New POLY history 1946-2001 Metanomski · 2018. 5. 17. · This account of POLY history was provided...

This account of POLY history was provided by W. Va. Metanomski for the 50 th anniversary celebration at the 221 st National Meeting of ACS in San Diego, CA, April 2001. About the author: W. Val Metanomski received his B.Sc.(Eng.) degree in chemical engineering from the University of London, England, in 1952, and M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Toronto, Canada, in chemical engineering (1960) and polymer chemistry (1964), respectively. He is currently a Senior Scientific Information Analyst in Editorial Operations of Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS). Since joining CAS in 1964, he has been involved in abstracting, indexing, and naming, especially of polymers, in defining technical content of CAS publications and services, and in a variety of editorial projects. He has presented and published papers on oxidation-reduction polymers, abstracting, indexing, chemical nomenclature, and chemical information retrieval, some with a definite historical slant. He has been active in the ACS Division of Chemical Information (CINF), was its chairman in 1987, and received their Meritorious Service Award in 1992 for service to the Division and the profession. For their 50th anniversary, he compiled a booklet on "50 Years of Chemical Information in the American Chemical Society, 1943-1993". He has participated in the activities of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) as a member of their Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature (1987-1999). He currently serves as the Secretary of their Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS). He edited the IUPAC "Compendium of Macromolecular Nomenclature" (1991) and coauthored a guide to IUPAC recommendations, "Principles of Chemical Nomenclature" (1998). Between 1989 and 1999 he chaired the Nomenclature Committee of the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry (POLY). In 1991, he initiated the publication of a regular column "Macromolecular Nomenclature Note" in Polymer Preprints. He contributed a chapter on "Nomenclature" to Wiley's "Polymer Handbook" (4th ed., 1999). He received the POLY Distinguished Service Award in 1995. Val currently serves as POLY Historian. In that capacity he compiled a list of POLY milestones for the whole period of POLY existence, which was displayed as a poster at the POLY Millennial 2000 meeting. This information will also be displayed at the 221st ACS National Meeting held in San Diego, CA in April 2001. Preface In 1946, several ACS Divisions interested in the field of polymers formed a High Polymer Forum, at which 162 papers were presented in 27 sessions between 1946 and 1949. This high level of activity led to the formation in 1950 of the Division of Polymer Chemistry (initially the Division of High Polymer Chemistry), with Carl S. Marvel as chairman and Herman F. Mark as secretary-treasurer. As was stated in its bylaws, the object of the Division was to advance knowledge and understanding of the processes of polymerization and of the chemical constitution and chemical and physical properties of the polymeric materials, and to promote basic research in these fields. In 1974, the Division reviewed its almost 25-year history at a special symposium at the 168th ACS National Meeting in Atlantic City. It was organized by the then POLY chairman, Otto Vogl, and featured remarks and comments by Herman F. Mark, Carl S. Marvel, William J. Bailey, and Charles G. Overberger, all past POLY chairmen. In 1976, these papers were collected by Robert Ulrich and published as Volume 1 of the "Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science: Macromolecular Science - Retrospect and Prospect". Ulrich preceded the individual contributions by his short history of the Division, highlighting the growth of the Division, its publication and educational activities, its responsiveness to members' needs and to social and environmental problems, and the beginning of the POLY Division's involvement on the international scene. In 1991, the Division celebrated its 40th anniversary at the Polymer Technology Conference in Philadelphia. For that occasion, Jesse C. H. Hwa, who has served the Division in many capacities since 1964, published an extensive POLY history covering the period 1951-1991. He divided his historical account into three periods: a) early years (1951-1965), b) transition and growth (1966-1975), and c) expansion and strengthening (1976-1990). He covered in detail the organization and business management, technical programs, educational and publication activities, awards programs, and countless notable events within and outside the American Chemical Society. In 2001, the Division celebrates its 50th anniversary at the 221st ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA.

Transcript of New POLY history 1946-2001 Metanomski · 2018. 5. 17. · This account of POLY history was provided...

Page 1: New POLY history 1946-2001 Metanomski · 2018. 5. 17. · This account of POLY history was provided by W. Va. Metanomski for the 50th anniversary celebration at the 221st National

This account of POLY history was provided by W. Va. Metanomski for the 50th anniversary celebration at the 221st National Meeting of ACS in San Diego, CA, April 2001. About the author: W. Val Metanomski received his B.Sc.(Eng.) degree in chemical engineering from the University of London, England, in 1952, and M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Toronto, Canada, in chemical engineering (1960) and polymer chemistry (1964), respectively. He is currently a Senior Scientific Information Analyst in Editorial Operations of Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS). Since joining CAS in 1964, he has been involved in abstracting, indexing, and naming, especially of polymers, in defining technical content of CAS publications and services, and in a variety of editorial projects. He has presented and published papers on oxidation-reduction polymers, abstracting, indexing, chemical nomenclature, and chemical information retrieval, some with a definite historical slant. He has been active in the ACS Division of Chemical Information (CINF), was its chairman in 1987, and received their Meritorious Service Award in 1992 for service to the Division and the profession. For their 50th anniversary, he compiled a booklet on "50 Years of Chemical Information in the American Chemical Society, 1943-1993". He has participated in the activities of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) as a member of their Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature (1987-1999). He currently serves as the Secretary of their Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols (IDCNS). He edited the IUPAC "Compendium of Macromolecular Nomenclature" (1991) and coauthored a guide to IUPAC recommendations, "Principles of Chemical Nomenclature" (1998). Between 1989 and 1999 he chaired the Nomenclature Committee of the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry (POLY). In 1991, he initiated the publication of a regular column "Macromolecular Nomenclature Note" in Polymer Preprints. He contributed a chapter on "Nomenclature" to Wiley's "Polymer Handbook" (4th ed., 1999). He received the POLY Distinguished Service Award in 1995. Val currently serves as POLY Historian. In that capacity he compiled a list of POLY milestones for the whole period of POLY existence, which was displayed as a poster at the POLY Millennial 2000 meeting. This information will also be displayed at the 221st ACS National Meeting held in San Diego, CA in April 2001.

Preface In 1946, several ACS Divisions interested in the field of polymers formed a High Polymer Forum, at which 162 papers were presented in 27 sessions between 1946 and 1949. This high level of activity led to the formation in 1950 of the Division of Polymer Chemistry (initially the Division of High Polymer Chemistry), with Carl S. Marvel as chairman and Herman F. Mark as secretary-treasurer. As was stated in its bylaws, the object of the Division was to advance knowledge and understanding of the processes of polymerization and of the chemical constitution and chemical and physical properties of the polymeric materials, and to promote basic research in these fields. In 1974, the Division reviewed its almost 25-year history at a special symposium at the 168th ACS National Meeting in Atlantic City. It was organized by the then POLY chairman, Otto Vogl, and featured remarks and comments by Herman F. Mark, Carl S. Marvel, William J. Bailey, and Charles G. Overberger, all past POLY chairmen. In 1976, these papers were collected by Robert Ulrich and published as Volume 1 of the "Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science: Macromolecular Science - Retrospect and Prospect". Ulrich preceded the individual contributions by his short history of the Division, highlighting the growth of the Division, its publication and educational activities, its responsiveness to members' needs and to social and environmental problems, and the beginning of the POLY Division's involvement on the international scene. In 1991, the Division celebrated its 40th anniversary at the Polymer Technology Conference in Philadelphia. For that occasion, Jesse C. H. Hwa, who has served the Division in many capacities since 1964, published an extensive POLY history covering the period 1951-1991. He divided his historical account into three periods: a) early years (1951-1965), b) transition and growth (1966-1975), and c) expansion and strengthening (1976-1990). He covered in detail the organization and business management, technical programs, educational and publication activities, awards programs, and countless notable events within and outside the American Chemical Society. In 2001, the Division celebrates its 50th anniversary at the 221st ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA.

Page 2: New POLY history 1946-2001 Metanomski · 2018. 5. 17. · This account of POLY history was provided by W. Va. Metanomski for the 50th anniversary celebration at the 221st National

In the current historical account the last ten years (1991-2001) are reviewed in some detail. As will become obvious from this account, the Division has greatly expanded it activities, created many new initiatives, all intended to serve the profession and to further the understanding and useful application of polymer science. In this account of POLY activities, some individuals have been identified, who were particularly involved as initiators, leaders, and organizers. It is impossible, however, to properly acknowledge countless POLY members who devoted over the years unlimited amount of their energy to guide an enormous variety of projects for the Division and for the polymer community at large. It is significant to note that from the very beginning of the POLY existence and throughout its 50-year history, prominent polymer scientists found time away from their busy professional schedules to participate in the POLY activities as officers, councilors, committee chairs, meeting and symposia organizers, or workshop leaders. This booklet is dedicated to such giants in our profession who passed away in the last decade and also to Diane L. Morrill, who ran the POLY Business Office from June 1990 through May 1995.

In Memory of Frederick E. Bailey (1927-1991) Herman F. Mark (1895-1992) Charles G. Overberger (1920-1997) Roger S. Porter (1928-1998) Michael M. Szwarc (1909-2000) Sukant K. Tripathy (1952-2000) Charles C. Price (1913-2001)

A special tribute is paid to the memory of Diane L. Morrill (1941-1996)

The author is most grateful to Kathy J. Linkous of the POLY Business Office for taking his rough draft and converting it into a well designed and formatted publication. To get a better perspective of the POLY history, a list of milestones (timeline) for the whole period of POLY existence (including its predecessor, the High Polymer Forum) is presented in APPENDIX A. While it is convenient in a historical account to separate the activities, as shown in the Table of Contents, into technical, intersocietal, international, educational, and publishing, in practice there are overlaps between any of them. The symposia at the technical meetings are informative as well as educational, and provide source material for publications; the intersocietal and international activities are reflected in fact in intersocietal and international technical meetings; and industrial liaison results in direct support of educational activities.

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Goals and Mission As was stated in its earlier Bylaws, "the object of the Division is to advance knowledge and understanding of the processes of polymerization and of the chemical constitution and chemical and physical properties of the polymeric materials, and to promote basic research in these fields". In 1993, the Bylaws were changed to reflect in some detail what the Division is concerned with. Thus, "The object of the Polymer Chemistry Division is to promote all aspects of polymer chemistry through:

a. fostering high quality meetings and publications that serve the needs of the polymer community; b. promoting research at the frontiers of polymer chemistry; c. fostering interdisciplinary research by nurturing interactions with other disciplines, ACS Divisions, and societies; d. contributing to the education of the scientific community and the public at large on the significance of polymers."

In 2000, the e-POLY Task Force, cochaired by Judith L. Benson and Robert S. Moore, enhanced the vision statement with respect to electronic communications within a proposal "POLY e-Business: Virtual POLY": "To enhance member services by holding the leadership position in digital communications of polymer science and technology".

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Organization and Membership a. Executive Committee and Board

In 1977, a unique administrative change was implemented, the expansion of the posts of chair and vice-chair to a three-person succession: chair, chair-elect, and vice-chair. This arrangement provided a two-year exposure to the chair office and a smooth transition of duties. It also brought a four-year tenure for the top elected officials, since the immediate past chair continues to be a member of the Executive Committee.

Some of the POLY Former Chairmen met in Washington in 1990: (l - r) Front Row - Hwa, Vogl, Stannet, Culbertson, Vandenberg, Wooten. Back Row Bikales, Economy, McGrath, Ikeda, Benham, Ottenbrite. In 1993, the Division membership approved Bylaws changes, which expressed in some detail the types of support the Division gives to meetings, publications, research, and education, and also provided a better guidance on the role, activities, and terms of office for the various members of the Executive Committee. The POLY Operations manual has been updated in 1999, and it is now accessible on its Web page. In addition to the Executive Committee's duties, it provides detailed guidance on the duties and expectations for some 30 other bodies, such as Committees, Secretariats and symposia organizers, publication editors and managers, and business office. For the period under review, the following page pictures POLY chairs from 1991 - 2001. The strength of the Division lies in the breadth and depth of the organization of the POLY Executive Board and on the responsibility for various committees divided among the members of the POLY Executive Committee. A typical organizational chart is reproduced below.


CHAIR-ELECT T. W. Smith Planning T. W. Smith Awards A. D. English Industrial Sponsors E. J. Vandenberg J. L. Adams J. DiBattista International R. M. Ottenbrite W. H Daly Audit W. J. Brittain Nominations F. D. Blum Materials Secretariat R. Laine M. Rogers Macromolecular Secretariat M. Hillmyer T. Long Biotech Secretariat B. D. Ratner K. E. Uhrich Catalysis and Surface Sci. Secretariat D. Bergbreiter

VICE-CHAIR K. J. Wynne Program Council K. J. Wynne ACS Natl. Meetings C. Bowman C. Smith Industrial Liaisons R. Clough A. Bowens-Jones D. Priddy, Sr. Workshops J. Riffle 2002 Biennial A. D. English Regional Meetings T. J. Pacansky W. T. Ford Intersocietal/ Interdivisional APS - H. Yu IUPAC - J. Economy OSA - G. Lindsay AIChE - T. Barbari SPE - C. Feger and R. Weiss NOBBCHE -

SECRETARY M. T. Baker Asst. Secretary D. Smith Education POLYED C.E. Carraher J. P. Droske L. Mathias R. S. Moore D.M. Collard M. Zeldin Intersocietal J. P. Droske A. B. Salamone Public Relations E. Martin J. Miller A. Bowens Arrangements M. T. Baker Nomenclature E. Wilks Historical V. Metanomski

TREASURER K. O. Havelka Asst. Treasurer W. H Daly Polymer Preprints S. C. Israel P. Cassidy K. E. Uhrich A. Guymon D. Grimm A. B. Donnalley Circulation F. Dammont Publications K. Wooley Business Office N. Byerly Advertising K. E. Uhrich D. Bloch

MEMBER -AT-LARGE K. R. Carter Membership H.-N. Cheng S. Pollack D. Knauss E. Martin P. Arjunan Student Membership G. Poe Membership Booth K. Linkous e-POLY C. Frank J. Benham A. Salomone F. D. Blum L. Mathias Electronic Delivery F. D. Blum R. F. Storey J. P. Droske L. J. Mathias H. J. Miller

PAST-CHAIR T. J. Pacansky Bylaws T. J. Pacansky Long-Range Planning T. J. Pacansky Operations Manual T. J. Pacansky COUNCILORS S. C. Israel D. Gerbi W. H Daly R. Clough Alt. Councilors K. Wooley B. Farmer J. Pochan G. Lindsay

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K. Carter YCC - D. McGrath RUBB - W. J. Brittain

The position of a Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee, first instituted for POLY in 1976, is particularly valuable to the Division. Through his direct involvement with the Membership Committee, membership booth at the meetings, membership surveys and promotion, the Member-at-Large provides a direct link between the Executive Committee and the membership at large. At the POLY 40th anniversary celebration in Philadelphia in 1991, all the past chairs of the Division were presented with plaques in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the Division. Historical listings for the whole period 1951-2001 are provided in the Appendices: APPENDIX B. Officers APPENDIX C. Councilors and Alternate Councilors

b. Business Office

In 1982, the Division established its business office, which plays an important role in arrangements, registration, and on-site management of workshops, in membership promotion and membership-list maintenance, in monitoring book contracts, and other administrative chores. At every ACS National Meeting, the Division has a membership table and successfully gains new members through a skillful promotion of membership advantages. Polymer Preprints and POLY symposia proceedings, published by the ACS, are equally promoted by the Business Manager and her associates who are at the table. Diane L. Morrill was the Business Manager from 1990 to 1995. She lost a long battle with cancer in 1996, yet even during that battle she was working almost till the end. Her pleasant and constant smile, and cheerful voice will be fondly remembered by all who had contact with her. In 1995, Neta Byerly took over as the Business Manager and capably manages the complex POLY business dealings with skill and confidence. Kathy Linkous is helping in managing the membership booth and also in preparing for publication and display commemorative material for the 50th anniversary celebration. The Business Office is currently located at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, VA.

