New Sucess Man

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Sir Fazle Hasan AbedFounder BRAC Bank Limited.

Successful Entrepreneur in Bangladesh.

Sir Fazlay Hasan Abed Was Born in1936 Baniachong British India now in Habiganj, His Father Name Siddiq Hasan & his Mother Name Syeda Sufya Khatun.

Early lifeHe achieved his Masters Degree in English literature from the University of Rajshahi. He started his professional life with teaching at Khandaker Mosharrof Hossain Degree College in the early seventies. Later he joined at the Royal Embassy of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Dhaka, Bangladesh as the Secretary and performed duties for about 13 years. He is now the Managing Director of Ibn Sina Pharmaceuticals Ltd., a prominent Pharmaceutical Company in Bangladesh.

EducationHe left home to attend University of Glasgow, where, and in an effort to break away from tradition and do something radically different - he studied Naval Architecture. But there was little work in ship building in Pakistan and a career in Naval Architecture would make returning home difficult. With that in mind, Abed joined the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in London, completing his professional education in 1962.WorkAbed returned to East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) to join Shell Oil Company and quickly rose to head its finance division. His time at Shell exposed Abed to the inner workings of a large conglomerate and provided him with insight into corporate management, which would become invaluable to him later in life.It was during his time at Shell that the devastating cyclone of 1970 hit the eastern coastal regions of the country, killing 300,000 people. The cyclone had a profound effect on Abed - in the face of such devastation, the comforts and perks of a corporate executive's life ceased to have any attraction for him. Together with friends, Abed created HELP, an organization that provided relief and rehabilitation to the worst affected in the island of Manpura, which had lost three quarters of its population in the disaster.Soon after, Bangladeshs own struggle for independence from Pakistan began and circumstances forced Abed to leave the country. He found refuge in England, where he set up Action Bangladesh to lobby for his countrys independence with the governments of Europe.Formation of BRACWhen the war ended in December 1971, Abed sold his flat in London and returned to the newly independent Bangladesh to find his country in ruins. In addition, the 10 million refugees who had sought shelter in India during the war had started to return home. Their relief and rehabilitation called for urgent efforts. Abed decided to use the funds he had generated from selling his flat to initiate his own. He selected the remote region of Sulla in northeastern Bangladesh to start his work. This work led him and the organization he founded, BRAC, to deal with the long-term task of improving the living conditions of the rural poor.In a span of only three decades, BRAC grew to become the largest development organization in the world in terms of the scale and diversity of its interventions. As BRAC grew, Abed ensured that it continued to target the landless poor, particularly women, a large percentage of who live below the poverty line with little or no access to resources or conventional development efforts.BRAC now operates in more than 69 thousand villages of Bangladesh and covers an estimated 110 million people through its development interventions that range from primary education, essential healthcare, agricultural support and human rights and legal services to microfinance and enterprise development. It is now considered the largest non-profit in the world - both by employees and people served.In 2002, BRAC went international by taking its range of development interventions to Afghanistan. Since then, BRAC has expanded to a total of eight countries across Asia and Africa, successfully adapting its unique integrated development model across varying geographic and socioeconomic contexts.

WorkHe is the Chairman of Islamic Banks Consultative Forum (IBCF), Industrialists and Businessmen Welfare Foundation (IBWF). He is the Vice Chairman of Bangladesh Association of Banks (BAB). He is the Advisor of Bangladesh Association of Pharmaceutical Industries. He is also a Board Member of General Council for Islamic Banks & Financial Institutions (CIBAFI). He is an honoured personality for his pioneer steps in establishment of Islamic banking systems as well as Islamic Economics.

Professor Abduz Zaher was the Director of IBBL in different times and was the Chairman of the Executive Committee. He is a Founding Member of Fouad Al Khateeb Foundation, Badhsa Faisal Institute, Ibn Sina Trust Dhaka, Manarat International School & College, Ibn Tymia College, Islamic Education Society, Bangladesh Islamic Centre and Syndicate member of the Manarat International University of Bangladesh.

Social workProfessor Zaher is playing vital role in social welfare related works. He is related with founding and development of hundreds of educational institutions. He patronized to establish many renowned private hospitals and helped thousands of people for treatment. He helped many poor people to avail housing facility, many poor students in their education and marriage of many poor brides.

