NEW- DAILY A FAMOT'S TIFEATRE. PHILIPPINE ......PORTER. CoIored man a* porter; can do genet al work...

INDOOR WO UK for th» winter try ssesk 20: sober a: '. industrious; iniini |' T." that's st«-aiiy; un-i«r*tan<l«> paintlnr r»f or write JANITOR. 141 West 2sth-it 15 EiAST 45TH-ST.. near sth-ave.— Second floor suite: also other reoms; references fxch.i-iKi-'l J. & J. W. WILLIAMS, 353 W. 54TH ST. ofiS»£ CARPET CLEANING. Established IS7\ JAPANESE. Sober. hotMsK and <nssrtsMsri butler an.l vain, wants situation lam- vate family best refsrenoss; wages ££) un" K •'. 17 'Vn<-or 1 »t.. Bro«.klyn. CAREFUL CARPET CLEANING CO.— Clf»ns by compresMd air. steam, hand or <w> floor. I.SIW Broadway. 421 Kut 4Sth-et- COB & BRANDT. Tel. IS2-33th. MARRIED MAN, where absolute reliabil- ity Is wnilifsja; twenty- years' refer- ,, ! r,,n! a late employer: could take ihar««- of «*Besj ;:l'iinK. Address A. ii.. ri. DsiifMi » \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»•\u25a0•". Ira <lyn. 19TH-ST.. I— BUT. P—traWl lar«{»> rooms; private bath, dres^lni? roosDA l-« lor. dlnlnx- ckalssi cooked meals. table guests; references. MAi;KlE.l> i^li'LH on country pla<>, .. fursa, l. honest. t«mj«r»t« nil liable ; (tool r^-ferencen given; Aiaerioan" 46. r (I WHITE. North P!a!afl«io. V/j! i'RESMMAN First class on book, halftone Ml ,l coior work; three color process; Also desires to take cnars;» of first class press- room. Address J.. t,*9l 3d-ave. FIRST CLASS BOARD— Cosey room* « suite; select neighborhood; convenient to cars. 125th-st. station and churches; Chris- tians; reference*. OWNER. l.i*W Madlson- ave. MAN AND WIFE, colored. In private -am- l!y; city or oountry. all all Tries: ros. TER. ** West 3«th-»t., rear. W. WILLIAMS * SON. 210 W. 77th-St. Carpet cleansing. Send for circular. PAINTER and plast«r»r desires work for landlord*, agents or private, get my esti- mate before »-lng elM:wher»>; send postal. WM. RIBBIRO, 422 Ka»t lßth-st. THF7 MADISON. «M-6 Madlson-ava. (62d- st ) Fine lar»n» (root room, with board; private bath; (ne rear hall n>om, a few select tabl»* CHAMPION. PAINTER, paperhanrer. decorator and Ha;- miner: coi.tract work taken; landlord private- reasonable; first class work. WOL- LENHANGER. 360 West llath-st. Mil MB 9l the week or raontai »>— chin.podist. maaeage. undersUusss asaw & gentleman's wardr firs^ class referent from fading pkyaiclana. Address .v:ai» T. M. C. A.. '221 West S3d-st. "^ f>2l WEST 141HT-ST. For rent, with board, two rfßims. with '.avatury. second fror. front; southern «xpo«ure; table a»- crllent. PANTRY WORK.—Experienced Gersaan. aged 30. aa coffee or storeroom maa. sasa references. Address) Box £)A. TAilaCN** Advertising Agency, 32 Avenue A. PAINTER.— first class; expert In paper- hanging, t'.ntir^, enamelling; landlord or prl-.^L reasuaaole price. LINDK '\u0084 204 West 6<4fh-Bt. «2l>-ST.. 343 WEST. Attractive, clean. well kept *in«le, double r .ms: superior tnble; central; moderate: references. ORIENTAL RUG3 repaired, wash-cleaned by natl%-e exports. K. H. PALKRAN- IAN & SONS. 412 4th-ave, Telephone l»O2 Madison. DIIESSMAKI>'O. A, A. A.— Seal garments and other fine furs repaired, redywl and remodelled Into lateat styles at exceptionally low prices; fur garments made to order. Mrs. E. J. BARKER, 113 East 2M-st.. late with C. G. Uunther's Sons. Mh-av»\ COMPETENT DREifKMAKER would like few select customers; evening gowns a specialty; out by day or home; lata of I'onovan. DRESSMAKER. I*4B rark-ave.. near Mst-st. DRESSMAKER— First class; disengaged few days In week; by day. $1 M; Personal reference. E. CONWELL. 334 East VJth-st, TJSEFT'L AN— Thoroughly m». derstands steam boilers, furnaces, pnasje- polish floors, windows, brasses; abstainer- personal city references; trustwor&y! Tribune Uptown Office. 1.3*4 Broadway. I»AINTi.R. i*.per!ianger. plastervr. deeo- or real cstats. city or country lowest prices, best reference. SCiiEINICK. 2*4 Eaat 77th-st. THE PARK. 101 Wav«rl»y Place (Washing- ton Saun-e North).—L«r«;e. handsomely fnmlshed TO>,ma, sttam heat; saealMM ta- 1 \u25a0\u25a0; reasonable terms: referyr.<~«. li" \u25a0>•! M>'. CHANGES, UJ»EFVL, GOOD DRrVER.— By Amerlaea. 42; Protestant; understands famacas. plain gardening, milking; ail work bat waiting, good refsranoea); city or aosassV. T 1«> Bleeck«r-st. PORTER. CoIored man a* porter; can do genet al work in pttvatn family, store, apartment or office bulMing: honest: an- J rerer«ncua. I. W . 75*i Tth ave.. care Tin- son. POKTER. watchman, or similar position, by strong middle aged, educated German; honest and sober; i* years' reference last employer. WAHRENDORF. 643 W. 3«th. USEFUL MAN —Elderly; small waves M home; temperate, honest, faithful; §«>• worker; city or country ; underetajvu Jur_ nacea; all work. Address) JOHN. Box li Tribune OfHce. APPOINTMENT vacant as en- ergetic business man able to Invest $8,000 In 6 per c*nt first mortgage V. nds In eatabllshsd corporation; salary 81,6"«) r«r a- r.urn. Address J. E. N.. Box 36. Tribune 0;r..-v>. I>Rl-»SbirAKEIl.— Young: French woman; few more enira»,-enients by day; city. country; Macl>"W. 11 Fyptem. F. G-. lba eth-avv.. rinir three times. MACIIIXERV. USEFUL MAN.— By American. r7; tttatst care furnace; handy about home; wiTiSip steady, trustworthr: retoreocea. a.-rr-.xK^' Box 14. Tribune Ossfssl REPAIRING. 4c. Work done at your own bom* at mechanic's wages; fine furniture repairing; matt.rtsj»*s made ever; carpets had varnlshlns and polishing of furniture. CHARLES STCDU t>27 «th-av».. elec- Triij*""' store. DRESSMAKER, French, wishes few more customers out *'>' day; street an.l evening ponns; latest style: first <•!«..-!« city refer- enres. Mile. PEGUEUR. 233 West 3CtU-st. UlEr;iJt».V. WAITRESS or COO*.— itiiirr'.' l •-\u25a0.;;'!:». personal reXassasMsv LEII'JXL. JAMKS. '0 La-*r»r.-e-et. AT REDUCED PRICES.— second hand wood and Iron working machines; fully guaranteed: machinery bnnjfht and ex- changed. GEO. li. EDDY. iMadlsoMt. DRESSMAKER.- $2 per day; stylish fitter; economical cutter: ckllful remodellfcr. Miss CAKH, 154 West 15lh-st. STENOGRAPHER, typewriter, bookkee»- Ing by young man, 22. (rim West; five years' experience wtta railroad* and mioing \u25a0 accurate, reiiai.l<*. best refer- ence* moderate salary. CAMEKON. Id) Eaat 26th-»t. ROOK REPAIRUG. IKE?SMAKER.- Over twenty y^ars .n bu»int^s. makrs handsome suits, $6; even - Inc druses and fancy waists, equally low. Mint. SMYTH. &40 « - ,th-ave. USEJTX. MAN on gsntlamaa'a nlao*| oar* of horse* and harness; strictly acoer aad trustworthy : housework, etc.; two roars last place; furnish beat references* It H. care M. Gormaliy. 4ul West SOth-et. BAILSMAN. First class connection with» dealers, painters and f.jundrlea In Pennsylvania, New-Jersey. Marylani. West ViiK^r.ia. Virginia. North ar. 1 Sv.uth Carolina, tieoigla, Tennesaee, Kentucky a:..! Ohio, is open for good position January 1. 15Hi4; uad«nUble craUanUais. Box 721. Mount li )..y. N. J. UK MA Artistic goenM, tailor made, for all occasions: chic, li t*«t de- sJsns; wort guaranteed perfect; home or cut; exo«llent references; reasonable. Mrs. prHMTPT. l'J6 West 9«th-st. VALET, attendant, secretary, ntader to an Invalid gentleman; experienced, pretseata- Me, wail mannered first cla.i» city refsr- encsa. which Lear i.iv%*UgaUoo. a ar.fy 137 West SOth-at. FVKNISIIKD ROOMS. SALaiMAN, clerk or any woric w«ere neat handwriting, education, honesty, sobriety and strict af.antlon to duties $r» appre- ciated: moderate salary. F. W. FILLER. 2. Sal M-ttve. VALET. Qiglish. will visit gentlSflUß daily; take entire char*"* of wardrobe, efc.. and render reiiabla service; exaso9iary \u25a0•<•*. 104 East '>th-et. 22 AND 23 fIRAMERCT PARK.—Gentla- men only; furnished front mum; open fire; tnu beds; also single rooms; breakfast. VALET —Young man. 28; bast thr«»e >imr reference, would, travel. LYi/BM, SIS "West 2O:!»-st. 27 WEST 38TH-ST. Lar)re front room; private bath; gentlemen cnly. SALESMAN. Experienced. Intelligent gen- tleman will consider any broad r.'.inded preposition as outside salesman; nu In— e-inn-s or books considered. Address EH WARD CHESTISR. 722 Broadway. VALET—Visiting Talet: takes char«»j si gentleman" i ward-o^o by week or nonth; beet ctty r«fer«r.;e«. A. Ca* Box 17, Tn!»- nne Uptown r)Slca. 1.3*4 Broadway. WaHL>KN and MATRON in aimahouse or any Institution by man and wife; m*- rier.cad; reference. Address Box 5aX Palmer, Mass. 2SD-BT., IW EAST (Madison Square South). Suite of two rooms and bathroom; ref- erences. ANT OLD ROOF ma<l« perfectly trat«r tight with plastlo slate. ROOF MAIN- TENANCE CO., 05 East 134th-«t. WATCHES ON INSTALMENTS. WEEKLY PAYMENTS Flno diamonds. watches. WATCH SUPPLY CO.. 3 Maid- en Lane. Room 5-'. All goods guarantoed. ii 1.1.l- WANTED. Mule. VTFI WANT the services o? a young man to sell piano*. It la absolutely essen- tial that he should have experience in th« piano business. If ha feels that ha can afford to pay hla own way to Toledo, and Is willingto work fH a first clas* manu- facturing house, he may be able to make a record which will secure advancement. The work Is In and out of the city, btata ufi, experience, references and expectations. TUB STARR PIANO CO.. a_t> Sui>erior-«t.. Toledo. Ohio. HAND6OaCEI*T furnished frort room and bath ; moderate. 41 West 46th-«t. WORK uf an/ kind by young colored man; rlßg and willing; can furnish beat of reference*. Addresa APPiW, 319 Weat 4! St. 48 IRVING PLACE, near East 17th-et. Large and small well lighted furnished rooms; telephone service; terms moderate by day or week; central location. WANTED. First class men and won.en to take orders and advertising for a now magazine, "Saianmanship." Interest all manufacturers, merchants and all saiassajsjtj and saleswomen. I_.loeral owßSßissloattv K^nia Bolicltoru making- over $10 daily. Start at nice. Splendid Christmas present. J. Lk KiINURICK. 1.1 To Broadway, curnor 2ath-st. 6STJI-ST.. 104 EAST (2 Uoors from Park- ave.) Superior ut-wly furnished rooms for gantlemsa; references; break'R"t and valet servloa optional; parlor Hour fur physician. . YOUN'J MAN. V). good education. In broker's or riiertbant's office: object, ad- vancement, not siildjy. Address r'HEX> V. BOTTCkNO, 6.5-* East <.th-et. YOUNG MAN. 19. In office: good eiluca- tlon. M. TRY. 13* Lewl»-st. STORAGE SOTItES. WANTKl'.— American offlca boy, 14 to 18 years; steady. Industrious; write. BtiU.i< schooling 1 and tii>cr.u;;cu. Address U. _>.. Tribune OfSce. WANTUU. For»-r service, you'-a about 18 years of age; one thoroughly ac- quainted with Greater New-Tork. Inquire MAILH(" v Tribune Office. WAITER. V.y colored man In art-ratu .**-»- V.y or boarding houae: city rafensVaSk Call 137 W«»t - I 3th-st. rar» 81c<y. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Female. ' COOK. Cotnrj«tec;. tii.iaara. luach«oa«j day w>rk; good caterer, best refar wooes. HEXNESSY. 331 West i3d-et. COOK. By respectable -woman; inhlei sutnda ail kinds of bread and pastry; no objection to country; years 'city rafJstr- socea 434 West 3Sttv-e>t-. first bell. Y< UNO MAN. IH. hljfh school education, wishes place with SSM tsjiui ; oan handle either enrl of tape. C U £• . 380 North TVrrace-ave . Mount Verr.on. N. Y. COOK First flaas: French: <-ountr» pp»- ferr-d; best reference. 46 Wast attn-eX <XK3K.—First class: only In first -law familv: wages $30. WEINDROST. ;T East 131st-et. YOUNG MAN, SO >ears of ag». speaking; German an.l English, having: been steward on American and 'toman ships: also has travelled around the world as butler; weuid like to take the same position; best of ref- erences can be had. H. MIDLER, 127 Park Ku«r. HELP WAMEU. COOK. —By an English Protestant: under- \u25a0:.".:. '.•> all branches of plain ant Cuter cooking'. <oe«l reXsranoSL CRAJELA3X Lfi Wut :»d-et. PHILIPPINE PROGRESS. Judge McDonough Reports Islands' A /fairs in Excellent Condition, Albany, Dec 3 (Special).— John T. McDonough, formerly Secretary of State of New-York, and now a member of tho Supreme Court of tho Philippines, reviews in a letter received by Labor Commissioner McMackin the military, civil and economic condi- tions in the islands. He says. in port: I have been really surprised at the great progress made hero in establishing civil government. I listen with interest to "old reßliient.s" (those who have been hero about five years) telling about the mili- tary rule of three years ago, when one could not he out about the streets of this city after dark without a military pass, and when it was danger- ous men in the daytime to go outside the .city lim- its. We have an orderly city, well protected by American and native police, most of the former ex-soldiers, who, when disrhars:ed. took service gladly in the police at a Hilary of $75 a month, which seems lar^e when compared to their arrny pay. \\> are making- a modern and a model city of Manila, which wo modestly call "The Pearl of the Orient." "We will soon have sin up to dato electric street railway. We have electric lij?hts in the prin- cipal streets. We are improving tho water system and building sowers. We are spending millions of dollars in the construction of docks and break- waters and dredging th<» harbor. Much money la also being expended In the erection of now public buildings for office, school and customs services, and highways and bridge* are under construction throughout the province. We have only one steam railroad in the islands— that which runs north from Manila to Dapupan. a distance of about 135 miles and It is paying- well. 1 am informed that other railroad.*! are to be built soon. The country is so tranquil now that there Is little danger of insurrectos or bandits Interfering to any dangerous extent with such projects. We occa- sionally have trouble in the back hill country with ladrones, who hold up people and plunder some- what as train robbers do at home, but they are promptly pursued, usually captured, quickly tried and severely punished. The government has organized four thousand or five thousand natives Into bodies of constabulary and scouts, officered by Americans, and these are distributed throughout the archipelago to preserve order and enforce the law. They are quite proud of the privilege of serving under the Stan and Stripes, are well drilled, efficient and do good work. Because of the existence of this body of men. the men of the regular army are relieved of active work and are kept at posts, to bo called upon only In cases of emergency. These Islands are rich In resources. I have been Informed by competent authority that the forests alone owne3 by the government are worth at least $300,000,000. This year we derived a revenue from Bales of ripe timber of $4fi0,000, and it is likely to Increase annually. The llne-st wood in the world for cabinet work may be obtained here. I have met many of our "little brown brother*." even the famous ARulnaldo. and I am really fa- vorably impressed with them. They are, on tho \u25a0whole, a simple, pious, clean and obedient people. Many of thorn have had the advantages of a good education, and are very bright. Three of them are Kitting with me in the Supreme Court, anil 1 am very fond of them; one of them Is Solicitor Gen- eral of the islands, a splendid official, who for a time was out with Aguinaldo, and others of them, are In minor places under the government. The masses are entirely satisfied to liv© under the protection of the Ignited States, and would pro- test if th* government were to abandon the Isl- ands, for the leaders know they would fall a prey to Japan or China, Ifour government gave up tha archipelacro. The religious, or friar, question has caused con- siderable discussion here and at home, but it looks now as if that question would be speedily settled. In fact, there is not nearly so much friction as existed two ye;irs ago. Time, which makes all things right, seems to be settling this question effectually. The situation will be changed for the better, too, when the four "Yankee bishops" are installed. With civil government fully established, good crops, business prosperity, religious freedom f < r all. the outlook for the Philippines is bright. Pres- ident Roosevelt has loyally and fnithfully carried out President MeKinley's plans. The census has been taken, ana now the people are discussing the question of their assembly, and already candidates are mentioned for that body. Female. COMPETENT MA.D WANTED for general housework; mo<iern apartment; no laun- dry, reference required; wajiu, Sis to $30. ft* lv*-ave.. ">Mh-«t Public Notices. YOUNQ MAN. 20, wishes position cf any JOS. J. KOL'RI. S*i East 74th-et. CDQK. A comoetent woman aa ooak, kr the day. week or month; city rnfirsnua 44a W«bs 2St.i-«t.. in staraw WtiKK WANTED. TOUNO MAN. engaged mornings and evwn- tngs tn grocery buslaeaa, wlsbas) emylay- ment of some kind from t> a. m, to 5 p. m. ; excollent referencaa. JOHN CARET. 