New mi Puill - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · mi,H SO) i Jfe f AS 41!!! g iJ Jv...

mi ,H SO) i Jfe f AS 41!!! g iJ Jv Puill .W- - JV Jl Jv Jt Jl Jr rdt i Ttll WJLM ''ili.'WWI'"""""'!""" wwpowiiiwwwiri)wwigingiiwwwwiwi)wrfWMiwwawBmiwcwwM wiiiwiaMoaawnHwwwiiMiitiu'iwjtjiHuii mi luiium q Vol,. VOT. Ho. 1140. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY EVESTINGr, OCTOBER 0, 1885. GO 0ENT8 8UDQ0RIPTI0N PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN is pi in ted and published nllhu nlllcc, Queen atroet, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subicrlpllon, 50 cents per Month. Address all Communications Daily BUM.1.UN. Advcitlsomculs, to cmuic Inboilion, should bo linndcd In befmc unc o'elork r. ii. Daniel Logan Uutinsing Editor Norman Logan Assoel.itu Kdftor and Ac- countant. W. A. S. Boals Collector and Shipping Reporter. Bulletin Steam Printing Ofllce. Ncwspiper, Book and Job Printing of nil kinds done on the most fnornble terms. JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 Commission Merchants. BREWER & COMPANY, 0, (Limited) GENEIIAI, MEUOANni.U AN1 Commission Aoknts. i.isr ok oFPiciiiis: l. 0. Jones, Jr. .. .President &, Manager .1. O. Catiteii Treasurci & Secretary MllKOTOHS: Hon. C It. Bisttor. Hon. U. A. P. Caiiteh 333 ly Geo. W. Macfarlanc II. It. Macfnrlano. G. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Sugar Factors, Firc.Pt oof Building, - 52 Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. AUENTS lor l'lio WniUapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Hccia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, r. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway "Works, Leeds, Mirrlecs, Watson & Co's Sugar Machia cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets 185 c. O. BEKGEB, 24 MUUCH.VNT ST11KKT General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insuianco Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'd Ho uh British and National Fire & Ma-rin- o Insurance Co. Macncale & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machino Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co Tno II irtford Kiro Insuiance Co. The Commercial Fire & Marine Insur- ance Co. 238 J. LYONS, h. L. COHEN. Si COHEN, LYONS Auctioneer and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen at , - - - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estato und General Merchandise promptly a tended to. Solo Agents for American and Euro-poa- n merchandise. 318 MS. GRINBAUM Sc CO., Importers of General Mei- - chumllfcie and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 124. California street, 1 Sau Francisco, Cal. Olaue Sprockets. Wm, G. Irwin. WO. IRWIN Ss COMPANY, Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 oleqhorn & Co. As. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sis., Hono- lulu. 78 K. IIUICIHSON. M. A. cmNfiAI.VJ.H. M. A. GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Orocors & Wine Merchants 289 Beaver Block, Honolulu. JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 S.N. Castle. J. B. Athorton. & COOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers nnd Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. . 1 WILLIAM MILLER Cabinetmaker And Upholsterer, No. 03 notelBtreet, Opposlto International Hotel, Canes and Walking StickB, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS rackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c.' made of tho latest designs. Pi'ofosslonals. DU. EMERSON, Hcsldcnco and consultation rooms at No. 2 Kukul St., comer of Fort. Tclcphono No. 140. 53 2m P. CRAY. M. D., I) . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ofllce, first dooi wc3t of Library Build- ing, llouis, from 11 to 11 u m,, and 2 to 1 mid 7 to 8 p.m. Sundnj s, U to 11 a.m. Residence, coi. Kitinu and Peusacola Strtcl. 048 ly DR. A. MoWAYNE, Physician and Surgeon,': Ofllce and icsldence 34 Alakea street. Office hours, 9 to 11 o.m, 0 to S p.m. A ROSA, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary Public, Ofllce with the Attorney General, Allio lanl Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly "OlGHARD F. BIOKERTON, -- IAi Attorney nnd Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free-hold- Office, No. 44 Merchant st. 1 ALBERT O. SMITH, at Law and Agent to take Acknowledgments. No. 9 Knahu-man- u street. 102 Gm Cecil Brown, and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-lul- u. 1 JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotia ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 190 M THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Solicitor in Chancery. Office Campbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms 8 and 9. Entrance on Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I. 934 tf WILLIAM &.TJLD, to tnkc Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for tho District of Kona, Island of Oahu, at tho office of the Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu ami street. 180 JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contiacts for Labor. Interior Ofllce, Honolulu. AKANA, Chinese and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 7 King street, near the Bridge. Translations of cither of the above languages made with accuracy and dis patch, and on icasonablc terms. 209 HONOLULU IRON "WORKS. iSteam encines. sutrar mills, boil ers, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; mnehinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exo-cutc- d at short notice. 1 CHR. GERTZ, g No. 80 Fort street, Honolu,!?" Imporler and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and. slippers. Robert Lowers, O. M. C'oolco, L EWERS &s COOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers iMLurubpr nnd all kinds ot Building Materials, Fo"rt street, Honolulu l WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. l HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor., 507 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b Khoads & Mackenzie, & BUILDERS. Jobbing promptly attended to nnd all work guaranteed. Plans and spcclflcn. tions furnished at short ljoticc. Queen Street, near Alakea. P. O. Box 359. MutualTelophone848. 144 ly Wolfe & Company, Grocery and Food Store, Corner King and Nuuanu streets. Fresh Grocorlos and Provisions received by every Stcimcr. P. 0. Box 130, Tclophono 349. COI 0m WM. McOANDJVESS, No. 0 Qucon street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Ileer, Veul, Slutton, Flub, Ac, Ar, Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, nnd Vegetables of nil kinds wunnl led lo order. 840 lv for koloa & waimea kauai. Tho Clipper Schooner "WAIEHU, F. Kibbling, .... Master, Will run regularly to the ports of KOLOA, HANAPEPE & WAIMEA, KAUAI. For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board, or to tho Pacivio Navigation Co., 800 8m Cor. Nuuanu & Queen bib. - STRAW GOODS! STRAW Now is the time to Buy Your Millinery Goods, Special iiulueenienta offcircd in this Deptutiiient in older to maku loom for a Lnrgc Stock lo ni l ivc shortly. Si? Popular Millinery House 104 Fort Street, : : Honolulu. "Where you will be suited in style price. N. S. SACHS, Nt B. JAMES BRODIE. Veterinary Surgeon. OFFICE and residence, corner street and McKibbin lane. Office hours from 7 to 0 a. m., and 1 to 3 i . M. Orders left at the Pantheon Sta-bl- cs will be promptly attended to. P. O. Box 80. 843 tf WEMER & CO. Slanufbcturitig Jeweller, NO. 03 FORT 8TKEET. Constantly on hand a large assortment of every description of Jewelry, Watches, Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 053 ly PIONEER STEAI CANDY FACTORY AND BAltEIiy. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. "Iier Telephone 71. k DRAYMEN. orders foi Cartage promptly at- tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit nt lowest prices. Office, cor. Kaahumanu & Queen sts, Hawaiian Bell Tclophono No. 33. 932 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. LUCAS, Contractor """ ""M and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Sciolland Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tbo other solicited ALVIN1I. RASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Rook Binding of all description neatly and promptly executed. Gazette Building Merchant street 7231y Telephone 55. Enterprise I PLANING MILL, Lillnltdi, near neen St. m C. J. Haudek, Proprieior.3 Contracting & Building Mouldings and Finish always on hand. t5y Orders promptly attended to. -- a foii ham: Hard und Soft Stove Wood, 03 1 Cut and Split ly WELDER'S S. S. OO. Limited. .Steamer Kinau Klnc. Commander, LeaveB Honolulu each Tuesday at 4 p.m., touching nt Lalialna, Maa-lae- a Bay, Makena, Mahukona, o, Laupahoehoo and Hilo. Returning, will touch at all the alove ports, arriving at Honolulu each Baturday afternoon. TO THE LADIES and GO TO THE Native Straw Sewed in any and every UNION FEED 0 Hay, Grain and GOODS! Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets Telephone XTS. Inland orders Hollcltcd, and goodn delivered promptly. 11. M. BENSON, ,i m, mumztr' BENSON, SMITH & CO.. & 113 ti 115 FORT STREET, HONOLULU, Depot for Boericke & Schreck's Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, The Common Sense Nursing Bottles, And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products. The .Eqnitnblc Iif'c Asuurnnce Society of the United States. KHTAIILIHIIKM IX 1H59. ISSUES Policies on tho most approved viz Life, Life, Limit- ed Payments, Endow incuts; Tontine Savings Fund, Tontines, Scmi-Tontine- A. B. C. Tontines; Life and Sunlvor. ship Annuities; Children's Endowments, Joint Life Risks, Partnership Insurance, etc., etc., etc. Policies both Incontestable and Non forfeitable. Contested claims, none. Before insuring elsewhere, call and get nn estimate. It is calculated thatcery rensonablo wish of the insured Is embodied in one or raoru of the plans. For full particulars nnd pamphlets, apply to AI.KX. J. CAItTWHKJlir, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. CO Is Bearer. k Saloon The Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours The finest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco, always on hand. THE CASINO AT TUB PAIIK IS OPEN EVEUY DAY. tS?"Tho only scn-sld- o icsort in tho Kingdom. II. J. NOLTH, Proprietor HayanftFeefl. Messrs. S. F. Graham & Co. Take pleasuro in aunounclng to thoir old 1 1 lends and patrons thai they havo JUHT XM30EITI3I a fresh lot of Choice Hay ai Grain Which they offer at Tho X.ort JUnrlcot JtnteH. JSST Hay and Feed delivered to uny pait of the city. H. I'. UKAIIAM & Co., No. 83 King Street Telephone No. 187. 805 lm tmn -- 3flJll" Proprietor. Shape. COMPANY Oliiclcen Feed. (I. W. SMITH, ) Prussian National Insurance Comp'y ESTABLISHED 1815, Capital, 9,000,000 Roichsmarks, npiIE undersigned, having been ap JL pointed agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is prcpired to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, JItichandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Faorablc Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable in Honolulu. II. RIEMENbCHNKIB-ER- , 070 V nt "Wilder & Co'h. Notice. TO BUTCHERS, GEAZIEES and all whom it may concern. jrwTf. The undersigned having fiW"slfMf,timado alterations, additions, C5?M$liftml improvements in his J&wrJksJ SOAP FACTORY, Is now prepared to givo The niglicst Cash Value for nny quantity of TALLOW, And will furnish containers for the tamo free of cost to any one who may desire, TIIOS. W. MWLOS, Honolulu Soap Works. Office In Brick Building, IClnj; street, Lclto. 4813 1) J. NS.QATJr. &Co. Dealtis In all kinds of STATIONERY, Tim T Mr net liVirnlrni lnrnid nhcnita i hand nt tho Gazette UtocA, Meichant Street 1 by LAINE & CO. Have a Large Stock of the VERY BEST HAY. G-rii- , DEte., Which is offered at Low est Market Prices AND-Deliv- ored Free to any part of the City AGENTS FOS THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Tolephone. . Commissioner of Deods for California 1 Telephone No. 147. BKOWN & PH1LL1PB, Plumbers, Gas Fitters and Copper-smiths- . No. 71 King street, Honolulu. 1ST" House nnd snip Job orK promptly executed. 102 iuxkiis to liiyr, ! in nlshcd or unfurnished, con. (SfTOCSStMlly located, within ten mill. iSSiHtilcs walk of the Post.Olllce. . Address P. O. Bo.v 307. 121 lm SBLEC CULTURE ! My Book of Institution, "SILK AND THE SILK WORM," Ghos all necessary Information. Price. Twenty-Kl- i Cents per copy. Silk Worm Eggs, Reels, Trees, Cut-tin- Seeds, &c, for sale at the very lowet market rntcs. Thcrtnomolor and Baromolcr Combined Foi use of Silk Raisers, free by mah only 75 cents. I w ill be pleased to give information to correspondents who apply by letter, Inclosing two-cen- t stamp for reply. Specimen Itnxes or Onroons A. Keel- ed Nlllt, US CcntH.I None but articles of the first quality sold Address all communications to Miss Nellie Lincoln Rossiter, Pincticnl Silk Culturist, New Lisbon, Burlington Co. 1)4 1 NEW JERSEY. "The S.F. Merchant" The Only Paper in California that Advocates Hawaiian Interests. A Splendid Advertising Medium For Hawaiian Business 3Icn desirous of forming trade connections on the Coast. All Hawaiian papers kept on file and full information gh en concerning ' the Islands. --AJNY OKDERS Entrusted to the Propiietor will be piomptly and carefully executed, and no couMibSiox cuaiiold. TERMS Tin eo Dollars per nnnum; $1.75 for sl months. Charles R. Buck and, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE 323 Front Sliect. Post-Offic- e Boy, 2300, San Francisco, California. 1. lUJLCJSi JCIST OJ UMiiIbex-r- y Trees. wiiiti:. run 10 100 1000 18 to m inches.. 00c t 00 $20 00 i! to 3 feet ilOc 0CO 35.00 il to I fret sl.''5 8 50 .15 00 ICIINKIAX. VKU 10 100 1000 I toO Inches... $ 200 $10.00 0 to 12 inches.. 50c 2.B0 15.00 12 to 16 '' .. COc .r0 20.00 18 to 21 " .. 75c 5.00 .10.00 21o 3 feet .1.00 7.00 10.00 llto t " 1.25 "J.00 4 to 5 " 1.75 12.00 5 tot. " 2.C0 10.00 Cuttings, per 100, 1.00; per 1,000, $0.CO. Wliilu Alulbeiry Seed, per ounce, 80 centh: per pound, $300. Russian Mulberry Stod, per ounce, 60 cents; per pound, $7.00. Miss Nellie Lincoln Rossiter Is Agent foi tho following papers; South and West, semi-monthl- EOc a year; Farmer's Call, weekly, 50u per year; Farmer's Home, .monthly, 50u per year; Homo and School Visitor, monthly, 75c per year. As an inducement to parties to order their Silk AVoun Epgs during the sum. mcr, to lio foi warded in thu fall, I offer premiums, from April 1st, as follows: For 1, 2,000 egirs, nnd a book of ln btructiou. For 2, 5,000 eggs, book of instruction and any unu paper. For $3, 5oz. eggs, and any two papers. For $5, 1 o.. eggs, two papers and book. For $9.50, 2 oz. eggs, and thrco papers. For 1 1, a 07. eggs, a papers and uook, For $17,4 or. oggs, mm four papers. For S'-'- l, 5 o. eggf, 4 papeis and book The nboo charges "are the regular libt prices for eggs.' nnd tho papers will bu scut as here stntcd for one jear. Thoso sending ordeis through the sum. mcr, nccompiuicd by the cash amount, (Post-OlDc- e oidcrs payable to me, on Post Ofllce, Pembettoii, New Jersey, U. S. A.) will recoho the premiums to which their order rntltlcs them, com. liicncing at once, and tho eggs will be tent about November! st. i:i.mi: j.ixcoi.x' konkitkk, Practical Silk Culturist, xicw JiiHiion, Jiuiiiimlou Co., new jj:hsky. '53' M M f 'VP" J 4 -- , Sffi1;isam;js;ii'iiMLiJfeLj,- A.safcS ;imb ia.. 'a .. imSm'm.

