New Online Course Master Help...

Page 1 of 16 © Sporty’s Academy, Inc. Welcome to Sporty’s online Learn to Fly Course and thank you for your purchase. This document is intended to meet the help needs for all learning options in your course. General Your online course features an all-new design that uses the latest HTML5 technology. What that means for you is that your online course will work anywhere you have an internet connection and with most web browsers. It’s compatible with Windows, Mac, iPad and Android. There is no software to install--just sign-in and start taking advantage of these unique features. Your online course requires Chrome, Safari 5+, FireFox 9+, iPad browser or Android browser. It is not compatible with Internet Explorer. Choose a Course After initial login, you are presented with the “Choose a Course” page. Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course includes Private, Recreational and Sport pilot training options to personalize your learning. Choose the course that best suits your goals or move between modules when you’re ready. If you begin with Recreational or Sport Pilot, you can transition to Private Pilot using video training volumes 5, 6 & 7. After selecting a course to begin, you still may access all learning options (Private, Recreational & Sport Pilot) at any time. Visit for more information on your options or choose a course to get started.

Transcript of New Online Course Master Help...

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Welcome to Sporty’s online Learn to Fly Course and thank you for your purchase. This document is intended to meet

the help needs for all learning options in your course. General Your online course features an all-new design that uses the latest HTML5 technology. What that means for you is that your online course will work anywhere you have an internet connection and with most web browsers. It’s compatible with Windows, Mac, iPad and Android. There is no software to install--just sign-in and start taking advantage of these unique features. Your online course requires Chrome, Safari 5+, FireFox 9+, iPad browser or Android browser. It is not compatible with Internet Explorer. Choose a Course After initial login, you are presented with the “Choose a Course” page. Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course includes Private, Recreational and Sport pilot training options to personalize your learning. Choose the course that best suits your goals or move between modules when you’re ready. If you begin with Recreational or Sport Pilot, you can transition to Private Pilot using video training volumes 5, 6 & 7. After selecting a course to begin, you still may access all learning options (Private, Recreational & Sport Pilot) at any time. Visit for more information on your options or choose a course to get started.

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Course Homepage For the purposes of this help document, we will use the Private Pilot course selection. Recreational and Sport Pilot training options function in the same manner. After making your course selection, you are presented with the Course Homepage providing a path to all of your Course functions.

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The Course Homepage features global navigation options across the top menu bar. These options will remain present across all functions.

The Home selection will return you to the Course Homepage. Sections will offer a dropdown menu and allow you to select a function from within your course. Progress Reports will provide a history of your test preparation. Notes are used to retrieve notes you have taken throughout your study. Select Course will return you to the Choose a Course page should you wish to change the Course you are taking. Notes You can type any important information you want to remember in the “Notes” section. Click anywhere in the “Notes” page to begin taking notes. The pointer turns into an “I” beam. If there are already notations in the window, be sure to place the “I” beam after the last note before typing. The Notes area incorporates a “print” button. Use it if you want a hard copy or Save and Close to return.

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To select a section or mode from your Course Homepage, click on the desired title button or graphic. Course Components Video Training – To get started, choose a video “Volume” from the “General Section Content” area on the left by clicking on a volume title. Now choose a topic to view by clicking anywhere on its description. Notice that at the end of each topic you are given the length of that portion in minutes and seconds. By selecting a “Volume” or topic in the “Course Navigation” area, you can jump immediately to any section of the video. When a topic has been viewed, a green checkmark is placed next to it. This helps you remember your completed topics.

The video controls are located across the bottom of the “Media Viewer” after placing your cursor over the video.

A “Play/Pause” button is present at far left to start or pause the video. A time line is present for each video section. A time selector circle points to the amount of video that has expired and indicates the exact place in that section in the time callout window to the right of it.

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The “Time” window depicts both the elapsed time and total time of the section. Volume is adjusted by clicking the volume circle (percent of volume is depicted in a callout window). Click and hold down the mouse button to drag the volume circle and adjust the volume for comfort. The full screen icon gives you a larger view of the video. To return to the normal screen view, select “Esc” on your keyboard. Test Preparation Sporty's Test Preparation features three modes of operation. Use Learning Mode to select specific areas of study or study a random mix of questions. Test mode will provide a random mix of question to provide a simulated exam. Two tests with a minimum score of 80% are required for the written exam endorsement. Flashcard mode will allow you to answer questions without seeing any answer choices in a self-graded environment. From the home page, you are presented with the option to enter "Learning Mode”, “Flashcard Mode” or "Test Mode.”. Enter the various modes by clicking the appropriate button.

