New Managing Recession - VTP Taj

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  • 8/7/2019 New Managing Recession - VTP Taj


    Managing Recession

    from a Transfer Pricing Perspective

    Vispi T. Patel

    October 2009

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    Glossary and Abbreviations

    BEP Break Even Point

    CPM Cost Plus Method

    CUP Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method

    GDP Gross Domestic Product

    OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

    TNMM Transactional Net Margin Method

    TP Transfer Pricing

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    Background of Recession

    Transfer Pricing in Recessionary


    Documentation Requirements

    Transfer Pricing Policy Review

    Case Study

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    Background of Recession

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    What is Recession?? It is the economy shrinking for two consecutive quarters with a

    decrease in the GDP

    It may be preceded by several quarters of slow down

    It is the situation when it is difficult to drive growth with reducedsavings, reduced domestic manufacturing capacity and reduced


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    The shock of the current recession was sudden. Allthanks to abundance of cheap credit for many years

    This so because research suggests that people dont stop

    spending when they run out of money. They stop whenthey run out of credit. With sub-prime crisis, credit crisis,property values decreasing and credit cards at theirlimits, people were suddenly out of credit. This was the

    beginning of end of good times

    A single trigger point of default of home credit paymentswas enough for global economic crisis

    Before looking at the recession from a Transfer pricingperspective, let us first study the causes of prosperity and

    recession, which are nothing but the spiral effects ofconsumer confidence6

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    1 Consumers

    feel confident in

    the future of the

    economy sothey spend


    2 In response to rise

    in demand, industry

    produces more,

    which means

    increase in

    employment levels

    and more

    consumption of


    3 Increased

    employment andspending by

    industry amounts

    to further


    5 Country

    becomes favoured

    destination forinvestment

    4 With feel goodfactor and increase

    in demand, stock

    markets rise overall

    Upward Spiral when all

    is well!

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    1 Consumers lose

    confidence in the

    future of the

    economy so they

    spend less

    2 In response to

    fall in demand,

    industry lays off

    employees and



    amounting toless consumption

    of raw material

    3 Now people haveless money to spend

    and debts mounting

    so they further

    reduce spending 4 Stock markets

    take a hit due topoor earnings of

    the industry

    5 Country loses

    creditworthiness hence

    lower investments

    Downward Spiral when

    the economy has

    suffered major setbacks

    A L k h Gl b l Fi i l I di

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    A Look at the Global Financial Indicators

    Outcome of the Downward Spiral

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    How should Multinationals cope

    with the Transfer Pricing issues

    faced by them during thedownturn

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    Transfer Pricing issues specific to Recession

    Transfer Pricing policy of the multinational is

    generally based on the underlying presumption of

    stabilityIt is also based on the reasonable predictions or

    certainty of the future events

    Therefore, sudden uncertainty caused by the recession

    throws light on the loopholes in the Transfer Pricing

    policy of the Multinational Group. For Example:

    It becomes difficult to split losses as compared to

    splitting of profits in the good times

    Pre-recession methodologies may not hold good in


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    Transfer Pricing issues specific to Recession

    Presents difficulties with profit-targeting for entitieson CPM/TNMM benchmarking policies

    Some jurisdictions may have losses while others havetaxable profits, deteriorating cash tax position

    Increasing transfer pricing audit risks


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    Transfer Pricing issues specific to Recession

    Recession creates business issues such as:

    Operating Losses

    Reduction in force and plant closures

    Cash flow and debt service constraints

    Excess/obsolete inventory

    Credit crunch

    Analyses prepared in these circumstances will require careful

    consideration of attribution of risk and splitting of the losses

    These business issues impact transfer pricing, finance, and tax

    objectives, but can also create restructuring opportunities


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    D i R i

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    Documentation RequirementsConsider whether any other method can now be more

    appropriate in the changed scenario

    Comparable set to take into consideration the companies that

    are equally impacted by the recession in the same period

    Adjust the financial results of the comparables to take into

    consideration the current economic conditions industry

    specific analysis

    Document in a robust way the impact of recession

    Consider Year-end adjustments (True-ups)

