New Challenges of Long Term Investors · 2018-07-29 · New Challenges of Long Term Investors 1P.E....

New Challenges of Long Term Investors 1 P.E. Ponnimay Keerthivarman and 2 Murugan Ramu 1 Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai. [email protected] 2 Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, Chennai. [email protected] Abstract Institutional speculators, for example, annuity assets, safety net providers and sovereign riches reserves, because of the more drawn out term nature of their liabilities, speak to a conceivably real wellspring of long haul financing for illiquid resources, for example, foundation. In the course of the most recent decade, these financial specialists have been searching for new wellsprings of long haul, expansion ensured returns. Resource allotment patterns saw lately demonstrate a progressive globalization of portfolios with an expanded enthusiasm for developing markets and expansion into new resource classes. The part of institutional speculators in long haul financing is additionally compelled by the short- termism progressively unavoidable in capital markets and also basic and strategy boundaries, for example, administrative disincentives, absence of fitting financing vehicles, restricted venture and hazard administration aptitude, straightforwardness, reasonability issues and an absence of suitable information and speculation benchmarks for illiquid assets. The emergency has lastingly affected the store administration industry and on the long haul resource assignment procedures of institutional financial specialists. From one perspective, it has advanced more wary speculation procedures and a more prominent spotlight on portfolio hazard administration. Then again, the drawn out low-yield condition has uplifted the requirement for return-improving techniques, pushing a few International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 119 No. 17 2018, 537-549 ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version) url: Special Issue 537

Transcript of New Challenges of Long Term Investors · 2018-07-29 · New Challenges of Long Term Investors 1P.E....

Page 1: New Challenges of Long Term Investors · 2018-07-29 · New Challenges of Long Term Investors 1P.E. Ponnimay Keerthivarman and 2Murugan Ramu 1Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute

New Challenges of Long Term Investors 1P.E. Ponnimay Keerthivarman and

2Murugan Ramu

1Saveetha School of Law,

Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences,

Saveetha University,


[email protected] 2Saveetha School of Law,

Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences,

Saveetha University,


[email protected]

Abstract Institutional speculators, for example, annuity assets, safety net

providers and sovereign riches reserves, because of the more drawn out

term nature of their liabilities, speak to a conceivably real wellspring of

long haul financing for illiquid resources, for example, foundation. In the

course of the most recent decade, these financial specialists have been

searching for new wellsprings of long haul, expansion ensured returns.

Resource allotment patterns saw lately demonstrate a progressive

globalization of portfolios with an expanded enthusiasm for developing

markets and expansion into new resource classes. The part of institutional

speculators in long haul financing is additionally compelled by the short-

termism progressively unavoidable in capital markets and also basic and

strategy boundaries, for example, administrative disincentives, absence of

fitting financing vehicles, restricted venture and hazard administration

aptitude, straightforwardness, reasonability issues and an absence of

suitable information and speculation benchmarks for illiquid assets. The

emergency has lastingly affected the store administration industry and on

the long haul resource assignment procedures of institutional financial

specialists. From one perspective, it has advanced more wary speculation

procedures and a more prominent spotlight on portfolio hazard

administration. Then again, the drawn out low-yield condition has uplifted

the requirement for return-improving techniques, pushing a few

International Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsVolume 119 No. 17 2018, 537-549ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)url: Issue


Page 2: New Challenges of Long Term Investors · 2018-07-29 · New Challenges of Long Term Investors 1P.E. Ponnimay Keerthivarman and 2Murugan Ramu 1Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute

speculators to put resources into elective resources. The fields are described

as fluffy, conflicting, and incoherent, and most endeavors at the estimation

of these practices set up - a couple of special cases extraordinary - are

somewhat dreary. Such a status anticipates total learning building, and it

likewise features the requirement for more solidness and restrained

investigation, which would encourage the capacity to make an

interpretation of proof into noteworthy approach and business-drove

activity. Hence, the reason for the momentum report is to dive into these

subjects in more detail from a blended trained approach; one that

consolidates scholarly research, experimental business studies and friends

particular work, with government organization drove studies and

commission-based reports. While the final product is by prerequisite

excessively concise

Key Words:Institutional speculators, illiquid resources, globalisation, short

term, long terms, investment.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


Page 3: New Challenges of Long Term Investors · 2018-07-29 · New Challenges of Long Term Investors 1P.E. Ponnimay Keerthivarman and 2Murugan Ramu 1Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute

1. Introduction

A long term investment of putting takes into thought reinvestment chance. This

progressions drastically our viewpoint on what constitutes the "riskless

resource" for a long term investment. On the off chance that a speculator is

occupied with financing her going through necessities with conviction over a

drawn out stretch of time, the sheltered procedure is to put resources into long

haul coupon bonds, not cash. There is get with this, however. Standard annuities

and Treasury bonds pay settled coupons, and expansion can genuinely

disintegrate the obtaining energy of those coupons after some time.