171 Jay-st.. Brooklyn. COOK. Ac- Good cock, laundress or honaa- worker; city or country; Protsstant; goad reference. 21« West 27ti»-et.. 1 Hsjst Feiuatie. CASHIER. youa^ lady of gxiod appear- sUMa; nas ha«l expeiiaaoo and can furnish best reference. B. \V.. i«io W«st <>4th-et. YOUNG MAN. 24: understands bookkeeping and factory system of dreaaniajdneT or suit house- ADVERTISER. 2!»7 iDaat 4th-ot. COOS. Experienced. German; first ::».-* references: wages $30 to $40 a aaor^ 247 W«hster-a.v«., Jasoey City Heigh at. cflicea at piy. TOCXQ MAN. » : has full knowleo«9 at painting- good at decorating; and drawing. & KOSCNBI^P.a. \u25a0»!> D«lancy-st. COOS. LAUNDRESS. aiso ci:amtM«BMat waltraai; city or country sevm fears' •\u25a0••fwences : good roast* sous*, entrees, ilss- aerta. 506 CLh-ftr*. COMPANION and private secretary to elderly lady by rerUitd. highly musical young iady. part tiuio only. X. Y., 12& Last &4Lh-st. GOVEK-\iLSS.— Higher ijigllsh toertiti- catwl^; French, Latin, music. drill, netJlework; t*xp«riencr.i, Eucce^^tul wac.or; fcxcdient references; accept hf^iflay »ni!«Mt<»- nient. Mie« KIU'vVA-N. 2Z-2 West 143u-st. TOinfQ MAN with wholesale horn* where ability win. promotion; untioratands hotel lunch counter, bartending; caan security if necessary. H . 247 tSttx-ave, CARETTAKHH.—Intelligent woman- »mjt houne; beat ret erenow* ; no children, ossa- pensat.on wanted, tree rent. BRIG;?? «\u25a0% East IK»tii-«t. GOVEU.\E.Sb.- Wall educated North Osr- miin Frueulein as nursery »overnf»s; will take entire turn of chiMr«n; Al referencea. D. BAHHWATEIt, 235 tenn-st.. Brooklyn. YOUNG MAX, 23, with good mechanical ldeaa; bits had considerable exper-.siK:* around macalnery- good reference. WM. R. LEVLRETT, 302 Ea»t »4th-st. DAILY Tfalt'.ng mail; manlcuxing. sfca_i- poo, scalp, face treatment; aompeteat; terms moderate. HOLMES. 343 W. 44«&-s% STENOGRAPHER, typewriter and assist- ant bookkeeper; capable of furnUihins satisfactory references as to ability. Ad- dress MidcJ A. C, 47 Hoyt-st., Brooklyn. DAY'S WORK or HOCSEKZ3PSB-— Br colored woman: earn of sick by day - week. IST West 33d-«t., basement. YOUNG MAN. 26; willing and ambitious; Ijjit two years ad confidential clerk; manufaciurirK business prefsrrad; fair sal- ary, ii. Li.. ITlbuxie Offitxa. DATS WORK. By young woman; wash- ing, ironing or cleaning. METEHKLiff X.12» 2d-ave. Vol'NO MAN. K-'^ technlcai education. In contracting or civilengineering office. W.. Box *5, Trioune Ornca. STCNOIIUPHEH-- By yon** Uiy; begin- ner; neat, accurate in work. HL'OHJii, 2.5;:-» Broadway. DAT'S WORK.— Respectable woman wwsH work by the day or weak. Mrs. HYDiK. 234 Cast 46th-«t. STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER.— Thoroughly competent; rapid, accurate; over 5 yeors* experience; permanent posi- tion; 912. EXPaUUCNCSD. Cox IT. Trio- une Office. YOUNG MAN. good jweltien at anything; honest; state wages. ANDREW WEICK, tM MimlllHSj air Brooklyn uoutviit imATNia \va.\tku. GENERAL HOUSEWORK.— By corr. ?et?n; girl; wages. $19 to $20; apart^r.en: srsi.l family, reference. 931 Bth-»ve.. nr. iSth-*t. STENOGRAPHER. Experienced Reming- ton operator; Yankee; well educated; sal- ary $15. c*n call In person betw.en 1 aad 2; downtown or .Brooklyn poalUaa trefeiT«X U. S., Box 20, Tribune Offioa, HOUSEWORK. :->\u25a0 youns w^aao Protes- tant*: small j>r'.va.:e family, adults, la apartment; no washing: excellent cook; be«t referen-es. JTORIinVT, 406 Ajnstsnlair<- ave., third floor. TYPEWRITER.— By youns lady sten- ographer: six mouths' experience; law of- floe. Artdrena A. CDiITIGAN. No. 567 Wayne— St., Jersey City. N. J. asMsk ATT.'IiNT>ANT, secretary, reaJar, wltJi vai- ci... to invaitU Koui.snian, eipi«ri«sc»l, rr*>-- T " f "^i. Wei "\u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0"-\u25a0•—'\u25a0 . nrs^ dassl city iv.«^«i wnica haaw ia»«»^»i«.a. AsLUaOi, id V.mi SUUi-at. HOUSEWORK. thorough'.T r-'.'.aMe ani strictly temperate, neat aldarly woman. goo«l coik and laundress; m .lerato wi^r« In consideration of good home. Call '. -o «th-ave. OUPIIEME COURT, APPELLATE DIVIS- lon, First Judicial l>erartmcnt_ In the matter of the appllc«ti .n of the li<*Lid of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners for the City of New Y<irk for the appoint- ment of three commits!. mere to determine and report whether a railroad or railrosvds for the conveyance and transportation of persons aad property ou»;ht to be con- structed an.i operated— Modification cf Park Avenue sec- tion: Public notice Is hereby j;lven that, pursuant to the provisions of Cr-apttr 4 of the Uws cf I>*l, as amended, the undersigned Board of Rapid Tranalt Commissioners for the City of New York will apply t.. the Appellate Di- vision of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a term thereof to be he] I at the Appellate Division Court H.^use. at Maiis n Avenue and Twenty—fifth Btrt-et. In the. BorousTh of Manhattan, City of N"..-w York, on the eleventh any of December, M, at one c' clock In the afternoon of day, ur as i--.n thereafter as counsel can t'u board, for tr.e app«intnient of three commissioners In th.- abi entitled matter to determine and report, after due hearing, whsther a railroad or railroads In the said city for the conveyance an.l transportation of persons and property ought to be constructed an.l operated. The papers upon which the aforesaid application will be mads are the petition of Fald Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners, dat) October 29, 1908, the affidavits and other papers accompanying -the same, all of which were filed In the office of the I'lerk of the said Appellate Di- vision on or about the Bth day of November, IMS, and in addition. such other , ii*:u as shall be presented to the said Court by the aali Hoard. A description of the route and h^ieral plan of construction of the said rail- road or railroads forms a part of the papers filed, as aforesaid, in the Appellate, Division. Following Is a brief and substantial synopsis of the paid route in the Borough of Manhattan: From Thirty-third Street to Forty-second Ftre/et under Park Avenue. The ot.J^t of the aforesaid application la tu obtain the appointment <•' commission- ers who shall determine, after public hearing; of all par- ties*t>-d. whether such railroad or railroads ought to be constructed and operated, and shall report the evi- dence taken to thy ApptMate Division aforesaid, tug>Kth«>r with a report of their determination, which report. if In favor of the construction and operation of such railroad cr railroads (as this Hoard will ask that It shall be) shall, when confirmed by Bald Court, be taken la lieu of the consents of the property owners along the line of Bald railroad or railroads. Dated, New York. November 13. 1903. BOARD OF RAPID TRANSIT RAILROAD COMMIS- SIONERS FOR THE ''I iV OF NEW YORK. (gig! A. K. orf.. President lilKnelp BION 1. BURROWS, Secretary. VISITING OOVKRNEdS. fauna; lady to teach French en.i Spanish; o l;sn in all its brancnes. UTS Lexlns;taa-«T*, HX -.& z reiic*iui«ui , w«U r«cumni«M*i; ptoM i" mmiiy- ua£aDi» and wui- i:.«' aVaVlnaa BL, «*iaiicu cqimw, 4& iawt yiih st HOUSETWORK. *c— ReapectaNe woman witha child to de bouse wor* or lr> a b-»j;- reee place: moderate waces. A .:.'reen L. REBMANN. P. O. Boot 2*9. M»s;»-,.. Li . Island. BUIUBaV i..urj» s f.jTn-»m aJKIe luaa. taU, iMi v^.al. orat **» un au- ni; U'Wii ur eouatry; city rviareuce. jiL'T- La^H. car« of Alia. viidUii, i,-v> V\ -.. 41aa-sa, WO UK AV IXTED. UVTUiM, VAL£T. l£a«U»h, ax>uvuic«>l. fit] M couairy. good relui'aacca. nAU- lie £..m Jiu-«t. HOL'dEKESPFJt. Touns; woman as wort lr.i; housekeeper In widower's c- ba - eler's home; g>od references. D. (5. ."!-.•.• West 20th-«t.. 2 h«i:a. abate. ADVERTISER, eUucuted yuunjr man. 22; speaking and CL.rr*-s[>omlli:(? fluently in tn^.is.h. i^euth, (.icriuau anU fiatchj at anjrUUnf; *... accept $10 w«etily. AilUre^ AJLLKIiiHT. Uox t>. IthsM Odh a. New-VorK, Nov. ZTtk, l»03. NOTICE 13 HUKKBV UIVISN to each and every individual hereinafter meatloni that on Tuesday, the Fifteenth Day or December, IUOB, the following goods will be Bold at i'LiiLJO AUCTION, at the Warehouse of the OUAHLtIAN STOUAGh; AND TRAN'S- FER CoiLFANY, NOB, ooi and 3u3 West 125th-at.. in the Borough of Manhattan. City and County of New-Yorlt, at 10:30 a. m., to recover tho amount cue upon said Sxik for storage charges upon the same, liursunnt to law. and eucli sale will be conilnuM from day to day until all said goods shall be sold. To O. M. Atkins. Household Goods, $13.75; \V. H. Barnes. Boxes, ate, $17.50; Mrs. A. Buraham. Household Goods, $4ft.W>; Jos. Collins, Household Goods, $31*75; Mrs. J. J. Car- diff. Household Goods, #35.10; F. Currier, Trunks, $i».ni; Arthur Christen, Household Goods. $27.07- Mra. G. J. Cohen, Household Goods. Piano! *+o.3i>: Mrs. Helen CUrToni. Household Goods, $85.10; Win. M. Cary. Household Go<ds, Antlers, etc., $B.'*-34; Mre. J G. Datmey. Household Ooods. »14.78; C W. Dobbins. Household Go->da, Piano. $87.00; Emmet K. Kay, Household Gods. *1».2u; Mis. M. C. Fischer. Piano. *21.13; Thos. W". I^ran. Household Go. ..Is, J77 m.; Mrs. M. Gould, Trunks, etc.. $34.04; Mrs. I* Hay ward. Household Goods, $20.00; Mrs. li J. Harris. Household Gooda $35f.0; Mrs. M. BL Hsmrood, Household Goods S7.6i>; Mrs. M. K. Henderson. Household (ioods. Piano. ?194.<x>: W. J. Hendrlck. Sare. Boxes. $57.50; Philip Hol- land care I* Sehlehel, Barrel. Pictures, J13.35; W. E. Ingrain, Household Goods, $28 T-j; J. V. Jennings. Household Goods. 126.00- Mrs. O. A. Johnson. Trunks, House- hold Goods. $17.73; J. U I>eahy. Household Goods $.".9.«7: A. J. Miller. Boxes, Tools, etc.. $42.50; Mra. MAry McT^aren, House- hold Go-vis Ml. 10; Mrs. G. W. McCandllss. Household Goods, |2l.l0: Wm. M>riarlty. Cnrpeia. .*!> 85; John Morris. Household Goods, 955.80; A. R. Park. H.nmchoM Goads, f-TJ 90: Mrs. H. Qulnn, Household i ;.-..;,. $S2-00; Frank R. •+>>\u25a0-, Household Otods $41» '.(5; W. Pparrow, Heoseho'd Goods' $4;» (!(">: I*BeMtka], account Pr. Sl!- llm«n. Trunks. $10.25: W. 11. Trainor. Boxes stc., $8.»; Mrs B. Talmadge, Trunk, Barrel, $9 <".*: ,T. W. Thomas. Household Goods, $43 T.O: Mr?. H. W. Van- d^roff, Houaehold Goods. $39.W>: J. P. Wells, Tables Chairs, etc.. $3R.T>: Mrs. A. Ward Trunks, rax**, etc., $21 20; rhas. W. -vVhee!.*r. Household Ooodn, $3«.48; Mr, r T Webber Basket. Barrel. *11.50; V's v. Wehher. RooaehoM $82.00; Mrs H. Warden, Hnu«ehrld O. !s, $*>.•»; o C. Wheeler. Hou-eholl Ooods, SS-^.O"; Mrs M I? Whltten, Hew»eho!d Gooris. $30 20; Mr?. Marv Welch. Household Oooda, $46.43 Notice Is further Riven that, the time of payiner.t rf th» lien of patd war*- taiiomn v-vrn f,m<l property hiving; ex- pired, find due notice bavins been hereto- forc liven to nil of *aM *"«\u25a0 named psr- \u25a0Oß9 Hid fa!e iHi be, held as «nt>-r,rl e<l M- t>T> stntutPS 'n rwh cn!»e<; prr>vl.le^. RDIAN STORAGE AND TRAN^ITR COMPA NT. OFFTrr: 303 WEPT 12STTT-PT.. ROROTTnn OF MANHATTAN. NTW-TniiK i^TTT \TW-^npK WOVEMBEH 27. 19<«. TITK vTAPrTTNnTON BTORAOF W.VRK- HOUBTC .<• VAN CO., I-TP . &XM 2.2*>«. 1..W0 EUhfh-av*. To whom II may concern: The following rsonal property, to wit: Beds, I chairs. tables bureaus, linen, silver, btUs*. china ani other TTOrPKTTOr^ GOODS. ' pictures, musical Instrument'!, brie .\u25a0\u25a0. brae, ! trunks hmtea. barrels, PERSONAL EF- FECTS MERCHANDISE ETC., belonpinc t > r held for account of Mrs Queonts An- ! Person. Mas Marv .1 Angus. Georfre P. : Barrett, W. K Bep.rdFley, Mr* Virginia Bithicr K T< Brown. Mr- M. B'own. Mrs. T.u.-y H. <-!^rk n S. Clark. Mr». Mary I OTeamer. William rvrfey. W. .1- Ottrell. i Mrs F. r>l«h-^w, Mrs riisrlott« P'in.'«Ti. I A. J. Bno, Mrs LoqUm Faxon. William \u25a0 Fan-pll Mrs. Pad!» W. Frame, Mrs. Julia Ferguson, R. M. Fletcher, >frs Mary Foley, Henry F.. Fox. -T. G.trfunkel. Jitle* J. Gar- n!er. Jr.. Miss F. M. GUI. Mrs. Mary E. Hanson. Mrs. B. P. Harlow, A. S H.;i«iar,-. Mrs. m. A. Jacquemot, Mrs. G. v. N. Johnson. E. Jonas, T. R. Jordan, Mrs. B. 1• ' mte, ,T. F. I#nlirnii. Mrs. A. T.ynn. Wbeeler .»• Wilson Mfp. Or, Nathnrlel Mabrey, 11. C. Maany, Patrick Mortflrty. Mi or Mr* r>. M Munsanto, Mr. or Mrs. Mudemann. J. C. Maclean Mrs J. A. Me- nnrmark Mrs O. J. Mci>irmiick. Mrs Mapirie McCiuskey, Mrs. H. Nterman. Fmll M XVI" Mrs. 9 Owen Lewis Pr1f»llt«. Mrs Jessie C. Plckrell, Percy A. Pl<-kr-11, Art . J. ,T. Plttman. Mrs S. Rnssell. Mrs. Arm Rand* Mrs B. F. Pmall. I F Btaf- j furt, Wm r.\\7.a. C. Rherrj-. Mttai Ht-len St Oeorve, Mrs. A Sinirer. John Sorouts, Mrs I \u25a0"• n. Taylor Mrs. Flirabeth Walker. J <-.. Wai !. J O. Watts Mrs C. Wenman. Mrs. Alice Willroent Jordan Morlarty & ''• . Mrs S. Williams, Mrs. Jennie Wright, will be sold to sntlßfy th*> Item of the, under Mere.l th.r. .in. nt nnblic auction, to the htjrh^M bidder, at No. 2 TOO ni^hth-ave.. Roro'isrh of M-inhattan New-Tr>rk '"ity on H \u25a0 iv. I>f. -ember It. 1903. nt 10.TO a. m.. pnd on such fiihst-nuent days to which saM \u25baale may be adiourned. Dated. New- York N.Teml er 87. V.*W THH WASHINGTON ?toi: \u25a0 .-!-.• WARK- IIIII'SK VAN" CO . Ltd. 2.2M 2.28«, 2.500 Elfhth-av*, NVw-Ynrlt ''|tv LOST. i^ >st up, STOLEN'.- nankb.->ok No 422 7r.» of the German Savings Bank. In the City of NVw-YTk. comer 4th-»ve, and 14th-«t., Issued to Victor and Catharine Voirelßp*.nr«r. All persons are cautioned against negotiat- ing- the same. If not returned to the bank on the 22.1 d*y of December, 11*08, a dupll- | cnt« will:\u25a0•• tsanss. ; LOST OH STKI.KN. Bankbook N... H.H>W« of th- H Illlill Savings Bank in UW *"'lty of New York, corner 4th-avc and I4th-«t lanad to K.itharlna Herdt. In trust for Phlllpp lU-rdt. All persons are cautioned HKiiltist n»^,-r.tlat'.t!i{ the same. If not re- turned to th« bank on the 2ftth day of De- <t:iib«ir, 19113, ii duplicate will be. issued. A. YOUNG MAN, 21, as ortlce assistant or at anytnlng; r«fereac*s. HOWARD GRAJTrON. 