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TTFTR MTHMPTTTS DAILY APPEAL-SATTT- RD A Y APPTT, oniftfli asXSS. THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. UY MCLANAHAK & DILL. MEMPHIS, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1861. VOLUME XII-NL'MT- iMt 85 f X 1 failfi Appeal -- Wivb, .. rtinhi ut ta.t tht coa.Ur t Fwt rVkerc, h., bsen -r-- to Sr. .pan ti TOnfwWrrt. if tbT do sot ducoBUau. th. r,i0I1 , Ut. cries, wihTT1 "Vj-- Tb' Manhattan, n li . "' sorninr from Smn- - nrncrwM to tbe wharf, aad Jjwta t. take ft down and hoist tL SiEd Fob Pxsisacoia When I we vii ra- - ijed at Rsj-n- that Beaureeard ad turned at, , la nB sat a aonnlet waa bsstrly tefcea., Cspt, Jolia Leake n wiwumi oiasin ris l mi lire, lid sasii.Uijr iurM fo, Tbe Hew V Iltrali or tbe lfi;h, e- -i raised ttiia mmlt; reported, comea to ua e lathed is tte fall 1, limenta of LfnroluiBxn. It ha- - bwg f rtrred b' :tts!de pressure to turn wxsd rally to tbe rapport of the Ita circulation should be imme- diate! appreasad in tLe ci'T, Bed in fact throuirhout tbe Booth. T!".r"t' cr Pickkws Toe Kew Tork Jimfmi Ass, Reporter atatea "anthor-lUtivwIj- r, that the fallowing force of Vailed Ntelea troops, sailors and marines, on board 7 Wr aner D command of Com. Pen irrraat, are detailed to land ae Fort Pick- - l !TII from L'ent. Slemaoer : xJrokivr. atesm corvette, 310 men- Sabit.e vling frirete, 250 men: St. Loots, sailiti; etrretta, igfj men) smaller crafi, artillerists atout 80 men; total. MM men. 'VMr. BacrKiitainai.or Keutuekr, made B sj eech is Woodford county, on Saturday lost. Be of tesass took atronr southern groi.nd. The cawreapoadeBt of the L.uesvilie Cxsw-ie- r says of it : His atloaioB to the war news waa moat ap. propo bisaaei; aaoMier.lie is intieai t&kaow whether Kentucky will be coerced into the support of a traitorous raachoroas, and trea- sonable Administration. Later from 1 on it oiu . rj I so ol mTsesisjeawSI IfasessrtTrsspt. MnsrrooMBaT. April 17. Gen. Pillow, who arrived bore yesterday, for 'he purpose of bsTerinr troops from Tennessee, save be ran roaraot ten thousand men in twenty days if Preaideat Davis will acept their sersices. There is no doubt of President Davis a crept - Alex. K. Stephens delivered a opessrb in Atlanta last mctrt, ia which he aaid thst it wo-il- require seventy-riv- e times seventy-fiv- e thousand men to Intimidate as, and then it would not be dons. Tbe bid for the Confederal Sates loan are pouring rn. The sotu or $:2fi,00r) waa taker, by one mar and paid down in gold at par Advices have been 'received bare from Chart eutra that tbe rlet of United State ves- sels of war, lately before tba: ci:y, has left. atk lu tira-ialn- . Tbe Richmond fofuirrr of Saturday says KotMarg is more probsble than that Prsi den. Davie will soon march aa army tbroush rJorth Carolina and Virginia, to Washington City. Tbeoe of onr eolui'eers who desire to join the northern armv. as I' shall paaa throoeh bad better organize at once for and keep their arms, scewacre- - untforms, smn.uur.or, and kcapsicks The Petersburg Etfmt of ;tbs same date sy: Ov Charles o a new this mornio; t tile that should make every Aaeri.-ar- criasaan at the degradation iato wh-c- tbe snsnat ban sutik under the devilish auspices of the Cabinet now started in Waabiogton. drop of blood tkat is opilt is this infen si strife which tbey have kiadlea will he upei tb souls of A bra- sses bam Lincoln and his SsSS and retributive TeageaBee will erertake them either in this world or the next. prom paauLt. fvsss rae lev nrleass nramse of ITIti , evecial eawisa. We leant froz Maior General Clarke, of the retrular rmj of the S'ate of Mississippi, who arrived bare tbis words:: from Pensacola, via MoMIe, tbat ao dianee bad taken ntas in Die aailitarr sfala m of Per.sacoU. F.t: P.ckens bad been relnforeerl hy all tlie men ;hat ei:d be sparer! frnsa tes sMpa af wsr coranosincths fleet off Pensacola. It was not expected, bow- - j ever, tkal sny attack wosild be made for tbs acx ten daya. Tbe troop, were sit in tit roaditum, aad saxioBsTcr tbe battle to com. ii. iTfr. A wbo left WarTiaa-ton- , locality of tbe navy yard, about eijrbt a from Pinsarols,) srber. be bas beea Bti. We learn from bin that the ait sot on, wl-ic- left tbis r;ty SurtJ ,na her arrival at Warrinffton was itsjer or Genersl Brat;;, foi the ranaportlBsT troops. 0tr ioformai t was expected tbat tbe ateaaier is course, shoui.! Isavr Pensacola Id a too be dsstaiaed. MeznMme no ftermitted ta rats the nary rard. from the same source that tbe encafred in doinr so, and at tbe time onr informs t.t left had extended tbe works to a point nearly oppoa;te WarriDftoo. HOTCnEM Of TROOP Vol'Kll.l. roi.a. Tbe Mobile Mvrrtitrr, of yesterdsy mirr. lag, trivea tbe foltowiBsT latest iotellienee of military movements brtersen Itat city aad Penaacala. Onr own companies a pear to be moving forward eatisfactaxily : Tbe Steasser Carondolst left town at one aad-- a half o'clock, SBtoriiavevenine, for Hall's LandiBC, carryiae, besides tbe troops Quitman lirht ar'.illy. from Jscksor. Miss., Csptaln i. F Kerr. Pirst Ueabsoaat, R H. Hurdom Second L'etenat, (and actina: snrirecri) M. W. JVyd-Ja- oior Second Usso'enaBt, J. F. Lesler, and afty-ou- e rank anrl 6te a portioa of th cotnpanr hsvinr been left Aner leav. iac her freifrbt and ibe bsrge, the Csro:,dolet went ob to tb arsenal to briar down W0 bar- - rsti of powder. Tbe Kate Dale, when she tok over the Xew Orleans troops, srasi feaaslly losded with pro- visions for Warrinirtori, bt't orders were tele- - grirthed tetter to remain, sfter resrhmr; the Mittiac, nntil srranaTcnrers could b mtt.r for disrbartlac her cargo. She return ed to town ymterdar morning, Uaving tbe Vicfcsb-ir- anri Hi.". ' bia is Bine and a kasT Wiles nd two anJ a half mi ee abov of M. and C. N. Ra trnad. v wagon. Is lOa.nm rations. Tliere ia no small amonm oi otbrf stores, bat tbe provisions claim tbe pref- - er.r r. The irs had movsrl about e 5 lie Southern Reptih-fro- m brsra tbe arsenal, where t ? for a r. : or two pat ias.rur1 aad romr.soies of Lotits'sns Zouaves ar- rived on tbe Cuba from New Orleans, number-Ba- g hfty-i- v bayonets. Co. Oopfeos goes to Warrington, via Hall's La ttfliasr, to resume the comma n I of bis bst-ts'i- Capt. Gee's ba'talion went down to Fort Morgan jtlAtJKoa the Sata Uale Tire steamer Lewis brought over from. New Orlesns this morning, 4" rnectienics, 'm-strr- s, 90 mules, ana IS wagons with their equipage, a'l iateaded, we suppose, 'or Gen. Bragg's srnyt, sad for tbe root btwsn tbe Tensss tor! tbe Prnsarola railroad. W, luutsraUwl tbs- - the Sharpshooters leave Vi'ksharg, aad bs b company of Zouaves, New Orteaaa, for Mobile. Henry War Beecker an War. Rv. Hsnry Ward Beecher preached a war aermon in Brooklyn on Buodsy. Of course tbs Bomb aad slavery wer denounced. Here ar B few xtrart from bis sermon : W most draw the lines close. Let men take aides one way or the other ; let every man abw his hand ; w want no misdle mer., do ,nufolers: all must now stand escb ftr biotaeir . , tl . hft i. not With US on le t gie-- . suestiou. ji' r- - i 1 e, . i. seaiast n. Grest men have awaken on this !) eloquertly and rllr.gly, bwt tb caas of Saater base spoken mors tbsn tbai art As Tor se, I am detarmlasd. I 11 b.ncefor b nor dealing, bs no commerce with a fo. to llWrtf No mat, absl! com- - to my ", or my boa?itality, or hreax mv bread, or share my roof, wbo has feehnrs of boattlity to liberty, nBlees he comes at a tiiiu, d I shall treat any si.u every one wbo co false kbts country sad ths ba i trsHrtr, forsuoh be is Let It stersr let 'His sisrter ee setlien m. let us meet wr t"1 save, BS up ' " if.' it better to brav it t ouarhly soa to ted wsr. ao that are. If Bsry, pro Hbe trouble! a Mat ovsry perl i other Tb N L l.lUn th esns snd tb c .'n.h breadth of courag .t the North "The tiorsltom I 'aaid that lllostrlous ga al tbat that noble Joan G Estrsst get into fisht. it i ! Iowa wh osscasvi.'' App s Tb North abbosa war, hut if contsat. I caw wish it. letrsd mbwent thsn that thev stst their oppoaeBta. . blue Tes.erdsy asorain; an, taougb ; ssxt laat'ght we v rVriBg that s II aa wel.. A) SBS brsr Of 'I . r;1116i eesrr.ur doaV. sf own upon nf tt t.lnn of tli S t CS Is 1st to'C "' I esse ttthof srith a swrrowfol h asms whit cast lasra: cu! sine I tbis desk, a assjatek hss be rermag tTkreeavk band, of try', most lllirstrioaa drfsasrata, "Surnur ikC'reea, '"! M00 la arbirb is ifntim." !1 1 be tbe acea w mhttU eoeti. y U A, f urpaaaea abiiiiy It befrfrsts description rhsers, bus- - people made the scene a rooat remarksb e one. Mr. Beeebrr waa, 01 course, wrongful!)' informed. Brass Vatklnciea. ice of the P.a titer. Son igtoh, April 15. The note of Bill- - ropean town just upon a er Outposts are extended an so rapidly aegmer'tne that tbey rn from all p iitta. The numbers of i convey an Idea of the want of must have existed hers for some Such persons is enlist ret twenty r month as primes, and tbe distri-th- ls sum mar be the means of heli- - It ted to-d- that a ronaidcrable her hare come down here to o that orders have pone Norih for (here not to "stsnd upon the order, but to come at once." Some bo reside seross the river, in Tir-- e tbe impression that a military re- - rotr tbe As a very Isrje force is to be concentrated at this key position, those bights will be seized bv one party or another ss soon ss Flrg ata arts. As I write a full company of ' Washington light Infantry ar. marching past. ' MM otn iKwt In th viciriy look-n- toward MftrrUiid i thefr prAhab'f (!stiniition. niinpn urt r on duct hrre in tht moit icrtt mDnr po.ih!t. Af some of the dcpr!mBntf in- - tercnurse with yuboriiirale clcrki it eoUrely eut off. I hear to l.iy thst nail facilities to the sect j 'led BwaWtM a't to he immediatftf rot off, Ibourh tbe Posit ttraare to !7, la aaid ' to tiare opped that atep. It eouM p wiabfd for the aakt of p"aee that he ba-- been power-- j Jae ponferpirc the war pilicy of the Admin- istration, f jr It i onderatood that hi dter-- : mi'ied will and pnrpopt- rreainftt rvarnating Stimter prevailed ever the conn) of all tba real of tba Cabinet, with thit of G-- Scott to hoot. It f intimated that r are to be concen- - trated at Carliale, and that Cairo will be tbe bae of opera t ona down the Miaaiappl rieer. Meantime an attempt wil be mad to bloc k- -i ade tbe mont-- of the Viaaiaaipp! and perta of th seceded S;afra- - The emplovera tiiifr Col. ForaeT hare en- -; tered npon obligations to defend tbe city. If attacked. It is expected of otl tr Gorernmei;' office that tbe exsmple a all be followed by them. Aca. C'jrfeMprsBrj-n- tbe BiMircere Sob WaiaatHCTow. April 15 The Preiilent'a proc.mation calling upon theS'.ales for a force of aventy-fir- e thousand men to fupprrss 'cotBbina'ioDa,'" etc., and recap'ure p!aces and property be'Onfin- - to Ihe Goteament in tbe aecftled Statea. would bare created sur-rtri- if it had not been forei'tadowed by tbe reeommei.dations-- cf Gen. J. W. Webb ami Gree'ev, who aeem to btre undertaken the euardiaoabip of the Adminlatrarfon. Tbe former editor calls for fifty tbouaan.l militia to Co to MoMIe, and the latter for fifty more to operate at Pensacola. Though a part of the propo-e- d force is now called out, it ia much to be doubted wbethtr U ia daatined for eerrice in southern swamps during tbe summer mci.tbs. Is it no' intended rather fur tbe apecial object of maintain! re; the Unit'd Sta'e Executive Government and Contrast in this city? Cmereaa being called j to aaeet here in July, would not come, perhaps, at the eumu 0, unless assured of protec ion. The ratal force dtepatcbed to tbe guf e.f Mexico was iioubtleas intended to anticipate 'be declaration of war by tba Confederate States upon the United State, and protect the commerce of tb raited States from privateer- - tnz- The New York members of Congress j were probabU-tol- br southern mn in the1 be dectaed jasrfal prltSk, with their cargoes. The Cshrornia treasure ships will be the first object of the cupidity cf northern men sailing under southern " letters of marque and re- prisal." In the fsre nf all these preparations for a destructive war, on both sides, will rot Con- gress, when that body shall assemble, turn their thoughts on peace ? Let them acknowl- edge ths independent of the seceded Statea, an I provide for the establishment of relations of peace and commerce with them. Thsn let j a national convention be called and determine tbe future relations ot the North arid the South toward each other. Ojt of all these dange we any yet obtain safety. Ion. A meeting was beld at Collierville, April IRsh, for the purpose of forming a militsry company to protect beme Interests and insti- tutions, as well as to rally tb, young men for the purpose of volunteering our services to tbs Southern Confederacy. On motion of Dr. Batemaa, Hon. W. J. Farley waa called to ths cbair, and Dr. R. P. Batemtn aad F. M. Hammond, appointed secretaries. On taking the chair, W. J. Fartey explained tbe object of the meeting. On motion of Col. j Banks, the secretary, formed an enrollment for tbe " Old Meti's Home Guard," whereupon about seventy five enrolled their names. Dr. Hsmmosd movsd that a committee of five be spioin'ed to draft resclutionrto expresa the sent.ments of the meeting. The cbair Dr. Hammonl, Andrew Tsylor, B. F. Bowen, Ben. Powell, and Daris Briggt, said committee; and in the absence or tbe commit-tr- e tbe audience were eloquently and re! ngly addressed Or W. H. Farley. Col. Banks, Rev. Mr. Sloan, F. M. Hammond and otbr. Tbs eomwtttee appeared and read tbe rollowing resolu'iona which were unanimously adopted : Reenltti, That tbe Tenth civil dts'rlrt of Bbslby county, Tenn., tbis day withdraws from the late Unltrd States, and takes up her line of march fo- - 'be Southern Confederacy, in com-psr- y with Memphis. RfMolr-i- , That we will arm and equip a com- pany to be beld in readineas to go at a mo- ment's notice, to do servie ft tht southern ReMotvei, That in the opinion of tbis meeti'-- every patriot will attacb himscir to some company, and prepare in tbe beat pos- sible manner r th coBflict. Oa motion, a committee of five were ap- pointed to prenare an enrollment forth, yoir-- men's company. Tbe committee reported the following : We, tti eu tid, arravour name, to this list, with a fuM knowledge of the duty which prompts us to act, aad fully conscious thst tb crisis ia upon us, when it is a.cessary for every young man to s'rik. in defense or his fireside, snd tbat we, organised as a company, tender oar services to tb Con'.derste Stales directly, or to some regiment who has tendered and have been accepted. Thirty-si- x young ni-- u rsme forward and attached their names anif pledged themselves to go if Jeff Davis would lft them, even if tbev ha to pay tbslr own hut la this emergency tbe citizens ceu.e forwsrd, msznsiiimouslr, aad subscribed five tr.ousand ftollars to arm snd equip, and pay all nu ney expenses, and promised ten thousand more, if needed. Each company went into th election of offices, which resulted in !he elec- tion fo-- Home Guard : Colonel N. A. Banks, c.ptain : John A. Farler, 1st lieutenant; Dr. V. k. 2! lieutenant: Robt. Payne, 3d lieu- tenant; B. Cash, oriterly sere.ant j Dr. . F. McKinn.y, surgeon : Thos Rodgers, commis- sary. An ! of tbe volunteer company : Dr. R T Batemar.. (captain ; F M. Hammond, 1st lieutenant; J. T. Biggs, 1i lieutrrant; P. N. Strickland, 3d leutenant; A. J. Coopwool, orderly serg.SB', Bad after tbre times three for tb s tu'h.rB 5, the meeting adjourned tc meet again, Saturday, the 2J".b Inst. W. T. FARLEY, Chairman R. P. Batxhaw, Secr.tanos. F. M. Hanaroap, j " Fobt Sdsjteb Soaacsmrxxo ir a Tasi-to- b " Under this head ths New Tork Corier aad J7Sirer(R.publicaB) of yestsrday makes the following infamous charges again t the gallant but unsuccessful defender of Fqrt Sumter. by a traitor: and tbat traitor Major Robert Anderson. This is barsb language; but it ia th languag of truth demanded "by what ap- pears to be ths grossest set of treason ever perpetrated In this or any other country, '.'he treason or Twiggs is admitted by all to bav, cxcmocJ that of Benedict Arnold; but the names or both Arnold and Talrgs w II sink into insignificsnce indeed, are almost ren- dered respectable, wben compared with the more damning iirfamy which from present sppearsncej must forever attach to tbat of Robert Anderson. " The circumstances of this abominable reason (re so palpable and transparent, that no man wbo reads tbem ran hesitate in arriving at tbe conclusion thst Anderson arranged with Beaurrgard for tb surrender of Sumter, before It was assanlted; that th defense was but a abam; sad tbat t was deemd Impor'aat the surrender should tsk place before relief could be afforded by tbe Government fleet, hourly ex- pected to arrive with troops, provision aad munitions of war " Tbe