New Pedagogical Models

Some Radical Learning Ideas 21 ST CENTURY PEDAGOGICAL MODELS Claire Macken, Kay Souter, Chris Scanlon, Matt Riddle, Tony Jarvis with contributions from La Trobe staff and students



Transcript of New Pedagogical Models

  • 1. Some Radical Learning Ideas 21ST CENTURY PEDAGOGICAL MODELS Claire Macken, Kay Souter, Chris Scanlon, Matt Riddle, Tony Jarvis with contributions from La Trobe staff and students

2. A quote observed by the Radical Learning team on the floor of the Department of Engineering, Stanford University, CA, October 2012 3. This guide has some radical learning ideas on 21st century focused- new pedagogical models. Ideas are rated on the radical meter. We want you add, comment, and invent your own too. 4. A radical learning idea: Is future-focused, and based on the possible futures of higher education beyond 2020; Is inspired by investigating, observing and collating world- wide approaches in teaching and learning; draws on the possibilities presented by new partnerships and rich and emerging educational technologies; Is based on the innovation, creativity and discussion of La Trobe staff and students. A radical learning idea imagines a possible future for teaching and learning at La Trobe. 5. Implement Flipped blended curriculum Instead of lectures and tutorials 6. What is it? The flipped classroom or flipped curriculum is a blended learning pedagogical model. Learners are required to independently learn lecture content and review resources prior to attendance on- campus. At University, tutorial, lab or workshop time is applying and practising skills and competencies relating to the lecture content. Where could it be used? In any subject relying on lecture delivery. Lectures can be replaced by videos (up to 7-15 minutes), online quizzes or learning activities, podcasts etc). Why its a radical idea Flipped classrooms can promote student engagement, active learning, the application of skills and competencies and active learning. Devoting class time to the application of concepts might give instructors a better opportunity to detect errors in thinking.(EDUCAUSE, 2012) What are the downsides? As the success of the flipped classroom is dependent on students independently learning content prior to attendance, careful design is required to ensure this happens. More information EDUCAUSE, 7 Things you should know about flipped classrooms, 2012 2011/08/29/flipped-classroom- infographic/ Flipped classroom by Knewton 7. Instead of large lectures Set up Quality Online Learning Experiences If you are in a lecture of 200, it really is distance learning Professor Sebastian Thrun, Stanford Professor, co-founder of Udacity and Vice- President of Google X, October, 2012 Who else is using it? San Jose State University see jose-state-u-says-replacing-live-lectures-with-videos- increased-test-scores/40470 8. Set up Multi-campus Blended Delivery Models 9. Link to Resources The portal through to subjects/ courses Link to inbox & social media & search engines MY STUDY DESK Customisable space my learning place Links to ePorfolio Have funky area to self-decorate and personalise eg. Pinterest Welcome back John! Your next task is: ____ (completing step 3 of Module 2) Click here to check your progress - next screen Yellow stickies or Whiteboard for notes Working calendar (link to Outlook etc) Create a personalised learning web launchpage for students 10. YOUR PROGRESS Skills Development Centre Number of completed modules: Total time in current modules: Overall time in all modules: YOUR STUDY TOOLKIT You are studying a Bachelor of Laws degree. Click on the attributes of a law graduate for practical skills advice: 1. TLO1 2. TLO2 3. TLO3 Links through to Eportfolio + calendar Current module: Equity &Trusts Law Complete? Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 70% (Click to continue) Topic 4 10% Topic 5 Not yet started. Todays Skills Advice/ Motivational Quote: < Rotational here> - preferably customisable) (Optional) Link to LMS here 11. Create a whole of course LMS / web site 12. Personalise and connect every students experience Timely communications (not necessarily email) Choice of attendance modes, flexibility Student owned workspaces/communications Seamless technology experiences Access to real people By Terry Young Photo from a toilet cubicle at the Bundoora La Trobe campus 13. What is it? Use the internet as the platform for learning. Select software and platforms for their conviviality and transferable skills Decommission software that is proprietary, has little relevance to real world applications, or that serves only a bureaucratic purpose Use popular platforms like Wikipedia, Youtube, Google, Skype as teaching and learning platforms Gather data for learning analysis, auditing and reporting via open standard formats, open data, and open ID (eg. Knewton) Use the Internet-as-the-platform Why its a radical idea: Learning environments can become more intrinsically relevant to real world activity; Latent skills transfer more readily into the university, and out; Teaching, learning and assessment activity becomes more convivial with the wider