New Orleans daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) 1860-07-06 [p 4] · belongs, is inherent in, and...

"-Yt .P'g, 1 aavrkdnrtr ti ab rt ; iii. !ia Pacrwis..l r ' Fartte ee ts " f 3` aEOr. . ji-c altrnte t~a re *J 4 fro ,,#fr ste?41p.. sr I -';;; a . 'rsps M e .maneee on seoR.T AgMIPALy oP THE STEAMISHIP PERSIA. tribaldi Prepariagt l e nater Calabria. •• BAI$.N CONFERENCE. Sol tdie aed Ctommereial Intelligence. -- r ra NaTno AL AND AealcA Fsw YORK, July 5.-The Royal Mail steamship Persi, Capt. C. H. E. Jadkins, of the British and North Amerlcan Line, from Liverpool via Queens- town, reached her dock at Jersey City this morn. ing. She left the port of Liverpool at noon. Saturday, Jane 23, touched at Queenstown Sunday evening, June S4th, to land and embark passengers and dis-. the• , and bringh three days later intelligence wan received at Quebee by the Anglo-Saxon. e inuarlatl Iatellignee. LIArnvoor., Jane 23L-The sales for the week ending June 22d in the Liverpool Cotton market iamn nted to 86,000 bales, of which speculators took'2000 bales, and exporters 17,000. The de- lIecteo to thetrade for the week have been 43,000 o co ta mefet oae again thooehMeat the pat week howeda comndderable degree of weak- Al qualities of Cotton have again experienced a frther decline of Id. during the week. This de- llo ne i placipally on the Middling and lower gtraeof Cotton. The fAner qualities of Cotton closed generally sala~baged at last week' quottions. Rldlr e pressing their stocks on the market. .The demand for export has been generally good throughout the week'. The sales of Cotton on Friday reached 10,000 baeas, of which speculators and exporters took 9000 hales. The maared closed generally steady at the fola owlagauthtorised quotations of the Brokers' Cir- calair air Okleanosi ...... 7 d. Middling Orleans..6 d. t eblle ....... 7 Middling Mobiles..5:d. 'Fe, l T p les•. ........ MiddlingUplknuds..Odd. The t ai titty of Cotton now in the port of left`ot a'ddas op 1,308,000 bales, of which :1,14,400 bales have been received in American Lrv vroor , June 23.-The latest accounts re- calved atthl8iport from Manchester and the our- roundIg meloetor'l g distriots were of a favor- The demand for cloth and yarawas better, tand elt market dosed quiet atlast week's prices. The jLverpool market for all qualities of Bread- aiulopiesed dull1, and noetally unchanged. Ia•uws deatniptions of Provfiioos in Liverpool losed steady-at last week's prices. IoOin,: Jane S23-Thegeneral features of >ary alirs In London, since tha departure of the lat ate ieer, are unchanged. The funds clesed gdet sad stemy as followts W-l fof acount clised at 931 to 93} ex. Jun e S3, P. M.-By Teldgraph to The ales to the Liverpool Cotton tet ap 10 bales, The market t ( geterally anchanged at yesterday's quota- I e Eprp po teal news'reeivedhby the a regard to the revolution in e ltest dce retee at London from ile s tha4tl etllees prevailed in Sicily. IItto aples, had isaned orders for of •li his troops at Messlna, and 's. pe paring to march by ltand mPeers ttorMesinae for the purpose of at- takiag and sdtvtngaway the Feapolitan forces. _Th6 iurgentO xpected to attaok Messina on i`of J f where a decalsie battle would be Sc r at W?3Uas marS PINSIA. DrYosT, I Th e mails of the steamship 'et rrv eifom laverpool this moroeng, v e th dielitvored. 'iolt forteBaethwere d 1tci thiYtsy avqp' train. Patiestie, fom Que- rPoit, arrived oat at Liverpool on (qr, akniadiph rd Lirerpool Mail 4g4abamsp Glasgow, from Now York, Merey river on te alt. , the seamsbip Arxbia, of the AktAerican line, arrived out at sad lri news wts telegraphed to -iot kiossd quiet, .and quioet -- Ed im at the quotations vsp rates. s eagi erea Inorea d pes o at w werefie ph great conference at ac fidnBaden between t fOcsa U the German8ov- W*as ade on th and foreign Goverln agreed, It possible, to bring ang between Austria and 1s adraod n Rassell, In acknowledg- esote relative to the aonnexation of led the whole course of France. t volunteers were to be recesived by -hs th t the Persia salted. eVP.e of Wales embarks for Canada on the 8 ,h asis vernent compelled the narlasnt vssels to hoeist the Pontitlil ptoope had fnally evacuated a foreineg twenty regi. 0 d l great force at Calabria. o ihie e asked for aan -n 1 sasel etsdhy the Nopolitans 7pipe fBe tle v ~bPI Per. June 2nth,ied *nirTnrreoetvod *~ t wYork. too 64Place ettb. n~ew etuma1ehip blew out~b qlbader heed just fir! ."a be eo toida .h s and nomi alln- ,vllqArk., the present termluss of the han Fran- ceece telegraph line. The wildest excitement now exists in different portions of the Territory of Arizona on account of the new discoveries of gold on the Mimbres. Persons are leaving Tucson in large numbers for the newly discovered mines, and the speculative spirit is thrown into a perfect state of frenzy. All the members of the Provisional Government have left. Removal of the Memphis Postmaster. MEMPasS, July 5.-Mr. MoGallaway, editor of the Memphis Avalanche, and Postmaster rice Mr. W. iH. Carroll, has been removed. From Utah. rFrom the St. Joseph Gonette.e Ton Mon•Ors- wors. RATuiER B'v TArN SFt.L,-- By the Central Overland IMail, which reached this city night before last, we are in possession of our regular iles of papers from Saltltake City. Noth- ing beyond the ordinary record of murders had transpired. The action of Congress concerning the " Saints " is still matter of speculation, and the subject of some bitter sarcasm. The following correspond: ence of the Mountaineer, a Mormon paper, is rather cool: Etrrono OF Mort•r.ltNsER: We observe in the Globe of April 26, 1860, ajoint resolution proposed for the consideration of Congress, authorizing a commission to proceed to Utah fi the purpose of buying out tie Mormons, conditioned that they leave the jurisdiction of the United States. The wish is farther tothe thought. The mind that con- ceived such a luminous and patriotic idea must be ready and willing to sell his country. The "Mormons" are willing to buy upon the sole condition that the nation does not split asunder be- fore thraegottaties are completed and peaceable possession given. Thereferc we propose that the joint resonlution be so amended as to authorize the Commission to either buy or sell, and to close the negotiations at once, while they have a country to sell. And Inasmuch as delays are dangerous and time precious the Commission should be fully em. powered to definitely close the transaction, with- out being required to await the instructions or ac- tion of a subsequent session of Congress. If the " Mormons " conclude to buy out the " Gentile" portion, and we nave no doubt but that they are more willing to sell than we are, we shall expect them to go beyond the present jurisdiction of the United States; and we will guarantee not to annex the country in which they may locate, as was done with ours after we came here: or, if we do, we will either give them so much of it as may be necessary for all practical purposes for them to occupy for their exclusive control and jorisdiction, or allow them to live in the unmolested enjoymens of the Constitutional rights and liberties of our common country. The Constitution will be our political platform, and upon its ample base they and all classes, conditions, and varieties of people, coming within our jurisdiction, may repose in quiet security. We will furthermore guarantee, in case we an- nex them, not to usurp an unconstitutional author- ity over them, but will leave them to the free, full, and absolute exercise of that sovereignty which belongs, is inherent in, and reserved to the people, allowing them to elect their own officers, make their own laws, and regulate their own affairs in their own way, subject only to the Constitution and its legitimate jurisdiction. Now, we think this just as sensible as the doings in Congress on the "vexed question," and not much sense in either. Seriously, Mr. Morris, we have no country to sell. American liberty, free institutions, our coun- ry and Constitution are ours. We hve inherited them from'our fathers. Our religion we have re- ceived from our God. You have no right to dis- possess us of the one, nor to prohibit us the free exercise of the othe. MOseON. From New Mexico. The St. Lonis Republican publishes the following letter : F4RNArNDO Dn TAOS, (New Mexico) June 7.--In- telligence was received here yesterday that five deald bodies were discovered at the crossing of the Arkansas, on the road from this place to Denver City. Two of them were Americans, and are said to be William LeBlanc and Chas. Deus, the latter a captain in the New Mexican volunteers in 184M; the other three were not recognized. They a'e sup- posed to have been murdered by Kiowa Indiana. Kit Carson and party left Taos for Pike's Peak on Baturday last. Judge Blackwood, who was to have accompanied him, has been detained by offi- cial duties. Many persons are daily arriving here from the sounthern portion of the Territory, en route for the mines. Quiafte a tide of emigration isnow setting in from New Mexico In that direction. The reports of gold discoveries continue to be very cheering. The New Eldorado. A letter received from the editor of the Ari- zonlan, says the San Antonio Herald, by a gentle- man in this city, brings the following intelligence: T or, :JUnse 18.