New Horizon College English Book One Unit six The Widow.

New Horizon College English Boo k One Unit six The Widow

Transcript of New Horizon College English Book One Unit six The Widow.

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New Horizon College English

Book One

Unit six The Widow

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Pre-reading activity

◆ Background Information

◆ Let-in Activity

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Elizabeth Jolley is a famous Australian fiction writer. Born in England in 1923, Jolley moved to Australia in 1959 with her husband and three children. She had trained as a nurse in England and nursed there and in Australia before starting her writing career in 1964. Her body of work includes 26 books: short stories, radio plays, collections and 12 novels in print since 1980. Jolley has won many writing awards, two of them for Cabin Fever, her tenth fiction book. She is known for her peculiar people in funny situations.

◆ Background Information

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For more information about Elizabeth Jolley, please visit, where brief introduction about her works (which includes Cabin Fever) can be found.

  2. Cabin Fever, (237p. $26.95Cdn. 1991 Harper Collins ISBN 0-06-016622-3 LC 90-55966) continues the events of her previous book, My Father's Moon, but from a different voice and 40 years lat

er. The story is presented in bits and pieces.

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The book is not as a successful woman psychologist recalls her war experiences and post war hard times a complete story but only certain memories that help the woman make sense of all the pain, trouble, loss and sad times in her life. The book describes the culture of the late 1940s.

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◆ Let-in Activity

After introducing the background information about this unit, ask the students to talk about the possible life of a widow.

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While-reading Activity◆ New Words & Phrases◆ Language Points

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New Words and Phrases 1. considerable a. fairly large 相当的•He spent considerable time on translating the novel. 他花了很多的时间翻译这部小说。 considerably ad. much相当地,很多

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* He spent considerably more time on translating the novel. 他花了相当多的时间翻译这部小说。 2. underline vt. 1. draw a line under 划横线•You'd better underline these words and try to learn them by heart. 你最好在这些单词下面划上横线,并且努力把它们背下来。2. give added attention to, so as to show importance 强调;使突出* The Second World War underlined the importance of science and technology. 第二次世界大战突出了科学和技术的重要性。  

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file vi. 1. walk one behind the other一个接一个地走Slowly, the parents filed into the classroom and sat down.家长们一个个慢慢地走进教室,坐了下来。2. make a written request for a position 提出She filed for a divorce on the grounds that he was not devoted to her.她提出离婚,理由是他对她不忠。

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vt. 1. put away (papers, etc.) in order 归档* Please file those letters. 请把那些信件归档。2. place an exhibit among the records of a court, public office, or government 提出(申请等)* They tried to file a request with the authorities.他们试图向当局提出申请。 n. 1. a store of papers on one subject汇存的文件2. the furniture or box for storing papers 文件夹,文件箱3. a line of people one behind the other 纵列

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4. sympathize ( 英 sympathise) vi. (with)show feeling for another 同情* Most people sympathize with the weak. 多数人同情弱者。 sympathizer( 英 sympathiser) n. a person who offers sympathy同情者* Sometimes a sympathizer is one step away from a lover. 有时侯,同情者与情人仅一步之遥。

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5. define as state the meaning of (something such as a word) as being (something) 界定, 定义为* We can define a radical as someone who has very different opinions. 我们可以把激进派界定为观点极端的人。 6. mistake for think wrongly that (someone or something) is (someone or something else) 误当作* Do not mistake sympathy for love. 莫将同情当作爱情。

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7. save from keep (something or someone) from (danger, being destroyed, etc.); make safe from danger or being destroyed 保留;抢救;免于* He was happy to learn that his village was saved from the great flood. 得知家乡幸免于这场大水,他很高兴。

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★ Alone now, the widow reads considerably. (Para. 1) Meaning: The widow now lives alone and, therefore, reads much because she has much time for herself.Notice that the word "alone" can be used both as an adjective and adverb:* One boy alone can do this work. 只要一个男孩就可以做这项工作。* The boy walked alone along the street. •这男孩一个人在街上走。widow: n. woman whose husband has died and who has not married again

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* The short story is about a widow on her dying bed who recalled her life. 这部短篇小说描写一位寡妇临终前回顾自己的一生。 Cf. widower : man whose wife has died and who has not married again 鳏夫Please notice that one can speak of a man's widow: "Margaret is John's widow". But if the woman dies first, one does not say "John is Margaret's widower", but only "John is a widower".

