New Breeze

NEW BREEZE San José, Costa Rica SUNDAY 9 th of December, 2012 200 TELETON BEGINGS Obstacle are in the attitude Three Steps to Achieve a Goal Animal Intelligence “see all our essays” ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE


Newspaper for English III course.

Transcript of New Breeze

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Costa Rica

SUNDAY 9th of December, 2012



Obstacle are in the attitude

Three Steps to Achieve a


Animal Intelligence “see all our essays”


Page 2: New Breeze


CONTENT Obstacles Are in the Attitude – Peña R., Karol P. 2

Three Steps to Achieve a Goal – Steele u., Katherine P. 3

Disabilities – Quesada P., Elena P. 4

Homework – Ureña G., Marianela P. 5

Disabilities or Different Abilities – Gamboa C., Jennifer P. 7

Are animals smart? - Peña R., Karol P. 8

Why Are Some Animals Intelligent?– Steele u., Katherine P. 9

Animal intelligence– Quesada P., Elena P. 10

Animal intelligence - Gamboa C., Jennifer P. 11

Animal intelligence - Gamboa C., Jennifer P. 12

Longevity– Ureña G., Marianela

P. 13

Entertainment- All the group P. 14

Page 3: New Breeze

Coffee At


Peña R., Carol. [email protected]

weather forecast

Occasional showers

Gradually, the country will return to the conditions characteristic of late November and early December, with occasional rain in the Caribbean and north during the morning. The Central Valley and Guanacaste have partial cloudiness with occasional rain in the highlands.


Obstacles Are in the Attitude

Peña R., Carol. [email protected]

Life poses many obstacles. For me maybe, an obstacle could be a difficult course at the university, for some other

person a divorce, financial problems, or a disease. However, not all things are equal, and it depends on who lives

each situation. Attitude represents the difference between leaving everything or facing a problem.

Every time that I remember Anita, I feel happy because there are courageous people in the world, and she is a

role model for everybody. She was born with a problem in her right arm, a congenital disease. When she was a

baby, she did not have any problem with this, but when she grew up and had to go to kindergarten, she started to

begin having problems because her classmates saw her in a different way and someone laughed at her because she

did not have her full arm. That was the beginning, but she always had much strength and she never thought that her

value was less than others. She had many friends and she was a sweet and happy child.

She had some conflicts when she started school but later she continued with great effort to get good grades. She

was the best of her class. When she was a child, she wanted to become a doctor in pediatrics. A priority in her life

is her studies. Her family trusts her. Support is a necessary aspect for success.

Now, she is studying medicine at the University of Costa Rica (UCR), and for her this process is not easy,

because some obstacles could be an excuse to stop thinking about her goals, but she has a strong desire to

overcome her obstacles. With one or two hands, she is a person struggling to achieve her goals. She learned that in

life there are problems, economic or physical obstacles, but often what prevents us from moving forward is our


There are people with a positive attitude towards problems, for example people with a physical disability. They

have the capacity of learning and being different regardless of their environment, the difficulties, the opinion about

themselves or their limited mobility because for them the best decision is to learn to trust themselves. Life poses

not only problems; it also offers opportunities for challenging and becoming better. If I have a problem today, it is

because I have the capacity to face it. There is nothing impossible to someone who believes.

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COUNTRY Steele, U., Katherine [email protected]

DAILY QUOTE: “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly”. Robert F. Kennedy FORMER PRESIDENT EEUU

Do you want to achieve a goal?

Three Steps to Achieve a


Follow our three steps

Achieve your goals Steele U., Katherine [email protected]

To achieve a goal,

there are many thing

people can do. It

does not matter if

that person has a

disability or not. Of

course, it can be

more difficult for

some people than for

others. Each person

has his/her own

Achilles heel, and it

does not matter who

they are, where they

are from, if they

have a lot of money

or even their skin

color. To reach a

goal, they have to

defeat their own

Achilles heel and

also they have to

consider three

important things.