Courier produces, ia substantiation of its charges agaigst Major Anderaon. a letter saM to havs been written by one of his officer Cant. Doubled. Tb latter declared thst at tb time of the appro, I. of the Star of tbe West, he begged Major A. to permit him to open fire on Morris battery, but tbe Major per- emptorily refused to let bim firs, on the plea that he would not fire until Fort Sumter was trod upon. Cant. D , it is alleged, furthsr declsred thst all Msjor Anderson's sympathies wer with th rebels, an t tbat no less thsn foarof his wife's brothers, boos of tbe late General Clinch, were In tbe rebel army, and that tbe Major did not conceal th fact tbat ia ao event would he, once re'eased from his thsn awkward posit c, bear arms sgainst tbe South, but would either resign or ask fcr a furlough to viatt Europe. Novel Ebcodsaosmekt The President received a letter recently from St. Louis, di- rected to "Old Abe, or sny other man " On one side was tbe Confederacy fls, on ths other th ael aad flag of the United Statea. wi!b(-tb- wer ds, "played out." Inside was a five4ollar note on the Union Rank of South Carolina, "Io help pay the expenses of e; Fart Stimter." This letter crested much xaXateut st tbe White Houes. r st Oto Potisr. Tbe trnubls at and al Portsmouth navy yard ar us than reported. Tbe men Insisted scaly vrbom tiiey were to fifht. them s in irons. The muttnv is p by ftis cooimsnders-iB-chie- f as Ch a rlkbton Items. Ths Charleston Mer- cury of the 17th inst.,sars: Ths stsashlp Isabel. Captain Rollins, has reiurtied from outaida the bar. We learn fro n brrtbat Lincoln's fleet left Monday afternoon. and it is thought that they will all go to New T rk. The steamttur Yankee, which was to sreompany ths fast and brint in provisions for Fort Sumter., did sot reach ths bar until about eifrht o'clock on Monday eveninr, when siie came up and spoke tko Isabel, tbinkiBC that she was tbe Bsttlc, bat soon ending out ths mistake aavi laaraiBf aometbingnf ths po- sition of thlnfs, and that ths fleet had left, aha P'lt about and went ofl. Tba Yankee reports tueine expsrlerrced a severe gals which carried away her smoke stack. Wm. H Russell, the correspondent of tbs Tfsvs, arrired in tbs city if the Northaastsrn train last ereniBr. T. K. Diris, tbe artist of Harper's Weekly, arrived at the same time. Hon. Rocer A. Piyor, of Virginia, left bars laat nieht or, bis way to Montgomery. We are Informed that wben Major Anderson snd bis command passed out of ths barber on their wsy to join tbe fleet of the United States, tbe Marion artillery, B company wbleb, sr-- ; cording to biga military authority, contributed very raaeriaily to the reduction of Fort Sum-tr- r, in trsiimooy of their appreciation of bis ralUnt defense, formed on Ibe besch and stood with uncovered heads until the Isabel bad passed their position. The ErrrcT or Shot ojs VcaaCLi. A stmt doea not make a hole of fig awn aiaa rtrht through wood, but indenta tt, tba fibres aprlng-in- g back afier tba shock. Generally, tba) course of shot can only bs traced by a wire, wneMmen a hole ss large aa a mana finger. The damage moat often happens in tba it.sidt of a vessel, 'u aplinteriisg and breaking tba wood after tbe main force of the shot waa pent. Forts Hamilton and Richmond, which are abont a mile apart, with a veaoel lying between them, could not, with their fins, seud a abot tbrougb two feet of ita timber a. There la rare!y sn Instance where a ship waa sua a by a solid abot. Hot shots and shell- - do tba mischief. Tb; latter will acmetfmes make apertures of several feet in extant through tba aidea of vessels. Twenty-eigh- t boxes of muaketa from the arsenal at Harper's Ferry were, we under-etan- d, received here on Saturday, and depoai ted in tbe Allegbeuy arsenal. Tbe Harrisburr, 7r c rc-.- saya that a lisavy train of seven' y cars, drawn by Uro locomotives, psaaed brotigb tbat city, aaat ward, by tba Penneyl-vani- a railroad, last week, a number of tbe csrs eontalnine: live stock, while otbera con- tained aome heavy boxes, aupposed to contain shot, abet) and other munitions of war from our arsenal. Pit ourg Poaf , 15 A. Tbe BeTtliBtlan to be (rnihed Out. New Tosk, April 17. It is rumored that the Seventh regiment of volunteers, recently called into the service of tbe United States, has been ordered to Fort McHeary, Va. It ia also atated tbat i.n' withstanding the rafasUl of the governors of Kentucky and Misouri to respond to Lincoln's call, inde- pendent volunteer companiea are organizing In those Statea to support the Federal Govern- ment. Tbe Republican papers, also, say tbat tbs Government has beee offered a hundred mil- lions of dollars ($100,0XX),0X)) to prosecute Of Tfnrpfo Appeal. LUMi) DAILY, AJTD WEEKL1 B. K'CLASIHAX BF!IJAaiI r. DILX UcJer the style nd arm of TIT ft .4 IV A H A 7S A. DILL, noma.! Letter, on B:neM, or etiiersrlee, ehoeis be Pi retsea. price of srnst riptios. Os !v mi BBSSBvasI per snnem $10. SS rri.wsskiy " " w.eH. " " t M OA1L.V RATES OF ADTERTISIM. Fr ose square of tea Uses or less, .ne iT,trrtlon..$l .06 fmr each edditiunal laaerlion of sslue BO . 5 si tit E . . i rn: 5 : ; j r r r ; r : i s M b on i no 8 on is oo ii ao 5 on eo 3 4 si (, 1 bO S 00 (3 00 IS 00 IS 76-- 60 31 fO j ik s iw 10 oo ta wo is ooie f oe 30 oo so oi 4 i bi) m o. 12 so i4 ootao oo is on ai ss rt so i S 00 12 00.16 00 IS WZ4 00 30 00 11 60 46 00 75 S C 10 be, 14 (jo 17 60 ai 00 28 Ou 36 OO U Tf 62 50 91 6 T 2OC!S.fOM24Orn00tfMM0OS6 60 ISO SO 5 13 or :9 O 22 bC 77 00 lo lJ ifi uO bC 23 7 fc- 112 t a is oo?o oois oojo ooao oo ) oo S2 nob Of .16 OO jOue sitQre, renewbvbi wsettj, Fr aaoara $40. oc twice sweek, " SO 00 Xj-T- tqeirei, renwt;f weet:Ir, pr anooTn. SO o m " twic a week, ' SO oo t SA r tb AMrt-a- l moot ha hataUtM ha at the OITkitlk. Q-kl- l traoaian' aJvrtiaeinetitf nint WinarkvdMr a apecifleJ Urn. fbn not tba marktvl, tbar be charscd for one waak, and diKoatiDCCsd at tbe end of yJAJl adsTarUaBieDj raqntr-- to be kept on neco-i- ?Kf. CHAlwED AB KW E A H DAT, and SO tai r i 'mft an advance orsr sTLatetl rate. SAdrerliaecif-D- J r i d to be diKfilar, r set In lane trm9, cbarcel at doudlk iatci. fsf s.rly a will be ebarg-e- crtra for ei!- py.aiE apace erer erntraci, and wtiee LAlOE TTPC is raaQGired to be , or tbe advertiaemetit kept an ifuia- - tIaar'r t'Tsrtltert will be eharffed extra at reg o--I lar ratea, for TTanta, EeDta, aeniOTala, Koccei, Ts CV4"iEtiM. etx. ZTramiciU Adverttiemfrui nmt be atf ar i advance. rj"i j dr ertiftemeut will appear in tbe weekly paper fJ Ad- - etoentsj to be tnMrted in U.elf eekly paper nlj. ar .rreirolar iaterv!s In e.tber of th" papera, will befTQaraed $1 per aqnare for eacb and every laaer- - asssL Stat, Csinuty ind alo-- mripe! vwfjice;, 45 eaeh, to Wa paid in advance in eve-- HsssSJSSaSBmi Cjaf arrifaaec and Tteatha are publiibed aa bewa ; bet Otitnariee. Tfibntef of Respect and Funeral Invitation as al! other advertisvenientB. Tj"Ali ledal and transient advertisement! will be :tiarcsv: bT the if.warti. j. DMi.'- - in local coloznn will ba charged per line. No or variation will bs made fraaa tbe toretcoms ratca. iIIX Trcst Sale. virtae of a truat Aesal faecnte'J ta ma by R. W. BT jhtton and wife, wfcicb it an reenrd la tbe Rfi- - ' itflrr of Hhelay ronnty, I will, on ftatarday. May llih, IS4I, ia f r nr. of tba CoQDty Clerk's offlcf aurnar CaSsft and Third itreeta, M fmpbii, proceoil t ten for caah, to the h!Khat bidder, tbe ft Mowing dtacrtbadl real aetata, ta-- : I.y ng ar.d being is range 7 and iac. S of the 11th eorveyor't diatri t in Khelby aooaty, and tsnvoded aa followK : Bet inning a, a ataka at iata W Harr ieon' S W eoraer, and running weat SI ebatea nd IS link to a email hickvy rtnaip with t b.' ki-- and aweet nm oimr theore aonthMdeg.. i 26 rbaiai and 45 Tirl take ia tbe wat edia nf tba Memibi aawl Ra rtlaakrcid. then north 37 , dec., eaat ItchaiaeaT - te another point ia asM aal. and tbee. r rt.a.n aad 61 !in the hepriniiing ; ooataiuin 31 H acre. Sale ta tak plaaa at ISoVl JOHN P. TRJtisV Apri!6ti. 1861 p6- -l Trantee T. A. Cromwell Lata of LatSrang. Tenn. Samuel A. Tatlor. Kftmphlf. HCLS. (KOMWELL A TAYLOR, (Aeocewra to G. P Tfali k Produce and Conmls.-io- n Merchants, Ka, Jtft FRONT ROW, Sf KM PHIS, TRNN. TMaJars in Hay, drain, Ploer, Liase, VV OmeBt. P1aer ate. Lit- I i 'vancei :3adeooeonaitnmeit-- . Orderi to. apis-Ir- a Disscluiion of Partnership. partaevrbsp hereAwfure exitniag between J ihr. TOR attrKeaerl aad L- - Link, aader the arm of fttrae-ae- ri h Link, ta 'bit day tfinMtived by limitation. Jekn O Straaaeii bavins pcrcoaeed the eatlre inter eel of I. L.nk, :a aUae aitbwnaei to aettie the baalueae of the lata trm. :i O. BTRASSKRI, L. UK. Tbe hMtnea will be oir.tinned a heretofore, at the . m JOHN O. nMASSBRI. Apvn t. farJ-1- i FOR Tnt NEWARK MACHINE W0RK&, LMi'NES AKD SAW MILLS, Rteond street, near Jdam. afACaiKIKT of everr detrrintloa P'.AXTATtOX th. nsssl favorable Urns. Onr Bav Mill asrlnei eibtsee sll the new snd 1st. imsortsR: im,reveiet, aaj bsv. receive the Bret premium .1 the late atemphis snd Jscaaos loirs. They win he sold st reduced csrd rales for cash or reliable Send for s ( 0 1 v :!, Bdl-l- n: Momtibis. Tennessee. GRAND NEW OPENING, AT WM. SILBERGER'S OLD STAND, orrosira in woasnast hooss, WILL BE mSPLATBD FOk THBrlMT WHSkR .11 thscfeotesst FSENCH MILLINERY. aaB Fancy Dry Goods, Or TUB SIASOK., call and examine the eiitlre new aad faafaloaa-- aUsrk of flae FRENCH BONNETS, alad all the other varistie of Ladiaa' &wta appertalar ing to a flae ICilllnary haalaetri, toe aaair'caB to men ISaaV 111 iViS Si,. lll.r 1,'ck... a A.k .U ' avis! naprtislevite1ly fail and aae It ou TUrKHDAV Nt XT, March W. lflgl. j. a CLaBKR. t mta-l-m lba ifft.i. ?' i,iaf WofaLarjj Hs'ttae. 'SPisrdlawons. TBIBhBT B Bb dh IS rfci B B TBI in ooRKa, CALLOSITIES, DISEASED KAILS, CI.V8 FEET, ALL EXCRESCENCES AND DEFORMITIES or THB FEET, HANDS AND PACE, Will be Erri;aeioejLT aad ecaaf a vesttlt arldaoas. tod aad cere by DR. WARNER, RESIDENT SURGEON CHIROPODIST, No. SJ atsia , hetwMS sios sad fssyoso, Hern ials, T.BS. TAX. HXII, wish xr.leW Chssks, hss th. honor lo isforw IL I.S.n sod SsaUsaes of that throoxh the tins sod libera! sattsoas. which ba hss ro-- eivrd frosa theai, he hss beef, indsoad U sellls hers serusnentlr, sad become s suites f Mesirhii. Bs aootidera it tmneccsssrr, la thla conerti on, to yahllsb ths babdroda f FLATTERING TESTI1I0XIALS whlsh he hss recsited from Oesllewss of the HlOfl-BS- T RESPECT ABU. ITT ia this .ttr and eluwher.. They sr. is his pons lea and ooos fw the lespsetles of oil, bst Sis Hafsresoss hsUw sr. of a satws that will sbasdandr sattsfr sll who perns. Ibera. REFERENCES. T. A. NKLSOK, Esq rrssldsnt of th. hast of West Tesaeases. LXKOT rorE, Bsn., ioperlntendest .f the cltr schoola. Dm. r. B. JOKBS, (flrtn Bheldwi, fa Oo.) E. at TIBOBB, Bs, , Altoracy st Law. I. IKOI WALIER, Ba,., JOUX HAMILTON, Bs,., " B. S CHEW, Bs,., t. J. HKKIB, h " I. I. HAat atOKD, Is,., " CONSULTING BOOMS, is l I'.V.M.AW S RLtOCIA, WO. 349 STREET, Betwees tTsiea and Garfl Btrseu, IVXoaxAxoIaJlsw, Toixnoxtwoo Office bours : Frem 9 a. m. ts I r. it. LAdles will b. waited t7 lea visa address at tb. Ilur'i strn B. A. TALBOT, T. B. DAKCT, Tippah county, Sllaa. afenipbis TALBOT & DAM, 340 ITIain Street, PROVIKB BUILDJNOS, WHO LBS A LB AMD BBTA1L DRUGGISTS, El near receiving a large and well aelected a.ack, A aad are ready to flit all orders for Drugs, Jftedlcines, Paints, Oils, Witdow Glass, V Medleiaee, lclsctic Remediea. xtra Select Ataerican, Kngliab and Treaoh Chasilaala, Perfnmory of all kiaUa, Fancy Aiticlei1, I netr amenta Fbyalciana' Olaaaware, etc., eta. tj- - Particnlar atlantion paid ta onr ftetaii aad department. DR. SPIEGEL, RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, AND TUB MOST BUCCKSSPTJL Cancer Operator IN THE WORLD I Eight Years ia ffiempltis. tbe'pablia ia gaaaral that be la arapared INFOS all diaeaaea, bat tbeaa wkich are pronounced tncarable. aad eailed earaaic. Hie treatment ef Caace: ia witb,ai any rival. be canae tbey will be expelled from tbe rytteta, wita all their root aad libera, tvaly by oaae atiaoal treatment, wilhaoi eanatla. aad witboat th katfe. Ha aleo treats with sraeceea, according to the meet aciaaea of mediciaa ia Carepa, Kbeaatatiata, N'aralgia, (Jem. OphtkalBia, Fiatala is Aaa, Scrafala, Syphilia, Dyapepala, Ckreoic Dyaentcry. Torpid Liver, tvravel, F1U, Tapeworm, Ftlea, Bropay, Diaeaaea af the Skin, BroachiUs, Cenanmptioa, ail the lye and Bar, and give particular attention to all Female Cucapiainu, eepecially tbeae ef the weaeb. who are aflic.tH with any af the above diFeavra will be cared, and can fled good beard aad while aader treatment ai. the doctor?' Tbedoctor eaila attrntion er pauenre at a dlatanee. that if tbey are ant prepared to consult tbe doctor by writing ta Mm, witb aa exact aero ant of all it tyina--nj- of tbe disease . medicine win ta forwarded by A dene ecpreaa. rgT'''fn( in LenoWg , Union street, betrsea Main amt Second, fearth dmr east ef Main. Infirmary aa TTalea atraei, aaat ac tba bayon, at tr. Spteaera private residence. Br C. Spiegel baa, ia his thirty yeara STacticai, oa chronic diaeaaea. rared tbem with the ntmoat Ha haa la bis poaaeaaloa ever five theaaaad pianu. berha, barka, etc., which ha caa rely apon to rare diaeaaea whiafa are by the meet aocceeafnl practi- tioners proaaurea lacarable. Ma also make it h afnpacia) pracuea treat all pri-a- ta Saaaajaas the ntaaoat sacceaa, ia a short titae, ao matter ef how long ataadiag, a r ef what aatare. All Dr. Spie.el aaka fraaa tbe aflheted la a fair trial, than all the raferaaca ha will give will ba a apeeaty care to (hem. Tboctands of taftlmoaials, froaa tba moat reliable oorce, maybe eeea at the doctor's ottce dlS-S- m Removal. THB ssdersiessd has rsxassjafi to A TEES' BLOCK,, where he will Is a few dsvs rKotvs Isrxe addltloss t. hit present stock of Carpets. Oil Cloths, frisnos, Parlor ssd Chaiobor Seu of rorsltore, sis. mrss-ii- B. at. ORCSTEKOR. F1HE! FERE ! ! FIRE n SAFES!! SAFES!! SAFES ! HERRING'S CHAMPION FIRE PROOF SAFES, (Warriuued Fire and Barg-a- r Prtutf,) For eale at MANDPAOrTBBB'S AbY0T, Second atreet, sear Adams, -- BDW. V. HALL, Agat. M B A mil assort mini er 80AUI aad TrCBS a head. aarSS W . J. ROtTLE, LADIBB' AVf aBKTLEBBN'8 Boot and Shoe If Manufacturer m JHO.HttOF, STREET, MEMPHIS, TBM. (3 Bopsiriss scatl sxecstsdl, fets- - at. ftp tioofcs f ousts. F. W. BOYSTER & CO., Retail Cah I)ct:ers is STAPLE AND FACY DRY GOODS, OOBsTM af AJJf AKD COI7BT BTBBBJfi. slock will ombrac-- an .tttaetlvs varletjr ef Ihe OtJXi asd M fssblossbls strloe st res sosj Silk sstl s lapis sad fane,; Lor. at an' I ss anl oiols Lie. Shiwla; Hsntillasi UMlersI Drws Trlmmmss, Berex. Ansl.i.. Is sv.rr .tflei freoch fophns, plain Slid brocade; Paris Bbawls, Or.p. Scirf.l Or.oa.line Sb.wit PToch esreallsl Orxandio Pi.sch .'.conel., Solid Ofsaadise; Solid Jscooets; Einbrd.r-ee- s British Ijwss; Irish Liners; Parasols; Plsnl.ltun doods in foil sssortm.nti 8beetlns Tirainla and Larolins Oswlntwos. Tw.od.. and dean., Is fall ssp-pl- j; Loss Cletbi while sood. of rrerj rsd. Udls', IWUses' and Gestlf ae s's I'ot-t- H, Msle-tbre- aa and Silk Hosiery. Bpoo) CettoaaV, Spool Silks; ChlnU tsingbaraa; Brt'liaat; BTeta; Ueen Oambrk Bandkar-cm- s fa, aa4 ladiaa' fsrniahlag gocla, ttr .( ate. Id Cases New Stvle fUlBese Solar- - D1BBCT FBOM CAMTON. aiaart rninT nlrxtr alerr in tinnt nf aatvda idriDtrd to the season, aad will be offered at THE LOWEST PF.UES FOR CASH. is llm W. B KILLER. OBO. r sn ELI.. JOBS' B. TATLOB W. P. TATLOR. 197 MAIN STREET, ' CLAY BUILDING OFFER KEW AKD E9iL.IRt.ED STOCK dress goods: Silk and Lace Mantels, Hosiery, WloTes, Laces, Embroideries, Trimmed Seta, Large Collars, Table Linens, Shirts, Etc., Etc, apls-la- w Dtssolntion. aj TTATTSQ said ear entire etock ef Oaoda lo if. BW At'STIK, ibo rinartnership heretofore rxfaaias batwaea aa ia thla da aintaailr dtsaolvad, eneept so far aa may be naceatarr ta ctoaa the anaettied traalaaaa or the ceo cere. a here take accaaiea to oar thanki to enr friends aad ruttomera far their liberal patronage, and aelicit far oar inoceaaars a euatinnance of the same pat eaage. BOBTON Av hi NTKH Mampbts, April 1, 1MI apS AUSTIJV CO., Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, 291 Main street, ap2 BRINKLEY BLOCK. Tsaaajagsae NEW SPRING GOODS. Frplina aad Grenadines, GR'ZKLT.B r ins and iranadiaea, Kmbratdared and Plain English , New Style Silks and Challiee, MoiambtBe. Debegea, Saperb Plain Black Silka, Bich Brocage Pnlt De Soie, Priated Liaea Caabrica, neat fltPre, Fiaa Preach Organdies and Jscuaea, Gray Traveling jxd. variety, Menraing variety, Ltaan aad Jaceaet Bmbrolderiea, Btark Silk Mantles, Baaqnea and Sacka, Biack Laea Maatlaa. lnlle Berthas, SThite Crape Shawla. TaJenctenne Ihrcad aad liimpnre Ibices. Bmbroldered and Lace Collars, Strevea u J Sets, Bibbena, Bottona, Friagea, G1ovt, Hose, Fine Shoes, Slippers, Clotmng, Rata, Baffling, Pointed Trimtaaing, Gswda, Oanabnrga, Drillinga. Stripes, Plalda, Linen., Sbeelingi, Shirtings, Ticklttga, etc. TATLttB fa McBWBlf ap(-d- Main street, near Worshsm Hnnae. M! ARC H 21 S T Rice. Lull & Co. CLAY BUILDING. RICE, LULL & CO., 199 Ulain Street. 