NEW Shift log instructions.docx

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Transcript of NEW Shift log instructions.docx

1) Open the below link. It will take you to where the shift log is save in Sites. Download a Copy of the daily shift report.

3) When the document opens, to enable macros click on Enable Content as shown below (If it is showing to do so, if not macros should already be enabled) 4) Click on the PSDR Copy Over Tab, put the previous days date in the Date Section and press the Get Data for date range Button. A message box will appear, asking if you would like to transfer data, hit yes. This will automatically Check Out and open the PSDR.5) When the data has transferred to the PSDR. Review all codes, downtime, description ect. Any alterations require to the shift log send through to the equipment coordinators by email.6) Hit the Transfer to Grouped PSDR Button. This will open up the Grouped PSDR automatically and transfer the data. Hit save on the Grouped PSDR workbook and close & check in.7) Hit the Transfer KPI Report Button. This will transfer the data to the Solomon KPI Report workbook.8) Once the Solomon KPI Report work book is open let it run while it does its calculations. Once the calculations are complete, click on the Summary tab and enter in the date as highlighted below. Click on validate data to check.9) Click on the Daily Status and use the Sniping Tool to take a snip all the figures for the Avail Trends. Ensure that you capture both daily and weekly data as below.10) Click on the Avail Tren Tab and copy the TOP row of data and paste at the bottom of the table below the graphs. 11) Copy data below the top row and move them up one (copy the blue box and paste over the red box). On the bottom row change the date to the previous days and update the data from the snapshot of the Daily Status report. Not that the dump truck figure in the trend report is the Dump Truck Overall in the Daily status tab.12) Select the Cover Tab Tab and right click on Z63 and hit refresh.Change this date once all the data has moved up one.

13) Go to create a PDF of it. Save it in the below link in the appropriate month in the format DD.MM.YYYY Solomon KPI Report.

14) Select the Avail Trens Tab and go to create a PDF of it. Save it in the below link in the format DD.MM.YYYY Solomon KPI Report Avail Trend.

15) Send both the DD.MM.YYYY Solomon KPI Report and DD.MM.YYYY Solomon KPI Report Avail Trend [email protected]@[email protected]

16) Select the Major Down Time Tab and place the previous days date in the date section. Hit the Get Data button.17) Print 10 copies of Cover & Major DownTime Sheets.18) Print 4 copies of the Daily Status, Avail Tren, & Summary sheets for superintendents.19) Save and close & checkin KPI report.