First, they

have to be sure that

their goal is realistic

and achievable.

Many times people

dream about

impossible things

and those dreams

because that idea

could cause him to

lose money trying

something that

would not work.


summarize, if people

want to achieve a

goal, they have to

work hard and keep

in mind that there

are always obstacles

that they have to

overcome. Nobody

has a potion to be

successful, but there

is the recipe to try it.

No matter how many

times they could fail,

what is really

important is that

they keep trying.

Also, people can use

the three pieces of

advice we told

before: being sure

that the goal is

realistic and

delimited and

whether this is what

they really want to


then become

difficult to overcome

and even can reduce

or eliminate the

ability to dream

about new goals.

steps that you need

to follow before you

can reach your goal,

for example: if a girl

decides to graduate

with honors, she has

to consider that it is

not enough to have

good scores, she also

has to be early at

school, deliver all

her homework and

she needs to show a

good behavior in her

classes. So, it is

pretty important to

identify and follow

all the steps

according to a pre-

made plan.

Third, they

have to be sure that

they want to achieve

that goal. Usually

people think that

they want to achieve

a goal, but when

they discover how

hard or long the way

is to achieve their

goal, they just prefer

to give up. For

example, it is like

when a boy wants to

create a company

and his best friend

says that creating a

company is pretty

difficult and risky;

he will think that it

is better to give up,


“Obstacles are in the attitude.

Peña R., Carol Student.

Second, they

have to define what

they want to reach. It

is easy to lose a

target when you are

not sure about the

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Disability or challenge?

Physiological opinion Quesada P., Elena [email protected]

There are three very

important areas

within the topic of

disability which are

the types of

disabilities, the role

models and the

challenges. These

three points are

critical when

covering the topic of

disability, because

they help us to

understand first that

there are disabilities,

second, examples of

life for others, and

finally, the

challenges faced by

many people with


First, there

are two types of

disabilities, physical

and mental. A

physical disability is

the loss or inability

to suffer caused by a

disease, such as

diabetes or also

because of an

accident. There is

also mental

disability which is

often influenced by

society, because

there are negative

comments and it is

compounded by low

self-esteem that

many people have

for themselves.

There is a third type

of disability which is

the joint disability,

when you mix the

two types of

disability above

causing a person to

have mental,

emotional and

physical problems


there are role

models, who are

people who have

physical disabilities,

but despite this

disability, this

person continues his

or her life as an

example for others.


especially the people

who have a physical

disability go through

hard times, but the

main thing is that

they continue with

their lives.

And last,

there are the

challenges faced by

people with different

types of disabilities.

Some of these

challenges are bad

comments, the lack

of money,

overprotection by

people causing those

wrong thoughts of

worthlessness and

also low self-esteem.

These difficulties

become positive

challenges for

people who face

these kinds of

disabilities and these

challenges can be

overcome with the

help of God first,

then an expert and

finally the help of

loved ones.


conclusion, among

the types of

disabilities that were

mentioned earlier for

me the most difficult

to overcome is the

mental one, because

the challenges that

arise with this type

of disability are very

complicated and in

my opinion it

requires the help of a

specialist. In this

case you work with

these patients what

is called mental


consisting in

changing negative

thoughts with

positive thoughts,

allowing people to

change their view of

themselves and be a

model for other

people with these

same problems.


“Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body”.

Seneca Philosopher

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Homework really works?

Are helpful homework? Ureña G., Marianela [email protected]


According to

information, the

homework is doing

exercises or

activities that the

teacher gives the

student to make at

home. The student

acquires opportunity

the practice and

strengthens their

academic skills. The

homework should

reflect what students

should know and be

directly related to

what they learned in

class. This is

important because

the student learning

to form values and

for intellectual


First, the

homework: as their

academic skills.

With the

development of

skills a student can

get good and better

results in the studies.