Transcript of New mi Puill - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · mi,H SO) i Jfe f AS 41!!! g iJ Jv...

Page 1: New mi Puill - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · mi,H SO) i Jfe f AS 41!!! g iJ Jv Puill.W--JV Jl Jv Jt Jl Jrrdti Ttll WJLM ''ili.'WWI'"""""'!""" wwpowiii)wwigingii)wrfWMiwwawBmiwcwwM


,H SO) i Jfef AS 41!!!

g iJ Jv Puill .W- - JV Jl Jv Jt Jl Jr


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is pi in ted and published nllhu nlllcc,Queen atroet, Honolulu, II. I., everyafternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subicrlpllon, 50 cents per Month.

Address all Communications DailyBUM.1.UN.

Advcitlsomculs, to cmuic Inboilion,should bo linndcd In befmc unc o'elorkr. ii.Daniel Logan Uutinsing EditorNorman Logan Assoel.itu Kdftor and Ac-

countant.W. A. S. Boals Collector and Shipping


Bulletin Steam Printing Ofllce.

Ncwspiper, Book and Job Printing ofnil kinds done on the most fnornbleterms.

JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager.Bell Telephone No. 250Mutual Telephone No. 250

Commission Merchants.

BREWER & COMPANY,0, (Limited)


Commission Aoknts.

i.isr ok oFPiciiiis:

l. 0. Jones, Jr. . . .President &, Manager.1. O. Catiteii Treasurci & Secretary


Hon. C It. Bisttor. Hon. U. A. P. Caiiteh333 ly

Geo. W. Macfarlanc II. It. Macfnrlano.



Sugar Factors,Firc.Pt oof Building, - 52 Queen street,

Honolulu. H. I.AUENTS lor

l'lio WniUapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Hccia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,r. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway "Works, Leeds,Mirrlecs, Watson & Co's Sugar Machia

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets




General Agent for

The N. Y. Life Insuianco Company,

The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'dHo uh British and National Fire & Ma-rin- o

Insurance Co.

Macncale & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machino

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co

Tno II irtford Kiro Insuiance Co.

The Commercial Fire & Marine Insur-ance Co.


J. LYONS, h. L. COHEN.Si COHEN,LYONSAuctioneer and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen at , - - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estatound General Merchandise promptly atended to.

Solo Agents for American and Euro-poa- n

merchandise. 318

MS. GRINBAUM Sc CO.,Importers of General Mei- -

chumllfcie and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

124. California street,1 Sau Francisco, Cal.

Olaue Sprockets. Wm, G. Irwin.

WO. IRWIN Ss COMPANY,Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

oleqhorn & Co.As. Importers and CommissionMerchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sis., Hono-lulu. 78



Wholesale Orocors & Wine Merchants289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

S.N. Castle. J. B. Athorton.& COOKE,CASTLE Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers nnd Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. . 1



And Upholsterer,No. 03 notelBtreet,

Opposlto International Hotel,

Canes and Walking StickB,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c.'

made of tho latest designs.


DU. EMERSON,Hcsldcnco and consultation rooms

at No. 2 Kukul St., comer of Fort.Tclcphono No. 140. 53 2m

P. CRAY. M. D.,I) . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,Ofllce, first dooi wc3t of Library Build-ing, llouis, from 11 to 11 u m,, and 2 to 1

mid 7 to 8 p.m. Sundnj s, U to 11 a.m.Residence, coi. Kitinu and Peusacola

Strtcl. 048 ly

DR. A. MoWAYNE,Physician and Surgeon,':

Ofllce and icsldence 34 Alakea street.Office hours, 9 to 11 o.m, 0 to S p.m.


And Notary Public,Ofllce with the Attorney General, Alliolanl Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly

"OlGHARD F. BIOKERTON,--IAi Attorney nnd Counsellor at Law.Money to lend on Mortgages of Free-hold-

Office, No. 44 Merchant st. 1

ALBERT O. SMITH,at Law and Agent to

take Acknowledgments. No. 9 Knahu-man- u

street. 102 Gm

Cecil Brown,and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-lul- u.



and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotiated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 190


and Solicitor in Chancery. OfficeCampbell's Block, Second Story, Rooms8 and 9. Entrance on Merchant Street,Honolulu, II. I. 934 tf

WILLIAM &.TJLD,to tnkc Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for tho Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at tho office ofthe Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuuami street. 180

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agent to take Acknowledgments

to Contiacts for Labor. Interior Ofllce,Honolulu.

AKANA,Chinese and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 7 King street, near the Bridge.

Translations of cither of the abovelanguages made with accuracy and dispatch, and on icasonablc terms. 209

HONOLULU IRON "WORKS.iSteam encines. sutrar mills, boil

ers, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; mnehinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exo-cutc- d

at short notice. 1

CHR. GERTZ, gNo. 80 Fort street, Honolu,!?"

Imporler and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and. slippers.

Robert Lowers, O. M. C'oolco,

LEWERS &s COOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers iMLurubpr nnd allkinds ot Building Materials, Fo"rt street,Honolulu l

WILDER & CO.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. l


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,507 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b

Khoads & Mackenzie,& BUILDERS.

Jobbing promptly attended to nnd allwork guaranteed. Plans and spcclflcn.tions furnished at short ljoticc. QueenStreet, near Alakea. P. O. Box 359.MutualTelophone848. 144 ly

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and Food Store,

Corner King and Nuuanu streets.Fresh Grocorlos and Provisions received

by every Stcimcr.P. 0. Box 130, Tclophono 349.

COI 0m

WM. McOANDJVESS,No. 0 Qucon street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestIleer, Veul, Slutton, Flub, Ac, Ar,

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, nnd Vegetablesof nil kinds wunnl led lo order. 840 lv

for koloa & waimeakauai.

Tho Clipper Schooner"WAIEHU,

F. Kibbling, .... Master,Will run regularly to the ports ofKOLOA, HANAPEPE & WAIMEA,KAUAI. For freight or passage applyto the Captain on board, or to tho

Pacivio Navigation Co.,800 8m Cor. Nuuanu & Queen bib.



Now is the time to Buy Your Millinery Goods,

Special iiulueenienta offcircd in this Deptutiiient in older to maku loom fora Lnrgc Stock lo ni l ivc shortly.

Si? Popular Millinery House104 Fort Street, : : Honolulu.

"Where you will be suited in style price.


Nt B.

JAMES BRODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.OFFICE and residence, corner

street and McKibbin lane.Office hours from 7 to 0 a. m., and 1 to 3i . M. Orders left at the Pantheon Sta-bl- cs

will be promptly attended to.P. O. Box 80. 843 tf

WEMER & CO.Slanufbcturitig Jeweller,

NO. 03 FORT 8TKEET.Constantly on hand a large assortment

of every description of Jewelry, Watches,Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

053 ly


AND BAltEIiy.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. "Iier Telephone 71.


DRAYMEN.orders foi Cartage promptly at-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit nt lowest prices.

Office, cor. Kaahumanu & Queen sts,

Hawaiian Bell Tclophono No. 33.932 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.

LUCAS,Contractor """ ""M

and Builder,Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Sciolland BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tbo other





Manufacturer.Rook Binding of all description neatly

and promptly executed.Gazette Building Merchant street


Telephone 55.


Lillnltdi, near neen St. mC. J. Haudek, Proprieior.3

Contracting & BuildingMouldings and Finish always on hand.

t5y Orders promptly attended to. -- a

foii ham:Hard und Soft Stove Wood,

03 1 Cut and Split ly

WELDER'S S. S. OO.Limited.

.Steamer KinauKlnc. Commander,

LeaveB Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching nt Lalialna, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Mahukona, o,

Laupahoehoo and Hilo.Returning, will touch at all the

alove ports, arriving at Honolulueach Baturday afternoon.




Native Straw Sewed in any and every


Hay, Grain and


Corner of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsTelephone XTS.

Inland orders Hollcltcd, and goodn delivered promptly.