1W GOODS ARRIVING! CO TIE AMI SEE THE til TERMS CtSH! PRICES f,fl"! Dress Silks, " L Bon Tea," French Printed Jaeone, French Breakfast Sets, Linen Breakfsst Ssts, Fa .cr Lace Veils, Kal l'tnher VeHs, Real Val Collars, Black Crape Collars, Black SSh Collars, Point Lata Sets, Maltese Collars, Crocket Collars. TERNS CASH! PKIOES CASH! New Style Print, Nice Bit " Lawns, En. Ma Prists, Poplins, DeBafes, Serpentine Braid, Tan Trimminc Diamond RuHlioe;, Printed Linen Cambric, Toilet Quilts, BI'E. Silk, BlsrV. Silk Dusters, Travelinc Suits. TERMS CASH? PRICES LOW! ir3i-da- N K W BYEING ESTABLISHMENT. inrtSUS. MATTHEW , HUHT, ef the aeanel ar tbe great and celebrated LATB Dyara aad Seeurera, Caok A. Matlhrwa, of St, Leats, have haea indncad ta apea aa eeubiiahniaat for carrying ea the above baaiaaaa la all ita braacbea. Bvary detcriptialt af gertiemen'aCeata, Veata and Pant are 4yad. alaaiued aad raftered ta that- - orlgiaal perfec-tie- They certainly da roaNve every neot cf grease, aaJat, wax aad tar, tewetber with all ether bifmisbei and impnriUM ta which aaea garmentt are liable, an: warrant the aassta ant to reappear. Call and ararain their ea af Ceat dr easing. If tbev fail tn pleaee ysa, aa charge will be made. Their office Lson JetTerace street, between Main aud Fron: Bow. aartl-t- v MATTHBWS a. nriNT. J. aSRlESHABER Sc BRO,, Cabinet Makers A Upholsterers, A Bit now prepared to rxecata ardars J ta their llae la tie moat perfect' ataaner, and at tae abonea nouae. Having cars af their ewa, tbs v will receive orders far moving, taking down aad aettlag ap Pianog aad rnratlnra ef all kmda, on the aanat rea onabla tsrma. Ther will atoetflva attaatloa ts laying Carpets. and varaiahlag Paraitare. haagiag CnrtatBa and Bhadea, aad ta the eaaesUea at L'pbolstery ia all ita va- rieties. Orders eellftled at the ator of lngraham At Lees, Main street, er IfT Mala street, at the daek of W. B. Miller fcC. faln-fi- NEW YORK KBROSKXH OIL CO. At Prices to CosnsnBi the Market. Kerotafu'e Oil, Paraffine IUuBBinatlng Oil, Petrolciisam lilumlnatius; Oil, Miachiacry Oils, D E P O T , Cozzeis it ., 89 Water St., Xew fork , Bolted, fieal, SAA SACKS fresh bolts. Meal Jsst receives DUU saw for sale low vt tbe trad. Cell st rLODBNOr fc ''HAW FORD'S. Ms. 11 rrvct row. Jroftssionai (farHs. a mm wsf 2 Dr. W. W. !?IORAI, SU&GEON DENTIST, OF PHILADELPHIA, IwFf rmimtutty Lftctted In Ji mphb, tit MAIM STBMMT, OPPOS1TB OPD raLLOSfS HAU. WHHR.B for TWO TEABS he baa performed ai.L oaarationa with sarh universal aa ta elmt the moat signal encovraga-m- flitetng patronage and tbe hlgheat pur..mi-nm- Hta pbicei are atlll aa low as tbe Tatar loweit, for tl.e aaaaa ttyltn, execution and mtferuU. Bane edavAf tedra since be abandomd ths saa of ci. a tea mltoyetirr, in oiiaetaoca af their dsCnwrits! tendency the natural teeth, ta af nothing of the easier y, the pertxfero aa brrath, or the rprrdtf aad a) moat total feat to the wemrer ef alt Bach avrk. BetaasTUfrcm a siaaLE tooth ta aa entirt set i a Style without clop$) which oo abiues cori.- -' t cleaaliiieat and e rstaaaaas. lj" bpecimeaa of tbeaa, fur whVb he was awarded tbe PiatsT FmEStrriiTf. at oar Iaa Falrj and la fact all the variotm afye kacwa u the profeaalon, can ba aaeo at hitcsf&c. CJ" Teetd HitTaw-te- witboat pa in, when rstqaeated. DE'Jatcd Tceth delicately aad dnrsbly lined. Slaipont tone of 'ne naturtUT-- h furracted. rObturator$ for Ct.srT Palate inaarted.. org an' i COBAL TOOTH Powacft for beaatifyiug aad preaervlBg tha TKRTIX can also ba obtained at hie Office. BEFgsEcES Rob. J. S. Blark. Attarneyleneral the VnxUil mjttfm Ceo. J. B. Bdie, M. 0 ; Dr. Waa. B. White; Dr. S. Starkcy; Dr. C. C. Neil, Paitadaipcia, Fa.; A. 3. Walt, Bs, i Dr. J. ft. White; B. Walker sl Bre ; Ohaadlar ea Ca., Memphis, Tena. ssp dstWt V drs. j. b. wmo a wis was-os- , NO. 320.' DENTISTS. NO. 320. FT ATM moved their offlce to comer of 11 I7MTOM AND MAIN BTKBTS where thay have atted np aad rooms i.l'.abte for the arcenira-sdr.tin- of Uhpae wbo may favor tbem with tbnr confidence, and having taaa located perauaeet ly, otter their pr..few ,.ir services id the SitTereat braachea of Deatiatry, promls-in- g tba pn .lie to aerve tbem la tbe most akillfal aad Judicious meaner, and ia every rraaooable caaa warrant aetlsf ettaa, heth ai to operation performed and charge for Ihe aem a Farther than tbia we wish tu bold nut no indncemetil whatever, ta enenare the pobllc ar draw them to our office, ty aay exhibition of Dental seecitBene, or proprraitiona to do "cheap or "at prlas aa low, or evn lower than tbe very lowest," or by any other miawtareeen'atioa f facta ia any way whatever. STeitbar do wa wiab any o" ? to miatake onr name (Wa!aon, for that af another, aa tbe nana ia plane, and tlae of business caaily found. Ctfice eemer ar Dnian ana. Maia. W.. aso. f d.twaw Dr. Wa B, Morrow, MIDDLEBCRG, TENN., reigaed bis praieMorabip in tba B. M. HATING af Memphis, will la lntare remain at home and deviate hks whole time to tht ef ME DK 'llVC AND StTR4ERT. In their variosu departaanU. lie has enjoyf d saperlor failitias, and baa had a long and axparlenc ID practice Chrome MsSaaMS (esnecJally thaae of the Longs and thoae to lemalee) treated succeasfnl'y He pre- pare bis medictnea from aanati7e and r. agents (rr etly frcru tbe vegetable kingderu), which be knows to be 3AFB BN1 IAHLB. Calls from a distance aitenied to Prescriptiona and Madkinee eot by mail or exprea npon applica'iaa. DR. VAX Bt KG. OCULIST AND AURIST. office in Jaekson Block, COBNEK Of VAIN AND GATCSO STBEBTS, MetnpM. TennessM. St. D. L. 8TKWABT J. B. ALOXE, Balrixh B.iapbia. STEWART & AleCvEB.' Attorneys and fiunsclors at Law, (Office at Balelgb, an in Begister's BSBBB Building,) Coiner of ourr & Third Streets, lXoxx3.21xijaS, Tonn. t3"Speciet attention to Wwleciious, Conveyancing and investi:atlac Titlea.etc. del AOs i. e. TiinAi, Attorney and Counsellor atLaw, AND COLLECTING AGENT, lVXozx3.i3aaJ.SB. TontaeataKjo. i - (Mice t u:1 aids cf Coart aqar., three doers rets Main elrwM. i.HJie JOU3I C. CARTER, attorney - at - JLaw MEMPHIS, TENN. Cf" Office in the A lama Bapreaa rmilding. j DR. G. VV. AGREE, DENTIST, Coart Street, opposite A. T. Wells at Bro. A LL operations with the IX laaat pea, lb f piu, and in tb.-- m MSjWjm skillful manue Oiscaaea of the anJ teeth aaaaaaafataf treated. ArtitViel teeth nawp the n-- -' approved plan, with guar- anty, and n hambaav either o!d or aew, ia ofiai ad ta in- spire the public with ooofldence ia my skill, or ae ac ladaceiB-n- t assagai at my office. airl SIDNBT T. WATSON B. S. HAMMOND W1TS0K at Rinn0'1tf9 ATTOU All V S - VT - Li W , MEMPHIS. TENN. Cf-O- in WALCKA'S BLOCK, Mo. ?S Mala treat. fftS-S- SWAYS E& BK4KD AND W . D . B E A It D , ytTTORJTE rs JiT LiW, AND SSAASJSTHMI AtiEMS. 1 (Office In WoodrmT. niocX, Main street. If amphia, Tens.) B. will wind us the u!4 basinese of i. T. Swavse, St and will auatisne IB. Col lectin, business In West, Battera and Kortb afislssippi, as before, ssd, also, the office and tithei bcsiness out of curt. ST. T B. will practice, alooe, iu the ooorts. Tonr friends snd former clients net acquainted witb Mr. Beard, ( lately of Mi a nn) I take xreat pl.asnae ia comtaendins bim a. a r.liabls lawyer sad gestletttaa; dllisent, prompt snd boae.t. a. t. Evirsa. S. J. GAMP . at BADE It a CO. CAMP & CO., (SaceMora to Qroavener, Camp At Go.,) PIANO, FURNITURE, and Qt3w3LL .fill Wjji Carpet Dealers. r' ANTS from the celrbrated H' Brothers, A. a. JT J . Keegk, and otbera from New Tork. Bewnft.! Parinr Suits, entered with Broratelle ; Ma bogany and Wemat cavered with Haircloth and Flush; Reeewuoit. Mahfgany and Walaut Bedroom Suite; a full rtment of all articles of COMMON FURNITURE. The beat Spring Bot..ais for $6. Hair, Cotton, Moaa an-- Siock M ATTRbSSKS. Tapeatry. Brnaaels, Three-pl- Supt-- r and Ingrain CABPKTiK'iS. OIL, CAEPBT-I- ti frean tbree to eighteea feel wtda. LoOKiM. GLA.i5i.ft or all kiada. UAlflP 6l CO., Old SUiid, Mo. 360 Main atreat, an1 tM v M ennpb ia. Tenn. Trust Sale. virtue of three deeds of trnst, dated Jnly, Sep- tember BT aad November 1st a ecu ted tome by A. ta secure certain debts therein specified, 1 will j rocefd to sell far cub to the hlgheat bidder, in of the offlie uf J fen. , in the city ef Mem- phis, oa the 32VD DAT OF APRIL. 1661, tbe following property, vis : la the county of Sbeiby an;l State of Ten- nessee, beginning at a take or point on tbe eaat aide ef College atreet or avenae, one baadred and r (1S2) feet aoaLbwardly from tbe aoatb ide of Walker street, aa laid dwn on the map ef the city of Memphis by B. W Rocker; ibence eaatwardly parallel with Walker street, and along the aocth line of a let of l acrea, ao.d by the said Montgomery to the Rev. Mr. Draaa, 4fi5 feet, to aatake, the snulb-ea- st eorumr af tba aid H acre lot ; thence at right anglea with tbe eaat aide of the aaid It. acre lot to aaid Walker atreet IS. feet; thence eaetwardly witb tbe euotb aide of tbe sai l Wa'ker atreet to the north-ea- corner of the land anld to aaid Monwamery by S. Resell, by tia de of Febru- ary S 182; tbeace aoutbwardly with the eaat Una of said tract, tbe same bain; a 30 acre tract, to the noitb-ea- oorper trf a let ie!d by aaid Montanmery to R B Alexander, being tM acrea; theuce westward. y witb tbe aorta of the aaid ?H acTea. and ihe aorta boundary a acres sold by said Montgomery to C. 4T. C. Devtia to College street ; tbenee wit tbe eaat aide of College street to Ibe beginning ; cuntaiaiug aboat four seres, near to Stark's Female College, aad part or the said twenty acrea sold to said MooUoniary by S. BoteM, aa sfiraaaid. The riht ef redemptt n La exprpsaly waived The title is good, but 1 will sail only as trustee Should tbe property aot !! for enough to satisfy ssld dab s, I will, a' the said time t:d piace, aeh for easb twenty-- fl aharea of tba stock of the Mesupbia Build- ing snd ls conveyed to me by ssiJ Mont gomery as collateral security. J . r. (.hi-fin- books : books: Young dt Brother, MALL. WOB.I.1. cmi.le!e. Dir'KXNS' WorXs, rotnplet. Caiboun Works, DrtDpt.te. e Webster's Works, cssidele. PctitKi! Text Back. Br M. W. Cloak... !!'.- I" sues. v. hits. Osroliss Soorla. Sj Bi:iott Lit in the Old World. Homes of Asaertcau Ststesmes. llenteaof Amen s: As'bors, Woodbury". Wriiin... JnST BBCKTTRO, A Isrx. ssaortnieul uf Niaastw Tat Porulsbs rorrrm 9. ski)., tsrti IV4 l.fell.wi' hall. Taxpayers. fTH CitT A'sec.ur. will rntar oa dnty X f fha aeasninat of real and ope rty, ojr tbe thirtr-nit- h (rporste year, a1 ill real e tate oaMiet-s- wherf ihere bas i owner- - hip inc- - last aiaesnnient, rr any err. sting, t irtakv edlately, by a n.te directed to the City As Bgh the poat or mavnr'a nAVe JOSH P. TRRZeVAMT, JOHN O DRAW, JPN PARK. icje: ice: ice: BEAL STREKTICE HOUSE! CORREY & CO. a MB new lay tog la their s'ock of I0B for the r They have a much larger amooat than aver before, and have always beea able to sapply their ratonm throughout the entire season. They eiders wholesale er retail. -l m justness (Taris. Bearing & Wetherill, MO. aaa MAIN BT , fix LOW rNIOM, WXS? BIDS, GREENLAW BLOCK, UBMxaia, thnn. w '" ss Bslall nes'T. ta DRUGS, Cbemirale, Dr.s, Oil, r.tats. Taralakss, Brxwk, Oarden and Grass Seeds, Pertain r aad T.ll.t Arllelss, MEDICAL At.Ei.T8 AMI AFPLIWCKS, Spices, Sauffa, Cigars, Wines it Brandies, Which we onDfl'!?ntly recommend far mad I aiaa aaa. Alc.'VI, BarnlDK Fluid, Cl Oil, M '.jrTBBBAMBAIC SPOVtiBS. DBrOOlsTS' BTO , ETC sB Orders fresa tbs eoostr, j B'led, asllafae-tlo- n fttarantesd. FHTSICIAKa' PBBSCB1PTIOKS will rscelvs sspe. slal attMtUAB at all hoars. DEARING at WETHERIIX, arlfi daw Bfii Mahs ear sad Hl TS, CAPS, 8 T R -- A. W Childrens Fancy Goods. MILLER & DUNN. MA1.UFACTURERS AB DEALERS, WHOLESALE AND RAT AIL. BBIMO BXOLtTSfTBLT easssed Is Msasfsetsrisx Desiios is HATB. CAPS, .ts. , wf ever, deyeris-tl'- n, we sr. suable to sffer f rest ts snd will keep .0 band tbs asd moet .xtessi.e sssorlmest ef goods ts sar lib IB the Soots We Caa salt lb. lasts BSJ ia ssllvr ssd ,rles Ca I at ."S7 .1111 STRKET IsrXS MSMPBIS. TBMM. j. a. puinaxoT ,B. S. SBAWPOBP. Flournoy A Crawford, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commission Merehaats, ASD DEALERS IN PRODUCE, Keep aunstanUv oa hand a large aad well selected alack at Choice Groceries and ProrisioB!. Batted to City aad Ceuatry Trade, to. ii frojtt no rr MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. rf" Fartlcnlar sttcatloa paid to Storage and Far warding. LOOK TO YGUB INTEREST ! I. & M. FLAHERTY, lave oo hand an J are dally recelviag, a lsrga taart-ma- A meat alegaat PIA.VOS, CARPETS, OIX., ETC. At No. 4.1 Ur-io- stre.t, And isvtt tb. pfbllc to call sad srawia Css.r stw3k bs. H. C. WEST SK A CSOHSaR. WEST, t OS BR1V & CO., General Commissi so, Forwarding ASTD No. 70 Front Row, eM atand of Strattoa, McDavitt at Cbw, MBMi-Hl- TRNN ABTIOtTLAB attentioa given to the sale and P af Caiton, Tebaoso. Floor, Parlr, Sacee, Lard, Wheat, Cora, etc. Liberal caah edvaaeee made aa aaa- - igamenta to ear friends la Now Or aas aad St. Leais RcrERESt es. W. J. Uavia, Memahls, Tena.; Slv-e- Watta It Ca , N. O; Wafta, Otvaaa at Ca Padnesb, Cy M. D. Davie, Clarkaville, Tena.; Hardiag, teivea St Co., S. Lioni i Blanten At Jam-a- , ?arls, Taaa. myS-l- y P. H. HEIIRICII sic Rfl., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COXFECTIOXEHS, AND CANDY MANUFACTURERS. Ito. 6T Front Row. BP ea baad a fall saaaiy af all blade af flae Bticfc KB aad Fancy Cad tee, Cakes, Hau, Preaervee, srnita, Pichlea, Oyatera, Wiaea, Ctgar. ate. Orders will be promptly sad earefally filled, at the lowest prices de!44cm Planters' Oil Works, MAXKPACTOHT OF Cotton Seed Oils, (Crade, Beflnsd aad Blsached.) OIL CAKE AND MEAL. First Navy Tard Buildlna, lVCoxu.T3la.laa, Tennorsaiee. 1. a CMBISnAN, -. 'M J. B. STPBBB, Vcretarr, L. T. DIXOM, Tresssrar, rarls deli-l- v V. M. IABIM. Ssserititeiid.Bt. CilJL LETT'S Patent Steel Brush COTTON GIN. cis STANDS, for whieb I am tba aaly TTIKSB agent ia North Mississippi and Teaaee-se- dlsfer frexa all others by com bim tic the nsa af a Steal Coasb Brrmh, with two Bristle Brest. as, thereby snhjaalag the Ccttaa te a stighteaiding proceaa witboat tae irast iajary ta the staple, and at ibe same Usee re- moves mnh of the dirt, with otlier foreign an balances. Attached ia also a Dnater, In front end, under the Saws, wMch salds largely to Ita capacity far cleaaslag and the sample It is aot complicated ar iiahl te gat oat ef order; can be raa with the ordinsr) pawer need; alas vary rapidly, and perforata well ta every respect. AH orders tntrn.ted to me at Batasvilla, Paaela coanty, Mississippi, will receive prat-ne-t aad further, say per Bros I attention in attachiag aad starting the same will be willingly a. U promptly rendered to all thu'e who may see lit to tender ma tneir patreaage. j. T. wsaTaBooa:, ,. 'mi Bauavtlts, Miaa. Just Received. lit CASES LONDON POBTBB; 1 UU 60 casks Scotch Ala ; 0 oris Iiamss Av Waiktr's Ala 60 ISssV old finartxn sad Rye Whisky 100 boxes Bbine Win. ALSO Soger, Molasses, CetTee, Tea Tabacco, Cigars, Baistne, Figs, oraaies, etc. For aale ay mrSl J. F. 7BANE. Ma. AS Treat Row MORE HEAT WITB LESS FL EL I BodyCs Patent PURCHASED TH1 BIGHT FOR SBTTTMG HAVING by the above eat eat. I am bow prepared to execute all erders with promptaem. Orates set wish ta.s patent grea'.iy mere aae tbe eaaatlty af beat thrown into the room, and at tbe seme time lea fael is retfaired ths br tbe old style Sreplsee. Orders left at Morgaa a. Baldwin's, Walker's Block, Main street, ar at any ah on, earner ef Liedea aad Canaey atreeta, will he promptly atteaded ta H. LMMOM. CCBTl riCATEl. We, the anderslgaed, have had ear flreplanes sat with Dadge's patent far settiagOratee, and wa Bad ihe reams better warmed, with laas fael, thaa thay were befere ita addin-in- : anal we take Pleasure ia r eeemmend tag it bi oar eiUsens geaerally far the aamfert It taavaa and ita een my in the aunsamptioa af coal. Taomtwe James Piaaie, Charles Pattor, J. L. Morgaa, Jemee B. Oeafc, O. Pans, A Bd ii tends, B W Dill, J. O. Fiaaie, M. Cash, J- - J. Mnrphey, J. B stehootsoreT, M or ran fc BaldWia. Jall-S- Trust Sskle- - to tba power aad aethority tvafarra-- l ea PTTRSrTANT terms af a trast deed, made ta me by J ft. Montgansery, ea the list dry ef Decamber, 18SS and recorded i tae Register's affica, la B"t Me. SS. pagea 111. 