Neta Byerly,

Business Office Manager

c. POLY in Electronic Age

Keeping with its tradition to be in tune with modern technology, the Division supported the original ACS initiative in electronic communication (1989). Like everything else, it had its acronym (ECOM) before it became "e-mail" to everybody. As early as in 1990, the POLY Executive Committee and the POLY Business office started communicating among themselves using electronic mail, which immeasurably improved the effectiveness of their work.

Thanks to Frank Blum's vision, the Division has continued to provide new technology to the members. In 1993, three electronic mailing lists were initiated: POLYEXEC for the POLY Executive Committee (about 12 members), POLYBOARD for the POLY Executive Board (about 50 members), and POLY for general membership (originally about 100 members in some 7 countries). The first two are being used for administrative communication which speeds up the processes of deciding on and implementing of many beneficial programs, and the third, known as the POLY Electronic Discussion List, to disseminate the news and to exchange scientific information. Now, it reaches some 1500 members or about 20% of the POLY membership. It also includes academic and industrial employment postings, award information, and meeting announcements.

When Internet was still in infancy, Frank Blum single-handedly created a POLY Web site in 1995. Now, it consists of many pages which provide detailed information about the organization and history of the Division, membership benefits, educational activities, meetings, workshops, and awards. The POLY Web site is now accessible as

Page 6: New POLY history 1946-2001 Metanomski · 2018. 5. 17. · This account of POLY history was provided by W. Va. Metanomski for the 50th anniversary celebration at the 221st National

The Past Chairs' Long-Range Planning Committee, formed in 1998, has reviewed trends in areas having current or future impact on POLY. At their recommendation, the e-Poly Task Force, cochaired by Judith L. Benham and Robert S. Moore, has developed a broad electronic communications vision for POLY, justifiably entitled "POLY e-Business: Virtual POLY", which would position POLY in the era of digital-age/Internet communication. This in turn would lead to new strategies for enhanced member services such as electronic participation in workshops by off-site attendees. Based on their recommendations, POLY formed the e-POLY Committee to lead the Division in attaining its electronic communications vision.

d. ACS Governance

Many Division members have been most active in the ACS governance all the way from the members and chairs of the ACS Committees of the Board and Council to the ACS Board of Directors and the ACS Presidency. They are too numerous to list individually, yet those elected to the highest office and recently elected Directors and Committee Chairs might be identified. Charles C. Price - ACS President (1965) William J. Sparks - ACS President (1966) Charles G. Overberger - ACS President (1967) William J. Bailey - ACS President (1975) Gordon L. Nelson - ACS President (1988) Eli M. Pearce - ACS President-Elect (2001) Charles Overberger and William Bailey also served as Chairmen of the Board of Directors. Frederick E. Bailey - Director, Region I (1990-1991) Gordon L. Nelson - Director-at-Large (1992-1994) Maureen G. Chan - Director, Region III (1997-2002) Eli M. Pearce - Director-at-Large (1999-2001) James D. Burk - Director-at-Large (2000-2002) Eli M. Pearce - Chair, Science Committee (1994-1996) Elsa Reichmanis - Chair, Science Committee (2000-2002) Stanley C. Israel - Chair, Nominations and Election Committee (1998-2000) Frank D. Blum - Chair, Divisional Activities Committee (2000-2002) Some of the most important contributions that POLY members have made to the ACS governance was through the deliberations and recommendations by the somewhat unofficial Division Officers Caucus (DOC), especially in matters of greater financial assistance to divisions and a greater divisional representation in the ACS Council. POLY through its Councilors (four since 1978) provides a balanced counsel to the ACS Council, emphasizing the ACS commitment to its members, especially in professional and educational matters. The following were the Councilors in the last decade (in alphabetical order): Roger L. Clough Robert S. Moore William H. Daly Eli M. Pearce Adi Eisenberg Shalaby W. Shalaby Diana J. Gerbi Jan M. Stouffer Stanley C. Israel Kenneth J. Wynne Eli Pearce served as Councilor from 1982 to 1998, and Stan Israel has served continuously since 1990. Alternate Councilors, also four in number since 1978, have always been able to serve as attendees at the ACS Council meeting to substitute for Councilors, whenever the need arose.

e. Membership

POLY has usually had a very active Membership Committee, whose efforts are concentrated in several areas: to recruit and retain members, to enhance membership values for members, to gather and manage membership data, and to enhance communication between members and the POLY Board.

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In 1999, thanks to the initiative of the current Member-at-Large, Kenneth R. Carter, the Membership Committee was reorganized to consist of representatives from academia, industry, government, and non-U.S. polymer community. While re-invigorating activities on recruiting, retaining, and recognition of members, it is focusing on an effort to maintain and analyze membership data, to provide membership communications content, and to provide the leadership in maintaining focus on membership requirements and needs. The Division membership grew gradually from 414 in 1951 to 1985 when it reached 8,241. In the last decade the membership hovered around 8,000. Figures for years 1998, 1999, and 2000 are 8,109, 8,158, and 8,196, respectively. These include members and affiliates. The number of new members gained at the meetings through the Membership Booth, managed by Kathy Linkous, is most impressive. In 1999, Frank Blum initiated the "2000 X 2000 membership drive", so called to attract 2,000 new Division members by the end of 2000. This was achieved a few months earlier at the 220th ACS National Meeting in August 2000. The net gain may be somewhat smaller, since in any given year some members do not renew their membership.

f. Publicity

The POLY Publicity Committee makes sure that the members and chemists are well informed of the POLY activities. With the availability of the electronic dissemination of information, announcements are sent to the POLY e-mail lists and posted on the POLY Web site. The ACS members at large are informed through the Chemical & Engineering News and attendees at the meetings through flyers, posters, and the like.

g. Finances

The finances of the Division have been very well managed by the successive Treasurers in the last decade: Bill Daly, Tom Pacansky, Bob Stackman, and Kathleen Havelka. The Division has a considerable amount of investments that continues to provide an important source of income. Bill Daly instituted the first electronic method for the Division to record its financial transactions and setup a process for the Division to make and review investments of its strategic funds. The biggest burden on the treasury has always been the publication of Polymer Preprints, which, however, is expected to be considerably reduced when the electronic version becomes the primary medium, and only a limited number of hard copies are printed. The workshops and biennial symposia have contributed to the increased cash flow in 2000. By the year end, an approximate 5% gain is expected, bringing the total asset value to $500,000.

In a typical year, the income comes from dues, industrial sponsors, ACS allotments, workshops, royalties, advertising, dividends, interests, and grants. Expenses include publication costs of Polymer Preprints and Newsletters, costs associated with meetings and workshops, business office expenses, grants and awards, and the support of POLYED, IPEC, and other committees. The annual dues for members were increased to $20 in 1995.

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Technical Programs A. ACS National Meetings B. ACS Regional Meetings C. POLY Biennial Symposia D. Polymer Technology Conference E. National Graduate Research Polymer Conferences F. Intersocietal and International Cosponsored Meetings G. Workshops H. Information Recording on CD The Division has a number of venues to meet the diverse technical information communications need of its members. In addition to the participation in the ACS National and Regional Meetings, the Division sponsors specialty symposia, conferences, and workshops, and cosponsors other meetings and events. Program Chairs in the last decade were (in alphabetical order):

Christopher N. Bowman William J. Brittain Alan D. English Warren T. Ford Kathleen O. Havelka

Timothy E. Long John M. Pochan Judy S. Riffle Carrington D. Smith

A. ACS National Meetings

A very important activity of the Division is the organization and presentation of symposia, general papers, and posters at the ACS National Meetings. The topics presented at these meetings have kept pace with the innovations and developments in the field of polymer science. The Division has provided a forum for the exchange of most recent ideas and experiences. In the 1950s, the topics included the syntheses of polymers, mechanism and kinetics of polymerization, reactions of macromolecules, characterization of their properties, block and graft polymers, and stereoregulated polymers; in the 1960s physics of polymeric materials such as crystallization, rheology, and thermal analyses, ladder and spiro polymers, carbon and graphite fibers; and in the 1970s application of polymers in medicine, desalination, and for unusual service conditions, inorganic, coordination, and organometallic polymers, and environmental and societal concerns. In the 1980s, the topics included polymer composites, polymer blends, conducting polymers, liquid crystalline polymers, biopolymers, recycle and reuse of polymers, polymer surfaces and interfaces, and advances in NMR techniques; and in the 1990s macromolecular assemblies and supramolecular polymers, biocomposites, optical materials, dendritic and hyperbranched polymers, nanomaterials, and modeling and computer simulations. For the first three decades, the number of symposia and papers per decade rose from 73 and 1,130 to 144 and 3,430, respectively. In the last 25 years the numbers rose significantly, and reached for the decade of 1990s 363 symposia and 12,327 papers. Free state-of-the-art tutorial lectures were first introduced at the 182nd ACS National Meeting in New York in August 1981 and have been regularly continued as sessions, first within the "Polymer Science and Engineering Lecture Series" and later as separate more focused topics. A few more details are given in Section 8, "Educational Activities". The Division began cosponsoring joint symposia with other ACS Divisions from the early days of programming for the ACS National Meetings. This culminated in the formation of the ACS Macromolecular Secretariat in 1973 as venue for cooperation and synergism among the ACS Divisions interested in polymer science. A recent cosponsored symposium on "Frontiers for Polymer Science in the 21st Century" was presented by the Macromolecular Secretariat at the 219th ACS National Meeting in March 2000 in San Francisco, CA. The Division is also a member of the ACS Biotechnology Secretariat, the ACS Catalysis and Surface Science Secretariat, and the ACS Materials Chemistry Secretariat. Recent symposia on "Catalysis for the Future" and "Combinatorial Approach to Materials Development", cosponsored under the umbrella of the Catalysis and Surface Science Secretariat and the Materials Chemistry Secretariat, respectively, were presented at the 219th ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, CA, in March 2000.

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The Division continues to cosponsor symposia outside the framework of the Secretariats as well, most frequently with the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE). Somewhat less frequently, POLY cosponsored meetings with another "polymeric materials" division, the ACS Rubber Division, primarily because the latter does not participate in the ACS National Meetings. One such cosponsored meeting was the Rubber Division 154th Technical Meeting and Rubber Mini Expo '98 in Nashville, TN, in September/October 1998. A detailed listing of all the POLY sponsored and cosponsored symposia at all the ACS National Meetings (117th through 221st) since POLY inception in 1950 is provided in APPENDIX D.

B. ACS Regional Meetings

The Division has promoted programs on polymer science and engineering at the ACS Regional Meetings, and offers seed money up to $500 for symposia that are at least one day long and include invited speakers. During 2000, requests for support were approved for two regional meetings.

C. POLY Biennial Symposia

A significant slice of the Division's technical programming continues to be part of the Biennial Polymer Symposium, outside the framework of the ACS National Meetings, a tradition started in 1962. The themes in the last decade, as well as previously, have invariably centered on the advances in polymerization processes and on the advanced polymeric materials for unusual interdisciplinary applications: 1992 16th Biennial Symposium in Palm Springs, CA, on "Advances in Polymerization and Polymeric Materials" (organized by

James E. McGrath) 1994 17th in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on "Polymers in Critical Technologies", (organized by Stanley C. Israel and Eli M. Pearce) 1996 18th in Santa Barbara, CA, on "Industrial Research in the 21st Century", (organized by Richard M. Ikeda and Thomas W.

Smith) 1998 19th in Williamsburg, VA, on "Polymers in Interfacing Disciplines and Technologies", (organized by Hyuk Yu and Leslie

M. Smith) 2000 20th (POLY Millennial 2000) in Waikoloa, HI, actually more international in

scope than a typical biennial symposium, organized by William H. Daly, Joseph C. Salamone, Stanley, C. Israel, Raphael M. Ottenbrite, and James E. McGrath, included sessions on: "Polymers in Supercritical Fluids" "Field Responsive Polymers" "Polymers in the Marine Environments" "Non-Linear Optical Polymers" "New Developments in Polymer Synthesis" "Macromolecular Plasma Chemistry"

POLY Millennial 2000 Herman F. Mark Award Recipients (l-r) Vogle, Goodman, Lenz, Mandelkern, Hall, and Grubbs

D. Polymer Technology Conference

In June 1991, the Division had a special national meeting, the Polymer Technology Conference in Philadelphia, in addition to the ACS National Meetings, to celebrate the POLY 40th anniversary. It was organized by Joseph C. Salamone, Norman G. Gaylord, Burton C. Anderson, and James E. McGrath. The emphasis was on the areas of major industrial interest such as high performance polymers, recycling of polymers, polymers for designed applications, polymers for biological systems, polymers for hostile environments, and barrier polymers and constructions. Two workshops, an exposition, past chairs' luncheon, mixer and banquet were included in the celebration.

E. National Graduate Research Polymer Conferences

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The inaugural National Graduate Research Polymer Conference, organized by Michael M. Coleman, David A. Tirrell, Bernard Gordon, Alexa A. Dembek, and Richard A. Register, held at the Penn State in 1994, was a resounding success with 199 graduate students from about 30 schools, presenting about 100 talks and over 50 posters. The subsequent Conferences, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th were held at the Virginia Tech in 1996, at the University of Akron in 1998, and at the University of Southern Mississippi in 2000, respectively.

F. Intersocietal and International Cosponsored Meetings

These are covered in Sections 5 and 6, "Intersocietal Activities" and "International Activities", respectively.

G. Workshops

These are covered in some detail in Section 8, "Educational Activities" . The workshops inform as well as educate a small group of members at a time in a convenient place about the most recent advancements in both theory and practice of specially selected topics.

H. Information Recording on CD

A project on recording information (presentation account and slides) on CD's from workshops and meetings has been initiated by Lon J. Mathias and the MRG Polymer Press of the Department of Polymer Science at the University of Southern Mississippi. The "Fluoropolymers 2000" workshop (October 2000) and "POLY Millennial 2000" (December 2000) are two recent targets. This is done for members who could not attend, yet want access to the presentation information.

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Intersocietal Activities As early as in 1975, the Division established the Intersociety Relations Committee, which in 1984 was split into Domestic Intersociety Relations Committee and the Foreign Intersociety Relations Committee. In 1985, however, the former was renamed back to its original name with its activities restricted to the U.S. societies. In 1989, several subcommittees were formed to take care separately of reciprocal relations between POLY and the American Physical Society (APS), the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). That arrangement exists to this day, and other liaisons have been added such as that to the Optical Society of America (OSA). Throughout the last decade, POLY has continued to build coordinated efforts with other U.S. societies. Through the Intersociety Polymer Task Force, POLY has been attempting to evaluate and assist in the formulation of national policy regarding the importance of polymers.

