Neuro-ophthal and Neuro-oto Review Mid-2013 to Early-2015

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    Neuro-ophthalmology and neuro-otology update

    Daniel R. Gold1,2,3,4 David S. Zee1,2,4

    Received: 11 June 2015 / Accepted: 11 June 2015

    Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

    Abstract This review summarizes topical papers from

    the fields of neuro-ophthalmology and neuro-otology

    published from August 2013 to February 2015. The main

    findings are: (1) diagnostic criteria for pseudotumor cerebri

    have been updated, and the Idiopathic Intracranial Hyper-

    tension Treatment Trial evaluated the efficacy of acetazo-

    lamide in patients with mild vision loss, (2) categorization

    of vestibular disorders through history and ocular motor

    examination is particularly important in the acute

    vestibular syndrome, where timely distinction between a

    central or peripheral localization is essential, (3) the newly

    described sagging eye syndrome provides a mechanical

    explanation for an isolated esodeviation that increases at

    distance in the aging population and (4) eye movement

    recordings better define how cerebellar dysfunction and/or

    sixth nerve palsy may play a role in other patients with

    esodeviations that increase at distance.

    Keywords Neuro-ophthalmology Neuro-otology Pseudotumor cerebri Vertigo Divergence insufficiency Sagging eye syndrome

    Pseudotumor cerebri: update

    Update on the diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri


    Optic disc swelling due to increased intracranial pressure

    (ICP) is called papilledema, and can be caused by many

    processes. ICP is considered elevated when greater than or

    equal to 25 cm CSF in adults or 28 in children (25 if the

    child is not sedated and not obese) [13]. Pseudotumor

    cerebri (PTC) is diagnosed when papilledema is present,

    the opening pressure (OP) on lumbar puncture is elevated,

    and when there is no mass lesion, infection, malignancy, or

    inflammatory process on neuroimaging or examination of

    the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The term PTC syndrome

    (PTCS) includes both primary (idiopathic) and secondary

    etiologies, for example due to cerebral venous sinus

    hypertension, changes in CSF composition, or increase in

    villous resistance to absorption of the CSF. Neurologic

    examination should be normal, although disturbances of

    cranial nerve six are allowed. The criteria for a diagnosis of

    PTC were recently updated [4], driven by advances in

    neuroimaging and descriptions of signs of elevated ICP on

    MRI. Not only were typical neuroimaging signs incorpo-

    rated, but a controversial entity, PTC without papilledema,

    was also more clearly defined. To diagnose PTC without

    papilledema, OP must be elevated and there must be a sixth

    nerve palsy, or the elevated OP must be accompanied by

    three of the following neuroimaging signs: empty sella,

    flattening of the posterior sclera, distention of the perioptic

    & Daniel R. [email protected]

    David S. Zee

    [email protected]

    1 Department of Neurology, The Johns Hopkins School of

    Medicine, 600 N Wolfe St, Pathology 2-210, Baltimore,

    MD 21287, USA

    2 Department of Ophthalmology, The Johns Hopkins School of

    Medicine, 600 N Wolfe St, Pathology 2-210, Baltimore,

    MD 21287, USA

    3 Department of Neurosurgery, The Johns Hopkins School of

    Medicine, 600 N Wolfe St, Pathology 2-210, Baltimore,

    MD 21287, USA

    4 Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, The

    Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 600 N Wolfe St,

    Pathology 2-10, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA


    J Neurol

    DOI 10.1007/s00415-015-7825-1

  • nerve sheath, and transverse venous sinus stenosis [46]. If

    papilledema and other characteristic historical and exami-

    nation features are present but the OP is normal, proba-

    ble PTCS can be diagnosed since ICP can fluctuate [4].

