New Bible, Holy Bible, · 2003. 6....

Visit Tyndale’s exciting Web site at Copyright © 2003 by Calvin Miller. All rights reserved. Cover photograph © 2003 by Michael Gesinger/Photonica. All rights reserved. Designed by Jenny Swanson Edited by Jeremy P. Taylor Published in association with the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New Inter- national Version ® . NIV ® . Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. ISBN 0-8423-6174-X Printed in the United States of America 08 07 06 05 04 03 6 5 4 3 2 1

Transcript of New Bible, Holy Bible, · 2003. 6....

  • Visit Tyndale’s exciting Web site at

    Copyright © 2003 by Calvin Miller. All rights reserved.

    Cover photograph © 2003 by Michael Gesinger/Photonica. All rightsreserved.

    Designed by Jenny Swanson

    Edited by Jeremy P. Taylor

    Published in association with the literary agency of Alive Communications,Inc., 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920.

    Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the HolyBible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission ofTyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rightsreserved.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New Inter-national Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by InternationalBible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rightsreserved.

    ISBN 0-8423-6174-X

    Printed in the United States of America

    08 07 06 05 04 036 5 4 3 2 1


    Preface vii

    Profile: Elizabeth 1Introduction 7

    Chapter One 25

    Holy Involvement:The Art of Seeing inside the Needy

    Chapter Two 43

    Diagnosis:What Does This Person Need Me to

    Say Right Now to Heal or Give Hope?

    Chapter Three 63

    Playing the Role of Christ:The Giving of the Bold Blessing

    Conclusion 81

    Praise: The Affirmation That CelebratesOur Spiritual Health


    I I I I

  • Life is hard. Faces are hard. We get out of bed

    and hustle off to work for the day wondering

    who might assail us or what circumstances

    will befall us. Terrorism looms menacingly

    over the predictable world we once knew.

    Many of us feel powerless in our jobs—and,

    even worse, we feel unappreciated. We seem

    shackled to feelings of weakness and insignifi-

    cance. We sometimes feel that we are allowed

    to make no significant decisions. And since

    our decision making is so often what authenti-

    cates us, we are forced to live with a self-image

    that is limited at best.

    We are electron-isolated Internet inmates,

    channel-surfing lounge lizards, the point-and-

    click hermits of a day that doesn’t care. We are

    social creatures shut into solitary confinement

    by television tubes. Eyes eager to meet other

    eyes spend the hours instead gazing into the

    blue glare of computer screens or staring

    down at the tiny displays of e-books.

    But here and there, we run into those who


    The Power of Encouragement

  • actually see us. They smile at us. They greet

    us. They compliment us. In those moments

    we catch our breath. The world stops. We

    emerge from deadness to life. We are real

    persons—with real nervous systems, real feel-

    ings, and real hearts.

    Then comes the ultimate gift that ends our

    mediocrity. Someone speaks to us, perhaps

    relating some affirming comment as simple as,

    “Hey, I like your cap, man!” The cap! I’d forgot-

    ten I was wearing one. But it wasn’t my cap you

    really liked, was it? My desperate ears might as

    well have heard, “Hi there, you wonderful

    homo sapien, you, I’m a homo sapien, too! Isn’t

    it nice that we who live on the same level of

    the food-chain have actually met?” Such

    moments of random affirmation are made all

    the more wonderful by their rarity.

    I experienced one such moment of

    encouragement one day in the most unlikely

    of places—an airport security line. I travel a

    lot, and I have learned not to expect any



  • charm to issue from airport security people.

    They do not often say anything warmly

    human. If the beeper goes off as I pass

    through the scanning arch, they brusquely ask

    me to empty my pockets and walk through

    again. If I continue beeping, they ask me to

    step to one side while they pass a cattle prod

    over my body in a matter-of-fact manner,

    seeking to get whatever they suspect me of

    carrying to beep. My self-esteem plunges.

    I want a cordial security officer to smile at me.