Polymer Ambassadors (1997) - (l-r)

Gordon Hahn, Lynn Higgins, William Bleam, Jr., Mary Harris, Sandra Van Natta, Ann Salamone, Jeane Delfiner,

Melanie Stewart

The Intersociety Polymer Education Task Force (IPED) published in 1991 a brochure "Science and Technology Education: Building on Our Foundation of Progress", which outlined educational activities in polymer-related areas. The Intersociety Polymer Education Council (IPEC), created through the initiative of POLY members, Ann Salamone and John Droske, in 1993 started the Polymer Ambassadors program. This program, originally funded by POLY, SPE, and AIChE established ambassadors in four states. They impacted thousands of K-12 teachers by providing lectures and instructional materials on polymers. More details on this program are provided in Section 8, "Educational Activities".

The IPEC was incorporated in 1994 and Ann Salamone continues to guide it as a POLY representative. Many jointly sponsored intersociety symposia were held at the ACS National Meetings or at the annual meetings of other societies. Among separately held meetings, a couple might specifically be identified. In 1993, POLY and PMSE cosponsored a first joint meeting with the Optical Society of America (OSA) on "Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications" in Toronto, Canada. In 1995, the Intersociety Polymer Conference, with the theme "Creation, Utilization, and Recycling of Multiphase Polymer Systems", sponsored by POLY, PMSE, SPE, and AIChE, with participation of the ACS Cellulose, Paper and Textile Division (CELL), the American Physical Society (High Polymer Physics Division), and the Macro Group UK was held in Baltimore, MD. International Activities s early as 1970, the Division established the International Committee and in 1990 the Foreign Affairs Committee to develop international membership and close relations with foreign polymer societies. Since then, many joint ventures came into being, among them the Pacific Polymer Federation who had its first Pacific Polymer Conference in 1989. The 2nd Pacific Polymer Conference, organized through the Pacific Polymer Federation (PPF), was held in Otsu, Japan, in November 1991. Otto Vogl, a founding father of the PPF, handed then the reigns over to Joseph C. Salamone. The subsequent Pacific Polymer Conferences were held: the 3rd in Gold Coast, Australia, in December 1993; the 4th in Koloa, Kauai, HI, in December 1995; the 5th in Kyongju, Korea, in October 1997; and the 6th in Guangzhou, China, in December 1999. In the 1990s, the Foreign Affairs Committee became the International Activities Committee, and the international activities, spearheaded by Ray Ottenbrite, Bill Daly, Joe Salamone, Stan Israel, and Jim McGrath, centered broadly on contacting foreign polymer societies and international polymer associations, and focused on joint meetings and on educational services. A number of international symposia were held as part of the ACS National Meetings and are specifically identified in APPENDIX D. In 1992, POLY and the RSC/SCI Macro Group UK held a 3rd Euro-American Conference, Macromolecules '92, on "Functional Polymers and Biopolymers" in Canterbury, U.K.

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In 1993, the 2nd International Symposium on "Polymers for Advanced Technologies" (PAT-93) was held under the auspices of POLY, PMSE, and the European Polymer Federation in Oxford, U.K. POLY participated in the International Meeting on "Metathesis and Related Chemistry" (ISOM 12) in St. Augustine, FL, in July 1997, with 149 participants from 22 countries.

ISOM 12 - Chemists from 22 countries were present with 149 participants and guests in attendance

POLY has participated in the International Polymer Summit meetings of the presidents and chairs of national polymer societies, organized in conjunction with the biennial IUPAC Macromolecular Symposia, held in even years between the IUPAC General Assemblies. One such meeting in 1994 at the University of Akron, hosted by Ray Ottenbrite and Burt Anderson (then the POLY 1994 chair), was attended by 100 polymer scientists, representing some 30 polymer societies and countries from around the world. In 1999, the International Relations Committee initiated the placement of POLY information and a membership booth at four different meetings, including two in Poland and one in England. The POLY Millennial 2000, while an expansion of the usual biennial meeting, has in fact been an international conference.

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Industrial Liaisons Since many chemical companies are directly involved with polymers, and industry benefits directly from the activities of such organizations as the Division, industrial liaisons were established early.

A. Industrial Sponsors

Currently the Industrial Sponsors Group, coordinated by Edwin J. Vandenberg, consists of 30 member companies in 2000. Originally, each member contributed $1000 per year to support polymer education and other polymer development activities. Now, the Group has been expanded to include companies with less than 500 employees who contribute $500 per year. The Group regularly meets at the Fall ACS National Meetings. In 1991 their Annual Meeting was 12th and in 2000 21st. At each such meeting, minisymposia and panel discussions sponsored by the Group were presented: 1991 "Interdisciplinary Research and Education for the Future" 1992 "Eastern Europe: Opportunities for the Polymer and Chemical Industries" 1993 "Converting Science to Dollars" 1994 "Future of the National Laboratories" 1995 "Maximizing Your Assets in Polymer Technology" 1996 "The Need for a U.S. Government, Industry, and University R&D Policy" 1997 "Aspects of Graduate Training in Polymer Chemistry - Are We Training People for Industry?" 1998 "Opportunities in Industry - a Younger Scientist Perspective" 1999 "Does the Future of Polymer Research and Development Depend on Entrepreneurs?" 2000 "Polymers for the 21st Century" The major activities of the Group, many in cooperation with PMSE, POLYED, and IPEC, include the Polymer Education Newsletter (PEN), workshops at schools to help to introduce polymer education, the Undergraduate Summer Scholarship Program, the Polymer Curriculum Development Award, and free Short Courses on Polymer Science at the ACS National and Regional Meetings.

Edwin J. Vandenberg Industrial Sponsors' Chair 1980 - 2000

In 1991, a competitive grant program directed toward "Improving the Public Perception of Polymers" was initiated, which is described in Section 8, "Educational Activities". After more than 20 years as the chair of the Industrial Sponsors' Committee, Ed Vandenberg has elected to resign in 2000. Robert S. Moore has taken over its chairmanship.

B. Industrial Advisors

The function of the industrial advisors is to help POLY in better serving its industrial members by influencing programming to provide more symposia on topics of interest to industry, attracting more industrial members, and increasing industrial participation at the ACS National Meetings and in the POLY governance and committees. The Industrial Advisors in the period 1999-2000 were Carrington D. Smith, Robert L. Clough, and Duane B. Priddy.

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Education A. POLYED B. The Intersociety Polymer Education Council (IPEC) C. Tutorials at the ACS National Meetings D. Workshops E. Improving the Public Perception of Polymers F. Nomenclature The Division has been engaged in extensive educational activities, such as topical workshops, tutorials, graduate student meetings, publications, graduate research polymer conferences, undergraduate summer scholarships, and summer student employment programs.


Many of educational activities are accomplished within the framework of the POLYED, a joint Committee of POLY and PMSE, and many designed to bring polymer science to the young and the uninitiated. John P. Droske and Charles E. Carraher have played a major role in its activities, for which they were recognized by a joint (POLY/PMSE) Excellence in Service to POLYED Award in 1995. Since POLYED plays such a major role in polymer education, it might be useful to restate what it is. It is a consortium of groups interested in science education and in polymer education in particular. Membership is derived from POLY and PMSE (the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering). Major support is derived from these divisions and approximately 50 industrial sponsors. POLYED offers a wide variety of programs with special emphasis on polymers or macromolecules. Four different educational groups are targeted: precollege teachers, college and university students, college and university faculty, and industrial and government professionals. Web site provides ample information on programs of interest to all four groups and on teaching resources as well. This is operated by the POLYED National Information Center for Polymer Education, opened in 1989 under the directorship of John Droske and headquartered in the Chemistry Department at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Since 1980, POLYED publishes the Polymer Education Newsletter (PEN), supported among others by the Industrial Sponsors Group, to inform all the interesPted parties about its educational programs, awards, and other activities. In 1991, as part of the 40th anniversary celebration, the Division funded 40 Undergraduate Polymer Research Grants which were distributed to 40 different schools to support undergraduate research in polymer science. The Polymer Curriculum Development Award, administered by Kris Matyjaszewski, has been given for an innovative approach to improve the teaching of polymer chemistry and polymer engineering in existing curricula at the U.S. colleges and universities. Examples of Award programs in the 1990s are: "The Dissemination of Teaching Materials for Polymer Science" (Joseph J. Lagowski, University of Texas, Austin) "Internet Based Opportunities in Polymer Science" (Lon J. Mathias, University of Southern Mississippi) "Virtual Polymer Processing Laboratory" (Raymond A. Pearson, Lehigh University) The Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Polymer Chemistry, established in 1991, recognizes and encourages outstanding graduate research in design, synthesis, and physical chemistry of polymers. Award winners are listed in APPENDIX E. Among the other regularly supported grants and awards by POLYED are:

• Award for Excellence in Polymer Education by a High School or a Middle School Science Teacher • Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarship • Undergraduate Research Recognition Award

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• Outstanding Achievement in Organic Chemistry Award • Student Award in Applied Polymer Science, sponsored by the Sherwin-Williams Co. (1985-1995) and ICI (1996-2002)

A special effort spearheaded by Warren T. Ford and Leslie H. Sperling and referred to as "Textbook Author Campaign" has been directed towards improving coverage of polymer chemistry in chemistry textbooks, preferably by integrating polymer concepts and examples into the regular chapters on basic chemistry.

B. The Intersociety Polymer Education Council (IPEC)

The Intersociety Polymer Education Council (IPEC), cofounded by POLY (Ann Salamone and John Droske) in 1990, was incorporated in 1994 with a mission "to significantly increase student interest and participation in science and technology subjects by incorporating the teaching of polymers and polymeric materials into K through 12 curricula by utilizing the combined resources and infrastructure of participating scientific societies". In the implementation of "teachers teaching teachers" Polymer Ambassadors play a leading role. They primarily represent states with high concentrations of plastics companies and a high need for plastics-aware future employees. Each Polymer Ambassador is awarded $3,000 a year for a three-year period to implement in-service programs. In addition to providing hands-on in-service training, they hold separate training and coordination meetings twice a year. As an example of the numbers involved, during the 1998-1999 year ten Polymer Ambassadors trained 5,602 other K-12 teachers and 4,514 students at 1/2 to 1 day workshops, and additionally 228 parents and 740 chemists directly. The Macromolecular Teacher Resource (MaTR) Institute, an institute for pre-college teachers, offered its 1st workshop in 1995 and for several years provided "hands-on" training by Polymer Ambassadors, University faculty, and industrial presenters. Each of the MaTR Institute graduate was expected to provide in-service training to other teachers. As a result, through a simple multiplying factor, many more teachers than just the Institute graduates would provide better training in science through polymers. The IPEC, over the years, has included members from three ACS Divisions (POLY, PMSE, and RUBB), the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), the American Plastics Council, the Society of Plastics Industry, and the Federation of Societies for Coatings Technologies. IPEC Web site provides detailed information on its many specific services.

C. Tutorials at the ACS National Meetings

Since 1981, free state-of-the-art tutorial lectures have been presented, usually as first opening sessions at the ACS National Meetings. While originally intended for attendees with a B.S. or M.S. degree, they became most useful to experienced scientists, not only from the polymer field, but also from other divisions and disciplines. Examples of such tutorials in the last decade are 1991 "Macromolecular Assemblies" 1992 "Interface of Polymer Science with Other Fields" 1993 "Surface Characterization of Polymeric Biomaterials" 1994 "Science and Technology of Microencapsulation" Another aspect of the programming policy at the ACS National Meetings is to provide review or tutorial material at the beginning of all the symposia so that beginners may gain background needed to understand the current research subsequently presented. At the 220th ACS National Meeting in Washington, DC, in August 2000, all but one of the symposia had from one long lecture to one half-a-day session of tutorial material.

D. Workshops

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The Division organizes and conducts several topical technical workshops each year. The workshops have been well promoted through announcements and special leaflets mailed to members, and have been well received and attended. This difficult and time consuming task was managed in the past decade by Tom Pacansky (1991), Tom Smith (1992-1994), Rudy Faust (1995), Bob Stackman (1996), and Bill Culbertson (1997-2000). Examples of topics, clearly covering the advances in processes and materials and preparing for the 21st century and the 3rd millennium, are: 1991 "Polymer Waste Management" 1992 "Opportunities in the 21st Century for Biomedical Polymers" 1993 "Materials Technology for Competitive Advantage" 1994 "Nanocomposites and Supramolecular Materials, Design, Synthesis, and Properties" 1995 "Organic/Inorganic Polymer Systems" 1996 "Molecular Engineering of Polymers: Directing Biological Response" 1997 "Advances in Polyolefins" 1998 "Contemporary Biomaterials Through Precise Control of Macromolecular Chemistries and Architectures" 1999 "Concepts and Needs for Low Dielectric Constant Interconnect Materials: Now and the Next Millennium" 2000 "Chain-Growth Polymerizations - New Chemistry for the New Millennium"

E. Improving the Public Perception of Polymers

The program was instituted by the Industrial Sponsors Group in 1991 and has been ably administered by Robert W. Stackman. The grant consists of up to $10,000 distributed over three years for an innovative program directed towards "Improving the Public Perception of Polymers". Its first recipients were Marie C. Sherman (Ursuline Academy of St. Louis, MO) and Linda Woodward (University of Southwestern Louisiana) for the development of a series of polymer workshops for presentation to diverse groups. Grants have been made annually since 1991, except for 1995 and 1997-1998. In 1999, out of seven quality proposals, one on "Polymers: Uses, Applications and the Future", submitted by the NOBCChE (National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers), Atlanta Metro Chapter, was funded. Examples of previous programs are

• 1992 Setting up a FAX network, linking the Center for Integrated Science Education (University of Utah) to all the elementary schools in the state, to distribute a newsletter, highlighting polymer related science and technology (Joseph D. Andrade, University of Utah)

• 1993 Development of an interactive program that helps adults and children understand what polymers are (Jason Makansi, Journal Editor, and Thomas S. Coolbaugh, Mobil Chemical Co.)

• 1994 Development of a series of polymer educational "kits" for teacher training and classroom instruction (Science Alliance of Delaware)

• 1996 Preparation of a series of videotapes for acquainting non-technical audience with the nature and uses of polymers (Richard S. Stein, University of Massachusetts)

F. Nomenclature

The Division is unique among the ACS Divisions in having a very active Nomenclature Committee, established in 1963, which introduced ways of naming uniquely structural repeating units, non-linear macromolecules, and macromolecular assemblies. These were subsequently adopted by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The Committee continues its activity to this day promoting through various publications the use of unambiguous polymer nomenclature. Its chair and members invariably serve also on the ACS Committee on Nomenclature and on the IUPAC Commission on Macromolecular Nomenclature, thus maintaining contact with the international polymer community. One of the innovations introduced by W. Val Metanomski, POLY Committee chair (1989-1999), has been a regular column, "Macromolecular Nomenclature Note", in Polymer Preprints, starting in 1991. This is being continued by the current chair,

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Edward S. (Ted) Wilks, who has just published "Macromolecular Nomenclature Note No. 20" on "Siloxanes and Silicones in the CAS Databases" in the first issue of Polymer Preprints in 2001. While the Notes have been intended primarily as tutorials in macromolecular nomenclature, some of them dealt with proposals for nomenclature and terminology in new fields of polymer science such as hyperbranched and dendritic polymers. Leslie H. Sperling has served as a PMSE representative on the Committee and has been instrumental in publishing similar nomenclature notes in the PMSE proceedings.