    Update on pseudotumor cerebri associations

    and pathophysiology

    Typically, PTC occurs in young, obese women, and loss of

    vision is the most feared complication [7]. The term be-

    nign intracranial hypertension may apply to some

    patients, but should be avoided as permanent loss of vision

    is not uncommon [8]. Although the pathophysiologic

    mechanism(s) remains elusive, several theories have been

    recently advanced which are based on abnormalities within

    the cerebral venous system. Elevated venous sinus pressure

    and altered cerebral venous flow play a role, as evidenced

    by the many PTC patients with transverse sinus stenosis

    (TSS) [9, 10]. Therefore, MR or CT venograms not only

    rule out cerebral venous thrombosis, but also assess the

    patency of the venous system. However, the distinction

    between TSS caused by elevated ICP and TSS causing

    elevated ICP is not always clear [11]. This distinction is

    important because those patients whose PTC is caused by

    TSS may benefit from a TS stenting procedure [12]. It is

    also possible that both mechanisms play a role. TSS caused

    by elevated ICP leads to elevated venous pressure which

    then perhaps impedes CSF drainage in the arachnoid

    granulations, thus generating a vicious cycle of escalating

    ICP [13]. Although obesity and being female have long

    been associated with PTC, the pathophysiologic and/or

    neuroendocrine mechanisms are not known. Endocrino-

    pathies such as Addisons disease and medications such as

    tetracycline and its derivatives, however, have been asso-

    ciated with secondary PTCS, perhaps related to alteration

    of specific metabolites and hormones that regulate choroid

    plexus water and ion transport, and/or influence CSF

    absorption via the arachnoid granulations [14]. In the pri-

    mary PTC population, it is not clear to what degree

    mechanical (e.g., TSS) and/or neuroendocrine abnormali-

    ties are to blame.

    Update on the medical treatment of pseudotumor


    Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that

    reduces sodium transport across the choroid plexus.

    Although acetazolamide has long been thought to decrease

    ICP, a randomized controlled trial of its efficacy was only

    recently performed. The Idiopathic Intracranial Hyperten-

    sion Treatment Trial (IIHTT) enrolled patients with rela-

    tively mild vision loss as judged by Humphrey 24 visualfield testing and the perimetric mean deviation. The latter

    variable corresponds to the average decrease in retinal

    sensitivity across the entire field tested compared with age-

    matched controls (measured in decibels, typically ranging

    from ?2 dB, which is better than an age-matched normal,

    to -30 dB, which is severe vision loss) [15]. Patients

    included in the trial had mean deviations ranging from -2

    to -7 dB. All patients followed a diet low in sodium and

    calories and at 6 months, vision in the acetazolamide group

    (average dose of 2.5 g/day) was compared with the placebo

    group. Although vision improved more in the acetazo-

    lamide group, the actual difference in visual function

    between the groups was small (\1 dB). Notably, onlypatients with mild loss of vision were enrolled and those

    with moderate or severe loss were excluded, mainly related

    to ethical issues in withholding potentially vision-saving

    surgery or having such patients randomized to the placebo

    group. Given the mild loss of vision to begin with, it was

    surprising that any effect of medication was demonstrated

    at all [16]. Another important finding was that patients with

    advanced papilledema (grades 35) seemed to have more

    recovery (2.27 dB) compared with patients with milder

    papilledema (grades 12; -0.67 dB), and it was clear that

    acetazolamide improved the papilledema itself, although

    this does not necessarily translate into better visual func-

    tion. Finally, the acetazolamide group lost more weight

    (7.50 kg) compared with the placebo group (3.45 kg),

    possibly due to the loss of appetite induced by the drug. A

    relatively modest decrease (6 %) in a patients weight can

    make a significant difference in papilledema, so diet and

    exercise is clearly an important part of the management of

    PTC [17]. In summary, this trial showed that acetazolamide

    is a useful treatment for mild loss of vision in PTC in

    conjunction with a low calorie, low sodium diet, and the

    effects of the medication were greater in patients with

    higher grade papilledema. Surgical options for PTC include

    gastric surgery (for weight loss), optic nerve sheath fen-

    estration, lumbo- or ventriculoperitoneal shunting, and

    venous sinus stenting. Randomized controlled trials are

    needed to determine efficacy, although patients being

    evaluated for these procedures have typically failed con-

    servative measures and have significant vision loss.