Subsequently, on an expansion balanced premise, the riskless resource isn't an

ostensible annuity or Treasury bond, yet rather swelling ensured annuities and

Treasury bonds. The interest for TIPS has developed significantly since they

were made in 1997 when current Harvard University President Summers was

Secretary of the Treasury. This request has crested as of late, as inflationary

weights are working in the economy. As anyone might expect, institutional

financial specialists with long haul going through necessities that develop with

expansion are among the biggest holders of these securities. these speculators

should think about long haul financing costs. The Fed has control over here and

now financing costs, yet it is less evident whether it can impact long term loan

fees. Indeed, the spread between long term and here and now financing costs is

as of now very expansive by verifiable guidelines. Some watches credit this to

the way that the Fed strategy of bringing down here and now loan costs in the

course of the most recent couple of years has not completely converted into

drastically bring down long haul financing costs. The spread of long haul loan

costs over here and now financing costs is famously hard to anticipate. In this

way even as the Fed raises here and now loan costs throughout the following

couple of months, we won't not see long haul financing costs expanding in a

similar extent. Indeed, finished the most recent few weeks we have seen a rally

in the security advertise, as past increments in long haul rates have turned

around on news that the economy isn't developing as quick as we figured it

would be, and that inflationary weights won't not be as substantial as we

thought they were. Long haul rates depend for the most part on desires of long

haul financial development and swelling. The Fed can influence long haul rates

just to the degree that it can impact those expectations. Long-term traditionalist

financial specialists ought not most likely be in the matter of hypothesising on

the course of long haul rates, which are extremely hard to foresee at any rate,

and rather centre around supporting their long term spending needs.

2. Aim of Study

To understand the challenges faced by the long term investors in present era and

also the difference between long term and short term investment

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


Page 4: New Challenges of Long Term Investors · 2018-07-29 · New Challenges of Long Term Investors 1P.E. Ponnimay Keerthivarman and 2Murugan Ramu 1Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute

3. Observation

Difference between the Short Term and Long Term Investors

At various times, many people may feel frustrated by the performance of their

investments. For example, they expect growth, and they don't get it — or they

think the value of their investment won't fluctuate much, but it does. However,

some of this frustration might be alleviated if investors were more familiar with

the nature of their investment vehicles. Specifically, it's important to keep in

mind the difference between long-term and short-term investments. What

defines long-term and short-term investments? Long-term investments are those

vehicles that you intend to hold for more than one year — in fact, you generally

intend to hold them for several years. On the other hand, you usually hold short-

term investments for one year or less.

They carry different expectations. When you purchase an investment that you

intend to keep for many years, you may be expecting the investment to increase

in value so that you can eventually sell it for a profit. In addition, you may be

looking for the investment to provide income. When you purchase a short-term

vehicle, you are generally not expecting much in the way of a return or an

increase in value. Typically, you purchase short-term investments for the

relatively greater degree of principal protection they are designed to provide.

They meet different needs at different times of life. You will have different

investment needs at different times of your life. When you're young, and just

starting out in your career, you may require a mix of long- and short-term

investments. You might need the short-term ones to help pay for a down

payment on a home, while the long-term ones could be used to help build

resources for your retirement. But later in life, when you're either closing in on

retirement, or you're already retired, you may have much less need for long-

term vehicles, with a corresponding increase in your need for short-term


They can satisfy different goals. If you purchase investments that you intend to

hold for the long term, you probably have a long-term goal in mind — such as

building resources to help pay for a comfortable retirement or leaving a legacy.

On the other hand, a short-term investment would be more appropriate if you

know that you will need a certain amount of money at a certain time — perhaps

to purchase a car or to fund a vacation.

They carry different risks. All investments carry some type of risk. One of the

biggest risks associated with long-term investments is volatility, the fluctuations

in the financial markets that can cause investments to lose value. On the other

hand, short-term investment vehicles may be subject to purchasing power risk

— the risk that your investment's return will not keep up with inflation.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


Page 5: New Challenges of Long Term Investors · 2018-07-29 · New Challenges of Long Term Investors 1P.E. Ponnimay Keerthivarman and 2Murugan Ramu 1Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha Institute

Dynamic Asset Allocation for Long Term Investors

The strategic asset allocation (SAA) decision represents the key driver of results

for long term institutional investors like sovereign wealth funds and pension

funds. The mainstream theoretical approach used to set the SAA relies on the

modern portfolio theory and the mean-variance optimization framework. For

these longer term investors, the asset allocation review process is typically done

infrequently (e.g. every 3-5 years) and it involves a comprehensive analysis of

the long term risk tolerance and preferences of the asset owners, cash flow

profile of the fund, and, liquidity needs and liability profile. In the case of

pension funds and sovereign wealth funds this is usually done through an asset-

liability management (ALM) study. Asset properties are modelled on a forward-

looking basis using long term expected return and risk assumptions which

reflect unconditional expectations, in other words, some sort of equilibrium

view of financial markets and resulting risk premiums.