14« .vlauj«r-*t.. Hmokyn. HOUSEWORK. ETC. By girl: Gertaan faunlly; New-York or Brooklyn sje*, ia country; g xkl waue» AJirssa L-Tr\"ORA. 107 North Tth-st.. Brooitlyn. Colman had the hipheet reppc-ct and affection for the elder Math^ws, perhaps the mainstay of the theatre fit the time. ]t was one of Mathews's firm convictions that no fish could ever be or ever was caught with rod and line. He was himself like a fifh out of water when lack- Ing applause in the theatre or out. Once when be declined to take part In a benefit for Liston on the ground that be had to play elsewhere and could not "split himself in halves," Llston kv retorted, "Idon't know that, for I've often seen A you play in two pieeee." I^iston refused one Hr evening to accede to an irrepressible encore for a dance In "Tom Tim;.. by i ally coming forward and stilling tli<' uproar with the curt remark: "L.adies um] gentlemen, 1 regret that I am t<v> fatigued to oblige now." The pit treasured these wonts in iis he;ixt, and In the duel scene later provnk^i peneral merriment by ehouting to the actor arho was fencing with List i "Please take care! Don*! ']\u25a0> !<"><"> mui:h or you'll f:.T:gue him!" It Is easy to d>> too imrli with fatiguing quo- tations, but p>:).:<ps this anecdote will not be regretted <\u25a0: the days when Bdmund ECean nnil Slacready, (ntenee rivals, played In the same •pieces at I'rury Laine. It. was usual to consult them in the course of the evening as to what they would appear in next. One night when the prompter wns sent to «Ek Mr. Haeready what he voold r 1:l >' with Mr. 3Cean the prc-^t tragedian frowned upon him till lie blushed. *"Fore Gad. sir." he roared, "how should I know what the man would likr* to play?" The prompter retired t<> set-k the desired in- formation from Mr. Kean. "Damn It, sir said Mr. Kesin sharply, "bow the hell should .1 know what the fellow can \u25a0tarf "Hush, Georg- i-uid the duke pood naturedly. •"or you'll get iiito \u25a0 scrape." "No. no," paid Colman, in a loud voice, "Icame out to enjoy myself. I want to know who tL;:t fine, square ahouldered^ mairnincent looking, agreeal low is at the htad at the table." "Be quiet." returned the duke, "you know it's the prince." "Why, then." \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• I<,:i r,.i!'.;in again, raising his voice, "he must be your elder brother; I de- clare he don't look half your ape. Well. I iv- member 1:.- time he sung a pcxl HOg. \u25a0' he is the same eocd CeOow to-day he would not re- stuse an old playfellow." The prince was much amused and promptly complied with Colman'a Tetjuest, the manafrer meanwhile applauding him uproariously. "What a magnificent voice,"* tie said, when the song was over. "Such ex- pression, too! I'llbe damned if. l don't engage him for my theatre!" "No," replied the gentleman, *'I am from Bsmz." "Ah," replied Fo<>te, rf-memliering that BtJCT "was a county famous for its cattle, "from I^ssox Indeed! And" wh<» drove you?'' The rather quarrelsome younger di- rected a similar jtalousy against successful rivals In plaf \u25a0itttng. and had small use for a man "who would n<>t lauph uproariously nt his \u25a0Jokes. Once, when he was entertained at dinner at Carlton House, he turned tn the Duke of Tork at Mi elbow and demanded to know who "that fine looking fellow at the head of the table vu." At last AynoFworth brake down under the torture. Mr. Bhaw, with that perfidious :iir of making the best of r\ trythlr.g which never de- serted him, hyp:ioii7.t <i him into complaining of |tbe number of Bpeechea he had to deliver; here- \u25a0apon Mr. Shaw <ui out no le=? than seventeen at them. This naturally fltWiMed the artist totally. On the Question of cutting Mr. Shaw's attitude was nothlnjr lea than satanio. When I gufcgested cotl \u25a0 handed tne the play, jbtgged me to cut i: fn«)y. and then hypnotized \u25a0ne so that I could net collect my thoußhts suf- ficiently to cut a sinple !in> . On the other hand, If I Fhowed the least pleasure in a BCCne at r»- (hearyal he at once cut it nut on the gTound that the play was toe long, What 1 Buffered from that man at that Una will never I>»' fully known, tThe heart alone knoweth its own bitterness. It Is related of Foote's Jealousy of Oarrick that be never forgave him success I'n the occasion (Of Garrtck'e triumph at Stratford, at the Shake- rpeare Jubilee, a KV&tlemaa who tried to niiike ablznself agreeable by talking to Foote of the «xcellence of the performance they had wit- nessed was listened to in Ktlence for \u25a0> time, and Ithen arked suddenly If Warwickshire had the honor of being his birth] I as veil as Bhake- Epeare's. THE HATMARKKT TTrrATRF: POME RET- ORI>6 AND REMTNIBCEXCE3. >n- Cyril Maude, rditfil by l<a!!>h Illustr \t«-d.. 6vo. i>p. vil, 140. B. V. button & Co. Th© 00-manag^r of the Haymarket Theatre, CxpreaslT disclaiming ai:y attempt to writs) a formal history, has gather- a most entertnining array of anecdotes from the days of phllus Clbber and Foote on down through tho of the CJolmiLns, Wclister. MmtlKW, Hiu-kPtone and the Bancrofts to r.<: erbohm Tree and the present management. The Inimitable quality of th« traditions of the quainter days of the •t&ge are balanced in the recent pasaaj by m. gay and unhesitating frankness. Take, for example, this glimpse of George Bernard Shaw's activity at the rehearsal of his play. "You Never Can Tell." Allan Aynesv.ortM «:is cut in the leading part. 0«M of obi scenes w;is. in the author's opinion, beyond the actor's power, and Mr. Maude •would havo the reader understand that "Mr, Shaw dclibfratrJy used his hypnotic power at rehearsal to compel Mr. Aynesworth to fulfil his prediction." BVIUR OA VALET. Engliao; good ai>- ..._._:.vo aad kuui reiereacea from -— •*. t:..,.^«i', &uto truiii i^n^imiia, hei^nt 6 i«oi 11 i.....u». U4*l »o. u. jAJALs^aUN. 4U ii-UiiiOUUi-iilO.. LwicWiiwi, N. J. A YOL'Nii MAN, ia. line appcaranc*; room or information clerk in ho I*l New-York or out of town. 214 West Uttfl i t. HOUSKK ; small fami:y: »!\u25a0»<» plumber and roofer. A. KI^SiSnMAN, (W2 East Sth-et BY young Frenchman. oOee* French Army;; a.'adainy or alieiKJuaif horses. *i^ West 3sth-»t.. store. Zulu and \ALJbT, with tootman or pa^'ivu-xuaid. tajias lull sttassj*; expert oa allvar. uu.» a«corat'.Tig; fc.c«luui. «uuU ap- i' lugi.iy r»'iimm.n.-,-l bo'i'LUK, nax li». &17 (iiu— av*. LJOHT HOUSE WORK nr to assist Ml other work by y.ung girl; jtth. '. ciry r»t- erence. Call 101 Park-«v«. BUXI^ER. By competent colored man, wtta pmai* ten years' refert-tioe last wit»tnarw. pines. JUT w»»t «ist-«i. 11 V young man. att«nJing professional engagements tor rranlaga as txiokkeeper or any suitable employment; will furnish 1.-st refavaacaav. a HEItK- MAX, 53 Flrtrlrtas sl THE SPINNER. LACNDRES3.— FIi.< da*.: r»!»p^Mbl» crt- ore<! woman- family washing :av!.e«* and gentlemen's wash: ablrta. ssjUbtsj ?i;rTs: :.n.» wa<ihlnir: reference. M.. 3*5 Wi»*t S3A-mt.. basement. Tlic Part She Has Played in ~lmcri- can IJfc. tL*TLJ£LR, VAl.rrr.— First clias; French; linda.e aged; Laorougniy ooUij»t«it la ail b:»::. i.oj.. guuu c:ty r«t*r<iac«a. UlwK-SAi<X>. -••\u25a0< V.i si -Oia-»t. LAT*XPRS?3.- Frmt r!ass> laundr«as. ICM iajr In prtvato fvnl'.y OnCM Anf fren'-e- understaniJt rtxnaals tioroufhlr. •* C, Box 10a *17 «^v* NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE BUREAU FOR THH COI^LECTION OF TAXES, NSW STORK, December 1. li*.3. Und< r the provisions of stcti.-n Pit) of the Greater New Tork Charter (chapter 378. l*ws of 1H97). IS fcLERKBI GIVEN TO ALL PER- "*" sons or corporatlong who have omitted to pay th^ir taxes. "TO PAY THE SAiIE IN THE UOHOIM.H IN WHICH THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED." a* follows: HOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. No. 57 Chambers street, Manhattan, N. Y. BOROUGH OT THE BRONX corner Third and Tremont avor.ues. Tho Bronx, N. Y. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, Rooms 2. 4. 6 and .S. Municipal Build Brooklyn, N. V. BOROUGH OP QUEENS, cornel Juoks.ji avenue and Fifth street, Lang Island City. .V V. BOROUGH Of RICHMOND, c.-rner Bay and Hand streets. Btapleton, Siattn lslar.l, N. Y. end thai under tho provisions of section 810 of said Chartor, "IF ANY BT7CH TAX ohall remain unpaid » the first day of December, it shall be the duty of the Receiver of Taxes to charge, receive axil collect upon such tax so remaining unpaid on that day. In addition to the amount of such tax. one i<-r centum on the amount thftre.f, and to charge, receive and coll) U[~jn such t«» bo remaining unpaid on the first •>• of January thereaMer. Interest upon the amount thereof at the rate of seven r*r centum per annum, to be calculated from thn day on which sai.l tax^s became duo mid payable (October . >. 1903), as provided by section nlr.« hundred and fourteen of thl» act, to the date of payment." DAVID E. AUSTEN. Receiver of '/axes. IiUOKEKEPEK.— Younn man. »; r-ipid typewriter, good hdj.dwr::;:.^ willingand; »»,ealis Fr«nch and Kngltah; leara booKke«i>liii,-; would like to a ; ,; as as- sistant i>>okk*eptr; Al referen Addrts* CURIOUS. I'rtbune Uptown urUc. 1 364 Broadway. ilfTUato. VALJiXr or CViU'IMuN.-By \u25a0MM »l:.».o luaii, 25, Ln>^t r«Xerenood fruui ii-iti'.ic*!; =^-jaks Kreu^a and En*- Usjfe fcddiwta A. J . Wtil S7UI-SI. GSSS*. -iiy coioril man; ail round cook. c.iy or country. C J. WA-ltU. i*4 but V7l!. -et. BOOKJCBCPSR. Young man; unier.tand* trtn>-||iiiuliy typewriting; some t\u«ri- enc«: tnuderate saiary. Ad.lress P Koa»N- KRA>TZ, C4C Grand-et.. BroiAlyn LAt'NT'RESS.— First cUss: would Bee family v«aa or ladlee* ft=» wash; !«m or cut by :±y: can do all klrui* of 3a» a>VDaa. 114 y.**t31'ii st LACNrrtr^S. Proteßtaat: D— i eaiijulenl «o«*J nftraaeaa; *I»ocga(isU. A«ldr-s» LAtTCDKDBI i'4 XfJv-av* CKsV.— stlnl class . eity or country- pri- vate family, club or yacht. JOHN l:i-.U'lii, ltio lith-et.. Urook , BOOKKEEPKH. CA:*HIEK or BItX. ». ÜBRX.- r.> married ma:;; beet city ref- •ranees; wages :uo^ra«.e. F. ni-liAr- MANN. 101 Klng-et. Help Wanted. ABLE BODIED UNMARRIED MEN BE- tween ages of 21 end 3.".; citizens of United States. of good character and temperate habits, who <an ?i...-k. read und writ* Knglish. Fit lofornu apply to Kt:- crultlng Officer. "5 Third Avt., ii.3CO Third Ave. "05 Sixth Av«., N. Y.. or IMB Fulton St.. Brooklyn. Notice of Summons. CCPKEM JTCOUU T, NK\TY oTriTcOUNTT>- Mary- B. "VVr.shi. Bllaabettl J. Wrlcbt and J.,hn Markle ix& trust ci &' tin last Will und i * \u25a0*« Jin.\u25a0 r. of James Hood V.right, latt. of th* City of X.\u25a0« York, deceased, l'laintifts. asminst Alic« <"anii.l»l'.. Uertha It. <\»nyn*hjnn, Mary Alien l>avie. widow ot James .-i. iJavle deceased; Elisabeth \Vr;«nt Davle ani Harriet Davit., children of said Jam.>a B. Davle, .ire-»ased; Jlary A. Davie. Henry K. I:.-, ad H<-:i:y K. Praelaad, as Ex- ecutor of the last (rill un.l testament of I-'-nbt-Ma J. Frtitland. dacea*ed; John l'i>rpon' Itorsjaa, (SuorKe c Thomas Bklwai . V. yttrfesbury. Chuihs Stevle. Uaorsa W. Parkins. Edward V. Whitney. Jajaesj W. Paul, Jr., John PUrpont ktorsaA Jr.. Temple iJowdoin, Edward M. Hoblnsun and William P. Hamilton, said last kl<.;u.i mentioned deftjidaJitu bttag paxtaera doing MUilMaa under the firm luuin an.i style i,: J. I '. Morgan A Ojm- pajiy; Mart l -"" Avenue Depository and Exchun»o for Woi.i- en's work, a corporal mttaiuzed and existing uaJer the laws of the Statu of :.<-^ Fork; Mary R. Idarkle, l>ona!d Wnttht Munlelth. -r. ::.rim. .1...5:a.i C. Kviii', K»l«u.Jd lve'» Robinson, an Infant; Edward M. Huoiiuwm, Tliua- n«ldA H. Robinson, Thusnclda Wright Robtnaon, au i:. fiuit; William M. Robinson, Wasni&gton Hslfbta Li- brary, a corporation urtiiuuzed aud exljitin^ under the laws of the State of N«w York; J. Hood Wright M.>- morial Hospital (formerly Manhattan 1'isi>«nkary), a corporation organised and existing un i.-r the laws of th« State <.f New Tork; Mary H. Wright, Elisabeth J. Wrlgti t and Violet Wright. Defendants Summons. the abova rutiued Defeadovnta: You are hex by summoned to .m.iA.r the complaint in this action, and to sarra a copy of your iui»w«r on ttiu rialiitlfTs" Attorncyti within twenty days &fter the aerxice of this suuirnoiui, exclusive of the day of SSI 111 S. and in cue of your failure to appear or answer. Judgment will tx> taken against yon by deu».uii for the relief demanded In the. \u25a0\u25a0.mplitlnt. Dated New York. N. V . November 10, 1603. STETSON. JKNNINOB & RUSBKIXt l'lalntlffs* Attor- Jieyu, i >f!li-v ani Kmtultlce uddreua, 15 Id .«\u25a0! Street, Borough \u25a0! Manhattan, tt.o CJtjr of New York, '- Y. To Alice Campbell, Bertha H. Otmyn»ham. Mary n. Markle. In.i.uld Wright Munteith. an Infant; Edward Ivera Uoblns«n. an Infant; Ddward M. Hoblniton. Tbut>- nrJda H. ItoUnsun. Tliiisnelda Wright Koulnnun. an In- fant; William M. Ilobiwton and Violet Wright: The fore. going sumiium* Is serve.] upon you by publication, pur- suant to fc/i ordor of Hon. Jamrit Fitxierald, one or the Justices ot th« Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated the linn day of November. IWsV and filed with tha complaint In the of!; i,f the >ik of the County of New Tork at it. County Court House, In tho Bortmtfh of Manhattan, :n Mm < ny of N«:w York, on the IMb day of November lirrs. BI'ETdON. JENNINGS A P.I .-.:•!\u25a0.:.!, PUlntlffaf Attor- neys, IS Broad Street. Borough of Manhattan, the Cltx of New York, N. T. COOK. Vuuof colored man m cook: good .it i><u*iry aud ail ruund i tolling. AiUnsi for 2 tlaya, 81, l.«vas AtlKu.Uo-*v».. U'klyu. L\r>\"< MA!P and SEAMSTRSSa— p«rteno».i in Njth ipacttles; &••» otty ref«n-ior-< SJBod tieasmalisr. ttat. iti \u25a0\u25a0>. SS AU:r« K . 22 Irrte,, H»o> 00OS UulatIWORK.—By youile; coiured couple; man ms cooi; wife ail round ht.uao\.orlt; city or country; best city refer- MHMft J L.. can. of diaou. 137 W. -^>U\ st. li*>\. IS, rssMSBS with parents In office- can attend telephone; referrnca fiisjj last employer; salary from $4 :>sl &> \\ ILO^- IAM NOLAN, 1.3i)0 3.1-ave CIAKD BAKER, thin* I>r fourth hand J. (XTZ, a^o rat 3litn-st. M \TT> n'*t raloni |M »« wflfl >**r kHTtao«teds* * B»mn>»MttW ml sham. oovt'-u:' or «>':!*• Jo wort !n 3Tr<aJl ajHt mrnt A.' r.I.KVN. TZ* Wast S3d-«t. CAitPEiNTER— competent all around mechanic; factory. Institution or Jobbing ••f any kind; wages *- .">o day. AUKKKD l.'UB West 144th-st. cook. t'rofeailoniU. excellent Gorman cuoaL o£Ter>> Ms »ervlc«e la private [m-'n at uliin«ra. reception*, banquets, etc Ad- dre». JANITOR. itU Weat lUTta-et. MAN « '**?• jurat .1 w un« widow. UTiJ-nc-j^ioered. jja wMower** \u25a0- -a - '\u25a0 rs home: ".'.sfa«»sW aWi- erenccs. ' a>NH'.KNTI.\L» Tt!^jb« «l>- timn Offlco. LJM '.-.laJway. OQAODIAK. Single; genarttlly useful; UMSaasjhll unu>-:s'.* uar« hur^s*. hax-^ \u25a0Sjaa, carri«c«aj; a 1 »a driver; can aini. »t- '•\u25a0 . furutice; wa^ea mourral*; satisfactory \u25a0ejtejsejrMeja, L> .. n. x 7. Tribuna (.Hfli--. CARPENTEB Bober r«-lial.l-.. tt il r..ur..l 3U Eaat f.l-t si . tat n— r CAKl'EXTElt.—Mrst olass; od, all roicd mechanic. advertiser. 547 West 64th-at. Herman. sasjsjfcsjsjtj J* I **^ a«»<1 infant esj yovaa silM: spwaK» sooq F>er..-h , n r i-ountrr: t^»t itraieusas H. S.. 330 WMt Md! «t- NfRST!.— Mk; excalVnt «!rl: petrwsvai reffrenoe* from oM fomnies. nX rrf «-nt employer. «»S West EnJ-*wa.. MM* JHth-st OoACIIMAX. biu^le. *«;<•! ;*•>. careful iiriv«*r; wb*r and hoitevi; CtMBSMad es) account t>| family M.ving m luraea. \\OI.KK. IM> Eaat 75th-st . -.itlaa IIENR> .1 a\,,. Nt'HSK. *c Jk roun* ooJorwJ vonai •» >urao or •*« light hotis^w<->rls ta *B*d family : reference If reniuired- Wtß» *• West i»Oth-.