New Flexible Interconnection of Scalable Systems Integrated Using...

Flexible Interconnection of Scalable Systems Integrated Using Optical Networks (FISSION) Data-CenterConcepts and Demonstration Aniruddha Kushwaha, Ashwin Gumaste, Tamal Das, Saurabh Hote, and Yonggang Wen AbstractWith Internet traffic doubling almost every other year, data-center (DC) scalability is destined to play a critical role in enabling future communications. While many DC architectures are proposed to tackle this issue by leveraging optics in DCs, most fail to scale efficiently. We demonstrate flexible interconnection of scalable systems integrated using optical networks (FISSION), which is a scalable, fault-tolerant DC architecture based on a switchless optical-bus backplane and carrier-class switches. The FISSION DC can scale to a large number of servers (even up to 1 million servers) using off-the-shelf op- tics and commodity electronics. Its backplane comprises multiple, concentric bus-based fiber rings to create a switch- less core. Sectors, which constitute top-of-the-rack switches along with server interconnection pods, are connected to this switchless backplane in a unique opto-electronic archi- tectural framework to handle contention. The FISSION pro- tocol uses segment-routing paradigms for use within the DC as well as an SDN-based standardized carrier-class protocol. In this paper, we highlight, through three use cases, a FISSION test-bed, and show its feasibility in a realistic set- ting. These use cases include communication within the FISSION DC, in situ addition deletion of servers at scale and equal-cost multipath (ECMP) provisioning. Index TermsData-center architectures; Data-center protocols; Optical backplanes; Scalability. I. INTRODUCTION D ata-center (DC) architecture is a richly debated topic especially with a) the growth of cloud services and b) the prospect of network functions being implemented in DCs. There have been various approaches toward DC architecture that have focused on two types of scalability: 1) architectural scalability, to create a large virtualized cross-connect fabric and 2) protocol scalability, to support quick convergence, fault tolerance, and virtualization. A unified architecture is needed that can scale in terms of a) supporting a number of servers by providing a dis- tributed switching fabric and b) a protocol that enables scalability and fault tolerance. Approaches to DC scalabil- ity range from modifications of Clos architecture to the use of optical switching within the DC. The former approach is used commonly in conjunction with off-the-shelf switches and variants of this approach include designs such as PortLand [1], Seattle [2], DCELL [3], and VL2 [4]. However, electronic switches have size limitations, which make the aforementioned approaches difficult to scale. From a protocol standpoint, there has been sizable work in the use of modified IP and Ethernet to enable scalable DC architectures. The use of optics opens a new set of possibilities toward DC scalability with larger bandwidth support, seamless upgrade of server line-rates, and better bisection bandwidth. The bottleneck manifested by elec- tronic switching can be mitigated by the use of optics. There seems to be a consensus on the use of optics as a force multiplier in the DC. Helios [5], Mordia [6], OSA [7], BCube [8], WaveCube [9], FISSION [10], c-Through [11], and Quartz [12] are a few approaches that use optics in the DC as a switching element. A comparison of optical and electronic switching tells us that electronics technology is better developed than optical technology from a packet-switching perspective. With elec- tronic memories available, one can perform address lookup, storage during contention resolution, and implementation of traffic-shaping policies. In contrast, optical technology is slow in switching and does not support processing in the optical domain, though its advantage is the large offered bandwidth. Given that switching and address resolution are a challenge in the optical domain, the question we ask is whether an architecture can be built using standard off-the-shelf com- ponents for a large DC to support up to a million servers. In this paper, we demonstrate a DC architecture and its supporting protocol to facilitate a large DC fabric. Central to our architecture is the premise of a switchless optical coreessentially facilitating any-to-any connectiv- ity within the DC core. Seamless addition of multiple fiber rings and a unique interconnection pattern gives the FISSION DC unprecedented scalability [13]. To facilitate a switchless core, we make use of optical bus technology , which creates a virtual switch between sec- tors as ports. Within each sector, we perform electronic Manuscript received November 28, 2016; revised April 25, 2017; accepted April 30, 2017; published June 30, 2017 (Doc. ID 281701). A. Kushwaha, A. Gumaste (e-mail: [email protected]), T. Das, and S. Hote are with the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India. Y. Wen is with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Kushwaha et al. VOL. 9, NO. 7/JULY 2017/J. OPT. COMMUN. NETW. 585 1943-0620/17/070585-16 Journal © 2017 Optical Society of America

Transcript of New Flexible Interconnection of Scalable Systems Integrated Using...

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Flexible Interconnection of ScalableSystems Integrated Using OpticalNetworks (FISSION) Data-Center—

Concepts and DemonstrationAniruddha Kushwaha, Ashwin Gumaste, Tamal Das, Saurabh Hote, and Yonggang Wen

Abstract—With Internet traffic doubling almost everyother year, data-center (DC) scalability is destined to playa critical role in enabling future communications. Whilemany DC architectures are proposed to tackle this issueby leveraging optics in DCs, most fail to scale efficiently.We demonstrate flexible interconnection of scalablesystems integrated using optical networks (FISSION),which is a scalable, fault-tolerant DC architecture basedon a switchless optical-bus backplane and carrier-classswitches. The FISSION DC can scale to a large number ofservers (even up to 1 million servers) using off-the-shelf op-tics and commodity electronics. Its backplane comprisesmultiple, concentricbus-basedfiberrings tocreateaswitch-less core. Sectors,which constitute top-of-the-rack switchesalong with server interconnection pods, are connected tothis switchless backplane in a unique opto-electronic archi-tectural framework tohandle contention. TheFISSIONpro-tocol uses segment-routingparadigms for usewithin theDCaswellasanSDN-basedstandardizedcarrier-classprotocol.In this paper, we highlight, through three use cases, aFISSION test-bed, and show its feasibility in a realistic set-ting. These use cases include communication within theFISSION DC, in situ addition deletion of servers at scaleand equal-cost multipath (ECMP) provisioning.

Index Terms—Data-center architectures; Data-centerprotocols; Optical backplanes; Scalability.


D ata-center (DC) architecture is a richly debated topicespecially with a) the growth of cloud services and

b) the prospect of network functions being implementedin DCs. There have been various approaches toward DCarchitecture that have focused on two types of scalability:1) architectural scalability, to create a large virtualizedcross-connect fabric and 2) protocol scalability, to supportquick convergence, fault tolerance, and virtualization.A unified architecture is needed that can scale in termsof a) supporting a number of servers by providing a dis-tributed switching fabric and b) a protocol that enables

scalability and fault tolerance. Approaches to DC scalabil-ity range from modifications of Clos architecture to the useof optical switching within the DC. The former approach isused commonly in conjunction with off-the-shelf switchesand variants of this approach include designs such asPortLand [1], Seattle [2], DCELL [3], and VL2 [4]. However,electronic switches have size limitations, which make theaforementioned approaches difficult to scale.

From a protocol standpoint, there has been sizable workin the use of modified IP and Ethernet to enable scalableDC architectures. The use of optics opens a new set ofpossibilities toward DC scalability with larger bandwidthsupport, seamless upgrade of server line-rates, and betterbisection bandwidth. The bottleneck manifested by elec-tronic switching can be mitigated by the use of optics.There seems to be a consensus on the use of optics as a forcemultiplier in the DC. Helios [5], Mordia [6], OSA [7], BCube[8], WaveCube [9], FISSION [10], c-Through [11], andQuartz [12] are a few approaches that use optics in theDC as a switching element.

A comparison of optical and electronic switching tells usthat electronics technology is better developed than opticaltechnology from a packet-switching perspective. With elec-tronic memories available, one can perform address lookup,storage during contention resolution, and implementation oftraffic-shaping policies. In contrast, optical technology is slowin switching and does not support processing in the opticaldomain, though its advantage is the large offered bandwidth.Given that switching and address resolution are a challengein the optical domain, the question we ask is whether anarchitecture can be built using standard off-the-shelf com-ponents for a large DC to support up to a million servers.