-Late intelligence but adds to the already more than encouraging reports thus far received, and nearly eve one in this section o preparg to go t0the new Eldorado. 'The neOw ias liovered are in the vicinity of the Blo Memnbres, about hal-way between this place (Tuson) and the Mresli Valley; they are north of hemea rod niea the Glla river. As the sentry IsprospeotP$ new mines are found indif- isre at d elretloo, mlit it no doubtofthe exist- enesof a vast. e ntof mining country and room for thosands of wothing men. The payiesvryn mesd as high as $200 hare Itlinkthe average from to $24 per -day:; ver ssle - o gf -ani•.d when the news reaches Oirlfomla, and parts of your State, the rush will be very great'. - There i a gret want of picks, shovels,iron .pisn d seheet iron0 there are none in this market, or•teseia or at i Paso. Old lorfa miners say the new mines equal I .i s rtoemd in that State. he-ahoe extract doubtles is reliable, asit is I addressed to a gentleman of high standing in this City. The editor mentions in his letter that he has been conmpelle to suspend his paper in conse- qnene ofth, srsh of all hands to the mines. Other letters addressed to merchants in this city, onjiinee us that there is no humbug about the din- overy; beelden we lhave seen a bag of the pure dElasid to contain $ M00, which wassent to one of our mercantile houses-everybody in Arizoua is O re•aN•w Orleapr id the l•rge cities e 'gr-ttes, thee will doubteas be a e w' a o. aTyever pet The retail pRet J50 tIM etb per hoe o•ut tuoed eOtby GEO. O. sseyhcawe 1s8n in pnu In the Old World for ONat THOUSAND YTARS, Pearfeotn i reached at lat. The modem world al- o that OItIIIADORO' EXCOIILIOR DYR eomprses and pt all the elements of beauty whih Hleaven has beetowae upen tIo met favored hoad. The changeIs eelted in a few Dr. Ohilton ays. anter areftld aumlla , that it contaol "no Sdelkteeosslnedientd." SoIdseyerwhere, d appltld by Il HairDressers. For de In New Orles, wholemle and retail, by J WRIGHT & CO,, 21and 11 Chartres street, Geoural Agents W lesm&W CRIBTADORO, No. 6 Astor House, N. Y. S eTyeon of Japan I-OGeo. B.81oat Co, p iesentd mosof their tllipute sowirg MerNdnes tothe Tyeoon of Japn-s h asre offed for ae at No. 97Caoul stret, ad is th best oes manfaclured in Amed a, without a doubt. Its dadmhabe admpnltty, its effrtive oprato ansd its mhoban- kdm perfelion, ar itsproud clalms tostility, and the thoueands whoknve used them wll gladly attest to this greattrlmphof Amerls m Sl . I A . n s . 1,2lm M.S HEDRICK. Agent, 97 Canal etreel *A 0 Wh. Best and Chonpest sewingr Mna- obtes. we lin. A3 Sltt &i Co.'. Now Style. thoto Msoblon hsy gtenlaoo.ovtreouto overall othors, aresmloar to Wheele A Wflm's'-4oiozsway with th. ttouoblesomeo Leathe.Pad ad ILaot0 chuns Part. eoswel of aSewig chio.ere Invltedto call s1 *osnhob.boron akLng purohos .07 Cwo.l stret. it s o*W M.0. IIRDRI0, Ageot. B?'P o mtho Try Hu.dget.-John nnlaey Apouo-It i. is t4at famooo poem,' The Sloge of Corinth' w0.e 8yron eoord tlh1t- "I T oh wU 00 0ld ma0000 wh.oal sowta e hite, But hi0vet0an0arm0 0 foilof motght." Tbh deosljrlpteof thil old mo, bhoe boon often qsoted a opplocable tothat Intelleotol platofthoeeoolierdoya of Gh Republic-Jobo. Quicy Moo... H0d the bho. of By- .osR pooo.deod In the days. theroesoud l have beeo 0000000. pity of bit rehoooodlo tte ft that "hsblo halrsowee white'-for, likoe ostoftheold mnoof to oprentd dy, howould 0.0.00.- cOdp boy o osed Hsiootrool's Hair Reotoratlio, which would h. oa etord hi0.0.0. to all 00. prists. beautoy od naural PeOts.06.wetoand~lpe.ottl.. Soldedaosywbee. W. B. JAbaN A 00.. Proprietors, Toy, N. T" Sold by J. W TAO., Pi C . 1 (Ioot.. 2 haetO, New *teem - 0006 bin*W ab ae~ Sea e as that deUeaey ptevew etlfp e dwfom "pp0.eft ateeweso o.libefron pW +WSS 0.06 k%, 0*00.8i040.ole I the san MAO t sfaW'Scti Proposed afte thepro ,o7Oaketh W odd caw taot mm;,foK. s ow~t hn1s r rt .'kar- OM n sei b e Co ~80sm~0~O0U,70o On Thurlsyevnleng, 5th Int., at slo'CI.e. CHRISTIANA, infant daughter of WmYe. hCn and Cth1rL Cr. The blendsand ee luarntmer a ofllbh Ifanil2y ar reapeyeetlly- Inrited to attend the fnucrall~his afternoon at f .'duck, from the Ieldeace of her pbeg nts, ll lvee street, beweyenc telsqt and I'Alo tlreets. On T osdy,, Jue 12, at Montelal, C. R., of mCmbranous croup, H(ARRY EIIWAORI), ldy sonof John T. metl J,21, C. lope, formerdy el New Osleas, ggd i4yeeaseadi elmlblb. e-iHostettrr'a Stomach Bitters-The doubt with hllch au oef deceived -rommeilyI. tl, II look upon all meedlal prleprations, Ihas torlg sine lee, cmplelely van dbehlblly the trldmelphel, luleeea l andinvariable success of lltelle r'a Sle,,aed Billee. ThatdelBrels I alll dlariees of the digestllu agClJ are not mleenly., beenlell they are Ihe neresiar: result ofr certain medical propertiles neve~r heretofotr combilnld one peel-shlul, bull, I.y are ,CCIIIIelC Oe ninl.h-ll lee. Agld lpeeone. hedenod lIolelmll paIt Ihlp frome meel- icineo, declarerd (to use thle words ,( a rrresllaadeaol that thel Bitees xeoe tohaee glen theml, ,aew leseeof lie. I'eqgl- lionably the ejelrity of dal,,ger,, d,, icasel are theyIprijl ol ,l,.pepeia, lnd for 11h1, cCmplant, , seell a, the e,,el, es out of It. thel It nohlnlg I,, the nol 1d like llOlTbTTER'S STO- bY.Wil BITTERS, whlich is now sold by .l draiCit tllhrough- out tkeworld. eold en New Odleans, wholesale end retell, byJ. WRIGHT t GO., B agnd 11 Chartresstreee,eel. agells for the Soethbos Slttes, nd to whom all orders should be eddresosd. andby drug- gidstlddsdelnee generaellyeverohere. 1,.2 SbIISIIW I wSpser's Eider Wine.. bur years old. ContaLnLng no mixturbeesef splel or soyoteerliquor. It is an Inoluable tonie. lCilngtone aed vigorto the system Ill1. especlelly sulled fordelleste oemales and chbldras. Also foe faollyeue,sod for tlbaged and inerm. Asd everye asreobess a nueledl cordial I. reeqeed. eold wholesale andretail by JAMES SYM, INe. 3I4 C0,0. streei, .dby Dseggistsgenerally. jsagIm i.Spring Bee-b to tS3 er fer the beet peloBgBd toexistenoe, (Bres's Patent) ae N. 154 Chatbha 1tr55.t New Yeek. Senol. t,lor eddeessi. heLLIPTIe BBD SPRING OOMPANY, for their deseelpsl, eloolse. Spesi. Idsteseose Ist ih teode sond loeal at eee. . leD 2eSWle TFreat Reduction PLAIN AND FIGURED BLACK SInKS. Preyioue to taLkg miy ae,,llll llve'lory of Stled, I will of lbst elle ll, ef the eaboeC Gds,e at a IMIIMENSE R.EDUCTION The blalence ef my-y StOk Cf TlaiVEII.NG GOODS, LACE SHAWYIC, POINTSC an )l.hN'fIILAbS. JOHN TODD, 3y2 2SylbTibl,'. NC. 12And 1 54Chrtres street. .To. 45 Camp Stredt. CLOTHING! CLOTIIING ! CLOTHING!! Reduced Prices!! Being desiruss Cf still further redlucing my sdeCk, that the altleeiens neeesearey, my be made in my Itore during the summer, I offer eerey lndement to lpartiee In needef sipe. ree artflel of CLOrIEING- FURTISHITSG GOODS. Spring Cassimere Suits at Coot!! ROBERT DRIBBLE, y2 2p~loWeRePr 4l Cempetreet, acu. eraeds. For Ble or Lease. TIHE H•OUSE AN D LOT On Canal street. Between Franlin andTrtmt streets, Now occupied by Rev. S. Jacob. For terms, apply to F. & L. PIFPET, je25 24awtf 133 Canal street. Firevworks I We offer for saleat oy iow rates. a fresh ad lage stock of FIREWORKS, consisting In part of- SKY ROCKETS, WHEELS, ROMAN CANDLES, FIRECRACKERS. etc. F. & L. PIFFET, Jel2 2p2awtjy4 No. 33 Canal street Fmsn'S CELEBRATED "IRON TIE." To Faetors and Others Interested. Iwold rs•otfty l ryour att•lon to the following letter, which wl] emcutlot so ow the rmoato In which iron. botd Cotton b tid bythoe ship eaptsuns who baoe taken COtton oeud lo that way. I do thbi, too, since there has been a aotemooot moose of a tion by thote opp 000 to thL use of non to pdodothe tomopssoonpao the minds of ship captains and the eamunlty generally, that It arva In to bad acodlition at the pmot ofdaest olton as to carom a great los to the ship, as well b to sol1eot it to a higher per cent. in sottling for the frelgh. All t cha rges are hown to ho erroneous whero the FAP~S AN TIE It, as it L now fully demonstrated that fra the time it loves the plantation until it reaches its port of demmation, them is not anobjection to it. It is utod for re oompretsit g at the Orleans Cotton Prsm dally, with greator fa- cslty than rope. Th hoop are nw all well painted andforoale In any. quan- tlty by application to F. BELCHIER, Agent, 22 CommurcialPl ece. A Card. ` Nw, June 16, 1860. Mr. Henry Foonm : DtMrSir-lo November lat the ship "oCatinc.', under my comomnd, loaded at this port with acargo ofl 300 boles of Cot- too, ofwhich over 100 bales were compr.esedl