    Keep in mind whether the change in the methodology /

    comparables can be consistently used for the post recession


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    Can Industry Use Recession to


    R i n R i f TP P li

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    Recession Review of TP Policy

    Did recession

    force a company

    to change its business


    Are the


    business conditions

    affecting companys


    No No

    Is the

    company open to

    restructuring its




    Formulate new TP


    Review existing TP


    Formulate new TP


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    Case Study

    C St d

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    Case Study

    Utility Vehicles India Ltd (UV India) is a well establishedleading utility vehicle manufacturer in the Indian market

    It has set up a subsidiary in Korea viz. Utility Vehicles KoreaLtd (UV Korea) to target the utility car users and have a

    footprint outside India

    UV Korea manufactures, assembles and markets utility vehiclesfor which UV India supplies engines. To establish itself in themarket, UV Korea has incurred a huge marketing cost

    Engines supplied by UV India form a major portion of theproduction cost of UV Korea

    Based on the economic Transfer Pricing analysis conducted byUV India two years back, it has set its TP policy to sell theseengines to UV Korea at cost plus 10% . For this purpose,

    TNMM was considered as a most appropriate method

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    Revival Plan UV Indias Perspective

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    Revival Plan UV Indias Perspective

    The revival plan envisioned should keep the TP Regulationsand the audit experience of the multinationals in mind. It

    should involve

    Identification of

    constraints and

    their effect on

    the profitability

    Determination ofvarious alternatives

    available under

    arms length scenario

    Strategic planshould dovetail into

    a Benefit Test

    achievement from an

    Arms Length


    New Transfer Pricing Mechanism

    The resulting challenge for UV India is in trying to justify the new business

    strategy. This is where the appropriate and contemporaneous Transfer Pricing

    documentation comes into play which should clearly demonstrate how external

    factors have affected the business production levels, sales volume, etc.

    Case Study

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    Case Study

    Accordingly, in the instant case, the Transfer Pricing Analysisfor the purpose of revival plan should involve:

    The Benefit Test (taking into consideration the

    future strategy of the Group),

    How the strategy dovetails into the long term visionof UV India, and

    Profitability analysis (taking into consideration thefinancial data of the comparable companies)


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    Profitability Analysis


    Profitability Analysis

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    Profitability AnalysisThe comparable data on the public domain shows the following results:

    The above analysis shows that the profitability of the comparable

    companies in India has come down drastically i.e. as low as 5% in the

    Q1 of the FY 2009-10 whereas yearly data shows the same at 8%


    Particulars Arithmetic Mean




    +/- 5% Pricerange

    1 Comparable's results usingdata pertaining to FY 2008-09

    8% 108

    (i.e. 100 +8%)

    102.60 -113.40

    2 Latest available quarterlyresults data (April 2009

    June 2009)

    5% 105 (i.e.100 +5%

    99.75 110.25

    Quarterly results show more realistic picture than the yearly results as the

    yearly results include pre-recession period as well which is not comparable

    This analysis also shows that it is possible for UV India to supply engines at a

    lower markup. However, the same should also be corroborated by the futurebenefit test

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    The Benefit Test


    F t P j ti f UV K B i

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    In this regard, future profitability of the UV Korea under various percentage

    of markups can be analysed. Various scenarios that would arise in this case

    would be as follows:

    Scenario 1: If UV India continues to earn a current markup of 10% on cost of

    the engines supplied

    (in South Korean Won i.e. SKW)

    Projected Contribution and PBIT per unit (in SKW)

    Future Projections of UV Korea Business

    Particulars /


    2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Life



    to 2016-17

    Contributionper unit

    15,500 34,500 38,000 47,900 51,000 51000 51,000 51,000 44,500

    PBIT per unit (90,000) (53,000) (14,000) 5,700 9,500 9,500 9,500 9,500 (9,600)