In this paper, we demonstrate a DC architecture andits supporting protocol to facilitate a large DC fabric.Central to our architecture is the premise of a switchlessoptical core—essentially facilitating any-to-any connectiv-ity within the DC core. Seamless addition of multiple fiberrings and a unique interconnection pattern gives theFISSION DC unprecedented scalability [13].

To facilitate a switchless core, we make use of opticalbus technology, which creates a virtual switch between sec-tors as ports. Within each sector, we perform electronic

Manuscript received November 28, 2016; revised April 25, 2017;accepted April 30, 2017; published June 30, 2017 (Doc. ID 281701).

A. Kushwaha, A. Gumaste (e-mail: [email protected]), T. Das, and S.Hote are with the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India.

Y. Wen is with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

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switching. The optical buses are arranged and connected in away so as to add asmany buses as required (through the useof 90 multiple fiber rings) a) without compromising onthe existing architecture (in situ addition) and b) facilitatinga large number of sectors to be connected in a non-blockingmanner. Each point-to-multipoint optical bus is based onwavelengths or superchannels [14]. Connections in theFISSION DC can be provisioned either using single-hopor multihop paths.

The FISSION protocol is based on two precincts: a) use ofcarrier-class attributes that facilitate service support andfault tolerance and b) assumption of the DC as a software-defined networking (SDN) domain. Traffic entering the DCfabric from the Internet or from local servers is mapped ontoour protocol data units (PDUs) based on policies set by a cen-tralizedcontroller.Theprotocolproposedanddemonstratedinthis paper is based on segment routing (SR) in MPLS thatfacilitates scalability and carrier-class service support. Oneof the key advantages of segment routing with SDN-basedtable population is the observed low-latency. The FISSIONtest-bedusesin-housedeveloped[15]segmentroutingcapablerouters in conjunction with optics that support the scalablebus technology.Measurements showhow theFISSIONarchi-tecture canbe deployed. In this paper,we highlight four of theprime advantages of the FISSION architecture:

1. Scalability: FISSION supports a scalable switchlessfabric based on the principle of adding multiple inde-pendent wavelength buses (essentially one-to-manymulticast domains) in the backplane spread acrossmultiple independent fiber rings. Our architectureseamlessly scales using wavelength and fiber diversitydespite the usual limitation of wavelength count.

2. 100% bisection bandwidth: The FISSION architec-ture supports 100% bisection-bandwidth even with alarge number of servers. This is because of the uniquebackplane-sector interconnection pattern that allowsFISSION to not depend purely on switches to scale.The absence of this dependence (on switches) impliesthat the backplane can support 100% bisection-bandwidth for single-hop communication. Our architec-ture supports full bisection bandwidth for any numberof servers with the caveat that the number of trans-ceivers in a sector grows linearly in the single-hopimplementation (described in Section IV). To limitthe number of transceivers in a sector, we proposemultihop communication that facilitates an efficientarchitecture with 70%–80% bisection bandwidth—comparable with other schemes that do not supportsuch a high count of servers.

3. Low latency: The FISSION backplane supports aswitchless core. This core is essential in creating alow-latency paradigm, even for large server counts.This implies that, with an increase in the number ofservers, the latency does not increase proportionally.

4. Low cost: The constituents of the FISSIONDC use con-temporary technologies—optics and electronics—thatare readily available. This leads to a cost-effectiveDC. We show that our approach is lower cost than othercontemporary approaches.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section IIdiscusses the related work, while Section III describes theFISSION architecture. Section IV discusses the architec-ture analysis and illustration of DC scaling that allowsthe FISSION architecture to grow to a million servers witha modest number of transceivers at a sector. This sectionhelps objectively validate the scalability advantages ofthe FISSION architecture. Section V describes three wave-length assignment strategies in the backplane and derivesanalytical expressions for single and multihop connections.Section VI proposes a multihop optimization scheme anddescribes the results from a simulation and optimizationperspective. In Section VII, we illustrate the FISSIONDC protocol. Section VIII validates the FISSION DCthrough a test-bed with the help of three exhaustive usecases, while Section IX concludes the paper.


Several proposals for scalable and fault-tolerant DC ar-chitectures exist. This related work section is classifiedunder alternative architectures and protocols for DC.

A. Data-Center Architectures

Hybrid optical and electrical switch-based architectureshave been proposed and typically include a fast electricalswitch along with a slow-moving optical switch.

A combination of an electrical packet switch andMEMS-based optical circuit switches is used in Helios [5]. A controlelement called topology manager (TM) is used to continu-ously read flow-counters from each aggregation switchbased on which optical circuit switches are configured.The computational complexity of the TM is a bottlenecktoward scaling HELIOS.

An optical DC architecture that uses reconfigurable op-tical devices to facilitate dynamic setup of optical circuits isdetailed in [7] and called OSA. OSA, like HELIOS, accumu-lates reconfiguration delay of the MEMS-based switchesand WSSs (of the order of milliseconds). This delay provesto be a bottleneck. In fact, OSA admits that this delayaffects latency-sensitive mice flows. FISSION is able toprovide a more scalable DC because (in FISSION) reconfig-uration of the WSS is not required.

Mordia [6] has architectural similarity to FISSION withthe use of the coupler, but conceptually there aremajor differences in performance. Mordia uses digital-lightwave-processing-based WSSs to provide ultrafastswitching. We do not require fast switching nor do we re-quire digital light processing (DLP) technology that hasbeen known to have reliability and scalability issues.TheWSSs used in our architecture are fairly static for mostcases and use mature liquid crystal on silicon technology.

Quartz [12] presents an optical DC architecture, forminga ring of ToR switches as nodes on the ring. Although thissolution provides low end-to-end delay and reduces wiringcomplexity, its full mesh requirement as a virtual overlay

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topology is a severe limitation given the restricted numberof wavelengths available in a fiber.

Two other approaches that use an electronic switchin conjunction with an optical circuit switch arec-Through [11] andWaveCube [9]. WaveCube assumesmul-tipath routing and dynamic link bandwidth scheduling,both of which are strictly avoided in our scheme.c-Through and WaveCube require perfect-matching tech-niques and create tight bounds on wavelength-flow assign-ment relationships. The WaveCube architecture leads to atorus-like structure supported by optics at the interconnec-tion points. The issue with such an architecture is that thebisection bandwidth decreases rapidly as the number ofservers increase. The FISSION architecture results in nopenalty of the bisection bandwidth even with increase inthe number of servers for the single-hop case and betterbisection bandwidth thanWaveCube using themultihop case.

B. Data-Center Protocols

Protocol and architectural modifications are capturedthrough DC proposals such as SEATTLE [2], PortLand[1], VL2 [4], and DCell [3]. SEATTLE and PortLand playwith different Clos techniques intertwined with protocolmodifications. Both architectures max-out in terms of scal-ing based on the use of the initial building block—a M ×Nswitch. VL2 uses a distributed link-state protocol that re-quires a large convergence time. BCube [8] (as well asDCell) is an architecture that uses server network inter-connection diversity combined with fractal-like reuse ofthe pattern to build a larger interconnection paradigm.BCube, however, is constrained (like DCell) by the maxi-mum number of line-cards supported by a server.

C. Optical Technologies

Optical circuit and packet-based DC proposals are pre-sented in [16], which include use of fast-moving opticalswitches, labeled optical burst switching, and hybrid opti-cal circuit and packet switches [17]. Most of the all-opticalapproaches require technologies that are currently in theirinfancy and difficult to deploy on an industrial scale.

The Proteus DC architecture [18] is based on an opticalcircuit switching (OCS) technique and exploits WDM toprovide bandwidth flexibility while using the dynamicreconfiguration property of MEMS and WSS switches.The Torus DCN architecture [19] is based on a hybridoptoelectronic packet router (HOPR), which adapts an N-dimensional torus topology by using an optical packet switch(OPS), a label processor, and a controller for the OPS. It isreported that OPS reconfiguration time is dependent onthe switch port-count [20]. Thus, if the port-count exceedsa certain threshold, then the latency is unacceptable.

