South Staffordshire Network for Mental Health: The Service User’s Network Inside this issue Suzanne’s Update……………………… 2 Keri’s Random Mumblings…………… 3 Volunteer News ……….……………….. 4 Tracey Reaches Out…………………… 5 Network News Editorial Board ……… 5 SSSFT research team ……..… ...……. 6 Trevayler…………………………………. 7 Staffordshire Life Links 1 year on …..9 Changes East Staffs 1 year on ……. 9 Open Door of Hope …….. …………..10 Members Forums ………. …………….10 Marion receives MBE …………….…. 11 Information Directory ………..…12—15 Noticeboard……………………………. 16 RECYCLE When you have finished with this magazine PLEASE pass it on or recycle it. NETWORK NEWS NEWS FOR PEOPLE WITH INTEREST IN MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES THROUGHOUT SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE ISSUE 42 Spring 2012 Photo by Stephen Boot

Transcript of NETWORK NEWS - News....

Page 1: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links

South Staffordshire Network for Mental Health: The Service User’s Network

Inside this issue

Suzanne’s Update……………………… 2

Keri’s Random Mumblings…………… 3

Volunteer News ……….……………….. 4

Tracey Reaches Out…………………… 5

Network News Editorial Board ……… 5

SSSFT research team ……..… ...……. 6

Trevayler…………………………………. 7

Staffordshire Life Links 1 year on …..9

Changes East Staffs 1 year on ……. 9

Open Door of Hope …….. …………..10

Members Forums ………. …………….10

Marion receives MBE …………….…. 11

Information Directory ………..…12—15

Noticeboard……………………………. 16


When you have finished with this


PLEASE pass it on or recycle it.




ISSUE 42 Spring 2012

Photo by Stephen Boot

Page 2: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


Welcome to the Spring 2012

issue of Network News!

It‘s the first issue of 2012, the year

where everything seems to be

happening. We have the Queens

Diamond Jubilee and the

Olympics in London. Of course,

with that we have the torch relay

which will pass through many of

our towns and villages this

summer. Lots to look forward to!

The recent consultation about

proposed changes to inpatient

services in South Staffordshire

has now closed. SSNMH made a

formal response which can be

downloaded from our website.

There is no news yet on the

results of this consultation, but

once we know we will make you


Thank you to the people following

us on our social media channels. I

would encourage others to join in

as there are these listed benefits

of following us on twitter or


Regular weekly updates

Information on opportunities

that are too short in time for

Network News.

Opportunity to have

discussion with other people

about mental health and

local services.

Links to news from other


Quick and informal way to

contact SSNMH.

You can share your own

updates quickly with us.

If you are lucky enough to

have a posh mobile phone—

you can get updates straight

to your phone.

To join in the discussion go to

ssnmentalhealth or on twitter


We at SSNMH are working

towards enabling you, our

members, as many opportunities

for involvement in how we take

our organisation forward as

possible. Therefore, we push

forward with our Network

Members Forums (p. 10) and

Network News Editorial Board

(p. 5). If you have any general

comments about SSNMH you

wish to make, please do not

hesitate to contact me or tell Keri

on his travels.

I also take this opportunity, on

behalf of SSNMH, to send our

very best wishes to Sue Wyke

who is retiring from Quest Day


Suzanne Cole—Project


Write to me at: South Staffordshire Network for Mental Health, FREEPOST MID 23594, Lichfield,

Staffordshire WS13 6LL or email me on [email protected]


Everyone appears to have felt the

pinch in the last year... so have

we! If you do shopping online you

can help raise money for the

Network without even putting your

hands in your pockets.

Simply sign up at and select

South Staffordshire Network for

Mental Health as your cause.

Whilst signed into easy

fundraising search for your

retailer, click on ‘go shopping‘ for

that shop, and when you've got to

their website shop as normal. A

percentage of what you spend will

be donated by the company to us.

The amount of money donated

varies, but as a popular

supermarket says ―Every little


Our fundraising page is


Page 3: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


Keri’s Random Mumblings

I‘m really enjoying my visits to services at the moment. There‘s a really happy feeling to many of the groups I visit and its great to report this. Lots of people are really benefiting from the spirit of recovery that services are promoting. I‘m seeing people doing things they themselves would have never dreamed of doing... I won‘t name you—you know who you are! If you don‘t feel this, please, talk to a member of staff at your local service, or, if you prefer, to myself on one of my visits.

I seem to be working a lot more on a one to one basis with people who have for whatever reason got a bit stuck. It might be that they are having problems getting the best from their service, or are worried about being discharged. Perhaps a service outside of mental health, like the Job Centre Plus or a housing provider, has let them down.

For the Network, this is useful as it means we are spreading our

mission to organisations that might not have heard of us before and getting other people to think about mental health.

But, let‘s not forget, that you guys are the real experts on what works, how to manage and how to overcome life‘s obstacles. If you are having problems with stuff, talk to your peers and others around—you‘ll be surprised at how much we all know about as a group of people!

If it relates to the Trust‘s services (like Community Mental Health Teams, Crisis Services, etc), also talk to the PALS team (01785 221469)!

If your concern is about Changes: 12 Steps to Mental Health, Richmond Fellowship Life Links, Brendan House, or Quest, these services now have Service User Meetings, Forums or Involvement Meetings where you can have your say and help shape those services in the future.