Download All Figures

Many questions refer to figures and charts. These figures and charts will be accessible in your individual study and testing sessions; however, you may find it useful to download all figures and charts in PDF format.

This option will also be present from within your study and test sessions.

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Learning Mode

Learning Mode allows you to study the knowledge test questions by topic and identify your weaker areas. After entering Learning Mode, you are presented with various topics to choose for your study. Place a checkmark where desired to include that topic in your study session.

You also have the option to select from 25, 50, 100 or 200 randomly selected questions.

After making your selections, click "Start" to begin your study in the upper right.

Once you’ve entered the study session, notice that this exercise has a timer. Its indicator is located in the upper left corner of the screen. In "Learning Mode," the timer is only for reference.

The question under review is highlighted in blue in the question progress column on the left side of the screen. In this column, you can select any question number to answer or review in any order you wish. You may also use the “Previous” and “Next” buttons located under the timer to navigate through questions.

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Once a question is answered, it is graded immediately. The correct answer is noted in green and incorrect answers in red. Explanations are displayed with all answer choices.

In the question progress column along the left side of the screen, correctly answered questions are noted with a green �. Incorrect answers are noted with a red X. Remaining questions are noted with a blue dot. The “Mark” a question button is used to indentify questions for later review and it is then flagged in green.

Your progress is continuously tracked under the session timer with your number of correctly answered questions and a score relative to the number of answered questions.

Once you have completed the study session, use the "Grade Session" button for a score and to “Review Explanations.” The Review Explanations option will return you to your study session and navigation remains the same.

When you have completed your study session, use the “Quit” button to return to the home page to select a new mode of operation.

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Flashcard Mode

Flashcard Mode is similar to Learning Mode in that it allows you to study the knowledge test questions by topic and identify your weaker areas, but does not show answer choices to your questions.

As with flashcards, the goal is to answer the question mentally and then “show” the answer to determine whether you’ve answered the question correctly.

After entering Flashcard Mode, you are presented with various topics to choose for your study. Place a checkmark where desired to include that topic in your study session.

You also have the option to select from 25, 50, 100 or 200 randomly selected questions.

After making your selections, click "Start" to begin your study in the upper right.

Once you’ve entered the flashcard study session, notice that this exercise has a timer. Its indicator is located in the upper left corner of the screen. In "Flashcard Mode," the timer is only for reference.

The question under review is highlighted in blue in the question progress column on the left side of the screen. You can select any question number to answer or

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review in any order you wish. You may also use the “Previous” and “Next” buttons located under the timer to navigate through questions.

Questions answered correctly are noted with a green �. Incorrect answers are noted with a red X. Remaining questions are noted with a blue dot. The “Mark” a question button is used to indentify questions for later review and it is then flagged in green.

Your progress is continuously tracked under the session timer with your number of correctly answered questions and a score relative to the number of answered questions.

After answering the question shown on the screen (mentally), use the “Show Answer” button to display the correct answer. There is no explanation given for the answer.

Use the “Mark as Correct” or “Mark as Incorrect” buttons to score your progress.

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Test Mode

Test mode functions just like a real exam. There is a time limit imposed and the timer begins at once. You are given a random mix of 60 questions for Private Pilot, 50 questions for Recreational and 40 questions for Sport.

Once you’ve entered the test session, notice that this exercise has a timer. Its indicator is located in the upper left corner of the screen. The "Timer" counts down the time for the test. The test is a timed test. When the time runs out for the test, you will be given the option to grade the test or continue on your own time.

The question under review is highlighted in blue in the question progress column on the left side of the screen. You can select any question number to answer or review in any order you wish. You may also use the “Previous” and “Next” buttons located under the timer to navigate through questions.

Unanswered questions are noted with a blue dot in the progress column. The “Mark” a question button is used to indentify questions for later review and it is then flagged in green.

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Once you have completed the test session, use the "Grade Test" button for a score and to “Review Explanations.” The Review Explanations option will return you to your test session and navigation remains the same.

Each test session is recorded in your Progress Reports accessible from the Global Navigation Menu at the top of the page. Two completed tests with a minimum score of 80% are required to be eligible for the written test endorsement.