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Publications A. Polymer Preprints

The Division continues to publish Polymer Preprints, started in 1960, twice a year just before each ACS National Meeting. The publication has the largest circulation of any in the polymer field and is considered the largest benefit that the Division offers to its members. A 1989 survey showed that 80% of POLY members joined the Division primarily because of the quality of symposia and availability of Polymer Preprints. A 1993 survey has confirmed that members would agree to a dues increase from $15 to $20 to enable POLY to continue providing all members with Polymer Preprints. It is not an exaggeration that Polymer Preprints have been referred to as POLY "flagship". A special third issue was published in 1991 to cover papers presented at the "Polymer Technology Conference" celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Division. That issue included Jesse Hwa's POLY history for the period 1951-1991. Over the years, each Executive Committee and every Treasurer have struggled with the increasing costs of providing Polymer Preprints to the members, and with the various ways to accommodate these without an adverse impact on other programs: increased dues, increased subscription charge to libraries, change of page size and format, change of paper, securing advertisements, automation and streamlining of production, improved ways of packaging, labeling, and mailing, different delivery format (print versus compact disk versus online access). From a relatively thin booklet (5.5 x 8.5"), the printed issue of Polymer Preprints grew to enormous volumes (8 x 11.5") containing at times over 1300 pages, with a spine size of 2". This simply corresponds to a phenomenal growth of symposia presented from just 6 in 1960 (about 110 papers) to over 30 in 2000 (over 1300 papers). POLY has been very fortunate in having dedicated and innovative editors of Polymer Preprints. Bill M. Culbertson served in that capacity from 1982 to 1997 and Robson F. Storey from 1998 to 2000. In 2001, Patrick E. Cassidy and Stanley C. Israel at the Southwest Texas State University will take over the challenge of Polymer Preprints editorship. Circulation management is an equally important function. In 1979, Frederick Dammont took over that position and over 20 years later is still serving the Division in that capacity with undiminished enthusiasm. Rob Storey, Robert B. Moore, the Associate Editor, and their coworkers at the University of Southern Mississippi have achieved within a few short years a complete conversion of a basically "manual" process of submitting camera-ready hard copies, followed by conventional printing of the preprints, to an electronic process starting with a submission of soft copy through the Web and ending with a CD and online searchable version. Part of that process was a partnership with the ACS Publications Division in developing a web-based submission process which was ready for the 219th ACS National Meeting in San Francisco in Spring of 2000. The March 2000 issue was the first ever published with 100% manuscripts submitted electronically. While the printed copies have been distributed to members, the issue became available online on the Web with a search capability for author's name and words in the title or text. Beginning in 2001, members will receive access to the Web-based version of Polymer Preprints and a CD version in the mail. Those wishing to continue receiving a hard copy must pay an additional $20.

B. Symposia Proceedings

Innumerable symposia presented before the Division have been published as proceedings by the ACS Books Department and by other publishers. The Division encourages such a dissemination of information for those who are unable to attend the symposia. As incentive, 10% royalties for the first 1500 books sold and 12.5% for books in excess of 1500 are distributed as 50% to the editor(s) and 50% to the Division. The royalty period was extended as of December 1999 from a three-year period to a five-year period, thanks to the negotiations of Frank Blum. Examples of the ACS Symposium Series volumes from the last decade are: "Water-Soluble Polymers" (Vol. 467, 1991) "Fullerenes" (Vol. 481, 1992) "Colloid-Polymer Interactions" (Vol. 532, 1993)

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"Polymers of Biological and Biomedical Significance" (Vol. 540, 1994) "Polymers for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics" (Vol. 601, 1995) "Liquid-Crystalline Polymer Systems" (Vol. 632, 1996) "Photonic and Optoelectronic Polymers" (Vol. 672, 1997) "Controlled Radical Polymerization" (Vol. 685, 1998) "Semiconducting Polymers, Applications, Properties, and Synthesis" (Vol. 735, 1999) "Specialty Monomers and Polymers" (Vol. 750, 2000) "Controlled Drug Delivery; Designing Technologies for the Future"(Vol. 752, 2000)

C. Newsletter

The Division continues to publish twice a year a Newsletter, edited by the Secretary (Frank D. Blum for 1990-1995; Mary T. Baker for 1996-2001), which contains a wealth of information for POLY members. It invariably starts with the Chair's message, outlining challenges and plans for the current year, followed by various announcements about the POLY awards, special meetings, and topical workshops, detailed Committees' reports, programs for the forthcoming POLY-sponsored meetings, and a very useful listing of other meetings of interest.

D. Polymer Education Newsletter (PEN)

First published in 1980, PEN continues to be published regularly by POLYED. Since it is primarily concerned with education, it is also highlighted in Section 8, "Educational Activities".

E. Macromolecules

The ACS continues to publish Macromolecules, a journal covering research papers on all fundamental aspects of macromolecular science, started in 1968. While the journal is not an official organ of the Division and has pursued its own independent editorial policies, its Editors, Associate Editors, and members of the Editorial Advisory Board have been prominent members of the Division. Its first founding editor was Field H. (Stretch) Winslow, who was most responsible earlier for starting Polymer Preprints in 1960. Winslow was succeeded as the Macromolecules Editor by Robert W. Lenz in 1995, who in turn is to be succeeded by Timothy P. Lodge in 2001.

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Awards Since 1964, the ACS has administered an annual Award in Polymer Chemistry, sponsored first by the Witco Chemical Corp. and now by the ExxonMobil Chemical Co. Another polymer-related award, called the ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science has been sponsored first by the Borden Chemical Co. and more recently by the Phillips Petroleum Co. While the Division is not directly involved with the administration of these awards, the awardees have invariably been members of the Division. In their honor as well as that of the recipients of the Divisional Awards, the Division continued to have special symposia, receptions, and banquets.

Herman F. Mark Division of Polymer Chemistry Award

In 1976, the Division established its own biennial Division of Polymer Chemistry Award, named later as the Herman F. Mark Division of Polymer Chemistry Award, to recognize outstanding research and leadership in polymer science. The Award is sponsored by the Dow Chemical Company Foundation.

Harry R. Allcock (r) 1994 Herman F. Mark Division of Polymer Chemistry Award Recipient.

Among its early recipients were such pioneers as Paul Flory, Carl Marvel, Maurice Huggins, Herman Mark, John Ferry, Charles Overberger, Walter Stockmayer, and Michael Szwarc. The last decade's winners include Edwin Vandenberg, Harry Allcock, James McGrath, and James Economy. In 2000, the Award was given to six distinguished polymer scientists, Murray Goodman, Robert Grubbs, Henry Hall, Robert Lenz, Leo Mandelkern, and Otto Vogl, at the POLY Millennial Symposium in Hawaii in December 2000.

Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award

The Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award, sponsored by the Dow Chemical Company Foundation, was established in 1981 to recognize and encourage accomplishments and/or innovations of unusual merit in the field of basic or applied polymer science by younger scientists. Its first recipient was Lewis Fetters. The last decade's winners were David Tirrell, Sukant Tripathy, Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Bruce Novak, Joseph DeSimone, and Craig Hawker.

Sukant K. Tripathy (r) - 1993 Recipient

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (l) - 1995


Bruce M. Novak (r) - 1997 Recipient

Paul J. Flory Polymer Education Award

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In 1982, the Polymer Education Award, later named as the Paul J. Flory Polymer Education Award, was established to recognize, encourage and stimulate outstanding achievements by an individual in promoting undergraduate and/or graduate polymer education. The Award was originally supported by the Procter and Gamble Co. and is now sponsored by the E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co. Its first recipient was Herman F. Mark, and the early recipients were Carl Marvel, Paul Flory, Maurice Morton, and George Butler. The last decade's winners were Eli Pearce, Leo Mandelkern, Eric Baer, Roger Porter, and James Mark in 2000.

Eli M. Pearce (r) - 1992 Recipient

James E. Mark (r) - 2000 Recipient

Distinguished Service and Special Service Awards

The annual Distinguished Service Award was initiated in 1983 to recognize many years of continuing service to the Division. Its first recipients were Edwin Vandenberg and Joginder Lal. The Award winners in the last decade were Fred Bailey, Eli Pearce, Paul Hergenrother, Dick Ikeda, Stan Israel, Val Metanomski, Ann Salamone, Jim McGrath, Neta Byerly, Bill Daly, Bob Moore, and Rob Storey. A second Special Service Award has been given less regularly to recognize members who have performed significant and sustained contributions to the Division well beyond the Distinguished Service Award criteria. Those awarded this special Award in the 1990s were Fred Dammont, Bill Culbertson, Ed Vandenberg, and Eli Pearce.

Fred E. Bailey (c) - 1991 Recipient

Eli M. Pearce (c) - 1991 Recipient

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Richard Ikeda(l) and Paul Hergenrother (r) 1992 Recipients

Stanley C. Israel (c) - 1993 Recipient

W. Val Metanomski (l) - 1995 Recipient Picture also shows (l to r) Fred Dammont, Bill Culbertson, and Ed Vandenberg - 1995 Recipients of the Special Service Award

Neta Byerly (r) 1999 Recipient

Ann B. Salamone, 1996 Recipient/TD>

Industrial Polymer Scientist

The newly established POLY Award is the Industrial Polymer Scientist Award to recognize outstanding industrial innovation and creativity in the application of polymer science, conducted by individual scientists or research teams. The 2000 recipients were S. Randall Holmes-Farley and W. Harry Mandeville.

Harry Mandeville (l) and Randail Holmes-Farley (r) 2000 Recipients of the First Industrial Polymer Scientist Award

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Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Polymer Chemistry

Kristi Anseth (l) 1996 Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Polymer Chemistry

The Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Polymer Chemistry, established in 1991 and administered by POLYED, recognizes a graduate student or recent graduate who has completed an outstanding Ph.D. thesis in research accepted by a U.S. or Canadian university. Its first recipient was Christopher Gorman, and the recipient of the Award in 2000 was X. Linda Chen.

A detailed list of Award winners for the period 1976-2001 is provided in APPENDIX E.

ACS Awards to the Division

The Division received the ACS Outstanding Large Division Award in 1982, 1984, 1989, 1991, 1994, and 1995, meeting such criteria as outstanding technical programs, educational thrusts, interdivisional, intersociety, and international interactions, membership growth, and excellent administrative and financial positions. It might be mentioned with pride that POLY was a runner-up in 1990, 1992, and 1993. This award was eliminated by the ACS in 1996.

Division of Polymer Chemistry Receives 1994 ACS Outstanding Large Division Award

Division of Polymer Chemistry Receives 1995 ACS Outstanding Large Division Award

In 2000, the Division was honored as one of the best ACS Divisions by being awarded an ACS 2000 ChemLuminary Award for excellent novel membership services. The Award was for POLY pioneering work in making the electronic version of Polymer Preprints a reality, for the success of POLY Web site and the POLY discussion list, for providing Industrial Advisors to the Program Committee to make programming more relevant to industrial scientists, and for innovative and successful 2000 X 2000 membership drive.

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Division of Polymer Chemistry Receives 2000 ChemLuminary Award

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The first 10 years have only a few milestones. Later years have more milestones listed. This is more a reflection of information availability rather than an accurate record of accomplishments.

1946 High Polymer Forum organized within the ACS (five Divisions participated).

1950 Division of High Polymer Chemistry (name later changed to Division of Polymer Chemistry) formed as a probationary division (Carl S. Marvel, first chairman).

First Divisional symposia on "Free Radicals in Polymerization", "Reactions of Macromolecules", and "Macromolecules in Solution" presented at the 118th ACS National Meeting in Chicago.

1951 Division of Polymer Chemistry granted a full division status.

First joint symposium with the Division of Colloid Chemistry on "Degradation of Macromolecules" presented at the 119th ACS National Meeting in Boston.

1960 Polymer Preprints (1st issue of Volume 1) published (Chester K. Rosenbaum, first editor).

1962 First Biennial Symposium presented at the Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

1963 Nomenclature Committee formed (Robert B. Fox, chairman).

1964 Education Committee formed (Maurice Morton, chairman).

1965 First charter flight to the 1965 IUPAC Macromolecular Symposium in Prague, Czechoslovakia, organized.

1966 Secretary and Treasurer became two separate functions.

1967 First workable structure-based nomenclature rules for linear polymers published, immediately adopted by Chemical Abstracts and in 1975 by IUPAC.

Membership Survey conducted.

1968 Macromolecules, an ACS journal, first published (Field H. Winslow, first editor).

1969 Circulation Manager of Polymer Preprints post established (Robert Saxon, first manager).

1970 International Committee formed.

1972 Division incorporated.

1973 Joint Meeting with the ACS Rubber Division held in Detroit.

ACS Macromolecular Secretariat established by five founding Divisions (Jack R. Elliott, first secretary) with its first symposium on "Acrylonitrile in Macromolecules" presented at the 166th ACS National Meeting in Chicago.

1974 Awards Committee and Grants Committee formed.

Joint Polymer Education Committee (JPEC) with the ACS Division of Organic Coatings and Plastics (ORPL), which later became the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE), was formed. It later became POLYED; founding co-chairs were Charles E. Carraher, Jr. and Eli M. Pearce.

History of the Division reviewed at a symposium presented at the 168th ACS National Meeting in Atlantic City.

1975 Intersociety Relations Committee formed (Otto Vogl, first chairman).

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1976 Division of Polymer Chemistry Award (later designated as Herman F. Mark Division of Polymer Chemistry Award) instituted (Paul J. Flory, first recipient).

Member-at-Large of the Divisional Executive Committee position created (Paul H. Lindenmayer, first incumbent).

Divisional logo created, designed by students at the School Design of North Carolina State University.

Divisional short history published in the ACS history "A Century of Chemistry", celebrating the 100th anniversary of the ACS.

1978 History of the Division (1951-1976) by Robert D. Ulrich published in the "Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science, Vol. 1, Macromolecular Science - Retrospect and Prospect".

A three-person succession created within the Executive Committee, vice-chairman, chairman-elect, and chairman.

Third and fourth Councilor authorized by the ACS Council.

1979 Industrial Sponsors Group organized.

First topical workshop on "Biomedical and Water-Soluble Polymers" presented in Bermuda.

1980 First poster session presented at the 179th ACS National Meeting in Houston.

First joint U.S.-Japan Polymer Conference held in Palm Springs, California (William J. Bailey and Teiji Tsuruta, cochairmen).

First issue of Polymer Education Newsletter (PEN) published.

1981 Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award instituted (Lewis J. Fetters, first recipient).

First two Division's tutorials on "Polymer Crystallinity" and "Rubber Elasticity" held at the 182nd ACS National Meeting in New York.

1982 Polymer Education Award (later designated as Paul J. Flory Polymer Education Award) instituted (Herman F. Mark, first recipient).

First "Polymer Science and Engineering Lecture Series" instituted.

Faculty Visitation Program initiated by the Education Committee.

ACS Outstanding Large Division Award won (for the 1st time).

1983 Distinguished Service Award instituted (Edwin J. Vandenberg and Jogindar Lal, first recipients).

Business Office established (Jane C. Vogl, first manager).

1984 ACS Outstanding Large Division Award won (for the 2nd time).

1986 Polymer Curriculum Development Award inaugurated (New Mexico State University and California State University, Los Angeles, first recipients).

1987 Pacific Polymer Federation (PPF) formed by the Division, Society of Polymer Science of Japan, and Polymer Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (Otto Vogl, first President)

1988 ACS Biotechnology Secretariat established.

ACS Surface Science and Catalysis Secretariat established.

First Pacific Polymer Federation (PPF) Council meeting held in Kyoto, Japan.

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Organic Chemistry Award for outstanding organic chemistry students at BS colleges initiated by POLYED.