What I’m Up To:

I have reported on the County Council‘s Care Programme Approach Policy Review. You can get this from our website.

I‘m looking to collect your views and awareness of Care Programme Approach and look to be reporting on this in May 2012

Delivering a new presentation to groups called Toolbox: Who’s helping you?

Let me know if you‘d like to take part in this.

I‘ve been promoting a few things for the Trust, including a research project on Bi Polar Disorder and Advance Directives, their Psychological Services Event, and their survey on Equality and Diversity

I‘m involved in providing some mental health awareness training for Midstaffs Mind and also the Staffordshire Libraries.

Currently looking to support the self help groups and independent groups to have a networking meeting to share success and challenges

Making sure our website is kept up to date and you guys have a regular update on what‘s happening!

...and I‘ve had a hair cut.

Keri Lawrence—Development Worker (pictured)

LOST I was lost within that vortex

Someone handed me a map

Then I was passed a compass

To help me out of the top

I was in the middle of the forest

Not knowing which way to turn

I came to a few dead-ends

It was the only way I would learn

Eventually I could see through the branches,

The blue sky was there clear to see.

I was guided right out of the forest,

The compass It had guided me.

Occasionally we all get lost in the vortex,

And need a tourist guide.

They will hand you a map and a compass,

And the clearing you will find


er S





by J




Lifestyle Service

South Staffordshire PCT

Looking to quit smoking, eating

more healthily, doing more

exercise or drink less?

The Lifestyle Service offer

information and encouragement

on a one to one basis and help

you to look at your lifestyle,

working on a step by step basis

with you, to make changes that fit

you and your lifestyle and keep

you motivated.

To be referred to this free and

accessible service, speak to

Keri, your GP, or call the

Lifestyle Team on 01827 306190

Page 4: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


South Staffordshire

Rachel and Sarah

The main issue affecting service

users in the Wombourne area is

the relocation of the outpatient

facilities at St David‘s House (the

current base for the Community

Mental Health Team). Whilst

service users have known for

some time that appointments will

no longer be offered at St David‘s

House, it has not yet been

officially announced where this

new location will be; however, it is

believed that appointments will be

offered to be the police station in

Wombourne although this is as

yet to be formally confirmed.

The idea of having appointments

at the police station has raised

some concern that it may not be

the most appropriate location as

police stations are sometimes

used as a ―place of safety‖.

However, people generally felt

that, as it has been very hard to

find a suitable location in

Wombourne, appointments at the

police station in Wombourne is

better than appointments outside

of Wombourne.

Rachel has received two

letters from the trust,

including a letter from

Neil Carr the chief

executive. Both letters

reassured service users

that there will definitely

be a satellite service in

Wombourne, so

appointments will be

available there.

East Staffordshire

Camilla and Quynh

The most reported

comment about the

services at the Margaret

Stanhope Centre whilst

we have been running

meetings with inpatients

has been regarding the

food. There are often

reports that there is not

enough food, or some of

the food combinations

don‘t really go together (pasta and

beans). Through reporting the

issue back time after time and

providing the evidence needed to

make change, the manager of the

hotel services (who provide the

food) came in on one of the

meetings to hear the comments

directly and to pledge to make


At the last inpatient meeting in

February, there were no negative

comments about the food!

Hopefully, this good news will




Mike joined us in the New Year

and has taken the lead on sorting

out our office‘s information library.

This is where we keep a stock of

leaflets for all the services our

members want to know about, and

lots of reference materials,

documents, policies… it goes on,

so this has been no easy feat! It is

now much easier to find things,

out of date stuff has been

removed, and we are restocking

the leaflets now we can see our


New Volunteers

We have just inducted three new

volunteers and are very excited

about the new opportunities they

are bringing with them!

For more information on

volunteering visit:

The Network Team has many volunteers, contributing to our great work in

different ways. Here’s an update on what’s going on...

Mid Staffs Mind

New Courses

Changing Lives through Drama & Art,

Music and Creative Writing in Stafford

and Cannock.

Using creative arts can help develop a

range of skills, overcome barriers and

encourage positive life choices if used in

an appropriate way. Courses will run


Music and Creative Writing

Starts Tuesday 17 April 2012

Stafford Quest 10am-12noon

Cannock Mind Office 1.30 –3.30

Drama and Art

Starts Wednesday 18 April 2012

Stafford Quest 10am -12noon

Cannock Asda Community Room

1-30pm– 3.30pm

There‘s no need to book. If you would like

more information, contact Sophie on:

01543 462907 or 07971 050881

Page 5: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


Tracey “Reaches Out” Hello Network members.

How my time is flying! I will have

been at the Network for a year in

June and can‘t believe how fast

it‘s gone. I‘m very proud of the

fact that I‘ve signed up 65 new

members to the Network since

I‘ve joined and I sincerely hope

that you are all getting something

out of it, whether it be information,

feeling part of something or

reading about what the charity has

done and what it offers.

I‘ve had a fantastic few months

since the last issue of the Network

News. I was really pleased to go

along to Brendan House for its

open day at Christmas. It‘s such

a brilliant place and I can see how

much it must benefit the people

who use it.