in ron bands with your Tie, and mootly received from your press; the lhulnce of the cargo was rope-bound. On landing the eoryo, tile bals hotod with iron came out in much tle beot order, and thle entire exoye in Ittting the cargo in order was only three pound ster- ling. The lots In c0ttling the freiglht in weight on the iron- bound Cotton was four per eellt., the rao-hoouud was a fract ion more. Icotmider it for the interest of bllps tohave th,.lr Cut- ton iniron botnds with )our Tie, pro\ided the otevedolre, um. Sployed take the same pahls In storing it as they d o rpoe bound. JAIES H. SIMPSON, jeoG iyof Ship "OCstine," of NewOrleans. To the Ladies. DETER'S WORSTED STORE,Canal street, near Daonphiu. We are now selling a good mtny articles at and bEloow cot price, and keep coustanly a fhrsh supply of Berlin rtbhyr, and all kli of of m otr o oor oLadios' Work on hand. Jellt 2,pt Fb the Public. The subcriber Is now prepared to buruyiS (GAS WORKSof all sines for cities, fatories, hotels, sugatr houss or dwellings, under the patent granlted to Pros.ROBERT GRANT, dated Jasiary 27, 1S67. These Works arearrauged to mske th0e (:s from Coal, Re1in, Besln OS1, or Cssts Seed, are -ery simple in theirconstructiob, psfsectly safs,atd yielda larger quantliy of gas from1 sgive mount of lmtliS l t hielnalny other bknwn process. I beg torefer to the b fllowing etifiate of JSfssrr. 0. E. Hll A Co., St. LotLHotel, wshre lars ecol workIs can e seen,and a small appsratus can be sben in Operatsio at theNorelty Iron Workl Agensy, No. I CMoot ItreIt, Ne Orleans: Sr, Louss HosTs., Ness Olieans, Roy 29, 1860. F.W. C. Cook, Esq.: Dear Sir-It 15 nowmore than threemonths since the Olss WorIs known as Robert (wsynt's Patent, and put up b you in this lIots), havebelnIo operatlon, ISd it al55511s . plosss to be ableto stale that be aml sat..IlldwlhbtllSm ineverypanc1s. It., and will Ithk thib occasion to state, bisibs, b, that fortl It six days (8colnlnletn withthe cily gEs baving been iSt o) 5e haveburned an average of two hundred lllghts per night, and1 a portion .f ihose uStilmorning, the sspply 5f gas forwhich hasbeen mads from fBiv hundred punds of coIt eah twIsysll- tour bous. Tbheorks areslmple and easily managed, and, Is tility and Ronomry, ests) the roprscStotIons sulls In yIoIII contract. Iwo once an all that ell ts e4irid inany season of Vis y5a5 fIothe keeping of tlbe worbs In ordsr and the ,1ru" factsse sf gs.. Vey sespectflly yours. 0. 1'. S)A.b).S , CS. Per the usle of theaboveWorks, or for the exriusive rightsa forcitlls,cIuntsll or ISttsI. applyto \ 'F. W. C. COOK, " (.Aa5 5 rtOl ROBERT ORBNT,) NIS. 1 Crlssldreet. . JeS lsm Nesw Orl ns. CA... Farre IMPERXAL CHA.MPAG}NE. ,e -t At Sss lbw sl~~ld~l.pS "We fr sk b CIAS. BOLXAND. JJ ;S 155 cI 1oas.8 sO Juet Received, PER STEAMSHIP CARAWBS, A. Freth Consignment --oF VTIWTE GCcIS. JOHN TODD. IS and 14.......... Chartr t.........1I and 14 Hns rrclto d from tIe Mn,)rortmer.r another tot e intot) of 'he follottng GlooId, with their ,,traootioo tlidpos of th~e samen REGARDLESS OF COST! 5 Wo,' t WIAREN lIl.L4 ttEIAtCIHIF1 SIIII1TINiI, 0t l:t.- 5 onses WARREN Esin Ffo, Mlilloo Ftoloo, N 12e-Wornth .e, YORIK 111,1.9, Ooit FIii,, it 12151.-W'oth ItG. 3earcv LIOlISIANA, loun Fine tot Siot Fith, 1r,.-, Wortht o. 2 J tosipoto A Stn; coibrnledl IRISHI LINENS, at $11 piler of Foot t,-Worth $15. 210X ynrds Fine White INIDIA MIUSLIN, 2 yards wido, at SI a yiol-Worithl 520. 100 deem. Fins LINENCIAMIIRIC ll.INDIERCIIIEFS, ii $2 50 pr dnoze-Worth SI t0. Swiss ruulinm! Swiss Maslins, From tie cetobrted msilsnufory of ROBl. IioBRID iDSF0.. frot 251t. to 240. per yard. THE OREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED. Alo, an tamenus rpdntliun In thn entire Stock of Fina OR- GANDOY ROBES, RICH ORGANDIES, FRENCH JACO- NEES, etc.. eto. ijy2 2p3ItoThASs Purelhue S-CT 1%d:31= C7LrCTrr = WC3 FURPISHRING GOODS A.LF' ED MUNROE die C O.' P I1tIN1 P1ALAC E. " STORY BtII.tINu:' Corner of Camp and Comson Streets, Opiotitl tiGntltten', littn,,, to City Hotel. P'ATENT YO3IE SHIRTS. THE PATIENT YOKE S44T11Saretnperlor to anty oter make furFate tn ew 0Olo,-. BOSO1MS m0de p no all the caoioutststyls, t: Sitt)ll, Fncy,. Ltioo, Croot P'0, Fall and Sllfrotoodl; CUFFS-F,,nl,, ongtlst nod Regots, ; DOLLARS-BtBhop, Byron, Torn- tor aod ito ihoot Golo0, all almst of nck and lengthor ttho arm. SHIRTS BLADE TO ORDER. OYS' CLOTRINO-Cootpltte .onrtmnt4. TRUNKS, CARFET RAtO, ndlLUIMRELLAS. ALFRED MUNROE & CO., STORYBUILDING, 3o3 2p41 Cotoor Cmps and Como sosnlt,. 4w'tches, Jewelry, etc. BRI1N0 DESIROUS OF CHANGING4 NY BUSINESSO O4erinsg my Stark TWATCHES, JEWELRY; SIL VERWARA i ele., ATCOST PRICESI W. A. WILSON, ,jyI2pztr 5 ousul eket. Freah goods s t reak oods Jstresled from Pris, a bestWr aortmetnt of- BONNET ANDBELT RIBBON, I MOROCO BELTBr fa LIes ; BELT WC•LESR , NETS for the bir ; CRAVATS, SUSPENDERB, etc., etc. LION & ANDREE, Jell Mto eomn Bser llSe Tucking Combs ! Jsd reevd fro Paris, a beutiful assotmsnt of IVORY and SHELL TUCKING and DRESSING COMBS. -Als- A large asrtment of LADIES' MOROCCO TRAVELING BAGS LION & ANDREE, Mo4ad l6 Royal street, j.e . .t 2m0er of RkM•llse. . .atling. Matting. "Matting. We lhave now a hand a choise lot of ATTINGS ofthe best brands, whlih weare selling at Bb Cents Per Yard I Also, our nrual tplssdid uassortment of FINE MAIHOGANY AND RBSOWOOD FUB.NIUSE, CHINA AND GLASS- WARE, CURTAIN STUFFS, etc., which wewill c1 lowl to make room for fall stock. P. MALLARD, jIt'4t--lm os Rnsal sPe-t. (dolpho W'olfe's AROMATIC SCH1EDAM SCHNAPPS, A SUPERLATIVE Tonic, Diuretic, Anti-Dyspeptic 1~V "IGORATING CO RD IA L. To the Travellag Community. WOLFI:'Scelelbhtted AROM.\TIC S(IEIDAM SCHNAPPS lhoald be inthle hlndo ofevery tratler. No fstlly sthot.tld leave the city or be wthout a snppl,' dutring the watrm weather, It invatribly correcet the ll eni•ts of change of wealther, and as a beverage It is the purest li, Uor madte i the world. Pu t u inpint and quart bottle;. Sold byall DrlgItfs, (,ro ttcrs and Frill: blStores. Udolpho Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy, It bwittle, Imllttred an••d bottled by himellf. Watrranted pttre and thie b•,t quality, w ith hi certilcate on rach bottle., Udolpho Wolfe's Pure Old Port Wine, Imporst• byhir•elsl, to Gs ofto oe dozen each ; with his cer- tifc•xt of its purlt y oil each battle. Udolpho 1Volfe's Pure Maltielra Winte, Inl cases of one do n each, wilt hle certitficat eo the bottles, gIuarantecsig Its purity. Udolpho Wolfe's Pure Sherry Vline, Irtell Iby htlyi t . \'atrra.ted p•lre, with his certllicate on thile bottle and s'amp on the cork. Udolpho Wolfe's Genuine Sehiedam AROMATI,: SCINAPPS, Piltsand quarts. Thebest Gil made m tle world. All Gin sold under the ns•ote of Scbuspps, notput tp by him, is anim- pollhio u ithe purchaser . UDOLPHO WOLFE, Sole Importer, No. tI eatver street, NewYork. For sale by the following sfrms In NewOrlean•: I. J. IIART A CO., A D. iII:I'F&AI('O., JO0. I.a& 1. N.MIARIKS, I ITON, RE T•TETON , CC., J. MORGAN LORI.K, WV. A. VIOLITT ,tbo.. - IINCKARI, STfDELE G CO., 0(115of )RItH & lRIt BUNNELL I BAILIEFF, o. TIIP UIsR SCIIMIIDT Z'IGLF.R, I. BLOCK A CO., BISCOR, I GIMBS, ARTIIUK 00O., OGEO. F. WITTE S CO., W. LI. ALLEN A CO., 1. IDWYSR CON VEBSS & CO, KARSTENIIITK A CO., C. It. RAILEY, F. w. COELER, TIIOeFSON A IlAIINES, JOll1 T. 100R1 B t:t., HOLMES A SPENICER, W. , I.ANIF:R & C)., JAMIIBS 5YME, G. N MORISON t CO., R. CO lERT, FAYNE A KEil'P. COIIPFR . NOIBEIlT. el3 216tm Hardtaare. I3RTUIl F BERO'UIIER & BsEIsA"VER, 384 anad 3'%0 BIodsway, NEW YORK, IMPOR•TRS AND JOBIIER5S OF Foreign asnd Domestic I{ardware, CUTLERY AND GUNS. M•lufaletuorert of RIFLES andi DERBINGER PISTOIS. Iosentson s the l ab t8tel Oval-Bye COTTON HOES. 8ise Agentsl Ifor R. P. Bruts' Celebrated AXES. SBUGAR SKIBMMES, LADLES and CANEKNI•ES. ANYIIS, VIOSCs OHAINS, PLANTATION TOOLS. let. rIalMIIwasa Ihzia 4 by mailsa a sppiatstIt t Itl 4p15 Jas. B. Thompson, ME11CHANT TAILoR, No. 411 IIiOAlWAY, (near (Count stree), 3.02 2!1,2e New York. Jindow Glass JJWarehouse. FRENCH,SNrilIlYI anld AMERICAN,\ ClAlNCES' FNiILSII CiROWN, SiIFEST ani Ciii:4.i, i'lATE Window (Glass. ('LAIN asn FANCYC51.OiiED, snd OiNAMIiiNTAL GLASS ct toiorder. Fie, ,ss by C. HOLLAND, i51 Spt i NEs. VN135ammoo et .. t. The Iblet. "TRSF'EL15" IS TilE TRUE : SECRT OP BIiAUTY I ,. TROEsLIO" Cs.,, ill Eruptiiss. "TRIPESLIO" Ssiiss, theSkin. "TRPI3FR.iO " 1lbslsle. tihe Skin. "TRsI'EI.IO" Eradicatesbiimor. "'TRAFEI.IO " 50 -1l. ,eIottle. Particulsrly idaplted to war. climstis. A few drops ssured in ti. wstr fir Batilings I. delleisiisy re,,,hiisgg t b t d ssrti... isg, gvisSy iie..SkisFrshbsss. SHsIIssX(h~s, RisIsIIiiySsfnlsKs, Brillincy and Parity-Cssliisg nd Invigosrtlsg-rendeis Lth flssh srm snd of an asibastir rlehnsss of Besuty ; removes all Eruptiio. Isnwsely pps ik,,ssssg theLsdiss, /W-Ssld evwher at :cenltsl, a battle. Ssldl holesale and retail by JAMES SYME,No. 134 Canal streeI, and by i5sgiOstsgrenerliy. TILESTON & CO., myl3 plpy Genel Agesnt, ill Brs4adwy. Ne Ysork. JOSEPHR M. ILA.BORDE, Sicones, os Isisods A Xiiess Imposter si HAVANA CIGlARS AND PRODUCE, Is. rs. mosedfrom No. 9 New LeL. streestio No. 11i.1,s iv,,sorner si Tchosspiioussiss 500. isS pik Dental Surgeon. DR. GEORGE W. SMI'T'H Has removed ssom No. 1I7 Cosril stre,to th spposit.5de, No. RI, onsdoorfrom Raspart, where he will be pleased ti re sse hisolid friedsSsd others wo may desis nis profesy services. .15 2etTSW .Mason's Patent SCREW TOP PRESERVE JAR. No Cement or Wax Requirepd. The ONLY RELIABLE. srticli intse market. Fo, sale by BOWLES & JUDSON, s3i hplseWsSieikW 1; Csamsp rlt. Boots, Shoes and Brogans, AT WHOLESALE. Plai.tlss .spplidisl wHb prime Ditchisg BOOTS, Ruses BROGANS, Wool, Meias, PsLm Laps, ta.a asnd Csmpepc BATS, a the low,.timarket prin, by FROST COO., No.10. Meg nsutnissreaet, N Orlea,. HATS CAPS. etc.. AT WHOLESALE. WeU oomsally receing a gesInssl assortmen os SBi ks Fsr, OalbsS. Panma, Leghor, SitRa, Palm sLeaf, Meate sad Wool HATS, sa th. lsear market prss, by EOsT a OO., jyll BDSW Msasjdsaas Inea, LAquers, etc., O8. 