The student teaches

to develop academic

skills depends on

their will to

improve. For


organization, good

use of time,

these are education,

the family and the

economically. These

elements are

decisive to the

development of the



conclusion, the

parents and teacher

are significant in the

formation of our

values. Us help from

small be better when

we are adults. But

the most important

work is done by

parents. Parent’s

love and patience

make better students.

For a child to be a

successful adult has

to acquire the

principal value of

responsibility. These

values mark one

child for the future,

professional and


arrangement of

priorities, focus and

motivation. These

are some skills that

can help students

with their

homework. Mostly,

these are some

practices our parents

had taught once.

Second, the

homework: as

values. The

homework can help

a student develop

very important

emotional and

behavioral values.

These values include



perseverance, time


initiative, self-

reliance and

resourcefulness. For

instance, the

responsibility helps

to choose the studies

appropriately, and

effectively, carries

somehow a self-

sufficient knowledge

of how to defend


Third, the

homework: as


development. The

student’s necessity

stimulates their brain

completely various


The student

must obtain elements

that contribute to the

formation and

development of their

skills and

capabilities. For

instance, this process

involved different

aspects; QUOTE

“If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” T.S. Eliot Poet

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1 Taken from



Disabilities or Different

Abilities An expert opinion

A lot of habilities Gamboa C., Jennifer [email protected]

We have heard

many things about

disabilities and also

we can see many

children, women,

men, and adults with

differences in their

capacity to do



“disability includes


limitations and a

decrease in the

participation, which

affects the structure

or function of the

body.”1 First, the

motor disabilities are

when someone has

difficulty with any

part of his or her

body, for example in

the hands, feet, hip,

neck, fingers or

another part. On the

other hand, many

people do not have

any extremity and

they have to use a

wheelchair as means

of transportation.

Also, the family

helps and guides

these people, because

of their immobility.

Second, the

sensory disabilities

include the different

senses that form our

body. For instance,

they cannot see

Do you think Are they like us? because of any

illness or blindness,

they cannot hear and

they use special

items for hearing.

These senses are

very important to

know what happens

around us or to see

and listen to things

we like. Third, there

are communication

disabilities. This

occurs when people

have problems to

communicate with

other people or with

their family or

friends. For example,

one problem of the


disabilities consists in

stuttering. When

people have this

disability, they cannot

talk fluently; they

have many

difficulties to say a

few words or to

pronounce sentences.


conclusion, I think

that we are equal and

we all have the same

rights. But, not only

that, also these

people have to work

in different places

around the country

with the same

opportunities, since

they are very

intelligent and they

are people with

dreams, aims and

with much strength

to live.

Mental Disability from Google pictures

Physical Disability from Google pictures

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Carol Peña

Are animals smart?

What is


Which are the animals? Peña R., Carol. [email protected]

Intelligence is the

ability to make

decisions and to

think rationally

about something

specific. Sometimes

people think that

only humans are

smart, but the way

animals behave is

very interesting.

Their different

attitudes towards

people raise three

questions about the

smartness of

animals: Is it

instinct? Is it

repetition and

imitation? Is it

stimulation to learn?

These questions are

complicated because

the smartness of

animals depends of

the species. There

are a lot of varieties

of animals in the

world; each one is

different and has its

own special

characteristics. Also,

the smartness of

animals is related

with his


as well as the

obstacles it has to

face to survive; each

one of these aspects

is important must be

taken into account

when responding

each question.

One aspect

about the smartness

of animals is

instinct. For

example, the

chimpanzee lives in

a natural

environmental and

develops many

capacities and

abilities in order for

him to live, eat and

survive. In these

cases, natural

selection explains

the difference

between the

smartness of animals

and instinct.

According to

instinct, species die

or develop the

missing trait.

Smartness requires

the animal to thinks

about its decisions

and resolve

situations in order to

survive with others



question relates to

repetition and

imitation. For me,

animals can

These three

aspects allow us to

understand the

relation between

instinct, situation


(imitation), and the

stimulation to learn.