Undergraduate Travel Grants for attending polymer meetings with a faculty advisor initiated by POLYED (R. Mumper, E. Sudbeck, J. Kachidza, and M. Todd, first recipients).

1989 Joint Polymer Education Committee with the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE), now known as POLYED, formally reaffirmed.

POLYED National Information Center for Polymer Education opened at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

First Undergraduate Poster Session presented at the 197th ACS National Meeting in Dallas.

Award for Excellence in Polymer Education by a High School or a Junior High School Teacher, for bringing polymer chemistry to high school students, inaugurated by POLYED (Marie C. Sherman, Katherine Meisch, and Douglas A. Halsted, first recipients).

Joint Meeting with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) SCI Macro Group UK (Macromolecules '89) held in Oxford.

First Pacific Polymer Conference held in Maui, Hawaii.

ACS initiative in electronic communication (ECOM) supported by Division.

ACS Outstanding Large Division Award won (for the 3rd time).

1990 Foreign Affairs Committee formed.

Intersociety Polymer Education Council (IPEC) cofounded by POLY (Ann B. Salamone and John P. Droske).

ACS Phoenix Award received for outstanding contributions to the National Chemistry Week.

E-mail communication among the POLY Executive Committee and Board members established.

1991 40th anniversary (1951-1991) celebrated at the Polymer Technology Conference in Philadelphia.

History of the Division (1951-1991) by Jesse C. H. Hwa published in Polymer Preprints, vol. 32, No. 2 (June 1991).

First "Macromolecular Nomenclature Note" (No. 1) published in Polymer Preprints.

Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research instituted by POLYED (Christopher B. Gorman, first recipient).

Improving the Public Perception of Polymers program instituted by the Industrial Sponsors Group (Marie Sherman and Linda Woodward, first recipients).

Undergraduate Research Grants awarded to 40 schools to celebrate the POLY 40th anniversary.

ACS Outstanding Large Division Award won (for the 4th time).

1992 Polymer Ambassador Program started by the Intersociety Polymer Education (IPE) Task Force.

25th anniversary of Macromolecules celebrated.

1993 Mission/Goals of the Division re-evaluated and revised.

First joint meeting with the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (Electronic mail lists: POLY for the Division members, POLYBRD for the Division Executive Board PMSE) and the Optical Society of America (OSA) held at the OSA meeting in Toronto, Canada.

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Electronic mail lists: POLY for the Division members, POLYBRD for the Division Executive Board, and POLYEXEC for the Division Executive Committee established. The POLY list immediately became the POLY Electronic Discussion List for interactive exchange of information.

First "back-page" nomenclature note in PMSE Proceedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering published (initiated by the POLY Nomenclature Committee).

1994 First Graduate Research Polymer Conference held in State College, Pennsylvania.

Intersociety Polymer Education Council (IPEC) incorporated.

ACS Outstanding Large Division Award won (for the 5th time).

1995 Symposium in Honor of the 100th Birthday of Herman F. Mark held at the Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York.

First Intersociety Polymer Conference (IPC) held in Baltimore.

POLY World Wide Web pages established. POLY Web site is accessible as

ACS Outstanding Large Division Award won (for the 6th time).

1997 International Meetings Committee formed.

1998 Long-Range Planning Committee formed.

First World Wide Web site for POLYED established.

First POLY "Macromolecular Nomenclature Note" (No. 15) reprinted in a foreign polymer journal.

1999 Membership drive "2000 X 2000" initiated (reached in 2000).

2000 First Industrial Polymer Scientist Award established (Harry S. Mandeville and S. Randall Holmes-Farley, first recipients).

e-POLY Committee formed.

POLYED Web site expanded and accessible as

ACS ChemLuminary Award won for innovative services to POLY members.

Polymer Preprints published totally electronically, became available on the Web with a search capability.

POLY Millennial (Biennial Symposium) held in Waikoloa, Hawaii.

2001 50th anniversary (1951-2001) celebrated at the 221st ACS National Meeting in San Diego, California.

Polymer Preprints delivered on CD ROM.

History Update of the Division (1991-2001) by W. Val Metanomski published in Polymer Preprints and as a separate booklet.

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Year Chair Chair-Elect Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer Member-at-Large

1951 Carl S. Marvel William E. Hanford Herman F. Mark Herman F. Mark

1952 William E. Hanford

Paul J. Flory Herman F. Mark Herman F. Mark

1953 Paul J. Flory Raymond M. Fuoss Herman F. Mark Herman F. Mark

1954 Raymond M. Fuoss

Herman F. Mark Joseph Dec Joseph Dec

1955 Herman F. Mark Raymond F. Boyer Joseph Dec Joseph Dec

1956 Raymond F. Boyer Thomas G. Fox Joseph Dec Joseph Dec

1957 Thomas G. Fox Arthur V. Tobolsky Field H. Winslow Field H. Winslow

1958 Arthur V. Tobolsky

Frank R. Mayo Field H. Winslow Field H. Winslow

1959 Frank R. Mayo Charles G. Overberger

Field H. Winslow Field H. Winslow

1960 Charles C. Overberger

Turner Alfrey, Jr. Field H. Winslow Field H. Winslow

1961 Turner Alfrey, Jr. Maurice Morton Field H. Winslow Field H. Winslow

1962 Maurice Morton Arthur M. Bueche Field H. Winslow Field H. Winslow

1963 Arthur M. Bueche Field H. Winslow William J. Bailey William J. Bailey

1964 Field H. Winslow Robert Simha William J. Bailey William J. Bailey

1965 Robert Simha Edward M. Fettes William J. Bailey William J. Bailey

1966 Edward M. Fettes William J. Bailey William E. Cass Jack B. Kinsinger

1967 William J. Bailey Walter H. Stockmayer

William E. Cass Jack B. Kinsinger

1968 Walter H. Stockmayer

Jack R. Elliott William E. Cass Jack B. Kinsinger

1969 Jack R. Elliott Jack B. Kinsinger Jesse C. H. Hwa Roger S. Porter

1970 Jack B. Kinsinger William E. Gibbs Jesse C. H. Hwa Otto Vogl

1971 William E. Gibbs Joseph P. Kennedy Jesse C. H. Hwa Otto Vogl

1972 Joseph P. Kennedy Jesse C. H. Hwa Frank E. Karasz Otto Vogl

1973 Jesse C. H. Hwa Otto Vogl Frank E. Karasz James E. Mark

1974 Otto Vogl John K. Stille Frank E. Karasz James E. Mark/

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Joseph C. Salamone

1975 John K. Stille Frederick E. Bailey Edwin J. Vandenberg

Joseph C. Salamone

1976 Frederick E. Bailey

Vivian T. Stannett Edwin J. Vandenberg

Joseph C. Salamone

Paul H. Lindenmeyer

1977 Vivian T. Stannett Bill M. Culbertson Edwin J. Vandenberg

Joseph C. Salamone

Paul H. Lindenmayer

1978 Bill M. Culbertson Edwin J. Vandenberg Eli M. Pearce James E. McGrath Joseph C. Salamone

Paul H. Lindenmeyer

1979 Edwin J. Vandenberg

Eli M. Pearce W. Carl Wooten, Jr. James E. McGrath Mitchel Shen/ Stanley C. Israel

P. Ann Hiltner

1980 Eli M. Pearce W. Carl Wooten, Jr. Joseph C. Salamone James E. McGrath Stanley C. Israel P. Ann Hiltner

1981 W. Carl Wooten, Jr.

Joseph C. Salamone Norbert M. Bikales James J. O'Malley Stanley C. Israel P. Ann Hiltner

1982 Joseph C. Salamone

Norbert M. Bikales L. Guy Donaruma Shalaby W. Shalaby

Stanley C. Israel Richard M. Ikeda

1983 Norbert M. Bikales

L. Guy Donaruma James Economy Shalaby W. Shalaby

Stanley C. Israel Richard M. Ikeda

1984 L. Guy Donaruma James Economy James E. McGrath Ann B. Salamone Stanley C. Israel Richard M. Ikeda

1985 James Economy James E. McGrath Ronald K. Eby Ann B. Salamone Raphael M. Ottenbrite

Richard M. Ikeda

1986 James E. McGrath Ronald K. Eby Richard M. Ikeda Ann B. Salamone Raphael M. Ottenbrite

Judith L. Benham

1987 Ronald K. Eby Richard M. Ikeda Stanley C. Israel Ann B. Salamone Raphael M. Ottenbrite

Judith L. Benham

1988 Richard M. Ikeda Stanley C. Israel Judith L. Benham Ann B. Salamone Raphael M. Ottenbrite

Burton C. Anderson

1989 Stanley C. Israel Judith L. Benham Raphael M. Ottenbrite

Ann B. Salamone William H. Daly Burton C. Anderson

1990 Judith L. Benham Raphael M. Ottenbrite

Ann B. Salamone Frank D. Blum William H. Daly Burton C. Anderson

1991 Raphael M. Ottenbrite

Ann B. Salamone Curtis W. Frank Frank B. Blum William H. Daly Burton C. Anderson

1992 Ann B. Salamone Curtis W. Frank Burton C. Anderson Frank D. Blum William H. Daly Alan D. English

1993 Curtis W. Frank Burton C. Anderson William H. Daly Frank D. Blum Thomas J. Pacansky

Alan D. English

1994 Burton C. Anderson

William H. Daly Alan D. English Frank D. Blum Thomas J. Pacansky

Harold Jabloner

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1995 William H. Daly Alan D. English Judy S. Riffle Frank D. Blum Thomas J. Pacansky

Dotsevi Sogah

1996 Alan D. English Judy S. Riffle Robert S. Moore Mary T. Baker Thomas J. Pacansky

Dotsevi Sogah

1997 Judy S. Riffle Robert S. Moore Frank D. Blum Mary T. Baker Robert W. Stackman

Dotsevi Sogah

1998 Robert S. Moore Frank D. Blum Thomas J. Pacansky Mary T. Baker Robert W. Stackman

Kenneth R. Carter

1999 Frank D. Blum Thomas J. Pacansky William J. Brittain Mary T. Baker Robert W. Stackman

Kenneth R. Carter

2000 Thomas J. Pacansky

William J. Brittain Thomas W. Smith Mary T. Baker Kathleen Havelka Kenneth R. Carter

2001 William J. Brittain Thomas W. Smith Kenneth J. Wynne Mary T. Baker Kathleen Havelka Kenneth R. Carter

2002 Thomas W. Smith Kenneth J. Wynne Kenneth R. Carter Steven K. Pollack Kathleen Havelka H. N. Cheng

2003 Kenneth J. Wynne Kenneth R. Carter Timothy E. Long Steven K. Pollack Robert B. Moore H. N. Cheng

2004 Kenneth R. Carter Timothy E. Long Kathleen O. Havelka

Steven K. Pollack Robert B. Moore Erica H. Martin

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YEAR Councilor Councilor Councilor Councilor Alternate Councilor

Alternate Councilor

Alternate Councilor

Alternate Councilor

1952 Raymond F. Boyer

Walter H. Stockmayer

Harold M. Spurlin

Paul M. Doty

1953 Raymond F. Boyer

Walter H. Stockmayer

Harold M. Spurlin

Paul M. Doty

1954 Raymond F. Boyer

John D. Ferry

Calvin E. Schildknecht

Paul M. Doty

1955 Thomas G. Fox

John D. Ferry

Calvin E. Schildknecht

Arthur V. Tobolsky

1956 Thomas G. Fox

John D. Ferry

Calvin E. Schildknecht

Arthur V. Tobolsky

1957 Thomas G. Fox

Arthur V. Tobolsky

John D. Ferry

Field H. Winslow

1958 Frank R. Mayo

Arthur V. Tobolsky

John D. Ferry

Field H. Winslow

1959 Frank R. Mayo

Arthur V. Tobolsky

Charles G. Overberger

Field H. Winslow

1960 Frank R. Mayo

Turner Alfrey, Jr.

Chester K. Rosenbaum

Field H. Winslow

1961 Maurice Morton

Turner Alfrey, Jr.

Chester K. Rosenbaum

Field H. Winslow

1962 Maurice Morton

Turner Alfrey, Jr.