>t. UlHl.Ul.srs' HKT.rCr. Qmmma Ameri- can; beat l«f IWMJ— ; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0JMliusjl; uaj Thursday open; uiao half day. .\aiirn»* C WMCHMAX.- .Single; medium alze; axed 80; i .vi . 11 :u ,-i vithHim horees aud o*r- ri«»>-<. iK»i \\nttrn and i>ei»oinu ri'.'«i>- ••ce. M'l'Utlltsu.N, Nii ilin -tivu.. car* 11.. -Hi CV.».\> .MAN. Lady turning out horses *<uua to i»Uc» her o««.hmi>i>. sluoJ* Sco;cl man. highly rev-aiun.end«U, city ur country. '.VU.UiAM MACIXXSaLu, car* Oook.». 1.71U li-..*uway. Will 111 FlssjmiU s <ri. 21 Mn sss| .*« arriTWi \u25a0\u25a0 nJT»# !n nrtvate f*n>U* **- dr*as R?imii» jriT^LAJID. oar* Mr» *- Konipf. 333 Richmond RoatJ. 3ta»MßSt N. T. BKQIX&TCR.- Ue«nsed, »teajy, tiober. e»- pertenot-il. ko^«I all round repairi^u' ma- chinery: do own firm* In factory. CORVI hotel. Weatchi ita*ami I m.i,; «if. OXnCE Ct-E-\NIN > O 0* JANITOR.—\u25a0»»•- sp*rta>ble w.xnan. Mrs. L.TON3. U»sa« <ll*t-et. BNOINBKB as chief; «niwh»m)sjj m *u braaabea: strictly »..l»i- ana itiiiarie- can rurniah the beat i«siamices. AJvlreaa Vim .".in!, BsaUaMsßissßsl or MAlD.— fir t.->.e '*'— •pecta&l* French wuntaa. J. C. d "**"• SKb-at. COACHMAN. »i^rm»n. n:IJ.!lu aKeU; iVir- ousnl> patent, L-aretul <irmr, tore* > ears' Iwat ruipr«au« f:ui:. Uuit piiwo. A. K. U.a»U iwu>>. statluii»r> atut«- mii'MUiV Kardeo«r. u»eful man; unUer- \u25a0icioi care bomaa. carrtt^c*. gr«eu- taoueea. furoacaa. sle^io. hut air; nulker; Kuod L>ersunuJ r«fen>nu«ui; atu«i«. icuuh. i'lli'U!.!. 1 -: s*» IVairl-et. WOMAN wish** work at an» «>' '"t*? or week. 2.176 8th -•ve.. rla* aa»»* noy's bell. BNOUUKSK, maohlnlat. i.^uiuiker, »obrr and reliable; yastrs' exMrteao*; factory hotel or »nartm«nt. ENGLNEKJt. K>4 Ka«t itn-«t. COACHMAN A|« t 30; a»b«r: beat refrr- mcajsj; city or country; n i^hlyunJiir- st...-. - bis businoa*. W, r'KACai, 4U> Weat 3ith-et. WASHI NO —Woman wishes) w»«alat «« home. DITUOU. 403 Ea*t 724- sU «»•\u25a0\u25a0• floor IajSCTRICIAN.— All rounU nwtn; rt—Oy pout loo; us >uar»" reftrenc- QXOHGU FACKEU. 13 H.-Kklns-st., Hm.klyn LOST. Itanktxiok Iftt. ."«>'.» fl4f» on Dry rv>ck BaTlnga Bank Any person havtna; claims JJBOa •Id book \u25a0\u25a0iI!. ! upon to present the Hftnif> to th« btuik within thirty days or the »aM book will be (V.-larM rann<ll<«l anil fct: 1 hm'.mluil and a new on« issued In lieu thereof. FIREMAN.— aubnr and rellahlei; bent rer«ri-i.vv .VKDKRaON. 413 K*»t Btti-st. WAtTRES?.~»» Smart youn« gat: •»» c«a»»: willassist with chamfer W 2"*r" sew: 1».!t oan *• ***** 100 Ok»i s *^__— COAOIUAN. Caretaker of «»ntl«mju» 8 O'Ui>.tr> place; single: expnrtatncvd; D«r- sonai r«l«r... frum last and furiuer «di- yi.j>«r« cmusxxicsoii, a:* w. anth-»t. IX«ST.- Ilankbook No. MO I»7t>, Itank for :iavtnic». 2ho 4th-ave.. New-York Pay- ment stopp«l. rieam return l«>..k to bank. - VOI'V, OIK!, to take care of *K"»J?f i! ;_ dren. help cha»ib«.rwork wrfJJ*" lo^ vH'tata ramltr: wt!irn< and ot>H«to«. v»- Alt Briva* Taut •a..Suasv & u'»t>Ul. COIV kma.V Hv a tingle man; SweUv. rufrrenoe \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 obtalnnl: i-"tin - Wj , kf«rr<tJ Alir.n OSCAD PETCtt- ,.I.S. >«. J. 'UilJlUAib- Oo*>d ref«x»noe>, AJOxeaa A. M.. I*>Uh—c±m-9* iTHB TAX.B OF THE 6PIXXTXG WHEEL. Hy ET.zab»-th Hi rrtcy Hu. 1. Resent "Mary Floyd Tallmadßft Chapter." Daughter* of the Revolu- tion. DnMrmtad :y Kraiiy Mfoyea Vanderpoel, Author \u25a0' "Color Prnblt ms" and "ChronJrU-s Of a Pion«*-r S'-r.ool. 1 fevo. pp. vlii, C2. The Unlverelty Tress. This pleasant glorification of the dignity and achievement of the American Epinning wheel has been foun-l welcome enough by the various historical societies and clubs, and chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution, be- fore whom It has been read, to lmp<l the author to issue it In book form. The proceeds of its sale are to be devoted to the work of the Litch- Aeld Historical Society and the Mary Floyd Tkllmadge Chapter. There an- several delight- ful accounts collected In the t-Esay of the doings of spinsters of ai older day in neighborly con- gress, meeting "In the laudable desij,Ti of a spin- ning match. "' In Qoscbea. <"oi;r.., in 1773, the young married women held a spinning match one day at the house? of Nehemiah Lewis. The contest was in li:.> F;»iiining with a foot wheel. The conditions agT<-.-.l upon allowed the whole of the twe;ity-fojr hou:-:-. for work, the Oistaffs already \>r*-\ -. and llie yarn reeled by others. Mrs. Stephen Tut cartie off victor. She spun five runs, equal to two and a half days' labor "when on h're." At this feat the unmsrricd women were an.- Miss Lydia Beach, the daughter of I>eacon Edmund lieach, of Eajst- et», t.pun from early dawn till 9 o'clock in the evening. She not only had her distaffs prepared and her yarn reeled, but "her food put into her mouth." Bhe distanced Mrs. Turtle out of ques- tion by turning' out seven runs, three and a half day** labor. This was too much for the patience of the ambitious wife of Captain Isaac Pratt, of tli* south part of town, who forthwith cam<» to the defence of matrimony by spinning from **rly dawn to set of sun. and achieving: sir run* by that time, with every prospect of ex- ceeding the record in a few hours. But at this point the captain talked in and made a scene-. With a tititith he disregarded th« glories cf abstract ma .'imouy In the balance 1 agiOnet the temporary state of the health of the In a letter of Sir Walter Scott's to Moore, recently aold at auction, the novelist, Inviting Byron'H biographer to visit him, writes In this wise: "We will talk of poor Byron, who was dear to us both, and regret that such a man should have fallen from the chaplet of hia coun- try so untimely. I very often think of him al- most with tears. Surely you who have the n;fcar-3 should do Eometliiiie for his literary life at least. You might correct, leaving^open old wounds." Mr. Henry Dryerre has lately published a book id •'Blairf.'owrie, Stormont und Stratlunore Worthies." In it he has much to say about the .iS of some of lan Maclaren's characters, whom lie well knows. On the subject *»f "Dr. ire" he has this passage: V. h- \u25a0 the Bonnie Brier Bush" ap- . some eight or nine years ago there was but one opinion iu the Blairgowrie district as to (entity of "Dr. MacXure.' It waa well that th. author, l>r. Watson ('lan Mac- laren') waa i-t home In Blairgowrie; bad sev- eral uncles and aunts In the neighborhood, and many a long summer day at Kinloch, at Gormack and at lieudochy, in his boyhood, and : ter <ri had even preached in Borne of the <hurches; and. It need hardly be added, knt-w I>r. Lunan familiarly. It waa nothing strange, therefore, to find the worthy old man figuring in this new author's book. The sketch was a likftneas. The self-devotion, the regard- \u25a0 of pecuniary reward, the kindliness of 'ion. the di;;tastfc for j>raise or "plaJster." kill, the pride in his profession, the occa- sional bluntiH'ss of manner, were self-evident ripts from the living, active, popular per- 6/»nality in Wairgowrie. When told of the like- im-ss in the book it was characteristic of the man lare It was "a' bluff and nonsense"; but tthor himself has Informed the present writer that l>r. Lunan, whose "hard and prlce- wrk," and "the honesty and realty of character" he knew, was one of several country doctors who .eat for their portrait as Dr. M»cL<ure. A book that could not well help being inter- Its is one in a thousand, \u25a0 m wrHt-ri by Mr. F. Hamilton Jackson, and will poon be- published. It is calk*d "True of the Italian (.'oiidnttleri." and it ought pa ked with good material. The merce- "f the }</»naissa-nee formed a class by . their violent and picturesque careers BStantly the political and therefore . ! life of thi-ir time, but their peculiar re- lation to that life enveloping them always in a : atmosphere. Mr. Jackson's book will moreover, a < ertaln novelty. Since the !if» of Sir John Hawkwocd was published some or fourteen years aso we have not seen \u25a0nother new work treating types of the sort. rtboomlng volume will be profusely illus- the frontispiece being after Giorglone's "Warrior" In the National Gallery. < mo of the unfortunate passages in Mr. Kip- ling's last book of poems Is that in which he rep- resents the late Cecil Rhodes as having a cer- tain proprietorship in the sky. Of course Mr. T. W. H. Orosland has battened upon this infelicity In hi.s new book, "The Five Notions," made up of parodies of the poet. Here Is his burlesque of the unlucky eulogist: 'B 'ath a notion that C Rhodes "\V;is very nearly the most 'l«Th, An* that Boutta African abode* Bend ii.;» il*'>r smoke into "his sky." Ar \ -=:i mlffht Lunik from Rudyard's lines Thai Cecil went about in white; '10 n~\<-r owned no <limon min*»s. 'K rank no tizz with Verner lieit! Ify aunt, 'Is sky! Tin 1 sky was •wot, Tlio' all ttiincs else choked up 'Is cab, 'E moft distinotlv 'adn't pot An' most distinctly couldn't grab. Two new volumes of Interest to students of the life of Mirabeau nave just been published In Pa riff. Both are made up of letters. "Sophie (]•• Monnior et Mirabpau d'apres leur Corres- pondanoe Secrete Inedite," edited by Paul Cot- stains the letters addressed to Mirabeau 1 y Sophie from 177t> to 17S1. "Lettres a Julie i du Donjon de Vincennes." edited by Dauphin Meuni.-r and Gcorgea Leloir, gives au'i letter* to Julie Dauvers. <>f th<* longer r o( *rn** * n tnls volume the fol- low ing were exclusively Aytoun's: "The Broken Pitcher." "The Massacre of the Macpheraon." "The Rhyme of Sir Launcelot Bogle." "Little John and the Red Friar." "A Midsummer Medl- 1 that admirable Imitation of the h ballad. "The Queen In Prance." Some of the shorter poems were also his "The Lay of the L-vite." "Tarquin and the Augur," "La Mort d'Arthur." "The Husband's Petition" and Sonnet to r.rittun." The rest were wholly mine, or produced by us jointly. Pir Thoodore Martin has Just found time. In ity-seventh ye;u\ to write a new preface : .print of "The Ballads of Bon Gaultler," in which he poos Into detail concerning his own share and that of Aytoun in the celebrated vol- ];<\u25a0 says: A contributor to "Xotes and Queries" has been laboriously amassing proofs that Shakespeare was b confirmed punster. He has been going through the plays, and has already discovered In thirty-nine deliberate and pre-determlned j,uns. lie tells us no new thing, and we sln- bope that tnthus.iasm will not lead him to the composition of a stout volume on his sub- ject. After baring published one book after another his more distinguished brother and -Uaphaplite circle generally, Mr. William Michael Roowttl is writing his own "Reminls- 1 which h<> will publish, in all probability. In VX*4. Mr. Rossetti has been in this world for seventy-five years, and has known any number of celebrities. In his book he will of Millais, Tennyson, Landor. Trela-vny, Kliot. Thackeray, Ruskln, Whistler and others of note. LI TEH AK Y NOTES. dauntless Mrs. Pratt, and "peremptorily forbade her jiroceedlng further." S!-.- nt lowa and wept like a child, when she ought to have rejoiced that she possessed a hus- band in whose eyes her future health and happi- ness were more precious than the brief applause which might arise from success In that contest. the captain was as wise as peremp- tory. The chronicler jroes on to say. that though Miss Beach, after holding the high record for the estate of the unmarried, went over to the other faction, with "her garland yet fresh upon her brow." by adding the son of Captain Jona- od to h. r trophic* she did not long sur- vive bar twin success; "for Lydia never enjoyed from the hour of her triumph." Booa after the same industrious ambition was turned to patriotic account In the part the women of the nation played In the war by clothing- the army. The story is told with pride and enthusiasm. Th© essay. It may be said, be- gir.s with the Stone age. If not with the three dread spinners, Clotho. Lachesla and Atropos. ItIs perhaps more significant that hand spinning should eo recently have been superseded than that it was practised In the early days of his- tory. This Is not to reßTet the stately mention of the distaff of the Egyptian goddess Nelth; the women of Israel, who were wise hearted and tn with their hands; the fate of the luck- •achne. the loyal Penelope, and Lucretla, Ciiiiatinus; Omphale, Calypso and Circe. But it will not do to say that the Romans "bor- rowed thp spinster goddess outright and called lux Ifinervß to hide the plagiarism." Though timacy with Athens lent the Lady of ipitoUne Hillmany of the attributes of the older | Bho was no pale, transplanted a :irst she gave her countenance to :y on the Tll>er. and deserves an equal from tho panegyrist of housewifely arts. The text of this book, printed In a stout type, is broken hore and there, or accompanied by archaic and decorative drawings In brown line. LOfT.— Bftßkbeoa No jrj,'.»7«». Broadway S.ivings Institution, Msfj York. I'uynn-nt \u25a0topped. Plssus, l'turn book t., Link. tfar.kbotk No, 136.1*3, Hnnk for .bavlr«». iy»u 4t)v-«ve.. New-York T»ay-. men* stopped. Steal* return, book to bank. HATMAN. aide doorman, waiter or uiwful man by young colored; lt> >i»r»' personal references Call 2 .lay*. UKIS COLL. *. I ' u _J' upcx - <4 ° WrSt **\u25a0*" "*' i* » >rv BKBJBl— ftaducated ...^.. o- .... pharmacy, seeks about sU hours' ,Ully; occupied by aiiyUiln^. PHARMACIST, Ptari-at.. BrodUro. DOUF.STU SITr\TTOV* WA3tTCT> \\ okk u w r>(» novill.- .»*•• U.H1.11.1. Hal*- MKCIIAN'ICAL ENGINEER. Graduated trout Vienna schools; has both govern- m*nt certificates, excellent draugnUman and ooostruei^r; Just landed; wlibei *ood place. SIEGFRIED ASCII CR. SOU West 130to-»t NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 4 1003 CAKPET CX.EAXISO. MANUFACTURERS or billiard and pool tables- high grade bowling alley builders. low«tt prices. MARX BROS.. « Union Square. BILLIARD ANI» POOL TABLEi. Male. ' " COACHMAN.— Single .irlv»r: hand? mM . garden, furnace. tooU; steady Boaj"ioa : country, private place, snore ;,r»ferr»d iw class references. cHAi DITTMaX «*•> TAT A FA MOT'S TIFEATRE. ATTRACTIVE} SUITES, with and without board; single rooms; doctors' tifflc«; all locations; references; Information free. 8. C, ICELAND A CO., 2 Wast 33d --st. COACHMAN.—Py undo Biaa: person^ reference; country preferred. J. j l[r* Mavr '• *~ The History of the Haifmarkct, in London. BT. ALBANS. T EAST 81ST-BT. Rooms, single, en suite, with pr»T»t« baths; doctor's office; dining rvom parlor floor; etoctrle light; excellent tabla board. MAS3AGB, eleatriclty and medical gymnaa- tlcs given at gentlemen's residences, by experienced graduate; highest references. C. R.. 1.033 Lexington-ave. NHAK IIKOADWAt-Siwly furnished; large, aniall; excellent table: private faintly; oppoaite Lyric Theatre; references required. IV7 Weat 43d-st. " Oldest Largest. Mont Modern. 437 * 43» WEST «TH-«T. I*l. 611— 3«th-st. Established IW7. W. H. JORDAN. E- LgNTZ. mnVKM-KX. iit«. thoroughly «»— eaced. in hotel; ref«r*n<:n. SAIAitT ay. * -* M\<:HINMT.23. 8 years' experience In fac- tory and shop; all round mechanic; would CO but of town. Ad.lreaa Gt'S. H. < *v, flan* Road. Union Uiii. M J. 10