11. M. BENSON,

,i m, mumztr'



Depot for Boericke & Schreck'sHomoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes

And Toilet Requisites, The Common Sense Nursing Bottles,

And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products.

The .Eqnitnblc Iif'c AsuurnnceSociety of the United


ISSUES Policies on tho most approvedviz Life, Life, Limit-

ed Payments, Endow incuts; TontineSavings Fund, Tontines, Scmi-Tontine-

A. B. C. Tontines; Life and Sunlvor.ship Annuities; Children's Endowments,Joint Life Risks, Partnership Insurance,etc., etc., etc.

Policies both Incontestable and Nonforfeitable.

Contested claims, none.Before insuring elsewhere, call and

get nn estimate.It is calculated thatcery rensonablo

wish of the insured Is embodied in oneor raoru of the plans.

For full particulars nnd pamphlets,apply to

AI.KX. J. CAItTWHKJlir,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Bearer. k Saloon

The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursThe finest Brands of Cigars and

Tobacco, always on hand.


IS OPEN EVEUY DAY.tS?"Tho only scn-sld- o icsort in tho

Kingdom. II. J. NOLTH,Proprietor


Messrs. S. F. Graham & Co.Take pleasuro in aunounclng to thoir

old 1 1 lends and patrons thaithey havo

JUHT XM30EITI3Ia fresh lot of

Choice Hay ai GrainWhich they offer at

Tho X.ort JUnrlcot JtnteH.JSST Hay and Feed delivered to uny

pait of the city.H. I'. UKAIIAM & Co.,

No. 83 King StreetTelephone No. 187. 805 lm





Oliiclcen Feed.



Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y


Capital, 9,000,000 Roichsmarks,

npiIE undersigned, having been apJL pointed agent of the above Company

for the Hawaiian Islands, is prcpired toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, JItichandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Faorablc Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable in



070 V nt "Wilder & Co'h.


and all whom it may concern.jrwTf. The undersigned havingfiW"slfMf,timado alterations, additions,C5?M$liftml improvements in hisJ&wrJksJ SOAP FACTORY,Is now prepared to givo

The niglicst Cash Valuefor nny quantity of

TALLOW,And will furnish containers for the tamofree of cost to any one who may desire,

TIIOS. W. MWLOS,Honolulu Soap Works.

Office In Brick Building,IClnj; street, Lclto. 4813 1)

J. NS.QATJr. &Co.Dealtis In all kinds of

STATIONERY,Tim T Mr net liVirnlrni lnrnid nhcnita i

hand nt tho Gazette UtocA, MeichantStreet 1 by

LAINE & CO.Have a Large Stock of the

VERY BEST HAY.G-rii- , DEte.,

Which is offered at Low est Market PricesAND-Deliv- ored

Free to any part of the City

AGENTS FOS THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for tho Hoover Tolephone..

Commissioner of Deods for California1 Telephone No. 147.

BKOWN & PH1LL1PB,Plumbers, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smiths- . No. 71 King street,Honolulu. 1ST" House nnd snip Job

orK promptly executed. 102

iuxkiis to liiyr,! in nlshcd or unfurnished, con.

(SfTOCSStMlly located, within ten mill.iSSiHtilcs walk of the Post.Olllce. .

Address P. O. Bo.v 307. 121 lm


My Book of Institution,

"SILK AND THE SILK WORM,"Ghos all necessary Information.

Price. Twenty-Kl- i Cents per copy.Silk Worm Eggs, Reels, Trees, Cut-tin-

Seeds, &c, for sale at the verylowet market rntcs.

Thcrtnomolor and Baromolcr Combined

Foi use of Silk Raisers, free by mahonly 75 cents.

I w ill be pleased to give informationto correspondents who apply by letter,Inclosing two-cen- t stamp for reply.Specimen Itnxes or Onroons A. Keel-

ed Nlllt, US CcntH.INone but articles of the first quality sold

Address all communications to

Miss Nellie Lincoln Rossiter,Pincticnl Silk Culturist,

New Lisbon, Burlington Co.1)4 1 NEW JERSEY.

"The S.F. Merchant"

The Only Paper in Californiathat Advocates Hawaiian


A Splendid Advertising MediumFor Hawaiian Business 3Icn desirous of

forming trade connectionson the Coast.

All Hawaiian papers kept on file andfull information gh en concerning '

the Islands.

--AJNY OKDERSEntrusted to the Propiietor will be

piomptly and carefully executed,and no couMibSiox cuaiiold.

TERMS Tin eo Dollars per nnnum;$1.75 for sl months.

Charles R. Buck and,Editor and Proprietor.

OFFICE 323 Front Sliect. Post-Offic- e

Boy, 2300, San Francisco, California.


lUJLCJSi JCIST OJUMiiIbex-r- y Trees. 10 100 1000

18 to m inches.. 00c t 00 $20 00i! to 3 feet ilOc 0CO 35.00il to I fret sl.''5 8 50 .15 00

ICIINKIAX.VKU 10 100 1000

I toO Inches... $ 200 $10.000 to 12 inches.. 50c 2.B0 15.0012 to 16 '' .. COc .r0 20.0018 to 21 " .. 75c 5.00 .10.0021o 3 feet .1.00 7.00 10.00llto t " 1.25 "J.004 to 5 " 1.75 12.005 tot. " 2.C0 10.00

Cuttings, per 100, 1.00; per 1,000, $0.CO.Wliilu Alulbeiry Seed, per ounce, 80

centh: per pound, $300.Russian Mulberry Stod, per ounce, 60

cents; per pound, $7.00.

Miss Nellie Lincoln RossiterIs Agent foi tho following papers;

South and West, semi-monthl- EOc ayear;

Farmer's Call, weekly, 50u per year;Farmer's Home, .monthly, 50u per year;Homo and School Visitor, monthly,

75c per year.As an inducement to parties to order

their Silk AVoun Epgs during the sum.mcr, to lio foi warded in thu fall, I offerpremiums, from April 1st, as follows:For 1, 2,000 egirs, nnd a book of ln

btructiou.For 2, 5,000 eggs, book of instruction

and any unu paper.For $3, 5oz. eggs, and any two papers.For $5, 1 o.. eggs, two papers and book.For $9.50, 2 oz. eggs, and thrco papers.For 1 1, a 07. eggs, a papers and uook,For $17,4 or. oggs, mm four papers.For S'-'-l, 5 o. eggf, 4 papeis and book

The nboo charges "are the regularlibt prices for eggs.' nnd tho papers willbu scut as here stntcd for one jear.Thoso sending ordeis through the sum.mcr, nccompiuicd by the cash amount,(Post-OlDc- e oidcrs payable to me, onPost Ofllce, Pembettoii, New Jersey, U.S. A.) will recoho the premiums towhich their order rntltlcs them, com.liicncing at once, and tho eggs will betent about November! st.

i:i.mi: j.ixcoi.x' konkitkk,Practical Silk Culturist,

xicw JiiHiion, Jiuiiiimlou Co.,new jj:hsky.



M f




-- , Sffi1;isam;js;ii'iiMLiJfeLj,- A.safcS ;imb ia.. 'a .. imSm'm.

Page 2: New mi Puill - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · mi,H SO) i Jfe f AS 41!!! g iJ Jv Puill.W--JV Jl Jv Jt Jl Jrrdti Ttll WJLM ''ili.'WWI'"""""'!""" wwpowiii)wwigingii)wrfWMiwwawBmiwcwwM




BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Dmw Exchanges ou theBun U oi Oullibrnin, W. IT.

And their agents inNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONO.

Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, London.The Commciclnl Rank Co., of Sydney,

Loudon,The Coniincioinl Dunk Co., of Sydney,

Sydney.The Rank of New Zealand : Auckland,

Christchurch, and Wellington.The Hank of Rrlllsh Columbia, Vic-

toria, R. O. and Porllnnd, Oi.AND

Transact a General Banking Business.OR!) ly

FleJgod to neither Beet nor Fatty.But coUUlshod for the benefit of nil,

FRIDAY, OCT. !), 1885.


Yosemite Skating Rink 7.Central Park Skating Rink, 7.Imp. Order of Rcil Men, at 7:30.Morning Star Lodge, K of J. 7 :30


About every two or three years aname is obliterated from the ollleiallist of the small Hawaiian mercantilelleet. Another vessel is bought tosupply the place of the precedingone, and occasionally is

after her unfortunate predecessor.To the unobservant eye, there is no

apparent change. To-da- y a Liho-lih- o

is reported niisMng,another schooner arrives from thecoast, the original name discarded,and the word Lihoiiho or some othersignificant Hawaiian name is paintedon the stern. She is placed on theHawaii, Kauai, or Maui route, ascircumstances may demand, andthere being no material difference inthe build of the new vessel and theold, there is nothing said about thechange. The shipper sends hisgoods to the wharf and they reach

. the destination as formerly. It maybe true that a shipment made theprevious quaitcr lias not turned up,but the order has been duplicated,and beyond a slight inconvenienceto a few hundred plantation handsby a temporary delay, nothing ofimportance has happened. The(supposed) vc:sel was insured, the

caigo was insured, so everything is

all right. In fact, it may be lookedupon as a general benefit to all con-

cerned. An old craft gone to thebottom, insuiance money paid upwithout a question, a new vesselbuilt, a second-han- d one bought anda small reserve fund left for Sus-

pense Account. Such is the happy-go-luc-

style in which a large por-

tion of our mercantile marine hashitherto been conducted. Let usreflect for a moment and look atsuch an occurrence in its true light.

"What? Has nothing happened?Has nothing been lost beyond a fewhundred dollars' worth of perishablemerchandise? The answer to thesegrave questions suggests anotherquestion or two. "Where arc thecrew, lost or saved ? "Who was cap-

tain of the missing vessel, and washe a competent navigator, boththeoretical and practical? "Was thefirst mate able to take sights andprick off the vessel's position on thechart? Finally, was there a soul onboard that craft that knew the firstrudiments of navigation?

These and similar questions mustsuggest themselves to every thought-ful mind that has a care about afellow-bein- g. It is not our duty toanswer these questions, but we feela perfect right in asking them.They arc not intended for any in-

dividual in particular, but for Ha-

waiian shipowners in general. Thesethoughts are naturally suggested by

the recently missing schooner Ka

Moi: ft may bo that the captainwas a navigator and a thoroughlycompetent man, but it was not neces-

sary, by Jaw, that ho should bo bo.

There is no Hoard of Marino Ex-

aminers on these islands. Thereought to be. When a man is placed

in charge of a vessel, he should he

compelled to show a local or foreigncertificate of competency, and in

failing to do so he should be held

not competent to take charge of

valuable property and the lives of

his fellow-being- s on tho high seas.

Let a law bo passed as soon as prac-

ticable, empowciing the appoint-meaf'o- f

a Hoard of Examiners. Jtis)ibt necessary to wait until anothervessel is missed and n few lives lost.

Tho marine record already gives asufiicient number of appalling losses.

Let TTfiwafi tnle a small leaf out of

the book of that great commercialnation that carries 80 per cent, ofthe world's produce. No foreign-tradiu- g

or coastiug vessel sails thesca9 under the British flag without acertificated master.

Shipowners need not fcav an in-

convenience fromlho enactment ofsuch a law. Navigation is easilylearned. There arc lots of whitemen on the islands who are callableof imparting the knowledge to thonatives (if so bo that it is absolutelynecessary Hint schooners be runsolely by Hawaiians), or who arewilling to take charge of schoonersprovided Llicj' get properly paid fortheir services.

Hut these latter remarks are be-

side the main question, Let the in-

surance companies take this matterup and refuse to take risks except-

ing the conditions we have venturedto tuggest are complied with, andwe feel sure that the steamboat andschooner owners will find it to theirbenefit to have their vessels sailedby men who, when blown off theland, can find their way back to ahaven of safety, without trusting toluck to be picked up by a passingsteamer nr ship.


