New Human



After 15 years of seclusion, one of the world’s most gifted empaths and mystics known as Elisa Chambers awakes to a new cause: bringing one that is consumed within the shadows of his own greed and ignorance into the light. With the supernatural abilities Elisa possesses, she locates one of the world’s most popular skeptics that oppose the existence of the paranormal, the supernatural and the metaphysical. Through divine guidance, she accepts the task of helping this one through a whole new path that awaits him. A path that will also assist Elisa in achieving completion in this life.

Transcript of New Human

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A Journey To Transformation

A N o v e l B y :

B r a d J o h n s o n

©2010 Brad Johnson

All Rights Reserved.

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A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s

To everyone that has ever been able to step outside of themselves and see who

they truly are in a divine light, this book is dedicated to them. To those who have

awoken to their life’s purpose and work everyday to fulfill their dreams through

passion, you are the essence of what this book personifies.

To all supporters, my sincere thanks and appreciation to every one of you for your

encouragement in love that has inspired me in making this novel a reality, this

book is my gift to you.

Love, Harmony and Oneness,

Brad Johnson

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C o n t e n t s

Prologue 6

Chapter 1 9

Chapter 2 17

Chapter 3 23

Chapter 4 29

Chapter 5 43

Chapter 6 56

Chapter 7 67

Chapter 8 76

Chapter 9 80

Chapter 10 86

Chapter 11 93

Chapter 12 97

Chapter 13 106

Epilogue 112

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“You can never become as great as what you can be if you have no desire to

unleash greatness.”

- Elisa Chambers

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P r o l o g u e

s they lifted my broken body up upon the crystalline table, I had already

known that their attempts to heal me would be in vain. I was too weak

to make any form of recovery. Nonetheless, the priests surrounded me:

two at each side and two from front to back at the table. Their crystal wands

shining brightly with majestic energy. With each wand that the healers held

emanated each color within the rainbow spectrum. Their minds acting as one

with the intention to heal the one. One who had fought to keep the darkness

from arising across a land that knew only peace and prosperity for thousands of

years. A land where manifestations sculpted throughout brilliant human creation

became abundant. A land that had not yet learnt of the darkness that was now

bringing descension into a lower density: a land that was once known as Atlantis.

I lay on the table struggling to keep my fading blue eyes open. The pain was

too great. The life was being taken from this body I occupied. I could feel the

sorrow in the hearts of my friends, my family who were so eager to keep me alive.

Even though I spoke to them within their minds: “let me go my family. This is

what is meant to be.” The thought passed through them like an ocean breeze not

acknowledging it.

“You are the princess. You must live. Atlantis needs you. We can’t descend

into darkness. We must stay within the light. Please…you are needed.” The

consensus of the priests proclaimed to me within my mind.


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The poor fools. Even though it was apparent I could not go on, they’re

devotion spoke louder rather than the realization of an event set into action

prophesied by the Gods that was now coming to pass. Yet they did not care. This

was foreseen for thousands of years, yet many of us did not pay it mind. Our

people became too complacent. Too self-involved in arrogance to step pass

borders we were never meant to cross. Our very way of life was now in

jeopardy—because of ignorance. And my hope, along with the hope of my sisters

to keep the darkness suppressed with our combined feminine energies now

became overshadowed with the times of the dark age that cast itself upon our


“Keep her alive. We must keep her alive!” The priesthood spoke in

consensus. I could feel the struggle they were having. Clutching their wands with

all their bodily strength feeding the spectrum of healing energy into me. It was to

be a river of energy that would have an opportunity of saving me, but in my

condition, there was no river of healing energy. There were only drops. I wanted

them to stop, but they would not.

There was only one thing that came into my mind. I opened my mouth and

screamed “Stop!” in Atlantean tongue. The priests were startled and stepped

back from the shock. Their wands raised up with the healing flow of energy

ceased. I continued in Atlantean as I poured my true heart’s intent out through

my words. “You must stop. This is how it was meant to be. This is how our world

must progress. We cannot reverse what is already here. The dark age will bring

hardship. But know this is not the end for the light. For as dark as the dusk can be,

it can never be life without the coming of the dawn. The light will return. Save

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yourselves now my loved ones. The changes will start to happen and Atlantis will

be no more. Gather the people. Save what you can. Please… save yourselves.

Death is but a plateau to another experience. You will see me again… my heart be

with yours… Cha-ee-cha-tee Ee-sa-ee-li.”

I stopped. I was running out of breath... out of life. I could no longer

struggle any further. There was no more energy within me to struggle to stay

alive. My eyes closed and my head turned lifeless to the left. I could feel my soul

rising out of my body. As I rose toward the ceiling of the great temple, I could see

the priesthood hovering over my body with tears filling their eyes. They knew my

soul had left and they were clouded with absolute despair. They too knew of the

visions of Atlantis falling. Thousands would be killed and only a few would be


It saddened me as I continued to ascend higher and higher past the plane of

the physical. I moved through the fabrics between physicality and the realm of

the ethereal where all matter became transparent and malleable. As I ascended

further, I could see the tunnel of light leading to my oversoul knowing that my

task was not yet complete. I know I had more to accomplish. More to learn and

evolve from. I would not leave my experience of Earth behind as I felt defeated. It

was the karma that kept me devoted to one day returning back and setting my

experiences into lessons of true alignment. As many lives as it would take, I would

complete Earth and I would see the time to where I would see the dawn rising…

Shining its glorious light upon the new human.

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C h a p t e r 1

y eyes awoke to my living reality. Here I remained seated cross

legged across my wooden floor with the glimpse of the mountain

views from the Himalayas capturing my attention from my window.

Like a painter portraying a masterpiece, these mountains embraced my love by

their presence. The ice frozen mountains surrounding the largest mountain in the

world: Everest. I gathered myself off of my floor and walked over to the window.

This truly was the only place on the planet to which I truly felt I belonged. All

other areas around the world seemed incompatible energetically to me. With

these natural pyramids, these masses of ice, stone and dirt reaching up to the

skies—the energy was vibrant. I achieved such clarity here. People were easier to


My cabin is without electricity. It is without a telephone and heat is

supplied only by my fireplace. It can be unsettling during the colder seasons, yet I

bare it because of the freedom and solitude that I am rewarded with brings me

joy upon anything else. The nearest village from my location is a distance of three

miles. Within this radius, there are no other human occupants.

Why this life of solitude? Why such isolation? I simply cannot be my whole

self in busy population centers. Too many minds broadcasting thoughts of such

variety, one cannot expect to center themselves with such internal white noise.

That is simply a reason to achieve clarity, yet not the main reason of my isolation.


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The modern world is not significant for my own journey. As my own nature

involves visiting other planes of reality, travelling consciously through past and

probable future timelines, utilizing my advanced form of telepathy, there is no

basis for my function with the modern world.

Individuals lost to their own purpose. Fulfilling commitments not of their

own passion, but to the demand of a system that torments each one of them, yet

they still abide to that torment. Like voluntarily chaining yourself to a dungeon

wall waiting to receive the lashes from the prison guard. There is nothing the

modern world could offer me that could equal the harmony I have here. For my

years as a child in this body, I never understood that world. A society so common

to ignorance and fear, it is part of their daily life. People only pretending to care

about others, but truly concern themselves about monetary gain. The perfect

pitch for their marketing ploy of human misery. It was revolting.

Since the age of 13, I have been on my own. My parents perished in a plane

crash over Bermuda and neither their bodies, nor the plane wreckage was ever

found. I abandoned the cruelty of a senile great Aunt that believed my abilities

were the work of the devil. She swore upon the bible, yet never bothered to

understand it. It was a symbol of her morality and upbringing and she could never

view it from an outside perspective. One night, I escaped from my bedroom

window, and within an instant, I was miles away from her. The beginning of my

teleportation abilities began to surface, but I struggled to control it. It took time,

but eventually, I became aware of what I was capable of for an apparent

“daughter of Satan” according to my Aunt’s perspective.

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It was difficult surviving with my natural gifts without a home. This led me

down a path to thievery to survive. I would dematerialize apples from fruit stands

and have them appear in my hand. In my early teen years, I was even able to

affect others’ minds. With a simple coordinated form of eye contact, I could make

someone completely forget that they had been speaking to me or even knew my

name. This helped on many occasions when I had law enforcement issues

regarding theft. I utilized my intuition telling me what areas were safe to travel to,

and which areas weren’t. It foretold of the individuals that would be beneficial to

get in contact with so I would find myself where I wanted to be based on my


I’ll never forget the man who helped me the most. One who was truly like a

Father to me—with abilities much like my own. He was the one who originally

built this cabin that I dwell in now. But when I first met him at the age of 17, he

was visiting a distant cousin in Guadalajara, Mexico. He knew of my visit before I

officially met with him. He knew of the pain I carried with me: being alone on the

streets of densely populated cities struggling to stay alive. He took me back with

him. Back to his home of solitude in the mountains of the Himalayas. It was here

where he taught me all that I know today. It was an education that no other child

could receive by going to modern schools. He taught me much about spirituality,

how we are connected to all things within the universe and encouraging me with

the abilities I possessed. We spoke to each other most of the time through

telepathy. Very rarely did we ever use words. Only at times to where we would

sing together. Songs that would bless the Earth and all nature within. My mentor,

Zamir, was the closest thing to a true father to me.

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When I reached the age of 21, his soul passed this plane in the summer of

that year. But to me there was no weeping, there was only joy as I could feel

where his soul was going to rest. I could feel his soul, touching his essence with

my own through my hand and felt such love from him as he began his soul

ascension as his physical body began to phase out of this existence. Before he left,

he looked into my eyes and said to me telepathically: “Look to the stars that form

the triangle of this season, that is where I will rest, Elisa. Tata, my child.”

Since that time of his passing, everything felt so much more clearer to me.

My abilities only grew more to areas I had not realized when I was younger. I was

literally a living library able to pull information directly from the source to build

my knowledge further.

I learnt twelve different languages by receiving downloads from the source

alone. Mathematics are as natural to me as water is on the Earth. Our planet’s

true history is common knowledge to me, whereas I know many on this planet do

not have such a luxury of discerning truth from disinformation. Something that

indeed modern civilization is abundant with.

I have lived in Nepal for the past 25 years. The people here are wise. They

all knew Zamir very well and welcomed me with open arms when I first arrived.

They were not driven by false truths or monetary enrichment. They are in

connection with spirit. I feel their joy each morning when I awake. It was through

this love that I held gatherings to share my abilities and help unlock others upon

their requests. It was always the children that learned their abilities before the

adults. Children are by far the most intelligent forms of life on this planet,

although this may bruise the adults’ ego severely with such statements.

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Through my teachings, word passed on. Within months, an abundance of

tourists from all over the world would gather and wish to be taught what I had

shared with the villagers. One may think that this may indeed be a dream come

true for someone who wishes to impart wisdom to another. But unfortunately,

that was not my frame of mind. There was the mentality through the thoughts

that I had sensed based on what I was doing. The mindset through many that

came was that this was a business of mine. It was within those moments where I

was encapsulated in pure disgust. Wealthy business people coming to Nepal

wanting to invest in my abilities. Looking at me like I was some form of sacred

fortune teller willing to explain one’s future for a certain amount of currency. The

idea itself was foul to me. Like taking a bite from a severely rotten piece of fruit, I

was revolted by such thought forms. I listened to my whole being when it was

telling me that it was time to stop doing what I was doing. After four years of my

own gatherings, they ceased and I felt ill from the overwhelming nature of greed

that had come upon this sanctuary.

Now only certain individuals from the villages are able to see me at certain

points in time. I never have to concern myself with greed from my people here as

they are beyond such systems, and I am pleased to have teached many of the

children abilities that have vastly improved their lives: mastering the craft of

telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, bilocation and being receptive to higher


Even though my life in Nepal here has been long, to this day, not one

villager has ever set foot in my cabin. This was always the request of Zamir to the

villagers. They were never to visit him here. To times that were divinely guided,

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he would visit them and spend time amongst the joy of the children. This request

remained from Zamir even before he passed. He made certain that it was known

to everyone that when he rejoined the spirit world, his home would become my

home for my journeys to come.

Much of the visits that I have offered to the villagers has not even involved

me leaving my home through my physical body. Much of my sessions were

performed through bilocating: the ability to where you can manifest your

presence in another location simultaneously to where your physical body exists in

its original location. In fact, much of my travels across this world have rarely been

done by my physical body. Through the intention of thought, I can literally

bilocate to any area on this planet of my choosing.

It was through this particular ability that a very monumental event was

going to occur. An event that I was guided to bring forth into manifestation. After

29 years of solitude away from the presence of the modern world, I was being

guided to return to it. Or to put it in a better explanation, the modern world was

to come to me.

Through my bilocation travels, I stumbled upon a certain magazine that

caught my eye while I was visiting Sidney, Australia. A magazine published within

New York City, but had very strong worldwide distribution connections. The

magazine was called “The Mystical Skeptic.” The founder of this most amusing

magazine was an individual named Anderson Bailey. A balding sour man 45 years

of age that literally dwelled within doubt both externally and internally. He would

travel the world exploring phenomena that related to the paranormal,

supernatural and the metaphysical in an attempt to debunk it.

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Simply by looking at the photo of this strange individual, I felt something

peculiar: he was envied by so many. Millions of people looking onto him as a type

of “skeptic savior.” But more than that, I found his personality to be that of a

stubborn, arrogant type greatly depending on his own salvation of ignorant

shallow theories to be his solidified pillars that kept his reality together. There

was an intention that I felt here. An intention I had not felt before. It was the

feeling of being excited in regards to a challenge. But not a challenge to soothe

ego, a challenge that brought about a coming to terms mentality. The mentality of

being the one to shine the light in this individual’s face so that not only could he

come to terms with his own true humanity, but it would bring a cascading effect

to those he has touched with his work. The one possible outcome that could lead

to a whole new understanding of the modern world to accept the spiritual side of

their life in greater numbers. This individual was the key to bringing about such

knowledge to a society blinded by ignorance to where the blindfold could finally

be removed from many.

I meditated on this task for days. And through the last moments of my

meditation, I could feel Zamir’s spirit in my presence. I could feel him putting his

hand on my right shoulder as he always did. He kneeled down to my level and

smiled at me with humbled eyes:

“Elisa, this is the task that has awaited you for so long. The task that will

bring you to completion. You will come together as one and venture back to the

home where my soul rests. I will await you there. Tata, my child.”

Within that instant, he returned to the spirit world. I opened my eyes, took

a deep breath and accepted this through all the divinity within me that was

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pointing me to venture down this road. It was time for me to prepare for the

encounter with Mr. Anderson Bailey.

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C h a p t e r 2

man who surrounded himself with others of ignorant minds. Yes, this is

what I could see as I projected my consciousness into his large office

building within the heart of New York City. Anderson gathered around

his drones occupying a shiny wooden oval table stacked with paperwork on

phenomena that his team works to debunk. The room lacking in essence of any

form of creativity. Men and women with colorless office attire devoid of their

ability to utilize any form of imagination within their work.

And what was it that I felt amongst his workers? They were committed to

simply casting doubt upon the findings rather than searching for counter-

evidence to the cases they were investigating. The ideas were flowing through

their minds like a stream. Not one mind even considered the possibility of the

phenomena they studied to be the work of ghosts or spirits. I could feel exactly

what they were investigating: earthbound spirits unable to resolve their karma

anchoring themselves through confusion and fear preventing their souls to cross

over back to the source. I did not expect such fools as these beings blind to their

own nature to see what I could see, yet the evidence they craved was before

them, but it was not being accepted. Even with apparitions caught on tape, there

must always be another explanation in their narrow minds. These modern day

workers were even in the presence of these spirits with their hairs standing on

end around their necks and arms investigating this very case. And what is the alibi

of the denial? A chilling wind?


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This Anderson Bailey fellow was indeed a fool: close-minded, arrogant, self-

centered and consumed with absolute denial. It emanated throughout his aura:

Colors of muddy red and mirky pink barely projecting any form of true

luminescence around his body. This truly showed the inner anger he contained as

well as his foul, distrustful personality that even his workers could sense. There he

stood with his white dress shirt and red tie dangling over the table as he leaned

forward. Giving advice on how to lie to achieve convincing denial. His flock

followed him like a beacon of light. Their minds so closed, but following out of

pure loyalty to their superior.

At this moment, I focused on Anderson’s loud, arrogant words: “People

aren’t going to buy this unless you see it the way I see it! Open your goddamn

eyes! There was fog! There was wind! That’s what caused those apparitions.