When you have completed your test session, use the “Quit” button to return to the home page to select a new mode of operation.

Progress Reports A record of each practice test (across all courses) is recorded in your Progress Reports under the “Tests” tab to monitor your progress. Each entry records the Course Type (Private, Recreational or Sport), Date, Completion Time, Number of Correct Answers, Total Questions and your Grade. Individual entries can be deleted if desired. Please note, deleted test entries from your progress reports can NOT be restored. The “Videos” tab provides a chart of video progress. To be eligible for the written exam endorsement and FAA WINGS credit, you must view all video training segments and complete at least two practice tests with a minimum score of 80% Interactive Maneuvers Guide The “Interactive Maneuvers Guide” allows you to review all necessary maneuvers you’ll accomplish in the airplane. It does it with text and video graphics. To get started, choose a maneuver from the general content area on the left by clicking on a maneuver title. Maneuvers are divided into Title/Video (if available), Standards, Conditions, Description and Common Errors. Use the scroll bar on the right side of the media viewer to view all of the information for a maneuver.

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To view the 3D animation for a maneuver, select the video icon on the upper left portion of the video viewer. The animation will open in a new window. Click the “x” to close.

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Training Course Outline The Training Course Outline (TCO) is a detailed flight training syllabus to serve as a bridge between your online training and the training with your instructor. It allows you to keep a record of your training progress. You are able to record your ground, dual, and solo experience. The date and all pertinent information regarding you progress can also be logged here. The section content area of the TCO located on the left is divided up into a Getting Started Section and 3 stages of flight and ground lessons. Getting Started is further broken down into: • Course Introduction • Grading Instructional Lessons • Recording Solo Lessons • Course Objectives • Course Time Allocation Table To get started, choose a general section from the content area on the left by clicking on a title. Now choose a topic or lesson to view by clicking anywhere on its description.

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Each lesson is divided into several areas: • The General Log of information – a place to keep your flying data • Lesson Objective – what to expect in this lesson • Lesson Review – topics from a previous lesson • Lesson Introduction – new items for study • Completion Standards – expected outcomes for the lesson • Required Study – materials to study for lesson completion • Notes – a place for any of your instructor’s specific comments regarding the lesson All pages provide for a “Print Page” and “Download TCO” option. Use the Print option to print individual pages or the Download option to print or view the entire document. Interactive Practical Test Standards The Interactive PTS, Practical Test Standards, section is an FAA directive of all the knowledge and skill areas you need to know regarding the certificate you are pursuing. It is cross-referenced to the appropriate video section. The general content area on the left is divided up into PTS segments. To get started, choose a PTS segment from the general content area on the left by clicking on a title. Now choose a PTS task to view by clicking anywhere on its description.

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By clicking on any of the gray video volume buttons within a task description, the program brings you to that section of the appropriate Sporty’s video which helps explain and enhance that area of operation. Clicking a video button will display the desired video in a dedicated video window.

All pages provide for a “Print Page” and “Download PTS” option. Use the Print option to print individual pages or the Download option to print or view the entire document. Study Guide The Study Guide provides supplemental information that corresponds to your video training. The general content are on the left is divided between “Study Guide” information and “Appendices.” To get started, choose a category from the general content area by clicking on a title. Now choose a topic to view by clicking anywhere on its description. All pages provide for a “Print Page” and “Download Study Guide” option. Use the Print option to print individual pages or the Download option to print or view the entire document.

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Written Exam Endorsement The Written Exam Endorsement buttons will be active once you have met the minimum requirements to take your FAA written exam. Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course requires you to have completed all of your video training and completed two practice tests (Test Mode) with a minimum score of 80% to be eligible. Eligibility is tracked automatically in your course and can be monitored in your Progress Reports. Once you have completed these requirements and submitted your request, your endorsement will be emailed to the address provided within two business days.

FAA WINGS Credit Similar to the written exam endorsement, to be eligible for FAA WINGS Credit, Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course requires you to have completed all of your video training and completed two practice tests with a score of at least 80%. To take advantage of FAA WINGS credit, you must also have an account established for the WINGS Program at NOTE: You must submit your FAA Wings Credit request using the same email address as your FAA Safety Account in order to receive credit. Credit is applied automatically after submission. Additional Assistance Please contact Sporty’s Customer Service at [email protected].