On the fourth page of this issueappear an account of the Wyomingmassacre, given by the ChineseConsul at San Francisco who wentto investigate the matter. It willbe 'een that the perpetrators of theawful outrages were worse thanjavagcEuropeans contract laborersimported by the Union Pacific Rail-

way Company. The results of themassacre may take a retributiveform against that corporation, forits efforts in degrading labor to itsown advantage.

As gold goes up. prices go down.It has always been the case. Con-

versely, the establishment of thesilver dollar as the monetary stand-ard would break the deadlock andcause trade to revive. For whilegold has been rising in value, silverhas kept company with other pro-ducts of human industry, and is,therefore, a truer measure of theirvalue. The fall in prices would bearrested, and men could make in-

vestments with a reasonable assur-ance of profitable returns. Thesilver dollar has never checked en-

terprise. It has stimulated it.Examiner.

It the above is true, Hawaii oughtto be the most enterprising countryon the face of the earth, and pricesought to rule very low.

Royal Hawaiian Agricul-tural Society.

rpilR Annual Meeting of this SocietyJL will he held at Ihc Hawaiian Ho.

tul on TUESDAY NEXT, October 13th,at 6 p. m. Uy older,147 iit J. S. WEBB, Scc'y.

Special Auction Sale.Wo havo received insti notions to sell atpublic auction on the premises, 10 Hotelstreet, occupied liv Mis. Mason, onMONDAY, Uct. 12tli, at 10 a.m. All thoStock, Fixtnics and Household Furni.tuic. Also, tho Lease of premises nowtenting nt ?10 per month, and havingTwo Yens more to run.

The siore has been kept as n Cigarand Soda "Water business for the last 12months by Mrs. Mason, and has a goodrun of custom; is to he sold now onaccount ot departuie.

LYONS & COHEN,HO 2t Auctioneers.

FURNITURE SALEOn rriiowtlay, Out. i:$ili

At 10 o'clock a.m,,At tho residence of Mr. C. II. Woolming.ton. Kukui street, opposite Ihc residenceof W. C. Parke, Esq , will ho sold on ac.

count of dcpaittun,IIoiiNoliold IPuvniiiii-- o

Comprising Black Walnut Marble-to-

Ilcdroom Set, White Ash Marblc.topBedroom Set,

Parlor Sol,In Plush and Silk, While Ash ExtensionDining Table, Handfoinii Curved WhiteAsh Fide Hoard, Diningroom Chairs, an

assortment ofKUGS jVTSD MATS,

Single Ikds and Mnttrcsc?t Crockery,Glassware and Cutlery, Pietuies, MeatSafe, Kitchen Utensils, 'Garden Hose,Toolp, &c. The house will be open forinspection on Monday from f) ain Iq4 pmMQ .'It LEWIS J. LEVEY, Auct'r.

Alfred Magoon,J . ATTORNEY AT LAW.114 42 floichaut street, Honolulu, lm

For Sale or to Let, Lease ofOlympic Hall,

KING Street Lease has four yearnrun. Hull 100x8(1 fed. Suitn.

bio for Printing Olllce or Warehouse.Apply at ROYAL SALOON.

145 H


ADIVIDEND of Two Dollars pershare will bo paid to tho Share-

holders of tho lutcr-Itdan- Steam Navl.gallon Co. at (ielr office, ou Saturday,Oct. 10, 1885. .1. ENA,

co-- j, 1. a. K.uu,Honolulu, Oct, 8, 1885. 145 8t

TO LET or LEASE.ACOTTAGE on King street, seven

rooms, including bathroom; nEtahlc in rear: artesian water laid; frontand back yard. Rent moderate. Applyto A. FERNANDEZ,145 tf At E. O. Hall & Son's.

xt-drjesje- i

Ea'st'n OystersOW JCOEJ


fe. J. JMivrposii,AT- -



Good .Article,A Pew Cases Only.

141 3E. 3?. AdaniH .So Co. lm

Notice.ffMlE undcrsigne.l have this day en.A tercd into under thefirm name of RI10ADS & MACKENZIE,for the pin pose of carrying on businessas Carpenters ami Builders, and solicita share of the public patronage.

w. t. rhoads,d. Mackenzie.

Honolulu, Oct. 7, 1385. 144 1w


6948 SH.A.I5JESBy order of C. Brewer & Co, we willsell at public auctioa, at' our salesrooms,

ON MONDAY, OCT. 26, '85,At 12 o'clock noon, unless disposed of

at private fu!c,

:J,1S." Shares.

0,01 SliaVe.Of the Capital Stock of the Paukaa

Sugar Company. Par Value 10per shaic.

Capital, S 170,000In lots to suit purchasers.

Said 3,123 Shares being held by taidC. Brewer & Co. as collateral security tonote of Joiki. Austin, dated April 1st.1881, for $J2,U'8.0I, and said n,82JShares as collateial to note of S. L. Aus-tin, dated April 1st, 18S4, for 22,138,both of said notes being overdue.

EST For further pnllcular.s apply toP. M. Hatch.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,144 lOt Auctioneers.


Men mm Co.

Commencing on Monday, October12th, and thence on the first Mondayfollowing the arrival of tho Alamedaand Mariposa ou the 8th nnd 22nd ofeach month.

; The steamer Kinnn will make theVolcano Trip, reaching Kcauhou onWednesday morning, giving Touriststwo days and two nights at the VolcanoHouse.

"When the 8th and 22nd of tho monthfall ou Monday, the Kimiu will leavethat day.

E2T Tickets for Iho Rouad Trip. $50, whichpays all Charges.-- a

The innu will nrrlvo In HonoluluSunday mornings on Volcano Trips. OnHUo Trips, will leave Honolulu onTuesdays, and return Saturday morn,logs. WILDER'S STMSHIP CO.

Honolulu, Sept. 14, 1885. 124 tfCOURT of the Ha-

waiian Islands. In the matter ofthe Bankruptcy of HENRY TURTON.Before Chief Justice Judd.

Henry Turton, doing business In La-hal-

and Honolulu, Islands of Mauiand O.ihu, having been adjudicatedbankrupt on tho petition of II. Hitckfcldit Co., It Is hereby ordered that all credit,ors of said bankrupt come in nnd provetheir claims before mo, at my Chambers,in Honolulu, on

Monday, Oct. 13, 1885,At 10 o'clock a. m.

And it is further ordeied that uponsaid day the creditors proceed to holdthe ELECTION of an iiBBlgnco or as.signcch of said bankrupt estate, and thatnotico hereof bo published in the Am.aiitiu Gazette, Daily Bulletin and h'uokoa until said hearing.

Dottd Honolulu, Oct. 1. 1885.A. P. JUDD,

Chief Justice Hupicme Court..Utest: Hknuv Smith,

Deputy Clerk. 13!) fit

N. F. BURGESS,84 King street, : ; Honolulu.

Carpenter and Ilullder. Ilagcaue anil1euerul Kxni'eiiH.

Drnying and steamer Freight carefullyhandled.

Carriage painting done by a (list-clas- s

.. workman at 78 King street,Jobbing in above Hues attended to withpromptness, and charges aceoiding to

the amount and quality of work.Onico Telephone, 202. Residence, JC2.

143 ly

)j' Kj.iimiik,-- u


"Wo have received instructions fromMrs. Monarly, to toll at public auction,

ON MONDAY, OOT. 19,At 12 o'clock noon, at our salesroom,

that certain valuable

PIECE OF PROPERTYWith tho buildings thereon,

Situate on Beretanla Street, No. 205,near Mr. Thomas R. Lucas' lot, andhaving a frontage of 100ft on RcretnnlnStreet nml n depth of 300ft, tho lot run.ning through lo Klnau StrcGt, on whichit has also a 100ft front. A small nndcomfortablo

HOUSE WITH 5 ROOMSis upon the Propel iy.

Thcio is also a Carriage House withloom for servant, utulls for 3 horses anda Shed, and two Chicken Houses.

The soil is rich and productive, ascan be seen by tho Ginpc Vinos (4 yearsold, which ore bearing finely), and thePeach, Orange, Tamarind and AlligatorYear trees, which aie nil In good condi-tion.

It will be obsened that this piece ofland embraces two Government Lois of100 by 150 each, and can be easily subdivided to make 4 good lots of 50ft by150rt each.

The Property must bo sold, as theowner is about tho country.

Half the puichnso money can remainen mortgage if desired.

BST" Deeds nt expense of purchaser.144 IQt E. P. ADAMS & CO., Auct'rs.

Sale of Paukaastock:.

By oilier of the Hon. W. L. Green, 1

will sell at public auction, at mysalesroom in Honolulu,

MONDAY, OCTOBER 12,At 12 o'clock noon, unless dispo'cd

of nt priate sale,

4,200 SHARES 4,200Of the Capital Stock of the PAU-


Par Value, $ I O pr shareCapital $170,000In lots to suit purchaeets. For furtherparticulars, cnquiio of Jonathan Austinor P. M. Natch.127 1 lit LEWIS J. LEVEY, Auct'r.

OFFICES TO RENT.rpWO desirable offices to let in tiro--

proof building fronting on Queenstieet. Rent moderate. Apply to

LEWIS J. LEVEY, Auctioneer.141 lw 40 Queen street.

Wanted to Purchase.ASMALL lot of land, centrally locat-

ed and in a quiet neighborhood.Price iust be low for CASH. Stateterms and location, and address "Land,"this offlco. 141 3t


Books and Accounts neatly nnd correct,ly kept, alio all kind? of copying at-tended to. Offbe wit1! ITustaec A: Ro.beitson. 80 tf

Dwelling; House for Sale orRent.

THE large dwelling house nnd lotby D. D. Baldwin front-

ing on Dole street, at Puliation, and run.ning tluougji to Bcckwith street. Thehouse contains 8 large rooms, 2 pantries,1 bathroom, 4 large closets, kitchen

There is a largo barn withservant's room qn the grounds, also anoffice separate from the main building.The lot is nearly 2 acres in extent nndaffords considerable pasture and fire-wood. Everything In good repair. Gov.eminent water laid on. Enqulro of132 tf 8. B. DOLE.


Ice Cream Parlor



i; Block, Kin St.

A Flue ANHorliiieiit or

Candies & Cakes

Al-vuy- on Hand.

Parties Supplied1003 ly








Just Opened at



Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.

Hardware Company,liAtirrjau.

Successors DillinghamFORT STREET,

ignal Oil, Something

Beft Quality Blue 'Mottled Soap. Etra Grocer Soap,n Superior Article. ,

esr Fire Proof Safes, Closing Out at Low Prices, -- a

Full Lines of Goods upon Most Favorable Terms.

O Luso Hawaiiano.

ALI. poisons who want to communi-cate with the Poituguese, cither

tor business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other hclps.'will find itthe most profitable way lo advertise Inthe Luso o, the new organ ofthe Porluauesc colony, which is pub.lished on Merchant stieet, Gazette Build-inp- ,

(Post-Offlc- c Letter Box E.), andonly charges leasoinblo lutes for adver-tisements.



M. A. CONSALVES & CO.,Are Now Receiving Fortnightly from the Coast, and Offer Sale

A Complete Stock of Staple GroceriesIn Part

Bacon Casks,Baricuta Crates,Butter, Kegf,Baking Powder, CasesBrooms, CornBrans, every varietyBread, Medium CasesBread, S. Pilot CasesBran, coarse SacksBarley, whole nnd cracked, SacksBarley, Pearl, CasesCorn Meal, CasesCrackers, CasesCod, Cases

" BundlesCoffee, Sacks

" Kona, SacksFlour, Barrels, various brandsFruits, Canned CasesHoney, CasesHerrings, Smoked, CratesHams, Dupec Casks

" Buiralo CasksJellies, Cases .