For me, the way they

react when facing

difficulties depends

on the context, the

environment, their

food necessities, and

their situation. If

animals have

significant contact

with humans, they

can develop the need

for imitation in order

to feel part of the

group, because that

is their instinct; they

need to be part of a

group and in order to

feel safe, in this

case, with humans.


characteristic of

animals is their

ability to easily learn

according to their

specie; in other

words, the smartness

of animals is real.

Elephants from Google pictures

learn by trial and

error, by repeating

situations, or by

imitation. This

depends on brain

development and on

the stimulation they

receive to learn.

Perhaps they

are not as smart as

humans, because

they do not have the

ability to

communicate by

speech, but they are

able to move, make

sounds and gestures

in order to

communicate with

each other and with

humans. Animals

use their intelligence

and combine it with

instinct, either to

survive or to please

their master, as in

the case of the dog,

who is capable of

learning to dance,

and make different

moves to make its

master happy.

A third

aspect is the

stimulation to learn.

For example, in

society some people

require an animal to

live or go to work. A

person with physical

disability could need

to be guided by a

dog, or a dog could

work with the police

to detect drugs or

with those who work

with rescue teams;

horses and donkeys

also serve as support

for jobs in

agriculture and

livestock, and

dolphins work in

physical therapy.

But each one

requires a learning

process in order to

be able to help


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Why Are Some Animals Intelligent? Expert opinio

Three reasons Steele U., Katherine [email protected]

It is known that

there are some

animals that are

more intelligent than

others, but which are

those aspects that let

some animals

develop a superior

intelligence in

contrast to other

animals?, at the

moment it do not

exist concrete

answers for that

question. However,

some recent

researches show us

which factors those

animals have in

common and if those

same factors

contribute to this

intelligent behavior.

Those aspects could

be habits, lifestyle or



Researchers think

that if the most

intelligent animals

share something, it

could be the reason

why some animals

have a high


compared with

others. We are just

going to focus on

the three most

important aspects

they share.

First, they

have an evolved

brain. There is a

theory called Triune

Brain. It explains

that the brain of



humans) has

undergone an


make decisions and

lead groups, which

show us an

intelligent behavior

that has been

developed by the

animal without

human assistance.


conclusion, not all

animals can develop

intelligence. It

depends on factors

such as we have seen

above. first, they

must have a

developed brain;

second, they have to

adapt to their

environment; and

finally, they have to

live in a complex

society structure.

Some animals do not

meet these

characteristics, so

they cannot develop

superior intelligence

and it even causes

their species’

extinction, as in the

case of the Golden

Toad that lived in

Monteverde, Costa

Rica. But these

characteristics are

not simple living

conditions, those are

external stimuli

which allowed these

intelligent animals to

overcome their

obstacles and

therefore the

obstacles of its

species and as

Darwin said “In the

struggle for survival,

the fittest win out at

the expense of their

rivals because they

succeed in adapting

themselves best to

their environment.”

(Charles Darwin,


process, i.e., the

brain was initially

small and very

primitive which did

not allow reasoning.

This cerebral form is

called Reptilian

Brain and, as the

name says, reptiles

possess it. Then, the

brain evolved to

develop a layer of

cerebral cortex

which was called the

Mammalian Brain.

This new brain

allows animals to

reason and that is

why animals, like

elephants, dolphins,

parrots, crows, and

other birds and

nonhuman mammals

solve problems

better than other

animals. Finally, the

brain developed a

last layer of cerebral

cortex called Human

Brain, and as the

name says, just

humans posses it and

most of us know

what this brain

allows us to do.

Second, they

have a necessity.

The brain was forced

to evolve due to the

large amounts of

challenges it had to

overcome to survive.

Some animals were

large, had thick skin,

were skilled, fast and

even had poison

allowing them to

hunt for food and

defend themselves

against predators,

but what happened

with those animals

that did not have

these resources to

survive? Will they

be always the prey?