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★ She used to underline favorite passages to share with her husband. (Para. 1) Meaning: In the past she often drew lines under passages she liked best so that she could remember them with her husband.underline: vt. 1) draw a line under 划横线The teacher told the students to underline the new words in the text. 老师要学生在课文中的生词下面划上横线。 2) give added attention to, so as to show importance 强调;使突出His leaving underlined his negative attitude toward the evening party. 他的离席说明他不喜欢这个晚会。

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share with: give part of what you have to sb.* When the flood destroyed our house, our neighbors shared their house and food with us. 洪水摧毁了我家的房屋之后,邻居们让我们住到他们的房子里,并在他们家里吃饭。* Farmers often share their crops with each other. 农民们常常相互分享各自收获的东西。 • ★ Now, in a notebook, she stores quotations like this one from Elizabeth Jolley's Cabin Fever. (Para. 1) •Meaning: Now in a notebook she keeps quotations such as this one that is from* Elizabeth Jolley's novel Cabin Fever.

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quotation: n. 1. a sentence drawn from literature or a piece taken from a work of art * It's not good to use too many quotations in a paper. 论文里引用内容太多不好。* It seems that the quotations you have here do not help your major point. 你在这里的引文对说明你的主要观点似乎没有什么作用。quotation mark 引号2. the price of something 报价He gave me a quotation which was too high for a new house. 他给了我新房子的报价,可报价太高。

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★ I experience again the deep-felt wish to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband. (Para. 1) Meaning: Again I deeply feel the strong desire to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband.* Please notice that the infinitive phrases — "to be part of a married couple, to sit by the fire in winter with the man who is my husband" — modify the word "wish".experience: 1) vt. feel, live through* She experienced pain in thinking of her husband who had passed away years ago. 她丈夫于几年前去世, 她经历了一段思念亡夫的悲痛过程。

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2) n. (i) (uncountable) knowledge gained by practiceHe has plenty of teaching experience. 他很有教学经验。(ii) (countable) something that happens to* Travelling experiences by bike are quite exciting. 骑自行车旅行是一种令人兴奋的体验。a part of: one of the pieces, sections or segments that it is made of * She lived there for the greater part of her life. 她一生中大部分时间都住在那里。* Respect is a very important part of any relationship. 相互尊重是人际关系中一个重要的方面。

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So intense is this wish that if I write the word husband on a piece of paper, my eyes fill with tears. (Para. 1) Notice that this is an inverted sentence. The usual or common order of it is: This wish is so intense that if I write the word husband on a piece of paper, my eyes fill with tears.intense: very great; very strong (this is a word learned in Unit 5 B.)Intense pain can mean serious damage. 有剧痛说明伤得很重。I cannot stand the intense heat here. 我受不了这里的酷热。fill with: (cause to) become full with Mother filled my plate with food. 母亲在我盘子里放满了食物。

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We begin with a worn wedding album. (Para. 3) Meaning: Let us begin our story with a worn wedding album.begin with: start (something) with (something)Let us begin our discussion with a quotation. 让我们用一条语录来开始我们的讨论。Notice that the word "worn" in the sentence suggests that the following story took place many years ago

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In the first picture, the bride and groom are facing, with uncertain smiles, a church filled with relatives and friends. (Para. 3) Meaning: In the first picture, the bride and groom with uncertain smiles are facing a full church crowded with relatives and friends. Also notice that the phrase "with uncertain smiles" shows that the couple were not confident or sure. Their strained smiles show they are not certain about this marriage. As you read on, you'll learn that the couple's mothers and some relatives were not happy with the marriage.