Kcrosono Oil, Nos. 1 2 .Lard, Fairbank, Cases

" Banner "" Armour "






raid fine




80 ly

& Co. and Samuel Nott.HONOLULU

for Lamps.

To Let Furnished,AT Klhiuca, Kauai, a comfortable

Houseand Cottage eminently suita-ble for a family wishing to spend ashort time in the country. Applv to

MANAGER,1R0 I f Kilauca Sugar Co., Kauai.



as Follows:

Lobster, Picnic, CasesMilk, Condensed, CasesMiddlings, SacksOysters, McMu nay's, CasesOnions, CratesOatmeal, CasesOlive Oil Qi gal drums), CasesPaste, Italian, BovesPickles, English, CastsPotatoes, SacksRaisins, Boxes ,

Salmon, Columbia Hiver, Bbls" " " X.bbls'" Maltese Cross, Cases

Salmon Bellies, KitsSkipjack. CratesSoap, Yellow, Boxes

" Blue Mottled, BoxesSugar, Cube and Powdered, Boxea.. " Crushed, Bbls

" Haw, SksSpices, every variety, CasesTribecum (Man's), CasesTeas, Japan and ChinaVinegar, Red and White, CasksWheat, SksWheat, Cracked, Cases

8 Kaabumanu

Lowest Market Prices and Every Article Guaranteed, AlsOj

A Fine Assortment of Wines, &c,On hand nnd to arrive per JUPITER now due,

A Select Lot of Choicest Madeira Wines.Ml) M.A. GONSALVES&. 00., Wholesale Grocers, Beaver Block, Honolulu? 2w


New GarriagB



Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Oliandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,






1, .; "J

Page 3: New mi Puill - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · mi,H SO) i Jfe f AS 41!!! g iJ Jv Puill.W--JV Jl Jv Jt Jl Jrrdti Ttll WJLM ''ili.'WWI'"""""'!""" wwpowiii)wwigingii)wrfWMiwwawBmiwcwwM





J 51is-- r

, i



fJl1t S

- ffN?1pru kvi:

& SUja SaUhtin,FUIDAY, OCT. !), lSSo."


Stmr AV G Hall from AVludwaul Port".


Stnir.lns Mitkec for Knol.ui

VESSELS LEAVING11 li M S S Sntellte for llilo, HawaiiBl: Hope for Port Towtisend

VESSELS HI PORT.Ilk (JnllMiicii, IIul)ti:ulIlk Ho)c, l'enhrdlowIlk Jupiter, JonesBgtno Consuclo. Cousinsllktno Eureka, Lee.S ii Mariposa, Haywaul

PASSENCERS.Ftom Windward Ports, per sdmr W (J

Hull, Oct D- -C II Lldildgo, Capt H

Mniehant, Mis A llosn, Mls .ludd,Peter Lee. Miss M. Hoick, Miss K Co-

ney, Mls L Napoleon, Miss Kopoll,MlssM-McGulr- A AVall. XV PI lug and77 deck.


Stinrs Klunit, Likellke, Mokoltl-nn- d

Jas 1 How sett are due morn-ing.

Tlie sttnr C It Bishop has been out Sdays ciulslmr for the Ktimol.

Stmr Jas Mnkec an ived at S o'clocklast night. She brought 2,:H3 hags ofpaddy and 50 green hides. She sailedthis afternoon for l'unaluu, Koolan.with about 1,500 bags of paddy. She Ispxiiec.ted heio

Stmr XV (I Hall brought 1,123 bags ofsugar, 100 bags of awa. '2'. bag of colfnn. 19., Mf1is :inil 11 linira.

Stmr Kinnu nils on Monday li ox t at4 p m, lor uic voieano.

Stmr Likclikc sails on Tuesday nextat 5 p m, for Kahulul and liana.


Paiiala mill will begin grindingon Monday next.

l The building of the Honuapowharf is completed.

Music for skating at the YoscmitcRink tliis evening.

Mr.ssus. Bishop & Co. yesterdaylaid in $2.",000 in gold coin fromCalifornia.

Tnn Central Park Holler Coasterwill be running afternoonand evening.

Mu. M. Thompson, barrister, hasour thanks for late files of Easternand Southern papers.

, - .

Turku thoroughbred horses cameto Messrs. AAr. G. Irwin & Co. fromtle Coast yesterday.

. oThe steamer "W. G. Hall brings

news of fine weather on her route.Saw no sign of the Kamoi.

Ykterimt had its runaway ahorse and light buggy on Emmastreet stopped without damage. ,

Two hundred and eight seasontickets have been sold already forthe Farini concert, realizing 2,080.

Mk. Brodie, V. S., and Capt. J.H. Brown are on a tour of inspec-tion among the horses of this island.

The Yosemite was lively last nightwith blue jackets The jolly Brit-ish tars rolled on the rollers asonly men rolled on the rolling mainknow how to roll.

Owixo to offense being taken atthe cartoon on the Fire Department,it was taken out of Messrs. Oats'window yesterday, but only to re-

appear this morning.. m

Again a Chinese cook has com-

plained of being waylaid at ThomasSquare, this time by Portuguese,who went through his pockets butfound nothing in them.


Auction sales were booming thismorning. Merchandise was sold atgood prices. A phaeton was soldby Lewis J. Levey to Mr. Lesserfor sixty-fiv- e dollars.

His Majesty has received an auto-graph letter from the Prince Im-

perial of Germany, in acknowledg-ment of a letter of condolence uponthe. death of the hitter's cousin,Prince Frederick Charles.

Hkfehhint. to the call of a meet-ing of the Hoynl Hawaiian Agricul-tural Society, on Tuesday eveningnext, it is understood that all whoare interested in agricultural mat-ters will bo welcome to attend.

The purser of the steamer JamesMakee reports things very quietalong her route ; also, the sea beingpretty tough at Hanalei. Theycaught a ulua fish, weighing 82pounds, off Pearl river last nightwith a trolling line.

The only business in the PoliceCourt to-da- y was a charge of dis-

orderly conduct against James Lore,for which he was sentenced to 15days' imprisonment ; and the dis-

charge of a prisoner whose case wasremanded from yesterday.

II. B. M. S. Constanco has bailedfrom San F'rancisco for Panama,and may be expected to call atHonolulu in November on her wayto Hongkong. There h no accept--

i I ;'..' -

able confirmation of the report thatan attompt was made to blow thevessel up in San Francisco bay.

Last night's complimentary con-

ceit and dnncc, given at the Hotelas a farewell to Captain Alingtonand oniccrs of II. B. M. S. Satellite,was a very pleasant Affair. Mr.Graham, manager of the Hotel,distinguished himself with an aitis-tl- e

illumination of the building nndgrounds. The dance in the parlorwas a gay scene of bright uniformsand handsome toilets.

An old land mark is being re-

moved from the ground in rear ofthe Water Woiks oftlce. It is ncoral building elected some thirtyyears ago for an ofllce. Pcndergnstwas then Superintendent of theWater Works. Of lute the buildinghas been used as a store-roo- Nowit is being pulled down, to furnishneeded coral stone for the founda-tions of the new lighthouse.

The Y. M. C. A. will give a pri-vate reception to the olllcers andcrew of H. B. M. S. Satellite thisevening at the association rooms. Avaried programme of music, recita-tions and readings will be provided.Several of the lady friends of theinstitution will take part in the exer-cises, after which refreshments will

Lbc served. Members arc requestedlo attend promptly at the hour, 7:il0o'clock.

YnsTr.KDAY'g Press contained anaccount of two sailors from theSatellite, making a drunken exhibi-tion of themselves on Nminnu streetthe previous evening. Captain Aling-ton has sent us a request to contra-dict the statement in question. Hesays only picked men were ashorethat evening, and on seeing the itemin the Press he examined every oneof them. They all emphatically de-

nied the imputation against theirconduct.

O Jjitso Uaioaiiano says thatsome time ago the Daily Bulletindenounced some Chinese laundriesfor being guilty of washing clothesfrom lepers together with those oftheir other customers. It concludesfrom that repugnant fact, that aPortuguese laundry would haveevery chance of success, and advisesf,onie one to start one in good con-dition. Foreigners who now mustsubmit, whether they like it or not,to Chinese washing, would doubtlessonly be too glad of availing them-selves of a decent purifying institu-tion.


Call and sec our new stock of oilpaintings, engravings, cliromos, etc.,etc. King Bros.' Art Store, HotelStreet. 140 3t

Pf.u Mariposa Music Books, Pic-ture Wire and Cord, Croquet Sets,Baby Carriages, School Bags, etc.

.It AVkst, Dow & Co.

L. Am.r.ii begs to inform the pub-lic that he has received an elegantassortment of gentlemen's, ladies'and children's shoes per Alameda.

332 lmTin: Roller Coaster and Central

Park Skating Rink, will be open onSaturday. A skating race, free forall who have not before won prizes,will take place, for two prizes, 1stand 2nd. Amount of prizesTto bemade known at the time.

Ill It L. J. Scott.


Last evening the Queen's Ownparaded for drill under command ofCaptain O'Connor. Previous todrill the Captain called the olllcersto the front of the parade andhanded to each ofliccr of the corpsthe King's commission. The com-

manding ofliccr complimented hisolllcers on the high honor and markof royal favor just conferred onthem. He felt satisfied they wouldprove themselves wortlry, eflieient,loj'al and bravo olllcers, never for-getting the duty they owed to theirKing, Government, country, com-

manding ofliccr, and subordinatesplaced under their charge. Theolllcers are A Company 1st Lieu-tenant, Nahoia Ilipa; 2nd Lieute-nant, John Mahiai Kaneakua; BCompany 1st Lieutenant, JohnKahonakua Mauloa; 2nd Lieute-nant, Archibald Scott Mahaulu.


Mr. F. L. Clarke has placed astock of Hawaiian ferns, lichens andmosses in a show ease in KingBros.' art store. A more beautifuldisplay of the natural adornmentsof our mountains and gorges couldnot be imagined. The plants nreartistically mounted on photographcards and fancily-designe- d boards.All of them arc pretty, some of themexquisitely so, their arrangementexhibiting rare taste and skill. Mr.Clarke has evidently hit upon agood tiling in this enterprise, andknows how to carry it out. Prettieror neater souvenirs of this groupcould not bo obtained by visitors,nor more acceptable Hawaiian curiosbe sent by residents to friendsabroad. Particularly would theybe deemed treasures by all lovers ofnature. One card in the collection

contains no less than five varietiesof fcin.


Tiiuusday, Oct. 8th.In the case of Queen Emma's

contested will, Mr. J. M. Pocpoc,for the contestant, Prince AlbertKunuiakea, addressed the jury forthree hours. Mr. F. M. Hatchspoke for the proponent, Mr. A. J.Cartwright, an hour and twentyminutes. The jury retired at tenminutes past four, and in half anhour returned with a verdict for the"defendant," two dissenting. Thewere informed by the Court that"proponent" was the word theyshouldhavcused if they meant the ex-

ecutor of the will. The contestant'scounsel entered exceptions againstthe verdict on the grounds of theverbal inaccuracj.

Friday, Oct. 'Jth.

Before Chief-Justi- ce Judd. AHawaiian jury tries the assumpsitcase of Kanui vs. Makole. Kinney& Peterson for plaintiff, Poepoe fordefendant. At ten minutes to twoMr. Poepoe concluded his closingaddress to the jury, and Mr. Kinneybegan his speech for the plaintiff,speaking in Hawaiian.

in ciiamueus.

