arthur mi Katharine of ! Aragon started from the Tower, when i as a matter of fact it started from the palace of the Bishop of London, near by. in these days of world-wide spelling reform, one reads with delight the pho- netic, contemporary account of the coro- nation of Klizabvth'of York, the Queen i Of Henry VII; Her grace cain« to '"• To\ er from Green- wich by water, followed by many- richly decorated barge?, on« r*pre«s^nling "a great r«.-<i. diagnti, spowtyh) Ui&mys Ot l"\^r into tli<* TenimjTS." this being followed by other I ''gentlemanly pageants.*' . Next day ,i., Queen, "rially BppareMe." with "her !faj.r*- yellow hayro lumping downe playn I by&>T)d her Bak," passed through the ifctnttt-t^. lv which bands of children, "sum «rrsj.yii«j lyj£^ AngeJls and others lyke Vyr- gyne," sang "sweete eongea fillers and governors pass in review, i ami prisoners, too, te the hut ones, I Arthur Thistlewood, .Tames Ings, John Harrison. 'William Davidson (a negro). John Wilson, John T. Brunt, Richard Tidd ami John Monument, who were im- ' prisoned in the Tower on March 3, 1820, charged with high treason in the organ- ization of the Cato street conspiracy. It is one cf the book's merits that it pays ; such dose attention to the modern his- tory -• the oldest royal palace in Europe, j older even than the Vatican, beside which the Hofburgr of Vienna is but as of yesterday. One wishes Mr. Davey suc- cess in. his propaganda. His work is a telling? argument In its favor "EVERYMAN'S" Fifty More Volumes in a Re- markable Series. It setms only the other day that we j were welcoming a new batch of volumes jin "Everyman's Library," the series of ! cheap reprints started by Dent, in Lon- don, and published in this country by E. P. Dutton & Co. There were enough books then in the collection to justify a ipause, but with something: like breath- less energy the tasli has been carried forward, and now five hundred volumes are available. The last group of fifty in the series has just been received, and re- vives keen appreciation of one of the best schemes of bookmaking ever pro- jected. These volumes are, to begin with, excellently well made. Small in size though they are, they are printed in good type, on good paper, and they are 'charmingly bound, the color of the simple cloth cover varying according to j the department of literature in which a given book belongs. Thus, notion is clad I in red, poetry and drama in green, the classics in gray, and so on. For pub- lications so inexpensive these are aston- ishing in their solidity and good taste. All this, moreover, Is subsidiary. Tlie first purpose of '•Everyman's,'' of ' course, is to enable any reader to feed a special interest at its abounding board. The standard works ana here and with them a. quantity of books which, if not i to b«* reckoned among the greatest tri- ! umphs of the old masters, are neverthe- less desired by the studious reader. . Take, for example, the division given to I"Poetry and Drama." In this latest in- stalment we have the complete works, i in two volumes, of Ben Jonson, edited j with an Introduction by Professor Behei- \u25a0 ling, and to the same group Professor Thomdykl contributes a couple of vol- ] umes of manor Elizabethan, plays, while j following these we have the poems and : plays of Byron, in three volumes, edited jby Professor Treat, and. what is pecul- I iarly significant of the alert editorial i j judgment controlling the series, a vol- ! ume containing "A Doll's House" and ; two other plays by Ibsen. The inclusion of this last vividly illustrates the resolu- tion of the publishers to keep "Every- j man's" from being a mere museum of ' i familiar In the historical di- ! vision they issue to-day the fourth, fifth : and sixth volumes of Gibbon, and they ' reprint living's "Conquest of Granada," i i but they give us. besides, Proude'a [ "Reign of .\Lity Tudor," and, under the ; title of "Tho Pilgrim Fathers," a collec- | tion, happily edited by John Masefield, of . contemporary tracts or narratives of the sailing of the Mayflower and the found- ing of Now England. Lord Derby's I translation of the "Iliad" and Cowper's version of the "Odyssey" figure in the classical list, which also embraces Plato and Thucydides. But ii would be tiresome to enumerate all of the eloquent titles In this collec- tion We need onJy note in passing two or three ospfcially welcome volumes, sucb as Burke'B "Reflections 011 the v •\u25a0< i• ii Revolution," Scott's "Lives of the Novelists" and Bartholomew's "Lit- erary and Historical Atlas of Europe," adding that among the novels room is found not only for works by Fielding, Thackeray and BaJsaa, hut. for "The Woman in White" and fur a collection of "Tales and Parables" by Tolstoy. : This batch by itself makes a little I library, and it represents only a. tenth part of "Everyman's." Obviously, the j scheme is Invaluable in th/ dissemina- 1 tioti of the knowledge and delight that i literature afford^. ! SPRIGHTLY' GOSSIP SONNETS TO A LOVER. Py Myrtl* Heed. 12ino. pi). !-\u0084 89. (G. r. Putnam's :.-.i fcHOUT PLATB FROM PICKBNS I'or ti'* L'£« of Arnattur jm4 School Dramatic letter. ArrariK*-f]by Horact* •• Brown*, M. A. With Illustration* by "Phil .' 6»9rs« Crutkshank. 'ieorg's 'Vatierinolft and Marcus Stone, n. A. lZnic;, riJ- *v. I'M. (CHarlu ScrlbMr*a Sons.i Twenty plays from "David Copperfleld,'! \u25a0'riarnaby Rud**. 11 "Martin' ChUKlewU.'J "Skstchfeß by Bo?." "uieak lloust:.' "Our Mutual Friend" and "Nicholas Nicklaby." AT THE NEW THEATRE AND OTHERS. Thfi American Btas«: Iti Problems »nd Per forrnAQceft. lO<Mt-'lO. ii. Walter Pnteliar.l Haton. I2mo. PC x . XA. (Boiton: Small. Maynard & Co.) JUDITH. A TraKAdy in Five Acts. By iUrtii; iichulie. 12r,i0, pp. 306. <Henry Holt. Ai Co.) Base>3 on th% apocxypha! «t&ry. ih« princi- pa! traftlo motive In the drama is th« con flict between a woman 1* fanatic and des- ijerats patriritlsm an-l hsr moral nature and ptricnal integrity. HUSBAND A>.'D THE FORBIOr>C\' CL'EaTS. Two Pla>.E. By lohn . rbln lto PP xxxlll,271. (The Houghilfi Ml.fln Company.) oas i i ieals v, itli an American hubaaa POETRY AND DRAMA. Till. POEMS OF AT.'. \u25a0••,.'.? i.i. !,av, FU.\< T' POSEY. Collected .i!, 1 .i.-:-.i:-e i by Mrs. Minnie 11. PoMy. jtll a memoir by Will- iam Elsey Connelley. Illustrated, gvo, pp. 192 (Topeka, Kan.: Crane i. Co.) DANTE. A Dramatic Poem. By UelolM TJuraru Hose. IZmo, Pl>. 244. (Mitchell Kcnnerlcy.) THE) TKAGKDV OK NAN. And Other Plays. By John Masefleld. li!mo. pp. mi (Mitchell Kennerley.) Tlir<*j thort playe. BOOKS OF THE WEEK. SCIENTIFIC TERMS. Andrew Lang in Scorn of Their Careless Coinage. From The Illustrated London News. It is much to be wished that when coining scientific terms scientific char- acters would mind their p's and q's! Long ago it used to be said that a poor scholar was nourished by inventors of hair dyes and patent razors to make sonorous names, good in advertisements, for their wares. One of his words was, I remem- ber, Rhypophagon, and, at all events, he had combined two Greek words and had made no unholy wedlock of Greek and Latin, as in "sociology," and "homo- sexual"*—things to shudder at. Surely scientific gentlemen might subsidize a poor scholar to make correct terms for them. Indeed^ if they will consult me I will do it "for love," with the help of friends and a Greek dictionary, and to avoid outrages pn languages once respec- table and now worthy pf reverence, as they are dead. There is a favorite phrase of the post- Darwinians, "panmixia." it is just as cheap and it is correct to say "pain- mixia." Fifty years ago an advertising- hairdresser would have found that his starving scholar gave him "pammixia," if he needed it for a hair wash. But now- me kind of razor is termed, I think, the "autostrop" the self stropper. "Autos" Is Greek for "self, 1 but "strop" is hot Greek. I (Jo not remember the Greek for "strop"—no doubt any schoolboy can supply it but science prattles about "auto-suggestion" when "self-sugges- tion" is natural am] is meant. in- awful "howler* is quite scientific —you meet it everywhere^ In Greek, alpha, our letter a, is "privitive," and means "not."' In Latin, as we know, non means ' ii"l." •Moral," notoriously, is a word of Latin origin. It', therefore, a. scientific character wants to say that something is "non-moral" he does not pay so, but having somehow heard ii* the fourth form or "alpha privative," he writes "amoral." lie might as well write "spot" for "spot barred." The very worst I ever saw was "aaor- orogamous.V The inventor o| this amaz- ing term, by which he meant "not mar- rying your sister," combined alpha (Greek) with soror ("sister" in Latin), and threw in "gamous" (Greek) ion the analogy of "bigamous," which, by the way, is also wrong. "AnadelphogamiC was what my friend wanted, but, alas! he he was as lazy at school as he was inge- nious. Are we to say "multogaiay" for "polygamy?" It i- no worse than the rest. The last scientific "howler" which I have seen is "hypernatural." The Greek per" has the same sense as the Latin "super." "above," and hitherto- -before scientific gents handled a language, Greek, which they don't know, and di test when, we meant "above nature" we said "supernatural.'