Transcript of NEW- DAILY A FAMOT'S TIFEATRE. PHILIPPINE ......PORTER. CoIored man a* porter; can do genet al work...

Page 1: NEW- DAILY A FAMOT'S TIFEATRE. PHILIPPINE ......PORTER. CoIored man a* porter; can do genet al work in pttvatn family, store, apartment or office bulMing: honest: an-J rerer«ncua.

INDOOR WOUK for th» winter try ssesk20: sober a: '. industrious; iniini|'T."that's st«-aiiy; un-i«r*tan<l«> paintlnr r»for write JANITOR. 141 West 2sth-it15 EiAST 45TH-ST.. near sth-ave.— Second

floor suite: also other reoms; referencesfxch.i-iKi-'l


353 W. 54TH ST. ofiSȣCARPET CLEANING. Established IS7\ JAPANESE.

—Sober. hotMsK and <nssrtsMsributler an.l vain, wants situation lam-

vate family best refsrenoss; wages ££) un"K •'. 17 'Vn<-or 1 »t.. Bro«.klyn.CAREFUL CARPET CLEANING CO.—

Clf»ns by compresMd air. steam, hand or

<w> floor. I.SIW Broadway. 421 Kut 4Sth-et-COB & BRANDT. Tel. IS2-33th.

MARRIED MAN, where absolute reliabil-ity Is wnilifsja; twenty- years' refer-,,„!r,,n! a late employer: could take

ihar««- of «*Besj ;:l'iinK. Address A. ii..ri. DsiifMi » \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»•\u25a0•". Ira <lyn.

19TH-ST.. I— BUT. P—traWl lar«{»>

rooms; private bath, dres^lni? roosDA l-«lor. dlnlnx- ckalssi cooked meals. tableguests; references.

MAi;KlE.l>i^li'LH on country pla<>, ..fursa, l. honest. t«mj«r»t« nil

liable ; (tool r^-ferencen given; Aiaerioan"46. r (I WHITE. North P!a!afl«io. V/j!


First class on book, halftoneMl,l coior work; three color process; Also

desires to take cnars;» of first class press-

room. Address J.. t,*9l 3d-ave.

FIRST CLASS BOARD—Cosey room* «suite; select neighborhood; convenient to

cars. 125th-st. station and churches; Chris-tians; reference*. OWNER. l.i*W Madlson-ave. MAN AND WIFE, colored. In private -am-

l!y; city or oountry. all all Tries: ros.TER. **West 3«th-»t., rear.


210 W. 77th-St.Carpet cleansing. Send for circular. PAINTER and plast«r»r desires work for

landlord*, agents or private, get my esti-mate before »-lng elM:wher»>; send postal.WM. RIBBIRO, 422 Ka»t lßth-st.

THF7 MADISON. «M-6 Madlson-ava. (62d-st )

—Fine lar»n» (root room, with board;

private bath; (ne rear hall n>om, a fewselect tabl»* CHAMPION. PAINTER, paperhanrer. decorator and Ha;-

miner: coi.tract work taken; landlord o»private- reasonable; first class work. WOL-LENHANGER. 360 West llath-st.


9l the week or raontai »>—chin.podist. maaeage. undersUusss asaw &gentleman's wardr firs^ class referent

from fading pkyaiclana. Address .v:ai»T. M. C. A.. '221 West S3d-st.

"^f>2l WEST 141HT-ST.—

For rent, with

board, two rfßims. with '.avatury. secondfror. front; southern «xpo«ure; table a»-crllent. PANTRY WORK.—Experienced Gersaan.aged 30. aa coffee or storeroom maa. sasa

references. Address) Box £)A. TAilaCN**Advertising Agency, 32 Avenue A.

PAINTER.— first class; expert In paper-hanging, t'.ntir^, enamelling; landlord or

prl-.^L reasuaaole price. LINDK '\u0084 204West 6<4fh-Bt.

«2l>-ST.. 343 WEST.—

Attractive, clean.well kept *in«le, double r .ms: superior

tnble; central; moderate: references.

ORIENTAL RUG3 repaired, wash-cleanedby natl%-e exports. K. H. PALKRAN-

IAN & SONS. 412 4th-ave, Telephone l»O2





A.—Seal garments and other finefurs repaired, redywl and remodelled Into

lateat styles at exceptionally low prices; furgarments made to order. Mrs. E. J.BARKER, 113 East 2M-st.. late with C.

G. Uunther's Sons. Mh-av»\

COMPETENT DREifKMAKER would likefew select customers; evening gowns a

specialty; out by day or home; lata of

I'onovan. DRESSMAKER. I*4B rark-ave..near Mst-st.

DRESSMAKER— First class; disengaged

few days In week; by day. $1 M; Personalreference. E. CONWELL. 334 East VJth-st,

TJSEFT'L AN—Thoroughly m».derstands steam boilers, furnaces, pnasje-

polish floors, windows, brasses; abstainer-personal city references; trustwor&y!Tribune Uptown Office. 1.3*4 Broadway.

I»AINTi.R. i*.per!ianger. plastervr. deeo-• or real cstats. city orcountry lowest prices, best reference.SCiiEINICK. 2*4 Eaat 77th-st.

THE PARK. 101 Wav«rl»y Place (Washing-ton Saun-e North).—L«r«;e. handsomely

fnmlshed TO>,ma, sttam heat; saealMM ta-1 \u25a0\u25a0; reasonable terms: referyr.<~«.

li"\u25a0>•! M>'. CHANGES,UJ»EFVL, GOOD DRrVER.—By Amerlaea.

42; Protestant; understands famacas.plain gardening, milking; ail work batwaiting, good refsranoea); city or aosassV.T 1«> Bleeck«r-st.

PORTER. CoIored man a* porter; can dogenet al work in pttvatn family, store,

apartment or office bulMing: honest: an- Jrerer«ncua. I. W . 75*i Tth ave.. care Tin-son.

POKTER. watchman, or similar position, bystrong middle aged, educated German;

honest and sober; i* years' reference lastemployer. WAHRENDORF. 643 W. 3«th.

USEFUL MAN—Elderly; small waves Mhome; temperate, honest, faithful; §«>•

worker; city or country;underetajvu Jur_nacea; all work. Address) JOHN. Box liTribune OfHce.

APPOINTMENT vacant as en-ergetic business man able to Invest $8,000

In 6 per c*nt first mortgage V. nds In

eatabllshsd corporation; salary 81,6"«) r«ra- r.urn. Address J. E. N.. Box 36. Tribune0;r..-v>.

I>Rl-»SbirAKEIl.— Young: French woman;few more enira»,-enients by day; city.

country; Macl>"W. 11 Fyptem. F. G-. lbaeth-avv.. rinir three times.

MACIIIXERV.USEFUL MAN.—By American. r7; tttatstcare furnace; handy about home; wiTiSipsteady, trustworthr: retoreocea. a.-rr-.xK^'Box 14. Tribune Ossfssl


Work done at your ownbom* at mechanic's wages; fine furniture

repairing; matt.rtsj»*s made ever; carpets

had varnlshlns and polishing of furniture.

CHARLES STCDU t>27 «th-av».. elec-

Triij*""' store.

DRESSMAKER, French, wishes few morecustomers out *'>' day; street an.l evening

ponns; latest style: first <•!«..-!« city refer-enres. Mile. PEGUEUR. 233 West 3CtU-st.

UlEr;iJt».V. WAITRESS or COO*.—itiiirr'.'l •-\u25a0.;;'!:». personal reXassasMsv

LEII'JXL. JAMKS. '0 La-*r»r.-e-et.

AT REDUCED PRICES.— second handwood and Iron working machines; fully

guaranteed: machinery bnnjfht and ex-changed. GEO. li. EDDY. iMadlsoMt.

DRESSMAKER.- $2 per day; stylish fitter;

economical cutter: ckllful remodellfcr.Miss CAKH, 154 West 15lh-st.

STENOGRAPHER, typewriter, bookkee»-Ing by young man, 22. (rim West; five

years' experience wtta railroad* and mioing \u25a0 accurate, reiiai.l<*. best refer-ence* • moderate salary. CAMEKON. Id)Eaat 26th-»t.


IKE?SMAKER.-Over twenty y^ars .nbu»int^s. makrs handsome suits, $6; even

-Inc druses and fancy waists, equallylow. Mint. SMYTH. &40 «


USEJTX. MANon gsntlamaa'a nlao*| oar*of horse* and harness; strictly acoer aad

trustworthy : housework, etc.; two roarslast place; furnish beat references* M. Gormaliy. 4ul West SOth-et.


First class connection» dealers, painters and f.jundrlea

In Pennsylvania, New-Jersey. Marylani.West ViiK^r.ia. Virginia. North ar. 1 Sv.uthCarolina, tieoigla, Tennesaee, Kentucky a:..!Ohio, is open for good position January 1.15Hi4; uad«nUble craUanUais. Box 721.Mount li)..y. N. J.

UK MA Artistic goenM, tailormade, for all occasions: chic, lit*«t de-

sJsns; wort guaranteed perfect; home orcut; exo«llent references; reasonable. Mrs.prHMTPT. l'J6 West 9«th-st.

VALET, attendant, secretary, ntader to anInvalid gentleman; experienced, pretseata-

Me, wail mannered first cla.i» city refsr-encsa. which Lear i.iv%*UgaUoo. aar.fy137 West SOth-at.

FVKNISIIKD ROOMS. SALaiMAN,clerk or any woric w«ere neathandwriting, education, honesty, sobriety

and strict af.antlon to duties $r» appre-ciated: moderate salary. F. W. FILLER.2.Sal M-ttve.


Qiglish. will visit gentlSflUßdaily; take entire char*"* of wardrobe, efc..and render reiiabla service; exaso9iary \u25a0•<•*. 104 East '>th-et.22 AND 23 fIRAMERCT PARK.—Gentla-men only; furnished front mum;open fire;

tnu beds; also single rooms; breakfast. VALET —Young man. 28; bast thr«»e >imrreference, would, travel. LYi/BM, SIS"West 2O:!»-st.27 WEST 38TH-ST.—

Lar)re front room;private bath; gentlemen cnly.

SALESMAN. Experienced. Intelligent gen-tleman will consider any broad r.'.inded

preposition as outside salesman; nu In—e-inn-s or books considered. Address EH

—WARD CHESTISR. 722 Broadway.

VALET—Visiting Talet: takes char«»j sigentleman"iward-o^o by week or nonth;beet ctty r«fer«r.;e«. A. Ca* Box 17, Tn!»-nne Uptown r)Slca. 1.3*4 Broadway.WaHL>KN and MATRON in aimahouse or

any Institution by man and wife; m*-rier.cad; reference. Address Box 5aXPalmer, Mass.

2SD-BT., IW EAST (Madison Square South).—Suite of two rooms and bathroom; ref-


ANT OLD ROOF ma<l« perfectly trat«rtight with plastlo slate. ROOF MAIN-

TENANCE CO., 05 East 134th-«t.



en Lane. Room 5-'. Allgoods guarantoed.

ii1.1.l- WANTED.

Mule.VTFI WANT the services o? a young man

to sell piano*. It la absolutely essen-tial that he should have experience in th«piano business. If ha feels that ha canafford to pay hla own way to Toledo, andIs willingto work fH a first clas* manu-facturing house, he may be able to make arecord which will secure advancement. Thework Is In and out of the city, btata ufi,experience, references and expectations.TUB STARR PIANO CO.. a_t> Sui>erior-«t..Toledo. Ohio.HAND6OaCEI*T furnished frort room and

bath;moderate. 41 West 46th-«t.

WORK uf an/ kind by young colored man;rlßg and willing;can furnish beat of

reference*. Addresa APPiW, 319 Weat4! St.

48 IRVING PLACE, near East 17th-et.—

Large and small well lighted furnishedrooms; telephone service; terms moderateby day or week; central location.


First class men and won.en totake orders and advertising for a now

magazine, "Saianmanship." Interest allmanufacturers, merchants and all saiassajsjtjand saleswomen. I_.loeral owßSßissloattvK^nia Bolicltoru making- over $10 daily.Start at nice. Splendid Christmas present.J. Lk KiINURICK. 1.1To Broadway, curnor2ath-st.

6STJI-ST.. 104 EAST (2 Uoors from Park-ave.)

—Superior ut-wly furnished rooms

for gantlemsa; references; break'R"t andvalet servloa optional; parlor Hour furphysician. .

YOUN'J MAN. V). good education. Inbroker's or riiertbant's office: object, ad-

vancement, not siildjy. Address r'HEX> V.BOTTCkNO, 6.5-* East <.th-et.

YOUNG MAN. 19. In office: good eiluca-tlon. M. TRY. 13* Lewl»-st.


WANTKl'.—American offlca boy, 14 to 18years; steady. Industrious; write. BtiU.i<schooling 1 and tii>cr.u;;cu. Address U. _>..

Tribune OfSce.


For»-r service, you'-aabout 18 years of age; one thoroughly ac-

quainted with Greater New-Tork. InquireMAILH(" v Tribune Office.

WAITER. V.y colored man In art-ratu .**-»-V.y or boarding houae: city rafensVaSk

Call 137 W«»t-I3th-st. rar» 81c<y.




Cotnrj«tec;. tii.iaara. luach«oa«j dayw>rk; good caterer, best refar wooes.

HEXNESSY. 331 West i3d-et.


By respectable -woman; inhleisutnda ail kinds of bread and pastry; no

objection to country; !» years 'city rafJstr-socea 434 West 3Sttv-e>t-. first bell.Y<UNO MAN. IH. hljfh school education,

wishes place with SSM tsjiui;oan handleeither enrl of tape. C U £• . 380 NorthTVrrace-ave . Mount Verr.on. N. Y.

COOK First flaas: French: <-ountr» pp»-ferr-d; best reference. 46 Wast attn-eX

<XK3K.—First class: only In first -lawfamilv: wages $30. WEINDROST. ;T

East 131st-et.

YOUNG MAN, SO >ears of ag». speaking;German an.l English, having: been steward

on American and 'toman ships: also hastravelled around the world as butler; weuidlike to take the same position; best of ref-erences can be had. H. MIDLER, 127 ParkKu«r.


COOK. —By an English Protestant: under-\u25a0:.".:. '.•> all branches of plain ant Cuter

cooking'. <oe«l reXsranoSL CRAJELA3X LfiWut :»d-et.


Judge McDonough Reports Islands'

A/fairs in Excellent Condition,

Albany, Dec 3 (Special).— John T. McDonough,formerly Secretary of State of New-York, and nowa member of tho Supreme Court of tho Philippines,reviews in a letter received by Labor CommissionerMcMackin the military, civil and economic condi-tions in the islands. He says. in port:

Ihave been really surprised at the great progressmade hero in establishing civil government. Ilistenwith interest to "old reßliient.s" (those who havebeen hero about five years) telling about the mili-tary rule of three years ago, when one could nothe out about the streets of this city after darkwithout a military pass, and when it was danger-ous men in the daytime to go outside the .city lim-its. We have an orderly city, well protected byAmerican and native police, most of the formerex-soldiers, who, when disrhars:ed. took servicegladly in the police at a Hilary of $75 a month,which seems lar^e when compared to their arrnypay.

\\> are making- a modern and a model city ofManila, which wo modestly call "The Pearl of theOrient." "We will soon have sin up to dato electricstreet railway. We have electric lij?hts in the prin-cipal streets. We are improving tho water systemand building sowers. We are spending millions ofdollars in the construction of docks and break-waters and dredging th<» harbor. Much money laalso being expended In the erection of now publicbuildings for office, school and customs services,and highways and bridge* are under constructionthroughout the province. We have only one steamrailroad inthe islands— that which runs north fromManila to Dapupan. a distance of about 135 miles

—and It is paying- well. 1 am informed that otherrailroad.*! are to be built soon.

The country is so tranquil now that there Is littledanger of insurrectos or bandits Interfering to anydangerous extent with such projects. We occa-sionally have trouble in the back hill country withladrones, who hold up people and plunder some-what as train robbers do at home, but they arepromptly pursued, usually captured, quickly triedand severely punished.

The government has organized four thousand orfive thousand natives Into bodies of constabularyand scouts, officered by Americans, and these aredistributed throughout the archipelago to preserveorder and enforce the law. They are quite proudof the privilege of serving under the Stan andStripes, are well drilled, efficient and do good work.Because of the existence of this body of men. themen of the regular army are relieved of activework and are kept at posts, to bo called upon onlyIn cases of emergency.

These Islands are rich In resources. Ihave beenInformed by competent authority that the forestsalone owne3 by the government are worth at least$300,000,000. This year we derived a revenue fromBales of ripe timber of $4fi0,000, and it is likely toIncrease annually. The llne-st wood in the worldfor cabinet work may be obtained here.Ihave met many of our "little brown brother*."

even the famous ARulnaldo. and Iam really fa-vorably impressed with them. They are, on tho

\u25a0whole, a simple, pious, clean and obedient people.Many of thorn have had the advantages of a goodeducation, and are very bright. Three of them areKitting with me in the Supreme Court, anil 1 amvery fond of them; one of them Is Solicitor Gen-eral of the islands, a splendid official, who for atime was out with Aguinaldo, and others of them,

are In minor places under the government. Themasses are entirely satisfied to liv© under theprotection of the Ignited States, and would pro-test if th* government were to abandon the Isl-ands, for the leaders know they would falla preyto Japan or China, Ifour government gave up thaarchipelacro.

The religious, or friar, question has caused con-siderable discussion here and at home, but it looksnow as if that question would be speedily settled.In fact, there is not nearly so much friction asexisted two ye;irs ago. Time, which makes allthings right, seems to be settling this questioneffectually. The situation will be changed for thebetter, too, when the four "Yankee bishops" areinstalled.

With civil government fully established, goodcrops, business prosperity, religious freedom f< rall. the outlook for the Philippines is bright. Pres-ident Roosevelt has loyally and fnithfully carriedout President MeKinley's plans. The census hasbeen taken, ana now the people are discussing thequestion of their assembly, and already candidatesare mentioned for that body.

Female.COMPETENT MA.D WANTED for general

housework; mo<iern apartment; no laun-dry, reference required; wajiu, Sis to $30.ft*lv*-ave.. ">Mh-«t

Public Notices.YOUNQ MAN. 20, wishes position cf any

JOS. J. KOL'RI. S*i East 74th-et. CDQK.—

A comoetent woman aa ooak, krthe day. week or month; city rnfirsnua

44a W«bs 2St.i-«t.. in starawWtiKK WANTED. TOUNO MAN. engaged mornings and evwn-tngs tn grocery buslaeaa, wlsbas) emylay-

ment of some kind from t> a. m, to 5 p. m.;excollent referencaa. JOHN CARET. 171Jay-st.. Brooklyn.