Will their species be

forced to extinguish?

Those animals had

to develop methods

to ensure food and


Fortunately, their

new brain allowed

them to get these

two things without

risking death in the

attempt. Even many

of those animals that

got their brain in the

second face of

evolution are able to

solve problems that

they have never met

and who require


Third, they

live in a complex

society structure.

Animals that live in

society with other

animals have

evolved complex

structures that let

them interact with

others of their kind.

Those animals have

the opportunity to

adopt and refine all

those survival

techniques allowing

them to protect and

maintain their

species. These

animals not only

learn from other

animals, they are

also forced to

behave according to

group norms. They

must even adapt to a

behavior that is

accepted by those of

their own species.

This process makes

a contribution to

animals which have

special cognitive

abilities to be

functional in their

habitat, follow rules,

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Animal intelligence

Animals from Google pictures

Intelligence? Quesada P., Elena [email protected]

There are different

types of animals,

from very small

ones like insects to

big animals like


hippopotamus and

rhinoceros; but

when you mention

the subject of animal


reversed order think

about some animals,

such as parrots,

dogs, dolphins and

chimps, so we

ignore the rest of the

animals and we

assume that they are

the most intelligent

ones or forget other

animals. For that

reason, we can

conclude three

important points

about animal

intelligence. The

first is whether

animals are really

intelligent. The

second is the

relationship of

animal intelligence

versus human

intelligence. And

finally, the third is

the communication

among animals.

These points are

very important when

we talk about animal


The first

point is whether

animals really have

animal intelligence.

This is questioned

by many people, and

we have seen it in

many reports of

animals which

perform certain

activities, such as

parrots which talk,

elephants that paint,

but for me this is not

animal intelligence.

For me, animal

intelligence is how

animals adapt to the

environment in order

to get their food with

the purpose of

surviving. Also, I

think that when a

parrot says some

words or some

animal does

something similar,

that animal has no

idea of what he is

doing. Sometimes,

animals do these

activities because

they receive a

reward and that is

how they learn to

perform them.

The second

point is the

relationship of

animal intelligence

versus human

intelligence. This

reason for me is very

important, because

sometime we believe

we are very smart,

but we forget the

evolution of

humanity. Several

investigations have

been created

indicating that

humans evolved

from the

chimpanzee, in other

words, we can say

that our intelligence

in part comes from

this animal. This

research has been

highly questionable,

but the most

important is that

both, animals and

humans; are

intelligent. The

difference is the

environment in.

Which they develop

The last point is

the communication

among animals. This

point is wonderful,

because this is

something that can

be seen by observing

the animals. A clear

example of


among animals is

when females have

their children,

because it is

amazing how they

care for and protect

their young. This is a

form of

communication. The

most important thing

to understand is that


communicate with

each other like

human beings, but

they do it in their

own way.


conclusion, the

credibility of animal

intelligence, the

comparison of


intelligences and

communication are

important issues,

which creates many

questions and,

because of this, very

interesting research

is conducted to

clarify all doubts

about these issues.

But this is important,

because it enables us

to acquire

knowledge through

all this research and

thus have a clear

idea of the topic of

animal intelligence.

According to

Herbert Simon, "All

that gives us new

knowledge gives us

the opportunity to be

more rational."2

Animal intelligence

is a subject in which

we generate more

rational thoughts to

get true knowledge.

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4 Taken from



Which intelligent animals do you know?

Animal Intelligence

Gerente reconoce que cifra no era la esperada y promete reorganización

Otros 115 empleados pidieron traslado horizontal a centros de salud Gamboa C., Jennifer [email protected]

Throughout history,

the human race has

categorized itself as

the most intelligent

of all the species on

the Earth´s surface.

We have been proud

of our evolution and

we have compared

ourselves to every

living being, just to

reach to the

conclusion that we

are, with no doubt,

the highest evolved

creature on this

planet. This thought

has led to many

consequences. But

who dares to

proclaim animals as

inferior? Who leads

us to believe their

intelligence is not

comparable to that

of the human mind?