Chester K. Rosenbaum

Field H. Winslow

1963 Maurice Morton

Field H. Winslow

Chester K. Rosenbaum

William J. Bailey

1964 Robert Simha

Field H. Winslow

Chester K. Rosenbaum

Edward M. Fettes

1965 Robert Simha

Field H. Winslow

Chester K. Rosenbaum

Edward M. Fettes

1966 Robert Simha

Edward M. Fettes

Chester K. Rosenbaum

William E. Cass

1967 Walter H. Stockmayer

Edward M. Fettes

Jack B. Kinsinger

Wiliiam E. Cass

1968 Walter H. Stockmayer

Edward M. Fettes

Jack B. Kinsinger

William E. Cass

1969 Jack B. Kinsinger

Edward M. Fettes

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Roger S. Porter

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1970 Edward M. Fettes

Jack B. Kinsinger

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Roger S. Porter

1971 Edward M. Fettes

Jack B. Kinsinger

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Roger S. Porter

1972 Edward M. Fettes

Jack B. Kinsinger

Roger S. Porter

1973 William E. Gibbs

Jack B. Kinsinger

Bill M. Culbertson

1974 William E. Gibbs

Jack B. Kinsinger

Bill M. Culbertson

Julian F. Johnson

1975 William E. Gibbs

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Bill M. Culbertson

Robert W. Lenz

1976 William E. Gibbs

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Paul W. Morgan

Robert W. Lenz

1977 William E. Gibbs

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Paul W. Morgan

Robert W. Lenz

1978 William E. Gibbs

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Frederick E. Bailey

Paul W. Morgan

Richard J. Ambrose

Jack B. Kinsinger

P. Ann Hiltner

S. E. B. Petrie

1979 Norbert M. Bikales

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Frederick E. Bailey

S. E. B. Petrie

Frank E. Karasz

Allen Hay William E. Gibbs

Eric Baer

1980 William E. Gibbs

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Frederick E. Bailey

S. E. B. Petrie

Frank E. Karasz

Allen Hay James Economy

Thomas W. Smith

1981 William E. Gibbs

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Frederick E. Bailey

S. E. B. Petrie

Frank E. Karasz

Richard D. Gilbert

James Economy

Thomas W. Smith

1982 William E. Gibbs

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Frederick E. Bailey

Eli M. Pearce William H. Daly

Richard D. Gilbert

James Economy

Catherine S. H. Chen

1983 William E. Gibbs

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Frederick E. Bailey

Eli M. Pearce William H. Daly

Richard D. Gilbert

Robert S. Moore

Catherine S. H. Chen

1984 William E. Gibbs

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Frederick E. Bailey

Eli M. Pearce William H. Daly

David A. Tirrell

Robert S. Moore

Catherine S. H. Chen

1985 William E. Gibbs

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Frederick E. Bailey

Eli M. Pearce Michel Maria Bitritto

David A. Tirrell

Robert S. Moore

Catherine S. H. Chen

1986 Shalaby W. Shalaby

Jesse C. H. Hwa

Frederick E. Bailey

Eli M. Pearce Michel Maria Bitritto

David A. Tirrell

Robert S. Moore

Catherine S. H. Chen

1987 Shalaby W. Shalaby

Norbert M. Bikales

Frederick E. Bailey

Eli M. Pearce Michel Maria Bitritto

Matthew V. Tirrell

Robert S. Moore

Catherine S. H. Chen

1988 Shalaby W. Shalaby

Norbert M. Bikales

Frederick E. Bailey

Eli M. Pearce Michel Maria Bitritto

Matthew V. Tirrell

Robert S. Moore

Bernard Gordon III

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1989 Shalaby W. Shalaby

Norbert M. Bikales

Frederick E. Bailey

Eli M. Pearce Michel Maria Bitritto

Matthew V. Tirrell

Robert S. Moore

Bernard Gordon III

1990 Shalaby W. Shalaby

Stanley C. Israel

James E. McGrath

Eli M. Pearce Michel Maria Bitritto

Matthew V. Tirrell

Robert S. Moore

Bernard Gordon III

1991 Shalaby W. Shalaby

Stanley C. Israel

Adi Eisenberg

Eli M. Pearce Michel Maria Bitritto

Matthew V. Tirrell

Robert S. Moore

Robert W. Stackman

1992 Shalaby W. Shalaby

Stanley C. Israel

Adi Eisenberg

Eli M. Pearce Michel Maria Bitritto

Matthew V. Tirrell

Robert S. Moore

Robert W. Stackman

1993 Shalaby W. Shalaby

Stanley C. Israel

Adi Eisenberg

Eli M. Pearce Michel Maria Bitritto

Jan M. Stouffer

Robert S. Moore

Robert W. Stackman

1994 Shalaby W. Shalaby

Stanley C. Israel

Robert S. Moore

Eli M. Pearce James A. Moore

Jan M. Stouffer

Thomas W. Smith

Richard M. Laine

1995 Kenneth J. Wynne

Stanley C. Israel

Robert S. Moore

Eli M. Pearce James A. Moore

Jan M. Stouffer

Thomas W. Smith

Warren T. Ford

1996 Kenneth J. Wynne

Stanley C. Israel

Jan M. Stouffer

Eli M. Pearce James A. Moore

Thomas W. Smith

Warren T. Ford

1997 Kenneth J. Wynne

Stanley C. Israel

Jan M. Stouffer

Eli M. Pearce Harold Jabloner

Kenneth B. Wagener

Thomas W. Smith

Warren T. Ford

1998 Diana J. Gerbi

Stanley C. Israel

Jan M. Stouffer

Eli M. Pearce Harold Jabloner

Kenneth B. Wagener

Thomas W. Smith

Roger L. Clough

1999 Diana J. Gerbi

Stanley C. Israel

Kenneth J. Wynne

William H. Daly

Harold Jabloner

Kenneth B. Wagener

Thomas W. Smith

Roger L. Clough

2000 Diana J. Gerbi

Stanley C. Israel

Kenneth J. Wynne

William H. Daly

Barry L. Farmer

Karen L. Wooley

John M. Pochan

Roger L. Clough

2001 Diana J. Gerbi

Stanley C. Israel

Roger L. Clough

William H. Daly

Barry L. Farmer

Karen L. Wooley

John M. Pochan

Geoffrey A. Lindsay

2002 Diana J. Gerbi

William H. Daly

Roger L. Clough

Warren T. Ford

Barry L. Farmer

Karen L. Wooley

John M. Pochan

Geoffrey A. Lindsay

2003 Diana J. Gerbi

William H. Daly

Roger L. Clough

Dennis W. Smith Jr.

Barry L. Farmer

Karen L. Wooley

John M. Pochan

Geoffrey A. Lindsay

2004 William H. Daly

Roger L. Clough

Dennis W. Smith Jr.

H. N. Cheng Barry L. Farmer

Karen L. Wooley

John M. Pochan

Eric J. Amis

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Appendix D. Symposia at the ACS National Meetings, 1950-2001 117th, Spring 1950, Detroit, MI High Polymer Forum 12 papers

118th, Fall 1950, Chicago, IL Role of Free Radicals in Polymerization General Reactions of Macromolecules Macromolecules in Solution 45 papers

119th, Spring 1951, Boston, MA/ Cleveland, OH Degradation of Macromolecules Physico-Chemical Methods in the Study of High Molecular Weight Natural Products General 37 papers

120th, Fall 1951, New York, NY Protein Structure Fluorine-Containing Polymers Polyelectrolytes Silicone Polymers 31 papers

121st, Spring 1952, Buffalo, NY/ Milwaukee, IL Refinements in Polymerization Kinetics General Water-Soluble Polymers of Biological Interest 26 papers

122nd, Fall 1952, Atlantic City, NJ Chlorotrifluoroethylene General Second Stage of Crosslinking Progress in Polycondensation Literature of Synthetic Resins and Plastics 66 papers

123rd, Spring 1953, Los Angeles, CA Branching in Macromolecules General Methods of Cellulose and Lignin Research 32 papers

124th, Fall 1953, Chicago, IL General Ionic Polymerization Diffusion in Polymers Polymerization Kinetics Inorganic Polymers 53 papers

125th, Spring 1954, Kansas City, MO Did not participate

126th, Fall 1954, New York, NY Initiation Processes General Degradative and Other Reactions of Polymer Molecules Protein Fibers Textile Chemicals Surface Chemistry of Polymers 84 papers

127th, Spring 1955, Cincinnati, OH General Effect of Radiation on Polymers 21 papers

128th, Fall 1955, Minneapolis, MN Recent Advances in the Organic Chemistry of Polymers Enzymatic Synthesis of Polymers General Phase Equilibria in Polymeric Systems Thermodynamics of Solutions of Cellulose Derivatives 67 papers

129th, Spring 1956, Dallax, TX Water-Soluble Polymers Other Than Cellulose Derivatives General Program in Honor of Paul M. Doty 21 papers

130th, Fall 1956, Atlantic City, NJ Fluorine-Containing Polymers Block and Graft Polymers New Olefin Polymers General 77 papers

131st, Spring 1957, Miami Beach, FL General Ionic Polymerization Mechanisms Engineering Aspects of Polymer Processes

132nd, Fall 1957, New York, NY General Application of Polymer Principles to Biochemical Problems 65 papers

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and Applications 63 papers

133rd, Spring 1958, San Francisco, CA General Crystalline State in Polymers 70 papers

134th, Fall 1958, Chicago, IL General Polyethers and Condensation Polymers Inorganics and Other High Temperature Polymers Instruction in Polymer Chemistry 100 papers

135th, Spring 1959, Boston, MA General Morphology and Motion in Polymers Ionic Polymerization Stereoregulated Polymers 89 papers

136th, Fall 1959, Atlantic City. NJ General Chemical Reactions of Polymers Problems in Polymer Chemistry Recent Advances in Characterization of Polymers 56 papers

137th, Spring 1960, Cleveland, OH General Recent Advances in Free Radical Polymerization Solution Properties of Polymers 51 papers

138th, Fall 1960, New York, NY General Molecular Association Complexes of Polymers Microstructure of Proteins 64 papers

139th, Spring 1961, St. Louis, MO General Structure and Properties of Network Polymers Monomers and Polymers from Petroleum 46 papers

140th, Fall 1961, Chicago, IL General Problems in Polymerization Novel Polymerization Methods Adsorption of Macromolecules at the Liquid- Solid Interface 63 papers

141st, Spring 1962, Washington, DC Flow Behavior of Polymer Melts and Solutions Copolymers of Alpha Olefins General 52 papers

142nd, Fall 1962, Atlantic City, NJ Crystallization of Polymers General Spectroscopy of High Polymers 98 papers

143rd, January 1963, Cincinnati, OH Did not participate

144th, Spring 1963, Los Angeles, CA General Electrical Properties of Polymers Stabilization of Polymers 58 papers

145th, Fall 1963, New York, NY Novel Polymer Structures General Thermal Analysis of High Polymers Domain Structures of High Polymer Systems 110 papers

146th, January 1964, Denver, CO Did not participate

147th, Spring 1964, Philadelphia, PA General Ring-Containing Polymers 40 papers

148th, Fall 1964, Chicago, IL Mechanisms of Polymer Degradation Surface and Bulk Properties of Polymers General Characterization and Fractionation of Polymers Radiation Polymerization Analysis of High Polymers New Aspects of Elastomers Stereospecific Polymerization 129 papers

149th, Spring 1965, Detroit, MI Recent Development in Polymer Science (Witco Award Symposium Honoring Herman F. Mark) General Low Angle Scattering from Fibrous and Partially Ordered Systems Transport Phenomena in Polymerization Cellulose-Synthetic Polymer Combinations 65 papers

150th, Fall 1965, Atlantic City, NJ Multiple Polymer Transitions in Relation to Chemical and Molecular Structure of Polymers Cyclic Ether Polymerization General Polymerization Mechanisms and Kinetics of Polypeptides and Polynucleotides Inorganic Polymers and Plastics 98 papers

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151st, Spring 1966, Pittsburgh, PA Did not participate

152nd, Fall 1966, New York, NY New Concepts in Cationic Polymerization General Spinning and Drawing of Fibers Fluorine-Containing Polymers Electro-optic Studies of Macromolecules in Solution Electric Properties of Polymers 112 papers

153rd, Spring 1967, Miami Beach, FL Competitive Kinetics in Polymer Chemistry (in Honor of F. R. Mayo, ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry) Special Topics General Ladder and Spiro Polymers Application of Computers to Polymer Problems Chemical Reactions of Polymers 131 papers

154th, Fall 1967, Chicago, IL Micro Techniques in Polymer Evaluation General Polymer Spectroscopy Mechanisms of Mechanical Failure of Polymers Analytical Gel Permeation Chromatography Polymer Modification of Rubbers and Plastics Chemical Education in Polymer and Coatings Chemistry 105 papers

155th, Spring 1968, San Francisco, CA Reactivity of Polymer Solutions (Witco Award Symposium Honoring C. G. Overberger) General Radiation Chemistry of Macromolecules Statistical Mechanics of Macromolecules Photodegradation of Polymers Effect of Ions in the Bulk Properties of Polymers Analytical Calorimetry Flammability and Combustion of Polymeric Compositions 133 papers

156th, Fall 1968, Atlantic City, NJ Role of Ions and Ion Pairs in Organic Chemistry and in Polymerization Reactions Fibers of Thermally Resistant Organic Polymers Physical Properties of Polymer Crystals Carbon and Graphite Fibers General Polymer Nomenclature Water Vapor Transport in Polymers Polyurethanes 114 papers

157th, Spring 1969, Minneapolis, MN Configurational and Conformational Studies in Macromolecular Systems Honoring F. A. Bowey Rheology of Polymers New Step-Growth Polymerization Reactions General Olefin Polymerization Honoring J. P. Hogan Photopolymerization Engineering Plastics from a Commercial Development Viewpoint Radiation Curing 92 papers

158th, Fall 1969, New York, NY Block Polymers General Polymeric Cations Plastic Deformation of Polymers Permselective Membranes 149 papers

159th, Spring 1970, Toronto, Canada Medical Applications of Plastics Borden Award Symposium on Glass Transition Phenomena in Plastics and Coatings Honoring R. F. Boyer Kinetics and Mechanism of Stereoregular Polymerization 36 papers

160th, Fall 1970, Chicago, IL Colloidal and Morphological Behavior of Block and Graft Polymers Highly Crosslinked Polymer Networks General Polymer Colloids Free Radical Interfaces Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Characterization of Polymers Polymers at Interfaces 190 papers

161st, Spring 1971, Los Angeles, CA Witco Award Symposium to Honor Professor G. Smets New Addition and Condensation Polymer and Copolymers Dielectric Properties of Polymers Characterization and Properties of Branched

162nd, Fall 1971, Washington, DC Unsolved Problems in Polymer Science Polymers for Desalination General Organometallic Chemistry - Organometallic Catalysis Mechanochemistry of Polymers

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Polymers General Recent Advances in Organofluorine Polymers Thermal and Oxidative Properties of Plastics 125 papers

Recent Trends in the Determination of Molecular Weight Metal-Organic Plastics Systems 161 papers

163rd, Spring 1972, Boston, MA Relaxation Phenomena in Polymer Systems Polymerization of Cyclic Ethers and Sulfides General Use of Lasers in Polymer Science Polymerization and Polycondensation Processes High-Modulus Wholly Aromatic Fibers 125 papers

164th, Fall 1972, New York, NY Polymers and Ecological Problems N-Chelated Alkali Metal Compounds Inorganic Polymers Synthesis and Characterization of Graft Copolymers Polymers as Chemical Reagents Polymerization and Related Reaction by Metathesis General Thermomechanical Analysis of Polymeric Solids Transport Phenomena Through Polymer Films Learning Chemistry from the Macromolecules Water-Soluble Polymers Non-Polluting Coatings and Coating Processes 199 papers

165th, Spring 1973, Dallas, TX Did not participate

166th, Fall 1973, Chicago, IL Chemistry and Rheology of Polyvinyl Chloride Solid State Properties of Polymers Ion-Containing Polymers Recent Advances in Polymer Blends, Grafts, and Blocks Smoke and Toxic Gas Evolution from Burning Materials General Polymer Impregnated Solids Acrylonitrile in Macromolecules 143 papers

167th, Spring 1974, Los Angeles, CA Witco Award Symposium Honoring J. D. Ferry Creative Invention Award Symposium Honoring C. C. Price Structure vs Mechanical Behavior of Polymers Coordination Polymers - in Memory of K. Ziegler Polymer Grafts in Biochemistry General Multicomponent Polymer Systems 160 papers

168th, Fall 1974, Atlantic City, NJ Physical Structure of the Amorphous State Preparation and Use of Oligomers Properties of Concentrated Polymer Solutions Block Copolymers General History of the Polymer Division New Developments in Additives for Coatings and Polymers 120 papers

169th, Spring 1975, Philadelphia, PA Witco Award Symposium Honoring Leo Mandelkern Plasma Chemistry of Polymers Emulsion Polymers (International) General Science and Technology of Adhesion Polymerization and Polycondensation Processes Polymeric Membranes for Separation and Purification 191 papers

170th, Fall 1975, Chicago, IL General Biopolymers Reactions at Polymer Surfaces Photoactive Polymers Hydrogels for medical and Related Applications Stress Induced Crystallization 151 papers

171st, Spring 1976, New York, NY Health Aspects of Polymers Witco Award Symposium Honoring P. W. Morgan Milestones in Polymer Chemistry Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers New Polymers and Polymerizations Macromolecules and Future Societal Needs Learning Chemistry from the Macromolecules 80 papers

172nd, Fall 1976, San Francisco, CA Relaxation Phenomena in Polymers Polymer Bound Reagents and Ligands Water-Borne Polymers Charge-Transfer Polymerization Polymer Spectroscopy General Structure-Solubility Relationship in Polymers 180 papers

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173rd, Spring 1977, New Orleans, LA Ring Opening Polymerization (International) (Witco Award Symposium Honoring W. J. Bailey) Rigid Chain Polymers Structure and Properties of Block Copolymers Rigid Aromatic Polymers Stabilization and Degradation of Polymers Polymeric Drugs (International) General Advances in Organometallic Polymers Toughened Styrene Polymers 222 papers

174th, Fall 1977, Chicago, IL Mesomorphic Order in Polymers and Polymerization in Liquid-Crystalline Media Novel Instrumental Methods for Probing Polymer Structures Special Topics in Polymer Chemistry Chromatography of Polymers Crystallinity Control and Polymer Mechanics 119 papers

175th, Spring 1978, Anaheim, CA Witco Award Symposium Multicomponent Polymer Systems Special Topics in Polymer Chemistry Sequence Distribution in Polymers as a Function of Reaction Conditions Stress-Induced Crystallization Polymeric Drag Reducers Electrical Properties of Polymers 176 papers