31S aad 114, aa Ua ad day af Jaaaary, 1AS1 to which deed reference is here? sasds far partiraiafa. I will, oa RATfJRDAT. the th day af April, IRSl. at M C. Oayoe At Soa's a act tan kon-e- , kaewa as tba iraade, oa the south side of fin ton street, betweea (he hears af 10 and 11 o'clock. A at, havs aad ezpaaa ta sale the fallowtaa described tractor aareei af iaad, kaewa aad designated as follows, te-- : fietag aad lyiag la the ooaniy ef Sbetbr and State of Tenneeeee. aad beginning at a pJtnt er eypress tree, wia the Ilea of Jab a s, marked Na. S, aad raaaing east and witb Cabbina' line'fertp-flv- e piles aad fiftaaa (li) link ta a slake smth of a maple tree marked J. 8 ; tbeace north stzty-fo- (SA) peaa and iweaty-ea- e (II) links te a ataka; tbrnctt east twenty (A0j poles te a stake aad orsraer ef a tairteea acre aatry bv McLetaerl fc Carr; theaee sontk forty (40) pules ta a stake; thence eaat poles to a stake ; these earth forty .40) poles sad firteee (16) linke, north of a Mack walant marked M. fc fj.,to Poiater'a Una : tbeace east twenty thi ee (IS) faet ta tbe west sida af a twaaty favt alley, aad taessae aoath aad wttb the line af said allry aae hnadxed aad tweatv (110) pelea to a slake; aad theaee west eac aand red aad tweaiy-an- e (ill) poles and flftaea links to a stake; thence north efty-fi- (66) poles aad forty liaks to plaee of beginninc, biug fifty sig acres, Banrs er lass, I will sell aaid tract ar laad ta tba highest Bidder far oaavh. la aatisfy a certain nets drawn by saia J. D Montgomery to J. M. Baat. aa tba ?4tb day 9t March, ar thereaboat, ia the year leav, for sevea hnaared aad the cost aad expenses of said sale. All wsatlng to parchsse said lot of land shoe 4 egsmiae the title, and be ready then and there ia pay said mount it may brief Title be lis red to be gaod, bat I will convey only aa trasUe. mrM M W. B. BRCCB, Trustee. tfottoit factors. V. II. U'HIT.WOKE gggHt COTTON FACTOR COMMISSION MERCHANT, Va. SS Front row, St. dswlf a.MraU, TBMMICS8BI. -- IBtTllflfl, lor BSSt torn sjr t the ggdj le la tht sas OoaBintaaiaa Mercfaaat, at ia preps'ed ta store, - ether descriat'on ef prodai. Mr rharfea f ; s t nty 1 e eeaia per bale, aaat far sell; aae, tsra aaii a as ' per c eare ant inanred, aaiesi All erders far aaoaiafG noM BCPPUBS. tiled at the By protoptaeaa aa-- t strtct as af a ha may eiteed to u pa to merit It, aad win sl all dm viabi:.. rnr se sirea. ana t . 'a t .i svrr fa cility ta my power. aery reapecUsllr, roar wildcat aarvaat, CHABLE n. WblTMOBii. M. B. T have cWed my afilca ea Bank avenne, and will raaraan m t ft Qf .otT ,Ml B, Ho m ftamt row Catil tbt Uaaa will t viaitinc frteivle ID the cuaatry. Aar n. .k. aeaea will be at tensest te ty a Packet Hod.'. At c H. W. BK K Sc FIITtI.VV A cents tot aale of Vrgia and Weatern JniJTl VoAt Tl itr.l TOBACCO, FOBBIGM AND DOMBSTTC CWABS, And fieneral Cmmisiitn Mrc!ints ' TODD ft. aOTBB'S Bf lLDTNfJ, 74 FBONT BOW UExMPHIS, TENN. TO ths merehaass.f tBe Soatberu ChjsaaSaaMaaM aad the faarh-w- we ae d greet''.: ,r atastk of Virginia aad Weatera T'-- a t, vmriaat eaesprising many ef the aioat psgmla brands whiah wa mast sail, notwitb'-tsaditi- tbe UritT. or prices ara law. Please gire na a call r en.j u f ,Cr erdeia. Caah dealers, prices to snti; pr .mat lima dealers, tern." an, aricas easy. mrld Walt, johmw & n liTT0 FAiTORS, ;GrRO02ISlS, AMD Commission Mcrctiants, Ne. Tl FRONT EOW, BfIoixiplxls,i 1oa3LXa.oaMsass. CB" Ooslxnio.tits of Cotton. Tuiiacw aad ether BBS Bsc. '.-- ' T selicil.d. PlantsttM ssssjUle. kept coosunt'7 SB hand ssd s.1.1 at I.WMt starlet rates. Jylo--l V. M. WCAVHKsrORD. S O. I. EX DaR.lll., K.-- l J a. O. SlMPSOB. MsmpfaUi WM. Wxar, aaxsasvaxat, WEATHERFORD, SIMPSON & CSJL, (Baccaaora to Jams-ao- u At, Bro.,) Wholesale Oroceris. irfifrvl roBnission Mercbiaits. Product Dealer & folio FarVr NO. M FRONT ROW, Mexuphlai, .Tenn. CfBaggtag, Bope and Twine, vhiaky, Ptoer. Tobacrx. Tea, Sagsr Salt, Bacon, Coffee. Mails, Soap aad Candies, together with a fall sloes of Plantation Sanpllea. mr3f dafim BOBT, BLACK .., b. b. rnTMAM. Perinerly af Panola acmnty. Miss. Merapnis. BLACK Ac PITTMAX, THOLE&ALE TOBACCO FACTORS, AMD tteneral C'ommiesittn TlferchAnta, NO. 74 FBOaNT ROW, Todd St tfover's Building Manapbi. Tenn., KB"P oaaataatly an band a larsa and we'j salected af all grades af Virginia and Weetstra Tobacco. Cigars ami Siauklug T6srcea, whi b they affar ta the trade at mannfadurera' prices u visiting the city will find it to their advsnta ss call and examine oar stnek before parctiasinv elaewbc re, as we are offer ia. rare ladacementa to daaiars. Asa 8b.!bst P. 8. Jos. lU'.cii.u. SHELTOff, Mil & CS. Cotton & Tobacco Factors I forts ns i . i rrvt ami FOaWABDIMG HSRCHA1.TS NO. 40 FRONT ROW, NEWPHIS TtXSfESSEf. C A D . O. C. BOONE, OTTO.r FACTOR COMMISSION MERCHANT, DeSoto Block, Madison street, BRWCIIC MAIM AND BBC. IND, Memphis, Tenn LAFLtlS, STllTn tk BOIES, MAHCCACTIIBBES OP GUJ pon BUR, OKFTCB MO 38 PBONT ROW, Meha p Iiia. Tenn All kinds of fvanpawdar coiiatantiy on .band. Ordera prnsnptlv atteastasd 1a. 2w1i YOt'T? & WKIdlf HAVB BIMOTBO TtlElR REAL ESTATE OFFICE ISo. 4 aliiion Street, BBTWEMM MATM SfRBBT AMD PROMT ROW, Oppusiti1 tbe Appeal Oflire. I MO d wi'h aa Dr. D. T. SCOTT, HAT af Masbville, we are prepared to wlfer te nr friauda aiid the public asUitiuBal SaatStiea ia tae of ear bnsmeaa, aad with incn-ase- dilligenc 10 the dlscaarge ef ear dailee, we b pa IS merit a coat.a-aaac- e ef that patreaage heretofore so liberally eitendd te an. Balew wa pros eat a pur. ion of the property placed at oar diapoeel. 1RK1VS1S LANDS. We affar for aale seme 50,000 acres of choloe Arkartsa Ianda, irapraved aad anttuproved, aad loaated at variius points enibraced within the het cotton grwiug regiotu ia the Stale. MffSSISSIPPI PLAXTATIO.XS. 870 aT.s Cos b Mao coat ty, SOT. cultivated ; SS. 20. TS. . 4T BBS " 230 SO. D.Sts 56. sas in TENNESSEE FARMS. We offer a nno-b- nt select and hlrbly improve) Parana in Saeiby eoaaty, varying in distance from Mem phis fiotn one tr. twaaty miles. A mtsa taasrg are desirably sitaeled, aad Saaly adapted for iJer.eninr. and Farming pnrpoeee. CBURBlSr AND CITY PttOP-ERT- Y. We have a anmber ' nnimproved ' elegantly City and Babarhaa Lois, wbich we elTer for sale or exchange TOCMO k WBLB, rnr : 4 l'isO sitreet. TO CrlS CO.SIUEKS. ECOXOMF IN GAS. RE0VCTMOJT Vt GAS BtLLS- - selBaf RtcHenry's Patent teaa Baraar. " - BT karaars have beaa a J (spied by tbe ct.y anlorltics wf Laniavilla aad;nau far the parpise af lighting thair streeta, sad were stahlectad to the moat ruM phMametTisa) tea, aa regards sffVtralaag tbe greatest aaaoaatef light far ihe smallest rwatnaiptton f ia. aad ware feaad te cam pate with all other homers seat te the Gas Light CevmiUeoa af tuoae silies for their eeneideratieo and ttepnea. These baraers are to ail was aae them, far tbe fallowing advsnta-ga- a ; 1st. Mronsmy ia oensamplien of feaa ta the aevnont af from 1 to 1 par ceat. over tbe beat p .tout barater made, aad from n ta SO per seat of th. flab. tail or boraar. lad. A perfect ciar an1 steady fame. ad. Perfect cacabaaUna and Ireodota from i as ska. 4th. Freedom from blowing arid w of aaa, saaeasaaa to the il aad bnraer. My long ezperiaace ia toe maaafacm-- e aa.t c iuiUlt tiaw af flas (having kaea aaperiatendaat of Memphis 8as Warka for the laat seven yeara) itvioe ihey are tba best baraer that has erer been etTe-e- tu tbe paella, aad are aaad by private eeaioemers to tbe exslasiaa af ail ether kinds whore they have been in trod oc est The aaraera oaa be seen at Chandler fc Co 'a irng siera; aa tbe sitylsmp aosu n frnat of the anneal asBsa en Colon street, aad Dr. Merrill's, oo Madison gasaassi For sa'a at my shop, first door north of tbe Gs rstfice. Main atreet, between Waalangtoo and Pop's r. ABBL BIMIBTAR, Oaa and Steam Pipe F ttor. Botoag-ea- t for Maraphis mrO- -l t PROVISION S. HOICK SCffAR l U ft ED HAMS. C DO BKKAP.PAST BA. OK DO SIIOBLlrBB.s, PLA1ST BAMS, BACON' SHOI'LDKBS, DO KIBBBD SI0B3, BO ULBAB SIDBS, PAMILT PBIME MKS5 POKC, is barrel, sod hf. ftrl. De) 6I.KAB polk a do. BO LABD, set sa kettle rsnderad. Is boreal., b.lf ssd k c, 0I.B1S. MISS AND H O. PORK. BULK MIATS, SnortLDIBS, SlDKS asd TIAMS It- -., abe.e ara Ee.w is Stack, and will be kept cn.taeti. est hsnd tlirsmxh tb. season, from whicb Hstsla, SSrscera, Boot Ptsrss, Cssst Orders and the Trsds, xessrally, will be snspliedat market rates ay PKANCI8 W1I1TTAKBK, Packer asd Provision Meichant. Seventh and Carr awests, St. Lsais, Ms. Refers u sasrehast. sf Memnb s, x.' .rally who do s rirev..;-.- . .... f.lteodSm . .CBVaCKIU. S. C. STARK WKATHKB' I.. C. CHURCH I LL V ZO., (aew permanently located) No. 11 Excbaaf e Bulldiuaj. DEAZaBmS IB FEED AMD rROSUCfi GENERALLT, No 12. EXCHANGE BUILDINfl, .f aS Meaiphis, Teun. Bisffi .aureus. B. . - II A.M.. GEAHAM & WARD, Wholesale astd Retail Deali-- 1 a GRATES, HOI'SB Fl'B.viNijl.Vli GOODS, Tinware, HARDWARE, AND MANIFAT10RERH OF TIN, SHEET IRON & COPPER WARE, o. 79 cor. Frost Row & Adaas si. Will keep a full sttpplr n a " rr rsv i uiisungs, noe3, snoveis, NAILS, AXES, CHAINS. Also, a eorr.plete assortuient of SHEEP HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, ETC. JJy- - Ttiwe wsntmz atf hint to ir line will do well to call aad BVBSaiaa oar sto.l aad SjSaaBa saaaatB cbaamg etwliera. U" JOB WORE of every promptly io. ia2fi (unin u kmzu. RHIABLB INSURANCE to THE IMTFwtB IMIARCI CO., .. U. ISJrt. las Inn sss. r iiissr dsisc hssi.esa is the THB.. CASH CAPITAL AND ASSXTIS, .1,0I,. Ttils mmymnj rests ii rtatru. t. patronafe oa the ''-- . faces: CJ"Ii loii.e a lexititn.te lnsorance bosl- - dize a char sir r ' BTTM TfT i' t CT-It- nd dollars in 3tat tw.ia aaaaaWI ,Bptrti-r- , as tu ;;rUANTES to it peli. trite or tbi 3' ate by a -- rty br sMsssaaat Ject by Otfin Jasesh afasb. of Hash.: Kentsckr, Mi atleod to tb. pronjut majm stent and psrmeut of Pmsc. in bis district. SBBl id iniEII! JACOB C. WARD O KftPBCTFCLLT AMKfrSVa,S :. .:a W for mer patroitS ihat he may he ro' evry deacriptiMU, with ,r ut prisaie-- rta.1e to order. navlag one of '.he rntjart approved rn'ing machines, ;;e 9 prepared to do any kind of rniing. Particnlar atten-ifi- n paid to the of ainaic aad all auada uf aiUier pfain sa? in extra style. Ail orders from ita city as catantry win reeei-- e aWSSgA aUeatiwn. JACOB C. WARP, I SS Main street, oppoaite Clay Building. Id doce, rnr2l Meenrsta. TSana. eipiiis citf vakmsu rqoi Ma. 11, Ma , (ap a' airs.) sM m the citisens thst he rjtHK sii'l second band fnrni-pe- ir and varnth tbe ia Bt to r- - sinr.e, wnald pay the repairirg .f it. Apply aa abive ar addraa ma through the post office. 3" IIIKRT BRARR3. C. K. BOLST & SON. WDF.R TAKERS, NO. 3) MAIN STREET, M3MPHI9. JIN, aommti roa IIARSBALL S SOrTHESS MKTALLO- - nscBs BURIAL CASKETS. ALSO. BOB P.arstow's Metallic Barlal Caskets. COr'3TATTt T on baud sues .if K1SK k KEBP CAilia. AUM, WOOD COPFIS. tl ererr descTt.Uoct. Ctrntrr faroi-be- d Carets sn.1 ta di ot. .LOT-- ! r l. noi a CHA BavRI.NtLR, FLORISTS, ON BAXDOLPH BO ID, oy.-IIAl.- P MILK PBOB Of RT SurARB, castsotly oo band a .err !arxrarictr BB HATB ss.,, ii ii mi Mams aaa Osrsalssas. sod all siodaof P ower., Plant. .n1SjSss, -- rTic. foe lavlnx moderate, aad tbe; ;sar.ntM satlefact iud. C MORST fa ra t. B'dKlV.lXR. llways on Band. PBRIilB sod well assorted st. :k of G1SLISK Alt '.VAN'S CI6AKS, exoreaelr letted for my re Ull trace. Also, superior TlrlBU (kenise; Tsbsccs, Warraated to be i sny brought here ; aad BAtsLEY'S BEST FIVE Sff TWBAt'fO. The ageavcy nf which 1 have fur this vily. Persona can rely apon getting a real 1 article st my store, sa i aal oone hut warranted Aug. A. Clausen, Tubaroniat, SC6 MATM 9TRKRT, mrl Coiner if Ma'.:M.n Spring Barley. BU9. PBIMR CANADIAN BalBD LA K LHT 100 Red Clovar gakWa, CO boa. Clever Seed, B'.ae Sraav, Herds Groaa, Timothy Peed, All IresJi sn genuine. R. a. CBAIG'S. Hurtientta-a- l aaat Store, Corner Bvood aad Oaioc ttroota, Wamphta. Trtawasaa JI ST RECEIVED tmH' ,,i-,!- sk",' 200 lOO BCSa. HrsfGARIAM CRASS SKKD, OO BCSII. RED CLOTKR SRKD, BLU( aBASS, HRRPS ORASS, ORCBARDORtSS, Kte., Just received and for sal. at K. G. CRAIG'S Sel Store, Corner of Seccnd and Cslort Mr.ets, mr71 Memphis. Tenn. V O T I C E. IN'i - it Ml ( H-e- k. lo HAMr H. Waafc Co., arter thani teuJaand the pnhlic for the very Ulerai Ltendrd U are auat rardially solicit for the i loutino- - ance ol their favora. Respeclfnlit To thf Pabllc. A. mtt percei.e, I bav. parchsiwd U aad SJait-nc- rv of Messrs. sxaa, p.trii pos t, r..n.lo.-- tt.e bnainess an t.r tt.. H. Wade a Co Most re.'pscfalix . hosse s .bat. of pablic patr.nye. UKMRT TADR. ortiQit (fan s A. tS. . A. C COKDES Sl HON. p n o d c o a AMD COM MISSION MERCHANTS. .Vw. 19 JTorlh t.ene. ST. LOUIS, MO. tf a Lib.'.l .1... 1.1 P '.I-a- i.omSVILLE PAPER MILL A. V. DUPONT & CO.. MaitvracTVBBata or Vsws and Bask Frlsfior rtyer awD DKALxaa ia rapeitM or am. kinds, Printer ft ink, ire,, tt nala St.. l.ouisTille, h . UNIOK STREET DEPOT, or stern Produce! BCLLING, BIGGS A CO , TJraicsm Stxaeot, ATI -- n head v- -l fear aale large totaaf aT 4arm aad H- T;aw. aaistuiSI of I'taa baa fr:a PUtoaa: r!a. f JJM aaLX tmiaaCM ; loa taoxea t:aee bun i' Cdjca Baa hrta rtwar, variomt bratus , T- - reaaia Wrapptna Paper ; aV) cWrxn Hacfceta; ISsi searta Taba, painted aad cedar ; v, ,r; 10 trte. Lima; IW ptstsa Power BaxgtDg ; ISO mi la Bug ; 104) sacks near ; 1SB Starch I 2 m hrsae ytsa, freeb, pickled ass s , lOa bwxesToha ea, Sll .naJltiea; ta hsOaw TsrSsi SOU tn White Lead; '. r.rnn- - Indifa; alewtr'. feaBaeue Wines and Liaaaora z caaan T.p.Tts..i BraraOT ; a great Ttnecy nf lf gams. Peppw-r- . C'iDBtaiw. Mara, A lap tee. Pichlea, la papers, r. xu.n Cordage. Cti ssapagneo. Weil gaj keu. But tied lit;nor, Wss C an--l lea of variuatss aaaVsra, persoii-- t wiah.oc U aerpply thm-a!ve- a with eavasra V(sceriea. id well ta call and egswisae this atoefc. ts 14 T XT E TJNIOH CHEMICAL PAINT." An Artttlsiat Marble. MAcAcm-s:- n and solo st MEMPHIS PAINT COMPART, la aVASl (Ml W.l - Sir. Tard MempSte. Pric. Li.t Met SSS SeisU.IM , SB IW. . a irsd. IsBexibl. Oil tl few M rewai IB as. prtes ts titsjc. st 9. w j a Co'.. wSietwass. sast rassass, a. SSS Main .t I M". ieii.r. 'j. J. J. XEW1, Asent. 8' HALL. Books I Books I STA TIONERY, ETC. IBAI. atuasi, lew asass. Ft.r aak If ttiph's, Tenn. blifp cm INSURANCE COMPANY StSBPtSlflt, TMMBL OwTICS IN COMPANY'S BUILDING 173 .n.ti.r STREET. ( apitial Stock- - . swaBji X 1 r O J taoZTSMtl H. laird. I a. m. oatcb. SJ. at CLMA TBS. J If. McVOMBS, sf. D. V1LIJAM3. ..' . BT. av m'KIR, T. aT. aaaaaW H. LAiRM. T W. anttlMJW-M- . SeVy. Xt Wiii inanre again, lea ty Plre oss naaaaM aw M"f K:. - a Hi:ms Hs- CargsjasS. Alau. inaarea the Lives 4 X exroes. rr Lom pmM Jalfi-t- y J. TIOKtwAi tc CO. . CARBIAG1 MAN UKACTOR Y, for. Tbirtl aBd Uafticfftwa hU. tj" AM order- - f..r work aad repairing attended hi MS the snorttst fel- -l Im Htt.riE .v.t.ri E.ICTCR E n NASHVILLE PENITENTIARY .V'sia.x'o, SALB AT LOW PB1CBS FOR Cedar Chance; CBarna, PtawiBa, TbAm; Dippers; Water Caaa; a. aad Backeta, IM At LfW, t, Briakley's Black. A CARP TO TDK FtBLIC. co.ijl:,: beea eagaaTed in tbe anal trade far the aaaaa IHAT1S yeara have hoated ctaal to ibis market for the retail city and ateeaaboat trads. aad 5ave ntramA (rrj axpernce ttie aecaaattyef having fael lb aswv. it ss efactw 1 THOMAS JAMB Elmwood Cemetery, Memphi. J0. LXMOW, Praat. C BAMIUOM. Bast. MAN AS IRS: r.cMow, ft a. allrm w b. mu.lmr J. M. WILLIAMSON, W B MAMUX. TRR Cemetery ta two mil 'jcth-ei.- t from the eity 1 The utTico uf the oocjpony la aa the graaashi. war a ai may at all time- be tonnd. Whoa h la out ia the office, neg tba ball, and ha will swan ssjpanr. Tar ma lovariatty caah. ,:.. tttt BUS STREET, SSS BRINKLEY' S BLOCK. Ingraham & Lees. now on hand, and will an to wh&laoale amyx HAVB d extremely LOW PR1CMB, BCS) aeata Tata; 30 doaea Backets; ss) boaeo Ctotbes Pino , AO Rutling P.ns ; 60 docen Wash Boards ; 100 ttaasen fin nta ; at) nests Market BwJkota; Aa a coanaaoSo aaacR af Sos spcad your asoooy at thf NORTH. A. Vaccaro & Co., WHOLESALE GR0CERS AND IMPORTERS 0V BwiMlitjS, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, iBe, No. 7 Front Raw: IN STORK JND FOR SJLE 100 baskets Chaa. Fair Cbaatpacos, jirsrt from Rheims, France ; 100 basketa Heirlaie a Ca.; 50 baskets Golaeo Spray ; M easea Widow CHcquat ; SS easea Cabinet ; 100 cases Sparklia(r and Still Catawba 500 cases Claret, different brands ; 200 cases Saotsro ; 100 eases Sardines . 1 and t : 10 bf. pipe. Cotrnac Braatiy ; 20 qr. 50 eifrbth 100 casks Londoa Porter, qta. taxi pta.; 50 casks Scotch AI., in .ton. aars, iirsca from Edinburr. ALSO, Suear, Cofle. Molsssss. Bsstaa, La Flcur, etr., ste., avrtS LOW FOR CA81' Shade Trees. Ktn SILT1R LBATMD POPLARS I sJtJU 100 Silver Mapies. SOS larxe Doabt. Rraanios Rose. ; Jsst rsesivsd sad tor sals bv R. s. oaaia. aaad SwBsar Seooad sad Pais i sir - Ii SsSBSiMS.T. --. al It aawl Mfcg r '&r' y&4 Tfea1"' 'A' ' ' ;' lt.'V:.!graB t "3SxaaaSiaisy: bbbSD aasBtaaaswasm ...asssMBHBsiasfifll r 1

