New Wineskin Fresh Anointing Pt1

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Transcript of New Wineskin Fresh Anointing Pt1

  • 7/25/2019 New Wineskin Fresh Anointing Pt1


    Jonathan Hansen,Chairman

    World Ministries International


    PART 1

    Today people know there is something

    wrong with the church; something wrong in

    the church; something wrong with the

    leaders of most churches. But, yet, most

    people cannot place their finger upon theproblem. Preceding every move of God there

    is a hunger that grows in the hearts of men

    and women; a hunger that cannot be satisfied

    with words of menunless they come

    through the anointing of a servant of God.

    The anointing breaks the yoke. The

    anointing sparks and brings revival. Today

    most people are dissatisfied with the spiritual

    conditions surrounding them. They are

    dissatisfied with the churches they are


    People are beginning to cry out to God in

    prayer. People want new wine. They wantthe manifestation of the Holy Ghost in power

    and authority. They want anointing. They

    want reality; not a form of Christianity. The

    Bible tells us that when new wine is poured

    out, new leaders suddenly appear. In the

    church today there needs to be a reformation.

    There needs to be a change. If you want to

    continue to move with God, if you want to

    continue to grow in God, if you want fresh

    anointing; you have got to be willing to


    II Thessalonians 2:10-12 reads: And with

    all deceivableness of unrighteousness inthem that perish; because they received not

    the love of the truth, that they might be

    saved. And for this cause God shall send

    them strong delusion, that they should

    believe a lie: That they all might be damned

    who believed not the truth, but have

    pleasure in unrighteousness. Ladies and

    gentlemen, if we want to move with God, if

    we want to move with the Spirit of God, if we

    want to move with the wind of God; we must


    John 3:8 reads: The wind bloweth where

    it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof,

    but canst not tell whence it cometh, and

    whither it goeth: so is every one that is born

    of the Spirit. Jesus said that those who

    are led by the Holy Spirit will be changing

    and moving constantly. To move with the

    Holy Spirit demands constant change. IICorinthians 3:18 reads: But we all with

    open face beholding as in a glass the glory

    of the Lord, are changed into the same

    image from glory to glory, even as by the

    Spirit of the Lord.

    Once again, we must change. We must

    not resist change if we want to move with

    the Holy Spirit, if we want to grow from

    glory to glory, if we want a fresh anointing.

    Again, to move with the Holy Spirit demands

    constant change. People like to be stable,

    secure, and comfortable. But, Jesus demandsfreedom. Freedom means change. Jesus

    works like the wind. It can never be limited,

    boxed in, or confined. Peoples efforts to

    crystallize and restrict the Holy Ghost are

    contrary to the ongoing work of God.

    Luke 5:37-38 reads: And no man putteth

    new wine into old bottles; else the new wine

    will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and

    the bottles shall perish. But new wine must

    be put into new bottles; and both are

    preserved. Ladies and gentlemen,

    whenever the Holy Spirit fills people with

    new wine, the structure or organization inwhich they function must change. Old

    wineskins drip. New wineskins must be used

    to hold the new life; to hold the ever-

    changing flow and anointing from the Lord.

    We have seen this principle constantly in

    operation throughout the history of the

    church. For example, when Martin Luther

    pursued truth, rather than resisting truth (as

    Thessalonians warns), he received

    revelation from the Holy Spirit concerning

    faith and grace and established the church

    called the Lutheran Church. The previously

    established churchthe old wineskinwas

    ripped in two, and a new denomination was

    birthed. Lets look at another example

    When John Wesley preached with the fire

    of the Holy Ghost, a new structure now

    known as the Methodist denomination was

    formed. Throughout history as men andwomen ministered under a fresh anointing

    of Gods Holy Spirit, there was change from

    the old established system, allowing the

    Holy Spirit to breath new anointing through

    the anointed apostle or prophet. New

    wineskins formed every time new wine was

    poured in.

    God wants to pour new wine into all of us

    He wants us to grow in anointing. But we

    must not resist truth. We must not resis

    change. We are growing from glory to glory

    We are supposed to be growing into His

    likeness; into His image. The Lord has nevefailed His church, but we have resisted truth

    We have resisted His Holy Ghost.