That’s what caused the chill we felt. Remember, we had flashlights. Shining it

through the fog to make it appear as apparitions. This whole case was a hoax! No

ghosts, no spirits. It was all from us and the acts of nature… case closed. I want

this down in our next issue.”

He was in ecstacy over his lies. As if congratulating himself on the fables he

produced. There I could see him brushing his sweaty balding hair back reaching

into his pocket for a cigarette. Anderson stepped outside of his boardroom

heading towards the elevator to go to the top floor, making his way to the roof so

that he could enjoy that cigarette. As he reached the roof, I knew this was my

time to intervene as he was alone.

Within less than a moment, I appeared on the roof of this 15 story

skyscraper looking only to have my vision obstructed by more tall buildings. The

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energy I sensed here was hideous. I could feel the filth of thoughts that dwelled

only of business and profit, and not expansion. It was nearly unbearable to me,

yet this confrontation was necessary to begin this journey that I had agreed upon.

As I turned the corner, I saw Anderson inhaling his cigarette checking the

time on his gold plated watch. His mind still filled with such stress, and random

feelings of worry filled him concerning himself with his physical condition

deteriorating, yet he quickly tucked it down deep within as it was all about the

focus of his business. But from what I could sense, he did not have much time left

before his health would become fatal. He stood as if healthy, yet he was in agony.

Pain shooting up from his back, stiffness in his legs. His heavy breathing as his

lungs were literally begging him to stop smoking. His heart was not in much of a

promising condition either. Like many of his kind in society that were of the

materialistic, he was deafened to the voice of his body, yet widely receptive to

the idea of profit.

With his back to me, I knew it was the time for an introduction. I slowly

began to enter his mind. Moving apart the spheres that obtained the nest of his

thoughts. As I reached the center of a very dim light found at the core, I projected

within his mind: “You are the fool I have sought to meet.”

Anderson quickly turned around and saw me standing before him. He was

in awe: An attractive older woman wearing Nepalese garments colored in silver

with her dirty blonde hair tied into a long braided pony tail. There was an

attraction he had for my appearance flowing through his mind. Another element

he portrayed that was repulsive as he neglected the wedding ring on his finger.

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He took the cigarette from his mouth and looked at me up and down with his

violating eyes.

“Who the hell are you? What did you just do to me? Are you spying on

me?” He stated with a hoarse tone.

“Are you able to hear your words, or do you always speak without

meaning?” I replied calmly.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Do you work here or something?”

Anderson said.

I simply smiled at how oblivious he was to himself. His mind could not

comprehend what he had just experienced and so he continued to respond in the

consensus of his ignorance.

“Mr. Anderson Bailey. I know exactly who you are. I know exactly what you

are all about. I know that your magazine speaks to millions around the world.

Your words of skepticism seem to bring closure to other people lives based on

phenomenology pertaining to the supernatural and the metaphysical. When you

look at my face, do you not recognize me? Know that you have seen me before.”

His brain was attempting to process my face. He has seen me before. A

segment on his six o’clock news program back in the year of 1995. He saw me

very clearly on his television and literally salivated at the wish that one day he

would hope to debunk everything that I stood for.

Anderson’s eyes widened. His mind finally clicked into the memory.

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“You’re Elisa Chambers! Oh my god! The famed mystic…No one has heard

from you in years! So many thought you were dead.”

“Including you, Mr. Bailey.” I added.

“Why have you come here?” He asked.

“I am giving you an ‘opportunity’, Mr. Bailey. The opportunity that you saw

the moment you tuned into that news broadcast all of those years ago to see my

face for the first time. The opportunity to work your mystical skeptic magic upon

me. And I want you to bring all of your skepticism, all of your doubt, all of your

close-minded arrogance with you.”

Anderson thought to himself for a moment stroking his chin. He was

amazed that such an opportunity as this literally came ‘out of the blue.’

“The opportunity to label you as a hoax…I have to admit, it is very

tempting.” Anderson said with excitement behind his voice.

“That’s right Mr. Bailey. This is the challenge that I am seeking from you.

My actions come not from self-satisfaction from labelling you as a fool, nor

proving anything to you. Only to allow you to see yourself. And by seeing yourself,

you will help others to see themselves. And you are the one that I have been

guided to. Are you ready to see who you truly are, Mr. Bailey? Are you ready to

see past illusion? To see past time and space? To leave a trivial world drenched in

hardship fueled by the illusionary goals of control and power? This is the

opportunity I give you. Your sources have the means of organizing your travel to

visit me within the Himalayas. Your secretary Tracy has the contact information of

a friend of mine from Nepal that will journey with you to find me. Do not be

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tardy, Mr. Bailey. After all, this could very well be the story to ‘make your

career’—do those miniscule words of insignificant purpose send a surge of joy

through your already dying heart? If they do, come find me, Mr. Bailey, as the

opportunity is now directly in front of you.”

Mr. Bailey smiled and turned his back to me. He brushed his hair back and

said in an overconfident tone: “It’s going to be a pleasure labelling you as a hoax,


Mr. Bailey turned back around and was surprised not to see me there

anymore. He started to look around the area of the rooftops as I saw him through

my consciousness vision perplexed beyond belief. I had left my mark. As

perplexed as Anderson was, he was just as excited as well. In his mind, he felt that

I was already defeated and this experience would be the pinnacle to the success

of his unbridled fame. It was all happening according to plan. I await the challenge

my dear Mr. Bailey.

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C h a p t e r 3

stood before the great council of light. In a realm comprised of divine light

where golden rays pertruded through me. Where my own being was as bright

as a star itself. Before the council appeared the eleven wise beings. Beings of

many forms that represented ancient past within this universe.

One stood before me as the representation of the lion beings. The epidimy

of Lyra: The essence of beginning for the human race. Another represented itself

as a human male form emersed completely in golden light. Dressed in a robe that

reflected the appearance of liquid golden energy. The third, fourth and fifth

represented themselves as spheres of multi-colored energy with a myst of white

divine light that projected throughout the realm and connecting back through

them. The sixth council member resembled that of the tetrahedron. As its top and

bottom portions of itself spun slowly, a violet aura began to grow brighter upon

itself delivering increased spiritual harmony to this realm. The seventh member

representing the divine feminine in all her beauty. The perfect formation of the

female silhouette comprised entirely of silver light with golden particles of energy

forming throughout her aura. The eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh council

members comprised of the representation of the animal men. Beings with the

appearance of a man, but with heads of animals: a hawk, a jackal, a cow and a

ram—reminescent of the appearance of the ancient Egyptian deities.


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The environment began to transform into a physicalized surrounding: a

great circular hall with pillars radiating white light energy as its walls. At the

center of the floor represented the divine grid of all creation: The 144 faces of

God. The symbol shined a great transparent blue energy up from the floor that

projected itself upwards towards infinity.

The council assembled in the formation of a circle where I too was a part.

There were no words being spoken. No ideas flowing through a progression of

time. There was only immediate knowing. The council understood the journey

that awaited me and also knew that this was to be my final time in the realm of

the physical. For when this journey is complete, I shall return to God. I shall once

again become one with the source.

My soul was no longer becoming fragmented. Much of it was once again

becoming whole. All that I have been and have aspired to be in all that exists

throughout creation was returning to me in harmony. This journey ahead was my

final approach to completing the duality. It would also be for many others as the

cycle was coming to a conclusion upon this world that fascinated so many beings

throughout existence.

Earth has been the grand experiment for so very long. So much effort from

so many beings from so many dimensions have been brought towards the

evolution of the God man. Beginning with the flexibility of so much power only to

see so many civilizations fall and rise again. From the pioneer race that first

occupied the Earth in tribes growing to larger civilizations that adapted

themselves similar to the way the Atlanteans did, only to have themselves fall to

self-destruction. It only continued with the land of Mu, to the time of Atlantis and

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its inevitable downfall. All of the civilizations that had been on the world of Earth,

I was a part of. Repeating the same role over and over again as during those

times, I had not learned the lesson, nor did many others. We were trapped on the

wheel of karmic incarnation. Lifetime after lifetime, only small fragments of my

experience started to reveal themselves more and more causing a great

awakening within me that built up to the point of this life. In this now moment, I

am more of my God self. The reconnection—the rememberance of all that I have

been and all that I have harmonized with has brought me back into balance.

It was no longer about continuing to awaken, but to pass on what I have

learned to one whose soul is pleading to evolve past the cycle of karma. One who

requires intervention of this means to bring about lifetimes of dramatic change.

One whose higher being has presented itself to me with divine appreciation for

the journey that lay ahead for the both of us. This one being Mr. Anderson Bailey.

His journey will be difficult for him to see. Not only in this lifetime has he

been so blind, but it is only a configuration in legion to what he has experienced

as a soul confined to karmic incarnation. He is a very ancient spirit upon the Earth

where duality has consumed him through each life. But like many of us, the life

we have now is the life of culmination and new beginnings. The harvest from this

shift will be greater than any other Earth harvest before its time.

It is still unclear to me if Anderson will meet the devotion in this life to

make the shift, but what is certain from what I sense through the energies now is

that he is about to change. And the only way for him to truly change is to

completely break him and reassemble the shards so that he may become whole.

This is not a task of subtlety, but of intense emotion and action. For one so blind

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to not knowing who he is, one must be shattered and put back together to

recognize the pieces that are a part of him.

It was through this knowing that the council has shown and shared with

me. Their love projecting through the core of my very being. Like rays of warm

light from the sun that shine upon our faces, the love from the eleven wise beings

shined themselves into me and I shined it back. We were unified, connected in

oneness with the consensus of absolute harmony. We were one being, one mind,

one soul… as it is with all that exist.

The environment began to grow brighter and brighter as the entire realm

filled with a white light leading to a brilliant flash only to find myself awoken

within my bed smiling as I look forward to the days ahead.

As I awoke, I saw my Tibetan Mastiff, Gabriel, seated near the corner of my

bedroom. My loyal companion whose appearance could be compared to that of a

lion dog. His thick black and beige fur with a mane standing out so prominently.

His thoughts of loyalty and love for me filled him as he stared into my eyes. Yet, I

could sense a disturbance in his thoughts. As much as I was looking forward to

meeting Anderson Bailey, Gabriel was not. He was a protector to his human

counterpart. The mane around his neck did indeed represent him well as he was a

symbol for wisdom and protection. He was a wise soul keen on protecting those

whom he loved. I explained the intentions to him within his mind, and he

understood, yet his guard will not go down, nor do I expect it to.

I stepped outside of the door to my cabin. As I gazed at the mountains, I felt

the presence of one who did not belong to this area of the world. One showing

disappointment for the lack of capitilization across this land and was not fond of

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its rich, spiritual nature. Yes, the fool had arrived. It would only be a short time

now before we meet face to face.

Sabin, my good friend from the village was meeting up with Anderson. He

would take him on the journey to meet with me. I could feel Sabin’s discomfort in

meeting one so pompous and closed. Their conversations were short. Sabin kept

quiet during the journey with Anderson as they drove along in his jeep. The

tension grew so thick. I could sense in Anderson’s mind his thrill to attempt to

debunk everything that I stood for. If only the fool knew of his journey that

awaited him. But I am not surprised by his mentality. It is who he has been for a

large portion of his life. And now the time has progressed where he is about to be

shattered. Where the reality that he has consumed so carelessly will fall apart at

the seams. He will fall a broken man. The desire for him to re-construct himself

will be a path offered, but only he must have the determination to become whole

again. As arrogant and self-centered as this being was, there was another side to

him that spoke out like a whisper, yet his materialistic mind shouted over it

constantly. One can only hope the whisper will eventually become the prominent


I could foresee the jeep travelling deep through the remote dirt roads.

Anderson’s mind wandering aimlessly with so many mixed thoughts filling his

head with no center point in sight. Thoughts that dwelled on the condition of his

suit, to the unbelievability of how far out I lived past civilization. Anderson’s

constant badgering of how much longer it would take to finally arrive at my

destination. Sabin simply replied in Nepalese to irritate Anderson so that he may

flip through the pages of his translator book. Sabin truly spoke perfect English, but

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seemed to be pleased with playing games with Anderson. I must say his sense of

humor always brought a smile to my face, and that is something not too many can

do to me.

Minutes past and I could sense their approach. They were only a short

distance away. Gabriel joined me outside and sat upon my porch looking out

towards the mountains along with me. He looked in my direction with the

thought of “do you realize what you’re about to get yourself into? Exhausting

energy towards a fool?”

I simply brushed my left hand across Gabriel’s thick coat and re-assured

him of my intent with loving feelings from my heart. Gabriel barked in

acceptance, wandered over to the corner of the porch and laid down. That would

be enough from him.

I went back inside and closed the door. I sat before my living room floor in a

meditative posture and simply waited in patience for Anderson’s arrival to where

he would step up to my porch and introduce his presence with three loud knocks

and feeling uneasy with Gabriel staring at him like he was vermin. Yes, Mr. Bailey,

you are only moments away from experiencing a major shift within your entire

existence. I do hope you are ready and willing to handle it.

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C h a p t e r 4

he frustration set in for Mr. Anderson Bailey as Sabin would not venture

up the path leading to my cabin. He stated clearly to Mr. Bailey: “This is

as far as I go. Elisa is up that path.” Anderson was quite displeased. With

all that obsessive cigarette smoking and the lack of health he possessed, he

cursed in multiple profane words as he grabbed his suitcases and slammed the

passenger side door to Sabin’s jeep. I could see the jeep riding off through the dirt

road forming clouds of dust that sprayed onto Anderson’s person—that only

enraged him even more.

Rolling one of his large black suitcases behind him and carrying another, he

shook his head in utter annoyance as he made his way up the path. The man was

completely without patience and wanted everything done for him. The thought of

him travelling up a dirt path was only a severe irritation to him. He continued to

mutter profane words as he worked his way towards my cabin.

“Thank you so much Elisa for making me walk all this way up to your god

forsaken craphole excuse of a place while I’m covered in dirt lugging 80 pounds of

goddamn luggage.” Anderson complained as I felt his thoughts. It was only

moments before he could see my cabin in clear view, and from what he was

normally accustomed to back in the material world, I know all that he would feel


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is complete and utter disappointment: no gigantic widescreen television, no

jacuzzi or king sized bed. No electricity of any kind to answer to his needs.

Oh how much Mr. Bailey longed for the return to his own modern world. To

his own bleak future surrounded by a wide assortment of yes men. To the allure

of riding in big cars, boasting about his bland, narrow skepticism to other wealthy

entrepreneurs. In constant transit greatly ignoring the companionship with his

wife and son. He could truly care less if he was married or that he was a father.

Frankly, he could care less about anyone else but himself. Money was his way of

life and fame was his calling: he wanted it all. Materialism far past the eye could

see. Yet all the power of manipulation and wealth under his own leisure would

never satisfy his arrogance. There was never a moment within his mind that said

“enough.” No. All the riches this world could ever offer would never meet

satisfaction to him. Yet, he remained unclear on his deteriorating condition as he

continued to struggle panting his way up a small hill with thoughts stirring

through his mind telling him that he should give up walking, collapse and die in

the middle of this path. For once he had no one assisting him. No chauffer to drive

him, no secretary to take care of his work for him, no encouragement from

mindless stooges to give him moments of superior importance. He was alone. And

it’s something he could barely tolerate within himself.

Finally, the moment arrived where Anderson was in clear view of my

property. He let out a sigh of relief wiping his forehead of immense sweat with a

handkerchief in his suit’s breast pocket. He slowly trudged up the remainder of

the hill and my feeling of him being unimpressed with what he would see was

correct. He let out a smirk and just shook his head in complete disappointment.

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“This is where this old witch lives? With all that money she made off scamming

people back in the 1990’s, she couldn’t afford a decent pad? Just living under a

pile of logs. Oh how inviting Elisa. How very inviting.” He muttered as he made his

way towards my home.

As he made his way up to my steps, he could see Gabriel seated on my

porch right beside the door. Gabriel simply stared at him not moving a single

muscle within his body. Such to how one would look at their own feces before

flushing it down, it was how Gabriel saw this vermin of a man. Anderson put his

bags down and smiled at Gabriel. “Hi pooch. Who’s a good dog?”

Gabriel just continued to stare at him. Anderson just composed himself and

fixed the small amount of gray hair remaining on the back of his head. In his mind,

this animal was dumb and showed no sign of intelligence whatsoever.

Anderson went to reach the knob to my door, but before he could even

grab ahold of it, I decided to open the door for him. The door opened wide and

Anderson peaked through it and could see nobody there waiting.