! But the unin- structed pedantry of the scientist; char- acter now gives us "hyp' •rusitural." and "superhuman" will soon be "hyper- human," whereas "hyperanthropic" (riot without warrant from so self-respecting an author as Lucian) would serve th«j turn, without setting our teeth on edge. I am no advocate fop ''compulsory Greek.'' If a bo) genius is in the Bcien tine way. I would not be for the futile folly of trying to teach him the language Of Homer. All I ask is that .scientific gentlemen, as they neither know nor love Greek, should leave that language alone when they mix up their jargon at impossible combinations. For each of them, surely, hie native tongue ought «o be good enough They and the hair- dressers ought not to tamper with the speech of Plato and pollute the language of Shakespeare. Why say "pantoga- mouH" when pasigamous" is correct, if me must veil our meaning In th« decent obscurity of a dead language? memoirs, entitled, "i Myself," have the merit of rapid improvisation at whits beat. The zest for astonishing her au- dience by saying unexpected things has survived her ardor for society and even for life; and while she makes no secret of her ill health, loneliness and iinhap- piness, she cannot write a dull page, nor tell an anecdote without revealing a Hash of her own individuality. The title of this attractive volume, published here by Methuen, lias the superficial glitter of egotism, and yet thoso who have known the author well will con- sider it peculiarly appropriate. It is a piquant and interesting revelation of an American woman's personality. Americans who read this entertaining; book— and ! hope there will i- many of them—will bo particularly interested in the account of her girlhood la Texas and Washington, and of her struggles as a journalist In New York. She seldom re- ferred in London drawing rooms to these experiences, and never mentioned her father, Judge Paschal to whom Bho was passionately devoted, but in the printed record everything connected with her youth is told with intense vividness and easy naturalness. Heredity had much to do with her fearless spirit and inde- pendent judgment; the making of the woman was in the Southern atmosphere and In the trials and sacrifices of early womanhood, and protracted as was her residence in England and intimate as her friendships have been with interesting and important people here, she has re- mained an American at heart and in manner. How loyal has been her feeling for her native country is attested by many passages which Americans will like to read for stimulative effect. How delightful and useful a. service the could render to what is still with her "the borne country" by writing a book about America for English readers! Of her life in England, where she has been a favorite in smart as well as in bohemian society, she writes with un- failing animation and sparkle, but dis- cursively and at haphazard, as impul- sive fancy seizes her. Of the- great men whom she has known, like Gladstone and Parnell. she has little to say, and her reticence is to be regretted, for her Judg- ments of celebrities are both shrewd and tolerant. Of her intimate companions and friends she writes most affectionate- ly, but not always with discretion, for she does not hesitate to blurt out unnec- essary things, such as cheating at cards for the sake of obtaining social ostracism or an actress leaving th* table to clean her teeth. She can be easily forgiven for breaches of taste, since in her frank reminiscences as in her conversation she is never dull. I. N. F. NEW-YORK DAILY TUIIH s". r,'j:!>\r:sD AY. \o\ i:\irek 2. 1010. Of Interest to tOomen RIVALS THE COAT SUIT HELPING BODS TO BLOOM Literary w Nebvs and Criticism The American Woman Portrayed by D. G. Phiilips. « The Simple Gown Worn with a Coat of Cloth or Fur. Smart and useful though the tailored suit may be. it has never satisfied the aesthetic soul. While there is little fault to be found with it as an outdoor costume, in the house, with the coat removed. the skirt and blouse always have the appearance of being more or less of a makeshift arrange- ment. A woman may, ifsite chooses, change her tailored costumo for a house dress as toon as she comes in from the street, hut there are few who care to take this trouble. FIGURE I— ONE-PIECE GOWN OP BLACK SATIX. GIRL>LE AND BORDER OX TUN|C OP BLACK VELVET. FIGURE 2— DARK BLUE VELVET GOWN. WIDE COLLAR. CUFFS AXD BAXD ON .SKIRT OF BLACK OTTOMAN SILK. JABOT OF EMBROIDERED LA"\yN. Tli<> weakness of Ills books, or their rtrewrth. according as one takos them as Kociological documents or simply as fic- tion, lies in their \u25a0'irlaMH. Tliera is no hesitancy \u25a0» »\u25a0• no discrimination, no •-hadim? of colors: all is dir«ct. positive, pppertlve. Mr. Phillips knows -what Is rasjsj with 'is. Ho is not altogether original In th« present instance, for rloubt of the American -woman's halo of \u25a0perfection end her immeasurable supe- riority to th« Asasetessß man has been tittered before. Tt Is, in fact, "in the •*r ' and has been there for some time, Mr. Robert H^rrick \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 rll expressed It. by the way. in "Together,"' the book \u2666hat is actual's' an indictment of the American man, if its author could but *cc it. Mr. Phillips Is even more con- vinced that the responsibility for aH the •faults of our social ; "* ft especially the matrimonial side of it—that get into the yellow press lies with our women, but at the same tims he presents the- short- comings of our men as he sees them through the same sensational medium. ' Th» Husband's Story" offers us an eutebiographic account, by the man, of the rise to the financial and social top '\u25a0 eC things achieved by the daughter of a Passjafa undertaker and the eon of a corner grocer in the same interesting New Jersey -pot. He is a money-maker »nd she is a. slatternly, incompetent housekeeper, untrained for her share in the business of life until the two begin to rise. Then she blossoms into the aristocrat that every woman is said to be at heart, a cumber and a success. Serious interests she has none;' true culture is unknown to her. Worldly to the core, selfish In all the relations of life, her conquest of New York and then of Europe is accomplished at the cost of a complete estrangement between herself and her husband, ending In di- vorce. Thereafter she does better than ever for herself in the foreign environ- in en t aha has learned to prefer to that of her birth and earlier progress. It all makes most entertaining reading. bat it bears the same relation to our social conditions that is borne by the sources from which Mr. Phillips con- fessedly draws his material. "Any reader," says the official pronouncement, "can rind the plots of his» stories In the contents of any number of hundreds of metropolitan newspapers." Just .so. That is the exact measure of their trust- worthiness as pictures of American "high-life." They take no notice of the thousands that do not furnish material to swell the contents of the columns of thesa papers. One baa, however, the pleasant sensation of realizing that ho le reading a roHUlil v <!>' It is not that Mr. Phillips fuil^ to say many true things; it is only his over- statement of them, in addition to his en- tire suppression of the other side, that * causes up to question bis skill and indus- v iry in observation. lie has the habit of the novelists who exaggerate their au- thority as social and moral students and users. This kind of novel is a tradition uf the art of fiction almost as old as that •lit itself. It always distorts propor- tions. Balzac did •' with abundant genius, Ouida. with an occasional touch, t>f tiie divine gift. Mr. Phillips does it ;v.jth a great deal of superficial clever- : neas and clever superficiality. Mr. David Graluur. Phillips Is one of £»* American novelists Who are taken seriously as delineators of our contem- porary social life and as critics of its faults and evils. The thoughtful take his opinions and judgments with a grain of salt, but those who buyjifs books in huge quantities implicitly believe hint. To convince the unthinking °»° merely has to interest them, and that is best done by entertaining them. .Mi. Phillips has tlio knack of it. '"The Husband's Story" is o.Mj<jtal reading matter from first to last, a vivid picture built up of the material made familiar l.»«neatli flaming headlines in tlw sensational pffSl TUB HUSBAND'S STORY. By David Graham Phillips. 12mo. pp. W.-. i. Ap- pletoa & Co. 8