18 AND 15 ROYAL STRRET. A fOfmEEN DE BOUnZ CEANPAONE, In oose Spblatsnmally m bhod, whichb is equot to the best th, amo to th aslkN Ae, othe bras ooinferlor qtualty TOFPAZ SERRY, CABINET SHERRY, SIERRASHElR RY, GOLDEN 8Hs RRY, DUPP CORDON SHERRY, AN. COBO SHERyT,SPARKLING and STLLBHOCK, Old ead Ol. PORT WINE,MADEILA AND HERRY WINES, BANDILS-amo, of aths vl.age of I, 17 and 180, md 001e bramds. WHISKY, of all d eriptiooo-Sooteh, IrOa, Bye and Bsorbs. ALE and PORTER, inpints sad quarts a amhald, my as m aot t of othe bea 4 Winese and Liquor la the market whihwllbe oldoas reaonable ts. a s s uy osb houe in the lty. SEWEfIL T. TAYLOR, t7 21 No'. I ad I Royal ort. Crockery, China, -Ax- G LA S S W A R E. At Wholesale. SAMUEL E. MOORE. 49 Camp Street, Hos Instore, and is reciving by shipments direct frtm NErope, a very large stok of EARTHENWARE, CHINA AND GLASSWIARE, Which Is offered at New York prioes, at wholetlA,. I-Asorted Crates are always on hand, and the goods are guaranteed to bedelivered free of bsreakge. to• yWeoAaoMotf I waln Paper. WaIaU Paper. ,. J. "- V ER B, Ei 61 ................. Charres Street.............6.. 26 Wholesale and RMetl Dealer In French and Amerlcan Paper Hanging, BORDERS, CORNEIRS, OAKS AND 1e MARBLES, in every vatritty. Partleular attention paid toall work i his lie. di lll Fatrbanks' PRIN I P A L OUTHERN Scale Warehouse, ANt DEPOTFOR LILLIE'S BURGLAR AND FIRE-PROOF SAFES. , FAIRBANKS A CO., dl2 hOtf Io. O mn Istra. Citgars ! Cigars: Porchasers will always End in store an assortment of the wet nown brand--Iojemnidad, Flor do Ptoladas, Meridifaa, Flor de Paouho, BReowa, Caborgn. Partagas, Know-Something, Wah. oegton, Dos Hermanoo, MNm HaIaho, etc., etc., at the loowes P. PRATS & CO., oN2 lo 29 Oonmmercial Pioce. iF'ean. .1. Drown ' Co., 210................MARKET STR7 ET................ 26 lManuftctrero i of tnperior UMBRELLA S and P'ARiASOLS- aduptedtothe bestretail trade. BqrEveiy article warranted. Particular attention oiven to orders. 0le 2plm Removal. BRUFF, BROTHER & SEAVER Wilt remove duding the month of June, from No. 41Wrren street, to their newMorble Stores, Nos. 384 and 386 Broadway, where they will open a heavy tock of HIARDWARE, GUNS, etc., exclusively adollted tothe Southern trade, and hope, by their inereated facitlties, to beenabled to trasaet their busi- ness witl promptness, and to merit the continued coldcnme of Niw YhOo. May •t, 1IM. Jet 2ptJyl IWL•cox A Gibbs' SEWING MACHINE. The polntsof superiority claimed n this Machnbe, rendering it desirable for Family or Plantation oo, ae- 1. Its remarkable accuracy and power, being capable of making FOUR THOUSAND stitches per minute, and a PER- FECOTLY RELIABLESTITC1H. 2. It wii not drop stitches, andsnoiseless in its operation. S. Its wonderoflt simplicty, making It easy to learn toopera t e. 4 No mistake can possibly be made In setting the nebdle. 5. It will hem perfectly of any required size, from the narrowest hereto thbatofa yard to width, also form andfell sea•s without the difficulty experlenoed with otllher •lacbines. 6. Last, but not leaot, the price (tlhrty-five dollars) slower than any other reliable Machino In the market, and kbings it within the reach of all. -Purchaterawiltl beguaranteed perfect satiofsftion, with Ohe privilegeof returning tile •cbhlne if, after trial, it does not prove to be all owe reommend. DAVIS BROTHERS, Agents, to tooott hia Ooomno .10.1 The Eastern Clarion, PAULDINGI IO A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, haviog the hirge cirennatls. of my o a onw pora the South,h vy ropetfayToti usd ma an ddveoing mediatota •'eenmtasof Now 0.. mam. AgMnt for No oew o..- A. . STAWBRIDI O A CO., n WIl 'Ws .os rls rfto , Geo. G. Evane' IPHILADELPHIA C-lift - Boole EDIztorpriso TIlE OLDEST -- And-- Largest In the Worldt -Is- PERMANENTLY LOCATE No. 439 Chestnut street. PHILADELPHIA,. Card. Having pslrehead the spaclou Iron BsRdleg, No. lUOh5 nut street, andl ttedItup withs everey a rle to fanEJ. my busineta, particularly thet branch desotod to CODNU ORDERS; and bae tl•egsr sltl th sey lt• Invested In the etees, I ml now popeed tooeeth, grter vanttgee than ever to my'esetomers A n ew Clulswed lotegeof Boob, just Isned,embme the wrbtfnp of ef standard author In every depuartmet of liteature, tel over two hundred volumes of HIltory, B•hnply, Voya•ee Tmtvels, Adventure, ete., etc., publlishe by myelf. Ths the molt eompltete taleoges of Boolk sand Ofls over pbIh tad gives al the Information rlative tothe purchb g atd fa. warding byMail or Expree of Bookt ordered from my stb.- Ilhbment, together whh full directions bow toremit money. I will fumrnh anJy blk (eof t oral character)publised lb thte United Statle, theregular retall price of whtbi is On Dollt• upwards, and gurantet togive perfect tifoeatle tomy c tsnetn, Im determnedd tomt ntln the reputation ad e acter already bestowed e••u my e tablthment. . Strangerj visiting Phil.delphit are avited to call at EVANS, GIFT BOOK IIOUSE nud •ege forthema•eves. R DO NOT BEND ORDERS -rO- IRRESPONSIBLE PARTIES. George G. Evans' ORIGINAL GIFT-BOOK ENTERPBI B -- Iln, beco-- ENDOR•.ED 1tY THE BKOOTRADE -- An AU the Leadlng City and Cgpaptry NEWBPAPERS, -AND 71a11- PUNCTUAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS OF THE TABI.ISIIMENT HAVERECEIVED THI APPROBATION OF OVER 6,000,000 CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATE -Eaoh of whem- HAVE RECEIVED SCBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE -or Tua-- Beneftsderleed by phaesitg Beooks THE IEADQ U T A R T E -or- Geo. G. Evans' 1 GIFT- BOOK ENTERPRISE, No. 43 CHIESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. (From the Philadelphls Satrday Oamt.e) " That the hbuiness of ft Enterldse m teM be m ad a male ole--that it can be ondsetl fairly sad honoMy, justice to all partlie, i not ma absurdity, but a reality that been denlonstrated planliy. True, we nowofbut ta who has succeeded in it-not only pacthr.tly, bat has we confdence of the public, and the conadt•de• webare r is, that it Il owing hlely to the fact that he is theonly them wheo bas dealt honorably and firly by his pstos. iln it is tht nomanco•ld conduct a asless nfairly engthi of time he hab without one wordtli comeplunt Be•• tered against h!m by the hundeds of thosand, who bha the reciplentt of favors at his had We refer, of cor Mr. Geo. G. Evens, 439 Chestnut street, Philedelphbta SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF BOO which will be sent gratti to any peroln whtalt sended address. Order that you may want, reamt the nsMa I prlee, together with the amount required for poptage, and trial will esure you that the beet place in the contry to ehate boo•e is at the RELIABLE GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHIENT -. or- t3 Geo. 0. Evans, 439 CIHESTNUT STREET, nItILADeLP:uoI. Agents Wanted. To whbom greater inducemente thtan ever tm Anyperson, either male or female, whois delmees of Ing in an HONORABLE ANDPROFITABLE EMPLOYMEN•- equiring butl little time and no outlay of money, and by they can obtain gratrs A VALUABLE LIBRARY, A FINE GOLD WATCH ANDCHAIN, A HANDSOME SERVICE OP PLATE, A SPLENDID SET OFJEWELRY, AN ELEGANT SILK DRESS PAITT•N, Or many other cholee a rtcles enumerated n the Lis of can do so byacting s an Agent for bthis eebta Any person, in any part of the contry, can be agenat, ply by forming aclub, sending the list ofbooks, atnd i the amount of mrteey required for the t me. GET UP A CLUB. Send for a Catalogue, which eontalm all the deired Inf tion relative toagencies and the formation of tclub; and to sure prompt and honorable dallngs, atidt all onrder to THE HEADQUARTERS -Of- George G. Evans, Publisher andProprietor of the oldest and LARGEST GIFT-BOOK ENTERPRIS IN THE WORLD. Pesnanently Locateds Ne. 489 CHESTNUT STBEET, iM m*4et