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The bride did not wear glasses that day, so everything was a blur of candlelight and faces. (Para. 3) Meaning: The bride was short-sighted and without glasses she could not see things clearly.blur: 1) n. something whose shape is not clearly seen The widow's memory of the accident that took place on the wedding day is only a blur. 这位寡妇对婚礼那天发生的事的记忆只是一片模糊。2) v. make difficult to see clearlyIn the worn wedding album the first picture of the bride and groom is blurred. 在那本破旧的婚礼相册里,第一张新娘和新郎的合照已经模糊不清了。

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They walked to the back of the church and stood at the door as their guests filed past. (Para. 4) Meaning: They walked to the back of the church and stood at the door as their guests walked by them in a line.file: vi. 1) walk one behind the other 一个接一个地走The students filed into the meeting hall. 学生一个个走进会议大厅。About 10,000 people a day filed past Tian'anmen Square during the celebration period. 在欢庆期间,每天约有一万人走过天安门广场。

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2) make a written request for a position 提出I hope you have filed for safety insurance. 我希望你已参加了安全保险。vt. 1) put away (papers, etc.) in order 归档Please file these tape recordings. 请把这些磁带录音归档。2) place an exhibit among the records of a court, public office, or government 向 ...... 提出(申请等)They tried to file a request with the authorities. 他们试图向当局提出请求。

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From colleagues and old schoolmates came cheerful good wishes clothed in friendly jokes. (Para. 4) Meaning: Colleagues and old schoolmates greeted the couple happily with good wishes that were expressed in friendly jokes.Please notice that the sentence is inverted. The usual or common order of the sentence is: Cheerful good wishes clothed in friendly jokes came from colleagues and old schoolmates. colleague: n. fellow workerHe told the story to one of his colleagues who told it to a news writer.

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Some relatives, however, were not pleased. One sat in a car, crying; another stood surrounded by sympathizers offering pity. Both these women — mothers of the bride and groom — would have insisted they wanted only the best for their children but they defined "the best" as staying home to help support the family. (Para. 4) Meaning: However, some relatives were not happy. One of them sat in a car, crying; another stood in the center of sympathizers who offered pity. And the mothers of the bride and groom would have said again and again that they wanted only the best for their children, but what they meant by "the best" was only that the couple should stay home to

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help support the family.Please notice that it is these sentences that show that they were not happy with the couple's marriage. Some relatives were not pleased and both the mothers only wanted their children to stay home to help support the family.12. One sat in a car, crying; another stood surrounded by... (Para. 4) surround: vt. be or go around on every sideThe film star was surrounded by news writers. 这位电影明星被新闻记者围住了。For two months the city was surrounded by enemy forces, and no supplies could be brought in. 这座城市被敌人围困了两个月,任何供应都不能送进城

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13. sympathizers offering pity. (Para. 4) sympathizer: n. a person who offers sympathySome people are in doubt about sympathizers. 有些人对同情者有怀疑。Their opinion about the environment does not have many sympathizers. 他们对于环境问题的观点没有多少同情者。Sometimes a sympathizer is one step away from a lover. 有时侯,同情者与情人仅一步之遥。sympathize: vi. show sympathyWe sympathize with him when he lost his job. 我们同情他,因为他失业了。

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14. ...they defined "the best" as staying home to help support the family. (Para. 4) define as: state the meaning of (something such as a word) as being (something)It's wrong to define "happiness" as "owing lots of money". 把 " 幸福 " 界定为 "拥有很多钱 " 是错误的。 15. The last person to approach the couple was a short, elderly woman who smiled as she congratulated them — not by name but as "wife" and "husband". (Para. 5) Meaning: The last person to get close to greet the couple was a short, old woman.

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When she greeted them, she smiled and simply called them "wife" and "husband".congratulate: vt. express good luck or pleasure at (someone's) successShe congratulated him on winning a prize. 她祝贺他得了奖。

16. Then quickly, for such a short, portly, elderly person, she disappeared. (Para. 7) Meaning: Although she was short, over-weight and old, the woman disappeared all of a sudden.for: prep. despite For all his faults, we like him still. 尽管他有错误,我们还是喜欢他。

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For all your explanations, I understand no better than before. 尽管你作了解释,我还是不明白。Please notice that "for" in this sense is usually followed by the word "all".disappear: vi. go out of sightThe sun disappeared behind the clouds. 太阳躲进了云层里。The man disappeared the same day the crime was committed; no one could find him. 发生犯罪的那一天,那人消失了,没有人能找到他。The money disappeared from the bank; no one knew who took it. 那笔钱从银行里消失了,没有人知道是谁拿的。

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17. Soon they departed, in a borrowed car. (Para. 8) Meaning: Soon they left in a borrowed car.depart: vi. leave, go awayBefore you depart, let me give you a word of advice. 在你离开前,让我给你一句忠告。The plane departs for London at 8 a.m. 飞机上午八点飞往伦敦。Our tour departs from Shanghai. 我们的旅游线路从上海开始。