Stella and I met with a learner

who has personal experience of

mental distress at Rodbaston

College and Stella presented her

‘Fighting Fear and Discrimination‘

talk to her, which she thought was

excellent. I‘ve now taken on

board the feedback that she gave

to include things which will

engage younger people, such as

famous faces who have mental

health problems who are more

current such as musicians and

actors. I‘m looking forward to

meeting up with the Healthy

College Manager again soon. This

is to arrange some awareness

sessions with learners and

teachers that are tailored to their

needs. If the talk gets at least one

person thinking about how we

perceive mental health then I think

it‘s worthwhile.

I‘ve delivered the talk to the following groups since my last article: Uttoxeter Changes, Open Door of Hope in Lichfield, Richmond Fellowship in Stafford, Brewood WI, Bromford Housing Support in Lichfield and Whittington WI. I have a talk arranged for Whittington‘s Wednesday club and 3 talks arranged for Stafford Borough Council when one of our roving reporters, Sarah will be coming along to share her experiences with the group, which will add real value to the talk. Please can I make another plea to

the readers and ask if you know of any community groups who would like a talk and get in touch with me and I‘ll go and see them. Give me a call on 01543 301139 or send me an email on [email protected]. I‘m attending 3 networking events

at Brereton, Chadsmoor and

Rugeley soon where I will be

promoting our charity and the

work that we do, and hopefully

make some new links. I‘m also

attending 2 community voice

forums in Pattingham and

Penkridge which I found really

useful last year. As before, if

anyone knows of any community

events coming up where I can

come along to talk about the

Network, please let me know.

Hopefully I‘ll meet some more of

you soon on my travels!

Supported by Lloyds TSB

Foundation for England & Wales

We will soon be launching an

editorial board for this newsletter

in the near future. It aims to do the

following two main things:

To develop the Network

News content to be

meaningful, relevant and

what our members want.

To develop ideas for the

publication to be presented

in innovative ways to

become more economical in

its production.

There will be the opportunity for

up to six service users (who are

members) to be involved with this

steering group.

To register your interest, please

leave your name and contact

information with us at on 01543

301139 or email us on

[email protected]

Page 6: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


I have worked for the Trust for the last two years in various research and service evaluation roles. I have worked on an evaluation of the services the Trust offers around employment and job retention as well as on a project looking at service user involvement in mental health research (sponsored by Staffordshire University). My current role focuses on developing research and evaluation projects which have service user involvement integrated throughout (from the earliest formulation of areas of interest to developing specific research proposals for potential external funding support). My job also involves seeking volunteers to national research studies (as described below).

What we do: The Research and Development Department oversees research projects and promotes and supports research taking place within the Trust. We also undertake service evaluation work across the Trust. The R&D Department also supports a national portfolio of research studies which investigate various aspects of mental health and service delivery. Working with the Mental Health Research Network (MHRN), one of our roles is to match local volunteers with relevant national studies. Involvement in these studies may be as simple as filling out a questionnaire or participating in a short interview. Some studies involve a DNA sample for investigations into the possible genetic causes of mental health issues. Some of these research projects target a small subset of people who have been affected by a particular condition; other studies seek a wider group of participants. Many of the studies are based at nationally prominent universities and carry a variety of celebrity endorsements (one large, national genetic study is supported by Stephen Fry and

Kerry Katona, for example). Currently we are working with 21 research studies and volunteers are being sought for 12 of these. These include studies into Bipolar Disorder; addiction; Schizophrenia; some service evaluations and a number of trials investigating the effectiveness of various medicines or medical practises. If anyone is interested in volunteering to participate in a mental health research study, or wants more information about involvement in R&D activities more generally, please contact the R&D department via the following addresses: Via Email: There is a generic mail mailbox [email protected] for general enquiries. I can be reached directly at [email protected] By mail or phone at: Research Office, Block 7, St George's Hospital, Corporation St, Stafford, ST16 3AG. Tel: (01785) 221-409

News from

Research and


(R&D) department

by Tim Lewington

Service User Development


Field Finches With stabbing eye and startling gaze,

the field birds come to graze.

Searching for food in the oily soil,

The field finches are hard at toil.

With mocking cry and hurried gait,

The field finches stand and wait.

Waiting in the breeze for the currents to fly by,

The field finches search the sky.



r Su




by E

. Go



If you would be ok with us sending

you the Network News via e-mail at

no cost to SSNMH, please let us

know your email address.

E-mail us at:

[email protected]

Page 7: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


Trevayler is part of 2Care a national mental health rehabilitation and recovery charity with an outstanding reputation for successful outcomes. We are part of the Richmond Fellowship group.

We are in Derby and our model of service is based on the enabling principles of a therapeutic community. This model offers opportunities for those who wish to realise their full potential and take charge of their own recovery develop the skills to maintain their own mental and physical well being.

Each person is supported to develop individual programmes and packages based around their goals and aspirations, moving forward and gaining skills whilst recognising their own achievements.

Our approach enables people to succeed who have struggled to thrive elsewhere. We strongly believe that people‘s biography should not be a barrier to success. This is because we provide a safe environment where people can break new ground and start their road to recovery and the rest of their lives! We also deliver tailored packages of respite support.

Opportunities include accessing local colleges for both educational and recreational courses, Charity shops and the RSPCA are also favourites for volunteers.

As well as a short daily meeting and a weekly community meeting to

discuss and plan events and identify solutions to any challenges, activities take place daily ranging from Drama Group to Film Night. Groups are well attended with service users actively encouraged to take the lead role. Amongst other planned activities a Theme night takes place monthly, we are currently preparing for a ‗Turkish night‘, this will not only include sampling traditional Turkish food but also researching about the culture and history of the country and maybe even learning some key phrases!