COOK. Ac-—

Good cock, laundress or honaa-worker; city or country; Protsstant; goad

reference. 21« West 27ti»-et.. 1 Hsjst


—youa^ lady of gxiod appear-

sUMa; nas ha«l expeiiaaoo and can furnishbest reference. B. \V.. i«io W«st <>4th-et. YOUNG MAN. 24: understands bookkeeping

and factory system of dreaaniajdneT orsuit house- ADVERTISER. 2!»7 iDaat4th-ot.


Experienced. German; first ::».-*references: wages $30 to $40 a aaor^247 W«hster-a.v«., Jasoey CityHeigh at.cflicea at piy.

TOCXQ MAN. »: has full knowleo«9 atpainting- good at decorating; and drawing.

& KOSCNBI^P.a. \u25a0»!> D«lancy-st.

COOS. LAUNDRESS. aiso ci:amtM«BMatwaltraai; city or country sevm fears'•\u25a0••fwences : good roast* sous*, entrees, ilss-

aerta. 506 CLh-ftr*.

COMPANION and private secretary toelderly lady by rerUitd. highly musical

young iady. part tiuio only. X. Y., 12&Last &4Lh-st.

GOVEK-\iLSS.— Higher ijigllsh toertiti-catwl^; French, Latin, music. drill,

netJlework; t*xp«riencr.i, Eucce^^tul wac.or;fcxcdient references; accept hf^iflay »ni!«Mt<»-nient. Mie« KIU'vVA-N.2Z-2 West 143u-st.

TOinfQ MAN with wholesale horn* whereability win. promotion; untioratands hotel

lunch counter, bartending; caan security ifnecessary. H. 247 tSttx-ave,

CARETTAKHH.—Intelligent woman- »mjthoune; beat reterenow*; no children, ossa-pensat.on wanted, tree rent. BRIG;?? «\u25a0%East IK»tii-«t.GOVEU.\E.Sb.- Wall educated North Osr-

miin Frueulein as nursery »overnf»s; willtake entire turn of chiMr«n; Al referencea.D. BAHHWATEIt, 235 tenn-st.. Brooklyn.

YOUNG MAX, 23, with good mechanicalldeaa; bits had considerable exper-.siK:*

around macalnery- good reference. WM. R.LEVLRETT, 302 Ea»t »4th-st.

DAILY Tfalt'.ng mail; manlcuxing. sfca_i-poo, scalp, face treatment; aompeteat;

terms moderate. HOLMES. 343 W. 44«&-s%STENOGRAPHER, typewriter and assist-ant bookkeeper; capable of furnUihins

satisfactory references as to ability. Ad-dress MidcJ A. C, 47 Hoyt-st., Brooklyn.

DAY'S WORK or HOCSEKZ3PSB-— Brcolored woman: earn of sick by day

-week. IST West 33d-«t., basement.

YOUNG MAN. 26; willing and ambitious;Ijjit two years ad confidential clerk;

manufaciurirK business prefsrrad; fair sal-ary, ii. Li.. ITlbuxie Offitxa.


By young woman; wash-ing, ironing or cleaning. METEHKLiff

X.12» 2d-ave.Vol'NO MAN. K-'^ technlcai education. In

contracting or civilengineering office. W..Box *5, Trioune Ornca.

STCNOIIUPHEH--By yon**Uiy;begin-ner; neat, accurate in work. HL'OHJii,

2.5;:-» Broadway.

DAT'S WORK.—Respectable woman wwsHwork by the day or weak. Mrs. HYDiK.

234 Cast 46th-«t.

STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER.—Thoroughly competent; rapid, accurate;

over 5 yeors* experience; permanent posi-tion; 912. EXPaUUCNCSD. Cox IT. Trio-une Office.

YOUNG MAN. good jweltien at anything;honest; state wages. ANDREW WEICK,

tM MimlllHSjair Brooklyn

uoutviit imATNia \va.\tku.

GENERAL HOUSEWORK.— By corr.?et?n;girl; wages. $19 to $20; apart^r.en: srsi.l

family, reference. 931 Bth-»ve.. nr. iSth-*t.STENOGRAPHER. Experienced Reming-ton operator; Yankee; well educated; sal-

ary $15. c*n call In person betw.en 1aad2; downtown or .Brooklyn poalUaa trefeiT«XU. S., Box 20, Tribune Offioa,


:->\u25a0 youns w^aao Protes-tant*: small j>r'.va.:e family, adults, laapartment; no washing: excellent cook; be«treferen-es. JTORIinVT, 406 Ajnstsnlair<-ave., third floor.

TYPEWRITER.— By youns lady sten-ographer: six mouths' experience; law of-

floe. Artdrena A. CDiITIGAN. No. 567Wayne— St., Jersey City. N. J.


ATT.'IiNT>ANT,secretary, reaJar, wltJi vai-ci... to invaitU Koui.snian, eipi«ri«sc»l,

rr*>-- T"f"^i. Wei "\u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0"-\u25a0•—'\u25a0 .nrs^ dassl city

iv.«^«i wnica haaw ia»«»^»i«.a.AsLUaOi, id V.mi SUUi-at. HOUSEWORK.

—thorough'.T r-'.'.aMe anistrictly temperate, neat aldarly woman.

goo«l coik and laundress; m .lerato wi^r«In consideration of good home. Call '. -o«th-ave.

OUPIIEME COURT, APPELLATE DIVIS-lon, First Judicial l>erartmcnt_

—In the matter of

the appllc«ti .n of the li<*Lid of Rapid Transit RailroadCommissioners for the City of New Y<irk for the appoint-ment of three commits!. mere to determine and reportwhether a railroad or railrosvds for the conveyance andtransportation of persons aad property ou»;ht to be con-structed an.i operated— Modification cf Park Avenue sec-tion: Public notice Is hereby j;lven that, pursuant to theprovisions of Cr-apttr 4 of the Uws cf I>*l,as amended,the undersigned Board of Rapid Tranalt Commissionersfor the City of New York will apply t.. the Appellate Di-vision of the Supreme Court of the State of New York,at a term thereof to be he] I at the Appellate DivisionCourt H.^use. at Maiis n Avenue and Twenty—fifth Btrt-et.In the. BorousTh of Manhattan, City of N"..-w York, on theeleventh any of December, M, at one c' clock In theafternoon of day, ur as i--.n thereafter as counselcan t'u board, for tr.e app«intnient of three commissionersIn th.- abi entitled matter to determine and report, afterdue hearing, whsther a railroad or railroads In the saidcity for the conveyance an.l transportation of persons andproperty ought to be constructed an.l operated. Thepapers upon which the aforesaid application willbe madsare the petition of Fald Board of Rapid Transit RailroadCommissioners, dat) October 29, 1908, the affidavits andother papers accompanying -the same, all of which werefiled In the office of the I'lerk of the said Appellate Di-vision on or about the Bth day of November, IMS, andin addition. such other , ii*:u as shall be presented tothe said Court by the aali Hoard. A description of theroute and h^ieral plan of construction of the said rail-road or railroads forms a part of the papers filed, asaforesaid, in the Appellate, Division. Following Is a briefand substantial synopsis of the paid route in the Boroughof Manhattan: From Thirty-third Street to Forty-secondFtre/et under Park Avenue. The ot.J^t of the aforesaidapplication la tu obtain the appointment <•' commission-ers who shall determine, after public hearing; of all par-ties*t>-d. whether such railroad or railroads oughtto be constructed and operated, and shall report the evi-dence taken to thy ApptMate Division aforesaid, tug>Kth«>rwith a report of their determination, which report. if Infavor of the construction and operation of such railroadcr railroads (as this Hoard will ask that It shall be)shall, when confirmed by Bald Court, be taken la lieu ofthe consents of the property owners along the line ofBald railroad or railroads.

Dated, New York. November 13. 1903.BOARD OF RAPID TRANSIT RAILROAD COMMIS-

SIONERS FOR THE ''I iV OF NEW YORK.(gig! A. K. orf.. PresidentlilKnelp BION 1. BURROWS, Secretary.


fauna; lady toteach French en.i Spanish; ol;sn in all

its brancnes. UTS Lexlns;taa-«T*,

HX -.& zreiic*iui«ui, w«U r«cumni«M*i;ptoMi" mmiiy- ua£aDi» and wui-

i:.«' aVaVlnaa BL, «*iaiicu cqimw, 4& iawtyiihst

HOUSETWORK. *c—ReapectaNe womanwitha child to de bouse wor* or lr> a b-»j;-reee place: moderate waces. A.:.'reen L.REBMANN. P. O. Boot 2*9. M»s;»-,.. Li .Island.


i..urj»s f.jTn-»m aJKIeluaa. taU, iMiv^.al. orat

—**» un au-

ni;U'Wii ur eouatry; city rviareuce. jiL'T-La^H. car« of Alia. viidUii,i,-v> V\ -.. 41aa-sa,


UVTUiM, VAL£T. l£a«U»h, ax>uvuic«>] M couairy. good relui'aacca. nAU- lie £..m Jiu-«t.


Touns; woman as wortlr.i; housekeeper In widower's c- ba

-eler's home; g>od references. D. (5. ."!-.•.•West 20th-«t.. 2 h«i:a.

abate.ADVERTISER, eUucuted yuunjr man. 22;

speaking and CL.rr*-s[>omlli:(? fluently intn^.is.h. i^euth, (.icriuau anU fiatchj atanjrUUnf; *... accept $10 w«etily. AilUre^AJLLKIiiHT. Uox t>. IthsM Odh a.

New-VorK, Nov. ZTtk, l»03.NOTICE 13 HUKKBV UIVISN to each andevery individual hereinafter meatloni that

on Tuesday, the Fifteenth Day or December,IUOB, the following goods willbe Bold ati'LiiLJO AUCTION, at the Warehouse ofthe OUAHLtIANSTOUAGh; AND TRAN'S-FER CoiLFANY, NOB, ooi and 3u3 West

125th-at.. in the Borough of Manhattan.City and County of New-Yorlt, at 10:30a. m., to recover tho amount cue upon saidSxik for storage charges upon the same,

liursunnt to law. and eucli sale will beconilnuM from day to day until all saidgoods shall be sold. To O. M. Atkins.Household Goods, $13.75; \V. H. Barnes.Boxes, ate, $17.50; Mrs. A. Buraham.Household Goods, $4ft.W>; Jos. Collins,Household Goods, $31*75; Mrs. J. J. Car-

diff. Household Goods, #35.10; F. Currier,Trunks, $i».ni; Arthur Christen, HouseholdGoods. $27.07- Mra. G. J. Cohen, HouseholdGoods. Piano! *+o.3i>: Mrs. Helen CUrToni.Household Goods, $85.10; Win. M. Cary.

Household Go<ds, Antlers, etc., $B.'*-34;Mre. J G. Datmey. Household Ooods.»14.78; C W. Dobbins. Household Go->da,Piano. $87.00; Emmet K. Kay, HouseholdGods. *1».2u; Mis. M. C. Fischer. Piano.*21.13; Thos. W". I^ran. Household Go. ..Is,J77 m.; Mrs. M. I» Gould, Trunks, etc..$34.04; Mrs. I*Hayward. Household Goods,$20.00; Mrs. liJ. Harris. Household Gooda$35f.0; Mrs. M. BL Hsmrood, HouseholdGoods S7.6i>; Mrs. M. K. Henderson.Household (ioods. Piano. ?194.<x>: W. J.Hendrlck. Sare. Boxes. $57.50; Philip Hol-land care I* Sehlehel, Barrel. Pictures,J13.35; W. E. Ingrain, Household Goods,$28 T-j; J. V. Jennings. Household Goods.126.00- Mrs. O. A. Johnson. Trunks, House-hold Goods. $17.73; J. U I>eahy. HouseholdGoods $.".9.«7: A. J. Miller. Boxes, Tools,etc.. $42.50; Mra. MAry McT^aren, House-hold Go-vis Ml.10; Mrs. G. W. McCandllss.Household Goods, |2l.l0: Wm. M>riarlty.Cnrpeia. .*!> 85; John Morris. HouseholdGoods, 955.80; A. R. Park. H.nmchoMGoads, f-TJ 90: Mrs. H. Qulnn, Householdi;.-..;,. $S2-00; Frank R. •+>>\u25a0-, HouseholdOtods $41» '.(5; W. Pparrow, Heoseho'dGoods' $4;» (!(">: I*BeMtka], account Pr. Sl!-llm«n. Trunks. $10.25: W. 11. Trainor.Boxes stc., $8.»; Mrs B. Talmadge,Trunk, Barrel, $9 <".*: ,T. W. Thomas.Household Goods, $43 T.O: Mr?. H. W. Van-d^roff, Houaehold Goods. $39.W>: J. P.Wells, Tables Chairs, etc.. $3R.T>: Mrs. A.Ward Trunks, rax**, etc., $21 20; rhas.W. -vVhee!.*r. Household Ooodn, $3«.48;Mr, rT Webber Basket. Barrel. *11.50;V's v. Wehher. RooaehoM $82.00;Mrs H. Warden, Hnu«ehrld O. !s, $*>.•»;o C. Wheeler. Hou-eholl Ooods, SS-^.O";Mrs M I? Whltten, Hew»eho!d Gooris.$30 20; Mr?. Marv Welch. Household Oooda,$46.43 Notice Is further Riven that, thetime of payiner.t rf th» lien of patd war*-

taiiomn v-vrn f,m<l property hiving; ex-pired, find due notice bavins been hereto-

forc liven to nil of *aM *"«\u25a0 named psr-\u25a0Oß9 Hid fa!e iHi be, held as «nt>-r,rl e<lM- t>T> stntutPS 'n rwh cn!»e<; prr>vl.le^.





HOUBTC .<• VAN CO., I-TP .&XM 2.2*>«. 1..W0 EUhfh-av*.

To whom II may concern: The followingrsonal property, to wit: Beds,

Ichairs. tables bureaus, linen, silver, btUs*.china ani other TTOrPKTTOr^ GOODS.'pictures, musical Instrument'!, brie .\u25a0\u25a0. brae,

! trunks hmtea. barrels, PERSONAL EF-FECTS MERCHANDISE ETC., belonpinct > • r held for account of Mrs Queonts An-

! Person. Mas Marv .1 Angus. Georfre P.: Barrett, W. K Bep.rdFley, Mr* Virginia

Bithicr K T< Brown. Mr- M. B'own. Mrs.T.u.-y H. <-!^rk n S. Clark. Mr». Mary

I OTeamer. William rvrfey. W. .1- Ottrell.i Mrs F. r>l«h-^w, Mrs riisrlott« P'in.'«Ti.I A. J. Bno, Mrs LoqUm Faxon. William

\u25a0 Fan-pll Mrs. Pad!» W. Frame, Mrs. JuliaFerguson, R. M. Fletcher, >frs Mary Foley,Henry F.. Fox. -T. G.trfunkel. Jitle* J. Gar-n!er. Jr.. Miss F. M. GUI. Mrs. Mary E.Hanson. Mrs. B. P. Harlow, A. S H.;i«iar,-.Mrs. m. A. Jacquemot, Mrs. G. v. N.Johnson. E. Jonas, T. R. Jordan, Mrs. B.1• ' mte, ,T. F. I#nlirnii. Mrs. A. T.ynn.Wbeeler .»• Wilson Mfp. Or, NathnrlelMabrey, 11. C. Maany, Patrick Mortflrty.Mi or Mr* r>. M Munsanto, Mr. or Mrs.Mudemann. J. C. Maclean Mrs J. A. Me-nnrmark Mrs O. J. Mci>irmiick. MrsMapirie McCiuskey, Mrs. H. Nterman. FmllM XVI" Mrs. 9 Owen Lewis Pr1f»llt«.Mrs Jessie C. Plckrell, Percy A. Pl<-kr-11,Art . J. ,T. Plttman. Mrs S. Rnssell. Mrs.Arm Rand* Mrs B. F. Pmall. IF Btaf-

j furt, Wm r.\\7.a. C. Rherrj-. Mttai Ht-len StOeorve, Mrs. A Sinirer. John Sorouts, Mrs

I\u25a0"• n. Taylor Mrs. Flirabeth Walker. J <-..Wai !. J O. Watts Mrs C. Wenman. Mrs.Alice Willroent Jordan Morlarty & ''•.Mrs S. Williams, Mrs. Jennie Wright, willbe sold to sntlßfy th*> Item of the, under •Mere.l nt nnblic auction, to thehtjrh^M bidder, at No. 2 TOO ni^hth-ave..Roro'isrh of M-inhattan New-Tr>rk '"ity onH \u25a0 iv.I>f.-ember It.1903. nt 10.TO a. m..pnd on such fiihst-nuent days to which saM\u25baale may be adiourned. Dated. New-YorkN.Teml er 87. V.*WTHH WASHINGTON ?toi: \u25a0 .-!-.• WARK-

IIIII'SK VAN" CO. Ltd.2.2M 2.28«, 2.500 Elfhth-av*,

NVw-Ynrlt ''|tv


i >̂st up, STOLEN'.- nankb.->ok No 422 7r.»of the German Savings Bank. In the City

of NVw-YTk. comer 4th-»ve, and 14th-«t.,Issued to Victor and Catharine Voirelßp*.nr«r.All persons are cautioned against negotiat-ing- the same. If not returned to the bankon the 22.1 d*y of December, 11*08, a dupll-

| cnt« will:\u25a0•• tsanss.;LOST OH STKI.KN.

—Bankbook N... H.H>W«

of th- HIlllillSavings Bank in UW *"'ltyof New York, corner 4th-avc and I4th-«tlanad to K.itharlna Herdt. In trust forPhlllpp lU-rdt. All persons are cautionedHKiiltist n»^,-r.tlat'.t!i{ the same. If not re-turned to th« bank on the 2ftth day of De-<t:iib«ir, 19113, iiduplicate will be. issued.


YOUNG MAN, 21, as ortlce assistantor at anytnlng; r«fereac*s. HOWARDGRAJTrON. 14« .vlauj«r-*t.. Hmokyn.