“Hello?” Anderson said curiously peaking his head past my door. He

stepped back outside and looked at Gabriel once again.

“Hey pooch, is your mama home? Maybe she has a bone for you. Can you

show me where she is?”

Gabriel only continued to stare at him while he sat on the porch. Anderson

was confused. He never saw an animal that remained so still before.

Now it was my time to intervene.

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“I can tell silence to you is a stranger Mr. Bailey. He stares at you out of

curiousity perplexed on how senseless you are to everything around you. It is only

illusion that captivates attention to you, yet anything beyond that illusion that

represents the unknown, you fear.”

Anderson once again was confused. He heard my voice yet did not see me.

Anderson stepped inside looking around for me. He looked down a stairwell that

led to my basement, yet no one was there. As Anderson proceeded on, I decided

to close the door behind him. Anderson turned around and was perplexed on how

the old wooden door was able to close on its own. He started to examine the

hinges to see if there was some form of device or mechanism that caused the

door to open or close automatically.

“Up the stairs, Mr. Bailey and we shall once again be introduced to each

other.” I stated within his mind, yet to him, it felt like I was calling to him aloud.

Anderson made his way up the five steps that led to the top floor of my

home. He continued to look around hoping to see me but still saw no one.

“Alright, I’m here. Where the hell are you? Is this some kind of joke you’re

pulling on me? More of your hoax sorceress’ ways to try and impress me? I came

here to interview you, not to be part of your parlor games.” Anderson stated with

a serious tone.

“Games offer challenge to those who wish to be challenged, Mr. Bailey.

Challenges are a form that you despise. Your life is comfortable as you have those

around you taking care of all your matters. Yet you will find no one here to take

care of the most important matters of all.” I said once again in his mind.

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“Where are you speaking from? How can you speak to me and not be

present? Some sort of weird speaker sound system or something? And what

important matters are you talking about? If you’re talking about me answering

the challenge to debunk you, I’m definitely ready for that challenge. I can already

see by how this meeting is going so far that you’re a fraud…”

There was a long moment of silence.

“Oh, was that too devastating to respond to? Only shows that the truth

hurts, doesn’t it?” Anderson proclaimed with a satisfied smirk on his face.

“Look to the table to your left.” I stated in Anderson’s mind. “You will find a

small wooden box. Consider it a gift to you, Mr. Bailey.”

Anderson was still turning around trying to look for me. This idea of a gift

caught him very much off guard. “What sort of gift?”

Again, there was only silence. Anderson walked over to my end table on the

opposite side of my front window and saw a very small rectangular wooden box

hand carved from oak and stained. Anderson picked up the box and slowly

opened the top of the lid. It contained a photograph of showing him, his wife,

Maria, and his baby son, Brandon. It was taken out by a beach sunset. A vacation

in California. Anderson immediately recognized it and couldn’t believe his eyes.

He was in complete shock.

“Whatever happened to this man, Mr. Bailey? Do you remember the

moment you stared into your son’s eyes moments after he was born and it

triggered the realization that it was now the time for you to become a father? A

better father than the one you had that left you abandoned. Who ignored you

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because business was more important than family. A father who concerned

himself with sales margins rather than educating his own son through life

experiences. And look what you have become now Mr. Bailey. Only to repeat

what the son has faced with his father, approaching full circle and now you, the

father repeating those actions to your son.”

Mr. Bailey wanted to almost burst into tears. But his ego would not allow

that. His mind boggled with perplexity leading to rage. “Did you steal this photo

from my house? Are you a thief too?” He yelled.

As the sun reflected through the glass of my window, the corner that was

cast in shadow became illuminated and I stepped out through the shadows into

the light only to see Anderson clutching that photograph with frustration filling

the void of his otherwise empty mind.

“We are introduced once again, Mr. Bailey. And I welcome you to my

home. You wish to proceed with this interview do you not?”

Anderson looked at me with cold eyes. He was now more than ever

tempted to get straight to the bottom of this. The feeling in his mind of me being

a fraud had not left. On the contrary, it only grew stronger. But I anticipated this

and continued to allow his skepticism to be released upon me. Anderson simply

looked at me and was relieved to finally see me in the flesh.

“You are a very impressive hoaxer Ms. Chambers. But unfortunately, you

still haven’t convinced me of anything. All I see here are simple parlor tricks,

thievery and heavy research based on my past that any idiot could obtain by

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searching the Internet. But I have to applaud you, you have really put together

one amazing effort here.”

I simply pointed to one of my wooden chairs tucked into my dining table.

“Won’t you have a seat Mr. Bailey?” I offered.

Anderson went to grab the chair and brought it close to me as I sat cross

legged on my floor. He sat directly in front of me. “Prefer the floor to a chair do


“It is ideal for one to be centered in harmony with their own energy, Mr.

Bailey.” I said calmly while I attained a serene state of being that filled the entire

room. But unfortunately, as closed off to the energies as Mr. Bailey was, he could

not feel such sensations. His mind was still deep into the conceited skepticism

that brought him his millions of dollars.

“So, exactly how do you do all of these simple tricks? How much time do

you spend researching a client before seeing them to know so much about them

that may catch them off guard?” Anderson said with a very smug tone.

As I was in serenity, his words were of no meaning to me and there was

never any offense.

“Do you consider yourself to be a human being, Mr. Bailey? Native to this

planet?” I asked.

It was this response that made him chuckle. Another comment that caught

him off guard.

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“I don’t know what brought up that question, maybe if we could stick to the

question I asked.”

“Are you afraid to answer a question so simplistic, Mr. Bailey? Do your

thoughts run so rampant to satisfy your ignorance, that it causes your

understanding of complexity to only lead to insignificant conclusions?”

Anderson smirked once again. “I think we both know the answer to that

‘simple’ question Ms. Chambers.”

“Ah, so you speak for me do you? I cannot say I am surprised, Mr. Bailey.

Assumption truly is the dividend to all that you have. It is what your magazine

stands for: assumption, speculation, close-mindedness. Do you wish to hear my

perspective on that simple question Mr. Bailey?” I asked.

“Feel free, Ms. Chambers. I’d love to hear it.” Anderson replied as he

crossed his arms with a cocky smirk across his face.

“You have no possible understanding what it means to be a human being

on this planet, Mr. Bailey. Those like you who put profit before people, dollar

signs before decency, know not of what it is to be a human being on this planet.

You conduct yourself unnaturally not to the original design of intention, but

through indulgence based on a system that is artificially created by man that

offers you a construct of false security. You care not for the Earth, its people on its

surface, nor any other form of life that occupies this space. Your kind is a waste of

greatness. Artificial lifestyles focused on only goals of manufactured power and

control. Yet you have no idea of the lives you affect. Of the burdens you place on

others through the web of lies you spread out like a plague across the land. Your

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motives aren’t even worthy enough to be called animalistic as animals preserve

balance with nature. Your way of life has no label, Mr. Bailey. But for the

privelege to be addressed the label ‘human being’ is not something you are

deserving of, because you have no idea of its meaning. You are that of your

illusion of power, and you are nowhere from understanding the truth.”

“The truth?” Anderson asked.

“That you are the power within the illusion. A master of all experience. A

God within self.”

Anderson laughed out loud. “And here I am thinking that I’m egotistical. For

you to call me a God, Ms. Chambers, you can’t surmount to any higher form of

arrogance than that. Do you seriously expect me to believe that?”

“You are quite content in believing in limitation, Mr. Bailey. Expansion is

something you have never experienced in your life, so you know nothing of what

it is to be greatness. You are under the delusion of manipulation and the struggle

for power in your own limited, systematic way. One cannot understand their

potential when they have never set out to achieve it.”

Anderson was still remaining in his own arrogance, yet I could feel a spark

within his mind. It was that quiet whisper attempting to make its presence known

within him. A voice that was trying to tell him: “listen to her. You know she speaks

the truth.” But the ego proclaimed too loudly within his mind and it dominated

his mentality.

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“My potential has always been to debunk frauds and hoaxes. And you are

no different from all the other cases that I have personally debunked.” Anderson

replied with his own overconfidence.

“Your lies are so thick, they cloud your very soul. Your attempted

justifications bring yourself pride, yet to others it’s repulsive. Your entire life has

been a lie. Not wanting to go to school at the age of seven as you believed you

were better than everyone else. Your teenaged years only left you with

hardcoded insecurity within your mind. You had no family to turn to, no mentor

to guide you, no friends to envy you. ‘There’s nowhere left to turn’ you said to

yourself on a daily basis. Suicide attempts rampant throughout your thoughts.

You despised who you had become. You had a pistol to your mouth on four

different occasions: twice at the age of 19, once at the age of 21 and once again

at age 24. You were in the worst depression of your very life. You only had respect

as a businessman following the shadow of your father, yet you never felt so

empty inside. One woman took pity on you. You met her at a Christmas party as

she was a friend of your boss’ secretary. She later became your wife, Maria. Do

you think I am blind to what you have experienced, my dear Mr. Bailey? Your

mind is an open book. You are insecure. You know nothing of securing your

thoughts. You project it out towards the world like one would show off a trophy.”

Anderson’s eyes widened. “How the hell did you know all about that? How

could you possibly discover all of this? What sort of connections do you have?”

I let out a brief sigh. “Like so many, you hear words, Mr. Bailey, but you are

incapable of listening. Do you not see my purpose in bringing these reminders of

yourself to your attention? Do you not see your blindness? Do you not see the

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mask you wear pretending to be someone archetyped by the design of

insignificance? You don’t even know who you are. And it pains you when

someone defines you. It is the lowest point of human misery when another must

know you better than you know yourself. You are a broken shell of a man. You are

diagnosed with a heart condition that will eventually be fatal. You are at the

beginning stages of lung cancer. Even right now, you feel shooting pain through

your arms, your lower back and your legs.”

Anderson stood up from the chair in complete shock. He startled to

stumble backwards.

“Just who the hell are you? How in God’s name could you possibly know…”

I interrupted: “because you assume, Mr. Bailey. It is what you have done all

your life. Pre-judge scenarios before even scratching the surface to what lies

beneath. All before you had opportunities of discovering more about your own

past, the mechanics of reality, the supernatural in enlightening detail, but you

shot them all down with your ignorance. You lashed out with opinion as a form of

vengeance towards a world that didn’t want to listen to you. Any change or

deviation that went against your own judgments would shake the foundation of

your reality apart. Well this is precisely what I intend to do, Mr. Bailey. I will break

your reality down. I will dissolve your complacency towards ignorance. Not

because I want to, but because you want me to. All of your events, all situations,

all that you are within this life have led you up to this point where it is time to

crack yourself open and see what truly lies within you.”

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Anderson was speechless for a few moments. Inside his mind, for the first

time in his life, the whisper was starting to grow into a calm, clear voice. With his

mouth wide open, he slowly went back to the chair and sat back down.

“You seriously want to help me?” Anderson asked.

“No, Mr. Bailey. You seriously want to help you. I am simply the

representation of your own manifestation towards making this so. You attracted

me to you because it is time to end your frail illusion of what you believe life is.

You do not yet understand the importance of the role you have within this life,

Mr. Bailey. You reach out to so many people, and all you have brought them is

narrow-mindedness. Denial of what the universe truly is. Denial to many key

situations that lead to significant understandings regarding our history, our origins

and who we really are beyond these bodies. You spat in the face to those who

gave their lives to reveal truths only so you could debunk it with pointless claims

and ego-driven retaliation. All signs of a lost man confined in the dark with no

hope of ever being heard. Now you have to ask yourself this question, Mr. Bailey:

are you ready to help yourself by allowing me to show you yourself?”

Anderson was becoming confused. “Show me myself?”

“Not just this life Mr. Bailey. But lives of importance that have personally

led you to the configuration of what you are at this very moment. Pains and

hardships that you will have the opportunity to see with me as your guide.

Situations that you can have resolved through acceptance. Realms that may

frighten you at first, but will become familiar later. Are you ready for this journey,

Mr. Bailey?”

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“How can you possibly do something like that?” Anderson replied.

“You have an opportunity to save yourself in this life, Mr. Bailey. You are

able to move on with a more clear conscience and have the capability to bring

forth many beneficial changes in your life. If you truly want this to occur, you

need to stop focusing on the how and enter the state of acceptance. Accept what

is brought before you. Accept you for who you are now. Accept that I have the

ability to bring you back to what you have been, and accept that all that you are

can change. Now do you wish to go on this journey, Mr. Bailey? Yes or no?”

Anderson thought for a moment. He knew this would be too good an

opportunity to pass up. For once, his thinking was becoming more clear.

“Alright, I accept this journey. What happens now?” Anderson asked.

“Now… you sleep, Mr. Bailey.” I replied.

I waved my hand before him and within a moment, his head sank down and

he was sound asleep. At last, he was at his most receptive when he was

unconscious. I began to enter his mind. As I closed my eyes, I saw my astral self

and his stepping out of our human bodies. We were in the front room looking at

each other. Anderson looked at me with another look of perplexity.

“What’s going on?” Anderson said.

“The beginning of your journey, Mr. Bailey.”

I waved my hand over to the left side of the room and there appeared a

bright white aperture. Anderson was truly amazed at what he saw.

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“This aperture will take us to where we need to go to begin. All you have to

do is step through it.” I explained.

“How does this work?” Anderson once again asked perplexed.

“I said to follow acceptance, not to wonder about the how. Now if you truly

wish to follow me on this journey, you must lead the way into the aperture where

I will follow. These are your records, Mr. Bailey. You are the one that must walk

through first. Now make the choice.”

Anderson stared at the aperture. He could not believe how real all of this

felt. It was as if he realized that he was awake, yet he wasn’t. He slowly stepped

through the aperture and disappeared from the room. I slowly followed behind

and the journey had now officially begun.

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C h a p t e r 5

e stood amongst a black void. For no matter how far he walked

onwards, he would only end up back to where he was. In this void,

there was no such thing as time or space. He gazed amongst the

void turning himself three hundred and sixty degrees trying to see if anything else

existed. There was nothing. I continued to observe him as part of the void. This

was a test to his patience which was unremarkable. Anderson began to breathe

heavily and was in the beginning stages of a full out panic.

“Why am I in here! Where the hell are you!?” Anderson shouted


It was at that moment where I decided to speak. Not in front of him, behind

or from the sides. But my voice projected out through the entire void so that the

entirety of what he is could not only hear, but feel what I spoke.

“You show much impatience to yourself, Mr. Bailey. Are you waiting for me

to do something to start you on this journey? Remember, this is for you. You are

God amongst this realm. You have the control. You are not the foolish limited

being from which you came. This is your universe to where you are the alpha and

the omega. You are the definer of your experiences. The master of your own

existence. So why not project that to your universe—to this empty void.

His thoughts dwelled on my words. “Project my thoughts to this void?”


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At that moment, the void became alive with dimensions. Patterns of light

and sound natural to the design of intelligent infinity came forth. Light that was

three dimensional spiraled through Anderson as he was literally awe struck by the

beauty he saw.

“This can’t possibly be real!” Anderson said attempting to bring his ego back into

a state of control.

“Your definitions of real are obscured, Mr. Bailey,” I proclaimed through the

void, “you define reality based on your five senses. But to you, it’s more than that.

You define it as solid. As something that is part of the Earth. Of something

completely unextraordinary. You have not begun to grasp the concept of reality,

Mr. Bailey. All that which you experience in your entirety of existence is real.

From what you encounter in the physical reality, to what you experience through

your imagination and the dream plane. Everything is reality. Nothing unreal can


The light within the void began to form into different geometric shapes:

triangles, diamonds, tetrahedrons forming into octahedrons. Twenty triagonal

faces appeared from the top of the void. Together, it assembled into a large multi-

colored icosahedron that floated above Anderson’s head. Anderson literally had

his jaw wide open in absolute amazement of these glowing shapes of sacred

geometry. All of the shapes that filled the room started to form together as one.

There was a bright flash of light throughout the void as the shapes merged. And

before him, I transformed from the shapes into my physical human appearance.

With the attire of a bright luminescent hooded robe of light, I slowly approached

Anderson and removed the hood. He was absolutely in awe of the presence I

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conveyed. In his mind, I could feel him seeing me as a form of divine angel. For

the white light around me was so bright. I simply looked back at him with a

somber expression.

“You have finally learned to channel your thoughts. You are understanding

the power of your imagination.”

As I spoke, more vibrant colors flooded throughout the void. Vortices of

light passing through Anderson representing all of the colors of the rainbow

spectrum pouring back into the void like liquid. Anderson was at a loss for words

as he could not discover what was more fascinating to see.