This essay will focus

on these two

questions, and it will

try to argue that

animals have a great

level of intelligence,

both regarding the

apprehension of life

and learning, as well

as emotions and

sympathy. In order

to develop this idea

in the following

paragraphs, we will

take an example of

three different

animal species:

elephants, dolphins

and dogs. We will

speak about the first

two based on some

studies about them,

and the last will be

based on my

personal experience;

but with a

perspective on not

only their abilities to

“think and create”,

but also their social

behavior and their




have been seen,

especially in the

Occident, as great

mammals that are

worth for their ivory

or for their circus

performances, but

studies have proven

them to be much

more than simple

trainees. One of the

most interesting data

about them lies on

the fact that this

specie’s behavior,

development and

survival, as well as

that of the human

race, is not

processed reversed

order instinct, but by

learning methods.

They have an

education period of

approximately ten

years, during which

they are taught how

to protect

themselves, how to

feed, how to solve

problems, how to

use tools and how to

behave among their

fellow elephant

relatives. This

demonstrates that

their brain, fully

developed until adult

stage, has the

capacity to process,

analyze and apply

information for their

benefit. But this

creature´s capacity

surpasses the


cycle. Elephants live

in tribes

compounded of

intricate social webs;

each of them learns

their position in this

web and behaves

according to it. Their

bond is so strong

that it had led

scientists to believe

they have created

languages to

communicate among

themselves. Finally,

this family closeness

has developed on


a“humanistic” trait:

the awareness of

death and its


Elephants bury their

deceased with leaves

and mud. They take

care of the body for

approximately two

days, and then they

leave in grief. With

these two brief

examples we have

exposed one trait of

the elephant´s

applied intelligence

and one illustration

of the emotional


Dolphins, in

contrast to elephants,

have been more

respected and valued

along all coasts.

Among the

characteristics that

make this species so

special we can

mention their brain

properties. Its size is

bigger than that of

humans and contains

more cerebral mass.

To name one of its

unique attributes we

can mention that this

specie’s behavior

corresponds and

responds to their

sensory system.

Dolphins are a social

species and they, as

well as elephants,

live with their

family. They

demonstrate the

importance of this

bond, and of survival

of their own by

helping other

dolphins to breathe,

driving them out to

the surface of the

sea. Their brain

skills are used and

applied through the

teaching of their

offspring.. These sea

creatures teach their

young how to

conduct themselves

for protection. A

behavior that

demonstrates their

ability to socialize,

learn and teach. But

this is only a brief

example of their


especially because

one of their most

remarkable traits is

their language

potential. This

language involves

not only sounds, but

dances and jumps.

Each sound emitted

by dolphins is

constituted of many

emissions that

transmit information.

This means they


through a complex

language that

surpasses emotion,

or circumstance.4

Page 13: New Breeze

5 Taken from




Which intelligent animals do you know?

Animal Intelligence

Dogs are, on

the other hand, a

species that is closer

to human beings and

their life routines.

We have

domesticated them

for company, for

guardianship, for

useful purposes such

as helping the blind,

detecting drugs or

hunting. Their

education, however,

is based on

conditional training.

We teach them to

behave as we desire

by giving them

prizes when they

follow instructions

or punishing them

when they do not.

This training is

based on repetition

and constancy, and

they react to this, as

Pavlov proved long

ago. These rewards

are known as

positive reinforces,

and they can even

learn to associate

human words with

their actions, such as

“sit”, “stay” or

“paw”. Therefore,

their behavior´s

motor relies on

instinct and


Nevertheless, any

human being that

has been the master

of a dog, and has

had a real

connection with it,

could not lie if they

said their behavior

goes far beyond

training. Dogs can

understand their

master´s intention

just by listening to

the tone of their

voice. They can

communicate their

needs in such a way

that they can be clear

for humans, and they

can relate to their

owner´s emotions.