The output of the process is a static asset allocation expected to maximize the

investment objective (for example either as a real return target for sovereign

wealth funds and/or as a surplus return target in the case of pension funds) over

the long investment horizon (e.g. 10-15 years) given risk constraints. In

addition, active risk versus the static SAA is allocated to portfolio managers

focused on generating excess returns over short investment horizons (typically

up to 1 year). Embedded in this approach, and what is reflected in the SAA, is

the view that markets are efficient and thus have close to constant properties

with respect to expected risk and return, and that these properties are best

captured by a strategic long term allocation to asset classes. In this view of the

world, changes in the investment opportunity set are unpredictable and best

captured by skilled active management. fatter tails and asset return volatilities

and correlations which are not constant over time supports the concepts of ‘fair

value’ and mean reversion around fair value in asset prices. This, in turn,

implies that expected excess returns (returns in excess of the risk free rate) may

vary over time. Theoretical and empirical evidence of time varying expected

excess returns and relative risk aversion challenged the optimality of the static

approach to asset allocation - see for example Merton (1971), Fama and French


Campbell and Shiller (1988) and more recently Campbell and Cochrane (1999,

2002). Their work and the work of others suggested that even in an

informational efficient market with rational investors, expected returns can

change over time due to changes in preferences to volatility in consumption and

wealth. Furthermore, this body of literature suggests that these changes in

expected excess returns and risk are at least somewhat predictable over the

medium term by using observable state variables linked to the economic or

business cycle. Vliet and Blitz (2009) find that the risk of a static SAA

allocation tends to increase during recession periods, which may be undesirable

for a risk-averse investor. Also they show that the average return of various

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


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asset classes is dependent on the economic environment. Campbell and Viceira

(2005) show that risk, defined as the conditional co-variances and variances per

period of asset returns may be significantly different across investment horizons

creating a term structure of risk-return trade-offs. It is important to distinguish

this form of DAA from other forms of tactical asset allocation and active risk

taking. While the various forms of active risk taking share an embedded

aspiration to generate excess returns while efficiently using the active risk

budget, they differ in terms of benchmarks, scope, size, and investment horizon

among other things. In the case of active management in the context of the

implementation of an asset class mandate, the focus is very much on relative

performance versus the asset class benchmark and the use of active risk is

geared towards excess return on that basis (e.g. relative value, security

selection, sector rotation).

The asset manager is myopic to the overall performance of the fund, the active

risk budget is fairly small and the time horizon is rather short. In the case of

many institutional investors this type of active risk taking is delegated in part to

external managers. In practice there are also alternative governance models that

could be used to implement to various degrees the full-blown DAA program

described above. In most cases though, the alignment of ownership between

staff and the board is a crucial component of the model, and the set-up is such

that changes to the risk position of the fund due to DAA type of signals are

incorporated in the investment strategy through more frequent revision of the


Impact of Risk Tolerance and Liabilities

So far we have focused on the applicability of a DAA strategy in the context of

an asset-only portfolio with a long term investment horizon. In this section we

discuss how this form of active risk taking can be applied in the context of

investors with defined liabilities such as defined benefit pension plans.

Typically, participant contributions are fixed and benefit formulas are also pre-

defined. The plan sponsor has to balance risk/return trade-offs and decide how

much should the investment returns contribute towards funding the benefits

versus sponsor contributions. The sponsor is responsible for making up the

difference through increased contributions to the extent that asset returns fall

short of expectations. Therefore, the focus in this case is to a large extent on the

funding position of the plan, as expressed by the ratio of assets versus liabilities.

Risk is defined as surplus volatility or the volatility in the funding ratio.

One way of thinking about DAA in the context of a defined benefit plan is to

use the level of the funding ratio itself as the indicator of ‘over/under’ valuation.