    Therefore, placement of a patient with moderate to severe

    vision loss into the placebo or medical management arm of

    a trial would pose an ethical dilemma. No such clinical

    trials are underway.

    Vertigo: update

    Categorizing vertigo/dizzy syndromes

    Evaluation of the dizzy or vertiginous patient is often an

    anxiety-provoking experience for both the patient and the

    J Neurol


  • physician. Traditional concepts about the classification of

    diagnoses of vertigo based on the symptoms are changing,

    and new techniques of the bedside examination are being

    emphasized. Therefore, a thoughtful, stepwise contempo-

    rary approach from a historical and examination standpoint

    is essential. A simplified classification scheme was pro-

    posed by Brandt et al. [18] in which most vestibular dis-

    orders fall into one of five distinct categories defined by

    symptom onset, symptom quality (although this can occa-

    sionally be misleading [19]), triggers, associated symptoms,

    and duration: (1) paroxysmal positional vertigo [benign

    paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)], (2) spontaneous

    recurrent vertigo attacks (Menieres, vestibular migraine),

    (3) acute prolonged vertigo (stroke/TIA, vestibular neuri-

    tis), (4) frequent spells of dizziness or imbalance [superior

    canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS), vestibular paroxys-

    mia], and (5) postural imbalance without other neurological

    symptoms (bilateral vestibular loss, phobic postural vertigo/

    chronic subjective dizziness). This classification of patients

    leads to focused examination techniques with provocative

    maneuvers (e.g., DixHallpike when BPPV is suspected;

    valsalva maneuvers or observation of Henneberts sign

    when SCDS is suspected; hyperventilation when acoustic

    neuroma or vestibular paroxysmia is suspected), neu-

    roimaging and/or audiovestibular testing when appropriate.

    When evaluating a patient with acute vertigo, common

    pitfalls include: [Kerber KA, Newman-Toker DE. Misdi-

    agnosis of dizzy patients: Common pitfalls in clinical

    practice. Neurol Clin 2015 (in press)] (1) overemphasis on

    the type of symptome.g., assuming that non-specific,

    non-rotational dizziness must not be stroke-related; [19];

    (2) underuse or misuse of timing and triggers to categorize

    patients (see above classification scheme by Brandt et al.

    [18]); (3) underuse or misuse of the DixHallpike (DH)

    maneuvere.g., not doing the DH maneuver in an appro-

    priate patient, or overemphasizing the exacerbation of

    symptoms with a DH in a patient with acute constant vertigo

    and spontaneous nystagmus in which any head move-

    ment/positioning maneuver will cause symptoms to worsen;

    (4) overemphasis on age, vascular risk factors, general

    neurological examination and a negative head CT scan; (5)

    underemphasizing the ocular motor examination [20].

    Acute prolonged vertigo

    The ability to differentiate central from peripheral etiolo-

    gies in patients presenting with the acute vestibular syn-

    drome (i.e., rapid onset of vertigo, nausea/vomiting,

    unsteadiness, sustained spontaneous nystagmusdue to a

    central process about 20 % of the time) was dramatically

    improved by the description of HINTS (head impulse,

    nystagmus, test of skew) [20]. With HINTS, a peripheral

    process such as vestibular neuritis is supported by

    unidirectional nystagmus, positive head impulse test (HIT),

    and lack of skew deviation, while a central process such as

    stroke is supported by gaze-evoked nystagmus (GEN),

    negative HIT, and/or skew deviation. HINTS had better

    sensitivity than a brain MRI in the first 48 h following the

    onset of symptoms as diffusion weighted imaging is neg-

    ative initially in about 1218 % of the time in the acute

    vestibular syndrome due to stroke [20, 21].