HOUSEWORK. ETC. By girl: Gertaanfaunlly; New-York or Brooklyn sje*, ia

country; g xkl waue» AJirssa L-Tr\"ORA.107 North Tth-st.. Brooitlyn.

Colman had the hipheet reppc-ct and affection

for the elder Math^ws, perhaps the mainstay ofthe theatre fit the time. ]t was one of

Mathews's firm convictions that no fish couldever be or ever was caught with rod and line. He

was himself like a fifh out of water when lack-Ing applause in the theatre or out. Once whenbe declined to take part In a benefit for Listonon the ground that be had to play elsewhere

and could not "split himself in halves," Llstonkv retorted, "Idon't know that, for I've often seenA you play in two pieeee." I^iston refused oneHr evening to accede to an irrepressible encore for

a dance In "Tom Tim;.. by ially coming

forward and stilling tli<' uproar with the curtremark: "L.adies um] gentlemen, 1 regret thatIam t<v> fatigued to oblige now." The pittreasured these wonts in iis he;ixt, and In theduel scene later provnk^i peneral merriment byehouting to the actor arho was fencing with

List i "Please take care! Don*! ']\u25a0> !<"><"> mui:hor you'll f:.T:gue him!"

It Is easy to d>> too imrli with fatiguing quo-tations, but p>:).:<ps this anecdote will not beregretted <\u25a0: the days when Bdmund ECean nnilSlacready, (ntenee rivals, played In the same•pieces at I'rury Laine. It. was usual to consultthem in the course of the evening as to whatthey would appear in next.

One night when the prompter wns sent to

«Ek Mr. Haeready what he voold r1:l>' with Mr.3Cean the prc-^t tragedian frowned upon him tilllie blushed.

*"Fore Gad. sir." he roared, "how should Iknow what the man would likr*to play?"

The prompter retired t<> set-k the desired in-formation from Mr. Kean.

"Damn It, sir said Mr. Kesin sharply, "bowthe hell should .1 know what the fellow can\u25a0tarf

"Hush, Georg- i-uid the duke pood naturedly.•"or you'll get iiito \u25a0 scrape." "No. no," paidColman, in a loud voice, "Icame out to enjoymyself. Iwant to know who tL;:t fine, squareahouldered^ mairnincent looking, agreeallow is at the htad at the table." "Be quiet."returned the duke, "you know it's the prince.""Why, then." \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• I<,:i r,.i!'.;in again, raising

his voice, "he must be your elder brother; Ide-clare he don't look half your ape. Well. Iiv-

member 1:.- time he sung a pcxl HOg. \u25a0' he isthe same eocd CeOow to-day he would not re-stuse an old playfellow." The prince was muchamused and promptly complied with Colman'aTetjuest, the manafrer meanwhile applauding

him uproariously. "What a magnificent voice,"*

tie said, when the song was over. "Such ex-pression, too! I'llbe damned if.ldon't engagehim for my theatre!"

"No," replied the gentleman, *'I am fromBsmz."

"Ah," replied Fo<>te, rf-memliering that BtJCT"was a county famous for its cattle, "from I^ssoxIndeed! And" wh<» drove you?''

The rather quarrelsome younger di-

rected a similar jtalousy against successfulrivals In plaf \u25a0itttng. and had small use for aman "who would n<>t lauph uproariously nt his

\u25a0Jokes. Once, when he was entertained at dinner

at Carlton House, he turned tn the Duke ofTork at Mi elbow and demanded to know who

"that fine looking fellow at the head of the tablevu."

At last AynoFworth brake down under thetorture. Mr. Bhaw, with that perfidious :iir ofmaking the best of r\ trythlr.g which never de-serted him, hyp:ioii7.t <i him into complaining of|tbe number of Bpeechea he had to deliver; here-\u25a0apon Mr. Shaw <ui out no le=? than seventeenat them. This naturally fltWiMed the artisttotally. On the Question of cutting Mr. Shaw'sattitude was nothlnjr lea than satanio. WhenIgufcgested cotl \u25a0 h« handed tne the play,jbtgged me to cut i:fn«)y. and then hypnotized\u25a0ne so thatIcould net collect my thoußhts suf-ficiently to cut a sinple !in> . On the other hand,

IfIFhowed the least pleasure in a BCCne at r»-(hearyal he at once cut itnut on the gTound thatthe play was toe long, What 1 Buffered from

that man at that Una willnever I>»' fullyknown,

tThe heart alone knoweth its own bitterness.ItIs related of Foote's Jealousy ofOarrick that

be never forgave him success I'n the occasion(Of Garrtck'e triumph at Stratford, at the Shake-

rpeare Jubilee, a KV&tlemaa who tried to niiike

ablznself agreeable by talking to Foote of the

«xcellence of the performance they had wit-

nessed was listened to in Ktlence for \u25a0> time, and

Ithen arked suddenly If Warwickshire had the

honor of being his birth]I as veil as Bhake-Epeare's.

THE HATMARKKT TTrrATRF: POME RET-ORI>6 AND REMTNIBCEXCE3. >n- CyrilMaude, rditfil by l<a!!>h Illustr \t«-d..6vo. i>p. vil, 140. B. V. button & Co.

Th© 00-manag^r of the Haymarket Theatre,

CxpreaslT disclaiming ai:y attempt to writs) aformal history, has gather- a most entertniningarray of anecdotes from the days of phllusClbber and Foote on down through tho tiir.esof the CJolmiLns, Wclister. MmtlKW, Hiu-kPtoneand the Bancrofts to r.<:erbohm Tree and thepresent management. The Inimitable quality

of th« traditions of the quainter days of the•t&ge are balanced in the recent pasaaj by

m. gay and unhesitating frankness. Take, forexample, this glimpse of George Bernard Shaw'sactivityat the rehearsal of his play. "You NeverCan Tell." Allan Aynesv.ortM «:is cut in theleading part. 0«M of obi scenes w;is. in theauthor's opinion, beyond the actor's power, andMr. Maude •would havo the reader understandthat "Mr, Shaw dclibfratrJy used his hypnotic

power at rehearsal to compel Mr. Aynesworth

to fulfilhis prediction."


Engliao; good ai>-..._._:.vo aad kuui reiereacea from -—

•*.t:..,.^«i', &uto truiii i^n^imiia,hei^nt 6 i«oi11 i.....u». U4*l »o. u. jAJALs^aUN. 4Uii-UiiiOUUi-iilO.. LwicWiiwi, N. J.A YOL'NiiMAN, ia. line appcaranc*; room

or information clerk in hoI*l New-Yorkor out of town. 214 West Uttflit. HOUSKK ; small fami:y: »!\u25a0»<»plumber and roofer. A. KI^SiSnMAN,

(W2 East Sth-etBY young Frenchman. oOee* French Army;; a.'adainy or alieiKJuaif horses. *i^West 3sth-»t.. store.

Zulu and \ALJbT, with tootman orpa^'ivu-xuaid. tajias lull sttassj*; expert oa

allvar. uu.» a«corat'.Tig; fc.c«luui. «uuU ap-i' lugi.iy r»'iimm.n.-,-l bo'i'LUK,nax li». &17 (iiu—av*. LJOHT HOUSE WORK nr to assist • Ml

other work by y.ung girl; jtth. '. ciry r»t-erence. Call 101 Park-«v«.BUXI^ER.

—By competent colored man,

wtta pmai* ten years' refert-tioelast wit»tnarw. pines. JUT w»»t «ist-«i.

11 V young man. att«nJing engagements tor rranlaga astxiokkeeper or any suitable employment;

will furnish 1.-st refavaacaav. a HEItK-MAX, 53 Flrtrlrtas sl


LACNDRES3.— FIi.< da*.: r»!»p^Mbl» crt-ore<! woman- family washing :av!.e«* and

gentlemen's wash: ablrta. ssjUbtsj ?i;rTs: :.n.»wa<ihlnir: reference. M.. 3*5 Wi»*t S3A-mt..basement.

Tlic Part She Has Played in ~lmcri-can IJfc.

tL*TLJ£LR, VAl.rrr.—First clias; French;linda.e aged; Laorougniy ooUij»t«it la ail

b:»::. i.oj.. guuu c:ty r«t*r<iac«a. UlwK-SAi<X>.-••\u25a0< V.isi -Oia-»t.

LAT*XPRS?3.-Frmt r!ass> laundr«as. ICMiajr In prtvato fvnl'.y OnCM Anf

fren'-e- understaniJt rtxnaals tioroufhlr. •*C, Box 10a *17 «^v*




Und< r the provisions of stcti.-n Pit) of the Greater NewTork Charter (chapter 378. l*ws of 1H97).

IS fcLERKBI GIVEN TO ALL PER-"*"sons or corporatlong who have omitted to pay th^ir


Manhattan, N. Y.BOROUGH OT THE BRONX corner Third and Tremont

avor.ues. Tho Bronx, N. Y.BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, Rooms 2. 4. 6 and .S.

Municipal Build Brooklyn, N. V.BOROUGH OP QUEENS, cornel Juoks.ji avenue and

Fifth street, Lang Island City. .V V.BOROUGH Of RICHMOND, c.-rner Bay and Hand streets.Btapleton, Siattn lslar.l, N. Y.—

end thai under tho provisions of section 810 of saidChartor, "IF ANY BT7CH TAX ohall remain unpaid »the first day of December, it shall be the duty of theReceiver of Taxes to charge, receive axil collect uponsuch tax so remaining unpaid on that day. In additionto the amount of such tax. one i<-r centum on theamount thftre.f, and to charge, receive and coll) U[~jnsuch t«» bo remaining unpaid on the first •>• of JanuarythereaMer. Interest upon the amount thereof at the rateof seven r*rcentum per annum, to be calculated fromthn day on which sai.l tax^s became duo mid payable(October .>. 1903), as provided by section nlr.« hundredand fourteen of thl» act, to the date of payment."

DAVID E. AUSTEN. Receiver of '/axes.

IiUOKEKEPEK.—Younn man. »; r-ipidtypewriter, good hdj.dwr::;:.^; »»,ealis Fr«nch and Kngltah; leara

booKke«i>liii,-; would like to a ;,; as as-sistant i>>okk*eptr; Al referen Addrts*CURIOUS. I'rtbune Uptown urUc. 1 364Broadway.

ilfTUato. VALJiXr or CViU'IMuN.-By\u25a0MM »l:.».o luaii, 25, Ln>^t r«Xerenood

fruui ii-iti'.ic*!; =^-jaks Kreu^a and En*-Usjfe fcddiwta A. J. Wtil S7UI-SI.

GSSS*. -iiy coioril man; ail round cook.c.iy or country. C J. WA-ltU. i*4butV7l!. -et.


Young man; unier.tand*•trtn>-||iiiuliy typewriting; some t\u«ri-enc«: tnuderate saiary. Ad.lress P Koa»N-KRA>TZ, C4C Grand-et.. BroiAlyn

LAt'NT'RESS.— First cUss: would Beefamily v«aa or ladlee* ft=» wash; !«m

or cut by :±y: can do all klrui*of 3a» a>VDaa.114 y.**t31'ii st


Proteßtaat: D—ieaiijulenl «o«*J nftraaeaa; *I»ocga(isU.

A«ldr-s» LAtTCDKDBIi'4 XfJv-av*

CKsV.—stlnl class . eity or country- pri-vate family, club or yacht. JOHN

l:i-.U'lii, ltio lith-et.. Urook ,BOOKKEEPKH. CA:*HIEK or BItX.». ÜBRX.- r.> married ma:;; beet city ref-•ranees; wages :uo^ra«.e. F. ni-liAr-MANN. 101 Klng-et.

Help Wanted.

ABLE BODIED UNMARRIED MEN BE-tween ages of 21 end 3.".; citizens of United States.

of good character and temperate habits, who <an ? und writ*Knglish. Fit lofornu apply to Kt:-crultlng Officer. "5 Third Avt., ii.3CO Third Ave. "05Sixth Av«., N. Y.. or IMB Fulton St.. Brooklyn.

Notice of Summons.CCPKEMJTCOUU T, NK\TYoTriTcOUNTT>-

Mary- B. "VVr.shi. Bllaabettl J. Wrlcbt and J.,hnMarkle ix& trustci&' tin last Will und i

*\u25a0*«Jin .\u25a0 r.of James Hood V.right, latt. of th* City of X .\u25a0« York,deceased, l'laintifts. asminst Alic« <"anii.l»l'.. Uertha It.<\»nyn*hjnn, Mary Alien l>avie. widow ot James .-i. iJavledeceased; Elisabeth \Vr;«nt Davle ani Harriet Davit.,children of said Jam.>a B. Davle, .ire-»ased; Jlary A.Davie. Henry K. I:.-, ad H<-:i:y K. Praelaad, as Ex-ecutor of the last (rill un.l testament of I-'-nbt-Ma J.Frtitland. dacea*ed; John l'i>rpon' Itorsjaa, (SuorKe cThomas Bklwai . V. yttrfesbury. Chuihs Stevle. UaorsaW. Parkins. Edward V. Whitney. Jajaesj W. Paul, Jr.,John PUrpont ktorsaA Jr.. Temple iJowdoin, EdwardM. Hoblnsun and William P. Hamilton, said last kl<.;u.i

mentioned deftjidaJitu bttag paxtaera doing MUilMaaunder the firm luuin an.i style i,: J. I'. Morgan A Ojm-pajiy; Martl-""Avenue Depository and Exchun»o for Woi.i-en's work, a corporal mttaiuzed and existing uaJer thelaws of the Statu of :.<-^ Fork; Mary R. Idarkle, l>ona!dWnttht Munlelth. -r. ::.rim. .1...5:a.i C. Kviii', K»l«u.Jdlve'» Robinson, an Infant; Edward M. Huoiiuwm, Tliua-n«ldA H. Robinson, Thusnclda Wright Robtnaon, au i:.fiuit; William M. Robinson, Wasni&gton Hslfbta Li-brary, a corporation urtiiuuzed aud exljitin^ under thelaws of the State of N«w York; J. Hood Wright M.>-morial Hospital (formerly Manhattan 1'isi>«nkary), acorporation organised and existing un i.-r the laws of th«State <.f New Tork; Mary H. Wright, Elisabeth J. Wrlgti tand Violet Wright. Defendants Summons. the abovarutiued Defeadovnta: You are hex by summoned to .m.iA.rthe complaint in this action, and to sarra a copy ofyour iui»w«r on ttiu rialiitlfTs" Attorncyti within twentydays &fter the aerxice of this suuirnoiui, exclusive of theday of SSI 111S. and in cue of your failure to appearor answer. Judgment will tx> taken against yon by deu».uiifor the relief demanded In the. \u25a0\u25a0.mplitlnt.

Dated New York. N. V . November 10, 1603.STETSON. JKNNINOB & RUSBKIXt l'lalntlffs* Attor-

Jieyu, i>f!li-v ani Kmtultlce uddreua, 15 Id .«\u25a0! Street,Borough \u25a0! Manhattan, tt.o CJtjr of New York, '- Y.

To Alice Campbell, Bertha H. Otmyn»ham. Mary n.Markle. In.i.uld Wright Munteith. an Infant; EdwardIvera Uoblns«n. an Infant; Ddward M. Hoblniton. Tbut>-nrJda H. ItoUnsun. Tliiisnelda Wright Koulnnun. an In-fant; William M. Ilobiwton and Violet Wright: The fore.going sumiium* Is serve.] upon you by publication, pur-suant to fc/i ordor of Hon. Jamrit Fitxierald, one or theJustices ot th« Supreme Court of the State of New York,dated the linn day of November. IWsV and filed withtha complaint In the of!; i,f the >ik of the Countyof New Tork at it.• County Court House, In tho Bortmtfhof Manhattan, :n Mm < ny of N«:w York, on the IMbday of November lirrs.BI'ETdON. JENNINGS A P.I .-.:•!\u25a0.:.!, PUlntlffaf Attor-

neys, IS Broad Street. Borough of Manhattan, theCltx of New York, N. T.


Vuuof colored man m cook: i><u*iryaud ail ruund itolling. AiUnsifor 2 tlaya, 81, l.«vas AtlKu.Uo-*v».. U'klyu.

L\r>\"< MA!P and SEAMSTRSSa—p«rteno».i in Njth ipacttles; &••» otty

ref«n-ior-< SJBod tieasmalisr. ttat. iti\u25a0\u25a0>.

SS AU:r« K. 22 Irrte,, H»o>00OS UulatIWORK.—By youile; coiuredcouple; man ms cooi; wife ail roundht.uao\.orlt; city or country; best city refer-MHMft J L.. can. of diaou. 137 W. -^>U\ st.

li*>\. IS, rssMSBS with parents In office-can attend telephone; referrnca fiisjj lastemployer; salary from $4 :>sl &> \\ ILO^-IAM NOLAN, 1.3i)0 3.1-ave

CIAKD BAKER, thin* I>r fourth hand J.(XTZ, a^o rat 3litn-st.

M \TT> n'*t raloni |M »« wflfl'» >**rkHTtao«teds* *B»mn>»MttW ml sham.

oovt'-u:' or «>':!*• Jo wort !n 3Tr<aJl ajHtmrnt A.' r.I.KVN. TZ* Wast S3d-«t.

CAitPEiNTER— competent all aroundmechanic; factory. Institution or Jobbing

••f any kind; wages *- .">o day. AUKKKDl.'UB West 144th-st.


t'rofeailoniU. excellent GormancuoaL o£Ter>> Ms »ervlc«e la private [m-'n

at uliin«ra. reception*, banquets, etc Ad-dre». JANITOR. itU Weat lUTta-et.

MAN« '**?•jurat .1 w un« widow. UTiJ-nc-j^ioered. jjawMower** \u25a0- -a

-'\u25a0 rs home: ".'.sfa«»sW aWi-


a>NH'.KNTI.\L» Tt!^jb« «l>-timn Offlco. LJM '.-.laJway.OQAODIAK.

—Single; genarttlly useful;

UMSaasjhll unu>-:s'.* uar« hur^s*. hax-^\u25a0Sjaa, carri«c«aj; a1»a driver; can aini. »t-'•\u25a0 . • furutice; wa^ea mourral*; satisfactory\u25a0ejtejsejrMeja, L>.. n. x 7. Tribuna (.Hfli--.