Page 1: NEW-YORK DAILY Nebvs and Of HELPING BODS BLOOM RIVALS …€¦ · BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS^ £*axe" at the bottom. About half of them were left over, and yesterday morning Miss Mary


£*axe" at the bottom. About half of themwere left over, and yesterday morningMiss Mary Donelly started to paP er thewalls with them. The saffron party wasinterrupted by Dr. Anna yon Sholly, leaderof the district, who hadn't seen the postersbefore. There was a brief but animatedconversation between the leader and MissDonelly, and then the latter got a pair ofscissors and sadly cut the "Vote for Saxe"from every poster in the place.

Act 111 opened with the entrance of Mrs.Belmont in the afternoon. Mrs. Belmontlooked ut the taillness SSSSSfS* one afterthe other. What was said is not known,but Tilis.-) Donelly made a second tour ofthe posters and tore every one down.

Dr. yon Shelly said last night that theadvice to vote for Saxe was '> little mis-take" on the part el Mrs. Belmont."I suggested that it be taken off," she

said. "Mr. Saxe has not told us he was asuffragist: he has merely said that if sent

to the Legislature he would vote to get ourbill out of committee. And Senator Agnewhas not said he was an anti: he is simplywithholding his opinion till he gets light.Ithink It would i>n very unwise to alienateSenator Angnew by working for Saxe."l.ate last night an asbeart carried away

from Broadway and ::>ih street a heap ofesters which, unlike little 80-Peep's

sheep, hadn't on« of their tails behind•hem. And down at the offices of theWoman Suffrage party they are wonderingwhat Mrs. Belmont will do next.


Mrs. Belmont's Gorgeous Saf-fron Affairs Pulled Down.

A new drama has been added to the at-tractions el Kroadway. "The Docking ofdi" Suffrage Poster; or. Why the Yellow-Bill Came Down." la its title, and theBtage is the headquarters of the ZTth As-sembly District section of th« WomanSuffrage party, under the Hotel Nor-man.

The posters wen the gorgeous saffronaffairs printed fur Mr*.O. If.P. lia'muni.and which she distributed herself to th«wayfarers around Broadway and 28thstreet, in front el the headquarters, nightbefore last— the ones with "Down withSen-ator Agnew" at the top and "Vote for

Such Is the Object of WadtergfvsVocation Committee.

TfejS trawM'y of unfolding: talents nlpp*(jlinI in the bu»l by adverse t-ircum*Ui winjbe known no more among 1 the p'&duateg J;jV»adi-»igi. Utah School if the ne»- vocation, committee uucceedg in at:<-.»»nj»l a,jj that it wishes to. Under the chairmanshipiof alias Henrietta Rodman the ct>ißxnlu««j wilt endeavor to discover all these bud3an*, help them to bloom.

"Many girls nh..n they leave school em?!*upon work for Aimh tb<?>- are no* fitted atall," sfald Uiaw Rodman yesterday,"For exam.. almost all thea«"girla bay«

some musicaf or dramatic talent, and manyof them leave school liopl^s to find a busUness opening- for these talents. They thini?, the work will be easy +i>i Interesting— jw*

different from the urear} , monotonous eas-'ing of the teacher. Of course, most el themare doomed to disappointment. Now, it ijthe duty of teachers to lintl out what Bucf»jgirls really can do well and £%z. them t?-'terestsd in that other work.

j "To l>elp*"s *m setting at these faeta topour girls we Lave distributed printed '•i*tsof (yuesrions tt> girls who are leaving schooi.We ask each one to t-iiwhat studies Eh,\u25a0was most interested In wh«-n she mas lathe grammar echools, what games she llk*4best when she was little and what b00«.9she likes to read. We ask her parents to'tell about her homo interests and to hsl^

\u25a0 us hi advising h«T."From the answers received the cornmltte*|hopee to discover hidden talents. A girl

who loved to p!ay hospital with her brokenidolls and to whom her baby sisters run forpetting:? when they bump their noses willbe found promising material for a trainednurs?, while the ehlld 'ho played schoolevery Saturday and loved to do sums forher doll pupils will be advised to b*eeoe ateacher.

After the girl has been awakened to thspossibilities th>n her the next step tcvthe lee ihers Iito help her secure training.Oft*n the girl who loves to sew has neverheard of the dressmaking school in herneighborhood or the girl about to besfmea stenographer does not know which busi-ness schools are best. The teachers \u25a0srillcome to the rescue with information, ad-dresses and letters of Introduction. Some*',times the assistance of the teachers laneeded in another way. A girl's funds arelow. Perhaps the father dies just as she Isw!ready to begin her training.

'Itis then the duty of her teachers," «a3 »Miss Rodman, "to help her get moneysomewhere— to borrow it or interest wealth?patrons in the case or secure a scholar*In some school. The influence of the teach-era in her school, of course, can accomplishmore the girl can alone.

"Some girls need positions, too, while they, ara still in school for afternoon or Satur-day work. We are sending letters to pri-

vate schools asking for information aboutfpositions as tutors and children's com-jpanions Cor our girls. All the teacher* williinterest themselves in finding work for!girls as houseworkers among their friends.Often the chance to wash dishes and sweepon Saturdays helps a girl get room andboard while she is going through college er

!gives her money enough to struggle alorg:until she finishes her school course. Th-are 13) teachers here and if we work to-. gether we can do much."It has been, discovered that a large per-

centage ot* the Wadleigh girls leav» schoolbefore they graduate, either from scarcityof money in the family purse or from lackof interest in academic studies*.

"Su« h girls," says Miss Rodman, "mustbe made to realize that even without &complete education they have within themthe eJements of success in some line ofwork. A girl may be denied the joy ofbecoming a teacher. Ifso. .-he mils" bepersuaded to ro into business, for botliteaching and ofiice work require intellectual;power. But a girl who has been prevented'from studying art must be assisted int»

jsome hand craft or applied art— work, be-icause, like the line arts, they call for handwork, and i:» such lines only the skilfulfingers of th* 'handy' girlcan succeed."


The National League for the Civic Edu-

cation of "Women announces the follow insIlectures for November: November 14, "His-tory of the United States Constitution,"

Rossiter Johnson: November 3. "MunicipalGovernment oi New York." John Jerozn-;Rooney, and November o". -'Woman's i-egal

Rlchw in New York State.*' Leslie J. Tonu>-Ikins, professor of law in New York Uai-i rsity.! All the lectures willbe given at 3 oeloe*in the afternoon at the r.ew headquartersNo. 25 Madison avenue, where- the annual

imeeting will also be held on November 7.Mr-. Gilbert E. Jones v.ill resume her in-

1 formal Instruction classes in December.

A SMART SCARF.| A new black velvet scarf that U lined!with white satin ha* the lining turned out

!at the cent.-o to simulato a little collar,

jTh!s collar ij- embroidered with black and!there are touches of white in the black ta-s-

'. -^i- with which the en^a of the soarf arr[finished. To accompany it there, is a larp^iblack velvet mv« on which » couple ofilittle coiners are turned back to show white

satin embroidered to black to match the1collar on the scarf.


Currant Jelly, melted and added to icewater, is a refreshing drink often appre-ciated by feverish invalids.

in this combining' of mat-..*;-, however,ail elaboration that would be "'.it of keep-ing with the character of tli'a gowns, iscarefully avoided.

It is long Kinee the woman who is con-scious of the deficiencies of the tailoredcostume has been so well provided withmeans of escape from it as now. After-noun and evening gowns have for sometime been built on such simple Macs andwith EQ little superfluous material that sofar as form was concerned they were Idealgarments fur informal wear. All that re-mained to be done was to make them ofsuitable material, such as serge or cash-mere, in order to produce the fascinating

frocks now shown which may be worn inthe house or go out under a top coat Ofcloth or fur with equal success. Anotherrespect In which these frocks copy moreformal ones is in the introduction of alightweight fabric about the neck andshoulders, where a heavy one would l>e un-comfortably warm.

There is, to be sure, the three-piece cos-tume, in which one Is satisfactorily clothedwithout a coat, but these arc generallyfound only among the dressier models.Even if the utility tailored suit were inthree-piece style there would still be thedanger in using it for a house frock thatthere would be a noticeable. lack of fresh-ness In the skirt when it went out in com-pany with the coat.


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ChtK $1.50

COMPLE^II »N IJEAUTIFIER.—Facepowder will pot help a dark face andneck. Itrubs off too easily and does nopermanent good, It is better to usesomething that will whiten and beautifythe skin, and take away that dark, coarse,look. A lotion made us follows willprove very satisfactory: CJet from yourdruggist four ounces of epurmax, dis-solve Itin l-jpint of hot -water and addtwo teaspoonfula of glycerine. Gentlyrub a little of this lotion on the face,neck and anus and it will wonderfullyimprove your appearance. ii gives abeautiful complexion and makes sallowor oily skin look fresh and youthful.Spur max lotion Is inexpensive and Issplendid for getting rid of pimples, tan,freckles, cold sores and a shiny skin.

GOOD BLOOD m i:i "in*i-: a safaand reliable blood tonic is made by dis-solving '• teacupful sugar and one ouncekardene In Is pint of alcohol, then add-ing enough hot water to make a fullquart of tonic. Take a tablespoonful be-fore each meal and before retiring. Uh'Binexpensive tonic purifies the blood,tones up the system, restores appetiteand aids digestion. It Is tine for clear-ing up a sallow complexion, removingliver blotches, pimples and other skineruptions.


Neveruse. soda for washing the head. Itbleaches the hair and makes it brittle.Any substancts containing alkali is alsobad for the hair, for it deadens U andmakes it become streaky. Many soapscontain alkali. The safest shampoo isordinary canthrox, which can bo pur-chased In any drug store Simply dis-solve a tea»poonful or canthroa 111 \u25a0teaoupful of hot water, pou? on the headii little at a time and proceed as youwould with any other shampoo. Itlathers, abundantly, cleans*' the »cathoroughly, stops all Irritation a"d driesquickly. The shampoo makes the hairsoft, bright, fluffy and easy to de up.

TO REMOVE HAIRS —Ladies an-noyed with the humiliating growth ofhair on the face mi forearm* vi


the following treatment more satisfac-tory, l*"*» painful and lens expensive thanthe electric needle, Just pet

' "MI yourdruggist an ounce of delatone «lt costsa dollar, but it Is worth It) and mix alittle of it with enough water to make apaste. Cover the surface •» tne skiMfrom which you wish to remove the hairwith this past.- ail, i,., it remain for \u25a0>

few minutes; then wipe off and washwith warm water. Even 1' tlu'hairsshould some back they will l»'l»' lightand thin, and v second or third applica-tion will keep them away forever.




\v«i have oiw«y« \u0084,3^ R spMteity or BtohPsni Mourning j« ,,

r Our .rtiu^.t ihl«

\u« Uia\. h«,i mo*'tVvM.Ar*"«\u25a0 -'"

cut J*t.sisnui .»n,i

«^a.ln«. Earrinjs, HaVnlni Plants. Neck-pltCM Prorohe, and «ip pln» JAMMES, r*-tuovtd to 4i& sth 8W« u:li :b a>-

This book with a purpose Is certainlyv/fcil calculated to achieve what it setscut to <Jo by the interest of its contents.Mr.Da.vey beeins «*• initio. with the sup-posed foundation of the historic placeby Juhus 'Caesar, which Is, of course, as?he l'ttle Prince m "Richard III"ob-feerved, raerely a tradition, 'successively

reported from age to age." The hittory

r>? the Tcwer as <t forties a royal resi-

iifcncb end d prison, us [IfBig aril

He y.,..;!•! reconstruct from oM onn-ji*-mr»<!rarv drawings i>n«l plarw thel^Mf^n'H Gallery, Grt&t Hall," etc., andturn them inta mupeuin galleries, taking

the Jius*e Carnavaiet In Paris for hismodel; he would, turn the armory out

+\u25a0* the White Tower, turn out tho and petty ofii^ialK who now I'"

domiciled in other parts of th« ancientjja!ac<i-fortrf^e, and turn it from a di?-eLppolntins "?how" for "Americans andprovincial cousins" into a place of pil-\u25a0jrimae for the race, none of whose in-1cresting buildings and roomy DS>ll beclosed to it,as most of them arc to-day.

As a matter of fact, the most interest-7r!£ly historical parts of the Tower ofJx>ndon remain Inaccessible- to the vis-itor, among them the little house onTower Green in which Lady Jane Greypassed the last days of her life; theI/!*-utenant's house, whose thr*-thoJd wasprobably crossed by every historic pris-oner ever brought to the Tower; theB!oody Tower, where tt- princes died:tho Middle Tower, th.- torture chamberand the vaults and cells under the White'

ffrUE TOWER OP LONDON. Hy EliehardDavey. With Co rt< • • iliustrations.fevow \>p. x, 3CL B. P. Dutton At Co.

: Of tho many <x>oks alx>ut the Tower of3..-);<3"n th^-r* appears to be no aad. Mr.3>avey. the latest siK-cialist to r.dd to theJi(<-ratur« on ikw subject, apiiarently felt,<.r[ th. completion of his book, that an

.» \|-':i!ia.Ti<.ii was due to the public, andeven pave it a slightly apologetic turn

vhile pe'miing it. As s matu-r of fa*'t, lie'}\u25a0?* a c'a«s« 1<» pWad, that <><" th.- oosn-j-Jof<» \u25a0•

\u25a0 .:-ati'.n of tho Tower to its or-J^itial rendition a- nearly us that In

•y«?£fiW«i at this Id. day, and of its ulti-!> conversion lnt<i a niuseum of th»aclics of \a''.i and vanishing London,

r«fter the ntaniieJ 1 of th«* Castello Sfor-\t<+cQ at >iilf*n. whit •• fills th< same po[•\u25a0•tion in \i,i.,; r. history that \\.<- To\\<ir?r-f London- do*s in that of th« Britishcapital."

A Plea for Its Restoration to ItsOriginal Condition.


SOCIALISM AND SUCCESS. Some UninvitedMessages. By W. J. (ihent. 12ruo, pp. 2M.(The John Lano Company.)

THREE MODERN SEERS. James Hlnton-Nletsche-Edward Car^nter. By Mrs. Havo-lock Ellis. 12mo, dp- -^7. (Mitchell Ken-nerley.)

Studies of their lndi\iduallti«B and moral,iut«:ll«>otual and spiritual characteristics.


Kecord uf Administration In A.- Anglo-iSgypttaa .Sudan. With aonM intervals ofbpoit and travel. P.y D. (\ 13. Ft. Comyn.F. R. G. B. (late of the Black Watch). Il-lustrated. •%.>. pp. zxilt, 881. (The JohnLane < !onipa>ay.)

A record of narsosal experiences duringfour years of service in the Egyptian army,tvilh descriptions of the country and itsF-ui.u, the native tril'«» and their custom*,etc.

A TRIP TO THE LAND OF THE MIDNIGHTSVX. A Narrative »i" Pereohu] Experiences.By Martha Buckingham Wood. Illustrated.]2mo, ppi SO". (Bi^ndu'a.)

Descriptive at Norway and th« Norwegians,nil their customs, mythology, sport andt!i.-uii<-^, with a chapter on the tiorj. au.ivegetation of tha cijuntry;

PAGES FROM THE BOOK OF PARIS. By jtlau&e «' Washburn." EtcUings and draw-lugs i.\ Uetttrv ii. Hornhy. Jim... pp. viil,2m (The Houghtcn MiifllnConipanr.)

Narrating in word anil drawing th«» »'l-i*«atures of two youiiff Americans in Pu»i».and ..'.:n£ the architecture. ideaU ..n.itraditions of that city. it.-" sidewalk eaf4sand Its Bohemian life. The volume I6s«s%vitu mi account of an ir.ttrvkw «lth M.Aratal Ftaa*«.

ROMANTIC DATS IN OLD BOSTON. TheStory of the City an.l oi Hi People DuringIho Niuete*nUi Century. By Mary CarolineCrawford, With numerous illustrations. Bvo,pp. six, 411. (Beaton: icicle, Brown & Co.)

Till: SPANIARD AT HOME. By Mary F.Nixon Roulet, llhistpated with photographsand octginal drawings. >\.>. pp. xl, 821.(Chicago: A. c. Hectare # •".>.,

Portraying the Spaniard of to day as i.-1really is. his home life, customs, amuse-m«nts and Institutions.

OUR NORTHERN DOMAIN. Alaska. Pictur-esque, Historic and Commercial. Fully il-lustrated. 4to, pp. 2*7, (Button: Dana,Kstcs & Co.)

Th--- history of Alaska, from Its discoveryto the present time, Its people ami scenery,With a description of the Improvements lastituted there year by year.

IX THE FOOTSTEPS OF HKINTR. By Henry.T;.iims Forman. With Illustrations by Wai"t.r King Stone. 12mo, pp. _."\u25a0'..' (ThelloujrhtQn Mirtlin Company.)

THK GREAT WHITE NORTH. The Story ofPolai- Exploration, from the Earliest Timest.. xi:,' Discovery of the Pole. By Helen 8.Wris'nt. Illustrated. i"iv.>. pp. sviil, !»\u25a0••.(Th« MacMlllan Company. >

Tho material for this book has been gath-ered from many aouroan In many caststhe roinpller Ifcta th« explorers themselvestell the history of their de( di

Till)HIGH ROADS OF THE ALPS. A Motorin* Guide to Oni Hundred Mountain l'a:-sf».By narks L. Frfteston, V. H. O. > With106 itineraries, 103 photographic illustrationsan-! 11 iiih|.m and diagrams, fivo, pp. xv, 888,(Imported by Charles Bcribner'j Sons. i

TELLS HOW SARAH DOES ITWoman's Club Hears How French

Actres3 Uses Her Lungs.Dr. '

'i^'.!l!l'<;V t.MUiIMW. of Los A.ll»?felrS.ho Is here witha playon kite "white slave-

question in his grip that lie hopes to ele-\st>j Broad way with If the managers don'tprov* too hard-hearted, gave a talk yester-day beforo thn Woman's Health ProtectiveAssociation, at the Academy of Medicine,No. IV West 43d street, that will prove veryuseful to '\u25a0\u25a0< nieinbers If ever they quitreforming thin«?e and go 011 the stagf."I kniiw,'' said Dr. I.anitow confiden-

tially,"a lovelyactress whose clothes nullhave .\u25a0<•.*\u25a0 an Immense 6um. I;;aw her Ina touching scene in which, after partingforevc-r from the man she loved, sha leftthe stag.-, saying: 'Aiy boy! my bo] Sholierself was so moved that she v>e\>t, butthe audience laughed jaerlnsrl)

"Why? pecausa she spoke from the up-per or emotional part of her lungs. Has]the 'my boy' beeq emitted from the lowersection or" ;!•\u25a0 lungs, which is opnnectedwith tha intellectual part of the brain, thataudience would have bees bathed in tears."

Dr. London .ii.i the only way to succeedon thf! '\u25a0!;-\u25a0>\u25a0 was to cut out, metaphoricallyei'eakins. the top half of tba lungK, whichwas too intimately connected with the topor emotional part of tli« brain to have anyplace In art.

'Tor art is science. iasked Bernhardt."said Dr. casually, as If talking tothe Divine Sarah was o.uke an everyday 1

affair, #1IasKed Bernhardt how she coulddie nix nights a week as Camilla and yetremain so Intense, so incomparable."

'it la,1 she told me, 'that !do net feelthe part Every tone, every gesture, isdictated by science. IfIfelt the part Icould not play Jt.'•

Bernhardt." sa<a tha speaker earnestly"would never nik« the mistake* pf speak-ing with the top or emotional part of herlungs."

SOCIOLOGY.SOCIAL. JUSTICE. A Message to Suffering Hu-

manity. By Percy Vivian Jojles. Svo. pp.310. (Cochrane Publishing Company,).

An attempt to elucidate the principles orlaws which determine the economic relationsof the members of society to each other.

A-dAINST THE CURRENT. (simple Chaptersfrom a Complex Life. By Edward A. Stein--er. 12mo, pp. 230.

'(The Fleming H. Hevell

Company.)Beglaning with his earliest recollections of

Hi.: amid the Carpathians, Professor St?lnerwrites about conditions which eend Inunl-grants to our abona, and records certaininfluences which shaped his life. The lastchapter Is devoted to conclusions regardingra.c« prejudice, the brotherhood of man andChristianity.


Tjuliij? a •lioi.-«* of Meditative and My»tia

Pt»«-ir.s Made ui'lAnnotated l>y I»uls<> collierWllcox. l'Jmo, pp. xx. (Harper IBros.)

A collection or poems tracing the progressof religious feeling from ili« .•nrlic.-'t \criaaof Enctlab poetry down to th« present.

STUDIES IN CHINESE RELIGION. JJ.- I- H.Parker, M. A. Fourteen Illustrations, >V1'.

pp. xi, 308. (E. I". Dutton & Co.)

Containing tho original studies from'Il'r;'i

a summary was made and published una*'th« title of "China .ui'i Ketlglon*' In •'•"•'•With a few alterations uii'i aJilltioiifa.

THU aiUSAT U>NGINO. A Bool; for Vain P«2"pl«. By Alan D. Mickle. ISmq. pp. -•'*•iLondon: The Walter £? Publishing torn-;d-

•Chaptern on Prayer, ttHiglou and Soeial-

is:n. Faith an.i Belief, KvilThings and BvllMen, etc.

REPRINTS.A PAIR OF i;i,iI BTBB. By ThoniMß Hardy,

Fruntiaplece. limn, pp. v, 438. (Harper &Bi-ot \u25a0

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 vi. in the M« thin pap^r edition ofm- works of the novelist, with » map of theWessex of tho novels.

Till:TRAGEDY OF RICHARD THE THIRD.Tiy -William t?hakesp<iar«<. Edlt«d, withnotes. Introduction, gloseary. Ust ••\u25a0 variorumreadings anj delected criticism. By Cha»-lotte Porter. i»>ir... pp. .wxiv, m>i). iThomasV. Crowell ft Co.>

V.c liave also received "Richard laa B#-«n4" and •'Kiri'T John

"In th>s same edition,

which reproduces the First Folio text of1623. giving Shakespeare 1" the originalspelling and punctuation.

VANITAS. Polite Stories. Including ths HithertoUnpublished Story Entitled "A -FrivolousConversion." By Vernon T.e^. 12:no, pp. lx,262. (The John Lane Comiany.)

TIIEPOSTHITMOUt» TAFKRS OF THIS PICK-WICK CLUB. By Charles Dickens. Withforty-three illustrations by Phiz. in twovolumes. Rvo, pp. xxvl, 42-1; vlll, 477.(Charges Scrlbner's hods. >

"The Centenary Edition of tlia Works ofCbarlas Dickens."

VTB3NICE AND ITS start. By X. Oker. Illus-trated by Nelly Erichsen, W. K. llinchliKand O. F. M. Ward. 4to, pp. 3.7. 332. E. P.Dutton £. Co.)

The etorj of th« foundation of Venice and•ths history or the city. Profusely Illustrated

THE TARIFF HISTORY OF THE UNITEDSTATES. By F. W. Tausalg, IL. B, Ph.D. Fifth edition. Revised, with additionalmaterial, including a consideration of theAldrlch-Payre Act of 1900. 12mo. pp. xi,422. id. P. Putnam's Sons.)


'William Sharp). 12p.i0. pp. v!. 414. (Duf-fisld & Co.)

In the edition «?lltea by Mrs. Sharp.SOME EXPERIENCES OF AN IRISH R. If.

B Z. OE. Somarvllle and Martin Ross.i.ii Illustrations by E. OE. Bemervi!le.

New edition. 12mo, pp. vJii, 309. (Long-mans. Green & Co i

FURTHER EXPERIENCES OF AN IRISH R.M. By E. OE. Somervllle and Martin Ross.With illustrations by E. OE. SomervUle.P.eissus. I2mo, pp. vill, 314. (Lonsmans,Green &Co.)

VOICES FROM ERIN. And Other Poems. ByDenis A. McCarthy. New edition, revisedfind enlarged. I2mo, pp. ii. 132. (Boston; ILittle. Brown & Co.•

PSYCHOLOGICAL.i-:i..;.;i;.-n*>x. Ny K.lwaro tJ. W»rman. &• M

&lUnio, m>. x. '•\u25a0«. (Qiio&go: a. C. Mv« luij-«cV.)

A consiUeratlon of Ut« law of 11-"'1"'-Us U.alltiß art ami Its effect upon vuriouHphases of life. Betas Vol. V In the "I'sycnicSclaßCfl aeries." "Spiritism/ "(.>l:iir\ ••:\u25a0 _am*" and "Hindu Phi'osophy." formingV'ol». VI. VIT an.l VIIIor the Mime ••"•\u25a0nivl by the earns author, liave also b« n rcr-cciv&3.

and wife, and the other is a one-act f*1*

on race tuk-iUp.

Mrs. T. P. O'Connor on LondonSociety.

London, October 25.Women are the best writers of light

memoirs and social reminiscences. Thisl-, shown by the success, cf Lady Doro-thy MevUTs two volumes. Lady Ran-dolph Churchill's recollections, and byLady SI . Heller's interesting record ofher own life aud acquaintances. Mensometimes lack the lightness of touchand vivacity of style requisite for enter-taining good-natured, but easily boredaudiences. Mrs. Craig!©, !f .]\u25a0.- hadlived, would have written a perfect vol-ume of literary and social reminiscencesof London, for, while she Mas a thought-ful censor, a cubtle satirist and a keenobserver, she was also master of a de-lightful comedy etyle. Probably therewill not be a better substitute for thatunwritten work than her friend, Mrs.T. P. O'Connor, has presented to Lon-don society.

Mre. O'Connor writes in a delightfullyfeminine way, indifferent In logical orderand consistency and bubbling over withvivacity and natural bonhomie. With allthe digressions, casual reflections andspontaneous outbursts of candor, iier

iglory, Its tragedies and mysteries arejtraced step by step, the author pointingout, in further justification of the book,

!that he has bean ahle to bring forwardiimportant new facts, such as the date ofIthe demolition of the Wardrobe Tower.iand thai he has retold at greater length

iand with more circumstantial detail theattempted robbery of the Crown jewels,the niurcie:- or suicide of the Earl ofKf=sex, Lord Kithadate's escape, and thelast days, trial and death of AnneIffojeyn. And, pi course, us an enthu-siastic specialist, he is able to correctmany minor historical errors, such asthe statement that th.. wedding proces-sion of Prince Arthur mi Katharine of

!Aragon started from the Tower, whenias a matter of fact it started from thepalace of the Bishop of London, near by.

in these days of world-wide spellingreform, one reads with delight the pho-netic, contemporary account of the coro-nation of Klizabvth'of York, the Queen

iOf Henry VII;

Her grace cain« to '"• To\ er from Green-wich by water, followed by many- richlydecorated barge?, on« r*pre«s^nling "a greatr«.-<i. diagnti, spowtyh) Ui&mys Ot l"\^r intotli<* TenimjTS." this being followed by otherI''gentlemanly pageants.*' . • • Next day,i., Queen, "rially BppareMe." with "her

!faj.r*- yellow hayro lumping downe playnIby&>T)d her Bak," passed through theifctnttt-t^. lv which bands of children, "sum«rrsj.yii«j lyj£^ AngeJls and others lyke Vyr-gyne," sang "sweete eongea

fillers and governors pass in review,iami prisoners, too, te the hut ones,

IArthur Thistlewood, .Tames Ings, JohnHarrison. 'William Davidson (a negro).

John Wilson, John T. Brunt, Richard• Tidd ami John Monument, who were im-'prisoned in the Tower on March 3, 1820,charged with high treason in the organ-ization of the Cato street conspiracy. Itis one cf the book's merits that it pays

; such dose attention to the modern his-tory

-•the oldest royal palace in Europe,

j older even than the Vatican, besidewhich the Hofburgr of Vienna is but asof yesterday. One wishes Mr.Davey suc-cess in. his propaganda. His work is atelling? argument In its favor

"EVERYMAN'S"Fifty More Volumes in a Re-

markable Series.It setms only the other day that we

j were welcoming a new batch of volumesjin "Everyman's Library," the series of!cheap reprints started by Dent, in Lon-

don, and published in this country byE. P. Dutton & Co. There were enoughbooks then in the collection to justify a

ipause, but with something: like breath-less energy the tasli has been carriedforward, and now five hundred volumesare available. The last group of fifty inthe series has just been received, and re-vives keen appreciation of one of thebest schemes of bookmaking ever pro-jected. These volumes are, to beginwith, excellently well made. Small insize though they are, they are printed ingood type, on good paper, and they are'charmingly bound, the color of thesimple cloth cover varying according to

j the department of literature in which agiven book belongs. Thus, notion is clad

Iin red, poetry and drama in green, theclassics in gray, and so on. For pub-

lications so inexpensive these are aston-ishing in their solidity and good taste.All this, moreover, Is subsidiary.

Tlie first purpose of '•Everyman's,'' of'course, is to enable any reader to feed aspecial interest at its abounding board.The standard works ana here and withthem a. quantity of books which, if not

ito b«* reckoned among the greatest tri-!umphs of the old masters, are neverthe-

less desired by the studious reader.. Take, for example, the division given toI"Poetry and Drama." In this latest in-

stalment we have the complete works,iin two volumes, of Ben Jonson, editedj with an Introduction by Professor Behei-

\u25a0 ling, and to the same group ProfessorThomdykl contributes a couple of vol-

]umes of manor Elizabethan, plays, whilejfollowing these we have the poems and:plays of Byron, in three volumes, editedjby Professor Treat, and. what is pecul-

Iiarly significant of the alert editorial i

j judgment controlling the series, a vol-!ume containing "A Doll's House" and;two other plays by Ibsen. The inclusionof this last vividly illustrates the resolu-tion of the publishers to keep "Every-

jman's" from being a mere museum of'

ifamiliar In the historical di-!vision they issue to-day the fourth, fifth:and sixth volumes of Gibbon, and they


reprint living's "Conquest of Granada," i

ibut they give us. besides, Proude'a[ "Reign of .\Lity Tudor," and, under the;title of "Tho Pilgrim Fathers," a collec-|tion, happily edited by John Masefield, of.contemporary tracts or narratives of thesailing of the Mayflower and the found-ing of Now England. Lord Derby'sItranslation of the "Iliad" and Cowper'sversion of the "Odyssey" figure in theclassical list, which also embraces Platoand Thucydides.

But ii would be tiresome to enumerateall of the eloquent titles In this collec-tion We need onJy note in passing twoor three ospfcially welcome volumes,

sucb as Burke'B "Reflections 011 thev •\u25a0< i•ii Revolution," Scott's "Lives ofthe Novelists" and Bartholomew's "Lit-erary and Historical Atlas of Europe,"

• adding that among the novels room isfound not only for works by Fielding,Thackeray and BaJsaa, hut. for "TheWoman in White" and fur a collectionof "Tales and Parables" by Tolstoy.:This batch by itself makes a littleIlibrary, and it represents only a. tenthpart of "Everyman's." Obviously, the

j scheme is Invaluable in th/ dissemina-1 tioti of the knowledge and delight thatiliterature afford^.!


SONNETS TO A LOVER. Py Myrtl* Heed.12ino. pi). !-\u0084 89. (G. r. Putnam's :.-.i

fcHOUT PLATB FROM PICKBNS I'or ti'* L'£«of Arnattur jm4 School Dramatic letter.ArrariK*-f]by Horact* •• Brown*, M. A. WithIllustration* by "Phil .' 6»9rs« Crutkshank.'ieorg's 'Vatierinolft and Marcus Stone, n. A.lZnic;, riJ- *v.I'M. (CHarlu ScrlbMr*a Sons.i

Twenty plays from "David Copperfleld,'!\u25a0'riarnaby Rud**.11 "Martin' ChUKlewU.'J"Skstchfeß by Bo?." "uieak lloust:.' "OurMutual Friend" and "Nicholas Nicklaby."

AT THE NEW THEATRE AND OTHERS. ThfiAmerican Btas«: Iti Problems »nd PerforrnAQceft. lO<Mt-'lO. ii. Walter Pnteliar.lHaton. I2mo. PC x. XA. (Boiton: Small.Maynard & Co.)

JUDITH. A TraKAdy in Five Acts. By iUrtii;iichulie. 12r,i0, pp. 306. <Henry Holt. AiCo.)

Base>3 on th% apocxypha! «t&ry. ih« princi-pa! traftlo motive In the drama is th« conflict between a woman1* fanatic and des-ijerats patriritlsm an-l hsr moral nature andptricnal integrity.

HUSBAND A>.'D THE FORBIOr>C\' CL'EaTS.Two Pla>.E. By lohn . rbln lto PPxxxlll,271. (The Houghilfi Ml.flnCompany.)

oas iiieals v,itlian American hubaaa

POETRY AND DRAMA.Till. POEMS OF AT.'. \u25a0••,.'.? i.i. !,av, FU.\< T'

POSEY. Collected .i!,1 .i.-:-.i:-e i by Mrs.Minnie 11. PoMy. jtlla memoir by Will-iam Elsey Connelley. Illustrated, gvo, pp.192 (Topeka, Kan.: Crane i.Co.)

DANTE. A Dramatic Poem. By UelolM TJuraruHose. IZmo, Pl>. 244. (Mitchell Kcnnerlcy.)

THE) TKAGKDV OK NAN. And Other Plays.By John Masefleld. li!mo. pp. mi (MitchellKennerley.)

Tlir<*j thort playe.


SCIENTIFIC TERMS.Andrew Lang in Scorn of Their

Careless Coinage.From The Illustrated London News.It is much to be wished that when

coining scientific terms scientific char-acters would mind their p's and q's! Longago itused to be said that a poor scholarwas nourished by inventors of hair dyesand patent razors to make sonorousnames, good in advertisements, for theirwares. One of his words was, Iremem-ber, Rhypophagon, and, at all events, hehad combined two Greek words and hadmade no unholy wedlock of Greek andLatin, as in "sociology," and "homo-sexual"*—things to shudder at. Surelyscientific gentlemen might subsidize apoor scholar to make correct terms forthem. Indeed^ if they will consult meIwill do it "for love," with the help offriends and a Greek dictionary, and toavoid outrages pn languages once respec-table and now worthy pf reverence, asthey are dead.

There is a favorite phrase of the post-Darwinians, "panmixia." it is just ascheap and it is correct to say "pain-mixia." Fifty years ago an advertising-hairdresser would have found that hisstarving scholar gave him "pammixia," ifhe needed it for a hair wash. But now-

me kind of razor is termed, Ithink, the"autostrop"

—the self stropper. "Autos"

Is Greek for "self,1 but "strop" is hotGreek. I(Jo not remember the Greek for"strop"—no doubt any schoolboy cansupply it

—but science prattles about

"auto-suggestion" when "self-sugges-tion" is natural am] is meant.•

in- awful "howler* is quite scientific—you meet it everywhere^ In Greek,alpha, our letter a, is "privitive," andmeans "not."' In Latin, as we know,non means

'ii"l." •Moral," notoriously,

is a word of Latin origin. It', therefore,a. scientific character wants to say thatsomething is "non-moral" he does notpay so, but having somehow heard ii*the fourth form or "alpha privative," hewrites "amoral." lie might as well write"spot" for "spot barred."

The very worst Iever saw was "aaor-orogamous.V The inventor o| this amaz-ing term, by which he meant "not mar-rying your sister," combined alpha(Greek) with soror ("sister" in Latin),and threw in "gamous" (Greek) ion theanalogy of "bigamous," which, by theway, is also wrong. "AnadelphogamiCwas what my friend wanted, but, alas! hehe was as lazy at school as he was inge-nious. Are we to say "multogaiay" for"polygamy?" It i- no worse than therest.

The last scientific "howler" which Ihave seen is "hypernatural." The Greek

per" has the same sense as the Latin"super." "above," and hitherto- -beforescientific gents handled a language,Greek, which they don't know, and ditest

—when, we meant "above nature"

we said "supernatural.'! But the unin-structed pedantry of the scientist; char-acter now gives us "hyp'•rusitural." and"superhuman" will soon be "hyper-human," whereas "hyperanthropic" (riotwithout warrant from so self-respectingan author as Lucian) would serve th«jturn, without setting our teeth on edge.Iam no advocate fop ''compulsory

Greek.'' Ifa bo) genius is in the Bcientine way. Iwould not be for the futilefolly of trying to teach him the languageOf Homer. All Iask is that .scientificgentlemen, as they neither know norlove Greek, should leave that languagealone when they mix up their jargon atimpossible combinations. For each ofthem, surely, hie native tongue ought «obe good enough They and the hair-dressers ought not to tamper with thespeech of Plato and pollute the languageof Shakespeare. Why say "pantoga-mouH" when pasigamous" is correct, ifme must veil our meaning In th« decentobscurity of a dead language?

memoirs, entitled, "i Myself," have themerit of rapid improvisation at whitsbeat. The zest for astonishing her au-dience by saying unexpected things hassurvived her ardor for society and evenfor life; and while she makes no secretof her ill health, loneliness and iinhap-piness, she cannot write a dull page,nor tell an anecdote without revealinga Hash of her own individuality. Thetitle of this attractive volume, publishedhere by Methuen, lias the superficialglitter of egotism, and yet thoso whohave known the author well will con-sider it peculiarly appropriate. It is apiquant and interesting revelation of anAmerican woman's personality.

Americans who read this entertaining;book—and !hope there will i- many ofthem—will bo particularly interested inthe account of her girlhood la Texas andWashington, and of her struggles as ajournalist In New York. She seldom re-ferred in London drawing rooms to theseexperiences, and never mentioned herfather, Judge Paschal to whom Bho waspassionately devoted, but in the printedrecord everything connected with heryouth is told with intense vividness andeasy naturalness. Heredity had muchto do with her fearless spirit and inde-pendent judgment; the making of thewoman was in the Southern atmosphereand In the trials and sacrifices of earlywomanhood, and protracted as was herresidence in England and intimate as herfriendships have been with interestingand important people here, she has re-mained an American at heart and inmanner. How loyal has been her feelingfor her native country is attested bymany passages which Americans willlike to read for stimulative effect. Howdelightful and useful a. service the couldrender to what is still with her "theborne country" by writing a book aboutAmerica for English readers!

Of her life in England, where she hasbeen a favorite in smart as well as inbohemian society, she writes with un-failing animation and sparkle, but dis-cursively and at haphazard, as impul-sive fancy seizes her. Of the- great menwhom she has known, like Gladstone andParnell. she has little to say, and herreticence is to be regretted, for her Judg-ments of celebrities are both shrewd andtolerant. Of her intimate companionsand friends she writes most affectionate-ly, but not always with discretion, forshe does not hesitate to blurt out unnec-essary things, such as cheating at cardsfor the sake of obtaining social ostracismor an actress leaving th* table to cleanher teeth. She can be easily forgiven forbreaches of taste, since in her frankreminiscences as in her conversation sheis never dull. I.N. F.

NEW-YORK DAILY TUIIH s". r,'j:!>\r:sDAY. \o\ i:\irek 2. 1010.

Of Interest to tOomen


wNebvs and Criticism

The American Woman Portrayedby D. G. Phiilips.


The Simple Gown Worn with aCoat of Cloth or Fur.

Smart and useful though the tailored suitmay be. it has never satisfied the aestheticsoul. While there is little fault to be foundwith it as an outdoor costume, in thehouse, with the coat removed. the skirtand blouse always have the appearance ofbeing more or less of a makeshift arrange-ment. A woman may, ifsite chooses, changeher tailored costumo for a house dress astoon as she comes in from the street, hutthere are few who care to take this trouble.



Tli<> weakness of Ills books, or theirrtrewrth. according as one takos them asKociological documents or simply as fic-tion, lies in their \u25a0'irlaMH. Tliera isno hesitancy \u25a0» »\u25a0• no discrimination, no

•-hadim? of colors: all is dir«ct. positive,pppertlve. Mr. Phillips knows -what Is

rasjsj with 'is. Ho is not altogetheroriginal In th« present instance, forrloubt of the American -woman's halo of\u25a0perfection end her immeasurable supe-riority to th« Asasetessß man has beentittered before. Tt Is, in fact, "in the•*r '

and has been there for some time,

Mr. Robert H^rrick \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 rll expressed the way. in "Together,"' the book\u2666hat is actual's' an indictment of theAmerican man, if its author could but*cc it. Mr. Phillips Is even more con-vinced that the responsibility for aH the•faults of our social ;"*ft—especially thematrimonial side of it—that get into theyellow press lies with our women, butat the same tims he presents the- short-comings of our men as he sees themthrough the same sensational medium.'Th» Husband's Story" offers us an

eutebiographic account, by the man, ofthe rise to the financial and social top

'\u25a0 eC things achieved by the daughter of a

Passjafa undertaker and the eon of acorner grocer in the same interesting

New Jersey -pot. He is a money-maker»nd she is a. slatternly, incompetent

housekeeper, untrained for her share in

the business of life until the two begin

to rise. Then she blossoms into thearistocrat that every woman is said tobe at heart, a cumber and a success.Serious interests she has none;' true

culture is unknown to her. Worldly to

the core, selfish In all the relations oflife,her conquest of New York and thenof Europe is accomplished at the cost

of a complete estrangement betweenherself and her husband, ending In di-vorce. Thereafter she does better thanever for herself in the foreign environ-inen t aha has learned to prefer to thatof her birth and earlier progress.

Itall makes most entertaining reading.

bat it bears the same relation to oursocial conditions that is borne by thesources from which Mr. Phillips con-

fessedly draws his material. "Anyreader," says the official pronouncement,

"can rind the plots of his» stories In thecontents of any number of hundreds ofmetropolitan newspapers." Just .so.That is the exact measure of their trust-

worthiness as pictures of American"high-life." They take no notice of thethousands that do not furnish materialto swell the contents of the columns ofthesa papers. One baa, however, thepleasant sensation of realizing that hole reading a roHUlil v <!>'

It is not that Mr. Phillips fuil^ to saymany true things; it is only his over-

statement of them, in addition to his en-tire suppression of the other side, that* causes up to question bis skilland indus-

v iry in observation. lie has the habit ofthe novelists who exaggerate their au-thority as social and moral students and

users. This kind of novel is a traditionuf the art of fiction almost as old as that•lit itself. It always distorts propor-tions. Balzac did •' with abundantgenius, Ouida. with an occasional touch,t>f tiie divine gift. Mr. Phillips does it;v.jtha great deal of superficial clever- :

neas and clever superficiality.

Mr. David Graluur. Phillips Is one of£»* American novelists Who are takenseriously as delineators of our contem-porary social life and as critics of itsfaults and evils. The thoughtful take

his opinions and judgments with a grainof salt, but those who buyjifs books inhuge quantities implicitly believe hint.To convince the unthinking °»° merely

has to interest them, and that is bestdone by entertaining them. .Mi. Phillips

has tlio knack of it. '"The Husband'sStory" is o.Mj<jtal reading matter fromfirst to last, a vivid picture built up ofthe material made familiar l.»«neatliflaming headlines in tlw sensationalpffSl

TUB HUSBAND'S STORY. By DavidGraham Phillips. 12mo. pp. W.-. i.Ap-pletoa & Co.