For example, my

dog Sudi, a retriever,

is a very hyperactive

dog. He is always

jumping around and

asking to play.

However, whenever

someone in my

house is sad and

crying he

immediately changes

his behavior and

calms down. He

gathers next to you

and cuddles next to

your legs and

accompanies you

with a different

attitude until your

mood has changed.

This reveals that he

is capable of sensing

that something is not

right and that he

shares a connection

with our emotions.5


conclusion, those

animals are sensitive

and intelligent

beings. They behave

and react in a

different way than

humans but this is

only a different way

of expressing and

living, not a better

one. These creatures

should not be

underestimated just

because they do not

share our language

or brain functioning.

We must learn from

their conducts, their

solidarity, the time

and care they

provide to their

offspring, and

especially their

awareness of nature

and their role in it.

The human race

should learn to

respect them more

each day. Elephants,

dolphins and dogs

have been proven to

be an outstanding


nevertheless, each

variety of animals

has its own amazing

traits, which we

should be humble

enough to

acknowledge, value

and imitate.

Page 14: New Breeze




Longevity from Google pictures

Ureña G., Marianela [email protected]

According to


people who show

longevity come from

a working

environment and by

making exercise.

This is important

because although

they look elderly

still they can help in

the education and in

their families.

Longevity is

relevant because it

cares about the



longevity is in the

food. Generally,

people eat all their

lifetime. They are

eating fruits and

vegetables, for

example, pineapple,

papaya, carrots and

corn. These people

eat low fat, do not

eat hamburgers or

fried chicken. It is

important to eat food

containing vitamins

like omega 3.


having a long life

depends on working.

People, who work in

a comfortable

environment and

stress free, live

longer. They are

happier people live

longer. The people

with the highest

level of longevity

live in the farms.

One of the reasons is

because the life in

the country side does

not have smock and

the atmosphere is



prolonged life is a

synonym to exercise.

There are two types

of exercise, the

physical and mental.

The physical helps

the bones and

muscles and the

mental help the

brain. The most

important are the

mental exercise

because it allows

you to feel useful,

for example crafts,

zudoku or learning

something new.


conclusion, the

people who present

longevity are happier

and learn tips about

living well. There

are more myths

about longevity but

it depends on the

“good “habit that

people have. For

example, not

smoking and not

drink alcohol. Living

healthy is a good

motivation in life. It

is important.

Page 15: New Breeze


Entertainment Crossword By: All the group

Ataviados con un traje especial para protegerse de la contaminación,

1. Feeling of depression and sadness 2. Solutions 3. Marks left on skin from a cut or

wound 4. Things that keep you from going

beyond certain boundaries 5. Short periods of sleep 6. Getting annoyed quickly or easily 7. In a way that is not planned 8. Make a sound with the voice 9. Threatened with extinction 10. Support, agreement 11. To receive something from someone

who has died 12. Depend on, rely on 13. Labor force 14. Frightening 15. Something that is done to make

someone suffer 16. Involving, revenge 17. Praise, support 18. A distinct variety of language 19. Dough 20. Seeing 21. Real, something that can be

measured 22. Something you do on a regular basis 23. Local group of an organization 24. Boast, show off

25. Beautiful, attractive 26. Brave, courageous 27. Animal, kind primate 28. Consciously synonym 29. Kind of language 30. Preserve synonym 31. Trained to behave in a way that is

acceptable to others in your group 32. Able to think clearly 33. Law, not bright 34. Very interesting 35. Consideration of an issue from only

one side, often with a certain prejudice

36. Long loud cry 37. Place where species find the perfect

conditions to live 38. Adapt and adjust 39. Taken over 40. Key 41. Something that is very easy 42. Something you must do 43. A strongly felt emotion 44. Past perfect of “Do” 45. Conduct of human being in line with


Page 16: New Breeze