D. Our Contributions

This paper builds upon our earlier works in DC architec-tures [10,13,21,22]. In [21], we introduced the FISSION

architecture, detailing aspects such as scalability, architec-tural working, and wavelength-assignment. Protection is-sues were shown in [10] and its engineering aspects in[22]. The architecture in [21] eliminates excess connectionsand details how the backplane is developed and includes anew interconnection architecture. The work in [13] summa-rizes the architectures presented in [10,21,22] and furtherdevelops the architecture for both single-hop and multihoprequirements and captures a stochastic as well as optimi-zation model to understand the architecture.

In [13], we presented the FISSION concept and relatedoptimization model for basic validation of a FISSION-based DC. In this paper, the primary contribution is the en-gineering design. While [13] showcases the FISSION idea,this paper goes deeper into its implementation and demon-stration. In terms of engineering contributions, this paperhighlights four important areas of advancements: 1) a test-bed that validates the FISSION concept through practicaluse cases such as equal-cost multipath (ECMP) implemen-tation (Section VIII); 2) a multihop optimization model thatis critical toward engineering a large FISSION-based DCnetwork (Section VI); 3) an in-detail engineering analysisfrom the resource utilization (wires, components, etc.) per-spective (Section IV); and 4) an analytical derivationfor wavelength assignment strategy in the backplane(Section V). These contributions are necessary for prag-matic implementation of the FISSION concept in the field.In fact, two of these contributions are orthogonal and to-gether fathom the entire spectrum of large DC design—the test-bed validation and themultihopmodel. The formershows the proof of concept of FISSION, while the latter(which cannot be implemented in a lab scenario) showshow such a design can be implemented in a large DCenvironment.

The primary contribution of this paper is a test-bed forthe FISSION architecture, thus showing that such an ar-chitecture can be realized using off-the-shelf components.

The secondary contribution is the development of themultihop model, associated optimization, and wavelengthassignment plan including simulations. The secondarycontribution is key to take the FISSION concept fromthe test-bed to the field while achieving scale.

Performance analysis using the test-bed is captured forinter-sector communication and ECMP over FISSION inthis paper as use cases.

This paper also analyzes a wavelength assignment strat-egy in the backplane for single and multihop paths. A com-prehensive analysis of FISSION DC architecture is alsoprovided for a multihop path using the optimization model.


In this section, we describe the FISSION DC architec-ture, including its components and subsystems. TheFISSION DC broadly consists of two subsystems, namely,the sectors and the backplane.

The proposed architecture consists of a concentric ar-rangement of core fiber rings. Each ring is divided into

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sectors. Figure 1 shows the FISSION concept: at the centerare concentric fiber rings that together make up the switch-less backplane. The rings subtend the sectors. A sector is arack or a group of racks, with a top-of-the-rack (ToR)switch. The ToR switch is connected to an optical scheduler,which is further connected to the core rings.

A. Sector Architecture

The sectors in Fig. 1 are connected such that a sector cansend data into only one fiber ring but can receive data(without switch reconfiguration) from all the fiber rings.The unidirectional arrows from sectors to the core showhow data are added onto the optical ring (which essentiallyis an open bus), while the curved lines from the backplaneto the sectors show how data are dropped from a fiber to allthe sectors and from all the rings to every sector at aparticular angular position.

Each fiber ring has n sectors. Each sector supports afolded Clos network of electronic switches (in our case sup-porting segment routing, as described in Section IV). Edgeswitches (ESs) are connected to the servers and are ofN ×N configuration. ESs are connected to each otherwithin a sector by aggregation switches (AS). ASs formthe middle column of a Clos network. The ASs and ESs to-gether form the Clos network. The N ASs have configura-tion of H∕N ×H∕N, whereH is the number of wavelengths(as well as servers) allocated to a sector. Trivially, there areH∕N ESs in a sector.

B. Electro-Optic Switch (EOS) Architecture

The ToR switch along with the optical components andfiber ring scheduler is called an electro-optic switch (EOS).

An EOS is connected to the N ASs on the sector side andsupports an optical backplane on the core side.

The EOS architecture is responsible for achieving scal-ability by providing an interconnection structure with thebackplane. The EOS consists of electronics for connectingto the ASs within the sector and optics to connect to thebackplane. The optics comprise liquid crystal on silicon(LCOS)-based WSSs and couplers. The WSSs come intwo configurations.

The first WSS configuration is a 1 × X WSS that facilitatesa single input of the compositeWDM to be routed intoX portsfacilitating demultiplexing of channels in any combination ofgroups among theX ports. Amirror image, i.e., anX × 1 struc-ture is used in the EOS for adding data into the fiber ring.

The secondWSS configuration is theX × Y design [23] andis like a staticwavelength router. ThisWSS allows for routingof X input ports connected to Y output ports. The X × Y WSSallows routing any wavelength combination from any of theX input ports to anywavelength combination amongst any ofthe Y output ports. Note that switching in an LCOS-basedWSS takes 2–4 ms, and a key design goal is to prevent theuse of switching as much as possible.

The EOS architecture is shown in Fig. 2. The electronicpart of the EOS consists of a scheduler and a packet map-per that maps packets from the AS to appropriate wave-lengths and fiber rings in the backplane. Similarly,packets from the backplane are appropriately selected bythe mapper and routed to the destination AS.

Scalability is achieved by adding any number of sectorsin the DC using a unique interconnection technique thatcomprises adding fiber rings as we grow. Each sector sendsdata into only one fiber ring but can potentially receivedata from all the fiber rings. To be able to add a large num-ber of sectors, we should be able to create a mechanism fornon-blocking communication between the sectors. Thismechanism is possible through the backplane designdiscussed subsequently.

Add Side: The Add EOS consists of a 1 ×H WSS(either created using a single WSS if H is small or else us-ing a cascade of WSSs). There are H servers per sector,where H is the number of wavelengths that a sector canadd to the backplane.

C. Backplane Architecture

A sector is connected to the backplane in the followingmanner. It can add data to one ring in the backplane, whileit drops data from all the rings in the backplane. The ringto which it can add data is called its parent ring.

The backplane comprises a set of concentric optical fiberrings. Each ring has up to n-interconnection points, each ofwhich subtends a sector. A ring is open, i.e., an opticalsignal is not allowed to circulate to prevent saturation ofactive optical elements (amplifiers etc.). Each ring is ar-ranged as a bus, i.e., a ring encompasses a pair of counter-propagating unidirectional multi-wavelength buses with nstations, each of which supports a sector. Each sector can

Fig. 1. Conceptual flexible interconnection of scalable systemsintegrated using optical networks (or FISSION) architecture.

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access all the data in the bus without the need for anyswitching (Fig. 2). To create a bus architecture, each sectoron the bus supports two power couplers (splitters/combiners)—for adding data (Add Coupler) and for drop-ping data (Drop Coupler). These couplers are of anasymmetric power ratio (discussed later).

The ring is open by default and closed only in the case ofa fiber cut, thus facilitating fault tolerance using the ringwrap-around.

Backplane Principles: The innermost ring in the back-plane is labeled F1, while the outermost ring is labeled asFF . The sectors on the ring are labeled by their ring prefixand the clockwise angle traced by their position in their ringwith respect to an arbitrarily selected starting sector. To fur-ther illustrate this, because there are n sectors attached to aring, we assume each sector (sector) to be at 2π∕n apart fromtheir adjacent sectors. Hence, a sector is labeled by the tuple�f ; 2πjn �, where j is the sector number relative to the first sec-tor attached to the ring. If a sector has a requirement of Hwavelengths to add into the core, then n � W∕H, whereW isthe total number of wavelengths in the ring.