Our football team the Trevayler Tigers is an opportunity for both staff and service users to enter the 2Care annual tournament, although we have never won the coveted 1st prize, we are known for our rowdy but good natured support.

Above all we aim to deliver an exciting and challenging choice to recovery that is client led, engaging, enjoyable and above all successful!

2 Care Trevayler Service User quotes

about Trevayler:

“I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the staff. They are the backbone – always there for me. I’m pleased that I got as far as

this in such a short time. There’s no looking back now – there’s

lots of things I want to achieve”

Sandra spent 18 months at Trevayler before moving to her

own flat. Sandra has a diagnosis of Schizophrenia and was

formerly homeless and addicted to alcohol.

“I can’t believe the difference to my life that living at Trevayler has done to all aspects of my

life. I am more confident, achieving my goals through

college learning and trying to overcome my anxieties and

sustaining well being. A lot of work is done through key

work sessions and I find those meetings very


Mel is now living independently in her own flat after spending many

years in hospital. Mel has a diagnosis of Personality Disorder

and Schizophrenia

To make a referral or if you would like further information please call (01332) 348080 or

email Christine.Lawrence@2care-

Page 8: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


New Social Inclusion & Recovery Services —1 Year On


Who we are Staffordshire Life Links is a Community Based Service that supports individual journeys towards recovery and social inclusion. We work across a large area of South Staffordshire including Stafford, Stone, Cannock, Penkridge, Great Wyrley, Rugeley, Codsall and Wombourne What we offer Access to 1:1 support from the ‗Life Links‘ team Supporting an individual‘s recovery journey, focussing on their goals and aspirations, towards an enhanced quality of life. Access to social networks and peer support Provides opportunities for individuals to access support networks, develop friendships, interests and reduce isolation. This accessible in community based sessions as well as on a 1:1 basis. Access to everyday ‗mainstream‘ opportunities Assist individuals to regain and retain meaningful lives in their local communities. How we work We shape the service around the needs, wants and aspirations of the individuals who access the Service. This service is

offered in community venues at times when support is most needed. There is a programme of taster sessions, structured groups and peer led activities. We use the Recovery Star to explore with individuals where they see themselves 'now' and inform action planning towards short and long term goals. 1:1 support is also provided by our team of 6 Community Link Workers, Peer Supporters and Volunteers. We have a strong ethos around partnership working, especially with local community organisations. Achievements Individuals are achieving outcomes (personal goals) in terms of improved mental health and wellbeing; increased community participation; wider social networks; meaningful daytime activities; education and training; improved physical health and more independent living. ―RF has helped me come out of my shell, to become a part of society‖. ― I enjoy going out to different places within the community, rather than sitting in a room‖. ― Since joining RF I feel a part of something, which motivates me to get up in a morning. I join in different activities offered which always are fun!.


CALL 01785 227 020 or email

[email protected]

A Day in the Life of Trevor

I wake up in the morning at 6am,

have a wash, eat breakfast then go to

catch the bus on my own to go to

College. I am doing Cooking, English,

Maths and Computers. I really enjoy


When I am not at college I love to go

to Richmond Fellowship peer support

and structured activity sessions. I

really look forward to going there as I

have made a lot of friends, and I like

to see Pauline and David. I can talk to

the staff about my anxieties and

problems. They listen to me and point

me in the right direction.

I like to get involved in all of the

activities provided, especially the

courses where I gain a certificate

after completion. A group of us went

along to A Walk The Leader course

where we were trained on how to

guide a walking group, aspects of

safety and all involved in leading such

a group. It was the best course ever. I

was so proud and excited when I

received my certificate along with all

the others. We are all waiting for

better weather so as we can put our

skills into practice, particularly going

over Cannock Chase, Doxey

Marshes and maybe Trentham


I also like going on the bus with staff

from Richmond Fellowship. We went

into Stone, walked around and I

showed them where to go, as I used

to live there. We went to Frank

Jordan Centre which holds Richmond

Fellowship peer support. I met up

with people that I had not seen for a

long time which I really enjoyed,

catching up.

I like to make drinks for my friends at

the group, it gives me a purpose.

I have really enjoyed the last ten

Months at Richmond Fellowship,

looking forward to the next ten


On 1st April 2011, Day opportunities as we knew them all changed. New contracts were put out to tender and subsequently contracted. These articles are submitted by the service providers themselves about their services 1 year on. Changes Lichfield,

Burntwood & Tamworth will be in a future issue...

Page 9: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


New Social Inclusion & Recovery Services —1 Year On

Changes East Staffordshire Service Provision One Year


It does not seem the wink of an eye since we heard the fabulous news that, we had won the Staffordshire Joint Commissioning contract! This meant that we could take our tried, tested and trusted, multi award winning, unique, authentic recovery rooted approach to those in need throughout the East Staffordshire region.

We quickly found suitable bases in Uttoxeter and Burton and successfully recruited and appointed Lisa and Mark respectively who became our faces and service leads and additional team members quickly followed.

On schedule we opened our doors on 1st April, 2011 and soon after we started our service delivery.

We are an authentic service user led organisation, right from our valued volunteers, operational staff to the Chairman of our Board. Most are experts by experience, which means that they have personally experienced mental distress. This crucial fact ensures that our service user is at the centre of all we do.