Transcript of New Orleans daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) 1860-07-06 [p 4] · belongs, is inherent in, and...

"-Yt .P'g, 1


ti ab rt ; iii.!ia Pacrwis..l

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tribaldi Prepariagtl e

nater Calabria.


Sol tdie aed Ctommereial Intelligence.

-- r ra NaTno AL AND AealcA

Fsw YORK, July 5.-The Royal Mail steamshipPersi, Capt. C. H. E. Jadkins, of the British andNorth Amerlcan Line, from Liverpool via Queens-town, reached her dock at Jersey City this

She left the port of Liverpool at noon. Saturday,Jane 23, touched at Queenstown Sunday evening,June S4th, to land and embark passengers and dis-.

the• , and bringh three days later intelligencewan received at Quebee by the Anglo-Saxon.

e inuarlatl Iatellignee.LIArnvoor., Jane 23L-The sales for the week

ending June 22d in the Liverpool Cotton marketiamn nted to 86,000 bales, of which speculatorstook'2000 bales, and exporters 17,000. The de-lIecteo to thetrade for the week have been 43,000

o co ta mefet oae again thooehMeat thepat week howeda comndderable degree of weak-

Al qualities of Cotton have again experienceda frther decline of Id. during the week. This de-llo ne i placipally on the Middling and lower

gtraeof Cotton.The fAner qualities of Cotton closed generallysala~baged at last week' quottions.Rldlr e pressing their stocks on the market.

.The demand for export has been generally goodthroughout the week'.

The sales of Cotton on Friday reached 10,000baeas, of which speculators and exporters took9000 hales.

The maared closed generally steady at the folaowlagauthtorised quotations of the Brokers' Cir-


air Okleanosi ...... 7 d. Middling Orleans..6 d.t eblle ....... 7 Middling Mobiles..5:d.'Fe, l

Tples•. ........ MiddlingUplknuds..Odd.

The t ai titty of Cotton now in the port ofleft`ot a'ddas op 1,308,000 bales, of which

:1,14,400 bales have been received in American

Lrv vroor , June 23.-The latest accounts re-calved atthl8iport from Manchester and the our-roundIg meloetor'l g distriots were of a favor-

The demand for cloth and yarawas better, tandelt market dosed quiet atlast week's prices.The jLverpool market for all qualities of Bread-

aiulopiesed dull1, and noetally unchanged.Ia•uws deatniptions of Provfiioos in Liverpool

losed steady-at last week's prices.IoOin,: Jane S23-Thegeneral features of

>ary alirs In London, since tha departure ofthe lat ate ieer, are unchanged. The funds clesedgdet sad stemy as followts

W-l fof acount clised at 931 to 93} ex.

Jun e S3, P. M.-By Teldgraph toThe ales to the Liverpool Cotton

tet ap 10 bales, The markett ( geterally anchanged at yesterday's quota- I

e Eprp po teal news'reeivedhby thea regard to the revolution in

e ltest dce retee at London fromile s tha4tl etllees prevailed in Sicily.

IItto aples, had isaned orders forof •li his troops at Messlna, and

's. pe paring to march by ltandmPeers ttorMesinae for the purpose of at-

takiag and sdtvtngaway the Feapolitan forces._Th6 iurgentO xpected to attaok Messina on

i`of J f where a decalsie battle would be

Sc r at W?3Uas marS PINSIA.

DrYosT, I Th e mails of the steamship'et rrv eifom laverpool this moroeng,

v e th dielitvored. 'iolt forteBaethwered 1tci thiYtsy avqp' train.

Patiestie, fom Que-rPoit, arrived oat at Liverpool on

(qr, akniadiph rd Lirerpool Mail4g4abamsp Glasgow, from Now York,

Merey river on te alt., the seamsbip Arxbia, of the

AktAerican line, arrived out atsad lri news wts telegraphed to

-iot kiossd quiet, .and quioet

-- Ed im at the quotations

vsp rates.s eagi erea Inorea d

pes o at w werefieph great conference at

ac fidnBaden betweent fOcsa U the German8ov-W*as ade on th

and foreign Goverln

agreed, It possible, to bringang between Austria and

1s adraod n Rassell, In acknowledg-esote relative to the aonnexation of

led the whole course of France.t volunteers were to be recesived by

-hs th t the Persia salted.eVP.e of Wales embarks for Canada on the

8 ,h asis vernent compelled thenarlasnt vssels to hoeist the Pontitlil

ptoope had fnally evacuateda foreineg twenty regi.

0 d l great force at Calabria.o ihie e asked for aan -n

1 sasel etsdhy the Nopolitans7pipe fBe tle v

~bPI Per.

June 2nth, ied*nirTnrreoetvod

*~ t wYork.too 64Place ettb. n~ew etuma1ehip

blew out~b qlbader heed just

fir! ."abe eo toida.h s and nomi alln-

,vllqArk., the present termluss of the han Fran-ceece telegraph line.

The wildest excitement now exists in differentportions of the Territory of Arizona on account ofthe new discoveries of gold on the Mimbres.

Persons are leaving Tucson in large numbers forthe newly discovered mines, and the speculativespirit is thrown into a perfect state of frenzy. Allthe members of the Provisional Government haveleft.

Removal of the Memphis Postmaster.MEMPasS, July 5.-Mr. MoGallaway, editor of the

Memphis Avalanche, and Postmaster rice Mr. W.iH. Carroll, has been removed.

From Utah.

rFrom the St. Joseph Gonette.eTon Mon•Ors- wors. RATuiER B'v TArN SFt.L,--

By the Central Overland IMail, which reached thiscity night before last, we are in possession of ourregular iles of papers from Saltltake City. Noth-ing beyond the ordinary record of murders hadtranspired.