Backplane Architecture (Drop Side): Data are droppedfrom each fiber to all the sectors in the DC. At each particu-lar angular position j ∈ f1;…; ng in the backplane, we haveF sectors, each connected to a separate ring (see Fig. 1).Hence, at the drop-side on the jth angular position, we havea 1 × F splitter to drop the composite signal from a fiber toall the sectors at that angular position. If F is large, thenwe cascade several smaller 1 × X couplers to create a larger1 × F coupler (X < F) and support the structure with theuse of optical amplifiers to ensure that the power budgetis adequate. Each of the F ports is connected to a 1 × ψcoupler within each sector, where ψ is the number of

wavelength banks at a sector. Multiple wavelength banksare required to handle contention at a sector, where ψ ∈f1;…; Fg is also equivalent to the contention ratio.ψ � 1 can handle zero contention, whereas ψ � F canhandle 100% contention (i.e., all F fibers transmitting onthe same wavelength to a particular destination sector).The 1 × ψ splitter is further connected to a F ×W WSS,composed of M ×N WSSs.

Given current deployments in DCs, whereby the nodestoward the core of the DC carry an extremely large volumeof traffic, it is desired that the communication granularitybe coarse. In this regard, from a FISSION standpoint, werequire that as many channels as possible be packed intoeach fiber ring. Given that the communication in the back-plane rings is not limited by distance, the only limitingfactor then is inter-channel impairments and power issues(leading to OSNR degradation). Hence, to overcome inter-channel impairments, we propose the use of coherentoptics, as opposed to conventional on–off keying (OOK).


In this section, we offer a detailed analysis of theFISSION architecture from an implementation perspec-tive. We first compute the generic component count, asso-ciated power requirements, and costs and then providenumerical illustrations for a sample FISSION DC.

A. Architectural Analysis

For an F-ring, S-server, and n sectors-per-fiber DC, therewill be nF sectors andH servers per sector. Now,H servers

Fig. 2. Multisector DC architecture (left) and a standalone sector (right).

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per sector can be accommodated usingN ×N ESs. At a sec-tor, we thus require H∕N number of N ×N ESs, and Nnumber of H∕N ×H∕N ASs. At each location along the cir-cumference of the ring, there are F sectors (correspondingto each of the F fiber-rings), and we assume n such loca-tions along the circumference of a ring.

There are three types of couplers in use in the FISSIONDC: �1 × F�, �1 × ψ�, and �1 × 2� couplers. The 1 × F couplersare required per fiber at each of the n locations on eachring, i.e., a total of nF couplers of �1 × F� type are neededacross the DC, whereas a pair of �1 × 2� couplers arerequired at each sector along the circumference per ring,i.e., 4nF (an additional factor of 2 is due to each fiber beingbidirectional and hence carrying the same signal in bothclockwise and counterclockwise directions). At eachdrop location along the circumference of a fiber ring, asignal is split to each of the F sectors via a �1 × F� coupler.Thereafter, at a sector, each of these signals are furthersplit via 1 × ψ couplers to reach each of the ψ banks.Thus, a total of nF2 couplers of 1 × ψ type are requiredin the FISSION DC. An optical switch is used perring for both directions, i.e., 2F in all. Each of the nFsectors requires two EOSs (an H ×H structure for Add,another ψW ×H structure for Drop) and an ω × 1 AddWSS.

At the drop side of each sector, each of the ψ banks haveaccess to signals from all F fibers. Each bank comprises anumber of M ×N WSSs cascaded to filter σ wavelengthsfrom the dropped F signals. Thus, the total number of M ×N WSSs required at the first level at a bank is F∕M, assum-ing M ports are facing the rings, while N ports are facingthe Add EOS. Hence, the total number of ports exiting fromthe first level toward the EOS is F∕MN. Similarly, the totalnumber of switches at the second level is F∕MN∕M, whilethe total number of ports exiting the second level towardthe EOS is F∕MN∕MN and so on. The total number ofM ×N WSSs, arranged across α levels, is computed byAlgorithm 1. Note that we assume M �N � 24, givencurrent LCOS physical constraints.

Algorithm 1: Computation of number of M × N WSSsInput: F, M, N, WOutput: ψ , αx1 ← Fψ ← 0fori ∈ Z�nf1g

xi�1 ← ⌈xi∕M⌉Nψ ← ψ � ⌈xi∕M⌉ifW≤⃒ xi < W �Nthen

α � ibreak for loop

end ifend for

The number of transceivers required in a sector is 2H(at Add EOS) + �ψW �H� (at Drop EOS) + 2H (acrossall ASs) + 2H (across all ESs) + H (across all servers) =8H � ψW.

We next compute the number of erbium-doped fiberamplifiers (EDFAs), which is more complex than the countsof switches, couplers, etc. discussed above.

1) EDFA Count: Computation of the total number ofEDFAs required in a FISSION DC can be done inthree parts:

1) Drop at the 1 × F coupler: Let Pd be the power of thesignal dropped at the 1 × F coupler by the fiber ring,P1×F be the total insertion loss of 1 × F coupler, G bethe gain of an EDFA, and Pth be the threshold powerrequired at the receiver. Then, the number of EDFAsrequired to maintain this threshold power is

EDFAd1×F� Pth � P1×F − Pd


2) Drop at the 1 × ψ splitter: Let P1×ψ be the total insertionloss of the 1 × ψ coupler, and Pth is the input power atthe 1 × ψ coupler. Then, the number of EDFAs requiredfor maintaining the threshold power is

EDFAd1×ψ� Pth � P1×ψ − Pth

G� P1×ψ


3) Drop at the egress WSS: Let PWSS be the insertion loss ofeach M ×N WSS, G be the gain of an EDFA, and Pth betheminimum power required at an EOS. The number ofEDFAs required is calculated as per Algorithm 2.

Algorithm 2: Computation of number of EDFAdWSS

Input: G, α, Pwss

Output: # of EDFAdWSS

n � 0, α0 � 0for i � 1;2;…; α

if�Pth −G < �αi − α0�:Pwss < Pth�thenn � n� ⌈F:�NM�αi⌉, α0 � αi

end ifend forreturnn

The above results in

EDFAn � �EDFAd1×F× nF2�

� ���EDFAdWSS× ψ� � EDFAd1×ψ

� × nF�:

Table I summarizes the count, power requirement, cost,and delay profiles of each component.

2) Scaling the Architecture: The FISSION DC scales byadding sectors/rings in an in situ fashion. For adding sec-tors, all we must ensure is that every other sector has portsto accept traffic from this sector. This is possible by cascad-ing more WSSs to the drop WSS (of P ×Q configuration) ofall the sectors. Examples of scalability are discussedsubsequently.

Muxponding gain can imply one (or both) of the followingtwo possibilities:

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1) Muxponding in the real sense: Classically, muxpondingimplies multiplexing several slower-speed tributariesto create a larger speed channel.

2) Muxponding as overprovisioning: In the DC scenario,overprovisioning is used to allocate bandwidth in thecore by under-provisioning the core as compared withthe total line-rate of all the servers involved. The ratioof bandwidth subsumed by the servers to the band-width in the core is the overprovisioning ratio.

In this paper, we consider muxponding gain as in thefirst case unless stated otherwise.

B. Illustrations

Table I shows the cost and power requirement of differ-ent components in the FISSION DC. Table II gives thenumber of components in the DC for different servercounts. Costs are assumed from [24,25]. The last row ofTables III and IV is the final cost analysis of theFISSION DC in 1000 USD.

Based on inputs from Table I, Tables III and IV presentillustrative examples of the FISSION architecture in termsof used resources for two separatemodels—Table III with 64

servers per sector and Table IV with 32 servers per sector,both with no muxponding gain/overprovisioning. The costanalysis for 64-server sectors is shown in Table II (but omit-ted for 32-server sectors in the interest of space). The trans-ceiver utilization ratio in these tables indicate the requiredamount of overprovisioning at the EOS in order to guaranteea 100% bisection bandwidth for any traffic mix.