CARPENTEB Bober r«-lial.l-.. ttil r..ur..l

3U Eaat f.l-t si . tat n— r

CAKl'EXTElt.—Mrst olass; od, all roicdmechanic. advertiser. 547 West


—Herman. sasjsjfcsjsjtj J*I**^

a«»<1 infant esj yovaa silM: spwaK» sooqF>er..-h , nr i-ountrr: t^»t itraieusasH. S.. 330 WMt Md! «t-

NfRST!.—Mk; excalVnt «!rl: petrwsvai

reffrenoe* from oM fomnies. nX rrf«-nt employer. «»S West EnJ-*wa.. MM*JHth-st


biu^le. *«;<•! ;*•>. carefuliiriv«*r; wb*r and hoitevi; CtMBSMad es)

account t>| family M.ving m luraea.\\OI.KK. IM>Eaat 75th-st

. -.itlaaIIENR> .1 a\,,. Nt'HSK. *c

—Jk roun* ooJorwJ vonai •»

>urao or •*« light hotis^w<->rls ta *B*dfamily: reference If reniuired- Wtß» *•West i»Oth-.>t.

UlHl.Ul.srs' HKT.rCr.—

Qmmma Ameri-can; beat l«fIWMJ—; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0JMliusjl; uajThursday open; uiao half day. .\aiirn»* C

WMCHMAX.-.Single; medium alze; axed80; :u ,-ivithHim horees aud o*r-

ri«»>-<. iK»i \\nttrn and i>ei»oinu ri'.'«i>-••ce. M'l'Utlltsu.N, Nii ilin-tivu.. car*11..-Hi

CV.».\> .MAN.—

Lady turning out horses*<uua to i»Uc» her o««.hmi>i>. sluoJ*

Sco;cl man. highly rev-aiun.end«U, city urcountry. '.VU.UiAM MACIXXSaLu, car*Oook.». 1.71U li-..*uway.

Will111 FlssjmiU s<ri. 21 Mn sss| .*«arriTWi \u25a0\u25a0 nJT»# !n nrtvate f*n>U* **-

dr*as R?imii» jriT^LAJID. oar* Mr» *-Konipf. 333 Richmond RoatJ. 3ta»MßStN. T.

BKQIX&TCR.- Ue«nsed, »teajy, tiober. e»-pertenot-il. ko^«I all round repairi^u' ma-chinery: do own firm* In factory. CORVIhotel. Weatchi ita*ami Im.i,;«if.OXnCE Ct-E-\NIN>O 0* JANITOR.—\u25a0»»•-

sp*rta>ble w.xnan. Mrs. L.TON3. U»sa«<ll*t-et.

BNOINBKB as chief; «niwh»m)sjj m *ubraaabea: strictly »..l»i- ana itiiiarie-canrurniah the beat i«siamices. AJvlreaaVim .".in!, BsaUaMsßissßsl or MAlD.—fir t.->.e '*'—•pecta&l* French wuntaa. J. C. d


COACHMAN. »i^rm»n. n:IJ.!lu aKeU; iVir-ousnl> patent, L-aretul <irmr, tore*> ears' Iwat ruipr«au« f:ui:. Uuit piiwo. A.

K. U.a»U iwu>>. statluii»r> atut«-

mii'MUiVKardeo«r. u»eful man; unUer-\u25a0icioi care bomaa. carrtt^c*. gr«eu-

taoueea. furoacaa. sle^io. hut air; nulker;Kuod L>ersunuJ r«fen>nu«ui; atu«i«. icuuh.i'lli'U!.!.1-: s*» IVairl-et. WOMAN wish** work at an» «>' '"t*?

or week. 2.176 8th-•ve.. rla*aa»»*noy's bell.

BNOUUKSK, maohlnlat. i.^uiuiker, »obrrand reliable; l» yastrs' exMrteao*; factoryhotel or »nartm«nt. ENGLNEKJt. K>4 Ka«titn-«t.


A|« t 30; a»b«r: beat refrr-mcajsj; city or country; n i^hlyunJiir-


bis businoa*. W, r'KACai, 4U> Weat3ith-et.

WASHINO —Woman wishes) w»«alat ««home. DITUOU. 403 Ea*t 724- sU «»•\u25a0\u25a0•


IajSCTRICIAN.— All rounU nwtn; rt—Oypout loo; us >uar»" reftrenc- QXOHGU

FACKEU. 13 H.-Kklns-st., Hm.klyn


Itanktxiok Iftt. ."«>'.» fl4f» on Dry rv>ckBaTlnga Bank Any person havtna; claimsJJBOa •Id book l» \u25a0\u25a0iI!. ! upon to presentthe Hftnif> to th« btuik within thirty daysor the »aM book willbe (V.-larM rann<ll<«lanil fct:1 hm'.mluil and a new on« issued Inlieu thereof. FIREMAN.— aubnr and rellahlei;

bent rer«ri-i.vv .VKDKRaON. 413 K*»tBtti-st. WAtTRES?.~»» Smart youn« gat: •»»c«a»»: willassist with chamfer W2"*r"

sew: 1».!t oan *• ***** 100 Ok»i s*^__—


Caretaker of «»ntl«mju» 8

O'Ui>.tr> place; single: expnrtatncvd; D«r-sonai r«l«r... frum last and furiuer «di-yi.j>«r« cmusxxicsoii, a:*w. anth-»t.

IX«ST.- Ilankbook No. MO I»7t>, Itank for:iavtnic». 2ho 4th-ave.. New-York Pay-

ment stopp«l. rieam return l«>..k to bank.-

VOI'V, OIK!,to take care of *K"»J?fi!;_dren. help cha»ib«.rwork wrfJJ*"lo^

vH'tata ramltr: wt!irn< and ot>H«to«. v»-AltBriva*Taut •a..Suasv &u'»t>Ul.

COIV kma.V Hv a tingle man; SweUv.rufrrenoe \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 U» obtalnnl: i-"tin

-Wj , kf«rr<tJ Alir.n OSCAD PETCtt-,.I.S. >«. J.

'UilJlUAib-Oo*>d ref«x»noe>, AJOxeaaA. M.. I*>Uh—c±m-9*

iTHB TAX.B OF THE 6PIXXTXG WHEEL. HyET.zab»-th Hirrtcy Hu. 1. Resent "Mary FloydTallmadßft Chapter." Daughter* of the Revolu-tion. DnMrmtad :y Kraiiy Mfoyea Vanderpoel,Author \u25a0' "Color Prnblt ms" and "ChronJrU-sOf a Pion«*-r S'-r.ool. 1 fevo. pp. vlii, C2. TheUnlverelty Tress.

This pleasant glorification of the dignity andachievement of the American Epinning wheelhas been foun-l welcome enough by the varioushistorical societies and clubs, and chapters ofthe Daughters of the American Revolution, be-fore whom Ithas been read, to lmp<l the authorto issue it In book form. The proceeds of itssale are to be devoted to the work of the Litch-Aeld Historical Society and the Mary FloydTkllmadge Chapter. There an- several delight-fulaccounts collected In the t-Esay of the doingsof spinsters of ai older day in neighborly con-gress, meeting "In the laudable desij,Ti of a spin-ning match.

"'In Qoscbea. <"oi;r.., in 1773, the

young married women held a spinning matchone day at the house? of Nehemiah Lewis. Thecontest was in li:.> F;»iiining with a foot wheel.The conditions agT<-.-.l upon allowed the wholeof the twe;ity-fojr hou:-:-. for work, the Oistaffsalready \>r*-\ -. and llie yarn reeled by others.Mrs. Stephen Tut cartie off victor. She spunfive runs, equal to two and a half days' labor"when on h're." At this feat the unmsrricdwomen were an.- Miss Lydia Beach, thedaughter of I>eacon Edmund lieach, of Eajst-

et», t.pun from early dawn till 9 o'clock in theevening. She not only had her distaffs preparedand her yarn reeled, but "her food put into hermouth." Bhe distanced Mrs. Turtle out of ques-tion byturning' out seven runs, three and a halfday** labor. This was too much for the patienceof the ambitious wife of Captain Isaac Pratt,of tli*south part of town, who forthwith cam<»to the defence of matrimony by spinning from**rly dawn to set of sun. and achieving: sirrun* by that time, with every prospect of ex-ceeding the record in a few hours. But at thispoint the captain talked in and made a scene-.With a tititith he disregarded

th« glories cf abstract ma .'imouy In the balance1 agiOnet the temporary state of the health of the

In a letter of Sir Walter Scott's to Moore,recently aold at auction, the novelist, InvitingByron'H biographer to visit him, writes In thiswise: "We will talk of poor Byron, who wasdear to us both, and regret that such a manshould have fallen from the chaplet of hia coun-try so untimely. Ivery often think of him al-

most with tears. Surely you who have then;fcar-3 should do Eometliiiie for his literary lifeat least. You might correct, leaving^openold wounds."

Mr. Henry Dryerre has latelypublished a bookid •'Blairf.'owrie, Stormont und StratlunoreWorthies." Init he has much to say about the

.iS of some of lan Maclaren's characters,

whom lie well knows. On the subject *»f "Dr.ire" he has this passage:

V.h- \u25a0 the Bonnie Brier Bush" ap-. some eight or nine years ago there was

but one opinion iu the Blairgowrie district as to(entity of "Dr. MacXure.' It waa well

that th. author, l>r. Watson ('lan Mac-laren') waa i-t home In Blairgowrie; bad sev-eral uncles and aunts In the neighborhood, and

many a long summer day at Kinloch, atGormack and at lieudochy, in his boyhood, and:ter <ri had even preached in Borne of the<hurches; and. It need hardly be added, knt-wI>r. Lunan familiarly. It waa nothing strange,therefore, to find the worthy old man figuringin this new author's book. The sketch was a•

likftneas. The self-devotion, the regard-\u25a0 of pecuniary reward, the kindliness of'ion. the di;;tastfc for j>raise or "plaJster."

kill, the pride in his profession, the occa-sional bluntiH'ss of manner, were self-evident

ripts from the living,active, popular per-6/»nality in Wairgowrie. When told of the like-im-ss inthe book it was characteristic of the man

lare It was "a' bluff and nonsense"; buttthor himself has Informed the present

writer that l>r. Lunan, whose "hard and prlce-wrk," and "the honesty and realty ofcharacter" he knew, was one of several

country doctors who .eat for their portrait asDr.M»cL<ure.

A book that could not well help being inter-Its is one in a thousand,

\u25a0 m wrHt-ri by Mr. F. Hamilton Jackson,

and will poon be- published. It is calk*d "Trueof the Italian (.'oiidnttleri." and it ought

pa ked with good material. The merce-"f the }</»naissa-nee formed a class by

. their violent and picturesque careersBStantly the political and therefore

.!life of thi-ir time, but their peculiar re-lation to that life enveloping them always in a

: atmosphere. Mr. Jackson's book willmoreover, a < ertaln novelty. Since the

!if» of Sir John Hawkwocd was published someor fourteen years aso we have not seen

\u25a0nother new work treating types of the sort.rtboomlng volume will be profusely illus-

the frontispiece being after Giorglone's"Warrior" In the National Gallery.

< mo of the unfortunate passages in Mr. Kip-

ling's last book of poems Is that inwhich he rep-resents the late Cecil Rhodes as having a cer-tain proprietorship in the sky. Of course Mr. T.

W. H. Orosland has battened upon this infelicity

Inhi.s new book, "The Five Notions," made upof parodies of the poet. Here Is his burlesque

of the unlucky eulogist:

'B 'ath a notion that C Rhodes"\V;is very nearly the most 'l«Th,An* that Boutta African abode*Bend ii.;» il*'>r smoke into "his sky."

Ar \ -=:i mlffht Lunik from Rudyard's linesThai Cecil went about in white;'10 n~\<-r owned no <limon min*»s.'K rank no tizz with Verner lieit!

Ify aunt, 'Is sky! Tin1sky was •wot,Tlio' all ttiincs else choked up 'Is cab,'E moft distinotlv 'adn't potAn' most distinctly couldn't grab.

Two new volumes of Interest to students of

the life of Mirabeau nave just been published

In Pariff. Both are made up of letters. "Sophie

(]•• Monnior et Mirabpau d'apres leur Corres-

pondanoe Secrete Inedite," edited by Paul Cot-

stains the letters addressed to Mirabeau1 y Sophie from 177t> to 17S1. "Lettres a Julie

i du Donjon de Vincennes." edited byDauphin Meuni.-r and Gcorgea Leloir, gives

au'i letter* to Julie Dauvers.

<>f th<* longer ro(*rn***n tnls volume the fol-

low ing were exclusively Aytoun's: "The BrokenPitcher." "The Massacre of the Macpheraon."

"The Rhyme of Sir Launcelot Bogle." "LittleJohn and the Red Friar." "AMidsummer Medl-

1 that admirable Imitation of theh ballad. "The Queen In Prance." Some

of the shorter poems were also his—

"The Lay

of the L-vite." "Tarquin and the Augur," "LaMort d'Arthur." "The Husband's Petition" and

Sonnet to r.rittun." The rest were whollymine, or produced by us jointly.

Pir Thoodore Martin has Just found time. Inity-seventh ye;u\ to write a new preface

:.print of "The Ballads of Bon Gaultler,"

in which he poos Into detail concerning his own

share and that of Aytoun in the celebrated vol-];<\u25a0 says:

Acontributor to "Xotes and Queries" has been

laboriously amassing proofs that Shakespeare

was b confirmed punster. He has been going

through the plays, and has already discovered Inthirty-nine deliberate and pre-determlned

j,uns. lie tells us no new thing, and we sln-

bope that tnthus.iasm will not lead himto the composition of a stout volume on his sub-


After baring published one book after anotherhis more distinguished brother and

-Uaphaplite circle generally, Mr.William

Michael Roowttl is writing his own "Reminls-1 which h<> willpublish, inall probability.

In VX*4. Mr. Rossetti has been in thisworld for seventy-five years, and has knownany number of celebrities. In his book he will

of Millais, Tennyson, Landor. Trela-vny,• Kliot. Thackeray, Ruskln, Whistler and

others of note.


dauntless Mrs. Pratt, and "peremptorily forbadeher jiroceedlng further."

S!-.- nt lowa and wept like a child, when sheought to have rejoiced that she possessed a hus-band in whose eyes her future health and happi-

ness were more precious than the brief applause

which might arise from success In that contest. the captain was as wise as peremp-tory. The chronicler jroes on to say. that though

Miss Beach, after holding the high record for

the estate of the unmarried, went over to the

other faction, with "her garland yet fresh upon

her brow." by adding the son of Captain Jona-od to h. r trophic* she did not long sur-

vive bar twin success; "for Lydia never enjoyed

from the hour of her triumph."

Booa after the same industrious ambition was

turned to patriotic account In the part the

women of the nation played In the war by

clothing- the army. The story is told with pride

and enthusiasm. Th© essay. Itmay be said, be-

gir.s with the Stone age. Ifnot with the three

dread spinners, Clotho. Lachesla and Atropos.

ItIs perhaps more significant that hand spinning

should eo recently have been superseded than

that it was practised In the early days of his-

tory. This Is not to reßTet the stately mentionof the distaff of the Egyptian goddess Nelth;

the women of Israel, who were wise hearted and

tn with their hands; the fate of the luck-•achne. the loyal Penelope, and Lucretla,

Ciiiiatinus; Omphale, Calypso and Circe.But it willnot do to say that the Romans "bor-

rowed thp spinster goddess outright and calledlux Ifinervß to hide the plagiarism." Though

• timacy with Athens lent the Lady of

ipitoUne Hillmany of the attributes of theolder | Bho was no pale, transplanted

a :irst she gave her countenance to

:y on the Tll>er. and deserves an equal

from tho panegyrist of housewifely arts.

The text of this book, printed Ina stout type,

is broken hore and there, or accompanied by

archaic and decorative drawings In brown line.

LOfT.—Bftßkbeoa No jrj,'.»7«». BroadwayS.ivings Institution, Msfj York. I'uynn-nt

\u25a0topped. Plssus, l'turn book t., Link.

tfar.kbotk No, 136.1*3, Hnnk for.bavlr«». iy»u 4t)v-«ve.. New-York T»ay-.

men* stopped. Steal* return, book to bank.

HATMAN. aide doorman, waiter or uiwfulman by young colored; lt> >i»r»'personal references Call 2 .lay*. UKISCOLL. *.I



WrSt **\u25a0*" "*'i*» >rv BKBJBl— ftaducated ...^.. o-, seeks about sU hours' ,Ully;occupied by aiiyUiln^. PHARMACIST, *»Ptari-at.. BrodUro.

DOUF.STU SITr\TTOV* WA3tTCT>\\ okk u w r>(»novill.- .»*•• U.H1.11.1.



trout Vienna schools; has both govern-m*nt certificates, excellent draugnUmanand ooostruei^r; Just landed; wlibei *oodplace. SIEGFRIED ASCIICR. SOU West130to-»t



MANUFACTURERS or billiard and pool

tables- high grade bowling alley builders.low«tt prices. MARX BROS.. « UnionSquare.


' "COACHMAN.— Single .irlv»r: hand?, furnace. tooU; steady Boaj"ioa:country, private place, snore ;,r»ferr»d iwclass references. cHAi DITTMaX «*•>

TATA FAMOT'S TIFEATRE. ATTRACTIVE} SUITES, with and withoutboard; single rooms; doctors' tifflc«; all

locations; references; Information free.8. C, ICELAND A CO.,

2 Wast 33d --st.

COACHMAN.—Py undo Biaa: person^reference; country preferred. J. jl[r*

Mavr '• *~

The History of the Haifmarkct, in


Rooms, single, en suite, with pr»T»t«baths; doctor's office; dining rvom parlorfloor; etoctrle light; excellent tabla board.

MAS3AGB, eleatriclty and medical gymnaa-tlcs given at gentlemen's residences, by

experienced graduate; highest references.C. R.. 1.033 Lexington-ave.

NHAK IIKOADWAt-Siwly furnished;large, aniall; excellent table: private

faintly; oppoaite Lyric Theatre; referencesrequired. IV7 Weat 43d-st.

"Oldest Largest. Mont Modern.

437 * 43» WEST «TH-«T.I*l.611—3«th-st. Established IW7.



iit«. thoroughly «»—eaced. in hotel; ref«r*n<:n. SAIAitT•ay.

* -*M\<:HINMT.23. 8 years' experience In fac-

tory and shop; all round mechanic; wouldCO but of town. Ad.lreaa Gt'S. H. <*v, flan* Road. Union Uiii.M J.