Transcript of New THE MEMPHIS DAILY - Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 16. · It ha-- bwg frtrred b' :tts!de...

Page 1: New THE MEMPHIS DAILY - Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 16. · It ha-- bwg frtrred b' :tts!de pressure to turn wxsd rally to tbe rapport of the Ita circulation should be imme-diate!






failfi Appeal--Wivb, .. rtinhi ut ta.ttht coa.Ur t Fwt rVkerc, h., bsen

-r-- to Sr. .pan ti TOnfwWrrt. iftbT do sot ducoBUau. th. r,i0I1 , Ut.cries,

wihTT1 "Vj--Tb' Manhattan,n li . "' sorninr from Smn- -

nrncrwM to tbe wharf, aadJjwta t. take ft down and hoist tL SiEd

Fob Pxsisacoia When I we vii ra--ijed at Rsj-n- that Beaureeardad turned at, , la nBsat a aonnlet waa bsstrly

tefcea., Cspt, Jolia Leake n

wiwumi oiasin ris l mi lire, lidsasii.Uijr iurM fo,

Tbe Hew V Iltrali or tbe lfi;h, e- -i

raised ttiia mmlt; reported, comea to uae lathed is tte fall 1, limenta of LfnroluiBxn.It ha- - bwg f rtrred b' :tts!de pressure to turn

wxsd rally to tbe rapport of theIta circulation should be imme-

diate! appreasad in tLe ci'T, Bed in factthrouirhout tbe Booth.

T!".r"t' cr Pickkws Toe KewTork Jimfmi Ass, Reporter atatea "anthor-lUtivwIj- r,

that the fallowing force of VailedNtelea troops, sailors and marines, on board

7 Wr aner D command of Com.Pen irrraat, are detailed to land ae Fort Pick- -

l !TII from L'ent. Slemaoer :

xJrokivr. atesm corvette, 310 men- Sabit.evling frirete, 250 men: St. Loots, sailiti;etrretta, igfj men) smaller crafi, artilleristsatout 80 men; total. MM men.

'VMr. BacrKiitainai.or Keutuekr, madeB sj eech is Woodford county, on Saturdaylost. Be of tesass took atronr southerngroi.nd. The cawreapoadeBt of the L.uesvilieCxsw-ie- r says of it :

His atloaioB to the war news waa moat ap.propo bisaaei; aaoMier.lie is intieai t&kaowwhether Kentucky will be coerced into thesupport of a traitorous raachoroas, and trea-sonable Administration.

Later from 1 on it oiu . r j I so olmTsesisjeawSI IfasessrtTrsspt.

MnsrrooMBaT. April 17. Gen. Pillow, whoarrived bore yesterday, for 'he purpose ofbsTerinr troops from Tennessee, save be ranroaraot ten thousand men in twenty days ifPreaideat Davis will acept their sersices.There is no doubt of President Davis a crept -

Alex. K. Stephens delivereda opessrb in Atlanta last mctrt, ia which heaaid thst it wo-il- require seventy-riv- e timesseventy-fiv- e thousand men to Intimidate as,and then it would not be dons.

Tbe bid for the Confederal Sates loan arepouring rn. The sotu or $:2fi,00r) waa taker,by one mar and paid down in gold at par

Advices have been 'received bare fromChart eutra that tbe rlet of United State ves-sels of war, lately before tba: ci:y, has left.

atk lu tira-ialn- .

Tbe Richmond fofuirrr of Saturday saysKotMarg is more probsble than that Prsi

den. Davie will soon march aa army tbroushrJorth Carolina and Virginia, to WashingtonCity.

Tbeoe of onr eolui'eers who desire to jointhe northern armv. as I' shall paaa throoeh

bad better organize at once forand keep their arms, scewacre- -

untforms, smn.uur.or, and kcapsicks

The Petersburg Etfmt of ;tbs same datesy:Ov Charles oa new this mornio; t

tile that should make every Aaeri.-ar-

criasaan at the degradation iato wh-c- tbesnsnat ban sutik under the devilish auspicesof the Cabinet nowstarted in Waabiogton. drop of bloodtkat is opilt is this infen si strife which tbeyhave kiadlea will he upei tb souls of Abra-

ssesbam Lincoln and his SsSS and retributiveTeageaBee will erertake them either in thisworld or the next.

prom paauLt.fvsss rae lev nrleass nramse of ITIti , evecial

eawisa.We leant froz Maior General Clarke, of the

retrular rmj of the S'ate of Mississippi, whoarrived bare tbis words:: from Pensacola, viaMoMIe, tbat ao dianee bad taken ntas in Die

aailitarr sfala m of Per.sacoU. F.t: P.ckensbad been relnforeerl hy all tlie men ;hat ei:dbe sparer! frnsa tes sMpa af wsr coranosincthsfleet off Pensacola. It was not expected, bow- - j

ever, tkal sny attack wosild be made for tbsacx ten daya. Tbe troop, were sit in titroaditum, aad saxioBsTcr tbe battle to com.ii.

iTfr. A wbo left WarTiaa-ton- ,

locality of tbe navy yard, about eijrbta from Pinsarols,) srber. be bas beea

Bti. We learn from bin that theait sot on, wl-ic- left tbis r;ty SurtJ,na her arrival at Warrinffton wasitsjer or Genersl Brat;;, foi the

ranaportlBsT troops. 0tr ioformai twas expected tbat tbe ateaaier

is course, shoui.! Isavr PensacolaId a too be dsstaiaed. MeznMme no

ftermitted ta rats the nary rard.from the same source that tbe

encafred in doinr so, and at tbe time onrinforms t.t left had extended tbe works to a

point nearly oppoa;te WarriDftoo.

HOTCnEM Of TROOP Vol'Kll.l.roi.a.

Tbe Mobile Mvrrtitrr, of yesterdsy mirr.lag, trivea tbe foltowiBsT latest iotellienee of

military movements brtersen Itat city aad

Penaacala. Onr own companies a pear to be

moving forward eatisfactaxily :

Tbe Steasser Carondolst left town at oneaad-- a half o'clock, SBtoriiavevenine, for Hall'sLandiBC, carryiae, besides tbe troops

Quitman lirht ar'.illy.from Jscksor. Miss., Csptaln i. F Kerr. PirstUeabsoaat, R H. Hurdom SecondL'etenat, (and actina: snrirecri) M. W.

JVyd-Ja- oior Second Usso'enaBt, J. F. Lesler,and afty-ou- e rank anrl 6te a portioa of thcotnpanr hsvinr been left Aner leav.iac her freifrbt and ibe bsrge, the Csro:,doletwent ob to tb arsenal to briar down W0 bar- -

rsti of powder.Tbe Kate Dale, when she tok over the Xew

Orleans troops, srasi feaaslly losded with pro-

visions for Warrinirtori, bt't orders were tele- -

grirthed tetter to remain, sfter resrhmr; theMittiac, nntil srranaTcnrers could b mtt.r fordisrbartlac her cargo. She return ed to townymterdar morning, Uaving tbe Vicfcsb-ir- anri

Hi.". ' bia is Bine and a

kasT Wiles nd two anJ a halfmi ee abov of M. and C. N.

Ra trnad.v wagon. Is

lOa.nm rations. Tliere ia no small amonm oi

otbrf stores, bat tbe provisions claim tbe pref- -

er.r r.The irs had movsrl

about e5

lieSouthern Reptih-fro- m

brsra tbe arsenal,where t ? for a r. : ortwo patias.rur1

aad romr.soies of Lotits'sns Zouaves ar-

rived on tbe Cuba from New Orleans, number-Ba- g

hfty-i- v bayonets.Co. Oopfeos goes to Warrington, via Hall's

La ttfliasr, to resume the comma n I of bis bst-ts'i-

Capt. Gee's ba'talion went down toFort Morgan jtlAtJKoa the Sata Uale

Tire steamer Lewis brought over from. NewOrlesns this morning, 4" rnectienics, 'm-strr- s,

90 mules, ana IS wagons with their

equipage, a'l iateaded, we suppose, 'or Gen.Bragg's srnyt, sad for tbe root btwsn tbeTensss tor! tbe Prnsarola railroad.

W, luutsraUwl tbs- - the Sharpshooters leaveVi'ksharg, aad bs b company of Zouaves,New Orteaaa, for Mobile.

Henry War Beecker an War.Rv. Hsnry Ward Beecher preached a war

aermon in Brooklyn on Buodsy. Of course tbs

Bomb aad slavery wer denounced. Here ar

B few xtrart from bis sermon :

W most draw the lines close. Let men

take aides one way or the other ; let every man

abw his hand ; w want no misdle mer., do

,nufolers: all must now stand escb ftr biotaeir. , tl . hft i. not With US

on le t gie--. suestiou. ji' r-- i

1 e, . i. seaiast n. Grest men have

awaken on this !) eloquertly and rllr.gly,bwt tb caas of Saater base spoken mors tbsntbai art As Tor se, I am detarmlasd. I 11

b.ncefor bnor dealing,bs no commercewith a fo. to llWrtf No mat, absl! com- - to

my ", or my boa?itality, or hreaxmv bread, or share my roof, wbo has feehnrsof boattlity to liberty, nBlees he comes at a

tiiiu, d I shall treat any si.uevery one wbo co false

kbts country sad ths ba i

trsHrtr, forsuoh be isLet It stersrlet 'His sisrter ee setlien m.let us meetwr t"1 save,

BS up ' "if.' it better to brav it t ouarhly soa toted wsr. ao thatare. If Bsry, pro

Hbe trouble! aMat ovsry perl

i other Tb NL l.lUn th esns snd tb c

.'n.h breadth of courag.t the North "The tiorsltom I

'aaid that lllostrlous ga al tbatthat noble Joan


Estrsst get into fisht. it i

! Iowa wh osscasvi.'' App s

Tb North abbosa war, hut if

contsat. I caw wish it. letrsdmbwent thsn that thev ststtheir oppoaeBta. . blue

Tes.erdsy asorain; an,taougb ; ssxt laat'ght we vrVriBg that s II aa wel.. A)

SBS brsr Of 'I . r;1116i

eesrr.ur doaV. sf own uponnf tt t.lnn of tli S t CS Is 1st to'C "'I esse ttthof srith a swrrowfol h

asms whit cast lasra: cu! sine I

tbis desk, a assjatek hss berermag tTkreeavk band, oftry', most lllirstrioaa drfsasrata,"Surnur ikC'reea, '"! M00laarbirb is ifntim." ! 1 1 be tbe acea

wmhttU eoeti. y U A, f urpaaaea

abiiiiy It befrfrsts description rhsers, bus- -

people made the scene a rooat remarksb e one.Mr. Beeebrr waa, 01 course, wrongful!)'informed.

Brass of the P.a titer. Son

igtoh, April 15. The note of Bill- -

ropean town just upon a erOutposts are extended an

so rapidly aegmer'tne that tbeyrn from all p iitta. The numbers ofi convey an Idea of the want of

must have existed hers for someSuch persons is enlist ret twenty

r month as primes, and tbe distri-th- ls

sum mar be the means of heli- -

It ted to-d- that a ronaidcrableher hare come down here to

o that orders have pone Norih for(here not to "stsnd upon the order, but to come at once." Somebo reside seross the river, in Tir-- e

tbe impression that a military re- -


As a very Isrje force is to be concentrated atthis key position, those bights willbe seized bv one party or another ss soon ssFlrg ata arts. As I write a full company of

' Washington light Infantry ar. marching past.' MM otn iKwt In th viciriy look-n- toward

MftrrUiid i thefr prAhab'f (!stiniition. niinpnurt r on duct hrre in tht moit icrtt mDnrpo.ih!t. Af some of the dcpr!mBntf in- -

tercnurse with yuboriiirale clcrki it eoUrelyeut off.

I hear to l.iy thst nail facilities to the sectj 'led BwaWtM a't to he immediatftf rot off, Ibourh

tbe Posit ttraare to !7, la aaid' to tiare opped that atep. It eouM p wiabfd

for the aakt of p"aee that he ba-- been power-- jJae ponferpirc the war pilicy of the Admin-istration, f jr It i onderatood that hi dter-- :mi'ied will and pnrpopt- rreainftt rvarnatingStimter prevailed ever the conn) of all tbareal of tba Cabinet, with thit of G-- Scottto hoot.

It f intimated that r are to be concen- -trated at Carliale, and that Cairo will be tbebae of opera t ona down the Miaaiappl rieer.Meantime an attempt wil be mad to bloc k- -i

ade tbe mont-- of the Viaaiaaipp! and perta ofth seceded S;afra- -

The emplovera tiiifr Col. ForaeT hare en- -;

tered npon obligations to defend tbe city. Ifattacked. It is expected of otl tr Gorernmei;'office that tbe exsmple a all be followed bythem. Aca.C'jrfeMprsBrj-n- tbe BiMircere Sob

WaiaatHCTow. April 15 The Preiilent'aproc.mation calling upon theS'.ales for a forceof aventy-fir- e thousand men to fupprrss'cotBbina'ioDa,'" etc., and recap'ure p!aces

and property be'Onfin- - to Ihe Goteament intbe aecftled Statea. would bare created sur-rtri-

if it had not been forei'tadowed by tbereeommei.dations-- cf Gen. J. W. Webb amiGree'ev, who aeem to btre undertaken theeuardiaoabip of the Adminlatrarfon. Tbeformer editor calls for fifty tbouaan.l militia toCo to MoMIe, and the latter for fifty more tooperate at Pensacola.

Though a part of the propo-e- d force is nowcalled out, it ia much to be doubted wbethtrU ia daatined for eerrice in southern swampsduring tbe summer mci.tbs. Is it no' intendedrather fur tbe apecial object of maintain! re;the Unit'd Sta'e Executive Government andContrast in this city? Cmereaa being called j

to aaeet here in July, would not come, perhaps,at the eumu 0, unless assured of protec ion.

The ratal force dtepatcbed to tbe guf e.f

Mexico was iioubtleas intended to anticipate'be declaration of war by tba ConfederateStates upon the United State, and protect thecommerce of tb raited States from privateer- -

tnz- The New York members of Congress j

were probabU-tol- br southern mn in the1

be dectaed jasrfal prltSk, with their cargoes.The Cshrornia treasure ships will be the firstobject of the cupidity cf northern men sailingunder southern " letters of marque and re-

prisal."In the fsre nf all these preparations for a

destructive war, on both sides, will rot Con-

gress, when that body shall assemble, turntheir thoughts on peace ? Let them acknowl-edge ths independent of the seceded Statea,an I provide for the establishment of relationsof peace and commerce with them. Thsn let


a national convention be called and determinetbe future relations ot the North arid the Southtoward each other. Ojt of all these dangewe any yet obtain safety. Ion.

A meeting was beld at Collierville, AprilIRsh, for the purpose of forming a militsrycompany to protect beme Interests and insti-

tutions, as well as to rally tb, young men forthe purpose of volunteering our services to tbsSouthern Confederacy. On motion of Dr.

Batemaa, Hon. W. J. Farley waa called toths cbair, and Dr. R. P. Batemtn aad F. M.Hammond, appointed secretaries.

On taking the chair, W. J. Fartey explainedtbe object of the meeting. On motion of Col. j

Banks, the secretary, formed an enrollment fortbe " Old Meti's Home Guard," whereuponabout seventy five enrolled their names.

Dr. Hsmmosd movsd that a committee offive be spioin'ed to draft resclutionrto expresathe sent.ments of the meeting. The cbair

Dr. Hammonl, Andrew Tsylor, B. F.Bowen, Ben. Powell, and Daris Briggt, saidcommittee; and in the absence or tbe commit-tr- e

tbe audience were eloquently and re! nglyaddressed Or W. H. Farley. Col. Banks, Rev.Mr. Sloan, F. M. Hammond and otbr. Tbseomwtttee appeared and read tbe rollowingresolu'iona which were unanimously adopted :

Reenltti, That tbe Tenth civil dts'rlrt ofBbslby county, Tenn., tbis day withdraws fromthe late Unltrd States, and takes up her line ofmarch fo- - 'be Southern Confederacy, in com-psr- y

with Memphis.RfMolr-i- , That we will arm and equip a com-

pany to be beld in readineas to go at a mo-

ment's notice, to do servie f t tht southern

ReMotvei, That in the opinion of tbis meeti'--

every patriot will attacb himscir to somecompany, and prepare in tbe beat pos-

sible manner r th coBflict.Oa motion, a committee of five were ap-

pointed to prenare an enrollment forth, yoir--men's company. Tbe committee reported thefollowing :

We, tti e u tid, arravour name, to thislist, with a fuM knowledge of the duty whichprompts us to act, aad fully conscious thst tbcrisis ia upon us, when it is a.cessary for everyyoung man to s'rik. in defense or his fireside,snd tbat we, organised as a company, tenderoar services to tb Con'.derste Stales directly,or to some regiment who has tendered andhave been accepted. Thirty-si- x young ni-- u

rsme forward and attached their names anifpledged themselves to go if Jeff Davis wouldlft them, even if tbev ha to pay tbslr own

hut la this emergency tbe citizens ceu.eforwsrd, msznsiiimouslr, aad subscribed fivetr.ousand ftollars to arm snd equip, and pay allnu ney expenses, and promised ten thousandmore, if needed. Each company went into thelection of offices, which resulted in !he elec-

tion fo-- Home Guard : Colonel N. A. Banks,c.ptain : John A. Farler, 1st lieutenant; Dr.V. k. 2! lieutenant: Robt. Payne, 3d lieu-

tenant; B. Cash, oriterly sere.ant j Dr. . F.McKinn.y, surgeon : Thos Rodgers, commis-sary. An ! of tbe volunteer company : Dr. RT Batemar.. (captain ; F M. Hammond, 1stlieutenant; J. T. Biggs, 1i lieutrrant; P. N.Strickland, 3d leutenant; A. J. Coopwool,orderly serg.SB', Bad after tbre times threefor tb s tu'h.rB 5, the meeting adjourned tcmeet again, Saturday, the 2J".b Inst.

W. T. FARLEY, ChairmanR. P. Batxhaw, Secr.tanos.F. M. Hanaroap, j

" Fobt Sdsjteb Soaacsmrxxo ir a Tasi-to- b

" Under this head ths New Tork Corieraad J7Sirer(R.publicaB) of yestsrday makesthe following infamous charges again t thegallant but unsuccessful defender of FqrtSumter.

by a traitor: and tbat traitor Major RobertAnderson. This is barsb language; but it iath languag of truth demanded "by what ap-

pears to be ths grossest set of treason everperpetrated In this or any other country, '.'hetreason or Twiggs is admitted by all to bav,cxcmocJ that of Benedict Arnold; but thenames or both Arnold and Talrgs w II sinkinto insignificsnce indeed, are almost ren-

dered respectable, wben compared with themore damning iirfamy which from presentsppearsncej must forever attach to tbat ofRobert Anderson.