The action of Congress concerning the " Saints "is still matter of speculation, and the subject ofsome bitter sarcasm. The following correspond:ence of the Mountaineer, a Mormon paper, israther cool:

Etrrono OF Mort•r.ltNsER: We observe in theGlobe of April 26, 1860, ajoint resolution proposedfor the consideration of Congress, authorizing acommission to proceed to Utah fi the purpose ofbuying out tie Mormons, conditioned that theyleave the jurisdiction of the United States. Thewish is farther tothe thought. The mind that con-ceived such a luminous and patriotic idea must beready and willing to sell his country.

The "Mormons" are willing to buy upon the solecondition that the nation does not split asunder be-fore thraegottaties are completed and peaceablepossession given. Thereferc we propose that thejoint resonlution be so amended as to authorize theCommission to either buy or sell, and to close thenegotiations at once, while they have a country tosell. And Inasmuch as delays are dangerous andtime precious the Commission should be fully em.powered to definitely close the transaction, with-out being required to await the instructions or ac-tion of a subsequent session of Congress.

If the "

Mormons " conclude to buy out the" Gentile" portion, and we nave no doubt but thatthey are more willing to sell than we are, we shallexpect them to go beyond the present jurisdictionof the United States; and we will guarantee not toannex the country in which they may locate, aswas done with ours after we came here: or, if wedo, we will either give them so much of it as maybe necessary for all practical purposes for them tooccupy for their exclusive control and jorisdiction,or allow them to live in the unmolested enjoymensof the Constitutional rights and liberties of ourcommon country. The Constitution will be ourpolitical platform, and upon its ample base theyand all classes, conditions, and varieties of people,coming within our jurisdiction, may repose in quietsecurity.

We will furthermore guarantee, in case we an-nex them, not to usurp an unconstitutional author-ity over them, but will leave them to the free, full,and absolute exercise of that sovereignty whichbelongs, is inherent in, and reserved to the people,allowing them to elect their own officers, maketheir own laws, and regulate their own affairs intheir own way, subject only to the Constitutionand its legitimate jurisdiction.

Now, we think this just as sensible as the doingsin Congress on the "vexed question," and notmuch sense in either.

Seriously, Mr. Morris, we have no country tosell. American liberty, free institutions, our coun-ry and Constitution are ours. We hve inherited

them from'our fathers. Our religion we have re-ceived from our God. You have no right to dis-possess us of the one, nor to prohibit us the freeexercise of the othe. MOseON.

From New Mexico.

The St. Lonis Republican publishes the followingletter :

F4RNArNDO Dn TAOS, (New Mexico) June 7.--In-telligence was received here yesterday that five

deald bodies were discovered at the crossing of theArkansas, on the road from this place to DenverCity. Two of them were Americans, and are saidto be William LeBlanc and Chas. Deus, the latter acaptain in the New Mexican volunteers in 184M; theother three were not recognized. They a'e sup-posed to have been murdered by Kiowa Indiana.

Kit Carson and party left Taos for Pike's Peakon Baturday last. Judge Blackwood, who was tohave accompanied him, has been detained by offi-cial duties.

Many persons are daily arriving here from thesounthern portion of the Territory, en route for themines. Quiafte a tide of emigration is now settingin from New Mexico In that direction. The reportsof gold discoveries continue to be very cheering.

The New Eldorado.

A letter received from the editor of the Ari-zonlan, says the San Antonio Herald, by a gentle-man in this city, brings the following intelligence:

T or, :JUnse 18.-Late intelligence but adds tothe already more than encouraging reports thusfar received, and nearly eve one in this sectiono preparg to go t0the new Eldorado.'The neOw ias liovered are in the vicinity of

the Blo Memnbres, about hal-way between thisplace (Tuson) and the Mresli Valley; they arenorth of hemea rod niea the Glla river. As the

sentry Is prospeotP$ new mines are found indif-isre at d elretloo, mlit it no doubtofthe exist-enesof a vast. e ntof mining country and roomfor thosands of wothing men.

The payies vryn mesd as high as $200 hareItlinkthe average from to $24 per

-day:; ver ssle -o gf -ani•.d when the newsreaches Oirlfomla, and parts of your State, therush will be very great'. -

There i a gret want of picks, shovels, iron.pisn d seheet iron0 there are none in this market,or•teseia or at i Paso.

Old lorfa miners say the new mines equal I.i s rtoemd in that State.

he-ahoe extract doubtles is reliable, asit is I

addressed to a gentleman of high standing in thisCity. The editor mentions in his letter that he hasbeen conmpelle to suspend his paper in conse-qnene ofth, srsh of all hands to the mines.Other letters addressed to merchants in this city,

onjiinee us that there is no humbug about the din-overy; beelden we lhave seen a bag of the pure

dElasid to contain $ M00, which wassent to one ofour mercantile houses-everybody in Arizoua is

O re•aN•w Orleapr id the l•rge citiese 'gr-ttes, thee will doubteas be a

e w' a o. aTyever pet The retailpRet J50 tIM etb per hoe o•ut tuoed eOtby GEO. O.

sseyhcawe 1s8n in pnu In the Old World for ONat THOUSAND

YTARS, Pearfeotn i reached at lat. The modem world al-o that OItIIIADORO' EXCOIILIOR DYR eomprses andpt all the elements of beauty whih Hleaven has beetowae

upen tIo met favored hoad. The change Is eelted in a few

Dr. Ohilton ays. anter areftld aumlla , that it contaol "noSdelkteeosslnedientd."

SoIdseyerwhere, d appltld by Il Hair Dressers.For de In New Orles, wholemle and retail, by J

WRIGHT & CO,, 21 and 11 Chartres street, Geoural AgentsW lesm&W CRIBTADORO, No. 6 Astor House, N. Y.

S eTyeon of Japan I-OGeo. B.81oat Co,p iesentd mosof their tllipute sowirg MerNdnes to the Tyeoonof Japn-s h asre offed for ae at No. 97 Caoul stret,

ad is th best oes manfaclured in Amed a, without a doubt.Its dadmhabe admpnltty, its effrtive oprato ansd its mhoban-kdm perfelion, ar its proud clalms to stility, and the thoueandswho knve used them wll gladly attest to this great trlmph ofAmerls m Sl . I A . n s .1,2lm M. S HEDRICK. Agent, 97 Canal etreel


Wh. Best and Chonpest sewingr Mna-obtes. we lin. A3 Sltt &i Co.'. Now Style. thoto Msoblonhsy gtenlaoo.ovtreouto overall othors, aresmloar to WheeleA Wflm's'-4oiozsway with th. ttouoblesomeo Leathe. Pad adILaot0 chuns

Part. eoswel of aSewig chio.ere Invlted to call s1*osnhob.boron akLng purohos .07 Cwo.l stret.

it s o*W M. 0. IIRDRI0, Ageot.B?'P o mtho Try Hu.dget.-John nnlaey

Apouo-It i. is t4at famooo poem,' The Sloge of Corinth'w0.e 8yron eoord tlh1t-

"I T oh wU 00 0ld ma0000 wh.oal sowta e hite,But hi0vet0an0arm0 0 foil of motght."

Tbh deosljrlpte of thil old mo, bhoe boon oftenqsoted a opplocable to that Intelleotol platofthoeeoolierdoyaof Gh Republic-Jobo. Quicy Moo... H0d the bho. of By-.osR pooo.deod In the days. theroesoud l have beeo 0000000.pity of bit rehoooodlo tte ft that "hsblo halrsowee white'-for,likoe ostoftheold mno of to oprentd dy, ho would 0.0.00.-cOdp boy o osed Hsiootrool's Hair Reotoratlio, which wouldh. oa etord hi0.0.0. to all 00. prists. beautoy od naural

PeOts.06.wetoand~lpe.ottl.. Soldedaosywbee.W. B. JAbaN A 00.. Proprietors, Toy, N. T"

Sold by J. W TAO., Pi C . 1 (Ioot.. 2 haetO, New*teem - 0006 bin*W

ab ae~ Sea e as that deUeaeyptevew etlfp e dwfom "pp0.eft ateeweso o.libefron

pW +WSS 0.06 k%, 0*00.8i040.ole I the sanMAO t sfa W'Scti Proposed afte thepro

,o7Oaketh W odd caw taot mm;,foK.s ow~t hn1s r rt .'kar-OM n sei b e Co~80sm~0~O0U,70o

On Thurlsy evnleng, 5th Int., at slo'CI.e. CHRISTIANA,infant daughter of WmYe. hCn and Cth1rL Cr.

The blendsand ee luarntmer a of llbh Ifanil2y ar reapeyeetlly-Inrited to attend the fnucrall~his afternoon at f .'duck, from the

Ieldeace of her pbeg nts, ll lvee street, beweyenc telsqt andI'Alo tlreets.

