New intro


Transcript of New intro

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Most of you probably know me as Jenny. That would make sense, given my username. I was once fairly active in the BoolProp community, before… well, before things happened. Call it a mid-life crisis. I was even working on my own legacy, which, with luck, you’ll all be seeing more of, if I stay healthy this time after one failed grand re-entrance.

This isn’t where I was SPECIFICALLY… it’s just the results.

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Part of what I was going through involved who I was to the world. The person in the mirror wasn’t who I wanted to be.

I wandered for a while, and went through a few therapists. I was fine with my weight and my appearance. My relationship status had never been better. My grades were fine.

What was wrong with me?

I asked that question every single day.

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With the right help and support, and the poisonous things removed from my life, I found it.

Meet me.

I’m still Jenny. I haven’t really found a name yet. Names aren’t really my thing, anyways, and I’ve been naturally drifting towards gender neutral for so long that everyone in my real life is actually quite used to my new look and self, even with the chest surgery.

(Yes, feel free to give suggestions. No, I do not like John or James.)

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That’s pretty much it. My life really hasn’t changed much as far as that; just jumped through a few hoops.

If you’re not familiar with the concept of trans*, feel free to keep reading. I’ve included some FAQs

Otherwise, have a nice day, and I’m glad to be back yet again… maybe this time to stay.

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Q: “So… do you like girls now?”

A: Nope. Never really have. The only things I’ve had are a few different hormones; there’s nothing known to man that will change someone’s orientation. (Which, yes, technically makes me gay!)

Q: “Won’t it be hard to find love and acceptance in the general public?”

A: You’re probably right, but I had the support built in. My lovely boyfriend, now fiancé, likes boys AND girls, and especially me.

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Q: “What was hormone treatment like?”

A: It has the capacity to be horrible. I had a light round; as a girl, I was already over six feet tall and not particularly feminine. About the only thing that really changed is my voice got a little deeper and my adipose deposits re-arranged off my hips a bit.

Q: “So, can you grow a beard now?”

A: No, and I couldn’t even if I was born male. It takes my dad a week to even look stubbly.

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Q: “So… what’s actually in your pants?”

Okay, for starters, don’t ask anyone else that; it’s not nice. I personally only had “top surgery,” which means I can be legally shirtless in public (within reason, obviously). Anything “male” in my actual pants is plastic and removable.

Yes, this means I can still get pregnant. Yes, this will probably happen in the future. Yes, it will likely look a lot like this picture.

And no, if you see a real picture of me, the top surgery is not obvious. I’m still slightly overweight, so the whole thing sort of… matches.

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Q: “How did the people close to me take any of this?”

A: Fairly well, considering. My parents are just happy to see me happy. I’m still far outshining my sister, who is still involved in things ranging from stupid to outright illegal, so they’ll take what they can get. The rest of my relatives haven’t really been informed of much besides “I’m better,” which is okay.

My future in-laws hated me anyways, and informally accused me of wanting to kill “their precious boy,” when by all accounts I saved said boy from suicide himself. (Yes, we’re both fine now).

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Q: “So what has actually changed in your life?”

A: Not much. I wasn’t on great terms with anti-LGBT to start with. My ID still says “F” until I decide on a different name, as “Jennifer” is just confusing. I’ve been sneaking into men’s bathrooms for years; it’s just easier when there’s a line. Most of what has changed has been my own self-confidence and display image.

Well, that, and I now have my own room at uni, since I’m still physically sort of in the middle.

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Q: “Can I have your new Simself?”

You bet. I’ll send him in as soon as I iron out the details. To avoid confusion, I’m just switching the gender (and the hairstyle, as I default to the mullet :P ). This means if I start having babies, they’ll have to be aliens or cheated in… or just adopted.

Q: “And that legacy you were working on?”

Is in progress again, with a deliciously horrifying new chapter I’ll be writing after this. Keep an eye out!