Quickly we began to receive positive comments:

“At last somewhere to go and leave on a positive note and not down, I wish it had been here before” O.S.

“I can, for the first time in years, able to start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel because I know I am not alone and other people have recovered around me so I know it is possible.” D.M.

Our service has proven beneficial effects not only for our service users but for their supporters, friends and family.This is demonstrated by an extract from a personal story by G.K. our Uttoxeter service user, valued volunteer and Assistant Co-ordinator:

Being a bus driver you are expected to be cheerful and chatty, so you wore a mask which I did, but at home my wife and I were always arguing. I thought I was coping, but when you look

back now and examine that period of time thoughts of suicide and anger and I had inside road rage, even fighting with work colleagues. In the end my wife gave me an ultimatum go to the doctors or divorce.

So I went to the doctors and was immediately signed off from work after explaining what was happening. My doctor signposted me to an NHS mental health clinic and I had to wait for an appointment. Further time passed and eventually I had a telephone consultation and diagnosis of clinical depression. There must have been some kind of mix up because more time passed and I received a letter from the clinic stating I was no longer clinically depressed and no further action is required. Having only a telephone diagnosis and nothing else I was a little baffled.

I then had a letter from Burton Job Centre to see an Advisor and she gave me a leaflet about Uttoxeter Changes, she said I was under no obligation to go and it was new to her and if I went I was to give her feedback.

I read the leaflet, rang and spoke

to the volunteer co-ordinator. The way she explained things and the tone of her voice made me feel very comfortable so I made the appointment and came to the support meetings. The best part was everyone there all have had mental health issues and could relate to other service users

problems, and knowing that whatever was said stayed in Changes. With a lot of listening and changing attitudes and positive choices and hard work on my part and of course amazing support from other service users and staff.

Changes did what it says on the tin. My life changed and changed so quickly, that even my own G.P couldn’t believe the change - the family is very happy too.

I now proudly organise social events and fund raise for Uttoxeter Changes, and I am on their National Open College Network accredited course and assisting at a weekly mutual support meeting.

Thank you Changes and the staff at Uttoxeter. You really do not know how much you have given me.

We are very proud to support people in their recovery, aiding achieving their potential and social inclusion to become a citizen and member of society.

We take this opportunity to thank each and every volunteer for their contribution, without their effort we, as an organisation, could not function.

To find out more visit or tel Mark at Burton Wellbeing Centre 01283 500 805 or Lisa at Uttoxeter Wellbeing Centre 01889 567436

Page 10: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


The very first Network Members

Forum took place on 27th

February 2012 at Cannock

Community Fire Station. At this

event SSNMH made a pledge to

take action to reduce mental

health discrimination as part of the

national Time to Change

campaign (pictured are Suzanne,

Sean SSNMH chair &

Tracey). We have been

supporting this campaign a

long time with our Fighting

Fear and Discrimination

talk (for more info see p.

5). Although unable to

attend due to illness, Mina

Sassoon, Senior Networks

Officer at Time to Change

said:―I am very impressed

by the scope and commitment of

South Staffordshire Network for

Mental Health. The talk is having

a real effect on getting people

thinking about the taboo of

speaking about mental health

problems. A very inclusive


Attendees also found a

presentation by Nick Bowyer of

the Joint Commissioning Unit on

Care Programme Approach very

informative and

therefore, if

requested, this will

be repeated at the

next one in April


The forums aim to

allow our members

the chance to raise

issues they have with local mental

health services, have an input into

SSNMH and to receive

information on topics important to

them, in an informal setting. If you

are currently not a member, you

can join up on the day.

Membership is 100% free!

Dates for your diary, all 2.30pm-


24th April 2012,

Wombourne Community

Fire Station,

14th June 2012, Rising

Brook Community Fire

Station, Stafford

6th August 2012, Uttoxeter

Community Fire Station

11th October 2012,

Tamworth Community Fire


4th December 2012, St.

Johns Church, Chase

Terrace, Burntwood

Get involved and come to a Members Forum

A group of service users led by

Mike Wetson and five others

have opened their own

alternative group to fill a gap they

noticed in mental health services

in Lichfield.

The group started on 3rd October

2011 in Lichfield Methodist

Church with just six members.

Now only a short time later they

have nearly fifty members, proving

that there is a need for the


Mike said: ―The group came

together to cater for Mental Health

Service Users and their carers

and families to help those

suffering from Bi-Polar,

Depression and Schizophrenia.

Our aim is to provide a friendly,

family atmosphere in a relaxed

environment, enabling people to

share their experiences and

problems through a range of


Gary Barlow, who organises some

activities added: ‗the activities,

which include quizzes, bingo,

cards, chess & music and always

involve free tea and coffee, cakes

and jacket potatoes to buy, are

designed to bring people together.

We find that by talking about and

sharing issues, many of us have

the same problems, and there is

always someone who can share

valuable experience, having been

there before.‖

Mike Whitehouse, Treasurer said:

―one of our meetings each week is

devoted to a talk from a

healthcare professional about the

support that‘s available to our

members, who pay a £1

membership fee and £1 admission

for each session, which are held

three times a week at the

Methodist Church at the junction

Green Hill & Tamworth Street.

We are knocking at an open door,

in that the success of the group is

starting to attract funding and in-

kind support, from a number of

local organisations.‖

Anyone who wants to know more

can ring Mike on 07779 980741 or

just come along to the Church on

Monday and Thursday 1pm – 3pm

and Tuesday 7pm – 9pm.