    Future Projections of UV Korea Business

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    Future Projections of UV Korea Business

    Scenario 2: If UV India reduces the profit markup on cost to say 2% to 4%

    Projected Contribution per unit (in SKW)

    2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-


    2015-16 2016-17 Life Cycle

    2009-10 to


    2% 31,000 49,900 53,400 63,100 66,600 66,600 66,600 66,600 59,500

    3% 29,000 48,000 51,500 61,200 64,700 64,700 64,700 64,700 57,600

    4% 27,000 46,000 49,600 59,300 62,800 62,800 62,800 62,800 55,700

    2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Life Cycle

    2009-10 to 2016-17

    2% (75,000) (38,100) 1,200 21,000 24,500 24,500 24,500 24,500 5,300

    3% (82,300) (40,000) (600) 19,100 22,600 22,600 22,600 22,600 3,500

    4% (89,000) (41,900) (2,000) 17,200 20,700 20,700 20,700 20,700 1,600

    Projected PBIT per unit (in SKW)

    Future Projections of UV Korea Business

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    The analysis shows that if UV India continues to charge amarkup of 10% on cost, UV Korea would continue to make

    losses over a life cycle i.e. 2009-10 to 2016-17

    It also shows that reduction in profit mark-up at UV Indialevel as contemplated by the management may have some

    effect on reducing losses at UV Korea level

    UV Korea subsidiary was set up by UV India mainly to

    expand its business in overseas territories and was guided by

    a long term vision of further expansion; hence, it is extremely

    essential for UV Korea to survive

    Future Projections of UV Korea Business

    Naturally, to sustain the situation and to makeup the huge losses already

    incurred, UV Korea requires support from UV India by way of

    reduction in the engine costs

    Future Projections of UV Korea Business

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    Break Even Point (BEP) under different situations

    Further, it has also been observed that the BEP[i.e. apoint where the total costs are equal to revenue and hence

    there is no profit no loss situation] under different

    markups would be as follows:

    The above analysis shows the year wise BEP (units) achievable by UV Korea

    under different circumstances. However, it may be noted that the BEP can be

    achieved only in the year 2012-13 as in other cases projected units fall below

    the BEP


    / Year

    2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

    @10% 32,366 16,519 15,531 12,850 11,925 11,925 11,925 11,925

    @2% 16,165 11,461 11,089 9,739 9,234 9,234 9,234 9,234

    @3% 17,244 11,917 11,500 10,043 9,502 9,502 9,502 9,502

    @4% 18,478 12,411 11,942 10,366 9,786 9,786 9,786 9,786Projected Sales 3,980 6,500 11,350 14,620 14,620 14,620 14,620 14,620

    Sustainability of the Reduction in the Markup

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    Sustainability of the Reduction in the Markup

    All the above profitability and BEP analysis show that UV India may

    have a good case to argue for changing the transfer pricing mechanism in

    relation to the export of engines to UV Korea in view of achieving its long

    term objective of doing business in Korea

    The reduction in profitability has to be supported by a robust

    documentation which should be able to demonstrate that the re-

    engineering business strategy is in-fact the need of an hour and reflects

    mirror image of the market conditions

    The documentation should also include the projections of future

    situations as to how UV India is going to re-coup its investment in future;

    with a special emphasis on the future inflows of profit in different forms

    e.g. increase in price of the engines in later years, etc.


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    Transfer Pricing law gives due importance to thechanges in the economic conditions - OECD

    Transfer Pricing is flexible enough to take intoconsideration the changes in the economic conditions

    if structured appropriately - OECD

    However, robust documentation which brings out

    the impact of economic downturn, necessity of

    adjustment / changes, benefit test, etc. holds the key

    Thank You

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    Thank You


    Contact :Vispi T. Patel

    +91 [email protected]