    Isolated central vertigo syndromes

    Isolated central vertigo syndromes are uncommon, but may

    be easily confused with a peripheral vestibulopathy [2123].

    The anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) supplies

    central and peripheral structures including the labyrinth,

    making acute hearing loss a red flag for ischemia [24]. In

    addition to HINTS, horizontal head-shaking nystagmus

    (HSN) helps distinguish peripheral and central syndromes.

    Perverted nystagmus (vertical nystagmus with horizontal

    shaking), HSN that is directed oppositely to the spontaneous

    nystagmus (or when HSN in the opposite direction of what

    would be expected based on the side of vestibular hypo-

    functioni.e., ipsilesional beating HSN) can be seen with

    central lesions and strongHSN seenwith weak head-shaking

    or a strongly biphasic HSN (first in one direction and then in

    the other) also suggests a central localization [25, 26].

    Description of the ocular motor and vestibular signs that

    constitute the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi syndrome is

    currently in flux and will not be discussed [23, 27].

    Vestibular nucleus (VN) syndrome

    An article in this Journal by Kim et al. [28] highlighted the

    complex clinical presentation of an isolated lesion of the

    VN, specifically the overlap between peripheral and central

    vestibular features. The interface between peripheral and

    central is ambiguous in this region as vestibulocochlear

    nerve fibers have just entered the medullary parenchyma on

    their way to the medial and inferior VN. Like a peripheral

    vestibulopathy, contralesional horizontal-torsional nystag-

    mus (slow phase of nystagmus towards the pathological

    side and fast phase in the opposite direction) is often seen

    as well as an ipsilesional positive HIT. Peripherally, the

    superior division of the vestibular nerve innervates the

    lateral canal, anterior canal, and utricle, and these struc-

    tures are commonly affected in vestibular neuritis. There-

    fore, positive HIT in the planes of the lateral and anterior

    canals may be seen acutely with a peripheral vestibulopa-

    thy [29]. Centrally, fibers from the lateral and posterior

    canals go to the MVN while fibers from the anterior canals

    go to the MVN and SVN, so that an isolated medullary VN

    lesion may cause positive HIT in the planes of the lateral

    and posterior canals [28]. Gaze-evoked nystagmus (GEN)

    J Neurol


  • is often seen owing to the horizontal neural integrator

    properties of the MVN [28].

    HINTS exam: ?(ipsilesional) HIT suggests peripheral,but if also associated with ?GEN suggests central and

    overrides the peripheral implication of a ?HIT (Table 1).

    Flocculus syndrome

    Supplied by the AICA, unilateral strokes of the flocculus

    are rare, although a case report described ipsilesional

    spontaneous nystagmus, contraversive ocular tilt reaction

    (OTRskew deviation, ocular counterroll, head tilt), and

    small but positive contralesional more than ipsilesional

    ?HIT with normal bithermal calorics, suggesting an

    important role of the flocculus in modulating the VOR [30].

    HINTS exam: small, ?(contralesional[ ipsilesional)HIT suggests peripheral, ?GEN and OTR suggest

    central and overrides the usual peripheral implication of

    ?HIT (Table 1).

    Tonsil syndrome

    Supplied by the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA),

    a patient with a unilateral tonsilar (paraflocculus) infarction

    was reported, in whom spontaneous ipsilesional beating

    nystagmus was noted with fixation removed. With visual

    fixation, mild GEN with rebound nystagmus was noted as

    well as a contraversive OTR, and nearly absent ipsilesional

    and impaired contralesional directed smooth pursuit [31].

    VOR and saccades were normal.

    HINTS exam: -HIT suggests central (Table 1).

