Neuser and Albanese Intro Notes

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Transcript of Neuser and Albanese Intro Notes

REL 223: Introductions to Neusner & Albanese 1/22/14

Neusner introduction:4 points: 1. America is a religious country, A majority of people say they believe in God, Roughly 85% of people belong to a religious tradition 2. About 60% of Americans are protestant, 25% catholic, and if you break down protestant the largest group is Baptist about 20% of Americans are Baptist 3. America began because of religion (essentially protestant religion) 4. He asks the question: how do religions in America relate to one another?The answer may be 4 fold: page 5 Exlcusivism My religion is not only true, but its the only truth! Inclusivism My religion is true for me; your religion is true for you Pluralism Respects all religions as entities in and of itself America is pluralistic every religion has something true to tell us Empathetic **We dont question whether religion is true or not, but rather study the characteristics

Albanese introduction: She talks about the fact that we each try to fathom lifes meaning form am place of darkness- from our personal meaning and experiences Definition: meaning the end or finish or limit or boundary Boundary: ordinary religion v.s. extraordinary religion 5 points: 1. 2 kinds of religion: Ordinary= culture (Living within the boundary or living within the American culture) Shows people how to live well within boundaries The way things are and are expected to be Extraordinary religion= transcending/ go beyond/ cross the boundary of ordinary religion supernatural religion2. Implicit: Ordinary religion might for some not seem to be religion at all it is mostly unconscious, things/ habits we take for granted 3. Explicit: Extraordinary religion lies outside the ordinary religion of society It is clear what to do; visible; tries to reach the supernatural; gives people names for the unknown; provides access for the world beyond & concerns itself for what lies outside the boundary 4. Sometimes it is difficult to extinguish ordinary and extraordinary she says: 4 Cs can be applied to ordinary and extraordinary: pg 9 in textbook Creed: formal statement of belief (meaning of human life) or informal statement Ex: Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed; a stitch in time saves nine; measure twice cut once; God doesnt do for us, what we can do for ourselves Code: rules that govern behavior (moral and ethical)- right and wrong/ acceptable or not to society Ex: extraordinary: the Ten Commandments, bible, Koran Ex: ordinary: constitution- obeying laws, wearing clothes, taking mom to dinner on mothers day; thanksgiving dinner Cultuses: rituals to act out understandings expressed Ex: sacrifice= ritual Ex: extraordinary: going to church, communion, etc Ex: ordinary: watching football on Sundays Community: group of people either formal or informal bound together by creed, code, cultus they share together Ex: extraordinary: church members, denomination, social organizations Ex: ordinary: family, friends, people you sit with at the bar 5. America, Religions & Religion Religion- idea that as a country we tend to be very religious as a whole