public; Chance to redirect resources into more valuable investments. What are the downsides? Sunk cost losses; Significant adjustment of professional development direction and support; Complex teaching and assessment methodologies; Creative ways of reporting to audits necessary. By Leigh Blackall 14. Schedule the Annual La Trobe Show-Off Assessment Festival A digital and on-campus event 15. What is it? A 1-week on-campus and online vibrant show-off assessment extravangza showcase! Show off the assessment achievements of La Trobe students across the disciplines posters, performances, presentations, talks, debates etc. by students and showing their assessment pieces to the University community from their subjects and courses. Essays, posters, talks and other assessment outcomes available on a parallel website. The week could also include skills, career development and mentor advice. Fun, excitement. And of course, the Show Off Celebration Handbook a printed and online memento celebrating the assessment and achievements of students. A sausage sizzle. A staff / student function. Why its a radical idea An exciting way to celebrate La Trobe students and motivate for the next Semester of study, as well as a marketing outcome. An opportunity for students to obtain high quality advice and direction on their studies and futures and the opportunity for reflection and personal development. A week of seminars, talks, presentations by careers experts, student engagement, La Trobe international, Library and Study Skills experts from La Trobe. Whos doing it? Faculty of Business and Law Assessment Showcase University of Sydney f/community_and_events/communities/ass essment_for_learning/2010 Bond University Student Showcase colleges/faculty-of-humanities-and-social- sciences/our-students/student- 16. Naked Classrooms 17. What is it? A naked classroom is free from technology and is a way to implement a flipped curriculum pedagogy. Why its a radical idea - In a naked classroom, free from technology, students engage in face-to-face contact with teachers. An active-learning approach to teaching that reserves face-to-face class-time for interactive discussion. Information, transmissable material and traditional lectures are provided via technology, with quizzes to ensure preparation. Not unlike the Flipped Classroom, but more emphasis on keeping face-to-face time technology-free. Particularly targets the PowerPoint presentation. What are the downsides? Restructuring teaching to incorporate active learning, and flipping lectures to online delivery requires teaching redesign and change management. Where is it used? Southern Methodist University, Dallas What are the downsides? Staff resistance, possible student objection to having to work in class. Alternatives would need to be available for distance and online students. 18. Set up staff networking channels eg. LinkedIn, social media and discussion forums. Create an interactive and fun "Who's Who" page. Encourage staff to share stories and success. Tell new staff the history and story of La Trobe. Image Acknowledgment: 19. Practice collaboration by difference the purposeful mixing of people with different perspectives, experience and expertise to work together on projects and teams. Read more at: innovation-higher-ed Image Acknowledgment: 20. Create an Australian online ideas lab, or contribute to Image Acknowledgment: 21. A Future-Ready TEAM for Subject and Course Design 22. What is it? A Future-Ready team for quality and efficient design of online subjects and courses at La Trobe consisting of: A flexible learning expert to advise on flexibility in the design of the course, as well as determination of course mode of delivery (blended/online/f-2-f) and multicampus strategies. Advise on inclusion of learning technologies. Marketing expert either Central or Faculty to advise on the best way to promote courses externally and internally, and on course entry/exit requirements A language and learning expert to advise on student needs to consider at course level for language and learning A library expert to advise on library resources for courses A student engagement and careers expert to advise on how courses can contribute to both the curricular and co-curricular student experience, and the inclusion of careers within the curriculum Graphic designer/ web designer to create look and feel of La Trobe online presence Faculty academic team including course coordinator to provide content / expertise in the discipline & lecturer-made resources LMS expert/ designer to create online learning environment ePortfolio expert to incorporate personal learning systems into courses Library expert to compile library resources for a subject Production / multimedia expert to create quickcam and/or production quality interviews, pieces to camera, green screens, interactive learning media An inclusive teaching expert to advise on production of learning materials 23. Flip teaching. Get students to teach teachers about technology, and how they learn. Invite the children and grandchildren of La Trobe staff to explain to University teachers how they learn in school.