    Nodulus syndrome

    Patients with an isolated stroke of the nodulus can present

    with isolated vertigo, severe imbalance, and may have

    ipsilesional beating nystagmus, central patterns of HSN

    (possibly related to the role of the nodulus in controlling

    the brainstem velocity storage mechanism), periodic

    alternating nystagmus, or positional nystagmus [3237].

    Nystagmus is with a quick phase directed ipsilesionally,

    and usually increased by head-shaking (see above) given

    the role of the nodulus in velocity storage. Perverted HSN,

    periodic alternating nystagmus, positional nystagmus

    (downbeat or apogeotropic horizontal [38]) and impaired

    tilt suppression of postrotatory nystagmus have also been


    HINTS exam: -HIT and ?OTR suggest central(Table 1).

    Inferior cerebellar peduncle (ICP) syndrome

    The ICP contains fibers connecting the vestibulocerebel-

    lum to VN, and a unilateral ICP lesion can cause vertigo,

    imbalance, ipsilesional nystagmus, impairment of ipsile-

    sional smooth pursuit, and contraversive OTR. HIT and

    saccades are normal [23].

    HINTS exam: -HIT and ?OTR suggest central(Table 1).

    Esotropia greater at distance: update


    The acute onset of an esotropia that is comitant (the degree

    of to which the eyes turn in is the same in all directions of

    gaze) in a child may be benign such as with accommoda-

    tive esotropia (easily treated by correcting the hyperopia

    with spectacles), or potentially lethal such as with a pos-

    terior fossa tumor [39]. When esotropia increases at dis-

    tance without limited abduction, the terms divergence

    paresis/paralysis or divergence insufficiency (DI) are often

    Table 1 HINTS evaluation of isolated central vertigo syndromes

    Central vertigo


    Head impulse test Spontaneous




    Ocular tilt reaction

    (including skew)

    Characteristic feature(s)

    Vestibular Nucleus ?Ipsilesional Contralesional ? Ipsiversive Overlapping central and peripheral

    Flocculus ?Small contra

    [ ipsilesional possibleIpsilesional ? ?Contraversive Bithermal calorics may be normal

    Tonsil - Ipsilesional ? ?Contraversive Poor pursuit

    Nodulus - Ipsilesional - ?Contraversive Central patterns of HSN; PAN;

    positional nystagmus

    Inferior cerebellar


    - Ipsilesional - ?Contraversive Impaired ipsilesional pursuit

    HSN head-shaking nystagmus, PAN periodic alternating nystagmus

    J Neurol


  • used. When DI is accompanied by papilledema, nystagmus

    or other posterior fossa neurologic symptoms or signs,

    neuroimaging is indicated. However, isolated DI without

    abduction deficits can also be caused by cerebellar tumors

    (astrocytoma, medulloblastoma) or ArnoldChiari type 1

    malformation [4043]. No criteria exist to determine which

    children with isolated comitant esotropia, worse at dis-

    tance, require imaging.

    Many of these isolated cases were not thought to be due

    to unilateral or bilateral sixth nerve palsies in the absence

    of appreciable abduction deficits. However, multiple

    papers support the theory that the DI in children who have

    elevated ICP is related to paresis of the sixth nerve(s),

    given slowed abducting saccades and subtle abduction

    paresis with eye movement recordings [39, 44].


    Adults may also develop DI, and when primary (idio-

    pathic), a loss of fusional divergence amplitude has been

    proposed as the mechanism [45]. Secondary DI due to

    neurodegenerative processes such as parkinsonian syn-

    dromes or cerebellar ataxias may relate to defects in the

    midbrain or cerebellar vergence systems [46, 47]. Other

    causes of secondary DI include myasthenia gravis, pseu-

    dotumor cerebri, and giant cell arteritis [48]. The neuro-

    logical history and examination helps distinguish primary

    from secondary DI, and when found in isolation, a benign

    process is likely. Subtle abduction pareses may be easier to

    appreciate in adults, particularly with thorough testing

    using alternate cover, coveruncover, and/or Maddox rod.