“Are you saying I created this?” Anderson asked.

“Who else is going to create your own universe for you? A God does not

enter another God’s universe to create for him. It cannot be done. All that you see

here, you are its creator. Even myself.” I explained.

“Let me get this straight: I created you in here?” Anderson clarified.

“I am a representation of the one who will guide you through this journey.

Therefore, what you see here is the result of how you perceive me. I am but a

facilitating consciousness that travels with you when you have questions. But as

for this experience, it is all within you. Beyond the physical mind. Beyond the

human form. This is your realm to which the entirety of you has agreed to

manifest through your own comprehension.”

Anderson scratched his head attempting to comprehend the information I

was sharing with him.

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“I’m trying to understand this, but…”

“You are still thinking in limited terms based on the reality you have come

from.” I replied.

My mouth closed as the words I spoke next were heard inside Anderson’s

mind. “You are a being programmed to understand everything within the limits of

a construct that you know as space and time. Your basis of reality is subjected to

idealisms of this invention. What you see amongst you is how everything truly is.

Look before you.”

The void started to fill up with spiraling galaxies that we could see from a

distance. The images started to change as we experienced a new spectrum of

dimension through manifested energy patterns never before seen from physical

eyes. Everything within the void instantly became motionless no longer attached

to time.

“What do you see here now, Mr. Bailey? Something you cannot possibly

explain. Like a fish who cannot imagine taking breaths when outside his world of

water, you cannot imagine reality without space and time, yet here it is before

you. Space and time serves within the universe, Mr. Bailey. It is not the absolute

of the universe. It is impossible to measure existence because it always has been

here unrestrained to such inventions.”

Anderson looked back to me. “And a superior being created everything that

this universe represents?”

“The superior being is the all, Mr. Bailey. Not a who, not a person, but an all

that is. Everything that you have been a part of to everything that you cannot

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even imagine is all part of the construct of creation. The undying microcosm of

the macrocosm of what is the purity of all existence infinitely expanding by design

formed throughout experience. Nothing is wasted. Nothing is discarded.

Everything is part of all that exists and can never cease to exist.”

Anderson crossed his arms trying to figure out everything that I have

explained to him. “So, I am undying?”

“Like many of those who are of like-mind to you Mr. Bailey, you believe

that once your physical body ceases, you cease. You can never cease to exist.

There is no expiration to energy. You are intelligent life force. Created through the

material of God. Your body is but a conduit for experience to be assimilated into

your essence. To learn, grow and understand. Which is the primary purpose of

your existence. Your incarnations are experiences of growth. Whether horrifying

or divine, it makes no difference to your soul as it attains experience to

understand what is within all of creation.” I telepathically communicated to him.

Anderson was lost in thought. All that he had known his entire life was

conflicting with this new knowledge. But his mentality was not easy to break and I

knew how much of a challenging transition awaited him. Far better than he knew

it himself.

“It’s all of these types of knowledge that I’ve been fighting against my

whole life. If this is the way it is, why are we taught that it isn’t?” Anderson asked


“Because control dominates much of the collective consciousness on Earth,

Mr. Bailey,” I responded, “for thousands upon thousands of years, individuals who

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seperated themselves from their masters became corrupt. They felt an

acceleration of power that they gained by failing to complete the lessons their

masters had provided for them. They were incomplete and arrogant. They

became self-righteous and felt they were all knowing. They adopted forms of

principles not of the natural ways of creation. Superiority blinded them. They

descended into darkness and took rule upon this planet. Through their mentality,

they orchestrated systems built not of knowledge, respect and true

understanding, but for the hopes to achieve absolute power and dominance. They

were not about equality, they were about being gods among men. And so they

manipulated the knowledge that was bestowed upon them from ancient masters

living in realms of pure divinity. Some of these beings of divinity came from other

dimensions and other worlds. Extra terrestrial in nature, yet just as human as any

of us.”

Anderson put his hand to his chin stroking it while he processed my

telepathic thoughts.

“And these corrupt beings, they were extra terrestrial as well?”

“We are all extra terrestrials in a manner of speaking, Mr. Bailey. None of

us originated from Earth. We are soul: travellers of non-physicality that have

incarnated to many realms both physical and non-physical. But outside the

margins of indigenous embodiment, some of these corrupt individuals were of

the souls of off-worldly beings, yes. But there was a great plan of deception. A

plan that ranged through many facets of our civilizations that affected us

genetically. The human body was tampered with long ago.” I explained.

Anderson’s eyes widened. “Tampered with… What do you mean?”

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“The process of limitation required that the human template be modified

so that certain forms of information could not be accessed. Thousands of years

ago, before the time of the dark ages, when a human passed on, they were able

to reincarnate into another body without the amnesia effect taking place. They

would remember who they were in past lives and strongly recall much of their

connection to creation. Earth was in a higher plateau of density during that time.

But when the downfall came, everything changed. Earth descended into a more

physical density and in order for that physical shift to take form, the entire form

of the human race had to change. This is what’s known from your scientists as

being a double-helix DNA strand life form. The original concept for the human

body consisted of twelve DNA strands. Two strands that were physicalized and

can be seen through our reality, the third strand which represents the quasi-

physical to where it can phase in and out of our physical reality, and the

remaining nine strands which are completely non-physical and cannot be seen

through our spectrum as it is now on Earth. Through the suppression of these

strands and our cellular memory, mankind became a limitation. A conduit for new

souls to incarnate into and wake up to the world of Earth in complete amnesia

forgetting entirely where they came from and what they truly are. As time passed,

the corruption spread deeper and deeper as the dusk made its presence ever

stronger on the surface of our world.”

Anderson was starting to get upset. His ego wanted to block out these

words, but they were affecting him too greatly. He didn’t want to believe what he

heard, but he couldn’t shake the confirmation from his higher being. Yes, it was

there. It was like observing a flower that was ready to blossom for the first time. I

simply crossed my arms and looked upon Anderson as I could feel his frustration.

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“Do you understand that you have been betrayed your whole life,

Anderson? Do you understand that you finally feel the burden of every human

being on the planet that carries that loss within themselves? A feeling so

horrendous, their attitude casts out anger towards the world as it is now. The loss

is not from a lack of monetary gain, or the lack of finding a good job, or a good

husband or wife, or not having a supportive family. It is that urge within the self

that is telling you something is not right about the world. That there are gaps in

between your existence that you could not put your finger on. Missing elements

of what you are thrown aside due to distraction that bent, contorted and twisted

your viewpoint on what reality truly stands for. Beyond archetypes, Mr. Bailey.

Beyond sentimentality for insignificance forced upon you by convenient words

personifying denial, lies and manipulation. Yes, you sense it, don’t you? You have

sensed it your whole life, yet you bottled it inside of you not to unleash it to risk

suffering the repercussions of what society would think of you…”

Anderson was holding his head trying to keep these thoughts out. He was

realizing these thoughts to be truth and made him fall to the ground. He kneeled

before himself grasping his head saying in his mind “this can’t be how it is!”

I kneeled down before him. “You are only arguing with yourself Mr. Bailey. The

denial you put towards knowledge is the denial you put towards yourself. So

many throughout your lives were around you to hint at these secrets that you

truly wanted to have exposed lifetime after lifetime. Like a faint echo repeating its

prosperous voice across time and space consistently through the designs of your

incarnations, that message of knowing your own limitation and forcing yourself to

forget your true nature rang true to you so many times, but fear kept it from

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coming out. It’s time to address that fear, Mr. Bailey. You can never become as

great as what you can be if you have no desire to unleash greatness… And if you

cannot accept this from this representation of myself, let yourself hear it from

others you know that are closer.”

Anderson turned his head and before him, manifestations of individuals

who have been close to him in some form throughout his life appeared in a circle

before him. Anderson stood up and looked directly in front of him. He saw his

former employer: the chief editor for the local tribune newspaper. He simply

stared at Anderson with a blank face piercing coldness through his eyes.

“I always knew you were a failure. You couldn’t grasp anything. You were

too much in your own world. A world of limitation filled with lies and denial,

saturating it with your own repulsive ego. You couldn’t see your own greatness.

You were blind to it. You were blind to being great.”

The circle of the twelve individuals that surrounded Anderson all spoke

simultaneously in a loud prominent voice: “You were blind to being great!”

Anderson was now getting even more uncomfortable. He felt like he was in

the dark to what was going on, yet deep inside, this was the creation that his soul

wished to manifest to show him what he was.

Anderson turned to his left and saw his teenaged son, Brandon. Brandon

had his arms crossed with menacing eyes toward his father. “You never cared

about me or mom. My life is ruined because of you. All so you could indulge in

lies. You’re a disappointment to me as a father, you’re a disappointment to mom

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as a husband, and you’re a disappointment to the planet as you promoted denial

and limitation. You are blind to being great!”

Anderson quickly turned to me as he was on the verge of bursting into

tears. “Elisa, stop this now, please!”

“You come to me thinking that I can stop what you have created? What

have I told you about the nature of being a God? Another can never un-create the

creation of one. This is what you have manifested. Only you can forgive yourself

to see the blame end.” I explained.

Anderson’s wife stormed out of the circle and came face to face with her

husband. “I trusted you. I took pity upon you. I gave you love when no one else

did. We have a family and you indulge upon everything that’s filled with deceit.

You spit in the face of all which is known as greatness. You are blind to being


The whole circle shouted once again: “YOU ARE BLIND TO BEING GREAT!”

Anderson covered his face. He was in tears. The emotions were now

coming to the surface. This was a strong step, but he was far from coming out of

the hole that he dug himself in. He removed his hands from his face and looked

upon the circle of individuals: his ex-roommate, his best friend from high school,

his first girlfriend, the first employee he ever fired, the three yes men that worked

for his magazine, his secretary Tracy, and finally, his father. Anderson stared at his

father with unforgiving eyes. His father simply mirrored his expression.

“My only son was a failure. I made money the honest way. You make

money by spreading lies about truths you knew were facts within your heart.

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You’ve lost connection with your dignity. You’re a laughing stock. You defend

every action with ego.”

“Please stop, Dad…please.” Anderson begged as the tears streamed down

his face.

“Take ownership for your actions, son. It’s the only way you can be saved.

Accept that you created all of this and that you can become a better man.

Otherwise, continue to wallow in your own self-pity and continue to disappoint

me. Take ownership for your actions!” His father enforced.

His son stepped forward. “If you truly want to see respect in your son’s

eyes again, Dad, you know what Grandpa says is true. You created all of this. You

attracted these situations into your life. You have a chance now to let it all go and

start out with a clean slate. Be part of a family again.”

The yes men stepped forward and talked simultaneously. “Sir, you have to

understand that we have only said what we needed to say not because we like

you, but because we want to get ahead. We know you don’t have much time left

biologically. We’re ready to run your company. It was through your advice: ‘take

advantage when you see it.’ And we plan to when the time is right. All through

your advice.”

Anderson just shook his head. He was getting fed up not with everyone

around him, but with himself. His first girlfriend put her hand on his shoulder and

kneeled down.

“You promised me the world, Andy. Anything I wanted was mine, yet you

ran off. You had no time for me anymore. It was all about career and getting

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ahead, even when I waited for you and was loyal to you. Cheered you up when

you were in the worst points of your life. And I was kicked to the curb. What did I

do to deserve that Andy? Why can’t you take responsibility for your actions?”

Anderson took a deep breath. “None of you are real. This isn’t happening.”

I interjected. “You have your truths exposed by those that played crucial

roles in your life, and you deny the experiences that you can lead to resolution all

because you wish to submit to your ego? What arrogance!”

“Arrogant.” Brandon said.

“Liar.” Maria said.

“Failure.” The chief editor said.

“You can never succeed.” Anderson’s father said.

“With you so blind to yourself, we’ll have no problem taking the company

from you.” The yes men said simultaneously.

“All you know how to do is break hearts so you can absorb more pain into

yourself.” Said Anderson’s first girlfriend.

Anderson stood back up wiping his tears…”I’m…I’m sorry I hurt you all,


I intruded by stepping forward. “Is that an attempt at compassion I hear?

Are you finally caring for others rather than yourself?”

“I’m…apologizing. All of these people here I know I have hurt in some form.


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Anderson really had to suck all of this courage up. I could feel it inside of


“I just want to say I’m sorry.”

I walked over to him and kneeled down. “Then perhaps there is hope for

you yet, Mr. Bailey.”

As I stood up, the manifestations of the twelve individuals dissolved away.

“Your journey is progressing admirably, Mr. Bailey. Yet you’re next

challenge may not be as comforting.”

The void suddenly changed with a brilliant flash of light and we were now

back on Earth.

“Now you will prepare to see other facets of yourself Mr. Bailey. Facets of

what you were before being in the body you are now.”

Anderson stood up and looked around as we saw ourselves in the middle of

a forest, and before us, there was a battle ready to transpire: an extermination of

the American indigenous tribes by the English pilgrims. The rampant pilgrims

carrying muskets storming through the forest into an indian village, one of them

stood out upon all the others. The face looking very familiar. It was one of

Anderson’s previous incarnation as he walked through the forest steadily as his

people stormed across the land to commit genocide of the native indian


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C h a p t e r 6

here Anderson and I stood as we saw the horror of these pilgrims that

were so falsely identified by modern society to be civilized, hospitable

and caring to the native population. Celebrating the idea of Thanksgiving

with turkey and stuffing alongside their Indian friends. This was nothing more

than a fog of lies created by those who wished to enforce their control and

manipulation upon an oblivious population for generations. They were never told

the true tragedy of this event: the time of the 1630’s within the area of Boston

that led to a puritan holocaust consisting of betrayal and genocide.

Anderson was horrified with what he had seen. He saw these brutish,

uncaring Europeans not dressed in the typical attire thought of a pilgrim, but who

truly stank of alcohol wearing faded color clothing that looked like rags. Carrying

muskets and killing indians in all directions. Anderson saw his past self mainly just

standing around watching all of the indians getting shot by other drunken

pilgrims, yet his past self did not kill anybody. He only remained standing grasping

at his musket with a blank expression on his face.

Anderson’s past self started to make his way to a nearby teepee where

inside was a beautiful indian woman scared completely to death. There the

woman was in tears as she stared up at the intimidating man. But yet he showed

no hostility towards her. He only continued to look at her.


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Anderson himself entered the teepee and observed as his past self stared

at this young beautiful indian woman. Anderson could feel the thoughts of his

past self. This man was not as intoxicated as the others. He still had his wits about

him. He could sense the feelings of this man just as I could. He wanted to help the

woman escape. He knew that his people would surely kill her. The man put down

his musket and held his hands out in peace.

“It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you. Do you understand?” The man said.

The woman just looked back at him still plagued with absolute fear. She did

not know the language of english and only started to feel confusion as to why this

person had not killed her.

But Anderson could feel something deeply within his past self. He knew

that this man was not being genuine to his feelings. There was conflict within him.

He feared about going against his own people, yet he did not want to see the

natives die. He was torn between two worlds relishing in his own fear uncertain of

what decision to make. Here he had the opportunity to allow the woman to

escape. The coast was clear where she could of ran away from the village to

safety, and Anderson’s past self knew this too. But instead, the man stalled not

taking any action trying to communicate with the woman. Anderson’s past self

was beside himself in panic, it was almost as if he had become frozen. Debating

on what he should do.

Moments past and it was too late. Another drunken pilgrim entered the

teepee smiling at what he saw. He grabbed the woman by the arm and dragged

her outside of the teepee where she literally screamed for her life. Anderson’s

past self simply did nothing but remain still and drop his head in shame as he

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heard the musket shot that ended the woman’s life. This was the moment where

Anderson’s past self had never felt more conflicted. He had the ability to make a

difference and save a life, but yet yielded out of fear based on the possible

repercussions from his people.

Anderson stepped out of the teepee and as he approached me, the entire

scene representing his past life completely froze. Anderson put his head down

completely ashamed at what he saw.

“As soon as I saw the rugged face of that man, I knew that was me. I don’t

know how, but I recognized him and I recognized all of this. But I didn’t recognize

it until it came to life here.” Anderson said.

“This is a look back at your past that played a large part in shaping your

character. You were not sent back here to change this past, only to observe it.

Only to see how this portion of you, the indecisiveness, established itself

karmically within you. And this life only became worse for you. It was this

situation repeated dozens of times over. You did not join in the genocide, but you

watched it and never spoke out. You wanted to do something to help so many of

those people that were brutally slaughtered, yet you did nothing but stand there

and watch everything unfold.” I explained to him.