" The circumstances of this abominablereason (re so palpable and transparent, that

no man wbo reads tbem ran hesitate in arrivingat tbe conclusion thst Anderson arranged withBeaurrgard for tb surrender of Sumter, beforeIt was assanlted; that th defense was but aabam; sad tbat t was deemd Impor'aat thesurrender should tsk place before relief couldbe afforded by tbe Government fleet, hourly ex-

pected to arrive with troops, provision aadmunitions of war "

Tbe Courier produces, ia substantiation ofits charges agaigst Major Anderaon. a lettersaM to havs been written by one of his officer

Cant. Doubled. Tb latter declared thstat tb time of the appro, I. of the Star of tbeWest, he begged Major A. to permit him toopen fire on Morris battery, but tbe Major per-

emptorily refused to let bim firs, on the pleathat he would not fire until Fort Sumter wastrod upon. Cant. D , it is alleged, furthsrdeclsred thst all Msjor Anderson's sympathieswer with th rebels, an t tbat no less thsnfoarof his wife's brothers, boos of tbe lateGeneral Clinch, were In tbe rebel army, andthat tbe Major did not conceal th fact tbat iaao event would he, once re'eased from his thsnawkward posit c, bear arms sgainst tbeSouth, but would either resign or ask fcr afurlough to viatt Europe.

Novel Ebcodsaosmekt The Presidentreceived a letter recently from St. Louis, di-

rected to "Old Abe, or sny other man " Onone side was tbe Confederacy fls, on thsother th ael aad flag of the United Statea.wi!b(-tb- wer ds, "played out." Inside was afive4ollar note on the Union Rank of SouthCarolina, "Io help pay the expenses of e;

Fart Stimter." This letter crestedmuch xaXateut st tbe White Houes.

r st Oto Potisr. Tbe trnubls atand al Portsmouth navy yard ar

us than reported. Tbe men Insistedscaly vrbom tiiey were to fifht.

them s in irons. The muttnv isp by ftis cooimsnders-iB-chie- f as

Ch a rlkbton Items. Ths Charleston Mer-

cury of the 17th inst.,sars:Ths stsashlp Isabel. Captain Rollins, has

reiurtied from outaida the bar. We learn fro nbrrtbat Lincoln's fleet left Monday afternoon.and it is thought that they will all go to NewT rk. The steamttur Yankee, which was tosreompany ths fast and brint in provisionsfor Fort Sumter., did sot reach ths bar untilabout eifrht o'clock on Monday eveninr, whensiie came up and spoke tko Isabel, tbinkiBCthat she was tbe Bsttlc, bat soon ending outths mistake aavi laaraiBf aometbingnf ths po-

sition of thlnfs, and that ths fleet had left, ahaP'lt about and went ofl. Tba Yankee reportstueine expsrlerrced a severe gals which carriedaway her smoke stack.

Wm. H Russell, the correspondent of tbsTfsvs, arrired in tbs city if the Northaastsrntrain last ereniBr.

T. K. Diris, tbe artist of Harper's Weekly,arrived at the same time.

Hon. Rocer A. Piyor, of Virginia, left barslaat nieht or, bis way to Montgomery.

We are Informed that wben Major Andersonsnd bis command passed out of ths barber ontheir wsy to join tbe fleet of the United States,tbe Marion artillery, B company wbleb, sr-- ;

cording to biga military authority, contributedvery raaeriaily to the reduction of Fort Sum-tr- r,

in trsiimooy of their appreciation of bisralUnt defense, formed on Ibe besch and stoodwith uncovered heads until the Isabel badpassed their position.

The ErrrcT or Shot ojs VcaaCLi. Astmt doea not make a hole of fig awn aiaa rtrhtthrough wood, but indenta tt, tba fibres aprlng-in- g

back afier tba shock. Generally, tba)

course of shot can only bs traced by a wire,wneMmen a hole ss large aa a mana finger.

The damage moat often happens in tba it.sidtof a vessel, 'u aplinteriisg and breaking tbawood after tbe main force of the shot waapent. Forts Hamilton and Richmond, which

are abont a mile apart, with a veaoel lyingbetween them, could not, with their fins, seuda abot tbrougb two feet of ita timber a. Therela rare!y sn Instance where a ship waa sua aby a solid abot. Hot shots and shell- - do tbamischief. Tb; latter will acmetfmes makeapertures of several feet in extant through tbaaidea of vessels.

Twenty-eigh- t boxes of muaketa fromthe arsenal at Harper's Ferry were, we under-etan- d,

received here on Saturday, and depoaited in tbe Allegbeuy arsenal. Tbe Harrisburr,7r c rc-.- saya that a lisavy train of seven' ycars, drawn by Uro locomotives, psaaedbrotigb tbat city, aaat ward, by tba Penneyl-vani- a

railroad, last week, a number of tbecsrs eontalnine: live stock, while otbera con-

tained aome heavy boxes, aupposed to containshot, abet) and other munitions of war fromour arsenal. Pit ourg Poaf , 15 A.

Tbe BeTtliBtlan to be (rnihed Out.New Tosk, April 17. It is rumored that the

Seventh regiment of volunteers, recently calledinto the service of tbe United States, has beenordered to Fort McHeary, Va.

It ia also atated tbat i.n' withstanding therafasUl of the governors of Kentucky andMisouri to respond to Lincoln's call, inde-pendent volunteer companiea are organizing Inthose Statea to support the Federal Govern-ment.

Tbe Republican papers, also, say tbat tbsGovernment has beee offered a hundred mil-

lions of dollars ($100,0XX),0X)) to prosecute

Of Tfnrpfo Appeal.LUMi) DAILY, AJTD WEEKL1


UcJer the style nd arm of

TIT ft .4 IV A H A 7S A. DILL,noma.! Letter, on B:neM, or etiiersrlee, ehoeis be

Pi retsea.

price of srnst riptios.Os !v mi BBSSBvasI per snnem $10. SS

rri.wsskiy " " s.ssw.eH. " " t M

OA1L.V RATES OF ADTERTISIM.Fr ose square of tea Uses or less, .ne iT,trrtlon..$l .06fmr each edditiunal laaerlion of sslue BO

. 5si titE . . irn: 5 : ; j r r r ; r :

i s M b on i no 8 on is oo ii ao 5 on eo

3 4 si (, 1 bO S 00 (3 00 IS 00 IS 76-- 60 31 fO

j ik s iw 10 oo ta wo is ooie f oe 30 oo so oi

4 i bi) m o. 12 so i4 ootao oo is on ai ss rt so

i S 00 12 00.16 00 IS WZ4 00 30 00 11 60 46 00 75 S

C 10 be, 14 (jo 17 60 ai 00 28 Ou 36 OO U Tf 62 50 91 6

T 2OC!S.fOM24Orn00tfMM0OS6 60 ISO SO

5 13 or :9 O 22 bC 77 00 lo lJ ifi uO bC 23 7 fc- 112 t

a is oo?o oois oojo ooao oo ) oo S2 nob Of .16 OO

jOue sitQre, renewbvbi wsettj, Fr aaoara $40. octwice sweek, " SO 00

Xj-T- tqeirei, renwt;f weet:Ir, pr anooTn. SO om " twic a week, ' SO oo

tSA r tb AMrt-a- l moot ha hataUtMha at the OITkitlk.

Q-kl- l traoaian' aJvrtiaeinetitf nint WinarkvdMr aapecifleJ Urn. fbn not tba marktvl, tbar becharscd for one waak, and diKoatiDCCsd at tbe end of

yJAJl adsTarUaBieDj raqntr-- to be kept on neco-i-

?Kf. CHAlwED AB KW E A H DAT, and SO tai r i 'mftan advance orsr sTLatetl rate.

SAdrerliaecif-D- J r i d to be diKfilar, r set Inlane trm9, cbarcel at doudlk iatci.fsf s.rly a will be ebarg-e- crtra for ei!-

py.aiE apace erer erntraci, and wtiee LAlOE TTPC israaQGired to be , or tbe advertiaemetit kept an ifuia- -

tIaar'r t'Tsrtltert will be eharffed extra at reg o--I

lar ratea, for TTanta, EeDta, aeniOTala,Koccei, Ts CV4"iEtiM. etx.

ZTramiciU Adverttiemfrui nmt be atf ar iadvance.rj"i j dr ertiftemeut will appear in tbe weekly paper

fJ Ad- - etoentsj to be tnMrted in U.elf eekly papernlj. ar .rreirolar iaterv!s In e.tber of th" papera,

will befTQaraed $1 per aqnare for eacb and every laaer- -asssL

Stat, Csinuty ind alo--mripe! vwfjice;, 45 eaeh, to Wa paid in advance in eve--HsssSJSSaSBmi

Cjaf arrifaaec and Tteatha are publiibed aa bewa ; betOtitnariee. Tfibntef of Respect and Funeral Invitationas al! other advertisvenientB.

Tj"Ali ledal and transient advertisement! will be:tiarcsv: bT the if.warti. j.

DMi.'- - in local coloznn will ba chargedper line.

No or variation will bs made fraaa tbetoretcoms ratca.


Trcst Sale.virtae of a truat Aesal faecnte'J ta ma by R. W.BTjhtton and wife, wfcicb it an reenrd la tbe Rfi- -

' itflrr of Hhelay ronnty, I will, on ftatarday. Mayllih, IS4I, ia f r nr. of tba CoQDty Clerk's offlcf aurnarCaSsft and Third itreeta, M fmpbii, proceoil t ten forcaah, to the h!Khat bidder, tbe ft Mowing dtacrtbadl realaetata, ta-- : I.y ng ar.d being is range 7 and iac. S ofthe 11th eorveyor't diatri t in Khelby aooaty, andtsnvoded aa followK : Bet inning a, a ataka at iataW Harr ieon' S W eoraer, and running weatSI ebatea nd IS link to a email hickvy rtnaip with tb.' ki-- and aweet nm oimr theore aonthMdeg..

i 26 rbaiai and 45 Tirl take ia tbe wat edianf tba Memibi aawl Ra rtlaakrcid. then north37 , dec., eaat ItchaiaeaT - te another point iaasM aal. and tbee. r rt.a.n aad 61 !inthe hepriniiing ; ooataiuin 31 H acre. Sale ta tak plaaaat ISoVl JOHN P. TRJtisV

Apri!6ti. 1861 p6- -l Trantee

T. A. Cromwell Lata of LatSrang. Tenn.Samuel A. Tatlor. Kftmphlf.

HCLS. (KOMWELL A TAYLOR,(Aeocewra to G. P Tfali k

Produce and Conmls.-io- n Merchants,Ka, Jtft FRONT ROW,

Sf KM PHIS, TMaJars in Hay, drain, Ploer, Liase,VV OmeBt. P1aer ate.

Lit- I i 'vancei :3adeooeonaitnmeit-- . Orderito. apis-Ir- a

Disscluiion of Partnership.partaevrbsp hereAwfure exitniag between J ihr.TOR attrKeaerl aad L- - Link, aader the arm of fttrae-ae- ri

h Link, ta 'bit day tfinMtived by limitation. JeknO Straaaeii bavins pcrcoaeed the eatlre inter eel of I.L.nk, :a aUae aitbwnaei to aettie the baalueae of thelata trm. :i O. BTRASSKRI,

L. UK.Tbe hMtnea will be oir.tinned a heretofore, at the


Apvn t. farJ-1- i



Rteond street, near Jdam.afACaiKIKT of everr detrrintloa

P'.AXTATtOX th. nsssl favorable Urns.Onr Bav Mill asrlnei eibtsee sll the new snd 1st.

imsortsR: im,reveiet, aaj bsv. receive the Bretpremium .1 the late atemphis snd Jscaaos loirs. They

win he sold st reduced csrd rales for cash or reliable

Send for s ( 0 1 v :!,Bdl-l- n: Momtibis. Tennessee.



orrosira in woasnast hooss,

WILL BE mSPLATBD FOk THBrlMTWHSkR .11 thscfeotesst


Fancy Dry Goods,Or TUB SIASOK., call and examine the eiitlre new aad faafaloaa--aUsrk of flae

FRENCH BONNETS,alad all the other varistie of Ladiaa' &wta appertalaring to a flae ICilllnary haalaetri, toe aaair'caB to menISaaV

111 iViS Si,. lll.r 1,'ck... a A.k .U'avis! naprtislevite1lyfail and aae It ou TUrKHDAV N t XT, March W. lflgl.

j. a CLaBKR.t mta-l-m lba ifft.i. ?' i,iaf WofaLarjj Hs'ttae.

'SPisrdlawons.TBIBhBT B Bb dh IS rfci B B TBI







or THB


Will be Erri;aeioejLT aad ecaaf a vesttlt arldaoas.tod aad cere by



SURGEON CHIROPODIST,No. SJ atsia , hetwMS sios sad fssyoso, Hern

ials, T.BS.

TAX. HXII, wish xr.leW Chssks, hss th. honor lo

isforw IL I.S.n sod SsaUsaes of that

throoxh the tins sod libera! sattsoas. which ba hss ro--

eivrd frosa theai, he hss beef, indsoad U sellls hers

serusnentlr, sad become s suites f Mesirhii. Bs

aootidera it tmneccsssrr, la thla conerti on, to yahllsb

ths babdroda f


whlsh he hss recsited from Oesllewss of the HlOfl-BS- T

RESPECT ABU. ITT ia this .ttr and eluwher..

They sr. is his pons lea and ooos fw the lespsetles

of oil, bst Sis Hafsresoss hsUw sr. of a satws that

will sbasdandr sattsfr sll who perns. Ibera.

REFERENCES.T. A. NKLSOK, Esq rrssldsnt of th. hast of West


LXKOT rorE, Bsn., ioperlntendest .f the cltr schoola.

Dm. r. B. JOKBS, (flrtn Bheldwi, fa Oo.)

E. at TIBOBB, Bs, , Altoracy st Law.



B. S CHEW, Bs,.,

t. J. HKKIB, h "

I. I. HAat atOKD, Is,., "


is l I'.V.M.AW S RLtOCIA,


Betwees tTsiea and Garfl Btrseu,

IVXoaxAxoIaJlsw, Toixnoxtwoo

Office bours : Frem 9 a. m. ts I r. it.

LAdles will b. waited t7 lea visa address attb. Ilur'i strn

B. A. TALBOT, T. B. DAKCT,Tippah county, Sllaa. afenipbis




DRUGGISTS,El near receiving a large and well aelected a.ack,A aad are ready to flit all orders for

Drugs, Jftedlcines,Paints, Oils, Witdow Glass,

V Medleiaee,lclsctic Remediea.

xtra SelectAtaerican, Kngliab and Treaoh Chasilaala,Perfnmory of all kiaUa,Fancy Aiticlei1,I netr amentaFbyalciana' Olaaaware, etc., eta.

tj-- Particnlar atlantion paid ta onr ftetaii aaddepartment.



Cancer OperatorIN THE WORLD I

Eight Years ia ffiempltis.tbe'pablia ia gaaaral that be la araparedINFOS all diaeaaea, bat tbeaa wkich are

pronounced tncarable. aad eailed earaaic.Hie treatment ef Caace: ia witb,ai any rival. be

canae tbey will be expelled from tbe rytteta, wita alltheir root aad libera, tvaly by oaae atiaoal treatment,wilhaoi eanatla. aad witboat th katfe.

Ha aleo treats with sraeceea, according to the meetaciaaea of mediciaa ia Carepa, Kbeaatatiata,

N'aralgia, (Jem. OphtkalBia, Fiatala is Aaa, Scrafala,Syphilia, Dyapepala, Ckreoic Dyaentcry. Torpid Liver,tvravel, F1U, Tapeworm, Ftlea, Bropay, Diaeaaea af theSkin, BroachiUs, Cenanmptioa, ail the lyeand Bar, and give particular attention to all FemaleCucapiainu, eepecially tbeae ef the weaeb.

who are aflic.tH with any af the abovediFeavra will be cared, and can fled good beard aad

while aader treatment ai. the doctor?'

Tbedoctor eaila attrntion er pauenre at a dlatanee.that if tbey are ant prepared to consult tbe doctor

by writing ta Mm, witb aa exact aero ant of allit tyina--nj- of tbe disease . medicine win ta forwardedby A dene ecpreaa.

rgT'''fn( in LenoWg , Union street, betrseaMain amt Second, fearth dmr east ef Main.

Infirmary aa TTalea atraei, aaat ac tba bayon, at tr.Spteaera private residence.

Br C. Spiegel baa, ia his thirty yeara STacticai,oa chronic diaeaaea. rared tbem with the ntmoat

Ha haa la bis poaaeaaloa ever five theaaaadpianu. berha, barka, etc., which ha caa rely apon torare diaeaaea whiafa are by the meet aocceeafnl practi-tioners proaaurea lacarable.

Ma also make it h afnpacia) pracuea treat all pri-a- ta

Saaaajaas the ntaaoat sacceaa, ia a short titae,ao matter ef how long ataadiag, a r ef what aatare.

All Dr. Spie.el aaka fraaa tbe aflheted la a fair trial,than all the raferaaca ha will give will ba a apeeaty careto (hem.

Tboctands of taftlmoaials, froaa tba moat reliableoorce, maybe eeea at the doctor's ottce dlS-S- m

Removal.THB ssdersiessd has rsxassjafi to A TEES' BLOCK,, where he will Is a few dsvs rKotvsIsrxe addltloss t. hit present stock of Carpets.

Oil Cloths, frisnos, Parlor ssd Chaiobor Seu ofrorsltore, sis.

mrss-ii- B. at. ORCSTEKOR.






FIRE PROOF SAFES,(Warriuued Fire and Barg-a- r Prtutf,)

For eale at MANDPAOrTBBB'S AbY0T,Second atreet, sear Adams, --

BDW. V. HALL, Agat.M B A mil assort mini er 80AUI aad TrCBS

a head. aarSS


Boot and Shoe If Manufacturerm JHO.HttOF, STREET,

MEMPHIS, TBM.(3 Bopsiriss scatl sxecstsdl, fets- - at.

ftp tioofcs fousts.


Retail Cah I)ct:ers is



slock will ombrac-- an .tttaetlvs varletjr ef IheOtJXi asd M fssblossbls strloe st res sosjSilk sstl slapis sad fane,; Lor. at an' I ss anl oiolsLie. Shiwla; Hsntillasi UMlersI Drws Trlmmmss,Berex. Ansl.i.. Is sv.rr .tflei freoch fophns, plainSlid brocade; Paris Bbawls, Or.p. Scirf.l Or.oa.line

Sb.wit PToch esreallsl Orxandio Pi.sch.'.conel., Solid Ofsaadise; Solid Jscooets; Einbrd.r-ee- s

British Ijwss; Irish Liners; Parasols; Plsnl.ltundoods in foil sssortm.nti 8beetlns Tirainla andLarolins Oswlntwos. Tw.od.. and dean., Is fall ssp-pl- j;

Loss Cletbi while sood. of rrerj rsd.

Udls', IWUses' and Gestlf aes's I'ot-t- H,

Msle-tbre- aa and Silk

Hosiery.Bpoo) CettoaaV, Spool Silks; ChlnU tsingbaraa;

Brt'liaat; BTeta; Ueen Oambrk Bandkar-cm- s

fa, aa4 ladiaa' fsrniahlag gocla, ttr .( ate.

Id Cases New Stvle fUlBese Solar- -


aiaart rninT nlrxtr alerr in tinnt nf aatvda idriDtrd to theseason, aad will be offered at





dress goods:Silk and Lace Mantels,

Hosiery, WloTes,

Laces, Embroideries,Trimmed Seta,

Large Collars,

Table Linens,Shirts, Etc., Etc,

apls-la- w

Dtssolntion. ajTTATTSQ said ear entire etock ef Oaoda lo if. BW

At'STIK, ibo rinartnership heretofore rxfaaiasbatwaea aa ia thla da aintaailr dtsaolvad, eneept so faraa may be naceatarr ta ctoaa the anaettied traalaaaa or

the ceo cere.a here take accaaiea to oar thanki to enr

friends aad ruttomera far their liberal patronage, andaelicit far oar inoceaaars a euatinnance of the samepat eaage. BOBTON Av hi NTKH

Mampbts, April 1, 1MI apS


Staple and Fancy

DRY GOODS,291 Main street,



Frplina aad Grenadines,GR'ZKLT.B r ins and iranadiaea,Kmbratdared and Plain English ,

New Style Silks and Challiee,MoiambtBe. Debegea,Saperb Plain Black Silka,Bich Brocage Pnlt De Soie,Priated Liaea Caabrica, neat fltPre,Fiaa Preach Organdies and Jscuaea,Gray Traveling jxd. variety,Menraing variety,Ltaan aad Jaceaet Bmbrolderiea,Btark Silk Mantles, Baaqnea and Sacka,Biack Laea Maatlaa. lnlle Berthas,SThite Crape Shawla.TaJenctenne Ihrcad aad liimpnre Ibices.Bmbroldered and Lace Collars, Strevea u J Sets,Bibbena, Bottona, Friagea, G1ovt, Hose,Fine Shoes, Slippers, Clotmng, Rata,Baffling, Pointed Trimtaaing, Gswda,Oanabnrga, Drillinga. Stripes, Plalda,Linen., Sbeelingi, Shirtings, Ticklttga, etc.