176th, Fall 1978, Miami Beach, FL Advances in Condensation Polymerization Special Topics in Polymer Chemistry Matrix Controlled Polymerization Ion-Containing Polymers Plasma Polymerization Decreasing Energy Requirements in Coatings and Plastics Processing and Application Inorganic Polymers Physicochemical Properties of Colloidal Particles Chemical and Physical Lifetime Limits of Macromolecular Materials Retrieval of Polymer Information 270 papers

177th, Spring 1979, Honolulu, HI Witco Award Symposium Solution and Solid Properties of Polymers Anisotropic Polymer Solutions and Melts Special Topics in Polymer Chemistry New Polymers, New Processes Structure/Properties Relationship of Solid Polymers Polymeric Materials and Pharmaceutical for Biomedical Use Photo- and Radiation Chemistry in Polymer Science Surface Chemistry in Biology and Medicine Macromolecules: What Should the Introductory Courses Include on Such Species - Synthetic or Otherwise? 339 papers

178th, Fall 1979, Washington, DC Polypeptides and Proteins Branched Polymers Specials Topics in Polymer Chemistry Characterization of Macromolecules by ESR and NMR Techniques Water in Polymers Advances in Organometallic Polymers Polymer Education 246 papers

179th, Spring 1980, Houston, TX Anionic Polymerization (International) Witco Award Symposium on Polymer Synthesis and Properties Polymers for Unusual Service Conditions Characterization of Molecular Structures of Polymers by Photon, Electron and Ion Probes ACS Award for Creative Invention Symposium on Polymers with Unusual Properties Advances in Polymeric Controlled Release Formulations Special Topics History of Polymer Science and Technology 166 papers

180th, Fall 1980, Las Vegas, NV Non Equilibrium Behavior of Polymeric Glasses Mitchel Shen Memorial Symposium Polymeric Separation Media Non-Urethane Polymers from Isocyanates Urethane Chemistry and Application Review and Preview of Polymer Science: A Salute to Herman F. Mark Emulsion Polymerization Special Topics 257 papers

181st, Spring 1981, Atlanta, GA Cyclopolymers and Polymers with Chain-Ring Structures Dynamical Properties of Polymer Fluids Witco Award Symposium Honoring E. J. Vandenberg: Coordination Polymerization Special Topics Aqueous Polymer Systems Polymeric Reagents Commodity and Engineering Plastics

182nd, Fall 1981, New York, NY Polymer Science and Engineering Polymers in Energy Conservation Cure and Characterization of Thermosetting Resins Elastomers and Rubber Elasticity Special Topics Symposium on Creative Polymer Chemistry Award Honoring L. J. Fetters Advances in Polymer Composites

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State of the Art for Chemical Educators III: Polymer Chemistry Instrumental and Physical Characterization of Macromolecules 227 papers

Molecular Dynamics in Solid Polymers Solvent-Property Relationship 215 papers

183rd, Spring 1982, Las Vegas, NV Symposium on Witco Award Honoring J. K. Stille Microdomains in Polymer Solutions Crown Ethers and Phase Transfer Catalysis in Polymer Chemistry Polymer Science and Engineering Polymers in Energy Conservation II: Polymers in Solar Energy Conducting Polymers Special Topics Chemical Modifications of Polymers Initiation of Polymerization and Catalytic Aspects of Polymers 285 papers

184th, Fall 1982, Kansas City, MO Polymer Science and Engineering Special Topics Effects of Molecular Structure on Rheological Properties of Flexible and Rodlike Polymers New Monomers and Polymers Synthesis and Characterization of Branched Polymers Nonlinear Optical, Pyroelectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Polymers Symposium on Polymer Education Award Honoring H. F. Mark 123 papers

185th, Spring 1983, Seattle, WA Diffusion in Polymers Control of Polyolefin Structure and Properties Special Topics Symposium on ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry Honoring R. S. Stein Polymer Science and Engineering Polymers as Biomaterials Polymer Composites Symposium on ACS Award for Creative Invention Honoring O. A. Battista Basics of Biomedical Polymers Phillips Award Symposium in Applied Science Plastic and Artificial Organs Genesis of Polymer Science Interfacial Phenomena in Dentistry ands Dermatology Derwent Publications Seminar 217 papers

186th, Fall 1983, Washington, DC Phenolics Revisited Polymeric Science and Engineering Polymeric Liquid Crystals Symposium on Award for Creative Polymer Chemistry Honoring W. L. Mattice Small-Angle Scattering Heterocyclic Polymers Special Topics Recycle and Reuse of Polymers Opportunities in Chemistry Polymer for Fibers Colloidal Particles 263 papers

187th, Spring 1984, St. Louis, MO Polymeric Precursors to Ceramic Materials Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers Reactive Oligomers Special Topics Ring-Opening Polymerization (International) ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry Honoring H. R. Allcock Radiation-Sensitive Polymers NMR Characterization of Polymers Instrumental Methods for Polymer Characterization 199 papers

188th, Fall 1984, Philadelphia, PA Introduction to Polymer Science Advances in Polymer Synthesis Special Topics Polymer Education Award Symposium in Honor of Carl S. Marvel FT-IR Characterization of Polymers Polymers in Energy Conservation Chemistry of Conductive Polymers Processing Dependent Reactions in Polymers Coulombic Interactions in Macromolecular Systems 214 papers

PAC CHEM '84, December 1984, Honolulu, HI Biological Applications of Polymers Ionic Polymerizations Molecular Dynamics and Conformation in Liquid Crystals Multiphase Systems Rheology and Polymer Processing Spectroscopy: Characterizing Macromolecules General 312 papers

189th, Spring 1985, Miami Beach, FL Thermal Analysis ACS Award Symposium in Polymer Chemistry Honoring J. P. Kennedy Instrumental Methods in Polymer Characterization Polymers: A Symposium in Honor of Herman F. Mark on His 90th Year

190th, Fall 1985, Chicago, IL Estimation and Correlation of Polymer Properties Nonlinear Deformation, Fracture and Fatigue of Polymeric Materials (International) Special Topics Advances in Elastomers and Rubber Elasticity Polymers as Biomaterials

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Polymeric Surfactants and Vesicles ACS Award for Creative Invention Honoring R. Milkovich Composites: Role of the Matrix Diffusion-Controlled Reactions of Polymers Polymer-Supported Reagents and Catalysis 191 papers

Creative Polymer Chemistry Award Symposium Honoring E. L. Thomas Imaging Sciences Frontiers on Science 197 papers

191st, Spring 1986, New York, NY Polymer Science and Engineering: Polymer Drugs ACS Award Symposium in Polymer Chemistry Honoring H. Morawetz Unconventional Mechanisms and Methods of Polymerization Recent Advances in Anionic Polymerization and Related Processes Polymeric Drugs (International) Reversible Polymeric Gels Special Topics Symposium Honoring U. Strauss Polymer Science in the High School and Undergraduate Curricula 260 papers

192nd, Fall 1986, Anaheim, CA Chemical Reactions on Polymers Special Topics Polymer Science: A Tribute to Paul J. Flory Solution Characterization of Polymers Photophysics of Polymer Systems Instrumental Methods for Polymer Characterization Membrane Separations Polymer Division Award in Polymer Education to Paul J. Flory Polymers in Membrane Separations Composites 290 papers

193rd, Spring 1987, Denver, CO Characterization of Polymers by FTIR Techniques High-Performance Polymers for Harsh Environments Special Topics ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry Honoring V. T. Stannett Polymer Self-Diffusion and Related Problems ACS Polymer Division Creative Polymer Chemistry Award Honoring G. L. Wilkes Electroactive Polymers Inorganic/Organometallic Polymers (International) 313 papers

194th, Fall 1987, New Orleans, LA Polymer Surface Science Polymers in Agriculture Fluorescence Characterization of Polymers Polymer Blends Polymer Interfaces Microgravity Research and Processing Polymeric Microemulsions 300 papers

195th, Spring 1988, Toronto, CANADA Solid State NMR of Polymers Structure, Properties and Lifetimes of Materials Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Materials ACS Creative Invention Award Honoring Samuel Smith New Trends in Physics and Physical Chemistry of Polymers Polymer Phase Behavior Polymer Photochemistry and Photopolymerization Biocatalysis and Biomimetics: Polymers in Biotechnology Reactive Extrusion Other Reactive Processes 388 papers

196th, Fall 1988, Los Angeles, CA Introduction to Living Polymerization Synthesis of Controlled Polymeric Structures ACS Polymer Division P. J. Flory Education Award Honoring Maurice Morton Introduction to Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy Fracture and Toughness in Polymers (International) Polymer Synthesis Polymer Analysis and Characterization Polymers in Information Storage Technology Application of Ionomers 270 papers

197th, Spring 1989, Dallas, TX Ferromagnetic and High Spin Molecular Materials Barrier Polymers Instrumental Methods for Polymer Characterization Synthesis of Branched Polymers Processing of Electronically Conductive Polymers ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry: W. R. Krigbaum Special Topics Synthetic Polymers Polymer Characterization and Physics

198th, Fall 1989, Miami Beach, FL Computer Simulation of Polymers Advances in Chemical Synthesis Special Topics Crystalline State (International) Water-Soluble Polymers Stereochemistry of Synthetic Polymers Liquid Crystalline Polymers Polymer Synthesis Polymer Characterization and Physics Molecular Dynamics in Small Finite Systems Novel Cyclocopolymerization Reaction Inorganic and Metal-Containing Polymeric

PACIFICHEM '89, December 1989, Honolulu, HI Biopolymer Structures in Solution Using NMR Techniques Chain Dynamics at Polymer Interfaces Polymers in Photonics Polymer Rheology and Processing Multiphase Polymer Systems: Processing, Properties, Morphology Blends and Strongly Interacting Systems Polymers for Hostile Environment Advances in Polymer Characterization Supramolecular Assemblies

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Topics Paul J. Flory Education Award Symposium in Honor of Charles G. Overberger Polymers on Regions of Restricted Geometry Polymeric Electrolytes and Ionic Conducting Polymers Polymeric Controlled Release Thermal Stable and Ladder Polymers Agricultural and Synthetic Polymers Fire and Polymers 427 papers

Materials (International) Polymer Chemistry Tutorial Teaching Polymer Chemistry Chromatography of Biopolymers 410 papers

New Monomers/New Polymers 411 papers

199th, Spring 1990, Boston, MA Ring-Opening and Cyclopolymerization (6th International) Frontiers of Polymer Characterization by NMR Spectroscopy Tutorial on Bioengineering of Protein-Based Polymers ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry: Honoring H. A. Scheraga Polymers as Biomaterials: Honoring R. S. Langer Instrumental Methods for Polymer Characterization No. 11: Thermal Analysis Fluorine-Containing Polymers Interaction of Polymers with Electric and Magnetic Fields Special Topics/Electrically Active Polymers Special Topics/Thermally Stable Polymers Special Topics/Polymer Synthesis Special Topics/Structure, Dynamics and Thermodynamics Special Topics Lectures/Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics Special Topics Lectures/Polymer Synthesis Special Topics Lectures/High Performance Polymers Chemical Modification of Polymers Computer Based Simulations of Macromolecular Systems Polymer Supercritical Fluid Behavior Polymer Surfaces 476 papers

200th, Fall 1990, Washington, DC William J. Bailey Memorial Symposium Light, X-Ray, Neutron Scattering and Reflectivity from Polymers Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems (3rd International) Reactive Oligomers and Polymers Sigma-Conjugated Polymers Radiation Effects on Polymeric Materials P. J. Flory Education Award Symposium Special Topics/Polymer Characterization Special Topics/Polymer Synthesis Chemical Reactions on Polymers (2nd International) Polymers at Interfaces Sorption Phenomena at Polymer Surfaces Special Topics Lectures/Polymer Characterization Special Topics Lectures/Polymer Synthesis 374 papers

201st, Spring 1991, Atlanta, GA Macromolecular Assemblies New Polymerization Reactions and Reaction Mechanisms (International) Stereochemistry and Mechanism of Homogeneous Polymerization Reactions Special Topics/Polymer Characterization Special Topics/Polymer Synthesis Polymer Chemistry Award Symposium Honoring M. Fixman Innovative Rheological Techniques Solution Thermodynamics of Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications Copolymerization: New Methods, Materials, and Applications Soluble Polymer Complexes Special Topics Lectures/Polymer Synthesis Special Topics Lectures/Polymer Characterization Electronically Conducting Polymers Advances in Membrane-Mimetic Chemistry Large Carbon Clusters 428 papers

202nd, Fall 1991, New York, NY Polymeric Materials for Photonic and Optical Applications Polymer Synthesis Polymer Characterization Novel Trends in Thermosetting Systems Diffusion Processes in Polymers Thermoreversible Gelation of Polymers (with APS) Preceramic and Inorganic Hybrid Materials Interdisciplinary Science and Education for the Future Polymers of Geometrical Beauty - Combs and Stars Instrumental Methods in Polymer Characterization Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award Symposium Conjugated Polymers Atomistic Simulation of Polymer Materials National and International Intersocietal Interactions in Polymer Science and Materials Partnership in Precollege Education 379 papers

203rd, Spring 1992, San Francisco, CA Molecular Dynamics Synthesis of Well-Defined Polymers

204th, Fall 1992, Washington, DC Interface of Polymer Science with Other Fields Polymers for Biomedical and Drug Delivery Systems

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X-Ray and Electron Diffraction from Polymers Polymeric Matrices in Composite Structures Synthesis of Polymers Characterization of Polymers Modeling and Computer Simulation Macromolecules and the New Microscopy Functionalized Polymers and Reactive Oligomers Polymer Photophysics: Fundamentals and Applications Awards Symposium in Honor of R. W. Lenz Colloid-Polymer Interactions 706 papers

Polymer Synthesis Polymer Characterization Special Russian Posters Blends of Amorphous and Crystalline Polymers Electroactive Polymers (with APS) Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems (4th International) Special Topics 25 Years of Macromolecules Polymers of Biological and Biomedical Significance Eastern Europe: Opportunities for the Polymer and Chemical Industries Intermolecular Interactions in Polymer Mixtures Polymers in Museums Microcellular Foam Materials Polymers and Ionomers Polymer-Ecology Recycle 399 papers

205th, Spring 1993, Denver, CO New Molecular Architecture and Supramolecular Polymers Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers (International) Fluoropolymers Polymer Synthesis and Characterization Plasma Deposition of Polymeric Thin Films Special Topics Lectures Macromolecular Design for Advanced Materials Macroscopic Order in Polymeric Systems Preparation and Physicochemical Characterization of Hydrogels Polyelectrolytes Polymers in Packaging Colloidal Particles: Polyelectrolytes 512 papers

206th, Fall 1993, Chicago, IL Surface Characterization of Polymeric Biomaterials Fundamentals of Adhesion and Interfaces Lifetime, Degradation, and Stabilization of Macromolecular Materials Polymer Synthesis and Characterization Polymer Synthesis Recent Advancers in the Synthesis and Characterization of Block and Graft Copolymers Converting Science into Dollars Rigid Rod and Ordered Networks Polymer Blends and Alloys Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award: Session Honoring Sukant Tripathy Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research: Session Honoring Christopher Bowman Chemiluminescence and Other Techniques Advances in Polyethers Polymer Blends and Alloys 487 papers