    Joel 2:28-29 reads: And it shall come to

    pass afterward, that I will pour out my spiri

    upon all flesh; and your sons and you

    daughters shall prophesy, your old men

    shall dream dreams, your young men shal

    see visions: And also upon the servants and

    upon the handmaids in those days will

    pour out my spirit. Ladies and gentlemen

    we must be willing to change! We must be

    willing to allow our present wineskins to rip

    Jesus warned that it was impossible to pournew wine into an old wineskin withou

    ripping it. You and I must allow the Holy

    Ghost to rip apart our old wineskins. There

    can be no mighty spiritual revival; no mighty

    change in our lives or in the structure of the

    church, the denomination, or the

    organization of the church without a great

    shaking and changing of the wineskin. I

    will rip! The problem in churches and

    denominations today is that we have people

    resisting the change of the Holy Ghost. We

    have people resisting the truth of the Holy

    Spirit. We have peopleresisting God. We

    have people that want to remain in old

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    wineskins. We have leaders leading

    churches and denominations today that are

    administrators or pastors, but who exclude

    the apostles and prophets.

    Now, Church, listen to me. If we want a

    mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit; if we

    want change, we must allow our wineskins

    to rip. We cannot expect to know the samepower of the Holy Ghost that the New

    Testament believers experienced unless we

    have wineskins similar to theirs. One of the

    reasons why the first century church grew

    was because they used the full operation of

    what Ephesians 4:11-15 explains. Lets read

    it: And he gave some, apostles; and some,

    prophets; and some, evangelists; and some,

    pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of

    the saints, for the work of the ministry, for

    the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we

    all come in the unity of the faith, and of the

    knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect

    man, unto the measure of the stature of the

    fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no

    more children, tossed to and fro, and carried

    about with every wind of doctrine, by the

    sleight of men, and cunning craftiness,

    whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But

    speaking the truth in love, may grow up

    into him in all things, which is the head,

    even Christ.

    It has been taught by many administrators

    and pastors that the apostles and prophets

    were only for New Testament times. But,that is not scriptural. All five of these

    ministry gifts were given by God to the

    church: until we all attain to the unity

    of the faith, and of the knowledge of the

    Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the

    measure of the stature of the fulness of


    The church cannot reach perfection until

    it follows Gods order of church leadership.

    Until the church works as Christ instituted it

    to work, operating with His servants, the

    church cannot grow. Thus, we see and feel

    the frustration of people who attend deaddenominations and dead churches that have

    become stifled after their apostle or prophet

    retired or died.

    Once again, John Wesley and Martin

    Luther, when they moved off the scene, all

    of a sudden their denominations were turned

    over to administrators and pastors. The

    fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit led by the

    apostle and the prophet ceased. God wants

    today to raise up leaders so His church can

    go through a major reformation, putting new

    wineskin in place of the old, so that the

    church can enjoy a great outpouring of theHoly Ghost.

    The unique characteristic of a ministry gift

    is the anointing of God. The word

    anointed means having oil spread upon.

    When God anoints a person, the person

    changes. I Samuel 10:6 reads: And the spirit

    of the Lord will come upon thee, and thou

    shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be

    turned into another man. Every leader with

    a ministry gift has been touched, anointed,gifted by God, changed by the work of the

    Holy Spirit. These changes take place in

    two areas of a persons life. First, a gift from

    God changes a persons heart. Look at I

    Samuel 10:9: And it was so, that when he

    had turned his back to go from Samuel, God

    gave him another heart: and all those signs

    came to pass that day. The Bible tells us

    that the instant Saul received his anointing,

    God changed his heart. So it is when a pastor

    receives the heart to shepherd people, or

    when an evangelist receives a heart full of

    compassion for the lost. It is Gods own

    heart for a specific area of ministry that is

    placed within a gifted, anointed individual.

    Secondly, a giftanointing from

    Godallows the Holy Spirit to flow through

    a person in a greater measure and in a certain

    fashion. John 7:38-39 reads: He that

    believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,

    out of his belly shall flow rivers of living

    water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which

    they that believe on him should receive: for

    the Holy Ghost was not yet given; becausethat Jesus was not yet glorified.) The Holy

    Spirit will work through any Christian, but

    the person who has received Gods heart

    anointing for a ministry has an open channel

    for the Holy Spirit to flow in a unique way.

    The Holy Spirit comes forth from the pastor

    in a different manner than the way He works

    through the teacher, the apostle, or the

    prophet. It is the same Holy Spirit sent by

    God the Father, but the different gifts allow

    the Father to pour out His grace in different


    Isaiah 10:27 tells us that it is the anointingof God that breaks the yoke. You and I must

    be willing to change. We must allow our old

    wineskins to rip and allow God to pour in

    new wine so that we have new wineskins.