Anderson simply turned his head and looked at the scene that was frozen

before him. There he saw pilgrims shooting indians, grabbing other women by the

hair and smashing the teepees to the ground.

“How could anyone have done this? This isn’t even human.” Anderson


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“Now you are beginning to understand the definition of what it means to

be human, Mr. Bailey. This was a horrific time in our history. A time where we

could never look at who we were and call ourselves human. It was barbaric,

animalistic… unnatural. But yet, who you were at that time could have done so

much to change it. You were well respected amongst these others, yet your fear

kept you from speaking out. You had the knack for persuasion, yet it was never

used to help anyone else but yourself. Does this sound familiar to you now, Mr.

Bailey?” I asked.

Anderson put his hands on his hips with his head hung down. He turned

away from me and was too ashamed to answer the question.

“You speak to so many people today, Mr. Bailey. your words captivate

attention. They cause people to listen to what you are sharing. Yet you do nothing

that brings resolution. You only bring words that preserve the lies. Yet inside of

you, you truly know of their genuine nature. You only pretend to be skeptic about

them… And why do you do that, Mr. Bailey? Because you are afraid. You fear the

truth knowing that it would turn your reality upside down if your ego actually

accepted everything that you have bashed to the ground to be that of truth.”

I could feel the breaking within Anderson. Throughout this entire

experience, he thought that he could remain in control. As awe struck as he was

with what he had experienced through this realm of his own consciousness,

another part of him thought that it could be debunked in some form. Now that

belief was starting to dissolve away within him. He was feeling like a shattered

man. Everything that he doubted and did not want to believe in was now coming

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to the surface to show him the real truth of what is. But there was more to show


As Anderson contemplated his thoughts, the void transformed once again

from another brilliant flash of white light into a new scene: the time of Ancient

Egypt. Before us stood the construction of the Giza complex. Anderson saw for

himself how the great pyramid was being built.

We saw enormous polished marble blocks weighing several tons floating

graciously in the air being stacked so precisely in a perfect base alignment. Every

stone that was to be utilized for the foundation was precisely calculated to be the

correct stone for the pyramid. Nowhere within the entire foundation that was

being constructed before our very eyes showed an indication of fault.

The marble blocks that were formed in perfect geometric alignment

through manifested thought became embedded into each other as the

foundation of the great pyramid was being constructed. There he saw amongst

the great pyramid an assortment of different beings, some that did not even

appear to be of this world. Together they united within a large circle functioning

as one mind, one body, one spirit. Their voices hummed with the sound of an

“aum” chant that synchronized together as a high pitched tone that could not

only be heard, but could also be felt as if one became the vibration of a plucked

string on a guitar. The vibration of the tone emitted from the group of beings was

altering the magnetic field and molecular structure of the massive stones. As the

stones came together where they were appropriated to the foundation of the

pyramid, we saw the enormous blocks meld themselves directly into another.

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There were no slits or crevice to be found within the structure of the pyramid: the

stones formed together perfectly as one.

The pink limestone granite stones were so amazingly polished, we could

see our own reflection through them as clear as one could look into a mirror. This

was the indication of a perfect manifestation of creation. For no substance on

earth could polish these stones as they were seen. These were stones of ethereal

nature existing in perfection of thought shaped by divine consciousness. More

colossal stones of granite levitated within the air directly behind the circle floating

in grace as if the stones were literally assembling and embedding themselves

together. There was no physical effort from the ones that were in the state of one

mind: this was all a mental construction through consciousness.

Anderson could not believe his eyes. Like many of the narrow minded

philosophers and archaeologists, he too believed that the pyramids were

constructed by thousands of Egyptian slaves through mass physical labour by

using vine ropes and logs that took a total of twenty years to construct. He was

shocked to feel the thoughts of the beings in the state of one mind to know that

the grand pyramid of Giza was constructed within mere days.

Anderson turned to me with amazement. “Elisa, you were a part of this

period in time, weren’t you?”

“You are finally paying attention, Mr. Bailey. I was one of the high

priestesses worshipped amongst the many within this time period. It was through

this time where the feminine aspect reigned supreme. High priestesses

exceptionally gifted in the powers of manifestation served alongside the Pharoah

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of this timeline. This Pharoah being of extra terrestrial descent that is.” I


Anderson turned to the circle of beings and pointed to them.

“Some of those people… they’re not even from this planet?” Anderson

stated with surprise.

“No, they are not, Mr. Bailey. Many beings visited the Earth within this time

period. Beings ranging from the constellation of Sirius to the cluster of stars from

the Pleiades. Beings that originated from such divine worlds pure of absolute love

that would captivate your sight just by seeing the surface within the span of a

mere moment.” I replied with a tranquil tone.

Anderson started to walk around the large circle of beings that were in the

state of one mind. He looked at each one of their faces. He was amazed to have

seen other beings that looked so much like the humans of this planet, although

several of them are not true to the form. Merely a manifestation of energy

created to appear in the human form as a representation of interaction with the

humans of this time. Anderson did not seem to understand this. But I felt that in

time, he may.

Anderson stopped at one particular individual in the circle. A small bald

headed Egyptian priest with his eyes tightly shut as he focused his intention with

the others in the assembly of the great pyramid. Anderson stepped directly in

front of him and a sudden expression of realisation hit him.

“I was this man, wasn’t I?” Anderson said.

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“An Egyptian priest, yes. This was your group, Mr. Bailey. You were part of a

very strong family that was powerfully connected to all that is. You knew what

God was truly. You were born into the world with exceptional gifts that many had

noticed within you: the Pharoah and even I as the high priestess within this life.

You were our family.”

As Anderson continued to look at his former past self, the fascination began

to turn into something else. He was feeling another sensation that was coming


“Something happened to me. Something happened to all of us. I can feel

this in the back of my mind.” Anderson admitted.

I walked up to Anderson and put my hand on his shoulder. I raised up my

right hand toward his face and a large bright orb of light appeared hovering above

my hand. Anderson’s face lit up. He knew what this was.

“As I hold this up to you, Mr. Bailey, you remember this, don’t you?”

“The orb of oneness. A gift from the beings. It was a manifestation of

energy that represented the divinity within each one of us. How do I know all of

this? How is this is all coming into my mind?” Anderson exclaimed.

“Allow yourself to focus, Mr. Bailey. Watch the orb as the time within this

period accelerates.” I told him.

The scene began to accelerate and before our eyes, the Giza plateau was

fully completed. Time accelerated through a span of months so quickly. The orb

slowly began to transition away as the span of time accelerated to passing years.

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It was at this time where the orb was almost entirely diminished until it was no

more. Anderson was puzzled to see the orb fade entirely out of existence. He

turned back around only to see the scene in front of him. In that moment, he felt

exactly what I had felt. The essence of a slave mentality was beginning to occupy

the land of Egypt. Duality had surfaced.

The scene changed where we appeared before a great Egyptian temple. As

we ventured up the polished golden steps, we could see Anderson’s former self in

a state of absolute misery seduced by pure corruption. His mentality now was

torturing others that failed in their tasks ordered by the Pharoah. Anderson’s past

self would use his manifestation abilities to cause others to hallucinate in

absolute horror. He would torture them with this mind power until they died of

complete fear. The divinity that he once shared with this all powerful group had

subsided into seperation. Anderson could not believe his eyes. He felt the love of

his former past self, but as the years went by, that love had disintegrated.

“The group was no longer one,” I spoke out to Anderson, “you, as well as

many others, grew complacence with your own abilities. You became obsessed

with your own power as the mentality of Gods among men filled your

consciousness. All the love that you were, the unity you had with your family was

diminished away because of the shadow of your own greed consumed you. Now

you were simply abiding by the order of the Pharoah who also became corrupted

after my passing from this plane. He was never the same after that day and his

anger consumed him. And as he fell, so did many others. The unity of oneness no

longer existed between us.”

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As Anderson continued to look at his past self, the scene faded back into

the black void. Anderson slowly turned back around to look at me.

“Why was this shown to me?” Anderson asked.

“To show you what you once were as a part of a divine family. In your own

heart, divinity ran strong within you. You knew of the connection to God. Your

heart manifested many joyous things within that time. But the time of duality

came upon this land and you fell from grace. You pretended to deny the love you

had once felt. You were broken apart. It was as if you had boarded up the feelings

of unity you once experienced never to look at it again as you felt it made you

weak, when in fact, it had made you more powerful than ever. When you entered

this form of duality, your divinity within self never spoke again through any future

life. You were consumed by the duality to the point where the divinity could

never shine its light through you again. And this echoed on lifetime after lifetime.

The karma was never resolved. And since then you have struggled with yourself

never being able to show self-trust, self-confidence, or self-love. You were swept

away through a current of absolute confusion that reflected itself with everything

that represented conflict. This is what you have become today, Mr. Bailey: a man

swept away by confusion who can only reflect elements of this confusion with

everything that contradicts true love of the self.”

As Anderson contemplated my words, he was unaware that his soul had

one last incarnation to show him. An incarnation that delivered the final element

of his current life’s experience. A great flash of light once again filled the void. As

we looked on, we were inside a large crystalline temple looking outwards from

near the very top of the spire. From our perspective, we could see the city of the

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five rings expanding outwards where vehicles hovered across the sky and

beautiful crystal gardens levitated within the air. Anderson gazed out in pure

astonishment at the remarkable city with its own crystalline structures glistening

with vibrant energy as the light of the sun reflected off its brilliant, mystical


Yes. We were now within the heart of the city of Atlantis.

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C h a p t e r 7

nderson led the way as we stepped outside of the massive crystal

temple. He couldn’t believe what his eyes were showing him. This was

the city of Atlantis? This was a myth that he heavily worked to debunk

and dismiss as nothing more than a fairy tale. A legend told throughout campfires

by crazy old men with no scientific basis to back up any of the findings. The very

idea of having a city made entirely out of crystals with advanced mystical healing,

hovercraft vehicles and an advanced society thousands of years ago was

absolutely proposterous to Anderson. But here it was in front of Anderson

contradicting and debunking his very own skepticism. With such a presence of an

advanced city thousands of years within our past, Anderson no longer felt

committed to believing in the Darwin theory of evolution. In his mind, if the

Darwin theory were to be correct, there should be neanderthal caveman living

around the period of time, not a flourishing advanced society existing within a

society beyond our wildest imaginations.

Anderson ran his hands through his hair in sheer confusion. He quickly

turned back to me.

“Atlantis… this is Atlantis? How in the holy hell could a city like this exist in

our past? A city this marvelous. For God’s sakes, there’s flying machines! There’s

crystal towers! Why… Why weren’t ever told about Atlantis existing? Why the hell


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did It have to be lies?” Anderson exclaimed while his eyes glimmered with

amazement by taking in the surroundings of Atlantis.

“How do you think the world would feel right now within this moment if

Atlantis was revealed to them?” I asked.

“Well… I guess they would—”

“It would spit in the face of absolutely everything that everyone ever

believed in who are addicted to the current system.” I interrupted. “All of the

infrastructure, every bit of knowledge that was taught from a limiting system

would be obsolete. The powers that consist of those that breed corruption would

lose their power overnight. For if everyone knew the existence of Atlantis in this

form as a fact, those people would be aware of the power of their own

consciousness. They would be aware of their re-connection to God. There would

no longer be such a thing as the illusion of power, only the power of the illusion.

That is why Atlantis is not taught in the modern schools. Why it is looked at as a

fable? For those that thirst for control would lose all of it if Atlantis were to be

released. And this is only the tip of the iceberg of how much true knowledge has

been hidden from our civilization.”

Anderson simply smiled. “Imagine if our civilization ever gets to the point

where this can all be re-created.”

I know the words that I was about to speak were going to take Anderson to

a whole new level of excitement. “Do you believe that this would be the only

point in time to where Atlantis would exist? It is returning in our current timeline.

Within the next several years, millions of people will bare witness to the continent

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of Atlantis rising out of the water to be a part of our plane with much of the

ancient technology still in tact. But that matter is for a later time. We have come

here, now, for a very important reason.”

From what Anderson had previously experienced, he knew what I was

going to say. “I was part of this time, wasn’t I?” He predicted.

“Indeed you were, Mr. Bailey. But in a form that you may not realize. In the

incarnations you have seen, there were two large karmic elements that brought

themselves forward to you: the time of confusion during the pilgrim invasion, the

time of separation from God during Ancient Egypt, and now, the third karmic

element that took its impact upon you lifetime after lifetime.”

Like a ripple forming in water, the scene transformed once again into a

sacred Atlantean temple. A temple comprised of indigo blue crystalline form

where we saw the walls glow with luminescent energy. The floor emanating with

light as we walked upon it. The surroundings much like the hall of a mighty

cathedral. And in the center of this hall at a large thirty foot square podium sat

seven women, the divine Atlantean priestesses, dressed in magnificent white

garments with Atlantean symbols covering the tops of those garments. Blue veils

covering their faces as they meditated in silence amongst an enormous floating

crystal. This enormous crystal resembled the shape of a glowing white

dodecahedron that was hovering several feet in the air and was rotating

clockwise very slowly.

As the women meditated with their thoughts connected as one, the

dodecahedron crystal began to flourish with a multitude of rainbow spectrum

colors. These colors formed an immense sphere spanning several feet in radius

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encompassing the entire crystal. Through this magnificent sphere of light, images

began to appear within them. Images that resembled visions as one would see

through the mind’s eye. The vision showed a mighty tidal wave hundreds of feet

tall completely consuming the city of Atlantis. This was very alarming to the seven

priestesses, but they kept their composure as the visions continued.

The visions also showed forms of monstrosities. Beings that appeared to be

half man and half animal. Through the visions, images were shown of a half bull,

half man creature much similar to what legend would call the minotaur. Another

image showing a beautiful woman with the tail of a fish: a mermaid. The image

transitioned to a building near the center of Atlantis that could be compared to a

crystal laboratory. The vision grew deeper and we saw fellow Atlanteans

experimenting with the transformation of men and beasts using the power of

crystals. The priestesses were also horrified to find experiments that went

horribly wrong as fellow Atlanteans were killed due to deformed mutations and

were sealed within crystal chambers only to be disintegrated.

One of the priestesses was so shocked with what she had seen that she had

broke the link which ended the view of the visions from the crystal

dodecahedron. She rose up and stumbled backwards as the horror of the imagery

overwhelmed her. The priestesses in the sisterhood gathered around her to come

to her aid.

She spoke in Atlantean with a tremor of terror in her voice: “Atlantis is

going to perish! Darkness is coming upon the land! A darkness that we didn’t

know about until now!”

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I turned to Anderson as he too was in shock from what he had seen

through the crystal dodecahedron vision.

“What did I just see through that thing? Monsters? What the hell is going

on?” Anderson demanded.

“This was the beginning of sensing the end for Atlantis. The Atlantean

sisterhood consisting of the seven divine priestesses were the guardians of the

people. They were devoted to keeping the light of the civilization in tact. But this

was calling of a new era for Atlantis and for the rest of the world. The birth of

duality consumed by students who believed themselves to be masters. Their

arrogance corrupted the very nature of balance amongst Atlantis. They felt their

energies were not being utilized well enough, and so they began to expand

themselves further, not through the teachings of light, but through teachings of

darkness. They saw themselves as Gods and wanted to perfect new creations:

Their own soldier marvels of war comprised of half man, half beast. This was

against everything that the Gods of Atlantis stood for. It was against the natural

law of the universe. They tampered with the seed of life. And if they were not

stopped, it would lead to Atlantis’ complete destruction. And with the

understandings known throughout our time regarding the legend of Atlantis, you

know how the rest of this turns out.” I explained.

Anderson turned back to the priestesses that were gathering around the

terrified priestess: the one known as Keil’ka-ma. As Anderson walked up to her

observing her, that feeling once again returned to him.

“I was a woman in this life. I was this woman. A part of the sisterhood.”

Anderson admitted.

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I was truly amazed how well Anderson was able to recall these glimpses of

his past lives. I could feel as if a pin of light was starting to seep through his heart

that had been darkened for so long. I walked over to Anderson as he stared at


“Yes, Mr. Bailey. This was you. A feminine incarnation. And like what you

have experienced before, this life had brought much karma to you.” I stated.

“How?” Anderson said as he turned to me.

The scene suddenly shifted once again and we were in an Atlantean healing

center. The last remnants of the Atlantean priesthood gathered around the

princess. Resembling the vision I had prior to taking this journey with Anderson.

Anderson saw the princess on the crystalline table slowly dying. He quickly

turned to me and knew that it was me. “You were the princess, weren’t you?