TATLttB fa McBWBlfap(-d- Main street, near Worshsm Hnnae.

M! ARC H 21 S T

Rice. Lull & Co.



199 Ulain Street.



TERMS CtSH! PRICES f,fl"!Dress Silks, " L Bon Tea,"

French Printed Jaeone,French Breakfast Sets,

Linen Breakfsst Ssts,Fa .cr Lace Veils,

Kal l'tnher VeHs,Real Val Collars,

Black Crape Collars,Black SSh Collars,

Point Lata Sets,Maltese Collars,

Crocket Collars.


New Style Print,Nice Bit " Lawns,

En. Ma Prists,Poplins, DeBafes,

Serpentine Braid,Tan Trimminc

Diamond RuHlioe;,Printed Linen Cambric,

Toilet Quilts,BI'E. Silk,

BlsrV. Silk Dusters,Travelinc Suits.



inrtSUS. MATTHEW , HUHT,ef the aeanel ar tbe great and celebrated

LATB Dyara aad Seeurera, Caok A. Matlhrwa, of St,Leats, have haea indncad ta apea aa eeubiiahniaat forcarrying ea the above baaiaaaa la all ita braacbea.Bvary detcriptialt af gertiemen'aCeata, Veata and Pantare 4yad. alaaiued aad raftered ta that- - orlgiaal perfec-tie-

They certainly da roaNve every neot cf grease,aaJat, wax aad tar, tewetber with all ether bifmisbeiand impnriUM ta which aaea garmentt are liable, an:warrant the aassta ant to reappear. Call and araraintheir ea af Ceat dreasing. If tbev fail tn pleaeeysa, aa charge will be made. Their office Lson JetTeracestreet, between Main aud Fron: Bow.

aartl-t- v MATTHBWS a. nriNT.


Cabinet Makers A Upholsterers,A Bit now prepared to rxecata ardars

J ta their llae la tie moat perfect'ataaner, and at tae abonea nouae.Having cars af their ewa,tbs v will receive orders far moving, taking down aadaettlag ap Pianog aad rnratlnra ef all kmda, on theaanat rea onabla tsrma.

Ther will atoetflva attaatloa ts laying Carpets.and varaiahlag Paraitare. haagiag CnrtatBa and

Bhadea, aad ta the eaaesUea at L'pbolstery ia all ita va-

rieties.Orders eellftled at the ator of lngraham At Lees,

Main street, er IfT Mala street, at the daek of W. B.Miller fcC. faln-fi-


At Prices to CosnsnBi the Market.

Kerotafu'e Oil,Paraffine IUuBBinatlng Oil,

Petrolciisam lilumlnatius; Oil,Miachiacry Oils,

D E P O T ,

Cozzeis it ., 89 Water St., Xew fork ,

Bolted, fieal,SAA SACKS fresh bolts. Meal Jsst receivesDUU saw for sale low vt tbe trad. Cell st

rLODBNOr fc ''HAW FORD'S.Ms. 11 rrvct row.

Jroftssionai (farHs.

a mm wsf 2



IwFf rmimtutty Lftctted In Ji mphb,tit MAIM STBMMT, OPPOS1TB OPD raLLOSfS HAU.

WHHR.B for TWO TEABS he baa performed ai.Loaarationa with sarh universal

aa ta elmt the moat signal encovraga-m-

flitetng patronage and tbe hlgheat pur..mi-nm-

Hta pbicei are atlll aa low as tbeTatar loweit, for tl.e aaaaa ttyltn, execution andmtferuU. Bane edavAf tedra since be abandomd thssaa of ci. a tea mltoyetirr, in oiiaetaoca af theirdsCnwrits! tendency the natural teeth, ta afnothing of the easier y, the pertxfero aa brrath, or therprrdtf aad a) moat total feat to the wemrer ef alt Bachavrk. BetaasTUfrcm a siaaLE tooth ta aa entirtset i a Style without clop$) which oo abiues cori.- -'

t cleaaliiieat and e rstaaaaas.lj" bpecimeaa of tbeaa, fur whVb he was awarded

tbe PiatsT FmEStrriiTf. at oar Iaa Falrj and la factall the variotm afye kacwa u the profeaalon, can baaaeo at hitcsf&c.

CJ" Teetd HitTaw-te- witboat pa in, when rstqaeated.DE'Jatcd Tceth delicately aad dnrsbly lined.

Slaipont tone of 'ne naturtUT-- h furracted.rObturator$ for Ct.srT Palate an' i COBAL TOOTH Powacft for beaatifyiug

aad preaervlBg tha TKRTIX can also ba obtained at hieOffice.

BEFgsEcES Rob. J. S. Blark. Attarneyleneralthe VnxUil mjttfm Ceo. J. B. Bdie, M. 0 ; Dr. Waa.B. White; Dr. S. Starkcy; Dr. C. C. Neil, Paitadaipcia,Fa.; A. 3. Walt, Bs, i Dr. J. ft. White; B. Walker slBre ; Ohaadlar ea Ca., Memphis, Tena.

ssp dstWt V

drs. j. b. wmo a wis was-os- ,

NO. 320.' DENTISTS. NO. 320.FT ATM moved their offlce to comer of11 I7MTOM AND MAIN BTKBTSwhere thay have atted np aad forniae.arrooms i.l'.abte for the arcenira-sdr.tin- ofUhpae wbo may favor tbem with tbnr confidence, andhaving taaa located perauaeet ly, otter their pr..few ,.irservices id the SitTereat braachea of Deatiatry, promls-in- g

tba pn .lie to aerve tbem la tbe most akillfal aadJudicious meaner, and ia every rraaooable caaa warrantaetlsf ettaa, heth ai to operation performed andcharge for Ihe aem a Farther than tbia we wish tubold nut no indncemetil whatever, ta enenare the pobllcar draw them to our office, ty aay exhibition of DentalseecitBene, or proprraitiona to do "cheap or"at prlas aa low, or evn lower than tbe very lowest,"or by any other miawtareeen'atioa f facta ia any waywhatever. STeitbar do wa wiab any o" ? to miatake onrname (Wa!aon, for that af another, aa tbe nana iaplane, and tlae of business caaily found. Ctfice eemerar Dnian ana. Maia. W.. aso. f d.twaw

Dr. Wa B, Morrow,MIDDLEBCRG, TENN.,reigaed bis praieMorabip in tba B. M.

HATING af Memphis, will la lntare remain at homeand deviate hks whole time to tht ef

ME DK 'llVC AND StTR4ERT.In their variosu departaanU. lie has enjoyf d saperlorfailitias, and baa had a long and axparlencID practice

Chrome MsSaaMS (esnecJally thaae of the Longs andthoae to lemalee) treated succeasfnl'y He pre-pare bis medictnea from aanati7e and r.

agents (rr etly frcru tbe vegetable kingderu), which beknows to be 3AFB BN1 IAHLB.

Calls from a distance aitenied to Prescriptiona andMadkinee eot by mail or exprea npon applica'iaa.


OCULIST AND in Jaekson Block,


MetnpM. TennessM.

St. D. L. 8TKWABT J. B. ALOXE,Balrixh B.iapbia.

STEWART & AleCvEB.'Attorneys and fiunsclors at Law,

(Office at Balelgb, an in Begister's BSBBB Building,)

Coiner of ourr & Third Streets,lXoxx3.21xijaS, Tonn.

t3"Speciet attention to Wwleciious, Conveyancing andinvesti:atlac Titlea.etc. del AOs

i. e. TiinAi,Attorney and Counsellor atLaw,

AND COLLECTING AGENT,lVXozx3.i3aaJ.SB. TontaeataKjo.i - (Mice t u:1 aids cf Coart aqar., three doers

rets Main elrwM. i.HJie

JOU3I C. CARTER,attorney - at - JLawMEMPHIS, TENN.

Cf" Office in the A lama Bapreaa rmilding. j


Coart Street, opposite A. T. Wells at Bro.A LL operations with the

IX laaat pea, lb f piu, and in tb.-- m MSjWjmskillful manue Oiscaaea of theanJ teeth aaaaaaafataf treated. ArtitVielteeth nawp the n-- -' approved plan, with guar-anty, and n hambaav either o!d or aew, ia ofiai ad ta in-

spire the public with ooofldence ia my skill, or ae acladaceiB-n- t assagai at my office. airl


W1TS0K at Rinn0'1tf9ATTOU All V S - VT - Li W ,


treat. fftS-S-


W . D . B E A It D ,



(Office In WoodrmT. niocX, Main street. If amphia, Tens.)B. will wind us the u!4 basinese of i. T. Swavse,Stand will auatisne IB. Col lectin, business In West, Battera and Kortb afislssippi,as before, ssd, also, the office and tithei bcsiness out ofcurt. ST. T B. will practice, alooe, iu the ooorts.

Tonr friends snd former clients net acquainted witbMr. Beard, ( lately of Mi a nn) I take xreat pl.asnae iacomtaendins bim a. a r.liabls lawyer sad gestletttaa;dllisent, prompt snd boae.t.

a. t. Evirsa.S. J. GAMP . at BADE It a CO.

CAMP & CO.,(SaceMora to Qroavener, Camp At Go.,)

PIANO, FURNITURE,and Qt3w3LL.fill Wjji

Carpet Dealers.r' ANTS from the celrbrated H' Brothers, A. a.JT J . Keegk, and otbera from New Tork.

Bewnft.! Parinr Suits, entered with Broratelle ; Mabogany and Wemat cavered with Haircloth andFlush; Reeewuoit. Mahfgany and Walaut Bedroom Suite;a full rtment of all articles of

COMMON FURNITURE.The beat Spring Bot..ais for $6. Hair, Cotton, Moaa

an-- Siock M ATTRbSSKS. Tapeatry. Brnaaels, Three-pl-

Supt-- r and Ingrain CABPKTiK'iS. OIL, CAEPBT-I-

ti frean tbree to eighteea feel wtda.LoOKiM. GLA.i5i.ft or all kiada.

UAlflP 6l CO.,Old SUiid, Mo. 360 Main atreat,

an1 tM v M ennpb ia. Tenn.

Trust Sale.virtue of three deeds of trnst, dated Jnly, Sep-

temberBT aad November 1st a ecu ted tome by A.ta secure certain debts therein specified, 1

will j rocefd to sell far cub to the hlgheat bidder, inof the offlie uf J fen. , in the city ef Mem-

phis, oa the 32VD DAT OF APRIL. 1661, tbe followingproperty, vis : la the county of Sbeiby an;l State of Ten-

nessee, beginning at a take or point on tbe eaat aide efCollege atreet or avenae, one baadred and r

(1S2) feet aoaLbwardly from tbe aoatb ide of Walkerstreet, aa laid dwn on the map ef the city of Memphisby B. W Rocker; ibence eaatwardly parallel withWalker street, and along the aocth line of a let of lacrea, ao.d by the said Montgomery to the Rev. Mr.Draaa, 4fi5 feet, to aatake, the snulb-ea- st eorumr af tbaaid H acre lot ; thence at right anglea with tbe eaat

aide of the aaid It. acre lot to aaid Walker atreet IS.feet; thence eaetwardly witb tbe euotb aide of tbe sai l

Wa'ker atreet to the north-ea- corner of the land anld

to aaid Monwamery by S. Resell, by tia de of Febru-ary S 182; tbeace aoutbwardly with the eaat Una of

said tract, tbe same bain; a 30 acre tract, to the noitb-ea-

oorper trf a let ie!d by aaid Montanmery to R B

Alexander, being tM acrea; theuce westward. y witbtbe aorta of the aaid ?H acTea. and ihe aortaboundary a acres sold by said Montgomery to C. 4T. C.Devtia to College street ; tbenee wit tbe eaat aide ofCollege street to Ibe beginning ; cuntaiaiug aboat fourseres, near to Stark's Female College, aad part or thesaid twenty acrea sold to said MooUoniary by S. BoteM,aa sfiraaaid. The riht ef redemptt n La exprpsalywaived The title is good, but 1 will sail only astrustee

Should tbe property aot !! for enough to satisfy sslddab s, I will, a' the said time t:d piace, aeh for easbtwenty-- fl aharea of tba stock of the Mesupbia Build-ing snd ls conveyed to me by ssiJ Montgomery as collateral security.

J . r. (.hi-fin-

books : books:Young dt Brother,


WOB.I.1. cmi.le!e.Dir'KXNS' WorXs, rotnplet.Caiboun Works, DrtDpt.te. eWebster's Works, cssidele.PctitKi! Text Back. Br M. W. Cloak...!!'.- I" sues. v. hits.Osroliss Soorla. Sj Bi:iottLit in the Old World.Homes of Asaertcau Ststesmes.llenteaof Amen s: As'bors,Woodbury". Wriiin...

JnST BBCKTTRO,A Isrx. ssaortnieul uf Niaastw Tat

Porulsbs rorrrm 9. ski).,tsrti IV4 l.fell.wi' hall.

Taxpayers.fTH CitT A'sec.ur. will rntar oa dntyX f fha aeasninat of real and ope rty,

ojr tbe thirtr-nit- h (rporste year, a1 ill reale tate oaMiet-s- wherf ihere bas i owner- -hip inc- - last aiaesnnient, rr any err. sting, t

irtakv edlately, by a n.te directed to theCity As Bgh the poat or mavnr'a nAVe


icje: ice: ice:BEAL STREKTICE HOUSE!

CORREY & CO.a MB new lay tog la their s'ock of I0B for ther

They have a much larger amooat than aver before, and

have always beea able to sapply their ratonm

throughout the entire season. They eiders

wholesale er retail. -l m

justness (Taris.

Bearing & Wetherill,MO. aaa MAIN BT , fix LOW rNIOM, WXS? BIDS,


UBMxaia, thnn.w '" ss Bslall nes'T. taDRUGS,Cbemirale, Dr.s, Oil, r.tats. Taralakss, Brxwk,

Oarden and Grass Seeds,Pertain r aad T.ll.t Arllelss,

MEDICAL At.Ei.T8 AMI AFPLIWCKS,Spices, Sauffa, Cigars,

Wines it Brandies,Which we onDfl'!?ntly recommend far mad I aiaa aaa.

Alc.'VI, BarnlDK Fluid, Cl Oil,M '.jrTBBBAMBAIC SPOVtiBS. DBrOOlsTS'


sB Orders fresa tbs eoostr, j B'led, asllafae-tlo- n

fttarantesd.FHTSICIAKa' PBBSCB1PTIOKS will rscelvs sspe.

slal attMtUAB at all hoars.DEARING at WETHERIIX,

arlfi daw Bfii Mahs ear sad

Hl TS, CAPS,8 T R --A. W

Childrens Fancy Goods.




BBIMO BXOLtTSfTBLT easssed Is MsasfsetsrisxDesiios is HATB. CAPS, .ts. , wf ever, deyeris-tl'- n,

we sr. suable to sffer f rest tssnd will keep .0 band tbs

asd moet .xtessi.e sssorlmest ef goods ts sar lib IBthe Soots

We Caa salt lb. lasts BSJ ia ssllvr ssd ,rlesCa I at


j. a. puinaxoT ,B. S. SBAWPOBP.

Flournoy A Crawford,


Commission Merehaats,ASD

DEALERS IN PRODUCE,Keep aunstanUv oa hand a large aad well selected

alack at

Choice Groceries and ProrisioB!.Batted to City aad Ceuatry Trade,

to. ii frojtt no rrMEMPHIS, TENNESSEE.

rf" Fartlcnlar sttcatloa paid to Storage and Farwarding.


I. & M. FLAHERTY,lave oo hand an J are dally recelviag, a lsrga taart-ma-

A meat alegaat


OIX., ETC.At No. 4.1 Ur-io- stre.t,

And isvtt tb. pfbllc to call sad srawia Css.r stw3k bs.


WEST, t OS BR1V & CO.,General Commissi so, Forwarding


No. 70 Front Row, eM atand of Strattoa,McDavitt at Cbw,

MBMi-Hl- TRNNABTIOtTLAB attentioa given to the sale andP af Caiton, Tebaoso. Floor, Parlr, Sacee, Lard,

Wheat, Cora, etc. Liberal caah edvaaeee made aa aaa- -igamenta to ear friends la Now Or aas aad St. Leais

RcrERESt es. W. J. Uavia, Memahls, Tena.; Slv-e-

Watta It Ca , N. O ; Wafta, Otvaaa at Ca Padnesb,Cy M. D. Davie, Clarkaville, Tena.; Hardiag, teiveaSt Co., S. Lioni i Blanten At Jam-a-, ?arls, Taaa.

myS-l- y




Ito. 6T Front Row.BP ea baad a fall saaaiy af all blade af flae BticfcKBaad Fancy Cad tee, Cakes, Hau, Preaervee, srnita,

Pichlea, Oyatera, Wiaea, Ctgar. ate.Orders will be promptly sad earefally filled, at the

lowest prices de!44cm

Planters' Oil Works,MAXKPACTOHT OF

Cotton Seed Oils,(Crade, Beflnsd aad Blsached.)

OIL CAKE AND MEAL.First Navy Tard Buildlna,

lVCoxu.T3la.laa, Tennorsaiee.1. a CMBISnAN, -. 'MJ. B. STPBBB, Vcretarr,L. T. DIXOM, Tresssrar,

rarls deli-l- v V. M. IABIM. Ssserititeiid.Bt.

CilJL LETT'SPatent Steel Brush

COTTON GIN.cis STANDS, for whieb I am tba aaly

TTIKSB agent ia North Mississippi and Teaaee-se-

dlsfer frexa all others by com bim tic the nsa af aSteal Coasb Brrmh, with two Bristle Brest. as, therebysnhjaalag the Ccttaa te a stighteaiding proceaa witboattae irast iajary ta the staple, and at ibe same Usee re-

moves mnh of the dirt, with otlier foreign an balances.Attached ia also a Dnater, In front end, under the Saws,wMch salds largely to Ita capacity far cleaaslag and

the sample It is aot complicated ar iiahl tegat oat ef order; can be raa with the ordinsr) pawerneed; alas vary rapidly, and perforata well ta everyrespect.

AH orders tntrn.ted to me at Batasvilla, Paaelacoanty, Mississippi, will receive prat-ne-t aadfurther, say per Bros I attention in attachiag aad startingthe same will be willingly a. U promptly rendered to allthu'e who may see lit to tender ma tneir patreaage.

j. T. wsaTaBooa:,,. 'mi Bauavtlts, Miaa.

Just Received.lit CASES LONDON POBTBB;1 UU 60 casks Scotch Ala ;

0 oris Iiamss Av Waiktr's Ala60 ISssV old finartxn sad Rye Whisky

100 boxes Bbine Win.ALSO Soger, Molasses, CetTee, Tea Tabacco, Cigars,

Baistne, Figs, oraaies, etc. For aale aymrSl J. F. 7BANE. Ma. AS Treat Row


BodyCs Patent

PURCHASED TH1 BIGHT FOR SBTTTMGHAVING by the above eat eat. I am bow preparedto execute all erders with promptaem. Orates set wishta.s patent grea'.iy mere aae tbe eaaatlty af beatthrown into the room, and at tbe seme time lea fael isretfaired ths br tbe old style Sreplsee.