On T osdy,, Jue 12, at Montelal, C. R., of mCmbranouscroup, H(ARRY EIIWAORI), ldy son of John T. metl J,21, C.lope, formerdy el New Osleas, ggd i4yeeasead i elmlblb.

e-iHostettrr'a Stomach Bitters-The doubtwith hllch au oef deceived -rommeily I. tl, II look upon allmeedlal prleprations, Ihas torlg sine lee, cmplelely vandbehl blly the trldmelphel, luleeea l and invariable success of

lltelle r'a Sle,,aed Billee. ThatdelBrels I alll dlariees ofthe digestllu agClJ are not mleenly., beenlell they are Iheneresiar: result ofr certain medical propertiles neve~r heretofotr

combilnld one peel-shlul, bull, I.y are ,CCIIIIelC Oe ninl.h-lllee. Agld lpeeone. hedenod lIolelmll paIt Ihlp frome meel-icineo, declarerd (to use thle words ,( a rrresllaadeaol that thel

Bitees xeoe to haee glen theml, ,aew lesee of lie. I'eqgl-lionably the ejelrity of dal,,ger,, d,, icasel are theyIprijl ol,l,.pepeia, lnd for 11h1, cCmplant, , seell a, the e,,el, es out ofIt. thel It nohlnlg I,, the nol 1d like llOlTbTTER'S STO-

bY.Wil BITTERS, whlich is now sold by .l draiCit tllhrough-out tke world.

eold en New Odleans, wholesale end retell, by J. WRIGHT tGO., B agnd 11 Chartres streee, eel. agells for the SoethbosSlttes, nd to whom all orders should be eddresosd. and by drug-gidstlddsdelnee generaellyeverohere. 1,.2 SbIISIIW

I wSpser's Eider Wine.. bur years old.ContaLnLng no mixturbeesef splel or soy oteer liquor.It is an Inoluable tonie.

lCilngtone aed vigorto the systemIll1. especlelly sulled for delleste oemales and chbldras.Also foe faollyeue,sod for tlb aged and inerm.Asd everye asreobess a nueledl cordial I. reeqeed.

eold wholesale and retail by JAMES SYM, INe. 3I4 C0,0.streei, .dby Dseggistsgenerally. jsagIm

i.Spring Bee-b to tS3 er fer the beetpeloBgBd to existenoe, (Bres's Patent) ae N. 154 Chatbha1tr55.t New Yeek. Senol. t,lor eddeessi. heLLIPTIe BBDSPRING OOMPANY, for their deseelpsl, eloolse. Spesi.Idsteseose Ist ih teode sond loeal at eee. . leD 2eSWle

TFreat Reduction


Preyioue to taLkg miy ae,,llll llve'lory of Stled, I will oflbst elle ll, ef the eaboeC Gds,e at a


The blalence ef my-y StOk Cf



JOHN TODD,3y2 2SylbTibl,'. NC. 12 And 1 54 Chrtres street.

.To. 45 Camp Stredt.


Reduced Prices!!

Being desiruss Cf still further redlucing my sdeCk, that thealtleeiens neeesearey, my be made in my Itore during thesummer, I offer eerey lndement to lpartiee In needef sipe.ree artflel of



Spring Cassimere Suits at Coot!!ROBERT DRIBBLE,

y2 2p~loWeRePr 4l Cemp etreet, acu. eraeds.

For Ble or Lease.


On Canal street.

Between Franlin and Trtmt streets,

Now occupied by Rev. S. Jacob.For terms, apply to

F. & L. PIFPET,je25 24awtf 133 Canal street.

Firevworks I

We offer for sale at oy iow rates. a fresh ad lage stock

of FIREWORKS, consisting In part of-SKY ROCKETS,



F. & L. PIFFET,Jel2 2p2awtjy4 No. 33 Canal street



To Faetors and Others Interested.

I wold rs•otfty l ryour att•lon to the following letter,

which wl] emcutlot so ow the rmoato In which iron.botd Cotton b tid by thoe ship eaptsuns who baoe takenCOtton oeud lo that way. I do thbi, too, since there has beena aotemooot moose of a tion by thote opp 000 to thL use of nonto pdodothe tomopssoonpao the minds of ship captains andthe eamunlty generally, that It arva In to bad a codlition atthe pmot of daest olton as to carom a great los to the ship, aswell b to sol1eot it to a higher per cent. in sottling for thefrelgh. All t cha rges are hown to ho erroneous whero theFAP~S AN TIE It, as it L now fully demonstrated thatfra the time it loves the plantation until it reaches its port ofdemmation, them is not an objection to it. It is utod for reoompretsit g at the Orleans Cotton Prsm dally, with greator fa-

cslty than rope.Th hoop are nw all well painted and for oale In any. quan-tlty by application to

F. BELCHIER, Agent,22 CommurcialPl ece.

A Card.

` Nw, June 16, 1860.Mr. Henry Foonm :DtMrSir-lo November lat the ship "oCatinc.', under mycomomnd, loaded at this port with a cargo ofl 300 boles of Cot-too, of which over 100 bales were compr.esedl in ron bandswith your Tie, and mootly received from your press; the lhulnceof the cargo was rope-bound. On landing the eoryo, tile balshotod with iron came out in much tle beot order, and thle entireexoye in Ittting the cargo in order was only three pound ster-ling. The lots In c0ttling the freiglht in weight on the iron-bound Cotton was four per eellt., the rao-hoouud was a fract ionmore. I cotmider it for the interest of bllps to have th,.lr Cut-ton iniron botnds with )our Tie, pro\ided the otevedolre, um.Sployed take the same pahls In storing it as they d o rpoe bound.

JAIES H. SIMPSON,jeoG iyof Ship "OCstine," of New Orleans.

To the Ladies.

DETER'S WORSTED STORE, Canal street, near Daonphiu.

We are now selling a good mtny articles at and bEloow cotprice, and keep coustanly a fhrsh supply of Berlin rtbhyr, andall kli of of m otr o oor oLadios' Work on hand. Jellt 2,pt

Fb the Public.

The subcriber Is now prepared to buruyiS (GAS WORKS ofall sines for cities, fatories, hotels, sugatr houss or dwellings,under the patent granlted to Pros. ROBERT GRANT, datedJasiary 27, 1S67.

These Works are arrauged to mske th0e (:s from Coal, Re1in,Besln OS1, or Cssts Seed, are -ery simple in their constructiob,psfsectly safs, atd yield a larger quantliy of gas from1 s givemount of lmtliS l t hielnalny other bknwn process.I beg to refer to the b fllowing etifiate of JSfssrr. 0. E. Hll

A Co., St. LotLHotel, wshre lars ecol workIs can e seen, anda small appsratus can be sben in Operatsio at the Norelty IronWorkl Agensy, No. I CMoot ItreIt, Ne Orleans:

Sr, Louss HosTs., Ness Olieans, Roy 29, 1860.F. W. C. Cook, Esq.:

Dear Sir-It 15 now more than three months since the OlssWorIs known as Robert (wsynt's Patent, and put up b you inthis lIots), have beln Io operatlon, ISd it al55511s . plosss tobe able to stale that be aml sat..Illd wlhb tllSm in every panc1s.It., and will Ithk thib occasion to state, bisibs, b, that for tl Itsix days (8colnlnletn with the cily gEs baving been iSt o)5e have burned an average of two hundred lllghts per night, and1

a portion .f ihose uStil morning, the sspply 5f gas for whichhasbeen mads from fBiv hundred punds of coIt eah twIsysll-tour bous. Tbhe orks areslmple and easily managed, and, Istility and Ronomry, ests) the roprscStotIons sulls In yIoIII

contract. Iwo once an all that ell ts e4irid in any season ofVis y5a5 fIo the keeping of tlbe worbs In ordsr and the ,1ru"factsse sf gs..

Vey sespectflly yours.0. 1'. S)A.b).S , CS.

Per the usle of the above Works, or for the exriusive rightsa

for citlls, cIuntsll or ISttsI. apply to \'F. W. C. COOK,

" (.Aa5 5 rtOl ROBERT ORBNT,)

NIS. 1 Crlssldreet.

.JeS lsm Nesw Orl ns.


,e -tAt Sss lbw sl~~ld~l.pS "We fr sk b

CIAS. BOLXAND.JJ ;S 155 cI 1oas.8 sO


A. Freth Consignment




IS and 14.......... Chartr t.........1I and 14Hns rrclto d from tIe Mn,)rortmer.r another tot e intot)

of 'he follottng GlooId, with their ,,traootioo tlidpos ofth~e samen


5 onses WARREN Esin Ffo, Mlilloo Ftoloo, N 12e-Wornth

.e, YORIK 111,1.9, Ooit FIii,, it 12151.-W'oth ItG.3earcv LIOlISIANA, loun Fine tot Siot Fith, 1r,.-,

Wortht o.2 J tosipoto A Stn; coibrnledl IRISHI LINENS, at$11 piler of Foot t,-Worth $15.210X ynrds Fine White INIDIA MIUSLIN, 2 yards wido, at SI a

yiol-Worithl 520.100 deem. Fins LINEN CIAMIIRIC ll.INDIERCIIIEFS, ii

$2 50 pr dnoze-Worth SI t0.

Swiss ruulinm! Swiss Maslins,From tie cetobrted msilsnufory of ROBl. IioBRID iD SF0..

frot 251t. to 240. per yard.THE OREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED.

Alo, an tamenus rpdntliun In thn entire Stock of Fina OR-GANDOY ROBES, RICH ORGANDIES, FRENCH JACO-NEES, etc.. eto. ijy2 2p3ItoThASs


S-CT 1%d:31= C7LrCTrr = WC3




Corner of Camp and Comson Streets,

Opiotitl tiGntltten', littn,,, to City Hotel.


THE PATIENT YOKE S44T11Sare tnperlor to anty otermake furFate tn ew 0Olo,-.BOSO1MS m0de p no all the caoioutststyls, t: Sitt)ll, Fncy,.

Ltioo, Croot P'0, Fall and Sllfrotoodl;CUFFS-F,,nl,, ongtlst nod Regots, ;DOLLARS-BtBhop, Byron, Torn- tor aod ito ihoot Golo0, all

almst of nck and lengthor ttho arm.




3o3 2p41 Cotoor Cmps and Como sosnlt,.

4w'tches, Jewelry, etc.


O4erinsg my Stark



W. A. WILSON,,jyI2pztr 5 ousul eket.

Freah goods s t reak oods

Jst resled from Pris, a bestWr aortmetnt of-


BELT WC•LESR , NETS for the bir ;CRAVATS, SUSPENDERB, etc., etc.


Jell Mto eomn Bser llSe

Tucking Combs !

Jsd reevd fro Paris, a beutiful assotmsnt of IVORYand SHELL TUCKING and DRESSING COMBS.



LION & ANDREE,Mo4ad l6 Royal street,

j.e . .t 2m0er of RkM•llse.

. .atling. Matting. "Matting.