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18. With money loaned by the groom's brother, they could afford a honeymoon at a state-park lodge. (Para. 8) Meaning: Because they borrowed some money from the groom's brother, they were able to have a honeymoon at a state-park vt. lend Loan me $5, please. 请借给我五美元。loan: n. a quantity of money loaned He wants to start a new company with a loan of $100,000 from the bank. 他想用从银行得到的十万美元的贷款来开办一家新公司。As the bank didn't give me a loan, I could not afford to buy the car. 因为银行没有给我贷款,我买不起那辆车。

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It will take me ten years to pay back this loan. 我还清这笔贷款要用 10 年时间。lodge: n. a small house The old man lived in a lodge in the woods. 这老人住在树林里的一间小屋里。lodge: vi. stay somewhere and pay rent All the travellers lodged in a three-star hotel. 所有的旅客都住在一家三星级饭店里。 19. Sitting before a great oak fire, they recalled the events of the day, especially the strange message conveyed by Aunt Esther Gubbins. (Para. 8)

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Meaning: Sitting in front of a great oak fire, they reviewed what had happened on the day of their wedding, especially wondering about the meaning of Aunt Esther Gubbins's words.

recall: vt.rememberI know I met you somewhere but I can't recall the place. 我知道我在什么地方见过你,但记不起是哪个地方了。convey: vt.make known, communicate, expressPlease convey my best wishes to your parents. 请向你父母转达我最美好的祝愿。

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Sometimes a gesture conveys one's meaning better than words. 有时候,手势比说话更能表达意思。Very fine shades of meaning cannot easily be conveyed with a limited word bank. 细微的意思不能用几个字就轻而易举地表达清楚。20. "Isn't she your aunt?" the husband responded. (Para. 10) Meaning: "Isn't she your aunt?" the husband answered.respond: vi. answer He didn't respond to my question. 他没有回答我的问题。When a boy hit his brother, his brother may respond to this action by hitting back. 当一个男孩动手打他的兄弟,他兄弟可能会动手回击。

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21. Had she come to the wrong church or at the wrong time, mistaking them for another couple? (Para. 11) Meaning: Had she come to the wrong church or at the wrong time, thinking wrongly that they were the couple that she knew and was looking for?mistake for: think wrongly that (someone or something) is (someone or something else)You and your sister look so very similar, I often mistake you for her. 你和你妹妹长得很像,我常常把你当作你妹妹。

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22. Or was she just an old woman who liked weddings and scanned for announcements in church bulletins? (Para. 11) Meaning: Or was she just an old woman who liked weddings and looked for announcements in church bulletins?scan: vt. look at closely, examine with careHe scanned the field for the figure of his mother. 他扫视田野,想看到他母亲的身影。

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23. With the passage of time and the birth of grandchildren, their mothers accepted their marriage. (Para. 12) Meaning: As time went on and because the couple had children, their mothers accepted their marriage.the passage of time: the passing of timeWith the passage of time, they forgot their bitter sufferings. 随着时间的流逝,他们忘却了所遭受的苦难。

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24. Peculiarly, neither ever asked "Whose job is this?" or asserted "That is not my responsibility!" (Para. 13) Meaning: Strangely, neither the husband nor the wife asked "Whose job is this?" or declared forcefully "That is not my responsibility!"Notice that this sentence describes the couple as caring and helpful to each other as they did not give their responsibilities to the other.peculiarly: ad. 1) strangelyPeculiarly, the dog has three legs. 奇怪的是,这条狗只有三条腿。

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assert: vt. declare forcefullySandy's mother asserts that it's not healthy to eat standing up. 桑迪的母亲断言,站着吃饭不卫生。The judge asserts that he is not at fault. 法官宣布他无罪。responsibility: n. duty; condition or quality of being matureI take full responsibility for this action. 我对这次行动负全部责任。Her responsibility is to look after the children. 她的责任是照看孩子

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25. Both acted to fill their needs as time and opportunity allowed. (Para. 13) Meaning: Whenever they had time and opportunity, they would help each other.fill one's need: satisfy one's needHe is the only child in the family, so the parents are trying their best to fill his needs.他是家里的独生子,所以父母想方设法满足他的需要。

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26. Arriving from work, he might announce, "Wife, I am home!" And she, restraining the desire to complain about housework, would respond, "Husband, I am glad!" (Para. 14) Meaning: When he got back home from work, he would say "Wife, I am home!" And the wife would respond with "Husband, I am glad!" although she was tired from housework and had a desire to complain about it.Please notice that these two sentences also describe the couple as caring and thinking of each other.