In all these computations, the ES in each sector is as-sumed to be 16 × 16 configuration, though an ES of 64 ×64 is also currently possible and can be used in the presentsettings with muxponding gain of 4. The AS is assumed tobe 4 × 4 for 64 servers per sector and 2 × 2 for 32 servers persector configuration. For the generation of the results, wedo not assume any muxponding/overprovisioning gain.That is to say that each server sends data at line-rate C(assumed 10 Gbps), and the backplane adequately keepsprovision of 10 Gbps per server. The wavelength plan inthe backplane involves 25 GHz spacing between channels.The input power for each transceiver is assumed to be�5 dBm. The total number of wavelengths assumed is192 channels across the C and L bands. For the creationof Tables II–IV, we assume that the traffic is symmetric,with every sector having a dedicated wavelength groupto every other sector. However, with multihopping acrosssectors, we can support any traffic configuration (shownin Section V).


Component CountPower Requirement

(in Watts)Cost(in $K)

Ring F – –Sectors nF – –Servers nFω – –Wavelengths nωF – –ES nFω∕N 10N 0.6NAS nNF 10ω∕N 0.6ω∕N1 × F coupler nF 0 –1 × 2 coupler 4nF 0 0.11 × ψ coupler nF2 0 –Optical switch 2F 0 0EOS 2nF 10ω 0.2ωADD WSS (composed of1 × 23 WSS)

nF – –

1 × 23 WSS – 15 3M ×N WSS M �N � 24 Refer

Algo 115 4

Transceiver 11nFω 3.5 0.1EDFA EDFAn 5 1.2


No. of Servers 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000

Total # of transceivers 11,264 110,528 1,100,352 11,000,000# of M ×N WSSs 192 1727 48,453 3,546,875# of 1 × 23 WSSs 48 471 4689 46,875# of ESs 64 628 6252 62,500# of ASs 256 2512 25,008 250,000# of EOSs 32 314 3126 31,2501 × F couplers 0 157 1563 15,6251 × 2 couplers 64 628 6252 62,500


No. of Servers 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000

No of sectors 16 157 1563 15,625No. of rings 6 53 521 5209No. of transceiversper sector

704 704 704 704

Transceiver utilizationratio

11 11 11 11

End-to-end loss 129.07 150.86 113.71 136.74OSNR 34.82 8.07 50.18 27.16No. of amplifiersbetween Tx-Rx

5 6 4 5

Power consumption (W) 65,424 622,698 6,650,922 112,408,170Cost of sector ($) 211.8 202.0 287.7 1130.2Cost of DC ($) 3389 31,719 449,634 17,659,490


No. of Servers 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000

No of sectors 32 313 3125 31,250No. of rings 11 105 1042 10,417No. of transceiversper sector

448 448 448 448

Transceiver utilizationratio

14 14 14 14

End-to-end loss 135.13 157.69 120.64 143.67OSNR 28.76 1.23 43.25 15.26No. of amplifiersbetween Tx-Rx

5 6 5 5

Power consumption (W) 78,336 767,664 9,479,565 282,282,690Cost of sector ($) 136.3 146.6 308.6 1967.2Cost of DC ($) 4362 45,878 964,461 61,475,086

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Example 1: Shown in Table III is the case for FISSIONDCfor up to 1,000,000 servers with 64 servers per sector. Here weuse 4 ESs of 16 × 16 configuration and 16 ASs of 4 × 4 con-figurations per sector. Let us consider column #3 in Table III,i.e., the case of 10,000 servers in the DC. With the FISSIONarchitecture, we use 53 fibers, with 3 sectors in each fiber.The worst case end-to-end loss is about 150.8 dB and to com-pensate, we use six amplifiers each with 35 dB gain and 4 dBnoise figure. The achieved OSNR is about 27 dB, which canbe further improved by using FEC. The EOS port count isabout 256 ports per sector in the static wavelength assign-ment case and reduces to just 128 ports in the fully dynamicwavelength assignment case.

Example 2: Note column 4 in Table III, we see that, for a100,000 server DC, we have 1563 sectors that are mappedonto 521 fiber rings in the backplane, resulting in an EOSof 256 ports at the drop side, and a worst case end-to-endloss of 113 dB. The resulting OSNR is about 34.18 dB,which results in acceptable BER.

Figure 3 shows a cost and power consumption profile ofour architecture compared with other leading architectures[8,9,26], namely, fat-tree, BCube, and WaveCube. Thenumerical data for the three non-FISSION architecturesin Fig. 3 were derived from the definition of the respectiveDC architectures in the literature. Given that none of theother architectures scale to the number of servers thatFISSION can support, Fig. 3 shows the extrapolated costand power profile for other architectures. For smallerDCs, the cost and power profiles for FISSION are similar

to those of other architectures. For bigger DCs, the cost andpower profiles slightly increase as compared with other DCarchitectures due to the increase in the number of WSSsused to provide non-blocking DC architecture and 100% bi-section bandwidth.



In this section, we discuss various wavelength assign-ment strategies pertaining to the FISSION architecture.The wavelength assignment strategies have been detailedin [13]. Our main focus is to understand the analysis of thestrategies so that one of these (the static approach) isimplemented in the test-bed. In this paper, we derive anexplicit expression for the average hop count in theFISSION backplane (unlike the implicit one in [13]).

We discuss a key engineering aspect to the DCarchitecture—the wavelength assignment plan (WAP).The WAP runs at the controller and computes wavelengthsthat are to be assigned to the sectors for communication.

Each fiber in the backplane hasW wavelengths. For a con-tention ratio of ψ, a sector can process no more than ψ ·Wwavelengths from the backplane. Hence, from each of the Ffibers in the backplane, a sector can receive up to ψW∕Fwavelengths. A fiber in the backplane thus drops its Wunique wavelengths across W

ψW∕F � Fψ sectors. In other words,

a backplane fiber drops each of its unique wavelengths tonFF∕ψ � nψ sectors. Of these n · ψ sectors, only a single sectorwill process a particular wavelength, while all other recipi-ent sectors receiving the same wavelength will discard thesame. This arbitration is orchestrated via the control plane.For communication, an ingress sector first examineswhether a direct wavelength to the egress sector is available(single hop), or else it explores wavelength availability usinga two-hop or higher hop path to the destination.

We analyze the probability and average number ofhops for a successful multihop connection between sectorsin the FISSION architecture based on our wavelengthassignment plan. The analysis also covers the case ofsingle-hop connections.

Let Pijv denote the number of all v-hop paths from sector

Si to sector Sj. For single-hop paths,

Pij1 � 1:

For two-hop paths, the intermediate sector can be chosenfrom nF − 2 sectors (excluding the ingress and egress sec-tors), i.e.,

Pij2 � nF − 2:

For a three-hop path, the first hop can be chosen from�nF − 2� sectors (as explained for the two-hop case),whereas the second hop can be chosen from �nF − 3� −�nψ − 1� options. The �nF − 3� term occurs because, of allnF sectors, three have been chosen (the ingress, egress, andfirst hop), while the �nψ − 1� term occurs because choosingthe first hop in turn discards all other �nψ − 1� sectors

Fig. 3. Cost (top) and power consumption (bottom) of theFISSION DC with other comparative architectures.

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which received the wavelength used for the first hop(as discussed above). Hence, the number of three-hopconnections between two sectors is given by

Pij3 � �nF − 2���nF − 3� − �nψ − 1��:

Generalizing, we have

∀ i; j;Pijv �

�1; if v � 1Qv−2

i�0��nF − 2 − i� − i�nψ − 1��; if v ∈�2; ⌈ F

ψ ⌉� :

The probability of at least one single-hop path fromsector Si to sector Sj is derived to be

P�at least one single hop

path fromSi to Sj

�� 1 −

�1 −




Using a similar approach, the probability of at least onev-hop path between two sectors is given by

P�v� � P�at least one v‐hop path fromSi to Sj�

� 1 −

�1 −

�1 −

�1 −




v j:

Thus, the average hop count of a multihop connectionbetween two sectors in the FISSION DC is given by

v̄ �X⌈F∕ψ⌉v�1

v × P�v�:

Numerical: Let us consider an example to emphasize thisformulation of the average hop count. For a 100,000-serverFISSIONDC, six-sector rings, with a spacing of 25 GHz, wecan have up to 521 fiber rings each with 192 channels, im-plying 32 channels per sector. Assuming ψ � 2, as per ourabove formulation, the probability of at least one single-hoppath is 0.12, while the probability of at least one v-hop pathis close to 1, ∀ v > 1.