All will be warmly welcomed.

Self help group Open

Door of Hope opens

in Lichfield

Page 11: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


We are over the moon to report

that Marion from Burton Mind

(pictured) has been awarded the

MBE (Member of the Order of the

British Empire) on the Queen‘s

2012 New Years Honours list.

The Award is given to people who

have contributed to their

communities and deserve public


Marion has

received the

award for her

services to

Mental Health

Care in


Keri met up with Marion recently

to find out more about her…

Marion started as a social worker

back in the late 1970s specialising

in elderly care and mental health.

As many of you know, services

looked quite differently back then,

and Marion was part of a team

that admitted people into

psychiatric hospitals. She then

changed to working for a college

in Essex, helping students with

learning disabilities and mental

illness. Long before the days of

‗Social Enterprise‘, she was

helping to place students into the

work environment, and also on the

curriculum was the opportunity for

students to help run a restaurant.

About 19 years ago, she moved to

the Midlands and became the

Coordinator at Burton Mind which

was already established at the

High Street, Burton on Trent

(tucked in behind the church at

Bargates). The venue here, as

some of you will remember,

consisted of a wooden hut, ―which

wasn‘t great, not good enough for

the service users‖, as Marion

states. It was wasn‘t long before

Marion had expanded the service

into the Signal Box and other

portable buildings, increasing the

Joint Funding from Social

Services & Health.This meant she

could employ staff including Lynne

Barrell, Mandy Cordon

& Linda Bateman, in

addition to running a

counselling service.

The service at this

point was operating 7

days a week, 365 days

a year and supported

the 600-700 people

that came through the door every


Marion could show the

Commissioners that the service

was justified, so Mind was

awarded funding to move to the

present office at Wood Street (an

old GP surgery). She reports that

people were happy to move over

and that lots of people helped with

decorating and moving: ―It was a

good team effort‖. Over the years

Marion helped set up the Mind at

Uttoxeter and a branch at

Lichfield, sadly neither are

presently running.

Marion retired in March 2011, at

the same time the Day

Opportunities contract expired and

Changes: 12 Steps to Mental

Health was awarded the contract

for new Social Inclusion and

Recovery Services. ―We went for

the tender,‖ she says, ―Changes

got it but it was all fair and square.

There‘s nothing wrong with

change and I hope people will use

other services to meet their

needs‖. Burton and District Mind

continues to help people through

its counselling contracts currently

managed by Lynne Barrell. Marion

is still a champion for mental

health services; she now works for

National Mind as a Peer Reviewer

ensuring that Mind services

nationally are meeting their quality


She says it‘s great to see other

Minds and the different way they

achieve the same goal of offering

Mental Health Services

She found out she was to be

awarded with the MBE in

November 2011 when she

received a letter from the Cabinet

Office. She is a little embarrassed

about it – ―I learnt so much from

the service users, I would like to

thank them for their support also

the volunteers, staff, trustees and

funders. Nothing would have been

achieved without them‖.

Keri asked her if she knew who

had nominated her – ―…we all

know who it is!‖ but she didn‘t

share the information with us! If

you are reading this, we would like

to join you in thanking Marion for

all the hard work and support she

has given to people over the last

35 years and wish her all the best

for the future.

Some comments from people who

have used Mind’s services:

“..very well deserved, Marion went way

and above her job to help people.”


“Couldn’t have happened to a nicer

person. Thanks for your help over the

years.” Amanda

“Marion deserved it!” Shirley

“I liked the umbrella she gave me”


“Congratulations” Daphne and Brenda

“Well done, I think she deserves it”


“So well deserved because Marion

went the extra mile” Alison

Marion Hemmerdinger, Burton &

District Mind, is awarded MBE

Page 12: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links



Please note: If a service is listed as Referral Only, please contact your GP or Care Coordinator in order to access the service.

All times & venues subject to change, please check with Service Provider before attending for the first time.

Mental Health Helpline — Brighter Futures

Freephone from landlines and most mobile phones. Time provided for you to talk about your worries and concerns in complete

confidence . Ring Out Service also available through referral.

0808 800 2234 Weekdays 7pm– 2am Weekends 2pm—2am

Work4You Employment Service — Making Space

Work4you is a mental health employment service, covering Staffordshire to help individuals who wish to gain or retain paid

work. We will support people who are not yet in employment but wish to do so. We will also support individuals who are at risk of

losing their job because of mental ill health to maintain that role. We offer training to employers to raise awareness of mental

health issues and reduce the stigma associated with mental ill health in the workplace.

01785 887813 Staffordshire Business Village, Dyson Way, Stafford. Staffordshire, ST18 0TW

Employment Works — SSSHFT

Supporting a stepped approach to employment for people with mental health problems or learning disabilities. Referral through

Care Coordinator only

01785 257888 Foundation House, St George's Hospital, Corporation Street, Stafford, ST16 3AG

Brendan House Short Term Intervention Service — Richmond Fellowship

Provides a safe space and support in a non medical setting for a short period of up to 3 nights. Offers service users who are in

personal crisis help, support and the opportunity to talk. First stay is Referral Only.