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27. And she, restraining the desire to complain about housework, would respond, "Husband, I am glad!" (Para. 14) restrain: vt. prevent from doing something; hold backHe could not restrain his intense wish to speak to her. 他抑制不住想和她说话的强烈愿望。Children must be restrained from doing wrong until they are old enough to make their own moral decisions. 在孩子们尚未长大到可以自己判断是非之前,要管好他们不让他们做错事。Prisoners are sometimes restrained from writing to their families. 有时候不允许囚犯写信回家。

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28. Occasionally, usually around their anniversary, they would bring up the old curiosity regarding Aunt Esther Gubbins. (Para. 15) Meaning: Sometimes, usually around their wedding anniversary, they would mention Aunt Esther Gubbins, whom they were still curious about.

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29. Occasionally, usually around their anniversary, ... (Para. 15) anniversary: n. day that is an exact number of years after something happenedToday we are here to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. 今天,我们在这里庆祝中华人民共和国成立 50周年。

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30. ...they would bring up the old curiosity... (Para. 15) bring up: mention or introduce (a subject)There is no need to bring up his past when we are considering him for employment. 我们考虑他的工作问题时,没有必要再提他的过去。Who brought up the subject of money? 是谁提起钱这个话题的?curiosity: n. an eager desire to knowThe little boy satisfies his curiosity about the box by opening it. 这小孩打开盒子,以此来满足他对这盒子的好奇心。

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31. ...regarding Aunt Esther Gubbins. (Para. 15) regarding: prep. concerning, aboutThere is an article in the newspaper regarding the future of China's football. 报纸上登了一篇关于中国足球未来的文章。I have no advice for you regarding that problem.对于这个问题,我没有任何建议。 32. accidentally (Para. 15) ad. by accident He accidentally met a friend of his when shopping yesterday. 他昨天买东西时偶然遇到了他的一位朋友。

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33. But she knew "Aunt Esther" was on some heavenly mission. (Para. 15) Meaning: But she knew "Aunt Esther" was sent to their wedding by God.mission: n. the action of sending or fact of being sent on some special work or serviceHis mission is to live up to what his parents expected of him. 他的使命就是实现他父母对他的期望。His mission to France is successful. 他出使法国很成功。The enemy believed that the old lady was on a secret mission. 敌人认定那位老太太是在执行一项秘密任务

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34. Widowed now, the wife wonders what she would save from their old home if it were to catch fire. (Para. 15) Meaning: As now her husband has died, she wonders what she would save from their old house if it were on fire. Please notice the subjunctive mood used in the from: keep (something or someone) from (danger, being destroyed, etc.); makesafe from danger or being destroyedThe thing to be happy about is that their wedding album was saved from the fire. 值得庆幸的是,他们的结婚相册没有被大火烧毁。

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Post-reading ActivityKeys to the Exercises

  Ⅴ Structure

1.       Whoever he is, I don’t want to see him.2.       The business would be a success, whoever owned it.Or: Whoever owned it, the business would be a success.3.       Whoever has broken the window, I will take him to his parents.4.       Whoever else objects, I won’t.5.       Whoever else goes hungry, I won’t.

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Ⅵ Structure1.       My colleagues and old schoolmates did fell happy for me when I told them I had a chance to go and study in London University.2.       Bill does have some problem with his math class.3.       She did go next door to help Mrs. Norton with her sick children.4.       These words do convey her feelings at the moment.5.       In the picture the bride and groom did feel shy before crowds of relatives and friends.

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Ⅶ TranslationTranslate the following sentences into English.1.       With the money give by his father, he could afford a house in the town nearby.2.       The young lady was so excited that she could not restrain herself from bringing up the subject of marriage.3.       I’m afraid you can’t see him today because he was sent on an important mission just an hour ago.4.       When she was young, she used to store quotations from poems in a notebook.5.       Whoever they are, they should take responsibility for the accident.

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