His Honor Justice Preston wasthis morning occupied in hearingargument of counsel on a motionfiled by the defendants in the caseof S. L. Austin and others againstC. Brewer & Co. and others. Ash-for- d

& Ashford for the plaintiffs, F.M. Hatch for the defendants. Themotion seeks to dissolve the injunc-tion whereby defendants arc res-

trained from interfering with thepossession of plaintiffs in the plan-tation or property of the OnomeaSugar Company ; (2) to absolutelyrefrain from selling or disposing ofany of the capital stock of said com-pany, or any of the mortgage bondsor other bonds of said company inthe custody of C. Brewer & Co. , arid(3) to refrain from doing any act ofauthority as olllcers of the corpora-tion of said Onomea Sugar Com-pany, until further order of theCourt. Mr. Hatch filed affidavitsslipping that defendants Jones andCarter were regularly elected asolllcers of the Onomea Sugar Com-pany, and argued that they weremortgagees in possession, that theplaintiffs were merely servants ofthe Onomea Sugar Corporation, andnot as absolute owners of the plan-tation. On the other hand, Mr.Ashford contended that the plain-tiffs, who were mortgagors, primafacie, arc the absolute owners of thepremises until foreclosure or sale.The Court, on review of the matter,ordered that that portion of the in-

junction restraining defendants fromdoing any acts as olllcers of saidOnomea Sugar Company, be struckoff, the other portions of it to stand.



The mill which is making paperpulp from the yucca on the Mojavcdesert turns out some ten tonsdaily.

The last steamer from Alaskabrought $70,000 from the Treadwellmine, on Douglas island, the resultof only fifteen days' run.

Chinese vegetable peddlers assistto spread the white scale about LosAngeles by selling "garden truck"which is infected with the pest.

Natural gas has been discoveredat Sumner, AAr.' T., three miles dis-

tant from the oil well at Elhi, whichthe Tacoma Oil Company had begunworking.

Opium smokers at Stockton, sincethe police have taken to raiding thedens, now go out into the tides out-side the city limits to indulge intheir vice.

A party of 110 colonists fromEngland have just arrived in LosAngeles. They were eighteen daysin coining from Liverpool, and bringwith them 817.r,000 altogether withwhich to buy land.

It is rumoicd that some one isabout to start a saloon at Lompoc, atemperance colony in Santa Barbaracounty, and the fate of the last onethere (the inhabitants tore it topieces) is held up as a warningagainst the attempt.

An artesian well (the thirty-thir- d

so far) has been sunk at San Ja-

cinto, San Diego county, which, ata depth of 207 feet furnishes 100miner's inches of water, or enoughto irrigate 1,000 acres of land, as itis calculated there.

A large and enthusiastic meetingof laborers at Seattle, AVashingtonTerritory, passed strong Anti-C- hi

nese resolutions. They condemnedthe AVcstern AVashington Congrega-tional Association for asking for thounqualified lepeal of the ChineseRestriction Act,

A strange fatality is reported inSan Francjsoo. Frank N. Dwight,employed in tho Methodist

on Maiket- - street, wastaken sick and died in a few days.Several leading physicians attendedhim, hut were unable to diagnosehis case, An autopsy, made at therequest of his parents, resulted inthe finding of a jagged lemon seed

in the intestines. Dwight had acci-

dentally swallowed the seed withsome lomoiiade on the night previousto his being taken sick.

There was a disgraceful scene be-

tween a crowd of O'Donncll thecoroner's followers and a gatheringof the League of Free Speech and aparty of Scandinavian sailors, at thenew City Hall lot, San Francisco, ona recent Sunday. O'Donnell's men,by howling and pushing, pi eventedthe Socialist crowd from listening tothe orators whom they had come tohear. A report says : ' 'The effoi tsof a squad of policemen barely main-tained peace, hut the air wasaffrighted Avith vulgarity, obscenelanguage and oaths, the grass plotswere trampled oicr, and decent-minde- d

people put to blush for thedisgraceful scenes that were enacted.A large portion of the disturbingclement was composed of j'ounghoodlums ranging from 12 to 18years of age."

Junipero Lope., of Santa Bar-

bara, ate some opium in order tosleep, and slept the sleep that knowsno waking.

Isaac II. Bromley, assistant toCharles Francis Adams, Jr., Presi-dent of the Union Pacific, and Gen-eral E. I'. Alexander, one of theGovernment Directors of the UnionPacific, arrived at Portland fromAVyoming, where they have been in-

vestigating the recent Chinese out-

rages. They left for Seattle andincidentally will examine into thecause of the attacks on Chinese inthat vicinity, with a view of gettingan understanding of public senti-ment toward coolie labor.

The creditors of the Howe SewingMachine Company have decided lbwind up the concern.

Ferdinand AVard pays 10 perweek for board in Ludlow St. Jail.A friend sent him a check for 3,000expressly stipulating that the moneywas to bo applied to payment of ex-

penses in the jail.The employment of non-unio- n

men in a AVhceliiig, Va., mill pro-

voked an attack by some thiity tofifty men armed with revolvers. Theassailants, however, were repulsed.

Dennis Kearney in a speech atIrish-Americ- Hall, San Francisco,on the 20th nit., upheld the pro-

ceedings of the miners in AVyoming,and presented resolutions, whichwere unanimously adopted, approv-ing the action of the AVyomingminers in attempting' to diive outthe Chinese ; condemning the armyfor protecting the coolies at woik inthe mines; thieatcning destiuctionof the Chinese if their immigrationis not stopped; condemning theaction of the Chinese Consul inoffering large rewards for the arrestof American citizens in AVyoming,and, finally, pledging their "livesand fortunes" to drive the Mongo-lians from our shoies, "and to bringabout prosperity and peace." Kear-ney said that he was not opposed toany one who sought to suppress thecurse of Chinese immigration, butdeclared that the issue should bekept out of politics, arguing thatafter it was settled it would be timeenough to confer office, i at all,upon those who had labored in thecause. He declared that 11,000,-00- 0

is yearly bent from Californiato China ; that Chinese immigrationis increasing at an alarming rate,and that there is no demand forwhite servant girls, as their placesare filled entirely by Chinamen.

The greenbackcrs' platform, aspiomulgated in a convention, re-

cently held in New York, declares:All outstanding bonds should be

paid in irredeemable paper money;that the circulation of the nationalbanks should be retired ; and thegovernment should issue fiat papermoney to the amount of S5(! perhead of population, and expend itfor public works; that no alienshould be permitted to own land orcontrol railroads or telegraph linesin the United States ; that a gradu-ated, increasing tax should ho laidon incomes, beginning with incomesof 82,000 and running up to 850,-00- 0,

and that all incomes in excessof the latter figure should be confis-

cated ; that convicts should bo paidreasonable wages, and that tho Pre-sident should call an extra sessionof Congress to consider the presentcondition of the labor market.

Buddcnseik, the New A'oik hoiise-build- er

of deathtraps, who wasfound guilty of manslaughter, soniotime ago, and sentenced to servoten years in the State Prison, willprobably escape punishment afterall. He has a full purse, and solong as his money lasts his lawyerswill be sure to do everything thoycan in his behalf. Through theirinterposition he has been granted anow trial, on the strength of a technicality, nnd ho will be allowed bailwhile the now trial is pending, andthis will bo delayed until the wit-

nesses against him have disappear-ed, when ho will, in till likelihood,be discharged.

There will bo at least four piopo-sition- s

before tho next Congress inrelation to the coinage of silver.These may bo enumerated as fol-

lows:First A proposition to suspend

the operation of tho Bland act, un-

der which 82,000,000 wortli of silverbullion is coined into 1 12 J graindollars each month.





Tclcphono 210 in both Cos.

&117 ami J' Iltol Hlvccl,

NEW GOODS JUST ON ICE:Kisti'in Sliutl, Flomid(i!J, Hook Cod, Snirjlls, Crab', Knilcin Oysters, Cain Fresh

Uoll Hotter, Ciuilillowvr, lieil C'lbbage1, Bunker Club House Siuige3,Mnlliml Ducks, Peaches, Pear", I'lum, Grapes, &o ice.

Hor-i- Uiulisli, ltools ami Celery, Swiss Cboc3s, Ctunm Cliccau, Edam Cheese,German Smoked Gennin I'irklrs in Keg?, Holland Herrings inKegs, Kits Salmon Hcllies, Kit- - Mackeicl,

Ami ix Complete lAue oi" ITnucy &-- Sitiyle Gri-oecrie-

Ahvuj'H on Hand,Goods delivered to Wnikiki, Tuouhivs and Fridays. Goods ilellveied to nil parts

of the Town.

Second A proposition to makesilver coinage free on the hnis ofdl2 grains to the dollar.

Third The AVarncr propositionto issue silver certificates at' the dateof issue.

Fourth The Dorsheiiner proposi-tion to coin a 180 grain silver dollar,which shall be made a full legaltender.

The impoils of the Union for thetwelve months ending August ."Kt,were 8"i71,2.S."),'J l.'J, a decrease onthe pievious year of SS0,;:."i,.'i7;t.The cxpoits were 8722, 7(i.", 1(11, adecrease on the previous year of812,233,331.

The leading clearing-house- s ofthe United States report that thetotal clearances of the week endingSeptember 2Cth were 097,832, 113,a decrease of th percent,as compared with the coi respondingweek of last year.

A report received at the StateDepartment from the AmericanConsul at Genoa, Italy, containsthe elements of a first-cla- ss romance.The Consul writes that on August28th he visited, in company with afriend, the asylum for the insane,which stands on the outskirts of thecity. Before leaving the buildinghe was informed that one of the pa-

tients, an American lady, desired tospeak to him. Some objection wasmade by the officers in charge.The patient, they said, wai veryviolent, and it would be better todisregard her wishes if it were notdesirable to bring about a scene,but the Consul persisted, and in theinterview which followed satisfiedhimself that his fair country-woma- n

was no more iiiMinc than himself.He demanded her release, whichwas not effected without some di fa-

culty. The Consul deseriheslu-- r asbeing very pretty and about 25years of age. l lie lady's story isthat she married her husband, whoproved to be a titled adventurer, mone of the large Eastern cities abouttwo years ago. Her father settledupon her an annuity of $f,()00 ayear. Shortly after their arrival inGenoa her husband decoyed her toan insane asylum, where she wasplaced under restraint, though inother respects kindly treated. Herhusband had averted suspicion byinforming his wife's parents thatshe was too ill to write. The ladyis now en mule to America withfunds furnished by the Consul.Her husband lied from Genoa uponthe announcement of her releaseand has not been heard from since.

Piorola, formerly Dictator ofPeru, who has just been banishedfor the fourth time from that coun-

try, reached New York on tho 21th,and was expected in AVashingtonthe following week. It is possiblethat he will spend part of tho winterthcie, and if he does he will be aconspicuous figure in society, as hois a man of raro social

as well as a brilliant politicalleader. He was educated in Parisand inherited scientific proclivitiesfrom his father, who was formerly apiofcssor in tho University of Mad-rid, and for inaiiv veals a Directorof the University 'of Peru. Piorolamarried tho daughter of Ituibide,the unfortunate Emperor of Mexico,whoso son was adopted by the

and whose grand-son was recently a student at George-town Colletre. his

I kinship to royalty, it Id said that









--xsa P. O. Box 297

Pierola is a liberal of the most radi- - fcal type. In New A'ork he was theguest of Michael P. Grace, the 'Mayor's brother.

DETROIT FREE PRESS CURRENCY. 'Oculists predict that we shall be-

come a spectacled nation in fifty .

year-- , more.New Ilainpshiie farmers stick to

the tallow candle. It never ex-

plode-) and there ate no chimneys tobreak.