We lhave now a hand a choise lot of ATTINGS ofthe bestbrands, whlih we are selling at

Bb Cents Per Yard IAlso, our nrual tplssdid uassortment of FINE MAIHOGANY

AND RBSOWOOD FUB.NIUSE, CHINA AND GLASS-WARE, CURTAIN STUFFS, etc., which we will c1 lowl tomake room for fall stock.

P. MALLARD,jIt'4t--lm os Rnsal sPe-t.

(dolpho W'olfe's


Tonic, Diuretic, Anti-Dyspeptic


To the Travellag Community.

WOLFI:'Scelelbhtted AROM.\TIC S(IEIDAM SCHNAPPSlhoald be in thle hlndo of every tratler. No fstlly sthot.tldleave the city or be wthout a snppl,' dutring the watrm weather,It invatribly correcet the ll eni•ts of change of wealther, and asa beverage It is the purest li, Uor madte i the world.Pu t u inpint and quart bottle;. Sold by all DrlgItfs, (,rottcrs and Frill: blStores.

Udolpho Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy,It bwittle, Imllttred an••d bottled by himellf. Watrranted pttre

and thie b•,t quality, w ith hi certilcate on rach bottle.,Udolpho Wolfe's Pure Old Port Wine,

Imporst• by hir•elsl, to Gs ofto oe dozen each ; with his cer-tifc•xt of its purlt y oil each battle.

Udolpho 1Volfe's Pure Maltielra Winte,Inl cases of one do n each, wilt hle certitficat e o the bottles,

gIuarantecsig Its purity.

Udolpho Wolfe's Pure Sherry Vline,Irtell Iby htlyi

t . \'atrra.ted p•lre, with his certllicate on

thile bottle and s'amp on the cork.Udolpho Wolfe's Genuine Sehiedam

AROMATI,: SCINAPPS,Piltsand quarts. Thebest Gil made m tle world. All Ginsold under the ns•ote of Scbuspps, not put tp by him, is an im-pollhio u ithe purchaser .

UDOLPHO WOLFE,Sole Importer, No. tI eatver street, New York.




384 anad 3'%0 BIodsway,



Foreign asnd Domestic I{ardware,

CUTLERY AND GUNS.M•lufaletuorert of RIFLES andi DERBINGER PISTOIS.Iosentson s the l ab t 8tel Oval-Bye COTTON HOES.

8ise Agentsl Ifor R. P. Bruts' Celebrated AXES.


rIalMIIwasa Ihzia 4 by mailsa a sppiatstIt t Itl 4p15

Jas. B. Thompson,

ME11CHANT TAILoR,No. 411 IIiOAlWAY, (near (Count stree),

3.02 2!1,2e New York.

Jindow Glass JJWarehouse.


SiIFEST ani Ciii:4.i, i'lATE

Window (Glass.('LAIN asn FANCY C51.OiiED, snd OiNAMIiiNTAL

GLASS ct toiorder. Fie, ,ss by

C. HOLLAND,i51 Spt i NEs. VN135ammoo et .. t.

The Iblet.


,. TROEsLIO" Cs.,, ill Eruptiiss.

"TRIPESLIO" Ssiiss, the Skin."TRPI3FR.iO " 1lbslsle. tihe Skin."TRsI'EI.IO" Eradicatesbiimor."'TRAFEI.IO " 50 -1l. ,eIottle.

Particulsrly idaplted to war. climstis. A few drops ssuredin ti. wstr fir Batilings I. delleisiisy re,,,hiisgg t b t d ssrti...isg, gvisSy iie..Skis Frshbsss. SHsIIssX(h~s, RisIsIIiiySsfnlsKs,Brillincy and Parity-Cssliisg nd Invigosrtlsg-rendeis Lthflssh srm snd of an asibastir rlehnsss of Besuty ; removes allEruptiio. Isnwsely pps ik,,ssssg the Lsdiss,

/W-Ssld evwher at :cenltsl, a battle.Ssldl holesale and retail by JAMES SYME, No. 134 Canal

streeI, and by i5sgiOstsgrenerliy.

TILESTON & CO.,myl3 plpy Genel Agesnt, ill Brs4adwy. Ne Ysork.

JOSEPHR M. ILA.BORDE,Sicones, os Isisods A Xiiess

Imposter si HAVANA CIGlARS AND PRODUCE, Is. rs.mosed from No. 9 New LeL. streestio No. 11i.1,s iv,,sornersi Tchosspiioussiss 500. isS pik

Dental Surgeon.

DR. GEORGE W. SMI'T'HHas removed ssom No. 1I7 Cosril stre,to th spposit.5de,

No. RI, ons door from Raspart, where he will be pleased ti resse his olid friedsSsd others wo may desis nis profesyservices. .15 2etTSW


No Cement or Wax Requirepd.The ONLY RELIABLE. srticli in tse market. Fo, sale by

BOWLES & JUDSON,s3i hplseWsSieikW 1; Csamsp rlt.

Boots, Shoes and Brogans,AT WHOLESALE.

Plai.tlss .spplidisl wHb prime Ditchisg BOOTS, RusesBROGANS, Wool, Meias, PsLm Laps, ta.a asnd CsmpepcBATS, a the low,.timarket prin, by

FROST COO.,No.10. Meg nsutnissreaet, N Orlea,.


WeU oomsally receing a gesInssl assortmen os SBi ks

Fsr, OalbsS. Panma, Leghor, SitRa, Palm sLeaf, Meatesad Wool HATS, sa th. lsear market prss, by

EOsT a OO.,jyll BDSW Msasjdsaas

Inea, LAquers, etc.,O8. 18 AND 15 ROYAL STRRET.

A fOfmEEN DE BOUnZ CEANPAONE, In ooseSpblatsnmally m bhod, whichb is equot to the best th,

amo to th aslkN Ae, othe bras oo inferlor qtualtyTOFPAZ SERRY, CABINET SHERRY, SIERRA SHElRRY, GOLDEN 8Hs RRY, DUPP CORDON SHERRY, AN.COBO SHERyT,SPARKLING and ST LLBHOCK, Old eadOl. PORT WINE, MADEILA AND HERRY WINES,BANDILS-amo, of aths vl.age of I, 17 and 180, md001e bramds. WHISKY, of all d eriptiooo-Sooteh, IrOa,Bye and Bsorbs. ALE and PORTER, in pints sad quarts

a amhald, my as m aot t of othe bea4 Winese and Liquor

la the market whih wllbe oldo as reaonable ts. a s s uyosb houe in the lty.

SEWEfIL T. TAYLOR,t7 21 No'. I ad I Royal ort.

Crockery, China,-Ax-

G LA S S W A R E.At Wholesale.


49 Camp Street,Hos In store, and is reciving by shipments direct frtm

NErope, a very large stok of



Which Is offered at New York prioes, at wholetlA,.

I-Asorted Crates are always on hand, and the goods areguaranteed to be delivered free of bsreakge.

to• yWeoAaoMotf I

waln Paper. WaIaU Paper.,. J. "- V ER B, Ei

61 ................. Charres Street.............6.. 26Wholesale and RMetl Dealer In

French and Amerlcan Paper Hanging,BORDERS, CORNEIRS, OAKS AND 1e

MARBLES, in every vatritty.Partleular attention paid to all work i his lie. di lll



Scale Warehouse,




dl2 hOtf Io. O mn Istra.

Citgars ! Cigars:Porchasers will always End in store an assortment of the wetnown brand--Iojemnidad, Flor do Ptoladas, Meridifaa, Flor dePaouho, BReowa, Caborgn. Partagas, Know-Something, Wah.oegton, Dos Hermanoo, MNm HaIaho, etc., etc., at the loowes

P. PRATS & CO.,oN2 lo 29 Oonmmercial Pioce.

iF'ean. .1. Drown ' Co.,210................MARKET STR7 ET................ 26

lManuftctrero i of tnperior UMBRELLA S and P'ARiASOLS-

adupted to the best retail trade.

BqrEveiy article warranted. Particular attention oiven toorders. 0le 2plm


BRUFF, BROTHER & SEAVERWilt remove duding the month of June, from No. 41 Wrrenstreet, to their new Morble Stores,

Nos. 384 and 386 Broadway,where they will open a heavy tock of HIARDWARE, GUNS,etc., exclusively adollted to the Southern trade, and hope, bytheir inereated facitlties, to be enabled to trasaet their busi-ness witl promptness, and to merit the continued coldcnme of

Niw YhOo. May •t, 1IM. Jet 2ptJyl

IWL•cox A Gibbs'

SEWING MACHINE.The polntsof superiority claimed n this Machnbe, rendering it

desirable for Family or Plantation oo, ae-1. Its remarkable accuracy and power, being capable of making


2. It wii not drop stitches, and s noiseless in its operation.S. Its wonderoflt simplicty, making It easy to learn to opera


4 No mistake can possibly be made In setting the nebdle.5. It will hem perfectly of any required size, from the narrowest

hereto thbatofa yard to width, also form and fell sea•swithout the difficulty experlenoed with otllher •lacbines.

6. Last, but not leaot, the price (tlhrty-five dollars) s lower thanany other reliable Machino In the market, and kbings itwithin the reach of all.-Purchaterawiltl be guaranteed perfect satiofsftion, with

Ohe privilegeof returning tile •cbhlne if, after trial, it does notprove to be all owe reommend.

DAVIS BROTHERS, Agents,to tooott hia Ooomno .10.1

The Eastern Clarion,PAULDINGI IO

A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, haviog the hirge cirennatls.of my o a onw pora the South,h vy ropetfayToti

usd ma an ddveoing media to ta •'eenmtasof Now 0..mam. AgMnt for No oew o..-

A. . STAWBRIDI O A CO.,n WIl 'Ws .os rls rfto ,

Geo. G. Evane'


C-lift - Boole EDIztorpriso



Largest In the Worldt



No. 439 Chestnut street.



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