This implies that the static WAP results in far morepaths with higher hop counts than those that are single-hop in a FISSION DC. While multihop paths help inprovisioning flows that could otherwise not be provisionedusing single-hop paths, it also leads to a slightly higherlatency given the multiple hops.


In this section, we propose a constrained optimizationmodel for multihop FISSION DC design. We are given alikely traffic scenario, and we desire to minimize the costof components to build the DC, while adhering to QoSconstraints.

A. Problem Statement

Given that, for an F-fiber n-sector-per-fiber DC, there are�nF − 1�! possible paths between any two sectors. We desireto maximize utilization while conserving resources. Theoptimization model seeks to answer the question: Which

paths should be used to provision a particular connectionand the larger question as to what is the average latencypenalty and resource advantage obtained when we incorpo-rate multihop routing in the DC?

B. Mathematical Formulation

We are given a traffic matrix T of sizem ×m, wherem isthe number of servers in the DC. Tab represents the trafficvolume between servers a and b.

We define Ωmab as the number of hops on the mth path

between sectors Sa and Sb.

We define μmab as the set of sectors fSa;…; Sbg of size Ωmab

denoting the sectors visited on the mth path.

We define the binary decision variable: Eabijd � 1, if the

vector instance denoted by Aab�Fi; λj; Sd; CR� is part of themultihop solution; 0, otherwise.

The four-dimensional vector Aab�Fi; λj; Sd; CR� deter-mines the intermediate sectors that are visited for a par-ticular traffic connection Tab. In the vector Aab, Fi is thefiber that feeds to the intermediate sector Sd, and λj isthe wavelength at which we drop the data at sector Sd,while CR is the residual capacity in sector Sd availablefor multihop.

We define θab � 1, ∀ Tab > 0. The objective function is,then,


∀ a;b EabijdP

∀ a;b θab�

P∀ a;b E

abijd:i ∈ ∀ a; j ∈ ∀ b; d ∈ ∀ �a; b�P∀ a;b θab −

P∀ a;b;d E



Note that θab is computed ahead of the optimizationprocess from Tab; hence, the above objective constraint con-tinues to be linear.

The above minimization is subject to

Capacity Constraint: The occupied capacity at each portis such that it is less than the total capacity:

X∀ a;b

Eabijd · �Tab�≤⃒ CR:

The above constraint denotes that the total traffic goingthrough a sector Sd is less than the residual capacity at thesector (denoted by CR).

Hop Constraint: The number of hops must be less thanthe number of sectors in a fiber ring. This constraint isgiven as X

∀ a;b

Eabijd · ≤⃒ n − 1 ∀ θab > 0:

Wavelength Availability Constraint: The wavelengthsprovisioned for the traffic per bank per sector availableof ∀ d, i.e.,

P∀ a;bE

abijd · �…; Sd;…�≤⃒ σ · ψ . We note that the

wavelength assignment in the case of multihop formu-lation follows the static approach. By using the wavelengthcontinuity constraint, we are able to facilitate adherence tothe static wavelength assignment pattern between seg-ments of a multihop path (from an ingress sector to anegress sector).

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Path Conformance Constraint: The below constraintensures that the multihop path chosen for every trafficrequest Tab is followed. The constraint iterates over allnodes a0, b0, which are part of the multihop solutionand ensures that the path used for provisioning Tab is oflength Ωab:

X∀ a;b


�a0; b0 �

X∀ a;b


�μmab�Ωlm���≥ Ωab:

C. Results From the Multihop Scheme

We have simulated the above optimization model inMATLAB by varying the number of servers from 1000 to1 million in increments of an order of magnitude. Loadis computed as the ratio of the amount of data sent byall the servers in the DC to the maximum data that theDC can handle while guaranteeing 100% bisectionbandwidth.

Figure 4 plots the average hop count with andwithout optimization. For the plot of hop count without op-timization, we assume a first-fit algorithm that serially as-signs paths to requests based on randomly generatedrequests. The optimization technique is significantlybetter than the heuristic, on an average 2.5× betterthan the heuristic. The optimization technique is bettersuited for a higher number of servers than a lower numberof servers. The key takeaway of the plot is to show theimpact of optimization whose objective is to minimizethe hop count.

Figure 5 shows the percentage improvement in terms ofdelay experienced using the multihop optimization ap-proach and compared with a first-fit model at differentloads. Delay is computed by adding the processing delaysat each EOS in the multihop scheme. In the first-fit model,we attempt to find the shortest path; if that is not available,then the next shortest path is selected and so on. For theoptimization case, we have considered four scenarios, with30%, 50%, 75%, and 90% loads, respectively. We simulatedthe DC by varying the number of servers from 1000 to 1million and observed that the performance bettermentfor 1 million servers in terms of multihop optimizationwas the best, which is quite intuitive. However, from a load

perspective, the performance is best for medium loads andnot for high loads. This is unexpected and is likely to beattributed to the fact that, for high loads, the system isbusy resulting in the optimal paths being somewhat sim-ilar in profile to the heuristic paths. Hence, the delay turnsout to be higher than the delay experienced at moderate tomedium loads.


The proposed protocol in the FISSION DC is based onthe concept of segment routing (SR) [27]—a recent effortin the IETF to simplify operations, administration, main-tenance, and provisioning (OAM&P) functionality in largenetwork domains. It is an add-on to MPLS and makes theMPLS forwarding plane faster—a key DC requirement.The idea is to use existing IGP protocols to advertise seg-ment information and facilitate an ingress node to create asource-routed path to the destination. However, instead ofusing IGP protocols for advertisement, we use an SDN con-troller within the DC domain. This eliminates route com-putation at intermediate nodes. The SR approach reducesthe per-flow state-maintenance and route computationcomplexity making service deterministic and carrier-class.The SR approach is well-suited for ECMP provisioning,which is best adjudicated at an ingress node.

In an SR domain, nodes are labeled with globally uniqueidentifiers (called node-segment IDs), and links are labeledwith locally unique identifiers (called adjacency-segmentIDs), which are passed using an SDN controller. The iden-tifiers allow the creation of destination-specific routes at asource. A centralized controller has knowledge of the globalstate of the network and can optimize path selection tomaximize network utilization. Additionally, SR has the fol-lowing features: 1) SR does not require label distributionprotocol (LDP) or resource reservation protocol for trafficengineering (RSVP-TE); hence, eliminating extensive con-trol overhead; 2) with the use of node/adjacency-segments,any path can be configured for a service; 3) load balancingis supported with the use of prefix-segment/node-segmentidentifier that indicates an ECMP-aware shortest path tothe destination. Communication in the FISSION DC fol-lows the SR approach.Fig. 4. Hop-count as a function of number of servers.

Fig. 5. Percentage saving for multihop.

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A. Working of the Protocol

The DC is assumed to be an SDN-controlled domain. Theidea is to translate incoming network-wide identifiers suchas MAC/IP/port/tag with DC-specific labels that facilitatesource routing. An incoming packet headers’ field ismapped onto a DC-specific addressing scheme. The proto-col imbibes an SDN philosophy, whereby various network-wide identifiers are mapped to local identifiers, based onwhich forwarding is done. For forwarding to happen, wehave designed an SDN-capable whitebox that also supportsSR. A high-level description of the SDN whitebox switch isfirst described, subsequent to which we describe the switcharchitecture (in the next section).