A "Glee Club and Liter.iry So-

ciety" in AVyoming has lynched sixmen thus far this year for horsestealing.

It is possible for an orator touse 213 words per minute, but itisn't possible for any of them toauiouut to anything.

Nine-tent- hs of the lawyers, lliree-fourl- hs

of the physicians, five-sixt-

of the poets and two-thir- of the ,.

literary men Use tobacco in someform.

A New York physician says he re-

gards it as a species of insanity thatany man of wealth should desire toreside in such a city, with its bustle, ""

crime, nuisances and impure air.The Vlttbhui q J)cspu(ch says that

Minister Phelps is recovering froman attack of plumbago. He musthave been monkeying 'around anelecliotypc foundry. There is noother place wheie plumbago is usedso iccklessly as there. Everythingbecomes covcicd with it in time.J'cdJ's Sun.

WANTED,SMALL furnished bouse or Iv.oA coinlortnblu furnished roomp.

Address P.O. Hi. in.'. 1 H lit

FOR RENT.COMFOKTABLK and con.AVCHY house on Kinnu stieet, be

tween Punsncol.i nnd I'llkoi si reels, con.tnitiiiitf Ihrcu ludrnoni:., pniloi, Kltchcu.pmtry.hilh loom, slnblea,etc. Lariju L'linlen, ITasy teirnf.. An. .

ply to llltUOi: CAimVMGHT,lit A. .1. Cm twi ighfs olllec. 13!) tf


llcct'if Treatment. A uuw treat-inc-

foi llemoi rliold , Fistula nrd otherdlM'iyo- - of t'io icctum, by a procrsshiirc, mi fo and painless.

Dlt. MoWAYNE, 34 Aliuccti M.102 Hm


Provincial Fire Insurance Co.,

j.ityv.HiiliMcill.ftl C'nititnl : : JC 1,000,000

J. T. WATKHIIOUSK, .lit., Agent.137 !!m

NOTICE.TVIU 1). L. AHPIIAHT hereby Intl.Ill males Unit he has this dny with,drawn from tho firm of Soyong & Ah.phart, and tliul ho will rairy on the bust.ncss of nn I'niploymeiil Agency, Anglo.Chinese Interpreting, Collecting Acoouiitrf ami other Agency Uutlncss atSun Kim Lung Co.V, 13 Hotel Mrcct.

113 tf

AKHlnm-s- ' Notice.'PUB undersigned having been up.

1 pointed Atsignrnj of tbu 1'ilato of8. .1. Levey A Co,, llankrupts, all per.sons indebted to bald linn iiru herebyicquelcd tn nitiko Immediate paymentto Alov. J. O lrtvviighl i his nlllce, Knnhuiunuti fcliocl.

As6ll,ee?W.G, 1KWIN,

Honolulu, Sept. 20, 1SS.1. 135 2w;




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-- -

mu gnttj) liUtitt.FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1885.



When llic news of. Ihc mussiicu' ofChinamen at Koek Springs, AVyo-miri- g

Tcriilory, reached Wnshing-ton- ,I). C, the Cliincse Minister im-

mediately telegraphed to Vice-Cons- ul

Hoc of this city to procccil to thescene, make an investigation amialso rcpicsent the intcicsts of theforeigners in whatever inquiry theGovernment might institute. TheChinese Secretary of Legation wassent fiom Washington to join Mr.Bee, who was accompanied by legalcounsel, and the AVnr Departmentordered General McCook and Lieut-en- at

Groesbeck, with a detail of sol-

diers, to escort them. Colonel liceleft San Frnncfcco on the Mth ofSeptember and has just returned.He found at Rock Springs the Gov-

ernment Directors of the UnionPacitlc Railroad, Judge Savage ofOmaha, Mr. Ilanna of Ohio and Mr.Alexander of Georgia. They madean investigation, of which suminaiyaccounts hac already been pub-lished. The white miners wcie in-

vited to present, with all possiblefreedom, every grievance which theymight have. They failed, accordingto Colonel Bee, to make any seriouscharges against the Chinese. It wasnot claimed that theyweie under-cutting the whites in the price, oflabor, the Chinamen lccciving ex-

actly the same ratc4 and makingfrom $3 to $4 a day, while the earn-ings of the other miners ranged fiom$3 to 88. The examination of wit-

nesses was during the whole inquiryin the hands of the Knights ofLabor, one of whom is a Justice ofthe Peace, and acted as Coroner :nreference to the victims. ConsulBee stated yesterday to a Chroniclereporter that there were seventy-fiv- e

white men engaged in the massacre.Eighteen gave themselves up andwere lclcascd upon bail of 300each. The outbreak of the troublewas immediately due to the whitesclaiming that a section of the minewhich had been assigned by the pitboss to the Chinese belonged tothem. They entered it and attackedthe Chinamen with the handles oftheir picks. All of the latter w erethen ordered to the surface. Thewhites armed themselves with gnus,the women with pistols, knives andclubs, and they mercilesslyslaughtered the Mongolians in thestreets and their houses. It isproven that the wives of the minersbrained some of the victims, andthat others of them plundered the.cabins and set them on fire.

a i.oxk iimp. nnr:wiN(i.

"The attack was not," declaredColonel Bee, "the result of any sud-

den impulse or provocation. It hadbeen brewing for three months.The Chinamen and Mormons at workin the mines could not be inducedto strike as desired by the Knightsof Labor, and hence it was neces-sary in order to carry out the de-

signs of the organization that the'be gottcrr l id of or else forced toquit the region. The plot to preci-pitate a conflict was laid for the dayprior to its actual occurrence, butmiscarried because the Chinamendid not work on that day. Thewhites had taken possession of theChinamen's section and had pre-

pared a blast and were there inreadiness to receive the latter whenthe' should arrive. The atrocitiescommitted are beyond description.The oillccrs and soldiers who areirow at Rock Springs say .that iir

many combats with Indians theyhave never witnessed any ti aits ofhuman nature so hideous and repul-sive as those which the miners dis-

played. Not one of them is a citi-

zen of the United States or has overannounced any intention of becoming.such. Six of them called upon Gov-ernor Warren of Wyoming and pre-

sented a demand for what theytermed their rights, lie asked themif they were citizens. They saidno ; they did not care to lie." Tiresurrender of the eighteen rioterswas u farce, as was also the inquest.The inquest was held on twenty-on- e

bodies, and wo dug up twenty-nin- e

soon after our arrival. There werealso fifteen Chinamen missing; thedead bodies of two of them havebeen found in the hilU. One poorfellow crawled three miles, beingunable to walk, and was four daysin reaching the railroad, lie almoststarved, and suffered such an agonyof thirst that he diank his ownfluids, Wild animals tore out thebowels of one of the wounded beforoIlls life was extinct. I offered areward of $15 for every corpse thatcould bo found and brought intothe town, but, of course, no onewould date bring one in if offered athousand dollars."

' ' JIAUTIAI. I AW BViWi:-)lV.U- .

"What will the Chinese Govern-

ment do concerning the massacre?""I cannot yet say, I shall mako

my, report this week. We lmvotaken the evidence of about 700persons."

''IIow jjjitny Chinamen were there


at Rook Springs?""About GOO, and about 1200 in

the whole of that mining region.""How many troops were thcie

when you left?""Six infantry companies at Rock

Springs and four wero at Evanston.General Schofield was on the spothimself. In my opinion there isonly one w ay to deal with the of-

fenders in this case, aird that is bymartial law. The mlnciswere im-

ported directly from Europe by theUnion Pacific Railroad Company,which fancied that by thus doing itcould develop the country morerapidly. The company has latelygiven them to understand that theycannot dictate to it, and it is not, Ithink, disposed to favor them at theexpense of the Chinese.

"If there wero to be u sliiko inthe mines all of tho railways betweenthe Missouri river and the Rockymountains could be deprived of theircoal supply. The matter is a farmore serious one for the Govern-ment than even for the Union Paci-fic, as the United Stales cannot gettheir mails carried without coal.Some sharp, decisive measures inregard to these miners arc necessary,or it will be impossible to tell atwhat moment they may not lepeattheir recent outrages. No attorney'slife would be safe in that legionwithout an escoit. They stone sol-

diers who sit aggie from the camp.The Chinamen resumed woik on lastMonday, but the presence of thetroops in force is all that preventsthe whites fiom renewing their at-

tack. Han Francisco Chronicle.

America now makes the bestclocks and watches in the world,and at such low prices that theSwiss have taken to baby-whistl- es

and rattle-boxe- s.

TO LET.ANEW 3 loomed Collage with a laigc

on the Asylum road. Kents10 per month. Apply of331 if . .1. C. EDWARDS.

FOR SALE CHEAP.BgOTKOne Light Top rnniiiy

Wagon ami 1 Top jjiisi- -

"ncss Wagon. Apply ttJ' J. WlLi'llM-iM- ,

Contractor and Builder, 109 King sticct.125 lm

PIAlSO TUNING.obtained tho services of aHAVING Piano Tuner, w e wish

to inform the public that wc are able toTunc and Repair Pianos at short notice.All ordois lctt with us will be promptlyattended to, and all work wan anted.10.U ly WEST, DOW is CO.

THE FISHER CIDER COMPANY,Pactoiy, 13 Liliha prepared to furnish this

celebrated Champagne Cider atshort notice, and in quantities to suit.All oider will meet prompt attentionby addressing The Fibber Cider Co.

M.T. DOXNELL, Manager.Mutual Telephone Sill. 131) ly

FOll RENT.Tim llroinispa nt TSJ"n .1' ATnr

iclmnt street, near tho corner ofSFoit street, ccntrnllv located

in tne uusiness part or tnc city, binta-bl- e

for a LAW OFFICE, or anv otherkind of business. Rent low. Enquireof DR. STANGENWALD.

107 3m

E E. RYAN,llout. JSiillrtcr.

Boat3 Built and Repaired to Order.

All Kinds of JSoat Material,Timbers, Knees, Stems, Keels. Also, 1

Decked Surf Boat, 1 Large Twelve-To- n

Scow, 1 Four.Onrcd Race Boat, 2 SmallSkillV, 1 Twclve.Ton Sloop in perfectorder, with sails, anchors and chainscomplete. For sale chenp for cashKihuica street, Honolulu. 1035 Iy

J. A. Mackenzie,Having opened n shop on

JESetliel Sti-eet- ,

(opposite tho Chinch)," is prepared toexecuta nil oideis tor

Plumbing, Gas and SteamFitting,

And general woik in his line. Allordirs promptly attended to, and chnigessti ictly moderate. 24 ly

MfTTllT!Patronize Home manufacture

The Hawaiian Stone Comp'yAic now prtpaied to furnish fichh Limoin quantities to suit purchasers, andsitisfactioa warranted as to both thokind and the price


tf. A. DOWER,Ship Carponter and Boat Builder.

HAS on hand nnd for sale varioussurf boats, constructed on

an Improvul piinclplo of my own in.ventlon, each frame being of one pieceacross tho.lael, Tho frames nro closertogether, and the boats aro thereforelighter and less liable to bllgo in, thanboats of any other build. Each sideplunk and gunwale Is in ouo piece frombtem to stern, and is consequently notliable to btrain, thorn being no midshipbutts. The material and workmanshipmo wan anted to be of the besj quality.

Mr, Robert Lowers, of Leweid &Cooke, will attend to the sale of theseboats, and dispose of them at Ban Fran,chco prices, 05 ly

71 Queen Street.aoi:nt ron

Steamer "J. I. Dowsott,"Axr schooners

Rob Roy, Mllo Morris, and Josophlno.