    But their cattle prod is as warm and cuddly as

    they get. Alas, it seems they are convinced that

    I must be a terrorist. So I have developed an

    advanced case of scan-o-phobia. I freeze up as

    I approach security lines. Beeper-tense,

    I dream of passing through beep-free.

    I had been on the road all week, and I was

    weak. I approached the security checkpoint

    with the usual apprehension. But on this occa-

    sion a sweet southern belle at the X-ray machine

    said, “May Ah see your boardin’ pass, honey?”


    The Power of Encouragement

  • I looked around. There was no one in line

    behind me. She was talking to me! She

    seemed buoyant and warm, overcome with

    emotion. I was dumbfounded. Had she been

    addled by the X-ray?

    Dutifully, I handed her my ticket.

    “Thank you, sugah,” she said. I liked this

    lady! She handed my boarding pass back to

    me and said, “There you go, dahlin’!”

    Whoa! Box me up and put me in the

    window of the shop! And glory upon glory!

    When I walked through the X-ray arch,

    I didn’t beep. “You’re mighty clean, sugah,”

    she said as she handed me my briefcase. “You

    have a real nice flight, honey!”

    “I don’t wanna go!” I wanted to say. “I’ve

    felt more like a person at your X-ray machine

    than I have on any other flight I’ve ever taken.

    I’m not leaving till you finish building me up!”

    Of course I did ultimately fly on, but that

    woman gave me a gift I have never forgotten

    in the thousand X-ray lines at security check-



  • points I’ve been in since. She blessed me as a

    fellow member of the planet. She was a

    sympathetic earthling who was open to seeing

    others as fellow passengers on the way

    through life’s journey.

    I don’t know who told that woman that

    we are all life’s pilgrims, but I know she

    believed it. She had blessed me with the rare

    gift of affirmation.

    Some years ago Ken Blanchard wrote a

    book called the One-Minute Manager, in which

    he said that affirmation was the soul of leader-

    ship. The key to great interpersonal relation-

    ships, he said, was to catch somebody doing

    something right and praise them on the spot.

    The book remains a best-seller.

    I speak all over the United States in

    churches of all sizes. The message from the

    pulpit is always friendly. But after church it

    seems there is an appalling lack of Christian

    affirmation among the members of the congre-

    gation. An older couple recently met me at the


    The Power of Encouragement

  • Elizabeth




    I I I I

  • Mary of Nazareth conceived Christ when she

    was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. She had

    a hard time making her

    fiancé believe her story.

    We can only imagine that

    she found it even harder

    to convince the Naza-

    renes. Why? Virginal

    conceptions are very

    difficult to explain,

    whether to geneticists or

    the busybodies in one’s

    hometown. Mary was almost certainly the

    object of scorn among her peers. It was likely

    for this reason that she decided to visit a good


    Mary left Nazareth to visit her older rela-

    tive, Elizabeth. No doubt she left home under

    a blitz of gossip. In all likelihood her heart

    was breaking. She had given herself willingly

    to be the handmaiden of the Lord, and as a

    reward for her obedience she found herself


    The Power of Encouragement








  • the center of ridicule and contempt. God had

    required much. I imagine Mary had cried

    until she felt her broken soul could stand no

    more, until she was teetering at the very edge

    of sanity.

    Meanwhile Elizabeth had become preg-

    nant in spite of being an old woman. There

    was no open village condemnation of her situ-

    ation. But there must have been smirks from

    her friends and perhaps the assumption that

    her postmenopausal baby would likely be

    either deformed or mentally deficient. We

    know that Elizabeth went into seclusion after

    learning that she was pregnant. Is it possible

    she shut herself up because she was living

    with a constant sense of rejection and hurt?

    Then, at last, these two women meet.

    Hurt flies at hurt.

    Love grasps at love.

    They embrace wildly.

    “Ave, Maria.”

    “Ave, Elizabeth.”



  • And as soon as Elizabeth hears Mary’s

    greeting, her own baby leaps with gladness in

    her womb.

    Joy collides with joy as their words affirm

    each other.

    “Do you hurt, my dear sister? Hurt no

    more, you wonderful, special vessel of God.

    Blessed art thou!”

    These three words penetrate Mary’s

    injured soul, and her pain is healed.

    Does she return the compliment? No!

    Does Elizabeth try to wrench a good word

    from Mary? No! Mary does not praise her

    praiser. She praises God.

    Mary sings!

    What a song! Throughout the ages Mary’s

    expression of joy and thankfulness has been

    known as the Magnificat.

    Oh, how I praise the Lord.

    How I rejoice in God my Savior!

    For he took notice of his lowly servant girl


    The Power of Encouragement

  • Introduction


    I I I I

  • I I I I

    We bring before you, O Lord, the troubles and

    perils of people and nations, the sighing of

    prisoners and captives, the sorrows of the

    bereaved, the necessities of strangers, the

    helplessness of the weak, the despondency of the

    weary, the failing powers of the aged.

    O Lord, draw near to each; for the sake

    of Jesus Christ our Lord.


    I I I I

  • Coloring a Drab World

    One Christmas I gave my grandson a new

    coloring book and box of Crayolas. He excit-

    edly ripped open the box and began to color.

    He dumped them out all at once and colored

    furiously. He didn’t waste time picking out

    colors. He could see what we dull adults had

    missed: the uncolored pages had far too much

    white space. They needed to be colored, and

    all at once! Different colors, all kinds of

    colors—no crayon could be slighted. No page

    need wait long. The waxy hues flowed all over

    his small, white coloring-book world. Very

    quickly he ran out of pages.

    “Grandpa,” he said, “I would like to draw

    a fish. Do you have some plain paper?”

    I grabbed some paper out of the computer

    box and handed the pages to him. He colored

    the boring white away. Fishes swam in indigo

    and magenta. Brown barracudas and purple

    piranhas. Squid, shad, sturgeon. Tentacled

    things. Green octopuses. Big fish, little fish.



  • Red fish, blue fish. When he had finished,

    reams of paper blanketed the floor with

    hurried but serious art. At least one fish on

    every page.

    All this happened because he had made

    a very simple decision: There are not enough

    Crayola fish in the world. I can do something

    about my drab and fishless planet. I have one

    talent. I can color, and I will.

    I applauded his decision.

    When I was a young man, God convinced

    me that the world was too drab and I could do

    something about it. I could take the drab self-

    image that stifles so many beautiful people and

    add color to it. Not only could I do it, but I

    would do it, and indeed I was called to do it.

    Our Encouragement Commission

    There are many scriptural injunctions that

    teach us we must cause our dour world to

    celebrate itself.

    Paul once preached at Ephesus, “Now


    The Power of Encouragement

  • I entrust you to God and the word of his

    grace—his message that is able to build you

    up and give you an inheritance with all those

    he has set apart for himself” (Acts 20:32). Paul

    also said that the authority God gave him “is

    to build you up, not to tear you down”

    (2 Corinthians 10:8). He taught, “While

    knowledge may make us feel important, it is

    love that really builds up the church”

    (1 Corinthians 8:1).

    The last official act of Jesus’ earthly

    sojourn was to take his followers to a hilltop

    and bless them (Luke 24:50). Jesus’ affirma-

    tion of his followers transformed them from

    common men of limited success to fearless

    preachers and bold martyrs. His blessing—his

    encouragement—changed them from weak-

    lings to triumphant soldiers!

    We are accountable for all our words.

    Jesus said that on the great Day of Judgment,

    all people will have to give account for every

    idle word they have spoken (Matthew 12:36).



  • We can use our words to cut or affirm. When

    we use words to encourage, our words are

    treasures eternal. But when we use words to

    cut someone else down, those words are

    stored up against our

    future. Jesus said, “The

    time is coming when

    everything will be

    revealed; all that is secret

    will be made public.

    Whatever you have said in

    the dark will be heard in

    the light, and what you have whispered

    behind closed doors will be shouted from the

    housetops for all to hear!” (Luke 12:2-3). A

    compliment is a great act of stewardship.

    One of the most wonderful acts of encour-

    agement ever done for Jesus was when a

    woman lavished on him an alabaster box of

    spikenard, an expensive perfume worth

    roughly the equivalent of a year’s wages. Some

    of Jesus’ disciples were incensed with her


    The Power of Encouragement






  • extravagance. “What a waste of money,” they

    said. “She could have sold it for a fortune and

    given the money to the poor” (Matthew 26:8).

    But Jesus said that every act of encouragement

    becomes a part of the treasury of the ages.

    “Why berate her for doing such a good thing

    to me? . . . I assure you, wherever the Good

    News is preached throughout the world, this

    woman’s deed will be talked about in her

    memory” (Matthew 26:10, 13).

    We have a commission from our Lord:

    Use your life to build others up! Each affirm-

    ing act or word must issue from our need to

    be like Jesus. Each time we bless a hurting

    soul, we act as good stewards of Christ’s love,

    so freely given to us. Our encouraging words

    are kudos from our King. They are a serum of

    grace for the plague of self-loathing. We can

    and should do something to help color our

    drab world with beauty and truth. We are sent

    to demonstrate to our isolated world that God

    has not left it friendless.



  • The Importance of Self-Worth

    I believe encouragement and love have to

    grow out of a strong basis of self-acceptance.

    People who give a lot of love usually require

    a good supply of it. People who are generous

    with affirmation usually

    have to receive a lot of it.

    People with the weak-

    est self-image are the least

    able to become ministers

    of grace. Remember the

    security lady at the X-ray

    machine? What was her

    life really like? My suspi-

    cion is that someone living near her gave her

    compliments regularly. Perhaps she was raised

    in a home where kindness was lavished on

    her. In the process of receiving much encour-

    agement, her self-image developed to a strong

    enough point that she could become a compli-

    ment spinner at an airport scanner.

    Hildegard of Bingen knew that we cannot


    The Power of Encouragement







  • give grace from the center of a scalded being.

    We must feel good about who we are, or we

    cannot minister a positive word in a negative

    world. She wrote, “Remember that you were

    made in the image of God. So you should love

    yourself, recognizing your own beauty as a

    mirror of God’s beauty. And you should want

    to use your abilities in the service of others,

    recognizing these abilities as gifts from God.

    Do not be afraid of pain and suffering. Just as

    gold is made pure by fire or precious jewels

    are made to shine by grinding wheels, so our

    lives must know the flame of God’s purifica-

    tion and the emery of his polishing. Just as

    refined gold and polished jewels perfectly

    reflect the sun’s rays, so you will perfectly

    reflect the love of God.”2

    Three Steps to a Ministry

    of Encouragement

    Learning the ministry of Elizabeth is not hard.

    The affirming life always operates in a very



  • simple way. Here are the three steps we can

    take to begin living the affirming life.

    First, we must learn the art of seeing

    inside the needy without violating their

    sacred inwardness.

    This is the blessed work of holy involvement.

    We must be willing to stand with people

    under the crushing burden of the hurt they

    carry. We must be able to peer into another

    person’s world deeply enough to identify pain

    but unobtrusively enough not to violate the

    sacred inwardness of the one we are trying

    to help.

    We need to become skilled at seeing inner

    brokenness. It will not be easy. Hurt hides.

    Most of those who know pain never reveal

    their suffering. But it lodges in their souls,

    killing, strangling, suffocating. Such wounds

    kill from the inside out. Only when we train

    ourselves to see with the eyes of Christ will we

    be able to penetrate people’s affable armor and


    The Power of Encouragement

  • Chapter One





    I I I I

  • I I I I

    Help me to realize that no matter how violent

    their opposition, people are not the enemy. They

    are prisoners of the enemy. Help me to realize

    that you died to free those prisoners. And in that

    knowledge give me the courage, I pray, to

    penetrate their shores so they might be brought

    out of their tombs, delivered of their demons,

    dressed in their right mind, and given the

    privilege to sit at your feet.

    —KEN GIRE3

    I I I I

  • Removing Masks

    God has committed to us the ministry of

    rebuilding destroyed people. We cannot do

    this unless we are sensitive enough to care

    about what’s going on inside them. Why aren’t

    we better at this? Because we don’t want to get

    involved. Because most people are so bent on

    appearing self-sufficient they all but make it

    impossible for us to see their hurt. To use the

    power of affirmation, we must get involved.

    We must learn the art of seeing hidden


    The Greek word hupocrites refers to an

    actor who performs behind a mask. This prac-

    tice of putting on masks was common in

    ancient Greek drama. Greek actors didn’t rely

    on the naked face to change moods. When an

    actor wanted his character to appear mean and

    selfish, he put on a mask to denote the inten-

    tion. The character who wanted to connote

    grace or sweetness of personality donned a

    very different mask. Masks always hid the



  • person behind them. No wonder Jesus

    referred to Pharisees as “hypocrites”; it was as

    if he were accusing them of wearing masks.

    These professional religionists hid behind

    disguises of forced piety,

    never letting anyone see

    the real person behind the

    legalistic facade.

    Not everyone we meet

    is a hypocrite in this sense

    of the word, but nearly

    everyone is wearing some

    kind of mask. Healing only

    begins when we can

    convince people to remove

    the masks hiding their hurt. But mask removal

    is hard work. Most of us are reluctant to

    expose our naked faces and brave the world’s

    censure. Behind such iron facades hide

    fragile egos.

    One of the most important aspects of the

    Christian life—both in becoming a Christian


    The Power of Encouragement



    WE CAN






  • and in our continuing relationship with

    Christ—is confession. Our first confession

    redeems; our later confessions attune us daily

    to the integrity of God. Confession shows our

    willingness to take off our masks and to

    appear naked-faced in the presence of God.

    Not that God is confused about who we are.

    He certainly is not. We don’t clue God in by

    uncovering our true egos, but once we agree

    to naked-faced status, we can live in his pres-

    ence without pretense.

    Why do so many Christians take off their

    masks when they come to know Jesus, only to

    put them back on as soon as the initial excite-

    ment of conversion has faded? Because while

    they are willing to show God who they are,

    they are reluctant to let their brothers and

    sisters in the church see them as God does.

    We use masks to cover fears, sadness, family

    secrets, adulteries of the flesh, fornications of

    the spirit. Removing our masks would expose

    all those hidden things to the bright light of



  • Notes

    1. Timothy Jones, The Art of Prayer (New York:Ballantine Books, 1997), 117.

    2. Robert Van de Weyer, ed., Hildegard in a Nutshell(London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1997), 43.

    3. Ken Gire, Intimate Moments with the Savior (GrandRapids, MI: Daybreak Books, 1989), 43.

    4. David Swartz, Embracing God (Eugene, OR: HarvestHouse Publishers, 1994), 77.

    5. Calvin Miller, “Humming,” in Apples, Snakes, andBellyaches (Wheaton, IL: Harold Shaw Publishers,1996), 102.

    6. Mary Tileston, ed., Daily Strength for Daily Needs(Springdale, PA: Whitaker House, 1997), 21.

    7. Louis Evely, That Man Is You, trans. Edmond Bonin(New York: Paulist Press, 1964), 20.

    8. James Stevens, “The Snare,” in The Book of a Thou-sand Poems, ed. J. Murray MacBain (New York:Peter Bedrick Books, 1986).

    9. Richard Foster, Devotional Classics (San Francisco:HarperSanFrancisco, 1990), 259.