207th, Spring 1994, San Diego, CA Polymer Dynamics and Thermodynamics in Solution Conjugated Polymers: From Synthesis to Applications Thermally Stable Polymers Special Topics Chain Dynamics of Block Copolymers Transition-Metal Chemistry and Polymerization Synthesis of Polymers Polymers for the Oil Industry ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry Characterization of Polymers Synthesis of Polymers Dielectric Analysis of Polymers Protein Separation in Polymeric Media 488 papers

208th, Fall 1994, Washington, DC Science and Technology of Microencapsulation Nonlinear Optical Polymers, Waveguides, and Photoreactive Polymeric Films Polymers in Museums Design and Synthesis of Polymeric Electrorheological Materials Polymers in Biosystems Electroluminescent and Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Polymers Synthesis of Controlled Polymeric Structures through Living Polymerizations and Related Processes Polymer Synthesis Polymer Characterization Polymeric Thin Films for Photonic Applications Hydrogels in Biosystems Nonlinear Optical Theory and Polymer Synthesis Bioapplications of Polymers Optical Properties: Microscopic to Macroscopic Biodegradation Paul Flory Education Award Honoring L. Mandelkern Photonic Applications Polymer Radiation Effects Future of Our National Laboratories Polymer Science in Microencapsulation Thin-Film Second Harmonic Generation Radiation Processing of Polymers Polymer Microcapsule Properties and Performance

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Chemical Reactions in Polymeric Environments Ionomers and Polymer Blends Irradiation Techniques: Polymer Stability Metal-Containing Polymeric Materials Polymer Recycle 569 papers

209th, Spring 1995, Anaheim, CA Polymer Surface Modification for Biomedical Applications Interfaces and Surfaces in the Rheology of Polymers Polymer Synthesis Advances in Crystalline Polymers Polymer Characterization Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award Honoring K. Matyjaszewski ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry Symposium Honoring R. H. Grubbs Synthesis of Well-Defined Macromolecules for Assembly and Their Function Computer Modeling of Polymers in the Solid State Recent Advances in Step-Growth Polymerization Composite Fabrication Physical Chemistry of Polymers and Complex Liquids Biocomposites Tougheners and Adhesives Novel Composites Concepts Interfaces in Polymer Matrix Composites 458 papers

210th, Fall 1995, Chicago, IL Synthesis of Optical Materials Blending and Order Characterization and Physics Polymer Synthesis The Role of Polymer Science in Industry Today Unilever Award Symposium Biorelated Materials Conjugated and Conducting Materials Catalysis and Synthesis Synthesis and Characterization General Session General Synthesis Dendritic and Hyperbranched Polymers Polymer Synthesis with Organometallic Complexes 274 papers

PACIFICHEM '95, December 1995, Honolulu, HI High-Performance Polymers Flow-Induced Structure Formation in Polymer Systems Radiation Chemistry of Polymers Environmental Polymer Biodegradation Polymer Alloys and Blends Kinetics and Modeling of Polymerizations General: Polymer Synthesis Solid State NMR: Polymer Spectroscopy and Material Imaging Polymers for Microelectronics and Photonics Design of Polymers with Controlled Architecture Reactive Melt Processing Silicon-Based Polymers Biomedical Functions and Biotechnology of Natural and Artificial Polymers Supramolecular Order in Polymer Colloids and Surfaces Polymer Photophysics and Photochemistry Multielectron-Transfer Processes for Molecular Conversions General: Polymer Properties 726 papers

211th, Spring 1996, New Orleans, LA Liquid Crystalline Polymers Charge-Transfer Interactions in Polymers Polymer-Based Electronic Packaging and Interconnects Polymer Synthesis Advances in Polymer Synthesis Advances in Polymer Characterization ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry: At the Interface between Organic and Polymer Chemistry Polymer Containing 2,6-Naphthalenedicarboxylic Acid Polymer Education - The Key to Research: The Paul J. Flory Award Symposium Honoring Eric Baer Single-Site Polyolefins Polymer Characterization by Mass Spectrometry Cationic Polymerization and Related Processes Ionomer Complexes and Blends Single-Site Catalysis Multiphase Systems Application of Supercritical CO2 in Polymers 428 papers

212th, Fall 1996, Orlando, FL Fundamental of Adhesion and Interfaces Biorelated Polymers Polymers in Museums Polymerization Catalysis and Polymer Synthesis Macromolecular Design and Application vias Macromonomers, Macroinitiators, and Macroiniferters Mario Farina Memorial Symposium on Materials Chirality Polymer Characterization Self-Organization in Polymers Recent Advances in Styrene Polymerization Scanning-Probe Microscopy in Polymers Anionic Polymerization Physicochemically and Biologically Active Polymeric Surfaces The Need for a Government, Industry, and University Research Development Policy Recent Advances in Polymeric Foam Science and Technology High-Temperature Synthesis of Materials Colloidal Particles Optical Properties of Materials Interfacial Aspects of Multicomponent Polymer Materials 674 papers

213th, Spring 1997, San Francisco, CA Special Topics in Polymer Chemistry Organic Materials and Devices in Display Technology Acrylate Polymerization

214th, Fall 1997, Las Vegas, NV Polymer Diffraction Dental Polymers and Composites Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Polymer

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Fundamental Properties of PEG and New Copolymers PEG Liposomes, Particulates, and Surfaces Recent Advances in Polymer Synthesis Recent Advances in Polymer Characterization Industrial Milestones in Polymer Science New Light-Emitting Device Concepts PEG Surfaces and PEG-Protein Conjugates Polymeric KED Systems PEGylated Proteins and Small Molecules Polyethylene Glycol: Chemistry and Biological Applications Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award in Honor of Bruce M. Novak Organic Materials for Liquid-Crystal Display Applications Advances in Free-Radical Polymerization NMR Spectroscopy of Synthetic Macromolecules Stability of Organic Light-Emitting Devices Organic Thin Films Plasma and Polymers ACS Polymer Chemistry Award in Honor of William J. MacKnight Polymer-Surfactants Interactions Functional Polymers Synthesis of Organic Light-Emitting Materials Material Characterization and Testing of Polymers 717 papers

Science Honoring Dong Yu Kim Polymer Characterization Solvent-Free Polymerizations and Processes Polymer Synthesis Propylene Synthesis and Structure Aspects of Graduate Training in Polymer Science Field-Responsive Polymers Materials for Controlled-Release Applications Dispersions: Fundamentals and Processing Synthetic Design and Characterization of Surfaces and Interfaces Polymer Chemistry and its Applications 392 papers

215th, Spring 1998, Dallas, TX Advances in Olefin Characterization Semiconductive Polymers Polymer Synthesis Polymer Characterizations Silicon and Silicone-Modified Materials ACS Award for Creative Invention in Honor of Spencer Silver Manufacture of Specialty Polymers Molecular Modeling of Polymers 421 papers

216th, Fall 1998, Boston, MA Polymers from Renewable Resources Biorelated Polymer Symposium on Polymeric Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems (International) Azobenzene-Containing Materials Polymer Synthesis Polymer Characterization Synthesis and Characterization of Fine Particles Fluoropolymers Fluorinated Surfaces, Coating, and Films Stars, Dendrimers, and Hyperbranched Polymers Organic Thin Flims for Photonic Applications Microstructure and Tribology of Polymer Surfaces Spectroscopic Characterization of Polymeric Systems Opportunities in Industry: A Younger Scientist's Perspective Polymers in Museums Preparation and Properties of Fine Materials Biomedical Applications of Water-Soluble Polymers and Hydrogels 761 papers

217th, Spring 1999, Anaheim, CA Polymer/Light Relationships Drug Delivery in the 21st Century New Commercial Polymers from Commodity Polymers Nanopatterned and Nanostructural Materials Polymer Synthesis Polymer Characterization ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry Honoring Robert Langer Ralph F. Hirschman Award in Peptide Chemistry Honoring Harold Scheraga C. S. Marvel Award for Creative Polymer Chemistry Honoring Joseph DeSimone Chiral Polymers Innovations in Polymer Science Teaching Milestones in Polyesters

218th, Fall 1999, New Orleans, LA Grafted Polymers Controlled Free Polymerization Stimuli-Responsive, Water-Soluble, and Amphipathic Polymers Polymer Characterization Block Copolymers Polymer Synthesis Controlled Radical Polymerization Hydrogen Bonding for Macromolecular Self-Assembly Polymers in Display Applications Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Polymer Science Honoring Scott Gaynor Industrial Sponsors Symposium Optical Polymers Polymers and Liquid Crystals Applications of NMR to Complex Systems

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Recent Advances in Polyesters Advanced Catalysis: New Polymer Syntheses and Modifications A Global Salute to Polymers Bioinspired Materials 422 papers

Polymeric Materials in Separations Teaching Polymers at All Levels Advances in Polymer Formation by Metallocenes, Ziegler-Natta, and Related Chemistries Chemistry of Fullerenes and Related Carbon Nanostructures Polymeric Surfactants Global Salute to Polymers 872 papers

219th, Spring 2000, San Francisco, CA Transition Metals in Polymers and Polymerization Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Polymers Mass Spectral Analysis of Polymers Polymer Synthesis Polymer Characterization ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry Honoring Jean M. Frechet Polymer Gels Light-Emitting, Light-Harvesting, and Light-Responding Organic Systems P. J. Flory Award in Polymer Education Honoring Jim Mark Polymer Processing in Microgravity Polymer Bioconjugates Synthetic Macromolecules with Higher Structural Order Catalysis for the Future Frontiers for Polymer Science in the 21st Century: Industrial Prospects Structure, Dynamics, and Organization of Polymers in the Solid State by Magnetic Resonance Combinatorial Approach to Materials Development 739 papers

220th, Fall 2000, Washington, DC Scanning Probe Microscopy of Polymers: The Next Generation Macromolecular Synthesis by Selective Chemical Modifications 4th International Biorelated Polymers Symposium Electroactive Polymers for Corrosion Control/Prevention Polymer Characterization Polymer Synthesis Novel Polymer Architecture Industrial Sponsors Award Symposium Composites and Blends Functional Polymeric Materials Enviro-Compatible Syntheses and Processes Emerging Frontiers in Polyolefins Polymer Materials for the 21st Century Polymers in Museums: Preservation for the Next Millennium Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications 549 papers

PACIFICHEM 2000, December 2000, Honolulu, HI Liquid Crystalline Polymers Advanced NMR Characterization of Polymers Photonic Processes in Polymers and Self-Organized Materials Characterization and Modeling of Membrane and Barrier Polymers Precision Polymerization and Controlled Supramolecular Architecture pi-Conjugated Polymers Polymer Thin-Film Interfaces Self-Assembly in Water Soluble Polymers Aromatic Azo Materials and Applications New Methodologies in Polymer Synthesis Dendrimers and Hyperbranched Polymers Structure and Properties of Polymer Alloys Self-Ordering Phenomena in Polymeric Systems Radiation Chemistry of Polymers Photophysics and Photochemistry of Polymers High-Performance Polymers Reactive Polymer Processing Associations in Solutions: Amphophiles, Macromolecules, and Colloids Photophysics and Photochemistry of Polymeric Materials Macromolecular Chemistry General Session 926 papers

221st, Spring 2001, San Diego, CA Division of Polymer Chemistry 50th Anniversary High-Resolution NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers Silicones and Silicone-Modified Materials Opportunities and Needs in Polymer Science for Measurement Techniques, Standards and Future Technologies In Situ Spectroscopy in Monomer and Polymer Synthesis Durability of Plastics and Rubbers General ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry Honoring David A. Tirrell Polymer Division Carl S. Marvel Award for Creative Polymer Chemistry Honoring Craig Hawker Combinatorial Approaches to Polymer Design and Modeling ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science Honoring Daniel J. Brunelle Functional Polymers and Dendrimers

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The Herman F. Mark Polymer Chemistry Award The Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award The Paul J. Flory Polymer Education Award The Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research Industrial Polymer Scientist Award Distinguished Service Award Special Service Award Excellence in Service to POLYED Award

The Herman F. Mark Polymer Chemistry Award

To recognize outstanding research and leadership in polymer science.

1976 Paul J. Flory 1978 Carl S. Marvel 1980 Maurice L. Huggins 1982 Herman F. Mark 1984 John D. Ferry 1986 Charles G. Overberger 1988 Walter H. Stockmayer 1990 Michael M. Szwarc 1992 Edwin J. Vandenberg 1994 Harry R. Allcock 1996 James E. McGrath 1998 James Economy 2000 Murray Goodman

Robert H. Grubbs Henry K. Hall, Jr. Robert W. Lenz Leo Mandelkern Otto Vogl

The Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award

To recognize and encourage accomplishments and/or innovation of unusual merit in the field of basic or applied

polymer science by younger scientists. 1981 Lewis J. Fetters 1983 Wayne L. Mattice 1985 Edwin L. Thomas 1987 Gary L. Wilkes 1989 Robert S. Langer 1991 David A. Tirrell 1993 Sukant K. Tripathy 1995 Krzysztof Matyjaszewski 1997 Bruce M. Novak 1999 Joseph M. DeSimone 2001 Craig J. Hawker

The Paul J. Flory Polymer Education Award

To recognize, encourage and stimulate outstanding achievements by an individual in promoting

undergraduate and/or graduate polymer education. 1982 Herman F. Mark 1984 Carl S. Marvel 1986 Paul J. Flory 1988 Maurice Morton 1990 George B. Butler 1992 Eli M. Pearce 1994 Leo Mandelkern 1996 Eric Baer 1998 Roger S. Porter 2000 James E. Mark

The Unilever Award for Outstanding Graduate Research

For outstanding graduate research in polymer chemistry to recognize a graduate student or recent graduate who has completed an outstanding

Ph.D. thesis in research accepted by a U.S. or Canadian university. 1991 Christopher B. Gorman 1992 Richard A. Register 1993 Christopher N. Bowman 1994 Timothy J. Demming 1995 Rangaramanujam M. Kannan 1996 Kristi S. Anseth 1997 Dong-Yu Kim 1998 James J. Watkins 1999 Scott G. Gaynor 2000 X. Linda Chen

Page 49: New POLY history 1946-2001 Metanomski · 2018. 5. 17. · This account of POLY history was provided by W. Va. Metanomski for the 50th anniversary celebration at the 221st National

Distinguished Service Award

To recognize many years of continuing service to the Division. 1983 Jogindar Lal

Edwin J. Vandenberg 1984 William J. Bailey

Frederick R. Dammont Otto Vogl

1985 Bill M. Culbertson Frank R. Mayo Field H. Winslow

1986 Edward M. Fettes Jesse C. H. Hwa Walter H. Stockmayer

1987 William E. Gibbs Carl S. Marvel Charles G. Overberger

1988 Barbara H. Ullyot 1989 Joseph C. Salamone 1990 Jane Vogl 1991 Frederick E. Bailey

Eli M. Pearce 1992 Paul M. Hergenrother

Richard M. Ikeda 1993 Stanley C. Israel 1995 W. Val Metanomski 1996 Ann B. Salamone 1998 James E. McGrath 1999 Neta L. Byerly 2001 William H. Daly

Robert B. Moore Robson F. Storey

Industrial Polymer Scientist Award

To recognize outstanding industrial innovation and creativity in the application of polymer science, conducted by individual

scientists or research teams. 2000 S. Randall Holmes-Farley

W. Harry Mandeville

Special Service Award

To recognize outstanding contribution in service to the Division.

1995 Frederick Dammont Bill M. Culbertson Edwin J. Vandenberg

1999 Eli M. Pearce

Excellence in Service to POLYED Award

1995 John P. Droske Charles E. Carraher, Jr.