Orders left at Morgaa a. Baldwin's, Walker's Block,Main street, ar at any ah on, earner ef Liedea aadCanaey atreeta, will he promptly atteaded ta


CCBTl riCATEl.We, the anderslgaed, have had ear flreplanes sat with

Dadge's patent far settiagOratee, and wa Bad ihe reamsbetter warmed, with laas fael, thaa thay were befereita addin-in- : anal we take Pleasure ia r eeemmend tag itbi oar eiUsens geaerally far the aamfert It taavaa and

ita een my in the aunsamptioa af coal.Taomtwe James Piaaie, Charles Pattor,J. L. Morgaa, Jemee B. Oeafc,O. Pans, A Bd ii tends,B W Dill, J. O. Fiaaie,

M. Cash, J- - J. Mnrphey,J. B stehootsoreT, M or ran fc BaldWia.


Trust Sskle- -

to tba power aad aethority tvafarra-- l eaPTTRSrTANT terms af a trast deed, made ta me by Jft. Montgansery, ea the list dry ef Decamber, 18SS and

recorded i tae Register's affica, la B"t Me. SS. pagea

111. 31S aad 114, aa Ua ad day af Jaaaary, 1AS1 towhich deed reference is here? sasds far partiraiafa. I

will, oa RATfJRDAT. the th day af April, IRSl. at M

C. Oayoe At Soa's a act tan kon-e- , kaewa as tba iraade,oa the south side of fin ton street, betweea (he hears af10 and 11 o'clock. A at, havs aad ezpaaa ta sale thefallowtaa described tractor aareei af iaad, kaewa aaddesignated as follows, te-- : fietag aad lyiag la theooaniy ef Sbetbr and State of Tenneeeee. aad beginningat a pJtnt er eypress tree, wia the Ilea of Jab a s,

marked Na. S, aad raaaing east and witb Cabbina'line'fertp-flv- e piles aad fiftaaa (li) link ta a slakesmth of a maple tree marked J. 8 ; tbeace north stzty-fo-

(SA) peaa and iweaty-ea- e (II) links te a ataka;tbrnctt east twenty (A0j poles te a stake aad orsraer ef a

tairteea acre aatry bv McLetaerl fc Carr; theaee sontkforty (40) pules ta a stake; thence eaatpoles to a stake ; these earth forty .40) poles sad firteee(16) linke, north of a Mack walant marked M. fc fj.,toPoiater'a Una : tbeace east twenty thi ee (IS) faet ta tbewest sida af a twaaty favt alley, aad taessae aoath aadwttb the line af said allry aae hnadxed aad tweatv (110)pelea to a slake; aad theaee west eac aand red aadtweaiy-an- e (ill) poles and flftaea links to a stake;thence north efty-fi- (66) poles aad forty liaks to plaeeof beginninc, biug fifty sig acres, Banrs er lass,

I will sell aaid tract ar laad ta tba highest Bidder faroaavh. la aatisfy a certain nets drawn by saia J. D

Montgomery to J. M. Baat. aa tba ?4tb day 9t March, arthereaboat, ia the year leav, for sevea hnaared

aad the cost aad expenses of said sale. Allwsatlng to parchsse said lot of land shoe 4 egsmiae

the title, and be ready then and there ia pay saidmount it may briefTitle be lis red to be gaod, bat I will convey only aa

trasUe.mrM M W. B. BRCCB, Trustee.

tfottoit factors.V. II. U'HIT.WOKE



St. dswlf a.MraU, TBMMICS8BI.

--IBtTllflfl, lor BSSt tornsjr t the ggdj le la tht sasOoaBintaaiaa Mercfaaat, atia preps'ed ta store, -

ether descriat'on ef prodai.Mr rharfea f ; s t nty 1 e

eeaia per bale, aaat far sell;aae, tsra aaii a as ' per ceare ant inanred, aaiesi

All erders far aaoaiafG noMBCPPUBS. tiled at the

By protoptaeaa aa-- t strtct as afa ha may eiteed to u pa to

merit It, aad win sl all dmviabi:.. rnr se sirea. ana t . 'a t .i svrr facility ta my power.

aery reapecUsllr, roar wildcat aarvaat,CHABLE n. WblTMOBii.

M. B. T have cWed my afilca ea Bank avenne, andwill raaraan m t ft Qf .otT ,Ml B, Ho m ftamtrow Catil tbt Uaaa will t viaitinc frteivle IDthe cuaatry. Aar n. .k.aeaea will be at tensest te ty a Packet Hod.'. At

c H. W.

BK K Sc FIITtI.VVA cents tot aale of Vrgia and Weatern


And fieneral Cmmisiitn Mrc!ints'TODD ft. aOTBB'S Bf lLDTNfJ, 74 FBONT BOW


TO ths merehaass.f tBe Soatberu ChjsaaSaaMaaM aadthe faarh-w- we ae d greet''.: ,r atastk ofVirginia aad Weatera T'-- a t,vmriaat eaesprising many ef the aioat psgmla brandswhiah wa mast sail, notwitb'-tsaditi- tbe UritT. orprices ara law. Please gire na a call r en.j u f ,Crerdeia. Caah dealers, prices to snti; pr .mat limadealers, tern." an, aricas easy. mrld

Walt, johmw & nliTT0 FAiTORS,


Commission Mcrctiants,Ne. Tl FRONT EOW,

BfIoixiplxls,i 1oa3LXa.oaMsass.CB" Ooslxnio.tits of Cotton. Tuiiacw aad ether BBS

Bsc. '.-- ' T selicil.d.PlantsttM ssssjUle. kept coosunt'7 SB hand ssd s.1.1

at I.WMt starlet rates. Jylo--l

V. M. WCAVHKsrORD. S O. I. EX DaR.lll., K.-- l

J a. O. SlMPSOB. MsmpfaUi WM. Wxar,aaxsasvaxat,


(Baccaaora to Jams-ao- u At, Bro.,)

Wholesale Oroceris.irfifrvl roBnission Mercbiaits.

Product Dealer & folio FarVrNO. M FRONT ROW,

Mexuphlai, .Tenn.CfBaggtag, Bope and Twine, vhiaky, Ptoer. Tobacrx.

Tea, Sagsr Salt, Bacon, Coffee. Mails, Soap aad Candies,together with a fall sloes of Plantation Sanpllea.

mr3f dafimBOBT, BLACK .., b. b. rnTMAM.Perinerly af Panola acmnty. Miss. Merapnis.



tteneral C'ommiesittn TlferchAnta,NO. 74 FBOaNT ROW,

Todd St tfover's Building Manapbi. Tenn.,

KB"P oaaataatly an band a larsa and we'j salectedaf all grades af Virginia and Weetstra

Tobacco. Cigars ami Siauklug T6srcea, whi bthey affar ta the trade at mannfadurera' prices u

visiting the city will find it to their advsnta sscall and examine oar stnek before parctiasinv elaewbc re,as we are offer ia. rare ladacementa to daaiars.

Asa 8b.!bst P. 8. Jos. lU'.cii.u.

SHELTOff, Mil & CS.

Cotton & Tobacco Factors I

fortsns i . i rrvt amiFOaWABDIMG HSRCHA1.TS


C A D .


COMMISSION MERCHANT,DeSoto Block, Madison street,


Memphis, Tenn



Me ha p Iiia. TennAll kinds of fvanpawdar coiiatantiy on .band. Ordera

prnsnptlv atteastasd 1a. 2w1i

YOt'T? & WKIdlf



ISo. 4 aliiion Street,


Oppusiti1 tbe Appeal Oflire.

I MO d wi'h aa Dr. D. T. SCOTT,HAT af Masbville, we are prepared to wlfer te nrfriauda aiid the public asUitiuBal SaatStiea ia tae

of ear bnsmeaa, aad with incn-ase- dilligenc 10

the dlscaarge ef ear dailee, we b pa IS merit a coat.a-aaac- e

ef that patreaage heretofore so liberally eitenddte an. Balew wa pros eat a pur. ion of the propertyplaced at oar diapoeel.


We affar for aale seme 50,000 acres of choloe ArkartsaIanda, irapraved aad anttuproved, aad loaated at variiuspoints enibraced within the het cotton grwiug regiotuia the Stale.

MffSSISSIPPI PLAXTATIO.XS.870 aT.s Cos b Mao coat ty, SOT. cultivated ;SS. 20.TS. . 4TBBS " 230SO. D.Sts in

TENNESSEE FARMS.We offer a nno-b- nt select and hlrbly improve)

Parana in Saeiby eoaaty, varying in distance from Memphis fiotn one tr. twaaty miles. A mtsa taasrg aredesirably sitaeled, aad Saaly adapted for iJer.eninr.and Farming pnrpoeee.


We have a anmber ' nnimproved ' elegantlyCity and Babarhaa Lois, wbich we elTer for sale

or exchangeTOCMO k WBLB,

rnr : 4 l'isO sitreet.



selBaf RtcHenry's Patent teaa Baraar. " -

BTkaraars have beaa a J (spied by tbe ct.y anlorltics wf

Laniavilla aad;nau far the parpise af lightingthair streeta, sad were stahlectad to the moat ruMphMametTisa) tea, aa regards sffVtralaag tbe greatestaaaoaatef light far ihe smallest rwatnaiptton f ia.aad ware feaad te cam pate with all other homers seatte the Gas Light CevmiUeoa af tuoae silies for theireeneideratieo and ttepnea. These baraers are

to ail was aae them, far tbe fallowing advsnta-ga- a; 1st. Mronsmy ia oensamplien of feaa ta the aevnont

af from 1 to 1 par ceat. over tbe beat p .tout baratermade, aad from n ta SO per seat of th. flab.tail or boraar. lad. A perfect ciar an1steady fame. ad. Perfect cacabaaUna and Ireodotafrom i as ska. 4th. Freedom from blowing arid w ..tiaaof aaa, saaeasaaa to the il aad bnraer.My long ezperiaace ia toe maaafacm-- e aa.t c iuiUlttiaw af flas (having kaea aaperiatendaat of Memphis8as Warka for the laat seven yeara) itvioeihey are tba best baraer that has erer been etTe-e- tu

tbe paella, aad are aaad by private eeaioemers to tbeexslasiaa af ail ether kinds whore they have been introd oc est The aaraera oaa be seen at Chandler fc Co 'airng siera; aa tbe sitylsmp aosu n frnat of the annealasBsa en Colon street, aad Dr. Merrill's, oo Madisongasaassi

For sa'a at my shop, first door north of tbe Gsrstfice. Main atreet, between Waalangtoo and Pop's r.

ABBL BIMIBTAR,Oaa and Steam Pipe F ttor.

Botoag-ea- t for Maraphis mrO- -l t




PAMILT PBIME MKS5 POKC, is barrel, sod hf. ftrl.De) 6I.KAB polk a do.BO LABD, set sa kettle rsnderad. Is boreal.,


It--., abe.e ara Ee.w is Stack, and will be kept

cn.taeti. est hsnd tlirsmxh tb. season, from whicbHstsla, SSrscera, Boot Ptsrss, Cssst Orders and theTrsds, xessrally, will be snspliedat market rates ay

PKANCI8 W1I1TTAKBK,Packer asd Provision Meichant. Seventh and Carr

awests, St. Lsais, Ms.Refers u sasrehast. sf Memnb s, x.' .rally who do s

rirev..;-.- . .... f.lteodSm


I.. C. CHURCH I LL V ZO.,(aew permanently located)

No. 11 Excbaaf e Bulldiuaj.DEAZaBmS IB


No 12. EXCHANGE BUILDINfl, .faS Meaiphis, Teun.

Bisffi .aureus.B. . - II A.M..


Wholesale astd Retail Deali--

1 a





o. 79 cor. Frost Row & Adaas si.

Will keep a full sttpplr

n a " rr rsv iuiisungs, noe3, snoveis,


Also, a eorr.plete assortuient of



JJy-- Ttiwe wsntmz atf hint to ir line will do wellto call aad BVBSaiaa oar sto.l aad SjSaaBa saaaatBcbaamg etwliera.

U" JOB WORE of every promptlyio.

ia2fi (unin u kmzu.



las Inn sss. r iiissr dsisc hssi.esa is theTHB..

CASH CAPITAL AND ASSXTIS, .1,0I,.Ttils mmymnj rests ii rtatru. t. patronafe oa the ''--

. faces:CJ"Ii loii.e a lexititn.te lnsorance bosl- -

dize a char sir

r '

BTTM TfT i't CT-It- nd dollars in 3tat

tw.ia aaaaaWI ,Bptrti-r- , as tu;;rUANTES

to it peli.

trite or tbi3' ate by a

--rty br


Ject byOtfin

Jasesh afasb. of Kentsckr, Miatleod to tb. pronjut majm stent and psrmeut of bis district. SBBl


O KftPBCTFCLLT AMKfrSVa,S :. .:aW for mer patroitS ihat he may he ro'

evry deacriptiMU, with ,r ut prisaie--

rta.1e to order.navlag one of '.he rntjart approved rn'ing machines, ;;e

9 prepared to do any kind of rniing. Particnlar atten-ifi- n

paid to the of ainaic aad all auada ufaiUier pfain sa? in extra style.

Ail orders from ita city as catantry win reeei-- eaWSSgA aUeatiwn. JACOB C. WARP,

I SS Main street, oppoaite Clay Building. Id doce,rnr2l Meenrsta. TSana.

eipiiis citf vakmsu rqoiMa. 11, Ma , (ap a' airs.)

sM m the citisens thst herjtHK sii'l second band fnrni-pe- ir

and varnth tbeia Bt to r- -

sinr.e, wnald pay the repairirg .f it. Apply aa abivear addraa ma through the post office.




M3MPHI9. JIN,aommti roa




P.arstow's Metallic Barlal Caskets.

COr'3TATTt T on baud sues .if K1SK kKEBP CAilia. AUM, WOOD COPFIS. tlererr descTt.Uoct.

Ctrntrr faroi-be- d Carets sn.1 C.set a di ot. .LOT-- ! r

l. noi a CHA BavRI.NtLR,


Of RT SurARB,castsotly oo band a .err !arxrarictr BB

HATB ss.,, ii ii mi Mams aaaOsrsalssas. sod all siodaof P ower., Plant. .n1SjSss,

-- rTic. foe lavlnxmoderate, aad tbe;

;sar.ntM satlefact iud.C MORST fa ra t. B'dKlV.lXR.

llways on Band.PBRIilB sod well assorted st. :k of G1SLISKAlt '.VAN'S CI6AKS, exoreaelr letted for my re

Ull trace. Also, superior

TlrlBU (kenise; Tsbsccs,Warraated to be i sny brought here ; aad


The ageavcy nf which 1 have fur this vily. Persona canrely apon getting a real 1 article st my store, sa i

aal oone hut warranted

Aug. A. Clausen, Tubaroniat,SC6 MATM 9TRKRT,

mrl Coiner if Ma'.:M.n

Spring Barley.BU9. PBIMR CANADIAN BalBD LA K LHT100Red Clovar gakWa,

CO boa. Clever Seed,

B'.ae Sraav,

Herds Groaa,

Timothy Peed,

All IresJi sn genuine.R. a. CBAIG'S.

Hurtientta-a- l aaat Store,Corner Bvood aad Oaioc ttroota,

Wamphta. Trtawasaa

JI ST RECEIVEDtmH' ,,i-,!- sk",'200






Just received and for sal. at

K. G. CRAIG'S Sel Store,

Corner of Seccnd and Cslort Mr.ets,mr71 Memphis. Tenn.

V O T I C E.IN'i - it Ml ( H-e- k. loHAMr H. Waafc Co., arter thani teuJaand

the pnhlic for the very Ulerai Ltendrd U

are auat rardially solicit for the i loutino- -ance ol their favora. Respeclfnlit

To thf Pabllc.A. mtt percei.e, I bav. parchsiwd U

aad SJait-nc- rv of Messrs. sxaa, p.triipos t, r..n.lo.-- tt.e bnainess an t.r tt..

H. Wade a Co Most re.'pscfalix .

hosse s .bat. of pablic patr.nye.UKMRT TADR.

ortiQit (fan s

A. tS. .

A. C COKDES Sl HON.p n o d c o aAMD



tf a Lib.'.l .1... 1.1 P'.I-a-


A. V. DUPONT & CO..MaitvracTVBBata or

Vsws and Bask Frlsfior rtyerawD DKALxaa ia

rapeitM or am. kinds,Printer ft ink, ire,,

tt nala St.. l.ouisTille, h .


stern Produce!BCLLING, BIGGS A CO ,

TJraicsm Stxaeot,ATI -- n head v- -l fear aale large totaaf aT

4arm aad H- T;aw. aaistuiSI ofI'taa baa fr:a PUtoaa: r!a. f

JJM aaLX tmiaaCM ; loa taoxea t:aeebun i' CdjcaBaa hrta rtwar, variomt bratus ,T- - reaaia Wrapptna Paper ;aV) cWrxn Hacfceta;ISsi searta Taba, painted aad cedar ;v, ,r; 10 trte. Lima;IW ptstsa Power BaxgtDg ;ISO mi la Bug ;104) sacks near ; 1SB Starch I

2 m hrsae ytsa, freeb, pickled asss ,

lOa bwxesToha ea, Sll .naJltiea;ta hsOaw TsrSsi

SOU tn White Lead;'. r.rnn-- Indifa;

alewtr'. feaBaeue Wines and Liaaaoraz caaan T.p.Tts..i BraraOT ;

a great Ttnecy nf lf gams.

Peppw-r- . C'iDBtaiw. Mara, A lap tee. Pichlea,la papers, r. xu.n Cordage. Cti ssapagneo. Weil

gaj keu. But tied lit;nor, Wss C an--l lea of variuatss aaaVsra,

persoii--t wiah.oc U aerpply thm-a!ve- a with eavasraV(sceriea. id well ta call and egswisae this atoefc.

ts 14


An Artttlsiat Marble.

MAcAcm-s:- n and solo st


la aVASl (Ml W.l - Sir. Tard MempSte.

Pric. Li.t Met SSS SeisU.IM , SB IW. . a

irsd. IsBexibl. Oil tl fewM rewai IB as. prtes ts

titsjc. st 9. w j a Co'.. wSietwass. sastrassass, a. SSS Main .t I M". ieii.r. 'j.

J. J. XEW1, Asent.

8' HALL.


IBAI. atuasi,lew asass.

Ft.r aak If

ttiph's, Tenn.



173 .n.ti.r STREET.( apitial Stock- - . swaBji

X 1 r O J taoZTSMtlH. laird. I a. m. oatcb.SJ. at CLMA TBS. J If. McVOMBS,sf. D. V1LIJAM3. ..' . BT. av m'KIR,

T. aT. aaaaaWH. LAiRM. T W. anttlMJW-M- . SeVy.

Xt Wiii inanre again, lea ty Plre oss naaaaM awM"f K:. - a Hi:ms Hs- CargsjasS.Alau. inaarea the Lives 4 X exroes.rr Lom pmM Jalfi-t- y

J. TIOKtwAi tc CO. .


MAN UKACTOR Y,for. Tbirtl aBd Uafticfftwa hU.

tj" AM order- - f..r work aad repairing attendedhi MS the snorttst fel- -l Im


.V'sia.x'o,SALB AT LOW PB1CBSFOR Cedar Chance;


Dippers;Water Caaa;

a. aad Backeta,

IM At LfW,t, Briakley's Black.


co.ijl:,:beea eagaaTed in tbe anal trade far the aaaaaIHAT1S yeara have hoated ctaal to ibis market for

the retail city and ateeaaboat trads. aad 5ave ntramA

(rrj axpernce ttie aecaaattyef having fael lb

aswv. it ssefactw 1


Elmwood Cemetery, Memphi.J0. LXMOW, Praat. C BAMIUOM. Bast.

MAN AS IRS:r.cMow, ft a. allrm w b. mu.lmrJ. M. WILLIAMSON, W B MAMUX.

TRR Cemetery ta two mil 'jcth-ei.- t from the eity1 The utTico uf the oocjpony la aa the graaashi. war a

ai may at all time- be tonnd. Whoa hla out ia the office, neg tba ball, and ha will swan ssjpanr.

Tar ma lovariatty caah. ,:..



Ingraham & on hand, and will an to wh&laoale amyxHAVB d extremely LOW PR1CMB,BCS) aeata Tata;30 doaea Backets;

ss) boaeo Ctotbes Pino ,

AO Rutling P.ns ;

60 docen Wash Boards ;100 ttaasen fin nta ;

at) nests Market BwJkota;Aa a coanaaoSo aaacR af Sosspcad your asoooy at thf NORTH.

A. Vaccaro & Co.,



BwiMlitjS, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, iBe,

No. 7 Front Raw:

IN STORK JND FOR SJLE100 baskets Chaa. Fair Cbaatpacos, jirsrt

from Rheims, France ;100 basketa Heirlaie a Ca.;

50 baskets Golaeo Spray ;M easea Widow CHcquat ;SS easea Cabinet ;

100 cases Sparklia(r and Still Catawba500 cases Claret, different brands ;200 cases Saotsro ;100 eases Sardines . 1 and t :

10 bf. pipe. Cotrnac Braatiy ;20 qr.50 eifrbth

100 casks Londoa Porter, qta. taxi pta.;50 casks Scotch AI., in .ton. aars, iirsca

from Edinburr.ALSO,

Suear, Cofle. Molsssss. Bsstaa, LaFlcur, etr., ste.,

avrtS LOW FOR CA81'Shade Trees.

Ktn SILT1R LBATMD POPLARS IsJtJU 100 Silver Mapies.SOS larxe Doabt. Rraanios Rose. ;

Jsst rsesivsd sad tor sals bvR. s. oaaia. aaad

SwBsar Seooad sad Pais i sir - Ii

SsSBSiMS.T.--. al

It aawl

Mfcg r '&r' y&4 Tfea1"' 'A' ' ' ;' lt.'V:.!graB t "3SxaaaSiaisy: bbbSD aasBtaaaswasm ...asssMBHBsiasfifll
