Neurolinguistic Programming Exposition

Neurolinguistic Programming •It refers to a training philosophy and a set of techniques developed by two important therapists in the mid-1970s.


It refers to a training philosophy and a set of techniques developed by important therapists.Take advantage of ideas given there.

Transcript of Neurolinguistic Programming Exposition

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Neurolinguistic Programming

• It refers to a training philosophy and a set of

techniques developed by two important therapists in

the mid-1970s.

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Neurolinguistic Programming

• Is a collection of techniques, patterns, and strategies for assisting :

Personal Growth and Change.Effective Communication.Learning.

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There interests were: Discover how people can influence each other.Excellent behavior can be duplicated.

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NLP can be applied to:Management

Training.Sports Training.Communications

Sales.Marketing.Language Teaching

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Explanation of the Name:Neuro: is the way how we

experience the world through the five senses.

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Linguistic: is concerned with the way the language we use shapes, as well as reflects, our experience of the world.

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Programming: its training ourselves to think, speak, and act in new and positive ways achieving only what we dreamt of.

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The heart of NLP are four:

Outcomes: Knowing precisely what you want helps you achieve it.

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Rapport : Establish rapport with yourself and then with others; maximize similarities and minimize differences.

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Sensory Acuity: Noticing what another person is communicating, consciously and nonverbally.

Flexibility: Doing things differently if what you are doing is not working, having a range of skills to do something else or something different.

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Guidelines Application for NLP

1. Mind and body are interconnected.

2. There is no failure, only feedback.

3. Knowing what you want helps you get it.

4. The resources we need are within us.

5. Communication is nonverbal as well as verbal.

6. Communication is nonconscious as well as conscious.

7. All behavior has a positive intention

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8. The meaning of my communication is the response I get.

9. Modeling excellent behavior leads to excellence.

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What do NLP Language Teachers do that make them different from other Language


They seek to apply the principles in their teaching and this leads to

different responses to many classroom events and processes.

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A Central Principle of NLP is:

Rapport which is meeting others in their world, trying to understand their needs, their values and their culture and communicating in ways

that are congruents with those values.

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Think on this:

• Neurolinguistic Programming is not a language teaching method, rather, it is designed to convience people that they have the power to control their own and other people’s lives for the better, with practical prescriptions on how to do so.