01543 899465 5 Lockett Court, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 5FZ [email protected]

Asist Advocacy Service

One to one support in having your views and opinions heard and understood

Chadsmoor: 01543 468588 Burton on Trent: 01283 564772 Stafford: 01785 246709

CVS Buildings Arthur Street, Chadsmoor, Cannock, WS11 2HD

Carers Association South Staffs (CASS) Mental Health Project

Supporting carers caring for someone with mental illness. Offering free and confidential advice and information, both general and

specific to the carers situation, including emotional support, signposting and providing a voice for carers.

Stafford (covering South Staffs District, Chase District and Stafford Borough): 01785 606675

Lichfield (covering East Staffs District, Lichfield District and Tamworth Borough): 01543 301140

Stafford Borough

Quest Referral Only 2-3 Tipping Street, Stafford, ST16 2LL, 01785 249251 Office open Mon-Fri 10am-4pm

Mid Staffs Mind at Arthur Finlay Centre, 96a Stone Road, Stafford, ST16 2RS

You can drop in to Peer Support on weekdays, Weekend by referral only,

Richmond Fellowship: Stafford Office Suite 2, St. Johns House, Weston Road, Stafford ST16 3RZ, 01785 227 020

Also at Holmcroft Youth & Community Centre, Newland Ave, Stafford,, ST16 1NL

Stone Frank Jordan Hall, Lichfield Street, Stone, ST15 8NE

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Mid Staffs


Drama & Art

Groups start

17 Apr 2012

10am—1pm Peer

Support, Arthur

Finlay Centre


Work Club

Highfields Centre


12 noon

Drama Group


1.30pm –4,30pm

Women‘s Group

Arthur Finlay Centre


at Quest

(Referral Only)

10am -


Music Group



Joint Peer


St Johns




Life Links








St Johns House


11 am—2 pm






Page 13: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


Chase District Mid Staffs Mind Cannock: 28 Manor Avenue, Cannock WS11 1AA, 01543 462907

You can drop in to Peer Support on \Weekdays, Out of Hours by Referral Only.

Birth Art Group Brereton & Ravenhall Parish Hall, Main Road, WS15 1DS, 07707 392993

Richmond Fellowship Cannock- Avon Community Centre, Cannock, WS11 1LH

Rugeley- St Pauls Church, Lichfield Street, Rugeley, WS15 2EH

Richmond Fellowship’s services by appointment and referral only. One to one sessions and additional support available

outside of these times.

South Staffordshire District Quest Wombourne Library, Church Road, WV5 9EZ By Referral Only

Mid Staffs Mind Wombourne: Community Fire Station, Giggetty Lane, Wombourne, WV5 0AX

Richmond Fellowship Wombourne Community Fire Station, Giggetty Lane, Wombourne, WV5 OAX

(Saturdays) Hand in Hand Centre, Wombourne, WV5 9EZ

Great Wyrley Grt Wyrley Community Centre, Landywood Lane, WS6 6JX

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Mid Staffs


Peer Support




Life Links


Fire Community Room


Great Wyrley

1.30pm –3.30pm











Hand in Hand



Quest 10.30am—


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Mid Staffs Mind

Drama & Art Groups start 17 Apr 2012


Peer Support

2.30– 4pm Music Group

5-8 Out of Hours (Referral Only)

1.30pm –3.30pm

Music Group




Leisure centre

10am —1pm Work Club


1.30pm –3.30pm

Drama Group Asda

Community room



Cannock Fire Station

Peer Support


Out of Hours

(referral only)

10am –1pm

Richmond Fellowship

Peer Support, 1 to 1 and Activities














Birth Art Group

Alternative Thursdays 1pm—3pm


Please note: If a service is listed as Referral Only, please contact your GP or Care Coordinator in order to access the service.

All times & venues subject to change, please check with Service Provider before attending for the first time.

Page 14: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


East Staffordshire Burton On Trent A Plus Self Help New Baptist Church, Derby Street, Burton on Trent, DE14 2LE

Burton and District Mind Wood Street, Burton on Trent, DE14 3AA, 01283 566696 [email protected]

Burton Mind run counselling services by appointment and referral only

Task Group Unit 20, Imex Business Park, Shobnall Road, DE14 2AU, 01283 546754. Referral Only

Changes Burton on Trent 222 Branston Road, Burton on Trent, DE14 3BT

01283 500805 [email protected]

Uttoxeter Art & Soul Group Peer support & Art Hawthorne House, 45 Market Place, Uttoxeter, ST14 8HF

Friendship Group Church House, Bagot Street, Abbotts Bromley, WS15 3DA

Changes 23 Carter Street, Uttoxeter, ST14 8EY 01889 567436 [email protected]

Rocester: Children‘s Centre, High Street ST14 7JQ

Draycott in the Clay: Village Hall DE13 8NQ

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday



Art & Soul


Friendship Group


Art & Soul


Art & Soul


Art & Soul


Art & Soul

Women’s Group

6pm –9pm

Art & Soul




Office Open

Mon– Fri


All activities

at office



Wellness Workshop

Open to All


Mutual Support



6.30pm -8.30pm


Mutual Support

Group Adult/PY


Advance Workshop




Wellness Workshop

11.45am –2.45pm

Uttox Fire Station

Starts 24 Apr 12

NOCN Coord’s


Week 1 24 Apr 12

6.30pm - 9pm



25 April - Please book!


Mutual Support


Adult 18+


NOCN Coord’s



Week1 26 Apr12


Open to All


Wellness Work-

shop Open to All


Mutual Support




Friday Music Club


Last Friday of the month Draycott Mutual Support Group Adult/PY









closes at


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday



– No referral


'Craft and Chat'