For traversing an N ×N switch, the protocol allocates2 log2 N bits. These bits are sufficient to identify a destina-tion port on the switch. The protocol uses a controlplane that allocates DC-specific addresses and routes atthe edge nodes so that switching and routing are donebased on 2 log2 N bits for an N ×N switch. Translationfrom network-wide identifiers to DC-specific identifiershappens at the ES. The ES has an SDN flow table, asshown in Table V. This table is populated by the controller.The table depth is equal to the number of services provi-sioned in the sector, which is of the order of 10,000 servicesand is easily achieved through commercial TCAMs. Aprimary and protection segment routed label (SRL) ispushed onto the incoming PDU. This label allows theframe to be routed to either another AS� ES (in the caseof intra-sector communication) or to an EOS in the case ofinter-sector communication. Unicast and multicast areseparated by the use of a unique Ethertype in the SRL.

As part of the 20-bit label pushed onto the PDU are fivepointer bits that tell a switch where to start reading the2 log2 N bits for switching.

A packet that enters a switch is first checked to see if it isan SR-compatible packet. If not, then it is sent to an ingresslogic that maps the packet PDU with a corresponding SRL.The packet with the SRL is then sent to a forwarding logicin the switch. The forwarding logic examines the pointerand selects the corresponding 2 log2 N bits for decision-making. The logic then sends the packet to the appropriatevirtual output queue and performs switching. The switcharchitecture and implementation are described in thetest-bed section. The forwarding logic also incrementsthe pointer. It is argued that, for a 256-server sector, a sin-gle SRL instantiation is sufficient for both intra-sector andinter-sector (up to the EOS) communication.

For inter-sector communication, the ingress ES onfinding that the destination does not have a match in itsforwarding table pushes a default SRL that routes thepacket to the EOS. The EOS in the ingress sector isassumed to have DC-wide address knowledge and, hence,maps the packet to a wavelength from which the destina-tion sector would receive the packet and swaps the SRLwith a new SRL. The destination EOS further maps thepacket to the appropriate ES port and swaps the existingSRL, with another SRL that facilitates forwarding to thedestination.

Protocol scalability is ensured, as there is no learning orlookup at intermediate nodes and the centralized controlleris assumed to be aware of topology updates etc. within theDC domain. By using the relevant MPLS-TP standard forimplementing SR, we facilitate the IEEE802.1AG connec-tivity and fault management suite that allows protection,sub-50 ms restoration, and generic maintenance.

In the case of multihop implementation, once thecontroller runs the optimization module shown inSection VI, the paths are computed inclusive of all the in-termediate sectors. The controller then computes individ-ual segments of a path, i.e., from a sector to another(intermediate) sector and informs the EOS of each ingressand egress sector, part of the multihop path of the corre-sponding wavelength assignment associated with the flow.The controller also informs the EOS of any aggregation offlows or muxponding that needs to be carried out. The con-troller runs the multihop optimization each time a server isadded or removed from the network. A server is detected bythe ES as a user network interface (UNI) connection, andits existence signifies a traffic source; hence any changewith a server’s existence implies a change in the multihopscheme.


In this section, we validate the proposed FISSION DCthrough a test-bed and a simulation model.

A. Test-Bed

The test-bed in Fig. 6 shows a two-ring four-sector DCwith associated optics and a designed SR-based switchingfabric. The novelty of the test-bed is the fact that it com-bines the various elements of the FISSION DC andpresents these as a combined entity. The test-bed uses


Service Type Lookup ID Primary SRL Protection SRL Rate Limiter Information (CIR, CBS) QoS Level

MAC C4:85:08:A2:CD:4A 1110010101 1.011E� 14 125, 2 2IPv4 11001000100 1.1001E� 12 300, 3 1… … … … … …

… … … … … …

IPv6 5820:f2cc:9 1000100 1.1111E� 11 450, 2 4VLAN 26 1110001000 1.1E� 11 200, 2 4

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in-house-developed SR-capable routers called software-defined SR routers (SD-SRs).

SD-SRs are built using a 20-layer fabricated PCBthat houses a Xilinx Virtex 6 365T-1 FPGA along with

peripheral memory (QDR) and other chips. It is importantto note that there is no use of merchant silicon in theSD-SRs and all data-plane functions are coded in VHDLand reside in the FPGA. The DC is connected to a locallymade controller, which runs an OpenFlow-like provisioningprotocol that generates routes and populates service-provisioning details into the SD-SRs. The SD-SRs areconnected to an EOS, which is made from wavelengthselective switches and associated transponders (slow tuna-ble XFPs). The test-bed setup is described next.

1) Test-Bed Setup: The test-bed (see Fig. 6) is built forfour sectors and two rings, using Finisar 1 × 9 and 1 × 20WSSs (with flexible grid support) at each sector for channeladd, in addition to a JDSU (now Lumentum) 8 × 13 WSSwith flexible grid support for channel drop (all LCOS).Associated 3 dB (1 × 2) couplers are used to create the op-tical backplane. For the four-sector test-bed, no amplifiersare required. Six channels at 12.5 GHz spacing are as-sumed and supported by customized XFPs. We assume aring can suffice with two sectors; hence, there are two rings(two sectors each).

2) SD-SR Architecture: The SD-SRs are custom de-signed for the FISSION DC. The SD-SRs are 1-RU appli-ances that consist of a 20-layer PCB that supports a XilinxVirtex 6 FPGA along with peripheral I/Os and memories(SRAMs and DDR3s). The I/Os include SFP+, SFP, andXFP cages that are connected to a serializer/deserializer(SERDES) chip, which interfaces with the FPGA. TheFPGA supports a two-stage VOQ architecture.

A combination of two types of SD-SRs, as specified inTable VI, are used as ESs, ASs, and EOSs. ESs are con-nected to servers at 1 and 10 Gbps I/Os, while EOSs areconnected to the fiber bus.

The SD-SRs are developed based on a two-stage VOQswitch architecture in a single chip (FPGA) and high-speedpacket buffers. The heart of the SD-SR is an FPGA thatconstitutes a packet parser along with a switching en-gine—all of which are implemented in VHDL. The packetparser checks if an incoming packet is already subscribingto the SRL PDU. If not, then the parser checks for a matchin its SDN flow table against the packet identifier. If amatch occurs, the packet is encoded with the relevanttag, else the packet is encoded with a default tag. Thepacket after parsing is sent to a switching module, whichforward the packets if the output port is free, stores the

Fig. 6. Two-ring, four-sector test-bed architecture (top) and itslogical view (bottom) along with the in-house switch (ES/AS)and WSS (LCOS and DLP) (center).


Features SD-SR-1 SD-SR-2

Ports 10 × 1 Gbps,2 × 10 Gbps

4 × 10 Gbps,10 × 1 Gbps

Power 60 W 96 WSwitch fabric 60 Gbps 100 GbpsSDN Yes YesSize 1RU 1RUQoS levels 4 8Multicast 256 256Latency 1 μs 3 μs

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packets in an on-FPGA buffer if the port is free and FPGAbuffer is available, or stores the packet in the off-chip QDRmemory if the output port is not free and the on-chip FPGAmemory is full. The SD-SRs are modified to support ECMPby efficiently implementing multipath functionality in thedata path.

3) FPGA-Based SR Implementation: Inside the FPGA isa VHDL-induced bit file that supports the following mod-ules: a) an entry logic, b) SDN tables, c) SRL encapsulationlogic, d) a contention and external memory managementmodule, e) a controller interface machine, and f) a switchfabric. The two stages in the switch architecture use oppor-tunistic scheduling such that a work-conserving switch isrealized: if a contention occurs for a packet, it is stored onboard the FPGA in block RAMs (BRAMs), and only if theBRAMs are full does the packet get stored in off-FPGASRAMs (undesirable due to higher access time).Combined, the two architectures result in low-latency.

The centralized controller with OpenFlow (v1.2) protocolis connected to one of the SD-SRs for service provisioningand monitoring. The service is configured from the central-ized controller, which computes the path between the sourceand destination and then populates the tables shown in in-gress SD-SR. Once the SRL is pushed, the packet is routedto the destination with the intermediate SD-SRs working onthe packet’s SRL and decrementing the pointer at each hop.The traffic tests are performed using a JDSU MTS-6000traffic tester, and the round-trip latency and throughputof the configured services are measured [28].