What happened?”

I walked over to Anderson with a serene look on my face. “This was the

result of my retaliation against those that sought to bring darkness upon Atlantis.

The sisterhood and I were committed to addressing all that had been revealed to

us to every other person within Atlantis, but lies filled the air. Lies that were

meant to conceal the truth. In my private chamber, three men entered carrying

dark crystal wands with them. They initiated a form of power around me that

would completely drain me of my life force for they had contaminated their

crystals with denser energy meant to take the life of another. I was attacked and

left for dead. The priesthood found me shortly after and brought me here. But the

crystals the men possessed did more than simply suck the life right out of me—it

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worked as a virus. My condition only worsened after they had left. Moments

later, all I remembered was being on top of that very table with my family

gathered around me struggling to save my life. As you can see Anderson, you

were there with the priests and priestesses desperately trying to save my life.”

Anderson became confused. “But if I was trying to save your life, how could

any action like that be karmic?”

“It was based on what happened after my passing…” I said.

The scene had changed once again and we saw Keil’ka-ma sitting at the

corner of her wall in her own private chambers curled up in tears. As she weapt,

more emotions were flowing through her. These were not emotions commonly

felt through the priesthoods. Something came over her. Something that was very

unnatural at first, but built up to be second nature within her being. She wanted

revenge against those that had killed the princess. It was about the light no

longer. She wanted to see those who were corrupt die in the most horrible ways.

These were the starting moment where Keil’ka-ma became consumed by the new

negative energies sweeping upon the land. Consuming people with miniscule

thoughts of rage that would only grow more intensely as one fed upon them

more and more with thought.

Within that time, Kiel’ka-ma broke her oath to the sisterhood, to the

priesthood as a divine guardian. She now became the very thing that the light was

trying to bring to a halt. Her progression into darkness was brutal. She killed many

who were also consumed by darkness—the very same way the men had killed me

when I was the princess of Atlantis.

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Kiel’ka-ma swept aside her own femininity and grace, and adapted more of

the intense masculine energies that manifested into darkness upon Atlantis. She

eventually died during the great cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis washed away

by the great flood.

Anderson took in my thoughts as I described Kiel’ka-ma’s downfall. We

were once again back into the black void of Anderson’s consciousness.

“It was during that life where you had lost the feminine aspect of your

being. After that life, you never incarnated on the Earth plane as a female again.

The pain of that life brought you heavily into the masculine energies that

manifested themselves into your future male incarnations. With each life

afterwards, it only brought more hardship to yourself as the rest of the karmic

imbalances flooded toward you. This was the true beginning of the genesis

involving your challenging times upon the Earth plane. Your feminine nature that

represented majesty and divinity, your loss and feeling of disconnection to the

creator and your misguidance bringing about fear and confusion all assembled

themselves through the self-imposed karma that has made you to who you are

now. This is who you are today, Mr. Anderson. And now that you have seen what

you have been through and what has led you to this road of downfall, do you feel

you are ready to change things now to bring a redemption back to your spirit and

let the past be the past?”

Anderson turned away from me walking ahead a few steps with his mind in

heavy contemplation. For once, he was able to focus attention on intent and not

be swayed by wandering thoughts of distraction. He turned back to me with

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absolute seriousness and said: “I don’t want to be this man anymore. Help me to

find the life that truly defines me.”

For the first time since I’ve met Anderson, he made me smile. I put my

hands over his shoulders and gave him a hug.

“I will help you Anderson. But remember that I can only show you the

pathway. You must decide to make the journey.”

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C h a p t e r 8

he realm before us dissolved away and within an instant, we stood

amongst a great precipice overseeing a wide valley filled with lush land

and a collossal waterfall with a watery myst causing a grand rainbow to

form as I looked into it. Anderson turned himself around to see the entire

landscape that surrounded him and was amazed to see two suns within the sky.

Anderson became shocked. Was this Earth? Why are there two suns in the sky?

Before Anderson could turn to me to ask the question, I had already begun

to give him the answer in his mind:

“This is the Earth of the future, Anderson. Through a new path that awaits

you, this is what humanity will become a part of. A new Earth with a whole new

experience. Consisting within a new dimension of reality where the Earth’s

population is connected as one mind. Where you will have all extra sensory

perception abilities at your disposal: teleportation, bilocation, instantaneous

healing, instantaneous manifestation. And what will also be part of this new

experience is your interaction with other beings beyond the physical.”

As I had finished my telepathic sentence for Anderson to hear within his

mind, Anderson had the sudden urge to look up at the sky and saw a white

glowing orb approaching him. All Anderson did was stare at it in amazement. The

orb fluctuated with silverish white energy pulsating like a star as it drew closer to


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Anderson. He did not flinch, he did not show fear. Within himself, he knew exactly

what this orb was: it represented his spirit guide.

The orb grew brighter and brighter until it cast a silver-white silhouette in

humanoid form. As the light began to dim, the form of the guide was revealed: it

took the shape of a female feline being. Anderson’s jaw was wide open once

again. He was in awe of this spirit guide, yet he recognized her. Her form as a

beige-skinned humanoid with the facial features of a feline: the nose, the green

cat-like eyes and a face symmetry between human and feline. She had auburn

colored hair that went down to her shoulders and was dressed in a silver jumpsuit

that covered her entire body. Other than the facial features, the rest of her

looked fully human.

“I’ve had dreams about a being like you.” Anderson admitted.

“I know, Ee’chan. I know much about you. I am T’matse.” The spirit guide

said telepathically to Anderson and myself.

Anderson looked at T’matse and a wide smile filled his face. He knew that

the dreams he had of her were divine. He travelled to places beyond imagination

in the dream state with her as they explored the many facets of the higher

vibrational dimensions. But when it was time for him to wake up, that feeling of

joy left him within an instant and he was back within the confines of the reality he

had created.

“Why are you here?” Anderson said to T’matse.

“For you to see what awaits you.” T’matse replied with a beautiful smile.

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“What exactly awaits me?” Anderson replied.

“All that interests you. All that you want to know. You are a being who has

many questions, and I can help you to see the many answers as your guide. This is

why your soul has summoned me here. You have much to see, Ee’chan.” T’matse

explained with such joy in her heart.

I could feel the vibration of love that T’matse was emanating through her

being. Anderson nearly felt like he was shaking with all the love that he was

feeling from T’matse. And the name he called him, Ee’chan, sounded familiar, but

it was not clicking into his mind. Nonetheless, the power of T’maste’s love

dominated the attention of his thoughts more than anything.

I stepped up to Anderson and put my hand over his shoulder. “This is your

time to explore what you have only forgotten, Anderson. T’matse will show you

the nature of all that you wish to understand. It will be a grand journey. And I will

follow you in spirit as an observer within the dimensions. You wanted to bring

about change in your life, this is the opportunity that awaits you to solidify that


I removed my hand from Anderson’s shoulder and took a step back. I

dissolved away from physical form to where I was simply the abundance of the

geometric shapes once again. I circled around Anderson filling his heart with love

and divinity as all that I was ascended to the skies of the new Earth. I was now in

my God state observing Anderson and T’matse to wherever their travels took

them. I was the sky, I was the stars, I was the universe—I was all that is.

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From this perspective, in a state of all knowing, I knew Anderson was about

to experience facets about himself he had forgotten existed. He would begin to

understand the nature of his existence so that a new Anderson Bailey would be

born as the former version would be left behind.

T’matse took Anderson by the hands and held them. She looked him in the

eyes and said “Are you ready?” Anderson nodded his head and smiled as well.

Within an instant, Anderson and T’matse became beings of light

transforming past the environment of new Earth beginning their journey to

realms that would help unlock Anderson into what he could truly become.

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C h a p t e r 9

rom a brilliant flash of light, T’matse and Anderson appeared on the

surface of a lifeless moon. There they stood upon the ground covered

with sand and craters with the vastness of space surrounding them as

they gazed upon the sky. Anderson had absolutely no idea where he was, but

before he could turn to T’matse to ask, she had already begun to inform him

telepathically of their location.

“We are still within your star system, Ee’chan. We are amongst the moon of

what you know as your planet Mars. The moon known as Phobos.” T’matse

assured him.

Anderson bent down to take a good look at the land of Phobos. The sand

appeared to be very metallic with a silver hint of color. Anderson scooped up the

sand and held it in his hand. He opened the spaces between his fingers and let the

sand pour through his hand like a sieve.

“How are we able to breathe here?” Anderson asked. “It was my

understanding that Phobos has no atmosphere.”

T’matse simply giggled. “Ee’chan, you are not your body as you know it to

be on Earth. You are your astral self. You do not need to breathe. Yet your

experience is much the same as what you feel within your Earth body. This is the

same type of body you experience when you dream each night. You are more of


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your spirit self. You can visit worlds, dimensions, realities far beyond anything that

you ever could in your physical Earth body. You are more of who you are in this

state, Ee’chan.”

Anderson finally asked the question that slowly hung on the back of his

mind: “why are you calling me Ee’chan?”

T’matse approached Anderson closer as she put her hands on his chest. “I

have known you for many of your lives. Ee’chan refers to the name of your soul

from where I come from. The word Ee’chan is within the Alcyonian tonque and

best suits the name of the symbol you carry within that defines your soul. It

means what you may know as ‘majestic’ in your human english language. T’matse

in my language means ‘beloved.’

Anderson held T’matse’s hands as he looked deeply into her eyes. “You and

I were a couple in a past life?”

“We were many things, Ee’chan. To where I was your mother and you were

my son. To where I was your daughter and you were my father… Brother and

sister—and loving companions as well. I have known you a very long time

Ee’chan. And after Alcyone, I knew you were meant to answer the call to help

Earth and since that time, I have been watching you. You’ve gone through much,

but this is finally the life where you can become one with yourself again.” T’matse

explained with so much love shown through her eyes as she stared back into


Anderson was once again vibrating with bliss. He had never felt anything

like this before. To be loved. Truly loved by another who sees past the shell of a

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body. Not concerned with the dividends of what human society limits within one

so that one becomes a personality construct. A construct that does not define his

essence that his true light pertrudes. She saw this true light within this one man.

A man slowly beginning to understand his connection to divinity. A man who now

as I speak is doubting everything that he has been raised to believe. Burying deep

his upbringing, his judgments and beliefs that kept him in the dark for so long. His

potential was ready to come to the surface. It will still take time for him to fully

cast it out, but like T’matse, I too could feel the potential within him uplifting like

a flower ready to bloom.

Anderson smiled at T’matse and yet something caught the corner of his

eye. Anderson turned to the left and before him existed a very large rectangular

box-like transparent structure embedded directly into the ground of Phobos.

Anderson stood in amazement as he peered into this object.

“What is that?” Anderson asked.

T’matse walked over to Anderson and also looked at the strange object.

“This is what you call the Phobos monolith. Something that many on your Earth

are already aware of, but have no idea to its purpose.”

Anderson walked closer to the object and touched its surface: it felt like a

very well polished crystal smooth to the touch. Anderson moved his hand up and

down the object fascinated by its very presence. Within this moment, I spoke

within Anderson’s mind.

“Anderson, this object represents what is known as a storage device that

contains information on the origins of who we are as well as information to the

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creation of this galaxy. Think of it in terms to a galactic black box that has been

left here for hundreds of thousands of years waiting for mankind to discover it. It

is after all meant for us to find…” I stated.

Anderson replied telepathically: “how does it work?”

“This will be a riddle upon the scientists that attempt to unearth it within

the years to come. They will attempt to run tests on it believing that it can be

activated by some form of tactile contact using various means. But their attempts

to activate the device will be in vain. Simply because those scientists do not

understand that an object such as this relies on consciousness activation, not

physical. In order for you to uncover much of the information of this monolith,

you must allow your consciousness to interface with it so that it can reveal only

what is appropriate for you to understand at this point. Every person’s experience

with it is different as each person has their own essence of what their history tells

within them.”

The urge for Anderson to activate this monolith was beginning to build

strong within him. Yet his mind was still not clear on how to activate the

monolith. T’matse stepped closer to him and guided him telepathically.

“Let go of everything that you know as physical, Ee’chan. In order for you to

see what the monolith has to show you, you must become the thought of what

you truly are: see yourself as your essence—as your spirit. Let go of the how and

be clear of the intent to become who you truly are.”

Anderson closed his eyes and concentrated. He was imagining what it

would feel like to be without mass. What it would feel like to be without form.

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Yes, he was beginning to succeed. He directed his energies towards the monolith

showing it that he was an equal to it. One consciousness interfacing with another.

Within moments, the monolith began to activate. A bright violet haze

began to fill the monolith. Within its transparency, it filled itself with the

appearance of the cosmos. As Anderson opened his eyes, he was no longer on

Phobos and no longer with T’matse. He was no longer that of form. What existed

before him was the birthing of this galaxy. He was the very galaxy itself.

There he could see extensions of himself that represented that of stars.

Energy being brought into him from the love of the universe for he was its

extension. Waves of love and cherished joy filled Anderson as the being within

this galactic body as it was being brought together by divine beings beyond the

physical. They appeared before the galaxy as angels of light. Going beyond

densities, beyond physicality. They breathed life into the galaxy and within that

instant, the galaxy became whole. Anderson as the galaxy could feel his galactic

body become complete. Now operating within the inventions of time and space,

he could feel each and every one of the stars. Much like how he could feel his

own limbs with his human body, the galaxy was aware of every star within its

construction. Oh, how amazing it felt for Anderson to be a part of this form. It

gave a whole new meaning to understanding the power of creation within a self-

God. The knowledge that filled within Anderson was something that no human

had ever experienced before. He knew the stars and the stars knew him. He could

now feel what it was like to be a counterpart of the galaxy as it shared this

experience with him. Harmony brought upon new meaning within his soul and

was within that moment where he felt more complete than he had ever felt in

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any Earth lifetime. There was only one word that could describe a fraction of what

he was feeling: bliss.

Anderson began to blink rapidly and he returned to the surface of Phobos

with T’matse standing before him. She knew what he experienced and she smiled

so widely as she could feel his heart so enriched by the experience. Anderson’s

eyes were filled with tears. How could one even explain to anyone else what they

had just felt? How does one explain to another what it truly feels like to step

outside of humanity and become one with God? With what humanity has learned

with its current construct of communication, there was nothing that could be

expressed to share what Anderson had experienced. And there was nothing that

could be expressed that could equal the new found bliss that Anderson had within

his very soul. His transformation was beginning. The divinity was rising. Joy for the

first time began to fill his very heart and he reached the moment where he could

leave the past behind releasing it from him as he now knew that it was

experience. Expressions to better the progressive experiences of the soul. For the

first time in these Earth lifetimes, Anderson had gathered up his shattered pieces

within his life and was bringing them back together.

Anderson felt it within himself. He was becoming whole.

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C h a p t e r 1 0

nderson was engulfed in a multitude of different experiences. Once

more, he felt time stand still and the universe was calling to him. Within

his mind, he could see facets of realities that his soul had experienced.

Without a moment to pass, Anderson felt one of these facets of realities and

within an instant, he was on another world—another plane of existence.

This world was all too familiar. It looked much like Earth but with

surroundings that seemed more alien: the wildlife seemed to be more colorful

and luminescent, the sky to be a lighter turquoise than Earth, the cities made

completely out of crystal. Where was Anderson? The familiarity felt strong, yet

the label of what this world was remained unclear in his mind.

Before him, T’matse appeared joining him within this life. As Anderson was

astonished by the beauty of this world, his faced showed confusion. T’matse

approached him and smiled. “So you have decided to come back to our home?”

“Home?” Anderson asked. “What home is this?”

T’matse extended her hand outward and brushed it along the air as she

turned to reveal more of the land to Anderson.

“Do you not recognize where this is, Ee’chan?” T’matse said testing

Anderson’s soul memory.


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Anderson took a few steps forward. There he saw the luminescent crystal

cities off in the distance with an indigo colored singularity perched a mile above

the tallest crystal feeding the city unlimited energy. He gazed up at the silver

clouds that drifted across the bright blue sky. The world was calling to him in

remembrance, but Anderson could not recall the name of this planet still. T’matse

knew this and continued to smile as she had such incredible unconditional love

for Anderson.

“Ee’chan, this is Kel’matt. The third world within Alcyone. You are within

the Pleiades.”

Now it became clear: Anderson remembered this place. The last time he set

foot on this world chronologically was 150,000 years ago.

“All this time that had past and T’matse still remembered me like it all

occurred yesterday.” Anderson thought within his mind.

“You have much more to see here.” T’matse replied telepathically. “Let me

show you.”