In other words, when the funding ratio is high plan sponsors would reduce

exposure to risky assets and/or increase exposure to liability hedging assets (e.g.

long duration nominal or real bonds, depending on the nature of liabilities). This

approach reflects a change in risk preference rather than a change in expected

excess returns but some similarities may be worth pointing out.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


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It is interesting to note that the motivation for the DAA position may or may not

be aligned with the DAA motivation from an asset- only perspective, in the

sense that, from a valuation perspective, the risky asset may or may not be

significantly away from ‘fair value’. In an asset-liability framework it is

possible that the ‘excess’ in funding ratio is driven by a large movement in risky

assets, a change in the value of liabilities due to change in interest rates, or a

combination of the two. However, one would expect this approach to be at least

partially consistent with the valuation thesis embedded in an asset-only

approach. Below we illustrate an example of such a DAA strategy and make

some observations.

In this example we use the Ryan Labs Liability Index and a typical pension plan

asset allocation with 60% exposure to equities and 40% exposure to a fixed

income index like the Barclays Global Aggregate. For the DAA signal we use a

corridor between 80 and 120 for the level of the funded ratio. If the funded ratio

is above 120 the exposure to equities is reduced by 10% and exposure to fixed

income asset is increased by the same amount, and vice versa if the funded ratio

is below 80. The over/underweight is removed once the funded ratio reverts

back to 100. Overall, we believe that the issue of wealth dependent risk

tolerance is more prevalent in the case of defined benefit pension plans

compared to sovereign wealth funds. This issue, combined with the presence of

explicit liabilities, makes this form of DAA

Types of Investments

Think of the various types of investments as tools that can help you achieve

your financial goals. Each broad investment type—from bank products to stocks

and bonds—has its own general set of features, risk factors and ways in which

they can be used by investors.

1. Bank Products

Banks and credit unions can provide a safe and convenient way to accumulate

savings—and some banks offer services that can help you manage your money.

Checking and savings accounts offer liquidity and flexibility. Find out more

about these and other bank products.

Learn more about the various types of investments below.

2. Bonds

A bond is a loan an investor makes to an organization in exchange for interest

payments over a specified term plus repayment of principal at the bond’s

maturity date. Learn how corporate, muni, agency, Treasury and other types of

bonds work.

Stocks When you buy shares of a company’s stock, you own a piece of that

company. Stocks come in a wide variety, and they often are described based the

company’s size, type, performance during market cycles and potential for short-

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


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and long-term growth. Learn more about your choices—from penny-stocks to

large caps and more.

3. Investment Funds

Funds—such as mutual funds, closed-end funds and exchange-traded funds—

pool money from many investors and invest it according to a specific

investment strategy. Funds can offer diversification, professional management

and a wide variety of investment strategies and styles. But not all funds are the

same. Understand how they work, and research fund fees and expenses.

4. Annuities

An annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company, in which the

company promises to make periodic payments, either starting immediately—

called an immediate annuity—or at some future time—a deferred annuity.

Learn about the different types of annuities.

5. Saving for College

Funding college begins with savings, starting with how much to save. Learn the

many, smart ways to save for college, including 529 College Savings Plans and

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts. We’ll help you navigate your college

savings options.

6. Retirement

Numerous types of investments come into play when saving for retirement and

managing income once you retire. For saving, tax-advantaged retirement

options such as a 401(k) or an IRA can be a smart choice. Managing retirement

income may require moving out of certain investments and into ones that are

better suited to a retirement lifestyle.

7. Options

Options are contracts that give the purchaser the right, but not the obligation, to

buy or sell a security, such as a stock or exchange-traded fund, at a fixed price

within a specific period of time. It pays to learn about different types of options,

trading strategies and the risks involved.

8. Commodity Futures

Commodity futures contracts are agreements to buy or sell a specific quantity of

a commodity at a specified price on a particular date in the future. Commodities

include metals, oil, grains and animal products, as well as financial instruments

and currencies. With limited exceptions, trading in futures contracts must be

executed on the floor of a commodity exchange.

9. Security Futures

Federal regulations permit trading in futures contracts on single stocks, also

known as single stock futures, and certain security indices. Learn more about

security futures, how they differ from stock options and the risks they can pose.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


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Alternative and Complex Products

These products include notes with principal protection and high-yield bonds that

have lower credit ratings and higher risk of default than traditional investments,

but offer more attractive rates of return. Learn about their features, risks and

potential advantages.

10. Insurance

Life insurance products come in various forms, including term life, whole life

and universal life policies. There also are variations on these—variable life

insurance and variable universal life—which are considered securities. See how

insurance products may fit into an overall financial plan.