Open to all

All Saints Church

Branston Rd

1pm - 3pm

A Plus Self Help

Open to all

Activities and support

11am to 3pm

£1 entry

New Baptist


Open to all

Derby St. Burton

10 am to 4 pm

All Saints


Open to all

Branston Rd,

11am to 3pm



Office Open

Mon– Fri


All activities

at office

unless stated



Open to All


Stretton Mutual

Support Group

Priory Centre,


Social Activities


NOCN Coord’s


Open to All

6 pm –8.30pm

(starts 23 Apr 12)

Social Activity Walk

Contact Office for


Mutual Support Group

12.30- 2.30pm

Burton Library

DE14 1AH

(Starts 13 March12)

Wellness Workshop

Office 6pm –8.30pm

Mutual Support Group

Adult 18+


Winshill Resource Centre

Canterbury Rd DE15



Coord’s Train-


Open to All

10am –12.30pm

(starts 25 Apr


Wellness Workshop


(Starts 29 March)

Mutual Support Group


Waterside Advice Shop,

104 Short St,

Stapenhill, DE15 9LT

Social Activities

Open to All


Mutual Support Group



126 New St, Burton

Mutual Support Group










Group (Adult)


Burton Fire


Moor St,


DE14 3SU







Please note: If a service is listed as Referral Only, please contact your GP or Care Coordinator in order to access the service.

All times & venues subject to change, please check with Service Provider before attending for the first time.

Page 15: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links


Burntwood, Lichfield and Tamworth Lichfield District Open Door of Hope Lichfield Methodist Church, Backcester Lane, Lichfield, WS13 6JH Contact Mike on 07779 980741

Changes Burntwood: Unit 8, Old Mining College, Queen St, Chasetown, Burntwood WS7 4QQ 01543 679000

Lichfield: Pavilion, Beacon Park, Beacon Street, WS13 6QZ 01543 309770


Trust’s Peer Support Service: Referral Only: C/O Amanda Warman-Bennett, 01827 308820 ext 8626

Arty Crafty Tamworth Library, Corporation Street, B79 7DN

Coffee Hour St Editha‘s Church, Church Street, B79 7BX Contact Ian on 01827 737144 or 07826713845

Changes 6 Lady Bank, Tamworth, B79 7NB 01827 311006

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday



St John’s



Chase Terrace


Open Door

Methodist Church,

Lichfield, 1pm-3pm


Community Centre

Community Café

9.15am -11.45am

Open Door of Hope

Methodist Church,

Lichfield, 7pm—9pm

Open Door







Office open

10-3 Mon, Tue

Wed and Fri




Adult/PF Peer

Support Group

Adult / PY


NOCN Coord’s


Open to All

12.30pm –3pm





Adult Peer

Support Group

12:30- 2.30pm



WAP Peer Support Sessions 10am -12noon




12.00 - 3.00pm







Office Open

Mon– Fri




10am - 1pm




Adult/PF Peer

Support Group

Adult / PY


Social activities

& Time for Art


Adult Peer

Support Group

6pm –8pm

Mansell House

22 Bore Street

Adult Peer





WAP Peer Support Sessions 1pm –3pm

Adult/PF Peer





Monday Tuesday Wed‘day Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday



Coffee Hour

11am –12 noon

Arty Crafty




Office Open

Mon– Fri


Mutual Support


(Male Group)





Mutual Support


(Female Group)



Coordinator Train-


12.30—3.30 pm

Young Person’s Group 2.30-4.30pm at Nacro, 59-60 Church Street, Tamworth B79 7DF

WAP Peer Support Sessions 1pm –3pm

NOCN Coord’s


Open to All

1.15pm –3.45pm

Mutual Support

Group (Adult)

5pm - 7pm

NOCN Coord’s


Open to All

9.30 –12noon



12noon –3pm


Meditation 1-




Group (PY/





Please note: If a service is listed as Referral Only, please contact your GP or Care Coordinator in order to access the service.

All times & venues subject to change, please check with Service Provider before attending for the first time.

Page 16: NETWORK NEWS - News. Opportunity to have discussion with other people about mental health and local services. Links





This newsletter is the mouthpiece of the

Network, which is read by mental health

service users and providers. As it is

primarily for the mental health service

user, it should reflect this.

Contributions can be made anonymously

if you wish. So if you have anything you

want to say and providing the space and

the laws of libel allow, we will publish it.

Contributions for the next issue of

"Network News" must be received by

8th June 2012.




Mansell House, 22 Bore Street,

Lichfield, Staffordshire. WS13 6LL

Tel/Fax: (01543) 301139

Email: [email protected]


Registered Charity: 1097461

Company Ltd by Guarantee: 4693666


Compliments &


We are always trying to improve

on our great work here at the

Network, that means making our ears bigger and our

voices louder!

If you think we can improve on what we do in anyway,

it could regarding the Network News, our visits to

services, the way in which we capture your views or

feedback, or whatever! Our Project Coordinator,

Suzanne Cole, would very much welcome your


Please call the office on 01543 301153

Search for

services, products

and what‘s on

near you.

Are you a Service provider?

Are you in it yet?

Search for South

Staffordshire Network for

Mental Health