Within an instant, Anderson and T’matse had manifested themselves

through teleportation appearing before a great temple that existed within the

heart of the capital city within Kel’matt. The walls within the temple glowed with

bright indigo energy. The floor responded as both of them walked upon it as it

was welcoming them for being within its presence. There were large pillars that

could be interpreted as the supports for this immense crystalline temple, yet the

pillars were not made out of crystal, but out of pure white light. It was as if

Anderson felt like he was within a temple created purely from heaven.

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Harmonics of enchanting tones produced by the energy flowing through

the floors and walls of the temple filled the air. The sound itself opening and

expanding consciousness as both Anderson and T’matse walked towards the

center of this great temple.

As they ventured onward, there became a great light directly in the center

of the temple. The appearance of a bright white singularity filled Anderson’s field

of vision. He felt compelled to walk further into it not wanting to stop as T’matse

remained within the temple. She spoke to him telepathically. “What awaits you,

Ee’chan, is for you. Go forward upon your passion, and know I will always be with


Anderson looked towards T’matse, smiled and acknowledged her reply with

a nod. He continued toward the bright singularity that was calling into him with a

divine telepathic whisper that said: “be with us.” The light was completely

without judgment. Anderson could feel it calling to him, inviting him in with

absolute love. As Anderson walked directly into the singularity, all that emerged

around him was white light. Within this realm of white light appeared three

beings comprised completely of a golden light silhouette. These were the light

beings that were of the Pleiadian council. Their love saturated Anderson as he

stood in pure ecstacy gazing upon the magnificent beings as they welcomed him

back home.

Directly in the center between the three light beings and Anderson

appeared a large inverted tetrahedron that was the size of Anderson himself. This

tetrahedron was made out of clear transparent crystal and reflected the light of

the entire realm. The light beings projected a beam of golden light out of each of

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them filling up the crystal tetrahedron with liquid golden energy. The tetrahedron

began to spin at an immense speed until all that was seen was a golden blur of

motion. The tetrahedron projected out a wide golden beam of light towards

Anderson. As the beam filled Anderson’s being, he could feel himself

transforming. The realm he was in disappeared with a flash of golden light.

Anderson now found himself in front of a bright white hallway containing an

infinite amount of doors. As Anderson turned around, he saw a man dressed in

white colored business attire. The man’s face wasn’t clear as he was a fair

distance from Anderson: approximately twenty feet away.

The man in white began to slowly walk towards Anderson, but as he

walked, time became distorted. It was as if when the man walked, there were

echoes of his motion that flowed out of a formed sequence of continuity. But as

the man in white drew closer, Anderson finally got a good look at the man’s face.

The man in white was Anderson himself.

“Hello, Anderson. I’ve been waiting a long time to see you in this form.” The

Anderson in white stated.

Anderson was speechless. He was astonished by seeing a presence that

represented himself that was so clean and emanated divinity.

“Do I know you?” Anderson replied.

The Anderson in white simply chuckled and put his hand on Anderson’s

shoulder. “That is the ultimate question, Anderson. But rather than asking if you

know me, the more suitable question would be ‘do you know you?’”

“I don’t understand.” Anderson said

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“Everything that represented inspiration within your life, Anderson, I was a

part of that. Everything that came to you in what you call ‘brainstorms,’ I was a

part of that. Helping you along your life and observing you is all a part of me that

is also a part of you. I am what you know as your higher self.”

This made sense to Anderson. He could feel such divinity and prosperity

within this individual that had his appearance, and it was only appropriate to

know that this was a higher aspect of himself.

“So, you are me, just a higher version of me?” Anderson asked.

“I am simply you, Anderson. The continuity of time gives the appearance

that you and I are separate and that we are different from each other

dimensionally. Whereas truly we are as one. There is no difference between you

and me. We are one being. The idea is that individuals on your planet cling to

their identity of what they believe they are based on the life they live throughout

your planet. Yet it isn’t clear to them that everything they are is what they are,

not something that is ever separate or outside of themselves.” The higher self


The higher self Anderson walked past Anderson and pointed to a door that

was on the direct left side of Anderson. “What do you believe are behind these

doors, Anderson?”

Anderson stared at the door that his higher self was pointing at. Anderson

scratched his head.

“…Doors that lead to other places perhaps?” Anderson stated very


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Anderson’s higher self grinned. “Behind these doors are another you,

Anderson. Everything that your soul has experienced. But as you can see, this

hallway is infinite. There is never an ending to all of these doorways. These aren’t

lives that have simply existed in what you know as the past. All of these doors

consist of lives in other realities conforming to the continuity of what you know as

the past, the future, alternate realities and different dimensions. Now the

question you need to ask yourself, Anderson, is ‘what do I see myself as?’”

Anderson once again scratched his head puzzled by the question.


“Anderson,” the higher self stated, “as long as you still see yourself as a

form of identity, you won’t grasp why you’re here. Don’t you see, you are beyond

anything that represents identity. Your soul will continue to be a continuum of

expression where you will see other worlds, other dimensions and realities

endlessly. And it will never identify itself by the existences it lives. Your soul

identifies itself by all that it has experienced. The wholeness. The I AM.”

Anderson’s higher self walked back up to Anderson looking directly In his

eyes. “See yourself as what you are here. Feel yourself through me. Feel this

hallway. Become these doors. Know what you are beyond the doors because they

are all a part of you. Nothing in existence is ever outside of you. It is all

expression. An invention of consciousness created by the substanceless entity

that is your soul. That which is God. That which is the creation of all life within

your own fabric of existence. You are the all, Anderson… do you understand?”

Anderson showed much hesitation. “I… I want to understand this.”

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His higher self patted Anderson on the shoulder. “You already have,

Anderson. Just you don’t know that you have. But know that I am here for you,

always watching you, guiding you when you need that guidance. And know that I

love you with all that you are as we are one, dearest Anderson.”

Anderson’s higher self began to fluctuate in transparency. He started to

walk directly into Anderson. Anderson could suddenly feel a strong bonding of

energy as his higher self merged directly with him. He closed his eyes and could

feel a download of knowledge beginning to fill his mind as he felt the bonding

between himself and his higher self. The rush of energies that filled his entire

being brought him into a new point of balance. As if the entire universe was

melding itself completely inside Anderson’s being. It felt like he was being born

again into existence coming straight from the source. It was as if this feeling of

infinite knowledge felt like it lasted forever within Anderson, yet it only lasted a

brief moment. The rush of energy that surged through his body began to dissipate

and Anderson began to come back into clarity with his natural flow of energy now

present throughout his being.

Anderson opened his eyes and as he saw the infinite hallway with all the

doors that went on forever through the realm, he experienced something he had

never felt before. There was no separation. He could feel the layout of the

hallway, the material of each door and each of the lives that existed behind each

one. An infinite amount of expressions entering Anderson’s mind speaking as one.

Together as a whole, they spoke the words within Anderson…

“I am.”

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C h a p t e r 1 1

ithin the hallway, Anderson manifested an infinite amount of

parallel selves that all shared his current appearance. Their nature

was similar to that of a fractal pattern: no matter how far you

travelled down the hallway, you would never reach the end.

Anderson was in a moment where he was beyond human thought. He had

reached the point of God consciousness. While the energy within him was calm,

his mind was in clarity. With all the beings that were amongst him that were

extensions of himself, he knew of their true nature: they were infinite forms of his

own expression. Each one a facet of the continuum of his own being. No matter

their state of being: whether old or young, sick or healthy, open or narrow-

minded; they were all a part of his soul equally divine.

Anderson could feel every single one of them. He could feel the

environment around him. He could feel the sub-atomic particles that brought the

walls, the doors, the floor, the ceiling, the bodies to life. He could see the light

energy that dove even deeper beyond the sub-atomic. A glamorous formation of

light-encoded filaments of a fractal nature that made up the sub-atomic particles.

From how one would look at amoeba under a microscope seeing life within life,

these fractal light encoded filaments contained within the sub-atomic were alive

and thriving. And beyond the filaments existed even more within—it never

ended. Anderson was beginning to realize that all there is within the universe is


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the infinite. There never was anything that would stop at a certain point. This was

the understanding of intelligent design. This was the mechanic of all within

creation. Anderson was one of very few humans to ever progress this far into


It brought joy to me as I continued to observe him. If a man that was once

as close minded and ignorant as he could travel this far and re-connect with all

that he truly is, every person in the world has this potential in kind.

Anderson was now becoming that of God state. He was the all. From being

in this moment of timelessness, there was nothing that existed that he did not

feel. It went beyond the borders of the idea of this hallway and these parallel

selves. Anderson couid feel the planets and the stars. He could feel the vacuum of

space in between them and the galaxies. The universe was no longer conceived of

being something greater than he. It was an ally. A counterpart to his creaiton.

There he felt other universes each with their own theme and experiences. He

journeyed within the feeling of what it was like to be infinite. Not to feel only a

few or many at once, but to be the entire equasion that summarized itself to

infinity. To become the infinite, not to think of what it was, but to simply be it.

Within his mind, he received a word of intuition throughout the entire infinite

chain of his expression: one.

Anderson brought in all that he could feel. Retracting everything that was a

part of him into him. The parallel selves flooding into his being as streaks of light

accelerating at endless speeds. The hallway imploding itself out of its holographic

form entering Anderson’s being. The universe pouring its life into him. All the

energy that made up the fabrics of dimensionality was retracting back into

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Anderson. All that is within existence was becoming that of the one within him.

From the finite boundaries of his body existed the infinite nature of creation. The

answer to the nature of creation was all within Anderson himself. He was the

paradox: everything that is infinite will always reside within the one. At last… He

understood what it was to be God.

All became black for Anderson. He could feel his body once again. As his

eyes opened, he was overcame by a state of blurred vision. All he saw was the

wooden floor with his face down upon it. He had fallen out of his chair from the

deep sleep. With his mind groggy from the experience, Anderson slowly made his

way up to his feet as he saw me still seated cross-legged on the floor.

I opened my eyes and as I returned to the physical reality, the feelings that I

could sense within Anderson had changed. It was as if the narrow-minded man

that came into my home had died and become reborn. Anderson went back into

the chair and as soon as he sat down, I saw the widest smile splash across his

face. There was no more pain within his being. He had let it all go. His being was

set free. The karma had been balanced out and there was a new Anderson Bailey

seated before me.

I rose myself up and stood before Anderson as he gazed back at me.

“Now Anderson, at last, you understand. You have come through the

barriers that had prevented your expansion and you are now on the path to

continous expansion. Consciousness is no stranger to you any longer. Do you now

feel the difference within you?” I asked him.

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Anderson stood up from the chair and looked at me with such love in his


“I never thought in my wildest dreams I could become what I am now, Elisa.

And I have you to thank. I can’t even begin to describe how different I feel right

here in this very moment.” Anderson replied with such joy in his voice.

“It was you who made the journey, Anderson. I was there to point you

down the path, but the change came from the one. The one that you are. And I

can feel the divinity within you now. The love that you have regained. All that you

had thought you lost, you regained. As broken as you felt, you picked up each

piece and became whole. For as limited as you thought you were, you now know

what it is to be God.” I stated in a serene tone.

With the smile that was on Anderson’s face, tears followed. For the first

time in his entire life, he had shed tears of joy. At last, his re-connection to the

masculine and the feminine was regained as the Goddess within him was shining

forth through the bliss that was now within his divine heart.

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C h a p t e r 1 2

he next morning came and as I awoke, I felt more and more changes

within myself. The dreams I had were showing me the feeling of being

completed. To where all that existed within the realm of the dream was

golden light. Light so bright, yet it did not blind me. A realm so divine, the

imagination could not conceive of it. My body literally feeling as if it was getting

lighter and lighter, and the energy within myself was emiting a vibrance like

nothing I had felt before.

In my mind, I could hear the calling of the voices that carried all that was

divine. As my closed my eyes, I foresaw a large summit. In the center of this

summit was a boulder glistening with golden sunlight. I saw Zamir standing on top

of this boulder with his smile so pleasing. From within my mind, I could hear him

whispering: “The final journey awaits you. Tata, my child.” His presence faded

away with a feeling of love that filled my heart. The boulder became luminscent

and flashed away in a brilliant golden light. My eyes opened. This was my

personal reminder to show Anderson his final task…as it would be mine also.

As I laid in bed last night, I could feel Anderson’s excitement rushing

through his mind. His plans were already underway to completely re-invent his

magazine. What spoke through him was pure determination of spirit. It was as if

all the baggage that he placed on his ego had been lifted off. He was such a


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remarkable man now. Even my expectations of his transformation truly caught

me by surprise. It is difficult to imagine how only days ago, he was a strong-willed,

narrow-minded fool closed to himself entirely. But, to how a caterpillar

transforms into a butterfly, he was birthed from the cocoon with magnificent

magestic wings of change.

However, there was one last task to complete with my dear Mr. Anderson

Bailey. An event that would completely solidify and maintain his new lifestyle for

the remainder of his time on Earth. I got up from my bed, put my robe on and

ventured from my room into my study across the hallway. There I saw Anderson

sitting on the floor with his sleeping bag already rolled up documenting notes into

his own journal. As quiet as I was to see Anderson through the peak of the

doorway that was only cracked open slightly, Anderson could sense my presence.

He got up from the floor still wearing his white dress shirt unbuttoned at the

collar absent of a tie and black dress pants with matching cotton socks. He stood

up and smiled as he could see me through the peak of the door.

“Good morning, Elisa.” Anderson said with such grace in his voice.

I opened the door wider and stepped into the room. “Good morning to you,

Mr. Bailey. I assumed you slept well?” I inquired.

“The best sleep I ever had in my life. Which is strange, because I ‘ve always

been used to sleeping on thick beds as comfortable as sleeping on a cloud. I’ve

always had restless nights sleeping on anything else. But in this instance, it was

different. As soon as I laid down, I went straight to sleep. But what I dreampt

about didn’t feel like a dream. It felt like a night of visions. These visions were

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what I was writing in my journal. I had never experienced anything like it before.”

Anderson explained excitedly.

I approached him closer with a smirk on my face. “And what was it that you

had foreseen, Mr. Bailey?”

Anderson began to smile wider: “I saw the entire Earth change before my

very eyes. I felt myself changing along with it. And there were people around me

experiencing their own versions of that change. One moment, I’m outside of my

office building looking up at the sky as something was happening to the sun. It

was getting brighter and brighter and it consumed the sky with this incredible

bright light. But I wasn’t afraid. I was in fact excited about what was coming. I felt

something within me that was opening up. But it wasn’t anything physical. It was

as if my aura was coming alive. I don’t really know how to explain it. My aura

became one with my physical body: like a dual body I guess I could put it. I held

my hands up and they were becoming light. My whole body was rising up off the

ground, and within an instant, where I was at that point vanished. I found myself

on a new Earth. And it was like what we had seen in the journey. Earth was so

beautiful, and there was energy everywhere. Energy that you could see and feel

around you. The planet was filled with this light as if a new spectrum had been

brought in. And in the sky, I saw orbs of light hovering everywhere. The trees

were different, the grass was different: they were all so luminescent. It was as if I

had literally gone from Earth to Heaven.”

“Heaven came to you, Mr. Bailey. Heaven merging with the Earth to form

together as one. This is what our future holds for us. But only to those who

understand the nature of what lies beyond the physical. Those who are not

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anchored to the systems and ties of a material world who have forgotten what it

means to truly be human. These are the ones who will see this new experience

that awaits. It is not for everybody, but it will be for you.” I explained.

Anderson looked deep into my eyes as he was intent on asking this next

question that I could sense: “when will this change happen?”

“It’s happening now, Anderson. It has been happening for several years.

Only now you are beginning to feel it because you have blossomed into an aspect

of yourself where you are more receptive to feeling the change around you. There

is no true date of culmination. The culmination will occur when you feel it

occuring fully within as everyone moves into this new world at their own pace.

Some may feel it quickly, others may take more time before they are amongst the

new Earth, but they will get there. It is a matter of vibratory synchronicity with

the Earth as she moves into the plateau of a higher dimension. This will not be

instant, it will be gradual. There will be an opening of a bridge that will allow time

for those to cross over into this new dimension as their vibration naturally

calibrates to the change. But this is coming, Mr. Bailey. You can feel it as I have

felt it, as many on this planet are feeling it. We have gone beyond archetypes,

beyond man-made designs and systems that are created to anchor one’s own

self-power to them. You have disconnected yourself from those petty systems.

You have moved on beyond the constraints of limitation and you see clearly as an

observer now, no longer as an involver.”