Formation of BRACWhen the war ended in December 1971, Abed sold his flat in London and returned to the newly independent Bangladesh to find his country in ruins. In addition, 10 million refugees who had sought shelter in India during the war had started to return home. Their relief and rehabilitation called for urgent efforts, and Abed decided to use the funds he had generated from selling his flat to initiate his own such organisation to deal with the long-term task of improving the living conditions of the rural poor. He selected the remote region of Sulla in northeastern Bangladesh to start his work, and this work led to the non-governmental organisation known as BRAC in 1972.[3]Although the name "BRAC" currently does not represent an acronym, the organisation was formerly known the Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee and then as the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee. In a span of only three decades, BRAC has grown to become the largest development organisation in the world in terms of the scale and diversity of its interventions. As BRAC grew, Abed ensured that it continued to target the landless poor, particularly women, a large percentage of whom live below the poverty line with little or no access to resources or conventional development efforts.BRAC now operates in more than 69 thousand villages of Bangladesh and covers an estimated 110 million people through its development interventions that range from primary education, essential healthcare, agricultural support and human rights and legal services to microfinance and enterprise development. It is now considered the largest non-profit in the world both by employees and people served.In 2002, BRAC went international by taking its range of development interventions to Afghanistan. Since then, BRAC has expanded to a total of 10 countries across Asia and Africa, successfully adapting its unique integrated development model across varying geographic and socioeconomic contexts and covering an additional 16 million people.Professional positions 2013 present Chairman, board of directors, BRAC Bank Limited. 2012present Member, UN Secretary General's Lead Group of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement 20102011 UN Secretary General's Group of Eminent Persons for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) 2005present Commissioner, UN Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor (CLEP) 200208 Global Chairperson, International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions (INAFI) International. 200108 Chairman, board of directors, BRAC Bank Limited. 2001present Chairperson, Board of Trustees, BRAC University. 2000present Chairman, Governing Body, BRAC. 20002005 Chair, Finance & Audit Committee, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Banos, Philippines. 19992005 Member, Board of Governors, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Banos, Philippines. 19982005 Member, Policy Advisory Group, The Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP), The World Bank, Washington, DC. 1994present Member, Board of Trustees, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka 19932011 Chairperson, Ain O Salish Kendra (ASK), a human rights organisation 19922009 Chairman, NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply & Sanitation 19902009 Chairman, 'Campaign for Popular Education' (CAMPE), an NGO network on education. 198182 Visiting Scholar, Harvard Institute of International Development, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 198286 Senior Fellow, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS). 198286 Member, Board of Trustees, BIDS. 198286 chairman, Association of Development Agencies in Bangladesh (ADAB). 198691 Member, World Bank NGO Committee, Geneva, Switzerland. 198790 chairman, South Asia Partnership. 198790 Member, International Commission on Health Research for Development, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 199293 Member, Independent South Asian Commission on Poverty Alleviation 19982004 Member, Board of Governors, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Sussex University, UKAwards The Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership, 1980 The Alan Shawn Feinstein World Hunger Award, 1990 The Maurice Pate Award by UNICEF, 1992 The Olof Palme Prize, 2001 The Social Entrepreneurship Award by the Schwab Foundation, 2002 The International Activist Award by the Gleitsman Foundation, 2003 The UNDP Mahbub ul Haq Award, 2004 The Henry R. Kravis Prize in Leadership, 2007 The inaugural Clinton Global Citizen Award, 2007 Palli Karma Shahayak Foundation (PKSF) Lifetime Achievement in Social Development and Poverty Alleviation, 2007 The David Rockefeller Bridging Leadership Award, 2008 Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG), 2010 The WISE Prize for Education, 2011 Open Society Prize, 2013

Honorary degrees 2012 Doctor of Laws honoris causa, The University of Manchester, UK 2010 Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, University of BATH, UK 2009 Honorary Doctorate of Letters, University of Oxford, UK 2009 Honorary Doctorate in Humane letters, Rikkyo University, Japan 2008 Honorary Doctorate of Laws, Columbia University 2007 Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters, Yale University 2003 Honorary Doctorate of Education, University of Manchester 1994 Honorary Doctorate of Laws, Queen's University, Canada.

What are reasons of her Success?I wondered, what are the key awakenings that successful people go through that forever change how they do things, which propel them to succeed in business, relationships, and life? I began to study these awakenings, researching them over the years.

1. Choose short-term comfort long-term benefit.2. Trust someone or something appears flawless.3. Set goals4. Return to what hasnt worked.5. Do anything that requires them to be someone they are not.