4) WSS Controller: Across the FISSION DC, we imple-mented a central WSS controller for reconfiguration ofWSSs in all sectors. The WSS controller has four basic com-ponents (as shown in Fig. 7, top), the UI module, the APImodule for accepting requests from the SDN controller,the core ActionAgent module (in the SDN SR controller),and the serial communication module. The user can createa connection to any number of WSSs from the UI module us-ing daisy chaining. Responsivity to theWSS is degradedwithmore WSSs connected to the UI module but is of the order ofmicroseconds andhence acceptable. The SDN controller com-municates to (ES/AS/EOS) switches via Ethernet ports,whereas the WSS controller uses a serial port to communi-cate with all the WSS using hub and spoke implementation.

When a new service request arrives, if a common wave-length is available at both ingress and egress sectors, theSDN controller forwards the ingress/egress sector detailsalong with the wavelength information to the WSS control-ler. This information passes through the API module andActionAgentmodule, which then initiatesWSS reconfigura-tion at both sectors and provisions a single-hop path. Wecalculated the switching time of the WSS from one channelto another, which is observed to be ∼30 ms (as shown inFig. 7, bottom). This dynamic reconfiguration is helpfulfor long duration and latency-insensitive services andelephant flow provisioning, as the WSS reconfigurationtime is of the order of milliseconds.

5) Use Cases: We discuss three use cases based on ourtest-bed. There are three use cases that we consider in

the test-bed, namely, intra-/inter-sector communication,in situ addition of sectors and ECMP. The first use caseis important from an engineering perspective to show thatthe concept works in practice as well as to show how ourprotocol functions. By fully loading a single fiber ring,we are able to benchmark the FISSION DC for latency.The second use case is important from the perspective ofoperations; given the distributed nature of the optical back-plane, we can grow/shrink the backplane by the addition/deletion of sectors. The third use case is fundamentaltoward next-generation applications given the use of acarrier-class protocol. ECMP is generally difficult to provi-sion in a carrier-class scenario on account of loss of OAM&Pdue to creation of multiple ECMP streams. Our protocol,however, is not only successful in provisioning ECMPbut also shows significant latency improvement due to loadbalancing. Together, the above use cases, in addition to op-tical layer results, establish the working of the FISSIONDC from an implementation perspective.

B. Intra-Sector/Inter-Sector Communication

This is the scenario where server-to-server communica-tion takes place. There are two possibilities of such commu-nication. Either server wants to communicate with theserver in the same sector (intra-sector) or to a server in an-other sector (inter-sector). Due to similarities in the archi-tecture of sectors and use of a fiber ring to interconnectthese sectors, inter-sector communication provides onlythe addition of a small optical path between Sector 1and Sector 3 in comparison with intra-sector.

Shown in Fig. 8 are plots of round-trip latency andthroughput as a function of load, where load is computedas the number of bits-sent-per-second to the maximum

Fig. 7. WSS controller (top) and switching time of WSS (bottom).

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capacity of the channel. Because the SR protocol involvesprepending the packet with an SRL tag, we measure theimpact across different sized packets. Figure 8 (top) showsthe round-trip latency for configured services between sec-tors (1180) and (2360). The round-trip latency remains con-stant throughout up to 80% of load for different packetsizes. It is almost the same for both inter-sector andintra-sector communication. This is due to the fact thatthe addition of a small optical path between Sector 1and Sector 3 does not contribute much to the latency.Therefore, we can conclude that, even if we deploy largerDC sectors, we can expect a similar latency profile. Thisresult validates our low-latency design and deterministicbehavior of the FISSION architecture. Figure 8 (bottom)gives the throughput of 1 Gbps service versus load betweensectors (1180) and (2360), which are averaged and shown.It is observed that the throughput remains 100% for loadsup to 80%–90% and then reduces to around 80%–91% for100% load depending on different packet frame size.This change in throughput is due to the encapsulationof SRL.

Shown in Fig. 9 is the experimental delay obtained in amulti-sector DC with the use of multihop. The plot is ob-tained from the test-bed. We take measurements for a1 Gbps link between two servers with increasing load.The average packet size is assumed to be 300 bytes. Forreference, we also plot the single-hop latency (the bottom-most curve). The multihop latency values behave asexpected—there is a 35 μs penalty for every extra hop thatis endured during multihopping. This penalty is consistentwith the switch delay; segment routing results in an almost

15–20 ms penalty for port-to-port communication and an-other 15 ms due to protocol processing (deciphering thatthe packet is to be sent back into the backplane due tomultihop behavior). The latency value increases with loadonly for extremely high loads, i.e., beyond 80%. The behav-ior is oblivious of switch load. We note that even forextremely high load and a 3-hop path, the delay is around300 ms. This is quite acceptable in current DCs.

C. In Situ Addition/Deletion of a Sector

In addition to the throughput and latency results, weadded and removed a sector from the topology. It was foundthat there was no change in BER or loss of packets whileadding or dropping a sector. As we use couplers at add/droppoints, the addition of a ring/sector only impacts the powerlevel at the receiver.

We have conducted a sequence of experiments for meas-uring the impact of in situ addition/deletion of sectors. Inthese experiments, we begin with a single sector and growthe DC backplane to support four sectors in a ring and thenfour rings in the backplane. We then reverse the experi-ment by decrementing the number of sectors by unity untilwe get back to a single sector DC. In the addition/deletionexperiments, the BER is reported to be within the acceptablebound of 10E − 9. Hence, though there is a change in powerlevels on account of additional optical losses, the BER con-tinues to be within the limit of acceptable communication.

In our test-bed we captured the eye diagram of a channelat a received power of −24 dBm on a Tektronix digitalphosphor oscilloscope (DPO) without the use of an amplifier.The resulting clean eye opening indicates a good level ofBER at the receiver. We can add four to five amplifiers tosupport more sectors/rings in the DC. In Table IV, we havepresented that, with the use of five amplifiers, we can easilysupport a DC of 1 million servers thus justifying our exper-imental results with that of the theoretical computations.


To perform this experiment, we setup iperf on twosystems and made one the client and the other the server.

Fig. 8. Round-trip time (top) and throughput (bottom) for variouspacket sizes in the test-bed.

Fig. 9. Multihop and single-hop latency measurements.

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iperf uses TCP/IP for communication between the clientand the server. Wemodified the SDN controller code so thatit can add/drop a random number of services (1–1000) forrandom durations (1–10 s). We added a test sevice to deter-mine the time taken to transfer different sizes of data.Figure 10 shows the time taken by the server to transferdifferent sizes of data to the client with and withoutECMP. Because, without ECMP, the test service uses a sin-gle path for transfer, the bandwidth cannot exceed a certainlimit, as other random services are also sharing bandwidthon the same path. However, with ECMP, a test service canutilize the available bandwidth on other equal cost paths,thereby resulting in faster file transfer, as shown in Fig. 10.Figure 11 shows the three-sector FISSION architecturewith two paths (blue and green) configured by the control-ler between the server and client. This result concludesthat ECMP increases the efficiency and bandwidth utiliza-tion of the architecture.


We have showcased the FISSION architecture as amethod to create a large DC using an optical-bus-based

backplane, including its working, and have shown its im-plementation in a test-bed. The novelty of our architectureis the use of a switchless backplane and an interconnectionpattern that results in supporting up to a million servers.We detail the architecture from a cost and power perspec-tive as well as compare it with other architectures bothqualitatively and quantitatively. We introduce the conceptof multihop optimization over the architecture thus facili-tating large DC design at acceptable latency profiles. A car-rier class protocol using segment routing is also presented.The FISSION architecture is compared with other DC de-signs from a cost/performance perspective. A test-bed isbuilt to comprehensively study the architecture and mea-sure system performance especially for the scalable opticalbackplane. The test-bed uses in-house designed segmentrouting capable routers in conjunction with optics basedon LCOS technology. The test-bed exhibits confidence thatthe FISSION concept can easily be adapted in contempo-rary data-centers.


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