Anderson’s grin only widened more and more. I felt him resonating with

the words I spoke as he could feel the wisdom deep within his own heart. “I look

forward to that day.” Anderson replied.

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“Look forward to the now, Mr. Bailey,” I reminded him, “it is your actions in

the now that can bring forward more divinity than you could possibly imagine. For

those who see the future are only seeing an aspect of what could possibly be, but

you have the ability right here, right now to make it even better than what you

see in the future. There are endless possibilities. Everyone will experience this

event as it occupies all timelines, but how you perceive it through your own state

can become even greater than how you envisioned it. Stay the course within your

own divinity and do not settle to what your own imagination can bring, submit to

the understanding of what the greater imagination can bring to you as you allow

yourself to open up to it. Let all of creation be your guide. Open yourself up to

being boundless, not conditioned through representational thought. By doing

this, what you see in your dream could become even far greater than you had


Days ago, the old Anderson Bailey would be perplexed by the words that I

had just spoken, but with what I had explained to Anderson, I saw him nod his

head as he took in all of the words. Through his journey to self, he had learned

the ability to listen far more greater than ever before. To him, the words I spoke

were not just words, it was energy that filled his being with clarity. I could feel his

reception to his higher being and to his guides. It was no longer a question within

him wondering if they were there, he knew they were and that they were always

assisting him with vital information that would benefit his self-development.

Anderson graciously put his hand gently on my shoulder and spoke softly

like a true gentleman: “Elisa, I wanted to thank you for having faith in me. You

have changed my life more than you know. I never thought I could be someone

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who truly understands what’s going on in this world and what is about to come

our way that will transform so many of us. You have my everlasting gratitude for

all that you have done for me.”

I held Anderson’s hand gently and looked into his eyes with a return of

gratefulness: “I was only here to open a door for you, Anderson. The journey was

yours to make. One being can never change another. They can only reveal with

what they know for that other to take it upon themselves to initiate a self-change.

The change was yours to venture toward, and you have done it. But there is one

more thing, Anderson. It requires a journey beyond this cabin to a sacred spot

that I have known about for a very long time. It will be at this sacred spot that will

conclude not only your transformation, but my transformation as well.”

Anderson was confused when he heard me speak of my own personal

transformation. In his mind, he felt how someone as wise as myself would need to

undergo a further transformation as he saw me as the most gifted human being

on Earth.

“I am no different than you, Anderson,” I explained, “each of us simply have

different experiences to bring continuity to our journey on this Earth. See the

greatness not within me, but within yourself. That is where you can become as

divine as you choose to be.”

I let go of Anderson’s hand and walked to the doorway. I turned to

Anderson with a gracious smile.

“Come. I have something to show you before we make our journey.”

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Anderson followed me down the hallway as I ventured down the stairs to

my cellar. I opened the large wooden door leading to my cellar where the

sunshine brightened the room through the cracks of the wood. Within this cellar

was an assortment of objects that were covered under heavy brown sheets.

Anderson entered the cellar and could feel something within his mind. There was

something within this cellar that belonged to him and he could feel it so strongly.

“This feeling is amazing!” Anderson said excitedly. “I know that there’s

something in this cellar that is literally calling to me!”

I smiled as I walked toward the back corner of the room and pulled a sheet

off of a large rectangular wooden box. I picked up the box and brought it over to

Anderson. There were inscriptions of symbols shown at the top of the box. I

handed the box to Anderson and he held the box up closer to his eyes to see the

symbols before him:

Anderson knew of these symbols. He could feel his guides speak to him


“These are the symbols of the Atlanteans. The symbols translate as

‘Atlantis’ in your english form.” His guides spoke to him telepathically.

“Atlantean!” Anderson projected loudly with such anticipation as he

brushed the lid off the box and felt the rivets of the carved symbols with his


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“Go ahead, Anderson. Open the box.” I implied.

Anderson opened the box and inside was a large quartz crystal attached to

a neck chain. As Anderson gazed at the crystal, he could feel it communicating

with him. But it was not through the voice of his guides, it was through the voice

of his previous Atlantean incarnation: Keil’ka-ma.

“As this once belonged to me to maintain the unity of the priesthood of

Atlantis, it now belongs to you, Anderson Bailey. Everytime you gaze upon this

crystal, let this bring you that unity together with your fellow brothers and sisters.

You are one family on this planet. Be that one family again. And carry this with the

feeling of love in your heart. To you my beloved. Cha-ee-cha-tee Ee-sa-ee-li.”

Although Anderson had never heard those words spoken to him before in

his life, without thought, he replied out loud in perfect Atlantean pronounciation:

“Pa-oh-lee Lee-oh-pa.”

My eyes widened as I heard Anderson speak the words so clearly with an

infoulable accent. “Well done, Anderson.”

Anderson closed his eyes and slightly shook his head. He had felt that brief

moment to where he was nearly in a trance state as he spoke those words. He

looked up at me in complete surprise.

“What did I just say?” He asked.

“A greeting from a language that no longer exists, Anderson. It is a greeting

that two Atlanteans say to each other. The closest translation would be similar to

the meaning of the word namaste: greeting and honoring the spirit within you

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that is also within me that makes us one. And the way you spoke it was as if

another Atlantean was in this room with you meeting you face to face.” I replied.

Anderson looked deeply into my eyes and grinned. “There is another

Atlantean in this room with me, and that’s you, Elisa.”

“Indeed.” I stated. I took the crystal necklace out of the box and placed it

around Anderson’s neck. As I did, the large crystal sparkled graciously in the

sunlight the instant it touched Anderson’s neck. It had found its counterpart once

again after thousands of years in solitude.

Anderson’s face had lit up as soon as I placed the necklace around him. He

could feel its energy bonding with him and it was as if a strong magnetic force was

being felt near his collar to where the crystal rested.

“I can feel its energy. It’s so strong! How did this get here?” Anderson


“It didn’t get here, Anderson. You summoned it to you. And now you are

bonded with it once again for the first time in nearly nine thousand years. Wear it

well, for it is a strong representation of your being and it will be your guide to

help you find your way.” I explained.

I passed Anderson and walked back up the stairs. I turned back to Anderson

and said: “now that you are ready, let us make this journey to the sacred spot as

this final event will bring you the most clarity of all.”

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C h a p t e r 1 3

abriel accompanied me as I walked outside my cabin. I walked down

my steps and onto the gravelled path that lead to the back. Anderson

followed from behind wearing his suit jacket looking up at the

mountains that surrounded us admiring the splendor of the nature that Mother

Earth provided. I looked back at Gabriel and I could feel his hesitation for

Anderson was no longer present. In his mind, I could feel he was astonished to

see this man change so quickly as well. It took us both by surprise. I brushed

Gabriel’s thick black coat of fur and smiled widely at him. He knew what was

ahead for me and I could feel his love growing stronger. Not just for me, but for

Anderson as well.

Gabriel looked over to Anderson and walked over to him. He stared at him

and sat with his mouth panting and let out a bark of friendship. Not knowing

Gabriel too well, I didn’t expect Anderson to understand the affection Gabriel was

giving him. But once again, I was surprised. Anderson knew of the affection and

rubbed Gabriel right beneath his chin: his favorite spot to be rubbed.

“I never realized how incredibly telepathic animals were, Elisa.” Anderson

said with such pride in his voice.


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I turned my head to him: “They are just like us, only with a different

experience of body and a more connected equilibrium with nature.”

I continued to walk up the path of gravel that lead up to the Himalayan

mountains. I called to Anderson: “Over here. I wish to show you something.”

Anderson made his way up the path. As he did, I could feel that he no

longer struggled with himself as much as he did when he first arrived. His bodily

health and vitality were showing much more improvements the moment the

crystal went around his neck. This would only increase his functions depending on

his commitment to keep the crystal with him. I do not believe he fully understood

the power that it truly possessed. But within time, it would teach him.

Anderson made his way to where I stood and looked up to where I was

looking. There far up in the mountains was the summit that was the sacred spot

to our journey. I pointed my finger outward and Anderson lined his sight up to

where I was pointing.

“That is where we are to go, Anderson.” I said.

Anderson looked up at me perplexed. “But that’s got to be at least half a

vertical mile up. How are we going to make it up there?”

I put my hand on Anderson’s shoulder and smirked. “Anderson, the journey

is not meant to be travelled physically. It is simply where we must be.”

For the first time this morning, I saw the confused facial expression appear

back on Anderson’s face. “I don’t understand.” He replied.

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“Why do you wear the crystal around your neck, Mr. Bailey? Did you not

feel its presence the moment it made contact with you?” I asked him curiously.

Anderson pulled the crystal out from the collar of his shirt. It continued to

sparkle from the luminescence of the sunlight reflecting upon it.

“Remember how it called to you. Together, you are already bonded. It has

granted you abilities you had available since the times of Atlantis, and those

abilities have returned. Abilities reserved only for a select few on this planet. Look

into the crystal, Anderson, and see the summit beyond its facets. Look beyond its

form and see yourself at the summit.” I explained.

Anderson’s hazel eyes gazed deep within the crystal. He was entering the

state of aligned reception synchronizing with the crystal’s energy. I could see

within his mind envisioning the summit within the finite of the crystal. I could feel

him pulling his vibration into the crystal to where he saw the summit. There his

eyes closed imagining what his feet would feel by gracing the ground of the

summit. I put my hands on his shoulders and whispered gently: “Anderson, open

your eyes.”

Anderson opened his eyes and there we were standing amongst the

summit. Anderson was astonished as he saw the breathtaking view of all the land

displayed directly in front of him. The beautiful natural landscape of the

Himalayas leading down to the valley of Nepal. He was captivated by the view, yet

still overwhelmed to how he was able to get to the summit within an instant.

“Remember the power you possess, Anderson. That thought itself is what

patternizes all energy. Adapt your mind to think beyond location and variables

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that require rational thought. Go beyond the rational to the all-knowing within

this very moment to gain the full awareness of ability you have within yourself.

This brings prosperity to you and will always enrich you from the inside. For it is

innerness that holds the content of all that is infinite.”

Anderson smiled and understood my words. He looked at me with such

appreciation in his eyes and nodded his head while he tucked the crystal necklace

back into his shirt collar. I turned away from Anderson and as I looked upon the

summit, I could see the very spot to where I needed to go.

A large boulder that pertruded from the ground was illuminated with rays

of sunshine pouring through the white clouds. There I could feel the calling.

Through those rays of light—divine consciousness was awaiting me. I could see

past the light and feel the presence of my beloved family. Tears began to fill my

eyes as I ventured toward the boulder. I stepped up upon the boulder reaching its

rounded center and felt the rays of light shining down upon me.

The feeling was accelerating. And as I felt it more, I could feel the clouds

dissipating away from the sky. There I could feel the sun’s rays fill my entire being.

I gasped in joy as I could feel the process increasing. There I could feel Anderson

on the ground of the summit looking up at me curious as to what was happening.

I stretched my arms out to my sides as the energy poured directly into me.

As I saw my hands, I could feel my body illuminating with the color of the sunlight.

The feeling was beyond anything that could be considered bliss. Every cell in my

body, every molecule of my being was speeding up faster and faster. My skin was

getting far more brighter with luminescence with each passing second.

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“Elisa! What’s happening?” Anderson shouted.

“What needs to happen.” I told Anderson within his mind. “You were my

final journey, Anderson. The completion has occurred and I can now go home.”

“Go home?” Anderson asked still puzzled.

“Ascension… my beloved one. The return to my origin. The return to

source.” I explained telepathically.

I could feel my body phasing in and out of dimension. My entire being

becoming more lighter and brighter from the rays that intensified as they poured

their wisdom of divine light through me.

“You will have many journeys ahead of you, Anderson. You will meet others

like you. You will begin a whole new life that will benefit so many. Your example

will bring others into balance as well as yourself. Remember all that you have

experienced through your journey. See yourself now as you have seen me. Bring

about the self-trust. And as you remember me now, always allow yourself to

understand that by following this path now…Like me…You too will be going home


Anderson began to shed tears as he could feel the overwhelming amount of

love that was emanating from my ascending body. There I could feel my releasing

from this reality. The phasing between Earth and a realm of divine golden light

that was so unimaginably beautiful. I could feel the love and harmony of the unity

of consciousness bringing me back to source.

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And within that instant, I saw the first tear that poured down Anderson’s

face with his final telepathic thought coming into my mind as I saw the Earth

phasing out before me. The thought vibrating throughout my being that echoed

“you can go home now, Elisa.”

The reality of Earth ceased.

My body lifted.

And all there was now was light.

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E p i l o g u e

t’s been the 60th

day since I had witnessed my final encounter with Elisa

Chambers. Since that time, a lot has changed in my life. The empire that I had

built for well over a decade was dissolved two weeks after returning from

Nepal. The looks I had from those who I once called “close acquaintances” was not

too welcoming. They could not believe how much I had changed when I first

stepped foot back into my office. My insistence of terminating the current version

of my own company was my primary goal when I had returned. I ended a lot of

business ties and ceased partnerships with many investors. All but a select few

who were actually willing to listen to my new proposal of re-shaping the company.

And with their help, I am now in the beginning stages of revealing the first issue of

the “Secrets of Source” magazine that will include my article debut involving my

experiences with Elisa.

I have also gotten some investment opportunity in debuting new healing

centers across the country. Days after my return from Nepal, a download came to

me in my sleep that literally caused me to draw out schematics of creating this

healing center. For 48 hours straight, I couldn’t rest and I couldn’t think of

anything else. Here I was developing this incredible pod-like device equipped with

special crystal LED lighting and a subwoofer sound system. To my amazement, I

was able to write out the precise sequence of music needed to completely cleanse


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an individual of energetic imbalances. I am someone who knows absolutely

nothing about music, yet here I was, without a thought creating the frequencies to

making this dream a reality. The prototype model looks very promising and I will

be showing it to my investors within the next few days.

With this 15 page article that will be revealing itself to the public in the

weeks to come, I can only hope it can inspire as many people as much as it

inspired me to write it. My whole life has changed now. For the first time ever, I

can gladly say that I have made friends rather than acquaintances. I can now give

something back to people that I know will be valuable. Something I have never

really truly done before. Each day that goes by, it feels like my life is seeing

brighter and brighter days ahead. New connections are coming through all the

time that is really propelling this new learning to unimaginable heights.

Elisa was right the moment before she vanished from this plane. I can feel

the true me coming out now. It’s no longer about greed, it’s about learning and

evolving. I can feel those who have stood by me growing by leaps and bounds. It

was a shock for me to see how many have truly taken interest in my new direction.

It was all just like Elisa said would happen. My work inspires me, it inspires others

and it has the capability to bring many of us back into balance.

I still wear the crystal around my neck and it has vastly improved my life. I

now start my day with a morning jog and a 15 minute meditation that gives me

positive energies to fulfill the most out of my day. My diet has radically changed. I

have ventured away from junk food and transitioned into organic food. I’ve also

been able to completely kick my cigarette habit all within a week.

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But most of all, I have never been able to forget what I had gone through

during those two days with Elisa: the places I went to, the people I met and the

knowledge I gained far outsurpasses anything I can compare to. I still feel T’matse

just before going to sleep at night and she has helped me to steer my direction

into a positive light. Thanks to her guidance, I have re-kindled my love for my wife

and my son. They are no longer people who I simply brush aside so I can do my

work, they work alongside me now helping me with the designs to the healing

center and participating in spiritual activities with me.

I had never thought I would say this, but I am so glad to be alive on this

Earth at this very moment. I can feel the time approaching where events are going

to change drastically. And for me, they are going to change for the better as I

know what future I want to see. At every moment, I can see myself heading in that


Elisa, wherever you are, I want you to know you have my everlasting thanks

for everything that you have done. You put your heart out to someone who was

the most spiritually ignorant individual and you helped him to see the light. You

helped him to reconcile with his family, rid him of the sensation of greed, and

brought him into a new understanding of how the universe truly operates. And not

through words did you do this, but by action. You believed in me knowing that

what I would experience would change me to who I really am. And for that, I will

always hold a special place in my heart for you.

I conclude this journal entry by saying that we are only as great as the

amount of greatness we put into ourselves. We have the potential to break past

all of the barriers. We have the ability to transcend anything we believe limits us.

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For so long, I never thought I could do it, but I have and speaking from what I have

experienced, there is no feeling more rewarding then letting go and following

what’s in your heart. This is what it feels like to truly be a new human.

Peace, love and harmony always,

Anderson Bailey

October 10th

, 2010

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Coming Soon: