New Beginnings · 2019-01-18 · Beginnings Review of 2018! New Beginnings was launched in June...

New Beginnings Making a Positive Difference

Transcript of New Beginnings · 2019-01-18 · Beginnings Review of 2018! New Beginnings was launched in June...

Page 1: New Beginnings · 2019-01-18 · Beginnings Review of 2018! New Beginnings was launched in June 2017 with its start-up funded solely by The Lane End Group as their way of giving back

New BeginningsMaking a Positive Difference

Page 2: New Beginnings · 2019-01-18 · Beginnings Review of 2018! New Beginnings was launched in June 2017 with its start-up funded solely by The Lane End Group as their way of giving back


Hello and welcome to our New Beginnings Review of 2018!

New Beginnings was launched in June 2017 with its start-up funded solely by The Lane End Group as their way of giving back to the communities in which they build.

Our purpose is simple:

– To connect with the localities in which we build and understand their key needs.

– To bring people together and strengthen community bonds.

– To support not-for-profit and charity run organisations within those communities and create positive changes.

Although we may only be on site for a relatively short period of time in each area, we like to provide sustainable support and contributions to the surrounding area that have a lasting

positive effect. We believe in treating others how you would want to be treated and it shows.

Our approach sees us not just contributing monetary wise but also investing time in helping not for profit and community organisations in our areas to understand how to truly create a lasting and sustainable positive change. We are not about re-inventing the wheel, rather oiling it slightly. We understand there are already lots of people doing fantastic things in their own areas and our aim is to connect them and provide support, enabling them to work more effectively.

Each area is different and we take great time and effort to understand how we are best able to help within each individual borough.

In 2018 we positively contributed to communities across all our site areas, here are a few of our best bits.

Kate HarrisonCEO Lane End New Beginnings

COMMUNITY FACILITY FACELIFTSWe have put the skills of our own team and supply chain to great use by providing much needed make overs on two community facilities across our site areas this year.

With the help of our partner Rixonway Kitchens, we provided the team down at Stockport Lads Club with a kitchen refurbishment, giving them a fresh space to prepare food. This has enabled them to gain a 5* hygiene rating and sell hot refreshments, generating much needed funds to safeguard the future of their community activities.

“New Beginnings have given us a new funding stream that will make a huge difference to our organisation, allowing us to help ourselves become self-sustaining” Harry Hough – Centre Manager.

Barnton Chapel now has a comfortable new room for the community to use thanks to our Barnton site team and sub-contractors. Our suppliers and site managers came together to give a full make-over to what was a storage room. The area now provides a safe haven for the community to register deaths and complete essential paperwork at often one of the most challenging times in life.

“This really will make a lasting positive impact on our community and we can’t thank New Beginnings enough” Dilys Hooper- Parish Councillor.”

Page 3: New Beginnings · 2019-01-18 · Beginnings Review of 2018! New Beginnings was launched in June 2017 with its start-up funded solely by The Lane End Group as their way of giving back

We love it when our fantastic supply chain support our community projects and like to get them involved wherever we can. For example our sub-contractor, Lancashire and Cumbria Demolition, kindly helped to transport materials from a site clearance at Lymm to a local School. The materials were then transformed into a natural play facility, used to encourage problem solving within an outdoor environment. We are always looking for new and innovate ways to utilise the materials we have on site and how we can use them to benefit the surrounding area.

At New Beginnings we like to support local not for profit organisations that make a positive impact on our site areas. We often get involved in helping groups create fun and sustainable fundraising activities and this year have helped with a wide range of projects from sponsoring fence panels, providing auction & raffle prizes, to racing rubber ducks and dance shows, helping local organisations safe guard their future and raise much needed funds.




Page 4: New Beginnings · 2019-01-18 · Beginnings Review of 2018! New Beginnings was launched in June 2017 with its start-up funded solely by The Lane End Group as their way of giving back

This year we have donated food and essential supplies to The Trussell Trust’s local foodbank in each of our site areas. This includes supplies collected by our own site teams through on-site collection boxes, plus direct

donations made with New Beginnings funds. In 2019 we hope to find a more structured approach to our foodbank support meaning we can make a more measurable difference in each area.


We have forged strong links with several colleges across the North West in 2018.

Gareth Disley, Site Manager, has done a fantastic job over at our Edge Fold site facilitating visits from Salford College Students, with Trevor Hough and Kate Harrison delivering classroom-based sessions at their Media City Campus too.

We have also supported Warrington & Vale Royal College at their Graduation Ceremony and committed to site visits for their students across our Winsford and Warrington sites in 2019, further enhancing their learning provision.

We are currently recruiting our first Lane End apprentice on our Kirkby Site through Liverpool Mutual Homes Access to Learning Scheme and hope to have them in place early 2019. We hope to bring further apprenticeship opportunities throughout the business over the next year.


Page 5: New Beginnings · 2019-01-18 · Beginnings Review of 2018! New Beginnings was launched in June 2017 with its start-up funded solely by The Lane End Group as their way of giving back

THE TOY APPEALAt Christmas The Lane End Group supported The Toy Appeal, a registered North West charity, which provides toys at Christmas to children living in poverty.

The Appeal has been running since 2013 and this year they are hoping to be able to provide toy sacks to over 3,000 children.

Over the past two years, Lane End New Beginnings helped to collect, donate and sort toys, enabling The Toy Appeal to provide a sack of toys to 7,000 children in the Manchester and Cheshire area. Working with social workers, schools and various drop-in centres, the Appeal is provided with lists of families, who need help to ensure that their children receive something at Christmas.

Each toy sack is made specifically for each child, based on their age and any special needs they may have. To date, they have provided 12,100 toy sacks to underprivileged children in the Manchester and Cheshire area.

We have also made a donation to Kirkby Toy Appeal, which is a short walk away from our Westhead Avenue site. Kate Harrison has been working with members of the team to make it a Christmas to remember for over 200 Kirkby families. New Beginnings made a £250 donation and members of the site team brought in presents in aid of the Appeal.

Page 6: New Beginnings · 2019-01-18 · Beginnings Review of 2018! New Beginnings was launched in June 2017 with its start-up funded solely by The Lane End Group as their way of giving back

PRIMARY SCHOOL VISITSWe have had great fun giving Health & Safety on site presentations at both St Marie’s Primary School in Kirkby and Horn’s Mill Primary in Helsby.

Team Leaders Katie Kay and Dan Gaughan gave engaging and interactive assemblies topped off with a competition to design a Health & Safety sign to be displayed on site.

This year will see us roll this initiative out to every site area, seeing us engaging with local primary schools and involving our site teams too.

Throughout the year we have supported Community Events across our site areas, from The Great Lymm Duck Race, supporting our Oughtrington Lane site, to Ho-Ho-Helsby, Speed Checks in Delamere to Barnton’s unveiling of their Jam Butty Boy sculpture.

If we can help in the local area, we will. It’s what New Beginnings is all about, sometimes the smallest of things can make the biggest difference and we would like to thank all our team for their continued support.


Page 7: New Beginnings · 2019-01-18 · Beginnings Review of 2018! New Beginnings was launched in June 2017 with its start-up funded solely by The Lane End Group as their way of giving back


Scouts Nature Project

Our local scout troop in Delamere have been busy making birdboxes for our site on Station Road for Laurus Homes.

In return we have donated funds to purchase new camping equipment ready for their first ever unsupported camping experience, staying in Oakmere. We hope that our investments allows them to provide activities to young people in the surrounding communities for years to come.

ICE Signage with Cheshire Search & Rescue / The Forestry Commission England

We provided Grid Referenced Emergency Signage for Cheshire Search and Rescue in the forest area surrounding our Delamere site, aimed at reducing response times for emergency services, especially important with an influx of new community members imminent.

Cheshire County Royal British Legion – Delamere, Winsford, Barnton

In November we supported the Cheshire County Royal British Legion by sponsoring ice hockey shirts at their ‘Thank You’ event with The Manchester Storm on Saturday, 27th October.

The shirts were auctioned after the event and raised over £3,000 which was given back to Cheshire County Royal British Legion. These will be used by the county to assist branches of the Royal British Legion within our Winsford, Delamere and Barnton site areas to help the serving and ex-service community and their dependents.

Summer Community events for Bromborough Families: Mark Rake

New Beginnings sponsored 4 weeks of community events held at The Delamere Centre in Eastham, located just 1.5 miles from our Liverpool Mutual Homes Mark Rake Site.

Their team successfully planned and delivered 4 weeks of fun events to ensure children and families were happily entertained as well as being fed, free of charge at every event.

Diana Touhy, Delamere Community Centre Manager, said: “The summer fun days were so well attended and the whole community really came together thanks to New Beginnings funding nobody missed out due to budget constraints.”

We also supported the Centre’s Christmas lunches for the elderly residents of Bromborough – ensuring that a wide range of local people feel the benefit of our community support.


Page 8: New Beginnings · 2019-01-18 · Beginnings Review of 2018! New Beginnings was launched in June 2017 with its start-up funded solely by The Lane End Group as their way of giving back


We linked up with Liverpool Mutual Homes social enterprise, ComMutual to address anti-social behaviour in the Kirkby area over the Bonfire and Halloween period.

We funded an outreach and youth engagement project for a six-week period across October and November. In total 76 young people engaged aged 8- 16 and feedback from local police has indicated a 25% reduction in ASB recorded in this period compared to last year.

Lisa Cover, of Northwood Together, said:

“We really value the work and funding that Lane End New Beginnings has given to our community - it’s as hands on as it gets and making a real difference.”

Autumn Outreach Anti-Social Behaviour Project in Kirkby

Summer Community events for Kirkby Children’s Centre

New Beginnings sponsored four weeks of community events held at Kirkby Children’s Centre, located close to our Westhead Avenue site for Liverpool Mutual Homes.

Over the four weeks, 380 packed lunches and 260 hot meals were made and distributed to Northwood families, so that’s 640 dinners plus lots of fun activities to bring the community together.

Page 9: New Beginnings · 2019-01-18 · Beginnings Review of 2018! New Beginnings was launched in June 2017 with its start-up funded solely by The Lane End Group as their way of giving back

Local Group Gazebo boost

The Friends of Parr Fold Park is a voluntary group, set up in 2014 by local residents to help maintain the Parr Fold Park, Worsley which is located directly next to the Laurus Homes Walkden site.

We have provided them with an industrial gazebo to assist them with their outdoor community events throughout the year.

Diane Walker, Treasurer, said the group was delighted with the support we have them.


Moving on up with The Movez Movement

We’re currently working with The Movez Movement to help fund a six month project aimed at raising confidence and engaging young people across the area through mentoring and music production.

Anton Penrose, CEO of The Movez Movement, said: “We aim to engage with the most deprived and at-risk individuals through 1:1 and group coaching resulting in increased emotional well-being, self-esteem, confidence, new skills, team work, social skills, resilience and motivation.”

“This is a great boost to us and means we can keep our regular events running in all weathers.”

Old Trafford Youth Partnership Boost

We sponsored the design and print of a summer ‘What’s on Where’ Leaflet providing the community surrounding our Lucy Street Site for Laurus Homes with a wealth of information on youth activities within the community over the summer.

This has proved very popular across the area, especially with Police Community Support Officers who utilised it across the school summer holidays to signpost young people to relevant activities and control anti-social behaviour.

Warm Clothing Collection for local homeless charity

Our site operative at St Bede’s Michael White alerted us to a charity which is close to his heart and we were more than happy to lend a helping hand.

Michael also volunteers for Manchester Homeless Charity, Mad Dogs Street Project, a community-led secular initiative, staffed by volunteers, providing food & clothes to the homeless of Manchester.

New Beginnings have thrown our weight behind the charity and are collecting much needed clothing on site. We have donated clothing collected by our Head Office team to provide much needed warmth this winter.

Page 10: New Beginnings · 2019-01-18 · Beginnings Review of 2018! New Beginnings was launched in June 2017 with its start-up funded solely by The Lane End Group as their way of giving back


Lane End New Beginnings joined forces with Amey to make a donation to Alder Hey Children’s Charity

On Tuesday, November 6th representatives from Lane End New Beginnings and Amey visited Alder Hey Children’s Hospital to hand over a cheque for £4,310.40 to Alder Hey Children’s Charity.

Following collaborative working at Lane End Group’s Delamere site where the company is building 166 high quality houses for Laurus Homes, we enlisted the help of United Utilities’ contractor Amey to lead the alteration and diversion of three cast iron and steel water mains.

As part of the job Amey, with support from Lane End Contracts Manager Glyn Williams, replaced the mains that have supplied Liverpool, Widnes, Runcorn, Warrington and parts of Chester since 1890. After completion of the works which involved an 80 foot-tall all terrain crane, the aging water pipes were weighed in, generating cash which Lane End and Amey wanted to donate to Alder Hey Children’s Charity.

New Beginnings is all about reinvesting in the communities and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital benefits families from across the North West and is a very worthy cause. We know the charity raises vital funds to help make the hospital a world-class, patient-friendly hospital for thousands of young patients and families they care for every year, so donations like this are crucial.”

Kate Harrison, Lane End New Beginnings CEO


New Beginnings has teamed up with local charity The Brick to support the community surrounding our Whelley Hospital site for Jigsaw.

We funded a pre-loved van for the organisation who are now using it to transport supplies to their food banks and also employees to various schemes aimed at getting homeless people off the streets via their accommodation blocks and into full time employment.

Jed Bretherton, Director at The Brick, said:

Firewood Collection & Donation to Local Bonfire Event

Members of the Lane End Group site team and Customer Care Team joined forces to help local bonfires in November with a collection and donation of recycled wood from their both our Lymm and St Bede’s sites. A great team effort all round.

“We are extremely pleased to be working with Lane End New Beginnings. The company’s donation to us is already making a difference in the community and to the lives of the people who use our charity and services.” “

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Lane End New Beginnings CIC, Unit 2, Station Court, Stockport Rd, Warrington, WA4 2GWCompany Number: 10802671



Want to know more or get involved?

Please [email protected]

or speak to our team on 01925 907 920