New Horizons 2_Words List Unit 5

New Horizons 2 Unit 5 Word list Unit 5 Talking about future intention, pp 56-57 - intention (n) something that you want and plan to do - the seaside (n) the area near the sea, especially where people spend their holidays and enjoy themselves - autumn (n) the season of the year between summer and winter, lasting from September to November when fruits and crops become ripe and are picked, and leaves fall - guess (v) to give an answer to a particular question when you do not have all the facts and so cannot be certain if you are correct - awful (adj) extremely bad or unpleasant - college (n) any place for specialized education after the age of 16 where people study or train to get knowledge and/or skills - vet (n) person with a medical degree trained to take care of the health of animals - administrator (n) someone whose job is to control the operation of a business, organization or plan Talking about arrangement, pp 58-59 - chat (n) a friendly, informal conversation - favour (n) a kind action that you do for someone - arrangement (n) a plan for how something will happen - fixed (adj) arranged or decided already and not able to be changed - expression (n) a word or group of words used in a particular situation or by particular people - exhibition (n) when objects such as paintings are shown to the public, or when someone shows a particular skill or quality to the public - lunchtime (n) the time in the middle of the day when most people eat a meal - details (n) information about someone or something Intentions and arrangements, pp 60-61 - theatre (n) a building, room with rows of seats from which people can watch a performance or other activity - PET (n) Preliminary English Test - function (n) the natural purpose (of something) or the duty (of a person) - depart (v) to go away or leave, especially on a journey AET is a place to build your English proficiency Page 1 of 4 AET provides you four macro skills.


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Transcript of New Horizons 2_Words List Unit 5

New Horizons 2Unit 5 Word list

Unit 5Talking about future intention, pp 56-57- intention (n)something that you want and plan to do- the seaside (n)the area near the sea, especially where people spend their holidays and enjoy themselves- autumn (n)the season of the year between summer and winter, lasting from September to November when fruits and crops become ripe and are picked, and leaves fall- guess (v)to give an answer to a particular question when you do not have all the facts and so cannot be certain if you are correct- awful (adj)extremely bad or unpleasant- college (n)any place for specialized education after the age of 16 where people study or train to get knowledge and/or skills- vet (n)person with a medical degree trained to take care of the health of animals- administrator (n)someone whose job is to control the operation of a business, organization or planTalking about arrangement, pp 58-59- chat (n)a friendly, informal conversation- favour (n)a kind action that you do for someone- arrangement (n)a plan for how something will happen- fixed (adj)arranged or decided already and not able to be changed- expression (n)a word or group of words used in a particular situation or by particular people- exhibition (n)when objects such as paintings are shown to the public, or when someone shows a particular skill or quality to the public- lunchtime (n)the time in the middle of the day when most people eat a meal- details (n)information about someone or somethingIntentions and arrangements, pp 60-61- theatre (n)a building, room with rows of seats from which people can watch a performance or other activity- PET (n)Preliminary English Test- function (n)the natural purpose (of something) or the duty (of a person)- depart (v)to go away or leave, especially on a journey- coach (n)(US: bus) a long motor vehicle with comfortable seats, used to take groups of people on journeys- gym (n)a large room with weights for lifting, horizontal bars and other equipment for exercising the body and increasing strength- load (n)the amount of work to be done by a person- fine (adj)good or good enoughSkills and culture, p 62-63- originally (adv)first of all- prestigious (adj)very much respected and admired, usually because of being important- entrance exam (n)an examination which you take to decide if you can be accepted into a school, etc.- applicant (n)a person who formally requests something, especially a job, or a place at college or university- apply (v)to request something, usually officially, especially by writing or sending in a form- open day (n)a day when an organization such as a school, college or factory allows members of the public to go in and see what happens there- impressed (adj)feeling of admiration or respect because of something that someone has done or said- brilliant (adj)very good- lecture (n)a formal talk on a serious or specialist subject given to a group of people, especially students- seminar (n)an occasion when a teacher or expert and a group of people meet to study and discuss something- department (n)a part of an organization such as a school, business or government which deals with a particular area of study or work- tutor (n)a teacher who works with one student or a small group, either at a British college or university or in the home of a child- walking distance (n)the amount of space between two places that you can reach by walking- relatively cheap (adj)quite cheap in comparison with other similar things or with what you expect- stream (n)water that flows naturally along a fixed route- hall of residence (n)(US: dormitory) a college building where students live- rent (n)a fixed amount of money that you pay regularly for the use of a room, house, car, television, etc. that someone else owns- cafeteria (n)restaurant (often in a factory, a college or an office building) where people collect food and drink from a serving area and take it to a table themselves after paying for it- financial (adj)relating to money or how money is managed- side (n)a part of something- student loan (n)an agreement by which a student at a college or university borrows money from a bank to pay for their education and then pays the money back after they finish studying and start a job- get by (v)to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty, usually by having just enough of something you need, such as money- break (n)a short period of rest- debt (n)something, especially money, which is owed to someone else- independent (adj)not controlled in any way by other people, events or things- guarantee (v)to promise that something will happen or exist- according to (prep)as stated by- present (v)to introduce- argument (n)a disagreement,Language plus Unit 5, p100-101- astronaut (n)a person who has been trained for travelling in spacecraft- yacht (n)a boat with sails and sometimes an engine, used for either racing or travelling on for pleasure- expect (v)to think or believe something will happen- upset (adj)worried, unhappy or angryWorkbook: Unit 5, pp 28-31- fashion (n)a style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make-up, etc- show (n)an event at which a group of related things are available for the public to look at- tour operator (n)someone whose job is to control a group of people in a tour- accept (v)to agree to take something- gap year (n)a year between leaving school and starting university which is usually spent travelling or working- deliver (v)to take goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people's houses or places of work- veterinary science (n)science about taking care of the health of animals- colleague (n)one of a group of people who work together- speech (n)formal talk given usually to a large number of people on a special occasion- exhausting (adj)making you feel extremely tiredAET is a place to build your English proficiency Page 2 of 3 AET provides you four macro skills.