    Abducting saccades are normal in adults with uncompli-

    cated DI [49].

    Primary DI in adults

    Recently, Chaudhuri and Demer proposed a mechanical

    explanation for primary DI in adults [50]. With aging, there

    is involution of orbital connective tissues including the

    supportive band connecting the superior rectus (SR) to the

    lateral rectus (LR), thereby altering the normal paths of

    rectus muscles and their tendons [50]. As this SR-LR band

    becomes distended or ruptures completely, one or both

    eyes may sag down into the orbit. If this process is

    mainly unilateral and asymmetric, the ipsilateral eye

    becomes hypotropic and relatively extorted. If the disten-

    tion/rupture of the SR-LR band is bilateral and symmetric,

    the consequence is slight mechanical weakening of the LR

    leading to DI. This so-called sagging eye syndrome

    probably explains many cases of primary DI, and has also

    been referred to as age-related distance esotropia [51, 52].

    Common associated features include high lid creases sug-

    gesting dehiscence or disinsertion of the levator, and a

    prominent superior sulcus produced by the sagging

    eye(s). Prior blepharoplasty for bilateral ptosis is not

    uncommon. Again, the history and examination is most

    important to distinguish primary and secondary causes.

    Secondary DI in adults

    In a recent article, patients presenting to the German Center

    for Vertigo and Balance Disorders were assessed for DI

    [53]. In this population, DI was found in patients with

    cerebellar dysfunction who also showed saccadic dysme-

    tria, impaired smooth pursuit, spontaneous downbeat nys-

    tagmus (DBN), and alternating hypertropia with changes in

    horizontal gaze or skew. Patients who were diagnosed with

    a cerebellar disorder were at 13.3 times higher risk of

    having DI compared with the control group (which included

    bilateral vestibular loss, vestibular migraine, Menieres,

    etc.). Subtle abduction defects appreciated with eye move-

    ment recordings were also noted with DI, particularly when

    horizontal GEN was present. Because DI was strongly

    associated with DBN, a finding mainly associated with

    bilateral floccular lesions, it was proposed that DI in this

    population could also be from abnormal function of the

    flocculus. This study provides further support for a cere-

    bellar role in binocular control and processing of signals for

    vergence [46, 47]. Dysfunction of the flocculus may also

    play a role in some children with isolated DI in whom

    posterior fossa lesions were identified, as subtle cerebellar

    eye signs or abduction pareses may have been difficult to

    appreciate without the aid of eye movement recordings.

    Further aspects of disorders of eye alignment with

    cerebellar disease were recently discussed by Patel and Zee

    [54] and they focus on the close relationship of eye

    misalignment to abnormal processing of otolith informa-

    tion normally used for translational vestibuloocular

    reflexes. They also emphasize that in patients with a

    spontaneous nystagmus, the way in which the nystagmus

    changes as the patient moves their direction of gaze (e.g.,

    DBN developing a torsional component on looking later-

    ally) or the change in the intensity of the nystagmus as they

    change their direction of gaze (e.g., the intensity of DBN as

    they look up or down or right or left) are often clues to

    which particular ocular motor subsystem is at fault (e.g.,

    the rotational VOR, the translational VOR or the neural

    integrators for gaze-holding).


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    Neuro-ophthalmology and neuro-otology updateAbstractPseudotumor cerebri: updateUpdate on the diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri (PTC)Update on pseudotumor cerebri associations and pathophysiologyUpdate on the medical treatment of pseudotumor cerebri

    Vertigo: updateCategorizing vertigo/dizzy syndromesAcute prolonged vertigoIsolated central vertigo syndromesVestibular nucleus (VN) syndromeFlocculus syndromeTonsil syndromeNodulus syndromeInferior cerebellar peduncle (ICP) syndrome

    Esotropia greater at distance: updateChildrenAdultsPrimary DI in adultsSecondary DI in adults