    Thus, fresh anointing can come upon us,

    and God can use us as He desires. The

    apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher,

    pastorthey all have anointinga special,

    unique anointing on each ministry gift, that

    allows that ministry gift to perform certain

    functions for the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The unique characteristic of a prophet and

    an apostle anointing is that they work on

    the basic structure of the church. Ephesians

    2:20 reads: And are built upon the

    foundation of the apostles and prophets

    Jesus Christ himself being the chief corne

    stone So, here the Word of God tells u

    that the body of Jesus Christ is built upon

    the foundation of apostles and prophets, and

    that Jesus Christ Himself is the corner stone

    Ladies and gentlemen, listen carefully

    Evangelists, pastors, teachers, and all otherChristians build upon the foundation already

    laid. You can look at I Corinthians 3:10-13

    Only apostles and prophets have the

    empowering of God to lay or change the

    foundation itself. Did you hear? Many

    churches, many denominations need their

    foundations changed. They need new

    wineskins. But, in order to do so, they mus

    be led by the apostles and prophets.

    The word prophet means one who

    speaks for. He is one who has received an

    anointing to speak in a much more direc

    and powerful way. Behind the prophet

    words are great spiritual forces able to break

    spiritual bondages off people or groups of


    Harold R. Eberle writes in his book, The

    Complete Wineskin: The purpose of the

    prophets words is not simply to provide

    knowledge or understanding, but to change

    the structure or nature of that which is being

    spoken to. A preachers words may be

    evaluated, but a prophets words must be

    accepted or rejected, submitted to or resistedThis does not mean that the ongoing

    conversation of a prophet is God-ordained

    and hence, power-packed, but the messages

    that the prophet receives from God for a

    particular situation or person do have Gods

    spiritual forces behind them. The prophet i

    Gods direct mouthpiece, through whom God

    speaks powerfully into the church and into

    the world.

    We must distinguish between the

    Christian who prophesies and the ministry

    gift of a prophetThe Christian who

    prophesies speaks Gods words, but thereis not as much spiritual power behind those

    words, and they are spoken only for

    edification, consolation and exhortation (

    Cor. 14:3). The prophet may speak with these

    three purposes, but also may speak Gods

    direction, revelation, rebuke, correction or

    knowledge of the future. The prophets in

    Acts 13:1-2 hear Gods direction to send ou

    Paul and Barnabas for ministry. In Acts 21:10

    11 the prophet Agabus speaks with

    revelation and knowledge of the future when

    he announces that Paul will be imprisoned

    The prophets in the Old Testament give

    strong rebukes to the Jewish people on many

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    occasions, as does Paul in his letters to the

    churches. The ministry of a prophet is more

    diversified and powerful than that of a

    Christian who simply prophesies.

    The prophet can be better understood

    when we contrast the power of the prophets

    words with that of an evangelists words. A

    gifted evangelist may come to a church or a

    city and preach a message that causes dozensor even hundreds of people to respond.

    However, we know from studies that success

    depends much upon advertising,

    organization, and extensive follow-upeven

    with these, very few of the people reached

    will remain involved in a church. For example,

    in a typical citywide evangelistic crusade held

    today, less than twenty percent of those who

    respond to the gospel invitation will get

    involved in a church.

    In contrast, when a prophet visits a church

    or a city, the power of a prophets words

    produces lasting results. Charles Finney

    (who is wrongly called an evangelist by

    many) was a prophet who brought revival to

    numerous cities in America about one

    hundred years ago. Studies show that over

    eighty percent of those to whom he

    ministered remained in churches for the rest

    of their lives. The prophet Jonah brought an

    entire city to repentance without any

    advertising, follow-up, or administration.

    Such results are understandable in the

    prophets ministry but uncommon in the

    ministry of the evangelist. A gifted prophetnot only changes the course of a church for

    years to come, but individuals who receive

    the prophets ministry are given direction that

    influences the rest of their lives. A prophet

    deals with foundations. As we look at a few

    other examples later, we will see that a

    prophets words endure time, persecution

    and affliction. The words of teachers,

    pastors and evangelists do not carry such


    Often the prophet is called upon by God

    for a specific task. John the Baptist was sent

    to prepare the way for the Lord. Nehemiahled the Jews to rebuild the wall around

    Jerusalem. When we read the books of the

    prophets in the Bible, we see that the word

    of the Lord or a vision came to each of them

    and then they were required to proclaim that

    one message. Moses, who was also a

    prophet, led the Hebrew people out of


    Today, God sends some prophets to a

    specific church or denomination to correct it

    or get it on track. Other prophets may have a

    primary message that they express in many

    different ways and carry to many churches.Because of this, they may appear unbalanced

    and limited. People may judge them for

    talking about the same topics over and over,

    not realizing that they are supposed to be

    unbalanced, at least through our natural

    eyes. Many times God will keep the prophet

    speaking on the same subject or on related

    topics until the message has been received

    or openly rejected. After that, the prophet

    may be given a new vision, or word, orburden from God. It is because the prophets

    vision can be intense and powerful that the

    prophet is sometimes limited to one task or

    message at a time.

    We must not form a distorted image of

    the prophets ministry. Not all prophets have

    a single mission or purpose. Most of them

    should be able to give consistent, balanced

    direction and revelation within the Body. In

    describing their role, I do not want to restrict

    them or your view of what they should do. I

    am just briefly mentioning here a few common


    Prophets are also used by God to

    transmit, confirm, or recognize anointings on

    other people. In the Old Testament, we see

    that the prophets poured oil on the heads of

    the kings before the kings took their

    positions. Paul encourages Timothy to

    continue in the spiritual gifting he received

    at the laying on of hands with prophetic

    utterance (I Tim. 1:18 and 4:14). It was several

    prophets and teachers that set Paul and

    Barnabas aside for ministry (Acts 13:1-3).

    Prophets are able to speak forth Godsanointings as God directs.

    The hearts of prophets are directed,

    intense, burdened, tender, and sometimes

    frustrated. Their hearts are focused on the

    specific tasks God has given them. Their

    emotions are linked to the results they

    perceive in relationship to their calling. They

    are often in tears when they see no change,

    joyful when correction is received. They

    have tender hearts that are easily broken at

    the sight of sin. Yet, it is common for

    prophets to be frustrated when they see that

    what is written in the Bible is not real in thechurch.

    Prophets are more sensitive to spiritual

    forces and impending troubles than the

    average Christian. In the Old Testament,

    prophets are often called seers, referring to

    their ability to see into the spiritual world

    (for example, I Samuel 9:9). They sense Gods

    solutions or answers to problems in the

    Church, in the world, and in the lives of

    individuals. Their eyes are open to see

    visions and anointings from God.

    Because prophets often encounter

    tremendous resistance, many of them arevery determined, assertive people,

    frequently considered hardheaded and

    stubborn. They are not influenced much by

    persecution or mens opinions. They are

    often dramatic, acting in ways that emphasize

    the messages God has placed on their hearts

    Prophets are sometimes radical individuals

    alone more than the average Christian, and

    so intense that they challenge those around

    them. I do not want to stereotype, but thisis how God often seems to design the

    character and personality of a prophet. I

    comes with the gift. Pgs. 22-26.

    The church (believers) are in perilous times

    today because of damnable heresies (2

    Peter 2:1). Rev. David Alsobrook writes in

    his book The Precious Blood: A

    damnable heresy is a teaching which, if

    believed, will damn a person.

    The book of Jude warns of false teachers

    who follow the ways of Cain. Cain was a

    humanist who tried to worship God his own

    way, offering to God what God had cursed

    Cain offered God a bloodless sacrifice...the

    first false religion and distortion of Gods


    Two thirds of the clergy polled in one

    denomination disclaimed belief in the virgin

    birth, the blood, and denied the deity of Jesus

    Christ and His literal resurrection. Brothers

    we need to be led by the Word of God

    Ephesians 4:11-14 exhorts the church towork as a team with order so we are no

    influenced with damnable heresies!

    Please telephone my office at 360-629-5248

    and order my book, The Church Has

    Di vorced It se lf From It s Root s

    Apostolically I give advice and counsel to

    many pastors and churches throughout the

    world. I am also Chancellor of World

    Theological Centre for Evangelism and

    Missions, an accredited Bible College which

    trains potential ministers to become flame

    of fire (Hebrews 1:7). Prophetically I calthe nations and the church to repentance

    through a word of warning from the Lord.

    Yes, for years now I have served the

    Lord as an Apostle and Prophet

    throughout the world to many

    pastors, churches and nations

    Beloved, we must all work together

    for the perfection of the saints and

    the glory of the Lord!



  • 7/25/2019 New Wineskin Fresh Anointing Pt1


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