HAII? J'"01t SiYJLilfl.Fine and coarse Puuloa Salt i line

Kakaako Salt, In quantities to suit.Also, large and small Iron Water

Tanks. Paints, Oil", Etc.) Etc. C3 ly

BAGGAGE EXPRESS.5'The undersigned havingtaken charge oflloggagoE.nrcss No. 34. for tho

mnposoof carrying oivtlio Express andDray business, "hopes 1iy paying strictattention to business to receive a shareof public pationagc.

CSfMoNing pianos and furniture aspecially. B. BURGERSON.

Residence, cuinei Punchbowl nnd ia

StueU. Mutual Telephone 320.West, Dow & Co., Telephone 170.



Practical Gun and Lock Smith,MBethel St., nct to Pos'.-Oflle- e.

Sewing; Machine) of all kinds repaired.

All kinds of Light Machinery repairedon Short Notice- -

N B. Goo.l Woikmnnship nnd Charges124 Strictly Moderate. ly

Onco JIoie to llio TTVout.

.A.. T. BAKER,Having returned to theIslands, will undertake

xSET; to break Horses, eitherto saddle or Harness,av "cheaper than any other

man in the Kingdom, and guaranteerntisfaction.

Sick and Lame Horses,Will receive specHl attention, and thebest of Medicine nnd enre provided.All orders to bo left at residence, nextJohn' Robcllo's, Kapalama. 09 0m

F. HORN'SPioneer .St'm Candy Factory & Bakery

i:HTAiHiism:i, isos.

Manufactures all and every articlu inConfectionery and Pastry .and BreadBakery from the best and purest mate,rials, guaranteed free from all

ADULTERATION!Ha'Palways on hand all sizes of his Rich

and Unsurpassed Quality of

WEDDING- - CAKES,Enjoying n rich reputation of many

years, nnd are ornamented in anystyle desired, and are sold at the

Lowest Possible PricesUnequalled facilities and steam enablesme to sell nil articles manufactured atmy Establishment Cheaper than anyother m this Lino of Business. Vanilla,Chocolate, Cocoanut, hand made andMould Creams of all flavors at 50 centsper pound.


at 5 cents each. Mince nnd FruitPics always on hand.

Pure and Wholesome Bread !

Vienna Rolls, Family & Graham Bieaddeliveicd to any part of the city. Thelargest anil most various Stock of Con.fectioncry can bo found at

3F--. H O 33, TV'SSteam Candy Factory and Bakery.

No. 71 Hotel St., between Nuunnu nndFort Sticcts.

T. O, Box No. 75. Telephono'No, 74.1004



HPM5 INSTITUTION is located onJ. the corner of Hotel and Alnkca

streets, directly opposito the building ofthe Y. M. C. A., and is open every dnyand evening, Sundays included.

The Reading Room is supplied withnil tho local journals, us well ns nearlyfifty of tho leading foreign papers andmagazines.

Tho Oh dilating Library consists ofover 3,000 volumes, nnd is constantlyincreasing.

Tho Rcfcronco Library contains nvalunblo line of cyclopedins, diction,aries, and works of a blmilar character.

A handsomo parlor is provided forconversation and games.

The Ciiculating Dcpaitment is closulon Sundays.

Terms of membership : Signing theroll and paying tho regular dues, fiftycents n month, quarterly in advance,

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from other islands nro welcometo tho rooms at all limes, hut as theAssociation has no other regular meansof support except tho dues of members,It is expected that residents of Honoluluwho desire to avull tliemsolves of Itsprivileges, and all who feci an interestIn maintaining nn institution of thiskind in our community, will join theAseoeiutlon nnd pay tho tegular dues.S. B. DOLE PresidentM. M. SCOTT Vice-Preside-

II. A. PARMELEE .SecretaryA. L. BMITII TreasurerO. T. RODGERS, M. D., Chairman IJoll

and Library Committee. 77 tf

Carriage tiiicl "Wag-o- Ifclaliei..



In lirMt-clUK- H liiniincr iiud prices to Niiit the iiucfci.70 King St., adjoining Geo. W. Lincoln, Contrnctoi & Builder. Cm

Frank Gertz, 103 Fort Street,

K &1TIUHHF fi BOOTS AND SHOES J1 TsJxTaU-- . JJJiHBBM&J 112 ,7ri"ymiLiniMMiiiffiiiii)jin,iniwgmgJ I HJnJSbbsii

Has received hy laic steamers a splendid line of

BOOTS, SHOES AHB SLIPPERS,For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children.

KS 13oii'fc Pass970


?JEiifeiil7GoF.BmtHilaft PucftliDwl

This elegant Rink hns been paintedand overhauled generally. The propri-etor, finding, alter long usage, woodunserviceable for Roller Skating, hasafter great expense, laid n

Patent Composition Floor,

And only asks a trial to convince any-one of its great advantages over wood,for ease in skating, clc.inlincss, etc.

Open cwrv evening in the weekfrom 7 to 1), nnd Wednesday and

afternoons for ladies anil cliil-drc-


120 ly

HOUSE & LOT FOIl SALE.,Thc hotiso nnd premises ow nedlanu occupied by W. I).

situated on tho cornerof Young and Kecaumoku streets. Thehouse is new and contains six rooms Lcsides pantry, kitchen, &c. Tiro lot is100x137 feet. Stables, cairiago and out-houses on tho piemlscs. For particularsapply to AVERY &, PALMER,122 No. 00 Port street.

Bill HcaiU


Ball Programs

Bills of Lading

Business Cauls

Book Work



Concert Prugr'nis

Draft Rooks

Delivery Books


Hand Bills

Invoices i 'jfjin "

'3sQueen Street,


l?iviutiiier &

LrJO rimming;,

tlie Door.Gm

xiie lDurris

Ice Cream Parlors !

No. S3 Hotel Street.Delicious ilavoied Ice Cream made

from pure Dairy Cream, Fruit Ices,Sherbets, Ice Crc.un Drinks and manyother refreshments can be found alwaysat this really first-clas- s resoit. ChoiceConfcctioneiy and Cakes in greatvariety.

Families, Parties, Balls and WeddingsSupplied.

Foi the convenience of the public wepack ordeis for Ico Cream in PatentRcfiigeralor Cans, which hold from 1 to40 Quarts, warranted to keep its delight-ful flavor and perfect form for manyhours.

Mutual Toleplioiii' :i3HHell Telephone liiH

JSgyThe Elite Ice Cream Pallors areopen daily until 11 r-.- 38 ly

Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y228 and 230 Fort Street,

Honolulu, -- -- Hawaiian Is.Wi II- - PAGE Proprietor.

880 ly

COTTAGE TO LET.,A nice 4 room cottage, withinlousy reach or ri:noiuni, situ-jat- o

at Kapalama. Terms 820per mouth. Apply to

MRS. MARIA KING,on tho giounds, or to A. J. Cartwright,at his olllce. 40 tf


fKSnhnnner EHUKAIwill run regularly

TO W4IALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permittingFor freight or passage apply to tho

Captain on board, or toPAcifrc Navigation Co.,

181 Acents

Letter Headings


Law Reports

Nolo Heading?

Plantation Books




Show Cards

x Shipping Rece'U

f. StatementsAx&Tags

7yM Visiting Cards



Every Description of 'M PrintingExecuted with neatness and dispatch,


Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office,

:frvm i -- s5t jzSMTiAt'y' "" iK. JT - j"jfcn?iS5aaSg

Will bo open evciy alicrnoon and even-ings as follows;

3Iouilay, WoitncHitny. Thui'Hilny nudNntiirilny,

To the public In general.

Tucsdny nnil Friday i:vcnliis, nullIVcilncBilny nnd Haturday

AriornnntiH.For ladles and their cscorti.


Grand Carnival Masqurad.0 on Skates,Sept. 25th.

Four hnndsoinc pibes to bo givenaway one forthe most elegant eoitumc,tho most oilgitinl, tho best .sustained,and the most comical. The Oraud May-pole Dance will also be given by 10dancers. All Intending masquers arerequested to hand in their names andprocure a pass bcfoie Sept. 2iith.

THOS. E. WALL, Manager.4S


THE UNDERSIGNED is preparedfurnish household scrvnnts,

collect bills, and do Anglo-Chines- e in-

terpreting nud a general agency busi-ness. Charges moderate.

SOYONG, 4K Nuunnu St.Mutual Telephone 279. 03 Om

Chas. Brewer & Co'sriOSTON MNK OK PACKhlS.

A first-clas- s essel will be laid on In thisline to sail in all the mouth of Novem-be- r

next, 'if sufficient inducement offers.For freight apply to

CHAS. BREWER & CO.,No. 27 Kilby street,

Or to Boston, Mass.C. BREWER & CO.,

Queen street.Honolulu, Sept. 22, 1S83. 131 8w

Metropolitan Market,KING STREET,

G. .T. "WAaIER, Proprietor,

Choicest Meats from Finest Herds.Families and Shipping


and'nt the

Lowest MailteL Prices.All meats delivered from this Market

ai e thoroughly chilled immediately afterkilling by means of a Pa-tent Dry Air Rcfiigeralor. Meat sotreated ictains ujl its juicy rropeittes,and is Guaranteed to Keei LonoekAFTER DELIVEKY THAN FriESHLY-KrL- I.-

ed Meat. 74 ly


THE undersigned, a Committee ofof the Equitable Life As.

Burance Society of the United States,appointed to formulate the views of theBoard on the advantages offered by theBociety to the public, report:

1st The Society issues all the approv-e- d

forms of assurance, including Ordi-nary Life, Erdowment and Tontine po-licies. It is immaterial to the Directorswhich form of policy is taken by in-tending assurers.

2d The Life and Endowment formsof policy provide for annual cash divi-dends and a surrcmlor value; arc

after three years and pnj ablemmcdiatcly after proof of death.

3d Tho premiums on n Tontine po-licy are tho same as on tho OrdinaryLife, but, while the latter is only pay-abl-o

in the event of d?nth, tho holder ofthe Tontine policy has the right to drawthe whole of tho reserve and the accu-mulated profits in rash at the end of astated period; thus, during his own life-time, after his producing years aic past,he can, without any larger premiumthun on an ordinary policy, secure thesegreater advantages.

4th Experience shows that tho leturnpaid in cash on maturing Tontine po-licies approximates to or exceeds theamount of premiums paid by policy-holders, so that the average cost of theassurance will bo only about the intereston the premiums.

5th Tontine policies, like others, arepaid in full in tho event of death at anytlmo during tho term of the policy, andaro incontestable after three years, andpayable Immediately after duo proof ofdeath.

Cth Experience shows that the mor.tallty is lower among Tontino policy,holders, as tho better lives seek thiskind of assuiances, which is a consider-able source of profit.

7th Tontino policies will bo modele under tho laws of tho

State, if so desired at tho time tho as.suranco is effected.

8th Tho Tonlino system Is fnir andJust; its accounts are accurately kept,separate from all other business; thefunds judiciously Invested and improv-ed, and the accumulated profits faith-fully guarded and properly apportioned.

Otli Tho Society has since lis organl.zntlon transacted a larger amount ofnow business lliun any other company,while its new business for tho first halfof the present year Is $1,750,000 largerthan that of tho first half of 1881, Ithas Assets of $00,000,000; over $14,000,-00- 0

of Surplus, arid its ratio of Surplusto Liability is greater than lhat of anyotjicr company.

CUAUKCEV M. DEl'EW,John A. Stewart,Euqknb Kkm.v,William A. Wiieelock,Charles U, Lamtqk,John Sloane,Henry B. Hyde,

Committee of tho Rourd of Diitctors oftho Equitable Life As6ur.inco Societyof the United States.

ALKX. J. OARTWRIOHT,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

Equitable Life Assurance Society,127 ly


