Ten Problems Faced by the Investors Too much debt

Insufficient economic growth to service that debt

Too many functionally insolvent banks

Too many off-balance sheet claims against finite government (taxpayer)


Central banks have utterly exhausted their armoury of the conventional

and are now making it up as they go along

Uncontrolled and possibly uncontrollable monetary stimulus, in a

general environment of fundamentally unsound money

Widespread currency debasement

Vast manipulation of all major asset classes courtesy of Problems 1-7

No objectively and unimpeachably safe havens


4. Findings

The full advantage of factor contributing, customers need to deliberately center

around a key resource allotment, rather than here and now returns in respect to a

specific reference list. Hence, the importance of factor putting procedures ought

to be assessed similarly as conventional resource classes. All things considered,

financial specialists don't quit putting resources into values following a couple

of long periods of underperformance contrasted with securities, nor should they

dismiss the long haul business situation when factor based procedures have had

a few awful years. All things considered, for financial specialists hesitant to

acknowledge conceivable underperformance temporarily, keeping in mind the

end goal to receive long haul rewards, upgraded ordering gives an answer.

Effective improved ordering methodologies are intended to methodicallly catch

the market return and, what's more, advantage from very much remunerated

factor premiums. They take the capitalization-weighted record as a beginning

stage. At that point they give somewhat more weight to stocks with good factor

qualities and marginally less to stocks with ominous factor attributes, utilizing

exclusive venture models. This guarantees the speculation is moderately

practical, while anticipating congestion and arbitrage.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


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5. Suggestions

The extreme part about contributing is that we are attempting to settle on

educated choices in view of things that presently can't seem to happen. It's vital

to remember that despite the fact that we use past information as a sign of things

to come, it's what occurs later on that issues most.

A statement from Peter Lynch's book "One Up on Wall Street" (1990) about his

involvement with Subaru shows this: "On the off chance that I'd tried to ask

myself, 'In what capacity would this be able to stock go any higher?' I would

have never purchased Subaru after it as of now went up twentyfold. Be that as it

may, I checked the basics, understood that Subaru was as yet modest, purchased

the stock, and made sevenfold after that." The fact of the matter is to construct a

choice with respect to future potential instead of on what has just occurred

previously. (See likewise: The Value Investor's Handbook.)

Receive a Long-Term Perspective

Vast here and now benefits can frequently allure the individuals who are new to

the market. In any case, embracing a long haul skyline and rejecting the "get in,

get out and rake in huge profits" attitude is basic for any financial specialist.

This doesn't imply that it's difficult to profit by currently exchanging the here

and now. In any case, as we as of now said, contributing and exchanging are

altogether different methods for making picks up from the market. Exchanging

includes altogether different dangers that purchase and-hold financial specialists

don't involvement. All things considered, dynamic exchanging requires certain

particular abilities.

Neither one of the investings style is essentially superior to the next - both have

their advantages and disadvantages. Yet, dynamic exchanging can not be right

for somebody without the suitable time, monetary assets, instruction and want.

Be Concerned About Taxes, yet Don't Worry

Putting charges to the exclusion of everything else is a hazardous technique, as

it can regularly make speculators make poor, misinformed choices. Indeed,

assess suggestions are imperative, yet they are an optional concern. The

essential objectives in contributing are to develop and secure your cash. You

ought to dependably endeavor to limit the measure of assessment you pay and

amplify your after-expense form, however the circumstances are uncommon

where you'll need to put charge contemplations regardless of anything else

when settling on a venture choice (See additionally: Basic Investment


6. Conclusion

A long term investment of putting takes into thought reinvestment chance. This

progressions drastically our point of view on what constitutes the "riskless

resource" for a long haul financial specialist. In the event that a speculator is

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue


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occupied with financing her going through necessities with assurance over a

drawn out stretch of time, the protected procedure is to put resources into long

haul coupon bonds (or annuities), not money. chiefs look in keeping up a long

haul venture technique. They close by recommending that a vital component to

defeating these difficulties is in building a "comprehension through

commitment." I wholeheartedly concur. I don't anticipate that anyone will

aimlessly put stock in my conviction, nor would I prescribe it. Thus, I invest a

lot of energy dealing with approaches to better teach customers about the

advantages of long haul contributing and my general logic. I think ensuring

customers comprehend and are focused on that approach is basic to the

achievement of our association. The auxiliary reasons that keep down long haul

financial specialists from meeting their objectives are frequently ignored. At the

point when there is no undeniable arrangement, it's simpler to disregard an issue

as opposed to address it. For any chief or counsel with an attention on long haul

comes about, committing time to fortifying the important specialist relationship

through instruction, straightforwardness and correspondence is a flat out must.

By seeing how motivating forces inside the business impact choices, financial

specialists will be in a greatly improved position to execute on and do a genuine

long haul speculation technique.


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